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Special meeting january 26th and january 29th special meeting is there a motion to approve the minutes. So moved and second any comes, questions. All in favor, say i. I. Opposed . The minutes are approved next item, please. General Public Comment mr. Da costa good afternoon. Good afternoon commissioners first and foremost i want to thank the commissions and others that attended the services for dr. Espanola jackson so i hope i heard the people that spoke at that service judge quinton and george and some others so what really happens when an advocate passes away it is difficult to fill the shoes of the advocate and nobody can fill the shoes of dr. Espanola jackson because she had a unique way of disarming and at the same time making a point i know you for coming too very much so advocates if they have their heart in the right place we expect the commissioners to center your heart in the right place we need to Work Together to make the right decisions for example, when the San Francisco Port Commission decided to place the fossil fuel, etc. , etc. It was a layperson that said no and thank god we had Ambassador Richard who understood exactly what we were talking about so similarly now we are involved with a huge projects and some of those i couldnt attend the deliberations but we need to be very openminded and sincere we need to have accountability and transparency and this should be posted on the intreshlth because we are living in a Digital World so well catch up once you dont attend the meetings or the deliberations you have to catch up so well catch up when i was here more to state to the commissioners that the southeast sector which is go to be a lot will happen there are a lot of the contractors want to get jobs not getting jobs i want the commissioners especially to understand the plight of those contractors 5 million or 4 or 3 million in this drain not being done we went in memory of dr. Espanola jackson to have some good things came from all our hard work. Thank you very much any other Public Comment on the items not on todays agenda hearing none, sorry oh, please come forward. Good afternoon my name is harry berstein an instructor at city college of San Francisco and yesterday there was a meeting of the community virusy committee for the balboa Park Reservoir it is ordinary by the sfpuc and it is considering that space for housing on public lands i have a picture here and ill be glad to share this copy with you the puc, sfpuc has a picture of this land but it is empty lots they show we have one hundred thousand students in city college as recently as 2012 all kinds of reasons and count dictation we fount this land is not declared surplus we dont know for sure that the fire and the wart departments dont have another use for this land and you know were concerned that the process that is going through is eventual will cause students of their assess and also the agreement of this committee is that the performing arts and Education Center is going to be built unless the College Tells them otherwise this is the change the draft didnt mention the existence and the voters want that is going to be a source for entertainment for professional training and a way to build the college we just i want to say the San Francisco reservoir that is, i guess privately held and parkland that was blocked by a Community Group with 22 million the puc here was not even told about it until at the read about it the papers we dont want the reservoir theyre to be used and stolen under the eyes of the public without people knowing about it. Thank you, very much. Further Public Comments on items not on todays agenda. Next item, please. Item 5 communications. Commissioners are there any comments on the communications. Commission. I had on the la street light conversion that confused about the the street light control system from the pictures themselves it is part of the writeup made it sound like those two promotions are preceded into penalty and another part of write up did contractors for the fixtures and control will be led at the same time so this seems to be in conflict and it is unclear. Barbara garcia general manager for power the later is true i apologize for the lack of clarity the acquisition of the la s e d is separate if the control system. Theyll be done at the same time. Not necessarily at the same time were evaluating opportunities for the control system but vance the lapd procurement to take advantage of the energy saves even without the wireless system. The lamps will work without the control system. Yeah. They cant be admonished but will work like the lamps today. Any other questions or comments Public Comment . Next item, please. Item 67 other commission business. Commissioners . Any other business . Hearing none, next item, please. Item 7 the report of general manager. Good afternoon, commissioners i would like to first give you an update steve richie. Good afternoon steve assistant general manager so far water im here to talk about our drought feel can i have the slides please the chart the storage levels those are changing rapidly but montgomery into the direction if a extremely dry to weather periods well be moving the waters around the reservoirs to make sure we catch the water every hetch hetchy the priority or the start to refill the water banks by may significant differences the numbers. On the precipitation front again, were right above average the last week or so we tried to make sure there was good weather for the super bowl so, now we move back to move into a weather period to see what we can do the snow pack is also well above 2013 now and at the medium level give or take to look out at the snow pack front and well talk about today is water available to the city this diagram shows the medium line we have 82 arc feet of water it is available to the city that is water over and above the irrigation be districts we had more the last two years ago combined the numbers on, on the right turns three hundred and 50 thousand acre and 8 hundred plus equal the amount of water available to the city needed to achieve the july 15th storage with the reservoirs or the july 14th storage rain water reservoirs or 10 thousand arcs we fill out the reservoirs if we had that much water thats a number we really like to see come out of ohio graph and i had a little bit of information the projections we project at a medium and high and low level our low projection for the year making sure it functions how the rest of the year 5 hundred and 20 thousand acres that is a lot of above the 2015 storage level and the high projection is 5 hundred plus a very rough year and mrernt of water but the medium projection it is new conditions here on out we need a million acre well have enough to fill the reservoirs and have water left over so those are the projections and you know projections are what they are sometimes theyre right and sometimes wrong but they look like good information because we know there is already a fair amount of snow on the hill above hetch hetchy so it is good as a matter of fact, looking at the next two weeks of precipitation the upper box is the coming week which looks at dry but the lower box is the week after that looks at wet by comparison i believe the first week im a little bit skeptical and beyond that people are making this up we may ends up with additional perspiration that is good at this point. The funds again, people are convert very, very well our demand so far is well below last years demand but with the last 5 year average people are using little water to keep light water the reservoirs people are going a good job and the water board approved an extension of the water regulars for the regulatory structure until early november for the regulations as i mentioned last time had 3 adjustment one for climate for recognize probation officer people live in hotter areas and growth which not many people may make much difference and for people that develop new supplies basically turning nonpublic water and giving them credit they didnt raise the standards of 80 percent that is good we are concerned by giving other people credit theyll have to offset that we didnt do that thats good and a lot of water agencies that have their own story to tell and one they commended the water agencies this was atta boy pat on the head we dont deserve that but secondly, they 2krikd their staff to work on the ultimate approaches the message in that if they have a good story 31 they can take into account well say thats okay. But hand in hand the direction of the staff for the enhanced urban efficiency i think this is a very important step yeah, well find a way to help people but make sure that we have a plan we can Going Forward that includes conservation that was a clear message from the water board with that, im available to answer any questions you may have. Commissioners questions . Thank you very much appreciate your presentation next item, please. General manager. Oh, can i have more assess. Sorry Public Comment. Public comment at the ends. Any Public Comment on the drought hearing none, next barbara hale cleanpowersf update. Hi barbara hale just not general manager for power i want to give a quick update were on the same schedule, in fact, i ordered the same schedule for the power point slide today but so youll see were on track and as stated there we sent out our initial opt out notices customers begin to receive them i have a copy this kind of envelope clearly stating from us from cleanpowersf we have the fires that describe the program and we also have the terms and conditions that go into detail so all the customers will receive the notices if you enrolled early you get an email not knowing the time is ready to offer the service and retina ready to confirm and weve done a lot of community meetings, meetings with business and commercial representative groups and getting positive feedback our call center is up and taking calls were not getting a high volume but you up and running so with that, ill be happy to answer any questions you may have. Are you starting an effort to outreach to people to enroll in this i know youve been doing some of that. Super scorpions. And the context of the conversation with the potential customers and their applications and groups groups were talking about the center green and green product reis seen quite a few of the customers convert and sign me up for 100 percent rein trouble. How much will people do we have signed up. A little bit loans three hundred folks as far. Great commissioners. Are we getting any help or have a cooperative enterprise for the deep green with advocates with the program for a long time. Were training some of the advocates that spoke on behalf of the program and having a training this week we can be wellversed in the Program Details and 35r789 with us for example, at festivals and fairs were tabling and need folks to man a table beyond that we dont have set plans for use of those resources. That would seem one thing the Public Sector has an advantage over Public Sector we talk to our constituents all the time and it would be important for us to use the Public Sector assets earlier in in lieu of program ill encourage and the other thing a followup question i didnt notice in the enhanced calendar any scheduling of the tie ends to those sf and wondering when that comes back to us. The general manager indicated at the last meeting well schedule it at a meeting if now. One of the things we want to do internally have a meeting and talk about go solar as cca and look at it removing some of the hurdles that make it more advantageous for people to go into center green well have the meeting and present our thoughts at the next meeting. Thats my expectation but not on the advanced calendar wondering if that something had changed thank you. Thank you, thank you any Public Comment on cleanpowersf . So commissioners you know in this Ocean Mission were talking about our main competeer and no realistic information on the website you listen and they dont know what theyre doing because they have a bus plan they dont have a marketing plan and there are too many variables not known ive been following this since 1999 and some of us get fed up attending the bosco meetings nothing was happening and fed up when to the Sf Public Utilities Commission and nobody really wanted to stand for what is right so, now added last we have no basic idea of marketing how much is pg e getting it 8 percent kreptsd or 0. 