All other members of the commission are present. The next order of business is item 2, announcements. The next regular scheduled meeting will be held on march 21 2017 at 1 pm room for 16 good item b announcement of prohibition of some Electronic Devices during the meeting. These, be advised the ringing and use of cell phones pagers and similar sound producing Electronic Devices are prohibited at the meeting. These, be advised through chairman nehru ordered the removal from the meeting room of any sound producing Electronic Devices. C announcement of time allotment for comment. These be advised the member has up to 3 min. To make Public Comment on the agenda item unless the Commission Adopts a short period on any arrogant strongly recommended members of the public who wish to address the commission the loud speaker card so that the completed part that commission secretary. The next order of business item 3, report of actions taken on previous closed session meeting if any. Theres no reportable actions. The next order of business is item 4, matters of unfinished business. Theres no matters of unfinished business. The next order of business is item 5, matters of new business consisting of consent and regular agenda. First Consent Agenda 58 approval of minutes february 7, 2017 mdm. Vice chair mdm. Sec. To have any speaker cards for this item queen i do not since we dont have anyis there anyone who like to speak on these items and see mr. James over there . For the next one. Okay. Hearing none, no request to speak on them up close Public Comment and ill turned to my commissioner fellow Commission Members for the comments and questions . No questions . To have a is there a motion . So moved. Second. So the motion to approve the minutes of february 7, 2017 has been moved by commissioner bustos and seconded by commissioner singh. Mme. Sec. Please take a piece roll call pimentel aye bustos aye singh aye mondejar aye the vote is for aye and one absent okay. The motion carries. Im secretary please call the next item nextdoor businesses regular agenda fivebe authorizing a permanent loan but i will square this lp in amount not to exceed 12 12,986,000 for low income Family Rental housing house griffith Public Housing site 2000 release walker dr. And updated replacement housing plan in adopting environmental funding pursuant to the California Environmental quality act bayviewHunters Point the Development Project area. Discussion and action resolution number 112017. Mme. Interim directors good afternoon commissioners through the chair at this is phase for of the house griffith redevelopment. One other note youve approved a predevelopment loan on this item as well as the Schematic Design and this is just the next phase in that process. We have jeff white here whos the Program Manager will be presenting and we also of the Development Team for any audience as well. Thank you director sesay. Again jeff white housing Program Manager. This item is related to the four phase of the redeveloped of the house griffith Public Housing should also give a brief update on the progress on the first three phases. House griffith has been redeveloped as part of the oss Initiative Im presenting for a list be the Senior Development specialist whos out of the office of a brief leave. Youve seen her before on many previous house griffith items. As you know, hope sf is a multisector initiative with the goal of eradicating generational poverty. The initiative to rebuild four of San Franciscos most socially isolated Public Housing communities including house griffith into vibrant mixed communities and reconnect them to their neighborhoods and the greater city. Per the terms of the dda, ocii has five point will complete the horizontal infrastructure related to Alice Griffith. Five points predecessors selected mccormick born and salazar to develop the Affordable Housing in Alice Griffith. In addition to ocii and five point the house griffith revitalization team members include the Mayors Office of housing and community development, ocd with the mayors hope sf team the San Francisco Housing Authority whose a current owner and operator of house griffith, and then urban strategies whos implementing the social Service Program at Alice Griffith. Our Nonprofit Development partners for faces 13 sorry, one in three are [inaudible] and phases two and four is Tabernacle Community development corporation. As you know, the Housing Authority received a 30. 5 million Choice Neighborhoods Initiative grants also known as a seeing eye implementation grant the Us Department of housing and urban development. 221. 