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Anyway to slacken by right before we. Got to you know it wouldn't be possible for me my children to watch. Ellen. Or Today us. From the 1000000000 young studios Fox News 345 Ws. And i Heart Radio. News for News Channel 7 on 945 w.f.l.a. . I'm going to start a rabs of the watermelon Shipley hundreds of people listen to live music enjoyed activities and eat plenty of watermelon well say the festival is a great way to help the city get back on its feet after Hurricane Michael Washington County judge says the festival is a huge economic and for the county No one expects to come to the beach and leave without someone's life now that's the unfortunate reality for the red and family Friday June 21st and went into the water we saw a mother and child who needed saving while the 2 survived Stacey lost his life and now his family is mourning the loss but now they're working to make sure this tragedy doesn't happen to other families by petitioning for new are. Redmond's are working to get an online petition form for this for more information j h e dot com or download the free. Today. Because they give you the backstory This is no bad militia it was that they believe that I am pathetic and a disgrace to radio that. Everything is a guy does people get upset. Over and it takes. All this thing right. Away. From the get go Fox Sports radio series badmouthed. Now that's what I call funny money some legit funny money well could be the big feeding of the Ben Mather show we are in the air. Way or the bands Fox Sports Radio Network emanating live from the Geico Fox Sports Radio Studios 15 minutes could save you 50 percent or more on your car insurance just visit Geico dot com for a free. Record. Too as we suspected n.b.a. Teams big day for the n.b.a. If you like the transaction if you're a fan of transactions if you like players changing teams and who doesn't because none of these guys have stone yet with their new teams but most will but the n.b.a. Proving that the money was burning a hole in their pocket and they had to get rid of it these peeves in depending on who you believe which financial guru. One reports that up to $3000000000.00 in new money has already been handed out on the 1st day of n.b.a. Free agency which technically doesn't even really start the moratorium on in be a free agency which is so dumb to put an embargo on this even though there's no embargo because everyone knows what's going on it's all out in the clear but the n.b.a. Waiting to make everything official for a few days Pa it. Certainly over a $1000000000.00 nearly $2000000000.00 some say up to $3000000000.00 since n.b.a. Free agency started. Roughly on a No 6 hours ago or something like that as we're doing the show in real time so many people woozy many people light headed and they keep picking refresh turning on the radio trying to hear what's going on all the static all the noise about the n.b.a. And there's so much to work through here there's so much to work through that we will be doing a 12 hour deep dive on n.b.a. Free agency but we'll just do it in 4 hours. Ok we'll just do it in 4 hours and so where do we begin well maybe people have anointed a new power in the n.b.a. Eastern Conference and that power when would that power be no sleep til Brooklyn and for months the talk around the n.b.a. Had Kevin Durant going to the Knickerbockers surprise turned out that he didn't go to the Knicks but he did go to New York just the other team in New York and if you've been overwhelmed by all of this and you haven't been paying attention bad job by you Kevin Durant's thumbing his nose at the knickerbockers and the Warriors and the Clippers and heading to the Brooklyn Zoo He will be residing at the Brooklyn Zoo for the next couple years the announcement coming down intends to sign a contract in Flatbush which will be official once the moratorium period ends July 6th by the way you know this weekend for this then Saturday the nets unloading the Brinks truck you talk I just mention money burning a hole in your pocket and you talk about making money on money here the nets not only get Kevin Duran they also get sour puss Kevin Durant's buddy Kyrie Irving he is going to head to Brooklyn and beyond Ray Jordan and some other secondary players all the 3 headlined veterans part of the Brooklyn Nets the new face of the Brooklyn Nets proving that money is no option money is no object in the nets and the ownership group which should have been not spending tons of money here recently they had money to burn and burn baby burn they did so a lot of bull declarations about many of these moves people being pressed into making hot takes on the Brooklyn Nets now that they have reshaped the core of the franchise with these grizzled veterans of playoff titles gone past and they are all united as one. In Brooklyn So let's discuss you know a lot of those declarations saying that the Brooklyn Nets now are one of the lead dolphins in the Eastern Conference of the n.b.a. That they are going to be a team that will not only talk the talk but they will walk the walk so the question does the addition of Kevin the rank Kyrie Irving and the Andre Jordan among others make the Brooklyn Nets the team to beat in the Eastern Conference and give that a total thumbs down that is a fabrication of the truth that Brooklyn with these additions is now the team to beat in the east now my view is you've got snow white the booby prize and the feather. And we will put all of this together and we'll see. Around is what we're going to spin it around now 1st of all to me this shows that it is impossible to read the priorities of players in free agency my so I know I know it just does prove it because we heard rumors that chi re and Doraine wanted to play