Affordable housing programs that offer housing for sale or rent at the below market rate. Affordable housing has restrictions on eligibility for households such as maximum Household Income. Proposition d which streamlined the approval process by exempting certain Affordable Housing developments from a number of approvals by the city, if those developments comply with the planning and building code. When the city leases its property or provides financing for these housing projects, the board of supervisors approval would not be required. The proposition would streamline approval of three types of multifamily Affordable Housing. Under the measure, the city would have five to eight months to approve these developments depending on the number of units and the measure may also allow these developments to proceed without Environmental Review under state law. If proposition d passes with more votes than proposition e, proposition e would have no legal effect. If you vote yes, you want to streamline approval of Affordable Housing project thats provide multifamily housing where all units are for households with income up to one hundred 40 of area Median Income and all residential unit can be more than 120 percent of air Median Income. Additional Affordable Housing units equals to 15 of the number of affordable onsite units required. Or that all residential units are for households that include at least one San Francisco Unified School District or city College Employee with certain Household Income restrictions. Projects that use City Property or city financing would no longer require a board of supervisors approval. The board of supervisors could amend city law to apply these streamline approvals to additional type of housing projects in certain projects contractors must provide Healthcare Benefits and offer apprenticeship opportunity. If you vote no, you do not want to make these changes. Im here with corey smith with the Housing Action coalition and a proponent of prop d, welcome. Thank you. Were also joined by joseph smook from the race and equity Planning Coalition and opponent of the coalition. Thanks for having me. Thank you both for being here. I would like to start with corey. Why do you believe this proposition is so important . Well, thank you shanna and thank you to the league for hosting this event and for sfgov tv for record and distributing. Prop d isnt going to build housing and its the Affordable House measure and it will make it faster and easier to build Affordable Housing across all of San Francisco. It does things in a few different ways. First of all, it takes the approval process which currently takes four to seven years and narrows it down to months. This increase in efficiency and approvals for code compliant project so projects that follow all of the local planning code and rules will ensure more certainty throughout the process and make sure that housing and Affordable Housing gets built faster. The other key point that we had is theres strong labor previsions that match the recently Legislature Bill 2011 and its prevailing wages for construction workers and healthcare opportunities and apprenticeship programs and it gives San Francisco a choice and how we want to approach the next decade in the feature and quite frankly the time of saying no is behind us. We have to start saying yes, we have to start saying yes to housing and yes to Affordable House and the way we do that is by passing proposition d, the Affordable Homes now measure this november. Thank you. Jeff, your thoughts. We have a number of problems with proposition d which is why im here and thank you for having us. The Planning Coalition is a coalition of nearly 40 organizations, grassroots organizations and nonprofit hausauers and cultural districts throughout San Francisco. We have a vision of building a San Francisco that is equitable and that is affordable for all. A number of the problems we have with proposition d is it says it provides more Affordable Housing but the problem is that the Affordable Housing prevision is not something that Affordable Housing needs which is why the Council Housing they are opposed to proposition d. It provides educator housing, however, the Teachers Union is opposed to proposition d because it doesnt provide teachers with what they need and on the market rate side, what it does is confers a ton of value, millions of dollars of value to developers without actually promising to build anything. A couple of problems we have that are more specific, its called Affordable Homes now but the problem is it actually redefines as part of the key component of the measure is to creating new definition for affordable at 140 of the area Median Income and that 140 area Median Income when you compare it to what market rate is, its actually higher than market rate. It also doesnt require any family sized units, so the trend in the market currently of developers to build only studios will continue. Thank you. Yeah. Thank you. We have a couple of questions for both of you. And well start with you, joseph. So, proposition d aims to streamline the construction of Affordable Housing but has some caveat that may impede construction such as not requiring developers to build the housing within a certain timeframe. How do you envision or not envision that proposition d will result in the expedited construction of Affordable Housing. Thats a great question and i ran out of time in my opening remarks and the problem with proposition d, and as corey mentioned earlier, it expedites the entitlements and its deferred and they have value thats it doesnt require them to build until 36 months after the entitlements are conferred. Its part of the problem we have with the way that Affordable Homes now, proposition d has been built and it will bring more units online faster but in fact, what it does is it further xhod guys and doesnt bring the units online. Thank you. Same question, corey. Jeff is correct. All Building Permits do expire after 36 months and the reality is people who build housing for a living want to build housing. Thats always the goal for people who finance housing, who construct housing. Who design housing, the architects. So it has been a goal to try get the entitlement process and this is focusing on as well as the permitting process to go faster. We were proud to sponsor assembly 2234 which aimed to improve the post entitlement Building Permit acquisition process to ensure that cities to respond in a timely fashion. And if that happens, if the entitlement process is efficient and the Building Permit acquisition process is more efficient, thats how we get Affordable Homes now and how we get shovels into the ground ask create homes for people that the city so desperately need. Thank you. The second