Motion to approve the agenda for todays meeting . So moved second. Moved and second all in favor . Aye. May i have a motion to approve the Consent Agenda for today . So moved, moved and second, all in favor . Aye. Passed. Motion to approve the minutes for december 2 meeting. So moved second moved and second, all in favor . Aye. So moved. Forgive me, this is the first time in this chair so i have to turn the pages. This is opportunity for Public Comment. Do we have comment from the audience . Seeing none well move on to reports. First on the list is employee of the month. Department of aging and Adult Services recognized sue kirkland from Quality Assurance unit. [applause] i dont need to say anything because everyone knows how great sue is already, right . Because we have a lot of people from different programs here could people that are here to witness this please stand up, please. [applause] wanted everyone to stand up because i think one of the exciting things we are doing in dos now is the craeckz of clinical and Quality Assurance and clinical consultation unit and that is a new program where our nurses and social workers are centralized so they can provide services across the department to client in need. One of the things we havent had the ability to do in a long time and had it in adult Productive Services but havent been able to serve other programs is we havent been able to send someone out. Sometimes the social workers go out and they say this person may need to go to the hospital, is this stage 4 ulcer or Something Else and dont know what to do. Often they had to call 911 and now we have our oun unit and it is exciting to see it flourish. One thing that is great about it is we bring expertise like sue and people from in Home Supportive Services and they are able to Work Together to serve the department and clients better. I want to talk about that unit and thank people from aps and ihss and some of the other programs like public gaurdian, people coming toort to make this work well and seemless. What i want to kooread what is written about sue but what is written is much moore articulate than what i can say about her. Sue kirklandsomeone called her miss. Sue kirkland is registered nurse. Sue is devoted in representing aging squidult services in client advocacy and centered service planning, client engage ment and delivery of Public Health and nursing. In working with Multidisciplinary Team mbs sue gracefully and effortlessly [inaudible] making a difference in the client she is serving. Her collaborative work, practice in the community is well known. She recognizes and works on maximizeic strengths and ability. She assists in prioritizing goals in order to realize positive outcomes. [inaudible] getting important Durable Medical Equipment needed to assist clients in staying in their homes and receiving medical attention. Sue is a role model. She holds interpersonal stance of equality when communicating with client and care givers. She protects [inaudible] promote the quality of lives and elders and individuals with disability. So, on behalf the department, i want to thank you for your fantastic work and congratulations. [applause] i just want to say thank you and very honored to be here. I feel so grateful and privileged to work with such a incredibly dedicated group of people. Thank you and thank you everyone for being here and thank you for your support. [applause] next we have the directors report from serene mickfen. Mic spaden. Did i say that wrong . Sorry. Its okay. Good morning commissioners and happy new year. Im going to start with the most recent federal report that in december the house and Senate Passed a funding bill that will mean the sequesteration cuts that were slated to be automatic in 2016 will be avoided this year and that is good news and some may already know that but it is very exciting for us in the aging and disability world. In addition, some of the federal programs slated were spared, among those were the [inaudible] ship provides assistance to medicare beneficiaries. C sep which helps low income individuals find work. Chronic disease self management [inaudible] important for healthy aging. In addition sechberal important senior nutrition care giver support, native american and elder support [inaudible] support funding increase. Well get more details about the funding increases and what it looks like over the next couple months, but it was good news. On the lokal level, i mentioned this in the past is one of the big things we are working on now internally is in home support changing for the fair labor standards act. As you may recall what that means for in Home Supportive Services providers is they will be able to get overtime when they work overtime like everyone else would t. Is a big change for the program t is a great change for providers but it is also a big change for the program in terms of the implementation piece and in terms of the systems that we use. We use brig systems. Also because we know people will call and get very confused by their time sheets and how to report hours, so we ramped up the staffing with temp staff in in Home Supportive Service because we are receiving a lot oof calls. I want to thank megan eliate and jason [inaudible] who eversees intake for prepping for that because we know that people are going have a lot of questions about the changes and how they can get paid. I think the next thing iswe have been talking i think for a year and a half now about our new dos resource and benefits hub which is what we call the new building, the new service center. That is where people can come, it is one stop shop for dos intake, also for eligibility services, for any other things people mayank sess flow the department of ageic and Adult Services. It is a place where people can walk in or roll in or call or get on the internet and access, but now we are not opening yet. We finally moved