Transcripts For WPVI Action News At 4PM 20160226

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tuesday primary so very interesting announcement coming right here out of new jersey today, guys. >> all right, and the rhetoric gets uglier. alicia, thanks very much. from our delaware news room more than a dozen people woke up this morning to find tires slashed on their cars and police are still looking for whoever did it. "action news" reporter gray hall talked to the victims. he's live in new castle today. gray. >> reporter: well, brian, as you can imagine these victims are quite upset. they're waiting on police to make an arrest. you can see what many of these victims woke up to as they headed in to work this morning, their car the tires were on flat. >> i just hope they catch him because he did a lot of damage and i hope he get caught and they have to pay for what damage they did. >> reporter: charles bowen said called police and chased the teen slashers from his home early in the morning. >> lucky they didn't get my hands on them. >> reporter: they slashed the tires on his girlfriend's car, targeting the home of a police officer puncturing his tires. >> where is their parents at 1:30 in the morning. i know when i was a teenager my father made sure i was in when the street lights were on. >> reporter: police believe at least three he teens are responsible for the crime spree along west 11th and juniper streets in new castle 17 cars were damaged costing the victims thousands of dollars in repairs. >> it's sick. it's a shame. damage to the cars and then we're stuck dishing out tons of money. >> it's almost like it happened in my backyard. i've been here 28 years almost and i know many people in this neighborhood and it's generally a quiet neighborhood so i really feel bad for them. >> reporter: howard hewitt was hit hard. the four tires on his truck and his wife's car were all flattened. he had to come up with over $1,400 for eight new tires. >> we don't have money to replace our tires. you know, we got -- we're struggling now. >> reporter: over a dozen cars were targeted but there could have been more victims if charles bowen hadn't scared them off. >> hope i saved somebody's vehicles by getting up and going after them but i hope they come around tonight 'cause i'll be out waiting for them. >> reporter: and so back out live tonight the search continues for those tire slashers. police tell me they were able to retrieve some surveillance video from a nearby house but they tell me that the video was too grainy to identify any of those teenagers so tonight if you have any information about those tire slashers you should call police. live in new castle gray hall, channel6 "action news. sharrie. >> all right, gray, thank you. police believe they know the motive for the mass shooting in kansas last night. investigators say cedric ford had been served a protection from abuse order at his workplace. the county sheriff believes that order triggered the attacks. less than two hours later ford returned to the factory shooting people along the way and killing three people inside the business. a total of 14 other victims were wounded. but authorities say the town's police chief doug schroder likely saved many more lives when he shot ford to death without waiting for backup. >> this man was not going to stop shooting. the only reason he stopped shooting is because that officer stopped the shooter. >> nearly 150 other employees escaped the building. >> sadly that small kansas town now joins a growing list of cities that are synonymous way mass shooting. earlier today abc's "good morning americaer" viewed derrick trujillo. he was able to pull a wounded coworker to safety. he says the rash of mass shootings around the country had him thinking about what he would do in that situation. one group of men and women also want to be prepared in the event something happens and so they're taking part in an active shooter training class in chester county. >> from you not willing to use force in the defense of yourself or others, you should not be in here. >> well, i went to see that class for myself and got to speak with the people who say they're so driven by recent headlines to take it. tonight on "action news" at 11:00 what they told me about why they felt the need to buy a gun and learn how to use it in the name of their own and your protection. >> early morning fire destroyed a popular philadelphia restaurant. investigators are now looking for what caused the blaze which sparked around 1:00 a.m. at the house of jen. it served chinese and japanese food for 18 years. >> everybody comes here. i come here for lunch 'cause i work right across the street. so, everybody's going to be really upset. >> authorities say the fire could have spread to even more businesses on that block but firefighters were able to stop it. the owner was too shaken to talk on camera but he told "action news" he felt very lucky no one was inside when the fire started and that no one was hurt. >> tell you what it was really nice to see the sunshine again today. >> yes, a very warm welcome. >> yes. >> time for the first check of the accuweather forecast. we'll head outside to meteorologist adam joseph. the sun still shining behind you. >> that it is. i wish the sun was stronger today because we still have that winter feeling with those whipping winds out of the northwest as we close out the week, some of the gusts within the last hour still near 30 miles an hour in philadelphia swells wilmington and dover. 