3 5 million of the grant was for construction of the new units. Maynard is for services and community improvements. See an eye funds are being used on the first three phases of the house griffith with the first three phases in construction we are on schedule to meet the seeing eye deadline. The Current Development plan has Alice Griffith and redeveloped in six phases on the seven lots. The new Alice Griffith development would include oneforone replacement of all of the 256 Public Housing units was the additional of 248 new affordable units. Tax credit units. The first three phases are on the three large blocks around a religious water which are adjacent to the existing Public Housing. Phases one and two are currently under construction in both phases are due to be completed by the end of next month. Block one at a really us walker and carol is phase 3 and thats started construction in february of 2016 and on schedule to be completed in november of this year. Once the Public Housing policeman units have been built the Housing Authority will transfer vacated land 25 point two develop proper for development is markedly inclusionary workforce housing. In october 2014 the Commission Approved a master agreement that governs these Land Transfers and resulting site reconfiguration. This slide shows a description of the types of units and incomes served for all components of the new development. There are categories of the affordable units which includes Public Housing replacement and tax credit units and those will serve 50 ami and below. They are also 279 workforce and inclusionary units which will primarily serve families between 120160 ami. Consistent with the purpose of principles to minimize displacement residence main on site during construction. The construction of the Housing Units will be faced with the new units being constructed before any housing is demolished. The development is plans of the residents will likely only have two [inaudible] move once to new units. All existing tenants will have the opportunity to up up up occupy the new units. Housing authority is responsible for implementation of the relocation plan and five point pays all the local relocation cost. The Services Program at Alice Griffith and hope sf sites is being overseen by the mayors hope sf team to urban strategies has been providing Onsite Services to residents at alice since 2010 to ensure they would be able to participate formally in the planning of the new development and to ensure that theyre able to be successful once they move there. Currently, support services onsite have been funded primarily by the seeing eye grant. C and i grant. The Alice Griffith degree of almonds probably support in the community. Alice griffith inclusion in the Hunters Point shipyard at Candlestick Point, page phase to come up project resulted in extensive public review with hundreds of meetings since 2007. Both the Hunters Point shipyard Citizens Advisory Committee and the former bayviewHunters Point project Area Committee supported a larger project that and Alice Griffiths revitalization. It continues to support the Alice Griffith project. Alice griffith its up as an active Tenant Association and about a team along with urban strategy am ocd hope sf and oc site staff meet regularly with both groups. Given the extreme habitability problems that cant exist at the site Alice Griffith tenants showing strong support for the sites revitalization. As you heard when you approve the Schematic Designs for phases 13 they been very involved in the design and opponent process for the new Alice Griffith. As i mentioned phases 13 are under construction to these phases have 306 units with 207 units being public and hoping housing replacement units. Nbs urban strategies [inaudible] tabernacle and sf Housing Authority have been working with residents for the past several months to move the new Public Housing replacement units next month and in early may. The Development Team of ocii staff also began early outreach for the new affordable units in phase 3 earlier this year with the approval of an early outreach plan in january the mailing to coc holders and february of this year, last month. In july two rental readiness workshops for cop holders will behold so the be ready when the application process begins in september. Ive a few slides they give an update on sp Small Business enterprise and workforce goals. We have really strong numbers on the professional services you can see 80 Small Business enterprise. 70 San Francisco sbe, 47 minority owned businesses and 7 minority and Women Owned Businesses and 6 Women Owned Businesses. Construction and supplies similarly numbers. 54 Small Business 47 San Francisco Small Businessim percent minority owned business,. 1 minority and Women Owned Business and 2. 1 Women Owned Businesses. In your packets there aretheres a bios of these local businesses working on Alice Griffith. For construction and workforce to date on phases onethree you have the numbers on this slide. Phase 1 is 36 San Francisco, 19 w Hunters Point and 56 minority. 5 women phase 233 San Francisco 70 bayviewHunters Point and 57 minority. At 3 women. Phase 3, 34 San Francisco im a 14 babies hundred. 