question and well start with you, corey. Proposition d yours a prevailing wage for construction worker s Affordable Housing project and some level of professional training or qualifications for some workers, can you clarify how workers will be protected under proposition d and how the requirements will be enforced . Yeah. Absolutely. This is actually like i said, its wonderful this matches the bill passed in the state Legislature Assembly bill 2011. Prevailing wage is basically a dollar amount that people need to make to actually construct the housing that we are going to be building. Health care opportunities and majority of construction workers in the state of california do not have health care so by requiring health care opportunities, not only to the workers you their families and we know were going to provide a stronger safety net for all residents. And then the apprenticeship programs. The big issues we have in california right now, theres a labor shortage and theres a Skilled Labor shortage so because the Northern California Carpenters Union who is our proud partner, they said hey we need to move things far. We need to put solutions on the table and this is one of those measures that will not only benefit the construction workers but all unions across board. Same question. Your feelings about the requirement thats are in proposition d for workers . Yeah, from opposition side, proposition d doesnt go far enough. Its one of the reasons why the Building Trades council and the Labor Council are opposed to proposition d. What they require generally is that there be a requirement for skilled and trained workers and helps to close the gap between wages and housing costs. And its extremely important to Building Trades that would be building these buildings. One of the things thats curious to us is that one of the things that proposition d is pushing is for form based density for larger buildings to be built residential and that generally means towards concrete and steel and its curious to us, the Carpenters Union would be supporting proposition d even though which is not what the carpenters would be invested in well move with closing statements and any other thoughts you would like to give on proposition d, corey. Like i said, San Francisco has a great opportunity and choice in front of us if we want to move forward and value our residents like we claim we do. Proposition d is supported by supervisor dorsey, senator scott wiener and mayor london breed t. Was put on a by coalition of pro housing advocates, labor units and nonAffordable Housing developers and the Northern California Carpenters Union is our strongest Coalition Partners as well as policy think tank like spur and Affordable Housing Developers Like Mission Housing Development Corporation as well as habitat for humanity and habitat for humanity is an interesting one because they see a problem from a wide perspective and look across the state and how we need to be building more homes for people faster and it was put on the ballot by 52,000 San Francisco voters so read the facts and look at what these do and vote yes on proposition d. Thank you. Final thoughts. So part of the problem we have with this, again, what proposition d is streamlines primarily market rate housing by redefining affordable to 140 median. Were looking at housing that san franciscans cant afford. Bringing new lines, bringing new housing online doesnt necessarily solve the problem. San francisco during its current 8year Housing Element cycle over built market rate housing by ten thousand units. And housing prices continue to out strip wage so were concerned that what proposition d does is it doubles down on failed housing policies and what we need to do is focus our housing policies on real true Affordable Housing for San Francisco workers, families, seniors, and those who are being priced out of the city. Thank you. And thank you both for being here and for your time and your willingness to inform the public about this measure. Thank you. Thanks for having us. We hope this discussion has been informative. For more information about this and other ballot measures in the november election, please visit the department of elections website at sf elections dot org. Remember, early voting is available at city hall starting on october 11th from 8 00 a. M. To 5 00 p. M. And if you dont vote early, be sure to vote on tuesday, november 8th. Hello im ms. Bill copper im here today asking for your passport and your vote. And helping me get elected for the district 6 supervisor seat. Im coming to you today asking for support and asking you to help me alleviate so many issues and disparity in our community and helping mow to focus on where we need to be at in San Francisco. The election is november the eighth 2022. And i have been a commune member in district 6 for 40 years. I have always been committed to my community and to equity competence equality and excellence. I think people of color should be eli haved to a higher level then and there we have been for over 40 years. I need your support in helping meto get there and helping mow to make San Francisco the better city that is really should be. Please support me and come out to vote and if you see me, talk to me im willing to talk to all my conscientist webs and being there for them and helping each and every person uplift each person to their if you mean capacity here in district 6. Not only district 6 but all San Francisco. I am not only residence denial of district 6 but im a resident of San Francisco you with bet your Bottom Dollar im here to help xu help moiz and this is more this is more than a commitment it is my lifestyle. Thank you so much. Just a moment im San Francisco sprieshz matt dorsey. Convergence of public healing crisis in my journal in recovery from addiction this moved mow to ask mayor breed to consider me for a role i never thou i would want. I was highest ranking gay civilian on the Police Departments xhan staff i met to see how many die friday drug over dose, people like mow in recovery the last 21 2 years have been difficult it watch. An fran doing a great job with one Public Health crisis covid19 and drug scenes and dealing and all the associated ills causing so many harps to people struggling with use disorder. You in this im a member of the board of supervisors im committed to forward around real solutions. I joined my clothes supervisors mandelman and stephanie on a plan for how we will finally make progress on these issue its is San Francisco recovers. And it is a road map for huwe will engage with 21 city want dids and 6 commissions to solve these problems. When i hear is residentsment solutions and that is when im work to dom i spent 14 years in the City Attorneys Office working with Dennis