Police Commission Meeting we have been chris crossing the city doing a lot of Committee Meetings for the chief search we have a long ogeneral da i welcome all of you and watching at home. We have rules available here and the on the website i need everyones cooperation because given the length of the agenda Public Comment will be two minutes today. We will do agenda clean up to start off with. The agendas are over there if you dont have one. We will start off with chief chaplain item 1a on your report we will have to put over because of the deputy cheap you are going to present is that correct . That is correct. And mr. Police patrol samuel raise we need further investigation so were putting that over. That is correct. On the closed session calendar item c a disciplinary matter that is put over. Is that correct. That is correct. Those retire changes to the agenda with that sergeant call the first line item. Discussion 1a chiefs report this item is to allow the chief of police to report on Police Activities and make announcements. Good evening chief. Good evening. I will start with our Violent Crime been in the headlines nationwide lately San Francisco, we have not seen surges like other municip municipalities. In 2015 we had 96 small up tick by there. Firearm for 2016 the total we have 126. Last year we had 119 Violent Crimes is down 15 fers. Robberies down 17 here today. Firearm seize 667. Over the summer months we seized a few hundred firearms close to half this summer. Burglaries are down 18 . From july of 2015 to 2016 we had a 30 drop overall. On the body camera deployment. Training station bay view station august 1519132 members were signed for the training for the Body Worn Cameras 112 were trained and issued body cameras between august 29th and september 2nd of 2016 at the ingleside station. None reported with the ingleside station. We had small issue with the mounting brackets with the garments the magnets are not strong enough. And theyre sending stronger magnets to affix to the outer garments. As far as policy issues are concerned were still doing polly questions overall we have 64 trainers 143 are trained in bay view. 500 remain untrained 20 in ingleside remain untrained that is generally for people on disability and other issues precluding them to be trained. The training schedule in northern station september 2017th 2016. Mission is 19th 19th. Twentythird and thats the beginning of fleet week just of note. October 27th of twentyfirst richmond station and southern october 24th to 28. Park following november 1st to the 4th. And finally of the ten district station that will be central that will be november 14th to 18 that will be followed by tack cal copy sob Station Bureau and headquarter for the remainder of the year to january of 2017. Of note, we had a really good story officer rilely bandy one of our officers foiled an Armed Robbery in oakland in july 8th, 2016. The suspect was pointing a rifle. He was unarmed approached the subject what he was asking. Officer told the suspect to drop the gun. He ran bandy chased him. During the pursuit he pointed the gun officers arrived at took kcustody of the subject he is honored the second highest honor of valor in the mrpd. The homicide ocured. May 16. Williamson was shot on the twentysecond block a 28 year old San Francisco resident was taken into the Bay View District and was booked for the murder of in bay view for the murder of mrs. Williams. A couple of incidents of note we had an officer critically energid during an arrest of the subject. Officer responded to a call of exboyfriend harassing he was found in the backyard where he resisted the officers and arrested for multiple charges including the threats and injury to the officer he was taken to San Francisco General Hospital for mental state. She was transported to the San Francisco General Hospital with swelling to the face right eye possible fracture she also had a broken left Little Finger buzz is in stable condition and that is kept on Body Worn Camera we will look at that. There is another incident on fi5th on mission on sunday. This is officer on bike patrol on 5th and mission. Aal suspect came up behind him on the skateboard he jumped off the skateboard taking a swing striking the officer on the head he got off the bike and tackled her. Several bystanders recorded it on the phone but none came to the officers aid. Nearby buses captured the attack. The officer was wearing a bicycle helmet that was cracked that saved him frr injury. The suspect is homeless 20 year old female with no local arrest history. She was found in position of a psychedelic drugs mushrooms special investigation is handing that particular case. The officers continue to do an outstanding job on the burglaries there have been several arrested theyre tracking i cant go into detail were tracking people that are serial burglars but a lot of arrested and properties recovered. Im looking at some of these investigations are ongoing i wont go into detail about those but they recovered property from serial burglaries which contributed to the numbers. I will jump to the shootings on 93 of 16. Shooting occurred 762 follow ton street involving a shooting. From a housing complex in Western Grove and involved in a vehicle collision officers arrived and number of vehicles involved front end damage. There appeared to be a bullet hole in the backside window. They avised over police radio they located a shooting victim in western oak. They had a victim bleeding on the head the second victim was standing next to the first uninjured. They were hanging out in a parked vehicle in a parking lot of the 700 block of fullton street. The victim told officers that the unknown male began shooting at his vehicle he feared for his life and drove his vehicle at high rate of speed to the parking lot which is where the accident occurred. That is under investigation by the gang unit. Another shooting on the same day 93, 16 of 3 00 p. M. In bay view. No arrested in that one. On the 1100th block of fits gerald numerous shot from an unknown location. On the unit block of nickels way began response they located a male victim with two gun shot wounds to the lower back. The victim transported to San Francisco hospital where they were informed by medical personnel the person suffered two gun shot wounds to the lower back. No suz perspectives located in that one. And bay view officers investigating in that one. 9416 approximately 1 50am on the 100 block of harbor road. Male victim exited a bus felt a pain and noticed he had a gun shot room to his lower right leg. He exited the muni 400 line and felt a sharp pain. He did not know who shot him and refused to answer any more questions theyre investigating in that case. Last incident of note was 82916. At 6 39 p. M. On the 1700 block of green street a person having a psychotic break down. With shots fired. They were met by wit enss by residents of green street. Officers observed subject bleeding from one of his fingers they conducted a sweep they saw multiple firearms in the front room. They observed water coming from the room onto the kitchen floor. Which they believe to be bull loet let bullet holes. They had a safe where more weapons were located. Witnesses said he was acting strange lately. The subject appeared to be angry officers located mids and well as narcotics they recovered. 57 firearms machine guns multiple ammunition. The subject was transported to sfgh and booked in county jail for multiple firearms and unsafe discharge. Investigation team is investigating we had no homicides in the reporting period i have five steps i will leave for commander sullivans presentation later. That is it. Just of note. In the Police Academy we have 260 in. 200 first recruit class has 42. They will be graduating on 92316. We also have the 504 sfpd. [inaudible] that concludes my chief report. Thank you chief. Questions for the chief . One question i might have missed it did you give us year to date homicides. Student . 30. 30. Do you know where we were this time last year . 