Transcripts For WMUR News 9 This Morning 20151101

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now, wmur news 9 this morning. amy: 6:00 on sunday, november 1st. i'm amy coveno. we'll get to that, but first, josh judge gives us the forecast. did you give up the vampire fangs? >> that's right, things are back to normal, only we're an hour behind. we see some light there thanks to setting the clocks back this morning. hey, what, we are about 10, 15 degrees warmer than we were yesterday at this same time when we were in the 20's most of the state. now 30's and most cases 40's at the moment and some scattered showers have been rolling through overnight. there's a few more to go, but the showers will be breaking up, those you see to our west. so it will be a few here and there through the morning and mid day hours and we might see some breaks of sun as we head into this afternoon. so, cloudy this morning, a couple of showers, highs today in the 50's and 60's. we'll talk about the rest of the week ahead coming up in a few minutes. amy: as you just heard josh mention, daylight saving time ended at 2:00 this morning. if you haven't already, it's time to set your clocks back an hour. it's a good time to check smoke and carbon detectors and change the batteries. police and fire officials are responding to a motor vehicle accident in sanburnton near pearlie road. we'll update you as on the story as soon as information is available. manchester voters will pet to the polls for mayor. merited gatsas is running for a challenger. >> the candidates made several stops saturday, both are taking advantage of the amount of events going on in manchester as it comes to a close. >> the manchester mayoral candidates are hard at work along the campaign trial, the last weekend before the election. >> we were knocking on doors this morning, we'll be knocking on more doors. >> it's all about talking to residents of the city, reminding them to vote on tuesday. >> both connected with voters in a halloween parade. merited gatsas is looking for another term, and joyce is running for her first. >> craig has worked on the school board and spent six years as an aulderman and worked in boston at an advertising agency. >> i think there's a great opportunity in manchester to market the good things we have to outside entities to bring them in, but we do have address some significant issues such as education, crime and a heroin epidemic first. >> the most important thing is the drug epidemic. >> the mayor says there are more challenges facing the sfi -- them. >> we have to make sure that the home owners don't keep getting hit with tax increases. >> he believes his record and experience will win him another term as mayor. and craig believes manchester city forward. >> i believe the city is looking for a mayor who is accessible and approach people and listen to the concerns and take ideas back to city hall and implement those ideas. >> i stand on my record and people know that and maybe you ask me a question and i might not give you the answer that you like, but at least you know where i stand. again, the election is this tuesday and polls open at manchester at 6 a.m. >> kristen carosa, wmur news 9. amy: nine other cities will vote as well. and here are the cities with to learn more for each city and head to the polls, head to our website, we turn to 2016 coverage. endorsing bernie sanders yesterday, the international brotherhood of electrical workers, local 490 an and the service employees international union, local 560 in hanover, all backing the senator from vermont. sanders says he appreciates the support. >> i look forward to working with every man and woman here, to make a political revolution which says that the united states government belongs to all of us, should represent all of us, and not just the super pacs and the large campaign donors. amy: bernie sanders attended two town halls in lebanon and warner. while he was in lebanon, bernie he went trick-or-treating with his grandchildren. he spoke with voters and received some candy as well. most of the presidential hopefuls converged on an event on saturday. each candidate was given a chance to spoke to possible caucus voters. donald trump and ben carson, the frontrunners, did not attend. the department of health and human services there will be an increase of 5%, and different plans will be offered. 53,000 granite staters will enroll. a poem broke -- pembroke person ran from police. informed him of the outstanding warrants, he ran from the car. his girlfriend 23-year-old kaileah tolken allegedly drove to where he was hiding. they're facing charges this morning. it's starting to get chilly out there. many people are thinking about heating their homes this winter. the cost of heating oil and propane are down. firewood prices are up. our jean mackin talked with them. >> even when the neighbors are out on a stroll. winter isn't far from their mind. they have a reason to think about it, five-month-old georgia. >> we had oil for a while, and then we went with pellet a few years ago, bought a nice pellet stove, oil is cheaper so we're running oil. >> it's good to have the both because you know it's going to fluctuate, up and down. >> there is price fluctuation for popular heating sources. the average heating oil price 2.27 a gallon, down more than a dollar since last year. propane is averaging 2.70, about 50 cents lower. but the price for firewood is going up for people in the northeast. the timber industry says hardwood is in demand for building hydro fracking sites in pennsylvania. so home owners are paying $325 a cord, up 50 to $75 this year. >> we've got maple, red oak is the best. >> the price hike won't bother this wife and mother from manchester. proud. >> my last name is wood, ironically, w-o-o-d. >> they chop it themselves from >> we've got the good red oak and windows open in january and we're wearing shorts. jean mackin, wmur news 9. amy: firewood businesses are dealing the demand. there could be another firewood shortage like last year toward the end. season. next on news 9, trick-or-treating nightmare in new york city. a car plows into three people three, among them a this is connor like so many kids, he was missing things in school - distracted - disengaged - just not getting it. we tried tutors but they didn't connect. then we heard about sylvan's new teaching system, sylvansync. personal lessons, taught by sylvan certified instructors, using technology kids love. i've never seen him more engaged. r p kids like connor typicallyr times more growth than if theyr hadn't come to sylvan. and now sylvan has fun, cutting edge robotics and coding classes. call 1-800-educate to learn more! >> good morning and welcome back. it's in the lower 40's in the lakes region. much milder than yesterday at this time. it's also cloud with scattered showers and sprinkles around. last as we look at your weekend and your forecast a few minutes away. amy: we're following a breaking story out of north carolina. one person is dead, another injured after a shooting on the campus of winston-salem state university. both victims are said to be students at the university, and police are searching for the gunman who is not believed to be a current student. federal investigators say searchers have located wreckage of a vessel believed to be the sunken el faro ship. sonar images reveal the 790-foot cargo ship and n.t.s.b. says it appears to be upride and in one place. they will deploy a remote vessel equipped with camera to confirm the finding. 28 americans crew members along with five polish nationals are om one body has been recovered so far. the investigation continues this morning into the crash of a russian passenger jet in egypt. all 224 people on board were killed including 25 children. two major airlines say they will stop flying over the area. some have made a claim, jihadis. in new york city, a car plowed into trick-or-treaters before 5:00 in the bronx. two men and a girl were killed. they were taken to the hospital. authorities believe hit other car before it lost control and jumped the curb. no charges have been filed. the fur is flying. are creating with cats. it's >> now, meteorologist josh judge with your storm watch 9 forecast. josh: here we are on a sunday. a couple of things to talk about. we will have an earlier sunrise and notice an earlier sunset this afternoon as well. let's take a look at the current temperatures at the moment. if you remember yesterday we were in the 20's, in fact, the lower 20's in parts of northern new hampshire, and this morning, we're in the upper 30's and low and mid 40's. a huge difference in temperatures and that's the case for the upcoming week as well, those temperatures are going to be much milder. >> we do have some rain showers around. much needed beneficial rain has been falling overnight. at least it's enough to give everything a drink. without that sun up. it doesn't evaporate as quickly. yes, you're not seeing things that were actually a few snow flurries and snowflakes in northern new hampshire for a little while. the showers have become much more scattered in nature and one more batch of them here that will roll through later in the morning and mid day hours before things start to dry out for the afternoon as high pressure will can't rule a spot shower. but if you have plans later today, you should be pretty good here. a closer look at the light rain showers in the southern and a half of the state in the northern part of new hampshire with rain showers off to the west as well. as we go through the day, as you can see, they're not going to be anything spectacular, mid to late morning, a few more showers roll through and by the time we're into the 2:00, 3:00, 4:00 time frame and breaks of sunshine are coming out and after that, an earlier sunset 4:50. and that will be a shock to the system as soon it gets dark. sunshine save for areas in the white mountains, points north you'll have clouds banked up as the winds shift to the northwest and that will take until monday. otherwise everyone is sunny for monday and warmer, too. either side of 60 and tuesday, into the low and mid 60's and it continues to go up from there. thanks to this dip in the jetstream lifting out of here and warmer air coming in for the mid and late part of the week and that lasts until next weekend. things continuing to look pretty good. temperatures today, a couple of degrees milder than yesterday, mid and upper 50's in parts of southern and central new hampshire and lower 50's in areas to the north here with a couple of morning showers around. some peeks of sunshine