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Questions i have you know the point will stungsz suspension is an important one and people are saying forgive us it is not just the number it is what that tells us what is happening the school and to hear that some of the suspensions are could by fight and sort of different types excavations and referral without the supervision this is a sense of what is happening and whether it is reflective of values we have the School District around being the Student Center and creating ms. Wynns in a proactive way a culture where those things are not happening and where students feel safe and supported and strong connections with each other and the cults he appreciated in one of the points i was going to bring up how you think about creating that culture in a more proactive way so those things are not happen to begin with a level of trust and support and that you know reflected in the comment there is not a culture some students are pushed away or out some of the hearsay is about compound with the suspension is there something there around picking and choosing who defeats to be supported at cat that is not what you want to see and not we want to see one piece the last sorts of data point around the suspension that is helpful to me is whether you have data from the fall or around suspension numbers and whether youve begun to see a drop over time this year already under our leadership were looking at the numbers from last year and again, this is something we struggle with and have a lot of sprungz under District Schools were you know committed to that and seeing that year to year a huge drop i understand but i want to better understand the successes of the things your implementing. We dont have the schizophrenic numbers but looking at it is closely a significant drop this year it started with ms. Win was the principal she and her staff planned an overnight trip to berkley so this focusing on positive College Culture theres been a lot of communities meetings around pride and celebrations so all of those things helped and a significant drop were happy to bring back reports monopolizing like scomploern qs requested and share with the board. To add one of the things we look at as the staff data referrals when you refer a student out theyre leading to things were critical and thoughtful around the data and why were writing referral and better intervention so our suspension numbers are going down in terms of the student population positive recognize so celebration of academic success and exhibiting score values and shifting to where the focus is around celebration and pride and not a negative culture the combination of that student work and the priorities with the adults. I also wanted to say we recognize as an area we are commitment to taking action to make sure that less students are suspended and wear reducing those recreates. Ill appreciate the regular update to the board the one question he was going to raise potentially that is hopefully, some positive success to report i share commissioner Vice President walton concerns as it relates to the charts and space and facilities ando so i wonder if you could speak to how the shared space with june gordon and i feel like potentially that is a positive experience for both the School Communities in any conversations with june gordon they have expressed that ive not heard in general i dont want to speak for them but strong concerns sometimes were heard the other colocations i wonder if you can speak to that certainly a very serious question for us how we make sure when theres a colocation the District School is a support and collaboration. Were proud to share the principal a matt as twins and his in coming ninth grader will be attended the other son goes to balboa park and one wanted a big school and the other a school based learn we have a stronger relationship with june gordon and do professional development the kids go on College Trips together we use each others resources a very, very positive relationship we learn from each other also. I just echo that being my first year i think with the Bell Schedule and the way we cooperate that spaced a wonderful relationship and very supportive. Mr. Totiano. Yes. We do want to thank all the students that came out as well as everyone that spoke today this is a big thing presented for you guys i do believe that ever student did this the city throughout the world does have the potential to be successful, however, that is up to you to put yourselves to the plate ill be supportive of this resolution i want to say i like it laughter i am happy to support this im so sorry good job to everyone. All right. Roll call vote please. Thank you mr. Totiano ms. Fewer commissioner cohens dr. Murase ms. Norton mr. Walton ms. Wynns no mr. Haney this is a of is thank you so much thank you, thank you clapping. yelling cheering . Thank you. Now you see were open if he scotland the folks leaving to quell exit well continue with the meeting. So the next item conferred personnel can i have a report from the rules committee. Okay who think are we on the first. So this do we have the updated policy. And theyve updated it. In this case all the policies rules committee is recommend with a positive recommendation one we asked for changes the language that is forthcoming theyre all positive. Ill ask for a report from the personnel committee. Im happy to diverse that report the personnel Labor Committee reviewed that and voted to move it forward with a positive recommendation. All right. Deputy superintendent. Thank you. Im asking the chief personnel. The requested the board Death Penalty the policy 4 a hundred certify as part of districts effort to organize the policies designed to have a positive climate it consistent with the collective bargaining and in conformance with