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sighs water running oh, my god. Holmes . Can you hear me . Hmm . Hey, get an ambulance now. He just odd. Stay with me. Hey. Hey, holmes. If you have moderate to severe Rheumatoid Arthritis like me. Rand youre talking to a rheumatologist about a biologic,xthis is humira. This is humirat helping to relieve my p pain and protect my joints from further damage. R this is humira helping me reach for more. Doctors have been prescribing humira for more than 10 years. Humira works for many adults. It targets and helps to block a specific source of inflammation that contrubutes to ra symptoms. Humira can lower your ability to fight infections, including tuberculosis. Serious, sometimes fatal infections and cancers, including lymphoma, have happened, as have blood, liver and nervous system problems, serious allergic reactions, and new or worsening heart failure. Before treatment, get tested for tb. Youve been to areas where certain fungal infections are common, and if youve had tb, hepatitis b, are prone to infections, or have flulike symptoms or sores. Dont start humira if you have an infection. Talk to your doctor and visit humira. Com rthis is humira at work. Holiday seasons just like football season. You got your big games. And regular games. Get it all at a great price. And the Holiday Season is won. Everything in one place. My stop shop. Tt2w . Ro l o j [\ tt2w . Ro l n j[4 tt2w . Ro l 4 j Holiday Seasons just like football season. You got your big games. And regular games. Get it all at a great price. And the Holiday Season is won. Everything in one place. My stop shop. door closes pirene i know youre awake. Vi appreciate youre cross with me, but. Me ive managed v to make the great Sherlock Holmes shy. sighs theres a guard at my door. Vi havent hurt him, just distracted him. Ah. I warned you. I practically begged you. Why didnt you listen . laughs you asked me to let you win. Id say that i have really. Pyou compelled christos theophilus to murder r two innocent people this morning. P and then you made a fortune in the resulting chaos. Vi did, but i didnt want. This. Not again. Yeah. I want to help you. Pyouyou adopted a fake persona, you seduced me, faked your own death. So, forgive me p if i, uh. If i dont want any more of your help. P would you have preferred id just killed you . Yes. T i knew that my death would be quite a blow. T i knew it would keep you occupied while i. Carried on with other projects, but i. R i failed to predict your descent into addiction. Well, you surprised me. T youre the only person on the planet who can. Rthats why you love me, though, isnt it . Pis that why you came here . Tdo you know why youre so drawn to narcotics . Rbecause youre in near constant pain. R your sensitivities they make you a great detective, but they also hurt you. R i know what thats like, sherlock. Only me. Im leaving the country tonight. I want you to come with me. T youre broken to pieces right now. I can put you back together. You a different way to live. T we are. The same. You and i. We both made the same mistake. It made us stupid. T i made nearly a billion dollars today. I dont feel stupid. laughs r sighs, quietly yeah. You know. She solved you. The mascot. Watson. She diagnosed your. Condition earlier this evening. sighs p she realized the real reason you could never. Quite bring yourself to kill me. Pthe reason you came back to my life. Pah. The reason you came here. P thats why she encouraged me to let you win. Pyeah. Makemake it look like youd won. You faked the overdose. Yeah. Uh. I remain quite drugfree. Its good. sniffles but, um. sniffles . Given your, um. Pyour repeated claims to have your. P. Eyes and. Eyes and ears everywhere. You said. Pthere was only one person in the world who could surprise you. Turns out, theres two. buzzing pwatson hey, there you are. Pcaptain gregson just called with an update about moriarty. And . Pwell, he said the recording the police made of your conversation pat the hospital has her attorney sweating bullets. Pthey know that she admitted to using christos theophilus pto kill the baceras, so, theyre treading lightly. In the meantime, xthe macedonian denars she purchased phave been frozen, pending further investigation. Hey. Are you listening to me . My nemesis has been defeated. Ris that about the long and the short of it . Yes. Yes. P so, does that mean you need to find a new nemesis, tor is this more of a lifetime appointment . Theyre almost here. Vdo you remember the rare bee i was given p the bee in the box, sure. R osmia avoseta is its own species, p which means it should not be able to reproduce with other kinds of bees. T and yet, nature is infinitely wily. Tso box bee got another bee pregnant . Quite so. Pwhich means, they should be reclassified as an entirely new species. First newborn of which. T is about to crawl its way into sunlight. Oh, my god. Pas the discoverer of the species, tthe privilege of naming the creatures falls to me. R allow me to introduce you to euglassa watsonia. You named a bee after me. buzzing should be dozens more within the hour. If youd like, i could come and get you once theyre all here. Thats all right. I think ill just watch. Captioning sponsored by cbs go further. Media access group at wgbh pirates using bait boxes. They look like your average package inside an expensive item but also a gps tracking device that remains dormant till the package is moved. Well follow these people who wherever theyre going to be going and hopefully find more products they may have stolen. The homeowner wasnt able to catch the thief in the act but could help convict him at a later date. Phillip mena, abc news, new york. Coming up, surrender cobra. Day seasons just like football season. You got your big games. And regular games. Get it all at a great price. And the Holiday Season is won. Everything in one place. Holiday seasons just like football season. You got your big games. And regular games. Get it all at a great price. And the Holiday Season is won. Everything in one place. My stop shop. 2 test message cc1 test message tt0w tvhk 4 1[d tt0w tvhk el ;\ tt0w tvhk ed l tt0w tvhk 8h] 0 tt0w tvhk kzh ol tt0w tvhk nh5 tt0w tvhk 0ph ax tt0w tvhk sh;38 tt0w tvhk ueh8qh big news for