our first wave of staff in. We anticipated this for a long time of course like any other new building it took a lot longer than we anticipated but we are excited. Jasons staff moved in before christmas and so they are getting used to the digs and well move the eligibility staff from in Home Supportive Services and county veteran Service Office in hopefully around the end of january and we anticipate we will have a grand opening probably athround first week of march i think. This is great. It is really a nice building, hopefully it will be well utilized and we are very excited about it. I think you know this is the time of year we develop the budget and so we work infurnlly in Human Services agency to look at all the proposals, look at the how the mayors instructions will impact how we make our decisions but what we submit so sthra lot of talk and work going on now within the department about that. This thursday Human Servicesancy will hold the Community Budget forum and this is a high level look at the mayors budget instructions, departmental priorities, it is very high level. These there things we are proposing but high level. That is held thursday january 7 from 3 30 to 5 in the born auditorium at [inaudible] hopefully you received information about that aurlds but that is when it will be. Finally i wanted to mention i named melissa mu gee as the interim Deputy Director for dos. I really need someone to help me with this work, i cant do 2 jobs at once for the next 2 months. If you can stand up for a moment. Melissa knhs with a lot of great backgrn and experience in facilities and nonprofit and government and has a lot of skill and i feel good when i hand something over to her it will get done and done correctly, so if you need to contact someone and contact me contact melissa through bridget. Thank you, that is the end of my report could you repeat the dates for the Budget Committee meeting in the auditorium thursday january 7, that is tomorrow, 3 30 to 5. Thank you. I have questions. Number 1 you say the [inaudible] agency for the dos is that including Human Services too . Yes, it is Human Service budget, the dos budget and office of early care and education budget so those are the 3 department in the Human Serv Agency and talk about the Overall Service of Human Services agency. My question is the new location. Sorry. The new location, primarily focused on aging and adult serbs dos stuff but in addition we will be able to help people with medical issue and cal fresh issue as well so there is cross over with Human Services. I have questions how you determine overtime . I understand the Home Care Service i come in to take care of you, you do your cooking and landry, so who determined the overtime . The state has been develop regulations on overtime for in Home Supportive Services, i do not have that level of detail in my head but if you are interested in finding out about it we can get information. It is state regulation and the staff is responsibility for making sure staff understand it so when they call in with questions the staff can answer the question. I think it will be a learning curve for people because it is different than what we have done in the past. I really would like to know. [inaudible] is the worker coming in that i had to do this and i had to do this and need overtime . No, it is not that flexible but i can get you the information. One more thing, we just received a letter sent to you by the coalition of agencies. Since you covered the whole what we do in dos, you do have some sort of a writing response to this letter, you have a outline we would appreciate giving us a head start as to what the problem will be and what is your solution. Okay, yes. I think that the coalition of agency serving the elderly will talk about this letter when they do their report today. Any other comments or questions . Well move on to a report on Advisory Council by mr. Leonschmit good morning commissioners. Interim executive director. Happy new year. The Advisory Council didnt meet in december however the Education Committee will continue on elderly abuse prevention with dos training friday january 22 at the institute on aging on geary street. The time is 1 30 to 4 30 in the afternoon. We would like to thank [inaudible] assisting the council with this training and dos staff person rick apple be for arranging the location and speakers. That is our report for this month. Questions or comments . Thank you. Next we have a report for the joint legislative committee with mrs. Diane lawrence good morning. And happy new year. There was no joint legislative knhity meeting in december as i mentioned last month at the commission meeting. Because of the length of that ajnda i promised i would focus on the top 10 legislative priorities from the California Senior Legislature rchlt i want to mention a piece of old business first and that is in the San Francisco chronicle on new years day did a summary of all the bills that go into affect, one of them is the end of life option we have talked about throughout 2015 and according to the chronicle that bill is being closely watched because there is funding, the special legislative session on heth care financing has to finish before we get an Effective Date when the end of life option law will go into effect and wanted you to be aware of that and well monitor that. Right now there is no firm start date for the Effective Date of the bill because of the funding that goes behind it, the special session hasnt finished up their work. The Senior Legislature issued the legislative agenda for 2016 which are a lot of the bills we begin to watch on the joint legislative committee. We will also have more now that january is here and everyone starts ramping up we will see more bills as we go forward this spring. There are 5 hold over bills from 2015. It is a 2 year session, we expected that. Some of these are thethe first