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The front table for those that would like to be added to the mailer list. Sfgtv can you please show our slide . While we are wait frg the slide. As we do at every meeting remind the office of Small Business is the place to come if you have questions about starting or cuthing business in San Francisco. We are services are free, located here at city hall or find us on the internet as well and so if you have any question about what to do next, start here. Alright. Lets t going. Okay. Item 1, call to order and roll call. Adams, here, dooley is absent. Dwight, here. Ortizcartagenatoursarkissian , here. Yee rileyzouzounis, here. You have quorum. Okay. Item 2. Item 2, general pub u. Lic comment allows membering to comment generally on matters within the Small Business Commission Jurisdiction but not on todays calendar and suggest new agenda items mpt. Any members of the public like to comment on anything not on the agenda today . Welcome. Just a moment, let me get yourthere we go. Go ahead. Thank you. Good afternoon Small Business commission and do you know[single]. There is no business like Small Business like all business i know. Everything about it is appealing. Everything that travlt will allow. When you are reeling that money down and there is no people like Small Business people. They smile when they are low and there is a one thing i like you to know, you might be stranded out in the cold, but your Small Business will grow. Your Small Business will grow. Okay. Awesome. Thank you very much. What a great way to start monday, thank you for that. Any other members of the public that would like to sing or otherwise entertain us before we start the regular meeting . Seeing none, the performance is closed. Next. Item 3, discussion and action on legacy business registry application and resolution. Approve the following applications, escape from new york pizza, gypsy rosalies wigs and vintage, oddball films. Presenter is is Richard Kurylo hello. Three is fine, three for three. Good afternoon. Richard kurylo. I have a Powerpoint Presentation today. Before you today are three application for your consideration for the businesses to be included on the legying legacy business registry. The application were reviewed by me for completion then submitted to Planning Department staff on september 3 for review and recommendation by Historic Preservation commission. Your commission packets contain the application, case report from Planning Department staff and historic presentation and staff from Legacy Business Program and draft for each business. The first application before you is escape from new york pizza. The business is local pizza shop in the haight ash berry business. Provides on new york style pizza and unique Business Model and practice of giving to local charities. The alijinal location is 1737 haight street and expanded to 4 oirt locations. Has a slow growth philosophy and Business Model that opt tooz share success to employues and contribute to organizations that benefit San Francisco area. Second is gypsy rosalies wig and ventage specializing in wig sales and styling in operation since 1960 located at 14 five 7 powell street. Best known for wide array of style wigs. The business is managed and maintained relationship with San Francisco group jz communities including the [inaudible] performers, lgbt community, individual seeking wig style due to hair loss and illness and celebrities and members of entertainment community. The third application is oddball films. The business is a Stock Footage Licensing Company at 275 cap street in the Mission District that served as a archivel and teaching facility focusing on film collection and preservation. Stephen par is a owner of rare and historic films since 1984 and registered the business in 1994 after gaining a following of Film Industry clients seeking unique and rare footage. The business has grown the library and collection is a service hub for Award Winning filmmakers for footage to use telling the story of history of underrepresented groups. Oddball films offers Intern Training Program that teaches student btd archive and film preservation and past 10 years offered pup public screenings, sim nars classes and benefits. Oddball films is less than 30 years but has no break in San Francisco operation exceeding two years. It has significantly contribute today history andioid of the Mission District and if not included in the registry faces displacement. The building lease is up for renewal in january and if not renewed the business will face extreme difficulty finding another 6,000 square foot space. All three businesses received positive recommendation from Historic Preservation commission and after reviewing the applications and recommendations from the Historic Preservation Commission Staff finds they have meet the three critear wru for the legacy business registry. There are three draft resolutions for consideration by the Small Business commission. One for each of the legacy business registry applicants. This concludes my presentation and happy to answer any questions you might have. Great, any questions before we invite Public Comment. Lets do Public Comment. Now open up for Public Comment and welcome any representative oz thf businesses to make a three minute state about their business and any friends that have come along. Our first speaker is rosalie jack. Second sp ron murk, third is victor [inaudible] fourth, jeff lambert, 5th, mark [inaudible] im a little hard of hearing so if i dont hear something i will speak up. I have been doing hair for 59 years and been in business since 1957. They made a mistake on the [inaudible] thats alright. And one of the things that i find