football fans. Youre struggling. Youre going to have to help. Okay. Here we go. What reena meant to say was that the College Football playoff is set. The Michigan State spartans is earned their spot after an epic 22 play final drive knocking the iowa hawkeyes out with a 1613 victory. That win made the spartans the number two team in the nation. Clemson will face fourth ranked oklahoma in the orange bowl. Both games are new years eve on espn. Well done. You would have done it better. And for the many teams that didnt make the playoffs this next position will be a familiar one. Called the surrender cobra. Youll find yourself doing it when your team loses in a gut our friends at espn explain. Its a creature with the most peculiar of characteristics. Hes going to win the football game. Most commonly emerging on saturdays in the fall. Do you believe it . At the conclusion of every prepos russly painful, brutally gut wrenching, impossible to believe loss. Can you believe what you just saw . Reporter its known in the wild and in captivity. Youve got to be kidding me. And he scores, as the surrender cobra. That universal expression of sports anguish indeed resemble bling one of the worlds most feared and poisonous animals in whims of the sports gods. And while it may have a proper definition, what we seek today is an explanation. Probably anxious. Theyre probably concerned. And its a way of protecting themselves from the public, but its subconscious they dont even know theyre doing it most of the people with their hands personalities. When we use the hands together, were using a whole the front is the mental area. His hands are very, very solid brain. So were talking about hes getting the whole picture, his thoughts, theyre racing. Reporter it was on the third saturday of october when this particular cobra appeared in ann arbor, michigan. And he scores. Unbelievable minute or two after the game was over. Every michigan fan has told me i felt the exact same way that you did. Its just that you happened to get caught on camera. Reporter of course, getting caught on camera has its benefits like attention from some young coeds, right, chris . At least for pictures. Ive been hoping i would be able to turn it into something else, but at least i break the barrier in talking to people in the first place. So its a start. Reporter however, there are frustrations of viral fame, as well. A company in ohio has made a shirt, you made probably more money off of this shirt that features me than anything you guys have ever done. So i mean, come on. Help a College Student out a little bit. You know . We can Work Together on this. Reporter somewhere in america, in the aftermath of the do you believe it . Reporter the next cobra to emerge is lurking. I love that. That guy does the cobra particularly well. You are my whole life r your two blue eyes are shining dolce and gabbana. Covergirl is the easy way to draw attention smudge with spongetip to create a smokin kitten eye lash blast mascara blast of volume radd a pow to your brow wow from easy, breezy, beautiful covergirl so. Youre sayin youll give right now youre gonna ask for down low two weeks later look, credit karma are you talking to websites again . This website says free credit scores. Oh. Credit karma yeah, its really free. Look, you dont even have to put in your credit card information. What . credit karma. Really free credit scores. Really. Free. I could talk to you all day. Silent night holy night sleep in heavenly peace sleep in heavenly peace pwith so many different types of germs to watch out for. Its important for your wipes p to kill a Broad Spectrum of germs. Germs, including 8 different cold andt flu viruses. To help protect. Lysol that. In between the rush of holiday decorating and shopping is, of course, the entertainment. Theres something about the Christmas Season that just ramps up the pressure. So how do you add that holiday magic without breaking the bank or your back . Heres abcs paula faris. Reporter its that very special time of year to spread some love, spread some cheer so get your scissors and some glue and watch whats in store for you. Hi. Hello, hello. How are you . Over to help me create holiday magic using household items. Remember to get some christmas crafting going . Tive one, shop your home. Candles, grab them. Cotton balls and printer paper. Tip two, recycle. These will end up being something fabulous. Watch as these paper pa towel tubes become napkin rings. You want to take some ribbon. Wrap it around. Oh. There we go. Time to use that printer paper to create a winter wonderland. Were going to do snowballs flakes and create a center scape for this table. Okay. And finally, tip number three, it is doesnt matter what you have. It matters what you do with it. Like this three tiered dessert tray created using plates and glass ware. Were going to do magic with this. Layer and build up. This is so cool. Isnt this cool . Or these candle stands. Easy one, two, three. Clears. Cheers. Paula faris, abc news, new york. That looked rubbish. That little tray thing looked rubbish. Spend the money. Buy the expensive stuff. Have you picked out your tree yet . 175 . Are you kidding . 20. 99. Did you really get it from target. Its plastic from target. When do you put it up . Thanksgiving day. A, thats still too early. I guess it has to be fake christmas day. Youre right. Well said. All right . Thats the news this half hour. Follow us on facebook, this morning on world news now, speaking out against terrorism. President obama makes a rare primetime speech from the only Office Asking for help from congress in fighting terrorism after that deadly attack in california. Intense investigation. Fbi agents in a race against time trying to find out how isis was connected to the california couple who opened fire in San Bernardino. Full coverage ahead. Beating cancer, jimmy carters recovery. The big news shared in church and how the former president s remarkable treatment could help others. And later, christmas clash. Should a Christmas Tree be called a holiday tree . One woman quit her job over the dispute. The war of words in this season its monday, december 7th. Announcer from abc news, this is world news now. Electrifying me here, folks. Good morning on this