together Ok that's true and Brooklyn had been mentioned that is also true put still to ultimately do it it's one thing to talk about it but to actually go into it you know the money being no object here for the Brooklyn Nets even though there's the salary cap and the Nets have perpetually been a 2nd Division Company it's kind of cool a team that's been on the doldrums now it's got all these players they're technically still owned by the Russian oligarch McHale procurer fellow he sold a big chunk of it to a tech guy from China so there's a mix ownership group there's other people involved in it they don't have a huge big name coach Kenny Atkinson has been the coach and broke in the last couple years and got them into the playoffs this year and if you look at the pecking order of New York sports and what's gets discussed the monopoly does not reside in Brooklyn does not in fact they would rather talk about the minor league team in Brooklyn the minor league baseball team than they would the activities going on here with the n.b.a. And he says no no buzz no none of that so will that change now a little bit I think a little bit and that's where the the big names are people generally gravitate to big names of a star efforts out there that love big names now Brooklyn the reason they are not a team to beat in the Eastern Conference in a couple season couple reasons for these signings. To sum it up perfectly it's a double. Edge sword for the Nets because Kevin Durant's 8 play he 8 walking through that door he will get paid he's going to get his money but he's got a bum Achilles and we have seen Kyrie Irving trying to lead a team as the x. Factor in the Eastern Conference it was about his enjoy a ball having a case of diarrhea watching him try to lead the Boston Celtics and so now these 2 are together but only one was really the Kyrie Irving show for the next year and if you think of this in terms of Snow White in the 7 dwarfs the Nets have added grumpy and Dopey is what they have good luck you can win maybe with grumpy and dopey but that's what you got it right why would it be any different for Uncle Drew in Brooklyn than it was in Boston and I like the Andre Georgianna rejoins a nice complementary player who get up 10 rebounds a game and he'll score abound 10 points or 12 points a game for whatever team he plays for and he'll be Ok for the next couple years the 100 yards going to great but no one's going to stop and say oh my god we can't win because the Andre Jordan is standing in the middle road and is this big impeachment for us to win now Secondly as we talk here on Fox Sports Radio Golden State the Knicks and the Clippers all 3 of these teams needed to exhale once to rant made his announcement because they avoid Golden State the Knicks and the Clippers the booby prize of n.b.a. Free agents Kevin Durant's he's damaged goods he is and there's a lot of stupid people that don't understand the Achilles injury and think that lie lie lie lie lie lie lie Kevin Durant's is going to come back and be oh amazing there's a 95 percent chance that it doesn't happen that he comes back a shell of himself you have to be the ultimate Pollyanna to think that Kevin Durant's going to come back to the Knicks and town there is just like nothing nothing happened same for. Janelle's Golden State Now some people in correctly brought up Paul George as an example of someone who overcame this injury is not true Paul George his right leg snapped like a twig he broke his tibia and fibula that's different that's bad that's really bad and they got that reattach he also had arthroscopic surgery on his knee but he did not pop the Killie's the Achilles has generally been a death sentence to domination as an n.b.a. Player and that is what the Brooklyn Nets have signed up for the Brooklyn Nets for better or worse have signed up for Kevin Durant to come in there with the Achilles maybe you'll be hopping on one leg and every player who's come back from that injury has been not the same they've been in one way or another they've been adequate many of them really inadequate some of come close to what they had been but if the nets are looking at a piecemeal version of Kevin Durant's I mean think about it this way doesn't listen he can afford the money is not my money it's their money but they think they're selling one thing and they're likely going to get something else by the time Kevin Durant comes back he'll be 32 years old and he's got one season lead by the time he comes back one year left in his prime athletically and you figure most of that year will be spent trying to get his sea legs underneath him so good luck on expecting a metamorphosis by Kevin Durant's in Brooklyn a final thought on this it is a nice feather in the cap for Brooklyn for the unknowledgeable n.b.a. Fan that they were able to zoom past the Knicks and get Cameron as I said as I lay now we'll talk more about the Knicks later because they have been on a spending spree signing c. And d. Level free agents he had to replace. The loss of Kevin Durant's the Knickerbockers have been very very busy and the great Reggie Bullock That's a big move Reggie Bullock Julius Randle believe us he really got the got the party Portis there Taj Gibson I read to some big names some big names for the Knicks you look at that wow that is a solid lineup they have put together there that is a loaded team anyway but for them now it's just like hey we got a guy that the Knicks wanted and that's a big deal and so it's a feather in their cap from that perspective it's another kick in the shins to Madison Square Garden and all that the optics do not look good. Randall though has been a very productive player on bad teams he's been sneaky good a good good stat stuff or on bad n.b.a. Teams that have an opportunity