Commissioner lee commissioner joseph commissioner moshoyannis commissioner caminong commissioner president tan we have quorum we were right given notice that commissioner frost and ohio the first item a Public Comment on any item pertainably to the straefks you dont see agendize any. New if so it later youll come later but something you dont see on the agenda but we need to know this is your chance not seeing any, Public Comment is closed. Item 2 a review and that places you under from august 18th and september 15th i believe there is one change commissioner lee would like to point out and make tuesday september 15th item e the restaurant i recused myself i voted yes, please correct that did you catch it crystal any other edits or changes inform either set of minutes . If not happy to entertain and motion because i was absent one and not the other maybe split them. The motion id like to make a motion to bifurcate the minutes. Second. A motion to beautify commissioner moshoyannis sxhoig commissioner president tan all right. Lets go ahead and take the first one which was august 18th i move to approve. Second. There is a motion and a second any Public Comment on the minutes all right. Lets take a vote. Commissioner lee commissioner joseph commissioner moshoyannis abstain sxhoig commissioner president tan the motion passes lets move on to september 15, 2015. I move to approve. Second. A there is a motion and a second with the corrections made earlier any Public Comment . . All right. Seeing none, lets vote commissioner lee commissioner joseph commissioner moshoyannis commissioner caminong commissioner president tan. That motion passes too so the minutes are set thank you very much lets move on to item 3 the report from the executive director and our staff. Good evening commissioners a few things to report on the first under the heading of the legislative update is a new piece of legislation i have one copy here we know send anyone a copy if they want it was introduced les last tuesday but supervisor wieners it has a substantial reform to a Ab School Committee it stands for the enter departmental staff on transportation the body it meets to close streets and so as i said for years weve been a seated member on ab scott and it is being examined and this legislation will pretty much make some reforms and in a nut shell youll accepted to anyone it is keeps ab school would on the mta thats the deal the membership remains, however, they are in this legislation requiring all the agencies that do sends members send specific members that are supposed to attend the same members, if you will, of the same department not who is available it also adds for seats four seats to whom are folks recommended to bikes and pedestrian issues that have not been represented and seat 10 is a understanding the perspectives of the Entertainment Commission industry appointed by the board of supervisors and the seat 11 is organizing a temporary event appointed by the board of supervisors it is age different it is typical been staff leveled bureaucrats sittings around talking about the kinds of permits required once a ceqa is the key as a rule sort of overlay of the Commission Like appointment process although ross are not chapter commissions seats they do go through appointment in the rules committee and sit as volunteers essentially no monetary pay back but it is interesting it is sort of maybe weighs heavily so people understand the activities going on in the streets like fairs and festivals youre smiling. I love it. It is very interesting and also requires minutes to be kept and quorums to be met and annual report to be issued it is asking for more affordability i think essentially and it is requires there to be a new chair at least every 5 years so it is in its thirty day wait period and likely heard anothers gao or something ill keep the commission informed and as far as those two new seats well be asked for input in terms of folks predicament for those seats. A quick question did supervisor wieners office identify a problem or series of problems that that was somehow adding. Yes. It is a simple answer and im bet if you explicit talk about it at introduction hell do see when it is the First Committee hearing as far as that it is certainly some discomfortable in his office about coming two consistence would respect to other outcomes again weve been sitting for years on it and sent consistent members to it and you know everyone has a different opinion that is the best thing to say at this point so any event it is interesting i dont know from the ends will impact events but there you have it. I wanted to give the Commission Age followup it on the last concert at at t we spent quite a few of the of times ac dc was september 25th ii dont know if anyone heard that the precisely outcome we received 10 complaints through 311 and directed to the office just about the same pretty sure kind of outstanding twhern told we didnt get the details but the giants send the specifics around the hotline the number was 40 calls to the hotline 5 of these were the media so there was a lot of outreach done per the permit conditions in addition, we as an agency set up our own next door account so we could push this information out i think the giants worked extra hard and had consultation were waiting for the outcome of that charles consultation but maybe it was noticed maybe they did something to tweak the sound we dont know but not a bad outcome the neighborhood heard it no question but we didnt have a repeat of bouncing that was what i was hoping for. When the ones it came in were the same that came in billy joel. I didnt compare i dont know the answer it is the same neighborhood not necessarily the same people. Okay. So i believe that the balance the concert this year if i see any other public concerts we would have heard by now but next year be back no doubt a ballot measure regarding a the points