Transcripts For WRC Early Today 20161212

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grass. all 70 passengers are okay. thousands of flights never got a off the ground and more than 4,000 flights canceled. and a messy or freezing literally for a lot of us. we're dealing with snow storms and then the cold arctic outbreak. we have the 29 million people in the winter weather advisory in portions of the northeast. it's mostly interior new england. southern new england and the big cities from new york city southward. it's still snowing hard hudson valley and up through the catskills. that's where we're going to see the additional three to six inches throughout the day today. as far as the boston area, you're just about done. hartford just about done. we're going to have a lot of school delays and maybe school cancellations. we g >> bill, thank you. breaking news this morning out of louisiana regarding the death of new orleans saints star, will smith. just hours ago a jury capped off a week long trial. they found cardel hayes guilty and found him guilty of attempted manslaughter for wounding hayes wife. he retrieved a gun from his damaged suv. the prosecution says evidence shows smith never armed himself and hayes was not justified in firing. he will be sentenced february 17th. turning to politics where the associated press is quoting an official state run newspaper calling donald trump quote as ignorant as a child after the president elect suggested he was considerinow with taiwan. and we have word that two republican senators have joined law makers demands for a bipartisan probe into russia's interference into the election. senator mccain and lindsey graham say it quote cannot be a partisan issue. yet the navy in the minority of their party after the incoming chief of staff said this on the intelligence community's findings. >> i don't know who did the hacking, chuck. the article is based on a lie that the rnc was hacked. so the entire premise is false, the sources are unnamed and the report is inconclusive. >> as for president elect trump he is calling allegations russia interfered ridiculous and his pick for secretary of state, exxon chi criticism and a deal with boeing and iran comes under scrutiny. >> reporter: donald trump lashing out at the cia's analysis that russia intervened in the election to help him win. >> i think it's ridiculous. i think it's just another excuse. >> reporter: his highlights a growing rift. only attending a handful of daily briefings. >> i'm like a smart person. yeb don't have to be told the same thing in the same words for the next eight years. >> reporter: they dispute that explanation. >> not like every report is the same type of assessment. >> reporter: trump is touting his expected pick of rex tillerson for secretary of state. >> he's a world class player. he does massive deals in rulshau, massive deals for the face a contentious senate conformation. and tweeting being a friend of vladimir is not an attribute i'm hoping for in secretary of state. thal $16 billion blockbuster. boeing selling 80 commercial airplanes to iran, made possible by the iran deal. this the biggest deal since the iranian revolution in 1979. the president elect yet to comment, instead taking a second swipe at boeing's contract for air force 1. >> i want to make good deals for this country. i don't need a $4.2 billion airplane to fly around in. >> and regarding trump's dismissal of the cia's asse assessment against russia, quote it is curious that someone who refuses to take intelligence briefings has decided he doesn't agree with the analysis contained in them." for more on the deal with iran. how big of a deal is this for iran? >> reporter: well, it's being touted as a big victory for iran. they have complained that they haven't seen any tangible results since the nuclearer deal. now they're getting 80 plane frumz boeing in a deal worth nearly $17 billion. this is the biggest transition between america and iran since the 1979 revolution and the storming of the u.s. embassy in teheran. and before the revolution in 1979, america was iran's biggest trading partner by a long shot, since then there's virtually been no trade between the two countries. but this could be tested by president elect opposed to the nuclear deal that say boeing shouldn't be making the sale to iran because it's ultimately going to help the revolutionary guard who are no friends of the united states but there's no doubt that iran really needs these planes because their aging fleet is very dangerous. >> certainly a lot to watch in the aftermath of this deal with boeing. authorities now are investigating multiple explosions that rocked the weekend. in istanbul, 155 injured after a soccerer match friday night. both blasts were caught on video. the first was believed to be a car bomb and detonated as police left a soccer stadium. and another close to the stadium. they say the police were the target of the attack. a kurdish military group has claimed wounded another 49 during sunday mass at a chapel next to the main coptic cathedral on a holiday that celebrates islam prophet muhammad. 