Transcripts For WJLA ABC7 News At Noon 20170130

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falling, the cold weather is here to stay. let's get right over to chief meteorologist doug hill with the latest on your weather forecast . doug: mainly metro to the south and southwest picked up some accumulation. farther north, very little. things are melting off. temperatures are chilly. we have breaks in the overcast and snow showers even though we have sunshine. westerly winds at nine miles per hour. the air will try to dry out a little bit. a little bit of a breeze with sunshine and above freezing temperatures should melt everything away. keep our fingers crossed most of it will dry up as well. 36 in college park. 35 in quantico. 34 at washington dulles. our story for the afternoon will be peaks of sunshine. still scattered snow flurries in spots. we will drop down tonight with clearing skies, lows to about 33 degrees. as we look ahead on satellite and radar, we have hatches of snow showers. this will blow itself out through the afternoon. i think we will be seeing improving weather conditions the next couple of days. we will take care of that forecast and look ahead in the next 10 days in 12 or 13 minutes. anchor: turning back to the developing story which began over the weekend sparking outrage at airports nationwide. protesters have been out in full force voicing their opposition to president trump's travel ban for seven majority muslim countries. is live at the dulles international airport with the latest on the protests there. reporter: good afternoon. not much going on right now. behind me, everything relatively quiet at this early hour before the international flights come in. the protesters are expected this afternoon. they have set up barriers to keep everything in order. over here, you have lawyers that international travelers or family members who have concerns. there is no indication anyone is being held by customs and border protection. airlines around the world were notified over the weekend not to put any refugees from the seven including people from the seven nations on a u.s.-bound flight. thousands of people in transit to the united states or have plans to come here are left in a legal limbo right now. that is why lawyers say they are here and happy to help for free. >> i am working with the coalition of lawyers across the country at every major airport. we are here to help anybody who needs help. if there are other people here, we are able to represent them and let them know that trumps executive order banning people from certain countries is completely unconstitutional and they have the right to enter the united states if they have a be set. reporter: this morning, president trump tweeted only 109 people out of 325,000 were detained and held for questioning. big problems at the airports were caused by delta computer outages, referring to an issue with delta computers that cost about 300 flights to be canceled or late yesterday afternoon. the president went on saying protesters and the tears of senator schumer also caused airport problems. the trump administration is standing by their executive order. at four: 15 here, we are expecting senator tim kaine to be here. he will make an announcement demanding answers from homeland security and the administration alongside protesters. that is happening at 4:00 this afternoon and we will bring it to you live. sam sweeney. back to you in the studio. standing by his controversial executive order, despite facing new fallout over his immigration and refugee crackdown. that outrage is growing after some travelers were prevented from boarding flights bound for the united states. reporter: good afternoon. weekendidst of protests, an emergency court ruling blocked part of the band preventing authorities from the porting some travelers. chaos, confusion, and outraged. from the shadows of the statute of liberty to the gates of the white house, thousands packed airports and streets to protest president trump's executive order on immigration. the order bands syrian refugees from entering the u.s. indefinitely and put a 100-20 day stop -- 120-day stop on others. it bans travelers from seven i seven muslim country -- majoty travelers were detained at airports across the country. president trump taking heat on both sides of the aisle. republican senators john mccain and lindsey graham saying the order will become, "a self-inflicted wound in the fight against terrorism." >> this executive order -- mean-spirited and un-american. and it will only serve to embolden and inspire those around the globe who will do us harm. reporter: the president firing back tweeting the big problems at airports were caused by the delta outage, protesters, and the tears of senator schumer. weekend, the president clarifying this is not a muslim ban and saying it is working out nicely. he fired back at republican opposition tweeting their energies on isis, illegal immigration, and border security and not be looking to start world war iii. anchor: as you can imagine, we are staying on top of the immigration ban. you can keep up-to-date with all the changes on our website. just visit up north in canada, authorities are saying a mass shooting at a mosque is being considered an act of terrorism. six people were killed. eight others were hurt. two suspects are in custody. police have not ruled out the possibility there is a third suspect on the loose. over the weekend, canada's prime minister said his country would welcome refugees who are banned from entering the united