i can hear the concert if you want to go to a concert so development and live potentially happened based on the outcome of the november election so things will change pretty rapidly. Do we know how much housing it as mixed use is isnt it. Yes. It is a retail. I think it is not 0 residential. May not be a residential but hotel use substantial going to be really interesting okay moving on i want to update the commission on the parklet policy section that began unfortunately at the at t a meeting with robin he get ill so well reschedule i mean, ill come back with similar information on that ill skip over the transit update ill call up bonito give you an update we started hand 80 that out thank you ive given this update to the folks just hand those out on the pipeline project so the chapter one 16 weve completely that and let the commission know well have successfully just want the department and the first letters are out in the pipeline on september 29th is this is a copy of one of them if youre interested basically hundred projects in the pipeline that needs project sponsor to communicate with our Department Three hundred feats of the within the treatment and hopefully those project sponsors will be notified and the clock will be ticking and well determine by our policies whether were here them at committee or no need to do that that is good news thats moving ahead oh, yes, so lastly for me, i think im not sure i did this the last meeting but a presentation about the Entertainment Commission two weeks ago ago i think that was and it was interesting we hadnt done a lot of collaboration with the Arts Commission were not they think were the Film Commission were not but in some cases dont know what we do it is a good experience we did a power point with maggie their visual people for the most part and hopefully, weve continue to Work Together and in particular on one project that the mayor has district the Arts Commission and ocii which is the old Redevelopment Agency to look at it and find space for artist and musician housing so it is something that weve talked about in this commission and sort of vague terms for years and the mayor again gave a directive to those two agencies and when i heard about it i asked strongly that we get involved and try to you know help in any way we could there is early on in the stages looking for other cities that have similar kinds of projects but i hope the that that was one of the big outcomes of this beginning to collaborative and the other one like i said, the street perform problem we say we cant the solve maybe with the street arts program those are the two ways concrete we can Work Together. There was a project that came before us i think that was building please help me remember open sutter street they were going to provide some housing in a building that race residential stereos duo do you remember. It was music fitting. I know and it is still there it is not housing like im talking about like it is more like hospital he will dormitory touring musician housing for when your gang. So really the most active part in music city is the first floor and the blow which is the rehearsal space very tuff active theyre trying to finish the first floor and second floor and finish it like cafe space that is not done and those rooms upstairs again is not really housing like permanent housing. Thank you so im going to ask ben. One other quick question the street performs issue did they take that up or find that of interest. They didnt discuss it probable of things agendizeed were trying to reform reform their Center Arts Program started in the 70s with no change they have a consultant do a study and a second round of sort of analysis on the outcomes and see they were hesitant at the moment to sort of figure out where we fit or the street performs fit ill keep pushing the issues. This is a Good Opportunity if their rising it. Great thats what i said. Okay thanks. Good evening benefit from the office of Economic Workforce Development just i think providing a brief updates on the late night transportation as you may know the San Francisco Entertainment Commission and office of Economic Workforce Development the first meeting in june of 2014 we releases a report that included 15 recommends or strategies for early and late night and the work population that traflgz late night and Early Morning on the job were 5 next steps were currently pursuing implementation of we held our first meeting since the airports release it was well attended we continue to have strong collaborative participation by the Transportation Partners it is great director cain handed out a 57 next steps and posted on night sf. Org the tack away were fortunate to receive budget money thanks to supervisor wiener and to pursue a number of avenues at the same time, were continuing our patterson or partnership with the county Transportation Authority and engaging with consultant to push forward a number of the initiative at the same time luke incomprehensive at the Service Early and late night to noosht better education about Service Option really a number of exist things that are going to happen we hope to have significant progress on all those bin the end of the fiscal year and at the same time continuing to convene the working group on a quarterly basis the next meeting is december second 3 00 p. M. In 421 if anyone is interested well be doing quite a bit of work ill be happy to answer any questions. I wanted to say knowing how government normally works it is slow and snails pace you guys have done an amazing maturely works and seem to be continuing to move forward about results and probably in my lifetime ill see that happen im very encouraged i think your working group is doing on amazing job. Some of the things the late night pilot theyve worked on before we got started and additional work Additional Oil service locally we supported the transbay agency took the