that is very important is, i not only do hair, i have my wigs, but i teach classes to the top salons in the city here and most salons just cut and blow dry hair, but i have done several salonspatricks of sacramento, alex of union square, i have done many many of them. One of the students that i had was going tohe was going tohe was able towhat is that . My stupid phone, im sorry. Anyway, he was going to be able to do [inaudible] and was worried because i had given him a class previously and he said i need a class because i want to do this play so he came in for a two hour refresher course and after he called me in a few days and says, i not only got to be the hair dresser for the play, he says but now im her personal hair dresser and i want to tell you that afterit is about three years, he now is a top hair stylist in new york and he has three salons and credits all the knowledge to me because most hair dressers they cut, blow die but dont do the whole thing and if you are in the business, the more you can do, the more you know, the more you will make in the business. So, i think that my classes are very important number one. Number two, there are no wig stores in north beach accept mine and i was 41 years in north beach so i was ahead of most people with wigs. And then another thing is that i have been doing since i have been back in north beach in the last three months the city of angles i did the play for them. I have done several plays, they have been coming in this week. One thing i want to stres ask i not only do drag queens in my salon, im a hair dresser so there is nothing i cant do with the hair so think it is important im in north beach again, it is like my home because i was there 51 years. Awesome. Thank you very much. Pleasure to have you join the registry and thank you for coming today. Thank you. Alright. Ron murk. Just reminder, we are obligated by rules to cut off at 3 minutes so not trying to be rude so when you hear the first gong you have thirty seconds left. Which m ic am i talking into . My name is ron murk, the president of premier picture jz film and cultural programs for the metro foundation. I have been unthe Motion Picture industry for more than 40 years. This is great make up and hair. I like your wig. And martin scors acey was a teacher at nyu where i graduated in sfilm production. I worked with stephen paul from oddball more than twnt year jz honored to call him a colleague i good frnds and think the reason we such a great friendship is we scr amazing passion for movies. I utilized films in his collection in my projects and likewise, he sold clips from my films for other producer tooz use in their projects. Resource sharing ask a enormously important part of the ability of independent filmmaker tooz get films made without the resources stephen offers a lot of films would not be made. Stephen is also a film educator and offers internships to offer film preservation. Education is a large part of the mission. Sorry about the frog in my throat, i wasnt planning on special effects. In any event, a lot of people have mubed to digital film making and still use film making when we talk about digital. What people do not know is digital files are more at risk than films. Most would think the opposite is true, but films we had for 125 years and stored properly and maintained properly, they can go on indefinitely. Film is essentially the repository of our collective history and it preserves the history of our community. At oddball stephen created one of inmost important collection of films including commercial, art films, short, educational medical films and the personal collectionoffs filmmaker whose sadly left us too early. Only through his relentless efforts to save and archive the films and make them available for use, have 50,000 films in this collection saved. There is a great cost to managing a collection like this and to digitize them in order to meet the cost of preserving them i hope you spourt the application and urge you to continue the work of stephen and odd bill oddball films. They are a great resource and treasure for our future. Thank you. Great testimony. Next speaker. Mr. Gubya. [inaudible] visual and performing artist. I probably have seen the 16th street bart station in San Francisco i designed the art work. Also having involved in theater and film. [inaudible] met about 30 years ago. He provides [inaudible] he also provide theone of the things about him is that [inaudible] home movies is also important because that is part thf history. [inaudible] a lot of home movies people have donated. Sometimes people have in the claust and dont know what to do and the films are available. It is very important film preservation, particularly home movies, which really tell the absolute history of the city and documentaries. [inaudible] uc berkeley and meet documentary of mexican colonial art and i always find in steves archive. One thing is he makes it available regardless if you have big budget or not so shat really important. He is really there for the knhunty community when you need it. Thank you very much. Jeff lambert. Yes. My name is jeff lambert and executive director of the National Film Preservation Foundation. We award grants to archives and promote through online and print publication squz here to support oddball film to the legacy business registry. I have known stephen par since 1999 which wh i par tisitated [inaudible] that is a group of individuals corporate and nonprofit dedicated to preservation of audio visual heritage. Stephen is active member of amea and director of independent Media Committee for 10 years. I know that film arvist make a point visiting with stephen to discuss the archiveing field. He was instrumental [inaudible] easy to use and free for everybody. Oddball also works with other film organizations in the San Francisco bay area hosting benefits, copresenting programs andprinting screenings of orphan films, educational industrial and home movies and archivels that wouldnt exist without supporters like stephen and National Film Preservation Foundation and nonprofit archiveall the nonprofit archives in the state. Stephen has been greatthere is one thing about having films on a shelf but what we try to do and what stephen is great at is bringing the films to the public and getting them it into the world where they live. He participates with senate for home movie and presenting home movie day where people in the bay area bring the treasure films and are available to view and share with others. And make copies for the people who make the films so get to take them home. Oddball films and staff spent hours preserving footage and collaboration oon preservation projects with other institutions. One example is film behind avenue good man, a portrait of gay life in los angeles in 1966. The fimm only existed in a few 16 mm prints, oddball had one and sent to ucla that completed the restoration that presented last year. I view oddball contribution to the historical legacy of film San Francisco as a valuable resource for educators, filmmakers and historians. There is a film called blacky the wonder horse swims the goldsen gate and can see it on the website. Thank you very much. Awesome. Next speaker. Mark [inaudible] hello. Thank you so much for having us. First of all i want to congratulate and say what a Great Program this is. Legacy is so important and for those of us that have been around a long time, it is really important that we preserve our memories and our businesses that have been here to support us. My name is mark hoousts one of the foundsers of the lez beian and gay Film Festival and started in harvey milks camera store in 1977 and after i was diagnosed with hiv 15 years of hiv aids documentarys and finished my work as a [inaudible] at the castro theater bringing back old movie stars like tony curtis and Debbie Reynolds and jane rustle. Stephen to me is the very definition of legacy. If anybody walks through the hall of oddball sw sees those reals of films they are not only films those are lives in each of the cans and it is amazing that in all of those reels that we haveany one of them you would just open up and see a whole world at your fing ertips. He has been a very strong advocate for lezbenian and gay works and represents a few short films i made for the first gay Film Festival developed at harveys camera store. He is a tireless and honest broker of films. It is always a thrill to get a check. But beyond that, it particularly in when i did my shows that castro he would have the most oddball films i have seen like i had ann blife who paid mildred pierce and known as the hostess cupcake girl and who accept stephen par would have a commercial of ann blife stuffing dig tongs into her childrens throats from the 1960s . It was particularly great because when i did that show the daughter that we have the footage of, actually came to the show, soand he had like a Debbie Reynolds old footage called scope tones that nobody else had so i really love the work he does and feel strong and passionate about it. I feel strong and passionate about there is the line in the simon and garfunkal song, preserve your memories, they are all that is left you and hope you will help preserve our memories because they are what is left of us. Thank you. Thank you very much. Paula fiscal. Good afternoon commissioners. It is my pleasure to be here to speak on behalf of gypy losea lees wigs and vintage. My par pisitation goes back a couple decades. Might add that i have been in these rooms a couple decades ago working for supervisor silver who was hope toog be here and speak on her behalf also. My participation for her is that i am her volunteer social media director. And me about yelp, facebook and anything that goes through the air, that is how i help her. Im also the Business Development consultant so that in april when she was asked to double her rent to stay where she was on sutter, i assisted her along with the urban something that is funded by the city to help her relocate. So, that when she relocated to north beach i helped negotiate the lease. Unfortunately the landlord was not willing to give a 10 year lease. You can see perhaps why. However, we did get a three year lease, so my recommendation is, could you change it down to 5 years in order to be able to have the businesses take advantage of getting the 500 per square foot compensation at the end of the year . On that note, i will move right along with other accolades for mrs. Gypsy rosalie. She has done work with eta james and doing work with Holly Penfield which is a well known singer and entertainer from london. Juanita more is her number 1 fan and Juanita Moore has been getter her hair done there at least 3 or 4 decades. Dopet let juanita hear you say that. Well keep it a secret. I have a show on sf commons called thepologist show. It is a talk show and rosalie is always my great great sponsor of my show. So, we have here today the amelia and she is always been there for us in volunteer work. She also helped when i worked on the saint lukes coalition. She was right there getting signatures to keep saint lukes open and contradict today the community for many many years. It is helping her with the legacy ever Preservation Committee to help with her promotions and her pr and so we want to thank you for listening to some of thewas it supervisor peskin who pushed her work but all the work you do to assist Small Business so thank you very