monday. A bit of a british invasion here. Hi. Great to be here. Richard bay con. That is really my name. It sounds like ridiculous. Its actually my name. Its wonderful to have you. You had a radio show in london. Is it fair to describe you as the Ryan Seacrest of england . Ill take that. I mean, i dont suppose anyone has described Ryan Seacrest as being the Richard Bacon of america but ill take it. Because it implies im a lot more successful than i am. You are quite successful. More with you and a bigger unite tro dukds later. President obama vowing to destroy isis after declaring the San Bernardino attack was an act of terrorism. The president delivered a rare primetime address from the to formally declare war on the Islamic State and tighten gun control loss. The president said the shooter ans sayid farook and his wife had gone down what he called the dark path of radicalization. Our coverage begins with abcs elizabeth hur. This was an act of terrorism designed to kill innocent people. Reporter in a rare speech from the oval office, president obama called this husband and wife team responsible for killing 14 people in San Bernardino radicals who appear to have been inspired not the fbi now on the trail of terror trying to determine who knew what and when. So far, the couples family telling abc news they never saw any warning signs. I feel like he had a double life. I feel like he was very good at an concealing everything from all of us. Reporter meanwhile calling an the threat from terrorism real, president obama says since the paris attacks, military efforts to degrade and destroy isis are already under way to be done here at home. To begin with, congress should act to make sure no one on a no fly list is able to guy a gun. We should put in place stronger screening for those who come to america without a visa so that we can take a hard look whether theyve traveled to war zones. Reporter according to authorities the female killer in the massacre Tashfeen Malik came to the u. S. On whats known as a fee fiance visa. Investigators are now searching their cell phones and computers urgently hunting for answers. And republican president ial candidates are already weighing in. Ohio Governor John Kasich says the president s strategy is not enough and gop frontrunner donald trump tweeted we need a new president fast. The president wants congress to make sure no one on the list is able to buy a gun and he wants congress toe have stronger screening for travelers and continued use of military force against isil. That cooperationing . Ing. The short answer, not looking good. Remember, we are talking about a Republicanled Congress here but i should note of the three that you mentioned, we could see some movement in that call for stronger screening for travelers. The house is actually set to vote on a bill adding more security requirements to that visa waiver program. Again, that vote set to take place this week. Whether it passes or not, thats a whole other story but at least its coming up for a vote. Hes got a big event at the white house with congress today. Should be interesting. Elizabeth hur, thank you so much. Investigators have searched the home of a former neighbor suspected of supplying the shooters with highpowered rifles used in the massacre. The fbi scrambling to find out how the terror plot originated. More from abcs pierre thomas. Reporter hundreds across the globe are in a race against time to uncover exactly what and who was behind the massacre in San Bernardino. Fbi officials are searching associated with the killer couple in a desperate attempt to see if they were radicalized or directed by isis or other terrorists. The female killer allegedly swore allegiance to the leader of isis on facebook on the day of the assault. The most important part of this investigation right now is, are they lone players, the two of them, or are they connected to other people . Reporter but if this couple was truly inspired by isis, it marks a dangerous evolution in the u. S. Terror threat. The fbi director has been warning for months about an unprecedented social Media Campaign by isis encouraging potentially thousands of followers in the u. S. To attack. Its as if a devil sits on ones shoulder all day long saying kill, kill, kill. Reporter the social Media Marketing polished, not just violent, appealing to the young. Theres evidence the Marketing Campaign is working. In the last two years alone, the fbi has identified or arrested nearly 90 suspected isis supporters from inside the average age, only 25. At least 20 teenagers. 13 females. And 15 of those arrested accused of trying to launch murderous plots here at home. The nation narrowly averted the first isisinspired massacre in may when two men armed with assault rifles tried to attack a texas cartoon conference about the prophet mohammed. And now this young suburban couple who left behind a 6monthold baby and went on a vicious killing spree. Law enforcement is struggling to cope with the new isis social media threat. Which has found a young, captive audience, that can strike without warning. Pierre thomas, abc news, washington. An isis affiliate claimed responsibility for a deadly attack in yemen. A huge explosion killed the governor of the countrys southern aden province. Six guards were also killed. If the claim problems true, it would be one of the highest profile terror attacks in yemen. Investigating an attack at an underground subway station as a terrorist incident. The knife wielding suspect slashed two people reportedly crying this is for syria. This morning hes behind bars charged with attempted murder. Abcs Jennifer Eccleston has the story. Reporter cell phone video captures a terrifying scene. Tase him, tase him, tase him, tase him. Reporter a man with a knife lunging at police at a london subway station after allegedly stabbing two people. Its a risk. Life is a risk here. Reporter police subduing him with a taser. Both survive but Scotland Yard is calling the attack a terrorist incident. Police searching a home in london. Might be self starter terrorists, no connection anywhere, just selfradicalized the man shouted, this is for syria. One witness on the scene shouting this youre no muslim, bruv. You aint no muslim. Reporter the attack comes