56 minority and 5 women. Today were asking for your approval of several items related to phase 4 of Alice Griffith. On the map phase 4 is the wedlock on the slide. To give you some context. Theres also some information on future neighborhood amenities in transit in and around the site. Block five was originally part of a larger phase for good luck five is now available for development but the next twothe next other phases in phase 4 among blocks eight and 14 will be available for several years. As a result, by moving block five into phase 4 and living forward with the project now, it allows the delivery of some tax credit units that were previously planned. The Development Team decided to shift the block five unit mix so that four and five units not needed for Public Housing replacement were changed to smaller units sizes one and two bedroom units and resulted in an increase unit count at block five. That was in part related to the current household composition of alice which has skewed toward smaller household sizes. As household competitions compositions change over time the Development Team continues to look at the household sizes in preparation for the Alice Griffith phases one to be based on the current household sizes abided by the Housing Authority pays for split between Public Housing replacement and new affordable units with further updated and therefore a need for as theres a need for more smaller units. So this slide shows the split between Public Housing replacement units and new affordable units at predevelopment loan approval and compares it to the proposed new mix your staff recommends allowing the second director of ocii and the director of ocd to approve a further shift up into the time of the close of the Construction Financing based on the needs of the existing residence at the time. We will have more information at the time because folks love in moving into alice one and two. The developer is now requesting a gap funding commitment for construction in order to up like for [inaudible] for the 4 loan tax credits and the tax exempt bond financing. The maximum ocii loan amount for the project will be 12 million . 986 thousand and we hope to have a term of 55 years and an Interest Rate of 3 . With the Authority Given to the executive director of ocii and the direct of ocd to prove a decrease down to zero or send as a part of the final Financial Plan for the project if one or both of these phases require a lower Interest Rates remain compliant with the irs requirements. The final action for your approval this afternoon is the updated replacement housing plan. The current 256 units at Alice Griffith are mix of 12 and three bedrooms excuse me one, two, three, 45 adam units. The Public Housing replacement will be to an 56 units also including all the bedroom sizes but the exact unit mix will reflect the unit size needs of the existing residence in among the existing residences greater need for one, two, three and bedroom units the lesser need for four and five bedroom units. However, pursuant to the Community Redevelopment law crl section 33415. 5 of the California Health and safety code, we are required to rebuild the exact unit number and mix. I will call these crl replacement units of the new tax credit units. For example we are building fewer fourbedroom Public Housing replacement units to reflect the existing household composition. We are still propagated to build [inaudible] bedroom units. In april 2014 the Commission Approved replacement housing plan. For the first three phases of development of alice and no demolition will occur at Alice Griffith prior to the completion of the first three phases. We currently anticipate the demolition to begin in 2018 and be complete to like 2020. The crl new tax credit placement units we built onsite at the new Alice Griffith developed and on to your bike 100 of ford housing parcels at candlestick, 1180 and 108. The affordable the levels of these units will be set at or below the affordable the level of the existing units. This slide shows replacement units being built in the first three years of the purposes of crl requirements. When the first three phases when these three phases are complete by the end of 2017 ociis obligation to build 12 and three bedroom units will be met and exceeded. In total 303 units at or below the affordability of the existing units will have been built. But we will still need to provide 50 fourbedroom units and 16 five bedroom units. Here is the updated plan which addresses ociis intention to fulfill this obligation. We will be providing 10 of the fourbedroom units and three of the five bedroom units required by crl in phase for which we started construction in july it will be providing five of the fourbedroom units and one of the five bedroom units in the nearby candlestick 10811a good reminder of the units we placed in the last two phases of Alice Griffith. Thank you these phases is not complete unto the extent a sufficient number four and five bedroom units are not included in the [inaudible] staff will update the plan antenna by other sites within ociis jurisdiction for purposes of fulfilling crl replacement housing obligations. Before i finish, id like to review the project schedule. Later this month the developer will be submitting an application for allocation for taxexempt bond financing. Alone Income Housing tax credits. Construction is expected to start in july of this year and will be completed in october of 2018. So that wraps up my presentation for you today. Before we take Public Comment and questions i like to introduce a key members here today. If you want to stand or raise your hand, we have [inaudible] was president of the Alice Griffith tenants association. Daniela gravelle with mccormick and salazar. Paulinewith nbs, and use of freeman also nbs. And dr. James mcrae. Thank you. Andfrom five point and all other davis from five point. He is not here. Okay. Elizabeth chilton with San Francisco Housing Authority. Lisawith