the state laws and regulations. No public speakers comments from the board . Roll call vote. Thank you mr. Totiano ms. Fewer ms. Mendozamcdonnell dr. Murase ms. Norton mr. Walton ms. Wynns praen 6 is. Board policy 4200 there is a motion and a second can i have a report from rules. I gave you the report theyre all positive recommendations. Personnel also all positive commissioner. Thank you president haney and coming down the Pike Danielle hope the requested action the policy adopt the clarified personnel as part of organization for the positive climate it is consistent with collective Bargaining Agreement the civically and in conformance with the state laws and regulation regulations. Roll call vote. Mr. Totiano ms. Fewer ms. Mendozamcdonnell dr. Murase ms. Norton mr. Walton ms. Wynns and mr. Haney 6 is. Board policy 4 three hundred moved and seconded on march, 2016 argue General Council that the board adopt the policy 43 personnel clarified management and clarified supervisory personnel as part of districts effort to organize their policies for the positive climate that is consistent with collective Bargaining Agreement and doesnt conformation with the state laws and regulations. Comments none. Mr. Totiano ms. Fewer ms. Mendozamcdonnell dr. Murase ms. Norton mr. Walton ms. Wynns and mr. Haney 7 is. Oh, one 53 dash sp 4 Personnel Management and Supervisory Staff organization will be second an march 8. General Council Daniel hope the requested sex our the Personnel Management and Supervisory Staff Organization Part of the District Update of the design for the positive climate this is consistent and in xhofrp with the state laws and regulations. Roll call vote and. Mr. Totiano ms. Fewer ms. Mendozamcdonnell dr. Murase ms. Norton mr. Walton ms. Wynns and mr. Haney 7 is. One of 3 dash 8 board policy recruitment for election there is a motion that has been seconded. Hit it General Council hope. laughter . The requested action is the board adopt the personnel recruitment selection to update and organize the policies for positive compliment and consistent with the collective bargaining in conform with the state laws and regulations roll call. Mr. Totiano ms. Fewer ms. Mendozamcdonnell dr. Murase ms. Norton mr. Walton and ms. Wynns and mr. Haney 7 is. One of 3 sp 7 board policy board of representation there is a motion that has been seconded on march 18 mr. Superintendent. Our General Council daniel hope this requested action the bio law representatives and this adequately reflective it is by the board president the bylaw. Roll call. Mr. Totiano ms. Fewer ms. Mendozamcdonnell dr. Murase ms. Norton mr. Walton and ms. Wynns and mr. Haney 7 is. All right. So this is something new 163 sp 8 approval of a expenditure plan for 20162017 there is a motion that has been seconded on march 8 can we have a right from the committee thank you president haney just in the case you missed that a wonderful Public Education replenish Fund Expenditure approval meeting at the xhes committee as a whole and recommend to move forward with a positive recommendation from the committee of the whole and we had, of course, thank the chief cat for their work and mr. Fleming and her team for the work and also talked about the development and increase strengthening the relationship between the cat and district and appreciate that and with that said, superintendent what are we are doing. I have exist news thank you before we pitch it to the director kathy with the Education Fund and over cochairs of the community cvs and on behalf of the district thank to the voter and citizens of the San Francisco others skuktsd cross the state of california are been cutting their arts and libraries and and sports San Francisco has not only been doubling down but growing the firemans in support of rishlt Education Funds were proud of staff to bring to the board for your consideration is a strong return think investment report we can tell you the monies are invested strategize specific to grow the programs and that the voters approved that board has authorized so it give me me great pleasure to recommend this budget and in that vein im id like to ask the director Kathy Fleming to make the short presentation and answer any questions you may have. Thank you superintendant with our permission commissioner president haney ill skip to the therefore, be it resolved therefore, be it resolved that the board of education and the San Francisco unified School District comprehends the hard work and recommendations from the Community Advisory committee on peace arts confession Steering Committee the library Advisory Committee and the physical ed sheering committee and all the Staff Members that involved therefore, be it resolved the board of education of the San Francisco unified School District proved a spending plan for after examining the elements from staff and the siding think peace and be it therefore resolved this spending plan maybe amended during the budget process based on availability of state funning and or subsequent adjustment made by the city and county of San Francisco the president is requested the superintendent is requested to to the board of education and the city and county of San Francisco Mayors Office that such amendments may occur so commissioners before you updated materials for a second reading two packets tonight one is the expenditure plan that has the blue fonts youll be voting on to approve that is the full native narrative and full budget of plan for next year the second document is what i recommend you combine with the superintendents supporting materials an orange font and it contains it included a summary of information that has been updated for second reading just to youre aware the beginning the documents includes if pages 2 to 7 staff information provided in response to many of the comments or