09 or 0. 10 how much are we getting it for is there liabilities if there is a liability then who is going to better that liability whats the population of San Francisco . Whats what areas are targeted and at one time a puck meeting and your people did the marketing the subject of everything now from what ill hearing youre trying to tie it and now new housing and trying to go with the big areas and Big Developers so we want to know in San Francisco do you really care for the common man . The homeowners . And how you going to do that were not getting the right information we need the right information to so we can connect the dots we need the right information as they gave at marin county were not getting the right information in San Francisco. In San Francisco we have to deal with the monster it is called pg e and pg e is not going to take to lightly but give us a fight with 16 once gloves with 8 ones gloves well not be able to going 0 into the ring so we want to know who are doing this this one letter and 200 responses i know our population is 6 hundred and 5 thousand how many responses . Like i could say more but my time is up thank you mr. Fried. Jooifs furs first off what was going on i know theyve been busy the staff has done tremendous work getting this up and running and the first small phase the customers will be included ive had friends in that phase and done several things wow. She got an congratulations there are exciting times were getting the word out i know ill be sitting on a hate ashbury coincidental for that group a lot outreach that the puck staff and i are joining in with the various Community Groups across the city to make sure the program is getting launched and if you want to get into the program this year you need to sign up for the Green Products you cant afford the super green product were doing that today there is a lot of these word out and as the previous speaker there are a lot of people it will take time to get around to every single neighborhood but the staff is getting out to as many people as possible and congratulations and youve gotten our first opt notice to be part of program is you havent make sure you sign up for the program and if you have signed up with within the next few days youll get it into the mail it takes time thank you. Thank you mr. Fried i dont know would it make sense to have a lafco meeting if we need one i want to expend the invitation if the chairs at the lafco. I will take a wild stab the chair will be more than happy to do one if this is a desire ill start working with our staff to figure out what date might work all to laufrnl a round launch for an appropriate time. Yeah. Ill work with your staff. I want to also point out next week we have a press event to you know talk about the launch and also, we talked about after the super bowl because of you know and then he talked about the shift from 60 percent residential so 50 percent incremental because of making sure we had enough revenue to support the program with the initial launch and shift from 10 as far as district 10 to 8 i think 6 so you know weve been updateing you know what is it like to have more information about the plan you know we can devote that also i want to point out were working with lafco on the jobs report as well hopefully by the ends of this month we should a dr. A draft job before we predict as far as possible projects and what jobs that are generated. Great when that report is done to give lafco an update with that body. Any other Public Comment on cleanpowersf . Can we have too many people sign up. I would love 20 too many people to sign up everyone will raise their hand well included the first phase and automatic enrollment and additional folks that are asking to participate were going going to go into the phase two and when we reach the megawatts of power we will look to do is increment alley the best approach to increase we have to make sure we financing are stable enough to increase the program so this is where well focus on the coming mon s months. Great, thank you and hello, again. Mr. Berstein i can only speak for myself the public prospective of the opposition of cleanpowersf has gotten has been an amazing drama im wondering from the commission is feel apprehensive about pg e the last gentleman articulated the one before articulated very well, they have a lot to lose on the wrong side of many arguments one comments we have microphones and some of you are speaking to each other but not to the people out here please use your microphone. Thank you. Any other Public Comment on this item . Hearing none, next item, please. On general manager report. The next is the water Enterprise Capital Improvement Plan quarterly yubt kathy howe. Good afternoon kathy vaunt general manager the only items are the two projects that are late in construction the town of sonoma when it was due to the late materials and the other one was for San Francisco ground water that is attending rec and park and the irrigation operations were trying to coordinate that so if you have any questions about that any of these projects i can answer any questions. Questions commissioners comments . Hearing none, Public Comment on this item please. Water Enterprise Capital Improvement Plan hearing none, next item, please. Next item. Is the quarterly update and report. Good afternoon, commissioners dan wade wsip correct and today covers today through the ends of 2015 please go to the misleads you have so this Program Status to complete now in kathy housing presentation a couple weeks ago it was pointed out that was exclusive of the water that is im talking about those promotions managed by the water enterprise in terms of recent accomplishment i want to give you a sense that is significant progress to the tune of wsip im not going to talk about all the accomplishment other than to mention a number of very significant projects that into go into service and axiliary safety and record that recognized a significant award and earthquake or Earthquake Institute accomplishment of the seismic contribution for the San Francisco bay area this is 6. 2 Million People so im proud of that award and wanted to make mention of it today now, when we got together last time i advised you youll be going through every line item and casting wsip to completion weve done that in presentation for the budget hearings that will going on recently so with this slide shows the results of that analysis and as i mentioned last time we had challenges ongoing challenges with the stand point replacement ill touch on that in a moment this shows not all projects but those forecasted in the program not surprisingly it is on the replacement project but have outlet variance that second one is the package facility the planning study for this context ladder was under budgeted so the mention ended up being 20 million more and the other projects that are complete and in service but have ongoing negotiations with the contractor we do expect to remain the resolution board assistance with the early water so were forecasting this variances i want to point out about 4 from the bottom the close out project list of 20 items that needs to take place throughout the regions whether additional work in order to fully meet the Service Goals in wsip so were forecasting and as part of the notice of change we plan an issue in march so that will be available at that time, so when you consider all that and the savings on some of the Real Estate Agent projects and as well as the savings on the local program it is 80 million over the current approved budget of 3. 6 million on the schedule again, we look at all do schedules and forecasting forward we do so a number of projects and theres a handful of projects we have other projects slippages and none of those are beyond the date of 2019 but for various reasons none of those are ongoing administrative close out projections to give the contractor close for contractors the variance at the administration the largest is due to drought and passage and issues over the last couple of years we need to continue it program until 2018 to fully mitigate the impacts of the reasonable projects and id like to finish with the dans project that is the biggest list Going Forward and those photographs show this ive talked about before this is nearly complete and the spur will be complete in oath couple of months but below the spur a lot of activities take place this summer to tiein the new conduit part of construction this fall and so this shows a photograph upstream and the bulb out where it was existence of the stone base and moved down stream to the new stone baseline it is exciting to see the components relative and we have the largest reservoir in airbnb i talked about thereby briefly last this is the bar area to object the hard rock for the construction for the dam and this bar area will be a deep excavation to get the hard rock to a large forms a number of months as the excavation began there was out of slip joints into the excavation it especially means an Additional Investigation we need to hive enforce it excavation that slows the production so in order to mitigate we need to accelerate some of the dam is construction activities asia inputs from rocks outside so enough rock on hand we dont slow down the construction so that is the reason for the costs on this project and were on schedule with the Construction Management team are currently analyzing that we have that exercise completed by the end of this month well have that confirmed the schedule at this time i think this is still feasible to meet the goal of starting to impounded the water but need the access road another 6 months past the construction but coming back to you in march with that information so the next steps well come back to refer to the notice of change for the wsip and forecasting those changes but the request Commission Approval with the wsip and go to the board of supervisors with the request and, of course, that has been budgeted into the water cf p before you so ill be happy to answer any questions you may have. Thank you that was a great presentation. Questions commissioners. Is the 80 million additional funds. Yes. This will be 80 million additional funds for the budgeted as part of cpi that if you approve that in april then come back those funds will be appropriate towards that. Thank you. Thank you. Public comment on this item . Hearing none, the next item, please. Item 8 is a flooding workshop for the series of presentations regarding the access puck assess and long term plans to reduce assess. Thank you, commissioners im glad we are beginning a series of workshops on flooding this is a priority of puck before i become general manager back in 2004, of course, coincide with the hundred year storm i think that ann was on the commission at that time, where we had a hundred year storm and after that event the puck implemented a series of projects throughout the city with 850 million cpi program and then as part of Sewer System Improvement Program they wanted the system that actually functions the way it was designed and which is to mean a 5 year storm the goal is get the entire system up to that standard however, as it is more complicated this and that what were seeing and what becomes for elevated especially, after december of 2014 storms that there is a part of city that actually meets the part of level of service, however, it