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Number of businesses displaced we can get the numbers for residents we need the big picture to decide what is working and not for us right now what is happening in the mission is not working were in support of this report thank you. Thank you. The. Thank you. Next speaker, please. Hello supervisors im here representing a member as a member of ace and bay area long term standing and native born and raised getting back to the last two years because of the Affordable Housing that was established im in support of this id like to see it expanded and see some Affordable Housing built there is a great lack of Affordable Housing there are people that are Civil Service employees that cant afford to live in San Francisco this is very, very sad you have City Employees are unable to contribute to the economy here in the city they work and live there is a huge usage crisis this humble development it is candle stick heights i have people approaching me in Grocery Stores asking me is it that difficult to get into our complex people are desperate for Affordable Housing they have now decided that theyre going to find it by any means available specifically people are seeking to move into my development i want to see more Affordable Housing particularly in the mission and the Bay Area Community that have been the most impacted i have a College Degree and surviving on apartment seasonal employment i dont know if you guys can do anything about the employment but certainly the lack of Affordable Housing crisis so im putting this do into your agenda and hopefully, youll do something in regards to the concerns because the concern is great thank you for your time. Thank you. Next speaker. Hello, im carolyn i work in the south of market with the veterans Equality Center but come here a resident of district one ive seen my neighborhood change e mentally in the last 4 four or five years a lot of familys are leaving the richmond ive had Close Friends rent has increased by over 40 percent so i also work with educators that teach in district 11 and cant afford to live in the district they teach this says a lot about the housing balance that San Francisco teachers cant afford to live in the city they teach in i urge you all to approve the housing balance ordinance as is. Thank you. Thank you. Next speaker, please. Im james tracey for the community partnering our organization is one hundred percent in favor of the housing balance ordinance im sure youre aware of we know theres a lot of supply and demand and regulations around the supply and demand no matter what kinds of the question of supply and demand is answered by more and more housing 345ur9d we know what will happen the income and equality and the destruction of our neighborhoods will increase but if we increase the supply and demand making sure the communities are preservation for the issue is front and center it makes that better thank you very much. Good afternoon, supervisors im anthony im a member of the harlan hotel ive seen the changes with the area and the coming down from coit tower is getting smaller and smaller the the affordability is more and more less and the. Orgers are coming in and the googlesers are coming in we have a problem with a layman person trying to make it and doing regular i tenor for the bay and the rent i if i didnt have affordable rent i couldnt live there i am in favor of this proposition a lot of people are is lived there a long time are getting squeezed out a few of the most successful relatives can live here so you. Thank you very much. Thank you. Next speaker, please. Hello, im daniel im also part of a member of the group i take it ive lived in all my life and faced eviction we won that we over turned but but it is a very big building we had a lot of you know made moscone proud and fighting back in the everyone has that privilege you know some have lived in small buildings i used to go to church but i dont go anywhere where do people have to go i think like in shortening or antioch there are a lot of things to say a lot of theories i faced my eviction and now ive been i feel like ive been put in a box i know you guys are trying to further careers i hope you support 24 it will happen in San Francisco i know that piece of territory is worthwhile something so to be a number piece of paper. Thank you. I live in phil please support this legislation this will help make sure our city is building properly that will help to make sure we have housing for all protect levels especially for the low houses for the families. Good afternoon, supervisors my name is angela im here to support the housing balance legislation we cant build our way out of the housing crisis we need to be smart of what types of housing this legislation low give you the Planning Department and the community a Bigger Picture of what is happening on the ground and making sure there is balance in San Francisco so we hope youll support both this is a good stepping stone to finally have the community and the departments and you to Work Together to tackle this housing crisis where once you were pitted against each other thank you. Thank you. Next speaker, please. Hi, im marie im part of the quarter i want to talk about Affordable Housing it is not affordable to firefighters much too less housing for people that cant find it for low Affordable Housing we need truly Affordable Housing not the city index we seem to be slaptd with amendment it doesnt markups to have a city who work here that do a lot of support services cant afford to live here at the mission theres a whole bunch of projects that will bring rich people in im thinking of one on 16th and mission and here we talk about a transit first only city but 3 participate project that should be housing low income people that dont have cars and have Public Transportation or everything they can get into but what we need is more lower Income Housing we need to be able to house fire houses and teachers and policeman and people that clean buildings i think we have 20 housing for tech people that make the Million Dollars but we need anymore low Income Housing thank you. Thank you. Next speaker, please. Calvin San Francisco Clearing House speaking in support of the legislation it is critical to get this legislation passes it is critical to move on a resolution of this issue it took us almost 35 years to recognize that market rate housing as an impact on the Transit System and we will today or very soon see a study or nexus study to propose means an actual fee on market rate housing to pay for the transit impacts 6 years ago kaiser did a nexus study for the Inclusionary Zoning has a more Affordable Housing and the construction of market rate housing that for every one hundred units of market rate housing the Kaiser Marston study found a demand was generated for the workforce that provided services to the overwhelmingly condominium associations that represents one hundred percent of all market rate construction in San Francisco and the demand was created for 20 units i unions a