26 in millville and gusting to 30 miles an hour in the poconos and even the shore between about 25 to 30 miles an hour. so, it feels like it's only in the 20's for lancaster reading allentown as well as trenton. the teens in the poconos. and even southern new jersey and delaware below freezing for many locations. again, that sunshine was in control today, just a few cumulus clouds passed by during the middle part of the afternoon but that sky will stay clear as we go throughout the overnight hours. so for your evening planner heading out on the town, 7 o'clock, 35 degrees and notice the temperatures don't drop quickly here between nine, 10 and 11 o'clock, right around the freezing point but that wind will continue to kind of whip up so wind chills will remain in the 20's throughout that time period. sharrie, when i come back, we'll chat about a big turn around in the temperature for the upcoming weekend and which day is warmer than the other. we'll let you know coming up in accuweather. >> as long as they're warm we like it. adam thank you. investigators say they caught a man red handed when he tried to steal donations that were meant for the poor. police have been keeping watch on ou our our lady of calvary ch in northeast philadelphia after it was recently burglarized. officers were already waiting inside last night when they say william sides walked in and tried to pry open the collections box. police say the 28-year-old will be charged with two other burglaries there as well. >> it was an active day on area roadways but not in the a give good way. >> let's go thrive matt pelman in the "action news" traffic center. hi, matt. >> it's been an entirely too active week on area roadways. good afternoon to you at that time happy friday brian and sharrie. a bad accident to start off the afternoon in montgomery township montgomery county. emergency crews on the scene. there's one of the vehicles involved. there's the other. got debris, some fluids on the roadway here. road is horsham road, it's the eastbound direction right here by the 202 parkway. you see traffic on the parkway itself is getting by but traffic trying to go eastbound on horsham road not getting. there was westbound lanes are opened. the people are just stopped here at the traffic light. so, if horsham road is your normal route home in the afternoon 309 might be a better bet for you. downtown in center city at this point it's just a were whole lot of volume. we had an accident eastbound by eighth street. that's gone. all lanes are opened in both directions. but those lanes are crowded as you can see: camden county an accident in gloucester city involving a pedestrian along railroad avenue near bergen street and problems both ways on 295 northbound approaching the black horse pike there's a crash on the shoulder and southbound on the ramp from 295 to 42 watch out for a broken down vehicle. traffic squeezing by but it's slowing things down. let's grab the ipad do the commuter report on this finally friday afternoon and yesterday university city we had problems with flooding. today just the potholes left over, one of them along grays ferry avenue so watch out for that and of course all those slow speeds on the schuylkill and we'll check it agai again, plenty to check brian and sharrie in the next half hour. >> a new twist in the innocent water crisis. the documents that show just howerly michigan's governor found out about the issue. >> we preview sunday's oscars ceremony and take you behind the scenes and show you some of the secrets of hollywood's biggest night. >> a local woman ends "philly what's up" a standoff with a turkey and this particular bird seems to be very upset with one specific part of her car. >> we now know why the turkey crossed the road. we want to tell you about a specialline chat coming up. health reporter and registered nurse ali gorman is hosting a discussion about healthy dieting and weight loss. get involved right now on and the six "action news" facebook page. that chat runs until 6 o'clock tonight. >> ♪ >> e-mails released today show michigan governor rick sh staff knew about the flint water crisis as early as october of 2014 and that they urged the governor to do something about it. schneider's top environmental aide and his deputy legal counsel both urged schneider's chief of staff and others to putter flint back on detroit's water system. they said at the very at the same time the general motors plant had recently switched supplies because flint's water was rusting the auto parts. they called the situation urgent. snyder was reelected the next month. it would be a full year until michigan's governor took any action on the water crisis. that came after tests showed elevated levels of lead in the water. >> tuition is going up at three colleges and universities in our area. the university of pennsylvania says its total cost of attendance is going up 4 percent to $66,000. swarthmore college approved a plan to increase its tuition and room and board fees three and a half percent. that brings the cost there to $64,000 and villanova also planning a three and a half percent increase. that would bring the total cost of attendance up to $62,000 annually. well, those of you with students in attend dances in those schools