30 here and this time last year we were at 34. Okay thank you. Sergeant call next line item. Occ directors report. this item is to allow the director to report on recent occ activities and make announcements. c. Commission repor reports. Good evening. Good evening commissioners. I will call for Public Comment. Thank you. And members of the public. The occ continues to participate in community out reach in late july attorney manny forts participated on a panel. Organized by the Bar Association. And reported at the last Commission Meeting 7occ investigators and donna salzar participated in night out at stations. Donna tabled back to School Give Away. At the Community Center on august 6th and 13. Occ car lo carlos and candice tabled. The b magic back to School Give Away at the Hunters Point side in ginning street at next meeting i plan to present the quarter reports of first and second for 2016 we lodged reports with the Police Commission for the august 10th meeting. The agenda was extremely full so we will be presenting those reports as the agenda permits next week. Additionally, next week i will provide you with the july and august 2016 month loo statistical reports that concludes my reports. Any questions for director hicks . No . Okay. Sergeant call the next line item. 1c update on the fuse corp fellow. Commissioners reports report on meetings with community and Department Members regarding qualities in the next chief of police d. Commission announcements and scheduling of items identified for consideration at future Commission Meetings action . There is one business item i specifically wanted to update you all on which we talked about at the last meeting which is one of the efforts this commission has undertaken to get more information in particular policy support and looking at areas and things were supposed to by charter or some rule that already exists be effecting right now. As well as a number of proactive policies we have. We interviewed terrific candidates from commissioner malara and dejesus. We have identified a candidate we will bring that individual when everything is completed to the full commission and inproduce this person were making progress i think the start date will happen some time in october. And there will be an on boarding process for that individual. This is a first for the commission to have that additional Staff Support that reports directly to the commission so i wanted to give you all that update. And if there arent any questions we will move into individual Commission Reports what we have done the past few weeks with regard to the chief search. Who wants to start . Lets see. I attended participate nondeterminate the Mission Community Mission Castro Neighborhood Community meeting. That was very enlightning. The other was the chinatown that was one that i did yesterday with commissioner with commissioner loftis we did a pride alliance. And i am scheduled to do ingleside tomorrow. I have been called to jury duty. And actually i was ordered to appear tomorrow. If anybody has time. I was the only one that was going to be there. If anyone is available at 11 oclock otherwise, we will have to reschedule it. Then i will meet with commissioners wien and dejesus. In the late afternoon. And i will do teraval on monday as well. Great. Commissioner mazuko. I attended two Community Meetings with lara and marshall. We did the Community Meeting in gordan low in chinatown. Great input from the community. It was interesting side note most of what were hear frg the community were hearing the same thing from the officers thats a good sign. We did that meeting and we did the meeting myself commissioner loftis and wong did st. Community ka thee ral. A lot of folks were present at that meeting we had the youth in our group to facilitate our meeting we heard a lot of the things we heard in chinatown. So its very helpful. Important lie, i went to two district stations each of us divided which stations were going to talk to the officers i volunteer for central and north stations. I did four line ups. Police officers have line ups before a shift where theyre advised by the Community Officers what they need to know. Any departmental bulletins theyre debriefed on it its a por mall process i covered every officer that worked in the central station. We went to the swing shift in the morning it was an eye opener because the officers i learned and noticed that the overwhelming majority of officers have less than five years of experience. Theyre very young. Theyre interested in motivated the officers after going through to dispel any rumors about the police chief process we explained to them about the process how it works under both the charter and what we do as a commission how we review the application and everything told to the public we go through this process while the officers were not aware of that we asked how the process answer worked. We received significant input from the officers what theyre looking for and the police chief. They have to work for that person. It effects their live as it does the public. We received input from officers about the re reforms and changes theyre making when the officers told me about the concerns for the reforms theyre making its important as commissioner to hear. That theyre all willing to make change. They all said we want to make change we have a great job we had canndid conversation about the activity that has an impact. The stupid things some people do the officers got it theyre great. I learned a lot from them. Thank you. I was going to say dr. Joe . So i think i had three of the five. First i wanted to thank a couple of groups i want to thank everybody that came out number one i really do, just to come out and you know, spend your time giving us your opinions about the qualities you would like to see in a new chief and i also want to surprise you president , thank the young people from the Community Safety initiative who helps facilitate three meetings i assumed all of them. They were great. My thing was want tog hear from every Single Person in the room i kept prompting folks every voice is important. I didnt hear anything that surprised me because i have heard it before with previous searches. No that was at bay view along with who went to bay view with me. Did west side together. Bay view then chinatown. That is the other group i want to thank the interpreters who stepped out of nowhere. That was a great meeting i enjoyed that because they put forth the effort to make that happen and teraval i wanted to thank the public for coming out. Not tereval. Well. To me it was. Any way we take everything all that everybody said to heart and it will be incorporated like we said thank you. Next commissioner . Wong . Jump in. I attended two town Hall Meetings with the public one at bay view and one at st. Marys overall they were good meetings i was disappointed in the fact that i recognize so many of the folks i attended regular commission attendees and Public Commenters i would have lofed to have seen a broader perspective trum of the two meetings i was at i attended two line ups in park richmond station i had a conversation with the officers there an hour to hourandahalf the officers were not shy in expressing their views and i said i would bring back their comments they were apprehensive about the chief search. That explained things they had a lot of comments on the Police Commission. That was a great process to go to the stations that is something we need to incorporate into our process more. And i think there was a lot of misunderstandings and miss conceptions about what we have done from the poll sighs we have passed and a lot of direct input got a lot of direct input after response times redistri redistricting a lot of officers say it has impacted stations. Officers asked me before a make decisions on the corroded restraint hear frg the officers. We heard a lot about tasers but took a quick vote and at least for few process we should hear from the folks training on the subject. I said i would try to bring that up before there was final decision on the matter. Officers comment on the 36 inch baton who had complaints and safety concerns on that. There is confusion with the line up officers carrying the baton and others who werent. It was clear to me if that was still in force. There was confusion about the policies by the time i got there it was straightening itself out and most folks were using it correctly. It was great. I look forward to reading this comprehensive report we did get a lot of community input. Like doctor joe i dont know if there was a lot of surprising community input. From the two stations, park stations discussed whether it was better to have an internal or external Police Office in park station. They said we dont care were just looking for the right chief. Its interesting to hear the diversity between the two stations. Thank you. Commissioner Vice President . I had the opportunity to attend bay view as well as officers headquarters and like victor said theyre interesting headquarters are where the officers certainly the officers i met with are much more senior in rank than long standing. The internal versus external candidate was discussed more at length than it was at southern station where they focused in on qualifications such as, you know, educational credentials ability to work with Mental Health training and what kind of background and experience they would bring to the ranks interesting discussion about internal candidates was brought about whether or not an external candidate would also bring his own command staff which of course we as commissioners have no power or voice in who becomes the chiefs command staff that is a staffing issue. That was an interesting discussion as well. One of the things that is most interesting about the two sets of officers as well as the community is there was a great deal of discussion about 21st Century Policing policies how best to implement them but everyone seemed in favor of embracing them and to make change in the department. So i was pleased to see that. Commissioner loftis if you dont bright commissioner turmin brought up an issue about bringing up a command staff. We brought that around first time around by charter theyre not allowed to two times ago, there was a special exemption voted on by the commission and agreed upon by the bargaining unit to allow chief gaston to bring on another officer from another department. Thats a rare exemption and he requested that for the comp stat unit. Our officers had a reaction