is still flooding in intense storms and rain we recognize for those 0 constituents the damage caused by flooding can be extremely disruptive and costly todays workshop will be a series of presentations and discussions regarding flooding the main focus and the main purchase purpose to educate the commission and public about how the system works this is something we want to make sure that everyone has a common understanding the steps were currently talking to minimize flooding in a long term option for reducing flowed risks at the future Commission Meetings we will come back with finding from our flowed resilience study that helps for the policy decisions and projects as you may know the Sewer System Improvement Program has treatment for facilities and Collection Systems, to our really to our system to bring it San Francisco a state of repair thats what the 6 approximately 9 billion of which 2 housing unit 7 billion is phase one as we look at the flooding promotions any additional projects to minimize phleboids well have to come back and talk about that and ask for approval for those funds that are additionally to the 6 point did weve identified in the meanwhile weve been working with all all hands on deck for the constituents many of whom experience flooding in the 2014 storms and dloil to focus on areas we know are prone to flooding prior and to storm we streamlining the emergency responses protocols with the Public Utilities commission and developing projects in subway areas that are experienced flooding and outreaching to residents and businesses to connect them with services and programs to protect their property todays presentation contains a lot of formation o information we hope will be helpful and as we go along this is a long presentation feel free to ask questions and want to stress a lot of this information were presenting today is information weve presented to the community in september we went to each one of the neighborhoods and presented the similar information to them and actually been email about this workshop to let them know were engaging the commission is a policy decision whatever policy we determine it has a cost associated with it i think everyone need to be fully for the record p informed when we decide to spend bloifltz billions of and billions of dollars it effects the pace so looking forward to have convections to talk about how we manage severe conditions im going to turn it over to tommy the vaunt general manager so far the wairmentd enterprise that will talk about how to respond and prepare for the storms and also Stephanie Harrison that will give us more detail information about the engineering side. I have a question. Uhhuh. No after the presentation inaudible . No for the commissioners and then well open up for Public Comment after thank you. Sir. Welcome good afternoon. Good afternoon, commissioners commissioner president vietor and thank you for having stephanie and i here i hope that will be educational for the commission and public it is not often we get to talk about the puck puc business tom general manager with the wastewater enterprise were responsible for collection, treatment, return and reused of sanctuary stormwater we are looking at the collection of the system we have a unique sewer system we have instrument flows it is important it is the runoff and it is has a lot of constituents that harms the environment it is predominantly because it is sized to handle stormwater your pipes are larger than utilities it is built to handle stormwater in the slide show the dry weather flow is compared to how much in stormwater. So what you see before you youve seen this many times San Francisco is divided into who two water shed this is south from the Golden Gate Bridge and Everything Else goes to the ocean water planted and east of that goes into dry weather to the asset plant now in wet weather you see how it flows in wet weather we have another wet facility the Treatment Plants but of any given wet weather day unless other cities in california with the expectation of a little bit of sacramento every single drop of rain that hits the ground gets some form of treatment that mixes a unique the strength certainly in the west coast we comply with the federal, state and local permits and this combined System Services well over the years as you look at the slide that is a lot of capacity built into the system absolutely it is we trace 6 hundred millions of stormwater, however, the rains if it keeps on raining were at the capacity and at some point well discharge, however, we discharge the bayer or the ocean this treatment considered by the preliminary treatment while there is other instances the rain is so intense in a short period of time it didnt get into our system and what happens some of the lower lying areas flood out now this is what were talking about the Collection System what you see there is what you wash on the left with whether you wash youre hands or doing our laundry or flushing the toilet theyll go to a sewer so the main sewer is underneath the street there from there it going into a transport box the purpose to give the complexity of the system and how large we have one thousand miles of sewers that storage box and out fuel so over one thousand miles we operate 27 pump stations that didnt include Treasure Island and 25 capture baseline in San Francisco every street and cross street has 24 this is how big our system and how were responsible for that as you can see after i leave the main sewer that goes into the square box underneath the street in dry weather that goes to a pump station that pumps to the Treatment Plant what happens the flow is underneath you see the arrows on both sides of the sidewalk it goes to a capture baseline and enters the sewer and into the transport box you show it comes off the street and a wall that gets the floatable materials and city and county phenomena cups so you have nine hundred million in storage and treatment then thats when we were over flow so thats what goes to the bay area or the ocean at the picture youre looking at underneath the great highway that a storage box there that storage box it is pretty large 45 feet deep that is meant to hold stormwater. So those are some of the examples we have of our system how many man holes do we have count the man holes on the bottom right there. How we have invested the puc significant amounts dollars since the 1972 clean water act our industry has basically changed because it forced to be better treatment and collect less those are some of the investment over the storage 25 years since 1973 again, this service is very well, were continuing to make those investments and this investment can never stop now the next slide is we move on from 1972 to 1997 we are had over freeze the voters took proposition h im sure you remember froze the water rates for the next seven years during those years we working hard to operate the system within the confines of our budgeted something happened in 2004 on the commission february 25, 2004, that was one of the largest storm the city on this particular day the city was overwhelmed our Collection System was eefkd the commission almost men, women, and children released one and 60 million for the intern cpi the Capital Improvement plan was specifically to handle some of the lower lying areas for floods thats y where a lot of the money went and that also kicked off the sewer system masters planning effort that evolving turned into the sewer system improvement with the Capital Improvement plan of today since that time we have continued as you can see on the slide we continued in our open water shed assessment the validation process as weve looking forward to the fire chief in 2012 you endorsed phase one the prompt program that the general manager mentions 6. 9 billion focus 2 housing unit 7 billion a lot of that is to improve the digesters your premeditating treatment plan also our our combined some is higher engineered there could be a lot of room for misunderstanding of how our system works well ask stephanie to go into greater detail on a lot of topics to clear up what may be miconstrue stephanie. Thank you, tom i didnt hello commissioners my name is steven a project sponsor with sfpuc and work on flooding projects as tommy mentioned our combined schedule is complex a lot of engineering details that can be confusing we want to clear the air and bring to light some of the engineering details we see in a lot of emails we get and things like that to make sure that everybody is on the same page how the system will work this is a catch basin you see on the side 25 catch based on around the city and designed to have standing water in them what happens this is the grate at the surface and water comes in into the congregate this bottom by an the water the only exit for the catch basin is to the main sewer what that does it leave lost space for floatable trash it can function up and out of the catch basin and for debris that settles out if we have it coming in from the street we have the catch basin so it is designed to have standing water it is not meaning a sewer back up it is how it is designed to function we believe with one of the 25 thousand catch basin can get clogged from the top grate gets clogged with leaves and litter closing the graduates that prevents water into the catch basin so heres an example of this is a photos of an actual catch basin the fabric that was left on and piled up weve been working with a pile of water waiting to get in and but we have street sweeping as a profitable measures to remove the litter that could potentially clog the graduates the reason the catch basin closing the debris comes up so the water cant get out the exit this debris that built up to this part keep in mind the catch baseline or 6 feet theres a lot of space well have to pump them out every four to five years but no problematic things and tommy will speak to that in operations the only other thing i want to point out youll see on the curve the photo there is dots on the curb spraypainted dots are misconceptions every 6 weeks theres a circle where all 25 catch baselines are inspected to have a visible. Rightone objection. No covering of litter and leaves and connecting for most detectives the Mosquito Abatement Program there is different colors for every cycle thats how we verify every catch basin was inspected and a little bit more the x kurgsz a word that people may have levels of excursion water exits the system and reenters the system this can happen through man holes and sidewalk and catch basin the feature of the system when it hopes happenings through those features it is surface features assigned feature the system is basically what that diagram shows it shows a hill the top black line is the ground infrastructures a gray line this shows the pipes and how they fasten out and an attempt at the storage boxes that tommy mentioned as you can see the particular representation the water is the sewer system is the representation it is discharging out of the box here and discharging into the receiving water on the righthand side of the screen it is still rain as the system continues to fill up you may have low lying ears are excursions happen in a bowl shaped area a low lying area water coming out of the man holes and the catch basins so we cant just stop excursions by securing the manhole coffers is pressureries the system so it can push water into homes and into adjacent neighborhoods and have unattended consequences i want to clarify when there is unbelievably from a coffer cover if you see a gush of water it is angle excursion most of the times the upstairs are for wet weather theyre mostly empty and filled with air and as the storm starts to rain and the system fills up with water that air has to go somewhere so from the ground is wet and the catch basin i showed us have standing water you may see unbelievabbub it is air coming out of the system the excursions what happen