Transcripts For WHDH 7News Today In New England 20151128

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morning. i'm nancy chen we have those stories and much more on today and new england. first we will go to a check to chris lambert tor a for a check of the weather. it is very mild. nevermind the high temperature, the average is 58 right now in boston, 54 in bedford, and what a beautiful day yesterday, with temperatures into the mid-60s. we do see bigger changes, a cold front to the north that is sliding through central new england right now. it's not dropping light rain across the portions of southern new hampshire, getting close to the mass-new hampshire border. and more folks will start to see 8:00, 9:00 and 10:00 in the orning. look at difference, we're in the 50s down to southern new england. temperatures going backward as you go throughout the day. we start off mid-to upper 50s this morning by early afternoon, mid-to upper 40s, it will be damp around midday with a little bit of occasional rain, light rain at that moving on through, and then it turns cooler overnight, and in terms of the second half of the weekend, it's seasonably cool but we see the sunshine return and not an end of the weekend here. we track a storm coming through on the seven-day forecast, we will talk more about that in a bit. a suspected gunman is now in custody after shots were fired in a colorado clinic including three. including an officer with ties to the basics. that is video of a the police taking away the suspect after he surrendered. this is a colorado springs police officer and wasn't three killed. situationy's swayze's family tells us that he was killed. now investigators are find out why he carried out this shooting while the families try to cope. a lone gunman opened fire at police and civilians at a planned colorado river in colorado springs. officers initially exchanged gunfire. >> a bullet cracked over my head and hit a stop sign. >> reporter: witnesses say the shooter went inside of planned parenthood and continued to fire. nine people including five officers were taken to local hospitals. five people including the officer died? the officer on the scene is from the university of colorado springs police department. >> during the fire fight, scared witnesses inside of the building called loved ones. >> she was inside and called me and she was telling me that the shooter. couldn't say much because she was afraid. >> the plant parent hood ma sillty was near a strip mall. police went to a nearby businesses and told people to stay inside. >> they are near my business now and they told us to go hide in the back room with an old window. so we don't get caught in the fire. >> reporter: the government continued to fire at officers as others planned inside of the planned parenthood building were barricaded. have brought explosives inside. >> we know that he might have brought i-- he brought items into the build being with him. >> we did get officers inside of the building of the planned parenthood and the officers were able to shout to the hospital and make communication with him and at that point they were able to get him to surrender and he was taken into custody. >> reporter: tim caputo, 7 news today in new england. and friday's standoff is the second deadly mass shooting to on october 31st a gunman killed three people in what police was a random attack. he then shot at police who returned fire and killed him. police are still trying to find the motive for that attack. the funeral for 2-year-old boy will be held in winter this morning. the funeral director says it will be a private ceremony. her family will bury the body in win trop's island. and police have charged her mother and mother's boyfriend in her measure mother murder. yesterday utility poles and live wires came crashing down for making for quite a dangerous situation. police blaming that collapse on the wind as well as old wood. 7 susan tran has the story. >> horrifying, absolutely terrifying as you are in it. the girls are in the back seat screaming. they don't understand it. is driving on rain tree with his two brothers, and the next there a spike puncturing the side near her, and the wires around his windshield. >> one vehicle kind of trapped in between the two with transformers blowing up. >> reporter: courtney at a lower who was working the drive through saw it all. >> it was one, 2, three, and it started like a big bang. >> reporter: this rotted utility pole in front of the ticky restaurant now came crashing down the street. caught in the middle of 40-foot poles and miles of live wires, three cars. >> it was between the two poles, at one point she got out of her car while the live wires were sparking and a bunch of us in front of the store were yelling to get away from the car. >> reporter: the clean took hours. roughly 30 gallons of oil from the transformers that spilled had to be removed. the poles had to be untangled from the lines. the families in rain tree say after seeing this intense scene they are grateful the only major concern was the inconvenience. >> i'm glad nobody got hurt. >> reporter: susan 7 news today in new england. a trouble after several business owners reported break-ins. they are looking for the suspect seen in these surveillance pictures. all of them happened in the braintree area, anybody with information is asked to call police. police are still search fog are a shooter in boston this morning. that person is accused of opening fire on thanksgiving morning near fenway park, and killing a commuter who was caught in the crossfire. he spoke to the us about the father's devastating loss. >> he