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Retrofitting work is taking place. So fortunately the landlord is not, they are closing, fortunate for them the landlord is still going to continue to lease to them, but the unfortunate element is that they are having to close their business for 3 4 months to do it. So, just they called to check to see if there is any sort of resources or assistance that was thought about for businesses for having to close. So and the answer is no . There was nothing planned. They would not be paying rent . Likely not. If they are employees. They have to pay the store. And you know hopefully some businesses will have Business Interruption insurance that they maybe able to rely on but not all may. And then i just provided a list of some future presentations that will be ahead. And then that we will be receiving the super bowl presentation from jason tremu at the next meeting. And then a list, a calendar list looking at 2016 meeting schedule. I have it here. Just for your information. May because of Small Business week we will be canceling that meeting and it will be to your discretion as to whether as we get closer to have a meeting on may 30th or just the one meeting a month. Okay. Awesome. Is that it . Then lastly, i want to mention that i did attend a Panel Presentation to discuss minimum wage and other employer mandates at people wear and apparel Manufacturing Organization and it was a very interesting discussion regarding workforce. And dealing with the local and regional issues and as you are acutely aware of commissioner white about the reduction of manufacturers in San Francisco and also it was an opportunity to sort of begin to have some discussion about Property Owner ship as well. So i think that will be a program that we can develop through the legacy business as an initiative but i think Property Owner ship in general will be a good program whether there is anything behind it other than just packaging the how to will be something that will be a benefit to our businesses. The best form of rent control. So that concludes my report. Okay. Thank you. Item no. 7 is president s report. I only have to report as you mentioned that i do attend the shop local meeting which is the collaboration between oewb and the chamber of commerce and its focused primarily presently on kind of a business to consumer more specifically retailer to consumer communication effort and an attempt to garner some fund to Campaign Around the holidays. Its not clear where that money is going to come from. On the business side there is a meeting or sort of a meet and greet planned as promised. Thats being organizeded by the chamber of commerce on october 22 nd and they are looking for a venue and asking me what recommendations i have for 80120 people. Im in big time in favor of that. Other than it was a quiet month with everyone on recess. City clerk item nor 8. Vicepresident s report. Nothing to report. Commissioners, got any reports . No. Nothing to report. No demerits for having no reports. Item 10. New business. None. Seeing none. All right. Commissioners we are now onto item november 11th. Adjournment. Here it comes. I motion to adjourn. Second that. All in favor say, aye. Aye. Any opposed . We are adjourned at 6 25. [ meeting is adjourned ] good afternoon and welcome to the San Francisco Historic Preservation Commission Hearing for wednesday, september 16, 2015, id like to remind the public to please silence any devices that may sound off during the proceedings. And when speaking before the commission, if you care to, do state your name for the record. Id like to call roll at this time. Commissioner wolfram commissioner hyland commissioner hasz commissioner johnck commissioner johns commissioner matsuda and commissioner pearlman commissioners commissioners, that places you under your before i get started i want to announce people that are interested in the Hunters Point shipyard to a presentation that item will be pushed to the end of the agenda commissioner first on the age a agenda. Any member of the public wish to make a Public Comment on any item seeing none, Public Comment is closed very good commissioners under Department Matters directors announcement. Tim frye the directors report was included in the packets happy to answer any questions seeing none, commissioners review of past meetings. Tim frye Planning Department staff a quick a couple of quick announcements donna i did not have a formal report from the commission i want po to mention one is the departments annual preservation staff retreat is scheduled for the end of october occasionally a couple of commissioners participate either during part of the retreat or the full retreat and well forward you the information on october 27th once we have more information and again youre welcome to participate if you would like to do so and second just a quick announcement that Department Staff commissioner hyland and commissioner wolfram nieftsd visited the cal house this morning on the presentation work program and it is going glutton the first hearing we met with the Property Owner that is supportive of the designation dont care some additional photos and answered questions what landmark status mantels for a singlefamily residences property and that item will be before you i believe on our october 7th hearing so that is the next hearing well be using some the photographs and information to update the report there will be a new designation report that concludes my remarks unless you have questions. Seeing none, commissioners president s report announcements. I just want to report on september 9th commissioner matsuda and myself and mr. Ram and members of the Department Staff met with don from rec and park and from the Chinatown Task force and richard from the Japantown Merchant Association to discuss the landmarking at japantown some concerns raised regarding whether landmarking will have an impact on need maintenance or the recollection and jonathan took notes described as a memo but the summary of meeting that rec and park is very supportive of landmarking the area they believe that will give an opportunity for awareness of that site and theyve got a number of suggestions about possible Funding Sources for relocation it is a positive meeting. Thats my only report. Very good unless nothing further consideration of the draft minutes for the Historic Preservation Commission Regular hearing of august 19th. Commissioners any comments on the minutes does anyone in the public wish to comment on the draft minutes of august 19th seeing none, Public Comment is closed do i have a motion to approve. So moved. Second. Thank you, commissioners on that motion to do you want the minutes from august 19th commissioner hasz commissioner johnck commissioner johns commissioner matsuda commissioner pearlman commissioner hyland and commissioner wolfram. So moved, commissioners, that motion passes unanimously 7 to zero and places you on item 5 commissioners questions or comments and questions or comments and dollars i have a few dollars to make ive had some phone conversation and emails with commissioner hasz regarding the landscape assessment and other members of the public regarding the Hunters Point shipyard commissioner johns and i also had communications with mr. Haas. Commissioner johnck. Yeah. Basically email with mr. Haas and the item on the agenda recommended to 16th street with rob of the proposed comments for the Environmental Impact statement on the graft okay. Ready to move on commissioners item 6 Historic Preservation Commission Fund committee report. Good afternoon commissioners im robert attorney your representative on the Historic Preservation Commission Fund committee and i provide a written report that i think youve all received but apparently nobody has a copy of laughter . So if youd like i can give you a brief summary in not take our questions and go ahead mr. Attorney commissioner wolfram asked me to give you a summary of what is going on every six months i object to do during the last six months the preservation Fund Committee has you approved funding for two new projects weve conduct oversight for 6 projects funded earlier and review one completed project and received another completed project but havent had a change chance to look at it given the structure of the Committee Much of the oversight of ongoing projects is conducted by the subcommittee the subcommittee consist of 3 members of Fund Committee plus courtney a form member of your body in addition weve development a list of projects that we hope to see opportunity before the fund is achieved and weve spent several meetings discussing that i provided you with a list of our priorities now i can if you like provide with you with more substance of the projects approved and those funded before the fund is achieved. Go ahead. Sure during the past 6 months weve funded weve funded a request to assist with the precipitating of doctorate film on city hall the grant was made to the sentinel haul committee weve suggested all materials be given to the San Francisco History Center and public lib library to be available to the future we recommended a teachers guide be a high priority we approved a revision and extension of an original grant that was given some. Ago to create a Historic Context statement for public heights we reviewed a proposal from the San Francisco Art Institute that included several separate assessment projects after we commented on the original proposal a revised proposal came to us in february we approved one part of it and on a gifted vote recommended against the reminder but the remainder was fund by the Mayors Office during the pass 6 months weve conducted oversight an wu reck valley context statement and the context statement and landmark nomination for scared heart church and other structures if in that immediate area that are connected to Sacred Heart Church oversight for the Historic Context statement, a San Francisco latino historic statement, and the San Francisco lgbtq Historic Context statement a Historic Context statement for africanamerican sites in the city was submitted in january it is now being reviewed in the Planning Department and will come to you i understand by the end of the year weve recently gotten an assessment of the work needed for the mothers building at the zoo a city landmark and we received a report only a few weeks ago not had a chance to review the assessment we adopted the following priorities for fire chief funding do not whether or not we receive appropriate proposals for them a great desegregation new ear context statement that focuses on earth and art that was produced in the city between 1929 and 41 a true Government Fund city, state, and federal funding second a landmark nomination for theatre Roosevelt Middle School third preservation of the photos from the city from the early 20th century and fourth a landmark for George Washington high school fifth completion of a Historic Resource survey for the ocean avenue commercial district and 6 the landmark nomination for the historic landscaping at the San Francisco zoo our list goes beyond those 6 but we decided to focus on finding appropriate proposals for those first 6 items and then well see how much money might be left to go on down the list. And maybe i should let you know of the original 2. 5 million we started with theres about 330,000 left. And when the fund is exhausted the committee will access to captivity. Commissioner wolfram. Im not you know the gentleman hes on the Historic Preservation Commission Board and hes a professor of San Francisco history. And so i also call him the hammer of history if you get our facts wrong hell hammer you. Thank you for serve. My other questions. voices. Is there no way to get other ways to get funds. Weve asked that question laughter with no to no avail i mean it would take a action on the board of supervisors in some way i mean there are various things that might be thought of small tax on development that could be used inform fund the Historic Preservation but that will take political will our committee doesnt have the ability to exercise someone else will voluntary o have to take the lead. Commissioner johnck. Yeah. It was a very good list under 6 priorities but as you said to have clarity this is depending on our ref proposals for those. Yeah. Particularly interested in the new deal art and architecture ive seen a lot of work of great recollection on the city and it might not someone that i tried to recruit gray he is two busy San Francisco heritage is preparing a proposal for that. Mr. 45 commissioners time to fill you in briefly on one consultant of the new context statement the Washington High School landmark designation that was mentioned funding i funded through an ad back from the Supervisors Office given the context the Fund Committee thought that would be make sense to give that money to the Fund Committee rather than use Staff Resources to prepare the designation that way the Fund Committee can hire the consultant theyll be cycle that area through the context statement we have a meeting with supervisor mars in the next couple of week to prepare that project and getting the Fund Committee on board to work with that designation for your review. I might add a couple of other items on the list of priorities would fit within the overhead Great Depression new deal historic the Theodore Roosevelt was opportunity by a local bond issue the morales inside theerd Roosevelt High School it is a combination of federal and state funding city and state and federal mostly city funding that architect is tim i didnt and goorld was funded in a part from the Public Works Administration it has i would say the largest single collection of new deal art in the city with a number of murals by four different artist and a sculpt freeze on the Athletic Field all of that funded by the w