Transcripts For WRC News4 At 4 20160524

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the folks who take metro. >> today's major delays stem from track problems in medical center and woodly park ask it backed up the entire red line and big crowds started forming at the start of the morning rush. all of this is happening as metro's top leaders were on their way to face lawmakers on capitol hill. transportation reporter adam tuss is live at one of today's trouble spots in bethesda. adam? >> reporter: that's right, pat. we asked the general manager why this started along the red line and he said basically it was a water issue. of course, we have documented the water issues here at the medical center station and how every time it rains the water just goes into the station. crews have cleared out of here right now. there are some maintenance personnel still lingering around here, but we are told that the single tracking is now gone. nevertheless, it was an ugly morning commute for a lot of people frustrated by what they were finding as they were trying to make their ways to work. delays of 45 hour in some stretches. we talked to the general manager on capitol hill about it this morning. >> every time it rains for an extended period of time, are you worried and crossing your fingers? >> in that area, as you know, in that part of the system, it's a 25-plus-year recognized issue and you have to build a tunnel within a tunnel to stop that from happening there, and it does mean we have to do much more stronger maintenance there which means that we have to impact customers during the service if we don't have the timing out there. >> maintenance teams are putting an extra focus along the red line, but the general manager says they weren't able to get to this particular section and make meaningful repairs and some of the lawmakers on capitol hill guys, said that they flat-out avoided the red line today and one of them, 17 miles to get to the metro hearing today. >> adam, what about the rape along the red line last month. we understand the general manager talked about that today, too. >> reporter: right. we had a lot of questions about that today, pat, and what he basically said was that when that arrest was made and when that incident happened last month that the arrest was made so quick, within hours after that metro didn't really feel like they needed to publicize it. there was no threat to the public and they could just go and put it out as part of their crime statistics. we gave the general manager a bunch of -- and metro now says whenever there is a violent crime onboard they're going to report it the same day. so a change of policy and another reverse decision that the general manager has made rather quickly. >> all right. adam tuss, thank you. the governor of virginia is responding to reports the fbi is investigating his campaign. they're looking into whether terry mcauliffe received some illegal campaign contributions about three years ago. it's a toward our northern virginia bureau chief julie carey caught up with the governor in our area. governor terry mcauliffe says he'll be out, quote, in full force in the wake of news that the fbi and justice department is investigating whether he received an illegal campaign contribution in his run for governor in 2013. he proved his point today with two stops in northern virginia. the governor was swarmed by local and national media during a visit to alexandria's probation and parole office. mcauliffe says he was unaware an investigation was under way until news broke earlier this afternoon. >> according to media reports, the investigation concerns campaign donations from this man, wealthy chinese businessman wen liang wang who also sits on the nyu board of trustees. mcauliffe says his campaign attorneys vetted wang and found the contribution was legal. >> what's your level of confidence that you have not taken illegal campaign money? >> 100%. all i firms who did the vetting on this check. i can only rely. i personally didn't get the check. i rely on the people who did the vetting for it. they said he had a green card from 2007 so the contribution came in and they have unequivocally said that he was entitled to write a check. >> reporter: so exactly what is the governor's relationship with the campaign contributor in question and his answer to that when i join you on news 4 at 5:00. there's another relationship that makes the story more interesting. mcauliffe is the close friend of the clintons and he's become a target of donald trump on the campaign trail. steve handelsman is working on that part of the story on capitol hill who will join us later this hour. hillary clinton would like to focus donald trump and the general election and now she has to fend off a new challenge from her primary op bonent. senator bernie sand has a candidate in kentucky. one delegate still up sanders trails clinton by less than half of 1% in kentucky and wants to review the totals there. if you count the superdelegate, clinton is 78 away from clinching away the nomination and sanders is 844. first at 4, a judge in pennsylvania ruled today there is enough evidence to try comedian bill cosby on sexual assault charges. he'll be arraigned on july 20th. a