Transcripts For WRC News4 At 5 20160219

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accountable. >> reporter: as children leave for the weekend, parents are receiving a letter announcing the appointment of an acting school principal, john brooks, to help the school work through these difficult times. the school's principal placed on leave after she was accused of failing to report the alleged abuse. what about removing the principal? was that the right move? >> yeah. that was the right move. >> reporter: anybody else need to do? >> anybody else helping him do whatever he was doing, i think all of them should have been fired. >> reporter: last night a committee of the school board met to discuss the system's policy on volunteers in school. many parents say if carraway, again a volunteer at one point, had not been allowed to be alone with kids, the crimes may not have been committed. 17 alleged victims ages 9 to 13 have come forward so far. now, not all the news here is bad. some safety changes have already been implemented it school. we're live in glenarden. darcy spencer, news4. a little over an hour ago president obama and first lady michelle obama joined a large crowd at the supreme court to pay tribute to the late antonin scalia. the president and first lady observed a moment of silence next to justice scalia's casket and then they reflected before a portrait of him. >> taking a live look now, the body of the long-time justice will lie in repose at the great hall of the high court until 9:00 tonight. it was first scheduled to last until 8:00 this evening, but because there have been such long lines, the hours were extended. president ronald reagan appointed scalia to the supreme court in 1986. he was the longest serving member on the current high court until his death on saturday. scalia is well known both for his sense of humor as well as for being an unapologetic but fair conservative influencing a wide range of issues. clerks lined the steps as ska loo yaes flag-draped casket was carried into the great hall. derrick ward has been talking to mourners today. he joins us live now outside the court. derrick? >> reporter: you heard jim talk about the length of that line, and what we see here is deceptively short. actually the line extends all the way down east capitol to the rear of the court and there's another branch of the line that goes down first street and it goes all the way in front of the library of congress, and, of course, this is just indicative of the people who would wait a long time just to get in for the viewing. justice ska lee's body arrived at 9:30 sharp. inside the grand hall of the high court, scalia's coffin was placed in repose upon the same catafalque, the wooden platform, on which president lincoln's coffin rested. outside the line began forming hours before the mo reminiscent for the one for chief justice william rehnquist when he died in 2005. >> just to come up to honor a man who is serving the country. >> reporter: for scalia that service at the court included being the standard bearer for conservatism. the reagan appointee was the longest serving justice and his opinions on and off the bench were animated and often controversial. >> you do what you do and when usual dead, you know, you say you always honor the dead. >> reporter: and that was the order of this day. black mourning cloth aborned scalia's seat on the bench. flags out the court and around the city at half-staff. >> it's very somber. he was a great man. he was a legal giant. i feel really honored to have had the opportunity to say good-bye. >> reporter: and while the country and often the court would cleave along partisan lines on social issues, larry from falls church says the more liberal counterparts show what it stood for. >> to be good natured and yet disagree. it's very important. and i think in a 5-4 decision, obviously it makes a very big difference. >> reporter: and, again, that extended -- the extended hours for the viewing have happened because of this line being as long as it is, probably an unexpected outpouring of grief and remembrance for justice scalia. coming up on news4 at 6:00, we'll have more on the foenlks o are here and what's going on inside. derrick ward, news4. >> thank you. it's looking more like the man charged in the d.c. mansion murders will be going to trial. daron wint pleaded not guilty before a d.c. superior court judge today. mark segraves was in that courtroom this morning and joins us live with answers to some questions people have been asking. mark? >> reporter: good evening, jim. you know, the district does not have the death penalty, so the most wint faces is life in prison without the possibility of parole. legal experts today tell us that because of that, it's no surprise that he pled not guilty and doesn't appear to be cooperating with prosecutors. daron wint was arrested last year just days after the bodies of savvas savopoulos, his wife amy, their 10-year-old son philip and the family's housekeeper were discovered by firefighters inside the family home in upper northwest. wint's dna was found on pizza crust at the crime scene. >> having his dna in the house i think is pretty slam dunk. i'd be happy if i was the prosecutor going on that alone, but i think there's a lot of other