will be interested to know how wall street d the dow off 57 points, nasdaq rising eight and a quarter. s & p rising three and a half. >> a woman in south jersey spent the day in a standoff with a wild turkey. it seemed to he enjoy its own reflection. trish hartman has details from mount laurel. >> reporter: you might expect to see a wild turkey in a field or on a farm. but not in a suburban drive way strutting back and forth next to a brand new honda civic. >> i was laughing 'cause he looked like he was looking over the car to see if it was a good car. >> reporter: betty an discovered the turkey around 7:30 this morning outside her mount laurel home. the car is her son's and only two months old. for hours no matter how many neighbors dogs even police officers tried to chase him away he came right back, his feathers all puffed up. >> i named him patrick, patrick the love struck turkey. patrick, patrick where are you going. >> reporter: make jake would be a better name. jake is the term for a teenaged mill turkey and the folk at the new jersey department of environmental protection call this crazy jake behavior. while it happens every spring, it seems to be happening earlier this year possibly because of the flip-flopping warm and cold weather. the mate seeking turkeys are often attracted to shiny surfaces and will become enamored with their own reflections. they can also be aggressive. >> when i banged the pots and pans. i got a little scared because i don't know anything about turkeys and i ran in the house. >> reporter: by 2:00 p.m. patrick had finally had enough and what happened into the woods behind betty ann's home. >> the dep says in most cases like this one you just have to wait it out and eventually the turkey will go away. if you do need help with an aggressive turkey you can call the dep's wildlife hotline at 877-warn-dep. reporting in mount laurel, trish harder man channel6 "action news." >> we have them in my hometown, too. i can tell you those turkeys do get very aggressive. 48 hours away from hollywood's biggest night and as they make final preparations to the red carpet of all red carpets, being protected right there, an area in and around the dolby theater as you can see is buzzing today. this year's 50 oscar statue wets have also arrived in hollywood. take a look. this year the statues more closely remember the early awards. they are now completely hand cast in bronze before the 24 karat gold finish and the stage this year itself featuring 200,000 swarovski crystals to make the stage glitter gold. for the show itself check out these guys. two new first time producers at the helm david hill and wretch hand in hudlin. they tell abc their mission is to keep what we love about the show but transform to it a modern audience. >> we agreed chris rock should be the host. we agreed to bring the orchestra back into the theater. >> when making the show and the order of the show for people who love films you're going to be seeing things the way you've never seen them before. >> and how cool is this? if you've ever wondered who else would make a winner thank you list before they get wrapped by that music those names will be controlled at the bottom of the screen. no excuses not to thank mom everyone. the oscars air this sunday only on 6abc live coverage begins at 7:00 p.m. hey you guys i'm going to be chatting with our viewers as we watch the show together live so join in. talk to you on sunday night. >> it's always great tv. >> absolutely. i think it's a great idea to scroll the names on the bottom because then the speeches can be a little bit more personal and they don't have to be so -- >> we shall see. first time. >> time now for accuweather. >> let's go over to meteorologist adam joseph and he's from our neighborhood but we know your name's adam. >> that it is. >> not frankie. no, it is adam. as we take a look at our own golden sunshine live on sky6 in cape may new jersey looks like a beautiful day to take a stroll along the sand but you would be sand blasted today with those winds that have been whipping pretty much everywhere. take a look at the month of february right now. almost at the close of this particular month given a leap year it's an extra day but if you take a look at the afternoons that had above normal high temperatures, those days are in the red, the blue are afternoon highs below normal and there's actually more days that were below normal than above normal but you take a look at the month so far and we're running 2.3 degrees above the norm for february. it was just the days that were above normal being so overpowering this particular month and we'll add a couple of more really warm days before march arrives. there are those wind gusts. in philadelphia 38 miles an hour. reading 36. clocking in close to 30 in trenton. 37 for both wilmington as well as atlantic city. but those winds will ease overnight some. right now temperatures 37 in allentown as well as reading, 39 in wilmington, 41 philadelphia and upper 30's to the south. so this day will go below average temperature-wise. as we look at the wind chills, upper 20's to the north and west. that is it. 31 philadelphia. 30 in millville. 33 right now is what it feels like at the atlantic city airport. satellite and radar we did have some of those puffy cumulus clouds develop from the north and west. but notice how they're really falling apart so that sky will remain clear not only this evening but through the entire overnight hours as we are past the full moon. clear and cold. winds diminish. 