is labeling of prescription drugs and that requires doctors to include the purpose of the medication. We get medication and dont always know what it is for, the medication is being prescribed on all prescriptions so it is included own the label unless the patient says they dont want the reason for the medication specified. Second bill we are monitoring is medical Long Term Care personal needs allowance, this hasnt been raised in a number of years and it increases the personal needs allowance to 80 dollarsi think i have this wrong, i will have to check this. From 435 dollars. Let me double check that and ill have a corrected for the minutes. What it also does is annually adjust the thresh hold for medical to Consumer Price index rather than going back to the legislator every couple years to get it adjusted. Elder Financial Abuse and this is the reporting requirements for Financial Institutions, and this increases Civil Penalties for failure to report Financial Abuse and inminimal penalty is 25,000 for each unreported transaction and what it does is requires Financial Institutions to implement training and it would authorize a person who reported suspected abuse to make a report directly to Adult Protective Services if the institution does not make such a report. This is to follow up on elder abuse in terms of financial. Elder friendly courts is the forth hold over bill and that establishes one elder friendly cort that can be assessed by elder Abuse Victims in each county in the state. Lastly, medical professionals and emergency medical information packets, this requires Residential Care facilities and Skilled Nursing to maintain a packet of emergency information medical information for each resident or patient and then if Emergency Medical Services were called, the packet would be given to the medical personnel transporting the patient to the hospital and then given to had hospitals admitting physician. Any questions on those 3 . There are 3 California Senior Legislature funding bills. The Senior Legislature is self funded by voluntary contributions on the tax forms or by grants or proposals. It is in the code that created them 35 years ago that they are not tax supported. As we discussed last year, they are in danger of going out of existence and modified how they operate for the current year. In stead of having a big meeting they met in lockal areas and did a lot through email. We talked about using technology for the meetings. There are 3 funding bills, the first propes 400,000 annually covering their basic cost while allowing csl to get grants and gifts. There is a competing bill that will fund in the amound not less than 5 hundred0500 thousand annually. The last is personal income tax form. There is a check off for Senior Legislature but there is no consistency in where the check off box exists on forms in electronic tax systems or other forms that are used and this bill would require a person or company that replicates a california tax form 540 in paper or electronic form place the contribution on the first page so it mirrors what the state issued would be. The last 2 bills that are new would eliminate minimum funding requirements for California Fund for senior citizens. There is no title to the bill. It is sponsored by state senator doll grn out of los banos and well continue to monitor that. The last bill is housing and this will establish rarental Housing Assistance program that provides information about rental housing for veterans. There are 5 proposals in terms of the federal, one would be on Long Term Care premium deductions and those are the 10 csl, these are now federal bills, remove the limit on federal income Tax Deduction for Long Term Care. The second one would raise the Social Security burial benefits to 495 dollars and that would be basically enough to cover cremation. The third is universal Safety Devices under Senior Housing and this requires hud to identify a Funding Source to ret row fit hud housing to install false prevention equipment and well monitor that carefully. The last is medicare cognisant assessment bill which requires medicare to offer patients a Cognitive Impairment assessment as part the preventative Free Services included in the Affordable Care act. Are there any questions . I do have a question. The check mark on the income tax form, when we make a check mark how will go into . Whatever we specify. When we check the csl box we specify on the tax form how much of our refund or in the tax bill we want to go to Senior Legislature, so it isnt one or two dollars you can specify the amount. What happens if i check off 25 dollars, it isnt my income tax . 25 dollars of my income tax for the state goes to the senior fund . Yes. Refund out of your refund. Usually it is out of your refund. If i dont is a refund if i check it off there is no money going into the account then. I have to check how that works. It is usually out of your refund amount. The maximum is maximum of my refund if i do have any any other questions . Thank you next report on Long Term Care coordinating council good morning commissioners and active directormic faden, [inaudible] representing the council this morningism we met december 10 and had 2 items. The first is take a look at hiv and aging. We had rawork group that has done a excellent job of surveying the landscape and bringing foorth studies and used the meeting as a opportunity to present the findings with reliminary recommendations mpt i provided a copy of this report. The council did take action to support these recommendation squz encourage the work to continue their efforts and come to us with updates. The second item on the agenda was a look at the budget and policy priorities for the year. We did this by wroifing them together and breaking into small groups to dig into the issues better. The issues were housing, Mental Health, hiv and aging, the dignity fund and home care. On