circumstantial evidence that puts him there. >> reporter: wint tripped over his shackles this morning as he entered the courtroom. a court-martial caught him as he amy amy's father was in the courtroom. family members and the prosecutors declined to speak as they left the court. prosecutors say they believe wint had help but so far no one else has been charged. legal experts say because d.c. has the death penalty there's no reason for wint to cooperate with prosecutors or to take a plea deal. >> he has no reason not to roll the dice. there's nothing to be gained by pleading out for him. they can't offer him a deal that would ever see him outside of a jail again. >> reporter: not only does he have no real incentive to take a plea deal, the civil rights attorney who opposes the death penalty said if d.c. did allow for capital punishment, prosecutors might have more leverage to get wint to tell them who else was involved in the murders. >> in that case they would have something to hold over him, he would have something to lose, his life. >> reporter: now, wint is due back in court almost exactly a year to the day that he was arrested. now, as for the home behind me, it's been sold and the new owners have applied for a permit to tear it down and build a new house. coming up at 6:00, why other states that don't have the death penalty are able to charge the death penalty in cases like the boston marathon bomber. pat, back to you. >> marksegraves, thank you. new at 5:00, prosecutors in montgomery county have dropped charges in a man accused of a deadly shooting. a grand jury declined to charge him for a shooting at his home. we're told that shooting was in self-defense after a guest threatened him. that guest mario perez was larger and able to inflict harm and had a blood alcohol level that may have been three times the legal limit. montgomery county police are looking for more people who may have had encounters with this man. william brown, jr. was arrested and charged with three sex assaults against women in investigators say he inappropriately touched two women at the safeway on georgia avenue and a third woman across the street near the midcounty regional services center. the family of a woman who disappeared from her northwest d.c. home seven years ago is holding a vigil tomorrow. pamela butler was a government analyst. she disappeared in february of 2009 under suspicious circumstances. surveillance cameras at her home on fourth street captured her going into the house but never leaving. the vigil will take place at 4:00 p.m. tomorrow near butler's home at the corner of 4th and oglethorpe street in northwest. and the race for the white house now all eyes will be on south carolina where the republicans have a primary and nevada where the democrats will caucus. at stake for the gop, 50 delegates. 29 of those will go to the winner of the primary. the rest allocated by congressional district. the latest polls have donald trump in front of the pack with ted cruz and marco rubio right candidates had to nevada for a caucus next tuesday. for the democrats, there are 43 delegates at stake in nevada where polls have a dead heat between hillary clinton and bernie sanders. 35 are based on the popular vote, 8 are superdelegates. but unlike south carolina, delegates aren't bound to a candidate until may. the next contest, by the way, after nevada is one week from tomorrow in south carolina for the democrats where clinton just picked up an endorsement from long-time congressman jim clyburn. well, turning to the weather, doug, we are in for a weekend that we're looking forward to and we're looking beyond the weekend. so give us the details. >> well, i'll tell you this weekend looking really, really nice. we've got temperatures into the 60s tomorrow, upper 50s to around 60 on saturday. so a really nice looking weekend. some of the warmest numbers we've seen in quite some time. outside right now, out towards rockville camera, right now dealing with a lot of cloud cover. we'll c clouds streaming through. this is all part of the warm front that's helping to move on through the region. it's also helping to bring us those winds. winds out of the south right now and we are getting warmer. look back to the west. charleston, west virginia, at 63 degrees. we're at 64 in jackson, kentucky. that's the warm air making its way our way. we're at 40 now, but by this time tomorrow we will be a whole lot warmer. tonight's headlines a great weekend. watching for a chance of showers on sunday, although some of the latest computer models in saying that might not happen, but again we've been saying all day, almost all of sunday will be dry anyway. next week, not one, but two different storms. i'm going to have much more information on this forecast for next week coming up in just a minute. tonight we're working for you. >> it's tax season. why identity theft is a huge concern. and how to make sure your refund makes it to your bank account. after guilty verdicts for three defendants in an infamous local murder trial, tonight we're getting our first look at some of the chilling evidence you're watching news4 at 5 police have identified the driver of that deadly crash tonight, dennis frampton of halethorpe died after being ejected from his tractor-trailer. it