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The white house. Democrat Hillary Clinton, who scweekd by in iowa, only to be buried in a New Hampshire landslide, faces even odds against Bernie Sanders in nevada. Ted cruz is closing on republican donald trump, is looking to South Carolina for a second win. The rest of the g. O. P. Candidates are struggling to keep their campaigns alive. Were going to start with the democrats tonight. Heres nancy cordes. Reporter with time running out in nevada, clinton courted Union Workers in las vegas i did not just wake up one day and say, oh, my goodness, workers are being mistreated reporter while sanders stumped in rural nevada. Let us go forward together. Reporter the state will be the first test of their appeal to minority voters. Nevada is more than a quarter latino. Clinton has tried to blunt sanders momentum here by dimensional, focused only on income inequality. What do you think of secretary clinton cawlings you a oneissue candidate . Obviously, she has not been listening to my how far and a half speech. Reporter both are campaigning with one eye on the larger South Carolina primary democrats will hold a week from tomorrow. She worked to reform juvenile justice in South Carolina, exposed racism in alabama schools. Reporter clinton released a new ad today narrated by morgan freeman, and she won the endorsement of the highest ranking African American in congress, South Carolinas james clyburn. And i believe that the future of the Democratic Party and the United States of america will be best served with the experiences and knowhow of Hillary Clinton as our 45th president. Reporter clyburn had been planning to remain publicly neutral in the primary, but he changed his mind, scott, after hampshire and pulled even with her here in nevada. Pelley the nevada vote tomorrow. Nancy cordes, thanks very much. Today, Major Garrett talked with donald trump and asked him the same question that we asked clinton yesterday, does he subscribe to the truthtelling standard that jimmy carter set in the 1976 campaign when he said, i will never lie to you . I would be very, very satisfied just to say i dont lie, and, you know, she sort of fudged it a little bit. Which i didnt love, but i understood what she was saying. Lie. You know, one of my problems is im straight. I tell it straight. I tell it like it is. Reporter we interviewed donald trump before a noon rally in myrtle beach. The crowd of more than 5,000 began arriving at 6 00 a. M. Do you ever worry if youre elected president ,ul let them down . I will be so disappointed in myself. There are so many things to do. Our country is so far behind. We owe 19 trillion. No, i dont want to let those people down. Reporter do you feel that as a burden, though, if you become president . Its a burden. It makes it tougher for me. I dont want to let these people down. Reporter a day after calling the pope disgraceful, trump softened his tone. Well, i think he was in a not as severe as the media let it known. But this morning he was so nice and i really appreciate it. Reporter is this an issue for the papacy to get involved in anyway, illegal immigration. Look, mexico is ripping off this country, theyre ripping us off between the drug trade and the illegal immigration and they said to the pope something and he went out with it. But he didnt know the United States stand. He didnt know where we are or our people but he was terrific. Reporter we also asked about a september 2002 radio where trump said he backed the war with iraq despite saying the opposite on the campaign trail. You could see that was a very person that ever asked me about the war. Un, im a businessperson, so theyre not asking me about the war. Then shortly after that, i started saying i started really studying it and looking at it. I didnt like it because youre going to ruin in the balance in the middle east, which is what happened. Reporter trump also said he does not believe the most recent poll here showing the race tritening with ted cruz. Scott, trump said he expects to win and if the republican field shrinks in the aftermath intends to pick up a good portion of the vote those who quit leave behind. Pelley and the vote in South Carolina is tomorrow, as well. That poll major mentioned shows trump with only a fivepoint lead over cruz, but other polls show a wider margin for trump. So the real battle is for second place, the trump alternative. And with some insight into that, John Dickerson is joining us, the anchor of face the nation. John. Scott, ted cruz has been second in the polls to be the first trump alternative. Carolina looks like iowa, state where he won, with about the same number of people who identify as very conservative and evangelical christians. Marco rubio, trying to come in second after his fifthplace finish in New Hampshire, needs either to come in second or to come in a close third to make his case that hes the mainstream answer to donald trump. For jeb bush and ben carson, this is a makeorbreak. Bush brought out his mother and his brother to campaign for him this week, and if he has a lacklustre showing the curtain will start to come down. Thats true, also, for carson. John kasich is not expected to do well. His game plan relies on midwestern states like michigan. He just has to hope his rivals dont do too well in South Carolina which would make it hard for him to stay in the conversation. Pelley the winnowing continues. John dickerson, our political director. Thank you. In another story tonight, the Justice Department asked a federal judge today to force apple to unlock an iphone that bernardino terrorists. Apple says that if it did, all of its customers would lose their right to privacy. Jim axelrod has discovered there are many more of these battles than you might think. Reporter the battle over access to the