pa and there was also city bond issues at George Washington high school and a timothy was the architect on the George Washington high school and many of the Historic Building at the zoo were funded by the w pa from the 1930s were all fund by w pa an over lapsing lap to the specific landmark nominations that we hope to receive and hope to realize some efficiency from that kind of overlap. Thank you for your service and serving on the Fund Committee. Oh, we didnt take Public Comment. Is there anyone from the public that wishes to speak seeing none, and hearing none Public Comment is closed. Very good commissioners that takes us to your routine and may be acted upon by a single roll call vote of the commission. There will be no separate discussion of these items unless a member of the commission, the public, or staff so requests removed from the consent calendar and considered as a separate item at this or a future hearing. Item 7 case no. At 9 hundred 22 street a certificate of appropriateness i have no speaker cards. Commissioner pearlman. I have a purely question a number of eels one from jeanette caporelli head of the dog patch association requesting the staff look at it was supportive but requested that the staff looked at particular things if we just say content and we all vote on it do those things magically disappear and get approved well have to pull it off and it get reviews with those particular things in mind. Okay. Supervisors depth you can add conditions of approval that may not reflect the comments in the letter. We and right. I understand right. Okay. multiple voices . Id like the conditions noted i dont know if anyone is mere to present i guess tim is here laughter . Very good commissioners well take up that matter now. Good afternoon, commissioners tim frye depth this is the certificate of the pertains for the dog patch landmark district particularly e specifically the project includes the installation of a new storefront and including the windows on the exterior that features the windows and new signage is installed related to the tenant space and installed on the main doorway on the painted panel the project proposes to retain alumnus on the exterior and the proposed work to correct work that was done without the benefit of a permit or certificate appropriateness overall the project meets the secretary of interior standards and the provisions outlined within the relative list use in article 10 of the planning code as commissioner pearlman pointed out the department has received comments from the dog Patch Neighborhood Association regarding the design of the light fixtures on the interior and desiring to see something context all installed that is something that the department did not feel necessary to review typed but overall the department is supportive of the proposal as included in our packets ill be happy to answer any questions thank you. Any questions before we take Public Comment. Anybody in the public wick to comment seeing none, Public Comment is closed and back to you, commissioners. Commissioner pearlman. Yeah. I know the area i used to live that in that area i know what was done for that building it is pretty sad it is an important corner because of development that is happening in dog patch i know those are minor things id like to include in a motion to support the project that the staff works with the project sponsor on the lights and the hardware two things that the dog Patch Neighborhood Association asked to be reviewed with staff. Okay. So im happy to make a motion with those two conditions. Commissioner hyland. I have a question on those are existing conditions so this is no ignition from the project sponsor; is that correct. Technically it is the exist conditions that were installed without the benefit of a certificate or confident of appropriateness. You want to make a motion. I make a motion to approve with the conditions that the project sponsor work with on the design the lighting and the Door Hardware were the two issues brought up. Pardon me. Is there a direction from latinamerican or just. Yeah. They dont like those lights. And want them to be context all and it is to select something more appropriate to the design. Just to be clear commissioner pearlman your intent they be changed but actually work. Id like them yeah. Thats the multiple voices . More context all. This commission seize if it is contextly. Very good commissioners another motion and second to approve that certificate of appropriateness adding a condition that the sponsor work with staff to replace the current lighting and hardware with that motion commissioner hasz commissioner johnck commissioner johns commissioner matsuda commissioner pearlman commissioner hyland and commissioner wolfram so moved, commissioners, that motion passes unanimously 7 to zero commissioners that place there our regular calendar for case 8 on 16th street and 7th street a draft Environmental Impact report. Good afternoon commissioner wolfram and others im criticizing with the Department Staff senior planner and Historic Preservation Commission Specialist for the project the citys consultant and members of the project team are present the item is the 9016th street and draft irrelevant or eir pursuant to the ceqa or ceqa sec and implementing ceqa specifically chapter 31 of the San Francisco administrative code was amended in 2013 and requires that the Planning Department schedule a hearing and get any comments that the Historic Preservation commission has on a draft eir has a resource that the Environmental Impact officer to be a Harvey Milk Club resource this is the first draft eir hearing to come before the commission brownbag without a historic impact the project has a Brick Office Building to be an eligible resource and the project will rehabilitate the Commission Members were provided a notice of the draft eir at the whole period of this document only august 13th and will continue until september 28th youve been provided with the historic background report i want wanted to newest today, were here to provide an opportunity for the commission to decide the historic issues pertaining and formulate comments on the drafts eir this is not the hearing or the Planning Commission will take the hearing that is tomorrow schedule at 3 00 p. M. Public comment on the draft or maybe submitted orally in writing writing to the adopt environmental officer by 5 00 p. M. On september 28th that will be helpful that way tomorrow well provide your remarks to the commission before discussing the draft historic go analysis i want to provide a brief summary that will be built on a 3 may have in the potrero hill in the eastern neighborhoods plan west of any mississippi street the project cantonese two water shed building of mod labor building and two parts and a vanity Brick Office Building the proposed project will entail the merging of the sites into two lots the modular redistribution of Brick Office Building and the construction of the two New Buildings 4 and 6 stories in height that constraints 3 hundred and 95 units and gross square feet along with open space and parking for 3 hundred and 88 vehicles and bikes the analysis of potential impacts is for the evaluation planned by the Historic Resources that was priority along with the Background Information that Human Resources concluded the Brick Office Building was historic and this was by the Environmental Review that showcase square the significance has been studied can i several consultants with different opinions to discuss those finding im going to turn it over to gretchen high on a hill it calls to me ward. Good afternoon gretchen im here to summarize the resource finding the property was studied in the showcase square resource ask a please let us in 2009 by celibacy and that project away was done in support of eastern neighborhoods eir that was the pacific mill context was saudi and the consultants oiftdz the needs for future identification go following the survey the Department Staff so i understand it a 3 c s and a individual property the Property Owners appealed the discussion it 9 property was eligible and in response the commission asked for Additional Information in 2011 page and turn balance conducted an analysis and xhubd it is under the criterion one for the period of significant from 1906 to 192 five and eight concluded that the site remands the integrity the Historic Preservation commission upon recommendation of the Planning Department preservation staff concurred with the report in motion 134 conducting that only the brick office this was ineligible and the other buildings didnt rain the integrity the letters and studies were submitted to the department for the integrity of the site photographs were submitted on behalf of the Neighborhood Group in early 2014 and in the elevation of the district report dated february 2014 was implemented by the Historic Preservation commission this report argued the period of importance should extend 1946 and the warehouse house should be considered historic the Historic Preservation commission implemented a report dated december 4, 2014, for the plan was excluded and provided additional materials to support those findings that only the Brick Office Building retains the significance and integrity staff concurred with the report in our Historic Resource response or completed for the proposed project dated 2014 the finding are the following that the form pacific avenue mills site is to be under the list in criterion one as a Fabrication Company that made contribution after the 1906 San Francisco earthquake the period of significance is 1906 to 1928 the Brick Office Building was the only Historic Building that is on the property that has dignity other buildings have lacked significant described the Brick Office Building was found to be eligible for the liz under criterion 3 as an example of a post 2 henry adams direct industrial building the building and body for the characteristics are the type and method the construction and the period of significance is 1926 the date of construction that was a quick summary i am sorry to thomas to talk about the alternatives. As part the proposed project the Office Building will be rehabbed in a manner consist about the secretary of interior redistribution standards with the retention and redistribution of the Office Building the draft eir finds the proposed projects has not cumulative impacts the draft eir analyze 4 the reduced density and the shed alternatives the treatment is the same for the first to alternatives there will be no impact to the Historic Resource and the metal shed was formed that based on the Public Comment feedback for the metal sheds despite their lack ever district gretchen discusses the alternatives allows for development of the area containing a modular Office Building and the Brick Office Building the metal sheds are for art space and retail and a cafe and the Brick Office Building will be rehabbed no impact to the Historic Resources before i conclude i want to remind everything that a public hearing must be submitted early or in writing to the officer by 5 00 p. M. On september 28th in terms of the comments for today will not be respond to in an eir process after the hearing the Planning Department will publish the document that cantonese our responses to all relative comments and the documents in winter spring of 2016 followed by the eir certification in spring of 2016 that ends our presentation if you have any questions, ill be happy to answer them. Commissioners, any questions for planning staff. Im wondering about the letter that we have from the Planning Commission if last year, i guess or 2013 letter involving us to a greater extents we have had the opportunity in the past to have a strong connection between our roles and the Environmental Impact report for the commission we talked about it in the past we felt that we were kind of say side stepped but doesnt have as much value in this informing the Planning Commission of our ideas and i felt we have a Good Relationship with planning theyve officially asked us, please tells you when it comes to the letter specific says please comment on guess Historic Resources so those metal sheds were officially decided in 2011 not to be historic i want to know is there anything restrictive for us considering those those as we decide those i now and then at this point in time are rae restricted from just specifically Historic Resources that have not been designated or can we consider you know additional Historic Resources notwithstanding the 2011 am i making myself clear. Wade environmental planner the intent of coming to the hpc to get receive comments from you on Historic Resources nothing prohibits anyone in the public from commenting on the draft eir even orally tomorrow over and over the other comments by september 28th. Okay generally Historic Resources whether or not theyve been historic theres a ton of information arrested developed by the expert reports specifically what is or not. Commissioner just a point of clarification early to gretchen hilliards presentation those were included in the showcase square this Commission Adopted in 2011 with that information this commission made the decision that only one of those buildings was a Historic Resource the brick building so based on that guidance and that information that is how the department has approached the site in terms of its Historic Resources that said if this commission or you commissioner johnck have a specific question and the responses comments document about the historic significance we can do that as part of this document but in no way as wade mentioned you know this commission is tree to ask whatever questions it wants to. Right thank you. Other commissions seeing no questions why not open up for Public Comment so is there anyone from the public that wishes to speak on this item if so, please come forward