avenue and tied up traffic all morning long on the beltway. police tell us frampton's truck hit the barrier between the inner and outer loops and overturned. the fuel tanks from the truck also ruptured forcing police to shut down both loops for part of the morning. no word yet what led up to that crash. tonight we are hearing the jailhouse phone calls made by maryland man who ordered a hit against his own uncle. brian mayhew's uncle was killed just weeks before he was set to testify against him in daubl murder trial. prince george's county bureau chief tracee wilkins is in upper marlboro where mayhew and his co-conspirators are facing multiple life sentences. >> reporter: this jury found all three of them giuilty. they say mayhew ordered the hit and his co-defendants carried it out. nicoh mayhew seen wearing a white jacket here walks into his mother's apartment building holding his 2-year-o the suspect seen ducking behind the cars, go into the building shooting and killing mayhew and injuring his 2-year-old son. >> they know what they did to my son. i don't think any mother or anybody should have to you go through that. >> reporter: nicoh mayhew was set to testify against his nephew. state prosecutors say mayhew ordered his uncle's murder to keep that from happening. >> we hope it sends the message out to anyone that witness intimidation as a strategy will never, ever work. >> reporter: he coordinated his uncle's hit while he was locked up in prince george's county jail through a series of illegal three-way conversations. >> get all the way up. >> what you think i'm going to do? >> i don't know. i just -- you know i got to put it down like how i do it nothing less, feel me. >> scheming, conniving and just ruthless. he has no heart. he's just a dang >> reporter: despite his uncle's murder, brian mayhew was convicted in that double murder. now he and his co-defendants, stanley winston and anthony cannon are facing multiple life sentences. >> i'm just happy these people will not be walking the streets no more. >> reporter: there were a lot of questions about how mayhew was able to make those calls and do this while he was in jail. it's actually something that the prince george's county jail is still working on dealing with. coming up on news4 at 6:00, hear more of those calls including one where brian mayhew is telling his uncle just how much he loves him before calling those hit men to tell them where to find pimm. tracee wilkins, back to you. a hearing is under way for a bill over what some call death with dignity. this measure would give some terminally ill patients with less than six months the option to obtain drugs that would end their life. a similar bill got stalled in the maryland general this new bill requires a private conference between the doctor and patient. it also requires the state to keep records of how many people request the drugs and how many use them. the head of the zika response team from the world health organization says he's predicting a fantastic olympics for rio this summer. the doctor says he believes most of the virus will be, in his words, way down by the time the games kick off. he said much of the mosquito population will drop off because it will be winter in the southern hemisphere. the w.h.o. also says the rio games will be in a relatively confined area making it easier to control the mosquito population there. those two maryland deputies killed by a shooter at a restaurant last week now have their office's highest recognition. the sheriff's office medal of honor. there's a makeshift memorial for senior deputies pat dailey and mark logsdon at the panera bread in abingdonhe there's also an online way to pay tribute to their lives. it's on the stories between website. it's hon designed to honor loved ones lost. you can send a message to the family. >> there's so much focus when someone passes away on the passing and the loss, and so this way those people can come to that page, share their stories, and when the families are really ready to process all of this outpouring of support, they can go there, read the stories, even learn more about their loved ones. >> today is the second day of visitation for deputy logsdon. his funeral is set for tomorrow. deputy dailey's funeral was on wednesday. people in their right minds never take pride in their talents. words from "to kill a mockingbird" and birds that its author appeared to live by. harper lee wrote the pulitzer prize winner and classic film. it sold more than 40 million copies but lle former president george w. bush awarded her the medal of freedom in 2007. last year a sequel to "mockingbird," "go set a watchman" not mixed reviews when it was released. she passed away in her sleep. she was 89. we have been streaming the services all day on nbc washington's app. justice antonin scalia makes one final visit to the place's dominated for the past three decades. we're live at the supreme court. the oldest cold case in montgomery county. after decades, how you might be able to help police solve it. and we've seep a lot of cloud cover across the region today. tomorrow it's more sunshine and temperatures in the 60s. get out the shorts. maybe not quite the shorts. i'll let you know when you need the coats, maybe the umbrellas again coming up right