much. Thank you very much. Next up. Paul gefer. Hi. One the scary things about the Legacy Business Program is how old we are. I mean, im herei started in San Francisco as a street artist and then with my friends we started captain video and mark used to work for us and it is a thrill [inaudible] thrill for me to see him again. How much water is under the bridge, huh . I wrote just something for the moment. My nomis paul gefner. For us in every business it is never about the pizza or the videos, it is always about the people. In a way, a business is its own nation and responsible for treating its employee, customers and neighbors with kindness and respect. We feed hospices after School Program Addiction Service and many orelt charities. I also start the Commission Community market with two other people. Not only in addition we have extensive [inaudible] for all employees and the other four owners beside myself started as employees as escape from new york. One was a dish washer and one gave out coke cards and the orelt a prep cook. After 30 years im proud to say we created that personal nation i talked about. Driven by the concept of what is gooed framy partner, my neighbor and employee is what is good for business. I like to say finally, that is not only my values but believe them to be the values of San Francisco and why im proud to be here before you. Thank you. Thank you very much. Walter [inaudible] walter sang already. Walter was our earlier performance. I dont think we have any other members of the public that would like to comment on the item or any of the businesses . Seeing none, Public Comment is closed. Thank you so much for your testimonials. This is i think for all our commissioners the favorite part thf agenda to hear Great Stories about our legacy businesses and i hope to be a legacy business. I feel like a legacy, but not a legacy business. Thank you for coming out, i appreciate taking time out of your schedules to come here. Commissioners, any other comments . Commissioner adams. This is for paula at escape new york, i want to thank you because you do show up at a lot our or mall business meetings, you are out in the community, im a customer of yours. When you are in the castro if we needed anything you guys were right there with us all the time especially during castro fair street fair feeding us. Your haight street location, my neighbor, andrew young worked for you on haight street. Him and his son were at your 30th anniversary party. You are what is a Small Business owner in San Francisco and getting involved. I have seen you at meetings. You are always there and out front and give give give give give. This is just a honor today to have you up here and to have new york pizza as one of the legacy businesses. This is awesome. Thank you. Commissioner ortizcartagena. I just want to add to that. I know all three bezs, i was born and raised in San Francisco and i knew all 3 businesses i didnt know the wealth of history you contributed to San Francisco so i want to thank you and honored as well. Anyone else . Alright. Dowy have a motion . Like to make a motion to approve all three. Second . I second. If i can just ask to specific to add the word resolutions to your motion. Okay. Approve the all 3 resolution frz the legacy business registry. Okay. We are going do roll call vote. Adams, yes. Dooley is absent. Dwight, yes. Ortizcartagena, yes. Toursarkissian, yes. Yee riley is absent. Zouzounis, yes. That motion is approved 50, 2 absent. Success thank you all very much [applause] we wont be offended if you leave because the rest isnt nearly as exciting, but feel free to stay. Yes, indeed. Thank you so much. Should i read number 4 into yes, please. Next up. Item 4 discussion and action to amend legacy business registry resolution 00616 lbr. Discussion and action to amend legacy business registry to loan star saloon to indicate the business operated in San Francisco more than 20 years but less than 30 years with no break in San Francisco operation exceeding two year jz Small Business Commission Finds the business contributed to history or identity of a particular neighborhood or community and if not included in the registry the business would face a significant risk of displacement. Discussion and action item and our presenter is again Richard Kurylo. Good afternoon present dwight, commissioners. Richard kurylo Legacy Business Program manager. Before you is a minded resolution for your consideration for loan star saloon. A legacy business that was add today the registry august 8. Loan star saloon atthry 54 harrison was the First Business add today all legacy business more than 20 but less than 30 years old. Such businesses may be added if the Small Business find the business had no break in San Francisco operations exceeding two years, significantly contribute today the history or identity of a neighborhood or community and if not included in the registry the business would face significant risk of displacement. The resolution approved by the Small Business commission did not include this information regarding the business being less than 30 years old. Therefore, i submit a amended resolution for consideration for loan star saloon that includes this information. Apologize i forgot to italicize the information so will in splawhat it is that changed. The aminded ruzlution includes the word or after the second whereasstatement and the third whereas statement more than 20 but less than 30 years old. A similar change is made to all proposed resolutions to adding to the legacy business registry so wont have the problems in the future. Jurks question or caumentds . You know they sold the bar . Do i know they sold the bar . Not familiar with that. I just read that in the