at least on tap for the afternoon. here is a look at your next seven days and pretty spectacular week ahead. go en-- again, today, the wettest part is earlier today and we'll see drier conditions and warming conditions all this week and lots of sunshine in store and above average temperatures. come eventually. amy: more than fur flies as they take the picture. josh: jeanne moos has this. >> first, shake and then the sequel, shake puppies and now the sequel to the sequel, shake cats. from furball to hairless 6 1 shaking cats shot by a photographer who let them get under her skin. she was inspired by her slobbering mastif, norbert, since departed. >> i would be on a step ladder clean his drool off the wall. >> she took his photo shaking. >> there was a tongue over there and drool over there. >> when human drooled over her >> how do you get the cats to capture a shake. >> when we cleaned their ears or itch your ears and when the pets do the ooh thing. >> for many furry man mal , rats 18 times a second, four times a second for dogs. >> my secret is my camera shoots ten frames per second so i'm lying down on the shutter, the second i see the cat start to think about shaking. >> she couldn't resist showing off her own pet. >> this is my cat. >> this is one tale we couldn't end without tongues. the only famous cat is this cat, perpetually with his tongue out because of genetics. >> did you see the cat that licked his eye? >> this is a book that will have it it-- >> no, no, delete that. i don't want that out there. the cats, whatever. >> whatever. >> coming up on news 9 this morning, a local little league gets a helping hand and how they were coming together after their amy: a russian >> halloween just ended. the die-hard black friday fans, they're already out. here he is camping outside of a best buy. it's orlando though. he's hoping for a great deal on a television. he's raising aware ness ness for homelessness. he works for a radio show and he's relying on food and water to get him through the next two months. a surprise for a little league team who found their homes vandalized. they needed $3500 to get this em back to playing ball. >> members of bed for the football league said they couldn't let it end like this. so this community is rallying. there's a lot to cheer about now, but there was no joy in bedford this weekend when the little league discovered this, vandals trashed the clubhouse and concession stand inflicting $5,000 worth of damage to the home field of the team one win away from advancing to the little league world series. >> and especially the last one with great things happening here and to see someone trying to take that away is not ok. >> when photos were posted on social media. there was a wave of support. some big checks arrived for little league ers rs. >> can you guys say cheeseburger? >> cheeseburger. >> primary bank, chipped in, and $1,000 from recreation. >> you've got to move on and pick up the pieces and move forward. >> and fist pumps when they threw in donations. >> there's a lot of people coming out here to support it. it's really cool to see. >> elliott hospital and catholic medical center stepped up to the plate along with other concerned community members, including bedford's own chris carpenter, the world series pitcher, a star here. >> i'm sure not just bedford, but anyone in new hampshire would step up and do things hike that new hampshire is a great straight that sports their towns and little leagues. >> other teams are reaching out asking how they can help. donations are accepted at primary bank and the airport diner will hold a spaghetti fundraiser. runners are taking over the marathon. he's on a mission to run a marathon in every state. how you can fight a young girl in her fight against cancer. no one covers new hampshire like we do. amy: i'm amy coveno. as we stay this to the country. a russian passenger jet crashed in egypt, all 224 passengers and crew were killed. the manchester city marathon, they're starting onem street just before 9:00. the hooksett community rallying around a young girl recently diagnosed with lukemia. she signed a banner to help lift her spirits. >> and we will get to those stories and more momentarily, but first let's check in with mr. judge for a look at today's forecast. lots of runners headed to the city this morning. josh: i'll have that running forecast in a few moments. it's cloudy at the moment, but milder than yesterday, good 10 to 15 degrees from yesterday at this time. upper 30's and low 40's around the state at the moment with some scattered showers coming down. we had a fairly widespread showers earlier this morning and we're seeing them tapering off to much more scattered, but still out there and a few more that could be around at times through about the late morning and intoed early afternoon. then things start to calm down a bit this afternoon. could see a few peeks of sunshine mid afternoon or so. we'll be setting that sun an we'll talk about the wild week ahead. and it's a pretty good one. that's coming up in a few minutes. amy: we begin this half hour, a story that we brought as breaking news. a russian passenger yet, including 25 children. they say the jet was cruising above 30,000 feet when it lost contact. >> the russian passenger jet went down here in the remote area of egypt's sinai peninsula. there were no survivors among the 224 crew and passengers aboard. egypt's prime minister, and ambulances transported bodies to the morgue. it took off in the city of sharm el-sheikh. it vanished from radar shortly thereafter. >> flight 9267 to sharm el-sheikh is delayed. >> they were grieving as they waited for their loved ones. >> i was looking and i couldn't find the flight. >> and richard cantu, abc news new york. amy: back in new hampshire, two more companies with grants to train. 190 employees will get training. and five employees will be through the manufacturing extension partnership. more than $8 million since 2007. now to a traffic alert for drivers in the scene city this morning. the manchester marathon is shutting down streets today. the race goes until roughly-- em street to bridge street to lake avenue. police say to expect delays crossing the bridge. the bridge street will be closed part of the day as well. and they're urged to use the amoskeag and queen city, hooksett road and livingston park. if you need to across the city, the police suggest you take the highway. the marathon, half marathon and relay kick off in a couple of hours. more than 950 runners are taking part this year. the radisson hotel was bustling as the race registration and important number pickups and there were tips as well. >> the runners come in and find their number, pick up their race shirts. and then they visit our vendors and sponsors. >> these are tremendous athletes. we are a talking to people and getting them stated about the race. >> the race starts and have six hours to run the course. >> among the runners is a 73-year-old runner from las vegas. he wants to win run a marathon in every race. and when he finishes new hampshire will be his 50th state. don't know too many who do this, run 50 states. we wish him the best of luck. people in hooksett are coming together for a little girl who has leukemia, adyson has a major fight ahead of her, but family and friends are along the way. mike: addie is fighting and her family says she's in good spirits. she has a long road ahead of her. she's not alone. she's the friendliest little girl and a kind heart. >> reporter: and she battles leukemia leukemia. >> friends of friends, who we have never met. >> she's been cheering on her favorite team. >> go tom brady. woo! >> she's a second grader. >> she is artsy and loves crafts and loves, loves, spending time with her little sister. >> she is a soccer player, treatment is keeping her off the field for now. her fellow players and parents are raising awareness and signed a banner which will be up. and posting to fight for addie. >> thank you for your love and support, i hope i can come back soon, i miss you and i love you, bye. >> her supporters say they're addie's army. it's a challenging journey, but she knows she has an army behind her. >> it's made the best of a really bad situation. the best possible outcome we could expect given the fight she's up. mike: if you'd like to help the family go to, we'll post a link to the page. next, high school championship were decided on saturday. jason king has cross country sports. >> we'll see the temperature much higher during the week ahead and take the temperatures and add a bit and tell you about >> the best on average, women need to work an extra two hours each day, to earn the same paycheck as their male coworkers. join the fight for equal pay. join the fight for sara and women everywhere. and i approve this message. >> welcome to new hampshire's business, i'm fred kocher. what does the best company to work for look like? we have an example here, bank w holdings in manchester, new hampshire, based in new hampshire. referrals, weekend trips and spa days, four days off for community service, now this, professional development such as mentors from the start of employment. access to job shadowing and team activities including rock climbing and bowling. >> with me is jason alexander, a manage are partner, of bank holdings based in new hampshire. >> thank you so much. amy: amy:. >> glad you're here. why do you do it? >> we're in the people business and recruiting and staffing organizations, being the business community working for large and small companies, the longevity in your people, happy people, they stay longer, they tend to do better quality work and at the end of the day >> you're in the staffing business and you have what, four companies under your bank w holdings as an umbrella ap you have the alexander technology group and the search partners and kvw financial staffing. you're staffing up for specific areas of the work force. >> correct. >> what difference does it make to have those benefits? >> i'm sure your employees like that. and in terms of retention, you're retake them. what difference does it make? >> it makes a difference. people who come to work happy and leave work happy. and feel better about what they do. client experience and aring winds up better in the end. and you've won business of the new hampshire business review, boston journal. the ink c. list, fastest growing company. what contributes to it. the average day-to-day in your offices must be different than a company that doesn't do this? >> well, the atmosphere is different because of the fact we been. the benefits you talked