20 allentown, 25 in philadelphia and even in southern new jersey temperatures in the upper 20's. as we get into saturday, there will be a little improvement. those temperatures will come up a little bit. 46 philadelphia, 43 millville, 44 in allentown. but it will still feel chilly because those winds out of the west eight to 16 miles an hour and then we'll do a complete overhaul in the temperature department here the second half of the weekend. taking a look at high temperatures in the upper 50's to low 60's across much of the area. as we look at that four day at 4:00 forecast tomorrow 46 degrees, it's sunny but chilly with that wind out of the west and then a gorgeous afternoon on sunday, 62 with just a few high clouds and as we end the month of february, warm with a sprinkle possible. that's it, 6262 on monday and march comes in like a lamb 60 degrees with sun and clouds. so, this overall very warm winter season continues into the month of march. >> good looking start to march. >> yeah. >> thanks adam. still ahead landmark building is getting quite a makeover in center city. the brand new restaurant that will soon be moving in. >> and coming up at 4:30 philadelphia's police commissioner goes old school. we he spend the day with richard ross as he visits the elementary school that helped make him who he is and he delivers an important message to students. >> and coming up in big talkers, this weekend a first of its kind experiment here in philadelphia. we'll show you how one man crowd funded enough money to open a pop-up restaurant for the homeless. >> ♪ >> brand new at 4 o'clock we've learned the name of the man police say murdered his own brother in northeast philadelphia. it happened just after 11 o'clock last night on the 3100 block of woodhaven road. police say 33-year-old william shields shot his 50-year-old brother james stevens for yelling at their mom. stevens died at the hospital. shields waited for police to get there and turned himself in. >> $900,000 of scholarships and prizes were on the line today in warminster bucks county. two dozen high school seniors from the delaware valley competed today in an automotive technology competition. the future mechanics tested their knowledge at several different timed workstations including a mock pit crew trial. the winning team michael stein mets and sean haggerty for eastern center for arts and technology in willow grove. they'll represent our region in a national competition next month. the philadelphia museum of art received a major gift. the late philanthropist and art collector daniel dee trick donated more than 50 major works of american art including this painting road with trees 1962. it was the very first painting of 20th century artist edward hopper. the museum received a 10 million-dollar endowment from diettrick who was a committee member at the muse gleam a brand new restaurant is hitting the philadelphia food scene and this one has the potential to be transformation. mayor kenney was on hand along with former governor ed rendell to announce pj clark's would open at sixth and market. it would be inside the curtis center being hailed as the first step of that storied building's new foray into being a mixed use complex. there will be apartment apartments. pj clark's has other locations in new york washington and brazil. business woman and community leader being honored. today karen dougherty buckles was given the annual philadelphia magazine trailblazer award. she's the senior advice pre president of administration at the comcast corporation. business leaders gathered the the logan hotel and you recognize our own alicia vitarelli on land to help emcee that event. >> looks like a great one. still ahead in the next half hour of "action news" we have new details about a proposal to create more jobs here in philadelphia. >> and then an outpouring of support for the community after an idea to help the homeless went viral. the inspiring story coming up in big talkers. >> ♪ >> ♪ >> "action news" continues with meteorologist adam joseph, alicia vitarelli, sharrie williams and brian taff. >> ♪ >> it's 4:30 and "action news" continues with a brand new suspect sketch as police try to find the man who assaulted a teen in broad daylight. >> plus inspiring a younger generation. philadelphia police commissioner richard ross goes back to his elementary school for the first time. hear his personal message to the excited students next. >> and a plane full of passengers gets a chance at a free flight to the destination of their choice but there's one mandatory requirement. we'll see if they can reach across the aisle coming up in big talkers. >> but first here at 4:30 we continue to follow that bombshell endorsement on the campaign trail. this afternoon new jersey governor chris christie announced that he is backing donald trump. "action news" reporter nora muchanic joins us live from our new jersey news room with reaction and quite a bit of that today. nora. >> reporter: saluting brian, this endorsement was unexpected and is rocking the political world today. as you know governor christie dropped out of the race earlier this month but is still looking to influence the outcome. >> i am proud to be here to endorse donald trump for president of the