woman claims cosby drugged her and sexually assaulted her at his pennsylvania home back in 2004. he insists the encounter was n consensu consensual. dozens of women have accused cosby of molesting them and this is the only case accusing him so far. more on cosby's reaction at the hearing today. it was a brutal attack on two lawyers that ended with a chase on the beltway. one of the suspects arrested while wearing an adult diaper. today we're h from the police involved in the husband and wife charged in this case. >> meagan fitzgerald has more from the courthouse. >> the morning started off by fairfax county police officers and detectives telling the jury about the night they chased and arrested andrew schmuhl and his wife alicia moments after they were left to die inside their home. the jury heard from an officer who chased the honda cr-v after the crime scene. alicia schmuhl was driving and andrew was in the passenger seat. they said schmuhl was only wearing a diaper and appeared to be heavily intoxicated on prescription pills. leo fisher testified that andrew schmuhl forced his way into his mclane home on november 9, 2014, stabbing and shooting fisher and his wife. separately. her husband's defense saying it was alicia who forced her husband to commit the crime while heavily medicated, meagan fitzgerald, news 4. >> we are getting started at 4:00 and the extreme measures being taken in the fight over prince's estate. >> taking on zika, first at 4:00 what the biggest challenge is to stopping the virus in our area. plenty of sunshine as one storm system moves away and what's moving in next and how about that memorial day weekend. i've got that forecast in just a minute. why the stuff that's supposed to make airport security faster is now having problems of his own and it's just in time for the memorial day getaway, all that and more f back at the live desk. it's scott macfarlane, breaking news in prince georges county and we have a new -- prince georges county. fire and ems says the blaze was carrying arizona iced tea and right now route 704 closed in both directions while they try to put this fire out. at the live desk, i'm scott macfarlane. there's been a new twist in the battle over prince's estate. two people claiming to be heirs are objecting to having to take blood and genetic tests to prove their relationship. they filed some court papers objecting administrator the power to require those kind of tests. the heirs say they've offered other proof of their relationship to prince and that should be enough. facebook's recent political controversy now prompting changes that you will soon see on your time line. the company's planning to change the way certain stories appear on users' news feeds. this comes after allegations that facebook has been suppressing stories that have a conservative slant. facebook said it's investigated the claims and found them to be untrue. nevertheless, the changes will ensure that the site remains welcome to all groups and individuals and will reduce any loss of trust in facebook's trending topic feature. >> comparing life-saving care to an amusement park. veterans are facing long wait times and now a d.a. official made a joke comparing it to disney. why he's not apologizing this afternoon. d newsroom. a major automaker expands its vehicle recalls for what happens when an all-encompassing brain scan is followed up with an all-embracing hug? what happens when the world's latest surgical technology what happens when you match cutting-edge clinical trials with a gentle touch? you get extraordinary medicine and remarkable care. novant health and uva health system are proudly partnering to bring better care to every patient. amid calls for his resignation the head of the veterans administration are responding to statements that brought him under fire. they shouldn't use waiti a measure of success and compare waits at the va health care centers for people waiting for rides at a disney theme park. he tells nbc news that it was more important than the appointment waiting time. >> the wait times are important. there's no question wait times are important, but there's more to the veteran experience than just wait times. if i was misunderstood or if i said the wrong thing i'm glad that i have the opportunity to correct it. >> missouri senator roy blunt is calling on mcdonald to resign. his comments are disgusting. mcdonald says the veterans affairs committee have asked him to stay on the job for the next administration. a developing story this afternoon could have you running outside to check your car. toyota is adding 1.6 million vehicles to its recall of takata air bags. consumer reporter susan hogan has been following this one thing after another. >> you're right about that. 17 automakers including toyota are adding up to 40 million more inflators to be in place. it affects vehicles sold in the united states and potentially faulty front passenger air bag inflators and here are the latest toyota models recalled. corolla, matrix, 2009 through 2011. fore runners from 2010 to 2011. 