Transcripts For WMUR News 9 Tonight 20151226

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good evening and merry christmas. i' s go to wmur' s mike cronin s happening. mike: there were several police officers at entrances around the mall. most of them have left. lee still investigating at one entrance. you can see part of the glass door is shattered. take a look at this video. smashed. police only saying that they responded to an alarm and there t know what happened cars were here. we saw officers walking in and out of one of the entrances and using their flashlights. along with place, we know the operations manager was here walking with them. live in concord, mike cronin. mike: we will keep you updated. tom: unseasonably warm many people celebrated the holiday outside at the beach. hampton beach was full of walkers and even surfers today. chief meteorologist mike hadad tells us if the warm weather is going to last. mike: above normal temperatures well, at least through the day tomorrow and possibly into sunday. take a look at this. time. north and west. building in. although temperatures still above average. 62, a record breaker. portsmouth, 64. still on the mild side. 38 in whitefield. elsewhere, still in the 40' s and lower 50' s. even some wintry precipitation. and initially, the weekend starts off pleasant. sunshine and near 50. minutes. tom cole on -- tom: not a great day for skiing. while winter enthusiasts are still waiting for winter to arrive, others are taking advantage of the unseasonably warm days. ray brewer spent the day at the beach and he found some people who say more days like today would be fine with them. ray: we know it can' t last, that before too long we' ll have temperatures below freezing, and be dealing with snow covered roads. but for many people on the seacoast today was an unexpected christmas present. a surfer in a santa hat is not how most people think of christmas day in new hampshire but on this christmas it seemed appropriate. rate: for the second day in a row temperatures soared, making s and their dog take a stroll along the beach. >> you can' t beat this weather . it reminds me of my southern christmases that we spend down in atlanta and north carolina . ray: this christmas day found the hartley family doing something they didn' although it wasn' t quite what they were expecting when they booked the flight from england. >> i was hoping to go skiing but we can' t because it' s really england it' s just always raining really sunny. . >> this is like a gorgeous time of day. ray: the day also found chris morrison pushing his grandson on a swing, an activity usually relegated to warmer months. and while some might bemoan the lack of snow, don' t count morrison among them. >> fabulous. double thumbs-up. after last winter we earned this ray: today was likely the warmest we' re going to see for awhile, as the forecast is calling for the temperatures to drop and early next we could even be dealing with an appreciable snowfall. tom: but it wasn' t too warm today for some skiers to hit the slopes. loon mountain had 17 trails and six lifts open today. thanks to the snow cannons, trails were coated with snow. lifts open again tomorrow at 8:00 a.m, but many ski resorts including mount sunapee and gunstock mountain resort were closed today because of warm temperatures. gunstock plans to reopen tomorrow. and the mount washington auto road is planning to open for guided tours tomorrow. other news, an epsom man was killed while crossing route 28 on christmas eve. police say a car hit 44-year-old daryl curtner near the traffic circle and windmere drive yesterday. he was pronounced dead at the hospital. officers are investigating the cause of the crash, but they say they do not expect criminal charges. hollis officials are that left a family displaced this christmas. no one was home when the fire started around 11:00. officials say one end of the house was badly damaged by the flames and the rest of the home sustained heavy smoke damage. however firefighters were able to save the kids' christmas presents. firefighters say it appears the fire started around a chimney. new hampshire spca and santa teamed up to deliver pets to families this morning. elves brought cats and dogs to families all over the seacoast. the adoption staff brought the pets to their new homes, along with a note from santa and a present for the pet. the shelter was also open this morning for people to pick up their animals. fed ex workers spent christmas day delivering packages that didn' t make it in time for the christmas eve deadline. customers took to social media to complain about late deliveries. fedex ran limited deliveries today to deliver what could not be delivered before christmas. are due to heavier than planned last minute shipments and severe weather. that severe weather, really all across the country, ranged from snow to flooding and