and wanted to know if that would occur again. For future reference theyre not allowed to do that. Dejesus. My meetings are pretty rocus a little different. It was in direct high school it was not well attended we did have people show up. There was an issue whether we got it out or not. There was people putting it out on the radio station. It was not well attended. The people that did show up with the release of twitter and poster and statement frs the Mayors Office there was a lot of anxiety whether this was a charade and facade it took a while to calm it down. I had not seen the poster until the next meeting it was miss leading and had logos to meet the new chief. Theres a campaign on twitter or radio theres a campaign for a particular candidate that has put people up in arms i have been eating a lot of ear full at the meetings but a lot of calls from publicly concerned people. So we just need to talk about that. That is two of the meetings i went to. That is what is going on in the press and the phone calls i have been getting. At the missions there was interesting ones like disban the department take away their guns we cant look at an internal candidate because theyre concerned about the sway or the hold of the poa put out people have the Blue Ribbon Panel which is a force in San Francisco and the force it has on the department. Those are the things i heard as well as the other things i heard going on. At both the mission station and scottish rite. I went to the right place i ended up at the scottish rite eventually. Its too bad i didnt move on this earlier but some part of this process opened and transparent for the community. And there is two sides to it. We put out a bulletin saying it would be confidential so we have to honor it to that extent there are other departments that make the finalists known to the community we need to put on this commission if its on offer tonight an agenda 23 month process. During this process when we get down to the final candidate whether we can acquire to them to disclose their name to the community. Who these individuals are and evaluate the mayorsings decision based on who he chooses. Its behind closed doors. You are not thinking outside of the box and not thinking of the community. This is a time when the community is distressed with the policing. We should talk about ways we can alter or change it f we cant do it for this process maybe the next process. The doesnt hurt to ask if they wouldnt mind disclosing their names thats what theyre left with at this point. We do have to respect the confidentiality we put in place. Those were things that came from the Community Meeting. As well as a list. You have given us a report to list all the particulars people said. I also met with several officers i met with the mission station, apoa and the poa i did hear some of the officers would prefer an inhouse candidate. There was a reason for that. They know San Francisco and know the communities in San Francisco and they hopefully know and can work within the different xhupts in San Francisco. They can hit the ground running. If they know the department and how the department runs they can hit the ground running there was people who talked to us at the meeting who also said especially at the mission one is really the focus on the kreshls and the incoming chief. Whether that person has experience running the Department Reform and experience participating in the 21st Century Policing and innovative and has the ability to move the department forward. Theres a proand con and weighing in the balance to look at. Some of the things the officers told me they think the chief needs to go on a ride along with the younger officers they need to get back in the community and experience the community they need to be there when the officers and i specially demonstrations are being when theyre working theyre being spit on and having stuff poured on them. That theyre experiencing. They question the training in the department especially right now they cant get to the range to qualify for postcertificatification. Theres a big backlog there and a lot of them are concerned about main trag post certificati certification. They talked about sergeant promotions. Most have a seven year period to move up to sergeant. It was made three years the first year is a probationary year so its two Years Experience. There is no requirement they have to have drol in those periods that is the right way should we go back to a seven year requirement for promotion and whether we should really require super vision or tra training inside actual districts out in the field. So, that is something we should talk about the new chief on. There was a baton issue, they were upset with this commission for not providing tasers i took the heat for you guys i said it was me. Im certainly one of them. There are other issues like spiking to get around how do i say this in a nice way . You have a those on the captains but my captains dont have to come from this list. They can jump over the list they want the promotional list respected. I might have it backwards my notes are not that great. What else . One of the tech grounds pointed out that the Department Bulletins are vast and many and not categorized in a way they can be easily obtainable. 569 might go with 39b and respond to 8290 and also may respond to 106. 4. There is no way for them to get a handle on what the bulletin requires of them. They want to make sure they cover all the necessary requirements its not there they would like a data base to categorize all the varied bulletin departments if its use of force theyre all in one section and when theyre writing a Police Report that will pop up if its Domestic Violence it will pop up did you provide this did you provide that . Did you get the name of the witness whatever is required they have a pop up in a program that would help the officers so they can write a complete report and begs the question it would do electronically so it would be in electronic format that is something i said with susie on. I think that is a brilliant idea. One of the things they talked about is the Department Bulletin come down fast and furious some comes down has to look at this Department Bulletin and they have to try and figure out what the command staff actually wants. There is no real coming down and saying, this is what it means sometimes when it comes fast and furious it ends up in this bin its too much to handle, there is no real training and clarity on the Department Bulletins that is another thing for the command staff t f its complicated or not well written i didnt say that there should be a meeting to explain to them exactly what the command staff is looking for. They also believe the bulletins come down fast because theyre being reaction theyre to issues arising you need the flexibility to do that. At some point there need toss be training and understanding of what is being asked and required of each and every one of them. For the Department Groups they would like somebody from the inside mostly and i did have complaints on the 36 inch baton im not sure what the safety issue is, but i heard about the 36 inch baton that is in a nutshell. Thank you. I think im last dr. Joe did a great job thanks. There is things we did differently i want to thank my colleagues who did this before commissioner zasuko and dejesus. Did 2, 2, and 2. [inaudible] doesnt reflect the approach we took. Accouple of things one it was expanded to five minutes across the city. In years past it was three. Part of the feedback this is commissioners mazukos recommendation someone standing at the podium and one talking there wasnt much dialogue that was frustration with the community. Setting up a conversation is important. We set up groups and circles led by young people. If you have been working with a group of kids we now have two classes through for two years i will tell you one of the young people who worked with us last summer who didnt work with us this summer called more magic and said what can i do . I want to be part of this. Thats what theyre looking for. We also expanded it to an Online Survey you will hear it from the recruiting firm. I appreciate the comments and there were funny articles for the need for a publicist. There was an article taking issue with that. I did find that to a large degree oakland did similar things including youth in their process. But did a little bit more Proactive Press around it i wanted to correct the record to the extent to which we have done things the way they have always been done. And those that care deeply about the community and neighborhoods there are tough conversations they facilitated beautifully as you know. From my experience, the Community Meeting i dont think i can add anything. It was good to ask questions of folks given the confidentiality of this process when someone says im looking for someone with integrity how do you ask someone that quest n question. That was a good effort i was able to go to line ups at tenderloin. We have a station out at the airport i went to the airport for the 6 00 a. M. Line up. I was at tenderloin i would echo it occurred to me we have not spent very much time at all with the officers at the stations i used to make it a point to go on ride alongs and with the schedule we have