the issue of housing the priority is preventing homelessness and housing subsidies and within that look at the way we can help people stay in their home, navigate to Affordable Housing and get the services they need to be able to age in place. The second issue was Mental Health and substbs asknus the recommendation was to recunsitute the Behavioral Health committee of the work of incouncil. We had a actsive work group for a number of years and led to work around alzheimers and demenshia so the recommendation is bring that group back to life and look how we can cross the silos that exist in the city and figure out the gaps to better address them. The third issue is the dignity fund. I know you heard from sandy [inaudible] about the initiative for the November Ballot so we recommend a portion be dwighted to a closer look at. At that legislation and issues that still need discussion. It has gotten broad support but there is stuff that needs to be worked out. The hiv and aging group will continue to keep us updated and their particular requests are around funding to target Needs Assessment they are doing with ucsf around hiv and aging and suliting money for Mental Health and soak social services. The last item home care working to develop the workforce of home care workers, looking at strategy to educate and inform consumers about how to access home care particularly at the point of their ininvolvement to look at ways for folks to go into institutions by providing help at home and looking at the way to make the Program Available on a sliding scale or share of cost basis. That is a issue talked about a lot over the years and come back to look how the [inaudible] can benefit. These recommends will be discussed at the january meeting and again in february. Lastly i want to announce the mayor made new appointments to the Long Term Care council and i i introduce you to them. [inaudible] lopez from project open hand. [inaudible] burn det [inaudible] chip [inaudible] from the Mayors Disability Council and jeromy wallen burg with sf city and ground floor public affairs. Any questions . I have one. I have been on the road a bit so fuzzy on the Current Events but i think george [inaudible] made an announcement this week proposing alternative to the new jail building that the supervisors rejected and pivot towards mental helths facilities. It may be too soon to react from that but do you have a comment or thought about that. I dont but maybe someone else does but it is a good topic to bring to the council and Pay Attention to. In the same way the new department of homelessness input from folks as well. Next we have tack report from cathy rousso. Hell ow supervisors, our tack meeting was december 1 and 2 held here. We were having our meeting in sacramento. One speaker was dairl catch, he is the executive director of the California Association of area agencies on aging and he talked about the budget. He felt the budget for aging services has been about the same for the last couple of years. He did mention he didnt feel our governor is open to funding or restoring programs. Just a personal feeling there. On the federal level, he thought the funding was looking better, but there was a potential for some cuts. As far as the state budget, the past year their emphasis of the association has been to look for refunding for programs and projects. This year they have decided they will probably focus on a single program. That program is nutrition. They figure this is a basic need. In talking about the funding, creating this, we kept hearing this phrase, putting a face on it. The people have different views of senior nutrition. The family does it and they all go to a center and this and that. So, they want to put their definite face on senior nutrition in order to fight for this. Florida successfully got a increase in this funding and put a face on it. Actually kaiser worked with them in developing a video. He said it was a excellent video. It wouldnt transfer to us very effectively because in florida they have some little tag or a little coupon or something they use in getting funding which comes up in it and it would be confusing for someone living here to hear them talking about it, but they do want to make a video and we can expect an emphasis knhing out on senior nutrition needs. But you know, it is possible that if someone here contacts our kaiser they can get a hold of that video, it would be interesting to see it. Another speaker we had was l vance taylor. He is from the Governors Office of Emergency Services and he is chief of the office of access in a mairjs and functional needs. This was a lot because of the fires. He was talking about what happened during the fires trying to obtain the resources for people, like a problem when someone had bathrooms but forgot they needed disabled people to get and use them, so they had to bring in the other resources of the training and volunteers that come in. Are they trained had handle the Different Things they have to do . He is very up on it, very nert ested in it, said they are now looking into other possible emergencies. I bet flooding is one of those. He is very knowledgeable and very interested, very up to getting things for it and where it seems we need to be aware, if we develop some kind of emergency plan for situations, we should put itask that department, mr. Taylor to look at it because he will and see if he sees something we are missing or should add to it or why you have this type of thing. And also be conscious how to contact him if during a emergency we run into a sudden crisis that we are not reaching something. He really did focus on this so that is vance taylor, i was impressed by him. Another person we had is benny wong, a member of our own Advisory Council and he came there because of working at stepping stone to talk about therapy babes, the little dolls that are so effective in calming and helping