about previously regarding trips and bonuses and perks and things like that. we're proud of them, happy to do it. we almost don't do it as a reasons of retention. we're lucky to have our people. within the organization itself. we try to keep things transparent and open and keep communication live as well. >> last year, you took a group >> we did, we took them, and will take them to cancun in the spring. >> and you're in the employ'-- employee business for your clients. what are you seeing in the economy in terms of talent. are you able to find the talent your companies need in the financial and technology arenas? >> it's becoming more and more difficult. drop. no matter how you look at it, the numbers continue to drop. it's challenging us as employers and employers across the region to become more and more creative with how they first of all aattract and retain their people. less and less of the people they're looking for out there. it's certainly becoming more and more of a challenge. keeping an open mind and as creative as possible. >> the last comment, you've told me you filled 11,000 jobs in new hampshire and that's significant. >> it's a you number we're surprised by because time flies by . >> why bank w holdings in bedford. if you want to see that interview again or missed part of it, click on and click on news and click economy. >> josh judge with the forecast. >> it's lighter earlier, if you're up this will morning, it hasn't been as light as this morning. and finish changing the clocks. nondigital we're changing back now base. warner is life and 43 degrees with light rain at times, it's it's been around as well. the sunset, check this out, yesterday in concord, sunset was 5:39. i should say sunday, for the second one, that's 4:38. an hour and a minute earlier. it will be a shock to the system as it gets dark so much earlier than today. there it is. upper 30's in northern new hampshire. and 40's, from the low to mid 40's. check out the difference from 10 to 15, 16, 17, 18 degrees warmer right now than it was yesterday at this time. so certainly a big difference out there. and the other difference is, we've had rain showers overnight and still a few sprinkles here and there. there were even a few snowflakes here is a look what to come though. the last batch of rain will roll through through the mid day hours and then this afternoon. at least some peeks of sun, i think, and drier conditions as high pressure builds in and that area forces this out. and sticks around all week long. we've got a pretty nice week ahead. let's take a look at futurecast. drying these things up. you could see a shower maybe, but look what happens then. through the afternoon, 2:00, 3:00, some peeks much sun before the earlier sunset and a left over passing shower or sprinkle. it can't be ruled out. the clouds with the northwest wind bank in, tonight into tomorrow, a little cloudier there. tuesday, lots of sunshine and temperatures are milder, too, mid and late week well into the 60's, maybe approaching 70 in a few spots. >> a look at the temperatures today. mid to-- in southeastern new hampshire, perhaps upper 50's. that will be the warmest spot in the state. southeastern parts, if you're running in the race, the manchester marathon, starting time, 8:50. and we'll see the temperatures start off around the upper 40's and by the end of it. right around 50 degrees or so. a look at the next seven days, here they are, wow, what a week we have ahead. after the clouds dance in and ought with sprinkles left over and the temperatures really go up with sunshine as we go into the mid week. the next chance of rain saturday into sunday and that's a quick shower and go to jason and check night. sports. >> well, the kansas city royals are one win away from winning the world series. game four played at citi field looked good for the mets early, 6th inning, mets in front 3-1. kansas city got three in the 8th and royals win 5-3 and lead the series 3-1. and game five is tonight and the royals can wrap it up. time to hit the ice, the bruins were on the road. first period, gets to the loose puck and scored. boston on the power play and conley would get the goal. the bruins win 3-1. coal. they'll play brampton. and azarian scored his first goal. and new hampshire wins 4-2 and they play two games at michigan state next weekend. dartmouth opened their home in home series last night. and harvard is good. 3-zip, ma -- harvard beats dartmouth and same two teams play again today. the cross country division meets, this is boys. the team title 65, oyster river was second and patrick o'brien of oyster river won in 16 minutes. and dw two girls led the team and division one race a 18 minutes 19.6 seconds. a sophomore. and there was second and third respectively. for the boys hometown hero timber lane, 15 minutes, 52 seconds, but pinkerton, london londonderry londonderry, kearsarge took the team title followed by regional and interlakes. >> and the team title, moultonborough finished second and third. hopkinton had an individual title of 19 minutes 57.5 seconds. >> and that's it, that's your look at sports. have a great sunday. >> thanks, jason king, you, too. >> still ahead. puppy love, how an adorable tt2watv# 1$! bt@qio, tt2watv# 1$! "a@qych tt2watv# 1$! bm@qrhd tt4watv# 1$!" dztq 5gt tt4watv# 1$!" entq ec4 tt4watv# 1$!" gzt& \dl tt4watv# 1$!" hnt& lj tt4watv# 1$!" iztq &#x tt4watv# 1$!" jntq 4s8 >> i'm not sure i agree with this, some people say the best >> the dachshund named louie that. it seems that louie loves fall leaves and megan thinks that he might be jealous of her future husband. look at that, completely blocking that. there's a look at clouds today. a couple of showers warm and sunny. >> i'll just go like that. >> the news continues at the top of the hour. an election, who is going head halloween of horror. we can grow our economy while ignoring climate change, think again. america's most innovative companies are already moving using existing technology to improve their bottom line. now we need a plan to help businesses and families across america to save money on electricity and create millions of new jobs. it all starts with 50% clean energy by 2030. >> now on news 9, many granite staters are preparing to head to the polls. what you need to know before tuesday's mayoral election. winter is just around the corner. many people are planning how to heat their homes and how much you can expect to shell out to keep warm this season. josh: we're tracking much-needed showers. how much could be wet, as well ahead. amy: and the missing el faro ship. what searchers found off the coast of the bahamas. >> no one covers new hampshire like we do. now, wmur news 9 this morning. amy: good morning, 7:00 on sunday november 1st, i'm amy coveno. we'll get to our top stories in minutes. josh judge is here with a look at the weekend forecast, not much to complain about. >> not unless you're a fan of the new time. setting sun at 4:38. it's milder than yesterday. we were in the 20's most parts of the state at this time. we're 47 in manchester right now. a lot milder, we have scattered showers and much beneficial rainfall and a few more scattered showers and sprinkles together. the showers here are breaking up, so, the most of it is already done, but there will be a few scattered showers left. high pressure builds in after that and things turn nice for this week. your highs today. mid, maybe upper 50's in southeastern new hampshire and a few peeks of afternoon sun. wait until you see the week ahead. we've got a look at that coming up in the fall forecast. amy: as you heard josh say a reminder daylight saving time. that ended at 2:00 in the morning. if you haven't done it, it's time to set your clocks back one hour. it's a great time to check smoke and carbon monoxide detectors and put fresh batteries in. we're following a situation at sanburton. a driver hit a telephone pony and crews have been dispatched to make repairs. police are advising drivers to please avoid the area. manchester voters head to the polls for city elections. topping the ticket is the race for mayor. alderman alderman joyce craig is challenging the seat. >> both are taking advantage of the amount of events going on in manchester this weekend as their campaigns come to a close. >> hard at work along the campaign trail, the last weekend before the election. >> we're knocking on doors this morning and we'll be knocking on more doors. >> it's about talking to residents in the city. >> and both are connecting with voters in a holiday parade. mayor gatsas is seeking a term. and joyce craig is looking for her first. >> it was no different than it was in '99 when i ran for my first one. >> it's connecting with the residents and hearing their concerns and electing a mayor who will work on their concerns. >> she worked in boston at an advertising agencies. >> i think there's a great opportunity in manchester to market what we have. we have to look at education, crime and the heroin epidemic first. >> the most important is the drug epidemic, what we have to get control of. >> the mayor says there are things to work on in the city. >> we've got to continue with the tax base and home owners won't get hit with tax increases he believes his experience. >> and craig believes-- >> they need a mayor to will approach people and listen to concerns and take them back to city hall. >> i stand on my record and people know that, maybe you ask give you the answer you like, but you know where i stand. >> and polls open in manchester at 6 a.m. >> nine other new hampshire cities will vote for their mayors as well. berlin, laconia, rochester, clairemont are among them. to learn more about the mayoral candidates in each of the cities and check out polling locations and time, head to our website, turning now to commitment 2016 coverage. leaders of three new hampshire unions endorse democratic presidential candidate bernie sanders yesterday. the international brotherhood, the american postal workers union of new hampshire and service employees local 560 in hanover are backing the start from vermont. sanders says he looks forward to the support. with every man and woman here, and say that the united states government belongs to all of us. should represent all of us, not just the super pacs and the large campaign donors. amy: bernie sanders attended two town halls in lebanon and while in lebanon wore the best costume, himself. he went trick-or-treating with his grandchildren and received a few pieces of candy as well. and hopeful converged in iowa. ten attended the growth and saturday. each candidate was given the