Transcripts For WFOR CBS 4 News This Morning 530AM 20160304

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the frontal boundary, across the the panhandling and big ben, look at those clouds, the subrop kal jet stream in place and we're seeing the low 70s in place already in miami and down through the keys, keep in mind, average lows in the 60s and well above that in fort lauderdale 60s. southwest wind slow from 27 miles per hour, could carry a few showered today, a 20% chance of rain, not a washout but very warm, high around 84 degrees and in to the evening, 80 degrees. i'll tell you about what's ahead with our saturday and sunday. temperatures will be dropping but not drastically. your complete forecast in just a few minutes, vanessa is off, but danny rivera helping us out, happy friday! >> happy friday! good morning to you and everybody else, miami-dade roadways looking good, 95, broken car southbound just before you get to the turnpike exits, got the right lane blocked off. no accidents south of the glades as you can see right here, dolphin turnpike and u.s. 1, excellent rides right now. as is the palmettos, 122 street, no problems as far as crashes, no headaches heading towards the dolphin either. in broward county, also a great ride as you can see, 95 and griffin road, both northbound and southbound lanes are open, moving very nicely. also, no lanes closed off. zero issues on 595 or turnpike all lanes reported open in broward for now. got my seatbelt on, i'm danny rivera, back to you guys. >> danny, thank you. now to campaign 2016. the debates heat up as the candidates fight for the gop nomination. many in the republican establishment have launched a campaign to derail donald trump, two time gop presidential candidate mitt romney called him a phony. the first post super tuesday gop debate on the fox news channel was a slug fest with trailing candidates jabbing front runner donald trump, mary malone has the highlights. >> reporter: the republican debate got handsy. donald trump pushing back comments about the size of his hands. >> he hit my hands. nobody has ever hit my hands, i've never heard of this. look at those hands. are they small hands? [ laughter ] >> reporter: what came next was perhaps the most surreal moment. >> he referred to my hands, if they're small, something else must be small. i guarantee you, there's no problem, i guarantee you. >> this campaign for the last year, donald trump has mocked everybody with personal attacks. >> this little guy has lied so much about my record. >> here we go. [ boo ] he has lied! so much about my record. >> you see what happens when you challenge him on a policy issue, you ask him about the economy and the first thing he does is launch an attack about some little guy thing. >> don't worry about it, little marco. >> reporter: ted cruz also focused on trump. >> nominating donald would be a disaster. >> reporter: in the midst of the debate, a moment of civility between donald trump and kelly. >> hello. >> reporter: the first meeting since they clashed last time. >> looking well. candidate on stage, john kasich focused on policy, hoping his strategy wins over voters. >> throughout this campaign, i talked about issues. i have never tried to go and get in to these kind of skrums that we're seeing on the stage. >> reporter: i'm mary malone reporting. and early voting in underway in miami-dade and starts saturday in broward, all the information on campaign 2016, head over to all right, here and more on your friday morning headline, a mother accused of putting her 2-year-old daughter in a dumpster remains in jail this morning. authorities say catrice sheffield was arrested in plantation, charged with child abuse and resisting arrest. witnesses say sheffield told them she had a miss carriage did -- miscarriage and was depressed. she'll be aloud supervised visits once she gets out of jail. a close call for three women after an suv crashes in to a bus the second -- bench, the second time there in four months. a woman getting on a bus 20 seconds before a red suv slammed in to the bench she was sitting on. the suv then missed a woman walking just feet away from another woman on a wheelchair, luckily no one was hurt. miami police are looking in to why the driver of the suv lost control before citing her. and in a show of anger about the u.n.'s recent sanctions, kim jong-un ordered his military on stand by, slapped with sanctions because of its recent tests and long range rocket launch. fired short range projectiles in to the sea yesterday. now to the historic change between the united states and cuba. there appears to be a major bump in the road in negotiations between the two countries regarding human rights. so much so it's believed to be the reason secretary of state john kerry has cancelled his trip to cuba ahead of the president's historic visit. cbs4's hank tester reports. secretary of state john kerry cancels his trip to cuba. the issue? the cuban government balking at allowing president obama when he specific dissidents, a keystone of the president's visit. human rights issues always a and cuba. news swept through the community like a fire storm. >> the obama administration is waking up to the sad reality we all know is that castro will change when castro wants to change. >> reporter: harassment, detentions, beatings have continued on unabated since the president announced his policy towards cuba, have continued