states. >> the prime minister has said he would accept refugees into canada, so all of this could create a backlash against the muslim community which could have made this planned inlies are québec to honor the victims of the shootings and her family's show support for the muslim community. at this hour, new details will emerge about a triple murder at a restaurant in prince george's county early yesterday morning. thece say a bartender in blue sunday bar and grill shot and killed three coworkers. we know the name of at least one of the victims, sherwin morgan. the suspect is in custody now. any minute, police are expected to hold a press conference to discuss the investigation. we are monitoring everything happening so stay with us. we will have more on this story throughout the day. new at noon. a guilty plea for an ex-teacher's aide. brad bell is live with the latest. reporter: this is the rocked prince george's county last february when the teacher's aide and volunteer, deonte carraway,. was arrested. it was an expanding investigation. he has now admitted he was using children to create child pornography. 23 different children have been identified as victims. this is his plea agreement entered into in federal court a little while ago. it involves 12 children and 15 counts. i am not going to repeat what was said in court today. it is just too much to put on television. the u.s. attorney described the actual videos carraway made using students in their homes and in the school. he is going to be sentenced in june and faces of 60 to 100 years behind bars. we are outside this building because this is where the u.s. attorneys offices in greenbelt. a couple of minutes ago, we were with the u.s. attorney and he explained they could have gotten many more years for carraway. but this means he will spend the rest of his life behind bars. he is now 23 years old. the most important thing the u.s. attorney says is that this plea agreement means none of the children will have to be dragged into court to testify, and that they can begin healing and begin the terrible task of putting this behind them. this case is not over. there are still state charges involving another group of children as well, part of that 23 still hanging over carraway's head. we do expect a plea agreement there as well. that is the breaking news. a big move victims in prince george's county with the guilty plea from deonte carraway. brad bell, abc 7 news. up, when it comes to fighting the battle of the bulge, many of us are looking for any edge they can find. we may have found an easy way for you to get your sugar fix without affecting your waistline. onorter: there may be snow the bushes here at nationals park, but this is a big day for the team. i will explain when we come back. marylandnd a deer in finds himself in a tight spot. how good samaritans helped the animal break free. >> taking a look at the roads, we have calm conditions for the most part especially around the capital beltway. we will give you a live lo at this hour, we are not finding between thetroubles springfield mixing bowl and wilson bridge. free and delay-free. in montgomery county, quiet on the capital beltway at connecticut avenue. northbound the beltway in kensington, montgomery county police are in the final clearing stages of a crash that has blocked a couple of lanes on connecticut avenue. lanes should be opening any moment. in prince george's county, we are getting reports of no issues from interstate 95. as you travel around the beltway past u.s. 50. that is a look at traffic watch for this noon. announcer: you are watching abc 7 news at noon, on your side. q: new video. emergency crews are evaluating the injuries of several people were a car drove into the back of a bus on connecticut avenue. it appears the hood of the car is jammed underneath the bus. there were burn marks on the back of the bus as you can see in the picture. we are waiting to hear from police on how the accident happened and how many people were hurt. toe of you may be trying think of warm thoughts with the wintry weather outside. how does florida sound? this morning, the nationals packed up their equipment to head down south to the new training facility in west palm beach. suzanne kennedy was there as they flew south for the winter. suzanne: this is the day the washington nationals fans have had set on since the 2016 season came to a close. it is truck day, a sure sign baseball season is around the corner. this morning, they packed items onto a tractor-trailer which will head off to florida later today. this will be the first year they will be having spring training at the ballpark of the palm beaches. the team will bring down thousands of pounds of gear and equipment, including nearly 17,000 baseballs and 600 bats. all to be used to prepare for the upcoming season. even screech and teddy roosevelt were on hand today for the big event. the full team will arrive in florida on february 17. the home opener at national park will be april 3. suzanne kennedy. back to you. q: florida does sound really good right now. doug: april 3 cannot come soon enough for me. a little bit of snow. flurries. things will quiet down for the next few days. picture time. she shared a beautiful picture of the field and barn. there are so many of the red barns like that. absolutely gorgeous around the area. a bit of a slip and slide here and there. generally, the ground was warm enough. did not have a lot of issues. 