tornadoes. abc' s bazi kanani tells us how many people spent christmas cleaning up storm damage. reporter: a tornado touched down christmas night in birmingham, alabama, smashing these homes into pieces. heavy rains rose to flood roads , swamping automobiles. the death toll rising on this friday, as communities from arkansas to michigan clean up from a series of rare december tornadoes. the town of holly springs, mississippi was torn apart by a tornado. michele hudson lost her mother to the twister christmas eve. >> it' s rough, this shelter has become the new home of the town' s christmas spirit. >> that is amazing. a lot of us had not planned the people you see, giving up their christmas so they can help other people. reporter: barbara williamson lost her home in bellevue, mississippi. >> i don' t even know how i' m alive. it' s a miracle. a christmas miracle. reporter: in atlanta, a 15-foot chasm opened up in the middle of a road when flood waters blew out a culvert. >> some people were talking how they had just crossed it, and that they could hear it pop, and it' s just great that everybody got across safe. reporter: just outside of the drenched city, a mudslide stalled christmas eve traffic on a main highway. a wonderfully white christmas in the midwest, was poor timing for drivers heading home. some unusual holiday scenes on the east coast this year, ice cream trucks, and joggers out, with record high temperature. >> i don' t have to go to california or florida. i' m fine right here. reporter: byron pitts, abc news, new york. tom: if you' re traveling for the holidays, you might see some changes at the airport. passengers have been able to ask instead of going through the metal detectors at security. following terror concerns, the tsa is changing protocol and mandating you go through the scanners. at boston logan airport, the change received mixed reviews. >> it really doesn' t bother me. whatever it takes to make people safe. >> there is enough evidence supporting the fact that it might not be the most healthy option. you should be able to port a patdown. if tom: you can still request a patdown, but now the tsa can deny that request. tom: a fire station might seem like an unlikely place for a toy store, but that happened today in concord. for the second year in a row the bays at the concord heights fire station were filled with gifts. the effort is known as legacy x. the non-profit was founded by recycled percussions justin spencer of goffstown. last year each child was able to take home two toys and a stocking stuffer. organizers say that this year child with 5 toys thanks to the generosity of the community. >> remarkably this year was the first year we had more people contact to help than needed help so it was great to have the involvement of the community in the surrounding area. tom: the numbers were still be tabulated but the group estimates that more than a 100 children in the concord area were able to celebrate the holiday with some new toys. fire breaks out at the childhood home of former president bill clinton. coming up on news 9 tonight. why police believe this is a case of arson. and a massachusetts woman receives a surprise in the mail on christmas day. how she' s paying it forward by helping others with the gift. mike: sunshine to kick off the weekend. changes will follow. when rain and mixed showers arrive. tom: and volunteers are spreading the spirit of christmas in manchester. people christmas dinner. now, let' s go to our ulocal hot shot. water skiing on christmas day. not the type of sking you would expect in december in new hampshire. thanks to viewer ashley for sending this to us. you can submit your pictures and your videos. and join the thousands of tom: authorities say a fire at former president bill clinton' s home in arkansas was apparently caused by arson. police say a driver spotted flames early this morning at the clinton birthplace national historic site. arson is suspected because investigators smelled an accelerant at the scene. firefighters put out the flames quickly and only one room was damaged. tom: police and a swat team were called to a home in everett, massachusetts this evening for a standoff situation. officers took an armed man into custody outside his burning home after a standoff situation. it took police several hours to urge 53-year-old mark lavoine to come out of that home. authorities say there was a report of gun shots earlier in the day on the summer shot -- street location. it' s not clear how the fire minis spent the day helping others in manchester. mike cronin takes us to their annual christmas dinner. mike: while families gather on christmas to enjoy each other' s company and have a big meal, many in manchester aren' t so lucky. but thanks to the good people here at new horizons and volunteers, a hot meal is being provided to many. it' s a simple but generous gesture and for those who need