at time of high alert after a string of terror arrests and just days after parliament voted to launch air strikes against isis in syria. Opponents had feared that move could trigger lone wolf attacks across the homeland. Police are urging people to remain calm but alert and vigilant. Calling the threat of terrorism here severe. Jennifer eccleston, abc news, london. Major new developments in the Chicago Police shooting of a black teen that has sparked nationwide outrage. Justice department is now launching an investigation into the patterns and practices of the department. This follows the release of a video showing Laquan Mcdonald being shot 16 times by a white officer. Late last night the head of the independent Police Authority has been resigned replaced by a former federal prosecutor. The faa is looking into the deadly crash of a small plane in southern california. Two people were killed when the plane went down while attempting to take off about 70 miles northeast of l. A. Among those who died were a famous aerobatics pilot named mike mangold, also a commercial pilot for american airlines. The airport where the crash took place remains closed. The six astronauts on board the International Space station are awaiting a special delivery launched yesterday from florida and it will arrive at the space station on wednesday morning. Theres more than 7,000 pounds of cargo on board including food, clothes, science experiments, even christmas presents. Its the first delivery to the space station that took off from the u. S. Since april. I wonder what the Christmas Gifts were. I dont know. How exciting. Now the big question. Were sure youre asking, who is im not asking that question. I have done my reading. I am a british broadcaster as you mentioned earlier, i hosted a Daily Current Affairs show for the bbc. Lots of Current Affairs and a few entertainment shows, as well. Tonight, do you know what i did tonight . I went to the Broadway Premier of school of rock. How was it. Sensational. So thats it. Thats what i watched like two hours ago. Its written by the guy that wrote downton abby. The music by andrew lloyd webber. I went in thinking those older guys would ruin it. It wasnt. It was thrilling. Exhilarating and exciting. Only go heres what i would caution. Only go and see that show if youre a fan of joy. Interesting. Guess who i sat three chairs away from. Somebody from downton abbey. A fellow britt but three seats away, barbara walters. Oh, my goodness. Look. Weve got the selfie. There is a photo i believe we faked. Because this is where i dropped the ball. This is why im not as good a journalist as barbara or any of you. As i left the theater, i thought why didnt i get a selfie, have a photo with her we could use. Walters building. We got it for you. Welcome to abc. Were glad to have you here a couple weeks now. Coming up in the mix, Christmas Lights dove step style. Plus the new details about jimmy carters battle with brain cancer. His surprising announcement over the weekend. Our medical editor is here in the studio to break it down. What some see as a growing war on christmas. 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Tt0w ti h, 4 h h tt0w ti h, el bg tt0w ti h, ed de tt0w ti h, 8h ;< tt0w ti h, kzh9t tt0w ti h, nhl l tt0w ti h, 0phrzt tt0w ti h, shb 4 tt0w ti h, uehajd tt0w ti h, 7hh]h0 to report regarding former president jimmy carter. The 1yearold said yesterday theyd is cancerfree. Carter made the surprise announcement in a Georgia Church where he teams sunday school. In august he started treatment for melanoma that spread from his liver to his brain. With us with more is abcs here. Thank you. What do we know about president carter . Is he really in remission . This is very good news. The fact that it looks like this treatment is helping him. However, doctors wouldnt use the word remission yet. Usually someone needs to be as he says cancerfree for a very long time before doctors could conclude hey, maybe weve beaten this back. Maybe weve really eliminated cancer from his system. So theres a long ways to go before we get there. Again, this is good news. Dan, its been referred to as an experimental c drug. Its been approved by the da, for example. That is correct. In 2014, it was approved more melanoma and certain types of lung cancer. Theyre studying it for other types of cancer. Theres a possibility maybe in the future it could be used for any number of cancers. It really is an interesting addition to the arsenal that doctors have against cancer. If youre watching this and you know someone whos got a time to be excited . Should you be excited by this news, or would you caution against that . Richard, its both things. You really would take some hope in this because it shows that there is a drug here that could be better than what has been available before. But you also meed to know that you know, here we have this drug thats being used in very late stage cancer patients. Sure it might work for one person. It may not work quite, as well for another person. Theres study that needs to happen but it is something thats hopeful. And its something that doctors are keeping their fingers crossed on. And you know, dan, the thing about president carter, he is so determined. Hes always been positive and faith is a huge part of his life. Are there any medical studies about the influence of positive attitude and faithbased approach to your diagnosis that makes a difference . Well, the studies on this are few and far between. Theyre very inconclusive. We dont know, for example, whether having strong faith or a your cancer in any sort of direct way. What we do know is that people who respond to these sorts of situations possibly tend to have better outcomes. If you have a good outlook, it may help you in other aspects of your life that also contribute to how well you fight off this cancer. So its certainly not a bad thing. He has a good outlook. Such a positive person. Hes got one of the best out of Office Careers of any president. Youre right. I think he even admitted it that he felt that his career after leaving office was probably. The office. Thank you so much. Abcs medical editor dan childs. Thanks for joining us this morning, dan. Thank you. Coming up in our next half hour, the brazen burglary in london. Robbers bursting into simon sleeping. Many christians are gearing up for a fight against what they say is a growing Political Correctness waging a war on their holiday. 