lead were fortunate to have a collaborative relationship a quick question on number 2 the Pilot Program you mentioned two are corridors are planned for having those to been identified or two be identified and in the hope is that through the ref process stockholders will come forward and say this corridor is one we have a lot of late night travel we want to work with the businesses and communities were very open yeah cool thanks. So possible future taxi stands and corridors. Thats absolutely one of the options you know, we havent issued on rfp we are currently drafting it you the report enlightens people think about the needs in their own community and hopefully to this process you know auditing the needs that have street, businesses getting together, the Community Getting together wouldnt that will great to have a taxi cab stand. Through the website youll make an announcement to people so for the challenge grants specifically that will be an rfp process public and wildly disseminated well encourage anyone with an interest to apply. One final question i know you come to a point to help to spread the work word on the working group is there any of us commissioners can help further this work whether the advocacy supervisor wiener is a big champion mission bay anything we can do up here. Yes. In the coming months certainly you know as we have some things to distribute and feedback on absolutely there are i think you know when it comes to the rfp moved forward posted it would be great for everybody on the commission to get out the word and focusing on late night and early transportation there is not a grants making area focus specifically on it when it comes to the campaign and whether it is support for any of these initiatives or helping to spread the work. Youve been doing great work. If no other questions ill hand it over to my inspectors. Thank you director cain reporting future complaints since we last met at el anything that was employing the deliberate, premeditated killing for game days not permitted we do get a complaint about an unknown venue on franklin and ivory parolee executed music were not exactly sure where it is coming from no venues that will be allowing sound like that ill keep an eye and a guarantee Good Neighbor policy violation sound like capitalizing with doors open ill chat with them and this past sunday the castro street fair the sound was kept at reasonable levels and a couple of sites inspection over or over the course of last week one, if a complaint about an extension an egressing ingress on a sidewalk as far as i could tell based on the guidelines at sf better street dame they were where they needed to be 6 feet from a passing lane and the routines inspection turn out their permit was unavailable at the time the posting was on hand well be following up to make sure they have a copy posted in brief thats all im happy to discuss more inal detail. Whats the process by which you determined where the speakers go. Anything i can really track down or hear anything we generated containments. If theyve generated complaints the previous year. This particular year they have been a couple of instances a neighbor reached out to a us before a fair festival and it helps us as inspectors to go out and communicate with that person so i think anything i see in the weekly or anything in the mail blast as long as it is within the hours im out there im looking to stop in on. Thank you. Yep. Thank you thank you. Good evening, commissioners a few notes i did a couple random inspections and the serial and 39 the venues were in compliance nothing to report i passed by f8 on fulsome street. Exhume crystal we dont have inspectors report sorry. Minor stuff nevertheless, i seen a fight there was a vandal outside broke a window in a car the security tried to apprentice him and nothing so report it was random thats the ends of that we received another complaint directly about tunnel top theyre under new management right now i was able to talk to the new owner and we i sent a citation he didnt this about the issues interest was correspondence between Sergeant Matthew and i wrote him a citation nevertheless, a new owner i think things should be fine i talked with him and should be able to get resolved. A new owner or. Theyll be at the next hearing he building. Got it. Their coming up tunnel top. No theyll not be. Not until november 10th if they come in to apply. Theyre in the process so but definitely youll hear more about that in the near future. A compliance. What did you tell them to reapply to stop playing the musical what was he was explaining the situation where basically the property has not cleared escrow it is not you know it was gray area so what i did was to forward him to handle the situation. He knows the process in terms of the application. Go ahead. I said thanks go ahead. A minor compliance issue the box the vub venue was concerned about a neighbor that complained to the police about noise i passed but i think that was a wedding people were leaving and outside and talking about the neighborhood has exclaimed before about the same type of issue to me it was a nonissue but nevertheless, it was a complaint we got i did a sound like test for vs. Is a i wont get both that if it comes up later i will any questions . No, it seems like a quiet quiet couple of weeks. It was quiet. Great that i am about our staff and exporting all right. Not seeing any, item 4 Police Department questions or comments dont see any badges in here so no presentation item 5 hearing and possible action for permits our first and only permits oh. Commissioner president tan so our first and only permit is vera sale ill recuse myself i have i did not work for them but at the request of lieutenant i did speak with the owners about sound like and sound and he would feel more comfortable recusing myself. We still is quorum ill pass it over to maggie. Good evening commissioners