a it's been a month since we got hit with the blizzard of 2016, but maryland's governor is now asking the federal government for help. governor larry hogan just sent president obama a request for a disaster declaration. parts of maryland saw 30 to 40 inches of snow and blizzard conditions. a lot of the roads across the state remain covered with ice maryland emergency management has already started working with fema to assess just how much damage that storm caused, but they think it could be one of the costliest responses to a storm ever for this region. governor hogan did declare a state of emergency during the storm which means the state also has to pay for the deployment of the national guard. and now your storm team4 forecast. everybody asking me are we going to see another blizzard like that this season? and i can tell you right now the answer to that is no. that is a very tough storm to come by, very rare to see those. normally those are one in maybe five or six-year events. that event could be more than like a one in ten-year event. this next coming storm is something we'll have to watch next week. right now we have the cloud cover. you can see the plane coming in landing out there at dca. looking at a nice afternoon. it's cool today. not cold, but d average high temperature is around 48 degrees, so we're well below average. winds out of the southeast at 14 miles per hour. look at the region. 37 gaithersburg. 37 in annapolis. it has been a very cool afternoon. as we told you it would be. tonight is going to be a cool night but it's not going to be a cold night. as a matter of fact, temperatures will only drop a few degrees from where they are right nout. nothing on the radar. what we have coming in is a warm front. you can see it clearly. see the snow right here? that's the warm front that's actually pushing off towards the north and east, and behind this we've got much warmer air making its way our way. how warm? well, how about 72 in st. louis? 64 in cincinnati. 70 in memphis. 75 in jackson, mississippi. and in jackson, kentucky, right now we're in the 60s. that's the warm air moving our way. we will see that warm air in here tomorrow. it will stick around for the day on sunday, too. high of 63 tomorrow. just a beautiful day. i mean, i really cannot wait to get out and about tomorrow, just to walk around, get maybe even eat outside. that's how nice it could be tomorrow afternoon. it will be a little breezy but if you're thinking about getting out there on the bike, 42 at the start of tomorrow with sunshine. perfect 60 degrees by 1:00. dropping to about 59 by 5:00. once again a very nice afternoon all the way around. future weather showing what's happening tomorrow and on sunday. we have plenty of sunshine. nice and warm on our saturday. even saturday evening, here we are at 8:00. clear skies. a very nice night. sunday we're going to have more cloud cover during the day and that will help to keep things a little bit cooler. could see some sun, but temperatures in the upper 50s. notice down to the south, a chance for rain late, but then at 8:00 we start to see our chances increase for rain overnight. i do think we'll see some rain overnight sunday night into the early morning hours on monday. now, what's going to happen over the next couple days? 58 on sunday. most of the day dry. 49 on monday. and then on tuesday that's the first system. we're now projecting two systems, one tuesday, one wednesday night tuesday, looking aliwe'll have r two coming up later. right now at 5:00 a warning about one of the holiday's most popular gifts. those hover boards, every one on the market right now deemed unsafe by the federal government. and it's been a tough year for the campus of the university of mary washington after the murder of a student leader. tonight how the school's new president plans to bring healing to the campus. i'm julie carey in woodbridge, virginia, where they are digging again two weeks after an explosion rocked a house in this neighborhood. why juan local you're watching news4 at 5:00. >> a neighborhood on edge and a northern virginia lawmaker is demanding answers now from washington gas after an explosion rocked a house in his district earlier this month. northern virginia bureau chief julie carey joins us now live from that woodbridge neighborhood where lots of dig something still going on as the utility addresses concerns tonight. julie? >> reporter: yeah. well, you can see those fraesh patches of asphalt behind me. a few minutes ago they were surrounded by work crews and heavy equipment. they wrapped up for the day but all this activity has residents here wondering and worried a the streets are pocked with holes and fresh patches of asphalt. work has continued here nonstop in the wake of a gas explosion at a nearby home on february 7th. these are photos of the damage left behind. the explosion rocked the house just minutes after firefighters evacuated the family. today two blocks away crews had broken through to other underground lines leading this homeowner too fearful to even cook on his stove. have you done anything different in recent days? >> well, i haven't put on the stove. >> reporter: concerns like that are the reason state senator jeremy mcpike was in the area handing out flyers. his office