youll have 3 minutes are there any speaker cards. No. There will be a bell before your 3 minutes and 30 seconds theres a warning bell you have 30 seconds left. Thank you commissioners good afternoon. Im rob im a cofounder of the grassroots the potrero hill that forms 3 years over the concerns of developments at the sensitive site i want to address the inaccuracy and inadequacy of the historic integrity of the Metal Buildings evidences including the architecture kathy demonstrates those buildings retain historic integrity despite the amazing we believe the period of significance was longer pan 1906 to 1928 the metal steel warehouses might have been altered as kathy argues the more than spaces will be to expected given the purposes for the flexibility space the potrero hill context has remain structures at the mill that operated in 1867 before re organizing and relocating to potrero hill in the 19 hundred it should be revised bans the reports and they urge the Historic Preservation commission to support and adapt active alternative use an acceptable subject to key modifications with the shed modification was drawn up and detailed in the d eir it seeks a practical middle ground between the project and the communities concerns some of the modifications were seeing in this alternative were spelled out in the memo we set back you last week theyre willing to work with the developer to approve improve this and unfortunately, the developer is yet could reciprocates this is an before and after image is it gives us an idea of project place of scale and finally the neighborhoods will have a strong connection while embracing the presents the Industrial Buildings are presented an extraordinary opportunity to fulfill a vision for the potrero hill call for adapt active reuse were seeing wildly demolition that could be used for more than purposes to view those in isolation is using them the city planning Historic Preservation commission and the Planning Commission needs to keep this Bigger Picture in mind thank you. Hello my name is peter ive lived on 189 in potrero hill since 1975 and the director of archive project weve provided oral histories and anything to do with potrero hill hill the design for the cosponsor have an sites is a significant improvement over the previous design this alternative has a reasonable scale which compliments the neighborhood and preserves Historic Structures the structures are all that remain of pacific Rolling Mills 80 year history in the neighborhood it was the first iron and steel founder in the west associated with the Industries Rise following the signify war and at the turn the century with the metal framed building and after 1906 the company played a crucial role inform rebuilding golden gate and by a bridges and one of the fierce potrero hill history drawing people to the neighborhood who built their homes like anything like that those tell the disappear theyre quickly stereotyping the draft eir found the africans to the Metal Buildings excluded them from direct preservation that is ridiculous by their nature Industrial Buildings with regularly alternated when the needs arise do alternatives make city hall and the Ferry Building not historic katherine detailed studies determined the cosponsor have an building are historic and deserve to be preserved a repurchasing of those building for apartment and Lighting Industry will serve today is niece for housing and employment while preserving a crucial structure which gives the neighborhood the cherish that residents love and visits look for the community will benefit from a mixed use and a repurposing of those structures in addition to hows they could be used as artist space and storage and delay of our archive projects between old and new thank you. Good afternoon, commissioners im alison with potrero hill responsibly we want to give you a context we see happening in the showcase potrero hill i brought a number of images to show you what is being built if i could overhead im going to go through those quickly overseeing are all projects im showing you now that are actually in place and in to our neighborhood and some that are under construction right now here we go one 2 henry adams going up right now 645 texas on this is on mississippi street one thousand 1 7th street street and 801 brandon under construction at showcase square this one under construction you kind of get the idea that potrero hill is become the at the time ground for the Mission Bay School of architecture this one is in the pipeline yesterday, i decided because the project across the street at dagget triangle is under construction i took a photograph of it as it was yesterday. So throughout the world urban designers recognize the preservation of our industrial warehouses unlike the design it is popping up over the ear it remains the character and the proposal like the one for pier 70 honors the early days of potrero hill and dog patch as a gateway to potrero hill this proposal is consistent with the objectives of showcase square and the potrero hill and reminds us of the importance to provide continuity with past development wanted to read circle from that plan important Historic Buildings cant be replaced or destroyed the architecture styles have a unique opportunity to the fabricated and provided editions. Our. Thank you. Next speaker, please. Good afternoon. I am a recipe of potrero hill i want to speak in favor of retaining the Metal Buildings of the Industrial Heritage potrero hill there is not much remains and less and less remains every year the cosponsor have an Metal Buildings are the last ones significance industrial building remaining over the past decade many buildings have come up on potrero hill that have been claimed to be inspired by industrial architecture on the developing on arkansas street in the developing rhode island, however, there so those buildings are address Industrial Design only by virtue of having cosponsor gaited metal a specific example they aim to emulate is rare and about disappear deservedly that site needs to be better than a mere expansion of the Triangle North just as 50 or 60 years ago suburban developers would level a forest and put down a subdivision called Whispering Oaks but belief leave a couple of a reminder people that see those supposed industrial spiertsd buildings in the neighborhood should have one good example of what the true industrial building looks like and i would urge you to recommend and consider the reuse plan considered in the d thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Next speaker, please. Hi good afternoon. My name is a janey my Family History in San Francisco goes back hundred years my mother grew up in the sgrshgs of lombardi street i have much respect for San Francisco i care about the Historic District whether i moved to San Francisco over 20 years ago sorry i was attracted to the production and industrial vibe of potrero hill and have lived there ever since are one the mediums i work in are in the metal arts i wholeheartedly support the adapt active use brick and Metal Buildings it will help to keep the character and historic integrity of this eermg or eastern part of San Francisco and adapt active reuse of the Pacific Building should be consist upon i hundred percent reject the prod do concepts those kinds of projects with exactly what is wrong with the changes were seeing an on a daylight basis in a city it is mute in character because of projects like this dictate take the dagget it is massive and brakes any heart every time i drive by the building it is i dont know if youve been over there but it is i cannot express it in words please do not turn San Francisco going into a generic city and remove the Historical Structures please keep and preserve San Franciscos historic integrity and insist on an adapt active use of core project thank you. Thank you. Next speaker, please. Hello, everyone my name is and yvonne i was born an potrero hill in 1942 on rhode island street you know but i lived with a grandparent on another street that makes we 732 in the late 40 and 50s well would come down the hill all the way to where this building is now and i actually was too afraid to go in a go carts well wait outside for the workers theyd come and fix the bikes or whatever we were riding on we get to know them my dad ended up working on the Golden Gate Bridge it was part of the neighborhood there was shoe stores on the corner it was a welding shop and although i moved away as an adult and lived in peru and amsterdam i came back that this is a wonderful interesting city with different neighborhoods i was thinking just now about the buildings in amsterdam those buildings were demolished a part of a 5 hundred old on one side and on the other side a modern appendage you know not forget the roots it seasons me to see our potrero hill turn into this lagging go lands this kind of believes that are rectangle and no spirit or poetry and i just dont know why were doing it i think back to when sigh was on this board how she really looked how children played and light came in and visited our neighborhoods and businesses it is all disappearing i feel sad that were doing this i also ambiance in project it seems inpersonal to me and just bad for the community. Thank you. Next speaker. Hello my name is phil im a 33 year member of the a San Francisco and ive worked on Historic Preservation and the adapted uses of structures that the planning of the draft Internal Revenue suggests that the development as proposed by waldon development will lead to unvisibly impacts to transportation and circulation is no surprise to neighbors and locals on potrero hill the project is a very dense and bulky building that is vastly over scaled for its site the Planning Department did take the initiative to proclaim an alternative to the waldon proposal it is hiring Christie Johnson architects to study a metal shed reuse alternative this is an excellent idea that office a much needed alternative to the over scaled project of waldon development the alternative and the hectic buildings which exist on the site and proposed to repurpose the structures in an exciting and Initiative Way i realize the Planning Department found them not worthy of Historic Preservation thats their error and short sightness this alternative is just what the sites and the local residents need the scale of the project is urban but preserves the existing structures and preserves the disappearing pdr uses that are an important part of the city and the local potrero hill communities a project like this would give light to all the city vicinity including workers of the local hospitals and research and Tech Companies and, of course, local residents like myself it is foul i didnt to place a resource and congestion creating dine on this site the Transportation Resources the city of San Francisco are stretched to the breaking point theres very little improvement of transportation for unsuccessfully in the thirty years ive lived there im sure this project will put tremendous pressure on the volatile utilities i suggest we honestly look at the future well see the design like the metal shed alternatives is the answer thank you. Thank you. Next speaker, please. Good afternoon, commissioners my name is shawn im a homeowner in arkansas street since 199 of a fourth generation of illegal gets a positive roll in the commission brchlz in protecting Historical Building i want to encourage the commission to assert its role for the preserve of this i support the protection of the buildings and its restoration as stated in the medical shed alternative id like to stair or share what the building panes to me the stories and memories and its significance by existing as a touch point opportunities for me to share the real life stories of San Francisco ann asks her with our generations the niece and envelopes from my italian family side that emigrated on 1910 my great ann shelter talks about the stories about the small dairy in richmond, california by a ferry ride and a spill income during hard times a metal worker building the Golden Gate Bridge and the bay bridge those are real stories i share and digitally produce so the future generations see that now i learned this metal shed was recently used to manufacture the metal the metal my great gather uses is to build with his hands and develop the base of our city i think it is important that we continue to honor those resources as attach point for future adjudications this is where our city came from. I feel it is important for the city and the citizens to have our rich history to prioritize the protection of those Historic Buildings that have found in the beauty of our city and having look at what is happening on potrero hill with the modern believes that have no purpose other than high residence and real estate i really courage the commission to again take its role and realize we need more housing on potrero hill thanks very much i thank you for supporting the shed all of the elements thank you. Thank you. Next speaker, please. Hello, im lynn one the owners the bottom of hill night club across in the proposed structure id like to courage the adapt active reuse of those the gentleman spoke eloquently about i want to add in the 24 years your business has been there and before we owned it well into i think 1940s probably before that but this block is so unique because it is the Meeting Point from the residential Beautiful Homes on coastline and the Light Industrial and showcase square and it is so cool h how they come together on our block i love those buildings and love for them to remain back when i first started there, there was still lighted in the street and area those people were coming to happy hour at our bar we were serving them and saw it change it is so different i would like you guys to encourage reigning in the chain and preserving what is left the project like dagget is a horror show in our neighborhood we dont want that on our block yeah also the brick building if youre considering it in a context when you rather be around the things that make it historically important thats all i have thank you responding lee. I know the area the one by the school maam, like the school; correct right where your place it. Pardon me. Theres a school close to where our at. I know the area our talking about there is train tracks going. Excuse me, sir comments to the commission. Im sorry thats an interesting area it really see okay. And as far as history that is a bureau of area already but as i have said the city needs work they need its been there a very a long time and not exactly sure is it might be the school their renovating but the thing that historical and beautiful buildings they can be like their home okay even the area you live in can be like our home when something changes in our home feels like something happened to you in the entire neighborhoods you have to be careful wherever we change something at the supervisors in charge of that and when youre planning something take and sit back and go where it is and not rely so much on people that report it to you, you thinks how that can make it a better what you actually take timeal minute out of your day and walk through the area youre planning on changing then look at it might be better i do it all day long i sort call myself the historic Certification Committee of one one person trying to change a lot of things im an artist and by way of i was calls i appeared unshaven and not ready to go they did that to me today, i was getting ready to come to work and suddenly i have no money nothing but im excuse me. coughing . I am still here doing my job which im very proud to be able to do anyway, i love this city very much i love it to death and i love the building i live in i was evicted and had nothing but 0. 