opportunity to speak to possible caucus voters. frontrunners, ben carson and donald trump did not attend. >> today you can enroll in health care through the federal exchange, expect to may more in services, says there will be different plans offered. the federal government estimates 53,000 granite staters will enroll. it's starting to get chilly outside, many people are thinking about heating their homes this aren't. the cost of heating oil and propane are down, firewood prices are up. and jean mackin talked about the strategies. >> even when they're out for a stroll on is summer day, the winter isn't for from their mind. this year they have five-month-old georgia. >> she'll always be warm. we had oil for a while and then went 0 with pellet a few years ago, and we bought a nice pellet stove. this year oil is cheaper. >> they fluctuate and so they both go up and down. >> the average heating oil price 2.27 a gallon, down more than a dollar since last year. propane is averaging 2.70. about 50 cents lower, but the price for firewood is going up for people in the northeast. the timber industry says hardwood is in demand for building hydro fracking sites in pennsylvania. so, home owners are paying about $325 a cord, up 50 to $75 this year. >> we've got some maple, different kinds of maple, red oak is the best. >> the price hike won't bother this wife and mother from manchester. proud. >> last name is wood ironically, w-o-o-d. >> her home is heated primarily by firewood. they chop it themselves at a family farm in maine, stacking up seven cords for the winters. >> we're probably the only ones, the windows are open in january >> jean mackin, wmur news 9. >> firewood businesses are feeling the demand and it's possible there could be another shortage like last year toward the end of the season. coming up next on news 9 this morning. trick-or-treating nightmare in new york way. among them a 10-year-old. >> good morning, and welcome back. it's a sunday morning, more importantly, it's november 1st. hard to believe, how did that happen? . temperature 46 on the seacoast, cloudy, a couple of scattered showers. that will be the case the next few hours. details on that in your forecast coming up. >> we are continuing to follow a developing situation in north carolina. a manhunt is underway right now after a fatal campus shooting. this happened overnight on the campus of winston-salem university. that's an hour away from charlotte. one person is dead and another injured in the shootings. both are at the university. they're not believed to be a current student. >> they've located the wreckage believed to be the el faro ship. it looks like the 79-foot cargo ship. later, they will deploy a remote vessel with video cameras, down some 15,000 feet. to confirm the finding. 33 people were on board when it-- so far only one body has been recovered. the investigation continues this russian passenger jet in egypt. all 224 on board were killed, including 25 children. two major european airlines announced they would stop flying over the crash area after an extremist group affiliated with islamic jihadists claimed responsibilities. officials dispoliced that claim. we'll bring you much more on the story in our next half hour. three people killed, four injured while trick-or-treating in new york city yesterday. a car plowed into a group of trick-or-treaters just before 5:00 in the bronx. two men and a 10-year-old girl were killed. two other girls, ages three and nine along with a 21 is-year-old woman were taken to the hospital. authorities believe another driver hit a car before losing control and jumping the curb, no charges have been filed. still to come this morning, the fur is flying. the unique art one photographer is creating with cats. it's 7:13 on a sunday morning. you're looking live at the mill district. hand-crafted...layer by layer. the new macchiato from dunkin' donuts. experience the flavor of fall with a new hot or iced can i get a medium coffee, cream, two sugars? medium hot coffee, cream, two sugars -- see you at the window. at dunkin', we make your coffee just the way you like it. on the spot. that's the dd commitment. america runs on dunkin'. >> now, meteorologist josh judge with your storm watch 9 forecast. in some cases wet start to our november. november statistically is one of the cloudiest of the year. that's how we start the day off. it will not stay that way for long. we've got a pretty darn sunny week ahead. 46 degrees in the portsmouth right there at the seacoast and temperatures in the 40's across a large percentage of the state. we have to go to the white mountains and so the north. mid and upper 30's for the most pa are the except the top of mount washington. that's warmer, we had some scattered showers rolled through. when they rolled through overnight. many of us saw quite a bit of rain and even snow in some of the mountain tops in the north country. it's now dwindled down to much more scattered here and there, and the light sprinkles. teas what i expect the rest of the day through this morning. could see a quick sprinkle. by this afternoon, it's partly sunny and a slight chance of a passing shower. the high pressure not only moving the sunshine with it, it brings the warmth, too. warmer air streaming in and do look for a milder week ahead. each day getting a little bit milder as we go through the week ahead. let's take a look first of all, at the current rate you can see will track in the northern half of the state. it will be hit and miss this morning. yeah, you could still see a shower or two. the least we had some beneficial rains overnight. can't rule out a sprinkle or a shower as well. but that will be few and far between. monday, start out with clouds, banked up in the mountains that gradually release their grips through the day and let filtered sunshine in, even to the north the rest of us, lots of sunshine and tuesday as well. right that in your dance card. looks pretty good, a lot of sunshine. the jetstream lifting up and bringing the mild temperatures mid and late week before it collapses to cool off a little bit next weekend all over again. here are the temperatures to expect today. we'll be in the mid 50's on average. upper 50's in southeastern new hampshire and lower 50's in the northern part of the state. here is a look at the rest of the week ahead. peeks of sunshine this afternoon and then lots of sunshine for this week. 60's to near 70 degrees for this first full week of november. >> crazy. november 1st and all of that warm weather. >> a warm year and it begins. amy: indeed. more than fur flies when a photographer captures the cats. josh: jeanne moos has the story behind shaking cats that could >> first, there was shake. glorious photos of dogs shaking. then came the sequel shake puppies and now the sequel to the sequel, shake cats. from furballs to hairless, mostly from shelters shot by a photographer who let them get under her skin. carly davidson was inspired by her slobbering mat stif, norbert. >> i was on leader cleaning his drool off the wall. >> she found her niche. how do you get the cats to shake? they did not squirt them. >> we'd capture the shake when you or rub your cat's ears. >> for many furry mammals, it's a drying mechanism. rats shake and four times a second for dogs. >> my names-- my shutter goes 10 a second. and when they start to shake, i'm on the shutter. >> and her own car, without tongues, the only celebrty in the book is this cat whose tongue sticks out because of a detect. >> did you see the cat that licked his eye? >> this book will have tongues wagging. amy: coming up next on news 9 this morning, a local little league gets a helping hand. how residents in the state are coming together because vandals >> and a russian if you think we can grow our economy while ignoring climate change, think again. america's most innovative companies are already moving to clean energy using existing technology to improve their bottom line. now we need a plan to help businesses and families across america to save money on electricity and create millions of new jobs. it all starts with 50% clean energy by 2030. >> a big surprise for a little field fell victim to vandalism. over $5,000 of damage was inflicted to the field house of the championship team that was one win away from advancing to the little league world series. fist pumps around as the monarchs, primary bank, bedford friends of recreation stood up to the plate. they've received $3500 donations so far. it's 7:25. a new s@ow is launching on wmur next weekend called "matter of fact", this is a half hour long interview and discussion show. and today, the host joins us live from washington to talk about his new show. good morning, fernando. >> thank you, amy. amy: thank you for joining us, tell us what to expect? >> it's a sunday or a weekend politics show, but we're trying to do something different. instead of focusing on the back and forth and the day-to-day won friday, we're focused on the to americans. so, yes, we'll have the big guests and also have experts, but we'll do deep dives look into a story for voters to give context to understand what's going on. >> we go beyond ideology, beyond party affiliation to understand if a person policy is good for america. we show that not through opinions for through fact. that's why it's called matter of fact. amy: can you give us a sneak peek, what sort of toppings you'll be discussing or guests go on. >> we're not announcing the guests yet, but we're focused on the debates hatching in new hampshire and iowa in particular. we're focused on some of the leading accounts. they will be on the show looking at issues around. the voter, to be able to really engage? a lot of times we're head he had lines, many times we're head finance as if they were facts. what we like to do is to understand and give the owners an information tool kit for them to make up their minds. >> as a matter of fact each sunday at 10:30 a.m. starting november 8th. >> here is a look what's coming up in our next half hour. runners are taking over today, a michigan to run to every date. and >> no one covers new hampshire like we do. now, wmur news 9 this morning. >> good morning, at 7:30, i'm amy coveno. we need to have a live look at meredith. a look at top stories on the half hour. the investigation continues after a russian passenger jet crashed in egypt saturday. all 224 passengers and crew on board were killed. the manchester city marathon kicks off this morning. more than 950 runser are participating this year. it starts before 9:00. the community is rallying around a young girl recently diagnosed