in homes we dont want to happen we try to minimize that ill talk about specifically about aqua preventers if you look at the diagram youll see that there are revolver recovers and roof drains that contribute as well as toilets and picture youve shown two toilets with a floor drain all of the water with the roof water communitybased organization into the sewer and into the sewer main so this is a typical representation of what a house it every house is different when the system is full the water the sewer main has religion the water will exit at the lowest point when the house is fully above ground it will be the sidewalk that is what the sidewalk will do to be a Pressure Point and if theres a basement well have the possibility the water will exit which is a floor drain the San Francisco code requires the lower fixtures below this sidewalks has to have a prospective of preservation to make sure that water is not coming up into the drain so a backflow preventer we have two examples here ill explain how thai work and pass them around those are made of plastic but one that is made of cast iron it is typical of what we see in a sewer lateral in a home this is basically, what youll see if you look at counsel into the bite is that flow what go one way but when flow tries to go the other way it kicks begins in closeddoor it is okay to go out but into the fixture a it hesitate resistance the pipe is closed off this one and this ill pass these around tommy do you mind this this piece will set inside a floor drain the spirit and screws on top when the system has pressure that peaks the water this piece comes up and stops the water from coming into the house this is a floor drain backhoe preventer you use ogsz those together. No, that one is installed inside the plumbing fixtures youll show you more about installation that one into the shore drain. The shower has a pet are so, i mean if were mean i dont know from the department of building inspection will approve but the shower drain used the in pipe version so every property is the specific location of where you put a backflow preventer is very important and property specific often the the installation but ill talk about that so ive shown this this arrow at the bottom of the slide showing where it seems last week agonal choice put a profiter here any flow from the main will not come into the whole house but once is closed you have a full blockage the pipe it is still reasoning your collecting rape in the roof gutters and still going down the roof drain your having a slow into the system it has to get out a somewhere it will come out at the lowest point at the floor drain you flood our own prompt because you sledded is that way another scenario the scenario that would be recommended by the department of building inspection here would be that you would have two backflow preventers on, on the basement toilet and one on the basement floor drain i pass those around and they would be fixture specific stop the flow going to the fixture it is if still draining it is going down the roof drain but so even when the backflow brej that flow can go into the right direction t the police cars are covered in the Grant Program is you get them installed and by the city for the installation and the first step is wants to install one of the first steps to contact the city and well go out and work with the Property Owner and the mrimger to determine the 0 location. Now ill walk you through a few details but talk about how flooding can occur. How do you know if you have a backflow or not. In an ideal world it is installed with a maintenance patch because it is not a smooth pipe the way the rest of pipes the house are walled it has an interruption for that close to close and it needs extra maintenance it should a maintenance patch you can clean it auto and things like that when it is in your house with that said, we dont have control over what homeowners have the past they have no guarantee not a full proof way to know if one is there. Is there a certain year with outreach and installations of back flows so since 1960 or a year their wouldnt be. I dont know the history but ill look at it if you want more information. It might be informative so some houses maybe more sews accept. Were being proactively to go to the neighbors and work with the Department District of columbia their head plumber to determine if they do or not wheres the best place to place place a that is part of the Grant Program well grand jury them. You can know if you have backflow through a low drain youll know you dont have one because not closing off. Its not maintained. The properly maintenance can go into another direction something that gets stuck and usually yeah thank you. If we had extra vision we could do more. So house flooding can occur and the main cause of flooding a large storm we dont know how big the weather forecasters but their underlying under the radar and bigger forecasted beyond our system can handle is the major cause of flooding but other impacts whether a certain neighborhood floods natural typography they have at natural course or the graft stops the water before we have an undeveloped natural landlord mass and natural streams and mashes formed it ran there because it ran down hill those typography exists when we have flooding the water runs downhill and naturally water courses where water wants to go then the drainage basically how much the area and land area is draining another one particular point and the extent of urgingtion the land settlement can influence the landfill areas could have a system blockage that cause flooding like a sewer collapse or were not talking about Water Bottles but collections of cinder brooks or shopping carts and high tide effects the areas if the discharges cant get out of the system fast enough ill talk about historic waterways that prelims the flooding in the city so prior to the development we natural typography and documents that is natural streams march especially the green and blue pastel a theme youll see commonly throughout the presentation with the pastel green and blues that is historic ill sodium into the east side of the city where a concentrated area of historic waterways and marshes weve superimposed the simulated flooding we have flooding showing up what you see on the map again, the blue and green pastel are historic waterways the historic shoreline it is hard to see on the scene but the landfill and the actual shoreline and then the rainbow theres a lend on the left side anything less than 6 inches deep their contained between curve to curb you should be able to manage that flow on the street that about the reds and oranges with the deeper flooding so a good example of where interest is flooding in this particular storm is right in this area fulsome an example fulsome area and so this map shows all the areas the oranges and yellows and the reds are occurring the historic waterways it is where the water want to go so in terms of in the storm this is where it wants to go what can our sewer system handle lets talk about the goals so the sfpuc faces a number of challenges with respect to the same issues that are faces by folks income tax our long term system improvement has identified up Million Dollars for the long list of concerns and so of that 7 billion the Commission Adopted the projects for 2. 7 billion but regardless of 2 or 7 billion the financial burden is borne by your taxpayers so all the project fund is tied to rate increases so we have to prioritize our projects and momentous address all the concerns of the current 2 housing unit 7 billion program the phase one itch of that money about 2 million is for the Treatment Plant theyre the corner of our system as a single home and business in the city we do projects at the treatment project it addresses all the challenges that said this is one of our priorities were trying to take care of the Capital Spending as an organization we have made a commitment to manager the stormwater implemented the stormwater guidelines that requires the people to manage that opponent and looking financially introduce our rate structure and we are working on a number of Capital Projects as well ill talk about in that presentation but in order to prioritize the capital bucket we use this pool so in envelope this commission endorse the level of goals for the program and one was around Stormwater Management the goal to integrate the structure for minimal flooding and the control to manage the controls from a flood for a 3 hour duration that delivers one. 3 inches this storm a total of 3 point plus inches of rain that size of the storm correlates to a 4 year storm and this terminating of a 5 or 10 year storm is confusing ill talk about the storm size and give you more background what we mean when we talk about a 5 year storm it starts with rain data thought San Francisco we have a Sophisticated Network of rain gages in place for decades and each of those points those main gage locations collect data every five minutes so we have a really detailed information about storms happening and after things occurred a lot of information how hard was the rain failing in a 5 minute period the life of the storm so basically we take the data from the rain gages and run a probability analysis ill describe at one level deeper talk about what we do so this is one rain gage a data from one rain gage and it is spread out over 14 years 14 januarys and basically this is our rain typically falls in october a to january and not rain the summertime and what you, see here, too is theres a lot of consistently rainfall happening our combined system handles most of it most of the time not an issue even with the el nino it is only in extreme events were talking about flooding what doesnt show up but hopefully in the printout that we dont have control over how other rain is distributed the 4 hoist peeks have been in 4 consecutive years when we talk about a 4 year storm were talking about if you take all of our data we have in our whole database and look at a Statistical Analysis in a low term anchorage is ones in 5 years but at the end of the day it can happen 4 times or 14 years between a storm events it didnt mean we have we have control over that side of that it is you know in a long term average 5 years storms happen every 5 years so we talked about a 5 year storm our level of service that can occur but the probability of any given year is one in 5 or 20 percent and in a hundred years times it occurs any time but the probability of it occurring in a given year is one in a hundred or one percent a little bit like rolling the disbut it is unlikely youll role the disand all probability so our projects are designed to manage the rain water watering in a 4 year storm so it is sized to handle a level of the 5 year storm. So now ive covered background on flooding now what San Francisco is doing study wise first, the Water Management following the extreme storms of december 2014 sfpuc launched a study to see what it takes to make a Flood Resiliency study the capacity to anticipate risks, limit impacts, and recover quickly when damage occurs from flooding were trying to do all those things our study is two prone we have an infrastructure suicides we are involve the risk based framework for the Capital Investments to figure out what we need to do and priorities based on this and this is fiscal year on our level of service goal the 5 year storm and then the other prone of this study is other measures that arent Construction Projects were not talking about the Collection System but talking about a safety net above and beyond what our system can handle what we can make available for the residents and the constituents to above and beyond the service goal what can the rate payers and businesses for the Grant Program and Flood Insurance and making Flood Insurance available and potential making modifications to the Building Code so certain areas get insurance through the