has received lots of calls. >> people want to know, has their line been checked? is their house safe. >> reporter: mcpike says between seven and ten gas leaks have been found. the soil was so saturated with gas it had to be aerated. you can see the holes in the ground. >> we want to understand what is the systematic check that's going throughout the community. are these lines safe and what is washington gas doing about it? >> reporter: washington gas tells me all the high grade leaks skord have been repaired. lower grade leaks on a repair kege. as a preventative schedule some nonleaking lines near the impacted home are being' placed. at 6:00 i'll tell but the most surprising revelation concerning the house where the explosion concerned and why it says state senator mcpike so worried. back to you in the studio. >> thank you, julie carey. a live look inside the great hall of the supreme court where mourners have been lining up all day to pay tribute to antonin scalia. >> he passed away last saturday at the age member of the current high court. >> pete williams is live outside the court now with more on scalia's legacy. pete, talk about the impact his death will have. >> reporter: well, actually what i'd like to talk about here is the remarkable outpouring of people who have come here to pay their last respects to justice scalia. this line here to get into the building goes down east capitol street and all the way down to the second street and there's another part of the line that crosses east capitol street toward the library of congress. so this has been such a long line, there are already something like 4,000 people who have been here to pay their respects. the court is actually going to keep the building open an extra hour. they're going to go until 9:00 to accommodate all the people today, but it was a very dramatic scene here today. justice scalia's final return to the supreme court this morning in that flag-draped casket brought up the magnificent marble steps of the court, inside a prayer from his son, paul, who is a catholic priest in northern virginia. he will also celebrate the funeral mass tomorrow at the basilica of the shrine of the national -- the national shrine out of catholic university, and then the burial will be in a private ceremony. but it's been quite an emotional day here today. president obama and mrs. obama came by briefly to pay their respects, and it's just been a continuous line. you're looking at those four people standing on each side of the casket. those are former law clerks. he had well over a hundred and they have been rotating that duty every half hour here. >> pete williams. thanks so much, pete. >> reporter: you bet. this unsolved murder case in montgomery county and we'll show you why police are hoping you could have the clue to cracking the case. it was a double murder that but few people knew about it because it happened in 1935. it's a case involving trolleys, bootlegging, and 81-year-old photos of footprints in the snow. they still have some of the bullet fragments recovered and even a strange looking piece of paper showing the last time one of the murder victims clocked in on his shift. detectives tell us they think this case can actually be solved. so tonight on news4 at 11:00, we're going to show you what they need to crack the case and why police think it's possible the murder weapon could have ended up stashed away and long forgotten in someone's attic. tisha thompson, news4 i-team. you can see the signs are up here on the campus of the university of mary washington. a new president being welcomed but it comes after what was a trying year for students and staff. how this new president hopes to advisor and team who understand where you come from. we didn't really have anything, you know. but, we made do. vo: know you can craft an investment plan as strong as your values. al, how you doing. hey, mr. hamilton. vo: know that together you can establish a meaningful legacy. with the guidance and support of your dedicated pnc wealth management team. after a year of painful struggles and widespread headache the university of mary washington is welcoming a new president. >> david culver met the new president and explains his plans to move the university forward. >> reporter: from electronic boards to posters hanging high. the welcome for dr. troy paino can't be missed on campus. university of mary washington students did their homework. >> i actually did google him as soon as i saw the announcement. >> we immediately started googling. we saw he's america's coolest president. >> i think the potential is just unlimited for this place. >> reporter: we sat down with dr. paino. currently he's president at truman state university in missouri. this summer he will take over at mary washington. it comes after a difficult year for the university. in april of 2015, student grace man was killed. another student is accused in her murder. >> i think there's always a time that a university has to heal and i think from what i understand that mary washington has gone through that process. >> reporter: during that semester, students filed a complaint with the u.s. department of education. they accused the administration of failing to respond to cyber threats, threats of rape and murder against its