Thats right. Theres exactly one week until election day and this is probably a bad sign, but thats where the calendar just stops. [ laughter ] House Speaker paul ryan told reporters today that he voted for donald trump. And i think we actually have a clip of paul ryan heading to the polls. [ laughter ] seth tough day for that dude. Its a tough day. [ applause ] at yesterdays halloween at the white house event, on the south lawn, president obama sang purple rain to a young boy who came dressed as prince. Said that young boy, im supposed to be hillary. [ laughter ] at the White House Halloween Party yesterday, the president and first lady did the dance from Michael Jacksons thriller. While joe biden did the dance from risky business. [ laughter and applause ] ted cruz posted a photo on twitter last night of himself dressed as the phantom of the opera for halloween. [ audience ohs ] said trickortreaters, ah we can still see half your face [ laughter ] a pennsylvania rapper who has a song called sell drugs was arrested this week for allegedly selling narcotics. [ light laughter ] even worse, his attorney has a song called lose cases. [ laughter ] thats even worse. Imagine. The worlds oldest person, who turns 117 this month, revealed that she eats two raw eggs every single day. When asked why, she said, because no one will cook them for me. [ laughter ] do you know how to make eggs . [ light laughter ] google has announced its partnering with the new harry potter spinoff to create an app that will allow fans to use spells to control their phones. Hopefully it includes the spell group textus removus. [ laughter ] the u. S. Department of agriculture has approved production of two types of potatoes that are genetically engineered to resist the pathogen that caused the irish potato famine. And just in the nick of time. [ laughter ] does anyone know how to cook eggs . [ light laughter ] and finally, google is reportedly working on an update to the mobile version of its chrome web browser to make it easier for people to use one handed. So i guess theyre finally admitting what most people are using the internet for. [ laughter and applause ] ladies and gentlemen, we have a great show for you tonight. He is an incredible actor. He is an Academy Awardwinning musician. He has a new album called black america again. Common is here tonight. [ cheers and applause ] shes the star and creator of a fantastic new show on fx, Better Things. The very funny, the wonderful pamela adlon is here tonight. [ cheers and applause ] and we have music tonight from one of my all time favorites, john prine with iris dement. [ cheers and applause ] and you are absolutely going to love it. Without hyperbole, the most excited ive been for a musical guest. This was john prine was someone who really was the sound track of growing up in my house, in the meyers family. My parents actually flew down for the show tonight. So there are some real luminaries in the house tonight, you guys. [ cheers and applause ] there they are. And theyre excited. Dad wore the good coat also [ cheers ] the silver fox you guys, this news broke a while ago. I have a baby now. I have a kid. [ cheers ] and hes 7 months old, so you dont have to do the math to know or you can, but first halloween was yesterday, which is very exciting. And he went as a lamb. There he is. [ audience aws ] check out check out baby ashe. I showed this to one of my writers, who said it looked like this was a mug shot [ laughter ] that they took after the cops found him stealing candy. And we do have a dog named frisbee. And you can bet that my wife got frisbee in on the act. There they are. [ audience aws ] ashe wore his costume all day. Frisbee wore that for about two and a half minutes before she tore it off her head. And here they are. Heres my wife. Heres my wonderful wife, alexi and ashe out trickortreating. [ audience aws ] [ applause ] and i asked my wife, how was trickortreating . And she said, it was great. We saw Sarah Jessica parker. And i said, dont say we. he didnt see her. [ light laughter ] how was trickortreating . He said, we saw the girl from divorced. [ light laughter ] because hes not old enough to have seen sex and the city. [ laughter ] he wouldnt have known it he cant possibly know what that show is yet. All right, you guys, before we move on to all of our fantastic guests, which im very much looking forward to, one thing about donald trump thats become very clear throughout this campaign is just how much he underestimated the incredible amount of public scrutiny hed get as a president ial candidate. And now that scrutiny may be hurting him in the place he cares about the most, his wallet. For more on this its time for a closer look. [ cheers and applause ] seth remember, before he became a president ial candidate, donald trump was a blustery new york city businessman known mostly to voters not for the person he was behind closed doors, but for the character he played in tabloids and on tv. And as he has often reminded us in recent weeks, back then life was so much easier. I used to get such good publicity, folks. Now, i mean, its like its incredible. I used to get my life was so simple. My life was so simple. I had a beautiful, simple life. Seth that of course is a line from the classic donald Trump Christmas movie its a beautiful, simple life, so beautiful, like you wouldnt believe, the simplest and most beautiful life, everybody says so. [ cheers and applause ] and of course, i dont need to tell you that in that film every time a bell rings a Victoria Secret angel gets