This is v.o.a. News I'm Jim Burchill North Korea says it has conducted another test at a satellite launch site to bolster its strategic nuclear deterrence via ways Bill Gallo has more from Seoul North Korea gave few details about it Saturday afternoon test which occurred at a satellite launch facility it's the same site where the North last week conducted what analysts say was a rocket engine test North Korea appears to be preparing for a test of a long range missile or satellite launch vehicle both of which would likely use ballistic missile technology North Korea has given the u.s. Until the end of the year to drop what it says is its hostile policy u.s. President Ultram has ignored the North Korean deployed he's also slowly ramped up rhetoric against the north recently referring to North Korean leader Kim Jong un as Rocket Man Bill Gallo the way news so New Zealand divers search contaminated waters near the volcanic White Island for 2 remaining bodies on Saturday Reuters Lauren Anthony report diesel and divers search for to remaining bodies on Saturday near the site of a volcano eruption on the uninhabited why Thailand the death toll from Monday's disaster has now risen to at least 15 more than 2 dozen people a still hospitalized with extreme burns injuries the remains of 6 people were successfully recovered on Friday military teaming mosques and hazmat suits landed on white tile and the white tile and volcano is a popular tourist destination for a day trip as there has been criticism that tourists were allowed on the islands atoll given signs of increasing Cham activity in the days before the eruption that is Reuters Lauren Anthony reporting a Congolese city at the center of the a bull epidemic has come under attack from rebels leaving at least 6 people dead the a cat attack comes just days after Congo's military began stepping up its efforts to fight armed groups in the area for more news go to v.o.a. News dot com This is v.o.a. News. According Sudan convicted former president Omar al Bashir of money laundering and corruption on Saturday sentencing him to 2 years in a rehabilitation facility v.o.a. Is Tommy McNeil has more this is the 1st verdict in a series of legal proceedings against al Bashir who is also wanted by the International Criminal Court on charges of war crimes and genocide linked to the door for conflict in the 2 thousands the verdict came a year after Sudanese protesters 1st began their revolt against al Bashir authoritarian rule during his 3 decades in power sedan landed on the u.s. List for sponsoring terrorism and the country's economy has been battered by years of mismanagement and American sanctions Elbagir has been in custody since April when sedan military stepped in and removed him from power after months of nationwide protest the uprisings eventually forced the military into a power sharing agreement with civilians Tommy McNeill v.o.a. News Washington British Prime Minister Boris Johnson traveled to the northern part of the country Saturday to thank voters for backing his Conservative Party leader he made it clear his number one priority is getting bricks it done we must we've had 3 and a half years of writing to keep on threats and it's time for us this country. Is time for us to come together. To live on our One Nation together that's what that's what I would do Johnson won a majority of 80 seats his party's biggest election win in 30 years China's top diplomat says the freeze one trade agreement is good news for both China and the United States v.o.a. Steve Herman has more Trump calls the agreement phenomenal telling reporters America's farmers will have to buy larger tractors because agricultural purchases by China very soon will total 50000000000 dollars It's going to ultimately lead to the opening of China some Democratic lawmakers are criticizing the agreement saying China is not making any hard commitments to structural reform author and commentator Gordon Chang sees history. Repeating itself here we go again trading real things for promises the Chinese will just dishonor China's government says Trump should now roll back some of the tariffs on $360000000000.00 worth of Chinese goods Steve Herman v.o.a. News at the White House the u.n. Climate talks appear to be in trouble countries remain deadlocked in talks over combating climate change al-Din Meyer from the Union of Concerned Scientists says he's not happy with the current proposal Never have I seen the almost total disconnection we've seen here at the top 25 in Madrid between what the science requires and the people of the world demand and what the climate negotiators are delivering in terms of meaningful action the planet is on fire and our window of a scape is getting harder and harder to reach the longer we fail to act. For more news download to be away mobile app in Washington I'm Jim bird tell v.o.a. News. Good evening and welcome to Nightline Africa we are coming to you live from the English service of the Voice of America thanks for joining us I'm Peter Clottey in Washington d.c. . But. That. Caught sentences for most of the News President Omar al Bashir to 2 years of house arrest according to my own. I think. What numbers. My rights activist says respect for human rights appears to be. Arbitrary our is a. Country. Or one officials failed to reach an agreement on contentious issues those stories and more coming up in Africa. Activists. At. Former President