since the embassy opened up. >> maybe it's to send the castro regime a message, clean up your act, lat least -- at least for a month so that when president obama gets here we don't have this embairgsment of -- embarrassment of white, ladies getting beat up. but cuba to this point is not allowed american-based airlines, cruise ships, businesses to operate in cuba. no approval on anything. and the dissident issue has festered to the boiling point. >> i have to believe, again, thinking like a cubans, that within the next two or three days, the cubans are going to come back to the state department say okay. here's a list of dissidents that you mr. secretary and president obama can meet with. >> reporter: then the ball's in the obama and kerry court. will they accept and is the president's trip hanging in the lurch due to the dissident issue? i'm hank tester, cbs4 this morning. president obama and michelle obama may be planning to stay in dc after his presidency ends in january. hearing it's tough to move a child when they're in the middle of high school. so the obamas plan to stay in dc until sasha graduates. during a lunch in milwaukee, wisconsin yesterday. and now, it's 5:38. two teens facing charges after they were wrob robbed. commit k five jump out armed robberies mt span of a single hour in miami. the 19-year-old, his buddy and possibly two others raced around a 20 block area not too far from pagett school. he attends leadership academy at 27 northwest avenue. he jumped out of the silver suv and robbed students at gunpoint as they walked home. the victim surrendered their cell phones, wallets and jewelry. painl page -- pagett denied bond. a man that killed a bicyclist during racing is charged with vehicular homicide and racing. chapman was going southbound on bonaventure in july when he hit roiding his -- riding his bicycle he died at the hospital. his attorney says the charges against chapman will be dropped. >> these are always horrible cases, terrible situations, it's a situation where he's coming off a highway, doing approximately 50 miles per hour in a residential zone, 40 miles per hour. so, you know, i'm hopeful in the end that the true facts of the case will come out and cleared of any wrongdoing. >> a judge ordered chapman be held on $30,000 bond. 5:39 right now, [ indiscernible ] the list of its top companies to work for, details in this morning's money watch. any time you have a problem with your iphone or apple products, the new way to get apple support jie. a man caught stealing meat from a walmart tries to get a clean getaway, but didn't expect what happens next. and avatar brought to life, it, a preview coming up at 6:30. very cool, and like our weather, milder this afternoon. showing we could see a couple showers around 3:00, 4:00, 5:00 p.m. even for the evening commute. not a washout, a 20% chance for rain, even through tomorrow. i'll let you know what's ahead get 30% off every guest every ship in the caribbean but hurry, this offer won't last long come seek the royal caribbean book today at welcome to the weekend, south florida. finally, friday. and a live view from our fort lauderdale camera, broward county, you're looking good. couple clouds, no rain as of yet. anyway, there could be a couple showers later on, thankfully the radar is quiet for now. broward dade. we have a few showers lurking just to the south of key west, and thout the day today, a 20% chance of rain as we have the southwesterly front, the weak front, right now the breeze, two to seven miles per hour, temperatures warmer to comparison to yesterday, mild and muggy, low 70s for miami and monroe county, upper 60s across fort lauderdale and pompano beach, checking in on the u.s., if you're travelling cold across the northern tier of the country with 30s in minneapolis, cincinnati, right now in the big boston, chicago, we're seeing 40s through dallas and memphis, providing north for relatively warm spring like weather across the central u.s. this weekend. so right now we're dealing with this frontal boundary stretching across southern texas and in to the gulf of mexico, across the big band of florida and in to the carolinas where there's been plenty of rain and active weather there overnight. now, it's beginning to push offshore in to the atlantic but we're still viewing with a wintry mix across the atlantic and portions of the northeast and great lakes and midwest. as for our weather, that front is not going to bring us a drastic drop in temperatures, but temperatures will be coming down a bit. it will be a little more seasonable with the upper 70s in term of our highs, saturday and sunday, talking about a 20% chance of our showers our winds will be shifting out of the northeast and that could lead to a few spotty showers, which is the deal even for today. so it looks like limited sunshine, no problems, boaters you're good to go. seeing a light chop, no advisories tonight. we will be cooler as compared to what's going on this morning. so upper 60s near the coast, low 60s inland and as we head in to your weekend, it's looking, highs in the upper 70s, sun and clouds, again scattered showers could sneak in here and there, the upper 70s with a pleasant breeze continuing through early to middle of next week. vanessa is off, a check of your traffic with danny rivera, how's it going? >> looking good, good morning to you and everybody else, quick peak at 95 very nicely as you're heading in