them ocd hope sf. In isaacwith urban strategies. Thank you. Thank you mr. White. Adam sec. To we have any speaker cards . I have three speaker cards. [calling Public Comment cards] commissioners, im Terry Anderson anderson foundation. Communitybased organization that works with exoffenders. Men and women in and out of drug rehab. Living in district 10. My question is that i would like to have an understanding if there will be Community Benefit money for organizations such as Anderson Anders works with exoffenders but exoffenders in the city of San Francisco percent of what largest concentration in district 10. We know how they represent Public Housing. So, my Mission Statement is, to break the cycle of recidivism is through job opportunities. Now here we are affording the rebuilding of Public Housing projects. How many of these people will be afforded the opportunity to work on this particular project we, the Community Organizations within district 10 will be afforded Financial Support to be able to support clients within the projects . So it is within my preview that i am before you to ask that other organizations that arts also have an interest in this particular area, as far as the men and women to live in Public Housing as well as in the area, be given an opportunity to work with the clients. Also i would like to be i have it put on notice, why cant the residence be given a financial incentive of having their rent paid as a part of the ability to purchase these units so they can be part of this project . Instead of always having to deal with being renters . Why cant we have money that they are paying for the rent go towards a Purchase Agreement so they can deal with having ownership within these units . It is time to be able to recognize if youre just want to tear down a unit and build a new unit and have them still as renters, they are not gaining any financial asset. As you have dealt withthank you. Thank you. O james risen of bayviewHunters Point. 19 city to i remember when it first opened Alice Griffith projects. They look nice then but years afterwards they found out Community Found out, that the materials they used were third grade materials. Why those buildings started tearing down like they did. Way before this particular development that were threestory buildings there that they had to tear down in the Alice Griffith projects. What i hope is with this development, they use grade 8 material. I support the project 100 and i also ditto on what Terry Anderson before me spoke on. But i think it is time to train some of those residents inhouse griffith to be landlords and also have opportunities when they build these different facilities in Alice Griffith may start [inaudible] trained those people in those housing projects to be able to work in the Childcare Centers and work in the Different Stores and store ownership of the community , or this committee or city should invest in the tenants so they become selfsustaining, have opportunities to pay the rent, because if you dont have a job you cant pay your rent. Thats for everybody and anybody but i just hope that this project helps the community more than just having low Income Housing can help them to become selfsustaining and viable citizens indeed bayviewHunters Point community. We need that badly. Thank you very much. Thank you mr. James. The cards good afternoon my name is [inaudible], resident of Alice Griffith and im excited for the project coming up. I am a mother of seven and three grill to grandchildren so i support the project im involved in it so please, thank you so much for listening to the project coming out because ive great relationship with the people that [inaudible] they show us the opportunity and i see its coming. Right now, im enough fourbedroom and i encourage a lot of people when the fourbedroom is available, go forward. Tomorrow is not a promise that this is a great opportunity and i think all of the colleagues that came out and showed us opportunities for bringing dont like to the Alice Griffith. God bless everybody. Thank you. [calling Public Comment cards]the commissioners my name is alan norman pres. Of bayview merchants association. BayviewHunters Point. Resident for over 70 years. And im coming before you. Im in favor of the project, too, but the way it stands with you guys sitting up here, getting your little reports from these people that work for you and looking at papers and stuff and not really knowing whats going on in the community, you need to start walking the walk and doing something other than just talking the talk because all you do is set up here and talk about what youre going to do but you dont do nothing. You talk you dont walk. You dont do none of that. You dont do nothing about contractors out there being driven and going brock because of certain contractors that you and the developer himself are allowed to work out there and cause people to go bankrupt and everything because the laws on the books that you are supposed to reinforce to make sure that people out there who are Business People get treated fairly. You could not come out to try to enforce them. We are in favor of the project but not as far as it being administered. The way its administered and the way youre overseeing it anything. The owner