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in four years things might be dramatically different. "well, it won't happen again. the bottom line is i had a choice to make at the debate and i chose not to attack another republican because i didn't wanted to turn into a republican-on-republican fight. but, unfortunately, the press and others looked at that as a way of being evasive and that created a distraction for us. i made the wrong decision and, from now on, if were challenged, will point out the differences in our records with the other candidates. " we'll have much more on decision 2016 in about including campaign strategies in the state. plus, we'll break down political ad spending in this market and talk about the battle for the youth vote in the democratic party. right now, let's get a quick check on the weather with meteorologist ben tanner. ake wind advisory until wednesday at 11pm - expect wind gust up to 35mph wednesday will be sunny to partly cloudy, and breezy with highs in the lower/mid 40s. dry weather is expected as we continue to the end of the work week. thursday and friday temperatures will struggle to reach the upper 40s and low 50s. this weekend expect the arctic blast to continue and highs to continue in the 40s. story... wednesday will be sunny to partly cloudy, and breezy with highs in the lower/mid 40s. dry weather is expected as we continue to the end of the work week. thursday and friday temperatures will struggle to reach the upper 40s and low 50s. this weekend expect the arctic blast to continue and highs to continue in the 40s. university has announced a formal search to find a permanent president at the school. the announcement came at today's board meeting. board chair charles way announced a 9 person committee made up of trustees and school association members to help the board in the decision. franklin evans has served as interim president since a richland county councilman has pleaded guilty for failing to file his income taxes. kelvin washington will not have to serve any prison time --- provided he pays a twenty five hundred dollar fine. mike desumma was in the courtroom this afternoon and joins us from our newsroom. mike. judi -- washington was also given three years probation as part of the sentencing -- one for each year he failed to file a state tax return. according to prosecutors that was from 2012 until 2014. during that time washington failed to report more than 426 thousand dollars in earnings. investigators charged washington late last year during a state department of revenue investigation into the richland county penny tax program. the councilman has not been tied to any alleged 'questionable spending' in the program. today washington addressed the court --- saying a career transition period was why he got behind in his tax work. "just didn't take care of my personal assets in with regards to transitioning from public work...working work...just got behind." washington's attorneys expect he will have civil penalties coming in addition to his sentence in court today. they say since the charges came down last year --- he has filed his back tax returns. in the newsroom, mike desumma, wis news 10. republicans and democrats turn their attention to south carolina---knowing they have to alter their approaches for a much different political landscape. we spoke to both state party chairmen about how the campaigns will adapt to the palmetto state. in south carolina we have about four times as many voters as new hampshire. upwards of six or seven hundred thousand voters in south carolina. it's not just an air war or a ground war, this is a test for campaigns of every aspect of their arsenal. you've got to have a good ground game, a good tv game, good analytics to attract voters and get them to the polls. key demographic--african american women. and that is at the heart of the and needs to be at the heart of the bernie sanders strategy. bernie needs to cut into her margin, into that support with african american women. hillary clinton on the other hand, needs to keep that support as high as it possibly can. the gop's chair matt moore also says republican candidates will have to focus more on the state's large pro-military constituency. democratic chair harrison says both parties need to find ways to involve young minority voters. advertising dollars are rolling in to south carolina ahead of the republican and democratic primaries. allie spillyards spent the day crunching the numbers on how much candidates spend. allie? according to the fcc, candidates have spent more than 4 million dollars in columbia's tv market alone. you'll see the presidential hopefuls ranked by their current place in south carolina polls. starting with the republicans... trump $113,000 cruz $407,000 rubio $513,000 here in south carolina, clinton's currently the front runner and she's spent $93,000 while sanders has spent just a couple thousand less at $91,000. spent $93,000 while sanders has spent just a couple thousand less at $91,000. now you'll notice several candidates missing. that's because the huge majority of tv ads here in south carolina have been purchased by pacs. i'll share those numbers with you coming up at 6. another interesting number for our station alone... spending on political ads more than doubled between january and february... and those numbers are expected rise as we get closer to both parties' primaries. as we approach the south carolina primaries, all of the candidates are going after the youth vote. it is especially proving to be a key battleground for democrats. wis' billie jean shaw has more on what's motivating bernie sanders' big win last night in new hampshire is being partially credited to younger voters, who came out in force for the vermont senator. hillary clinton has acknowledged that she has a lot of work to do with younger voters. so, it's no surprise that we see celebrities already campaigning for clinton in south carolina. the sanders campaign has been