Bush to be placed in a reform facility for 2 yes brought us as she will continue. To assure that the demands of the revolution which toppled the former president addressed his comments after a court sentenced former president Omar al Bashir to 2 years under house arrest for corruption and his father former president say they plan to appeal to the ruling for reaction to the Course ruling. In the 70s capital hard tune. That he was. Given the pieces will be so quote me that we will go along. I'm happy. And feel good responsibility to continue. The Micheletti. As we have democracy that's what. He. Our goals as a cause of death upon us change we to be very hard 40 plus the souls of our young people of this Denny's. Yes I understand you spoke to some of your friends an activist and civil society groups what has been be our reaction as well when you heard the news most people. Feel that this is not fair to just 2 years but for me I think legally there it is just I mean diddly how. Casey's are killing. That. He will not try. To run away with 2 years or so it's like. A decision the Sudanese are saying that for the presence of our care should be sent to the International Criminal Court for war crimes and crimes against humanity allegedly his administration committed in Darfur what is your position on that. Of course we are supporting taking a few i.c.c. . It will be a fight because now was. That the group is not going to put it back and I think it is because they are also committed the crime is still committing crimes in Darfur in other areas and international level even fight for the king of the field and all the criminals i.c.c. Because this is what we our told and we want justice for that for the people for so that these people who are all over so that know some people are suggesting that you and other women activists who protested and demanded the fall of President Bashir government feel vindicated because now he's facing or is being prosecuted for he's a learned. Wrong doings including this particular house already has been placed for 2 years by the court what do you say to that I think we have to sit down to see all the options that we have to be modest row and we have to organize ourselves on people who want to do detention and. Call sales and torture of course we have our very pale. Feeling of revenge or whatever but it is a matter over just if we have. Very hard and difficult duty that kind of thing I think the system of justice really. Really. Knows that the big hit by the shield himself also these lows by these close people over 70 were killed. Was killed in 2 in reading the Mary Jane and now. She'd made laws that protect him I think he was clever because he was he he knew it seems he knew what was happening and he would make use of these. Strings close some are suggesting into done that all other people who work in prisons by sharing government should face similar charges and they should not be let go and that it should be prosecuted for the wrongs they did while in government do you support the stunts. Why only people who had. Participated in the crisis must be taken to court but according to to know. All this if you do according to law now he is a prime minister and he is activist she spoke with me from Khartoum. The national coordinator for the Tanzania and human rights defenders corelation says respect for human rights in the East African country appears to be declining fast are nice more or less and the room was says as their decision to redraw the right of individuals and N.G.O.s to filed cases against the government and the Irish up days African Court on Human and peoples' rights is unfortunate and regrettable this after our guest in my he got the constitutional and legal affairs minister saying the country well I got here 2 international human rights protocols that do not contravene Tanzania's Constitution and cultural norms for reaction to the minister's statement I written in small only room. So. Why or that. Or not and it's secondly to be there recently. Of. Course it was right that. The. Right. To redraw effect undermines the work being done by non-governmental organizations or human rights groups in Tanzania. Absolutely. Almost the. Country. And this is. The number that court. Could be the leading. People and other people. What will be the legal because some Tanzania's are saying N.G.O.s. And human rights defenders in terms of being allowed to freely operate without any hindrance so your criticism of the government on human rights issues are neither here nor there how do you react to that we have not given the corporation. Because what we're talking about. Really working environment we look at number of. Not only the. Issues in the country. That are. Creating open up. And. Without having too much to do with the compliance and again. You know. So you could see that despite the. Kind of. Environment. Right now I would be also part of a context of. That kind of long term among the kind of. It's now disappearing How would you read the current situation of the respect of human rights in terms of your. Contract to come to the only 2 men I've got to. Think about on specs. For a country to be doing when. You look at numbers overall how doesn't believe and the people in power in terms of human by human body as one of the. And it's sort of like how do I feel a bit according to my. Very little. That's why you want to believe. That one. Little one