can come to you at any time for anything and you will go ahead and give it to us but you never want to find out how the Business People live in bayviewHunters Point got down. Did all [inaudible] city hall and everywhere else to bring this project out there and then this new five point thing and this fivepoint thing is not a good deal for nobody. First was [inaudible] back to change their name because the reputation is so bad out in the community could they change from benard to five point and so you can go out there Shopping Centers just like the one in walnut creek. Isnt nobody became walnut creek money. So how are we supposed to get [inaudible] and Everybody Knows that going out there and looking at the construction and the layout of the different buildings out there those houses are not being built for anybody who resides in bayviewHunters Point. Those are billed for the yuppies that youre bringing in from other places. But give us an opportunity to work on the project then if we work on a project you want to make sure that we get paid. We just want to set up and have us come down here complaint you every week and you sit on your duff and not do anything. Talk about having a meeting that is not on the happen because youre too lazy to come here and help some people that cant help themselves because they put all the responsibility so all you have to do is say, yes, we are doing this and dont do nothing. Thank you mr. Norman. [calling Public Comment cards] good afternoon commissioners. I name is mindy kanner. I work with andrews and anders peer i got a call yesterday from a young lady who was incarcerated whiz from Alice Griffith and she wants to get back in her unit. She needs 781, tools, were close, and theres nowhere to go to help people with [inaudible] this is something that comes up every day in Public Housing. You need to set aside money for barrier removal. Its very easy to incarcerate people, 60,000 a year and its very difficult to get 1000 to put someone to work. So i implore you to look at some budget budgetary money to appease him and women up in these Public Housing units to get back to work. They want to go to work. They see it happening outside their door every day that they see people going to work. They have barriers to employment that, to me, 1000 can help somebody is not very much money. Incarcerating them is a lot more difficult. Thank you. Thank you. Do we have any more speaker cards . No more speaker cards. Okay. Drano for the request to speak on this item i will close Public Comments. I now turn to my fellow Commission Members for their comments and questions. Yes, commissioner singh theres a four bedroom and five victim who gets [inaudible] on those what is the requirement . Yes. What to get a five bedroom hold tousled bedroom size would be the household 1. The minimum size household for a four bedroom would be five people. What is the end for that . The rent . I can tell you that. Just a second. Daniela from nbs knows the answer below, with the developer. So there are two types of units here. For returning Public Housing residents they require 30 of their income up to a certain rent. I dont have that on me but its a low rent for a 45 bedroom unit. When are you going to have it . I dont have it with me right now. Basically these are for tenants who make up to 50 of the area median and the computer is also just tax credit rent tax credit units that are for residents in the general public look onto a lottery process. There are no five bedrooms for those residents but the four bedroom rent is 1454 per someone who makes 50 of the area median income. Thats very low income. They can afford 1400 a month . These are federally set rents. For people who are under that. One other question. The Interest Rate is 3 . That is correct. 3 [inaudible] for how long . They said it between 30 as a result of negotiations with a tax credit investor. They sometimes need a lower Interest Rate to limit the losses and to ensure that compliance with irs regulations are met. Is 55 years right . That is correct. Thats the term it just a long . Yes. Its just a long. Thank you. Commissioner pimentel i the question on [inaudible] what are the relocation costs and what is the process reviving the relocation for the tenants . Okay. On the return to Elizabeth Tilton at the Housing Authority to address that. What are the relocation costs and then what is the process for relocating the tenants . So the relocation costs . Relocation costs for the tenants, unit . Yes. The relocation of us are mitigated by the Housing Authority. We cover theeach resident will have an option whether they want a self allowance and that is a fixed allowance fee thats determined by the federal hwy. , association. And if you would like i can give you those amounts. So for one bedroom apartment its considered three rooms furnished that would be 1165. For a twobedroom apartment which is for rooms finished would be 1375. 