holding "feel the bern" rallies on hbcu campuses. with more than 230- thousand registered voters under the age of 24 in our state, the candidates are doing whatever they can to try and connect with that generation. here a sample of what i heard on the benedict campus today. "i feel like bernie sanders he really speaks for the people of today and he's not really trying to appeal to people because of their ethical background. "i've only looked at donald trump and hillary clinton, that's pretty much it. i can say i oppose most of what he said and most of what she said i agree with it. "i am proud supporter of bernie sanders, only because he's been saying the same thing for over a couple of years now. to me i don't appreciate candidates who are going to go back on their word." between now the and the february 27th primary you can bet clinton and sanders will hold alot of events targeting young voters. in fact, the sanders campaign is planning a "heart bern" rally in 5 points saturday night at 7. former president bill clinton will be in florence on campaign for his wife. he will speak at francis marion university's saturday evening at 7:30. as the schedule of campaign events are released we'll keep you updated on despite a third place finish in new hampshire last night, senator ted cruz had people on their feet today in myrtle beach. cruz says he believes he is the only republican candidate with a running track record of being a true conservative. and g-o-p candidate jeb bush spoke to hundreds of cadets at the citadel in charleston. the former florida governor says as president increase of forty thousand more active duty soldiers to strengthen the military base against islamic terrorism. for more political buzz, go to and click the politics tab. we have details on carly fiorina and new jersey governor chris christie suspending their presidential campaigns. it was a scary moment at airport high school this morning after a small fire broke out. the fire broke out in a heating and cooling unit above one of the wings of the high school. as a precaution electricity to the school had to be turned off. all 1,200 students inside were evacuated and taken to fulmer middle school. the school was dismissed for the day at 11 a-m. lexington 2 officials say classes will return to normal schedule tomorrow. at the state house, it was day two of testimony from state transportation officials about how to fix our roads. meaghan norman was at the meeting where they were talking about costs and priorities. meaghan? department of transportation has warned, unless the state starts putting money into repairing roads soon, it will soon end up costing much more to rebuild them. christy hall and members of the state infrastructure board testified for a second day during the senate finance committee meeting. hall says fixing malfunction junction still remains its largest project and a top priority for the dot, as it has been ssce 2007. she broke down several priorities from paving projects, widening bridges and relieving congestion -- stretching from interstates to primary and secondary roads. hall says a minimum investment of an $200 million annually would help stop the decay of current roads and bridges over a 10 year span. lawmakers say the purpose was to gather information to prepare for the full senate debate. "i wanted to make sure that the committee heard from both about what they do, when they do, why they do it, how they do, so that the committee and the full senate can make an informed decision. that's secretary hall says the $200 million would also improve secondary roads that are not eligible for federal money. she also presented similar scenarios with investments of $400 million, $600 million and $800 million dollars a year. no action was taken during the meeting. as you heard senator leatherman say, it was an informational session to prepare for the full debate. in the studio, meaghan norman wis news 10. coming up on wis--taking steps to fight the number one killer in the united states. why the phrase "just say know" can beat heart disease. break february is american heart we are teaming up with lexington medical center to remind you to "just say know" - that's k-n-o-w learning your risk factors and how to reduce your chances of suffering cardiovascular disease. we're here with dr. jeremy crisp of lexington family practice northeast. sample questions: in your experience, what factors lead to the prpralence of heart disease in south carolina? what are the ideal numbers for blood pressure, cholesterol and what screenings should patients have with their primary care physician to ensure their heart is healthy? some people delay seeing their doctor or even reporting symptoms to their doctor. what do you want to tell them? lexington medical center is hosting a free heart fair on sunday, february noon 4:00 p.m. at the columbia metropolitan convention center learn more about: advanced technology for cardiac procedures, healthy cooking, sergeant in the united states marine corps. he has proudly served our country for 14 years. his sister, jennifer, says he joined the military after 9/11 so that he could do his part to protect our country and our children. every time he has deployed he's had to leave behind a son who only gets to see his dad about 3 months out of the year. jennifer says her baby brother is her hero because of the sacrifices he has made. break a look now at your first alert lake wind advisory until wednesday at 11pm - expect wind gust up to 35mph wednesday will be sunny to partly cloudy, and breezy with highs in the lower/mid 40s. dry weather is expected as we continue to the end of thursday and friday temperatures will struggle to reach the upper 40s and low 50s. this weekend expect the arctic blast to continue and highs to continue in the 40s. break wednesday will be sunny to partly cloudy, and breezy with highs in the lower/mid 40s. dry weather is expected as we continue to the end of the work week. thursday and friday