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Not into San Francisco i want to spend a night i i mean, we have a term executive directors see congressional leaders congressional representatives legislators petitioner of students altogether see above the service of leg age. Is there any additional Public Comment four or five seeing none, Public Comment is closed. President chiu. I have a number of amendments to ask the competent to adapt and hopefully for consideration next week. So in terms of the amendments president chiu has offered i mean, ill support them subject to more information from the departments to see if we need to tweak any of those amendments but subject to it that request ill support them today colleagues well take that without objection. I also want to clarify supervisor wiener made an additional amendment. I almost forgot by my own amendment well take that without objection. The amendment is adapted and mr. Gibner those are not subjective. Right. Can i have a motion to forward item 4 to the full board with a positive recommendation. And to continue with to the call of the chair once upon a time. Having you have two items and can you my apologies madam clerk call item 7 and 8. Item 7 is an ordinance amending the planning code with the roll call and item 8 to expand the intense formula retail controls. At the request of the author to entertain a motion to continue tosto october 27th any Public Comment on those seeing none, Public Comment is closed supervisor cohen can you have a motion to continue items 7 and 8 to october 27th. Yes. Well take that without objection. Madam clerk madam clerk, any other business before this committee . Theres no further business. Thank you were adjourned everyone here to the tender loin rec center in district six, thank you for being here and it is an exciting day for the city of San Francisco and for the rec and Park Department and for the 32 different parks and places that will have free wifi now thanks to the gift from google and sf city and this is a prosxwrekt that is three years in the making and two years originally negotiate with google and researching and implementing this from the leadership of department of technology and all of the different cities agencis that have come together. Free wifi in the city of San Francisco and what it means, Internet Access in todays world is no longer pay luxury or a nice thing to have, it is a necessary, if we want the future generations of children to be able to compete in the future and to be able to learn on par with everyone else in the world Internet Access has to be a no brainer and a given and for adult to compete in todays world, Internet Access should be an economic right and the fact that we are able to bring the free wifi across the neighborhoods and the communitis that have not had Internet Access and that is one of the key aspects of this project and something that everyone is excited about. It is made possible of a gift of 600,000 from google and provided to the city of San Francisco and with sf city we put up the wifi projects in the 32 different parks and open spaces throughout the city delivered to the city with a gift in kind with a fiveyear Maintenance Program and no Strings Attached and we are lucky to partner with google and sf city and all of the work that they are doing throughout San Francisco and this is a great testament to the projects here that will deliver the real results to the residents of our city and that will make a difference to everyone living in our neighborhoods which this is all about. To the person, or to the family, that use our parks that sun bathe on the lawn when it is sunny in San Francisco or at our ball fields and it helps them get on the phone and surf the internet or email when they need to more important than that, is the tender loin rec center has free wifi to be able to enable the staff to conduct the operation and able to communicate in the department and sign up the children in the leaks on the internet that they did not have access to before, and the Community Groups and the people from the neighborhood that perhaps did not have wifi access where they live. And now they can come here as they utilize the space and they have the ability to use the internet now and the ability for the Community Groups to offer the services in the city of San Francisco, and again, neighbors and residents, to really have access where they never had access before. And i want to thank so many people that are involved in this and first of all google for their gift and our mayor for the great leadership and for being here kim for being here sxh the department of technology and for all of the leadership, and this is a collective effort to make this happen and special thanks from my office and kelley who has been spear heading and deserves a ton of credit and excited to move this forward and i am sure that many people have asked mayor, and others have talked about this is just the beginning and this is a Broader Vision to deliver the access to all of them across the neighborhood and this is just a great first step and, we are excited for that, and we like to thank you for coming and introduce mayor ed lee. I want to thank you for this and because he led the conversationwise google to talk about the public, private partnership and before i say anything more, i want to led the reporter know that there is a spider, for each kid and each one of the reporters and it has your name on it. I want to welcome you here as well, and this is the great center and this is what we all want our centers to be like, or active, and they are Education Centers as well as the Recreation Centers and you can see the reflection here that the kids are having a playful time here as they should. This is just an example of where the parks are getting additional treatment with this very gracious grant from google. And but also, to let you know that google is doing this without any strings. And this is really good and, they agree with us, that things can be done in a public, private partnership with the city, and that a lot of the things that we tried in the past will be complicated and we put off too much, and we asked and now we will do it at the portions where we can get things done and really set the example. And this is one of 32 sites in this city, that are getting free wifi with this partnership. And this is not just being the partnership and the google has been around for a long time and they are already have funded our low income youth and that is a tremendous help and you