united states. >> reporter: little more than two weeks after dropping out of the race himself new jersey governor chris christie threw his support behind businessman and reality tv star donald trump at a news conference today in texas. >> i conclude along with marry pat and the children support it that we wanted to be with the person who we thought could provide the strongest leadership for america and the person who could best make sure that hillary clinton never gets within 10 miles of the white house. >> this was an endorsement that really meant a lot. chris is an outstanding man with an outstanding family. he's done a great job. >> reporter: the endorsement comes a day after florida senator marco rubio aggressively pushed back at trump christie and trump called him desperate. the announcement is a stunner and gives a big boost to trump as he heads into next week's super tuesday primaries. >> now maybe others will follow christie's lead and say you know what i can be a good republican, i can be an establishment republican and still endorse donald trump. >> we sampled reaction to christie's endorsement of his former rival. >> i think it's a mistake. >> i really thin donald trump has a great chance to win and with christie backing him they can go all the way. >> now there's speculation about whether christie is trying to position himself to be a possible attorney general if trump were to win or to even be trump's vice presidential candidate. both of them said that it's just too early to talk about that. live in our new jersey news room i'm nora muchanic, channel6 "action news." >> nora thanks very much. in berks county today, investigators are hoping a new sketch will help them solve an assault case. the teen victim gave this description of the man who attacked her on the th. n trail. investigators say he came up behind the 15-year-old girl and physically and sexually assaulted her. the climb happened at 10:00 a.m. in broad day. you're asked to contact police if you know anything about this incident. >> a driver is recovering from injuries after a dramatic crash this morning. a tractor-trailer flipped over blocking traffic around 5:00 a.m. chopper6 hd flew over the scene in upper saucon lehigh county. the truck was on the ramp of i-78 at route 309 causing big delays in that area. >> meteorologist adam joseph along now. sunshine but no warm temperatures today. we're about to get both. >> now we're going flip it. we're going to flip those temperatures around and we're going to keep the sunshine so win-win this weekend. as we look live at center city, a beautiful shot of the skyline there, not a cloud above but the temperature of 41 because of those winds at 24 miles an hour. it only feels like 31 degrees here and as we head up to the poconos in shawnee, beautiful there as well. deep blue winter sky, the temperature 25 and the wind chill just 12 degrees but if you're heading up to the poconos for the weekend, saturday mostly sunny. we'll still have a westerly wind six to 12 miles an hour so that 39 will feel close to freezing much of the day on saturday but still great with that sun. and then on sunday the sunshine sticks around and very mild for february. a little bit spring skiing at 53 degrees and it is getting to that time of year if you're going to head tup there, put on some sunscreen as well. with that sunshine you may have your goggles off sometimes and you're going have that reflection coming off of the snow which is a high so it reflects a lot of that sunshine. you can easily get burnt this time of year. >> even though the cool temperatures, the sun is still bright. >> always strong. >> adam thank you. >> thanks adam. >> philadelphia leaders proposing a new measure aimed at creating more jobs for local residents. mayor jim kenney says the plan hinges on a change in the city's tax structure. >> under this plan those outside working in philadelphia will get a significant increase in their take-home pay while businesses will enjoy a lower tax burden. >> now the job growth coalition is proposing this change in the uniformity clause legislation. it would reduce wage and business taxes to attract more employers to the city and increase commercial real estate taxes. officials say the goal is to create up to 100,000 new jobs over the next decade. >> well, he's the top cop in philadelphia now but commissioner richard ross, his journey it started in the neighborhood of fern rock. that's where he attended his first years of schooling and began his foundation. in celebration of black history month his elementary school invited him back and only "action news" was there as ross went back to school. richard ross is returning to familiar territory. >> good to see you man. >> reporter: seeing people who knew him when they would come around and ask you what you wanted to be. rich wanted to be a police officer u now for the first time he's back to the place where his schooling began. julia ward howell elementary has invited him back. [cheers and applause] >> hey, everybody. wow. i just want to thank you for that warm welcome it means a whole lot to me. >> reporter: the special visit is all part of black history month and a chance to inspire young minds. >> listen to your teachers and you study and do your work. >> reporter: filled with potential, these young students are sitting in the same spot where ross started. it helps them believe