to downtown, great flow of traffic all the way around, not just there but the dolphin, turnpike very excellent rides. as is the palmettos you can see here 122 street, no problems here as far as crashes, both thb nicely, no headaches heading towards the dolphin. general miami-dade behaving this morning, great ride as you can see 95 and griffin road, northbound and southbound, very good. no lanes closed off either. zero problems, zero headaches on 595 or turnpike, all lanes reported open for now. got my seatbelt on, i'm danny rivera, back to you guys. >> danny thank you. caught on camera, stopped in his tracks. a man caught stealing meat from a walmart runs right in to an suv as he's attempt to do get away. investigators say the crook stole $40 worth of meat from the store and looking back when he collided with the vehicle. surveillance video shows him falling down but quickly getting back up and then running away. police are still looking for him. and now, cbs4 sports. >> miami heat caught fire winning three straight game as they took care of the phoenix suns last night. here's cbs4's jim berry on how they've been doing in today's morning, or this morning's, >> good morning. what's gotten in to the miami heat, the dispatch of the suns, very easily. we go to the aaa, this team getting the mojo as they race out to a 21 point first lead, going to work on his old team, he scores 25. in fact he takes a seat for awhile but then they catch up, behind the shooting of booker who pours in 34 points. so back in comes the heat starting back court, to put the game away, back to d wade who leads with 27 heat win 108-92. meanwhile in colorado, the panthers taking it on the chin to the colorado avs. branson scoring from yeager, that puts him third on the scoring list, tying in the great howe but they pull away, great moves here, panthers fall behind round one of the cadillac championships at dural, that's a pretty trophy they're playing for. dustin johnson's last year winner, trying to repeat but he's got catching up to do m day two -- in day two. that's a beauty but an even round to start off the first 18 holes this is spieth in a birdie, he's in a minus three so far, and erz mickelson -- here's mickelson, the oldest statesman and he's holding on, phil at minus five after day one. scott sharing the lead with a round at 66 of six under par and as for farrell, he says it's fun playing with these young guys. >> the ball, the score card, they don't know the difference in age. so, it's a fun challenge for me to get back to compete teg high -- competing at the highest level. >> certainly fun for the fans, i'm jim berry, cbs4 this morning. and radio host, joe rhodes and live for the second round of the cadillac championship, i'm sure you had too much fun yesterday. >> i did have a lot of fun! listen, this, the best golfers in the world, it only happens once a year, they come here for this invite only of the top players in the world. so, it's nice to see all the big name guys and then you're hoping they can match it with, by the way they play. >> are you surprised of how the young big three are kind of struggling right now? they didn't have that great of a day, spieth, mcilroy and day yesterday? >> reporter: watching the match early in the day and then listening to those guys, they've all admitted their game is not in tip top shape, still early in the golf season. so i guess i was a little surprised, but you know those guys potentially because they've been so good, they can throw out a low score. they didn't happen to do it lauren, this thing is wide open. there's three rounds of golf left, piercy and frazier who laez at six under, i don't expect at the top. lead -- leads at six under, i don't expect them at the top. and working out with wade, he's responding to all the sort of chaos that erupted on twitter saying he doesn't care about perceptions about miami, what do you think about this, he was none too pleased to be questioned about this. >> reporter: yeah, he seemed a little salty yesterday when he got back to cleveland, shockingly he would be upset that people asked him questions between games, that he'd come down to miami where he just played for four years. yeah, that's amazing that somebody would ask him that question, isn't it? and he got all upset. some of the things he's done recently for a team as good as the cleveland cavaliers has been really strange, including the still trying to figure out who that tweet was for, but, yeah. i just think lebron james, you know, he got a lot of people in the media that want to defend him. this stuff recently has been weird behavior, weird tweets, strange for a guy that's this good that's acting this way, no question. >> yeah, you mentioned how good he is, he says, however, he's the first one at the gym, last one to leave the gym so he shouldn't be questioned about what he does on his off time. i guess if he delivers on the court, all that matters. we'll have to wait and see the heat and the cavs could potentially face each other in the playoffs, might be interesting. >> reporter: i hope so. yeah, i think he's got the golden state fever right now and he's dealing with that, that's real bad stuff going around the nba. >> all right joe, thanks so much, talk to you later. >> reporter: all right! some call the wizard world of harry potter an attraction, but not all seeing it that way. not just retired people moving south but the census here to