2011 siennas, the scion xb model years 2008 through 2011 and lexus 2006 through 2011. federal safety regulators said earlier this month they will accelerate and expand takata air bag recalls and toyota said it would notify customers through the mail. we have a full list of recalls and just go to the nbc washington app and search recalls. in the news room, susan hoga suburban hospital. the new garage and clinical building begins today. it's part of the effort to expand the facility. the existing buildings will also be renovated. the first phase of the project, the new parking garage is expected to be completed next year. turning to storm team 4, i don't want to say doug sounded like a broken ridiculous the past, oh, 30 days, but man, it is nice to get variety in the forecast today. >> will you continue playing this tune? did you realize i was only here half of that time? >> no, because they kept relooping their own forecast. >> rain later today and chance of showers? we'll see you later. let's hope it stayslike this over the next couple of days because everyone's been waiting for today and when i say today, today is the first day this month that we've seen 80 degrees. that is amazing and it has been an plenty of sunshine and beautiful conditions and look at the winds out of the northwest at 15 and they're on the breezy side, but it has been spectacular all day long and we've got warmer weather coming up over the next couple of days and so warm, in fact, that by friday many of you say i wish it was cooler. trust me. >> 82 in dulles and 80s, everywhere and the exception along the water and pawtuxet river around 76 degrees and everybody on the warm side. no rain to talk about. storm team 4 radar completely clear and it will stay that way for the next few days and you want to see where the nice storm was where we had yesterday and way up in boston where they're sitting with the temperatures at 50 today and look at all of the sunshine we've got back to the west and that's what we'll see the next couple of days. 83 degrees in d.c. and 82, richmond and ocean city coming in at 77 degrees and of course, everybody thinking about the beach this weekend if you're heading out toward the beaches memorial day weekend looking okay. a great start with plenty of sunshine and tomorrow afternoon we get warmer still with temperatures in the mid-80s going between 3:00 and 5:00 and abundant sunshine all day any once again tomorrow and once again, the shorts and the short-sleeve shirts for the kids and 87 fredericksburg and 86 in washington. plenty of sunshine and low humidity. now as we head toward the end of the week and one thing that will creep up is the humidity factor. thursday's highs of 87 degrees and friday at 89. the heat index on friday could be in the low 90s so we're going to get warm quick here and we go from 50s this weekend to near 90 on friday and 30% of a storm on thursday and friday will be well toward the west and most everybody on the dry side here for the next four days. saturday, the start of day weekend. saturday looking good with the high temperature of around 87 degrees and coming up at 4:45, tom kieran was going to talk about the weekend and if you have a plan to head down to the beaches, we could be talking about a coastal storm. >> thank you, doug. the zika virus, the fight to contain it and what doctors say is the best chance of stopping it before it spreads here in the u.s. and a social media upheaval. the major let's run it down. kids and smartphones and tweets. hot 99 joins us with stories people are talking about. pretty soon no one will have to think quite so hard about what they say on twitter. >> it's the worse. you're going to put the perfect tweet together and you want to throw a photo of you in there with, i don't know, a television celebrity and next thing you know you're over your limit! today twitter has announced that no longer will photos count toward the, quote, 24 characters they do now. same thing with videos, as well toward the 140-character limit. the change announced today is to attract brand new users. however, weblinks will not count. they will still count toward the 140 characters as will t the @symbol. >> i like that they're keeping the 140. >> that's the idea behind twitter. >> you want to say something more than that, go on facebook. i try to conserve battery power when my cell phone battery hits 20%. some people downright panic. >> they do. we asked our listeners on hot 99.5 at what point do they panic when their cell phone freaks out and gets down to a certain level. believe it or not, 81% was the level. that's not most of america, thank goodness. legit panic sets in below 20%. taking someone else's charger. i owe you, like, 20 chargers and 23% skip the gym because their phone wasn't at full power. imagine asking a total stranger for a charger, too. i've done it. guilty as charged, but i needed it. >> speaking of cell phones, once kids figure out what an iphone is they want one. i mean, my daughter at 3 years old already knew how to swipe and pull up pictures. how long can we hold them off? i got a walkman. you're lucky you have a smartphone. 