Herrera involving consumer flexion. Major equality and more. In addition to san front recovers i worked to deliver. Pushing to fund Affordable Housing, negotiating the agreement that allowed lbgtq plus respondsors to march. Hundreds to the local filipino i hope we will have the tune to work with log of women voters for years to come. Im sherylel jack running for board of supervisor district sivenlgs i work tireless low to ensure all communities are represented in feigns and inclusion. Dedicated and commit to serving under served communities. Restoring hope for our seniors, veterans and disabled. We recognize the importance to invest in education and Small Businesses. Restoring filth in Community Safety for neighbors, businesses in district 6. Investing in black and brown communities. Ensouring our Diverse Community have access toy will health care. San francisco we need to take action to ensure we have access to true Affordable Housing. San francisco, we have work to do. Until all our voices are heard. The endefersup lifting under served. There were men before me and as i stand before you, im committed to providing an open, fair, inclusive environment for all individuals across difference of race, religion, sectionual orientation. Gender identity. National ore gin economic statsz, ethnicity, age or medical condition. I will seek to increase the project of rep centation inclusive of u. S. Under represented people of color. International and bicultural communities. And prosecute void an requirement retain individuals. To serve our community is to ensure that you are seen, heard and that your voice is uplifted. Lets get out the vote and vote for Cheryl Jackson for board of supervisor district 6. I grew up in San Francisco in a family of africanim grants and know when is is like to feel unsafe in the city. Have you my word i will fight to ensure our streets are safe and people who commit crimes face consequences. I have a master in social work from berkeley and worked to get homeless off the streets. People with addiction sewn and people who committed crimes to take responsibility. Lets stop argue burglar housing and just build it. I have real experience building housing at all levelless. Chief of staph to matt hene i over saw approval of 9 thbld units of husband nothing district 6. I have years of experience in city hall. Im not part of a political faction. I believe in respectful communication. Building bridge and reaching across the aisle and i refouz to be a yes machine for a gentleman that is in the doing the job sometimes city departments need tough love, too. Hello San Francisco. Im brian adam and running to be district 10 supervisor. I was born and raise in the san jose and worked as an engineer. Now i learned a lot working for city government. Im run to give san front a voice. Voter turn out and 3 and 30 speak a language other than english i want it easy to get involved im running on a simple plat furthermore of more housing, safer streets and better public transit. For the i want it clear the obtackles to more housing and support the programs helping renter become home ordinance. Stable ouz housing helps us all live our best lives. Next i donts think that more Police Officers other only way to a safer city. Alternative policies brought smrter policing and better results more i will focus on what works rather that than stick to one idea. Public transit already moves thousands around the city all the the time. Getting to work, doctors appointments or a time at the beach muni helps people do it. I will make sure well is funding and the dlrdz are used right. Ut category out a stop to make the system move faster i dont buy temperature i run half marathons i dont mind walking a stop or 2 more. Make our system run better does not mean making less accessible we pay because it is good for all of us to use. A good accessible Transit System will keep San Francisco connected in the future. Not only that, it is co to making the city safe, liveable and sustainable. And with that, i hope you will foind me online and vote brian sam adams district 10 supervisor this november. Thank you. This is walton president of San Francisco board of supervisors. Representing district 10. I am running for reelection i can serve the residents of San Francisco and make sure or isolated communities have representation. I will fight for fordable housing, make sure that we address the needs of people had are experiencing homelessness and do everything we can to get people off the street. We are a vibrant city and need someone who will fight to recover from this pandemic and our Small Businesses that are Hospitality Industry does in the continue to suffer. As the current president of the board of supervisors, i have been able to work with other members of the board of supervisors other leadership not only to tackle the issues of people sprngs homelessness, affordability in San Francisco and making sure that we recover from the pandemic but also doing everything to keep our communities safe. Being the only proirz to have a district safety plan that coordinates and brings everyone to together responsible for addressing safety and community violence. Making sure resources in accomplice for am dallas dovers on street. Officers for sfmta and making sure everyone working fort worth for safety come together to do their job. Im excited run for reelection and hope to see you all on november eighth at the ballot. Walton for district 10 supervisor. Im stephanie a district 2 supervisor in San Francisco running for another term this november dp love your support past 5 years i have been focussed on things that are important to conscientist webs public safety, helping Small Businesses and fighting corruption at city hall. Looking forward it another for you years to work on those with regard to public safety. This past june i passed prospect d, which creates the office of witness rights and for the First Time Ever in this nation we will provide a right to free Legal Council for Domestic Violence victims. A mom and prosecutor and city hall veteran and gun violence prevention advocate and love public service. I look forward to running and would love your support. Tha [music] good morning. Im San Francisco mayor london breed and im joined today with our police chief bill scott. Our sdreshth tournament jenkins and our member of district 6 board of supervisors matt dorsey. Today we are here to talk about hahas been really frustrating for all of us. Especially the people who live in the tenderloin and so many community. The open air drug dealing that destroying our city. I have been out a lot and talked to so many people especially a lot of people who live in the tenderloin and people who

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