12 people are recovering after a major fire swept through this michigan ski resort. they say no injuries are believed to be life threatening and an investigation into the cause is underway. nearly 100 guests were registered. the resort will remain closed until further notice. in coastal south carolina, a firefighter gifted a puppy to a police officer delivered by santa himself. and his family, they lost their beloved german shepherd in a fire earlier this and they wanted to step in so they donated the german shepherd puppy, bringing the officer, and five kids much needed joy. up ahead, good flnews for prices coming down on your christmas chocolate. and a look at the day ahead and a mess for a whole lot of us. let's get timing. this is noon today, it clears the boston area and then it's gone. that's the good news out of this. by 2:00/3:00 p.m., only areas of northern maine dealing with travel areas like this. and as temperatures warm up, the roads will improve in the afternoon. and moving through areas of the southeast. we're getting ready for the next big cold blast from minneapolis to billings. now a closer look at your day ahead. you will notice even albany new york was up to 41 probably three to five inches, you will improve with the roads this morning. only a high of three. yeah, the cold will be the big story rest of this week. >> a lot to handle. thank you. just ahead our top military leaders on the report card in the fight against isis and the highest and deepest rail tunnel. olay regenerist renews from within... plumping surface cells for a dramatic transformation -without the need for fillers. your concert tee might show your age... your skin never will. olay regenerist. olay. ageless. and try olay luminous evens tone for radiant, glowing skin. delsym helpswhich means, impulse to cough for 12 hours. you're controlling your cough on your morning commute. and later when you're joking with 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saturday's memorial service at the ohio state university. he's then said to be buried at arlington national cemetery. the opens in switzerland. they were able to pass through for the first time sunday. this stretches 35 miles and the tunnel took 17 years to build at a cost of $12 billion. it will carry passengers deep under the it swiss alps and save around 30 minutes of travel time. the back and forth dance between bob dylan and the nobel prize committee finally comes to an end. he skipped the nobel ceremony where they awarded him his prize. he sent a worthy stand in with american singer/song writer poe poet,, smith. she at one point stumbled on a song saying she was nervous. don't blame her. and there may be more chocolate in your christmas celebrations. we'll explain. and "moana" came out on top taking in and "christmas party" brought in 17 million and harry potter sequel generating over $10 million. you're watching "early today." g. selfies, cat videos and winking emojis. speaking of tech wonders, with the geico app you can get roadside assistance, digital id cards... or even file a claim. do that.. yeah, yeah that should work. it's not happening... just try again. uh, i think i found your problem. thanks. hmm... the award-winning geico app. download it today. but pantene is making my hair practically unbreakable. whenever i try to grow out my hair, strands always break off. the pro-v formula makes every inch stronger. so i can love my hair longer. strong is beautiful. pantene. ...and dale, welllping he loves colleen.nt. they have their differences. but they make it work, most of the time. and at least they agree one thing. new tide purclean it's the first bio-based detergent... with the cleaning power of tide. so you can actually clean your clothes and still... your part. new tide purclean. the first bio-based detergent with the cleaning power of tide. if it's got to be clean, it's got to be tide. ♪ fast forward today. the funeral for joe mcknight will be later this rage incident d.ecember 1st. the suspect is charged with manslaughter. fist lady michelle obama and ryan seacrest are expected to tour children's national health system as the obumau care enrollment deadline nears. and golden globe nominations announced this morning. "lala land" and "westworld." it will be hosted by none other than t"the tonight show's" jimm fallon. cheaper christmas chocolate ahead, but futures are mixed following the best week for the markets since the election. and kicking off at all time highs. stocks in china are plunging. julie, good morning. >> good morning and that ro continue this week despite a tentative start for u.s. futures this morning. europe and china putting it a back on the back burner but there is a lot of things to focus on. the federal reserve set to raise rates for the second time in 10 years. the important point is it's in the price, it's not expected to create any turbulence and they're getting an early christmas present this week. opec members agreeing in all supply cut deals. all prices rally 5% overnight. expected to get a positive bounce and i can't talk to you about christmas without talking about the ultimate stocking seller, chocolate. hitting a three year low last week. we saw chocolate prices rallying or falling 16% in the last four weeks. those prices expected to fall even further. so the perfect excuse toto >> i never need an excuse but that makes it better. thank you so much, appreciate it. still ahead, he was arrested friday night but that wasn't the host of t.j. miller's monologue. [000:20:14;00] making a cake! uh oh. i don't see cake, i just see mess. it's like awful. it feels like am not actually cleaning it up. what's that make mommy do? 