10 is the age at which your kids will be asking for a smartphone. whether or not you get them one is entirely up to you. >> me, i'm getting my daughters the jitter bug phones that call your grandmother and 911 and that's it. the first social media account comes at the age of 11. >> wow! >> yeah. pretty scary. >> six seven years before you're even old enough to drive. >> i had a walkman. >> that was back in the day. what kind of hot tickets have you got? >> listen to this. you want to talk about something awesome. we're giving away 40 tickets to go see selena gomez at verizon center on june 4th graduation party and you can win a party with selena gomez and 49 of your closest friends on the cane show. >> you will have to come back and follow up and tell us who comes away with that. >> there will be a lot of chargers. >> that's right. pat? >> all right, gentlemen, thank you. virginia's governor caught in a controversy. will his close ties to the clintons be fair game on the campaign trail? finding another way to get to work. why more communities are coming up with plan b as metro gets ready for its huge maintenance project. plus, as the tsa gets ready for millions of travelers over the weekend, the method that's supposed to make security faster has a long wait of its this is breaking news first at 4:00. right off the top at 4:30, we're getting some incredible video of a tractor trailer that literally turned into an inferno along the local road. >> this is the scene on route 704 in landover. prince georges fire and ems says the truck was carrying iced tea. right now 704 is closed in both directions. we are told the driver is not injured and most of the fire is now out. we'll keep updating you here on news 4 and the nbc washington a app. this is a real difficult it's a different kind of public health measure that when you're trying to prevent transmission from person to person like with a respiratory illness. it's a whole new venue of transmission which is quite difficult to contain. >> dr. anthony fauci of the national institutes of health earlier today discussing some of the biggest challenges in stopping the zika virus and that is controlling the mosquitos that spread the disease. he made a panel on ways to manage the risk here in the u.s. >> nbc's kerry sanders is working on this story for "nightly news" and joins us live from miami. terry, how can the u.s. respond to the health threat if they can't even stop fighting over funding? >> well there, is a real fight over funding and dr. fauci said it was not a request for $1.9 billion from the president, but that it was needed and so what borrowing money from other funds like the ebola fund and using it for this, but at some point the piper will ask to be paid and they'll need the money. consumer reports has come out with research with what we can do as consumers when we're worried about the mosquitos that carry the virus and they're saying sprays are more effective than using the lotions and we should use the labels and look for a couple of things and maybe it has deet which has shown to be effective to a chemical ingredient that is also effective and orange of oil eucalyptus which is effective. one of the things they looked at was for pregnant mothers who were concerned about using the chemicals when they're pregnant and maybe that would affect their pregnancies and the studies suggest and so do the medical authorities that the chemical allowed to be used are indeed not harmful to a mother those natural items, some of the natural repellents that are sold are not effective. if you are a woman, pregnant, using a natural repellent you should look very closely to make sure yours is on the list that's proven effective. >> kerry, dr. fauci, did he talk about whether he thinks the u.s. is doing enough? there's been a lot of debate. some people think we're too late responding and that we're not responding well enough. what did he say about that? i think probably the most compelling thing that he had to say was that it's possible that there may be a vaccine that comes out of trial maybe by the end of 2016, 2017 and then he said maybe 2018. the real challenge that he talked about is every community has its own mosquito control and of course, a mosquito doesn't between one government and the other. so in some parts of the country, you have a city that has a tremendous amount of effective mosquito control and the town just next door does not, and of course, the fear is that while we have not seen zika in mosquitos in the united states, we've seen it in people who have traveled primarily from south america and puerto rico and the fear is that the mosquito bites somebody who is carrying zika and they're unaware that they have it and then it gets into the mosquito population and that mosquito goes on and bites and draws blood from the woman who is pregnant. >> kr kerry sanders, thank youy much, kerry. >> watch kerry sanders' full report at 7:00 on nbc "nightly news" with lester holt, following news 4 at 6:00. new at 4:00, metro's track work to improve your safety will hit fairfax county first now the county is trying to help ease up on your commute. the county only has two weeks to prepare for the impact of a now single tracking of the orange and silver lines and then there will be months of other work beyond that. the county is trying to use the coming days to get you to think about ride sharing and telework. they're also going to set up supplemental bus and some other services, but board chairman bulova