San Bernardino shooters cell phone is far from an isolated case. The manhattan d. A. s office said its investigating cases involving 175 apple products with encryption similar to syed farooks phone, cases ranging from homicide to child sexual abuse. Cyrus vance jr. It is very difficult to explain to a victim of crime that we cannot get the evidence that may identify the individual who committed the crime because the Cell Phone Company and know better. Reporter apple c. E. O. Tim cook says hes fighting the order to devise a way past the iphones encryption system to keep his consumers safe. But the reality is if you put reporter john miller is Deputy Commissioner of the n. Y. P. D. He says apple could develop a vote codeto break into the phone, get the information it needs, then destroy it. Tim cook says, im doing this for the safety of my customers, meaning so that we have an impregnable phone. I have to ask how many people who died on the floor in San Bernardino or in paris had iphones in their pockets as they were being killed by the terrorists . They are tim cooks customers, too. Reporter today, a senior apple executive told cbs news, if we break this phone at 8 00 a. M. , destroy the code, then at 10 a. M. , we get another subpoena. But why is apples cooperation necessary at all . Mike morrell is the former number two at the c. I. A. Isnt there somebody who currently works for the c. I. A. Or the n. S. A. Who could do what the government wants apple to do . In the last year, 18 months in the ability to protect information in these kind of devices, that the government has simply fallen behind in its capabilities. Reporter the next chapter in the legal battle in this case will unfold march 22. That is when a judge will hear arguments from both sides in a federal government in california. Pelley jim, thanks very much. American warplanes bombed an isis camp in libya overnight. About 40 people were killed, described by the u. S. As isis recruits. Likely among the dead air, tunisian suspected of planning major terrorist attacks attacks in tunisia last year. A limited ceasefire was supposed to quiet the guns today in syria. It didnt. The fiveyearold civil war is even more chaotic because some rebel groups backed by the United States are now attacking each other. Holly williams has our report. Reporter this is the first groups are fighting each other in syria. It appears to show Syrian Rebels using an americansupplied missile against kurdish fighters, who are also supported by the u. S. The two groups are now battling for the same territory in northern syria. Meanwhile, a car bomb in the turkish capital, ankara, on wednesday has brought tensions between the u. S. And its close ally turkey to a breaking point. The attack on a military convoy killed 28 people and turkeys blaming a Kurdish Group. The same group that americas backing in syria in the fight against isis. Today, the turkish president recep tayyip erdogan, demanded that america declare the Kurdish Group a terrorist organization. Involvement in the bomb, but turkeys anger with the u. S. Could have big ramifications for the fight against isis because, scott, the u. S. Led coalition uses a turkish airbase to launch pelley holly williams, thanks. The show of respect was unanimous today for Supreme Court associate justice antonin scalia. Hour after hour, mourners filed past his casket in the great hall of the court. Prayers were led by his own son, a catholic priest. Heres our chief Legal Correspondent jan crawford. Reporter Justice Scalia arrived at the court for a final time with his former law clerks there to see him up the steps of the institution he served for 30 years. His family looking on. Waiting inside the great hall were his fellow justices. My brothers and sisters. Reporter the service was brief and moving. Led the prayersarchs his wife, maureen, and their eight other children and most of their 36 grandchildren flanked the casket. We ask this through christ our lord. Reporter the justices and their spouses stood silently, their faces etched in grief. None of the eight justices have served on the Court Without the largerthanlife scalia. His sudden death will upend the decisions. As the president gets ready to nominate his successor, he took time away from politicking friday afternoon to pay his respects with the first lady. The couple paused as they left painting of scalia. Earlier in the afternoon, two of the leading candidates to replace scalia, federal Appeals Court judges patricia millett, and sri srinivasan, also paid respects. And throughout the day, long lines formed as members of the public waited to go inside, a quiet moment far removed from the brewing battle over the nomination. The father, and the son. Leaves the court divided 44, its future hanging in the balance, a family without its patriarch. Now, the president and the first lady also met privately with some members of scalias family. He will not be attending the funeral tomorrow, scott. The Vice President gl instead. Pelley jan crawford at the court for us tonight. Jan, thank you. Well, emotions ran high at a hearing for the teen who used an affluenza defense for drunk driving. And president obama says she changed america for the better. Well remember harper lee when the cbs evening news continues. Youre young or old. No matter who you are a heart attack can happen without warning. If youve had a heart attack, a bayer aspirin regimen can help prevent another one. Be sure to talk to your doctor before you begin an aspirin regimen. Bayer aspirin. 