2.5 inches.ty, falls church, a little over one inch. the national zoo, 1.1. .4 in gaithersburg. the sun is trying to break out this afternoon. it will become quite breezy. maybe see a sprinkle or flurry. quiet weather. we have a few patches of light snow. north of the metro area. this morning and overnight, north of the metro we got very little with most of the action to the south. we will keep an eye on this. it will come and go. futurecast shows by late this afternoon, all the storm activity settling down. partly sunny skies. temperatures will get colder. overnight, we will drop in the upper 20's. overnight, there could be another band of snow showers closer to the maryland/pennsylvania line. temperatures are going to start to warm up close to 50 degrees. the computer says a couple of spots south and west of washington in the mid-50's. tomorrow, 52. cooler on wednesday with a sprinkle possible. we will get back in the customary range of temperatures. by thursday, the average high will be around 45 so we wear be where we should be -- we will be where we should be. 39 today. 52 tomorrow. 49 wednesday. we can't wait to see what happens thursday morning in punxsutawney. colder on friday. over the weekend, upper 30's. computer models are suggesting into sunday, there could be the next storm system coming our way with a wintry mix. early next week, it looks like temperatures will stay at or below average. no signs of any big storms in our future. what is in our future is more abc 7 news with q mccray right after this. this video we have for you now. this is video getting a lot of attention on social media. it shows a deer getting its head stuck in a plastic container. the deer was spotted by residents last week. over the weekend, state workers were able to tranquilize it and remove the container. good news. eventually, it was able to regain its footing and move on. here is some good news. when it comes to fighting the battle of the bulge, many of us are looking for any edge we can get. we may have found an easy way for you to get your fix -- your sugar fix without ruining your waistline. it is good news. becky has everything you need to know. reporter: candy, soda, cookies. your sweet tooth is real. new science shows cravings may be a result of the bacteria in our gut. >> some are to eat more sugar. reporter: how do we maintain our healthy eating goals? one answer, trick your sweet tooth with a new focus on minimizing sugar. some new products. my new favorite have zero sugar and no substitutes. just a combination of natural flavors that provoke a sweet response for the taste buds. chocolate hazelnut, no sugar. next, full throttle fruit. what is new is a focus on fiber. it makes you feel full while satisfying cravings. if you are on the go, dried fruit. make sure it is no extra sugar added. i have an eat all you want philosophy. that makes me feel like i'm not restricting myself all the time. reporter: there are times when i want the real deal. even candy mars realize the value of reducing portions. when it comes to sugar, make it >> ginger candy has strong flavor. it is really low in sugar. reporter: when i do get into my sweet to, i aim for the greatest satisfaction with the least amount of sugar. break, doug hill will have a final check of your forecast. the wintry mess may not be done, q: a 23-year-old dental student from france has been crowned miss universe. the annual pageant was held in the philippines this year. she said she would advocate for dental and oral hygiene as she takes home the crown. harveyhe ceremony, steve closed by saying, "this is steve harvey. i got it right." massiveo gave him these glasses to put on before he read the winners. doug: he did a great job. let's talk about our weather today. pretty simple. a sprinkle or flurry now and then. it will become quite breezy, 39. 52 tomorrow. much milder. we will update everything today at 4:00. q: thank you for joining us. there are times when it's nice that things go up. and it's sometimes even better when things go down. novec, a not-for-profit electric cooperative, provides wholesale power to its customers at cost. any changes in that cost are passed along through an annual power cost adjustment on bills. the average home's power bill from novec will again go down in 2017 by nearly $11 a month. making down a very good direction for power bills. there are times when it's nice that things go up. and it's sometimes even better >> hey, it's a fact of life. we all make mistakes. but how great would it be if when you messed up, somebody gave you a do-over? well, that's exactly what we're going to do today for a few of our players whose first visit here, well, was a bit of a train wreck. it's second chance week on "who wants to be a millionaire." [cheers and applause] [dramatic music] ♪ hey, everybody, welcome to second chance week on "millionaire." [cheers and applause] today's second chance contestant is a high school teacher who claims his last "millionaire" question has been haunting him for a year. hopefully today he'll finally be able to leave all that behind. from scituate, massachusetts, please welcome back jay savage. [cheers and applause] what's up, buddy? >> good to see you, my friend. >> great to see you again.

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United States , Scituate , Massachusetts , Canada , Philippines , Montgomery County , Pennsylvania , Springfield , Florida , Washington , College Park , Punxsutawney , Syria , France , Syrian , Brad Bell , Suzanne Kennedy , Lindsey Graham , Sherwin Morgan , Steve Harvey , Doug Hill , Sam Sweeney , John Mccain ,

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