groped. [ laughter ] but of course, this Long Campaign unearthed for public view all kinds of deeply unflattering information about trumps Business Record from his six bankruptcies to his loss of nearly 1 billion in 1995. Just last night, the New York Times reported that trump avoided reporting hundreds of millions of dollars in taxable income by using a tax avoidance maneuver so legally dubious it was later outlawed by congress. I have a feeling if trump becomes president a lot of laws are going to be passed to outlaw his behavior. For example, congress is going to have to pass a bill making it illegal to force female senators to wear a sash with the state theyre from. [ light laughter ] basically trump pressured his financial backers to forgive hundreds of millions of dollars in debt. Now that forgiven debt would normally have counted as income that trump would have had to pay taxes on. But trumps maneuver gave him a way to simply avoid reporting any of that cancelled debt to the i. R. S. , allowing him to avoid paying income taxes he might otherwise have owed on books, tv shows, or branding deals. Trump avoided paying taxes on his books . If anything, he should have had to pay people to read his books. Because one of his books is actually called think big and kick ass in business and life, which is still number one on the New York Times list of bestselling books for wall street bankers to snort cocaine off. [ laughter ] [ applause ] now trumps defense for this kind of tax dodging has basically been to blame Hillary Clinton. After years of failure, she complains about how ive used the tax laws of this country to my benefit. Then i ask a simple question, why didnt she ever try to change those laws so i couldnt use them . Seth thats kind of like saying, yes, i strangled her, but its her fault for having a neck. [ laughter ] but it wasnt just his Business Record that was central to his brand before he got into this race. There was also the impression that because trump was wealthy he must also be smart. But the image of trump as a genius billionaire has also been undercut during this campaign, most recently by his own Campaign Aides who talk about him the way you talk about a child. Just look at what his campaign manager, kellyanne conway, said recently about her strategy for getting trump not to tweet nasty things. Quote, you have these people saying delete the app. Stop tweeting. i would say, here are a couple of cool things we should tweet today. [ laughter ] its like saying to someone how about having two brownies and not six . [ light laughter ] and that really encapsulates where we are in this election. It counts as a victory to convince someone to only eat two brownies. But how do you get an unruly child to agree to eat two brownies instead of six . By tricking them into thinking it was their idea in the first place. In fact, one trump donor came up with a helpful acronym to explain trumps refusal to accept any ideas that arent his. Quote, trump has the following personality n. I. H, n. F. W. Meaning if its not invented here, then its no [ bleep ] way. [ laughter ] man, that is a. R. S. F. A. , a really stupid [ bleep ] acronym. [ laughter and applause ] trump trump of course is also famously resistant to listening to other people. But conway said she discovered another way to get advice across to him go on tv. Quote, a way you can communicate with him is you go on tv to communicate. They have to go on tv and then make trump watch it to communicate with him. Which explains this recent episode of dora the explorer. Stay on message. Stop tweeting at 3 00 in the morning. [ light laughter ] stop attacking women on their appearance please dont deport me. Por favor, no me deporte. [ laughter ] seth so even by his own campaigns account [ applause ] trump is a child who has to be manipulated to listen to his aides. And then theres trumps philanthropy. On the surface, trump seemed like a generous supporter of charitable causes, but again, now that hes running for president reporters have unearthed unflattering stories about that Charitable Giving that undercut the image he projected. Like this story reported over the weekend by Washington Post reporter david fahrenthold. This charity in new york, the association to benefit children, that was having a ribboncutting for a new Nursery School for children with aids in 1996. Trump hadnt given them money. He wasnt invited to the fundraiser. He was not a donor at all, but he showed up anyway and actually stole a seat on the stage that was reserved for another donor. He sat there through the whole thing, pretended like he was a donor. When the whole ceremony is over, and the photographer stopped taking pictures, he left and didnt offer any money. Seth he showed up at a benefit for children with aids and pretended to be a donor. That sounds like a story line from an episode of curb your enthusiasm. [ laughter ] what . The chair was empty, so i took the chair there was an empty chair youre a [ bleep ] ass[ bleep ], larry youre a [ bleep ] ass[ bleep ] [ laughter and applause ] and thats just one of the stories in this new report. In 1997, for example, trump was principal for a day at a Public School in an impoverished area of the bronx. The chess team was holding a bake sale. The post reports that trump had brought something to wow them. He handed them a fake Million Dollar bill. The teams parents volunteers were thrilled, then disappointment. Trump then gave them 200 in real money and drove away in a limousine. [ light laughter ] did he also do donuts in the limo while