temperatures will struggle to reach the upper 40s and low 50s. this weekend expect the arctic and highs to continue in the 40s. break wednesday will be sunny to partly cloudy, and breezy with the first job of a president is to protect america. our next president must be prepared to lead. i know jeb. i know his good heart and his strong backbone. jeb will unite our country. he knows how to bring the world together against terror. he knows when tough measures must be taken. experience and judgment count in the oval office. jeb bush is a leader. he'll keep our country safe. jeb bush. hospital. mary king is at the hospital with how your donation this year can offer a place of fun for patients. this is the 15th year b1067 has been here -- raising money for palmetto health foundation. and what's really is this year the money raised will construct a new playground for patients and their families. whether they're in a wheelchair or tethered to an iv, this playground will be accessible. but to get there, we've got to raise $185,000 to buy the equipment. remember.... we need at least $185,000 to get the equipment and the total project what's really is this year the money raised will construct a new playground for patients and their families. whether they're in a wheelchair or tethered to an iv, this playground will be accessible. but to get there, we've got to raise $185,000 to buy the equipment. remember.... we need at least $185,000 to get the equipment and the total project will require much more. you can donate now by calling 804-434-3000. break thanks for staying with us for she spent a lifetime making a difference for people. winning healthcare for 8 million children. benefits for families of reservists and the national guard. standing strong around the world and women's rights. hillary clinton. she'll raise the minimum wage. take on the drug companies to lower the cost of prescription drugs. and give everyone the opportunity to go to college without going into debt. she'll get the job done... for us. republican presidential candidates are wasting no time.. as all eyes are now on south carolina. tonight at 7, donald trump will hold a rally in clemson. our chad mills will be there starting at 6. ted cruz's wife was in myrtle beach. marco rubio is in the capital john kasich was in mt pleasant, and jeb bush made a stop in charleston. with south carolina republicans now just ten days from a critical primary vote---we will see a very familiar political figure stumping the palmetto state. former president george w. bush is expected to campaign here on behalf of brother jeb and ask for help from a state that's been very friendly to the bush family. jack kuenzie joins us with the effort to boost the latest bush presidential bid. charles, they used to say south carolina is bush country. jeb bush is hoping that is still the case as he emerges from new hampshire with some new life in a campaign that burned through a ton of money but has way underperformed predictions. the former florida governor worked the lowcountry today---just a few hours after escaping new hampshire with 11 per cent of the vote, a fourth place finish and three delegates. that put bush ahead of marco rubio and just behind the winner of the iowa caucuses, senator ted cruz. in south carolina---governor bush support that did a lot to propel george herbert walker bush and george w. bush into the white house. among those on team bush this time---lexington senator katrina shealy. we loved george w. bush. we loved his dad. you know i'm hoping that we get mom here. people in south carolina love the bushes and i think that he can latch on to some of that. you know donald trump's got a strong machine here but you i think south carolina's going to be good to jeb bush. some other familiar names working behind the scenes for governor bush---former congressman tommy hartnett, sally atwater--widow of the late legendary consultant lee atwater---catherine templeton, former head at dhec and llr---former gop chairman barry wynn---medal of honor recipient kyle carpenter---former ambassador and house majority leader david wilkins and maybe best known, senator lindsey graham. campaigning today---graham predicted one of bush's rivals in new hampshire, former governor john kasich---would hit his second place finish last night. jack kuenzie wis news ten. following a strong finish in new hampshire, john kasich plans to spend the next week and a half campaigning in the palmetto state. but some wonder, "is there enough time to stage a similar result in a state where he's trailing in the polls?" allie spillyards takes a look. taking a look at the polls ahead of the south carolina primary, john kasich ranks low, polling at only 2 percent. kasich's held a few events in our area like a town hall at west columbia's brookland baptist church back in november. but for the most part, his presence has been limited. when it comes to tv advertising, kasich's campaign hasn't spent money in our state, and a pac working on his behalf's spent a mere $30,000... which is pennies on the dollar to bush's million plus and cruz and rubio's hundreds of thousands. many have speculated kasich's focusing his attention on the midwest, but that's left him playing catchup candidates have spent months campaigning. "he was kind of the last one to announce... the last major candidate to get in the race, so he's been running from behind. and also, he's not had a lot of name recognition, so he's had to take the debates and the time up till now, even to some extent in iowa, but to a much greater extent concentrating all of his resources in new hampshire. so the fact that he comes here, it really is a hindrence, it makes it that much more difficult." oldendick went on to say kasich does stand to bring over some of chris christie's supporters with the new jersey governor dropping out. and when i asked whether there was any precedence for the candidate who joins the race last taking home the win in south carolina, oldendick