can see a lot of youth these days and some of them that dont even know, and so for free for google and sometimes i will remind them when they are getting off the muni and how is the google doing and we need to realize that these are relationships that we are building with the community and these are precious relationships and that is why we also have our Technology Department and our Recreation Department and already thinking through other things that we could do. We have inaudible on Market Street and they have done a very fast and yet, free wifi on Market Street as well. And this is the third time this week that i have been with supervisor kim where we expressed appreciation, and many of the schools and sf city helping us with the Technology Companies and the sales force and mr. Benny hoff are gracious of their focus with us on the grades in our city. I think that we are demonstrating more and more the value of bringing not only technology to our citizenry, but also bringing the relationship to the public, private, government cant do everything by itself, we need the partnerships and we will have the gaps and we can rely on groups of companies or a Great Company like google will demonstrate what we can do to improve the life for everyone else and so this is a great announcement, and i thought that this could get done at one of these days and it will be under the shoulders of the department of technology is here today or the rec and park, and both inaudible are always saying, well, where can we get the resources to do all of this great stuff and opening up that relationship more and more getting more comfortable with it, and getting the guidelines down about how we interact with the corporations i think that is the same that we want to do and i want to thank kelley the City Administration here because i think that she above all else, just like i was, we have to care about our infrastructure and just like we delivered the wifi for the residents on Treasure Island and sometimes they feel isolated out there and the 2005 and the residents there. And low income and the veterans have better wifi because of what we are doing with the private sector and what we are doing to increase our technology and i have to actually say that it is really, not only a thank you, to google, and to the 32. That they have but we are always asking the next question and that is for all of us, we are excited to ask google what is next, and because that is always going to be a foreign looking thing and who else can we help in this city and, what else can we do to help the senior and to help the family and the people who succeed to help our Public Housing residents and to help the veterans in the city and how can we succeed even more ininclusively at being a great city that we are and this is what our supervisors are doing with me and i am glad to be here to announce this great announcement, and also to be excited about what is next, thank you very much. Thank you, mayor lee and i want to acknowledge, kelley for all of her amazing work leading our City Administrators Office and i would like to bring up the person who is leading the department with all of these wifi projects will be housed and are housed today and are live and it has been an incredible leader on the partner of sh program, phil ginsberg. Good morning, everybody and welcome to the tender loin Recreation Center and i dont think that i have seen so many cameras here which is terrific and this is a place where we take plate seriously and we also take halloween seriously as you can tell. This is such an Important Community cause and this is a place where we partner with a number of different tender loin family and children organizations that we provide a lot of our own robust programs and it is a Community Center and as supervisor farrell noted they need to have the modern day infrastructure that they should have and one of the things that is important about this announcement is that it is here and it is in a part of town that is typically under served and the concept of equity in this project is something that we are particularly proud about and these 32 sites that are going to have additional infrastructure are all over the city and you are here with supervisor kims partnership and we are under going a increds able park renaissance, and in partnership with the land and we have the park that is going to hope in a short while, and the ymca and we have the new play grounds and mini, park and sergeant park and the civic center and there is great stuff happening around here and i want to thank supervisor farrell to bringing the show here and show casing this incredible partnership. And most of these days, it is about gratitude and we are thankful for all of the champions and partners and i want to start with the mayor who is the park champion and recreation specialist and supervisor farrell who really you know, lives and breathes parks and kids and families and i, see them at events like this all over town. He really drove this and we are super grateful for his leadership in getting this done and i want to thank google and sf city and we cant do it alone and we really need partners and we are so thankful for google and that sf city stepped up and understood the need and helped us to implement and i obviously want to thank the industry administrator and the department of technology and my last special thanks is for my own staff and here at this special site, we have glen who is our facility coordinator and susan who does all of the programming and our recreation specialist and lucas and our Technology Team that is was not a project to implement and so in partnership with the dp and the talks that led our own Implementation Team to make this happen and we have a great team at rec and park and we are proud to show off what we do and where we do it and so i now have the pleasure of introducing my implementation partner, inaudible who is the acting chief, officer for the city and you know it is one thing to have a headline and to give a gift and say that we are going to have wifi on 32 parks and play grounds and another thing to get it done. And i really just want to thanks miquel for prioritizing this and stretching the increds able resources that google provided us and that we can stand here today and implement and yes, i did check my phone and it is working, and so without further adieu, miguel, thank you everybody. Thank you, good morning, and i want to thank everybody else and acknowledge and thank, mayor lee, and supervisor farrell, and bill, and