people that are tired and sick and not functioning too well with the seniors with maybe moderate or severe demenshia. He also brought with him the gentlemen whos Company Makes the therapy dolls so we got quite a talk about them and of course when they have their programs they have a therapy doll you can hold. It is really neat. People were very impressed with it, very interested in this contact. Now, since stepping stone is right here in our city within walking distance , i can walk, you guys ought to be able to walk it from hereeach should be able to say that we have held a therapy doll. If you cant say that, got to do something about a program and they are good at stepping stone at setting up programs. Our next tack meeting is february 23 and 24. Okay, any questions . Thank you very much. Thank you. Next we have case report. Good morning commissioners, interm directormic faden [inaudible] serving the elderly. I wanted to let you know that we had a exuberant holiday event in december, lots of fun with our White Elephant and Gift Exchange and good socializing and networking for people in the aging and adults with Disabilities Community so it was great fun had by all. Our next meeting will be january 11 next monday at project open hand on the second floor. We will elect new officer jz looking at what are the next steps with the budget advocacy. In february we will have the new director of contracts with hsa, john sukea cowa and i hope i got his name correct. He will come and talk to the group about issues and concerns with contracts and making sure we are on track for the new year coming. We did submit a letter and had discussion in the past with ann and serene was part of those about the new advocacy ask for this year. You got copies this morning and i wanted to read it so the Community Knows what we are talking about. The letter is directed to interim directormic faden and says thank you are your leadership providing services for San Francisco seen iers. The [inaudible] daily support to more than 20 thousand san franciscans. Case mbs are 37 agencies strong and represent the diversity of San Francisco. As case celebrates the 40th Year Anniversary we continue the dmiment to San Franciscos most vulnerable communitys. We write to advice on the issues we deem important for San Francisco seniors and those with disabilities. It is voted by the case board of directors and membership and our recommendations for the action by the sate and county of San Francisco. Case management services. The office on aging contract with 11 agencies that serve well over a thousand elders and those with disabilities. [inaudible] limited fund created rapid case manager turn over. A case sturfb u serb u survey shows staff retention has fallen to 31 percent. [inaudible] takes a minimum of 8 months before staff can meet the complex care needs we serve 90 percent of staff who leave go into government and hospital positions that have compensation packages that are 140 to 200 percent higher than the positions they leave. Inability to keep qualified professions has a consequences on care. Service time [inaudible] spent training new hires and job duties. This weakens the quality of care received. Staff turn over contributes to long client wait lists. To meet the needs of a marginalized population and increase in fund is critical. Increase funds support staff turn over and support deliverly of Quality Services to the most vulnerable of san franciscans. 201617 budget request, the department of aging increase funding to alloy the funding meet market rate. The cost is 650 thousand dollars and covers staff, supervision and benefits of the 26 Case Management positions service San Francisco. Our second ask is technology needs. We live in a city surrounding by invasion thousands of people are left behind by the digital revolution. Few internet and cetf field poll disposed 58 percent of people over 65 have Home Internet access. That number drops when the older adults are low income. San franciscos commitment to Technology Training and access for seniors and adults with disabilities has a powerful effect on san franciscan. Technology is a required tool and it is needed to apply for housing, a range of social Service Reports and lessen feelings of isolation. On october 2015, survey of case members on their technology wants indicated need for adequate staffing at Computer Tech labs, longer hours and [inaudible] 201617 budget request is 808 thousand dollars to provide staffing at computer lab, training in lab, training for home bound senior jz computer lab maintenance. Workforce empowerment. Part time and stipe ined work supports the economic [inaudible] these citizens comprise the highest percentage of San Franciscos living below the Poverty Level and many want and sneed to work. Case recommends start up frunds for a program modeled on the successful reserve program in new york city. Investment by the city of San Francisco would help launch the program, provide outreach dollars and incentive subsidy to community partners. The high impact low cost program is shown to move towards fiscal sufficiency in 2 years in other cities. Ome 34r0i789 includes compurbt trainers, outreach workers, helpers in the dos hub and support for seniors in the libraries. Our budget request is one year launch pilot with one cardinator start up cost for 20 workers at 225 thousand dollars. [inaudible] year 2 and 3, 100 thousand [inaudible] paid in full or part by partner agencies. Our 4th ask is temporary housing for homeless seniors. Sheltersinate provide support for homeless seniors. [inaudible] promotes Healthy Living choices and decrease the need for medical intergentian associated costs. This initiative will provide temporary housing subsidies for 10 units in a residential building in the tenderloin. Program eligibility includes housing stability, currents housing cost average 80 percent of monthly