they, too, can achieve whatever they put their minds to. >> knowing that the commissioner went here that makes me encouraged to do better with my life. >> maybe i'll become a police officer some day, too. >> reporter: the 51-year-old is now philadelphia's police commissioner but he was once a kindergartener right here. this picture shows a bright eyed richard ross when he was only in the third grade. >> memories of walking these hallways, particularly being out in the schoolyard. >> what's your name. >> reporter: his visit included mentoring. he sat down specifically with young boys and read to them. >> burst into a loud hearty almost taunting laugh. >> reporter: he hopes his badge and his rank can can reach them in a positive way. >> for us, you know, we're kind of under the gun, law enforcement in general and just to see those young people who haven't been tainted by that, it just touches your heart. >> reporter: it was a very cool experience just to see him go back where he grew up and see reaction on the kid's faces. the commissioner talks on a ride along to his neighborhood, the same streets he grew up on and of course now he's protecting and serving those streets. we'll have that full story on "action news" at 10 o'clock. >> on phl17 tonight. great story. >> thank you. >> real hometown success and great to see the kids reactioning. >> glad they invited us along. >> police officers in camden county got a hearty thank you. mcdonald's offered them a free breakfast. they surprised lieutenant zach james with a $500 donation to the ronald mcdonald house in camden. lieutenant james was honored along with his recently passed k-9 partner zero and mcdonald's made to serve up chicken nuggets because overtime veer chased down a suspect his treat was a 20 piecemeal of chicken nuggets. >> i think we could go for that too. >> the words of some of the he most influential plaque historical figures filled a south philadelphia school today. students lent there are voices to those words in a competition. >> it's part of black history month celebrations going on in southwest leadership academy charter school today. the students went head to head in the school's annual oratorical contest. coming up at 5:00 we'll take you inside the competition that gave children a lance cla tons bring history to life. and spring just a few weeks away hopefully. for anyone who is dealing with some winter weight gain there's a new program in philadelphia that's using money to motivate you to stay fit. ali gorman will explain in health check coming up also on "action news" at 5 o'clock. until then back to the studio. we'll see you later. >> your type of class hm rick. >> you got that right. >> dozens of local domestic violence survivors are receiving an important resource. pennsylvania convention center employees donated their old cell phones to verizon's hope line program. the phones will be refurbished and given to domestic violence shelters. women can can rely on those phones to call for help if they need it. >> and up next here on "action news" today, a locally grown idea to help the homeless goes viral and now people across our entire community are pitching in. >> plus, jetblue offers a free flight to a plane full of passengers. they also get to pick their own destination but there's one important rule that they must obey. we'll explain the catch coming up in big talkers. >> they all have to pick the same destination? >> i'm waiting to hear the story, too. >> all right, meteorologist adam joseph back with the full accuweather forecast when "action news" at 4:00 continues next. >> big talkers now. in the spirit of this election year, jetblue created a little social experiment on board a recent flight to see if people on either side of the aisle, the airline's aisle here could put their difference aside and make a unified choice. the deal. these 150 passengers total strangers were offered a free trip anywhere in the world but. >> here's the catch. the entire plane has to unanimously decide on that destination. you can only go one place. >> brian you were right. they got either a red or blue voting paddle and a list of everywhere the airline flies and overwhelming majority first voted for an international flight. that was easy. in the end though they had to duke it out over just where they were going. turks and caicos or costa rica and costa rica for the win. the other big election of 2016, this video is going crazy viral and all those people are going to costa rica. something pretty amazing is happening here in philadelphia this sunday. the city's first pop-up restaurant for the homeless. it is the brain child of south philadelphia native and so-called serial entrepreneur jason cunardo. he ran the idea past his facebook friends a few weeks ago and within 72 hours thanks to crowd funding he raised $25,000 and got pledges for countless other donations from services to help the city's homeless to clothes and shoes, even letters and cards from local kids sending them a ton of love and by the way, the food for 200 homeless guests was also all donated. >> lobster bisqu, hearty vegetable. they'll hand plate cannolis. it's to let them know that somebody is thinking about them, somebody cares. >> pop-up philly is happening this sunday at the 23rd street armory in center city. so, they are getting ready for this big event there at the armory and again a six course meal for 