was my best friend. >> reporter: a father distraught after his oldest child was killed on thanksgiving. >> i don't know . >> reporter: police say jeff was shot when walking around 2:00 thursday morning. when violence erupted in fenway park. >> the victim of this had nothing to do when what was happening on the street. >> reporter: he was a commuter rail conduct or, beloved to his family, and coworkers. >> he got a sister. >> reporter: the police commissioner says it had been in trouble in the past, and the police were checking on the bar an hour before it shutdown. >> there's something of who is running that, threat nuisance place we have to work on. >> these are grown men and enough is enough. >> reporter: and this father's heartbreak and another reason why. >> quiet, because my son, my best friend, my best friend. >> reporter: john coco7 news in today new england. they cret service investigating yet another security breach at the white house, a 23-year-old man from connecticut jumped over the white house fence on thursday, wrapped in an american flag. president obama first and family were at home celebrating thanksgiving. joseph caputo had him in custody within seconds. court document revealed caputo told a secret service officer quote, i love my country and i knew i would be locked up. he was just feet away before he jumped inside of the newly reinforced fence. >> he got an american flag and wrapped it around himself. we heard him take a deep breath, and within 10 tekdz wasover the fence. a judge ordered that caputo undergo a scolg psychological evaluation. headed out west against the denver broncos. significant injuries will give this team a different look for tom brady and the pat. davie amindola could be sitting down. the wide receiver is limited as participant for a second day a row. jamie collins is seen practicing after missing three weeks with an undisclosed illness. no matter who is out there, tom brady knows the offense must be at its best going up against the league's top rated defense. don't forget the patriots and broncos face-off on sunday night here on nbc. we will get you ready for kickoff with the 7 specials starting at 7:30. a group is back how a group of firefighters was able to get back an item that they thought was gone forever. shoppers headed out in the early morning hours, and even thafgz giving thanksgiving night, but were this is more than just a town. this is our home. and small business saturday... is more than just a day. it' s our day... to shop small at the places we love... with the people we love. for stuff we can' t get anywhere else. and food that tastes like home. because the money we spend here... can help keep our town growing. business saturday, let' s all shop small. for the neighborhood, the town, the home we love. now start first on 7, the boot is back, boston firefighters stationed on boylston street found a donation boot stolen months ago. firefighters thought it was lost forever, they had to get a new significance. they are overjoyed to get that early holiday gift. >> reporter: a firefighter boot used to collect money for charity stolen now found. you can see the top of the foot is broken and the money is missing but the boot is back where it belongs. it was stolen from right outside of the engine 33 ladder 15 fire house on boylston street in may. it was part of the fill the boot campaign to raise money for children with muscular dystrophy. >> they're all full of life and live life to their fullest exphonty helps out with certain things. >> reporter: stealing the boot was not easy, it was killed with concrete lead foot. >> it had a cow bell inside. if it moved it would rattle >> reporter: the boot had sent mental value, you see, it was made, where kennedy worked, both men died in a fire in 2013. the ladder where he might have worked was over at training headquarters and the back bumper is what came off the back bumper. coming up on today new anyone gland. at 6:30, state facing face a wintery mess. millions of americans are bracing for a blast of snow and ice. first as black friday shoppers hit the stores or did they search the web for deals coming up. we do have dropping temperatures and a little bit of light rain in the forecast. details coming up. i'm ginger breadington with your 10 day deal forecast. every day for ten days, expect new deals with historic low prices across hey! ginger! yes, ken? great forecast! are coffee makers on sale? yes! yes they will be... ginger! what about cameras? oh yeah, yeah. cameras-- ginger! how about christmas lights? yeah! lights, cameras, it's all in on the action. [ laughs ] see what i did there? it's called a rigged economy, and this is how it works. most new wealth flows to the top 1%. it's a system held in place by corrupt politics where wall street banks and billionaires buy elections. my campaign is powered by over a million small contributions, people like you who want to fight back. the truth is you can't change a corrupt system i'm bernie sanders. i approve this message. join us for real change. e. i've had moderate to severe plaque psoriasis most my life. rbut thatped me from modeling. tor told me about stelara . elps keep my skin clearer. doses a year helps me be in season. ay lower your ability to fight infections ease your risk of infections. infections require hospitalization. starting stelara r should test for tuberculosis. may increase your risk of cancer. l your doctor if you have any sign of infection, cancer, or if you develop any new skin growths. e stelara if you are allergic to stelara ny of its ingredients. octor of new or worsening problems headaches, seizures, confusion