been keeping i neglected that. Thats a problem for this commission for a lot of reasons, miss information can get perpetuated if you dont say hey this is where were coming from. Were thinking about you guys goit tough questions too i asked for tough questions one thing this commission has done is welcome tough questions from everyone. One of the responses we had is one of the jobs as commissioners is to shake their hand as they come in with a star and gun and their family is there but the question is are we doing everything training wise with a job getting tougher every day were equipping them to do that. When its going great we can recognize them and when its going great we can convene earlier. Its healthy to have those conversations and i appreciate the officers at tenderloin for giving me direct feedback no one brought up the 36 inch baton but there was a lot of taser discussion. It was universal for me. That there is a request for somebody that is internal i got a lot of feedback at this Commission Prior Commission Selection of prior chiefs not within this department. Specifically being an issue. Commissioner dejesus. Had meetings with the police offic Officers Association and we met with the pride alliance. What is understandable and i think is often forgotten is sometimes it is just the basic parts about being a Police Officer they felt we did not put enough aonto. And identifying a leader for the permanent department. Across the board for the department its been a tough year in change it was imparted to me chart of what we should do is not run a fair, good process that gets everything that need toss get done but we should recognize the department is searching for that permanent leader. Then the last thing i would say is this is sort of our quality tative response we will get a full report from the recruiting firm with all the other pieces its important for everybody to hear i want to thank the commission the amount of hours this is not understood everybody up here has a day job and did tremendous work over the past few weeks getting out there. I want today thank you for that. Anything further on this matter . They also want the commissioners to do the ride along. They would like that. The Community Folks interested in how they make decisions that they can contact the Chiefs Office and they can see how that is done at the Academy Level im not sure they can do a ride along but theyre inviting Community Folks how officers are trained and make certain decisions. Commissioner wohwang. They echoes that we make the final candidates public. They similar to the Community Felt a strong distrust of the solacing they want to know were forwarding the top three applicants as well they pushed strongly they be informed [speaking off the mic] this is at park station. They came back and said we want to know who you are putting up there as the final three candidates have a right as the folks directly effected how you came to that selection. Yeah. I asked the same question at tenderloin i got the opposite. Along with some of the groups. Yeah. [speaking off the mic]. Just one thing i told you about what the officers were saying about the station. One of the things they said is you the public they show up every day to serve you they getting a lot of negative comments they have feelings too they have a hard shell but a lot of these young kids to give you an idea what its like imagine being in a line up for the midnight shift while im addressing them there are young people coming in dropping assault weapons on the table while im doing a line up the officers went into the house where the guy was firing the rounds they understand its a 2way street a little appreciation theyre feeling the effects of this. We will get a full report on the surveys and the recruiting firm we will get to that. There is more to come on this item. This is the commissionerers piece on this. Plank you for this report. I havent had a chance to do this. I want to thank you chief chaplain for i think we had a town hall with four Police Chiefs and my radio show. Miel and chief chaplain and chief brown from richmond. Captain joiner from oakland and police chief Jennifer Chada of em emeryvil emeryville. So thank for being there. Great call next line item. Then its Public Comment after this item. Item 1d commission announcements and scheduling of items identified for consideration at future Commission Meetings action . We also will hear from the principled policing bureau i think next week is the deeper dive on some soft the data questions we have been asking particul particularly around the consent searches. If possible we did receive a fantastic report from the Bar Association with data recommendations. Next week is looking difficult. Sergeant will have to follow up. We want to calendar that to a full report from the commission. Any other items . Colleagues . I will also say we do have to schedule elections. This is today symbolizes my two years i have been president and we are supposed to do elections in may. We have extended it. Given the circumstanceses so we will have to have elections shortly i will flag that in the next little bit. Commissioner wohwang where. I would like a meeting on the ble blessing scams chief and i attended chinatown out last night. There was 4500 people at the event. I know the chief got an ear full about the departments response on the blessings scams. I have received complaints from the victims who continue to say there is Language Access issues, lack of responsiveness. I would like a report back from the department how were responding globally on this issue to making arrests. There are a lot of come par sins to new york. The sus spinpicio report back from svu that is over seeing the investigation. Okay. Any response chief . Definitely. I got a different message from the community. Were happy we made arrests. I wish you would have told me that night we could have identified those people and got them services captain was responsive. You were there. The crowd loved them they were very praising of the response to crime in that particular district. I will look into that. For captain lizar absolutely but theyre occurring in the different districts the complaints were the ones about the outside there is no negative response to captain lizar the Community Responded well to him. Commissioner mazzucco . M mazzuc mazzucco. People are interested in not necessarily not having the Police Respond to Mental Health calls. We have been advised by the Police Department that the 60 of calls are dealing with people in Mental Health crisis its a resource and training issue its been percolating the department of Public Health respond. So there is an appropriate response. I think the officers wanted as does the community if we can plan the next two months to have a hearing on this issue and see what is best for the community and public by changing the ways we respond to these calls and have the appropriate professionals respond if we can have that on the list for october or november. Thank you commissioner. Anything further on this matter sergea sergeant. The next meeting will be septembe september 14th. Next wednesday city hall in this room room 400 at 5 00 p. M. Okay. Thank you Public Comment on items 1ad. Welcome and good evening. Patricia. Im head of 22 Emergency Association and the marina hall groups. On the chief report 1700 block of grain one of the problems i agree with you mr. Mazzucco is that the fact that we get the man who is obviously in a psychotic area and he goes to San Francisco general and they let him out in a dayandahalf and this day needed 35 days. Number two, after he was arrested, he had so much money, he was out in bail in an hourandahalf. What chief did not mention was the fact that the next day he decided to drive his 400,000 sports car into two cars in front of the childrens playground at miscone park. And he was arrested again. And he just doesnt seem to care. This is something the police put their lives on the line. This guy was definitely psychotic if you can have a meeting about turning to the department of Public Health. I suggest you both have a meeting together. Both commissions are boards so the public can have the right to hear what is gooiing on. Number two is the community out reach. Im head of 22 groups. Never heard of a hearing a meeting. Never heard. So weve got problem with the community out reach. Number three, is, i want to thank first of all greg mckecin and jj for given us dame damian faller hes one of the best beat officers. I will finish with the [speaking off the mic]. Thank you. Im sorry. There is two minute limit. There will be Public Comment on the general agenda. Good evening. Thank you. President , Vice President and chaplain and hicks i represent three groups in the city and one Merchant Association as well. Regarding transparency, and a fair process regarding the selection of the police chief, i think you guys are just missing the mark because the city has great resources the Mayors Office has a list of every single recognized Community Group association P Association mer chent group in the city as well as attorneys office. You got to tap into those resources and put in the town hall at the auditorium you can speak out regarding the Selection Process there. I think that would