with leukemia. her spirits. and we'll get to those stories, but first over to josh judge and the forecastics happy november 1st, how did that happen? you think of november, you think of cloudy skies and at that statistically, the cloudest month in new hampshire. we'll see clouds this morning and a couple of scattered showers and look at milder temperatures, 30's and 40's out there and then we'll see some sunshine developing. you may see some peeks of it later today and then especially this entire week ahead. there's those much-needed rain showers that rolled through overnight and they're going to be coming to an end and we've got a pretty mild week ahead. today will be a few degrees warmer than yesterday, with temperatures as you can see here making it up to the mid and upper 50's in a few locations, but we'll be in the 60's for this week ahead coming up in your full forecast. >> we do have new details on a story that we brought you as breaking news. a russian passenger yet, plane, that crashed in egypt killing all 224 on board. including 25 children. aviation officials say the jet was cruising above 30,000 feet when air traffic control lost contact with the crew. richard cantu has the latest. there were no survivors among the passengers and crew aboard. egypt's prime minister visited the crash site. responders searched for remains and ambulances trance for theed bodies to the morgue. the chartered flight was an airline jet based in moscow. it took off in sharm el-sheikh bound for st. petersburg. as it was reaching 30,000 feet. the pilot radioed the aircraft had technical problems and wanted to land. el-sheikh is delayed. >> in st. petersburg, grief and disbelief as relatives learned their loved ones were lost. >> i'm waiting for the person i love, said one, i couldn't find screen. the black box has been recovered and they're promising an investigation into how this amy: here in new hampshire two more companies trained in new skills. the cooperative society will get just over $37,000 for 190 employees to get training at man manchester community college. >> and to train five employees through the new hampshire manufacturing exhe thinks it partnership. the state's job training fund has awarded more than $8 million since 2007. now to a traffic alert for drivers in the queen city. the manchester marathon is shutting down a number of streets for a number of hour, 8:50 this morning and will last roughly until 2:30 this afternoon. elm street to bridge street will be closed for the entire length of this event. and to expect delays crossing the granite street bridge and bridge street as well. merrimack river, expect delays around hooksett road and livingston park. if you need to travel across the city, police suggest taking the highway. the anthem half city marathon and marathon and relay, the radisson was bustle as headquarters for race registration and number pickup. and two were there to offer health and wellness tips. >> they find their numbers and pick up their race pacts and goody bags and they get to go around the expo visiting the vendors and sponsors. >> we're here at the expo talking to people and getting them excited for the race. >> runners will have six hours to complete the course. among the athletes running today, a 73-year-old man from las vegas, john malts bye has been on a quest to run a marathon in every state and when he crosses the finish line, new hampshire will be his 50th marathon. it's taken him 13 years to do it. >> i know there's runners out there that's done it a whole lot quicker. i don't know too many who started to do the 50 states. >> maltsby has run marathons this year and looks forward to this race. a little girl is battling leukemia. adyson has a lot ahead of her, but friends and family are helping along the way. stages. >> she has a long road ahead of her, but she's not alone. >> she's the friendliest girl in the world and loving heart. family and friends at hooksett. >> it's been surreal with the support, friends of friends, outpouring of portfolio. >> she is at children's hospital, cheering on her favorite team. >> go tom brady! >> she's very artsy, and lost, loves, loves spending time with her little sister. she was a soccer player. she was supposed to finish on saturday, but treatment is keeping her off the field for now. they're supporting awareness and will sign a banner brought to her hospital bed. ay is feeling the love. her family has been uploading videos and photographs. >> i hope i can come back soon, i miss you and i love you. >> her sporters call themselves ady's army. and they've been set up to cover medical expenses. it's a challenging journey, but ady knows she has an army behind her. >> it's just made it the best of a really bad situation, it's the best possible outcome that we could expect given the fight she's up against. >> and if you'd like to help the family visit this story on our website, at, and we'll post a link to the go fund me page. amy: the bruins were on the ice last night. could they keep the road winning streak alive. much longer that trend jeb bush was a very strong governor, probably the strongest governor in the history of the state of florida. he was a young guy and i think there were some folks in the legislature that thought they might be able to run over him. that didn't happen. one tax cut wasn't enough- he had to do more. it wasn't enough to have 15,000 kids with school choice in florida, he wanted to have 100,000 kids. if he didn't like a project, it was going to be vetoed. it didn't matter if you were a republican. it didn't matter if you were his best friend. he said: 'this is where we're going, this is how we're going to reform state government...' every politician comes in talking about making change, and generally there's not much change. but governor bush made a lot of changes. he got the nickname veto corleone. if he saw something in the budget that he thought violated his conservative principles, you could guarantee it was gonna get whacked. he vetoed a bunch of my stuff and i was the senate president. the message to washington, d.c., is 'get ready...' because there will be change. nright to rise usa is responsible >> for five years, the family of roberta bobby miller has struggled with the pain of losing a loved one and compounding their heartache, mother of two or why. and how the unsolved murder has devastated the family. andy hershberger has the story. >> i miss her voice. she'd call me every week, hi, mom. >> her memories of vivid and they are everywhere. "oh what a beautiful morning", and a music box bobby made and a picture book after she was killed. there's one memory she'd like to erase. >> and i was watching tv and i saw a woman in gilford was shot. i knew it was bobby. that -- that was it. >> it's been five years since madeline got that horrible news and now she is speaking publicly for the first time trying to find her daughter's killer and get some answers. >> it was halloween 2010 and bobby, who lived alone with her yellow lab sport in gilford spent part of the day making window boxes. >> we know the murder occurred inside the home. multiple gunshot wounds and we know that whoever it was also chose to inflict multiple gunshot wounds on her dog. >> it's almost like the end of the world for me. they killed the rest of my life. whoever did this did it to the whole family. it ended my life. it did. >> it really just takes your bet away. you don't expect this, nobody does. this kind of thing happens to >> bobby miller was in a family of six children. she had two grown daughters. there was no sign of forced entry, won't speculate on a motive ab don't know how many people are involved. challenging. and some of these include witness is that we have information for one reason or another wouldn't come forward. and the family put together a website called bobby soup, and they put up a billboard on route 1 in meredith. offering a $53,000 reward. we're trying to strike a nerve. somebody's got to know something. puzzle get put together, you know, we can help solve this case. >> it's going to be there the rest of my life and my children and every one. it will be there, it will always be there. >> even after five years, this case is technically not considered cold since prosecutors say workable leads continue to come in. ken dion says it's yezer to to talk about his sister's murder. and madeline hopes to some day see justice. >> it's like part of me died with her. that part is gone and will never be again because you think about it every day, every day. that can never come back. anyone with information about call to the nom police tip line 233-3860 or the state police crime unit 233-8573. andy hershberger, news 9. >> and now josh judge with your forecast. >> we had some showers during the nighttime hours last night and check this out. it got light earlier. we set the clocks back and the sun rose earlier according to our clocks. 43 degrees, it gets light earlier and dark earlier, too, the sunset yesterday was 5:39 p.m. and check out today, concord's sun let will be 4:38, an hour minute chooner than yesterday. it will be a shock out there if it starts getting dark earlier. and cold in the state. upper 30's and mid and upper 40's from north to south today. and that's a big difference from yesterday. 