day and a country it will be little. To look at the possibility that. You know. People. Are going to the national political scene. And if you want to have that kind of positive what. It will be the question on the gun. Will be not about what we enjoy in the country . That we have a little bit. Because. We want our message. But the national coordinator for the Tanzania human rights defenders coalition he spoke with me from. Uganda and Rwanda officials have failed to reach an agreement on most of the contentious issues between them after 8 hours in a closed door meeting the matters have now been referred back to the our respective heads of state from the. Capital Kampala their agenda of the meeting have been set discussed the most contentious issues between the 2 countries need to allegations of destabilizing actions protection of the rights and freedoms of each other and resumption of course but the activity. However the meeting produced no consensus run of Foreign Affairs Minister only Viendo whom gearhead listed actions Rhonda believes are the toxic core of the crisis on groups that are operating here in Uganda and are getting support we have discussed and you have provided information we have provided names so we have also address the issue of Rwandans were arbitrary are arrested on the legally detained on the support of this country Uganda's foreign minister Sam Contessa responded with Uganda's least of contentious issues while denying some of the allegations raised by Rhonda if you think it will take I think your day to give the issue if we don't believe that there will be the power plant every. Family. Should never support. While Rhonda expressed hope that the issues can be resolved in good faith and would wield Uganda said it hoped for truth and trust the president's rundown Uganda signed a memorandum of understanding in August in Angola in which they agreed to walk 2 of the Says along their mutual border that it is meeting was overseen by officials from the Congo and Angola made Bangalore as foreign affairs minister managed to mingle saga stop who is hopeful the crisis will be resolved we are confident that he is the holders of all the necessary conditions to make his dire assets his story really the important role that both his have the geopolitical Bauer's of the subtle vision the foreign ministers agreed to pass the issues to Ugandan president Yoweri 70 and run President Polk a government to decide. And find a way forward money news company Uganda. And Nigerian High Court ordered the police and other security operatives not to arrest attorney if for the police had to clear the lawyer. Of police officers local media say the violence led to the death of 2 police officers who wanted to question him about the murders and reaction to what he described as an invasion by the police the lawyer petitioned the court for over $5000000.00 in damages attorney for went into hiding after the police declared that they wanted him for questioning for more reaction about the court ruling and if you fall in a number of states in Nigeria I personally am going to be out of my hiding what you know and I just said contra we had doubts not respectful of law. Doesn't mean there was always the one the fundamentalists are that God made us that is on the hands of the citizens the youth of a number of statements and that I'm biased This is because I'm very very angry would have been to my house so that everything fostered out to the letter so I'm not from my hiding place I'm walking the streets but after the class will be fine and I'm not going to hide it because I got Medicaid. I would be. The police police. They want that sort of. Settled So let's come to the canonical wasn't happy. About the destruction of my house as shown in the video clips I'm not so sure I would ask for them before the court so they didn't come to the compound. In my house in a glass house and I asked international What expected across the world so what's next for you I use still going to pursue the case of the. Kano for which some suspect you. Into trouble for. With the authorities they pointed out I am not an agent are 30000 volatility and defend in numbers and I feel remember us that I could take me my life because I know that they are coming to know friends and. So it must proceed with my my profession. And also to send a message to delete when the best I'm going to think would not actually informed me why my house was violating invented by the United States I must follow discus to its logical conclusion so I understand you have sent a petition to the speaker of the National Assembly Waterhouse calm of that petition and what are you seeking from the speaker not only sent to me that my petition to be got a chance somebody I will says the Bush on the going of on of us States and also have us I'm going to rest it's. Going to push on for us am embassy. You know then the Shawn on the floor and a lot of fun and. Who have been a key in Washington going on in Nigeria have expected us I could be in the list Gandhi but I'm the authorities I put that letter to get on and I don't government numbers the government does the food. To investigate the carnage the brother let him. Listen my house on the 2nd of December to 19 you need to be in business at that because it's only when that's. Going to mastermind that we're not done I'm going to say I want transparency and not sit in my life somebody a lawyer in my