be a great thing. With the Community Groups no one has heard of the town Hall Meetings i havent heard of any of these Community Meetings. We try to do the best we can with our groups we put out a flyer we asked to correct by the police Chiefs Office. We paid someone to do the flyer after getting the corrected chief officers that was done. We understand also that the chief is very busy we have worked with many chiefs throughout the years including chief sir who did the best to be at our meetings when they couldnt there was a department chief at our meetings as you recall we recognize chief lof tell us loftus to have a fair process Selection Process, i think you need to publicize a major town hall meeting and use the mayor resources and the City Attorney has regarding Community Groups. Thank you. We will get a full report on the out reach that is done for the meeting. Thank you for your comments. Next spooeak . Good evening and welcome. Hi commissioners im going to have to second what the david just said about the poor out reach. Notwithstanding the search groups thing when i read right now that lists a bunch of places where they went out to the public. The meetings were incredibly poorly attended. I was actually pleased when i heard commissioner mazzucco at a previous meeting in the past the citizens of San Francisco have proven to be interested in who the next Police Officer police chief is. It was the same old folks, that have come to these things all the time. I didnt need to repeat myself i was hoping to have any voices even more conservative voices and they didnt show up. So im afraid there is no opportunity to redo this, however, if you guys elect to go ahead and make open who the last three candidates are, then Something Like an event at the corum auditorium where there is much better Public Notice of the meeting might be something you would be willing to consider. The other thing is i found the meeting to be highly structured, over structured at the same time somewhat chaotic we asked rep t repeatedly San Francisco Police Accountability how the information put on the white boards are put on and what you would do with it. We never got an answer. Questions that i asked about the police chief never showed up. I asked specifically we have a police chief that not somebody that has used his weapon to shoot at somebody and somebody who had no use of force incidences that were questionable. None of this got to the piece of paper your people did. I find that problematic. Thank you. Next speaker. Good evening welcome. I guess i am the next speaker. I appreciate this very much. My birthday is 9 11. Im a good cop and a good fireman. Theres a reason for that. They chose me. The earthquake happened in miscogie that is where it first earthquake in nap pa when i was over at the vietnamese industrial when i was protesting. I said no theyre going fly it into one of these buildings. This is before 9 11. I spoke to this. And a policeman came to arrest me. It was so cute. The way to vietnamese scrambled around me and got into the whole food. True story. There might be an earthquake today because in coke owe there is an anniversary quake to that and an anniversary quake to all of this. Even the pope will recognize these earthquakes because on the anniversary of our quake, in ecuador there was a large earthquake. I am the truth, i am the light. I speak like a fisherman and i have one will, when will this end . When it comes to t and to the republic for which it stands, one nation, under god, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all. Pledge of allegiance. Best way to speak about this stuff sitting or stand ago its a great right to be an american. Its protest our pledge of allegiance so when you speak into the microphone. Do thank you. Next speaker . Good evening and welcome. Good evening thank you im karen freshman part of San Francisco Police Accountability and justice for mario woods cool li coalition i thank you. Commissioner dejesus speaking openly about the process. I found it confusing if more people came and said we need an external and few came said you need an internal candidate are gouing to pick an external candidate . I dont understand how that adds up to criteria. And put a questionnaire online like league of women voters kit be anonymous candidates for the search. This is level of experience the amount of budget and command staff they have had and approach to officer involved shooting and approach to unconscious bites bias and policing. Put that online and let the Community Give you input which of the individuals candidate ab and c aligned with San Francisco. That would be a better way to get input that would inform your deigs i urge you to make the final names public. That is extremely important. The three other items i want to bring to your attention. Im surprised had not been part of the discussion to this evening. First Bay Area Police having sex with a minor sex worker. What are you doing about that . How are they being held accountable . What is going on with that . Im glad you spoke on the grand jury report on the crime lab what about the grand sury report on the officer involved shooting its taken 20 months for the da not to indict as he does. That need toss be fixed. This is really bad for the credibility of the department and for the Community Relations and lastly, when is the hearing on the Blue Ribbon Panel . [applause]. Thank you. Next speaker . Hello. Michael patreli i would like to address issues chief i dont trust most of what comes out of your mouth. In may when you accepted the interum position. By the guy that was the interem mayor that you were not interested in the job. Seems like you have changed your mind. Correct me if im wrong about that. Mr. Patrelus you cannot address your comments to i have to enforce the rules not address anyone individually we will give you back that time. Go head sir. Give me back my 20seconds. I will let you go 20seconds over. What im nervous about the current chief there is no transparents s trant parent sa where was from . A simple matter around the College Degree from the current chief makes me nervous i cant trust the guy if hes going to be like that with transparency on the College Degree. Im glad to hear you say you want the list of candidates transparent that makes my sunshine heart so happy. I think it will be a huge step forward if the names come out. If the names are leaked and if ewe hear it may or make a decision. Will be a huge dark cloud on the entire process. Lastly, the mayor has not held any town Hall Meetings to do with anything with the police or the officer involved shootings. There is no reason for the mayor to keep himself away from town Hall Meetings. You went out. That is a great that is a start. The mayor need to get out of room 200 and have open Public Meetings i called on the mayor to have his transparency plans for the process i want to now how transparent transparency. Thank you. Welcome. I want to briefly speak about the input from officers i wanted to comment if you are hearing feedback that its nothing but criticism towards the police there need toss be a communication strategy with officers theyre hearing from the poa any discussion from the Police Reform is anticop. Im professionalism that is not antipolicing. When theyre getting garbage in, theyre going to lose the context. On the chief search. You have vets up here who have been through the search before. This is unlike anyone you have had before. The department is not the same situation as it was five years ago. And i think the process need toss reflect that. I think you had lots of good input from lots of sources that is good i want to aplowed th mrd that. Those are the experts that have been through this sort of situation that knows what it takes to do the sort of reforms to tackle. You probably got hundreds of recommendations coming from cops at this stage i strongly encourage you and have your recruiter to do those for you not so much from candidates you got your pool what are the Lessons Learned from other cities. You should call the ram transparency the chair ram sea snfrment those people will have relevant input not ground up but expertise as you go through these process i will defer since im running out of time. Next speaker good evening and welcome. Albert einstein said the best definiti definition of insanity is repeatedly doing the same thing and expecting a different out come. This is the body in charge of hiring the last chief. This is the body that evaluates the chief out of view of the public. You give the chief his or her marching orders and i have heard no acceptance of any responsibility for the fact it was this body it was the use of force agreement to languish for 20 years before it came up for renewal and not until a number of people were killed i considered one of those cases as an execution you dont need 20 shots against one human being unless you are determined he wont survive. One shot, nobody was in control at that scene , nobody was. Frankly, i believe this body has past its day. I believe the citizens fshgs of San Francisco should have a Ballot Initiative to elect the Police Commission who are responsible to the public and not to the cronies who put you there. Basically i dont trust you. Vi come before this body