questions by commissioners at the committee as a whole megan the 15 ever mark last week so that is priority as Additional Information and on page 8 is a summary of some good news we received confirm from the Controllers Office we can submit a budgeted with an increase allocation and the amount of increase is the First Reading budget we received reviewed is 87,000 for the whole allocation for sfusd, of course, that is split in half dedicated to the slam program 4 willed and 35 thousands and the other spent to on the programs the following pages contain a summary of changes since last week and those changes a highlighted in yellow the 3 housing unit 17 million and last week, we rectified the n reviewed the allocation for the sports libraries to music use to absorb the salaries and benefits that we discussed last year, weve been relying on the chair over funds and additionally approximately for supplies and materials and purchase equipment for the expansion of the girls sports also a one. 0 middle school arts teach has been added in order to maintain the course class sections awhile the multiplied e multi lingual packet are the middle school other general new allocations first to support the pier Resources Program 90 thousand for 8 ftes to support Martin Luther king exist programs to continue at the same level of services they enjoy this year and to expand to every middle school had been a peer resources this bring the total next year to for peer Resources Programs 6 middle schools and 8 high schools the schools with listed on page 10 additionally the source report that s o ar supports the programs added to the budgets for the first time will allocate 345,000 and that increase will support the current cohort of Elementary Schools that are receiving the support to expand two additional 6 middle schools to priority supports for the general population in order to maintain a climate site and this provides additional 5 ftes for the 6 middle schools and superintendant truest is here so the changes since the First Reading im going to turn it over to president haney thank you. Thank you mrs. Fleming and commissioner mendosamcdonnell i have a clarifying we think page 15 there was an additional 44 thousand or 45,000 provided to athletic equipment and repairs and i wanted to just wanted to understand what the facilities pieces was, you know, the past we moved the facilities monies out of athletics and put it back into the Facilities Department if does that make sense that the Athletic Department was dealing with appliances and repairs and facilities so whats the other 035,000 dollars going towards specifically. Those are funds dedicated to ongoing basic maintenance and repairs not facilities Construction Projects so, yeah this is basic repairs and appliances it is not dedicated to major projects. Can you give me an example of what a repair facility is. So we recently had a mat overhead hauled hello mr. Truett im sure kevin truett dont give me a hard time i was going to be professional you started me on the road so laughter they all enjoyed that okay. So one of the works the matt over hauled we had to replace and repair matts i know that displacing had to dig a general wear and tear on the theoretically equipment on the other hand, and facilities for those repairs that took place on an ongoing basis generally, the schools dig into their own budget this provides the Direct Schools with a cushion the equipment repairs in need the weight rooms go through a lot of repairs High School Kids are hard on stuff. Thats the basic maintenance and repairs to facilities if it is not what it is lets not put it in there if it is repairs to equipment i understand i want to be clear who is some of the facilities are considered a scoreboard which facility it is the equipment it is a facility charge the backboard of the facilities court those things are countered facilities a type of building equipment not moveable equipment. Can we note it somewhere i just want those dollars used for facilities thats not the appropriate place a but understand if it is the category of all under i want it to say, i. E. , basketball or backboards so it is clear. Ill prepare a list youve been clear so we actually thats why i stood up here he had a sitdown with commissioner collins we spoke about this. Thank you. Absolutely laughter oh, stop it. Commissioner fewer thank you Vice President im thrilled the resources is getting an additional 90,000 to expand to another millionaire moifld it is fab is Academy Support one and 14 thousand so mr. Truett is that enough because we had a cow in that and all those ideas and so maybe you can respond i im sorry but one and 14 thousand is enough for one fte if even. The main thing for the personnel we as we implement and asking yes youll have a timeline of when the academy will be implemented perk up there by the end of may so youll have it for sure so you raised a good point heres the thing about the peace funds a level of specific outlet if you need this for materials or conspiracy what exactly do you need those those are the types of answers we dont need we really need we need the salesmen lets ask for the full amount of staff as a materials extra hours we know facilities charges and food and events stuff when we have to those meetings well use to the funding and get a better sensed we be able to put together a budget the problem because weve not done it putting a budget with the specifications that people need is not possible the one thing we know we need it staff okay. I was wondering one question is that reviewed by the cat and the cat given approval the second reading version has not been reviewed it is finalized today and yesterday we received the confirmation of the allocation, however, we have the two cochairs presents. Id like to hear from the cochair of the additional funds