83 bedroom again two additional rooms furnished is 1665. A four bedroom apartment is 1925. A five bedroom apartment is 2215 and then it goes up to eight rooms furnished and thats 2505 and each additional room furnished is considered to an 65. Now with the Alice Griffith site there are no units that are over five bedroom that would be the cap. Again fivepoint covers those costs and then they also have the option of a commercial mover in the commercial mover is provided by the Housing Authority the Housing Authority pays the commercial moving company directly. So there is no cap. You had another question, sorry . Commissioner bustos so i dont know if its a question or comment. Mr. Norman has come up and said a lot about the work that we are trying to do here. As you know mr. Norman we been trying really really hard to do what is right by redeveloping did wrong. Im a little concerned about the comments. I think the project itself is worth approving and moving forward. However, we been through this road before the contract is not being treated correctly. I know we try to talk about that so maybe we need to revisit that conversation did mr. Norman we could go to bayview. We had a meeting in february in the community which is something that i was very proud that we did. Because its about going out and being with people that maybe we need to do Something Else because if theres concerned about how people are being treated, especially the contractors that we have pushed so hard that we pushed the developers quite a bit, i think and i think weve done a good job of making sure that the developers, whether it be lennar, five point whatever name they want to use, or even mbs, that was about really making sure that it was a lifting everybody up. Now if theres an issue about how people are being paid and how smaller contractors are being treated than that something we need to have a serious discussion about once again with confidence that our interim director could help us do Something Like that is i think its something thats serious. He did not push to have it so that Small Businesses go bankrupt. That was not our intention at all. Let me finish. Our intention was to make sure that we lift up the community that its a winwin for everybody. But if there still issues going on that i think we need to take a look at that in a very serious way and bring in our attorneys, bringing other folks to say lets take a look because its not the spirit, its not part of the spirit of what we were trying to do here as a commission. The latter part of reed obama wins existing to now ocii. So going back to the project, this particular project, mbs you were hearing what has been a concern so i hope you take to heart some of that and i hope you take to heart some of the issues around how we invest in the people especially the residence of Alice Griffith. So Long Time Coming and i hope that we are able to do right by them but i think the project itself is something that should go forward. The other issues will definitely take a look at it i think you have the commitment of all of us here including our chairwoman commissioner rosales to take a look at it. So its not necessarily a question. More of a comment of this project and of the issues surrounding get so thank you. Thank you commissioner bustos. I do have a couple of questions. I also support this project and i just need some clarification because you earlier said there were like 45 bedrooms and so my understanding is whenever the existing configuration of the buildings, how many one bedroom, two bedrooms, 45 bedrooms left replace it the equivalent replacement. Yet at the same time i understand that there was some survey done that there will be less five bedrooms and less for bedrooms. So i just need to clarify how was the conversion of that and why would they changed . Sure. I will address that. Theres one way to think about it is this to him or talk about replacement units this two types of replacement units. So one is the replacement the oneforone replacement of the Public Housing units. So for every units that is being demolished eventually to be a replacement unit. But those units will be replaced with the appropriate unit size thats required by the household. In other words over time, i can right now there are some units in the existing Alice Griffith that are you could say folks are over house. There might be two people in a four bedroom should i dont know if thats an exact number, but what you say as an example. The ideas of the Public Housing replacement units thats based onis every the same number 256 units but the configuration of 12, three, four, five bedrooms is based on the existing need of the household thats in place at the time. That is something that is continuing to change because people have lives and get married, died, have kids, etc. So the household compositions are possibly changing. So that is the Public Housing replacement unit and then on top of that, or in addition we have the Community Redevelopment law requirement that we replace a unit, the same composition of the units that we demolished. So if we demolished for bedrooms we need to replace four bedroom units. That would be in that example, lets say you only have a need for 24 bedroom units pursuant to what is in the Public Housing right now at Alice Griffith, then he would only build two of those Public Housing replacement units. Does that yes. Right now a family has five bedrooms and then you are assessing the need of this family that has five bedrooms and a are now down to three or four. So you are saying you convert the five