yelling suck it out the window . So the character trump played in tabloids and on tv of a generous, intelligent billionaire has been undercut by his president ial campaign. And now there are signs that the one thing he cares about most, his brand, is hurting as a result. Signs are emerging that Trumps Campaign may be hurting his billiondollar business. At some manhattan buildings bearing the trump name, residents now petitioning to have the golden letters removed. There are signs Trumps White House bid is hurting his brand. His latest hotel not called trump at all. Instead, scion. Seth wow, his new hotel isnt named after him. That is heartbreaking. Trump loved putting his name on buildings. Hes like the tyler perry of real estate. [ light laughter ] and as madea would say, its a lurvely hurtel. [ laughter ] this has been tyler perrys a closer look. Well be right back with common. [ cheers and applause ] were the judges right in saying were the best tasting light beer . You be the judge. Spelled different because its brewed different. Alright, hows this for a tv show. Sous chef. Lawyer by day, prepcook by night. Also, his name is sous. No. Sloppy joseph. A middleaged man whos trying to get his life together, but he cant hes to sloppy. Huhhh no here you go. I got this. I get cash back so its like everythings on sale. With the blue cash everyday card from American Express you get cash back on purchases with no annual fee. Everythings on sale a Home Shopping show takes place on a sailboat. Thats the one banana boat dessert on me. Look at you being all lactose tolerant. Its more than cash back. Its backed by the service and security of American Express. Its more than cash back. Dry spray . Thats fun. Its already dry no wait time. This is great. Its very soft. Can i keep it . laughter all the care of dove. Now in a dry antiperspirant spray. Awarded best of beauty by allure. When you hit 300,000 miles. Or here, when you walked away without a scratch. Maybe it was the day your baby came home. Or maybe the day you realized your baby was not a baby anymore. Every subaru is built to earn your trust. Because we know what youre trusting us with. Subaru. Kelley blue books most trusted brand. And best overall brand. Love. Its what makes a subaru, a subaru. Sometimes, you feel the need hanes wants to end the smellfie. Those quick self sniffs. To check the ol smell levels. But this thing weve all done doesnt need to be a thing. Theres a smart way to stay fresh. Hanes with freshiq advanced odorprotection technology. Bonus packs available now. [ cheers and applause ] seth welcome back to late night, everybody. Please give it up for the 8g band right over there. [ cheers and applause ] also she is the former drummer for the one and only prince and the first single from her new husband and wife duo, counterculture, womens intuition is out now. Hannah welton is here, everybody. [ cheers and applause ] thank you so much for being here, hannah. Our first guest tonight is a rapper and actor who you know from his work in the films barbershop 3 and selma, for which he won an Academy Award for best original song. His latest album, black america again, is out this friday. Please welcome to the show, common. [ cheers and applause ] seth welcome. How you doing, bro . Seth im good. Im so happy to have you here. Grateful to be here. Thank you for having me. Seth so i want to start with this. I know youre from chicago. I know youre a white sox fan. Yes. Seth can a white sox fan root for the cubs in a time like this . Yes. A white sox fan has to root for the cubs. Seth okay. Even though theres some hardcore white sox fans who will not root for the cubs and root against them. Seth but you are trying to bridge this gap. Im bridging this gap. You know, im about unity [ light laughter ] seth yeah. And, um, chicago im from chicago. I want to see the cubs win. A hundred years, man . [ cheers and applause ] a hundred years. Come on. Seth i think even if you didnt like the cubs, if they win they can finally stop being victims and be so irritating all the time about were cursed they can just be quiet. We need that and even with bartman, you know seth yeah. It would be nice to see him be you know free of that. Redeemed. Redemption, yeah. Seth redeemed. Now you i did not know this about you. You were a ball boy for the Chicago Bulls back in the day. Yeah. Seth so, how youre a kid then, right . Yeah. I was 12 years old and thats exactly when Michael Jordan first he got drafted when i was the ball boy for the bulls. Seth thats an incredible time to be doing that. Now is it all glitz and glamour being a ball boy or is there an underside . I mean, you know it looks good. Youre on tv, you know, at the time and youre like, im on tv. But youre picking up jock straps also. [ laughter ] seth yeah. Thats not glamorous. Seth thats not glamorous. No. Especially old sweaty ones after a game. [ light laughter ] seth yeah, thats not great. And would you was there any benefit . Would you get shoes out of it or anything . Oh, well, you know, because i was like, after a few games, because i was the visiting teams ball boy, i would get shoes from isiah thomas, magic johnson, larry bird, and Michael Jordan. And i would use these shoes because i couldnt fit them. I would use them to barter with my teachers sometimes, because my teachers [ light laughter ] my teachers, when i would get in trouble at school, i would say, you know, i actually have these isiah thomas shoes [ laughter ] and, hey, they were with it. I mean, i really got saved in a lot of classes because of those