on numerous occasions ald and told i wasnt allowed to speak and accused by the president of harassment when she knew i had not violated that policy when i requested her she refused to do that i consider that to be slander. If you want the public involved you have to let them say what they want to say. You cant use all this manipulation like putting the general Public Comment at the end so you get all the time you want to go through what you think is important and leave the public sucking high t. Part of the rules were made i didnt make them up. Comments that are made to any protected group. Public comment what is said is not necessarily we do not endorse it. With that. I will leave it. Good evening and welcome man. I would like to talk about the transparency. What is the transparency on this board here . And all your backgrounds. I have been coming here for four months, coming my main ke about my daughters murder it wasnt to disanybody it was who is responsible a judge and the sfpd does have a lack of their duty a murder happened. Now i found out loftus you were da at the time of my daughters murder mr. Wang you too. I didnt find this out too i didnt find out until sunday until i ran into willy brown in a police meeting. He is not transparent he is either nuts. What is your transparent sea at this board . Im mortified to learn you have been there on the pd knows what happened to my daughter. To you sir, i gave you the last meeting is that was held here information on a Domestic Violence program. Im trying to get reports on the call made to the Police Department i made myself. There is one report your Police Department took, the others are not there. And i got that report it was confidential took me a while from candy i asked her if you would pass that information along . No. The day i got that report the next day i got a letter from the head of the rekofr Records Department i would not be getting that stuff this this is a National Murder in the media was everywhere. Officers i have the report told to go with a search warrant on James Mitchel [speaking off the m ] mic]. We have senior investigators that is who you have to talk to about a pending investigation director hicks can you identify who is here from the occ . Thank you. There is an investigator who can answer the questions. Unfortunately, we cant do it here in Public Comment. Im very sorry for your loss and this is frustrating. Im very sorry for your loss next speak im sorry director hicks . Yes the occ this evening is senior investigator sherri flecher. If you two could connect and make sure her questions answered those keep coming up. Good evening welcome. I didnt see item d thats why i interjected at that point. I wanted to thank you all for doing these meetings but there is not enough turn out. I appreciate your report and i appreciate more people would have said specifically what happened. Im concerned about the night captain because i read he is the chief of police and more about his qualifications and what happens that is not okay. I dont know what the statistics are that is much more serious than were taking it. I think you you need to ask the next chief applicant will they be willing to do an analysis and report on the department to date the information found by the blue ribbon annu panel i want somebody to critique publicly what has happened under gregs reign. If hes a great chief we still have no owned any public any public person has not owned responsibility in critiquing. Ask them, would you critique and look at the blue ribbon and what needs to change around texting, racism all of the murders that have happened these need to be brought forward. The confidentiality, that needs to be changed. We need to stop that. I also want to have a clear idea about how the new chief would deal with the poa and the way their interaction with us is. So we really need to have much more transparency about what has already happened in this Police Department. By the way the police are serving the public in some peoples eyes but their purpose was to help the slave owners and businesses against labor. [speaking off the mi mic]. Thank you. Thank you. A brief response, the u. S. Doj is going to be issuing their report with their recommendations they also were in rekreeceipt of the gran jury and panel report. There is collaborative report with information to this body i heard it should be the next few weeks i heard october as a guide post. Next speaker . Good evening and welcome. Good evening my name is john jone jones i heard we would hear the input from western San Francisco. That was totally lacking. The only suggestion i had was the commission might want to work through the local newspapers theyre all over the place. I know they would publish information about the policie commission as newsworthy. Vi not seen anything of this panel that would be dishonest. Finally if there is anything for the blue ribbon report i want you to know i cant wait. Thank you next speaker . Good evening. Welcome. Good evening Police Commission and risa as well. Good evening. 30 murders versus 34 last year slight improvement thank you for doing that whoever is responsible. Number two integrity unimpeachable integrity thats what everybody incests on in a new chief. The former chief was the opposite. You supported him for years in miss deeds in paying millions of dollars and legal fees to pace for his indecember correction for yea its would be helpful. If your process is transparent. It didnt allow criminals to be possible chiefs. Next is taking so long with the badge camps with the commission. That is with the San Francisco geographically. Like the mission station is the core of corruption in San Francisco Police Commission. Why are you waiting on the badge cams they needed it a long time ago. People like me are not safe until they have those camera on their chests. I will come back. Thank you. Next speaker . Good evening and welcome. Good evening. Pleasure to be here. Some of you know me some of you dont my name is milani clay and here representing the people specifically Lgbt Community and the justice for mario Woods Commission and with black lives matter. I appreciate all the work you have done. I have to say this is the most col colorful commission i have seen. That is empowering at the same time we have to recognize were in a new age and not getting the job done. And that the color of our skin does not qualify us for any particular position especially in law enforcement. Being formerly incarcerated myself i have been on both sides i have family who are officers. I have friends who are officers that work in the jails deputies. What im experiencing is were not getting the message out there. I have been evicted last week and staying with my mother. I came out here specifically today to have a chance to speak with you guys to encourage you to reach out to the folks you know doing the community work. The democratic organizations i dont know if i mentioned this before im the former Vice President of political affair for the Harvey Milk Club so yeah, we have lists. We can get the word out. If any of you reach out to us we would be happy to include in our message what you are trying to do and try to help you to do it better. Couple things i wanted to reference really quickly is the aclu letter to mayor on 825. Im assuming you all got that. We really want to see an open and transparent process beyond what has happened so far. And we appreciate you trying. Thank you. Thank you for those encouraging words theyre deeply appreciated. Next speaker welcome and good evening. Bob from San Francisco Police Accountability. Entrenched interest always fear outside control. Insider control is almost always subject to pressures from the outsiders given that chance the citizens of San Francisco want transformational change of the resource they must seek a clean slate from the outside. If a police chief is chosen from the insiders from a neighboring city and not a big contract costing San Francisco taxpayers 49,000 we can safely assume the fix is in. If that consultanting firm was responsible for engaging San Francisco residents to genuinely participate in their police chief and could only bring in 40 or 50 individuals on each of five different occasions that consultanting firm didnt do it job and safely assume that the fix is in. San francisco is a city of 800,000 people. If they were contributed to by 12 well meaning teenagers we can assume that the fix in. Above all if the three finalists are not made public and the standards the final was made public not transparentally open to the public this commission has sold out democratic process and once again the fix was in. If the excuse was given was to respect the anonymity of the an indicates candidates i ask you if its more important than a democratic process of complete transparent before the people. Thank you. Next speaker. Good evening and welcome sir. Tom gilberti. Cameras who owns the visit . How fast does the public get it . Ten days . That is going to be the big play for part of what we have to deal with with cameras transparency, open they need to be quick. Police is a professional organization of of investigators when we have a problem involving the police that needs to be investigating the police it need toss be done quick. 