and vision problems- ese may be signs of a rare, ially fatal brain condition. lergic reactions can occur. ctor if you or anyone in your house as recently received a vaccine. al study, most stelara patients 75% clearer skin and the majority s cleared or helps ur doctor about stelara 4, 3, 2, 1. [ cheering ] >> merry christmas. >> it was the lighting of the down crossing area mayor marty walsh. and helping to kickoff the holiday season. the men or on sunday from 4:30 to 5:30. always my favorite time of year. i took everything out of the closet like bags and bags of holiday decorations. that is my plan for this weekend is to actually have that going. >> have you planned that? >> 2500 twinkle light. >> maybe 20,000. >> 5,000. >> take it easy on the power supply out there. i wonder how many light bulb are on that tree. it looked beautiful with the confetti falling. it looked like fall. we will take that look instead. 58 in boston and at least the other -- 56 in beverly, 53 in plymouth. 53 in worcester. it's a mild start another day into the 60s, not quite. we are going the other day into the 50s, we see this rain that we have across new hampshire and even a few showers across northern mass, we will continue to settle off to the south. occasional light rain to move both midday. hours. it's not a tremendous amount of precipitation with us, but there's enough to give us damp weather, again mid-morning through mid afternoon, look at the temperature difference, 58 in boss done, 36 in bengal gourmet, and it's going to be the system that is going to cut the cold in place. we are not going to fall about the 30s but we will fall into the 40s this afternoon. taking a look ahead, can you see how the rain becomes more widespread mid-morning, 9:00, 10:00, 2:00 in the afternoon. once we get through the mid-to late afternoon, the tendency is to have some the rain start to fizzle out, but i don't want to promise that we will get a lost sunshine, although we will see peeks of rain, it will be damp at times especially mid-morning through the early afternoon. rainfall totals, running about .10 of an inch of rain. northern mass, shorn new southern new hampshire, you get the point, it's not too wet on the ground water. where we have issues travel wise, kansas city, back to kansas itself. down to oklahoma and texas a big the country. this storm system gets held back before that moisture gets shoved toward new england. i expect it to be a complete rain event on tuesday night into wednesday. a smiled start to go from the mid-50s to the mid-40s this afternoon. cool and damp, wind turning from south to the north as we get into the afternoon. the 7 on 7 forecast. tuesday mainly dry, a couple of showers more likely at night into wednesday. first stop stores, what has been so great this year. malls saw smaller crowds. instead of taking instore black thousands of people packing outlets. the wren handle it tham police department out in force. they increased the of security because of attacks out in parris. >> i'm sure there's plainclothes officers. there's been officers around. they added explosive detecting canine units when the stores opened attitude midnight. a brawl on the streets of boston caught on camera featuring a young nba star. now a young man injured and that fight coming forward. a quick turn around at the garden yesterday, and the both the bruins and the celtics were in action. highlights from both games coming up. first, a florida woman's swiping right, but she wasn't welcome back. a florida woman swiping right to save her life. she desperately needed a kidney and she found a match through an unexpected dating app. and now the strangers turned family want to help other people. 7 kim casey. >> reporter: there are many thanksgiving blessings tonight inside of the reagan home. >> i didn't realize how sick i they put her kidney in me, and self. >> reporter: ericka left the hospital after surger re, just giving thanksgiving with her family and the woman who is now her family. >> of i'm thankful that i will hopefully get back to normal. >> reporter: ericka surface from poly cystic kidney disease, she found her match thanks to ginger. >> i i feel like i have a front row seat to mare to a miracle. >> i hope they will keep me. i like everyone who i have gotten to meet through this experience. >> through a tender blind date of all things, it was a connection, it was a connection about hope and saving a life. >> reporter: now together they want to continue helping pkd. >> not only do we have today to be thankful for erica and all of this that has happened, but more people are waking up and they want to help and that is everything i ever wanted. >> reporter: i'm kim casey 7 news today in new england. a man injured in a late night brawl in boston coming forward after a young nba star is caught on many camera throwing some punches. temperatures are coming up in the middle 50s, and we are back in the mid-40s and we do pack some rain, details ahead. a cool climb after someone steals a jar full of denations to the jimmy fund. hear who helped lead meses to a suspect. police t ought in some protein to get us moving. w ensure active high protein. lp you recharge nutritious energy and strength. take that. ! new ensure active high protein. grams of protein and 23 vitamins and minerals. now at 6:30, a man who he says he was injured coming forward after a young nba star was caught on camera in a brawl in the city. jimmy fund donation right side stolen, how the suspect's mother was able to help police. millions of americans are bracing for a winter wallop. the areas of the country getting ready for a wintery mix this holiday weekend that could make for tricky travel. all right, thanks for joining us on this saturday morning. i'm nancy chen and chris lambert is here with the forecast. video and it's hard to tough in. >> too early, too early. we have none of that across southern new england. 