said not in recent years. in 2000, bush had the name recognition to pull ahead of mccain's strong lead in new hampshire. gingrich also pulled ahead of a frontrunner from new hampshire in 2012, but once again... lake wind advisory until wednesday at 11pm - expect wind gust up to 35mph wednesday will be sunny to partly cloudy, and breezy with highs in the lower/mid 40s. dry weather is expected as we continue to the end of the work week. thursday and friday temperatures will struggle to reach the upper 40s and low 50s. this weekend expect the arctic blast to continue and highs to continue in the 40s. senator marco rubio is looking partly cloudy, and breezy with highs in the lower/mid 40s. dry weather is expected as we continue to the end of the work week. thursday and friday temperatures will struggle to reach the upper 40s and low 50s. this weekend expect the arctic blast to continue primary. today he swept through spartanburg and columbia for campaign rallies. on the democratic side--presidential candidate bernie sanders hasn't stopped in the palmetto state yet, but he is still gaining more support. state representative cezar mcknight officially endorsed sanders this afternoon. he is the sixth lawmaker to back sanders. at the exact same time on the other side of the same building, the hillary clinton campaign announce a major endorsement of it's own from house minority leader todd rutherford. clinton's campaign says she has the support of more than 25 democrats in the with only days away from the south carolina primaries the state african american chamber of commerce is urging the black community to vote. more than 820-thousand african americans are registered to vote in the upcoming primaries. stephen gilchrist, president of the chamber says issues such as criminal justice reform, poverty, education and job equality are issues that have a huge impact on the black community. he says it is important for african americans to vote no matter the party. "this is how we prepare leadership for the future of our state so it's very importnt particiuraly in the african american community that we understand our vote counts." for more political buzz, go to and click the politics tab. you'll find details on carly both suspending their campaigns. a city project - halted after two portions were completed in 2010 and 2012 - is now fully funded and ready for construction again. improvements to the north main street corridor were done between 2008-2012 with federal funding. the portion between anthony avenue and fuller avenue has not been completed. city officials say they now have new federal grant dollars and penny tax funds to finish those portions. "we'll have the benches and the cmrta bus shelters. we'll have the pedestrian lighting, trees, landscaping, of course we'll be ugrading all the pavement and putting in sidewalks and pedestrian facilities." there's an open house going on right now at the earlewood park community center it goes until 7. the meeting is to update anyone interested on the status of the project. one columbia weekly workout is giving some healthy lifestyle. the group f3 has been in columbia for more than three years. f3 stands for fitness, fellowship and faith. last year, f3 columbia started a partnership with the oliver gospel mission's residential recovery program that helps men fight alcohol and drug addiction. every week men from all over the community and the mission come together at finlay park to work out and encourage one another. 23:09:09 our recovery program is a holistic program what we want to do is not only work with the recovery issues, god has created us body soul and spirit so this has been huge for the guys to come in here and work out life coach ed lugo adds many of the men from the mission have successfully left the recovery program and are still participating in f3. tonight at 7pm... how this partnership has led us to our latest community builder. you to the man who brought the two organizations together and share more on how its changing lives. coming up on wis--it's definitely winter in the midlands! we'll check in with meteorologist ben tanner. plus--a push to give child patients a new place to play is happening right now at palmetto health children's hospital. break a look now at your first alert traffic... the first job of a president is to protect america. our next president must be prepared to lead. i know jeb. i know his good heart and his strong backbone. jeb will unite our country. he knows how to bring the world together against terror. he knows when tough measures must be taken. experience and judgment count in the oval office. jeb bush is a leader. he'll keep our country safe. lake wind advisory until wednesday at 11pm - expect wind gust up to 35mph wednesday will be sunny to partly cloudy, and breezy with highs in the lower/mid 40s. dry weather is expected as we continue to the end of the work week. thursday and friday temperatures will struggle to reach the upper 40s and low 50s. this weekend expect the arctic blast to continue and highs to continue in the 40s. there are now less than two wednesday will be sunny to partly cloudy, and breezy with highs in the lower/mid 40s. dry weather is expected as we continue to the end of the work week. thursday and friday temperatures will struggle to reach the upper 40s and low 50s. this weekend expect the arctic blast to continue and highs to there are now less than two wednesday will be sunny to partly cloudy, and breezy with highs in the lower/mid 40s. dry weather is expected as we continue to the end of the work week. thursday and friday temperatures will struggle to reach the upper 40s and low 50s. this weekend expect the arctic blast to continue and highs to continue in the 40s. there are now less than two wednesday will be sunny to partly cloudy, and breezy with highs in the lower/mid 40s. dry weather is expected as we continue to the end of the work week. thursday and friday temperatures will struggle to reach the