it this is much more than a christmas dinner. >> it' s pretty nice. everybody gets to eat. you know, have a good time. if nobody gets to have christmas, this is where you can come. mike: on friday more than one hundred of manchester' s homeless and less fortunate were served meals and pastries at new horizons for new hampshire. >> this is family for many of them. this is really a good occasion, spreading the holiday cheer so to speak. reporter: the food was donated by restaurants and other organizations in the community. volunteers included people from several local religious groups. >> we don' t celebrate christmas, but we share celebrating the christmas with our neighbors and friends. >> we' re all united. we' re all the same people. we carry with the same values. mike: people were also treated to live music and presents were donated for children whose parents couldn' t afford gifts this year. each present and meal an act of kidness and volunteers are happy to help while celebrating their faith. >> we live in a world of abundance and overconsumption and luxury, and we tend to forget about the real values. the values that jesus used to carry on about feeding the poor and being with the needy people. reporter: -- >> it' s our pleasure to attempt to provide some christmas cheer for people who are homeless and underprivileged. providing this meal for the past several years and with continued re to come. in manchester, mike cronin. tom: an anonymous santa helping to make this christmas extra special for a mother in massachusetts. doug meehan from our sister station in boston wcvb tells us and how she' s using that gift to pay it forward. >> open your present. like no other. there were the usual residence under the tree. it is a gift without ribbons are bows that china the brightest of all. an anonymous letter, addressed to this mother of four. inside, a note and $200 in cash. >> god has blessed me behind -- beyond my wildest dreams. i hope this helps your family have a merry christmas. herself, the same question. >> why me? reporter: she has worked here for 18 years. the first thing she thought of was someone else. she knew she had to pay it forward, literally. after giving $50 to her grown children and buying gifts, she used he remaining money to buy baby food for a three-year-old whose father had fallen on hard times. >> we brought it to the house. they were happy. i felt good doing something good for someone else. reporter: she may never know who granted the miracle but she has a message. x want to say, thank you. they blessed us and somebody else. >> and now your storm watch nine forecast. were outdoors that we were in the end of december. it was quiet in mark' businesses shut down. ready to open again tomorrow as we kick in another weekend. temperatures coasting down. a record setter. it has never been this warm. at least as far as records go. 62 in concorde. the old record, 56 set in 1889. the records began in 1871. cooling trend, about to take over. that brings temperatures back to normal next week. that means tomorrow and hyundai will feature above normal temperatures, especially tomorrow. later tomorrow night into sunday, we see rain moving in. mostly like to moderate. roads may be impacted. if you are traveling into the heart of the white mountains, could be a little slick. after a sunny monday, the first snow likely to be on tuesday. warm air that tries to mix in as well. may not be all snow. how about these highs today? a top mount washington. lower 60' s, concorde. 64, shattering the record by 10 degrees at the coast. tonight, upper 20' s north 330-35 elsewhere. seeing signs of change. from the tennessee valley, colder air. that is moving in beginning sunday night and lasting through a good part of next week. as that happens, tracking two that means the latest first of snow, we made it into second place. december, 28, likely for the first snow of the season. that means we will not get january the 13th. the colder air means snowmaking can resume. getting natural snow for a change. likely improving dramatically beginning wednesday on. sneaky --' s key areas, this could not have come at a better time to read it will not wait until the end of the week. wednesday, thursday, friday. resorts open. you can still hit out there. tom: get out there and enjoy it. anchor: the quick headline, the rematch of the nba finals to lace. phil! oh no... (under his breath) hey man! hey peter. (unenthusiastic) oh... ha ha ha! joanne? is that you? it's me... if you're peter pan, you stay young forever. it's what you do. if you want to save fifteen percent or more on car insurance, you switch to geico. you make me feel so young... it's what you do. you make me feel so spring has sprung. anchor: nba on christmas day, no boston celtics today, but a good of last season' s finals. the golden state warriors taking on the cleveland cavaliers. first quarter, golden