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device for firefighters has been found to be defective in one local county, a news 4 exclusive we'll tell you what is being done. >> norovirus hits the district sweeping through two campuses leaving people doubled over. big news on the campaign trail. rick santorum released his taxes, making a request normally reserved for the front-runner. we begin tonight with a story that gripped the washington area for months. the sheer horror and sadness. four family members killed, one at a time, as they arrived at their pote potomac home. >> the goff murder, the irma goff who lost almost her entire family talks for the first time. wendy has the story. >> reporter: whether this happened, we told you about the deaths, the funeral. we told you about the trial. but we never told you what it was like for irma goff the wife and mother of that family. how did she ever find her way out of that nightmare? >> i think that people should really focus on what they have in life. not what they don't have. >> there was a time when irma goff had it all, beautiful family, her husband david a poe die -- a doctor. four children, andrea, sherry, scott, and elise, 15. life was good. on the night of july 20th, 1995, she and scott were in ocean city. when the police called. >> all they said was there were five homicides and i said to them, what is a homicide? i didn't have a clue. >> that day a painter hired by their handyman had murdered aldridge, then killed goff's husband and three daughters as each arrived home that afternoon. her family was now essentially gone. in order to survive those early days, goff shutout the details of the murders. >> the front pain of every -- front page of every newspaper. >> did you read the reports? no. >> did you want to know? >> i couldn't. >> she didn't seek therapy. >> what was someone going to tell me? david and the girls would come home tomorrow, walk back in the house? wasn't going to happen. when scott and i got up, we went to the beach, where we were when everything happened. we went are no a walk, people pointed at us, they knew who we were, as i sat there, i looked and i saw the tide come in, the tide go out, sun come up, sun go down, life goes on and that is the bottom line. >> there she made a decision. four lives were gone, but there were still two left, and she decided they needed to be lived fully. >> i felt that if i changed, if you will, we'll use the word change, if i changed my lifestyle and the way i live and what i believed in, that this man would have gotten me and scott, too. i wouldn't allow that. >> four months later, she moved back in the house, where the murders occurred. >> the house didn't do anything to me. that was my home. i raised my family there. it wasn't a house that did, it was a person who did. >> goff comes from a line of jewish immigrants who fled hitler but not without loss. life is not fair and you don't go forward looking backward. >> if my father could come over from europe and his sisters and make a new life, and a family, why couldn't i? her new life includes a new husband,dale morton. for scott, a wife. irma in the large kitchen, cooking is therapy. she has come a long way. but grief can be possessive pulling at one's progress. she has four lost lived that need tending. >> the most important thing in life is not any of the monetary things, but that you leave on this earth a good name. and my husband and daughters certainly did that and that what is was very important to me. as long as you keep their memory alive, they are alive. >> reporter: irma goff's story is vast, too fast for one night. what about her views of the killer bruno alvarez? she did not want the death penalty and tells us why tomorrow at 6:00. she is amazing, remarkable. >> very brave. thank you, wendy. when rushing in a fire, firefighters must have confidence in their equipment. tonight, news 4 learned one of the largest fire departments in our area will be temporarily working without a key safety device. here is -- >> mayday. >> the shoulder mounted two-way radio speaker is a standard piece of safety equipment for all firefighters. it allows for quick communication in emergencies. >> don't have to pull radio out of a pocket hold it up to their face, they have a convenient mike. >> the montgomery county fire department has taken the extraordinary step of disabling all 900 motorola radios. the reason? complaints from firefighters when they got wet the speakers were not working properly. >> the firefighters were underneath of the sprinkler system, water had gotten in the remote speaker mic from the sprinkler system and they tried to communicate twice what they had in the apartment and as the incident commander i had sko ask them to leave the apartment and do a face-to-face. >> a spokesman says the company is aware