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Thank you. Next speaker, please. My name is sylvia johnson. Distraction of areas in Golden Gate Park [inaudible] this is an issue about citizen [inaudible]. This ordinance and [inaudible] they dont know what they are doing. This goes to [inaudible] as this is an issue thats been going on. [inaudible] thank you. Next speaker, please. Good afternoon board of supervisors meetings this cumin and garlic me today my dog. I am here to support item 20 on the agenda. Sir please speak into the microphone the last 8 years johnny have i served this community as volunteers in the public library, and literacy programs and also visiting until children and their families. He is johnny was confiscated in virginia he was giving us a 2nd chance. If he was confiscated here in california he would not admit given her. He wouldve been labeled vicious dog even though he was just a puppy. Today about johnny and to see living proof of how a abe1820 would save dog slots. This is johnny and we urge you to vote on his behalf and other dogs just like him on their behalf. Im a little emotional. This is kind of a subject very dear to me. If you could support item 20 would be much appreciated. Thank you. Thank you. Next speaker, please. I didnt bring a speech again today, but its interesting that today at swan lake i have a dog incident could the birds and a people, a people try to attack one of the swans but i call swan lake. That happened and it scared me to death. I was right in the middle of it. I saved this one. I think thats a good thing. But see, the person didnt understand about birds and she said, all have that bird killed. Now that really infuriated but i escorted them off the property because i was the one in the middlei have some windchimes i distracted the bird had something for the dog, the pit bull because lemay sure they were running around having a good time. Now there are leash laws in the city of San Francisco, especially where there are huge birds and lots of tourists. There were lots of taurus other. Then no idea what was going on. There were kids there and this pit bull was attacking a swan and i kept it apart barely. That scared me to death but i do love dogs. Theres canines i do not know Homeland Security has canines. Those are dogs, 2. They San Francisco canine they are dogs. Thats all they are. They are trained to be protectors. See, ones that are just abused they become vicious. If the owner is liable. I told them they would be responsible for killing birds if they did. My name is red hawk and i good luck and i love you guys to do. Have a good day thank you. Next speaker, please. Before we begin, can we take a survey how many of you heard the interview on 319 can we see a show of hands please raise them very high . Thank you very much. How many of you chose not to participate in the survey . We see a show of hands . Thank you. Today i like to talk about david killing goliath and the bible says prophetically was no sword in davids hand theres a reason for that because what happened at thousand years later was the real battle of david and goliath. Do you know if david means in hebrew. It means beloved and that jesus christ is the true beloved of god. The real battle was when jesus christ went to the cross for our sins and he went to the cross in due time in due time as it says on my shirt. Christ died for the ungodly. The bible is the only book that gives us actual progress. It really is. Its the only book that gives us prophecy. I was reading the book of daniel last night in the same year the prophet daniel was given by 2 different angels, 2 different messages but the arrival of the messiah. One said in the beginning of the year the messiah would come in 490 years and then sometime later in the same year another angel said, behold the whole world was going to end in 3. 5 years. I heard that i understood not. Its understandable why he was here but understand not because ls speak the truth. There from the almighty. You know, the bible says that once we arrive at the time of the end the wise will understand the interpretation of the 3. 5 years that are closed and see. Otherwise dont have time to address it 14 seconds left, i would swear to god almighty that 9 11 was the 6th trumpet and a month before it happens i told people it would happen on that day could based on the baptism of christ. Thank you. Next speaker, please. Good afternoon, supervise. My name is neil desai im with a National Park conservation association. Muslim residents of district for a here in San Francisco. National Park Conservation association advocates on behalf of all National Parks, across our National Park system including the Golden Gate National Recreation Area. We represent over 1 million members and supporters that supports the proposed role they put forward that had experiences that spoke a couple before seen wildlife and other visitor activities being negatively impacted and not having an actual equity and balance in user space. We continue to be confused and i just disappointed that the San Francisco board of supervisors continues to oppose it 14 year process and a program that for the first time exactly and balance to all users of this National Park, not just one user. So we remain confused. While this is occurring, at the same time were not sure why San Francisco is not addressing issues within its own purview for example animal care control says that 120,000 are within the San Francisco. Only 20,000 licenses. Thats presenting a Serious Public Health and safety issue on our public lands. Yet we never hear about this but theres obstruction. For example, crissy field. 40 of the beech hill is set aside for off niche dog walking. A small percentage of that for families, educators and conservation and environmental programs. Another recreational users to enjoy. A small portion for a while it. 40 will be set aside for off leash dog walking. The other use for hang gliding. In the context of San Francisco, itself, self imposing a moratorium 10 years ago in 2006 on creating the off leash area the same exact reason that they been working to do this under National Thank you. Next speaker, please. Its hard to follow Jonny Justice and has been. This is jennifer but i amgeneral counsel the San Francisco spca and that our organization am here to let you know we strongly support items 19 and 20 and we urge you to do the same. Thank you so much. Thank you. Next speaker, please. Daniel kaplan among 2546avenue. I try to make it quick. I guess my first point would be up into a lot of meetings like this recently and i look speaking has not been as easy yet so i want to say thanks that i get to use the microphone today. I just got 2 things i want to were 3 things on the board of supervisors to think about. I know this might not be on the agenda but things have like you to have on your head as my public servants. One is, what dying to get the definition of what Affordable Housing is. Thats one. We really are because ive asked this question before and i just get it [inaudible] another one that, dog city ive got a dog. I love dogs. I like what i saw around Mission Street where theres kind of a park type thing that i think they should be throughout the city. I dont know how you deal with baby people on the street having trouble with it or whatever. But that would be great in the outer sunset group ive seen the other little park onto their. It would be great for dogs. The other thing is i like for you to keep out a walk through the city today and keep your eye on the that displacement went from underneath the bridge. I guess im done there. Lets not donald trump do anything bad to us. Next speaker, please. My name is william shepherd. I recited 51 21st ave. In district 2. Im opposed to the ordinance that you are considering on off leash dogs and i support the nras proposed dog rule. Themuch has been made of this 1 of the ggnra to dog. Its a very small part of the ggnra is accessible to people. Because its a rugged area. It has protected habitat. So, its really misleading to say that only 1 of this wonderful federal land, that is significant i think you should look at it relative to the axis people have and we are not successful getting access to those areas. For good reason. Its dangerous. Does that go off leash sometimes go over the edge and sometimes get killed. It happened this year. So this could safety reasons. Ive been wanting to on baker beach with off leash dogs when their owners are throwing a tennis ball. I took just to the presidio last weekend before last was an enormous dogfight in the dog area in the presidio. So, there is good reason to have restrictions on off leash dogs in San Francisco in the ggand right. Thank you. Next speaker, please. Supervisors, i like to ask you to investigate and evaluate the Property Managers that you have in San Francisco. The jon stewart company. Mercy housing. Which developers, we need to look into amco, which is an apartment and Asset Management company. We need to look into the Property Managers because they control a lot of the units. As some people have stated today, we have over 10,000 homeless. Among them, many families who are living on our streets could i know some of you supervisors, are interested in the issue. Its not a very pleasant issue among but some of you thats like going with the flow. Of course, our mayor has given an opportunity to Say Something could have said something positive, but he chose to attack one of our supervisors. Who participated, right in the beginning, in trying to help our homeless people. More in district 9. So, this city was named after st. Francis of a sissy. He loved animals. Some people are talking about animals. But i am sure he loved human beings, too. As human beings, we have to speak up. I know some of you supervise. I know you do well. Ive got a rap sheet on the others were not doing their jobs and we will take care of them when the time comes to vote. But have some mercy on our homeless. Thank you. Next speaker, please. My name is gary fergus. Among the board of crissy field dog. Thank you for hearing our Public Comments. What has happened since the supervisors last voted on a resolution encouraging the Golden Gate National reparation to listen, to cooperate and to find a solution . Nothing. Theres been silence. Instead, what is happened there implementing what they suggested a long time ago. The city is better for having the dog walker area section existed for 4050 years under the 1979 that policy which came during that time which specifically authorized that there be off leash dog walking and was careful consideration at the time where it should be. Now, if this were simply a private land owner it might be a different issue, but this is the federal government with the federal government is supposed to do is to take a hard look to consider existing conditions and look at the impacts for their proposed change. They did not do that. The reason they did not do that is they said, we dont have to consider the purpose for which the spark was created. So, if for no other reason and message that needs to go to the National Park service is you do need to listen, you do need to take these values which are important for both humans and the dogs they recreate with, because that is what makes part of the city great. Part of what we heard earlier in terms of an urban area where you can grow vegetables. Here you can get peace and solitude and recreate. The park service has ignore that hard look. Thank you. Next speaker, please. Speak into the microphone, please. My messages today ladies and gentlemen is to basically announced to the city and county the self appointed fillmore corridor ambassador. Im also going to change over from an activist to an entertainer which i was born and raised to be a fight got into this business to years ago. When my great artists as martin gay. Im going to try to attempt something here to give you a little bit about what im been a name this program with mark antigay the additions it is called troubled man. Me as an activist in this community it i been a troubled man. This olympus of sample to show you whats happening. As i strolled down fillmore over the west side, they go Something Like this. [singing] thank you, mr. Washington. Next speaker, please. Take it outside. , gilbert t. Perspective. We can all agree right here right now that ed lee was handpicked for this mayors position. From that all probably diverge and be my perception. I just consider him a year, a called, and a political machine and the purpose of a political machine is to stay in power. We are already handing off to a conroy. This Election Year to opponents. One was the rank of choice and the other was something happening online. Nothing quite happens to change and we have basically what i consider a glorified cheerleader for corporate desires in this city. The Mayors Office. This is from my perspective, but we have on van ness, a hospital, they want to close st. Lukes. He said, okay, sure. We have that twitter tax breaks. The 10,000 figure island units that he wanted to take to china so they could develop it. 8 washington with the new direction for our city. Nba on the wharf to my neighborhood crown for the neighborhood. Corporate shuttle buses, stopping breaking the law in the city. No problem. Uber left, 5 million to the nfl. You want to build a big building we can change the codes. They change. Hes associated with pay to play and better than the mafia. Its a tough tough place to be right here with that leadership. All pause in a new direction we still needed. Thank you. Either any of the members of the public would like to provide Public Comment at this time . Maam, please come forward. Im not giving my name because im waiting for the protection thats coming up before the board and should include a wider variety of