income, income at or below the poverly level and a diagnosis [inaudible] the budget request includes one year housing subsidies for 10 units, 20 seniors over 2 years, also funding a part time case manage ment support at 243, 687 dollars. Our final recommendation is free group [inaudible] services. Adult based serve ices is a key component helping seniors and adults with disabilities remain in the community and out of institutions. San francisco is forch tunate to v a variety of adult day care programs. The sitee must insure the programs are kept viable for now and years to come. One answer is offer fully Subsidized Services to the program. The transportation fees are paid by the adult dare care pram and can make or break the budget. We need to inshurn Adult Day Services for San Francisco. The 1617 request is 400 thousand annually to fund [inaudible] that insures safe and Reliable Transportation to the cities frailest seniors. Case takes a broad look at the city as a whole and well being of seniors and adults with disability. The prior rorities are the greatest needs of the communities we serve. Case support the budget justice coalition, Food Security task force and senior and disability action. We indoors the dignity fund ballot measure for november 2016 and look forward to meeting with you and can provide information on the issues and a Community Round table. Thank you. It is signed by michele [inaudible] from open house and myself from catholic charities. Any questions or comments . Questions or comments . One from me, the housing program, does that coordinate with linda addlesteens program . What is the name of her initiative . I would assume it would coordinate. It is a new program we would want to replicate as we have done something similar in the past and it is talked about so not sure how that works. Dave, may have more information because he spear headed that committee on that issue. What is the average the case manager salary . If i remember our goal last year is to have a entry level, bs level around 42 thousand. Supervisori can get that information, but the wages differ from agency to agency and when we looked at it we did this last year and realized some agencies were really below the market rate and others are getting closer, so we came up with a recommended scale for if they are entry level like a bs level, msw level for a advanced level and for the supervisors who are lcsw level or higher. Most of the staff and department of aging is asking to look at higher Level Experience case managers and i believe for the bsw it is 42 thousand plus and msw, 52 thousand a year or over and a supervisor, 62 thousand a year or over. That was our recommended. There is a lot of agencies who cant meet that need. You are saying that currentsly compensation levels are below that level and those are the target levels those are the recommended targets last year and find if we meet these numbers we are recommending we are still losing staff because the market and community provides such greater140 to 200 percent higher packages for employ ease if they leave. They come in and we train them and they go off to government or hospitals. Some had positions open for 9 months to a year and when we look at the bilingual need, those are positions those clients sit and wait for a long time because there is no nobody who can meet their need well is the source of that data the 140 to 200 percent delta from exist interviews from employees leaving . Hat is something our group did with josh martin and not sure where he got that specific data but think vacombination where people have gone and or what is out there in the market rate now. Thank you. Can i ask a question . You have 37 things listed. The agency had. I know some of them is you know small agencies, some medium size ones, some is really huge. I heard one of these on the list, the Top Executive officer is getting 300 thousand dollars a year. Is there is question . I just want to comment. So, you say 62 thousand isnt one of these executive offices . We are talking about case managers or the 62 thousand is a supervisor of the case manager. You are not take we are not talking executive directors, we are talking the on line staff doing the work in the community with the clients. Thank you. Youre welcome moving on. I see no business on the ajendsa so well move to new business. We are moving beyond item a in favor of item b. Requesting authorization to modify grant with Bernal Heights Neighborhood Center for july, 1, 2013june 30, 20 squaen. Motion to discuss . Second [inaudible] we have 2 items for Bernal Heights listed separate on the agenda but in one packet. The first we will look at is Community Services at the courtland location. We seek approval for Community Services cort land location with increase in funding the center is looking to serve a total of 398 unduplicated consumers throughout the year. They will increase Service Needs to 2 thousand units of activities for the current fiscal year. They will provide 200 units of service for translation for this year and 1200 units for social services. For next fiscal year, 1617 the Service Units remain the same with exception of activities that increases by 500 units and translation will increase by 100 Service Units. Looking to expand the program, there will be a increase in hours of operation, so currently the site is open until 2 p. M. And now it is open monday through friday to 3 p. M. With this the social Service Coordinator position is increased to 1 full fte and will Office Services through the day. With the expanded hours with ilcome a full range of services. There is modest Salary Increase for the current staff and in addition there will be new classes offered, most notable are zoom buand yoga. Those classes will be taught by a activities instructor that will be. 37 fte and this is a new position for the center. Additionally there is new position for the volunteer coordinator which is about. 