Development Process and very important piece the partnership between sfpuc and our residents and the businesses and other city agencies because alleyway your charge to make the Collection System meet the level of Service Goals and to provide the safety net it takes a strong aspirin between us so at the end of the day the Flood Resilience effort will provide flood information to evaluate our level of service goal for stormwater math so i want to repeat that well be looking all the information collected from the public land study to evaluate the San Francisco Entertainment Commission management well build on the urban approach the sewer Improvement Program main planning effort to identify projects that are the program outside of Treatment Plant wear building on that framework and typically develop a prioritized construction list and create a partnership with the stakeholders and set the stage for San Francisco the goal for the study were working on right now but concurrent with the study were dedicating the construction a handful of Construction Projects so at least 5 critical areas potential more we are all the time looking and understanding what is happening and identified the areas that are going to prioritize through the study and in some cases expediting the projects to manage the waters but limitations youll hear the repeating theme ill sound like a broken record but were going to show you amble projects but at the end of the day after any project is implemented the left of Service Goals and if theres a larger storm the large storm for example, that happens in december of 2014 will still cause flooding in neighborhoods but less severe i want to take a moment we recognize there is a very tremendous, tremendous impact on this and even though the flooding is a small percentage the impacts are huge i mean we see people, places, where they live and the early launching and the expediting of those projects is an effort to make sure we are doing doing everything we can not just waiting for the study to conclude but moving forward with the projects that we are critical these are the projects that are focused on areas where you stronger storm ill discuss 3 to give you a favor well not have time to go through all of them so the first one is the fulsome area the vicinity of 17th street and fulsome floods frequently and as a result of small and large storms and the impacts are savior so a critical area for us this is a map of some of the uses of the area were talking about you can see the red dot is intersection of fulsome the system follows a natural typography the goal outlines the area that drains downhill and under the neighborhoods on fulsome the blue line shows all of the areas that drains into the boxes just down stream of fulsome so between fulsome and the discharge that blue area is joining in this large area on the map rule of law can impact how water moves through 17th street and fulsome and 17th street and fulsome was helpfully the further the proportion of Mission Creek not just you know title area that was habitable waters the red circle on the left corner of the map is fulsome and 17th street it comes from the west off of twin peaks and down the hill quickly and then flattens out on fulsome that runs west to east their gathered in underneath street and you turn the corner theyre under the big sewer box to the division street out fall at Mission Creek thats little path the flow takes through ground that is a profile of the sewer profile looks like along the path ive described what you see is the reds line is the path were following and then blow did you see the brown surface is the land surface so the top here is the Ground Surface and then the pipes underneath are the sewer infrastructure as you can see it is water is undergoing quickly down the hill and flattens out with the areas of fulsome and then through the pipes getting light eras it goes toward did division street out flow the rapid slow down it flattens out fast and the slow down can cause a traffic jam in the pipes additionally, there is this shape in the project where the red line a bowl shape when water cant get into the system . Kind of where it stays it didnt flow not a down flow over lands it stays the system until it expenses the flow may ask what is the footprint what is the size what if looks like the drainage by an is absent over 2 thousand acres so it is really a big part of city through twin peaks and around Mission Creek and through chavez it is a big part of city. On the city. Oh, im sorry a couple of city blocks each the lines is a manhole and the manhole happens every at the intersections or mid block. So for this neighborhoods in 2015 sfpuc conducted a preliminary studies that looked at projects that potentially help to delineate needing with the 3 concepts based on perform and what we can do and he feasibility of actually constructing them the 3 are shown the first one shown is a connected tunnel to a future channel tunnel that runs into play if the channel tunnel is built but it is a 17 foot perimeter tunnel thats a big tunnel it is Something Like 17 feet were talking about regulation structure and binges rainwater to the tunnel and the impacts will be most at the shaft locations and tunnel between them so tunnels to the residents and businesses are at the shop locations the cost is 200 and 60 million and the eertd itself completion is in with 2024 the next option is a sewer expansions so it serves the same function in providing moving the water away from the area and using this to expand the pipes and you know weve been asked why not make a bigger sewer line so this is the outcome of that it ends up being one and a half mile of expansion but were not talking about a bigger pipe on the division street box were talking about deepening it up to 8 feet deeper so digging out it maybe 8 feet deeper to be able to convey the water the 42 months because of this particular option is open cut much more disruptive to traffic and businesses and things like that so the construction we see the sequence but we cant say avoid having half of division street open cut along a portion for a major traffic route so thats the sewer and the third option is the under ground storage that was required us to get an easement and build underground storage to the tune of 2 and a half millions so that will be reserve storage and when it came into the collection that built up then the storage area before it comes into the street by point facts well be keep it empty most of the time every time it gets used it needs to be cleaned out and it praiths is burdensome so this is one and 10 million without accounting for the earliest completion the ground astrology is the faster but each of those projects has unique challenges and trade offs and what were doing right now from the planning stage of this fulsome Capital Improvement plan so gung hay fat choy dig in and be able to have a recommended alternative that is the best option for the neighborhood and the best option for the sewer system. Another question now your early estimate by the standards 3 and one. 3 inches of rain so it is 2. 5 millions storage capacity. Thats what we need to provide in order to meet our local service goal. But if it rains im not sure im doing this right it rains for 3 years and the 5 year storm how much water are we talking about. Thats the storage volume the 2. 5 million goggles. The point we want to illustrate if it rains more than that it will flood so thats why we look at the convey as an. The convey as an moves tan wart. Do we have storage the area now. We have some on the street that was built as part of 2009 interim cpi that tommy talked about a pump station and a small storage area on shot well street but we dont have a lot of storage and finds a site that can accommodate 2 and a half millions gallons is a big ask. Can the existing one be made larger and it is underneath a street but no way to get to the 2. 5 millions gallons i dont know but it is a magnitude it is smaller than 2 housing unit 5 million gallons. The medics back to the 1. 5 inches in 3 hours. 1. 33. In 3 hours. Yeah. It seems weve had a couple of storms the last years that was more than that. In it is el nino season. Maybe last year. In december of 2014 we did have two storms on the third and the 11 that were big storms 25 year storms significantly more rain but since then weve had you know a lot of rain especially in december and january a lot of rain but evenly distributed there is some rule of law rainfall but this is a perfect example how probability plays into everything because you know, we got severe flooding in 2004 and 2014 was a 25 year storm everybody thought el nino is coming el nino is coming and flooding over the city it happens the way it was delivered all the water weve gotten is relatively a study. Theres been isolated penalty of perjury issues but no neighborhood flooding. And im noticing early halfway through the slide i know that there are members of the public that want to speak to this ill discourage u encourage to you move along. Ill skip one of the projects. Is that okay. Thats okay with me unless the other commissioners. Well, if you want to see it she go quicken throuly through how the nature of the serve and a service under the counter situation we have at 5 year storm is the level of service but there are some parts of city where something less than a 5 year storm will end up flooding theres parts of city more than more savior storms and pretty much everybody will be fine but other parts of city i think the same parts of city that will have more flooding than usual it goes to how we impressing express a level of service is there any level of service that would protect low lying areas from periodic severe flooding. So when we come back to you and im jumping the gun when we come back in a couple of months and talk about the policy decisions and reviewing the level of service what we presenting a risk based framework it looked at what is the impact of different sized storms on the city and if we were to delineate may be one level of service that is the 5 year storm for most of city but certain unique areas with topographic features we could consider an alternative level of protection in that are and but at the end of the day that is well be talking about that in much greater daily the level of service didnt have to be exactly the same all through the city if there is a basis for making a decision to have a different level of protection in a certain area because of unique features of that area. What i would add we talk about a level of service were talking about citywide but it pertains to the low lying ear when did system is filed then the water goes naturally to where that will go before so the whole system you try to capture the water upstream before it comes down stream so were looking at from the Commission Decides for those to have a Higher Standards wed like to identify what the cost will be for the size of standards you want to implement. And i think looking at it in a risk way not only the probability of flooding but the consequence of flooding that has to be dealt with a degree of flooding that is a useful way of looking at it and it leads you to two kinds of solutions one is where you try to be able to handle a lower probability storm event more severe and the other trying to reduce the impact in some way a reduction versus a system capacity it kind of thinking leads you to brother kinds of solutions and a trade off one against the other so i think were heading in the right direction. Back to the slides please. So from a homeowners prospective i have to acknowledge we talk about the 10 years we have to remind i can see where why there is frustration it takes so long but i will remind everyone that the steps bear in mind this is a large system we expect to disturb the areas for one hundred years or more right now if the faefbld and the process of you know looking at the alternatives and