people and simply officers and employees of the city in my view. I would like to comment in anticipation of your item calling for state of emergency in San Francisco. Just mention that within the time limit, a couple of things that are not been explored by the city to fix this situation without calling it emergency. One is the homeless reports of the civil grand jury. In 20012002 specifically on the homeless situation. The grand jury did in my view do an excellent job to respond to the serious concern to respect the requirements of law that the city and the affected agencies of the city sponsored in certain ways either within 60 days, such as human resources, Human Services, or the board of supervisors within 90 days. Neither of those requirements of the penal code were responded to in the best i can find out from what was happening there was that it was sent to a Committee Estimate killed it in the committee by 3 members said was not in the Public Interest the board of supervisors to deal with it. Seriously as required by law. I think you have a requirement by law to do that and i see things that can be done without building new shelters, huge shelters for all the people. Mdm. Pres. Dr. Goods is because time. Thank you, maam. We hear you. Thank you so much. Either any other members of the public would like to provide Public Comment at this time . Seeing none, the comment [gavel] mdm. Clerk klees read the items for adoption without Committee Reference items 1924 consider for adoption without reference to committee. A single rollcall vote may enact these items. Supervisor tang i like to sever 19 and 22. Supervisor mar sever item 23, please supervisor farrell 21, please supervisor kim i believe its been severed, 22 anybody else . Okay, well i guess we will start by calling each item. Item 19 resolution to oppose the Golden Gate National Recreation Area proposed rule regulated on and off leash dog walking in urban parkland throughout San Francisco marin and san mateo counties. Supervisor tang thank you to my colleagues who cosponsored the Resolution Resolution and individuals working hard on this issue. One thing i did want to clarify is that there is nowhere in this resolution that says that our office or any of the other cosponsors are trying to propose that we are wanting to expand and encourage off leash dog walking. In fact, we actually have been asking for a balance plan from ggand right. Which is if they came to us and said that the plan wrote we can allow for more areas where they actually are required dogs to be walked on leash i think that something we can live with but here it is that years later they come back to us of the planet says no, you just cant have dogs anywhere. Almost anywhere on our areas under gg eric. That was in an urban setting like San Francisco is unacceptable. So, i want to make a point very clear because i think theres been some comments made that again were trying to encourage all dogs to be off leash. Thats not the message that tried to send today. The message of charges and to ggan ra is please do listen to us, the public that our office has been following up with that agency for years and years that weve had a recurring miter on account only to check in on the dog Management Plan only to been contacted literally the day before the plan was released. So, were happy to continue the dialogue with them and to see if there can be any other adjustments made to the proposal, but we find with a of currently share with us is completely unacceptable. Again i want to thank everyone who spoke and share your thoughts with us and thank you, colleagues thank you. Supervisor mar i totally support the intent of the supervisor tang and the National Park service to look into local committee to look into this issue. This is deja vu from 5 years ago 2011 supervisor wiener proposed a similar resolution. I think a lot of change for me and i want to just explain a little bit of this could i am a dog person i grown up with dogs for my whole life and my whole family and i know that off leash but supervised by sight and voice is critical for the health of many dogs. The psychology of the people who have dogs and i understand thats really important for the health, Mental Health and physical health of dogs and people with dogs. I think after numerous discussions and meetings with superintendent chris leonards to her staff from the National Park service and ggan array to the socalled godmother of the Golden Gate National Recreation Area amy meyer, the author of new guardians for the golden gate come up with many others lead bites and movements to acquire land stretching from point a to San Mateo County, including my district ocean beach and lands and in key areas where off leash in on leash dog walking has been a key part of our history could i also wanted to say on both sides from andre about to save our recreation to Sally Stevens Barbara Walters and many others i definitely understand the need for the estimated 120,000 dogs in the city only 20,000 of them registered supposedly, that they need off leash areas and on leash areas in the city. Their recreational and parks apartment is challenged to improve different dog park area. So, i am working on improvements in Golden Gate Park at the dog Training Area for example and number of other sites in my district but i did want to say that meetings with not only in nehemiah from the Richmond District but also the sierra club and Golden Gate Audubon Society have also help me understand the importance of the balance that supervisor tang just mentioned but its about the preservation of a National Park area which we call the Golden Gate National Recreation Area as in 1973 we gave stewardship to the National Park service. I also want to say, 2, this 14 year process that the National Park service has been going through there have been a number of plans and times where weve given input and then got taken input. I totally support the local efforts to urge and demand National Park Service Listen to our local communities but i think its critical for me is the Sensitive Habitat and the endangered species could i forget to mention wild equity of the center for biological diversity being involved in convincing me that has to be balance and i think an amazing National Park the Golden Gate National Recreation Area that there has to be this balance and we have to not just look at it as some said the happiness of dogs and dog owners and the need for exercise, but i think we have to preserve the sacred space as john muir called that as we develop our National Park system. Also want to say the balance of habitat preservation endangered species and other species with allowing the people to have off leash and on leash dogs is that balance. I think the rule thats been proposed by superintendent leonard National Park Service Still is going through this Comment Period what we can give our input and i think even for me, i want to see more expansion of the off leash but boy since i control dog areas including on ocean beach which is limited from 21 to the clubhouse and kellys cove area. I would like to see that expanded. Also in communication with National Park service to urge strongly the port funds in the area have much more off each areas did i know thats an ongoing issue that many from the port for are advocating as well. I think this is a resolution that i dont think supports the shared balance. Its more on the prodog owners cited promising to balance the preservation of the environment as well. One commentor was a longtime friend of mine mentioned an issue of diversity claiming that dog owners are the most Diverse Group for people hes worked with and National Park service is being elitist. I guess, i dont see that in how those mentioned by my longtime colleague. Also, semantics are calling whats happening draconian by the National Park service. I dont see it as did tony and at all. I see it as balancing their important charge of preserving the environment, Sensitive Habitat and indentured species and allowing the sharing of space that we dont treasure as well and lastly, i think theres a semantic debate over when we gave the different parts of San Francisco in San Mateo County and the rain county daypart of their land as well to the National Park service for the gg and already theres a debate whether its an urban park vs. A wilderness. I dont think that is really whats at issue here either. I think its both an urban urban National Park but its also an area that is like all National Parks areas that need to be protected and preserved as john beard and the sierra club wouldve advocated for. So my goal is working with the National Park service, to vote no on this measure on this time after 5 years of being educated and looking at issues a lot more carefully can i did want to say theres a danger of ocean beach from stairwell 21 to the clubhouse being overrun with too many off leash fight and vision control dogs but i think its a onemile area thats a very large one. I would actually like to see more activity within the area but i know is neil desai mentioned, in his comments, i reckon park parks and recreation has to work with us on the board of supervisors to increase access for more off off leash and dog activity within a reckon park system as well. So for developing a partnership with the National Park service were also looking at San Francisco parks and recreation similarly for our winter 20,000 dogs and the owners that come with them as well. So i want to thank supervisors predicted id read with the intent but im disagreeing with the language of the resolution and ill be voting no. Thank you. Supervisor wiener , the supervisor tang for stepping up and taking leadership on this resolution. Which am proud to cosponsor. Ill be voting for it today. First, i want to set sayi simple for publickey and i cant say it enough this is not about attacking the ggnra. Even though i think we have a very strong policy disagreement on this specific issue, i want to be clear i have a lot of respect for the gg and array in its management at work with them on various issues. I met with them. We never really hard job stewarding these very beautiful amazing and challenging properties in 3 different counties. So just to be clear on critical very critical of the agency on the dog policy but have a lot of spec for the agency and its work overall. There is a real disagreement here. This is not a new disagreement. The ggnra archive for more broadly the National Park service has been trying to import its philosophy, which really is pretty oppositional to dog access from around the country and import that into our urban Recreation Area here in San Francisco marin and san mateo counties. San francisco has a long, decades long record of strongly opposing this efforts to dramatically reduce dog access in the ggnra. Going back to the late 90s early 2000 i read a transcript within supervisor leno and other supervisors and down to fort mason to give public testimony against the previous effort by the National Park service to dramatically reduce dog access. My first year on this board, 2011 supervisor mar mentioned, i authored a resolution opposing a similar restriction on dog access at the time. Which this board passed 101 vote within my good friend Sean Ellsberg voted i guess. Together supervisors voted yesterday i care member last year without he went on record unanimously 110 to oppose a proposal that was basically identical almost identical to what is before us today. When we passed a resolution opposing this plan 110 our colleagues on the marin county board of supervisors passed an essentially identical opposition resolution 50 in our colleagues and matt San Mateo County board of supervisors passed an essentially identical resolution 50. Mayor lee sent a letter to the ggnra also opposing the plan. Jackie speer came out and opposed the plan and mark leno opposes the plan. I could keep going on and on the Assembly Number david chiu repeatedly voted for resolutions on this board opposing the plan. So, what does it take in terms of almost 100 unified opposition from the local elected officials, elected to represent the 2 million residents of these these counties, which is bigger than National Park service to actually listen to the elected representatives of the 2 million residents of these 3 counties . Why are they ignoring us be sick they are ignoring us. They meet with us. They hear us out and then they move forward with what they want to do. Frankly, i know, i believe this is been largely driven out of washington dc. I think its an antidog bias in the National Park system superimposed on what is it pristine backwoods National Park which is an urban Recreation Area that is integrated into our city and into our 3 counties and on which many many residents this region rely in terms of all sorts of recreation, including dog walking. This restriction, which is dramatic, and i do not begrudge the National Park service the ability to manage its land for reasonable restrictions in place. I want everyone to be able to use these lands. That is not the balance achieved by this proposed rule. This is not a balance proposal. This is dramatically and unreasonably restrict dog access. In addition to impacting many people it will also drive more and more dogs into our already overcrowded city parks. We see that every time theres a soon on the alert for some reason when ocean beach in Port Townsend have to be closed down for the day, we see very city dog play areas get overrun with dogs. These dogs are not going to disappear. They are still here. Though just be walked disproportionally in our city parks. I know colleagues, were all in the same boat but we know the dog play areas in our city parks are already overcrowded. We already have conflicts and challenges in our parks. Why is the federal government going