24 hour temperature difference from yesterday to tomorrow. as you can see most between 5 and 15 degrees warmer than yesterday. we're going to get a couple of degrees warmer. and mixed rain and showers overnight in the mountains. diminished to scattered sprinkles there. clouds an occasional sprinkle or passing light shower could continue off into the morning and early afternoon and then it dries out and thanks to this area of high pressure, building in and sweeping away this entire front that rolls from the there to rain. it brings along sunshine and toes along the warmer conditions, as well. teachers of getting mild and scattered sprinkle or showers here and there. check it out. there could be sunshine working afternoon. can't rule out a passing rain shower in the afternoon, that will be far and few between. debengal how much sun, temperatures mid or upper 50's in some area, the clouds may hunker down for a while. this will help tonight and tomorrow. the winds are coming out of the northwest and that's the winds banking into the mountains. keeping them for a while. sun coming out in the north a gorgeous couple of days. and southeastern manchester, the morning. upper 40's with cloudy skies and 50 degrees for the end of it still with a chance of a shower problem. there is your week ahead. temperatures will be warming up. jason. >> now, jason king and news 9 sports. >> good morning, everyone. let's start you with the world series, game four played in new york. top of the 6th. 3-1, and that scored zobrist. they lead 3-1. game five is tonight. let's hit the ice for some hockey. the bruins, start with the professionals down in tampa, taking on the lightning. first period, 1-0 lightning and whips it past bishop. that tied it at one. same score, on the power play sconley sconley-- conley scores and boston wins. taking on the jackles. monarchs 4-2. they'll play three games at brampton next weekend. merrimack. pick it up in. two minutes and 18 seconds. and then 18 months later. boyd's third of the year. just like that. and kyle kellerher, a nice one. that's for for the weekend. they'll play two games at michigan state next weekend. dartmouth, a home and home series ranked harvard, but this one two zip. ma loans races up the board and injuries to lou espocido. they'll play tonight in cambridge. unh football home back, from the swigs tgood defensive stuff. they help steve-- harold cooper takes it in for the rhode island touchdown. rams led 17-0 at halftime. unh rallied and shut them out. unh wins 20-17 is. they're 4-4 overall host a tough richmond team next weekend. freshman quarterback had 344 yards total offense and stone hill seat st. anthem. and ap they lose in evertime 30-27 to worcester state. national north and a key win would put north in the run. and corgan will touch for a touchdown. a 35-17 game. up 270 all purpose yards. so . >> they've played goffstown in the playoffs next week. john stark, win on 37-6. and both of the teams will make the playoffs. mascoma beat fall mountain. newport today seed in the north and they'll host somers ville next week. 6-2 and they'd get bo in the first round. inner lakes will play brady and franklin will play. and farmington end with a win over epping new market. there you go, that's your look at sports. have a great sunday. amy: thank you, jason king. how he stole the stage at a photo shoot. highway. gorgeous! >> certainly one of the aspects of the wedding is getting engagement photos taken. one couple's photos were special because of a dog. >> their dog louie started photo bombing and blocking the couple, especially him. louie enjoys the fall leaves, but megan thinks he may be jealous of her future husband. that's perfectly blocked, wouldn't know there was a future husband there. amy: ooh, it's ok, louie. josh: might get kicked out of the house. amy: out of the bed. and see who is going head to head for mayor. a final plea as manchester halloween horror, >> now on news 9, many granite staters are preparing to head to the polls. what you need to know before tuesday's mayoral election. >> winter is just around the corner. many people are planning how to heat their homes. how much you can expect to shell out to keep warm this season. >> we're tracking a few much-needed showers in a couple of spots this morning. how much of it could be for the week ahead. amy: a possible break in the search for the missing el faro cargo ship off the bahamas. >> no one covers new hampshire now, wmur news 9 this morning. amy: good morning, new hampshire. 8:00 on sunday, november 1st. i'm amy coveno, we'll get to the top stories, first, josh judge is at the weather forecast. >> it's certainly not as sunny as yesterday. we're starting off cloudy and we had light sprinkles around the state. look at difference from temperatures yesterday. and today, we're in the 40's, year 50 in some spots. manchester at 48. a look at showers that rolled through and a few more as you can see on the way with parts of vermont. most of the rain fell in the overnight hours. cloudy with a few spills and by and temperatures go up from here and we'll talk about that in the forecast coming up. amy: just a reminder, daylight saving time ended at 2:00 this morning. if you haven't already, turn the clocks back by one hour. and it's a great time to check smoke and carbon monoxide detectors and change the batteries. pearlie hill road at intersection was closed due to a crash. a driver hit a telephone pole. unclear if there are injuries in this. police are asking drivers to avoid the area. topping the ticket at the polls is the mayor, kristen carosa caught up with both candidates on the campaign trail. >> the candidates made several stops saturday. both are taking advantage of the amount of events going on in manchester this weekend as their campaigns come to a close. >> the manchester mayoral candidates are hard at work along the campaign trail. election election. >> we'll be knocking on doors on more doors. >> residents of the city tuesday. >> both connected with voters in a halloween parade. the mayor is seeking a fourth term, while challenger joyce craig looks to win her first. >> the campaign is great. no different than in 1999 when i ran in my first one. >> it's about communicating with the residents of manchester, hearing what the concerns are. >> craig worked on the manchester school board and worked six years as an aulderman and worked at a boston advertising agency. >> there's a chance to market the outside entities and address the significant issues such as crime and the heroin epidemic >> most important thing is the drug epidemic to get control of. >> the mayor says there are more challenges facing the city and wants to continue to work on them. >> economic development is very important, we've got to make sure that we continue growing the tax base so that the residential home owners don't get hit with tax increases. >> gatsas his he believes his record and experience will win him another term as mayor. while craig believes that manchester needs a new face to move the city forward. >> i believe they're looking for a mayor who is accessible and who is going to approach people and listen to the concerns and take ideas back to city hall and implement those ideasments i stand on my record and people know that and maybe you ask me a question, and i might not give you the answer that you like, but at least you know where i stand. >> again, the election is this tuesday, polls open in manchester at 6 a.m. kristen carosa news 9. amy: nine other cities will vote for mayor on tuesday. here are other cities that have seats up for grab. to learn more about candidates, and check polling times, head over to turning now to commitment 2016 coverage, leaders of three new hampshire unions endorsed democratic presidential candidate bernie sanders. the international brotherhood of local 490, the american postal workers union in new hampshire and service employee services union, 560 in hanover are backing the senator from vermont. he appreciates the support. >> i look forward to working with every man and woman her that says that the united states government belongs to all of us, should represent all of us and not just the super pacs and the large campaign donors. sanders attended two town halls yesterday in lebanon and warner. while he was in lebanon. bernie sanders wore the best costume, himself. he went trick-or-treating with his three grandkids and they shook hands with supporters and received a few pieces of candy as well. most of the republican presidential hopefuls converged on an event in iowa. 10 g.o.p. candidates attended iowa's growth and opportunity party in des moines. and they were given a chance to speak with caucus voters and runners, frontrunners, ben carson and donald trump did not attend. you can enroll for health care in the federal exchange. expect to pay more. the cost will increase an average of 5% and there will be inspect r 13 additional types of health care plans available. the federal government estimates 53,000 granite staters will enroll enroll. a pembroke man ran from police while his girlfriend allegedly help helped. when they informed holler of the outstandings warrants, he ran. his girlfriend allegedly met him. the cost of oil and propane are down, while firewood prices are up. our jean mackin talked about their winter heating strategies. >> even when the natives are on a stroll winter isn't far from their mind. this year they have a reason for keeping it warm. the five-month-old. >> we had a oil for a while and went with pellet. this year, oil is cheaper so we're running oil. >> it's good to have both. because you know, it's always going to fluctuate and both are going up and down. >> there is price fluctuation this year for popular heating sources. in new hampshire, the average is around 2.27 a gallon. down more than a dollar since last year. propane is averaging 270, about 50 cents lower, but the price for firewood is going up for people in the northeast. the timber industry says hardwood is in demand for building hydro fracking sites in pennsylvania. they're paying $325 a cord up 50 to $75 a year. >> there's maple, red oak is the best. >> the price hike won't bothered this mother from manchester. michelle wood does her name proud. >> my last niem is wood, w-o-o-d. they chop their wood at a family stock up cords for the winter. >> and we're probably the only house in the city, when we have the good red oak, we have the windows open and shorts on. amy: it's possible there could be another firewood shortage like last year toward the end of the season. trick-or-treating nightmare in new york city. a car plows into people going door-to-door last night, killing three, among them a 10-year-old. >> a discovery. located t geico motorcycle, great rates for great rides. >> good morning. welcome back. here is a look at the lakes region. meredith in the 40's this morning and a much milder start than yesterday at this time when it was in the 20's. but the skies are cloudy right now. there's a couple of scattered showers and sprinkles around. the roads may be wet where you are. a few more showers left over before a drying trend into the weekend ahead. i've got a look at that coming up in your forecast. >> we're following the breaking situation out of north carolina. one person is dead, another injured after a shooting on the campus of winston-salem university. police are searching for the gunman who is not believed to be a current student. federal investors say they believe they've found the sunken wreckage of the el faro, the 790 foot cargo ship. later. n.t.s.b. will put down video cameras 15,000 feet to confirm the finding. it disappeared during hurricane joaquin. all are presumed dead. only one body has been found so far. egypt, all 224 passengers were killed including 25 children. >> and a group affiliated with responsibility. three people were killed and trick-or-treating. yesterday a car plowed into the crowd. a girl