to be on a bad n.b.a. Team and get 20 points a game plus and get a bunch of rebounds and get a bunch of assist for the next going forward and should have no problem with that going ahead are usually Ben Mallare show on Fox if you would like to be part of this is we await the b. . Oh I lettered whose will have more inquire later but he has not decided to partake in this and there are 3 n.b.a. Teams that are hanging on every single breath waiting for Co I know the drama I States drama of quality but in the meantime we'll take your phone calls you want to point the lines are open for business we're also available on Twitter at ban Malou that's ad Ben Mal you can join the festivities you say hello to Edmund Dallas Steamboat Willie. The old 9 to 5 for free you are you are. You are see I did see a couple of Laker billboards trying to woo. The 91 freeway as I was driving around sure that I heard today clearly that's why he's delayed his decision obviously why we haven't heard where he might go at this point well thank you since you still are going to the Clippers say you say anything yes Cooper I heard I heard your update at the top of the hour it's not enough that we don't do our You're trending or we don't like this updates are outdated I didn't hear the who did the Clippers get. Well they did resign Patrick Beverley Oh Ok but missed that he didn't go then I didn't have that in the top there wasn't a big enough to fit in there but. I think this you mean so painful more painful for the Lakers that koala is making the Lakers miss out on all these other players by thinking he's going to sign with them equal I would be the biggest phony in the world if he signs with the Lakers and he's free to do it I mean I don't listen I don't work for the Clippers I don't care but he goes and plays for both legs but he would be a total fraud and I would remind people every time I mention Kweisi name he's a fraud if he signs away he's better off going back to Toronto if you want to play for the Clippers or whatever go back to Toronto but don't put the Lakers when it's on a Friday because you hate the Lakers No because why would you want to be Le Bron's caddy your crew I like you better than the pride you just want to champion Le Bron could let you play on his team it wouldn't be his name brands only got a bronze at the end of his career as you constantly remind us let intensifies as the beginning of his prime so from there on out you know I mean he wants a championship spend that's what it's about what he won without Le Bron Why would you cheapen that by calling people a prime brand sucks the air around the room he's a he's a diva why we don't want that verse by yourself cause that's who cool Why is quite isn't I don't think anybody knows. Why does it need a parade of superstars but I am with Vegas Vegas believes the Clippers are going to get Cohen or so the bookies know somethin I'm with value all these people freaking out about I'm not freaking out when the last time they updated the odds they updated them on Sunday Clippers or 8 to one tell me they signed Patrick better why else would the Clippers be 8 to one to win the championship unless they were getting koala Leonard they're getting cool I let him Vegas believe the bookies believe coal while Leonard is going to the Clippers not only and this is brilliant because it Kweisi what I think should happen happens here. Why is screwing the Lakers over while he's he's kind of letting the Lakers think he's got a chance to go there and they're missing out on all these players and then he goes to the Clippers and then it's Anthony Davis who'll be hurt by December 1st Le Bron James will be injured by January 1st and the c. And d. Squad of the Lakers this is brilliant by Co island it's absolutely marvel that all those guys are hurt it will be a wise team will be going to a lot of play you won't know she's going to some of the Clippers you didn't you didn't listen that job by us not Vegas Well you know you were saying he wouldn't sign with the Lakers because he would be playing 2nd p.s.u. Bron but it was wrong gets hurt then I'll be number one no you don't understand I don't you know basketball guy you know I got your ball you understand the n.b.a. So explain our crime is such a overwhelming personality that you cannot if you are in his presence you are a peasant do you want to embody this if you are why would why would you want if you just heard he will be your own why would you want to be but I mean again he would be a huge phony everything we've heard about Co I lettered is he doesn't want the attention he doesn't want the spotlight is on all that stuff so why would you go play right there where the spotlight his makes no sense it would be completely wrong but least you're admitting that the spotlight in Los Angeles is on the way yes i'm glad i want yes because I like it that way I'm an underdog but I don't you know you don't have a choice I'm not a one percent after Like many a Laker apologist out there the historians the fall Lakers I don't need that you can have that card actually and stuff who pollute like that kind of stuff I don't like that kind of stuff it's not my thing so I don't like that he does he loves it he I think you well know that stuff you talk about that kind of stuff on the show all the toss because it makes good sports right on telling job that's what I talk about that's doesn't kill us he doesn't have to live or do the Lakers make for better sports talk radio he's border security for the not I don't I want to. Watch him with the Clippers I don't want to see him but the Lakers place your he really wants with I represent America the is the. Somebody you think of the therapist Dr all these all these Laker his story is any therapy I made I think there are 2 sides are