bedrooms two Public Housing replacement unit would be for the upcoming nokia five bedrooms and it be something appropriate to the current household size. So what happens to the other within the five bedrooms now down to two bedrooms . You have to build another three, one bedrooms . As a replacement week we would have to build five bedrooms somewhere else and i would be a tax credit unit we would build in cases five or six of alice or what we are also doing is putting some of those cra placement units to the projects in candlestick. So not necessarily at the Alice Griffith b was that is right. It can be any of the areas where ocii has jurisdiction but that would be it could be transbay can it be missionary or to be the shipyard. Okay. Thank you, jacket just to recap us do things we are ensuring that all the existing households that house griffith will get house so the bedroom size of the needs their needs and on top of that were going ahead and ensuring that the exact unit mix is going to be also built through ocii funded projects. So both needs are being met. People are there today will get their needs met in house now at Alice Griffith on top of that we are ensuring the unit sizes that were originally built a unit of Alice Griffith back in the day of being replicated in either out house griffith or to the extent they dont need that because of the household size we will incorporate them in her portfolio going for. At the current residents understand this week of the current residents are having thereagain sometimes these terms are used interchangeably but relocation. And replacement units. So Alice Griffith residents are being relocated into a new Alice Griffith units that is size to their household. Separately in your package you have a replacement housing plan which has to do with just a physical replacement of unit sizes may be at Alice Griffith or maybe elsewhere but isnt tied to the People Living in those units today. They are being taken care of through the relocation plans the Housing Authority and the funding you heard about earlier. So the people are beingtheir needs are being met so the exact unit size when removing and then we are also placing the unit mix in our portfolio in general. So it sort of were meeting to needs to Alice Griffith and other projects. Is that clear . That make sense, thank you for that. Okay. Lets see. I think i may have one more question. We are close Public Comment but it looks likecan we open it up . Is your discretion to do so but you are right public testimony is close. So we can open it. But me if theres any more questions. I think those are the questions i had. So we are going to open Public Comment. State your name. We thank you so much my name is [inaudible] i just want to open up to that question that you say, yes but like i said im on for bedrooms but on educating a lot of people because sometimes your household changes so what we want to doim very involved in the community a lot and educate a lot of the residents. Sometimes i dont need a four bedroom. Down the line the kids move on and all that stuff right now, im for bedrooms. Ive six children. My parents live with me. I feel like i should be in a five bedroom. So the more you are in a five bedroom of course your rent is going to go higher. Thats why i like this what were doing right now. To educate them. Sometimes you dont needthats why things happen. You dont need a four bedroom. Some people they live in five bedrooms and its only three or two. I dont judge but i educate a lot of residents because the higher your bedroom the more money you pay the electricity and all that stuff. So thats why i believe they are not down [inaudible] with a educate them, do you really need this . We dont do anything behind doors. Im very educated to the community. Because we are people. We want to do the project so they can understand. So they can come to the community of a lot of things happen is you dont live there. I am very involved in the community, educates residents not even talk to them in the level they were at. Thats why i bring it up because we Work Together with [inaudible] writer and i ask questions i think for you bringing that question because anything could happen. Anybody i want that bedroom but i only talked the residents. Its a four bedroom is ready go for it. We been waiting for these years and years and years. I am excited. Im excited. Thats why im involved so let him know, he yesterday is gone. It doesnt matter whose names but youve got to represent who you are to the community and i love where im at and i think you guys for listening to what i say and god bless you guys. Thank you. One more comment. Again my name is Terry Andrews of anderson and his foundation and him and speak again to the availability of people or renting and when you tear down these units they come back being renters but youve already demonstrated in west point carried down units allow people to purchase units. Renters should be able to be given the lease with the option to buy. Renters, when will they be able to have participation of ownership unless they are given the opportunity to do with some creativity on financing . If you tear down. And they come back as units menu tear down other peoples units than they are able to purchase