comparing them to the triple bottom social and financial but there is a lot of other steps the process once we have a alternative a significant Environmental Review and once that is approved get to the award and construction and every step takes a looked at the project is subject to multiple Big Investments hundreds of moifltz so beamed for every 10 million every 10 million of expenditures every single rate payers bill goes up by 2 a month were talking about big numbers we owe the rate payers the transparency and the time to make a sounds decision that reluctance in a lengthy process. The commission is fully away aware of the analysis and the Improvements Program on each one of the projects like calaveres so when we go ahead. In the meantime were dloil flood barriers is a short alignment to protect they detect the yard as you can see some of the photos we put them on the block to get a feeling for setting them up and ready to go whether a big storm is forecasted so im going to skip or fly through this but basically the neighborhood a big project floods Carbon Monoxide but it was in fulsome that drain into pine lake from the profiles it steep coming off the streets and a low point bowl shape and what you, see just down stream a big bowl shape that is the basin come to this basically adds San Francisco Entertainment Commission pipes and in lets in the neighborhood and a separate system just panel storm water and goes to the by an so were taking advantage of thethe basin its not used for recreation only use is for a school of business for educational purposes but eyes otherwise, it is totally roped off for Property Owners and will be embarking on a field survey technical and in the meanwhile drainage improvements not exciting pipes a quick project we can do the next year just to try to make a small improvements while were waiting for the project the cost is 23 million completion in 2020 so the corridors the kind of corridor it floods only in extreme storm events in 2004 and 2014 there was flooding but when it floods it is severe so like the other areas it was discrete and this location at the foot where is meets i 280 we tried to merge together flow from Different Directions like the other areas that profile is hilly and then there is really profound maul but bowl shape at the dead end of the culdesack this is what that map as you can see the same map we looked at before but now well talk about the storm sites the 10 year storms and as you can see again, this map is the historic waterway a dot right about here and as you can see more clearly the printout that is the type of neighborhoods were talking about and you can see the 10 year storm is not flooding that occurs with the 10 year stormwater with the sewer system but on fulsome and lower alameda and soma but specifically is a 10 year storm so lets look at 3 ousted put models in is the less than 5 year storms 25 percent occurring the blue represents the flood depth no blue on this slides the next model is the 10 year again, no whether you but a 28 year storm it is deep especially at the foot of this had a couple of major storms well look at them and the elks indicate flooding we see this is a 25 year event in 2014 and one hundred year the next year but a point of reference fulsome has flooded in youll have those particular flood events so an esteem moeblthd but we have when it floods it is very severe so the puc evaluating a project the location would be the half block from the berm where the culdesack ends and this is what it looks like so again here is the the culdesack end of ccii yuck hkiyucka were building a structural wall and taking out the berm to create a much bigger pool for it to have a place to go so to date meetings with compensates and a field survey with techs soon and the project costs 12 million an prelims in 2019 so at the end of the day the project will reduce the flooding at the bottom of kiyucka and this 25 year storms that water will fill it is where the water wants to go for example, the 2015 storm at the foot of kiyucka and well be reducing this to half a foot were give the water a place to go so another reminder that Capital Improvement plan cannot eliminate all flooding in all storms this underscores the importance we need to be flood resilient with a partnership between the agency and customers so our customers have resources so tommy will come up the gentleman with the wastewater enterprise and talks about how to respond to large storms and youll talk about what the public can do thats the partnership were looking for. Tommy can you go over it really quickly. You get to so, so you sitting at home and what is the puc doing to prepare for the storm so cash by an i think weve talking about this with the cash by ans on in any given storm if a cash by an floods call 311 and that crew goes out and look at it and the truck goes out so to check on the cash by an they wait so and as part of our response the Treatment Plant 25 percent of permit we staff in weather we have a standby and on the Collection System the trigger is so if everything sings the same song we use the noah website the National Ocean working administrations website so 30 percent of rain we respond and the collection the trade offs is the prediction so if were predicting for a quarter of rain it is a devastate staffing level we have the zones so halfinch transitions a prediction it will be a quarter of an inch response that halfinch fits the level of staffing and a one inch we deploy the barriers testing out on 17th street and fulsome all hands on deck when we have an inch of rain that is important to note about the staffing plan the zones the design the zones crews go out and patrols those barriers the for the record prone areas we monitor that before the storm and during the storm and until the storm its e actually subsides we before the el nino there was a lot of press about how you bad the storm would be we participated with project sponsor with dpw and actually, the staffing on saturday our staff helped to hand out the sandbags in multiple locations throughout the city and we delivered puc delivered sandbags specific to flood prone areas to the businesses and anywhere special customers that we have and dpw offers this service during the weekend days their hours of operation on schaerlz youll see that on hair website the last thing that we note for our rain payers and accepts if you call 311 you can download the app you can trust the complaint and see what staff has respond to and until all the way that until it get resolved and now stephanie will come up i hope this is educational and stephanie will talk about what the public can do it help. So the real simple things on the properties elevate our belongings and maintain our roof drains and call 311 but programs we implemented the federal Grant Program before the commission a couple of times basically it covers backflow and flood wall and special projects and all permitting fees and we got encroachment fees and things like that so we developed the program in 2013 we made modifications in 2015 working closely with the residents and since 201513 eligible applicants totally over one and 40 thouldz thousand dollars and half of them in place preceding with their projects or completed their projects and gotten paid this is just an example how we tried to make it easy for applicant in 2015 providing a memo of options about 7 pages worth of different options they can apply for a grant there is a couple of i think we have copies over here the members of the public or the commissioners are interested in seeing more we also work hard to make fema available and the city made it available through the national fema program but a lot of confusion and misinformation so we clarified a lot of things and even conducted a training for Insurance Agent to learn how to give insurance in partnership with fema and so lastly resources for the public our storm site is information on programs like these so we encourage people to visit there with that, that concludes the technical parted and the general manager will talk about future policies so quickly youve heard a lot and im sure that weve as i mentioned before weve been Holding Workshops and receiving emails and make sure that information is available as we roll out the flood resilient study but make sure that everyone understand how it operates so who is really important for us to understand what level of service we populate pay and the costs associated that it i feel that the folks who again have experienced flooding is not some go that is costly and very inconvenient we should take consideration the policy and the financial impacts will be and so you know, like i said, this is the sir series were planning on doing retail to the Community Like whole thing we have draft information for the resiliency study to get their input and back to the compilation well invite the the constituents to come in and talk with the commission but summarize what the concerns were and what we were proposing so no way with that, i would you know also want to thank the folks that were the audience that are impacted that love to come up and tell you what they have experienced during those times where their homes flooded. With that, over to you guys. Commissioner courtney ii want to hear that two. I want to thank the staff for providing the information we got about the individual circumstances a number of emails we had a chance to review them this is really, really bad when you see that and i think my southern i think that fulsome kiyucka projects are great but im curious in addition on any other projects in the pipeline were looking at colonel to address the flood prone areas what you talk about that. Right now we have victor is another neighborhood and the forester neighborhood but as part of this Flood Resiliency study weve identify the areas and also, if you decide to raise the level of service there will be Areas Incorporated it depends on the level of protection that the Commission Wants to identify for certainly areas that are low lying to help with flood protection. So when will this be completed. Were looking at march or late spring. Late spring okay. I want to chime in and say the staff for, thank you for looking at this carefully and our theory presentation i think this is really needs to be a priority and looking at you know Different Solutions how to address you know, i think were changing climate that eventually will be seeing more and more of this and need a better handle on you know what we can do and policy steps understanding that you know we have big rate hikes coming up with rebooting our system had been a balance trying to figure out to be responsive to the community and respond to those issues and be better cooperated. Commissioners. First, i have a couple of ever questions i grew up in a flood prone area in which i and floodwater was not great my father had a hard time keeping the basement from flooding but my question the satisfies information will there is an accommodating Financial Plan with levels of service and what is the timeline and how will it be communicated to the effected neighborhoods i want to put that out there you dont have to answer that but i have a question about the Grant Program every 10 million 2 additional rate. 2 in annual expenditures and how quickly were spending the money. Okay and i think you answered my question about the Grant Program but you touched on 13 applicants so i do work on any house hoimg before i get reimbursed. It is a multiple step youll submit an application until we get a signed agreement we do the heavy lifting to make sure that meets the tints of the program it is a new program but the last one straightforward took 5 weeks first page when we received the application to get permits through the construction, etc. , etc. And then the cost of reimbursements the reimbursement should be on the order of several weeks just 4 weeks was the target for the reimbursement