class would be house whom would be invited to such minor bloody minded people what that primes house is destroyed in the numbers in such as me. And I don't know which of those that call me that that would have been a comment at the exact such that I would put it. Understates I am only so to speak on I was I'm a single woman and if I got my finances social to promote on the Imus the going of the moment established to step up the food but I don't want it to it just gets them the 2nd of December to an end because I sense the police. Did kind of how does that kind of on my home kill people then and so I saw the I'm not there pushing things as get any good can't go do kind of enabling business on this bill remember so that's actually why I'm sick and crime in the u.s. Of dilettantes audience is another example I've been shown to to prevent understates stomach I'm talking about it I got it is that what I find math if you fall in there lead attorney for unarmed econo leader of the indigenous people of Biafra it Bob He spoke with me from a number of states in Nigeria. The Malawian Public Affairs Committee says it will continue with efforts to find ways to resolving the country's political tension according to Robert Feeley chief executive officer of the Public Affairs Committee or Poc the group is engaging with all stakeholders us citizens are we a court decision over the disputed presidential election by the opposition united transformation movement or u.t.m. Led by former vice president Dr Salo Shalala says it will not engage in peace talks until the court ruling for more on the effort to resolve the political tension I reach Robert Phiri chief executive officer of the Public Affairs Committee Pac and the Republicans have a meeting with the media is shown. That. They are or are they that. What had transpired from the meeting that we held with. United not transformation movement my Congress party. Yeah so how do you make the. The head of states we needed to go back to the courts and the parties to polling day fall on the Queen we go to the head of state regarding the battle cost of knowledge so what has been the response so far from them off to convey the response from the government or the head of state there is a general point of fact in terms of respecting the outcome of the court I think departed to recline the importance of that in the minds of Malawians in terms of the time of the court to be that way to come because the to name a ticket to a sham have always the court can make a determination that can really. Do anything to be that of course if we see the conclusion of the Montane in the court whether by the court will be pronouncing the ruling next day. But yes. It's going to come out of that meeting there was a statement by some that perhaps we have to wait for the court the ruling then from that we can depend mean in terms of what could be the identity. As regards the datto quickies generality but expected and well come in the current political situation is their major concern be. The United transformation movement. Will not participate in any dialogue on 2 of the court ruling is what you are referring to what the way is the u.t.m. Hunt given Not that it's part of my understanding is that exactly the one thing that they believe we have to wait for the court or in the u.t.m. Of causation for the human life descended. On the clock or the Wake had to make sure that the dialogue takes place in this hall before the court ruling what I can say I've. The moment mediate clash of Public Affairs Committee they will have to convene on the review of the meeting and how they thought we can afford that on the recall mandation that. Dialogue is required probably of the court ruling we don't expect both both responses from the court because they had different parties in terms of quite. The issues which needed to be codified take the train people do feed but not to go to and from all the groups all still cool did it so walked from street force to tried to resolve this wanted to call attention in their country. That is practical to not touch so there is no frustration because of different ways on the data we are talking about has to be done and told in context the etc Did he did not go to court as a complainant on the presidential election case more phones were really more from the civil side the point of view in our discussions in which case when we are talking about a dialogue these have to be under 2 different levels and you can have a dialogue with the head of state and they kind of to put the did I'm not saying that quite good to happen but it does support the disease then you can have a dialogue which can take place with those who are representing the major political parties who are going to the court that another arrangement in all these arrangements all possibilities there should it be the case that the party completely doesn't want dialogue as of now that does not necessarily for free because the red ink on vision of the dialogue for us is not to discuss the underlying issues namely the issues which have come out like a victory for port security in Europe both issues of corruption the like you can't discuss those within a short period of time but you can have dialogue where you can prepare Malawian court rulings. I have been involved in bloody well you can do that but even that is how you can under the. Gun laws. That. Robert Fieri is the chief executive officer