going to be they're going to be doing more than that because they call it they can have somebody would sign with the Clippers How could this possibly be oh my god the nightmare of nightmare any any idea any production on how long this drags out with Co I live got a full week of programming so I need I would like you missed out on Thursday afternoon will be good for me and he can we wait can we drag this thing out until Thursday talked to him maybe we can work something he's going to meet with Jerry West what do you what is he what he wants to talk with magic white why does he want magic is magic a part of this is only one of his cousins wants to be magic system but I don't see the sense. It's so so stupid and we will take your phone calls again you can be part of the show the lines are open you can be part of it. A golden size shake up in the n.b.a. Also we'll get to that and we will do it next. Be a free agent see just take all of our particular just rip it up throw it in the garbage and giving directions in Brooklyn will be joined by a real Kemba Walker the move for Charlotte to. Kill the Portland Trailblazers This is Fox Sports Radio. 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Probably Ok isn't Ok especially when it comes to drinking and driving if you're drinking call a cab a car or a friend Buzz driving is drunk driving a message brought to you by it's an Ad Council standing up for what's right helping out when things go wrong. Raising our voices alone. What to get. Seeking the a difference now. For the. Girl Scouts preparing girls for a lifetime of leadership adopt us kids presents multiple choice parenting your daughter's just got invited to the prom do you meet her date. I need to see your past a report card your driver's license a list of references and this hair sample b. Help her pick out a dress. Don't you just love the long sleeves and turtleneck on this pantsuit up sleeve 10 the bra under the cover. What are you doing here. I didn't look at school or d.d. 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Oxygen water and Twitter are all necessary to sustain life on the Benambra show express yourself that we may read your thoughts on the radio you can follow your post on Twitter he's at work and you can tweet out and follow me your humble sidekick the voice of reason one is that he Garcia and I met on Fox and on live from the Geico Fox Sports Radio Studios it's been. So the n.b.a. Nerds have done the math here we're up to $3100000000.00 in contracts that have been handed out Patrick Beverley getting a contract agreed to with the Clippers and n.b.a. Creating c. But you know it's. When guys like Reggie Bullock are getting $21000000.00 contracts and someone named Thomas Bryant is getting $25000000.00 the money is flowing in the n.b.a. And shake up a golden size shake up in the n.b.a. The Golden State Warriors who know they are going to be without the services equate Thompson for the bulk of the season they did resign Klay Thompson to a massive contract a $190000000.00 max contract to stay with the goals they were should be back sometime in February and also the Warriors picking up the Angelo Russell that was not tied by the rumor early in the day on Sunday was the angel Russell could end up in Minnesota but the actual Russell goes to the Golden State Warriors he gets $117000000.00 He's a medium range jump shooter D'Angelo Russell going to the Warriors and he's going to have to carry the load with Steph Curry until clay Thompson comes back and going forward going to have to carry some of the load there the Warriors also unloading saying I still love East they get outta here too Andre Dolly he's gone they've traded Andre good ol out in a shake up so the Warriors changing over their roster as the ring it's gone he's out found Andrea dollar gone that's a good move letting Andre good Dolly go because he looked like he was near dawn at the end of the year and it's better to get rid of him a year too soon than a year too late so you pick up D'Angelo Russell who's loves to play the pick and roll off and she's all about that pick and roll boss to the phones we go we have a lot of people cashing golden tickets let's go to Justin in Cincinnati very important they say the 1st call of a radio show set the tone for the entire show hello just. A mark who is coming your way to the Clippers shout out Rob Robby the Mariners fan is yeah I just want everybody to know that and by the way to have fun with the gas tax and Gavin Newsome Democrat thank you. I try to do the right thing and let people know and live in California to get the get the gas before midnight I guess you still have a half an hour left if you're in California you get 10 gas because they raised the gas tax $0.06 did you fill up 80 on Monday goes up $0.06 a gallon I filled up yesterday Well you should've done and so I should top it off on Sunday some of the people are so dumb and I mean this is how this kind of taxation situation happens not to get on a tangent here but they only raise it $0.06 here and $0.06 there before you know it it's $0.50 a gallon in but dumb people just don't realize that's how it is it's the boiling frog we always talk about the boiling frog on the show a few times every couple months and it's the boiling frog and you can raise taxes a center too and get away with it no one will complain because you know who who would complain about a couple of cents here and there but you do it year after year and eventually it gets completely out of control the people don't go slowly death by a 1000000 paper cuts I guess isn't the way to phrase it you can do that bike that lets go to m.g.m. John who is also cashing a golden ticket in lost wages now bought a. Job. Okie dokie croaking That's about an hour. While your follow you something