200 homeless people across our city. we hope it spreads. >> what a great idea. >> yeah. >> absolutely. >> home groan. >> you got it. all right, alicia thanks for showcasing that today. >> matt pelman standing by with the update. >> i have things to showcase as well. they're not quite as nice brian and sharrie. nasty accident in the process of clearing here right now from montgomery township. this is horsham road, the eastbound side at the 202 parkway. you can see the guys out here moving the cones. they're getting ready to sweep up that sand that they threw down on the fluid spill. but luckily vehicles ready to be towed away as we watch live here in montgomery township. still though horsham road eastbound blocked close to the joseph ambler inn. stay on 309 to get around this. let's go down 309 into springfield township where there's a crash along bethlehem pike at springfield avenue. also getting word of a crash in bensalem bucks county. it's along bensalem boulevard near power avenue. on the big picture there was an earlier wreck on the westbound schuylkill by 30th street it's gone. but the slow speeds aren't. just in the teens in many spots on the schuylkill on this friday afternoon. and in crescentville watch out for an accident along castor avenue near wingohocking street. in south jersey, crash in gloucester city along railroad avenue has cleared out. still have the one on 295 northbound approaching the black horse pike but it's on the shoulder and on the black horse pike itself in bellmawr there's a wreck close to the new jersey turnpike. in millville watch out for an accident along ' avenue and in wilmington it's a fire location that's blocking tenth street. just stay over on 11th to get around that. we'll check it again, brian and sharrie, coming up in the 5 o'clock hour. >> matt thank you. freebie friday is still ahead on "action news." we'll tell you how to get a free dinner and details about a fun event for the entire family. >> and stepping outside sky6 hd looking live at the center city skyline tonight. beautiful picture out there. meteorologist adam joseph with an equally beautiful exclusive seven-day forecast coming up next. >> plus, happening right now, health reporter and registered nurse ali gorman will be along to help host a live chat with dr. charlie seltzer on our "action news" facebook pagely they will be answering all your weight loss questions until 6 o'clock. >> ♪ >> ♪ >> all right, meteorologist adam joseph is the guy with a lot of good news to share. >> number one it's the weekend. number two, there's sunshine and number three, above normal temperatures. >> yeah. >> triple win. >> go, go, go. >> summed up the whole thing. >> i'm telling you. >> want to give back your time. >> i'm done. >> up next -- >> chopper six flying high above the delaware river looking a little murky and muddy especially after all of that rain we had this week so all the tributaries flowing into the delaware. as we look at double scan live radar around the region sunshine is in control. we had a little bit of cloud cover that kind of bubbled up into the early afternoon hours but that has since passed and not tracking any precipitation. 41 was the high temperature today which came just before the 4 o'clock hour. the low temperature 35 degrees. so we were above normal for the low but we were below normal for the high temperature today and that sun setting now close to 10 minutes before 6 o'clock. as we look at how it feels when you step out, winter, still feelings like it. 29 allentown as well as trenton, reading 27 degrees, below freezing in philadelphia, 30 in millville and freezing -- feeling like freezing in southern parts of cape may county. as we look at satellite and radar again there's that little ribbon of clouds that passed through but they have since evaporated over the last hour or two and that's the way it's going to stay as we go through the overnight tonight and then spilling into your saturday and sunday. so, for the night it's clear, it's cold but those strong winds that have been gusting at times 25, 30, 35 miles an hour will relax between 10 and 20 so the breeze is still up some, 20 to 25 degrees will be the split in temperature tonight but feeling a lot colder than that and as we get into the week on saturday, 46 degrees. so, average for this time of year tomorrow with low pressure right around the hudson bay p, a lot of sun, winds out of the west-southwest eight to 16 so that 46 will still feel a lot cooler than that number tomorrow but there's a lot of arctic air that tries to push to the south but it cannot make it into the lower 48. it kind of swings its way into eastern canada and then exits instead low pressure over the great lakes will send a southerly wind and a warm front through late saturday and that means on sunday, it's a cool start but a very nice afternoon, lots of sunshine and we're moving that temperature up to 62 degrees. the exclusive accuweather 7-day forecast, 46 for tomorrow, sunny but still a little chilly with that wind. after a cold start sunday morning a gorgeous afternoon a few high clouds at 62. warm on monday, sun, some high clouds, could be a brief sprinkle in the afternoon with a front, 62 degrees and march comes in like a lamb here tuesday, sun and clouds, still at 60 degrees and then another pretty powerful storm comes through on wednesday but it is all in the form of rain, maybe