niome and rebcca and google and sf city for the collective effort. As a civil i can technologyist it is not often that you have such support and enthusiasm for Technology Projects and so it is exciting and inspiring to stand here with these folks behind me, and making sure that i deliver what it is that our Community Needs from a technology standpoint. And so i am very, very proud of the collaborativive effort that it took and the hard work that it took, both from our department and the parks and rec department, and frankly other city departments that helped in various aspects of it. And i will tell you that it is really proud to be able to stand here and to be able to tell you that yes it does work and it performs very well and we delivered it on time and on budget and those are things that dont always come together all at once and so that is a great achievement that came through a lot of hard work and the collaborativive effort and on top of it, we have kind of as a bonus, to the vision of sfwifi, we simplify and unified the brand, and the user experience, and that is what this is really all about, and we, extended ourselves to make sure that we tested this from the end user standpoint and we went to the parks and as an end user, measured how usable and functional it really was, because at the end of the day, it is easy for a technologyist to get caught up in the technical aspects if it works or doesnt work and we sometimes forget that people just need to be able to access it and use it, and in on a regular way. And so, i think that we have always been able to shift the focus to that real critical end user which is the san franciscan who is going to use this to help us close the Digital Divide and i think that is a real other achievement on top of the Technology Cal effort that took place which was significant. And i will tell you that i trust that the team and the network so much that just this morning, i activated my brand new iphone using sfwifi and so i knew that i would come here and tell you that it worked or it didnt and i can tell that you it did. And my own phone, and so you know that takes a significant connection. And i want to thank everybody and thank google and sf city for the contribution and thanks for the administration and for the support and pushed make sure that we delivered what was promised and with that i want to introduce rebecca who is all things government if google and extremely instrumental in this project and hopefully many things going forward. Google is proud to provide free wifi, where thousands of googlers live and work. And googles mission is to make information accessible and available to everyone, and that is the first step in the process, you are right, this is the first step and i am looking forward as the new manager of Public Policy of google of talking about the second step and the third step, but lets get used to the first step first. And this means that in 32 different places, you know, the kais of ether net and dial up are over and everyone is on a mobile phone and, everyone is on i a tablet and now in 32 locations around the city, people will be able to access and they will be able to know all sorts of things and so we are so proud on behalf of google to stand in front of you and see the kids playing outside and hopefully they will continue to be outside and not be on tablets but i am really hopeful about the future and tech and the city and what is to come. And the mayor has said that we have been at press conferences highlighting Public Partnerships throughout the city and whether it is the south of market or mid market or i am here to announce that the district city is the mayors favorite district in the city. And so, really i know that i am a broken record around this message, but district six does have the fewest parks and the smallest parks here in San Francisco and so it takes a great deal of creativity and also a ton of coordinated team effort to figure out how we can enhance, and build more open space here in our district. And there is a renaissance in our district thanks to the leadership at rec and park and trust for public lands is here and we are going to be opening a new park and renovating a new chief playground here in the tender loin and these are the open space that our residents so desperately depend on to be healthy and to rec create and to build the communities and we do in the tender loin, we do represent the poorist residents of San Francisco, but what we often dont realize is that even if you dont have a computer at home, or if the infrastructure is so hold that you dont have the capacity to bring in the internet or to plug in the multiple electrical appliances in your unit. And most of the residents are able to access the internet through the smart phone, or even through the foot phone and most of the residents do have cellular phone and they use them to access the resident, and i hear it from the hotels and i hear it from the working class families here and the latino and arabac and others, and they have been asking for wifi and in fact when we welcome in the tech companies, here just down the street from the tender loin, the residents say that we want them to come and we hope that they will partner with us to bring in the wifi so that we can access the internet and as the supervisor mark farrell says that it is a need now and you can access the Employment Training programs find out about jobs and clothes and services and on the free wifi, wherever they can get it to be able to access, really vital information, and in order to live and to thrive here in San Francisco and that is what the program is going to mean in the residents to the tender loin and i am excited and the Mayors Office and under the leadership of mark farrell that we are going to bring this to the open space and parts here in the neighborhood and so thank you for the partnership and i know that the residents are going to appreciate and i just got on the wifi as well and so i will be able to tweet with the hash tag sfwifi and so this is a positive step and for our neighborhood and our city, thank you. Thank you, supervisor kim and thanks again for coming here today and i think again as we talk about not only breaching our Digital Divide and providing access through the city what you see through the visuals are the different play grounds thater lighting up across the city of San Francisco and every neighborhood and hash tag, sf wifi, please use it and thanks again for being here

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