02 in my pocket thats wrong have a good day. Thank you. Next speaker, please. Hi, im awe traffic im a San Francisco nature and work and go in potrero hill my family has been on the hill since the 1906 San Francisco earthquake so ive seen both the pictures and family stories with my own eyes the many changes that have happened i understand that cities grow and time change im happy my city is growing with the times but ive noticed i do travel for my job all over the world and every time i come back a huge structure that is up in a month and the monuments on the street i would make a turn hearing or there is gone ive missed my turns in potrero hill and i dont have a lot to add i do agree with everything has been said by my other residents of San Francisco i agree with with the safe the hills proposal for the use of the sheds the metal sheds and i also building that one of the many things ive seen traveling in europe people really preserve their heritage by going with the times and keeping the old structure so you dont forgot your history and not where you came from San Francisco is a city rich in history and been an alternative city a city ahead of its mindful of artists and creative people so the earth should resemble that and asphyxiate reflect that this is a perfect way of doing it and what people come to the city everyday it is filled with tourist they come to see San Francisco and the architecture and they come to see the mist why make it look generic and downtown recording dam or post world war ii bomb city were a city of talented people this would be a great, great use of that time. Thank you id like to remind the members of the public who spoke today your comments will be take into consideration for this hearing but not be part of the commenting on the eir if you wish to comment on the eir itself please comment to the Planning Commission do we have additional speakers . Commissioners im ron a 40 year residents off potrero hill been involved for some 60 years in planned use in San Francisco i have to say first when i was on the Planning Commission i would often ask through the chair what are the comments from h hpc i didnt get that feedback so the fact in particular now you are giving that feedback and hopefully in a positive manner i know well be appreciated by the commission i have given and some of you may have heard it the example of my grandmother being born in San Francisco on the street she was born if yerba buena gardens there is congressman and going to be change if you look at the old scrap metal works on third street the housing and preserving the historic big buildings and those are in the same area of the Street Project housing preserving the brick buildings you have to situation here ive actually looked some of the material i dont lying like to speak on something i havent looked im one of the few people that read eirs i know that originally this commission different commissioners but this commission argued with the assessment as given now and explained by the gentleman im in full accord im in contrary here today but i believe that the assessment of this has been done by the department and these two well established respected organization is the eir has alternatives required by law youre going to have in addition to the no building alternative one or two additions that is standard the preference alternative has been researched the most in all instances and in this case, i building that it is the one that holds the truth so i hope thats your commentary to the commission here thank you. Thank you is there anyone from the public that wishes to speak on this item. No, im afraid we only take Public Comment once thank you very much. inaudible . On this item you can only speak once. You can speak about the next item thank you. Seeing and hearing no additional Public Comment back to you, commissioners. Commissioner johnck. It is interesting that in the past several times weve had presentations on our announcements on the comments on draft eirs whats our preservation solution we have not had a preservation solution but this topic we not only have a preservation solution for a building but we have a preservation landscape is solution ever an opportunity for the commission to give back to the Planning Commission our interest not just in Building Preservation but in the context in which these historical i Historic Building are situate when i think about what would be helpful to say to the commissioners we want them to look at the landscape here and i like to think about in our role in preservation and, yes preservation is about change otherwise, wed have a pathway in the city bring the historic character with that change i like to think if you were a person coming back to this exclaim who had lived in the time of the specific Rolling Mills and came back on my bicycle and wanted to know where i was would i know where i was with this proposal thats cosponsored coming forward i think we need to consider as preservationists furthermore looking at the scrape i wanted to encourage the Planning Commission to consider strongly consider this alternative metal including the metal shed granted the reports have said the sheds are not Historic Resource my point is that the part of landscape that needs to be a treasure to be evaluated i highly romanced we give our comments to the Planning Commission. Commissioner johns. Before commissioner dooley speaks i must on this one take a different approach to it this is the crux seems to me to be whether or not there will be a Historic Resource that is going to be effected by this project as currently planned the argument seems to be that well, if the building is such it was built with the anticipation that it would, modified then it is improper to apply to it the standards of integrity the problem with that virtually every commercial building thats ever been built is constructed with the anticipation it will be modified from time to time as the needs of commerce or the wimbles of fashion dictate so if youre going to not apply the standard of integrity to a building because it was bought that the building might change occasionally no room for the standard of architecture integrity im unwilling to throw it out and morph i dont think we have the authority to disregard that standard now i can certainly understand and am moved by the arguments of the people who have spoken who do not wish their neighborhood to be changed are my fellow commissioner statement that if she had been away for a generation or two she would like to be able to recognize the site the problem with that is that it, it is for the life most of San Francisco is growing and is changing those parts of San Francisco that do retain an architecture district those things we have careful to preserve those things that no longer than represent or no longer are what they were are things that i did not feel within our purview to preserve so for those reasons im not persuaded by the questioning requests we over turn our prior decisions commissioner moran concerning the metal sheds and adapt a future course thank you scomplael. Commissioner johns i appreciate that the nature of the preservation so written the reports there i have great replacement for every one of them and great went for the staff and their capacity to evaluate the buildings and so i agree with commissioner johns that we dont just take you know that kind of information thats been yes, i did. Over many, many years with great intelligent and research and throw it away there is irony here in two pieces of irony from the pacific mill were operating today, i guarantee you all people would be here from potrero hill to shut down it because there is so much traffic from the crux and now that it is not here anymore now we want to save those building the other irony the design it is presented for this project at the corner of 17 and any mississippi p is part of the design i think it is age strange that the project sponsor wants to tear down the building that has some historic qualities maybe not considered a Historic Resource but has memory and as you know, a lot of the neighbors talked about and build a building of similar quality not exactly the same shape or size but build a building reminiscent of something if keeping you informed they kept the building it would satisfy the community as well as the developer it is ironic and a strange thing i agree with commissioner johnck that you can we do throw away memory all the time and yes things change and perhaps i mean, i used to live if this neighborhood i come through that intersection at least 4 or 5 or 6 times a week and looked at the buildings thinking oh, those old crappy warehouses when will they tear those down i didnt the the history at the time this is a comment about the overall when we talk about the one Historic Resource the brick building that is mid block on 17 street we have a situation like the tail wagging the dog relative to the design a tiny the two Story Building whats the impact of the development on the Historic Resource and what we have is you know this massive wall of you know condo buildings along 17 street and this piece in the middle that has air around it and that meets the secretary of interior guidelines yonl i dont believe it does but again, i will defer to you know experts that have researched this i dont think it meets that guideline at all if there were you know some balance between the full metal shed alternative and the preference alternative that from the metal shed building proposed on the corner is on mississippi was the one next to the brick building with that it ration of design or you know that design vocabulary than the brick building would be in context with what is there now even if you replaced it of a similar shape and scale so and then i know i know that in dog patch and this area there are a number of believes that have housing in old metal sheds buildings i dont know if this was specific not one of the alternatives theres a lose of pdr but again those are Planning Commission issues not historic issues so you know i dont know specifically what we can do by may comment is id like to see more like another alternative or some other way to look at the balancing between what is being proposed that i am its a what is there and i mean, i thought the metal shed each time i looked at the drawings it is an impressive design but not what the developer wants it is easy for any architect to say five to six well, ill design whatever i want for the site and the owner be damned and from the city follows that advise well have an antarctica situation so i cant endorse that either i feel like there is a great loss of memory and a great loss of something that is historic to San Francisco were saving after all pier 70 all the buildings in pier 70 and you know we talk about that all the time were losing memory ill courage you you know in terms of comments if the Planning Commission that it is not just a twhoel demolition of the buildings and then some kind of balance and study be done to try not to not an either or but both the preferred and did metal shed alternatives thank you so i want to perhaps remind the commissions were trying to make a comment letter that staff will take to the Planning Commission laughter and we have to separates maybe our are mapgs ideas i thought it was and lovely idea a romantic feeling made me feel fuzzy were that on the eir and whether or not it is historic and so theres that piece weve previously in 2011 said that we didnt believe that the metal shed buildings have integrity and ill recommend we probably dont take that up and second piece is do we believe that the eir is accurate in terms of to the Historic Resources on the site theyre not in take an opinion we can express that im trying to funnel our comments to be substantive. Thats in my opinion theres an impact. Oh. On the Historic Resources that sound like commissioner johnck. Commissioner johns. Commissioner hyland. laughter . Commissioner hyland first. Thank