2 test message cc with the Holiday Season now into full swing, so is whats become another annual tradition, the socalled war on christmas. Its pretty much a battle abcs Mara Schiavocampo has more. Three, two, one. Reporter a debate over christmas traditions leaving many saying bah humbug. Or, in the case of one city councilwoman, i quit. At this time in our country and in our world, its important to be inclusive. Reporter new jerseys charlene storey resigning this week after the city Council Voted to change the name of the holiday Tree Lighting ceremony to a Christmas Tree lighting ceremony. Its not a holiday tree, its not a pear tree, its a reporter that city councilwoman later reconsidered, deciding to stay on. But all across the country, christmas controversies are lighting up like trees. From the campaign trail if i become president , were all gonna be saying Merry Christmas again. That i can tell you. Reporter to campus. Some university of tennesseeknoxville students upset with a University Memo urging inclusion, saying, ensure your Holiday Party is not a Christmas Party in disguise. Its my godgiven right to be able to have a Christmas Party. Reporter to coffee shops. Starbucks stirring ire by removing christmas symbols from their holiday cups. Yes, they got rid of the christian religious symbols like snowflakes and snowmen. Reporter still, some say there is something we can all agree on. The holidays are the holidays. We celebrate them, and its all good. Reporter Mara Schiavocampo, abc news, new york. In england . This comes up in the uk a lot. Beak its as regular as christmas. It usually turns out there is no war on christmas. The mix up next. Approaching medicare eligibility . You may think you can put off checking out your Medicare Options until youre sixtyfive, but now is a good time to get the ball rolling. Keep in mind, medicare only covers about eighty percent of part b medical costs. The rest is up to you. Thats where aarp Medicare Supplement insurance plans insured by Unitedhealthcare Insurance Company come in. Like all standardized Medicare Supplement insurance plans, they could help pay some of what medicare doesnt, saving you in outofpocket medical costs. Youve learned that taking informed steps along the way really makes a difference later. Thats what it means to go long. 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Almost everything. You know, 1 i n 10 houses could get hit by an expensive septic disaster. But for only 7 a month, ridx helps break down waste. Avoid a septic disaster with ridx. Start the interview with a firm handshake. Ay,no dont do that r try head shoulders instant relief. It cools on contact, and also r try head shoulders instant relief. For cooling relief in a snap. And now its time for the mix. Youre going to kick it off for us. A little girl in the united kingdom, my home country. Shes gone to see santa claus florida middleboro and she has difficulty saking herself and so santa uses sign language. Have a look at there. Its i thought touching. Isnt that moving . Oh. What i like about it, i dont understand any sign language. Theyre having a private conversation that we cant understand. Thats right. Look how excited she is that santa communicates in sign language. Wow, thats remarkable. A great thing. Great thing. See, santa knows everything. Thats true. Including sign language. And possibly mandarin. Definitely. Covers the world. Lets talk about your National Treasure adele. Adele. Okay. I thought you were talking about me again. Oh. 2yearold girl. Theres a thing called lip sync battle. Lip sync is part of the jimmy fallon show and spun off into a tv show. Where people mime sensationally well to songs. Right. Theres adele with her famous hello. Its so popular. Its almost too famous. I want to introduce you to batchly, a 2yearold girl who can slay adeles impression. Good isnt it . Its really good. How is this possible . Shes only 2. Its become a big hit on social media. She does appear to understand the lyrics and she is only 2. She goes on and mimes more words in the song. She gets the cadence and rhythm and when to open her mouth. That would be a great youre right. But wrong network, my friend. Im booking for our show. Jimmy kimmels show is way better. Way better. Lets also, let me show you were going to look at this house. Arent we going to decorate for christmas. This is a house which is here in the United States of america. And this guy, look. You get a sense of it here. Its dubbed music. Its just so exciting. Do you like that . I love Christmas Lights. I love taking my kids in the car and showing them. This is pretty remarkable though. Living in america, ive learned christmas and halloween, this morning on world news now, the president speaks out, addressing a frightened america. What he wants congress to do to help him fight terrorism. His Rare Oval Office speech during primetime. Terror investigation. Who supplied the San Bernardino couple with the high powered weapons used in last weeks attack . The fbi turns to a former friend and neighbor. And new this half hour, the real life drama for reality tv star simon cowell. Why police were called to his home. A frightening ordeal for his family. And later in the skin youre. Paying tribute. Wounds. It is monday, december the 7th. Announcer from abc news, this is world news now. Good morning on this busy monday. Im Richard Bacon. Richard. Good to have you here. How good is your sign language . Okay. Maybe i should just interpret for you. You might have to do that at some point. You tell me what you want to say, i will tell the viewers. We have to work it that way. Im here for you. Did you see we had president obama giving reassurances to the public hoping to ease fears after last weeks deadly terror attack in San Bernardino. Of course, the president delivered a rare primetime speech promising to step up attacks on isis while making it clear the fight is not between america and islam. Our coverage begins with Abcs Jonathan Karl at the white house. Reporter in just the Third Oval Office address of his presidency, the