44 fte. This position assists managing volunteers, outreach efforts, food pantries and other actirfbties. Now those tasks are taken by different employees and they will have a dedicated staff to those items. Fund will be used to Purchase Program supplies such as exercise mats and block jz other supplies that were not able to be supported by this grant. Happy to answer any question you have. Questions . Im looking at the budget salary and benefit and the senior Service Coordinators position is 105. 46 percent. This overtime . Similar condition that exists in the budget for the other program as well. Which position . Senior Service Coordinator. Line 14. 14. Thank you. You said it says 105 percent . It is written 105 percent. Mine says 100. Move over 2 columns adjusted fte. All mine say 100. Then we must have a differenti dont know. I think it is a typo because i calculated and it is 95 percent. Good morning commissioners. We are looking at fiscal year 1516 so initially the salary was 37,000 and now it is 37, 944 so it increased so it is 105 percent when you really look at itim wondering is this person working overtime . No, they just had a Salary Increase. That is based on 1516. When i look at fte it is 100 percent and when it comes to 105 percent you can consider it at 1 percent on the 35 thousand but the formula is based on the 37,000 original salary and because of the incraes it come tooz 105 percent the algorithm is based oen the 2013 Budget Approved 2 years ago . Yes the other question it said the Fringe Benefits is 31. 49 percent based on 1516 again. They changed so we are focusing on the current fiscal year because otherwise there would be a fringe for each year and we just focus on the current year, 1516, but yes they change. If you work out the formula they change annually. Okay, thank you. That makes sense. When i look at it, it isnt 31. 45 percent. Thank you. This year it is. Thank you. Any other questions . Motion to approve . So moved second. All in favor. Aye. Approved. Moving on. Got to read it to you. Item c request the authorization to [inaudible] july 1, 2013june 30, 2018 in amount of 205 thousand plus 10 percent contingency for total grant amount not to exceed 1, 395 thousand [inaudible] with this proposal Bernal Heights Community Service excelsior location for the remainder of 1516 fiscal year provides 3500 units orphservice for scheduled activities, 2500 units for translation and 3 thousand units of service for social services. For 1617 the unduplicated consular accounts increase by 50. The program is looking to increase their operation hours foobe open saturday and sunday from 9 to 3 p. M. There is a big need in the area for services so this is a much needed addition which is wundserful. There are 3 new positions at the site. First there will be a social Service Coordinator for the week days and a coordinator for the weekends both at. 45 fte so there will be a little overlap. There will be a exercise instructor at. 15 fte. The social Service Staff increase is allow the staff to engage with clients and [inaudible] this is a site that needed more so the additional hours and staff is something that is going to meet a need that is already there. With that, language is available, the cant niece, tugolic [inaudible] exercise mats and blocks as well as other programs, supplies the budget was not able to cover. Happy to answer questions you have. Questions . Motion to approve so moved second. All in favor aye. Motion carries. Item d, requesting authorization to renew the grant with episcicul Community Service to maintain the housing resource list. Dirg the period of july 1, 2015june 30, 20 squaen in a amount of 69,000 dollars plus a 10 percent contingency not to exceed 75, 900 dollars we are asking for is maintain the housing list which is really one of a kind housing list for senior jz younger adults with disabilities. It is in operation since 2009 from what i know and we funded them for the last couple years. Episcicul Community Services were the agency for the aging and Disability Resource Centers in the older model and so when they had the housing list in 2009 and 10 those years, they are able to work with a volunteer in the aging and disability resource center. Since we changed the model and because they expanded their list to provide to bounch around in counties because you know housing is tight in San Francisco and difficult for low income seniors to find appropriate housing so they expanded their list and also looking at surrounding counties, so we are asking for. 38 fte position and that position exists. They have been doing it since 2009 but maintain the list for the next 3 years. They send this list out to over 300 provider squz consumers, families members and it is really what we all depend on as social Service Providers from dos staff and Community Providers and aging and disability resource staff. This is the bible for everyone out in the community to get information about resources for seniors and younger adults with disabilities questions . Yes. I see theyou indicate the address, 705 nutoma street, do you off hand know the telephone number . Off hand i dont know their telephone number. Rox an murray may be able tofrom episcopal Community Services would probably know which would be the next question is you indicate that email and also your website, but i read it twice and cannot find the email. This list is emailed out i realize that. I want to obtain the email address and website so i can tap into the information. It isnt in the body of the proposal. It seems we can get that to you. I would appreciate it since lots of people will be very helpful. They are looking for places to rent and to lease. Thank you. Sure. Thank you. You can always call me at 3556700 or email me directly jason. Adameksf. Org. I will coordinate with the person who send out the list but ill make sure that on the side of ecs that they have more updated information on the website so it is easier for people to find out how to obtain the list. Thank you. Im just looking at the Fringe Benefits, it is awful high, 43. 