you commissioner wolfram and i am glad i was commissioner pearlman i was a little bit lots of by i liked the way you evident up laughter there are two issues we need to stated for the Planning Commission tomorrow one is that the proposed project in my opinion does, in fact, remain historic prop the scale and massing is not for the standards i think the rest of the commissions agree it that well make that, and, secondly, on the metal shed alternatives this is a communities driven effort it was a proposal that has validity and developer project sponsor choose to include that in the eir the drafted eir the second thing we could ask for is that we would like to have a different alternative than the preference chosen one and one that incorporates some of the ideas were explored in the preservation all of the elements eir regards whether the metal sheds in and of itself have any integrity they provide character percentage can be drawn from those are the two things. Thanks commissioner hyland. Thank you. One thing is if i could get commissioner pearlman to stand a expands for one second on the ways that this impacts the resources just so we have definition on that if you want then ill make my comments. There is comments about is use of brick or the use you know materials or some design vocabulary that will intimate that building the building is a small building and you know from the elevation from the preference alternative it felt last week this building is no not overwhelmsed by the existing conditions now appears to be overwhelmed now tomato e to me doesnt convey its significance as parts i mean, it was just the office for a much Larger Development on that site so it is not those buildings next to it are small their sizeable but the ones proposed are significantly larger therefore it is incision in and of itself is diminished in the new context. Okay so two things one for the neighborhood i do thinks the dilemma down there i go through this area and when motorbike started you know that became a sort of area where anything can go in all new all the way across motorbike it reminds me of irvine and dont want to repeat irvine i feel for the residents of potrero hill because irvine is going towards that so, however, talking about this eir in particular the information is based on in addition information weve approved previously i agree the eir is whole, if you will, so i dont have an relish the eir i want to to be careful about us talking about this brick building being overwhelmed it feeling like it is sandwiched in and buried, however, i think of pine street with the facades thirty stories going in behind it so it is tough because the facade is something we dont have set a standard but also want to reach to the other projects weve been approving. Ill remind the commission in that project the impact on the Historic Research is something not mitigateable there is no impact on the historic. It is different okay. So, i mean yeah. Go ahead. In addition those projects even though the Historic Resources impacted go a solution right hand the scale and mass so the massing of the solution was setback where this one is consuming. That was my first thought i thought that building coming up next it it and the old, by the height scale was completely different so, anyway putting the impact forward i have to agree it a little bit much for a zero impact statement and the bottom of the hill i hope they dont get impacted sort of like the other night clubs new condos and the olds night club has to been closed it is completely unfair you need to deal with the neighbors that were already there. Commissioner matsuda and i. I have quick comments commissioner hyland that is made points in terms of providing recommendations for the Planning Commission and i just really want to also acknowledge and appreciate that one and a half page smurp of outlining what we did who was involved with the experts that put this Historic Survey together and specifically what was excluded included and not and have the Planning Commission strongly rereview the reports that were put together by page and turning ball and kelly and katherine i think that will provide a better sense of kind of the issues were looking at. Yes. If i may the City Attorney appeared to be competing issues not on the Historic Preservation commission to was this letter to the Planning Commission should would be so they recommends taking a vote on what the letter should say as a whether or not the draft eir is adequate and pertains to the Historic Preservation evaluation. Well ask the main thing weve been come up is whether theres an impact on the Historic Resource there is no impact so if i can get a motion whether or not theres a impact to the Historic Building that is not covered in the eir. Ill make a motion im not sure what the wording should be you know it is i guess the motion what id like to see included in the letter the commission our commission believes that there is an impact on the Historic Resource i dont know if it needs more significant it will need more than one sentence. Thats one part of it. Wade with the Planning Department staff that will be helpful from the Commission Priority direction on maybe a further evaluation of the looking at this issue also known as sloopsz sloopsz to making a statement of impact. One things we get into trouble with there are design ideas that the staff had worked do with the Property Owner project sponsor that could mitigate it i dont think we should be debating were not debating the design the project but other, you know, elements could be done to the proposed project to make it more compatible. Commissioners tim frye Department Staff maybe not the specifics how to change that but the could you remember through materials and sculpting and relationships between the New Buildings and the Historic Building that some of the impacts maybe legal to be mitigated a general statement is enough to work with. What he said laughter . That was well stated. If thats the motion. Laura. I think ill second that motion. If i can read one of the parts to the letter not the only part but one the Historic Preservation commission feels that there are potential impacts to the Harvey Milk Club building on the site that should be further evaluated and maybe mitigated through additional design including the sculpting and massing is that. A friendly amendment ill suggest that we actually reference standard 9 specifically i mean, we, all have you know endless debates and a on appropriateness and the design you know comply with the intent but it is the massing of the n the new development to the property. Is that yes. If were going to take that motion other things in the letter we want to be voting on. Put everything into it. I have an idea. Commissioner hasz which i take the first page you look at the old block and see the building not change the design by talking about scale and upcoming is it that the setback above that level and have a deck at the bottom level and go up another level and have that scale it wouldnt take much. It could be materials the materials are similar if that elevation of 17 street it is hard to distinguish so clorlgz and materials one of the things if you look at that photograph along 17 street it is a Metal Building in essence to the brick building a lot of distinction visual distinction between the materials. Commissioner i do think that is popper that or important that the massing be addressed to the Material Change will not be the only item in addition to that streamline thats one other comment so we addressed the first one the second one the preferred alternative that the developers pursuing we would like the developer to look at im suggesting we state that we have the developer look at a alternative as closer to the preservation alternative because economically im not sure how the two compare but it seems like the preservation is a viable. You mean the metal shed. Theres no preservation alternative because in the eir there the building is preserved the Historic Resource is preferred. There lies the issue. It not considered a Historic Resource. Nonetheless this commission can make the request base as commissioner johnck and commissioner pearlman stayed the totality of the site whether or not those building 0 lost their integrity they contribute to this setting to and can i commissioner johnck. Yeah. Im pleased with all how this conversation as developed with leading off with the tone and the thing i called it a preservation solution but because i was going beyond the proposal is includes preservation of the building but im going beyond that so you picked up on that alternative i like the idea of asking the Planning Commission to you know look at this alternative and to involve us hundred dollars this work we send those comments and we dont know what theyll do say they incorporate our comments ill the Planning Commission staff to come back to our staff or one of us and be involved in that discussion how the it goes with the developer. Is that possible. The commission after the Planning Commission after provides the responses and comments will have an opportunity to certify the document after everything is adequately addresses no other opportunity for the this commission to be involved after this review and comment phase were in right now. I wasnt saying a formal. An informational preservation. Id be interested in hearing i was saying in terms of you know particular poorer room discussion between the Planning Commission and the commission and what were recommending not that that comes back formally. Well be happy to give you an update on the project as to unfolds if you like us to do so. Okay. Just to just to clarify on that process over the next week few months the intent for you to provides comments we will respond to in the responses to comments document theyll be responded to and documented so the formation of your comments pea maybe succinct for how help us with that. Thank you. Commissioner pearlman. I want to be clear that i certainly am not exploring the metal shed alternatives and im not suggesting that we tell the Planning Commission we enclosure the metal shed i dont i agree with commissioner wolfram that is a romantic notation i love it it would be wonderful to be there thats not what were considering in terms of the words when commissioner hyland was mentioning that we ask the commission to review that but that somehow and a we suggest to the that the staff could work further with the project sponsor to somehow incorporate ideas prevented by the you know in the safe the hill metal shed each time lined theyre creating a new metal shed building at the corner is interest any way in that discussion that the staff has with the owner any way to save that portion of the building you know in a way quasi that might make sense to the project sponsor i want to be clear i dont think were recommending that the Planning Commission should consider on this that were only sugz a metal sheds. Commissioner hylands. I completely agree i have a question for staff so this is not an article 10 or 11 project and thats why the design of the new development has not come before us and is ar c has not had an opportunity to respond to the design. Thats correct. So one option is to ask for the design to come green before the or the Planning Commission could ask for our input in that. The commission could make that a condition of approval as part of the final project. The Planning Commission. Yeah. That was in response to commissioner johnck request about the interactions with the Planning Commission and how we can provide more value in our positions. I would recommend you add if in the whatever as opposed to having the project return to the commission for entitlements and final design. So lets go back to the motion we started. Right so commissioner pearlman started is it and then let me see if i believe there are now 3 parts from the maker of the motion and the seconder or amenable the hpc feels potential sites that maybe alternatives to the scale and massing including materials and that two the developer consider future the developer consider the preference alternative b. C. Be as closed to the alternative as preservation alternative as possible. Well come back. You want a response now one way to state the preference alternative b. C. Be restudied to incorporate the appropriate concepts that are explored in the shed. In the first thing i think the statement should be that the commission feels their might be impacts to the historic impacts. Based on the secretary of interior. Number 9. Well get there. The third one is to ask the Planning Commission to refer the design to the ar c. So the Historic Preservation Commission Requests that the ar v have an opportunity to review and comment on the design. So commissioner pearlman multiple voices . Very good thank you, commissioners. Why not take a vote great. So then commissions on that motion that has been seconded to include the 3 items in the comment letter to the Planning Commission from the Historic Preservation commission to the from the Historic Preservation Commission Commissioner hasz commissioner johnck commissioner johns commissioner matsuda commissioner pearlman commissioner hylands and commissioner wolfram so moved, commissioners, that motion passes unanimously 7 to zero. I thank you. Okay. The letter will be drafted by mr. Fry. Yes. Ill work with staff mr. Hilliard and theville staff will Work Together and show you before i finalize it and forward it on. I think well take a short break before the next item id like to remind the members of the public Hunters Point shipyard will be taken at the end of the hearing so the next item we good afternoon. And welcome back to the San Francisco Historic Preservation Commission Regular hearing for wednesday, september 16, 2015, commissioner as commissioner wolfram indicated we have moved