to make it even more challenging for us . Even though parks and recreation has publicly expressed concern about the impact on city but the federal government has never done more than paid lip service to the concern. Theres never been a real valuation. This plan is just not appropriate for the bay area it should be rejected and we should send a strong signal that we stand opposed. Thank you. Please call the roll on item 19 supervisor avalos aye, breed aye, campos aye, cohen aye, farrell aye, kim aye, mar nay, peskin aye, tang aye, wiener aye, yee aye, then president of 10 i and one nay the resolution is adopted. [gavel] its item item number 20 resolution to support some lego 1825 introduced by someone member gordon to remove the outdated provision in California Law that unfairly condemns puppies and dogs seized in connection with convicted animal fighting cases as vicious. Colleagues, i introduce this resolution last week. I explained it then specifically that in these dogfighting rings oftentimes even those dogs that are not a part of the fighting are sometimes are in california condemns just because they participated in this and we all deserve a 2nd chance and dogs do also good colleagues, hope you consider supporting this so we can get rid of this outdated law and send a message to sacramento that we want to make sure that all lives matter including our pets in the state of california. With that, madam clerk please call the roll on item 20, supervisor avalos aye, breed aye, campos aye, cohen aye, farrell aye, kim aye, mar aye, peskin aye, tang aye, wiener aye, yee aye, we have 11 aye the resolution is adopted unanimously [gavel] item 21 item 21 evolution to declare it will 24th 2016 as 1916 easter rising centenary day in the city. Supervisor farrell colleagues all keep it short but this year is a very special occasion in irish history is a marked the 100th anniversary of the 1916 easter rising also known as the easter rebellion. But set and went to the stop sign of the independent irish republic. Which we know today. These are important and then someone asked for your support for this resolution. The tech thank you. Collies coming to this item same house, same call can we take that without objection . Without objection the motion passes. The resolution is adopted unanimously [gavel] item 22 item 22 a resolution to urge gov. Jerry brown to declare a state of emergency on homelessness without ornate region is the white responses to the growing crisis and provide supplementary state assistance to cities and counties to write needed Supportive Services supervisor kim i want to make a motion to continue this for one week to the meeting of march 22 at supervisor kim has made a motion to continue the same one week to march 22. Moved and seconded. Collies coming take this be without it be without the item will be continued one week to the meeting on be without the item will be continued one week to the meeting on march 22, 2016. [gavel] item 23, please item 23 is a low resolution to encourage the california dept. Of alcoholic Beverage Control tonight ill call license applications of nontraditional alkyl we tell businesses in the city. Supervisor mar. Please continue to march 22 motion to continue this item one week. Moved and seconded. Colleagues, be without this item is continued for one week to the meter march 22, 2016. [gavel] item 24 item 24 of resolution to record as much as problem Gambling Awareness month in the city can we take this item same house, same call. Can we take that without objection . Without objection the motion passes. Adopted youdid you want to talk on this . Lets go back to item 8. Weve all recall the item. Supervisor kim we did actually owes asking to us in the boat on 19, not 8. Show until after the vote on item 8 yes, please. Supervisor peskin if i may rise to a point of information that sfmta ashley is voting on the joint contract right now sophie could actually go back to the previous item hopefully will get a text what previous supervisors item because we had not yet confirmation the mta has voted on number 8. Supervisor cohen i guess my question to supervisor peskin. Just remind me again why youre waiting to hear from mta board doing on this so we can make a decision here . Supervisor peskin the instrument that is before us is an approval under charter section 9. 118 to approve the contract as our present point out we do not have the ability to amend the contract and reduce the telling keep it theres an understanding that supervisor avalos negotiated with the mta staff and that contract change reduce the towing fee by 110 is about to be approved by the mpa commission, and once they approve that are 9. 118 approval which contained that reduce the towing fee and at supervisor avalos indicated earlier, we want to do this sequentially so first mta commission and error sole and absolute authority under the charter acts and then we would act under section 9. 118 of the charter to approve the contract that they disapproved with a revised lower towing fees. Because i appreciate that expiration thank you. Seeing no other names on the roster, i just need clarification because i was under the impression thatwell, to check in with her City Attorney. City attorney did not, from my understanding it would come to us and be and introduced to this and this in fact is not necessarily something we need to vote on anyway. So we should probably table it or get rid of it and when a new contract has amended his puppy force thats the one we would probably vote on . s i understand with the mta board is voting on today is a change to the mtas administrative fee for towing. This amount of this contract will not change and i dont believe that terms of the contract would change as a result of the mtas action today. But my understanding from supervisor peskin and avalos they prefer to wait and see what the mta does so that the board of supervisors has a full view of the entire program before voting on up or down on this contract just to be clear, it was my understanding that information in this contract has the listed administrative fees. So, i guess im trying to understand how we are going to be able to make any changes to change. If they change the fee, what are we going to be able to do . We have someone from mta here as well. Good afternoon, supervisors. Steve lee with the sfmta. The administrative fee under the transportation code so any changes to the administrative fee has no impact on the agreement with auto return. The amounts that are set within the auto return agreement are the amounts that we reimburse our return for the services. Okay. Supervisor wiener did you have a question . Are wei dont understand whats being proposed right out i guess were just going to wait. We are not there yet. So we may be taking a recess or supervisor peskin just to the comments of the City Attorney and other members, this gentleman from mta is correct. Its just that this is the only instrument that this party has to ensure that the towing fees are actually lower by the mta but i understand that is passed unanimously at the mta so its all water under the bridge. Okay. So can we take item 8 same house, same call p6 can we take that without objection . Without objection the motion passes. Resolutionsupervisor kim sorry. I didnt realize we took supervisor wiener i be voting for the contract and as i stated when this came up before, unsupportive of reducing the towing fee and of course last year was able to prevail on mta to reduce the towing fees for owners of toad and stolen vehicles in terms of the storage fees and some of the other things costs that sometimes they were forced to. I do think towing fees are quite high and its appropriate for this feed to be lowered and so i support that im glad the mta board has done that. At the request of the sport. But as i said last time, there is a cost to doing that. My understanding is that with the mta board has adopted at the request of my colleagues because of this board, amounts to about 3. 5 million a year approximately of revenue reduction to the mta could we know that with the mta gets hit with a reduction in funding that would typically often come out of muni transit operations it is also come out of vision zero. Theres a lot of things that could potentially come out of. Its not to be salary thats scott or any of the other items to which these fees were technically attributed it its going to most likely impact transit operations and so if we want to reduce towing fees which i support, we should pay for it rather than having come out of the any operations or some other significant transportation operation and so today, i did introduce as i mentioned, at our last meeting, a supplemental appropriation to appropriate 3. 5 million for the general funds to the mta to reimburse the mta for that lost income. For us to basically put our money where our mouth is and pay for that reduction. So it does not come out of transit operations. I of course if it turns out the amount is somewhat different we are happy to adjust supplemental amounts but we have been informed was approximately 3. 5 million hit to the mta and so i did introduce that supplemental appropriation today. Thank you. Carlie silva take this item same house, same callsupervisor peskin can we get him the individual from the mta has actually indicated david. They lower the fees can you please confirm can you identify yourself my understanding is the mta board voted to kill fees related to administer fee for toes can you specify the amount . The amount reduced, i can show it to you here so, when the contract was approved by the mta board the current administrative fee was 266 and that is what it is today. What was approved by the mta board what was approved by the mta board on january 18 when the conduct was approved, was administrative fee of 261 and that he will know the reduced to 172 for all persons who get their car towed for the first time an additional 86 for people who get their car towed for the first time and are of low income. In addition to that, the mta board approved an additional 86 less than the 171 . And 72, correct. Thank you. On top of that the mta board approved a 40 hour waiver for storage fees for persons of low income who fit under this category. Then in defining low income, it includes all of the categories . For example, those who receive any kind of subsidy or live in subsidized housing or anything that helps to identify them as that . And its a broad range of what is qualified under low income. For instance if you qualify for muni lifeline, that would automatically qualify you for that. Generally section 8 housing things of that nature. Its broad range. We want make it as easy as possible for folks to qualify for this low income fee. Also, the storage fees is waived for 2 days and so no income . Correct all right. Seeing no other names on the roster, for item number 8, can we have a roll call vote on item number 8, supervisor avalos aye, breed aye, campos aye, cohen aye, farrell aye, kim aye mar aye, peskin aye, tang aye, wiener aye, yee aye, there are 11 skype the resolution is adopted unanimously [gavel] supervisor kim i just want to make a motion to rescind the vote on item 1 through 7 and item number 9. Okay. Supervisor kim has made a motion to rescind the vote is there a 2nd . Moved and seconded. Supervisor cohen i dont know any other way to address this and i dont want to make this personal attack but i just wanted knowledge that i think its unfair for us to constantly yester rescind vote when the meeting starts at 2 00 pm. Thats the time that we have responsibly to be on here and to rescind the votes because a member is not here just uncomfortable with that and i would ask that we all can start on time. Im not kind to be mean or mean spirited but i believe im certainly seek to self but theres another conversation i have had with other people that feel the same way that may not have the courage to speak up but specifically to supervisor kim if you be a live a more mindful of the folks on the body. Its happened more than once. I just want to bring it to your attention. Thank you. Colleagues, do we want to take the motion to rescind without objection or do i need to do a roll call . Senior objection, the motion to rescind passes unanimously [gavel] on items 17, can we take those items same house, same call . Can we take that without objection . Without objection the motion passes. Item 17 passes unanimously [gavel] is called the role on item number 9 on item number number 9 supervisor avalos aye, breed aye, campos aye, cohen aye, farrell aye, kim aye, mar aye, peskin nay, tang aye, wiener vi, yee aye,. The ordinance finally passes [gavel] please read the in the mornings todays meeting will be adjourned in memory of the following individual mr. On behalf of supervisor peskin bedecked is their colleagues list brings us to the end of our agenda. Mdm. Clerk is there any other business before us . Didnt know, that includes our business board today. We are adjourned. [gavel] [adjournment] i called the particular meeting of Health Commission to order please stapled for the pledge of allegiance and to the republic for which it stands, one nation under god, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all do we have roll call please. Roll call commissioner scott excused committing dribbling and supervisor farrell we have quorum item one action approval with modification of the minutes of the regular meeting of february 12, 2016, any corrections to the february 11th meeting with specifications. I move to approve second any Public Comments or discussions from the board seeing none, were ready to vote. All in favor, say i. I. Opposed . Okay that motion carries that item passes next item please decision item general Public Comment within the boards gentrifications not on tonight agenda