members. some of those members acknowledging the difficult year. >> it was hard. it was definitely very hard. >> reporter: but they're hopeful more frequent dialogue will happen with this new administration. >> i really want to be at a place where students are finding their voice. >> reporter: students carry some high expectations for the new president. ahead on news4 at 6:00, we'll tell you what specifically they're pushing for as he assumes his new role. in fredericksburg, i'm david culver, news4. a new course at virginia tech may have you pouring out a pint and saying cheers. the university now has a new brew house and malting system for beer research. check it out. students will learn malting, brewing, and fermentation techniques and some regional breweries may also be able to use the facility to develop new varieties of ales and laggers. similar to those craft breweries, virginia tech will be able to brew up to 66 gallons a batch. have you or someone you know been the victim of identity theft? your tax return could be in jeopardy. we are working f news4 is on pothole patrol tonight. we'll tell you where you should avoid driving this weekend as crews work to get those craters fixed. stay with us. and here we go. we've got a nice day warning for tomorrow. why some of you may catch the fever and we'll check in with next week's storm system. yes. is it going to be all rain or kathleen matthews: too many nights, i lead the 11 o'clock news with stories of gun violence. and like many of you, my family lived through the beltway sniper crisis. in congress, i'll fight to expand background checks on guns and ammunition, ban assault weapons, and mandate gun safety locks, because too many kids die from accidental shootings. let's show the nra we're not afraid of them; as democrats, as americans, as parents. i'm kathleen matthews and i approve this message. the decision to ride on and save money. he decided to save money by switching his motorcycle insurance to geico. there's no shame in saving money. ride on, ride proud. geico motorcycle, great rates for great rides. you like being picture perfect. ♪ you should want your banking to be too. stop into td bank and we'll help set you up with picture perfect banking. new customers, open a checking and savings account and you can get a polaroid cube+ video camera on the spot. data breaches and other forms of identity theft have left millions of americans' personal information just out there for the taking. >> it's frightening, and that means your tax return could be at risk. news4 consumer reporter susan hogan is here in the studio to explain why. >> that's right. about 17.5 million people are victims of identity theft according to the federal government. that means millions of people are at risk of someone else filing their tax return and stealing tax refunds. >> i got an e-mail from my accountant and said i cannot submit your return. >> reporter: rod's accountant couldn't submit he and his wife's tax return last year because someone else did it first. someone stole the couple's identities and used their social security numbers to file their federal and d.c. tax returns. >> it's been quite a headache. >> reporter: last year the federal trade commission received nearly nearly 50% increase over the year before. >> and the number one type of identity theft was tax fraud. >> reporter: rosario mendez is an attorney with the ftc. >> some of the ways they could possibly get your social security is through a data breach or, you know, by getting your information somehow and they file a tax return on your behalf and steal your refund. >> reporter: and that's exactly what happened to this family. >> somebody else intercepted by tax return and said i would like a refund. >> reporter: a refund of about $2,000. in a separate case last month a judge sentenced a d.c. man to prison for stealing more than $31,500 in other people's tax refunds. he admitted to working with more than a dozen other people to file at least 12,000 returns using stolen identities. >> file your tax returns as soon as possible because that way you else is going to file the tax returns. >> reporter: the federal government acknowledged the tax i.d. theft but eight months later their problem has not been resolved. the couple followed the district's instructions which included filing a police report. >> just like if somebody had broken into your house. >> reporter: instead, the couple received bills, money owed to d.c. including interest, penalties, and even a collection fee. >> they have threatened to send my case to a collection agency. >> reporter: so the family wrote a check for more than $1,000. >> just to avoid a collection agency ruining the credit score. >> reporter: we asked d.c. why the case has taken so long to resolve and why he received a collection notice. the district told us tax return fraud cases can take a long time to resolve and each case is different. but after our call, the d.c. tax office says it will take a closer look at the mr. case and will expedite the process. the district told news4 as a result of our call it will also review all d.c. returns tagged as potential fraud. in the end, ngiam's efforts paid off. >> i did everything i could possibly do. >> and then some. he was looking for a tax fraud attorney