shoes. Seth well those teachers taught you terrible lessons. [ laughter ] exactly. Seth so tell me about the album, black america again. Now, how do you what inspires you for an album like this . Where do you sort of pull from for the inspiration . Well, i mean we are in critical times in the world, as we see. And of course in america and this election year. I think what this really, this album is about is, like, black humanity. Its about the expression of black people just as human beings and just showing that humanity the joy, the protest, the love, the freedom, and just, you know, really just connecting with other human beings from a black perspective. So, i think because we see so much violence against black people in the streets a lot and we see black people being depicted as criminals, i think you know the world needs to see other aspects of us. Seth one of the obviously its an inspirational message, this album. And you pulled from, i cant imagine a more inspirational musician, you get to work with Stevie Wonder on this album. Yes. Seth what was that like . I mean, its just amazing for me when Stevie Wonder calls he called me on the phone and im, like, listening to him playing this instrument, this harpsichord. And hes singing to me on the phone. Just singing. Im like, i cant believe Stevie Wonder is on my phone. Seth yeah. [ light laughter ] yeah. So eventually he talked to me and said i said, you know, i have this song that i would love for you to perform on called black america again. He said, come to the studio. So went to the studio, we started talking and he started, like, listening to the song and humming a melody. And was also asking what was going on with the basketball game, because i was watching a basketball game and i had to kind of tell him what was going on with the game. [ light laughter ] seth sure. With all due respect, you know. Seth yeah. Yeah and eventually he came with the melody. And it was really quick. The melody and the words for black america again, what he says at the end. And really what he says is we are rewriting the black american story. Its what im saying. Were showing a new narrative about black america. Seth do you feel an incredible sense of nervousness when you have to do your thing in front of an icon like Stevie Wonder . Or is he such a peaceful sort of i feel like theres a great serenity to him. Does he calm you down . Well, its a i mean you feel nervous for sure, but you also feel inspired to be great because youre around such greatness. And youre like, man, i want to do good for myself, but also for Stevie Wonder. Seth yeah. Yeah. Seth now, ive heard that you come up with your lyrics driving around in a car. Is that has that always been the case for you . Yes, um well actually it started it started i was out with my friend and we were drinking and not drinking and driving. [ light laughter ] but we were drinking, and i didnt have a pen. And my friend was in at his girls house and i was waiting in the car. And i didnt have a pen, so i just started saying my rap in my head and i kept it from there. And ever since then i started writing, this was in the mid90s. Ever since then, i get in the car, ride around, say my raps. I dont write em down. I just say them in my head and i kind of just remember. Its like a method of freestyling. Seth and you can remember it . You dont have to write it down . Yeah, i dont have to write it down. Seth thats pretty fantastic. I guess if they werent worth remembering they would do you the favor of just getting out of your head. They would get out of my head. [ laughter ] exactly. I only remember the good ones. Seth so you have one of these songs is on a fantastic documentary called is it called 13 . 13th, yes. Seth 13th, excuse me. Directed by the selma director ava duvernay, yeah. Seth and how did that come about . How did you end up getting that song on her documentary . Well i found out that she was doing the documentary, she kind of kept it low that she was doing it. But when i found out she was doing it, i said, ava, i have this song i want i want to write a song for this documentary. Because the documentary is about mass incarceration, which is an issue that weve been dealing with a lot here in america and it needs to be resolved. You know, her work inspires me. So i was like, i want to write about it, but i hadnt even seen the film. She was like, okay, but you know theres other people submitting songs. Seth oh, wow, she did you like that . [ laughter ] yeah, she did me like that. Yeah, she did me like that. Seth you had to audition. Yeah i did. I auditioned. We were at the white house. It was barrack obamas, the president s Birthday Party. And i walked up to her and i started rapping in her ear, singing the song. And she was looking at me i mean, she was listening, but she said she was also paying attention to the president and the first lady. [ laughter ] seth yeah. She was like, which one do i Pay Attention to . But i got enough of her attention for her to say, im going to send you the doc and write the song. And, you know, if it turns out well, then youll get to be a part of it. Seth i gotta say, theres probably very few people id be in a room at that id want to pay more attention to if you were rapping in my ear. So that really says a lot about the obamas. [ light laughter ] yeah. The president , yeah. I mean, they definitely usurp me. Seth and it was his Birthday Party . Yeah it was his Birthday Party. Seth now when you go to the president s Birthday Party, do you bring a gift . [ light laughter ] you know its funny