any Public Comment . Next item please action 3 consent calendar with the approval of following previously discussed on february 11, 2016, city plan the Rate Stabilization reserve this was discussed during the last months meeting and was as opposed to be be rather than a than a discussion item is there any discussion from the board. So unless any discussion ill open this for a motion to approve. So moved. Second okay any Public Comment . Seeing none, were ready to vote all in favor, say i. I. Opposed . That item passes now were going to the rates and benefits next item, please. Item item 4 for the 2017 plan year ann hewitt. Good afternoon you should have before you the documents labeled the survey this is a number that has required from the charter we averaged the two populate county with the Committee Contribution efficient each one of their plans and take the average contribution by the 10 months populous county and average that that is the amount of money your required to support and an employee only cost if the city and county of San Francisco so page one is an explanation of that document it also give us i thought in 20122013 moved from the physical year july to a calendar year it outlines the briefing the adjustment on the subsequent graph is what and want to do it take you to page 2 is that up can you make it any bigger im not supposed to talk into that you guess so o cant see that that is page 2 of the document the 10 months policy lace los angeles is fresno i want to highlight two counties subdividing and santa clara those two county we have information on still a physical year six months oormd the data from the other 8 counties if you run your eye down the column on the explanation page they get an additional six months so what do we do we collect many data before i get to the final answer ill ask you to approve id like to you turn as an example to the first county this is on page 3 which is los angeles as you can see there is a applicant rally of plans for los angeles each other weve had the 216 and by which they support this were not interested in the premiums were interested in what 2ri contribute were taking you are costs and were saying well pay the city is going to support that with the 10 county down the 216 contributions for all those plans if theres a what we recollected average or theyve shifted or less rich benefit plan none that of that take into consideration we have in prior meeting at some point the contribution is up minimal but by, etc. , etc. We may decide to reengineer this at this point, were doing what is outlined specifically the chapter which is averaged all the numbers be vicinity of the weighed average by the distribution of the most or the plans designs therefore keeping the number less at some point in time well find out those programs not the city and county of San Francisco have reduced benefits therefore that allows them of them to shall believe lists their contribution and not dwrief a much higher in four weeks tan take on the reminder weve not changed best things your plans radio refresh so were to go to say you only have to pay half but the plans are less all the arguments can be put on the table not extermination but fuvent probability with that, for Los Angeles County the average is 627 plus up 4 about the 4 percent that is part of the exercise so you understand what it document is we old the highlevel summary benefits of los angeles couldnt for each the benefits we take the average this is the information is very interesting because you can go to my hss. Com and and their this with the sfoevengs that is a similar plan if you want to you can look at the premium in los angeles compared to the premium in Northern California under kaiser and theyre a your inferences we have a fairly well priced plan that is Better Benefits than month is of the county have we given you that document not yet but other xaernz more relevant to the continuous county this is a lot of interesting information it give us points as to how much they contribute and how were doing pretty well if you decide decide to use to information it is this particular public has have got r very good benefits at good priced levels we go through the next county which is San Diego County that happens to be i didnt know this was the second most populous county but there is an out liar for this exercise this time so santa clara is number 6 they have Valley Health medical they have health net and carrying hmo the rates went up high and he is contributions are up im pointing out the out liar county santa clara page 2 we look at this we run our fingers down the numbers and see that the one county that is the biggest county in terms of of change is santa clara county. What was santa clara last year. Well it is right here it was 83932 this years it was 783932 we forecasted it to be 78513 the department document. Santa clara has been higher. But if went way up this time and much more than before i was pivoting that it has been higher yes thats correct sdmilg sshg went up more than the afternoon at the end of the day if we do our averages and calculate the numbers i want to give credit to the people with happy holidays with the data and calculations together you know reviewed the numbers pea made sure in their correct at the end of the day 604 bus the 10 county assessment that i would like you to productive for 2013 and please be aware under the mou we use this for early retirees and even though the full value is not up to 65 unless there is questions id like to to be approved. Whats the number. 579124 the 2016 it is up. I move to approve. Second. On the survey. Any discussion from the board. Any. Seeing none, were ready to vote all in favor, say i. I. Opposed . That item passes. Next item please. Refuse blue shield flex Fund Medicare and ann hewitt. So similar since weve before flex opportunity it is Good Practice as requested by hss to review the data as we go into the development of the flex premium you took the premiums for active use and retirees as part of our robot he and a particular exercise present the data how it did for 2015 0 it he your honor, to page 2 of this document id like to review this and bring ousted expenses and explain the nature of what is the normal on month to month so well look at the scripser remembers inform blue shield in total there are 19 thousand plus a january and doesnt lose anyone in 19 plus this is uptick from the power year when you were the administration lien base of the hid tax 2. 4 million in admin costs that quite a bit of that or cac tax and on the the capitation one. 6 millions the medical the nonrestricted think cap its a our hospital as pournlt chaplains which you look at those those plans are not capitated they seem to have varied quietly youre at reflex to pay for those january is 8. 7 million and march it 15 million did are you have a bad mark or something happen there were or remember this was are still in negotiations between Sutter Health plan and Sutter Health systems excuse me. And Blue Cross Blue Shield so quite a bit of the payment were suspended until they finish that negotiation as of january so a lot of that suspended payment was paid by march so thats why you saw the 15 million it is not because of excess exposure as much as as much as as capturing open paying that get suspended because they were still in negotiations and good news they supplemented the disagreement okay. Then come into this in october and october the number is way down why did is that did that it goes down because of a systems conversion a lot of claims didnt get paid the october because they were converting the system so neither one of these are because of the excess inability of the actuary remarkably priced the produced but contract not only let me see is what is the net result of that exercise in looking at the experiences when you change the i dr and expense that the year you changed the refers an june 30th a physical year basis you see that one and 44,000 number there we changed the contingency refer the also ratio premiums clothed including the 8 million subsidize from the promised pledge of allegiance to keep it the premiums plus additional subsidize deficit by the full expenses was one and 2. 26 loss ratio we were slightly over we actually spent more than we priced by 6. 4 million youll find out more as we go over the stabilization on page 3 we sort of do the aggregate period ero period whether up ticks and down ticks that Administration Number we noticed that number is going up that is 11 percent increase and capitation is 4 percent on page 4 and reviewing 4 percent and medical claims and from 2014 is not a great year nor claims has gone down and pharmacy everybody is occurring this problem with 9 c drives and drugs that went up 17 percent and we see we have a lot of money from pharmacy rebates and paid at this time no money out in 2015 for the aco and got money back if stoploss 2015 to we did okay which we look at accident expense is that higher than we wanted to be as of 2013 ill is have to say yes by into a period to period pricing point to experience and review point how do we do we did accurately youll talk about the last page briefing it outlines some of the points ive made and basically comes to the final synopsis we are 6 million plus to owe one short from where we would have been if everything was to perfection any questions at this time. So what years havent we lost money as acu. We lost no money in 2013 and thats the only year. Yeah. So how long would you recommend we gotten with the spends it didnt look like its turning around. Thats a very broad question commissioner commissioner president covington so has part of my responsibility reporting the cat id like to say i dont say an opinion ill say as we priced it and expected to turn out would i consider that tolerance up and down 5 percent i see that as adequate thats my personal opinion but beyond that i cant make a recommendation to continue this we last year if i may continue or want me to leave it last year, we did an example state fully insured with the renewals and going to flex funded and wrote me auto the expenses and cost we were insured they wanted an 11 percent increase we came up with 2 percent we didnt repeat that we didnt want to ring the bell every year by at this point we pointed out that we stated status quo then go ahead and bring it at risk and put it into trust a substantial amount of savings so we can fund it we have policies that allows us to recoup through the stabilization policy that is the best position with this is as presently being the case maybe the expenses last i think i permanent as an actuary vicinity from any other statement this is a good decision. Im curious from the director how the aclu are doing in general are they i was reading something on massachusetts back a few months they said half of theres dropped out im curious have the oil aco been successful in general. We need to separate the aco from neglect funding flex funding is a way it pay the bills the aco we manage the care and within blue shield the medical group is doing very, very well, thats the one that affiliates with the hospitals theyre doing well, they met their target well have to pay them they come in came in under what we predict we met that blue shield im available to answer any questions you may have the aco sutter hospital and they are doing burdened they did last quarter last quarter youll think that they didnt talk to each other but this quarter they implemented care coordinators in the outpatient and the pashlth setting we saw hospital beds down and a real engagement of the hospital surety had been unengaged with 3 kwaerlts last year and now engaged again so i dont remember the exact percentage agriculture not very much id like not to say but less than a couple of percentages. This is the first theyve been. Even. Their target. This is a large. So it surprised me a quarter ago i went in and said how unhappy they were not doing has promised and not pollutant but this meeting those numbers are great the fact it is like one of the things you shine a light on the people Pay Attention the fact that many quarterly were tell getting monthly reports to look at those dates and i think that keeping them on top of that and that they filled the positions patient coordinators and others working with the care coordinators the doctors and nurses are talking about and ive been terribly alone and forgotten in manhattan has consider coordinators is that are talking in terms of our population 0 active populations if the aco is small bu the retirees population its much larger they need and they needs nor cooperation coordination the quality is better and in their close to their targets a summary of a long answer. Okay i have another question so is last year 2015 a stoploss reimbursement was nine hundred and 83 to tell us is that the stoploss paid part of that on page 3 of this report. Yeah. On page 3. So our stoploss are are we getting benefits that from the stoploss. Yeah. We must claim over one Million Dollars capped at maintenance in 2014 the stop also payments were within 4 of the trigger that was before we do to the expenses look at the total numbers there is a change in the stoploss reimbursement it is good as the program were for the fully imposed to every dollar we have a cap of maintenance the flex opportunity ratio yes, we do receive the reimbursements it was a matter of practice blue shield when we do invoicing it is automatically credited that used to be it was entitled but basically thirty day credit for the stoploss the cash comes back or net against the invoice in the next invoice period. Yes, maam. Okay. Yes, sir. Are we paying at a premium of some kind for the stop lost is that a cost. Yes. In our Administration Fees yes. You have a fee not large fir the stop lost payment we look at that when we