30 days were professionals here. Guy in the backyard harassing his exgirlfriend maybe we can throw a net have the fishermen crew. Guys that can throw a fishing net. That will triangangle anyb up. Five Years Experience with our policemen thats a toughy. The next thing is when were graduating our crew, why not i would love to see each graduate teamed with a 2man crew thats been ten year veterans that have never fired a bullet. We can do that maybe once a week they can get experience from guys that have experience and they can go back to their own team. General, i would recommend lightning of the belt i would not mind the new graduates not wearing guns. I would like to see the Police Department learn how to settle down on the sidewalks of our city. And of course i want the Police Department to live in our city. Okay . I want to hear some of that too. Thank you. Thank you. Any further public on items 1ad . Hearing none item is closed. Call next line item. Presentation of the safe streets for all quarterly report, 2nd quarter 2016; and, discussion and possible action to adopt resolution supporting vision zero and automated Speed Enforcement action . Thank you i will remind you this took an active role with the commission with the spike with pedestrian bicycle fatalities that happened that year and this commission passed a resolution called safe streets for all with quarterly reporting. I will say those taking an interest in groups this is an Effective Group partners at sf and Bicycle Coalition have worked with us to work collaboratively with the department. This is how we track in policy lives being saved. Theres a request you have in your packets for passage of a resolution for the commission with automated Speed Enforcement with that commander good evening and welcome. Good evening. Commissioners chief chaplain director hicks members of the public. My name is Rabo Sullivan of the public municipal Transportation Agency. Im here to present a quarterly safe streets report. My presentation will cover the Second Quarter of calendar year 2016. I will be speaking my statistics will be speaking to the months april may, and june. As mentioned by commissioner loftus is for enforcement and education eliminating Traffic Commission fatalities and reducing the traffic collisions. We have a partnership with a myriad of organizations some within the city itself some of the Transportation Agency the department of Public Health i will be followed this evening by katie engoti from the public Transportation Agency. We work with the Bicycle Coalition and caulk sf with that in mind i have a brief presentation this evening knowing that mrs. Angoti will make a presentation as well. If you go to the next slide. We are measured in large part by what percentage of citations that we issue go towards the five primary collision factors to be determined with Traffic Energy coalitions. Theres a study done by the Transportation Agency from 0511. The vast majority of collisions are from motorists with excessive speed failing to yield to pedestrians at a cross walk and failing to yield to oncoming motorists as well as making u turns with that in mind there was a joint session with board of supervisors with the Police Commission. Committed that 50 of our departments would be for those factors for the Second Quarter 2016. 39 of violations were issued focused on the five violations that is 30 teen increase from quarter number one we saw improvement there. If you go to the next slide please. We look at data here to date the first two quarters that is january through june of 2015 and 6 teen. The department has issued there has been inissue of seven person in the total number focus on the five violations. I want to give a shout out to the captains that made it to the 5th year or above. That was the goal at 25 that is captain mic fadden at ingleside and captain in richmond. Each station has different factors there is a number of operations. I think my husband got a ticket in richmond failing to yield. If you are like me in your native San Francisco the level of Traffic Enforcement has gone up so much and its much more targeted now. Thank you for acknowledging them. To what you said targeted i should preface this by saying our enforcement is directed by data its data driven. Those with the department of public heelt were directing our officers through the district stations to areas we know in the past historically injury collisions have occurred. Through 2016. We focus on the five violations i mentioned that the goal of 0 on tom of the tai fatalities collisions is to reduce collisions. Have good news the kwar 2016 compared to 2015 the collisions were down 13 a slide on the monitor now speaks to the different types of collisions we did have seven fatalities. That was for the quarter number two. Looking now at the period januaryjune 16th compared to 15 overall with the exception of fatalities all of the other categories were down as well take the four categories together. Through june 2016 theyre down 9 compared to the same in june 2015. Vi a break out. On the next slide of the type of traffic fatalities one thing i would like to point out january through june 2016 there were five passenger related deaths, that is a tremendous increase to 2015 , there were none. Two of those fatalities occurred in the south market area. You may recall the case there was a vehicle that fled was not pursued by the c hp and the occupants of those vehicle passed. There were a few other items i would like to discuss. The first one with guards to the you recognize those captains august 4th. Mayor lee from the bicycle fatalities in june issues an executive order. It was around pedestrian and Bicycle Safety a number of city agencies were called to task to meet certain objectives the Police Department we were ordered to meet our objective of 50 of the focus of the five violations for collision affect torres im proud during the month of august we achieved that. There was another captain his or her command achieved. 50 its the first time this Chain Campaign has done that and at 40 to date. We have made tremendous progress. We ended 2015 at 35 were above that. I expect us to go higher. The second item i would like to mention tow i know mrs. Angoti will speak to it. Is speed, in a good number of our traffic injury collisions. The department of sfmta and department of Public Health has gun a speed campaign. If you listen to the radio with regularity npr or [inaudible] you may have heard vision 0 segments those started in september of tho this month. An in the this month. In the month of october the department will begin safe speeds enforcement operation. What that means for us speaking in the department, on top of the speed eports were making there is 153 additional hours per week through a grant officers will conduct traffic through [inaudible] [inaudible] any questions . Great. You have come a long way. Mrs. Angoti from sfm almost. And thank you. Yamaguchi for the technical assistance. Good evening and welcome. Rb tha. Thank you. My name is katie angoti with the government affairs. I appreciate the time to talk tow i know the agenda is long. This is an important resolution for you to consider. Its extremely timely given that were gearing up for the 2017 session and the next one starting up in four months in january. Sfpd has been working hard to enforce the most dangerous traffic violations they have been great partners with the sfmta and other departments with the joint Traffic Safety efforts and campaign. Enforcement is one of the prongs of our division 0 of the multistrong efforts also including education enforcement, english thooer nooering evaluation and policy. Thats what im here to talk about so San Francisco. There are 30 fatalities and collisions each year. And speeding is the leading cause for injury and traffic fatalities in San Francisco. Speed is the. Into the mic. They will do it for you. Okay. Take my word for it. Speeding is the strong est predictor of whether pause whether a bicyclist or pedestrian or driver hit by a vehicle will walk away from that collision alive. As you can see from the graphic the faster the vehicle is going the likelihood of that person surviving is reduced. To imagine Speed Enforcement Engineering Education there are tools we currently dont have access to that is automated Speed Enforcement. So its currently precludes in the california vehicle code. We cant use it. We need state authorization to allow San Francisco. Automated is not new. There are 143 communities in 15 states that have it programmed including new york city Portland Seattle d. C. Chicago and denver. And these cities reported reduction in spe speeding over the speed limit ten miles. They have seen reduction in the number of violations given so the cameras are going in, people are changing their behavior and theyre not speeding we did have conversations with tight communication with other cities they see this as a force multiplier because they know there is a lot of speeding happening in the city that they cant enforce for whatever reason, resources or the street geography is not set up in a way they can do speed separations so president loftus as you mentioned Speed Enforcement was in the two year strategy for vision 0 for which the Police Department has committed