item 9 to the ends of your agenda and so well take up item 10 for the case Cultural Landscape vicinity and jill hilda yard the case is the inventory for consideration of do you want this item was continued from october Historic Preservation Commission Hearing the can i i comes at a time the existing Civic Center Landmark District a 15 block area roughly bound by the unplaza and this district is listed under article 10 so summit that was on the architecture features the provision of the evolution the civic Center Public realm including the landscape that are fire hydrants and street lights and grant it curbs and fences and pathways and public spaces this new information will to the dismakers and are considered in the public realm to brief summarize the findings the report. It the Service Center cultural scrape is significant under the registered event and c skylines the Service Center Cultural Landscape is significant there the following areas Landscape Architecture and building art and Community Planning anD Development and communities recreation and politics and government and social history a period of significance for the landscape is 186 to 51 for the jurisdiction no final determination were made of unplaza to the Service Center, landscape and fufrl date as at Market Street plan and uses by the rec and Park Department at the october 1st, 2014, Historic Preservation Commission Hearing the hpc to complete Additional Research and analysis to address two Public Comment letters on the draft document 5 additional narratives prepared by jim hfa were present twenty in front of 2014 and february 2015 outlining the research recommended to the history of the civically those narratives were provided to the consultant and used as a secondary sources to rile the sources the document before you today has pan updated to address the original Public Comments received and the comments into your commission on the october 1st, 2014, hearing an additional laser from was received in reversal 2015 and that letter is included in our packet the majority of Public Comments provided the accuracy it has been a longstanding issue the National Register and historic scomplooshg for Service Center contaircles several roun were to rectify the thinking adequacy, however, important to note the scope explicit doesnt resolve those inaccuracy in the existing documents because the Background Information has not effected the landscape features the decisions or the finding in conclusion the department represented that the adaptation of the finding the Service Center Cultural Landscape provided in our packets ill be happy to answer any questions. Any questions. Seeing no questions well take Public Comment on this item is there anyone from the public that wishes to speak actually, i have a speaker card for mr. Jim haas. Commissioners im jim haas im not particularly happy to be here ive provided our secretary some three weeks good the first announcement of my civic center is published in the awe not in the letter i make a point one the reasons theres been continual disinterest in the care for civic center in the last thirty or 40 more years people dont understand the significance and it is more than just a couple of buildings therefore the project that youre involved with senior should further the purpose of people understanding that and my second set the of comments by and large deal with a lot of happy harassed errors dont you want to put out a document it misspells a mans name where you mean mayor rauls and the bonds is 5 million where it is 18 plus Million Dollar the city hall was mentioned twice and the memorial architecture i was at the rededication of the Arts Building the document says that the memorial that arthur brown was the architect for the Veterans Building and albert was the architect for the opera house thats totally not true he was a theatre architect and both building with the treat a comment rooeltd to my arguing not article this is simply not true and mayor feinsteins comments are miss screwed i mean those are things that should be straightened out i ask you to do the recognizable thing before you republish that ive as referenced provided the text of what ive been working on the document i have in front of the you is 12 thousand words ive submitted almost 50 thousand words including 2 hundred and 50 footnotes i think ive submitted material after the february date that may not have been given to the consultant the material is there to substantiate virtually everything allison park criticized im surprised the consultant has run into problems theyve noted called me i mean, ill made myself available theyll not chosen to use the resources thank you. Any other must be wish to comment sooenl well close Public Comment and back to you, commissioners. Commissioner pearlman. I have the same comment on the last one we have those experts who have done the research you you know, i read this and dont have a level of depth of knowledge that mr. Haas has i sort of agree that there is a photographer were supposed to do you want that talks about the adequacy of the document were going to do you want and i think if there are this many inaccuracy it dont seem hard to correct and mr. Haas as volunteered not asking for money to work with the consultant that is getting paid money to correct those inaccuracy it just behooves us to approve the document thats been even spell checked you you know mayor feinsteins name is misspelled that is sloppy not related to the material when the wrong mayor is noted or Something Like that that is kind of important were supposed to vote on this document and its accuracy so im a little bit resistant to vote for it until some of the things are addressed. Thank you commissioner hasz. Is the maker of the document here . Do we have rebuttal on mr. Haass point statistics and status no. Maybe mr. Bryan can give that. Commissioners tim frye Department Staff the consultant was forwarded the information that mr. Haas provide the department and sincerely if there are items be spell checked or names transposed or a 70 verse 73 ross are easy to fix the consultant was worried to make my additional corrects if there wasnt information to substantiate that change so while the majority of mr. Hayess comments have been incorporated into the documents if were at a point the consultant didnt have concrete information that wasnt something answer that able to find then decided as we saw in the last item different experts could reach logical conclusions that might not see eyeing eye to eye so may i ask a question burglary haas about hes got Something Like 2 hundred and 50 footnotes. All those are farther to the consultant how are those the things for mr. Haas the particular things that you are you know inadequacy coyote accurate or the consultant didnt have the information. That was provided and the community be did provide a number of changes the material i submitted this september liza whole new set of inadequacy some of which are the sort of thing ive referred the things are i havent fact checked they used mr. Mayor ralph or they were trying to quotes chronicle those are things that should be dealt with and a situation in 1911 mayor ralph is the mayor elect not mayor until 1912 pout auto a document it sends all the Libraries Research it should present the most accurate statement of what civic center is all about. Thank you. Mr. Frye and. I think the point one the finding of the survey have not changed from the first time the commission reviewed the documents the survey finding are not really changed again, if twerp sent back to do more work and as mr. Haas is the expert on civic center and it evolving sort of history where new things are discovered at all times we have a limited contract with the consultant earlier this year and now information we can include in the file for clarification in the future you know if that information is not available to us 6 months ago thats correct it will not be in the document. Commissioner johnck. Im still concerned about this i was thinking well at least mr. Haas september laser came in after the one set seven hundred comments and the second one most recently one came in after the document was published after this hearing i guess im trying to tease out how much trouble for the consultant to incorporate if there is some area of comments that could come back cricket fairly easy like mr. Haas said today or were talking about a whole new thing im concerned some of the things that mr. Haas mentioned i want to not say that is mayor ralph or yeah, so. Dave i think it at this point by the way, u duce to the complexity of the City Contracting process i believe any further changes will be taken by staff i think there as tim frye said there are you know easy factual corrections dates and names to be changed we certainly can do i think if we start getting into substantial documents changes that require the texts that change the documents but i think i as a staff member am happy to fix my errors i think we need to check that and i think engaging the consultant further is not really necessary or it will prolong the prong so i know we can certainly make those changes. All to interject that document was not a comprehensive history of the civic center and the history section is obviously an important piece of it but not the real intent and purpose of the document not meant to be a landscape documentary and documenting the feature the civic center landscaper so we need to consider how we dont want there to be errors that are blatant errors but try to get this approved in some way in alter sometime today or soon anyway. Commissioner pearlman. Right in contrast to with what you said mr. Hatches point about the fact that document will be used by future researchers in generations whether every single time you put together a certificate of appropriateness it does have a history people come back and looking looking at it the next time it is being handed and so the mistakes are you know repeated and repeated and repeated so i would like to make a motion that we approve this document with. This is an inventory not a historical thing. So we have a motion and second commissioners there is a motion and a second to do you want the civic center Cultural Landscape inventory amending any corrections to be reviewed but as performed by staff on that motion commissioner hasz commissioner johnck commissioner matsuda commissioner pearlman commissioner president lazarus and commissioner wolfram. So moved, commissioners, that motion passes unanimously 7 to zero commissioners that places you on. Excuse me. 6 to zero. Commissioners that places you on the update this an informational presentation. Yes. Good afternoon, commissioners susan parks Department Staff this is an informational preservation regarding the updates to the departments website and some of you recall this project was brought to you by in mayor of 2013 weve uploaded pages not completed the infrastructure on the website the project has been played on hold because of staff weve added new pages for the preservation hectic Research Program ill show you later in the presentation your packets contain a power point presentation id like to take a minute and walk you through when he first started this project with established a few goals on the website that computed changes to the program itself providing for information on the city available preservation incentive planning logical ways to better provide access to the preservation process in a logical and nontechnical project for the presentation of the survey program and for the entitlement projects like the alternates but we would like to develop opportunities to better engage with the public regarding the preservation projects so when we started the Biggest Issue we had to implement the flaeks not i think tuff and it was buried under other pages working with the webmaster we set up a flow cart a home page that disconnects you to a number to subsections hasten and then ill walk you through interest the seconds like the Contact Information along with the agenda minutes and motions and for Historic Resource survey that includes the some of the completed surveys with the context there recent a separate page for ceqa and the Historic Resource and the entitlements and the landmark Designation Program with information on absurdity e current district a current list on the web Program Information on district tours and our new Pride Program and a separate page for the incentives for each one like pdr and lastly provide a page linked to other information such a guidelines plucks and other organizations across the city were proposing the home page im sorry, i did that backwards youll see a list and under the Historic Preservation commission youll see 6 preservation erections and have our webmaster have a display that provides pictures for the projects and then give a little bit of information been the preservation through other pages like ceqa and then when you click on Something Like the super link youll be taken to that web page the entitles process page where it takes you through you know application and flow charts and timelines for each of those and then lets see sorry eaten at the bottom of the page youll see graphically from the other major sections of the website so the hpc website is locked with all the fog on one page including the role of the commission, information for the next hearing, link this has a link to the audio thats how we show the sfgovtv and well have each of your information in those slots with the contact inform the lark Designation Program youll have the access to the recent designations to provide information links to e blast and, of course, add our new landmark application the format of our website page is pretty much the same weve rae organized the consent to show chronologically well have information for both our students and 11 have licenses to