florida. and in the new movie "zootop "zootopia" live side by side. welcome back on the money watch this morning. what are the top companies to work for? plus, you may not have to make an appointment at the apple genius bar to get your iphone fixed. jill wagner live from the new york stock exchange with more details. jill good morning. >> reporter: good morning, walter, that's right, no need to make an appointment if you need help with your phone or mac book. apple set up a customer support account on twitter. @applesupport can answer questions directly and offer tips and tricks about apple and fortune's out with its work for. google, number one for the fifth this is based on overall job satisfaction, pay, and benefits. acuity number two. and not just older people moving south, u.s. census data analyzed find that millenials are flocking to states like florida and texas as they look for more affordable housing, good jobs, and good weather. port st. lucie seeing the biggest rise in homeowners of any american city since the economic crash. walter? >> all right, jill, so universal, hollywood is just weeks away from opening its new wizarding world of harry potter ride, but there's a problem, right? >> reporter: tmz reports that worker who have been testing out the ride are getting sick to their stomach. this ride is supposed to be a replica of the one already running at universal orlando, a 3-d broom ride through hogward's castle, universal has not commented, walter i will pass on on this ride. [ laughter ] >> yeah, pass on that for now, [ laughter ] >> reporter: she'll be our guinea pig! >> right! jill, we'll see you during the next hour. >> i don't know if i'm tall enough to ride, we'll have to wait and see! [ laughter ] the weekend is here, it's time to catch friday flicks, the world goes wild with the animals in "zootopia" and the leaders of the world are under attack and only gerard butler and aaron he can -- eckhart can save the day. >> the american president is unaccounted for. >> in the sequel to o -- olympus has fallen, gerard butler secret service agent must protect the president, maid by aaron eckhart before the terrorists can finish. a producer on the movie and aimed with the all-star campus angela basset for the second time around. >> getting us all together and people don't expect with the sequel to reach that bar, but you go, let's really show them we can more than surprise them. >> mike, we're getting you out! >> go, go! we are in a really big hurry. >> i am. on -- >> it? >> break. >> reporter: and in the wild world of "zootopia", predators and [ indiscernible ] live side by side where animals are like people. judy hops by ginnifer goodwin and bateman, just a bunny. >> she's a sort of feminist, but a feminist in a different way than i've ever seen a feminist character, more like she's a being-ist. not gender, necessarily plays a role, it's just all about that being equality. are, change starts with you. >> for entertainment tonight, i'm kevin frazier, now back to you in the studio. >> and catch them with nancy o'dell on entertainment tonight week nights at 7:00 followed by the insider at 7:30. i can't wait until my son is old enough that i can take him to the movies and he will sit through it. it looks cute. that will do it for cbs4 morning news at 5:00. >> cbs morning news at 6:00 starts now. >> next at 6:00, trump targeted, ted cruz and marco rubio take aim at him during last night's gop debate. how they responded if they would support him if he wins the nomination. and a bump in the road among the u.s. and cuba. and tossing a child out like garbage, what a judge decides is best for the 2-year-old. good morning, 6 a.m. on this with us, i'm walter makaula fine -- >> and i'm lauren pastrana. lissette is here with us. >> good morning! i just made coffee for the team, if you notice a little extra energy, you know why! giving you a little insight behind the scenes for what's happening here. as you're getting ready for the weekend and getting ready to head out the door, it's mainly quiet, milder, muggy, 70s already in fort lauderdale and in miami and down through the keys, that's a change we are certainly not as cool as we have been in the past couple days. although kendall still comfortable is 65 in pompano beach. the wind blowing out of the southwest, anywhere from three to six miles per hour out ahead of a weak front and we're not seeing any rain right now, there could be a few showers though. we've seen a couple showers south of key west and highs will be warmer this afternoon with 84 degrees, also more clorchblg as that front begin to move across our area. not bringing us a drastic drop in temperatures, however, a

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Miami , Florida , United States , New York , Texas , Cleveland , Ohio , Boston , Massachusetts , Wisconsin , Monroe County , Cincinnati , Carolinas , Chihuahua , Mexico , Fort Lauderdale , Guinea , Colorado , Hollywood , California , Phoenix , Arizona , Dallas , Cuba , Orlando , Broward County , Chicago , Illinois , Cubans , American , Cuban , Jill Wagner , Angela Basset , Marco Rubio , Nancy Odell , Broward Dade , Danny Rivera , John Kasich , Lebron James , Dustin Johnson , Aaron Eckhart , Kevin Frazier , John Kerry , Jim Berry , Gerard Butler , Walter Ma , Kim Jong , Lauren Pastrana , Mary Malone , Harry Potter , Joe Rhodes , Ted Cruz ,

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