58 in boston. mid-50s to bedford. we have changes in the forecast but no snow in the forecast ahead. temperatures will start to cool on down as we go throughout the day. the band of light rain is steady at times from portland maine through concord new hampshire, and back into albany new york. this is a front that is dropping to the south there. we have scattered light showers and sprinkles across north and worcester county. this as it continues to slide south it's slow to move so the narrow band of precipitation. i don't expect a lost rain in terms of high amounts, but with several hours of patchy light rain it will be damp at times as we go throughout the day especially with temperatures dropping highlighting mid-morning through midday. even today 2:00 in the afternoon, as the most widespread chance of some of the steadier light rain and then we will start to dry things out late in the day going into the evening hours. look at numbers, as we go in the morning through the afternoons, we are going from the 50s back into the 40s, it turns cooler later on today. more on the weekend forecast and seven-day forecast straight ahead. here is a check of today's top stories, a began man opening fire at a planned parenthood clinic in colorado. three people are dead including derrick sway see, a university police officer in total 12 people were taken to the hospital. and police were able to convince the gunman to stop shooting. they are still trying to determine a motive. and four utility polls collapse on a pole in the street. three cars were stuck between the polls and miles of live wires. that clean up took hours. about 30 gallons of oil from the pole spilled all over the road. no one was hurt in that incident. brawl in boston involving philadelphia 76er, julio okefor, a man injured in that fight has come forward. he says he needed stitches after okefor hit him and punch him. they were talking about it, for hours before the man contacted the police. we have more when the man hurt told investigators. >> that 6- 6'11" yelling back at helvers outside of a night club. the rookie can be seen pushing a man to the ground and later throwing a punch knocking the victim to the ground. >> it was definitely a -- >> before the brawl on wednesday lost a game to the celtics. 0-16. >> the hecklers started yelling and he lost control. >> i was moving, and i did the wrong thing. i reacted. boston police are investigating after the man who was assaulted said a few of his female friends refused ocky oc okefore's advances. the players do not have a curfew. >> we ask them to make responsible decisions, you know. life is made with pit falls. he is going to have to like all of us navigate through nba worlds, and nba environment with a level of responsibility. >> i know that i'm in the spotlight. and there's people out there, trying to anger you. i will never handled it like that again. >> brandon gunnoe, 7 news today new england. a man facing charges after a disturbing act. robert moral was engaging in a lewd act in the back of a bus. he was half naked and exposing himself. the rider had to tell police. police arrested the man who he will be back in court in january. police tracking down this man who they say stole a jimmy fund donation jar. the thanksgiving fest causing outrage across the community. and now police say it was the suspect's own mother who helped crack the case. 7's kimberly bookman explains. captures a theft on thanksgiving. the one day of the year you're supposed to be grateful not greedy. >> the way that he did on thanksgiving. it's the worst day. i mean, it's a horrible but on thanksgiving. norwood clerk said he briefly turned his back after ringing up a hefty and lottery look a man steals a canister from the counter and hides it between his elbow and his chest. it turns out that he it was caught on tv it caught the eye of a man who recognized the thief was her son. >> she saw him, told them about it. and that was the right thing to do. >> a day after taking a jar with a mere $84 to fund research for children's cancer, 44-year-old david of debtham, a fully employed nurse went to police, and fessed up. >> he said it was a stupid thing to do. he doesn't really know why he did it. for local shoppers this cruel climb crime is very personal. >> i have a passion for people that take and collect money for the causes such as mine. he had to be pretty desperate to take it. kimberly bookman, 7 news today in new england. police arresting main accused of breaking into two homes in andover on friday. neighborhood, the 28-year-old man ran from the home and crossed the street breaking into a second home. the man told officers he was on drugs and also had a cut on his back, police think the cut may have been from breaking through a window in the first home. police in lester looking for an accused shop lifter. they say the woman seen in the surveillance video stole coffee that crime happened several weeks ago. anyone who may know who she is asked to call police. it could be a treacherous journey back home for tens of millions of americans traveling over this thanksgiving weekend. a wintery mix causing big state. and the forecast does not seem to be clearing up just yet. here is 7's elizabeth noriek as. season. snow and ice making travel in some areas downright dangerous. if there's any path, there's likely to be nasty weather in the