of the Malawian Public Affairs Committee or Pac he spoke with me from the capital on the lonely. And you're listening to Nightline Africa on they listen to some of the Voice of America I'm your host Peter Clottey in Washington d.c. Coming up in very 2nd half of Madeleine Africa they started a music spot from a collection of music from the continent but 1st the Algerian electric Commission says former prime minister Gita borning is every official we know with as this presidential election received 58 percent of all votes cast voter turnout high about was low and many arguments say they will continue the a protest against the government for the early ed a year and you know how small from the Egyptian capital Cairo. Large crowds of protesters turned out in the capital Algiers Friday despite word from the country Selectric commission that former prime minister of the nation to bloom won a resoundingly victory in the presidential election commission had Mohamed Shafi gave the official figures and that's a huge and a well he. Says that preliminary results show that album as she took 14000000 950000 votes for a total of 58.415 percent of all ballots cast. Sharf he said 2nd place finisher up Bill cutter been green a captured one and a half 1000000 votes or 17 percent of those cast official figures put voter turnout at 40 percent although many analysts said the real number was probably much lower Paul Sullivan a professor at the u.s. National Defense University tells v.o.a. That it is not clear where things might be heading in the post-election period but that many Algerians are not pleased by the results where many might be caring for now I know not sure I'm in Algeria. Islands related to the election down here you. Don't believe and on the elections in Iran and that your point is not Sullivan added that the length of the new president's tenure will reflect how well he listens to the voice of the Algerian people Algeria's protest movement opposes the predominance of the ruling elite in governing the country since independence from France in 1962 Algerian analyst on Maher been told Arab media that the new president must offer some sort of concession to the protest movement because if there is no national consensus he won't be able to accomplish anything Benjamin that added however that he thinks to Boone understands the critical situation and the need to make a gesture toward the protest movement a picture posted on social media showing to Boone chatting with Army Chief of Staff General Ahmed guide Sala while sharing a cigarette cause some Algerians to question the new president's close ties to the military general Sala is widely thought to be the most powerful man in Algeria I'm not I'm not on the quantum of the only thought of Shah I'm not I'm not the Shah to Bumi. Tains however that he hopes he is supported by the people and that he ran as an independent despite the fact people longs to the largest political party in the country Edward Uranian for v.o.a. News Cairo. African prosecutors and investigators say they need more training and skills to be able to arrest and prosecute nimble human traffickers often stay one step ahead of them they've made the call of the African Union estimates that poverty paved the way for $3500000.00 Africans to be trafficked for forced labor sexual exploitation and other acts of slavery for the. House more for their one on capital cut new technologies any persuasive promises of better opportunities for naive of victims I am under the contributing factors which bring perpetrators of closer to that targets Danny bathroom is a prosecutor from the main challenge is that criminal. One step ahead of prosecution mainly because they evolve faster than we do. As an organized. Criminal activity they are always on the. Move to look for new ways to avoid detection and arrest African investigators say the shortage of technical skills to investigate in the fall of traffickers mess their case fail while victims keep being sold to silently mostly most of our cases fail at the point of investigation so you find that even as a prosecutor. You're going to court with a case that hasn't been nobody investigated thing becomes a challenge even in how to go about who I think it is such a case John a dozy international devise of. The American attorney general suspicion say's African leaders need to Argenti address these problems because many countries are open to exploitation many African countries are poor because of poverty people are lied to but the perpetrators of these crimes and the the they lie to the pot people in the society they take advantage of the poor people and we see a lot of it from region to region of the prosecutor generally Mabrey haven't yet in the Ses prosecutors investigators also need to be trained on how to carry out a joint international intelligence because perpetrators are transits neighboring countries mostly it's about training investigation training on investigation techniques they would be or saw how they can cooperate countries they kind of cooperate how prosecutors and of investigators can cooperate in terms of intelligence in terms of investigating those crimes in general that would be the purpose the wonder investigation to be to really say as it has recorded in more than 189 human trafficking cases over the last 5 years last year alone rebut recorded for 9 cases involving 80 victims 78 suspects apprehended and 25 