this was to the included in the original execution around the budget. Thank you landmarking it over the past couple of hours this was given to me today oh, thank you so much and sorry about that since i received those with only a couple of hours it falls within the preserves of what peace cat has established following the trends and guidelines to capture over the work on peace cca and also ive seen especially at galileo and other high schools theyve sewer planned a Personnel Fund for peace cca money and for the increases in the athletics increases i find that credible important because now more the pots for the schools to be able to take for their repairs and maintenance for the repairs to equipment it is very important other increases such to the pier resources and middle schools i know at any schools ive visited peer resource has a direct corestriction of acceptance at their school and see one more school site to have an opportunity at it site it captures the rec services as well. Wow, i think that youre here a snapshot you want to actually play on our website gnaws thats great. laughter . Thank you. Good evening commissioners superintendent as cochair my cochair mentioned that i think slufl with the new budget locations is in aligned with keeping the resources and reaching the students first and foremost our peace cca spoke of the reours and particularly looking how to further strengthen the programs at middle schools and this fund reaching the specific sites thank you cochair. Commissioner norton. So my question im really pleased to see the Additional Resources in story this is a great i see that positively but im i kind of want to understand how we prioritize what investments were make with new money i mean it is great weve got a lot more money than we thought 8 hundred odd thousands but it has been applied to things we didnt identify at cow and so while again, it is positive and i support the investment i want to understand the process of how we prioritize and define those are the things to invest in not a lot of input from the board of cat. So commissioner ill take the first stab and if mr. Fleming or deputy City Attorney there is an ongoing dialogue with the board and our communities around district priority work that has been captured the el cap and captured the resolutions the board has supported the environment around restoring the compliefk cultivate it is supporting the capacity and the direction to the lifetime vision zero we actually have a list of strategy work strains the board as articulated not only during the Community Members of the committee but an ongoing conversation of the direction of the district we regularly touchback to the list of priority work strands and the prelims of the work to create capacity and build capitalized in the district we also are cognizant of the feedback weve received from the board not only the committee as a whole but the Budget Committee and the exciting meetings curriculum meeting so what we try to continue to do as staff weave a narrative around the priorities that the board identified and we have heard from the board and from our communities quite frankly and continue moving the pride work forward quite frankly i think that as we get a few more peeps the coffers it really is for us as staff to bring the recommends to the board bans those previously identified priority stance those input from the various committees that voices the board as well i wouldnt see a scientific prosper say but i will say an eir active process that is very much ground on the input of community, the various siding and most definitely on what the board has articulated in terms of direction of the district. Okay. Well, i appreciate that i want to drawing your attention i mean, i mean that is the last hoivent of the priorities weve talked about in Budget Committee and i am expressing a little bit of concern here not because i dont think your investing the wrongs things but certainly is under the list ever Supportive Schools i want to express some concerns a number of provided weve spent a lot of the time if Budget Committee talking about the new monies i dont remember hearing from staff that was the priority and again, im not criticizing but it feels like a big church of money without any discussion about how to spend it by the board. So again totally finds that thats why we bring the elements to the board and we can justifies that in our current experience priorities will shift and right now that is an area that needs port so we have a responsibility to prioritize that spending based on the need that is maneuvered in the schools as we speak were happy to describe a little bit more why that happens but this really is strategize aligned with the school seats and educators it is not going to go through the vetting process but thats why you hire us to bring the feedback and recommendations to yo i have one other question specifically which schools Elementary Schools and which middle schools will be receiving the support. Sure as mr. Truett elaborates to builds on the superintendents comment under the realm of safe and supportive one of the areas from the School Communities clearly to continue focusing on a strong core academic and core program with the tier two support particularly in schools that are actively working towards a universal role we want to maintain some of the support that were put in place and maintain those not on and the elementary but support the middle schools as well. Commissioner Vice President walton. Hey. Yep. The Elementary Schools are tenderloin feinstein and flint and provider and dead man and lick and however off im sorry youre writing them im sorry so elementary tenderloin e r taylor and feinstein and flipt and francisco and gunman and lick, hover, and to be determined. As yet undetermined okay one of the things i