forecast. >> everybody is dealing with the rain, everybody at this point. in dallas, the heavy pours brought making the 2015 the wettest year on record. record lows in montana, record snow in wyoming, record rain in missouri, and record high temperatures in new york. but at this year they have something to be thankful for, 20 inches of snow in california, nearly a foot. on the eve of one of the busiest travel of the year, airlines are canceling hundreds of flights at the nation's biggest hub. 7 news today new england. belgium capital swarming with cam influential. security forces put up barriers around the stalls and search visitors even after the national government lowered the security level threat in brussels on thursday. however, the country is still under high alert in case of ser crus threat of attacks. pope francis is celebrating mass in uganda. it's the second stop on a three nation african tour. he was offering martyrs who were killed on orders of a local king as many as 2 million people were expected to attend mass. a rise for a boat -- a rough ride for a boat full of people. emergency crews rushing to rescue people who on board this boat when it capsized. at least four people were pulled from the boat on friday afternoon, two people died and hospitalized. england. can the patriots make it 7-0, more from the pats as they prepare to take on the broncos without some of the key players on the field. also, crews raise to cover the ice at the garden as the bruins, and celtics played within hours of each other. and we still have thanksgiving left over as we will show you a delicious treat you can whip up in the kitchen withion brady and peyton manning 17 meeting on hold. injuries are expected to be a line on them and one of them is expected to play. lickly the patriots will have the quarterback on the field. the second day in a row randy amindola listed a limited appearance. back on the field for first time in three weeks, and even though he is doubtful for sunday's game, collins teammates are glad to see him out of practice. >> he is doing better. you have to have him back out there. brave energy and back to practice. >> he was out there. he was looking good. i saw him do a couple of things on the field, and having him back in practice and seeing one of our guys getting help. and getting ready to help us again it a great feeling. >> on the ice bruins hosting the rangers hosting the third, the powerplay, louie henderson, and a chargers for the gold, tied up at three a piece. 203, after the gold, david, getting after it, and unloading and the practical for the game winner. the bruins extending their game win for five games. 4-3. the td garden, at the par kay on friday night. the celtics hosting the wizards. evan turner stealing the inbound path and checking out the vision, the full pass in david bradley throwing it down. capping a 17-run, and the 17 league, boston rolling in the second half. isaiah thomas still on the tray. celtics 28, boston all over the wisz wizards, 111-7 the final. premier the mile high that is coming up on 7 nbc. that is it for sports. have a great day. still this morning, a spectacular sight on the pacific where a volcano has become active. we track rain and cooler temperatures into the weekend. details head. and those thanksgiving left brie eggerts showing this is more than just a town. this is our home. and small business saturday... is more than just a day. it' s our day... to shop small at the places we love... with the people we love. for stuff we can' t get anywhere else. and food that tastes like home. because the money we spend here... can help keep our town growing. today is small business saturday, let' s all shop small. for the neighborhood, the town, the home we love. grdma is shappy toe here foyour verfirst chstmas. i ar youre quitehe exper ataking pele up the mning. leme show u how grandmdoes it. yo daddy me this wnhe was little y. th is yourad at myouse, whe he hadis first chstmas. thks for ming the ffee. we look wh s up. i'm reallylad you're here m. meoo. lo who' weather in nebraska. thanksgiving came with a wintery mix, take a look at that. white out conditions made traveling dangerous in some areas. nebraska state troopers reported 33 cars and trucks slid off the road before the end of the day. in the end there were no thankfully, serious injuries. and hawaii's big island is dealing with a river of lava now flowing from a volcano there. this aerial view shows the bright reds and oranges as that lava is riding over. communities are north of the volcano, but the lava is not threatening any homes at this time, but woe, that is epic video there. meantime as we take a look at home, it's been an incredible couple of days here in boston, across new england. temperatures were so nice, i kept shopping hours after i should have gone home, because it was so nice out. temperatures are still well into the 50s and even this morning well into the 50s. the mild weather, though, it's fleeting as we are going to transition into cooler temperatures out there. yesterday it was also a great day to get a lot of yardwork that you had to wrap up before winter hits. christmas decorations outside. you name it it was a great day to linger outside. rain right now portland maine, and wester than new hampshire. and in fact, we have seen light showers in the merrimack valley, and out to north and worcester county, mostly dry along the mass pike south. that will change mid-morning through mid-afternoon, a know band ahead of the cold front. however, it does take time. this sntd isn't going to fly on through here and clear the coast. it's going to take some time to