well you know you're from underwater what happened there. Not. Been a well then Mel I'm telling you been going crazy on. Your Clippers like you want to when you n.b.a. Finals Yeah but makes perfect sense for Patrick Beverly's a big pick up so clearly Vegas thinks Beverly is going to lead them to the fire unless they think oh I liner is going to be the Clipper by the end of the week and I look at it and it's going to happen that while I was just playing. With the Lakers you know magic show. You know. Yet of that week. I would be quite going to side with the Clippers and make Magic Johnson look like the clown and I will tell you one thing. Don't think that's going to happen you can be you can be terrible and win 10 games he not even try and win 10 games they'll win more than 10 games don't win like 15 to 20 games that's what you know even the worst teams the worst of the worst always find a way to win around 15 Very rarely does a team win less than 15 it has happened the Clippers at that a couple times but very rare does that happen so I think you go I John there you go what an amazing couple of golden tickets I'm so glad we gave out golden tickets so important we give those a. Hand off in spades paying off. Is it the pending Armageddon all this money being handed out in the n.b.a. $3.00 by peel the hidden dollars Is there a pending Armageddon on the horizon we'll get to that coming up momentarily but 1st let's get you caught up on everything going on in sports overnight here is Eddie and of course we start with the fridge the signing period underway in the n.b.a. Checking the big signing so far we are still waiting on Co I lettered but the Brooklyn Nets have made the biggest splash this point is they give both Kevin Durant and Kyrie Irving reportedly growing in a 4 year deal worth 154000000 Irving a 4 year deal worth $141000000.00 reporters they both took less money so they could add center De Andre Jordan who is heading to Brooklyn as well nets are also going to finalize each a sign and trade deal that would send a guardian angel Russell to the Golden State Warriors Russell then signed for your 170000000 or deal going status in a forward Andre Iguodala in Memphis Grizzlies along with a protected 1st round pick the Miami Heat reportedly finalizing a sign and trade deal with the Philadelphia 76 years for guard Jimmy Butler Meanwhile the $76.00 to bring in center Al Horford is leaving Boston a 4 year 109000000 dollars deal the Celtics land Kemba Walker was leaving the Hornets agreeing on a 4 year 140000000 or deal with Boston at some other resigning of note the Portland Trailblazers resigning star Damian Lillard on a 4 year $196000000.00 deal the Denver Nuggets resigning Garge small Murray 5 years and $170000000.00 Dallas Mavericks resigning for Christie just 5 years 158000000 dollars Chris Middleton resigning with the walk up Milwaukee Bucks 5 years and $178000000.00 and the Golden State Warriors resigned guard Klay Thompson 5 years and $190000000.00 of support brought you by true car on my car shopping can be confusing not a more true price from True Car Nika know the exact price you'll pay for your next car so it is a true carnage joined more confident car buying experience baseball games of note the Cubs follow the Reds 8 to 6 that was the Brewers over the Pirates 2 to one from the walkies now tied with Chicago for 1st in the n.l. Central and if you missed it in the mini series over there in London the Yankees win the finale beating the Reds. 12 to 8 in. The mini series where a lot of runs were scored on a bet you got the chance to go to those games over there in London between the Reds and I was getting up as my friend Marlene's man was texting me he wasn't in the game on Sunday but he's at the game on Saturday and he kept sending me messages I think we're good friends now because I listen to his show and me I'm awesome man oh yeah is a radio show on our affiliate Thanks for listening Eddie in Miami. On the hurricane in Miami and yeah he text me before the show I asked When's there some like that so I listened and I was like why I was texting him telling him things to say like I was I was complimenting or whatever on the show and so now we're best friends and so now he's he was he was sending me messages he flew back he was at the Sunday night game the Mets game with David who played Braves Sunday night so yeah but I did I watched a little bit it was ridiculous the 17 to 13 that game on Sat it's kind of like the way I look at this like baseball in London is ill if they put a cricket match at the Coliseum in l.a. We'd be like What the hell's What are they doing it's like the same concept and not baseball fans in London I think it's a lot of Americans either going over there or living over there already like we heard before we fell games in in London and we've taken calls from people who listen ex-pats are people who work in military bases that are in the military and they have big bosses the you know bus tours that go and take the soldiers and military families to go to the football games there's some of that but I think in a football a bit more popular baseball I don't know that anyone in Europe I think it's the same concept I don't know who cares about American football and you well I mean I think Mary have had you know those World League teams know once again I think the truth actually they do a lot of people do you know they did they would still be around they're not around the reason or not around them he cared about them well they were selling out all those games in Germany and that yeah Ok. Sure. On Fox as we press on from the Geico Fox Sports Radio Studios 15 minutes could save you 50 percent or more on your car insurance just visit Geico dot com for a free rate quote Rob in Vegas as Co I to the