and long with a the hospital. they believe that the car was hit by another car before it lost control and jumped the curb. no charges have been filed. and t >> now, meteorologist josh judge forecast. josh: we're starting off with clouds and new things, the first day of november here, and also the time change last night may have given you extra sleep and certainly made the sun, according to our clocks, anyway, going to set a little sooner in the day as well. obviously, it doesn't really set sooner, but it seems that way because we change the clocks. temperatures 45 right now at weir's beach and those was yesterday. yesterday at this time we were in the 20's. if you were outside for that. it's a different story and it's humid and mild out there. thanks to clouds and even some showers that rolled through overnight and still are around in some locations, as you can see here. widely scattered, mostly sprinkles at the moment. there could be more and we go through the morning hours and then by lunchtime, early afternoon, we're pretty much done with that. it dries out this afternoon and there could be some weeks of you. 4:38. it's an hour and one minute sooner than it was yesterday. high pressure building in. don't worry, that's up in canada. we've got sunshine here for the week ahead and mild conditions as the air to our south is getting pulled up thanks to that area of high pressure that will build in. so temperatures continue to get warmer each of the next several days. we've got widely scattered showers out there. there could still be more off and on at times during the mid day hours. look at that. we're starting to see the chance of breaks of sunshine here on futurecast. hopefully that will hold true. the clouds will part enough to let some sunset through. don't be completely surprised if a renegade sprinkle or shore goes through as well. the temperatures warm up into the 50's and southeastern corner of the state from the south and east, it could be from there. the clearing out everywhere, but the mountains. clouds in the mountain and sun everywhere else and clouds depart there, slowly, as we'll see the sunshine taking over everywhere by tuesday and wednesday and lasts into thursday and probably friday as well. it's happening because the jetstream which dips down a little bit rises up and warnings the warm air and brings it into late part. this bulge called a ridge in the jetstream bringing up the warm air and stabilizing the atmosphere. sunshine and fair conditions. it will start to collapse on itself by late next-- probably around next weekend, i think, but that would be a brief. next weekend cooler and next week is windy and more in the wings, that's a week ahead. the forecast toed ahead. 50's in the morning shower, afternoon peeks of sunshine, there is your week ahead. as you can see, temperatures and conditions really on an up swing for this upcoming week. today won't be too much of a slouch. especially by the afternoon about you this week ahead, wow, it's hard to believe it's the first week of november. >> yeah, here it is. never know if it's the last week. here. >> we know that too well. >> more than the if i remember -- more than fewer was flying when the cat was shaking it off. josh: we love jeanne moos' stories, this one could leave you shaking your head. >> first there was shake, glorious photos of dogs shaking and then the sequel, shake puppies and now the sequel to the sequel shake cats. >> from furball to hairless, 61 shaking cats, most from shelters shot by a fever who let animals get under her skin. >> a saber toothed tiger and-- >> carly was inspired by her departed departed. >> i'd be on a step ladder clean his drool over here. and shaking everywhere, young there. >> when humans drooled over her photos, she found her niche. in they did not. >> adding a drop or two of special ear cleaner. >> or just itch their ears. and when you you be r your pet's ears and they're like, ooh. >> mammals, it's a drying mechanism. >> my camera shoots ten frames per second so i'm laying down on the shutter. the second i see the cat thinking about shaking. >> carly couldn't resist showing off her pet. >> under cover is my pet. >> this is one tail we couldn't celebrity cat in the book is lil bob, famous for a tongue that perpetually sticks ought due to a genetic defect. >> did you see that cat kind of lick his eye? >> yeah. >> and the owner predicted it. >> what? wagging. >> next on news 9. a little league gets a helping hand. after their field was >> well, since you're done with trick-or-treating. stores are hoping you'll start your holiday shopping. wal-mart and target have specials, target may be winning them on line. free shipping with no requirement from today all the way through christmas. a big surprise tore a little league team who discovered their field vandalized. they got back playing back. >> members of the little league said they couldn't let it end like this with an act of vandalism. now. but no joy in bedford when little league discovered this, vandals crashed the clubhouse and the team was one win away from going to the world series. >> think how wonderful this is and especially with all the great things that happened here and to see someone try to take that away is just not ok. >> when photos of the damage was posted on social media. there was a wave of support. some big checks arrived for the little leaguers. >> say cheeseburger. >> primary bank pitched in $500. one thousand from bedford friends of recreation. >> hopefully the police will find out who did it, but in the meantime, you've got to move on and pick up the pieces and go forward. >> and the fishercats and manchester monarchs threw in donations. >> there's a lot of people coming out here to support it, it's cooling to see. >> the hospital and medical center stepped up to the plate along with concerned community members, including bedford's own chris carpenter, the world series champion pitcher, he's an outstar here. >> i'm sure not just bedford, but anybody in new hampshire would do things like this. new hampshire is a great state and a lot of people who support their local towns and little >> other little league teams are asking how they can help. donations are accepted at primary bank and airport diner will hold a spaghetti fundraiser, monday night. >> jean mackin, wmur news 9. amy: here is a look what's coming up in the next half hour. runners are taking over manchester today. including a special marathoner on a mission to run in every single state. a community comes together. how you can help a young girl in her fight against cancer. on a cloudy new hampshire >> no one covers new hampshire like we do. now, wmur news 9 this morning. amy: good morning, it's 8:30, i'm amy coveno. we begin with a live look at campus of plymouth state university looking ever picturesque and 40 degrees. here is a look at our top stories on the half hour. of the investigation continues after a russian passenger jet crashed in egypt. the manchester city marathon kicks off this morning, more than 950 runners are participating this year. the race starts at elm, you're looking at road closures there. a young girl recently diagnosed with lukemia, yesterday, signed a banner to help lift her spirits. we'll have those in a moment, but first a look with josh judge. josh: there's a sprinkle or a passing shower is a responsibility. in meredith we've had showers, but check out the temperature. mostly in the 40's. there's a couple of scattered showers, overnight more widespread. as we go through the morning, we'll see the chance continues, but really continues to diminish the deeper into the day we go. highs in the middle may spike the temperatures into the upper 50's and southeastern new hampshire in particular. it continues to go up from here. above average temperatures we'll talk about that in a few minutes. >> new details we brought you as breaking news. a russian passenger plane crashed into egypt. killing all 224 people on board, including 25 children. the jet was above 30,000 feet crew. abc has the latest. >> the russian passenger jet went down here in this remote region of sinai peninsula after some 20 minutes in the air and there were no survivors among the 224 passengers aboard. egypt's prime minister visited the crash site. responders searched for remains and ambulances transferred bodies to the morgue. and based in moscow, it took off in sharm el-sheikh, according to 30,000 feet and radioed that the aircraft had technical problems it vanished from radar after. >> flight 9267 to sharm el-sheikh is delayed. >> in st. petersburg, grief and disbelief at relative -- as relatives learned about it. >> i looked for it, and couldn't find it on the screen. they're promising an investigation into how this tragedy unfolded. amy: new this morning, a vermont senate committee will hear testimony this week on proposals to legalize recreational marijuana. senator jeanette white says the panel is looking for suggestions on setting limits on the number of retail outlets for marijuana as well as the number of growers and other questions. the goal is to figure out how legalization works before they discuss it. the hearing is set for 10:00 tuesday morning. grants for new skills. hanover will get $37,000 for training at manchester community college. and pat will get to train five employees through the new hampshire extension partnership. jobs training fund awarded more than $8 million since 2007. now to a traffic alert for a drivers in the queen city. the manchester marathon is shutting down streets. it starts off 8:50 this morning. so less than 20 minutes away now and lasts roughly until 2:30 this afternoon. runners have six hours to complete the course. elm street to bridge street to lake avenue will be closed the entire event. urged to cross the river use the amoskeag and livingston. if you need to across the city, police suggest taking the highway. the manchester relay and kickoff this morning as we said. more than 900 participants this year. the radisson was bustling for registration and number pickup. and experts were on hand to offer wellness tips. >> they pick up their race shirts and visit all of our vendors and sponsors. >> tremendous athletes. we're here at the expo talking to people and getting them excited about the race. >> the race starts at elm street in a few minutes. they will have six hours to complete the course, good luck. among the athletes, a john maltsby has been on a quest to run a marathon in each of the states. when he crosses new hampshire will be the 50th one. >> i know other runners have been quicker. i was 60 when i started and i don't