of montgomery county's actions and that 900 of the company's latest model more water- water-resistant speakers are being held. >> firefighters have to use hand-held radios until the new parts are delivered. we checked with other agencies, they have not reported any similar problems. jackie benson, news 4. breaking news on the highway right now several lanes of interstate 95 and interstate 895 are shut down near the fort mchenry tunnel in baltimore. chopper 4 over the scene a tractor-trailer crashed on 95, lost the load, spilling ink on i-895, right below. clean-up is underway could take hours and could also affect the morning commute. the driver taken in custody under suspicion of drunk driving. health scare in the district, norovirus hit students on two campuses of one university. >> really rough. hit me 4:00 a.m. >> reporter: he received a knock out punch. >> a little nerve racking since it happened spontaneously. >> doctors treated him at the gw student health service, identified 85 students having the gastrointestinal illness since monday. most of them got it in heavily populated areas where they live, eat and study on the mount vernon and foggy bottom campuses. >> you're in bed couldn't do work, stomach cramps, nausea. >> elizabeth kennedy thought she was the only one in her sorority house until the officials sent out a campus-wide e-mail. >> you have norovirus. >> they are cleaning populated areas like the marvin tcenter ad library. >> they urged students and faculty to wash hands frequently. >> watch out. >> one of the ways you can watch out is by watching what you touch. health officials say the norovirus is passed through direct contact by touching an infected person or touching a contaminated surface. any questions? logging on to, click on dozens of cases of norovirus, this will provide information you need to know. at gp campus, shemari stone. thousands of people will converge on alexandria for the funeral of joshua weissman, people left flowers, pictures and lepters. he fell to his death responding to a car fire, a number of streets will close throughout the day for the funeral and procession. those closings include parts of semina seminary, kings street. city schools are closing early. decision 2012 now, late this evening rick santorum released four years of tax returns. those returns show that in 2010, the gop presidential hopeful and his wife had a gross income of about $923,000. they paid a tax rate of 28.5%. today, santorum requested secret service protection after an incident on monday night in tacoma, washington. occupy protesters interrupted his rally. currently, mitt romney is the only gop candidate with secret service protection. there could soon be another member of the kennedy family on capitol hill. joseph kennedy iii will announce he's running for congress, looking to fill the seat held by barney frank. he is the son of former congressman joe kennedy and grandson of robert kennedy. this congress is the first one without a kennedy in 63 years. another pleasant evening out there tonight, but we could get wet tomorrow, huh, doug? >> i think everybody will get on the wet side. that is why you need to take those larger umbrellas, we have rain moving our way right now. you can see on the radar looks like the rain just down to the south and west, atmosphere too dry, most of this not hitting the ground yet. we're going do wait for this activity back toward the west, right now making through the cincinnatti area to make our way. as it does so we will see clouds thicken, rain start by early tomorrow morning, i'll break it down to show you exactly when i think the rain will start, when it will move out, plus what is the latest on our coastal storm this weekend, what will we see? i'll show you my forecast coming up. thank you, doug. the defense is now presenting its case in the trial of a former uva lacrosse player accused of killing his ex-girlfriend. attorneys for george huguely are working to prove his ex-girlfriend did not die from a blow to the head as prosecutors claim. a neurologist testified today, cpr caused the bleeding in yeardley love's brain. a doctor testified love suffocated in a pool of blood while face down in her pillow. two of the most strict anti-abortion bills in this country passed today in the virginia house of delegates. the so-called personhood bill defines life as starting at conception. the second bill passed forces a woman to have an ultrasound before terminating a pregnancy. democrats across the country are calling those bills a violation of women's reproductive rights. but both bills are expected to pass the virginia state senate. d.c. police announce the arrest of two men, the crime spread across three police districts starting in the truxton circle area. there are no arrests in the well publicized robberies in tinly town and