president addressed the attacks california was a terrorist act. He said we are at war with terrorists and have been since 9 11. As commander in chief, i have no greater responsibility than the security of the American People. As a father to two young daughters who are the most precious part of my life, i know that we see ourselves with friends and coworkers at a Holiday Party like the one in San Bernardino. I know we see our kids in the faces of the young People Killed in paris. And i know that after so much war, Many Americans are asking whether we are confronted by a cancer that has no immediate cure. Well, heres what i want you to know, the threat from terrorism is real, but we will overcome it. Reporter the president declared that isil or isis will be defeated and he outlined a series of steps that have been taken in terms of the United States military effort in iraq and in syria, also getting more contributions from our allies in europe. The president also though made with islam. And spoke quite passionately about the importance of not vilifying muslims talking about Muslim Americans as being patriotic americans. Its our responsibility to reject proposals that Muslim Americans should somehow be treated differently. Because when we travel down that road, we lose. The president did call for some action from congress, including passing some Gun Legislation which really doesnt have much of a chance of passing at all in the face of republican opposition. He also called for congress to pass an authorization for the use of military force in iraq and syria. This is something that the white house called for a year ago, still hasnt happened. And frankly, there still isnt much action in congress towards that. Jonathan karl, abc news, the white house. The president ial candidates were quick to respond to the president s speech last night starting with marco rubio who told fox news that the American People are scared because by these terror attacks. And hes not easing their fears. Among one of the tweets from gop frontrunneris this. Is that all there is . We need a new president fast. Democratic Bernie Sanders says american troops should not be engaged in perpetual warfare in the middle east. As isis is destroyed, its essential that fear and division does not undermine constitutional rights. Hillary clinton told abc news the u. S. Is at war with isis and that war is not yet won. San bernardino Public Health employees are returning to work this morning for the First Time Since their colleagues were killed in the shooting rampage. Meanwhile, fbi agents made two trips to the home of syed farooks former neighbor and friend accused of purchasing two of the murder weapons. Heres abcs cecilia vega. The investigation into that deadly shooting turning to the a enrique marquez, far rooks one time friend and neighbor suspected of supplying him with those two highpowered rifles used in that massacre. The fbi raiding the home. Did he provide the guns to farook. Mark kes now reportedly will checked himself into a Mental Health facility. Theyre very neighborly. All their children, theyre good kids. Reporter this neighbor says she noticed a change in farook about a year ago. Before he started to change, what was he like . Whats the biggest differences . The biggest difference was his dress, his beard. He was more withdrawn. He started growing more beard and he started wearing his white outfit, whatever it is. And so he did start changing. Reporter but no one says they noticed any warning signs of the terror that was to come. About guns or anything like that. Suspicious. Reporter this new photo of family. His sister and brotherinlaw say they too are angry for not knowing farook and his wife were living a double life. Reporter do you feel like you didnt know your brother . No, at this time, i feel like he had a double life. I feel like he was very good at all of us. Telling italian newspaper his son was fascinated by isis, hated israel and that he shared ideology of isis leader al baghdadi but other family members take issue with that connecticut and farooks sister and brotherinlaw tell me that they are in complete shock. Disbelief they say. They went to his house. They never saw weapons or anything suspicious. They say they are grieving now for all of the people who died right here behind me. Cecilia vega, abc news, San Bernardino, california. An apparent lone wolf terror attack striking london, as well. The suspect stabbed two people in an underground subway station. For syria. Cell phone video captured it all. Police brought him down with a taser and hes now charged with attempted murder. British authorities are investigating the attack as a terrorist incident. Now to that Police Shooting in broad daylight on a miami beach street. The killing of David Winesett outside of a barber shop was captured on cell phone video. Police say that he had just escaped from a prison Halfway House and tried to rob a bank. He then ran into the barber shop, grabbed a straightening razor. He was shot twice during a confrontation, according to police. A full investigation is under way into the deadly crash of a small plane in southern california. Two people were killed when the plane went down while attempting to take off. About 17 miles northeast of l. A. Among those who died were a famous aerobatics pilot named mike mangold, also a commercial pilot for american airlines. The airport where the crash took place remains closed. It was a real mess at a hotel near new haven, driven straight into the lobby. The man behind the wheel was a guest at the hotel who fell an asleep while driving. And ended up smashing right through the front doors. No one was hurt and the driver is facing multiple charges. Incredible scene there. Coffee addicts in some seattle neighborhoods can now get their starbucks fix without leaving home. The companys teamed up with a Third Party Delivery service for the pilot program. Customers can place their order right from their smartphones and it shows up on their doorstep a little while later, but richard, theres one big buzz kill. The delivery fee 6 bucks and that doesnt even include tip. Okay. Would you do this . Thats for all those people who cant be bothered to walk the 20 meters to their nearest starbucks. So youre