state up 21-15, steph curry doing what he does best. knocks down a three-pointer, puts the warriors up by nine. lebron james and the cavs tried to play catch-up all game, strong to the rim, gets cleveland within six. but curry closes the game out lay-up. warriors win, 89-83, improving 28-1. s. s the shot of the day, jimmy butler knocks down the rainbow shot to end the first quarter, putting chicago up 32-26. russell westbrook to kevin durant, three of his game-high third quarter, bulls up by four, 29 point. butler draws the defense, dishes to taj gibson for the slam dunk, chicago goes on to win straight 105-96. to the 4th quarter in the miami heat new orleans pelicans game. two minutes left. anthony davis puts it up, ryan anderson tips it in to give new orleans its first lead. for the pelicans. erica gordon to read they go to overtime. 78 each. but chris bosh takes control for the heat in overtime, a game-high 30 points for bosh. as miami wins, 94-88. the number one seed would be a nice present for the patriots. sunday new england can secure homefield throughout the afc playoffs with a win. the pats will visit the new york jets, a team that' s won 4 games in a row. in week 7 new england came back to beat new york tom brady threw 30-23. a couple of fourth quarter touchdowns in the win. this sunday brady' s receiving corps may be thin again. today' s injury report showed danny amendola and brandon lafell as questionable, julian edelman is doubtful, but rob gronkowski was a full participant. here' s the statistical matchup between the pats and jets. new england leads the way with more than 300 passing yards and 31 points per game. while new york has an edge in >> the last four games, we do everything well as a team. very good. physical team. run the ball. stop the run. play good defense. good kicking game. very good in the red area. good situational football. anchor: college football tomorrow, live here on wmur yes this is a football game on network television between the indiana hoosiers and duke blue devils. two schools more known for basketball. actually matching up in tomorrow' s pinstripe bowl at yankee stadium. this weekend the manchester monarchs will play a home&home series with the adirondack thunder. tomorrow' s game will be away, sunday' s game will be home. this season the monarchs are 1-3 against the thunder. also tomorrow, bruins and celtics back in action. tom: thank you. still to come, hundreds of people dressed up as santa are hanging ten today. the event in florida is raising money for a good cause, and might have even broke a world record. we' this is the best block of all. it's like candy cane lane. i know. oohhh. oh, holiday ferris wheel. i kind of love it. look at those reindeer. jeffrey, you're awfully quiet back there. i was just thinking... maybe it's time we finish this test drive dealership? that is so jeffrey... soooo jeffrey... so jeffrey... oh. elves.. it's practically yours. your signature. nthe volkswagen sign p p p zero down, zero deposit, p p and zero first months payment p p on a new passat nand othernselect models. my mom's name is irene, and she has alzheimer' s. adult daycare costs so much, i have to take my mom to work with me. ll require around-the-clock care. i worry about what the next step is. my mom deserves the best care she can get. so i met hillary clinton. i could tell that she was moved by my story... because she teared up. being able to pay for daycare... to know that my mom is safe while i work so that i can continue to support us. hillary clinton has proposed real things that could help us. i' tom: on christmas day, pope francis called for world peace. he prayed for a solution to the humanitarian crisis. the pope asked thousands of christians to reject extravagance and wealth and encouraged people to live simply and with compassion. hundreds of people dressed in santa costumes took advantage of warm weather in florida today. a record number of surfing santas helped raise money for local charities. almost 650 santas hit the waves today. organizers are hoping to raise more than $30,000 this year. and if you are feeling lucky tonight, you might want to buy a powerball ticket. the estimated jackpot for tomorrow is up to $225 million. nobody has hit the powerball jackpot since november fourth and the jackpot has not been this high since september. the drawing is tomorrow night at 11:00 and we' ll have the winning numbers right here on newsnine. newsnine tonight at 11:00. line. jimmy kimmel live is next, praised as one of america's best mayors who governed as a pragmatist. bernie sanders passed more amendments in a republican congress than any other member. cracked the gridlock with john mccain to strengthen veterans' healthcare. bernie sanders. a consistent, principled, and effective leader. building a future to believe in. sanders: i'm bernie sanders

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