bar. Two employ ees. They sold to two other bartenders. Well follow up with them. Do we have members of the public that would like to comment on the item . Seeing none Public Comment is closed. Do we have a motion . I motion to accept loan star saloon as is for thetew mend the resolution. The motion is amend the legacy business registry resolution for loan star saloon. Second . Second. Spnt enough money in here. All in favor . Aye. Any opposed . That motion passes 50, 2 absent. Awesome. On to item number 5. Number 5, presentation on shops small and by local activities during holiday season. Our presenter is jason lalak. Good afternoon, jason lay lalak from Small Business coalition. I know some of you and dont know some. The Small Business coalition laurned in 2011 to provide grassroots support for too the Small Business effort to get Community Engagement with shopping local neighborhoods on the saturday after thanksgiving. We are honored to have the commissions support since 2011 and efforts in San Francisco and love your support again this year. There is a presentation that i had handed out to all of you. The coalition has grown exponentially and proud to count over 430 Organization Nation wide work thong effort and this ranges from lorj organizations like aarp and National Restaurant association, down to local grass roolts organizations like the hayes valley merchant or castro merchant association. We had unbelievable support on the elected official level so last year we had 14 psas that ran nationally including one for mayor ed lee as well as pretty strong support from the sba and white house. The overall purpsh purpsh of the coalition is help communities engage in the efforts and we have really highlighted this in San Francisco if you move to page 3 with partnership with office of economic and Workforce Development and cobranding Small Business saturday and shop small with city efforts on buy local. Last Years Campaign was a huge success and not only are we repeating and expanding the campaign in San Francisco, it is aumsh use ed for a modelal in other cities including new york, seattle, chicago and san diego. We are very excited to be cobranding shop small with shop in dpine dine in the 49 and this wail take place in the street ban rs that are up year round as well as partnership with sfmta in transit advertising and bart with our bart program in helping people connect how you can get around the city and visit multiple neighborhoods on the day. I like to invite Mary Ann Thompson from oewd to join me to provide some insight from her office as well. I think ill take this one. So, i first of all would like to thank jason and lynne for being our partners in shop and dine in the 49. This partnership as jason alluded to blossomed into other cities like chicago seattle and san diego saying we want to cait like San Francisco so it exciting partnership. We will continue with the art work that we have, we will continue our outreach effort. This year we will have two press events, a kick off from the mayor and looking to do that somewhere around [inaudible] in december work with the mayor in the corridor highlighting the importance of shopping in your local corridors and as we said, we will continue our expanded with muni. Muni has been a fantasticmta is a fantastic partner by allowing to put cards in their buses. This year weal well update the website more. Many remember, last year the piece that everyone loved so much was the map. Everywhere we went they wanted a map. That map is aults housed othen website and a little more interactive so if people want to go to noe valee and figure what is there the map is there as wem. We are excited it is a expanded program this year and really grateful for all the work jason and lynne have done. Thank you, mary ann we are grateful for the partnership with the city and hope to continue your support. In addition to the whole campaign which will run for november and december and want to call especially attention to two more specific dates program. This thursday is there is handout included. We will be doing a Small Business boot camp in San Francisco. It will start about 4 oclock at the financial district. It is a fantastic program. Raunda abrooms from usa day is the speaker. It is really unbelievable content for Business Owners to understand how to maximize marketing during their Holiday Shopping season. Then in addition to the boot camp this thursday, on Small Business saturday we will have a host of event taking place across the city. In the presentation is a overview of what took place last year. I know this year there will be a moe morning event that is a exercise Dance Program to get people up and motivated to go shopping for the day and then different neighborhood engagements that will take place throughout the day and afternoon. Shop aerobics. Happy to entertain any questions. Commissionersany question or comments . I saw you got new signs up. These are the ones from last year so will have new ones coming in november. Yfs at diverse dareo and oak yesterday and they looked like they were new signs. They are permitted for a year. They held up well. They held up well. Awesome. Thank you very much approximate you coming out to give a overview. Any members the public that like it comment on this item . Seeing none, Public Comment is closed. I want to say thank you to lynne as well and mary ann on this. It really is driving people into the neighborhoods now. The day after thanksgiving everyone was downtown or irn in a mall and the last few years in cas row and noe, west portal and cument street they are busy the friday after thanksgiving and think a lot has to coo with your promotion so whaurfb you are doing right so thank you. Thank you