determine the fee. By the premium is less than the recovery it operationally is that the ball park. Ill have to say ill have to look at it im not sure and supposed to know before i answer the question. Okay. So on the administration it went up by 11 percent is there a reason why 9 change of 11 percent. The Health Insurance tax they require and to let you you know that when they did the omni bus budget they postponed the excise tax but all of the mean that is embedded i dont remember it is quite a bit it is part of Administration Fees all the money will not be to the hss for the blue shield effects program for calendar year 2017 so youll not see that. In terms of number of drivers we have 9 thousand 19 thousand as of december 2015 what is the number in 2016 after question did. I actually dont have it is slightly less. We can ask on r one of the staff from last month. Those are all everybody. Yeah. Yeah, everybody. You know but in terms of. But not the sfpd. No, it is active. Can you find that. Okay. Any other discussions from the board. So any Public Comment . Dennis active and retired ferry want to go back one item because i didnt hear Public Comment called on that and we were talking about the 10 county survey i might have been mistaken he heard the actuary say this number is not used for active employees but only retirees. Because the 340u especially for the city pace 893 percent and employee pace 7 percent is didnt account. The survey it is based on the the premium this is a basis for which they work their mous off of. The mous for most of the mous is that whatever the premium the city pace 93 percent of premium and the employee pace 7 percent. Okay. Any other Public Comment . Okay now next item, please. Item 6 action item approve blue shield stabilizations refer ann hebt. Before the blue shield stabilization refer documents and did you need do photo. It is a deduction item. Sorry. This is a standard calculation required by policy that claims the policy that requires the amortization over a 3 year period of surpluses or diversifies that accommodated with the one year lag to be into the subtraction of the rates as surplus or addition if i have if for instance, a bathroom, in 2015 and you collected one Million Dollars and at the end of the day when you did the math you said i only need 94 millions you have 5 million of surplus that happened in 2016 the firefighter when 2017 the spates 2018 that 5 million on a premium by basis by employee counts will be taken away from the rates of 2018 thats the one year lag and how it works you do that over 3 years in 2017 for some reason that was referred you take the remaining 2 3rds balance from the 2018 rates and added that and memorialize that you get what the remaining amortized is so i thought that would be good to explain so everybody is on the on the same page and looking at the experience and add that is to the go forward balance okay with that said, lets turn to page 3 this is the basis of the calculations when we price this product for 2015 we expected to collect total tricks which is line of this is a breakdown of how those dollars were to be spent and estimates to be spent in 2015 we priced there product and said we need approximately a 4 percent rate increase we decided at this point by broad vote we said to keep the rates low especially for the active employees and brought to your attention 8. 84 million was in pledge money the amount of money to hss trust by Blue Cross Blue Shield so it was to be applied to the active rates so what are we talking about we spent 8. 84 million subsidizing the rates this is common practice the Public Sector for the benefit the populous and from my prospective keeps blue shield as a program that allows excess and the chart requires the access to all providers if possible so the populous is covered with all the perimeters it is covered and establishes what we do okay yes, maam. Can i interrupt and point out the 6. 49901 is the same number on page 4 of the previous stack is those two decks are interrelated and, yes thank you for pointing out out director dodd so from the experience we presented the experience heres the summary of the experience you see we actually including the proposed loss 14 million plus dollars more than we collected but we were going to not collect 8,784,400 of that at the end of the day to adjust the things we need to add 6. 419 million. 491. Million dollars to the scaring forward ballots we have to add that and addss you know put those into the calculations and amortized that over 3 years we have a carrier forward that means those programs a sustainable in and of itself the best policy the 3 year amortization role rule is a good rule ive not changed my mind that is the sustainability in the program sustains itself big enough to do that it is great so with that being said page 2 and take the Carry Forward amount and if i can find out that sorry excuse me. Prior to that as of last year, we had that discussion going through 2014 the remaining amount of money was 8 million plus we add the Carry Forward and new have 15 million 15 plus Million Dollars that we have a charge beginning the rates of a gordons basis is for 2017 were to go add for the cell phones for the actives early retirees we are going dont add this money to the rates so to might be 30 here a 50 were adding the money and collecting that and bring that into the trust and so this is the amount of money to am intents through the rates what will be the remaining to be amortized for the next set of rates gordons or in that year base 10 million plus with that said, i want to point out a couple of things so we were trying to the best of the ability if my please silence all Electronic Devices to keep blue shield an active participate for 2014 we raised the blue shield rates 11 points 5 percent so for all Good Intention not subsidizing blue shield rates and for 2016 we have raised the rates substantially the chances are fairly good well see some of the money more than likely i can see generate surplus. 2016 and the 10 million balance should go down with that said, you know as matter of policy and practice i have to go to the recommendations go which is that we bring the 5 million plus into the am i reading the right number yep we bring that into the 2017 rates i recommend that we follow peel bring this number into the rates i need you to. Questions from the board. This blue shield stabilization refers separate in the city. Yes, maam. This big pool and so much for the dental; right . Yes. 80 theyre all you a separate. All right. Everybody is selfsustained for the program. I move to approve our actuaries recommendation and any discussion from the board. Any Public Comment . Seeing none, were ready to vote. All in favor, say i. I. Opposed . That item passes next item, please. Item 7 action item presentation oneself Opportunity Program Reinsurance Company stop lost ann hewitt. Okay this is my grand finale this is a document as a matter of fiduciary responsibility correction financial actions that we bring to the board every year should we add additional reassurance to the program as it exists or adequately covered for access losses this document is our explanation as to where why we feel at that at this time not necessary to add outside reassurance to any of the selffunded program ill refer the documents where are we thats the trust with the city plan the United Health care and dental plan and there can be the situations is uncommon a dental plan causes excess losses and a way to cap the we are with the blue shields flex fund program weve outlined the clean stabilization the next part of document explains how outdoor reshiners works i dont want to paying pay in any claim im selffund for whatever the configuration we met a premium they pay everything this did insurance do i have to pay that i have x amount of money youre a Public Entity you dont generate revenue is you want to make sure this fine board are we adequately covered when things go the wrong drieks has this happened the Public Sector absolutely as time we have a process ill go to in a few seconds do we need to purchase additional insurance we explained that is how it works and we say you have two policies which i could read you have two policies the contingency a board stated policy not the system is followed independent this do this and that you have a contingency that policy says an independent outside actuary to be myself or anyone and that actuary will calculate based on we have to approve we want to number on the ballot sheet that says if we have cash sitting the trust to cover excess lost 40 million not bank and i dont if you went over that you have all this money with the 99 percent confidence you have requested your actuary and presently hold the contingency refers for all 3 programs it is having a very good programming practice so as the flex plan as written by the state of california to a premium plan you have to have the Million Dollars covered anything over Million Dollars is covered you have a what they call max loibltd english liquidate blue shield pays when we decided that we went through the contingency refers you have limited to no exposure on the city plan our exposure is primarily medicare there is no real ability you know to side to worry about excess exposure you have full contingency refers that is fully fund with that said, you can pay the insured but told on the contingency reserves he applaud you if you do generate and loss in excess of the premium you have to 3 stabilization reserve not not surplus how to deelevate the rule is the rule it is presented fully discussions no record but we followed the policy those are two rules that cover the excess loss for the long term sustainability of the program all that is said in close is that it is 100 percent and that is one i know im being a little bit dramatic im 100 percent on the side of no additional reinsures you dont your policies are great and coffer all the exposure so its proven at this time youve not requested the actuary to have additional insurance for new programs. Yes, maam. Im not understanding something we presenting have stoploss insurance. A contingency refers reserve you basically hold. There was a stoploss number 5 we got reimbursed for. You have for the neglect fund program youre required to have a stoploss at a Million Dollars plus thats how it is required by the state of california that you have to take that in order to write that as a minimum premium product. That didnt go away. No. Yrm not very much. We havent had a stoploss. Not the United Health care no stoploss. I feel were taking something away. No nothing thats it. And the stoploss on the flex time funds from the contingency reserve now pay the premium yes, sir. It seems like there would be been helpful to point out on the deck we have stoploss protection on the flex opportunity the first slide suggests there, there are 3 programs and your remdz no stoploss beyond the stoploss coverage we already have. Yes. Fully noted, sir absolutely understood. Ill be curious to find out what the premium is. The future. Yes. Or the next meeting. Okay. When he rate well absolutely review the stoploss deck. Well be receiving ing that administrative line that went opt out last year because of the 2 point something Million Dollars in hid tax and look at that Administration Line and it is in that line that the stoploss for the flex plan is built in. Yeah. In the april that was presented for blue shield that itemized it i have it we presented it every time and yes, sir. I move we approve your recommendation not to have any more stoploss insurance. Second. Been seconded. Any other discussion any Public Comment . Seeing none, were now ready to vote all in favor, say i. I. Opposed . That item passes. Next speaker, please. Item 8 discussion item educational presentation value based insurance design ann hebt and Allen Thompson in front of you a brief power point by the deck value based insurance i was asked to bring this for you to cancer and Additional Research around this topic to let us know that today as an introduction just to give you a bit of backward what is valley based design it minimized or eliminations High Value Services and independence the Patient Population with chronic condition High Value Services that are identified through the high based evidence and the costs effective therapy for a Patient Group to lower the outofpocket reducing the barriers for members that needs Chronic Care Services valley based Insurance Company focuses on increasing the quality rather than lowering costs so the health plan is for the service to their Health Rather than the confident of the services being produced in considering the valley based shiners 3 key areas services, condition and participation so under service you may increase or decrease the level of for everyone that used a particular service and unpresumed to be innocent services not used for example, coverage for centers of excellence to incentivize people with surgeon needs to use a center of excellence for quality under condition based decrease the cost sharing for the specific condition and the cost shares eliminate the High Value Services that improve the outcomes for diabetes and they receive free office visit to their diabetic needs and for consideration it could be cost sharing participation in specific programs with recommend treatment for example, participating in a Tobacco Program you may receive tobacco medications that reduced with no copay with this background we went two or three medical carriers and asked for the valley based insurance theyre having in place or are considering for the future so beginning with kaiser in the 3 key areas under service they use external and internal centers of excellence and use competent care with the multi provider handbooks on care for various population condition