units renters have been left out and people throughout our city are coming to this particular area of this potato district for home purchases. Throughout the city. So people who live in these units they should be given the option with the lease to buy in these units. That has been dealt with and at no time. Since we are consulate building objects in Public Housing, these People Living renters all their lives one generation after another should be given the opportunity or purchase. Why should everybody else but the city, peer who want this for years and now they are up there and the poor folks they still are winners. What is wrong with this picture . It does not at all. Thank you. Are there any other questions . Fellow commissioners . Okay. Its very difficult. The woman is saying she has six children and 2 pounds. How much money do you need to afford 14 in the rent. It just a comments. Not a question. I do have one more question. It was raised earlier about Community Benefits. Whether a Community Benefits that an implanted with this project or is it more like the whole . I know we approved the committee benefit package the last meeting. Well, the Alice Griffith project is part of larger Hunters Point shipyard phase 2 in Candlestick Point project and certainly we think the key Community Benefit bringing her abydos vitalist Alice Griffith developed this neighborhood but in and of itself there are a variety of services and things coming along the choice neighborhood grants but thats really revolves around this project in general. I dont know of anything elseim not sure theres anything else that would be an extra. Again this is one part of the larger project which is as you mentioned in reference theres a larger Community Benefits plan by the master developer but this project before you today is just the Alice Griffith phase for itself and its just following that project approval path. The Alice Griffith theyre all rentals . Yes. Because the Public Housing units are rental units and the new tax credit units are also rental units which is consistent with a Financing Mechanism that we have with low Income Housing tax credit. The units are required to be rental. Okay. Thank you. Okay. We have a motion to move. A motion to move was made by commissioner bustos second bite commissioner pimentel. Madame sec. Please call roll call commissioner pimentel aye bustos aye singh aye mondejar 20 good commissioner rosales is absent the boat is for aye and one absent. Call the next item item over six of the common on nonagenda items. Madame vice chair we have any speaker cards for this item . Yes. I have one. Oscar james. Good afternoon again. Oscar james. I do know how many of you saturday attended the lack cuisine in bayviewHunters Point but it was a marvelous turnout. We have a lot of people from the community and from the city that participated. I was in the vip portion of the black cuisine and all of our food went and everyone loved it and liked it but i just hope they made a lot of money for the black cuisine. One of the main things i got up for is when wewhen i first [inaudible] and we were relocated out of joint housing up the hill we got 4500 for relocation with a certificate of preference. One of things we started with joint housing. I dont know if Alice Griffith can do that work know, but it should be away possible for them to do get some type of assistance for down payment assistance to buy those homes out of Alice Griffith. A lot of those people live in those projects all their lives. They pay rent. The old projects we are paying 50 something 59. But from 1944 until the 1968 when they took over those houses, we, as a young people at that time talked with Justin Herman and the hon. [inaudible] and cut at 4500 and [inaudible] the navy also put some of that money together. We encourage a lot of people at that particular time to buy homes i was one of them who bought a home back then and what my home cost the den and what it would cost you know i would not be able to afford living there. But those peoples were living in the projects when i was living in the projects in the 40s and what have you. They pay for those units. Its one thing to keep going from paying rent, paying rent, paying rent to not have an opportunity to buy and stay in your community thats what we really need out in bayviewHunters Point. For all of our renters both in potrero hill, artie street projects, all of them should be able to purchase and own homes. So maybe some kind of way you can you guys can look into that and make it come to be a reality. Thats all i have to say. Thank you very much. Thank you mr. James. I like this commission. Thank you. Do we have any more speaker cards no other cards lets call the next item i will close the Public Comment is closed. All the next item nextdoor a business item 7 report of the chair. Madame vice chair. So the vice chair doesnt have a report. Nextdoor to businesses item 8 report of the interim executive director mme. Interim director. Okay. Next item please next order of business is item 9 commissioners questions and matters. Madame vice chair commissioners, do you have any questions or comments . Good job. [laughing] thank you commissioner singh. Okay

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