once they submit a request for reimbursements theyll be able to get the check in the mail in 4 weeks. One more for completely the Housing Units a lot of development how this effects the total capacity of the system. And i think the as we identified and articulated what really cased the flooding is stormwater i think that the nexus to additional residence for the flow with more residents their dry flow will increase and a lot of folks are seeing that with dry weather increases should reduce the capacity in the pipe for stormwater and so it is really a case by case because in some situations with the Stormwater Management guidelines theyre actually by the development were having to manage the stormwaters on site thats why we see to help to encourage that and so therefore it could be overall a reduction of there in dry weather but decrease in stormwater because we were having to manage the strrments on sites its case by case but if you are adding with the dry weather you want to reduce the amount of stormwater generated by the development if you were not developing at all. Is there a time with the puc say beginning or planning. We have our stormwater guidelines to look at ways they can minimize a lot of them their reusing the stormwater and so they can use it later a lot of projects that we are review as part of the planning process as those projects move forward. Okay. Okay well move to Public Comment at this point so members of the public if you could mr. And mrs. Please do you have any cards. I have no cards. Please come up and youll have 3 minutes to make our comments. If this is a possible ill put it right here and less than 3 minutes . Oh, sure great, thank you. This footage was taken 2013 according the National Weather service the state police city has. 75 inches of rain this particular neighborhood is a model of plan b the center a little bit higher level with the pond my family owned two properties at the culdesack on the avenue my grandmother who is 94 years old with alzheimers recently not limited to to the hospital because shes not able to afford to replace her furtherance and waters heart shes son Social Security id like to say that seniors have chosen to leave San Francisco and live with relatives outside of the city because they cant afford again to replace heating units washer and dryers and basically amenities in 2014 nyu now we understand there is a collection issue, however, would you care to state your name with all due respect puc has conducted studies during the 2014 sewer problem and documenting the Sewer Master Plan in 2009 and. off the record. 2010 is taken a year fo hearing now from our research he with clarification as why small improvements upstream for the upstream system there are drainage issues were made but done with little or no regard to the down stream impacts specifically to city and again be clear were not asking sfpuc to handle all the problems were smart, he understand that that is not something we can solve were asking sfpuc to not dump human waits into our homes at the hundred year flood level into our homes thank you for your time thank you for your comments. Next speaker, please. My name is william. Thank you for the chance i want to point out it takes me before a half an hour to pout point out miss leeds of the presentations the first, it comments from the gentleman that the city has been compliant with all of the permits ass is an out right lie they stated in their documents not allowing a nuisance for the residents ever San Francisco the local and Regional Water board now the federal epa a investigating this action again ill need a lot more time to go through all the lies the presentation here are some of the highlights many harrison said the flooding happens on alamany and fulsome that is a lie that happens every single year i stop by the residents about a few weeks and talked about with the neighborhoods just before december storms of this year, the Farmers Market was flooded and keep on saying this is flooding because of the storm system and the storm the system that is a lie this is not working the system is failing because the pipes down stream are too small to handle did capacity upstream closing and why none has talked about that today is surprisingly and they said the fema Flood Insurance didnt cover the sunday morning out of the system overlapped flow sewage im appalled the city thinks about solutions that have been study for Million Dollars dollars i want to point out that commissioner Vice President moran and other commission with ed harry stone howled there was a problem that the residents are effected it effects house thousands of us he requested it and ill encourage to again follow our instinct what the people are telling you not entirely the truth there are so m itch more the documents are there this is what is happening here is San Francisco version of the select water crisis there is lead the water and raw sewage in our homes the city put their own people in hazmat in f this photo here hazmat to clean up the problems that happens to us every single year. There is so much more i can say in terms of documents our website is called solution dot sandbag. Com tshlgs. Thank you for your comments and waiting to speak. I having could have said more but i appreciate the time thank you. Thank you. Good afternoon my name is lena my house was the last one to get flood in december of last year 2014 the reason my house had the most damage the house enernex next door if gets as much damage my garage slopes down the mayor spoke to the neighbors and told the neighbors to think outside the box of Long Term Solutions through the process a little bit of the process heard from the neighbors about suing the city took over a year to get reimbursed and the mayor told us to think outside the box about the solution from the contractors came out to my house they said to lift it my client wanted to lift it because a long Term Solution to the City Attorney wouldnt look at that idea they brought in their own contractor i spent over a month to get an estimate brought in about one and give me 23,000 bid to fix will in law the in law has been fixed the walls are halfway up the walls and the kitchen is torn out i got 2 to 3,000 to fix it thats from the City Attorneys office after a year i got any claim in february and took from june to december to get any check i think part of policy process with the puck can do definitely with the City Attorneys office because i had the City Attorneys office an investigator come out to the house like i was trying to steal the money why someone look at my house to verify what i was saying the claim i work for the city up work the same office the same building with the City Attorneys office and i know how fast a claim goes in i know i can turn around and again a get a co it takes one year and two months that is too long when our home is damaged. The process the climate process that sounds like. Awfully long time is that usual whats the regimenular ti for that. I cant say a usual time the city gets 4 thousand claims a year from everything from a bus the to flooding in this situation alu youre dealing with damage to personal property and Real Property American People an assessment a valuation that requires communication back and forth between the claim digesterer and once that deliberations is completed the matter has to come here and be calendar and it goes to the rules committee or to the government audit and to the Controllers Office and so on we had a problem with the appropriation running out of money and had to get a new appropriation so im sorry for the delay and well be happy to talk with you afterward if youre wasting and trying to clear this up. There is no onesizefitsall for any claim it is a discussion that goes battery between the two. I was barb the claims but to 9 homes that were flooded. We learned a lot on the water side we you know engage through the da a Restoration Company moving something we if not loading i think given we have done recently a survey to see what who is without heat and well make changes so we can deal with that faster quickly and have better information so this is something that definitely is an area we can improve upon. Maybe as part of study when it comes well see the process to facilitate this these are issues we can help with. Next speaker, please. Gamechanger madam president and commissioners and completely im david hooper serve as the president of the new Mission Terrace association and trying to thinks ive been over and spoke to the people and victor and we see the flooding he spoken and several people an 15 ive seen with any own eyes at muni at fulsome i used to volunteer with the friends of library between 17th street and 18th street ive seen all the sites involves or involved id like to drawing your attention the early flood resilient project the level of the service it should be reevaluate the level of service goal commissioner Vice President moran rays the question what to deal with should some of the projects the staff is trying to formulate might serve them but those people there are several homes still uninhabitable and as for kiyucka avenue to say that people lost faith in the Advisory Committee puc and the City Attorney and the city is to understate the question then we want to expand the clean power in our folks that are in this town that prefer penguin on the electrical side to the lafco and all of these every time there is a problem like this not addressed it injuries the credibility of the city departments and the puc and the politicians base it is parolee down as for the money we can spend money now or later at question of the 2004 flooding to the best of my knowledge accepting the liability a party to the lawsuit and mochd after the incident 14 months ago everybody decided to drop anchor and left the people feeling it was not a serious response on the part of city as for the ideas of this removal of the short better it occurred at the ends of kiyucka ill take for granted you saw is that may or may not provide some level of function we have telephone inch sewers where it goes downhill and decreases the capacity if youre bringing the water not a one. 3 in an hour no measure of upstream the moving of water upstream contributes or the catch basins flooding that measure is in kiyucka taking the big hit it does thanks for taking that seriously oh, one item increasing the projects upstream could address some incredible improvements and hold the water future upstream and the big problem will be the problem of the reservoir i assume that water goes into the sewer and then the question any people talking about whether or not level of development of increasing the per meblt so less water will go into the sewer system if so developed and goes into the sewer system now i think my colleagues know the infrastructure is a priority understanding that maybe incredible but some combined system continue blue and green can help address those issues any other Public Comments. Im sorry one other Public Comment we actually because of the short notice and the time it is scheduled a lot of the neighbors are obviously not here they are at work but have their letters welds to read if that is permissible. If you could please submit those. To whom. To the commissioners is fine and even to the Commission Secretary shell make sure we have those the condition and sf water. Org. Thank you. Yes. Please next. Hi my name is Malcolm Davis an 17th street and sfum im extremely disappointed the city is not considering storage they own a big parking lot on Affordable Housing on one side not addressing the flood area my building was built in the 1870s way before this and the street level in front of any building is 4 feet higher than than what it was built because we reaccident the foundations found the old foundations and ducked counsel to the nonrefund backflow preventers and found the sidewalk 4 feet down so it was crazy the city as filed