very much. Alright. On to the next item, please. Alright. Item number 6, approval of meeting minute and the two Meeting Minutes for consideration were october 3, 2016 and march 9, 2015. Commissioners any questions or comments on these two minutes . Okay. Do we have members of the public that would like to comment on the minute under consideration . Seeing none, Public Comment is closed. Do we have a motion . So moved second. Motion and second to approve the minutes for october 3 and march 9. All in favor . Aye. Opposed . Okay that passes 50, 2 absent. Does that bring us up to date . We are all most there. We have two and whatever current meetings, right . Perfect. Item 7. Item 7 is directors report. Update and report on office of Small Business and Small Business Assistance Center department program, policy and legislative mat rs announcements from the mayor and anoujsments regarding Small Business activities. Discussion item. Commissioners it is a little quite on the legislative front though we have gotten a few things that well get out to you, not massively critical pieces of legislation 2 possible be heard at the next meeting or else following. This week at the Planning Commission is the conditional use for 1650 mission, the retail space that willthe office of Small Business will have a satellight position along with Small Business Development Center and potentially the Legacy Business Program, so we dont anticipate any issues, it is on the consent calendar so once that is done we can start working on the buildout and hopefully february, march we may be able to have a move in date for that. Um, and then im also participating in the earthquake Retail Working Group and this is athe patrick oat nealy working on the e resiliency project is taking itarve the napa earthquake working on developing a plan for developing not only in terms of doing the seismic ret row fitting for the buildings the businesses occupy, but whaet need to create to help bring businesses back online as quickly as possible. So, there isthey are developing draft recommendations, so ill be attending a meeting wednesday to take a look at that and likely in the next couple months we might have a presentation on that. And then i just wanted to let you know for the Legacy Business Program, rick submitted the last set of applications that will work their way through the process in time for businesses that want to be on the registry and able to apply for the Business Assistance grants so they will have their hear ing december 12 and the last filing date for had application is the 15th of december. So, we will have a few meetings or couple meetings ahead of us where we have between 10 and 15 applications that will be heard just so we can get that first kind of chunk of nominations through this process. So, it has been a little light on our Meeting Agenda in termoffs the number of nominations and applications for the registry, but the upcoming meetings we will have anywhere between 9 and 16. Great. So, that is really it unless you have any questions. Commissioners, any questions . We have memberoffs the public that would like to comment on directors report . Seeing none Public Comment is closed. On to item 8. Item 8, commissioners reportsment allows president , Vice President and commissioners to report on Small Business activities and make announcements of interest to the Small Business community. Discussion item. I have nuth toog report today. Commissioners anyone else have anything to report . This may be premature, but the castro we are having our annual Christmas Tree lighting monday the 28th of november. Well have the mayor da have been invited. Our ceremonies is at [inaudible] santa claus, elf. We usually get a 50600 people there. Perfect. On the record. Anyone else . Alright. Do we have members the public that would like to comment on the commissioners report . Seeing none Public Comment is closed. On to item 9. Item 9, new business. Allows commissioners to interdue new business. Commissioners any new business recommendations . Seeing none, we wont have any. Any member of the public want to comment on lack of new business. Seeing none, Public Comment is closed. Item 10 but before item 10 can we show our ursour lide the office of Small Business is here to help with any and all matters concerning Small Business in San Francisco whether you are starting or running a business, start here if you have any questions. Thank you. Okay, item number 10, adjournment. Action item. Do we have a motion . I motion. Second. Okay, all in favor . Aye. Opposed . That motion passes 50, 2 absent and meeting adjourned at 252 p. M. Gavel down. Thank you mrs. President. [meeting adjourned] hi everybody, we down here at the ep is a center which is our pop up space down here in San Francisco where we operate a store front to educate the policy from the home owner who has center which is our pop up space down here in San Francisco where we operate a store front to educate the policy from the home owner who has never done anything in the house to the most advanced structure engineers we have working around here. We were going to here from kelly to talk a little bit about San Francisco. How are you doing kelly . Very well, thank you for having us here. In front of us, we have a typical soft story building. When i see this, i think this is some of the most beautiful architecture our city has. A lot of people dont know these are problematic buildings. Why dont you tell us about some of the risks he we have in these buildings . Soft stories are vulnerable in past earthquakes and the northridge earthquake to this type of building and character of building. When we talk about the soft story, what were talking about is generally a ground