enough, i didnt bring a gift. Plus you could barely you know, going into the white house, you honestly can barely bring anything. You dont have a phone. Youve got to empty your pockets, pretty much. Seth yeah. And if i said i was bringing a gift, theyd probably strip search me or whatever. I dont know, so [ light laughter ] seth well, you dont want to show up at the gate screaming, i have something for the president and shaking a box. [ laughter ] exactly. Seth yeah thats not a good ending. So you won an oscar for the song you wrote for selma. Yes. Seth congratulations. Thank you. [ cheers and applause ] seth Oprah Winfrey was a producer on the film. So she was sitting in the same section. And i would love you to clear this up, because you won and as you were walking down the aisle, it looked like oprah went to high five you and you just completely ghosted her. You [ light laughter ] which seems like a terrible career move. Thats a bad career move and i would never do oprah like that. Oprah, if youre watching i would never do you like that. [ light laughter ] you know, it was one of these things where you think somebody youre trying to figure it out, are they giving you dap . Are they about to give you dap or is it the person behind you . Seth okay, gotcha. Right. So i couldnt tell. So i had to take care of myself in that instance and i went to the other person. [ light laughter ] and she ended up, you know, passing me by. Seth right. You know . But, i mean, eventually i told her, look, of course i didnt pass you up. Seth because its an interesting thing you dont know whats worse ignoring her high five or high fiving her when shes not waiting for it. [ light laughter ] i think i would have been on more repeats just getting seth yeah, if you high fived an unsuspecting Oprah Winfrey and she [ light laughter ] that might have been worse. Yeah. That might have been worse. Yeah, yeah. Seth well, congratulations on that. Congratulations on the new album. Its always such a pleasure to see you. Thank you very much for making time. [ cheers and applause ] thank you. Seth common, everybody. Black america again is out this friday. Well be right back with pamela adlon. [ cheers and applause ] 3,2,1. Lumiere, action announcer vo the new pixel phone by google. Only on verizon. Okay, google, show me korean restaurants in boulder. Google Assistant i found a few places. announcer vo the only network than can power the first phone with the new Google Assistant, unlimited photo storage, and a stunning vr experience. How is this possible . announcer vo so buy a pixel, only on verizon, and get up to 400 back. And right now get 20 gigs and four lines for just 160 with no surprise overages. All on americas best network. One day a rider made a decision. The decision to ride on and save money. He decided to save money by switching his motorcycle insurance to geico. Theres no shame in saving money. Ride on, ride proud. Geico motorcycle, great rates for great rides. Simulation initiated. [beeping] take on any galaxy with a car that could stop for you. Simulation complete. The new nissan rogue. Rogue one a star wars story. In theaters december 16th. And i was a republican forair every one of them. I was rationalizing Donald Trumps behaviors until. I heard that tape, that was the last straw. I dont want my granddaughter thinking its okay to be. Treated that way, and my grandson growing up thinking. Thats how you should treat women. That scares me, that scares me a lot. So hillarys got my vote. We dont see eye to eye on everything, but shes strong, and i respect her. And shes someone that my grandkids can respect too. Im Hillary Clinton and i approve this message. [ cheers and applause ] seth welcome back, everybody. Our next guest is an emmywinning actress you know from louie and californication. She stars in the fx series Better Things, which has its Season Finale november 10th. Lets take a look. Oh my god, mom mom . Mom, mom. Mom phil phil i got you [ laughter ] look at her face. Shes so mad. Shes so mad, because i got her and she cant scare me. Never has been able to. Seth please welcome to the show, pamela adlon. [ cheers and applause ] seth welcome to the show. Thank you, i brought you a present. Its a pocket constitution. Seth you brought me a pocket constitution. [ light laughter ] that is so thoughtful. I got so into them, because of the khizr khan guy at the dnc. Seth yeah. The gold star family. Yeah. Seth this is a great thing to carry around. Yeah. Seth i feel like if you pull this out, people immediately think youre cool. Seth yeah, youre cool. Or just like when you have an argument on anything, you can just pull it out and say, well, lets just get to the bottom of that. [ laughter ] thats right. Seth congratulations on an Excellent First season of your show. Thank you. Thank you so much. Seth yeah, give it up. [ cheers and applause ] thank you. Thank you. Seth and for those who havent seen it yet, semiautobiographical show about you raising three daughters in l. A. Yep. Seth and which is absolutely wonderful. And one of the things cause you play a good mom on the show. Im assuming youre a good mom in real life. Yeah, im i hope so. I hope im a good mom. Seth but not, maybe theres a distinction, i think, between a good mom and a mom who obsesses about being the best mom. Yeah. Seth and you were talking we were talking backstage about room moms at school. Yeah. Seth i do not know what a room mom is. Okay, let me you guys will get to know this concept. So theres this kind of mania, and when i was a new mom now all my daughters are