Clippers book it Benjamin God bless your Clippers Vegas has spoken but he says this could be an all time curse of the men to be you know if this does not happen I mean this may be the biggest curse and how is it all turns to the been Beano because you're saying it's a done deal and most of the time when you say something is a done deal enough it doesn't work I'm not saying is a deal I'm saying that Vegas thinks it's a done deal and that one that you are betting on they go yes I'm going on this is not is you saying and I'm telling you that if you're on the side of the bookmaker you're going to be right more times than not and you want to find out where the public is and bet against the public that's the key to winning the game when people think the key to winning a gambling is to always pick you know the right side now he's got to pick the side to the houses on what you've got to do Nick in New Hampshire writes in says Kevin Durant's and it can Skywalker is such a cliche when he was young with Ok so he was eager to defeat evil Golden State he now restored balance to the force meaning the n.b.a. By joining the Warriors what a character arc from Nick in New Hampshire James says he is sending us boxes of ranch dress and Pop Tarts that's fine James I want to open it you can send them in I will not have any of that I'm told those don't exist good solid lot of pictures on Twitter about that but I've been told that that's not true good because no one wants that's disgusting who wants to eat the devil's blood as a pastry know what he wants that is disgusting people vomit eating that kind of crap it's embarrassing is what is now he will get to the painting sports Armageddon in a moment right now though we say hello to Transgender Day Hello transgender Dave in Texas America getting more and more won't hurt a presidential candidate last week to give taxpayer funded abortions to. And gender for you male really wow that was perfect topic for a sports talk radio show yesterday and had 6 problems absent this Sportster I was so 1st of all I hope choli gets paid because I want to hear my ass again that guy's got one of the strangest laughs I've ever heard on him our show well he'll laugh no matter what because. Happy transgendered a very excited a yes and but what I want to talk about is something that the California Senate did the other day to get the middle finger to the n.c. Double a They've voted to let college athletes profit off of their image or names if Electronic Arts wants to sign him up yeah god forbid you actually make money off your name. Wrong and the n.c.a.a. Does not want that and they're making all kinds of their false threats about how we're not going to let California schools partake know what's going to happen if the other states just copy California and then though this let players make money off they're like yeah that it's like the Alabama Legislature about 5 minutes past the same law Yeah exactly in a to go you know a state that is big time college Portrush pretty much every state you know maybe major state will will change laws and that'll be that So yeah Welp I'm cast right to solve they woke up America yes there you go transgender Dave still waiting that operation but some day it's going to happen so the pending sports Armageddon which then silly to say on a night that has seen the n.b.a. Dish out over $3000000000.00 in contracts to players to put a ball in a hoop. But it involves the golden goose of the n.b.a. What pays all the bills of the n.b.a. No it's not you it's not the fans it is television that is the sugardaddy of the n.b.a. And all professional sports leagues Well bad news last week late in the week and actually came out over the weekend report on linear television watching time eat is falling down down down down down with the most important advertising demo. Dolts 18 to 49 in the amount of time they are watching television how low can you go how low can you go so from ages just from ages 2 to 34 for get 18 to 49 going back 9 years to 2010 they're watching 50 percent less television the only people that are watching television more are people $65.00 or older but you know the advertising game it's all about younger people who want younger people advertising because once you get to a certain age when you're 65 you are deciding what kind of toothpaste you want what kind of potato chips you like what kind of so do you like to drink what kind of what all your favorite items you've already got you're not going to change so they try to hook in younger people and one of the ways they would do it on is on television and is people are not don't have fortunately the radio business radio has been able to survive here people actually listen to radio more now than they used to be which is amazing to me shocked by it also but it's true people are listening to radio more in many ways and they were a few years ago which is kind of cool but our friends in television are having some issues here and they're trying to figure out here now does this mean people are just watching stuff on demand and they're still watching video content but they're not watching it live if they don't watch it live they don't get the commercials which becomes a problem and that works back to what we talked about last week that the n.b.a. Is positioning itself in 2025 to go become the 1st major sports league to go off television and go to a digital streaming partnership and not have any games on television just the n.b.a. Finals might be on television but the bulk of the games would be on Netflix or Amazon Prime or Hulu or whatever with that Disney thing Fox is starting something also. And that's the wave of the the future are excited by now the show on Fox We've got the m l b pick and we'll get to that coming up in a moment here's