know how many at 60 start to do the 50 states. he's looking forward to this day's race. people are gathering to help a little girl with leukemia. adyson adyson. mike cronin has the story. mike: ady is in a treatment phrase. while the reality of her fight is sinking in, she's in good spirits. alley ady lavallee has the support of the community has she battles leukemia. >> it's been surreal with the support. friends of friends that we've never even met, an outpouring of support. >> ady was diagnosed last week and is receiving treatment from boston's hospital and she's cheering on her favorite football team. >> go tom brady. >> her aunt says she's full of life. >> she loves arts and crafts and loves, loves, loves, playing with her little sister. >> treatment is keeping her off the field for now. her fellow parents and players are supporting her in raising awareness. ady is feeling the love and her family has been posted updates and videos to the facebook page. >> thank you for you love and soon. i live you and i love you, bye. themselves ady's army. >> they've made wristbands and a go fund me page. >> it's a challenging journey. ady knows she has an army behind her. >> it's the best of a really bad situation, it's the best possible outcome we could get given the fight she's up against. >> if you'd like to help the family visit the story on our website, and we'll post a link to the go fund me page. >> in the studio, mike cronin. amy: next, some high school championships were decided on saturday. and jason king will have across country results in sports. josh: there were clouds and there's improvement for the day, but for the week ahead. >> do you think when you are president you'll be paid as much as if you were a man-male... this is one of the jobs where they have to pay you the same. but there are so many examples where that doesn't happen. i'm going to do everything i can to make sure every woman in every job gets paid the same... the men who are r p >> welcome to new hampshire's business, i'm fred kocher. what does the best company to work for look like? we have an example here bank w holdings in new hampshire and massachusetts. based in new hampshire. $500 bonuses for employee referrals. fancy dinners and weekend paid trips. spa days for top performer. four paid days off for community service and professional development such as mentors from access to training and jab -- job shadowing. with me to talk about it is jason alexander, managing and co-founder of bank w holdings lcht llc, based in new hampshire. what caused you to put up that kind for your employees? why did you do it? >> it came easily to us. we're a group of recruiting and staffing organizations. being the business community, working for large and small companies, the long -- longevity of the employees. >> you have four companies under group and partners and kvw financing. you're staffing up for different areas of the work force. >> yes. >> what difference it make to have the berths. i am benefits, they're not going anywhere, you're retaining them. what impact son your bottom line? >> an incredible impact. people come to work happy and people who leave happy and stay for a long period. they dlofr a great -- they have a better experience and everything works out better in the end. >> and your company won business of the year, new hampshire review, boston business journal and so for on the inc. 5,000 list as one of the fastest growing companies in the country. that's significant. what are the-- what does it contribute to? the atmosphere day-to-day in your offices must be different than a company that doesn't do this? >> the atmosphere in our office every day is different period because of the fact that we keep growing as fast as we have been. the benefits that you talked about previously regarding trips and bonuses and perks and things like that. we are proud of them and happy to do it. we almost don't do it as a means of retention. it's just, we're lucky to have our people. within the organization ourselves, i think what we try to do as well is keep things transparent and open and keep communication live with our people as well. >> you've taken, last year, i think you told me you took a group to times square for a weekend. >> we did, our top performers and leadership team and we're headed off to cancun. >> to cancun no less. >> this spring. >> let's switch subjects. you're know the employee for the companies that are your clients. what are you seeing out there in the economy in terms of talent? are you able to find the talent that your companies need, especially in the financial technology arenas? >> it's becoming more and more difficult, which is necessitating our services. you look at unemployment, the numbers, it's challenges us as employers and employers across the region to become more and more creative with how we, first of all, it's challanging. keeping an open mind to find these people. >> you told me you filled 11,000 jobs in new hampshire and northern massachusetts since the inception of your company. i'm proud of. >> jason alexander, managing partner and co-founder of bank w holdings based here in bedford. >> right, thank you. >> thank you. >> and nice company to work for. if you want to see that interview again as part of it, go to, click on news and then click on prime company. >> now, meteorologist josh judge with your storm watch nine forecast. >> speaking of flying, we're starting off with clouds, cloudy in littleton, 39 degrees. that's a far cry from where you were yesterday. yesterday, you were at 22. it got lighter earlier, but that means it will get darker this afternoon according to the clock. 5:39 with sunset. concord. 4:38 today. don't let that catch you off guard. you've got to factor in. it gets sooner all of a sudden. there is a look at your temperatures, northern new hampshire. as high as the upper 40's in part of southern new hampshire, 49 degrees in portsmouth. 48 in manchester and keene and that's 5 to 15 degrees or more higher than it was yesterday during this same hour, the 24-hour temperature change is pretty incredible. there's the rain showers that we had roll through overnight. they were pretty widespread. and you saw it overnight so the roads and the grass may be wet as you head out. showers are drying up. could be a sprinkle or a shower or two in the morning hours. the best chance is the northern a half of the state and we'll see things dry out as we go through the afternoon. just the last watch showers to roll through. right around lunchtime, that afternoon, we should be largely cloudy to partly sunny or partly sunny with a slight chance of a left over and a renegade shower can go through in the afternoon. showers and clouds, from florida to the gulf of mexico all the way up to maine and beyond and yes, a little snow mixing in in parts ever canada and a couple of places in northern new hampshire. top of the mountains saw some as well. high pressure builds in with sunshine and warm conditions and they're bringing it up for the next couple of days. each of the next several days are warming up. drying conditions and still a chance of an afternoon shower as the sun breaks out you can see one quickly roll through. variable conditions and look to brighter, maybe sunshine this afternoon. the rest of us clear out and in northern new hampshire it's cleared out. sunshine abounds this week, lots of it. not as warm as last week, but well above average for what you'd expect for the first week of november. here is what to expect for today and then tomorrow, look at this, right around 60. either side of 60 south of the notches for tomorrow. so it will be a warmer one with plenty of sunshine each day this week. look at that. we're getting up closer to the 70 as we go along. now let's check out sports. sports. >> the kansas city royals are one win away from winning the world series. scoring zobrist and royals win it 5-3. lead the series 3-1. game five is tonight, the royals could wrap it up. time to hit the ice, the bruins were on the road at tampa bay last night. gets to the loose puck and scores. and so that tied the game at one. boston on the power play and conley would add a goal. the bruins win 3-1. monarchs played on the road at el myra. monarchs win 4-2. they'll play three games at brampton next weekend. they have the rest of this weekend off. college hockey, unh at merrimack. wildcats on board first. this player's first goal. two minutes 18 seconds into the game. scored another one 18 seconds later and andrew two goals. new hampshire wins 4-2 and they play two games at michigan state next weekend. dartmouth opened their season home and home series with 11th ranked harvard. harvard is good. 2-zip. and then centers to espocido. the same two teams will play again today. the cross country division meets, this is division two boys. the team title score of 65. oyster river is second and patrick o'brien of oyster river won in 16 minutes, 16.5 seconds. girls division 2, elizabeth and ali pratt took the title. and this is the division one race. jacqueline of exeter won she's and for the boys, it was former hometown hero liam kimball. 59 points 52 seconds pinkerton wins the team title, londonderry and south two, three. and calm ran daley, 15 minutes, 52.2 seconds. kearsarge took the team title finished by the regional and interlakes. girls division three, monadnock wins and sarah nadeau won individual time 19 minutes 57.5 seconds. that's it, that's your look at sports. have a great sunday. amy: thank you, jason king. ahead on news 9 this morning. puppy love. stole >> certainly one. aspects in planning a wedding is getting those engagement photos taken and one couple's photos remained extra special by, well, an attention seeking dog. >> their dachshund is named louie and started photo bombing theirs pictures and blocking the couple as they were taking the shots. it seems louie, look at him in the leaves there, and megan says she thinks he's maybe jealous of her husband. husband. amy: our producer on the morning show is a big dog lover and engaged and i think that baxter josh: we could rent that dog out. amy: maybe he was more well-mannered than the dachshund. josh: the conditions today, cloudy with a couple of showers and they're diminishing the shower chances. the afternoon is drier, brighter, maybe some peeks of sun. the week ahead, it's not what november. amy: you've been serving up stellar forecasts. and good luck for the marathoners. tune in at 10 a.m. for close-up. first, it's good morning america, thank you for watching. gosh and i are back with more

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