victims rescued every part rated to their respective countries the United Nations office and the drugs and crime you n o d c What do I report for June indicated that in the most common form of human trafficking 79 percent is sexual exploitation with the victims predominantly being women and girls as women are for v.o.a. News to go and. Shoot. The begging letter Nations Children's Fund all Unicef says the number of children whose But our official are registered as increasing. Country worldwide but a 166000000 under the age of 5 remain unregistered maybe sporgery has more from the Guinea and Coppertone Arkwright there are reports titled barefoot just ration for every child I didn't eternity truck 6 to analyze data from 174 countries released by uni save on East own saving to take beneath the the records changes that the book was to our children and I heard he said. Around 20 percent for 10 years igloo increasing from 63 percent to 75 percent 104 units at regional director for eastern and southern Africa sees the need for a basically it's linked to the right and I dainty that assures children of assets to services such as education health and protection he says policy makers provide services needed to our children's lives so this in no way is blown in the countries to create the right policies perceived tidal forces countries like it Sylvia Malawi Chad Zambia. And a lot of trust pseudo fridge still 50 percent off children after behave well King at South Africa and let me be frank see that attritional would he say some counters were recorded Lou a number of big ridge street because of the city centralization of services subsystem. And. Some pieces of so required. Some steps just. Other steps that. I kept getting up to 76 and. That's. For me so it works I run without a past and government. Issues he see the pope was not children reason for being said he has gone out triggering an Asian countries Bangladesh India. In sub-Saharan Africa. The 1st step to. Achieve. Full express consent little local political will by African governments and the absence on the rights of police tried to arrest the issue it bodes ill for the view I am maybe so sure in Ghana. My. Right nice time for music from opera can collect a new hearing from Milan today with a newly released trump your Db on followed would be with you on our current a movie with I'm still here as a with your diary and then now while I. Answer with lay out. That this is in front of. You wish to remain. With. Whatever. And you know then. And that was music from the continent we hope you enjoyed it. Africa comes to your Saturdays and Sundays at $16.00 and $18.00 u t c from going to service of the floors of America and for the rest of the night line team. Doing and I. Thank you for joining us tonight I remember the elders say they out of there were. Fired like limpid water I mean. Washington Good evening Africa. This is via way News I'm Jim bird tell North Korea says it has performed another successful test at its long range rocket launch site a.p. Has been Thomas report North Korea's Academy of Defense Science says what it describes as a crucial test was the 2nd carried out at the So a satellite launching ground in a week separately the chief of the army's general staff States North Korea has built up tremendous power and the findings will be used to develop new weapons to allow the country to definitely and reliably counter u.s. Nuclear threats analysts see the statements as an indication the tests likely involve technologies to improve intercontinental ballistic missiles that could potentially reach the u.s. North Korea has been trying to pressure the trumpet ministration for major concessions as Kim Jong un's end of year deadline for nuclear negotiations approaches Ben Thomas Washington in New Zealand Police divers spent Saturday searching for 2 victims of a volcano eruption that left at least 15 dead and dozens severely burned New Zealand deputy police commissioner my Clement says they are also planning another search on the island and we're working towards a plan that hopefully has a strong backing to be on tomorrow but that's not finally decided yet we've got to make sure that the planning process move this meticulous for the reasons that are spelt out previously but we're up to and say near the island near the jetty with the dos what the place to ask what's being up here since the end of this morning and I'll be that being joined the South and by the night be docked squad with a means it is wanting to back on saying police believe one of the missing bodies was sighted in the water close to the island by rescue teams on Tuesday the European Commission says its member states will hold a donor's conference in January in Albania to help the Balkan country rebuild after an earthquake that killed 51 people last month the quake left more than 13000 people homeless and damaged more than 14000 buildings from Washington this is via way news. British Prime Minister Boris Johnson traveled to the northern part of the country today to thank the voters for his all action when our job is to serve the people of this country and to do this book on our priorities and that's right our priorities and their priorities are the same and that process getting back to time but it is also delivering on our National Health Service our education safer streets that the hospitals a better.

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