so for on this permit this evening we have visa so a night club space that wants to get a place of entertainment to hold public and private events with t. J. Performances in the back of forgotteny at mission in selma they approved the application with attached conditions youll see 10 basic ones and here to tell you more about a permit application and the owner from pump jeremy sure. Hello jeremy president of the pump gotham go up im here to give you a little bit of background we went into the space that became available we decided to bifurcate two bars one a neighborhood bar an admission so about probably availability for hundred and 25 people that see guess open 6 days a week to act as a a neighborhood bar and the night club which at this point well operate friday and saturday and host a fair amount of Corporate Events during the weeks the bones of this space were good we didnt do much renovations the sound like some is entirely new and was built by us we installed additional wall on the righthand side of the property because in the past there had been complaints with sound like leak through that sound of the building with the neighbors and engaged a person that joined us together as well to do testing to make sure we are being as Good Neighbors as possible to the communities we have discussed the events with neighbors and opened our lines of communication with them to hear concerns the challenges in the appear space and be better operators the Security Team are here to answer questions or concerns related to the space. Youve met with the neighbors or youre planning. We met with some neighbors and theres not a formal Neighborhood Group but some representatives who have had email changes related to concerns both with sound leaking from the space as well as Security Issues there was also some concerned a couple of months ago under renovation in the rear additional and causing combchlts, etc. Youre responding by addressing those concerns. Were doing our best to address the concerns you may hear if neighbors tonight with us addressing those concerns but the best we can we still you know every night is different and were young getting into this i think ongoing testing to make sure we are not kaurz any problems to any neighbors and making sure the rear doors are not open etc. , ect but doing everything we can. This is a Neighborhood Group youre talking about. When i saw this my first thought how someone was one of the more well the neighbors had complaint about this under new ownership hopefully, we can solve the issues and our being responsive to their needs that ultimate means our success. We felt it early on the tension between the neighbors and the operators were hoping were addressing and approaching that in a different way. Commissioners you guys have questions or comments . So the events you have are all being done in house. What do you mean. Friday and saturday program your own dj and open to the public. Thats correct. The promoter use is mainly in house you control them. Thats correct. Do you have a particular type of party youre trying to through. We designed and set up the space to be able to function for a lot of events we get our 50 percent of our revenue interests not a lot of space that holds three hundred and 50 or 4 hundred people for cooperate events but comfortable for the friday and saturday night crowd we have a Party Last Week with microsoft and meeting with and partnering with pd students if Stanford University doing interesting kind of multi media 3 events and cuttingedge stuff if starved we master card dark side of the moon in 3d and anywhere in the bar is a different experience we want to be Different Things so we designed the space. It is exciting to hear all reactivate that space that is there is has been a void if that area and people are looking for a variety of things so commissioners any other questions. A quick question have you seen the recommended conditions. By the Police Department. Yes. And youre okay what all of them. Yes. Thank you. Thats it any more questions security nothing . Sound not yet. Not yet okay to go ahead and have a seat i dont know if you want to bring any thoughts folks you brought to share information. If you think it is necessary you guys got the reserves if sulter if you have any questions ill be happy to ill talk about the testing if not we dont need to i think were okay. Great i dont see any police would the police like to speak is there a police here in opening it up for Public Comment please come on up state your name and you have 2 minutes. Thank you my name is ken take the opportunity to talk about mission ill give you a context. Could you pull the mike closer to our my case. An experience of the space and as as neighbors and thoughts on the operation of the space im been a resident in selma for the last 20 years and space on 1025 for the last years it is a residential building that is thirty feet from the rear door of mission and a most of ordinances in the building have lived in that this e building since its construction in 2003 based on the best practices for the Technology Including the doublepaned windows etc. A little bit about the ln or m n im a member of the association an Unincorporated Association about hundred and 50 members through ministry lafayette the 3 streets that make up the l m f this is part of designation for the western selma planning why does this matter ill give you a context of the concerns i represent a diverse must be it is your from artists to the professionals many of the neighbors like myself live in the selma were bar goeser hes and this has office and bars and night clubs and Living Spaces a little bit about 1525 mission historically a placing space that has trouble with sound there are constantly problems with sound not contained within the space when requesting the commission to keep the path requirement on to be effective and be aware of the sound awe