get through here. because of that the occasional mid-afternoon. look at the difference, 36 bangor main, and we will fall into the 30s this afternoon, but we will fall back in the 40s this afternoon. take a look at forecast model going through the day, and you can see how mid-morning to mid-afternoon, 2:00 in the afternoon, that rain becomes anytime after that, 3:00, 4:00 in the afternoon, any patchy rain, few and farther between in terms of the shower overnight tonight. and we do have a dry second half the weekend, returning sunshine so sunday looks the better on the two weekend day. look at the ice, though, all of this pink showing up through kansas through oklahoma down through texas. this storm system not in a hurry to move, although eventually a lot of this moisture will get kicked off to the north and east. the area of the low pressure will get into the lakes. that warm storm strack is a warm storm track. i don't expect snow, rain arriving late tuesday if not holding off into tuesday night and wednesday. snow in the midwest but for us in southern new england it's all rain as we begin the middle part of the next week. pattern over the next couple of weeks very antisnow here in new england. i don't think you have to rush to get those christmas lights down and hung around the house. i think we still have a couple weeks of relatively quiet weather here at least. 35-45. we are going backwards this afternoon. occasional light rain settling in. we will be cool and damp at times. 7 on 7 forecast. clouds across southern, southern new england tomorrow. buzzards bay, the cape and the islands in the morning. we will yield to partly sunny skies, monday, bright but cool and we track the storm and most of that rainfalling on monday night into wednesday. it's two days past thanksgiving but you may still have left overs hanging around in your fridge. we have a treat to turn those left overs into a delicious new meal. here is brie eggerts with what is cooking. >> reporter: it's the season to deck the tables with all of the thanksgiving fixings. while everybody loves left overs from thanksgiving. >> we are going to try to find new ways to make it interesting. the executive chef at pantry in na dick has come up with the turkey crockets. step one is to revise the flavors of thanksgiving dinner. start by cooking a half an onion in olive soil. and while that is, it's time to prep the bird again. >> you can shred it or dice it. >> when the turkey is ready. add in the cream. >> this will help to bind everything together. >> reporter: and go more left overs, mashed potatoes and stuffing. >> is that binge. >> how can you not have bacon in stuffing. >> i have never thought of this. >> reporter: and chopped herbs, snesh presh . >> fresh thyme and fresh sage. >> reporter: now the fun part and activity to burn off some calories. >> i have this apron on for a reason. get in there and mix everything. add water, and thicken the batter, and shape the mixture into little bits. put it in the fridge, and then to the the breading station. egg, and flour. >> get them golden brown on both sides. and warm all the way through. >> we can add a little bit of salt and pepper and then we're ready to serve. left over cranberry sauce or gravy. they can come to the party, too. >> if thanksgiving can get any better. >> i know. >> i'm thankful for leftovers. that is what is cooking. i'm brie eggerts,. up next on today in new england. while some people are dealing with the winter wall lot wallop that we mentioned. now that thanksgiving has passed. the holiday season has officially begun and people are finding unique ways to take part in it all. santa claus trading in his reindeer for a surfboard. he was seen riding waves and soaking up some sun on the beaches of florida. he brought christmas sweet with him, he is resting up. he has a busy, busy month ahead. an australian man is break the record for having the most light in an artificial christmas tree. 1 million lights on it. the mastermind behind it all said he did it to raise money for charity. i imagine that is after you subtract the electricity bill from that. i wonder who counted the lights. more than 500,000. we will take your word. mid-morning, we will be cooler and damp, temperatures going from the mid-50s to the mid-40s this afternoon. drying out tonight. we're dry tomorrow. seasonably cool, temperatures back in the mid-to upper 40s. next chance of widespread rain arriving tuesday night into wednesday. chris, thank you. that will do it for us for now. the "today" show is back. i'm nancy chen, we will be back with more news and weather at 8:00 a.m. get some coffee. if you're doing everything right but find it harder and harder to get by, you're not alone. while our people work longer hours for lower wages, almost all new income goes to the top 1%. my plan -- make wall street banks and the ultrarich pay their fair share of taxes, provide living wages for working people, ensure equal pay for women. i'm bernie sanders. i approve this message because together, we can make a political revolution and create an economy and democracy that works for all and not just the powerful few. woman: i'm here to engineer my future. man: i'm here for my students. man: to work with a best-selling author. woman: and a nobel prize winner. man: here because everyone deserves clean water. man: here for the cool research. woman: i'm here to shape the future of nursing. man: because the oceans matter to us all. man: i'm there to explore the frontier of knowledge. -man: here for the commonwealth. -woman: and the common good. -woman: umass.

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