56 percent which is all most double of some agencies, i wonder why this is so high. I think because it is a part time position and if it was a full time position it would drive the fringe rate down more, but if someone from contracts would like to provide a more detailed explanation, but i believe that is kind of the overallbecause it is a. 38 fte and they are willing to provide full benefits it drives the percentage up. Okay. Thanks. Do you have Public Comment . Okay. He was just here to save me. Did you explain it right . Okay. Any questions or comments . Motion to approve . So moved second. All in favor. Aye. Item e, review and approval of fy 2017 16 California Department of aging supplementary nutrition Assistance Program. Amount of 41, 598 dollars and all subsequent amendments. Motion to discuss so moved second. Good morning commissioners and interim executive drecktdermic faden. This is our segd year that we are given an award from the state for the supplemental nutrition Assistance Program education snaped. Last year we had received this grant and started 3 projects and included the gardening project, the tie chee program and Nutrition Education program. This year we are asking you to approve the receiving this grant, the total amount allocated for us is 41, 598 dollars. It is significantly less than the first year. The state just had less funding. Included in your package is the information that we have. What we accomplished with last year with regard to the grant and hope to maintain the 3 projects again this year and we are recommending to continue working provide funding to bayview Hunters Point Senior Services. They will oversee 2 evidence based nutrition programs including the nutrition workshop jz over saw the easy urban gardening project. We have 3 gardens built including rosa parks [inaudible] and also [inaudible] Senior Services and those gardens were very popular. A lot of seniors grew wonderful vegetables and fruits and enjoyed them and provided excellent supplemental nutrition for the seniors there. The Third Program that we had was [inaudible] semp help for the elderly and we are recommending that we contract with them this year for part of this grant. Last year we were able to offer two training workshops and to date we have 40 certified tichiinstructs that was able student to go back and conduct these classes at different senior centers. With the 41, 598 dollars we hope to maintain the program because it is so not only effective, but they are very popular and have waiting list for these classes. In the packet is a document for the state and how we proposem to allocate this 41 thousand dollars. Im here if you have any questions. Questions . The budget is reduced by 77 percent so how would it effect the program . We would have to reduce the [inaudible] sorry . Is the Program Reduced by such a percentage too . Significantly reduced. Because we were able to actually do 2 training workshops last year, this year we are not planning to do the plain tra inner to trainer but provide stipeened to the instructors so they can continue the classes in the community. Also with the Nutrition Education classes we have to reduce the number of workshops we can offer. With the gardening last year a bulk of the expenses were building the gardens, because the garden are already built that expense is no longer there and this year majority of the cost will be to cover part the consulting who will continue to provide the training and the oversee the program for the seniors at the 3 sites thank you similar question for clarity, because of reduction from kat funds there is no intent by the department to seek county funds to supplement this program and augment it further beyond what the state is able to provide . Im glad yoi asked this question. With some of the supplemental funding we get from the board of supervisors for district 7 there was add back to expand Community Services and with that we were planning to actually that is one way to actually augment the tichi program. While it is not in the state budget here because we didnt want to do all the reporting requirements, which is very labor intensive, it will be provided through our community, our lokal sfunds through Community Services we will see a second proposal at a later date . Yes, probably next month when we bring that recommendation to the commission. Thank you. Any other question snz . Adding to your question, since the states funding is so unpredictable and since these programs are so vital and helpful to the seniors to maintain their health, education i wonder whether in the future if there is no funds from the state, the department of aging will look into funding the program, carrie on a permanent one. Commissioner we are aulology looking at these programs that sep supplement the basic nutritions we have and know they are important so we have a lot of discussion internally brt low to maintain them. I dont have a specific answer but can say we have had a lot of conversations about that and had proposals from linda and denise and we are discussing them. Thank you. Other questions . Not motion to approve. So moved, and second. All in favor aye. Motion carries. Public announcements. Seeing none Public Comment . Seeing none, motion to adjourn. So moved second. [meeting adjourned] silence state your name for the record. Id like to call roll at this time. Is commissioner antonini commissioner hillis commissioner johnson commissioner moore commissioner richards commissioner wu commissioner president fong first on our agenda is items proposed for continuance seeing no items place you on the next item the consent calendar

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