story that has less wall or other pwraeugs to resist the lateral forces that might be imposed by the earthquake. So were looking for something that is particularly weak or soft in this ground story. Now, this is a wonderful example of what some of the residential buildings that are soft stories in San Francisco look like. And the 1 thing that i would point out here is that the upper force of this building have residential units. They have not only a fair amount of wall around the exterior of the building but they also have very extensive walls in the interior and bathrooms and bedrooms and corridors and everything that has a certificate amount of brazing yea its significantly less country srabl in those stories. Now very often, we get even a garage or storage or sometimes commercial occupancy in this ground story. That very often not only has a whole lot less perimeter wall but it often has little or no wall on the interior. That wall is the earthquake bracing and so he see very significant bracing in the top floor and very little on the bottom. When the earthquake comes and hits, it tries to push that ground floor over and theres very little that keeps it from moving and degrading and eventually paoerblly keeping it from a collapse occurring. So we know theyre vulnerable because of this ground story collapsing is this only a problem we see in sentence france . San francisco . No, this is certainly a national problem. More acute in western but more up to california, washington, moving out into other states. This kind of building exist and this kind of building is vulnerable. When youre involved with the community safety, this is a different way of thinking about these types of things. We had a Community Group of over 100 people involved and upper 1 of them. Tell us about how that conversation went. Why did we decide as a city or a community to start fixing these types of buildings . There were a lot of aspects that were considered well beyond just the engineering answer that these are vulnerable. And that effort brought in a lot of people from different aspects of the community that looked at the importance of these buildings to the Housing Stock and the possible ramifications of losing this houbgs in the case of an earthquake. The financial implications, the historic preserve vacation s implication as you mentioned, these are very handsome looking buildings that are importance to the tourist city ask which make San Francisco something that people are interested from outside in coming and visiting. Its such animation story when you think about the 10 years that the community spent talking about this seurb but we actually did something about it. Now we have an order unanimouses put in place to protect 100,000 residents in San Francisco and retrospective in 2020. So on behalf of residents and employees in San Francisco, we want to say thank you for the work youve done in pushing this forward and making people more aware of these issues. And it was a fantastic community effort. So in an earth quake, what happens in these kinds of buildings . What happens when an earthquake comes along is it moves the ground both horizontally and vertically. Its mostly the horizontal that were worried about. It starts moving the Building Back and forth and pushing on it. When you see im pushing on it, the upper stiff of the wall stay straight up but the lower floors, they actually collapse just like i did there. Luckily, we can put this building right back up where it came from so its a lot easier. Now kelly, obviously these arent real frame walls here but when you talk about buildings, what makes the property for stiff . The easiest and most costeffective type of bracing you can put in is either put in a brand new wall or to potentially go in and strengthen a wall thats already there where you dont need to have an opening is where you maybe have a garage door or access to commercial space, you might go to a steel frame or other types of bracing systems that provides the strength and stiff if necessary but at the same time, allows continued use of that area. But some combination of walls or frames or other tools that are in the tool kit that can bring the building up to the strength thats required in order to remove the vulnerability from the building so that when ground shaking comes, it in fact is a whole lot more resistant and less vulnerable. Ideally, this story down here would be made as strong and stiff as the floors above. If im a property owner, what is the first thing i should do . The first thing you should do is find professional that can come in and help you evaluate your building in order to, 1, figure out that indeed it does need to be retro fitted and 2, give you some idea of what that retro fit might look like. And third, evaluation and design to help you determine the retro fit requirement. Well kelly, i cant thank you enough for being here today. Thank you so much for your wealth of information on how we can take care of our soft story problem in San Francisco. And you the viewer, if you have any questions, please feel free to visit visit our website announcer b dreams and good grades arent enough to get into college. There are actual steps you need to take. Finding someone who can help is the first and most important. For the next steps, go to knowhow2go. Org. Regular meeting of of the San Francisco board of education is called to order ms. Fewer dr. Murase ms. Norton, mr. Walton thank you ms. Wynns that he mr. Haney and ms. Ing thank you. Please join me in the pledge of allegiance. We want to thank everyone that joined us in person for anyone that wants to address the board of education can you fill out one of the

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