want to say perhaps at this time you know right now the school sites are going to the budget process okay and their determining what they can actually afford to fund themselves last year, i partnered with dr. Blanco and said we need to at some of the schools the tier one supports are not strong my concerns some of the schools when our tier 3 or your high needs students are exhibiting the niece and your tier one is not in place there is fingerpointing one program and kids with unfairly targeted for creating some disharmony it is the whole tier one the school needs to be strong were not blaming one classroom so my sense of urgency with dr. Blanco do so lets make sure we are committed to showering up the tier one and elementary for this year and have a chunk of money to move to memorial day we cant do all the programs and have to develop a program with the Board Certified and so built a program of development and shore up but with the emergency room and the shore elementary said what about us this year were moving to the middle the plan is move to the Million Dollars and the Elementary School is wait, wait, wait dont go yet in their turning in their site budgets and asking for support thats where the volume way turned up as this time right now so when you say we didnt hear the plan to move the support to middle and the Elementary School and wait a second we cant use this yet this communication to both the deputies was what rachet up and put me in a place wait a second what shall we do they said oh, lets do this bans volumes. To make sure i understood it is really tier two support moving into tier 12 support for the elementary and the middle school. It is a combination of factors some of the schools are solidify Phil Ginsberg their coerce we want to make those our School Environments as welcoming as you know, making sure the to and from and learning is meeting the diversity and helping the educators but behavorial for some of the students in the programs. Superintendant. Sorry president haney if i can make one comment to address scomploernz reference to the chart we appreciate our paying attention to the chart. Yes. We love that and thats okay for the rest of the budget process but in light of the last couple of comments that were made i also want to make another connection to. Couple of items on the chart in case it was a little bit obscured we mentioned the safe and Charter Schools we see a strong nexus between safer schools and as superintendent truett mentioned a nucleus between the school sites budget as weve said theyre going through the planning process and the budgets are due friday the first two items Direct School locations and the process for for is resources are not f t 19tare part of information that the support they ask rile on as they develop their plans in your mind we saw the connection to the priorities the context of Site Planning that was clear we understand that the timing has been challenging because literally mr. Fleming and i were checking in hourly and did we get the official word from the Controllers Office have we gotten it have we gotten it were uncertain it will come in time for the second reading we read we regret the timing didnt leave the ideal amount of time to clarify all this we wanted to reinforce that we do think this is the clerk will take the roll connected with the multiple of the priorities on that chart thank you. Commissioner Vice President walton. Thank you president haney just a few things first, i think that one that is a testament as to what happens when you practice positive thinking laughter . And thats why we are not enjoying accepting the words i cant when you work hard and 80,000 falls out of the sky i think that is relevant in terms of was there as big chunk of people money and will not think of it as extra money but this will help us do a better job the classroom. Just one im definitely excited by the peer ours and e resources and be able to maintain the level of services that Martin Luther king and also being someone that sat in programs over the past year and hearing from the educators and hearing from the administrators and walk through being disheartened by some of the comments and statements of individuals that want to blame the students for what is happening the schools we adult need to find strategies to support our students they can be successful this will definitely help us and understanding the inexhibits that kind of across the programs so again, this is definitely something that im in support and excited to see the most vulnerable students happen to be from certain democrat grachz will get the support im excited where weve chosen the resources to provide the environment were decided the district so thank you for taking the time to listen to the feedback and make those quick decision i know that is not ideal over the course well like to weigh in and talk about where the resources go but i appreciate and want to reiterate what happens if we work towards well come up with a solution verse that is something we cant see are figure it out and Work Together to make things happen sometimes the work will be blessed so thanks. Commissioner wynns. I wanted to go back im happy about the more investments of peers i think that those are we actually think the on this way i can think about that that i find out a couple of hours ago were asked to make a decision those are probably good recommendations, however, i would like to have aetter way and one the things this is not the first time this as happens and the same as respectfully to all the staff the same thing is initiated the budget reviews and it seems like we have the budget process with recommendations that are good recommendations are the beginning budget recommendations and have Board Members that is a i like this and that and the next thinning the next thing i