friendship heights. coming up tonight, big drug bust, several football players caught in it all. >> metro takes the blame for horrible crash in 2009. why now? new hope for community that has been boiling water since the earthquake back in august. reports of a heart attac a big bust at texas christian university, several football players are among the 17 students accused of selling drugs. undercover police officers busted the students during a six month long sting. police say among the drugs sold, cocaine, ecstasy, marijuana and prescription drugs. a law professor at georgetown university accused in the hit and run, his name is john copacino, they say he was driving erratically and refused to stay on the scene after he rear-ended a car in d.c. last month. news 4 has not received a response from him. metro along with three equipment makers are taking the blame tonight for the deadly 2009 crash on the red line. the move comes as two wrongful death suits were set to go to trial next month. a lawyer representing the plaintiff says the case can focus on compensation rather than fault. nine people died when two trains collided near the fort totten metro station. people living in a community in northern virginia might have clean tap water. for the first time since last summer's 5.8 earthquake there. that earthquake contaminated a well that supplies the water and has infected it with chloroform and e-coli. a boil water advisory has been in place ever since. crews couldn't fix the old well so now they've installed a water line to a different well. if that water gets clean bill of health from the health department, that well could be working within a week. interesting story from las vegas, a man apparently had a heart attack while eating a triple bypass burger at the heart attack grill. the restaurant is in las vegas, where a meal can run 10,000 calories and staff members dress up like doctors and nurses, the restaurant says this was not a publicity stunt and the patient who had the heart attack is going to be okay. well what did you expect? >> exactly right. >> doug has more about the weather, we have some good news and bad news, huh? >> it depends what side of the fence you fall on here. are you a rain lover, snow lover or the weekend to be perfect? >> all of the above. >> i'm -- >> i gave you three you can't fall on one side or the other. out there another beautiful night, it's been gorgeous over the last couple days. we have a couple more of these really nice days to come, it will not be, however, tomorrow and may not be sunday. out there right now, looking for just across the area, the sun, plenty of sunshine today helped to us warm up to 55 degrees at the airport, low this morning of 40 degrees. watching the changes ahead some of the changes are moving in right now as the clouds have started to stream in, winds out of the south at six miles an hour, temperature still at 42 degrees right now. once again the average high is 47 and sitting at 42 at 11:00 at night. current temperatures falling off a little bit, 32 in frederick, 39 in culpepper, a lot colder up to the north and west. that is the way it is going to be. i don't expect the numbers to go down too much more, we have clouds moving in. looks like rain down to the south, charlottesville, not quite reaching the ground yet but trying to saturate the atmosphere, once that happens, we will see sprinkles and rain. this first little batch of moisture, i don't see any rain occurring in west virginia, what is reaching the ground is all back here, you can see yellows and oranges, that is all moving our way and i expect us to see rain during the day tomorrow. how about the timing? 6:30 in the morning, heading out the door you will be okay. most of the area on the dry side, with showers back toward the west. by around say 9:00, 10:00 i expect the showers make their way in across the area. most of us will begin to see showers at that time, mostly on the light side. during the afternoon, maybe a little heavier, around 4:00, 5:00, 6:00, heading home from work, that is when we could see heaviest rain. light to moderate rain, i don't think we will see heavy rain, some locations over a quarter inch during the day tomorrow, most of this moves out by 8:00. the next storm system, this is one to watch for sure. just looking at some of the latest computer models, it does look like this is going to come a little farther up the coast. the big question then is do we have enough cold air to make this snow? we'll have to wait and see it will be a waiting game. two scenarios, one to the north, one farther to the south, this one looks a little bit less likely, i think there will be something in the middle and i do think if that happens, we will see some snow around here during the day on sunday. right now, i would say i don't anticipate problems but i anticipate