to implementing in 2014. They have approvaled. Vision 0 and received direction from the board of supervisors to pursue this at the state level. The resolution before you tonight is enforcement for the vision strategy and to work with City Partners to support our legislative efforts and with that, im done if you have any questions. Thank you. Vice president turman. Thank you. Wouldnt it be a lot clearer in the resolution defined automated enforcement system . There doesnt seem to be a definition and you are saying, its included under state law i think we need to change it here to specify what were talking about that. Other than that, i have no objection im in support. Okay can you take technical amendments. Certainly, we can. The definition of the automated Speed Enforcement. When i call it, you can make a motion with the correction. That is fine. Make sure its a definition im not quite sure i know what it is. Yeah. Any other questions colleagues . I would just say, this is a bold goal vision 0 by 2024 this is about people putting politics aside agencies worki worki working together for a common goal. Im in support of this, this is effecting seniors and young people. If you have an elderly person in the home the speeding is making could get into an accident but at a high level of speed there lower percent of survival. If there is no further comment i can take a motion. Yeah. Mic m [speaking off t mic]. Yeah. That is fine. What we can do is schedule this for next week. For possible actions. If the Commission Wants to take a vote tonight. That is fine. If not we can add it on for next week. That is fine. You raise a good point if you want more time we can give you more time. We will schedule it next week for a vote. Thank you. Any further questions colleagues . With the suggest they incorporate in the new version what commissioner turman is asking more. [speaking off the mic]. You need to speak into the mike. If other commissioners want to make a suggestion by next week. We can make the motion at that point it will give us an opportunity to read it. Again, if anybody again we have gone through this before if you have suggestions or questions we can discuss it now lets not have one commissioner be able to change the whole resolution that will cause a problem. We can put it on for discussion and action next week. We will have a draft if there is no objection commissioner turman can add that definition if you have other changes we will have to discuss it as a Commission Next week. Im concerned about the 2024. Seven years some of the last stuff that happened the blow back is on the department. We didnt comply with everything. We violated this stuff. I cant remember, i want to go back and look at some of the last actions that just happened. So im conce concerned putting a strict target on it. [inaudible] 20242 years ago. Okay. There was blow back i wanted to make sure we look at it in light of what is said with the concerns we had a couple of months ago. Sure. Thank you for being here tonight. Anything further colleague . Sar gaergeant we wile this resolution on for discussion and action and see you next week. Sergeant next line item . Sorry. Public comment online item two. I think theyre rushing it when they vote into lumbard carter changes there needs to be more studies done. This is in the last 23 months. Im for Public Safety and due to the fact that i have ten pins in my left leg i can walk and sometimes i cant. I believe in the concept of vision 0 but you are rushing the way this is worded. Big time. Number two, some of the studies for the lumbard carter okay . Were not done looking at studies. They only did the eastwest studies were about to have a problem you dont know are you listening or not . I have a feeling someone isnt is the fact that were about to have a major highway in a city during peak hours is going to be in total gridlock all of mta the study for lumbard and vision 0 the plan conflict each other on certain corners because of the different sections of the department of the mta were dealing with google buses were dealing with eliminating parking places in the same place were dealing with northsouth people rushing the lights. Most are the people are rushing the lights to get to the bridge. I think the words of this is very loose and you should care more about the comments from the public right now, you got mission, you got tereval you got ingleside and [inaudible] to richmond [speaking off the mic]. Thank you. Thank you. That is your time. When we look out for people, right now, we have a chance to speak. We have a greenbelt that needs to be poke street and height street. It should be like europe separating the car frs the people. And emergency lane for cars and buses for people getting greens and stuff. But separating the cars strucks trucks can be slowed down in the city theyre not going over 65 any more that is i great thing. Technology has given us a lot of things. I appreciate this. When it comes to texting i didnt hear them say anything texting i was almost ran every by somebody going through two red lights. I doesnt matter how many but they keep texting i appreciate being the unknown comic i predict everything and talk about him being with or without a College Education im sure he has one because he wouldnt be here. You cant speak about it hes a smart man and i appreciate being i seen the policeman as a kid i was a bad guy i was behind a mailbox when he came back to talk to me he said thats a tarnished penny a shiny gold color. I cant remember what he said. I hope we had more policemen like that that set people on the right path. I appreciate you sir. Next speaker. Evening and welcome. Good evening. Im cathy daluka with the Program Manager of walk San Francisco. I think vision 0 is not unrealistic to have 0 traffic fatalities by 2024. That is not the same as no traffic crashes while we would love to have no traffic crashes what we would like is to not have people die from those crashes. Engineering and enforcement to slow the speeds education we haves of tools to get there to make the crashes less severe. By 2024. Im sure of it. What we need to help us get there is automated Speed Enforcement because we have been using a lot of tools to get to vision 0 although were not there yet. Im happy see decrease in collisions the last quarter i have been going along with the bike quarter with training in Police Commission stations when we talk ac the officers citing for speed its hard for officers to do that in the districts are streets are congested it would be dangerous to chase after speeders there are problems with staffing they dont have staffing because speed operations take multiple officers. There is only so much the officers can do. Automated Speed Enforcement can get us further they wont have the same problems that the officer have. We can enforce speed when they get stuck in court instead of doing their jobs. I urge you on behalf of walk sf when you you decide to move forward on a motion for automated Speed Enforcement pass it. We need your vote and support to pass. Thank you. A question they quote studies how do we find these studies so we can review them. Katie angoti worked with the controllers aufszer with speed inforcement in other cities best practices katie can give you all the information. And the packet should have all the information with the resolution. All i got is a resolution. You got a packet of six pages at at your home with the presentation. With the studies. I can look it up. This is what you got. [multiple speakers]. If you read through it there are multiple reference points there is data, common questions [multiple speakers]. Thank you. Thank you. Hi. Im disturned disturbed by the traffic incidents with slow down saturday and the police would stop and give a warning a person has not had a ticket in the last year the policeman would be here humanized and say the reason im stopping you is because were tired of seeing death and our citizens die. The way the Police Officers have direct contact not be there as punishers but be there as warning and have a connection between the police and community by actually warning them and creating a positive connection. They dont want to be ones enforcing and punishing they want to be the ones preventing. This is one way to do it. We were working on slow down saturday. That is the day were going to take the time to think about what were doing and slow down. Im seeing it everywhere. Im scared. There are people turning in front of other lanes. Its just red lights are being not stopping all the time. I would like to see something where Police Officers are out theres aing why they dont like to see this and are hurt by it i think that would be a humanizing chaens chance for for our Police Officers. Camera wont do that. It might be a good tool if we put signs on the city and make it a thing all of us want the community is a part of it. You can have signs in peoples windows slow down saturday. People can bring it up at Community Meetings and we can start working on this as a whole city not just an automated camera that takes the picture. That is my 0. 02. Thank you. Next speaker. Good evening and welcome. Hello Michael Patrelis again i wanted to address the issue of cl

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