is sure the county will work together. >> i am always impressed with the people who live in our region are resilient and they'll find a way and we'll get through this. >> she says the county supports metro safety moves and is ready to help folks get through it. for specific details on the added service options and go to the nbc washington app and search fairfax safe track. within the past hour police identified the two people found dead in prince william county. they are 18-year-old dennisha simpson and kevin draper. their bodies were found in an apartment on jorgenson drive. the cause of the death is under investigation. police stay there is no threat o the community. voters in washington state are headed to the polls for the republican presidential primary. we are not expect anything surprises. there's one active campaign on the ballot. on the democratic side the investigation into terry mcauliffe raises some new concerns for the clinton campaign. steve handelsman is live on capitol hill and he's picking up that part of the story. hi, steve. >> as you know, voter trust is a big problem for hillary clinton. every poll shows that. this new issue could strengthen the sense of scandal of the clinton brand. >> reporter: she of thes the focus her experience. >> we have to do more to support families. distract again. close clinton friend vuirginia governor terry mcauliffe denies wrongdoing and admits he is under investigation for his role in the clinton foundation and donations from a chinese national. >> this was an allegation of a gentleman who gave a check to my campaign. i didn't bring the donor in. i didn't bring him into the clinton foundation. >> on instagram calling bill clinton an abuser of women and reviving conspiracy theories on the death of close hillary friend vince foster in 1993. trump now calling it fishy despite six investigations that called it suicide. >> they can't stand it. >> reporter: some republican insiders who once warned those kind of attacks would turn off swing voters now support trump. >> he says it like it is. i think that will be upsetting for bill and hillary clinton. i'm not sure the answers they gave 20 years ago will work anymore. >> the new clinton attack on trump claims he rooted for the housing crash of 2008. >> i sort of hop because then people like me would go in and buy. >> bernie sanders is still linking her to wall street in 2008. >> secretary clinton voted for the bailout. i voted against the bailout. >> hillary clinton under fire from all sides. and donald trump living proof that the rules have changed is threatening to turn the heat even higher on clinton's personal issues. i'm steve handelsman, news 4. it is a scary situation. it was all caught on camera. why it spelled trouble for a mother waiting in the passenger seat. >> it has been a dreamy spring day with comfortable humidity, warm sunshine and how much longer can this last and a look vo: for dominion, part of delivering affordable energy includes supporting those in our community who need help. our energyshare program does just that, assisting with bill pay and providing free, energy-saving upgrades. it's more than helping customers, it's helping neighbors. ♪ stand by me talk about an amazing sight in the skies today. i never get tired of seeing these guys, these men and women. the u.s. navy's blue angels practicing their acrobatics. the squadron will perform again friday at the naval academy graduation. >> it's always a sight to see, isn't it? complaints that capitol hill isn't as family friendly as it should be. an investigation by the news 4 i-team says congress isn't following its own standards for accommodating parents. scott macfarlane what you will see on news 4. >> it started digging after a u.s. house committee, that efforts should be made to provide temporary and it shouldn't require such parking at its buildings. it's something shane miller would like to see improved now expecting her second child. >> i think about when i was pregnant the first time parking in the garage and literally 15 minutes of waddling to my office -- >> from your spot. >> from my spot to my office. >>, but the i-team found other issues and the shortage of family restrooms with changing tables and the stations for nursing mothers down on the hill and why congress doesn't have to follow the same laws it helps pass for others. scott macfarlane, news 4 i-team. it is the graduation ceremony this senior probably never exte police had to adjust and why he never made it to the original event. they want you to sign up for tsa pre-check to avoid the line leans at airports. i'm mark segraves and i'll tell yo it needs top. it's fine with me if they fire me. >> i just hope and pray that i'm in a fast line. >> the tsa making more moves to move you through the airport security a little more quickly. it's replacing its head of security and creating a new command center, but is it enough to ensure that you won't miss your next flight? wait times several hours long have been reported across the country. >> the tsa wantious to register for its pre-check program to avoid the long lines and as news 4's mark segraves discovers it's forcing folks like pat to wait a long time just to get approved, mark. >> reporter: you're exactly right, chris. travelers have a couple of options to avoid the long lines here at airports. they can sign up for tsa pre-check for domestic flights or global entry for international flight, but if you're planning on using either of those programs to speed through security you better plan ahead. >> if you want to avoid long lines like these, tsa pre-check can help. through those lines more quickly, not having to take off your belt or shoes or empty your bags. signing up for tsa pre-check is pretty simple. go online and fill out an application, but you will need to visit one of the five tsa service centers in our area in person for fingerprinting and to show your documentation, and that's where the delays come in. you can make appointments online, but the earliest available appointments in our area are about four weeks out. if you can't wait four weeks for an a moment, you can do a walk-in, but then you may have to wait hours. it took this frequent flier an hour and a half today at the tsa service center at reagan national which he said in the long run will pay off. >> whatever advantage i can have to get in and out of the airports since i do travel. >> reporter: tsa pre-check does come with a fee, $85 for a five-year program, if you're pla you're doing travel, with your airline tickets or your passport, the lesson we learned here today, you better plan far and ahead to get this expedited service. pat, back to you. >> mark segraves, thank you, mark. we want to know how long you get to the airport before your domestic flight leaves. it's our nbc washington flash survey this afternoon. call or text the number on your screen. you can also vote on the nbc washington facebook page. a lot of you slog through the freeway day in and day out and you get to weigh in on the future of i-66. v-dot is holding a public meeting on the district office in fairfax. it starts at 7:00 tonight. you can see plans for the hov conversion of the interstate and give them some comments of your own, as well. >> we are working several developing stories in our newsroom right now. nbc 4 responds after a virginia couple complains to an automaker that their brand new vehicle stalled in traffic times. with no recourse, the couple gave us a call. i'm tom sherwood in lafayette square. now you know this house behind me. it's been home to the obamas for over seven years with lots of curious tourists outside. but now the obama family has to move out in january. the family says it will live in washington until daughter sasha finishes high school, but where will they live? they've been looking. >> it would be wonderful for the neighborhood. it's convenient and secure. coming up on news 4 at 5:00, a house or two in an exclusive, quiet city neighborhood that might be just the spot. and now, your storm team 4 forecast. >> good afternoon. i'm storm team 4 meteorologist tom kierein. we've been basking in the sunshine. we have cotton ball clouds floating in the blue sky and a terrific spring day with the feels so good after the rain we've had and the cool weather and that system that was plaguing us the last few days is rotating over new england and we're all dry here now and happy to report no rain anywhere in the vicinity and temperatures are warming nicely and we're up around 80 degrees in shenandoah valley and low 80s in the metro area and in the upper 70s. a beautiful day there in the mountains and all of the way to the atlantic beach and the pollen count is up. now that we've dried out a bit and it's in the high range and mostly oak and pine tree pollen and the mold spores and no doubt they'll be feeling that. when to wear this evening and you need the sunglasses for a couple of hours and put away the umbrella and we'll not be needing that this evening, and if you plan an exercise run and plan a run by 6:00 and upper 70s at 7:00, and by 11:00 later this evening under a clear sky back down at the low 70s and waiting low 60s with bright sunshine and mild and upper 60s and going forward over the next several days, it will be a little more humoid thursday with highs reaching the upper 80s and after we reach the low 80s with low humidity and up near 90 degrees like summer and it will feel like july with humidity around on friday and there is a chance of an afternoon on sunday and the memorial day weekend and it will be near 70 in the morning and up into the upper 80s on saturday and svend away from the waters and it will be in the mid-80s and if we go for the memy beaches for the weekend. how are they supposed to be breezy and nice at the beaches and a coastal storm system may be bringing some rain in with cooler would only be in the 60s, as we look at the incorrect one as we get the first part of next week will be a bit warmer on tuesday and we'll be up into the low 80s on tuesday afternoon and just a chance of a passing shower or thunder shower. i just showed that, doug. >> you did? >> we just had it. no problem, we'll show it again. we'll watch the storm off the coast for the beaches and that's the way it looks. guys, back to you. >> doug's been waiting to use that beach ball, man! it's been a month and he couldn't use it. >> so excited! >> we've been waiting to see it. thanks, guys. >> thanks, tom. wooe