teenagers. I went to the kindergarten back to school night with all the moms. And so the teacher said, okay, so the room moms are going to come up and make a presentation. And i was like, what the [ bleep ] . [ light laughter ] nobody asked me if i wanted to be a room mom. Seth yeah. I want to be a room mom. And i felt like i was like, this really sucks. So every single year, i would work really hard to like be a room mom, because like seth what does a room mom do . Its like the lady who makes, you know, the things and she sends out the things and the emails or whatever. Seth based on your knowledge of the specifics, you might not have been the best room mom. [ laughter ] the things are almost done. I eventually realized that that was not what constituted being a good mom and i stopped really caring about stuff like that. I called them robot moms. Seth yeah. Like, they would be like, oh my god, we went on the field trip and we had the most awesome docent and we made soap out of leaves and things. And i would be like, oh, well, i guess i [ bleep ] dont rate or whatever. [ light laughter ] i stopped having the frenzy of having to be the room mom and i just went and did things. Seth is the room mom someone who seems like might be in charge of emailing all the other mothers in the world . Yes. She is, she does so this thing, like, you get on this email chain and people are like, you know, i believe we should use the extra 200 for the fun fund for ms. Perry for a vacuum. And i would be and somebody else would be like, here, here and then somebody would be like, you know what, bruce . I really dont appreciate, whatever. And i would be like, get me off of this nightmare [ laughter ] so then i would start, like in my calendar, i just marked room ass [ bleep ] meeting. [ light laughter ] like that would be like the thing. Seth thats a better title. Yeah. And i would stop feeling so insecure and just be like, im okay. Youre doing okay. Seth you famously did voiceovers for cartoons. Thats a job you continue to do. Yeah. Seth and that seems to me to be something that might be very interesting to kids and the friends of your children. Did you ever get asked to talk about that in like a career day . Oh, yes. I do career day every year. Seth are you good at it . Im so good at career day. Seth yeah. [ light laughter ] im amazing. So, what i decided do, is just focus on one thing. And i bring, like, little characters like of the people. Seth uhhuh, yeah. There you go. You can do that. Ill bring like a Bobby Hill Seth yeah, because you were bobby hill on king of the hill. Yeah. Or just like a spinelli. And i bring like the little characters from different cartoons and vidia from tinker bell. And then i pull out my emmy, which is what i won for voiceover, not for acting. Seth yeah. And so i think the kids are going to be all into the figures. And like im in a third grade classroom and im like, im a voiceover actor. And i do voices for all of these cartoons. And this one little boy in the back said, my dad said you play on californication. [ laughter ] and i was like, okay, well, this is vidia. Seth so wait, you obviously, californication, not a show that children should be watching. No, please. Seth did your children were your children aware of it . When you work on a show like that for did they ultimately learn to understand thats the kind of show you do . You know, they were younger when i was doing it. And so they just knew that it was something that mom did that wasnt for them. And so when my oldest daughter started middle school, i kind of sat her down and said, i think some people may be on to me for this. Seth yeah. But if they bring it up to you, im not embarrassed about it. You shouldnt be. And she was like, all right, mom, whatever. [ light laughter ] but one day were in a blockbuster they used to have these stores. [ laughter ] seth yeah. Yeah, its where raccoons live now. [ laughter ] yes. Thats right. Thats right. Seth theyre raccoon cities. So, i was in there with my daughters and of course one of them goes and finds californication. And she comes out with the dvd and shes like, look, mom, its a picture of you and im on all fours [ light laughter ] like this in my underwear. And evan handler is about to slap my ass and im like this and they go, look, mom. And i said, im playing pin the tail on the donkey. [ laughter ] so seth i cant believe totally bought it. Seth what you decided to use the constitution for. [ laughter ] was to represent a Blockbuster Video of californication. Im sorry. I didnt mean it. Seth so you mentioned you have this emmy for v. O. Work. You did bobby on king of the hill. Were there whats the most did you have a particularly because on the show, you do a v. O. For erectile dysfunction, which i imagine somebody who does voiceover work obviously sometimes youre doing products and projects that you would not have chosen for yourself. Was there anything you had to do over the years . Well, i guess the hardest thing ive had to do is like, when you do a toy or a game, its just relentless. And there was one game that i did, and this is when i learned you never start a voice that you cant sustain for at least four hours. [ light laughter ] seth right, yeah. So it was like a female yoda. And it was like [ yoda voice ] you know the federation. And it was, like, tickling the back of my throat. And i just kept [ clearing throat ] so then i just knew from then on that i just had to do something that i could sustain. But doing toys is tough. Seth yeah. Like, i remember doing this one toy in particular. It