banks examples for kaiser which is built both theory coverage and the registery for chronic conditions and might want worker and outreach efforts to population and counseling support and low copays to treat chronic conditions as far as the participation they have the Health Programs and incentives and my Health Manager on online resource i was told with information to support members on page 4 for knitted health care the Cancer Center and a premium for to assist members 0 who need guidelines and member in health plans for the benefits Lower Services provided costs under the condition based program Martin Luther king programs and a variety of conditions that addresses that are listed on page 34 and the other programs in terms of participation basis programs healthy pregnancy a clinic Weight Management that is cost it to the employer and lastly for blue shield their vaulting a number of valley based insurance for 2017 but none are currently offered in 2016 so looking at the options their currently explorer for the participation looking at incentives like the financial reimbursement based on the number of tasks and looking at the Service Based on on the ppo for the low costs providers and their bundle payments for certain conditions focusing on cancer and blue shields will negotiate treatments at the health costs out of system that concludes my presentation. Education think valley based design any questions. Yeah. I when i look at the first slide it focuses on increasing or decreasing share of costs or copays had i look at the items i dont see a connection with copays or cost of service i i mean those they seem Like Services included the way they provide but no impact on the member in terms of changes in copays if im reading this wring the examples dont fit the example am i miss reading and you make an excellent point the design if can mean a variety of things depending on who youre speaking to our prospective of valley based design i outlined on page 2 we ask the same questions to the carriers this is their responses and their framework what is theyre doing and the activities so, yes you hit on an interesting point to basically this is a promotional this is why were so great and not reducing the members costs that was what the question was that appears that way to me. Thanks. Other questions i can direct. Yes. I think i want emphasis what ann said about the valley design varying from vendor to vendor western having trouble with diabetics picking up their insulin and using their insulin because the copays were so high we might ask our vendors to waive the copays to improve experience we havent found any tweaks we could improve compliance so the vendors have implemented disease specific management and with the Educational Programs a different way of designing it but are places the country copays for meds for chronic illnesses much higher campos than we charge were at 5 for generic and 15 for brands and kaiser about 20 for generic and 25 for brand in blue shield im not sure that is accurate but were low for our costs they were higher it with incentivizes the copays. I imagine youll end up slightly higher copays because then at the end of the day the total costs of serving the population is not changed but shifting where the funding comes from. Higher premiums. Higher premiums. Other questions discussions . Thank you thank you any Public Comment on this item seeing none, now were going back to the regular Board Meeting next item, please. Item 9 discussion president s report. Vice president limb i dont have any report and the president has from report either he couldnt make it to this meeting per diem seeing none, next item, please. Item 10 discussion drortsz director dodd. You have my report in front of you id like to highlight a couple of things you recall weve talked about the 1095 forms and most employees should have gotten them im not sure the employees got them well instructed people not to send them in with their tax but keep them as prove the health plans sent forms to the irs so everyone has prove they have Health Care Coverage with over 55 thousand forms our call volume and assistance increased gridlock youll see that think is chart actually 51 thousand i apologize it wasnt a horrible increase bus over our thirty second waste time that is remark weve gone live with state of california salesforce it will give us a tracking mechanism to see who spoke to the member last and weve logged think 2200 member cases so this is not a whole new system that you are benefit analysts are using it highlights the testing that had to go in for mailing out the 1095 forms doing the analysts do more the deck and ill appoint that our privacy officer marina did this for all of us we are in compliance with hipaa and finance submitted internal documents to the Controllers Office as part of audits wife exceeded the content management youll recall the two improvements customer and the electronic data wear now prepared to move on with digitizes all the material weve selected a candidate to assist in communication theyre going through the final processes right now and were trying to get a timeline eventually happens this is kind of a downtime but once the open enrollment stats in april and may and june most of the times is taken up more and more were trial to parse out what we can get done before the the open enrollment in terms of in your inpatient a epa report summarizes the epa we brought on the two new staff towards the end of the year one of the exciting things we celebrated our champions we have a champion appreciation that supervisor farrell came to and people were impressed we drew down the director and the board of supervisors and kaiser was very generous with prizes and made yogurt for everyone that is a healthy celebration no cake. Just youth i dont get. Right i dont get and granola. We have over 200 champions and the care and feeding of 200 volunteers and keeping them excited about trying to get people to eat rights shouldnt be taken lightly theyre well teacher taken care of by they are wellness staff weve altered two classes to have access to improvement activities so this is more work for them but the says is only so big we said okay startled to lunch and yogurt or whatever it is we also met with mayors the resources and the controller so talk about a citywide ergonomics wellness and working with Workers Compensation how to improve our prevention of workrelated injuries in terms of my activities ill highlight excuse me. The ill recall over the past 3 years talking about the women firefighters having a higher rate of Breast Cancer than the average woman they finished collecting the samples 80 firefighters and 80 Office Workers and theyve began to compare the results that was a meeting the scientists so hard to track the chemical compounds but it was really exciting and the women firefighters made a Youtube Video you can watch yourself how to be safe after leaving a fire and theyre really excited about this this is something that mr. Change the health and wellbeing the firefighters throughout the country and all in San Francisco as hss i also drafts testimony we were notified on just last week when rates were out on february 19th cms is changing the reimbursements the pharmaceutical Management Plan. Retirees and so i quickly respond and submitted testimony by the deadline that was last friday and well see those actual rates outs on april 4th i in terms of transparency interest there were there was a very Important Supreme Court ruling it was a 6 to 2 ruling having an extra justice might not made a difference but a setback the states cant require data to be on a selfinsured plan not require the data be submitted to a statewide database so watch that for future forevers on, on transparency on our part and thats all the other thing that we have been tracking along with the department of the environment the pharmaceutical dispositive what happens when you dont finish our bottle of ohio chlorine or whatever what do we do with those medications its been a Long Time Coming but put out regulation and ive been with work the department of environment and hopefully submitting testimony that will will you those to be disposed of safely and environmentally safely and keeping them out of the hands of people that dont need them public works the throughout the department disposal thing was subtleties by the board of supervisors are working other than that, supervisor president london breed in particular as have pharmaceutical disposal days the issue of narcotics are a problem you had to count them and say who our receiving them from and gauntsdz and the Police Departments got involved this is an issue particularly. Kaiser because cms and walgreens are putting them in box but we had to adopt the state standard this is it for the disposal weve taken some steps but not solved the narcotics step any other questions any Public Comment . Good afternoon, everyone. Commissioners i just want to make a couple of comments wards to the report one the tns participation of maefshth o subtle there is very well received our people are excited and increasing the number of retirees that are taking part in activities walking and experiencing and were trying to now gets more information to provide times for classes that more of our retirees will be entitled to come to 1145 we had a meeting a wellness coach and nutrition everyone got up and experienced and margaret came forward with the program and her participation is helping our population specifically thank you for that, yes and ask that continue it is important the other they know one of the message that i quality of life to the members when they encounter difficulties with services this question call Health Service and let would whoever answers the phone know theyre having a problem of kaiser or blue shield or knitted health care and the feedback eave received lastly we call and say wear still having a difficulty and were being told why not call kaiser or blue shield we did that but thought you time to know not really click and members have saying call Health Service with the performance levels that need to be met and as along the Health Service doesnt know about the difficulties they dont know y were for the feeling whoever is taking the information is not taking not i thought id bring that up ive had good discussions we are working on getting many of that roved it is frustrating members are encouraged to call and they dont get the response they anticipate but thank you and probable the wellness thing is the best thing since life spread. The retirees thank you very much Herbert Wiener this is a short not in the past, when i had difficulty with reimbursements to the medical provider i have to call the board of supervisors and their aid has to get onless horn with the Health Services we never wanted to come to this level again and have to do everything to prevent it i think that the Service Delivery as improved but they need to be addressed we dont want to come down to the level even the aids of the board of supervisors having trouble so and then to the nightmare please end this. Any other thank you next item, please. And item 11 deduction item hss Financial Reporting as of january 31st, 2016, panel 11. Pamela chief Financial Officer as of the captains through december 31st actually excuse me. Sorry i have too many papers on any plat plate the directions for this period of time would indicate for the trust as of 6 30, 2016 our fund balance will be 78. 2 million which is about 3 million better than we report for december the reasons for this city plan is continuing to have better claims inheritance and therefore the use of the fund balance is reduced by with an Million Dollars the blue shields flex plan we raised the rates in 2016 to make up for the 2014 deficit and continuation of the pharmacy redebates e debates e beats to offset the rates for the rates in 2015 so we have while an increase of 1. 2 million oh the selfinsured dental plan right now 3 housing unit 4 million increase and continue to have a favorable a claims experience the selfinsured dental plan same as the prior report interests remains the same of 3. 4 million and forfeitures we have budgeted to transfer over the general funds but those are determined at the end of the fiscal year and performance guarantees we are still looking at an increase as of over so with the performance guarantees there are always lagging so we just received some funding that recent for the plan year 2014 the Health Care Sustainability funds were projecting a surplus of about 85 million at the end of this current fiscal year the prior month we recorded im sorry 84 thousand laughter plus dollars and the prior month we reported thirty thousand and then pharmacy rebates weve received at an amount if blue shield we are right now having 2 million the bank and project a total ends of 2. 