continuation and limit on the sound like system of the new space on mission thank you thank you. Hi, im matt a neighborhood drainage across from the building any club being in that space we were there before it expanded into the larger space the club is a new space but no club has been successful in mitigating the neighbors impact at one point sloan and their rhetorical building it is not fixable i didnt see any evidence a hundred years old building not improved and the inspection took measurement and in the past sloan was in violation with the sf noise ordinance they made an effort to mitigate it is the operation to be in compliance with the laws and weve complained many times to the commission this issue extend beyond noise with the patrons we witnessed sloan patrons fighting a private parking lot that is a burden the neighborhood it asked to bear it is not a big neighborhood small, small buildings really a nice place to live and given the history there are strict limits weve not done the test but think those this be included in the licenses and the best way to mitigate theyll have to bear the burden and limit their hours of operation thank you. Thank you. Is there any additional Public Comment after this next one . Okay. Great. Hi, thank you im katherine. Pull the mike down there we go. My name is kathy north i live adjacent to the space in we moved into the neighborhood in 2010 and really excited to live in the neighborhood but unfortunately, when sloan opted next to us was unexpected we experienced a lot of noise and spent significant in the amount of and energy dealing with the noise energy were adjacent to the building the last time we were here it was and hearing for sloan we agreed to work with sloan to help solve the noise they come into our home and did construction doing sound like mitigation issues in our bedroom and it was my understanding that was all under the direction of sulter but it never worked so the whole time sloan was in operation we had noise every time they were open i im asking the commission to really work with us since weve lived there for 5 years it is a Significant Impact on my life to tale with that every we understand a couple of weekends i pulled into the garage with one of my friends what is that noise people asked me why our houses is vibrator it is troubling to live in a house im distancing worried about what with my neighborhood is going to do how many aprons and what i have noise transition were getting were willing to work with them and work with sulter but as i think jeremy mentions theyve not down the testing but were not involved so im not sure thank you, maam. Thank you. Thank you very much. One final Public Comment unless theres additional art. Im joe thanks for getting the urinals off our streets awesome a big difference. laughter still a history everybody spoke of so it was out of control for a while people railroad not policing their kraudz crowds and that sort of stuff as far the forgery has been good but on july 1st 30 in the morning it was 1 30 i said wow, that is insane is that from our building i live 40 yards if lafayette and i sat on any deck and heard the music go down i think mta walked over there they turned it down but noise issues as far as the previous establishment weve not riveted under but we have the kind of new Neighborhood Association so well get you on the medium and invite you but the noise i hope it didnt create for trouble for us right next door that believe was quiet and expanded into the next unit and then it was on for the last anyways thats it thank you all right. Any other Public Comment seeing none, Public Comment is closed on this issue commissioners the matter is now with our commission i know weve heard from folks about the previous owners i know that oftentimes the police will mention that two about calls for service and things like that i know we generally try to give new owners a fair shot at kind of not having the ghost of their previous owners with that said, there are conditions the police have i dont think if he wanted to add more. Can i get a report from mr. Sulter. The general Public Comment would like to hear the understanding i heard what at neighbors have exclaimed but and your recommendations and what is going to be down about it before we make a decision. We measured three years ago, the lower bedroom and had a chance to measure last friday night and jordan was in charge of the noise level was 10 to 15 decimals lower plump jack built a party wall and jeremy testified to that seems 0 significantly reduced the noise transfer but were not declaring victory were feeling like things are moving in the right direction maybe a adjustment sunlights audio system what the audio system is justifiable so im confident well meet the commission and Police Standards and work very hard to make the neighborhoods satisfied with the operation as far as acoustics are satisfied. This equipment has a compressor. The loudspeakers with adjustable that is advances technology and also this willingness on the part of the new owner to work with me and the neighborhoods with sloan less of an interest. I know that plump jack knowing they started in the marina and theyre more responsible than the previous owner im curious if we reduce the d Building Inspection Commission on that wall will that what else can be done the neighbors hear in their bedroom is it tuning to it down. Youre asking a very good question at katherine said weve not measured that so my proposal is that you allow operation and then jordan will make official measurement and skrornd about tells you once we know things are been calibrate well say that is fine this neatest continuation and go from there. Generally speaking we kind of set that as a condition to that the permit will be issued upon proper sound like testing so thats how youll get it not the on the way around it sounds like efforts occurred and tests during an