landmark google map and that is in this field when you lick on the images ill click both this pop up and leads to the designation for the address etc. Youll also be able to assess the article 1011 in the same way the Program Pages leave to the walking tours weve created that will be reenforcement at some point in the future and then i mentions earlier jonathan and the webmaster did an excellent job in upgrading that and this went live i believe sometime last week the information on the program our list is followed by the list recently completed departments posted in incorrectlyal order the survey page will provide a link yeah to pages older survey that are on file in the preservation library and provide information to assess those and weve also sit e set up a new page that shows nondepartment sponsored surveys which includes the preservation for the africanamerican historic statement and look on this page and then weve also designed again, the design may change but the content will be the same weve created a new pamper with the incentive page each incentive has its own page for the novack and the novack has its own page and pdrs etc. And then well include a wlng where the public can get more information about the incentives and then weve compiled that is the last section the recent useful links for things like the planning code or the secretary standards schedule etc. And along with some of the nonprofits like sf heritage or is National Trust and last thing; right were currently updating the projects and adding that compensation e context into a q and a section from each one of the 6 seconds back to the larger list and then one other thing i want to point the entire web page can be converted into the other languages and so thats what the district weve mad changes to the pages and gradually updating to help to show the content of the website page well continue to upgrade and the staff will upload did pages individually once this is done well rework the infrastructure to reflect the changes and then some of the designs may change from what you see to reflect some of the changes that our webmaster as done to the website as a whole one other thing wed like work on to engage the public through alternatives and social media plaque e like instagram and how we can for that that into the presentation work that concludes my presentation. Ill be happy to answer any questions you may have can you tell us about the schedule. Were currently working on the page one at a time once weve completed a few projects in the fall well pick up on the website probing start december or early january. All right. Commissioners questions. Well why not take Public Comment i have a couple of comments do so any members of the public wish to comment arrest Public Comment is closed. Back to you, commissioners. Susan it is fantastic work i think that is a great thing and hope that can move quirky think i have one comment every forgave was a victorian we have more than that ill courage you to find photographs of craftsman and other things. That so, i mean, it is really important the public really things oh, my god it is victorian victorian we know there is great early architecture. Any others comments. I have a comment well, id like to say it is fantastic i im excited it is a huge resource it is fantastic i like the organize a lot i think it is really great one question i have a minor point of terminology the term landmarks designation work program on the which is one the categories i mean is that might be landmark landmark history and conservatism landmarks and historic programs if you want to find a landmark maybe we should be direct and say and i agree your suggestions are dont. Thats my only comment otherwise, it is fantastic. Yep so great any other well congratulations and were looking forward to the launch laughter . Make sure were all invited. I think were ready to move on very good commissioners on item 9 the excuse me. Hunters Point Shipyard alternatives phase two informational presentation. Good afternoon, commissioners im matthew murder in the Second Degree of Department Staff were here before you at your request to give you an update Hunters Point shipyard project ill give a quick orientation to what is Planning Commission role is very quickly if you look on the screen youre looking at the full Hunters Point shipyard project in candle stick project for clarity the Hunters Point shipyard project is actually, two projects there is a faensz project that was actually approved in 2003 and 4 that is what the under construction right now the Hunters Point shipyard phase two project is where a lot of the interest around preservation is knitted that candle stick that got a master approval in 2010 master approvals i mean the ceqa clearance amendments tattoos redevelopment and the adoption of the design donor document for each the areas this years essential the access of the zoning codes for the developments those are redevelopment project areas and as much they fall under the jurisdiction or did fall under the jurisdictions the redevelopments agency and now under the ocii office of community and infrastructure their commission are the ones will be responsible for approving the construction in the ends to be built and those structures we are on the we staff from the Planning Departments is on the hook for consultants when we have major phase applications is where they come in and tell us how to do the streets and sub phases well consult when they have Schematic Design a passage similar to the reeye application their staff burglary be doing the bulk of the work within the redesign documents of your interest there were provisions that indicated there was 4 there was the i mean let me give you back in orientation where we are Hunters Point shipyard this was developed in several neighborhoods at the far eastern peninsula, if you will, a Large Office Development project that was a number of 4 very large scale very interesting building from the shipyards that were indicated that were resources the eir analyzed them to be demolished find a significant impacts, however, steps to come back when theyre ready to get that approval to make sure that is not physically infeasible to develop that and lennar is here to walk through some of what theyre looking at in terms of their phasing through again, a multi phase project theyve started and candle stick theyve not yet submitted the application for the Hunters Point shipyard phase two the development of this project is actually not anticipated for another 10 years or so with that orientation ill hand it over to lennar, your honor, thanurban, owe have slides to show you i have handouts excuse me. Let me starts at the beginning im terry the planning for lennar urban ive put together a presentation that provides an overview of the hectic structures in Hunters Point shipyard and so thats what im going to review with you today, i have handout for each of the commissioners and i have extras available for mubd too. Thank you. Lets do this you know what technical difficulties lets walk through the presentation with the handouts okay i wanted to begin this presentation by what i think is a absolutely wonderful old picture of San Francisco it is clear where you see Market Street going down the center of this image and off to your right in this area here is Hunters Point so much has changed since this was taken in the late 18 hundred it is a different city of Hunters Point shipyard and candle stick point there was transmittal an evolution of change that occurred particularly during world war ii and on candle stick point during the late 50s and 60s as they were preparing for candle stick stadium but a wonderful grounding i think grounding position to help us remember what our history was and how we can think about that and bring it forward in what were presiding in the present so may i have begin to give you an orientation of the project if you look at the second page the second finger figure at the left of candle stick point a ripening Retail Center at the sites of old stadium the stadium is down at this point so theres a lot of activities going across the street is the site for mixed use so there will be retail on the ground floor levels and housing above were going to be including fire station and the Grocery Store and a number of facilities if so the first major phase of candle stick point that is where were at in our construction today we will begin preparing more detailed plans for Hunters Point shipyard later this fall probably beginning in october and i will show you this desire diagram at the end of this presentation the first major phase a primarily interior lands within Hunters Point shipyard and the phase that we will be including the Historic Preservation our third phase that is 10 years out in 2015 were in the first phase of Hunters Point shipyard and 2020 a in phase two and 2015 major phase 3 thats part of district that is being discussed this afternoon so briefly on some site history if you look at the third slide if you not been out to the site im more happy to take any and all of you who enjoys going out oversee hectic structures a absolutely fabulous on the thirds page the structures as you can see debating from the early 19 hundred the original dry docks contradicted in 1867 i love the quote from the chronicle that talks about the conspirator human energy that gorging in the bay at the rate of 40 thousand globulins her minute a fantastic at the time of imagery the dry docks present are dry do you recognize that began under construction in 1916 and if i turn to the following pamper youll see a shot of those dry docks as you can see dry docks two and 3 and then you can see the red brick pump House Building Historic Structures those treasures i centers i want to let you know theyll be remained theyre not on the National Registry they were listed in october of 2012 well be roaring our structures consistent point secretary of interior standards and some of the structures including those that were built in 19 thirty and later remodeled when this was courtyard by the navy they acquired kwoirdz it in 1939 they dry docks were purchased and that was when the one half began to make certainly improvements in certain New Buildings well show here the buildings with naubdz thats their referenced buildings 211 and 34 and others ill walk through suffice is it to say we know our history in the 1940s there were a great expansion filled up the bay the expansion of the Navel Shipyard this is ones of the famous recognized being the ports at which some of the launching of atomic bomb was shipped out once the war was over and japan surrender the types of uses fwak began to shifts at this point in time there was a decision to side more work around submarines and submarine test and some submarine do you recognize that it in the shipyard today in addition it gambling became the laboratory so a lot of research and he did remnants were mediating to this day so the Historic District when we first talk about what is in the National Registry if you look at the page here is it is indicates those the dry docks two and three as well dry dock 4 all included within this commercial dry dock district lists that the National Registry the buildings the world war ii have you ever given building maybe global for california not eligible for national and well make those determinations at such times were ready to develop those areas of the site i want you to know that theres a lot of keen interest in those buildings youll see the first picture youll see in front of you the building 211 which is called the electric shop at the time the plan was approved in 2010, the page and turnball did an analysis of the reuse of those buildings we asked him to look at it and see what kind of floor plates and what could be there and then we had the process leaders come in and determining or determine to rehab we have that information in into custody dollars too as matthew was indicating earlier under stadium scenario there it of determined that under that scenario was not financially feasible to maintain those Historic Structures it was largely because of the Financial Resources going to the stadium, however, there is not going to be a stalled we all know that now at the time of approval that was determined that we need to come back and at a time do a market Feasibility Study wasnt were ready to develop that site to determine if navigate it is feasible it wouldnt have been prudent or wise to try to do an analysis in 2010 when, in fact, this was i was saying the development of that area is wliblg happening maybe out in 9 00 what weigh do our analysis consistent with the timing of the development but i did want you to know there has been some work preliminary work that was done by page and turnball by each of those Building Inspections as you can see we mention is electrical building with the Fund Structure this is the bomb structure it has the capacity for 278 i guess the captains were safe not sure what happened to the sailors there was building 31 a massive exterior vacuum in the Feasibility Analysis that page and turnball said what about the possibility of phil if that volume with parking we know we need parking what about using it for parking there a maybe a better uses in terms of it may likely go fully office than simply parking and, of course, one the most famous buildings we call the green Glass Building it is building 253 it, too is quite a building i mean, you go up several levels at the top level the views across the bay and downtowns are absolutely incredible and again that building too was studied and comments made for redistribution and in terms of the Square Footage that would be used for office or r and D Development was determined i also want to note at the time the plan was prepared we were thinking very much about Sea Level Rise so this last finger in our package indicates