was for arthur. Seth yep. And so it was this huge doll and like microsoft was selling them for 99. And it took like a year. And you couldnt do this top part of your voice or the bottom part, because the chip couldnt read it. So i had to do everything like right here and it had to be perfectly clean and clear. And they were like, okay, thats great, pam. Could you just do one more with a little bit more of a smile . [ light laughter ] and id be like, yeah. So anyway [ laughter ] i would be thinking, not smiling, but i swear to god seth so you, obviously youre fantastic on the show louie and louiss is the producer of Better Things. And how is he as a collaborator . Obviously, when you work on big network shows, often times theres a lot of cooks. It seems like its just the two of you, which must be nice. Do you how do you give notes back and forth with you and louis . Well, we write together and then we help each other with acting stuff. But, you know, when we were doing louie and i would be there, i would be like, dont do that with your face. Its really its a really a bad idea. Seth what was he doing with his face . Just like acting. [ laughter ] seth like doing more than he should . Yeah. Seth yeah. Id be like, why are you doing that with your face . And then he would say to me about my acting, because, like, i just like to be the king of subtlety and take it down. Seth sure. You would do nothing. Yeah, he would be like, do more of my face with your face. [ laughter ] you know, we call it charlie chaplin. Like, oh, wow, its getting late. Or, you know. Im tired or Something Like that. This is the way we help each other. Seth well, whatever it is, its working. Youre fantastic on louie. And this show is absolutely excellent. Thank you. Seth congratulations so much. [ applause ] season two, 2017 . Yeah. Seth looking forward to it. Pamela adlon, everybody. [ cheers and applause ] Season Finale of Better Things airs november 10th on fx. Well be right back with more late night. Thank you so much for this. [ cheers and applause ] were going to prove just how wet and sticky your current gel antiperspirant is. Now were going to show you how degree dry spray is different. Degree dry spray. Degree. It wont let you down. 23rd timshhh. E charm. clink boom. Yes 23rd time is the charm, cliff. Yea, you showed me. Yes, you did. shelly thinking this must be how Odell Beckham feels when he scores a game winning touchdown. Touchdown Odell Beckham jr. crowd noise odell thinking this must be how shelly felt when she won that purple bear. Pepsi. Just serve classy snacks and bew a gracious host,iday party. No matter who shows up. Do you like nuts . No warning, no hearing. Its a lending practice sorcing outrageous, most states banned it. But at the bank founded by pat toomey it was business as usual. Forcing Small Business owners out of their homes. Toomey even used his power in the senate to help himself, voting to gut rules that protect us and crack down on big banks. Pat toomey. Out for himself, not us. Dscc is responsible for the content of this advertising. [ cheers and applause ] seth welcome back, everybody. You know, when i watch a tv show i watch it all the way to the end, because i like to see the closing credits of the television show. I like to know who worked on the production. And it turns out some shows have some surprising credits you may have never noticed before. Were going to take a look at some of them in a segment we call hidden credits. [ applause ] seth lets get started. First up empire is a huge hit over on fox. Youve got your director, your writers, but then theres this here we go, Costume Designer a leopard. [ laughter ] a leopard. Next up, also on fox is the new show, the exorcist. And they couldnt make the show without this. Here we go, vomit provided by campbells split pea soup. [ laughter ] next up, one of the biggest, the best sitcoms on television right now is blackish. I guess this makes sense at a certain level right here. Consulting advisor macklemore. [ laughter and applause ] nothing says blackish like macklemore. [ laughter ] next up, one of the most popular shows on daytime tv is the talk. I did not expect to see this in the credits, right here. The talk, copied from the view. [ laughter and applause ] i think we all we appreciate their honesty. Next up, a show here on nbc, chicago fire. And if youre wondering how the fires look so realistic, this explains it. Special effects the Samsung Galaxy note 7. [ laughter and applause ] the fire starter. Next up, a wonderful reality show dancing with the stars. I wouldnt have known it if i hadnt seen the credits. There we go, stars provided by 1990. [ laughter and applause ] very good year. Game of thrones, coming back for another season. Here we go. But did you notice this in the credits, right here . Based on a novel that will eventually be written by george r. R. Martin. [ laughter and applause ] got to wait. This time youve gotta wait. Soap opera. General hospital still going strong after more than 50 years. And this was surprising to see, right here. Viewers provided by the flu. [ laughter ] the flu. Finally, even our show late night with seth meyers has closing credits. And if you watch them closely youll see this, right here. 16 months of content provided by the donald trump campaign. [ laughter and applause ] that was hidden credits. Well be right back with music from john prine with iris dement. [ cheers and applause ] hey lmaybe lets play upl our the digital part. R job, but its a manufacturing job. Yeah, well ge is doing a lot of cool things