event or a sound test. The sound test but by it was as loud that was the test that jordan required and he measured the a. M. Obedient by my last letter met the standards with that said, i dont want to declare victory it is not official you need official testing and were you stand with respect to measures. There, there other measures to come online and anything else in the process. The answer is no other than the clubs willingness to adjust the audio as necessary. So no more construction about turning things down. Moving speakers and not allowing the energy to shine on that part of building keep it on the disdains floor. Are those limited in another room the dj says its to the loud enough are they able to adjust that during the operations and i cant answer the question but clearly they dont Pay Attention theyll be in trouble so i think that the current operators are smart enough to know point rules the game and on behalf of themselves not unlimited sound to be generated. One question for you all part ever our golfing Good Neighbor policy to have a good number to call they dont have to leave their room do they have it. Anybody that reached out to us has cell phone numbers great. Concern expressed by some of the neighborhoods about the responsiveness recommended to that when we reached out it is going to be a working relationship to respond as they see fit one 089 quick note to our question i was informed the isolators have not been that installed so one measure take place not construction but one others measure to be take place. I mean it sound like there are efforts being made we appreciate that the numbers were concerned theyre not just going indirectly directly to a voicemail but by a person to make actions. They use their cell phones with the managers on duty. Will one of those managers be on duty or the managers inside the club. The managers inside the club. Your head of security should have one that is my recommendations they can hear better than inside and get a better response time. Id like to hear love for the commission to mare from jordan about what we experienced from walk outside when the sound was cranked up on friday theres been an ongoing discussion with the neighborhoods with the theoretical tests and the real life tests thats why we were hosting an event to have a test to see arguably three hundred bodies in complarn to person and what we heard from the alley. We have a memo from director poly i believe you spoke to the tests took place on september 25th and october 2nd so we have that did the commissioner want to hear from director poly i think there is enough information. It sounds like there needs to be more testing you know that is a limit on stressing our resources but find the right level and as stated earlier with any new business or permit holder we try to give you that and with that said, id rather move this along and see if under those a motion that commissioners would like to may i make and any additional conditions to add or not. Well sure i think that i mean the owners have agreed to make sure there is a cell phone Number Available to neighbors that have complaint in arraignment to be will responded to i guess what im trying to figure out what kind of test to determine because inspector pauley said you believe that the venue possess a vertical entrapment to remain compliant everything historically is not the case and every at the level on friday night i dont know. Sometimes theyre louder own different in itself the neighbors will august on different nights my argument sports the sound like argument but additional testing would be good i think they been e maybe a sound like curtain that adds to the sound like level in the environment and adds to whatever the neighbors hear. What was the recommended sound like level. We test at one 15 d bci feel like one 10 d b c is generally that will be fine. Okay. Basically that is what i experienced at the event that night before we took the test as far as the manager told the yerba buena gardens travis said the operational level maybe higher but the level so one 10 is fine they were getting near the threshold noncompliance in the neighbors apartment but didnt necessarily cross that threshold so it was in compliance definitely as far as when you say noncompliment youre talking about the 55. The 55 they were pretty much at 43 peak so it was fine thats where my opinion comes from theyve done extra work ive been at sloan it was loud this doesnt feel like my areas were not ringing when i left. You did a pressure deft test on the inside. It was we had it at about one 12 to one 15 and then at that level did you stand in front of the neighbors apartment. I want next door and took the sound like test that was below 55 d b c but again, when another thing when you get you know as you may know when people get in there 33 and theyre making noise in the alley and the environment that adds to the sound like you can estimate at that level it will be out of compliance so my final recommendation was one 18 to contemplate for whatever not within the issues the patrons add to the environment. On the permit youll put down maximize one 10. Id like to add that to the permit that is the recommendation youve made at one 10 d b c. Great we were in the middle of the motion to approve with a workable phone number that is immediately responded to be close to immediate and two to set the d b c level to one 10. Along with the police conditions and our Good Neighbor policy any others is that clear everyone clear on that. I think so. All right. Is there a second for the motion. I second. Theres a second any other nope no more comments so on the motion with police conditions and your added conditions commissioner lee commissioner moshoyannis commissioner caminong commissioner president tan. The that item passes we really hope this workouts and well be seeing you if it doesnt so ill leave it at that all right. Lets