units of Affordable Housing to house this workforce that housed the workforce theres a definite relationship too the impact on market rate and the availability of Affordable Housing the sooner we gathered the data to demonstrate that well move forward with meaningful legislation to aid that reality thank you. Thank you very much thank you. Next speaker, please. Good afternoon, supervisors im with the council of Community Housing organizations first of all thank you, supervisors for working on this legislation supervisor kim and the Planning Department for having gone through all the necessary steps trying to understand the data that is necessary for the moving forward of our housing and prop k goals at building another a minimum of 33 percent housing in the city we clearly have a long time to go like finding funding and changing zoning and preserving the rent control housing weve gotten i found interesting it came through a Community Process in the western selma an understanding that neighborhood in the western central selma we built thirty percent of our housing and as a city from 1999020 percent of our housing is Affordable Housing when the market sinks and were building the highrise theyve shut down their cranes on the other hand, the Affordable Housing is a small percentage of what is currently entitled moving forward in order to reach the goals we need to start with data and understand the baseline and be able to turn the antidotes the evictions that happen the housing that was built that people tried to get into data that we can use whats affordable for low income and moderate income and what rent control were using we need to understand that by invades supervisor wiener we have huge highrise how much inclusionary is being built in supervisor cohens neighborhood that are in the dog patch how much of that is available in bay area is that all in the shipyard those are all thank you fernando do any other speakers . Hi, im robert im in the fifth grade and my family has been here for 5 generations i go to sferts. Wow. My dad passed and now just me and my mom my mom works fulltime and goes to school fulltime after i do my homeowner we go to the park we are now homeless and we cant find a b. A. Place to live i used to have my own room but we cant afford a studio i live in my moms car you couldnt go to school because my mom got a flat tire my folsom mom still doesnt have enough of i get a work permit and work i dont understand why everything has to be so hard i miss any dad and i miss my room im just a kid i dont know this has to be like this. Any Public Comment on item that item . Hello, i work in the burdening no heights id like to say that we support the call for more information related to Affordable Housing anything that brings us closer to the hows in burr no heights the market rate cant meet the needs of our neighborhood and any more information for Affordable Housing in general would be much appreciated for us to craft policies and regulations to help our citizens stay here thank you. Next speaker. Hi supervisors supervisor cohen im karen batting bit if the sierra club the sierra club supports this ordinance i have copies of the letter that was emailed an hour ago i hope you havent read it and be bored prop k was widely passed by the voters the reporting requirements will provide needed data for the planners and others for making informed decisions on housing the sierra club is pleased to see the reporting has take into account the loss of rent control the plan settings s sets forward to monitor the process toward those goals and track it by affordable on the regular base it is hoped that San Francisco will make sustainable decisions regarding housing and other developments thank you and please vote yes today on this ordinance i want to see i think that robert did a good job im embraced to be here i want you make sure you understand the sierra club position. Next speaker seeing none, Public Comment is closed for item 3. Supervisor kim any other remarks. No, i want to clarify the amendment that City Attorney had brought up a request by the clerk for the resolution by the board of supervisors i know that there is further clarifications and decisions between the clerk and the City Attorneys office and read into the record. Certainly the language i understand was to the sentence youre adding which will change to read in emission with the amendments the annual report shall be accepted by resolution to the board comma which resolution shall be accepted by the department i want to add the department was noting you had changed the february 1st to march first but havent changed the kwoerdz. No, no we missed that as well. The report should be march first and september 1st and so we can accordingly and thank you to all the public that came out to speak i was surprised to see the overwhelming support 45 minutes of testimony we werent accepting all you but robert Hidden Valley high school it all there is an incredible need to make sure the housing all types of residents in San Francisco not only the only weighty there is incredible frustration with the construction at a rate weve not seen in the history of San Francisco since the 1 earthquake and now not seeing more Affordable Housing but a lot of housing that is out of reach for average resident not only the low income residents in San Francisco while this resolution ended up here didnt build the housing but helps us to figure out the resolution we cant do that without indicate it is a simple ordinance ensue agreed upon data points in terms of what is forcible and how we calculate that to know if were reaching our goal 1 3rd of Affordable Housing to 60 percent of our residents i know a comment was made 70 percent of the residents in the mission it is up to 170,000 income it explicit come from the city but Community Advocates that went through lots of paper and literally counted the units that were produced and how many were affordable the city should have that not people pouring over that in their home and providing that to the city we need to be providing from the city but it is great to see a Cross Section from the bay area and the south of market and tenderloin speaking buyouts importance of this i want to thank you for your support and well have support from the board of supervisors for this ordinance this is just the first skep step we want to inform the Actual Solutions like the revenue or the other Innovative Solutions to acquire more Affordable Housing colleagues, i want to amend as articulated before and after Public Comment first and then ask for your support for this ordinance at the full board. Motion has been made to accept the amendments seeing no reason not to lets accept those amendments unanimously thank you. Is there a motion. I make a motion with a positive recommendation to the full board. All right. Thank you very much this move forward with a with a positive recommendation to the full board. Any other items for this body. Theres no further business. This committee is done

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