the Who am I game I was the 1st player to appear in 3 consecutive World Series with different teams 1st time it ever happen in baseball history again the Who am I game I was the 1st player to appear in 3 consecutive World Series with 3 different teams who am I the answer next. Your sports world it was a. We've got it instantly for you and it is substantial. It's kind of the. Capital sweet for. Fox Sports Radio. Prescription price. Historic meeting Jordan Fox News President Trump is back in Washington following a world wind trip to Asia that included a visit to North Korea and a sit down with Kim Jong un he only ever portrayed it is this is going to be like a quick handshake. Nice to see you it's going to last between 5 and 7 minutes but is he headed toward Freedom House which is one of 2 big buildings on the southern side of the border on the South Korea south of the border we had a feeling that something was up in there when we saw them in that room with the 2 chairs and 7 American flags and 7 North Korean flags all set up that the little bit of this had to do it had been in the last 24 to 36 hours John Roberts reporting Fox's Tucker Carlson will have an exclusive interview with the president Monday night at 8 Eastern on the Fox News Channel everyone onboard a small plane died in a fiery crash near Dallas Sunday the aircraft plunged into a hangar Federal officials say 2 crew members and 8 passengers were killed we've noted that the airplane was damaged by impact forces and a post-impact fire a plane and helicopter in the hangar were damaged but no one was in that building a powerful explosion rocked the Afghan capital right in the middle of the morning commute smoke could be seen billowing from Kabul's downtown area near the u.s. Embassy no word yet on any casualties protesters in Hong Kong plan an afternoon March earlier demonstrators confronted police officers as crowds oppose a proposal to allow suspects to be extradited to China to face charges. This obligation to throw this. Whole I don't know don't know why did. The rule of law the rule is that file of all. These companies pardon the March also marks the 22nd anniversary of the return of Hong Kong to China this is Fox News. From the Alexander shore Law dot com weather center your news channel 7 forecast 945 w. F. L. a Good Sunday night to you temperatures drop into the mid to low seventy's across the area this evening in a dry night is in store not seeing any more storms or showers for the most part after the sun set going into the 1st portion of your work week high pressure ahead keeping us hot and dry around Wednesday when we start seeing rain chances slowly creep back into the area and those jump up by the time you reach the weekend get your weather anytime anywhere download the new w j g weather app today I mean you're all just grace and Jarvis your local weather authority it's fair trade. And the news of the traffic and the weather I might. Get your year's list listening music great play desperate to play 1st and you get the World Cup to l.a. . There's a threat targeting America Lyme disease spread by tiny ticks this dangerous disease can cause life changing health problems and is now more widespread than West Nile to per kilo says an HIV Aids combined so it's time for us to target by Missy's that means checking for ticks when you've been outside and seeing a doctor if you experience the warning signs which can include joint pain and flu like symptoms learn how you can target Lyme disease at Target mind. What it's like to be active your whole life and find out you're going to find That's what happened to me on the Internet at Mackinaw degeneration or m.d. As a wife mother and grandmother my sight is precious to me and my belief when I found out that treatments for some forms of a.m.d. Are available and that research is underway on additional preventions and treatments and one day as the main conservation awesome people 55 and over when I started seeing blurry spots in the middle of my eye I saw my doctor she suggested I repeat the prevention and treatment information on fight blindness stop work did you know that. Some forms of balloon deal came to snow down our stop and in some cases reversed and found in time to get more information about preserving your fishing car the Foundation fighting blindness today at 1800 brightness Korea free packet on May 1st thing I mention and do I want to go to the website where I found so much helpful information like my mistype work running 200 blindness 182546363 or fight by Nest dot org Your little sis Fox News Radio 945 telling us cards at the ready. Balls brightest star so. Go ahead on the biggest night of the summer they're all here friend unforgettable show. All-Star game live just like that 7 30 pm Eastern. You stand out from radio listeners as you can tell we are not like those other generic sports talkers on the Ben dollar show for better or worse we are unique to stay that way by joining our Facebook family you can interact with other p one friends of the show it's almost and it's for you go to facebook dot com slash $10.00 an hour live from the guy go Fox Sports Radio Studios it's bad about. The m.