the area and not taken responsibility for that and that the proposing new projects the area we dont do anything anything about the flooding, however, when the park was proposed some kind of flood retention was included in the process but that was taken away and no one said anything to the neighbors and i went to neighborhood meeting i think that was in december and completely you said you didnt think the storage was a viable part of solution i think that is ludicrous that make sense i guess Simple Storage solutions we should be pursuing them and the crown of fulsome street a higher than the situations there are Small Projects that can be done to make a big difference like fulsome street and crown they have higher than the sidewalks you know and it is like why not have you know, i was told oh, were looking at the parking lots the area to put storage in i dont hear about that oh, one hundred Million Dollars that is a lot of less than 200 million why is not storage part of big picture i think this is really ridiculous and i also think there is all those fire sterns up in the hills is there some way i think that is aning norntd question but a way to slow down the water before it gets to sewage those are some of my questions. Thank you. I appreciate all the Critical Thinking i do think that is what it takes the combination im hoping when we do a study it will be quiet expansive to look at a variety of complimentary methods is there any additional Public Comment . Thank you. So i would say that you know we are planning to once we get all the information to go back and engage and respond to a lot of the comments and maybe go out there and talk about i guess some difference of opinion how our system operates and so i think that is what we want to try to get to a common Playing Field of little actual design and what is cable and talk about the proposed solutions but understand what the policy decision of the commission you know if we want to hire protections in low lying areas and a what level for that and see this is really the plan and he really understand that in certain times we get the x kurgsz the water comes in into the system and joins with the stormwater well look at how we address that up stwraem look at all that stuff because it is really a very complex system and then you know just for my prospective i know your system is built on storage that is why we have large box sewers and i really like the idea of conveying water moving it out you create a cup and when the cup is full more rain comes but if you convey it you move it i am not so this whole study we looked at different options for different projects and different areas and so thats sort of where we are today and thats why we are trying to identify low moving projects to annihilate we know know but thats why we want to move quickly and get the policy decision and work with the communities impacted so we, have a common understanding what the direction of our city is moving as far as the claims are concerned and all the out were more proactive make sure that for the ones we asking can engage with some are part of a large lawsuit it will be more difficult to deal with their situation because of a lawsuit but for the one we want to make sure whatever he can do with that you know work with the City Attorney we can you know resolve their issue as quickly as possible. Commissioner courtney. I wanted to add i sense the frustration and it is tone death; right . But ive been here for a long time and i also worked you guys know i work with the private industry and private utilities i dont think anyone a address those issues better than in utility right here im sure there is a possibility that we may be wrong from fremont but dont think that anyone intentionally misleads anyone that is the first time intentionally distorting the facts i wasnt here when commissioner Vice President moran had the conversation by one of the things that jumped out with all due respect with the council to my left attorneys can innecessarily delay things id like to see an expedited process connected to our conversation related to the level of service so anybody that is dealing i think this is just adrc insult to injure we heard to the City Attorney and the investigator coming in the house and wait that long and other provisions id like to tackle at the least what i consider ill stand corrected will i considered to be kind of a missed opportunity to address those things in an expelled manner i think that is straightaway things from all the important things like accidents but try to tackle that. Definitely were starting to talk with the City Attorney on a better process. Yeah. If there is any other opportunities i think responsive to the community through the process we try to come up with the option i encourage and urge staff to do so commissioners . Can i ask one last question given the fact were going to go out to the community and solicit input as we move forward how best to engage the commission on the status of what is going on i think the purpose of this to really get the commission on the same page of the presentations weve made out into the different communities sort of the same presentation so i guess well reengage and reidentify that something that we present was misrepresented or may be slightly different i want to figure out as part of my general manager report maybe i should put something in flooding to give you an update of what weve done and some of the issues what are some of the emails the meetings and what were doing to keep you informed absolutely i think you and our staff are the communities liaisons i speak on behalf of myself stay on and on on top of this and have closer oversight what we can do to better engage and serve the communities those are significant issues i mean ill not be happy if my home or neighbors home would be flooded without objection include that on your report especially a relevant ground time and update we need to hear. Thank you. Commissioners . Thank you very much. Well take a 5 minute break please on . Consent calendar consent calendar, are considered to be routine and may be acted upon by a single roll call vote of the commission. There will be no separate discussion of these items unless a member of the commission, the public, or staff so requests a approved and authorize the general manager extending the duration up to one year and of months and agreement to the co obamacare s with the times extension up to 3 years and accepting the contract approval the modification increasing the contract we seven hundred plus with consecutive calendar d an decrease duration for the contract and authorize the future modification to the exponent for a revisions revised contract ever 45 ken seismic contract days and the next 6 hundred plus in authorized final payment to the contract and f the statement for the sea level loot in the mixed use project and g the memorandum of understanding with the san juan with the office was education with the term of 3 years and 4 months with an option to extend for an additional 4 years not to exceed seven hundred thousand commissions any request to remove any of the items a motion so moved. Seconded. Any Public Comment on the consent calendar all in favor, say i. I. Opposed . Consent calendar passes next item, please. Please madam clerk. Would you like me to read items 14 through passerby for the possibility action for the San Francisco Public Utilities Commission Two year budget for r78z and 20172018 item twelve public hearings to consider and possible action to the twoyear budget and item 13 paushz for the possibility action for the San Francisco Public Utilities commission 10 year Capital Improvement plan for 20162017 through there 2020, 26 and possible action to adopt the sfpuc 10 year Financial Plan for 20162017 and to 2025, 26. Great so thank you i remember im wondering too take each items under a separate vote even though we have them all read in a batch theyre significant and open up for comments. There a change on the resolution for item number 11 you have copies of that. I have a presentation which covers all the items i think we were going to hear if the general manager on the general manager the one thing that is remaining from our various meetings on the budget. The general manager budget is the budget is that under one of them are item 11. Lets take perhaps the overview and item 11. Great ill start if i can have the slides please. Then ill be very quick we didnt have a chance to present the general manager budget im michael the deputy general manager ill talk about the services and what we hope to accomplish and completely will talk about the broader can challenges and accomplishments weve succeeded as a whole so just a covering the general manager office we provide the oversight for the department and maintain the representatives with the players and we have an important Citywide Services one city resources from the Business Services into the general manager office to give for consistency across the entire services by Human Services and planning and security resides and Real Estate Services and Major Development planning and cooperation with the Major Development projects being development in San Francisco and also workforce and success you section throughout the entire o this gives an overview of a chart of overall puc want to tell you a couple of things next year youre not surprised by a lien with the Police Department we have a captain working us on and on us on homeland but hire a fulltime security manager within the puc it is more collaboration than the past in allows us to keep up the security across the entire organization were spread out were we are working with our h. R. S staff to repurpose our h. R. Function this is due to thinking broadly the employees as well as employment process as we move through the puc with the section plan and the things were working on to get offstreet parking agreement what are our water and sewer and we havent collected anything that is the Development Costs but working closely with them and a lot important things to talk about if you trmentd general manager kelly will talk about a broader discussion thank you, michael i just wanted to take an opportunity to you talk about the our xhishts youve heard not trying to repeat all the things theyve said but i wanted to talk about a Bigger Picture of the agency wide accomplishments i want to highlight first of all, were able to hire 3 key positions to stressing our team eric was one we brought on board to deal with all the challenges that we have we also below market rate brought in educating too big shore up our h. R. And then we have the h. R. Setting next door to andrea being trained as we speak so i know i just wanted to say our department has g done a good job of managing the drought within a rate structure like most agencies they have to decrease their rates we lived within our rate structure awhile maintaining the high levels of service and it is just want to thank the team for being able to do that and a lot of the Improvement Programs were marching along and as dan talked about that where we are as far as the progress and mountain tunnel is something weve been working on that to were not complete were seeing what we need to do to deal with will motherinlaw and lake merced weve got a long way to go we were finally cleaning that up and working with r rec and park and making a decision on the new tenants in the spring the other major accomplishment is noah Valley Golf Course were in position of that golf course and looking at the best future use of site on the sewer system improvements we have a number of key milestones one that i must highlight is the bio pursuit maybe an hour ago we had the legislation passed by the board of supervisors to allow us to hire the contractor designer and developer that will build the value shops to take possession on a Critical Path to take

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