4 million forfeitures were waiting. The final results from the run out period and for the general fund right now, were projecting no savings to give back to the Mayors Office and is Controllers Office we have been told to use the ends of here on behalf of the appellant any of the current savings for items like starting hiring part Time Staffing for this east ends project and purchasing economic equipment and doing the best we can with the expenses and anticipation of settling the budget at the similar value as we had to go into with the reduction. Any questions. Any questions from the board. May be one on the Health Care Sustainability fund is it possible to have a diversities at the end of the year or are we locked into the Funds Available we could have a surplus we can break even but unless we have a carrier a balance going into the year it sounds like in this case were going to end up with an 84,000 surplus in addition to what we collect once we get to zero and couldnt have a net deficit in that fund limited to the amount that goes in. We cant spend more than we actually have thats correct. Any other questions. Any the questions. Thank you any Public Comment . Seeing none, next item please a 12 health plan issues if any. Any health plan issues or network. Hi good afternoon blue shield of california ambassador i wanted to just make the board aware of a small change in your policy around hepatitis c blue shield has a requirement around qualification for some of the more expensive hepatitis c medications and we recently revised our guidelines to align with the American Association for the studies of Liver Disease and the Infectious Disease society of american it racks you are guidelines a little bit so those who may have been denied access to hepatitis c medication due to medical net for example, in their own awe symptomatic and didnt qualify theyll quality for that medication and those who were notified we notified members their qualification was denied we have retroactively gone back and notified them to contact their doctor and again apply for that particular Prescription Drug just information i wanted to make the board aware. So it has been defined. Yeah. In december noifdz. Fewer thirty so we cant know how many they were. A view small percentage but a border assess going forward. Thank you. Thank you. Any other from the folks seeing none, any Public Comment . Secondhand smoke next item please. Item 13 opportunity to place items on further agendas. Okay any items for the board for the next month meeting . Nothing . Any Public Comment . Seeing none, next item please item 14 discussion opportunities for the public to comment within the boards jurisdiction okay our previous president commissioners this is your last chance. Your last chance. Okay. Seeing none this meeting is welcome welcome to the welcome to the peoples palace city hall for this wonderful event i want to welcome you all here today as we swear in some 28 citizens of San Francisco well be serving on over 18 body and committees for our city and i want to begin by saying a big thank you to every single one of you because those are important bodies of government that we share robot and making sure that not only are those departments that youll see run appropriating but you do your best to make sure the public is heard all the public u public is heeshd thats not simple an easy task these days there are lots of views how government should be doing things and how we are interacting with the public but one of the most important things as citizens to open up our government to make sure that all the people are heard and they have a way in which to tell us what the needs are what with we can do about it and share the responsibility this is an important 7, 8, 9 not only for our city but for our country that is why we want to vest invest in every single one of you to make sure our government is open and effective and always listening and responding to the communities needs these 28 bodies of government let me run through them ill find reflected in them the diversity that we have our Arts Commission i have 3 members being appointed there today j. D. And roberta and simon you thank you very much our Environment Commission we have 3 members being postponed to this commission emily jackie o i think she has friends jackie because josh wanted to narrow i profound her last name correctly o ma holiday that says im on holiday okay jackie im on holiday and lisa thank you thank you very much to our Film Commission welcome in jim who is part of International Association of theatre employees local 16 thank you, jim for serving on there our groed body . An important body is sounds bureaucratic but the body that makes sure our with grondz are spent correctly and jennifer and others thank you for thank you for agreeing to serve cecil chronically thank you, again four coming aborted and hemisphere o helping this is this so important our Health Commission and especially those living on our streets they get the Health Treatment they need and lindell on the hours authority thank you for stepping up on our Housing Authority as we reshape and to susan on the Human Rights Commission susan thank you, again, for not only being a great commissioner but helping us with the bias training in our city thank you making sure we Pay Attention to that to james ma crepe thank you, again for your past and to help us again with all all the people that need our help not only on the streets but on the edge and needs the services our city needs thank you very much for serving often the Human Rights Commission rebecca woods to our jury trial probation rebecca thank you for your service more and more were finding answers to help the youth and need our help maneuvering that connection is there thank you, rebecca can to our local entries elliott thank you for being a great really diplomat 23u78 u, if you will, to our Small Businesses our Long Term Care jeremy and berry detective and chip thank you very much being on the Long Term Care were having great conversations about the dignities fund and how we need to Pay Attention to the seniors and long term skewer is an incredible part and to the affirm before the hugger to the 4 commissioners, thank you very much for being here youve got a lot of friends here today family and friends clapping. thank you for september 11th up to be on the Port Commission youll help us with the body we have and rebecca lee thank you very much for being on the Public Utilities commission your Advisory Committee the Public Utilities commission is doing a lot of work as the rain shows we have theres more work to do for the community to leslie to for the reentry that is so important as we want to make sure those that are reentering our society are not only treated with went they find success in our or their lives as well to one of the most 0 important bodies i call that on to make sure the Property Owners and tenants are talking with each other and mar they settle thats our residential rent stabilization board thank you for stepping up you and to the shelter monitoring comet thank you for stepping up again, i repeat that that we have a tremendous amount of work to do as we forge a new department thank you very much for stepping up there and we have the Veterans Affairs commission thank you, ann for your work i know you do great work with the salesforce 15i789 we need that innovation on the Veterans Affairs commission so thank you, ann for coming back again and they only to our memorial Board Trustees thank you very well have for your wonderful work and support to thomas horn thank you, again, for coming back and being part of this wonderful body and to the newest member former just for being part of this wonderful body i wanted to go through those names each of these bodies of government are so important to the city i know today not only are the members here to be sworn if in but a number i want to make sure i mention in stepping up to these government bodies people are here are creating a great sacrifice i want to say thank you to those running the government in different ways to kevin Housing Authority youre helping me make sure we built the Affordable Housing the city and stepping up on the bond oversight local 6 thank you, again. And to jim and i said earlier you know were going to get a lot more films the city thanks to our leadership the Film Industry is process perry and exciting to see i made my own called to make sure that the films stay the city lecture i want to make sure you have is an active mayor to help with the Film Industry and ambassador youve got a lot of friends today here i want to make sure that i mentioned them because they came from all over our city to in prediction for that this appointment i know that were going to have i know hes here already hisism in essence the metropolitan bishop of the Greek Orthodox church in San Francisco your awesome if hes here thank you. Being here and judges is here to show her appreciation and former jena thank you very much jena well continue having our peninsula dinners together to talk through what we should be doing as region and thank you to andrew the founder of urge america thank you for being here and roberta economies yes, the chair of the sister city and the sister city in egress ill plan to, at the next hopefully within this summaries year mark is march here thank you, mark for showing up the president find our rec and Park Commission and the member of the retirement board the former president thank you victor for being here as well i also want to stay thank you to the Environment Commission el me a representative the secretary of labor wonderful and in helping us make sure we create the conditions for more jobs in the entire region thank you for stepping up to the Environment Commission conviction clapping. and i want to say a special thank you to leader pelosi, to the International Union and to friend of mine former art that rode in on behalf of our ambassador for her appointment thank you for your contributions and awe lane thank you for her and her which were for coming out and judges i want to note i know your retired but it is continues to be a part of our history the city that you were the preceding justin judges over the trail of versus perry and found in our judgment to the benefit that proposition 8 was unconstitutional thank you, again, for that decision clapping. are we all ready . Okay. Well, i know all of you came from a wet weather we want to say thank you, again. And thank you to all the Department Heads that are here and the other commissioners that have joined here i think they take pride if i may ask all of the appointees new and returning to please stand and as i say i practical state each one of your names and the commission or body your postponed to say it allowed and proud because this is a your time to state your pride in going on those bodies and then well go through the swearing in please raise your right hand i. Do solemnly swear. Okay. Go through this one by one i janey. I commissioner the environment i susan human right commission i cecelia Health Commission and dave crow rent board and war memorial day i Port Commission and i van memorial war board. I thomas war memorial board ambassador i lisa commission on the environment. I kevin Housing Authority gentle Oversight Committee. I simon Arts Commission. I rebecca lee Public Utilities Commission Advisory committee. I rebecca one side juvenile Probation Commission i ann Veterans Affairs commission i jennifer grond Oversight Committee i jeremy Long Term Care coordinating council. Idealogical Business Enterprise 55. I chip long term coordinating council. I berry detective long term council i ken rent board. I Arts Commission i jacqueline Holiday Commission on the environment. I james Human Services as. I gary San Francisco Fire Department monitoring. I Housing Authority commission by i leslie reentry council. That i will support and defend. repeated. the constitution of the united states. Davids. repeated. against all enemies. repeated. and that i will bear true faith and allegiance. United states. repeated. and to the constitution of the state of california. repeated. that i take this oath freely. repeated. without any mental reservation. repeated. repeated. or purpose of evasion. repeated. that i will well and faithfully discharge the duties. repeated. and during such time as i hold office of multiple voices for the city and county of San Francisco congratulations, i would like to call to order, the finance committee to order. Our chair, spurp mar will be here shortly, and im lon down breed and we are going to get this started. To my left supervisor norman yee and jane, kim and we should call the record. Commissioner breed . Snechlt here. Compos . Absent. Kim present. Mar . Snechlt absent. Yee. Here. Could we approve the minutes, without objection, those are approved. We will take the Public Comment. When Public Comment has been completed. All right. Lets get to item number, 3. And we are now joined by commissioner mar. Who is the chair of the committee. Item three. State and federal leg sislativep date, this is an action item. Welcome. Happy to be here today. I thought that i would give this a brief, overview of where we are at the capitol and where we are. Could you identify yourself . I am sorry, yes. Mark watts, advocate for the transportation, authority in sacramento. The legislature welcomed the new Assembly Speaker yesterday, when he was sworn in and he was elected in january and so he is now, fully in charge of the transition has been completed. And it was a very, very, happy ceremony. And i think that he has filled out priorities for his term. And i think that they will suit the state very well. Beyond that, where we are in the legislative process for the capitol, is on a sheet of paper here that i cant seem to find. Darn it. I apologize, here we go. The end of february was the last day to introduce measures and you will see that reflected in the matrix today, where we have gotten about 40 bills, that we reviewed and made recommendations on. And i will come back to that in a moment. But next major deadline for legislation would be april, 22nd. For the bills that were introduced in late february. And they have to clear the first Committ Committee or they are dead or they are dead for the remainder of this session. There is a spring recess in the midst of this process, on march 17th, and march 28, they will be in recess, so the hearing for these measures will be very, very, heavily attended. And very, heavy agenda. S and as they try to get through all of these by the end of april. In terms of note, on transportation, funding, which is a strong interest around the state right now, senator bell, has a measure in the special session and he intends to amend and we had hoped