up in the very Early Morning with us. Maybe youre hungry. How about some mcdonalds. Sounds good, right . Thats exactly what i was going to treat you to. Thanks. What if your meal was to say, sort of like this mickey ds berger and fries thats now 6 years old. This is 6 years old. You might notice it doesnt seem to have completely decomposed. So this is a berger and fries from 2009, and theyve been displayed at a hotel in icelands capital reykjavik ever since. Thats where theyve been. Why does someone need to see a preserved mcdonalds when you can see the thing anyway . I used to work at mcdonalds. No, stop. Yeah. In england . The first love of my life dumped me at the counter. Like she came to get some food. I served her. She said, between ordering the said its not working out. Took the food and left. I went and sat on a box of gherkins and cried my eyes out. Pickles. Gherkins. Well, thanks for exposing america to gherkins. And my inner emotions. Skinny, what carole king, george lucas and usher have in common. Its a pretty big deal. Also ahead, real life terror for simon cowell. What police are saying about the ordeal at the music moguls home. Solving an age old deep sea mystery and the billions of dollars worth of treasure recovered. Right after todays forecast map. Look at the map. 75 in orlando. Thats quite good. Youre watching world news now. Announcer world news now weather, brought to you by gain. Weather, brought to you by gain. Ever since darryls wife started using gain flings, their laundry smells more amazing than ever. sniff uh honey, isnt that the dogs towel . dog noise hey, mi towel, su towel. More gain scent, plus oxi boost and febreze for 3 big things in one gain fling. Important message for residents age 50 to 85. Write down this number now. Right now, people are receiving this free information kit for guaranteed acceptance Life Insurance with a rate lock through the Colonial Penn program. If you are on a fixed income, learn about affordable whole Life Insurance that guarantees your rate can never increase for any reason. If you did not receive your information, call this number now. Your acceptance is guaranteed, with no health questions. Stand by to learn more. Im alex trebek, here to tell you about a popular Life Insurance plan with a rate lock that locks in your rate for life so it can never increase. Did you get your free information kit . If not, please call this number now. This affordable plan through the Colonial Penn program has Coverage Options for just 9. 95 a month. Your rate is locked in and your acceptance is guaranteed, with no health questions. See how much coverage you can get for just 9. 95 a month. Call now here you see it, severe flooding going on right now in the northeast of england. Flooding roads and fields. The British Army Even helped evacuate more than a thousand people from their homes. Landslides in some remote regions closed roads, as well. Thats a truly devastating thing. Across the pond, the brash blunt and often rude judge on American Idol and britains got talent has been upstaged by some rather talented thieves. Burglars burst into the london home of simon cowell while he and his family were sleeping. Abcs Jennifer Eccleston has the story from london. Reporter simon cowell shook off the trauma of a brazen home invasion. Very appropriate. The night after i get burgled. Reporter thieves broke into his london mansion early friday morning, stealing jewelry and cash reportedly worth hundreds of thousands of dollars. The Millionaire Media mogul and were asleep and so was their baby boy eric seen here in a sweet tweet from the dad last month at the home. Happiness is a day off work, it reads. Happier still if youre safe in your own home. Abc news has learned that a guard has been removed from the cowell residence and the neighborhood watchman who gave chase to the suspect and fought with him retrieving some of the loot can expect a very nice christmas present. Cowell is no stranger to the good life. On his youtube channel, a sneak peek at his luxurious multimillion dollar home but that inside look may have provided a road map for the criminals who managed a clean get away. Providing a huge amount of information that someone that might want to burgle it. It is not wise and i wouldnt advise it for celebrities. Its one of the most beautiful and exclusive neighborhoods in all of london full of plenty of celebrities with ample private security. Its not known how the criminals entered the house, how long they stayed or if he was deliberately targeted. If so, its not the first time. A female stalker armed with a her way into the mansion in 2012. Simon cowell is said to be rattled but hugely relieved his family is safe, especially his young son. Jennifer eccleston, abc news, london. Amazing thing. The estimated value of the jewelry stolen is 754,000. Whoa. Thats a lot. Im so glad his son and wife are okay. Remarkable. And when we come back, love in the ballroom. A dancing with the stars pro pops the question. And last nights show of defiance, as well in paris. The skinny is next. Announcer world news now contday seasons just like football season. You got your big games. And regular games. Get it all at a great price. And the Holiday Season is won. Everything in one place. Holiday seasons just like football season. You got your big games. And regular games. Get it all at a great price. And the Holiday Season is won. Everything in one place. My stop shop. Message test text1 underline test text1 italics test text1 tt2w`tsi`rt bt qakh tt2w`tsi`rt a qqg, tt2w`tsi`rt bm qzl tt4w`tsi`rt dztq b78 tt4w`tsi`rt gzt 4 tt4w`tsi`rt hnt ; l tt4w`tsi`rt iztq qs4 tt4w`tsi`rt jntq c t tt4w`tsi`rt lzt [n skinny, so skinny time now for the skinny. Topping our headlines this morning, honoring the lifetime achievements of six remarkable artists. Yeah, this years recipients of the 38th annual Kennedy Center awards include singer songwriter carole king, george lucas, rita moreno and cecily tyson. The night was peppered with julie andrews, usher and Steven Spielberg its a Kennedy Center tradition the honorees sit with the president and the first lady. Last night president obama was late for his primetime so mrs. Obama started without him. That show, looks like a good show. It will be