upper 40s and low 50s. this weekend expect the arctic blast to continue and highs to there are now less than two hours to help make miracles happen at palmetto health children's hospital through the b106.7 radiothon. mary king is at the hospital with the final push to reach this year's goal. this is the 15th year b1067 has been here -- raising money for palmetto health foundation. and what's really is this year the money raised will construct a new playground for and their families. whether they're in a wheelchair or tethered to an iv, this playground will be accessible. but to get there, we've got to raise $185,000 to buy the equipment. remember.... we need at least $185,000 to get the equipment and the total project will require much more. colonial life phone bank numbers for the b106.7fm children's hospital radiothon: 803-434-3000 or toll free 866-434-b106 phone bank will be open until 7pm tonight! break what's really is this year the money raised will construct a new playground for patients and their families. whether they're in a wheelchair or tethered to an i i this playground will be accessible. but to get there, we've got to raise $185,000 to buy the remember.... we need at least $185,000 to get the equipment and the total project will require much more. colonial life phone bank numbers for the b106.7fm children's hospital radiothon: 803-434-3000 or toll free 866-434-b106 phone bank will be open until 7pm tonight! break what's really is this year the money raised will construct a new playground for patients and their families. whether they're in a wheelchair or tethered to an iv, this playground will be something is just fundamentally broken when african americans are more likely to be arrested by police, for doing the same thing that whites do. ...when too many encounters with law enforcement end tragically. we need investments in education, health care and jobs, to counter generations of neglect. we have to face up to the hard truth of injustice and systemic racism. i'm hillary clinton, and i approve this message. health officials revealed new information on the zika virus - fresh evidence it might be responsible for a rare birth defect. brian mooar has the story from washington. 16 on capitol hill ... top public health officials testified what they know - and don't - about the zika virus zika was newborns with microcephaly - abnormally small heads - who died hours after birth. "this is the strongest evidence to date that zika is the cause of microcephaly, but it's still not definitive." work is already under way on a vaccine ... and another priority is improving testing. "it is believed to cause no symptoms in 80 percent of the people infected, and mild symptoms in virtually all the rest." "a flash infececion - it'a few days and it's gone." still ... the disease is rapidly spreading across south america - especially in brazil ... host to this summer's olympic games - where it's feared millions could be exposed. and members of congress are concerned about the inevitable spread here. 13:34:51 "the lack of clarity on virus and its effects ananits treatment make it more important respond to this more aggressively." today ... oregon joined tennessee, pennsylvania, and ohio in confirming travel- related zika cases. natsot: "alright - there's the enemy." in addition to combating the mosquito that spreads the disease ... public health officials are hoping to spread information even as they search for a cure. brian mooar, nbc news, washington. harry potter fans are getting another round of magic! straight ahead --a swiss skier has captured a breathtaking video using just his phone and a piece of string. break two deputies are dead after a shootout with a - harford county sheriff - happened inside a panera bread in abington. -authorities were looking for the shooter who had outstanding warrants for his arrest in florida and in harford county. -when deputies responded, the gunman shot a sheriff's deputy inside the restaurant. -the suspect fled - witnesses able to point law enforcement in the right direction - located subject again and shots were fired. -second deputy shot - and suspect was shot -suspect died from his wounds. no bystanders were injured. if you thought "harry potter" was over and done with, think again. an eighth installment of the harry potter series will come out july 30th in london. it's a hardback version of the script book for the two-part play, "harry potter and the cursed child." the book will be j.k. first harry potter publication in eight years. check out this signature slo-motion swirl shot. the swiss skier did this with an i-phone, a tether, and lots of practice. he says it took him nearly two years to perfect this move. thanks for joining us for the news at 5. we'll be right back. if you're doing everything right but find it harder and harder to get by, you're not alone. while our people work longer hours for lower wages, almost all new income goes to the top 1%. my plan -- make wall street banks and the ultrarich pay their fair share of taxes, ensure equal pay for women. i'm bernie sanders. i approve this message because together, we can make a political revolution and create an economy and democracy that works for all and not just the powerful few. thanks for joining us this evening. i'm dawndy mercer plank. big news coming from the campaign trail today. two more candidates are calling it quits tonight--as the republican race shifts full force to south carolina. former hewlett-packard ceo carly fiorina announced this afternoon she is suspending her campaign after finishing with just 4 percent of the vote in new hampshire. also tonight, new jersey governor chris christie say he too will announce plans to drop out. christie brought in 7 percent of the vote last night. meanwhile, the republican candidates still in the race are storming the palmetto--trying to hit hard on the campaign hampshire proved anything, it's that there is

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