some of the planning Site Planning for those buildings in the feed back of Sea Level Rise we have anticipated at the infrastructure level 16 inch clearance above the base elevation for sea levels at the at ground level a 34 clearance above sea levels rise a couple of strategies well employ in order to preserve those those are getting close to the edge of water within of the ways we can preserve them to create some kind of a berm for proceeding or running but the requested is that you would create some structures between those buildings and the edge of the water in order to protect there, there is a lot of features part of this district that are important you see owl Railroad Tracks and a lot of keel blocks weve stored the keel blocks in order to protect them in one the building we want to remain them and bring them out at the time of development in summary were committed to the Historic Preservation we generally are and as i said theres a lot of keen interest ii know today not certain where things will be at 2025 but roof keen interest today you cant build buildings like this anymore and thank you very much commissioners, any questions the speaker. No, but thank you very much for your presentation. Sure. It was encouraged i have a speaker card for Stacey Carter and mentions a power point show jonas did we have that or. inaudible . Hes on artist fantastic imagery. Stacey yeah. Yeah. Right studio. Im sorry. Hello, im stacey caterer im the shipyard artist since 1998 basically, the work i had a bans the place and where he exist i document the shipyards over 20 years now you know id like a express my supports for the Feasibility Study to be done for future evaluate the building those are works of other buildings i think myself and many other people think are historically significance buildings should be youve named did building 253 and the ordinance building the dallas way and is bomb shelters and 231 was the building the navy build in the Hunters Point shipyard and the other building i dont know if this has historic value it needs to be preserved and protected as well as you know building 411 innovate giants shop for entry 51 the building 253 i want to emphasis how important that building is built and e. R. Net j and was for cal probating and it was a awards winning at the time it was built with a Glass Ceiling it is amazing at the present time, it was the highest escalator in the world i believe all those buildings are hectic and are contributor to great comprehensive value it is important you know as we develop a neighborhood out there we really consider an art and Historic District on a more comprehensive scale and focus think outside the box that it will be an attraction in the future great weather and food and art and put those buildings and walking towards museums all that stuff people will time to come there it is also be like a designation in San Francisco like Hunters Point shipyard and it is undetectable you can provide jobs for the residents as well you know those big spaces are flexible incorporate arts and technology have a place for them to meet we as artists know for a fact anyway a good thing and collaboration in the future so i support i know the Feasibility Study and hopefully it will be taken seriously thank you. Any others is there anyone from the public that wishes to speak on this item and please come forward. Ive had to live out there i used to sneak on that a lot of times the navy part so i lived at the lands of the lost that was the ancient place to drive in the boarding ships i lived there close to 5 years there was a tiny little building it looks victorian that was at the disturbance when you drove down the street to go go the dry dock a tiny little place where the person that was in control that was just a tiny little tower and the entry we called the land of the lost a long time ago it was 70 something a long time ago it was beautiful then i lived in the mechanics garage it is straight down at the bottom 3 buildings and in the back it caved into the water which is cool i lived in one part and stored something and when i woke up i kwaukdz into the behaving that is what it looked like it was beautiful then but havent been out there in quite a long time im looking at the guess so the air force peer it was the carrier a long air force carrier is about a mile i think it is so there was one huge pier in the middle of the navy part never a bunch of submarine tenders piers and other cool knows and huge beautiful buildings you should mark that building with cherries on the map you can do so much at Hunters Point shipyard im glad the stadium was not built there you can make it a fantastic like disneyland call it disneyland or San Francisco lands or Something Like that you can build that big that big you can actually make it like on attraction with some other things added to it in about it that could be youre only chance to have disneyland in San Francisco what did you think pretty good idea have a great day. Thank you is there anyone from the public that wishes to speak on this item. Good afternoon, everyone. Mike butler with the San Francisco heritage we submitted a letter this morning he hope the commissioners received the copies i have extra copies first of all, id like to thank commissioner wolfram and is commission for scheduling this informational presentation ill confess he have a personal interest in the world war ii i worked for the National Trust i worked on the documenting the tremendous built legacy of world war ii shmdz around the bay area an incredible legacy our intent in submitting comments comments today was really to insure there will be a renewed consideration of alternatives now the state and spell your name for the record project has been abandons it appeals to the prolonged timeline for this phased of the project and it sparks additional questions im hoping can be answered today are at least partially addresses given the long horizon 10 years im wondering if the ladies can describe the security measures in place skinhead against vandalism and if the Feasibility Analysis doesnt occur i see damage could diminish the feasibility of using those structures second im wording and id like to see the buildings myself actually ive not about this out there for a long time im woodrow if forecast has been made to explore the interim activation opportunities at Hunters Point and most of you know forest city at pier 70 has been proactive as Holding Community events and activating the Historic Building on the site and they await. Future redevelopment and sure it is much more a Firm Location than pier 70 i see opportunities in conjunction with the open studios to activate those this and third in terms of the timeline if there is any flexibility im occurs if there were a marquee tenants with a lot of resources wanting to romantic into one the buildings does lennar and the city have flexibility to accumulate those plans if tree they have the resources to restore those buildings in less than 10 years thank you for your time and consideration well to participate in any analysis and hopefully have a powerful conclusion. Those are excellence any other members of the public wish to comment on this item. Good afternoon commissioner wolfram my name is dan and im here to discuss victorians youll be pleased to know but i can do that as a later date aim a 35 year residents and homeowner and president of the bayview Historic Society as to reiterate the information in wording in the d for d percentage im not sure if we can put this up perhaps not and yeah. There. Ill read it to you. Were talking about is that the dine for development will result in the Advisory Committee demolition. Sir, im sorry you need to speak into the microphone and in a nonstadium option those buildings will be evaluated for retention and reeye the portions of that is a timing question the nonrestricted stadium opposite was a couple of years ago subsequent to prop g the d for d but the stadium is build in santa clara were two years into a nonstadiums opposition id like photocopy what was mentioned another 10 years to add to this neglect of the buildings and while parcel c transfer this particular parcel many years away we can agree that this five deterioration addresses to the demolition by networks as unintentional but we go also imagine a fire chief reuse and those are old in the d for d for the shipyard potential for hundreds of Educational Opportunities and events for many, many decades into the future lets comment to perpetuity and remember the history both physical and the investment but also with some of the buildings represent in World History a tragedy and vice rally impact for many clearly but something we should never relay combat to a footnote in history i think this that commission is in this case positions to show leadership particularly a particularly with our outreach to other agencies at a city level that may realize that work so i ask you to keep this on a front burner and if is necessary and entertain a motion today please do so thank you for your time and consideration. Is there any additional Public Comment on this item. Seeing none, Public Comment is closed. Back to you, commissioners. Commissioner johnck. Sure i think the questions that mike requested that be answered are very appropriate so this is number one and number 2 specifically im confused about whats in is there agree Historic District already official i want a clarification what has already been upgrade National Register and or landmarking like california is historically but im confused. Okay. So let me turn perhaps the most useful figure to reference is this one in our pack packet. Okay got it. So those the dry do you recognize that are within the green dash outline so the dry docks two and three and dry dock 4 those dry docks as well as the buildings within those boundaries identified as contributing buildings in the dry dock district theyre all within the district it is on the nationals registry. So this action was undertaken by the navy and approved in 2012 or so the buildings i think that have been discussed here this afternoon are outlined in this blue they maybe eligible for listing on the california registry we dont know with certainty at this time we do know with counter that a Feasibility Analysis must be done to examine the potential for adapt active reuse thats an absolute reminders as part of the approvals received in 2010 in terms of i think there were a couple of where we will good points in terms of timing as cads right now the lands itself is in the position of navy and continuing through emotion activities ones the navy concludes its emotion on a particular sites turn it over to ocii and turns are turns it over to us the very first parcels that will be received by lennar from ocii are going to be coming at the end of this year or the first of next year weve well receive some interior on the site ill give you a reference and this is in religion relationship one on security who is taken care of of security. Right skirt is a maybe. In his opinion until it is our property it is the responsibility of the navy and because of remediation activities you have to go youre not allowed open this site unless, of course, there is a navy escort but we all know that, in fact, people have gotten into the site and a lot of copper has been strengthening electronic, etc. , etc. Can you go back to the phasing of what the lands maybe you were pointing. Yeah. We were looking that so the areas in at an are the areas that will be twrafrd first and those are the areas that i was stating will be coming at the end of this year if not the First Quarter maybe march 2016 so those areas in at an will be coming first the areas in green will be coming second, and areas in yellow third, and then the areas in pink fourth so our development of the project site follows the navy in this clock work motion nerldz theyll meet the site and return to appendixes and theyll turn it over to us thats the procedure. In phase 3 which is it transferred and the phase 3 maybe transferred by 2018 and he had suggested 2025 because if question move in the subsequence that is suggested here in terms of movingist to this ends of the pier may not happen in 2018 or 2019 but rather a few years later well receive the land in chunks now the points that was made by someone who said you have a great tenant ready to vest were right there well be all over it to be absolutely honest weve been talking about that in fact, and interviewing firms in the past couple of weeks to pull together materials that will go out and see sell the site well be absolutely all over that if someone vests it will be due course transfers and such. Oh, one other person was concerned of the crane the gunman try crane fast has its own foundation not sported by itself wharf that is deteriorating and so it is staying, in fact, if so ine ironic the image we use in our market value materials will stay as long as it can stay and commissioner hyland a question. So mr. Butler mentioned security but i think he also was referring to stabilization of the building and so who efforts will be done to make sure those buildings will there is my work on the roof and envelope to stabilize the building is that part of anyone elses plan. We not discussed that extraordinarily i think it is an important consideration im glad it was revised here today, were thinking in terms of the imminent horizons and not with it happens in another three to four years once we have site control it is very good position to take i mean sites control with skirt is part of our obligation through our agreements with the city and so as things are under construction security is absolutely necessary and i think that applies to any lands that are ours in terms of stabilizing youve raised a good point with the stabilization any and all of those

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