broadcast on cbs on december 29th. So glad the president made it eventually. Overseas a show of defiance in the city of light. U2 paid tribute to the spirit of the city of paris last night where they performed for the First Time Since their canceled concert in the aftermath of the terror attacks. Tonight, we are all parisians. And last nights special guest rumored to be the eagles of death metal actually turned out to be patti smith who closed out the 27song concert with her 1988 song people have the power. Back here at home, millions tuned in to watch a different kind of concert. What a legend. Turned 100 years old this year was honored with a special sinatra 100, an allstar grammy concert on cbs. The show was described as an amazing journey through some legends of the greatest music performed by some of todays biggest stars. Down to peru thats life. Ill tell you, i cant deny it i thought of quitting but my heart just wont buy it up to you, new york, New York New York oh. Incredible. The allstar lineup of grammy garth brooks, tony bennett, usher, alicia keyes and john legend. The twohour special was made in partnership with the sinatra family. I hope they put out a cd of that night. Id buy that on itunes. Of course theyre going to do that. They wouldnt miss an opportunity like that. And finally some congratulations are in order. Dancing with the stars pros max chmerkovskiy, Peta Murgatroyd are now engaged. Max and peta. Max popped the question on the stage over the weekend and an audience member caught it on camera. Audio was hard to hear but he said im in love with you and i will be in love with you for the rest of my life. Of course, she said yes. Our congratulations to them and congratulations, as well to ronnie wood. The Rolling Stones rock legend is going to be a dad again. His wife sally is pregnant with twins. The 58yearold wood has four marriage, nine grandchildren who will have aunts and or uncles that are younger than them. When they graduate from high school, hell be 86 years young. Coming up, a deep sea mystery solved. Uh huh. Dont you want to know your score . What if you want to get your own apartment or buy a new car . Or are you just planning on learning the hard way . The hard way . Yeah, like when you didnt want to pay for movers . Huh. Maybe i should get my free credit score from credit karma. Check out credit karma today. Credit karma, give yourself some credit. I pinky promised my little girl a Fabulous Garden Party for her birthday. So i mowed the lawn, put up all the decorations. I thought i got everything. Almost everything you know, 1 in 10 houses could get hit by a septic disaster, and a bill of up to 13,000. But for only 7 a month, ridx is scientifically proven to ridx. The 1 brand used by septic professionals in their own tanks. Try align for a nonstop, sweettreatgoodness r holdontoyourtiara, kindofday. Live 24 7 with 24 7 digestive support. Try align, the undisputed 1 ge recommended probiotic. Im alex trebek. If youre age 50 to 85, this is an important message. So please, write down the number on your screen. The lock i want to talk to you about isnt the one on your door. Its a rate lock for your Life Insurance that guarantees your rate can never go up at any time, for any reason. But be careful. Many policies you see do not have one, but you can get a lifetime rate lock through the Colonial Penn program. Call this number to learn more. With a rate lock for people on a fixed income who want affordable Life Insurance thats simple to get. Coverage options for just 9. 95 a month, less than 35 cents a day. Act now and your rate will be locked in for life. It will never increase. Your coverage can never be cancelled as long as you pay your premiums, and your acceptance is guaranteed, with no health questions. You cannot be turned down because of your health. Call for your information kit and gift. Both are free, with no obligation. Dont wait, under the sea, under the sea darling its better down where its wetter take it from me do your kids watch the Little Mermaid . Of course. My favorite songs. Located under the sea after more than 300 seas is being called the holy grail of ship wrecks. The wreck of a spanish galleon named the san jose. Its set to reignite an international dispute over the treasure. Heres abcs neal karlinksky. Reporter in these first images from the ocean floor, you can clearly see vases, cannons, and what looks like coins. So much gold, colombias president making a claim as big as the discovery. It is one of the biggest underwater heritage in the history of humanity, he says. The spanish galleon, the san jose, sank on june 8th, 1708, in the caribbean off the coast of cartagena, colombia. The triple decked ship was 150 feet long and armed with 64 guns. Estimates of the treasure on board, believed to include emeralds, gold and coins like this one shown on the Facebook Page for sea search armada, and silver vary widely. From an astonishing 4 billion to as much as 17 billion. It is a job of many years with many people, says a member of the team. A huge triumph. Dive teams have kept the exact location of the galleon secret, for obvious reasons. It was found in 1,000 feet of water during what was very much a hightech treasure hunt. What is thought to be one of the worlds most valuable ship wrecks is a secret no more. Neal karlinsky, abc news, los well, that was interesting. Now, i tweeted out earlier this morning. You did . That we have a mystery cohost whos going to be here for the next couple weeks. And hes british. Some people thought it was mick jagger. Look at the tweets there. Paul mccartney. And then another person finally found out who it was and said wow, hes extremely attractive, enjoying the news tonight. Thats very nice. People are saying Paul Mccartney, mick jagger, i fear we may have mismanaged this. I fear we may have raised expectations. Hardly. Now just maybe Paul Mccartney is presenting the overnight news on abc. Now that i who . Richard who . Someone else, Matt Campbell says, we also like the britt. Kind of makes world news now downton newsy. I like that. Ill roll with that. Ill not argue with that. More news after this. World news now, informing insomniacs for two decades. Informing

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