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Its not easy seeing sergio this way as a so, player and now you see him in this place. Its not easy. Reporter outings are rare, but today lemus wanted ethan couch to see her son in a wheelchair, so she took him to couchs hearing. Alex is her oldest son. You can try to smile and tell them no matter what happened, youre still here, that you still got dreams of playing soccer, man . Reporter it appeared sergio lifted his leg. The family insists he was trying to speak for himself. I just want him back. I dont care about money. I dont care about anything. I just want my son back. Reporter scott, the sheriff said today hes noticed ever since ethan couch was in fort worth, the seriousness of the situation and what he did to those people seems more real to him now. Pelley david begnaud, thanks. Pelley they dont do one thing but sing their hearts out for us. Thats why its a sin to kill a mockingbird. The writer of that classic line and novel harper lee died last night at the age of 89, a woman who, like her character, boo radley, preferred to stay inside the small world where she was born, monroeville, alabama. Anthony mason has her story. Reporter when president bush awarded her the medal of freedom in 2007, harper lee had published only one novel, but it was a giant. To kill a mockingbird won a Pulitzer Prize in 1961, spent 88 weeks atop the bestseller list, and became an oscarwinning film. Scout. Depressionera alabama, its a story seen through the eyes of young scout finch, whose father atticus, defends a black man falsely accused of raping a white woman. What happened to you on the evening of august 21 of last year. Reporter Nelle Harper Lee grew up in scouts world as she described in 1964. 1964. Reporter that was the last extended interview lee ever gave. She is the most private woman i have ever known. Reporter friend wayne flint said lees next project was helping her neighbor, truman capote, research a kansas murder for his 1966 book. And i think you could make a very good case for the fact there would be no in cold blood were it not for the reporter her only other novel appeared last year, go set a watched man put her back on the top of the bestseller list. All she wanted to be was a chronicler of southern life. Her tale of that time became what many consider the towering american novel of the 20th century. Anthony mason, cbs news, new york. Pelley steve hartmans next. Its easy to love your laxative when that lax loves your body back. Only miralax hydrates, eases and softens to unblock naturally, so you have peace of mind from start to finish. Love your laxative. Miralax. I sure had a lot on my mind when i got out of the hospital after a dvt blood clot. What about my family . My lil buddy . And what if this happened again . 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So im throwing them the thank you party to show them i still appreciate them. Reporter last year, in the midst of all those police protests, 11yearold jeremie bordua, who had always wanted to be a Police Officer, asked his mom, marcella, if he picked the wrong profession. He goes, mom, the cops are still the good guys, right . I said, yup, there are some bad Police Officers and there are still the good ones who are trying to protect themselves. Reporter jeremie got that but he still dwnt like the idea of the good booing lumped in with the bad and he told his mom for the next birthday all he party for police, assuming they would come. I mean, i thought maybe there would be three or foreguys here. Yeah, me, too. Reporter you, too . I didnt know it was going to be this big, really. Happy birthday to you. Reporter once word got out, more than 100 officers responded. How are you reporter and not just from lancing but from all over the state of michigan. Thanks again. Deputy james revell drove here from georgia. I just want to say thank you for doing all that you do for us. Youre welcome. Because he saw not every Police Officer is bad. Thank you. Were human beings and thats what he sees in us. Theres one person that really recognizes what we truly are out here to do. There just arent kid like that. Reporter gary hall flew in from los angeles. I have to tell you, jeremie, how much this really means to us, and how. How humble you are. Reporter the kid had no idea the depth of their gratitude. Thank you. Reporter but he was about youre a good boy. Thank you. applause reporter see, to help make all this happen, jeremie not only gave up his party but his presents as well. So in appreciation for that sacrifice, the Lancing Police department made him an honorary member of their force. We also have a hat for you. Reporter gave him a real uniform, right down to the badge. So im going to pin this badge on you, okay . Okay. Reporter last year at this time, jeremie wasnt sure he wanted to be a cop, but now he is unwaivering. If you pull me over, i get out of my speeding ticket. And incorruptible. Probably not. Reporter steve hartman, michigan. Pelley and thats the cbs evening news for tonight. For all of us at cbs news, all around the world, good night. Captioning sponsored by cbs captioned by i do everything on the internet. But, its kind of slow. My friends say i should get fios because its the fastest. I just downloaded 600 photos in 60 seconds. Thats seriously better. husband were out of 2 i wonder what else could be better around here . husband i heard that. Switching to Better Internet is now easier than ever. Only fios has the Fastest Internet available, with uploads up to 5x faster than cable. Get 100 meg upload and download speeds. Plus tv and phone for just 69. 99 a month online with no annual contract. Switch to better. You could win has always dreamed of. In the disney sea shore sweepstakes. Wheel. Of. Fortune [ cheers and applause ] ladies and gentlemen, here are the stars of americas game pat sajak and vanna white. [ cheers and applause ] thank you. Thank you, jim. Thanks, everybody. I feel we made a bigger arc than we usually make. We did. Did we . Oh, we got to go. Hi. Good to see you all

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