-l. Be picking coming up here momentarily. For that. It will pay off easy Who am I game is where we pretend to somebody else we call the Who am I game I was the 1st player the 1st player to appear in 3 consecutive World Series with different teams who am I That's the question were what is the answer Robyn Vegas is going with Jimmy Superfly Snuka Buck Rogers guessed by Will in Pennsylvania a go. Toker from Stoner Marman to a page down here Senor Jeff he's going with Diane Baylor as his answer Jack Morris from just Josh Ron Gant from Smitty or Maher Marino tossed out by a.j. The Godfather Let's see who else do we have your page than page then here let's see Rickey Henderson from the happy bong toker We've got Mike Pence tossed out by can't close the deal Neil Robb is going with screech Michael Jordan from Jiggy Elvis tossed out by Aidan How do you do to be from tortilla man Tony who has to have page down here page down this aloof from Du Pree Patrick the uber black driver in San Diego is going with Steve Finley as his answer Charlie Libra it from Eric to have your let's see a lot of the Smith from manic Mike and what's your answer there and I think someone said Mike Pence I'm gonna go with his brother Hunter Pence Hunter Pence the great hunter Prez I know is incorrect Arab Eyes are buzzard that's how you do that was the correct answer Erick Erick there we were late now we play the we've got a right era kids of the 2007 winning World Series Red Sox 2008 world soon losing rays in the 2009 World Series winning Yankees but 3 years in a row all with different teams era can ski is the correct answer let's say hello to Mitchell catching a golden ticket in Ohio Hello Michel. I just want to tell you walk why I was going to like yours better before I get down like I want to work out why would you want to be wrong why would you want to embarrass yourself like day I'm not wrong but I don't want your help so you are absolutely wrong because Vegas is saying one thing you want to go against the bookmakers in Vegas why would you want to do that you're an idiot I just want to tell just an infant tonight and I want to laugh too much about you all got back because our governor is trying to put an even bigger one I'm not on and he's a Republican or so you know there you go yes right there where you want to be I mean the roads suck everywhere so let's get rid of all our gas taxes it doesn't fix the roads anyway how about that everywhere I drive all over the country the roads suck so let's get really gas taxes what the hell to do well what Mitchell. Has he gone I want to gab talk about that. Are you what do you call it the well I'm up on your own why not a white girl I'm going to be in that movie it was going to like I mean you know you're in that movie with. Brilliant Ok you're such a genius All right our let's get to it here we go to Time now for the m l b pick and we start a new week you hear the music there we go so exciting all right and we'll be picking up where you're going to pick to position players in a pitcher and it's a light card Monday's a travel day. White card I'll say yeah. You know separate the professionals from the amateurs you're not afraid of this I'm not scared of a lie card you got a son is scared of a like Card afraid I'm afraid I'm like a red and yeah I'm going to win the game this is and this is why. This is where I step up this is not on high profile teams that are playing on Monday that's opportunity and an opportunity knocks you got to answer Well I'm sure you will absolutely yeah absolutely all right what do we got here Cooper who is going 1st on this all right I was the other winner between Addie and I. Just wanted to go into details. Show doesn't exist when I'm not here when my was it with my 1st pick I'm going to go for the the jinx pick. Mike Minor. Well 1st pick Eddie go ahead any Christian Yalit Christian Yellin with the 3rd pig . Meaning my name I'm going to eat drink and Hauser of the Milwaukee Brewers go Brew Crew Chris who's in for bird Oh you've got. Let's go with Jose Vallverdu Jose Vallverdu All right one more Chris back to back you know pick a pitcher get to position players also let's see Jose velvety would have in the pitcher just go with Allen Trammell Allen Tran all the. You could pick solid eighty's Tigers baseball right back to me Eenie Meenie money think I'll take Mike Trout all thank you all right go ahead bells Yosh Bell All right coop Go ahead buddy All right I'm going to go with Javi Baez right and show hail Tani as an angel suck up pick back to the m l b pick up daily fantasy excitement here on the radio on a light cart on a Monday travel that very excited about these pitching options. Let's go with Adrian Hauser of the Milwaukee already big tent Thanks for this I'm getting to be about let's go and Allan of the pond Ok that's an even better pick out with my next pick don't don't get you don't draft him for hustle he's not Johnny hustle but I will take many much choco of my pied rays and Chris last pic Chris who you Guy. Cecil Fielder Cecil field All right big power hitter early ninety's tigers there it is the m l b. In its entirety and I am putting it out there in the solar system I am going to win the m o b pick for Monday it's going to happen I mean my mind. Might or. Hey it's been Mallare great news there's a page spent Mallare great news there's a quick way you could save money switch to Geico all it takes is 15 minutes to find out if you could save 15 percent or more on car insurance and Geico offers coverage for more than just car insurance got a motorcycle guy goes got you covered got an r.v. Covered got a boat covered and there's so much more Geico could help with Plus don't forget the discounts so listen up go to Geico dot com today see how much you can say that's Geico dot com a long drive ahead. 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Our cheesy script to break it all down. Now and now who runs it live from the guy go far sports radio studios. Are playing the waiting game n.b.a. Star welcome in the beginning of a dollar hour show we are easy a freeway or the bass part Sports Radio Network. From the get go and Fox Sports Radio Studios 15 minutes could save you 15 percent or more on your car insurance just visit Geico dot com for a screen requote. Shows on the Taylor n.b.a. Free agency or the big moment.

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