a gusty thunderstorm with temperatures in the middle 50's and then behind that we start to cool it off thursday into friday. thursday is dry and then friday there could be a chance for more rain or maybe some wet snow with temperatures at 39 degrees. so, overall as we go through the weekend it is beautiful and as we end this month, go into the next month well above average. >> thanks adam. >> all right. tonight's special edition of 20/20 focuses on the oscars as we get ready for the big night come sunday. robin roberts sat down with some of the most notable nominees including sylvester stallone. >> i think i recall you saying your acting but for the godfather you couldn't -- >> i couldn't even get cast as an italian. there's party scene. they said no. what part of me didn't make it past the italian identification aspect? he goes, just don't fit in. >> but look at him now. how about it? he's up for an oscar this weekend. stallone is just one of the many nominees who open up about their careers during tonight's show which begins at 10 o'clock and after that, be sure to stick around for "action news" at 11:00. the oscars air this sunday only on 6abc. live coverage begins at 7:00 p.m. >> and of course we'll all be watching. freebie friday is up next. we've got a free oscars viewing party and some ways you can get out and enjoy the warm weather this weekend. >> ♪ >> it's freebie friday. we have some great ideas for you to get out and enjoy the warm weather this week. round up the family and head out to reading terminal market on saturday for a pop-up picnic on filbert street. there's live music fun outdoor activities like corn hole an giant jenga so be sure to check that out. that is very fun. sunday night of course is oscar night. get dressed up and head to manayunk for a free viewing party at the venice island performing arts center. they're going to roll out the red carpet for you at 7:30 and of course you can watch the awards show right here on 6abc. always a sign that spring is on the horizon and we love those signs penn's landing is getting ready to say goodbye to winter. this is the final weekend for the blue cross river rink. it's free to get into the cozy winter fest lodge but you have to pay a few dollars to ice skate. to satisfy all of those appetites this weekend fox and hound restaurant is offering a coupon for a free meal. up for the all-star e club and they'll load a free burger or sandwich on your account for you to use. finally for all of those leap year babies, looking forward to celebrating a birthday on your birthday on monday, you can get a free dinner at the hard rock cafe. make sure you bring your i.d. with you so you can -- they can be sure that you were definitely born on february 29th. we have all these deals and more right now on >> yeah, can can't leave out the leap babies. >> never. >> nope. >> finally at 4:00 some students in gloucester county had fun while learning about african dance today. >> ♪ the action cam was there as the universal african dance and drum ensemble performed at glassboro intermediate school. the group has represented the united states in a number of international festivals including one in west africa. >> so cool. >> yeah. >> and that will do it for "action news" at 4:00. for sharrie williams alicia vitarelli and adam joseph, i'm brian taff. hope you'll join me along with sharrie adam and ducis rodgers tonight and every night for a full hour of "action news" at 10:00 on phl17. >> now here are rick williams and monica malpass with a look at what's ahead at 5 o'clock. >> we're learning more about yesterday's deadly shooting spree in kansas. details released by police within the last hour. plus the owners of a popular restaurant in germantown are cleaning up tonight after it was destroyed by flames. >> also police in delaware are looking for three taken agers after more than a dozen car owners woke up to find their tires slashed. those stories and much more coming your way next on "action news" at 5:00. >> ♪ >> ♪ >> "action news." delaware valley's leading news program. with jaime apody, meteorologist cecily tynan, rick williams and monica malpass. >> ♪ >> almost like a smile on his face. deutsche, deutsche, deutsche. my friend is like go, go, go, he's shooting. i'm like dude is shooting. >> we're getting new information from kansas tonight as police are trying to figure out what caused a plan to open fire on his coworkers. three people were killed after the gunman left work suddenly then returned armed with an assault rifle and a handgun. tonight he's been identified as 38-year-old cedric ford. friday night the big story on "action news" is that deadly shooting spree in the midwest. >> the first shots were fired yesterday outside excel industries lawnmower parts plant in hesston kansas. ford shot 15 people outside and inside before he was shot and killed by a police officer. let's get the very latest live at the scene, abc's elizabeth hur in kansas for us with the very latest on this investigation. elizabeth. >> reporter: good evening to you. authorities say so far the motive appears to be domestic but their work here is continuing. we're told the fbi here is assisting talking to the injured victims for answers. one day after the latest mass shooting in this country left three dead and 14 injured, the sheriff in harvey county kaas

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