to see that on monday or tuesday at this point in time, his office says that he is refining some of the amendments, his amendments will add significant amounts of funding and finance for transit projects. Even though the main balance of the bill will be focusing on the state and local, road repairs. There is an indication that the Administration May elect to move on with a more stream lined proposal in about 2 billion range, that would not require a super majority vote in the legislature, we are trying to understand if that is something that they are working on. But there are indications that there are, or there is a preference to try to get a small amount of funding for state and local road repairs, rather than make the push for the larger amount, that is represented in senator bells bill and the Assembly Members frasiers bill. And i will be keeping you abreast of the developments as we go through the next couple of weeks. In terms of the matrix of the legislation, there are 13 specific recommendations that we are making to you. One is a changed position, and then the other 12 are new bills for your consideration. And in addition, there is like 32, or 33 other measures that we have recommended watch for one reason or another, and they have may have applied to a policy area, where there is not much flesh on the bill at this point in time and many cases there are spot bills on topics that may become of interest. And so rather than trying to find them again, when they get amended and we put them on the watch and that allows us to monitor that flux more evenly. And so if you would like, i can cover the 13 measures, starting with the first one, which is ab 1550 on page six. This is a position we had recommend that opposed in the past. And we are recommending watch. And it deals with disadvantaged communities in the cap and trade area. It did not change for the proportions of the projects or the funding that is required to be spent in the disadvantaged communities and as you may realize, or you may recall from the first go around of the money and the disadvantaged communities in the region did not fare well because of the way that is designed, and this bill, takes another step and leads the current, 25 percent requirement in place, but as the requirement and 25 percent of the funding must be for projects that benefit, low income households. And so, what we have or why we are recommending moving to a wasatch front rather than oppose. We would like to continue working on the definition of Disadvantaged Community more in the background and working with there is a green gas reduction, and working to see if we can improve the disadvantaged definition. And we are asking for your changed to a watch position. I just wanted to thank you so much for being sensitive to the low income communities. And in some ways whether they are in the San Francisco bay region or east la, so that we are taking in some ways a regional and even a state wide approach to equity but policies, but thank you. And we have seen a number of these types of measures over the last couple of years, and we are recommending oppose on ab 1768, and on page 10 of the matrix, and essentially, it directs, the, remainder of the high speed, rail bonds to be used to pay off the, outstanding high speed, rail bonds, effectively, turn nighting the stream for the project and so as a consequence, we are recommending oppose. And in the several more and i will cover them briefly, because i dont think that there is going to be concern about the recommendation and we are recommending oppose on 1866 on page, 12. And this would redirect, the remainder of the high speed, rail bonds to the state Water Project funding and again, that is a major change in the high speed rail. And we think that the policy of this before you is for the High Speed Rail Program. And the next measure, ab1886, we are recommending a support and i have to tell you that i have to draw a diagram, three or four times before i fully understood this one. And essentially, there is an exemption provided within the e seqa, where 25 percent of the projects are no further than a half mile. This takes it to 50 percent, so no more than 50 percent of the land mass, is an expansion of the sequa expansion for these types of project and we are recommending a support position. Ab 1964, on page, 14 is another, and a long series of bills, over the last couple of years, this one is little bit different than the ones that we have seen before. This simply extends the white sticker, authorization, to access hov lanes, and the white stickers are pure, battery and electrics and the natural gas vehicles as distinguished from the greenstickers, when are the hybrids. And so this, applies only to the white sticker vehicles, but they are growing in sales, and the population throughout the state, is growing. And the concern is, that allowing, the continued and expanding access of the hov lane and so we recommend an opposed position. Ab2034, on page 15, recommending the support position to you. And more than a decade ago, the federal government, authorized the delegation, to state transportation departments. To over see nefa, of the reviews, within their state. And that was enacted and it has been continued once and this simply continueses that authorization at the state level to allow cal transin circumstances to administer and over see both nepa and sequa documents but i will not comment on the effectiveness, but it is a continuation of an existing policy. And what will bring the High Speed Rail Program to an end. It says that no more bonds could be sold. And it will have to go back to the voters and so there is a double layer of protection against this becoming effective. Because i dont see this measure moving forward but that one is found on page 15, if you would like more details or more information. We are also recommending support on ab, 2126, on page, 16. Of the matrix. And this applies, to the states Current Authority to utilize construction manager, and general contractor and authority, for administering projects, large scale, complex, projects and it will be coming to another bill, similar to this in a moment that applies to you, about you this applies, only to the state. The state has the authority to do six and they have occupied the six slots in statute, and this will extend it to 12 for cal trans, to administer. Mr. Prazir is the author. And the state, highway and Protection Program is the main program or the main, financing source at the state level for the projects that are approved or we construct that provide, major maintenance and reconstruction, as well as the operational funding to operate the state highway system. And the funding is generally, only available to the cal trans. And the ctc and the annual report, recommended the expanding a one small provision within this program to allow the operations, to also have capitol improvements. So previously, up to now, the operations will be you know, widening the guard rail, and you know, expanding tauxiliary lane, and this allows for the capitol projects to qualify for the same projects. This bill, ab2374, was introduced by mr. Chui. And we are recommending that the Transportation Authority not only support but register as sponsors of this measure, because it came from staff conversations with the authors office. And it would uniquely expand, or authorize, some what uniquely authorize, that the ramps, for the island, program and the ramps that connect to the bridge system, would be eligible utilize the cmgc Authority Just like we, or just like cal transhas now for a certain number of projects. And i would specifically be targeted towards some of the complex engineering and construction that is anticipated for phase two of the ramp project. And i have been doing a lot of Due Diligence with state engineers and other folks who have had concerns in the passed about the similar authority. Senator bell, has introduced sb 1066 which is on page, 35, and we are recommending a support for this measure, it does not appear to do much on the surface. And it is more of a place holder sponsored by the and what it does is it provides in the state law, the authorization for the new fast act revenues approved by the federal government and by congress to flow to the regular programs at the state level that we anticipate them to. And in essence, it does not really change the law, but it is, and it, it would, actually be operative, if it were to pass. The game plan, however, is for the selfhelp counties to have, a joint, jointly, jointly managed bill that they can work on in case there are wrinkles in the fast act that the people have not anticipated and some of the funding formulas. So this is to preserve their option is to move the legislation. And senator glazier from the east bay has introduced us, and we are recommending the support position and it is on page, 35. The mtc, has commute benefits ordinance, and they have the authority to adopt a commute, benefits ordinance, and that is soon to expire. And this was, simply, extend that authorization, indefinitely, and consequently we are recommending support. And the final measure for your consideration, is sb, 1259, by senator runner, and on it is page, 36 of the matrix and we are recommending oppose. This picks up the idea that have been attempted several decade or more to allow veterans with special, decals and the ability to access toll facilities and there has been similar, authorizations in other states, where we have, and the reports are that, it can result in fraud. And associated decreases in the toll revenue. So, it is, mainly an issue of equity. With that i bring my oral part of the presentation open for questions if you have. And i will try to answer them. I am still trying to digest all of the bills. There is more than 1,000 in each house. So questions colleagues . I wanted to say on the sb1128, by glazer that the bay air quality district, and the Community Benefits policies and give many options or a couple of options to employers, and i think that is a really important one in insuring that we are reducing Greenhouse Gas and trips as possible. And the coalition that are really trying hard on automatic speed enforcement. And the speeding cameras. But i know that some communications with some of chuis office were fruitful up until the last minute but we are hopeful that there is legislation that comes forward, but it is a little disappointing but i want to give a shout out for the work behind the teams on those efforts but thank you so much, mr. Watts for the great presentation. And commissioner yee . Thank you, for your presentation, and i know that you mentioned some bills may not have all of the details, necessary, or whatever, and so you are watching it. And one of them may be, under or possibly may be ab 1677. On page, 9. Or 17 . I guess that what i would like to do is to move that to suggest that we urge you to move it from watch to support. And the reason for this, is because this is a bill that, so that the board of supervisors have already passed a resolution to support. And we want to keep it consistent and we want to keep the heat on. And we are actually, my office is working with the senator on this particular bill and we are trying to give them as much information in terms or suggestions about the bill, as possible. Hopefully, we will have some meat on it. So, commissioner yee has made a motion to add, ab 1677 from the move from watch to support. Is that your motion . Yeah, this is in regards to the tour buses. In terms of making it possible for local jurisdiction or the local government to have the additional inspectionses as sort of the general idea. Is there a second on the motion. So it is seconded by commissioner, breed. So we are adding 1677, to the action list, presented by mr. Watts. Any other comments, colleagues . Lets open this up for Public Comment. Is there anyone from the public that would like to speak . Seeing none, Public Comment is closed. And so on the motion to add ab1677, from a watch to a support, position, could we do that without objection . The house has changed. So the house has changed. Roll call on the motion. Breed . Aye. Campos . Absent. Kim. Aye. Mar. Aye. Yee . Aye. The motion passes. And then now on the recommendations on the new bills and the recommended positions can we do that same house, same call . Yes. Thank you. Thank you, so much mr. Watts. Next item . Item 4, introduction of new items. This is an information item. So lets open up this for Public Comment, anyone from the public that would like to speak . Public comment is closed. Next item. Item 5. . General Public Comment. Good morning, commissioners. inaudible trueself or wellbeing. inaudible money, inaudible making oneself a wellbeing. inaudible thank you. Next speaker, anyone else . I would like to speak about number, 18, please . If you could go to 18. So i think that we have already handled. You might be in the wrong meeting. I apologize. Or actually i am sorry. I apologize. I think that the proper time would have been when we were dealing with the legislation. But you could speak on general matters. That is fine. Okay. So seeing no other Public Comment, we will close Public Comment. And mr. Stamos next item item 6, adjournment. Thank you for coming today. Meeting adjourned. Ladies and gentlemen, the chair has called the meeting to order the public is welcome to address the commission on items not on tonights agenda please rise for the pledge of allegiance and to the republic for which it stands, one nation under god, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all. Commissioner mccarthys call roll commissioner president loftus commissioner Vice President turman commissioner marshall commissioner dejesus is executed commissioner wong and

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