move on thank you to the neighbors that came out to speak too item number 6 a report from the Residential Review Committee so i dont know if jocelyn you want to take that one im happy to were still working out the communication flows but we have a couple of hours before this one so there is not a lot of time to where i had but todays meeting was short and sweet on 16th street that impacts fulsome and the end that was a shorted presentation but is project sponsor and the owner of 1015 did show up and pretty much speaks on behalf of the open of the developer to have conversations he is literally three hundred feats on the nose from the project in addition to being theres a structure that is turn around him in between the proposed development and the club so he is fairly sure this is not going to be an issue, however, there is some problem getting in touch with my last conversation i believe that the one half the couple who from the person got in touch with the project manager it happened while we were in a meekly but we did a job of expressing the concerns that the commission and the project sponsor was clear about his intention to goes above and beyond a film study is required of him we moved to send our regular set of conditions on the wednesday night from the continuation onto the Planning Commission his planning hearing is on the 15 of october so between that meeting and this one i actually sent those recommendations on to the planner and speak to the planner bus the previous meeting that we had done and moved conditions on that believe plaza and the project right in front of the belie echo they put up on the web the agenda for the 8 of october as well as the linkages you see the package im happy to report that the memo that is attached to all the documentation to the Planning Commission rights on first page includes the work that the commission did the communication about our issues that actual physical one page of conditions the email that i sent it is front and center im excited we see that is was the very first project ill watch on thursday to make sure the Planning Commission amongst all of the many pages the 51 page indulgent acknowledges this new sort of concern but i expect that all of those at least the one in the selma are on the same planner will have the same attention paid to it. Thats great short and sweet yeah in addition he ran out of the room again, the committee asked me to move to offer that charles offer to the committee to come in and do a short working group how to read a sound like series the projects are tough to read and understand he offered to come in and give more working group the committee and i emailed him we went back and forth i meant to snag him with the next meeting october 20th i ask that the agendized meeting any commissioners come it will happen at the regular rdr meeting. Im curious when they present to you. Uhhuh. What do you get predrawings or the idea the doors are pointing out. We got as much visible as available and each of those projects are part of progress so we didnt have one that doesnt have much shape but, yes drawings area renderings you get the sound like study today, we get a piece of Building Material that actually hold it in our hands so you know weve had ben and i had conversation about how to come up maybe the committee can help me the set of materials we should always have it is fairly consistent but more specific in terms of we really like those and this much time so well be there before they arrive but ultimate an idea todays presentation was not as slick as two weeks ago theyve not been doing too many presentations and it was interesting given the Planning Commission and in a week but so thats good theyre taking it stoirl seriously. Theyre taking it seriously we are informally well get more follower im not a fan of bureaucratic rules well push towards you must give us this many copies and this much time. Yeah. I think that is the in the right direction and also those materials those are pipeline to present as we get into the regular mode not in the Pipeline Projects they may not have drawings or more of a concept. Thats okay at least they hear of us. Right. They can always change things. At this point it is a lot more easy for us to have influence than when theyre basically ready to let go but steve our totally welcome commissioner welcome to come to the meetings. Let me get the agenda clear ill be there are. Any Public Comment on the Residential Review Committee Public Comment is closed. And item 7 commissioners questions or comments. Commissioners. Well, i guess im i should make an announcement im going to be resigning unfortunately, i am moving to the east bay so that means i wont meet the requirement for the aspect of sit on the Commission Im sorry that my term is cut short but it was just other life decisions that came up with raising our kids and it is amazing to work but. Thats. Curse the Public Health representative you all move to the east bay. Well, thank you thank you for your time this probably is not your last meeting. May be this one or the next one. Well say nice things at the next meeting laughter any other supervisors e commissioner questions or comments. Any any Public Comment on this announcement no guess we do. Just when we got it right i just you know observed those meetings youve been a great contribution hope you visit us from time to time and youre a great addition and youll be miss. Ill be around doing what im doing. In alleys in selma. And helping those residents. All right. Lets move on to item 8 new business items or requests for future agendas anything . All right. Any Public Comment on that nope lets call this meeting to a close adjourned at s [ gavel ] welcome to the regular meeting of the San Francisco ethics commission. I will call the roll call. Commissioner hayon. Here. Commissioner hur. Here. Is

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