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(tires screeching) hey! is this yours? yes. thank you! happy holidays. (vo) the real magic of the holidays is when we all give a little more. (man) thank you! or a fancy juice store? ready, go! hi, juice universe? one large rutabaga, with eggplant... done! that's not fair. glad i had a v8. the original way to fuel your day. pain from a headache whecan make this...d, feel like this. all-in-one cold symptom relief from tylenol®, the #1 doctor recommended pain relief brand. tylenol® when you have a cold, pain from chest congestion can make this... feel like this. all-in-one cold symptom relief from tylenol®, the #1 doctor recommended pain relief brand. tylenol® you want to play like that? >> ouch. >> new this morning, a first look at "the fate of the furi s furious." it hits theaters in april next year. when this comes out -- >> you know what you're signing up for. >> without a doubt. that's why people love it, actually. comes to the critic's choice awards. they were handed out in hollywood. and all eyes were on host t.j. miller who was arrested with an uberer driver. he said he would speak about it but in the end he didn't. big winner, taking home eight awards including best picture. "la la land" racked up $855,000 and that's the best per average and best night for snl. kate mckinnen and alec baldwin both winning awards. >> you open up small and get the buzz going and everyone wants to see it. >> and it's certainly going. >> in the oval office at the white house. this is of president obama and bill murray golfing and goofing around at the same time. they were trading putts and jabs. >> generally i don't let . >> right. so funny to see that. >> bill murray makes every single one of his putts and the president does not. >> this is "early today." just ahead ikia solution to relationship problems. i love . that's why i bought six of you... for when you stretch out. i want you to stay this bright blue forever... i can't live without you. and that's why i will never, ever wash you. protect your clothes from the damage of the wash with downy fabric conditioner. it not only softens and freshens... it helps protect clothes... from stretching, fading and fuzz... so your favorite clothes stay your favorite clothes. downy fabric conditioner wash in the wow. breathe easier with your vicks vaporub. soothing cough relief that starts working instantly. right now "news 4 today," it is a storm team 4 weather alert day. freezing rain in the forecast and it could complicate your commute. and breaking overnight, a ted deadly shooting in northwest d.c., gunfire heard. and a day of play turns into a rescue of a boy who was waist deep in mud. in i'm up i can't thineun yang. >> and i'm in for aaron gilchrist. >> and weather alert day? >> we have a chance for freezing rain along the maryland/pennsylvania border. so any opportunity for any little bit of icing here early this morning has us in weather alert mode. so know that it could be a very slow go on your commute. it's all rain in and around the city. the closer you are to washington, less of an impact this will have on your day. but there are slick spots potentially way up to the north and west. big drop in temperatures coming our way, as well. but it's raininging a cross most of the d.c. metro area. there are little pockets in northern maryland into the panhandle of west virginia where there could be a little freezing rain. so the freezing rain advisory goes until 10:00 this morning so through the commute for winchester, martinsburg, hagerstown, frederick, maryland. those are the areas that could get a glazing of ice in some of the deeper sheltered valleys. but again not looking for any troubles around the city, but traffic could be an issue. >> problems this morning because of that. all of the green showing where you we have the rain falling. right now because of that police investigation downtown, we have eastbound l street between 14th and 12th all lanes blocked for that investigation. and 13th between mass and l street blocked, as well. beltway overall clear as far as problems, but it's very wet out there this morning. 66 and 95, you can see rolling along just fine, but again very wet. surge 11 on metro still single tracking between east falls church and west. we have breaking news, deadly shooting. >> molette green is at the live desk. >> some details just in about the shooting that left a man dead. d.c. police on the scene right now, this is happening in the 6900 block of 32nd street in northwest. this is north of beach drive. there you can h give you more detail on where this is going on. we're digging for details into exactly what happened. we've sent megan mcgrath to the scene, she will bring us the very latest in a live report this morning whether there are any suspect information and motive information in this developing story. back to you. it's 4:29. we're following developments in the case of a missing boy from manassas. prince william county police say 10-year-old diego martinez left his house on coverstone drive around 7:00 last night. he was wearing a black and green jacket with black pants. police are worried about his age and how cold it is. if you see martinez, call police. we know that a faulty gas furnace sparked this apartment fire in fairfax county over the weekend. dozens were left homeless after the flames tore through the building. smoke alarms failed to go off because the furnace was in the the apartment complex is working to get all the utilities back on so people can return to the undamaged apartments. i'm like a smart person. i don't have to be told the same thing sand the same words every single day for the next eight years. >> president-elect donald trump suggesting that he does not need to receive the presidential intelligence briefing every day. in fact trump has only attended a handful of daily intelligence briefings since he was elected. a little more than two years ago, trump krit sighed president obama for allegedly skipping those briefings, but nbc news and fact checkers say that it that claim was false. this comes on top of trump dismissing the cia 's conclusion that russia intervened in the election to help him win. tracie potts will have more on that in just a few minutes. meanwhile china says it has, quote, serious concern about trump's comments suggesting he is reconsidering america's

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