pretty lucky at this point, but wild weather is still pounding parts of the country. take a look at the quarter-size hail falling over northern texas last night and ice pulling over to seek shelter. there were several accidents including one driver wo hit the hail-covered road and slid right into a ditch. a legendary comedian gets his day in court. >> first at 4:00, what happened when bill cosby fa nowwhich means it's the perfect time to create the perfect home. now through may 30th, take an extra hundred dollars off every thousand dollars you spend. plus, enjoy 36-month, no-interest financing. with havertys, your home can be perfect. even when life isn't. sfx:nocking. we're early! the memorial day sale. from classic to contemporary. havertys. investigators say a young woman was behind the wheel of the car when she threw it into reverse and plowed into a squad car. that's when they discovered she didn't have a license or insurance. they were about to impound her car. investigators say that's when she lost her cool and took off. two deputies and the woman's mother who was the passenger in the car were all injured in that crash. a high school senior was on his way to graduation in arizona when he was hit by a taxi. joseph dixon's right leg was broken meaning he wouldn't be able to walk across the stage during the ceremony and thanks to the tempe police he still got his diploma. the first responders who helped him after the accident went to the hospital and hand delivered his diploma. everyone who was involved described it as the moment they're never going to forget. he's in bad shape. his injuries are so severe that the young man is still in the hospital this afternoon. we're getting some new details in the criminal case against bill cosby involving that alleged sexual assault. today we learned the actor and comedian will stand trial after a pennsylvania judge ruled there is evidence against him. jay gray has the story from outside philadelphia. >> reporter: bill cosby is used to hearing the cheers of fans and cameras and spotlight, but this is a much different stage. the 78-year-old actor seemed to stumble a bit as he walked into the pennsylvania courthouse as he listened prosecutors detail allegations of sexual assault. a former detective read statements she took from andrea constand after she said she was molested by cosby inside his suburban philadelphia mansion in 2004. in that statement constand said she was dizzy, blurry-eyed and started to panic after cy pills and some wine before the alleged assault. >> the point of this is that it was intoxicating to her, and that she was unable to consent. that's the crime. >> cosby has told investigators the pills were benadryl that he offered to constand to help her relax and that the encounter of consensual. his attorney at times screaming in the courtroom labeled the hearing a complete denial of cosby's rights. >> there was no evidence here and the inconsistencies that plagued this investigation from the beginning continue to plague it now. >> after more than three hours of back and forth between prosecutors and the defense then a ten-minute break, judge elizabeth mchugh ruled there was enough evidence to move forward with the trial. jay gray, nbc news. right now at 5:00, we'll tell you where police ultimately tracked down two suspects accused in a bold shopping center shootout. also ahead, a deadly drug cocktail. now one teenager is dead. a local high school student is charged and the role police say he played in the death. he says his new car shut off right in the middle of traffic not once, but several times and when the dealer couldn't find the problem he called nbc 4 responds. metro is an embarrassment. blunt talk today from congressional leaders as top metro leaders took more tough questions about the state of the metro system. >> the hearing happened the same day the red line melted down from insulators. the social media post from metro riders. they say it all and complaints about commute that took hours and the transit agency now says it's changing its policy when it comes to reporting violent crimes on the system. our transportation reporter adam tuss joins us live from the medical center station and the scene of one of this morning's problems. adam? >> jim, let'sar metrotransity police and how they're now going to report violent crimes and that change coming after an outcry about a suspected rape last month along the red line. that pretty much wasn't known until yesterday and that was a major change that happened just this afternoon. now as far as this morning, yeah. water problems here at the medical center station and that has been an ongoing issue here and a lot of water seeping down on to the tracks after all that rain, creating a big mess. >> crammed, crowded trains up and down the red line as metro hit with another round of arcing insulators. the look on riders' faces enough to tell you this was a terrible morning commute. >> we watched the metropolitan area transit authority. >> capitol hill where congressional leaders were grilling metro leaders about the disrepair in the system. illinois congressman dan lipinski said he regularly rides the red

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