that to change. mostly cloudy, mild start, take the umbrella tomorrow morning, 32 to 39 degrees. forecast tomorrow afternoon, rain likely, periods of that could be on the moderate side. 47 to about 52 degrees. as we move through the next couple days, 53 on friday, super saturday, high of 52, plenty of sunshine, and that is why this coastal storm will be so tough to look at if it does make its way up the coast and brings in enough colder air we could be talking about snow. this is one we'll watch very, very closely. you want to stay tuned, we have it here. >> it's a challenge. >> it is one of the hardest things to forecast one of those storms. >> thank you, doug. still to come, black history month, brings a music star to howard university. in sports, oh my goodness, jeremy lin, what a sensation, this is almost unbelievable. time after time, game after game. >> i walk out on set on the commercial break, doug kammerer is giving the stats. >> it's amazing. the biggest story in sports one of the greatest under dog stories of all time. jeremy lin a harvard grad, going from the minor leagues of pro basketball to overnight sensation after scoring more points in his first five starts than any player in nba history. has the top selling jersey this month. president obama was discussing lin on marine one on his way to andrews air force base this morning. oh, man, are you lintertained yet? mike tyson in the house. jeremy lin and landry fields doing the pre-game handshake. less than 30 seconds in the game. lin drives, gets the bucket and one, he would hit the free throw as well. only scored 10 points, lowest points as a starter. he was distributing to chandler for the alley oop. in the second quarter, lin dropping more dimes. throwing it up to his buddy, landry fields, with the career high 13 assists tonight. something different. every single game from this kid. the linderella story continues. they have won seven in a row with jeremy lin as their starting point guard. interim coach randy whitman, wizards against clippers. dishing to mcgee, he doesn't have to jump to dunk that thing. former wizard randy foy, remember this guy? he was here a minute. i know you remember blake griffin, slam dunk champion, that is why we are tied at 31 early in the game on the west coast. over to american university the eagles trying to keep the perfect home record intact. au had no problem doing that against navy because the mids haven't won a road game since january of last year. check out the sign. can we pens win? it was got them on tv at least. 13 points, 12 rebounds, eagles best player, navy turns it over, comes up with it, the outlet pass to charles hinkle hiting the jumper, then getting it done in other ways. beyond the arc. has been au's best player, scored 16 of the game high 18 in the first half, american wins big, 69-47. 10-0 at the arena. >> home sweet home. >> too bad the student body doesn't appreciate how much they play at home. okay, people, let's get started. pete, did you forget yours? me pete, me use pen! (laughter) sorry i'm late, i was in the 16th century looking for pete's pen. (laughter) guys, guys. take it easy, ok? pete's mom is videochatting me, and she wants her pen back! ok, alright, well. i just got one. so... yeah, you've got a little... yep, i can feel the wet patch. don't look at it. when it's on your mind, it's on ebay. [ male announcer ] no success is overnight. ♪ it's about working harder. ♪ and smarter. ♪ it's the culmination of a million decisions. it's where you see yourself going and how you choose to get there. the all-new 2013 gs. our boldest response ever. there's no going back. ♪ reflect shun on the past. common at howard university tonight, performed a song from his latest album hosting a black history event sponsored by at&t. called 28 days speaker series, encourages individuals not only to honor the past, but to leave a lasting legacy. >> the speaker ser sees, at&t 28 day speaker series is about aspiring people to achieve their dreams and create history for yourselves by finding what your passion is about. >> digital lifestyle expert mario armstrong

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United States , Charlottesville , Virginia , Mount Vernon , Washington , American University , District Of Columbia , Alexandria , Al Iskandariyah , Egypt , Tacoma , Capitol Hill , Montgomery County , Ocean City , Jersey , Georgetown University , West Virginia , American , Mike Tyson , Irma Goff , Blake Griffin , Jackie Benson , Mario Armstrong , Randy Foy , Elizabeth Kennedy , Joe Kennedy , Barney Frank , David A Poe , Andrea Sherry Scott , Randy Whitman , Bruno Alvarez , Dale Morton , Joshua Weissman , Las Vegas , Rick Santorum , Robert Kennedy , Jeremy Lin , Jay Leno , George Huguely , Jeremy Lin A Harvard ,

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