know those things are not in there what are the suggestions and traffics in what order to prioritize and weigh in and all of a sudden were going wait as you can see the report one board member asked for this and all of a sudden is it shows up and i dont you know were in an odd position of having to say well, i kind of like those things but not the way to do it so im hoping that both the budget process and as we do this for next year i want to say about the vaping pa discussion i find it nervous making that basically, were redoing rear reviewing the master plan until we kind of are not ready to decide forever investments well make which i know is true but you know im still as ive been saying for a couple of years state your name for the record, sir by this idea weve hired all those teachers and we dont have any more things available to students well im reading here that just the giveup of someone saying they dont center room we have colas classes are not room and take the schedule for the classes to repeat what weve put in place and essential we go back if washington were sewer planting and the schools are cut from their School Budget we were able to cut their own investments in art and musk teachers by the way, they were getting the peace money and kids dont have time to take the classes anyway so that all seems to has to shack out i think we need to side training with the principals and say what things have you cut youve for the restored by fund like pete to well need to be and aligned with the discussion were looking how kids can possibly take all the things we want them to take or on the verge saying you have to take those things so i think that im hoping when i can suggest we have a talk about the design of a process based on the processes weve gone through this year and prior years to make that budget better it seems to me we can have the peace cca and the board have a list of things we wanted to fund and what order well fund if we end up up getting more money this is our First Priority and the siding well comment but im sure there are plenty of other ideas about how we could get in workable knowing this situation were in not always one day yesterdays or today you find out u found out find out but, in fact, every year it is been speaking many or something that was so time sensitive not to have the deliberate process now a routine well look at it and discuss how to prepare and anticipate the way we know the funds is likely to happen and im i instance for example, will be convinced that we need to make more investments in things that are on the board list of priorities weve pass resolutions about were not investing enough in so not that i want us to ignore those things i want those things to be clearly integrated into the budgeting and thinking i dont think we have a process to do that it is kind of oh, yeah by the way, we did those things im hoping e hoping we can learn i have to say im kind of still and last i will want to say im sort of when the master plan is updated we go through the process im presuming that will have budget demands in that and not only more which is kind of what we, of course, hear that if everyone, everyone does noted more but more in a targeted way when we get more and maybe move dont invest but put it here instead so i do feel like the discussion here about the vaping pa were not ready but i want us to be reabe ready i hope that whatshername my questions how can we keep on hire lots more teachers and not structural Time Available to students and again in this were redesigning and working on the middle schools schedules and the high School Projects going on so im kind of supportive of this but also want to just sound a little warning we have to plan the upcoming years and not plan for exactly this to happen because we just know were not we know we wont know how much money well get before we make the decision so we all plan for things like this is our contingency plan and thank you to everybody for the work we just came back back if talking to people around the country and some in our own state we are saying to us question dont have this and that theyre looking for basic things to make school more effective for all their students and it is very hard we were quiet about that but for ourselves we feel so privileged and grateful we can say we have all those things because the jeopardy reiterate of the people of San Francisco so thank you very much. Dr. Murase. Permanently Patrol Officer fte where multi lingual complifrgs the three is wonderful and but i starred talking ill say a little bit and if dr. Stevens want to elaborate but several years as you may know there were in any pathways that were launched into the mr. Pilpal middle schools and were starting to see them going to high schools mr. Starr particularly with the middle schools we saw happening in a number of sites is that given that their sites budgets were no did changing aside as a result specifically of the pathways per say they were creating additional sections they were expected to create additional sections of the language pathways at the same time, they had same funding to cover their existed electives for music we saw in some cases the sites had to sort of trade off they had to in order to create the sections the languages pathways had to reduce some sections for visual and professionalism arts as we saw that pattern took place in a number of sites we were also seeing increases in the funding from peace for the virtual of professionalism arts in a limited number of cases not across the board but a selective basis we saw some of the Spending Plans for peace was for the p funding to priority protected fund for the arrested sections to the sites would not have to you know in a way can only whether i see their art sections

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