digitally to help machines communicate, might want to at least mention that. Im building worldchanging machines. With my two hands. Does that threaten you . No dont be silly. Im just, uh, going to go to chop some wood. With that . Yeah we dont have an ax. Or a fireplace. Good to be prepared. Could you cut the bread . Buso why not raisese one tthe right one . Miller lite has more taste and half the carbs. Miller lite. Spelled different because its brewed different. For the holidays. Before his mom earned 1 cash back everywhere, every time. [ dinosaur growls ] and his dad earned 2 back at Grocery Stores and wholesale clubs. Yeah even before they earned 3 back on gas. Dannys parents used their bankamericard cash rewards credit card to give him the best day ever. Thats the joy of rewarding connections. Learn more at bankofamerica. Com getcashback. Pwhen i come home and dinnersry not ready i go through the roof. Grab em by the p a a. When youre a star, they let you do it. You can do anything. More accusers coming forward to say they were sexually assaulted by donald trump. Ill go backstage before a show. Yes. And everyones getting dressed. Donald trump walked into the dressing room while contestants, some as young as 15 were changing. Standing there with no clothes. You see these incredible looking women. Id look her right in that fat ugly face of hers. She ate like a pig. A person whos flatchested is very hard to be a 10. Do you treat women with respect . Uh. I cant say that either. Alright, good. Im Hillary Clinton and i approve this message. [ cheers and applause ] seth welcome back, everybody. My next guest is a legendary musician, whose latest album, for better or worse, features duets with some of the most iconic female voices in country music. Performing whos going to take the garbage out with the incredible iris dement. Please welcome to the show john prine. [ cheers and applause ] i take too much abuse from you thats all i ever get well calling a man like you a husband is just like calling a wild cat a pet youd better stop that running around straighten up and stop moving on well whos gonna take your garbage out when ive packed my bags and gone each day you walk all over me cant you find another route if youd start acting like married man maybe we could find a way to work things out youll find your key wont fit the lock if you keep on a keeping on well whos gonna take your garbage out when ive packed my bags and gone i know you think im running around and thats why youre so peeved thats another line of the same ole stuff that i hope you dont expect me to believe go out tonight but dont come back cause youve just lost your home but whos gonna take your garbage out when ive packed my bags and gone i know you think im running around and thats why youre so peeved thats another line of the same ole stuff that i hope you dont expect me to believe go out tonight but dont come back cause youve just lost your home but whos gonna take your garbage out when ive packed my bags and gone yeah whos gonna take your garbage out when ive packed my bags and gone youre gonna miss me honey gal are you kidding me [ cheers and applause ] seth john prine and iris dement, folks the new album, for better or worse, is out now. And head over to latenightseth. Com for a bonus performance of their song in spite of ourselves. Well be right back. [ cheers and applause ] announcer the late night music experience is sponsored by miller lite, the original lite beer. Great taste, and only 96 calories. And for even more music, check out latenightseth. Com. I approve this message. Donald trump i could stand in the middle of 5th avenue and shoot somebody and i wouldnt lose any voters, okay . And you can tell them to go f themselves you know, you could see there was blood coming out of her eyes, blood coming out of her wherever. You gotta see this guy. Ahh, i dont know what i said, ahh. I dont remember. Hes going like i dont remember this is an individual who mocked a disabled reporter. I dont know what i said, ahh. Who attributed a reporters questions to her menstrual cycle. Trump blood coming out of her. Wherever. He is not a person who is equipped in temperament, judgment or character to lead our troops. Donald trump has created a toxic atmosphere pitting one group against another. Hes a mexican. Claiming a person cant do the job because of their race is sort of like the textbook definition of a racist comment. Priorities usa action is responsible for the content of this advertising. Priorities usa action is responsible pat toomey and donald trump theyre just wrong for the women of pennsylvania. New fallout for donald trump. Should a woman be punished for having an abortion . There has to be some form of punishment. For the woman . Yeah, there has to be some form. I would support legislation in pennsylvania that would ban abortion and i would, i would suggest that we have penalties for doctors who perform them. Pat toomey and donald trump theyre not for you. Majority forward is responsible for the content of this advertising. [ cheers and applause ] seth my thanks to common, pamela adlon, john prine and iris dement. [ cheers and applause ] special thanks to miller lite, who sponsored tonights music. Hannah welton and the 8g band. Stay tuned for carson daly. Well see you tomorrow. [ cheers and applause ] carson i am carson daly. You are watching last call from 97. 1 amp radio and krock studios where i handle my Radio Business in town. Tonight, wild nothing performs from the fonda a h

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