when we met him, but since we called d.c. and explained his situation, it looks like the district is going to take care of his case. >> and susan, not just this guy's case, right? >> i know. which is amazing. i mean really i think what we did with our phone call was really make them aware that there are issues out there, that the process is taking a long, long time for these folks and this is something that really can take months to clear up, and i think the district realized we need to speed up this process. >> so file now. that's a big takeaway from that. don't put it off. >> absolutely. this weekend sit down and do it if you have all of your w-2s. it's imperative do you it. we also want know we have a lot more information for you on our nbc washington app. just click on search for tax fraud. >> susan hogan, working for you. >> that's right. >> thank you. turning now to the weather. veronica, we're going to like part of the weekend or the whole thing? >> you're going to love the whole entire weekend. it's going to be so much better than last and i think better than next so get out. believe me, take my word for it. some folks even telling me with temperatures in the 60s this upcoming weekend, they plan on hitting the lyinks. >> in shorts. >> why not. or maybe just do nothing outside, just enjoy the weather. we start with this evening. if you're going out this friday night, a few clouds out there, but temperatures will not be bad at all and that breeze that we've had blowing, that's going to settle down even more. your temperatures between 35 and 40 degrees for the evening. in fact, for the whole overnight. our temperatures are going to hold steady in the mid and upper 30s. this is the early morning mp rockville and around gaithersburg. 38 in reston starting out early tomorrow morning. mid to upper 30s across the area. yes, tomorrow morning there will be some clouds to starts out with on satellite and radar. this is what we're waiting on. this warm front that's around areas of west virginia. there's warm air behind it pushing our way during the overnight period, and our temperatures are going to be rising very quickly tomorrow. look at this. at 2:00 tomorrow just a few clouds out there. by the afternoon, more clouds to start with, fewer clouds by the afternoon. and temperatures will be just fine. having no trouble whatsoever getting into the 50s. this is by -- we start out at 40 degrees, so by 10:00, 1 is o'clock in the morning we'll easily be in the 50s. your high temperature about 60 to 63 degrees that will occur around 2:00, 3:00 in the afternoon tomorrow. look at this. she's got the right idea. nbc washington app, click you have the temperatures right in the palm of your hand. a taste of spring. some spring fever for tomorrow as well as on sunday. we bring it down a little bit with some cloudsinghin. those showers we were tracking for the afternoon on sunday look as though they will be moving in a little later, so probably not until about 7:00 or 8:00 on sunday now. we get through the whole weekend, nice and dry. those showers linger going into early monday morning, but really with temperatures so high even on monday, i don't think we're going to have any trouble at all. here is a look at the shower activity. this is 8:00. there we are at 11:00. not much rain tracking through the area. we might get a tenth of an inch, maybe a quarter of an inch in some areas. if you are going to be going out late sunday night, take along the umbrella. light showers, nothing too heavy to worry about. next week we'll need the big umbrella but at least we won't have to shovel. we look at monday morning, temperatures across the area starting out in the 40s across the area. there could be a few pockets of upper 30s but we're not going to have to worry about any icy conditions at all early monday morning. those temperatures on monday going into the upper 40s. so remember that we were looking at a slightly colder pattern coming our way yesterday for midweek. now those temperatures are higher. yes, there still could be some changes, but at least for the first system that develops on tuesday, temperature high of 46 degrees, that rain develops, gets heavy tuesday night into wednesday, and i think it's wednesday that will be our high impact day right now. temperature tops out at 47 degrees. for thursday right now, that's the one day where we could see some changes where temperatures could be low enough and cold enough where we are just talking about rain but possibly something else. right now again not too bad, guys, for midweek. great weekend. get out. >> we're loving it. we owe you, v.j. thanks. if you don't have you or even jail time. any drone bought on or before december 21st just needs to be registered before its first flight. registration costs you 5 bucks. it includes safety guidelines, too. >> we want to raise public awareness. for many operators of unmanned aircraft, particularly hobbyists, they may not be aware of what the rules are. >> you have to be mindful of the people around you. they could be dangerous if they hit somebody. >> registration is good for three years. for more on drone rules and how to rogester go to our nbc washington page and search drone. from now on kids under 14 riding bikes in fairfax city have to wear helmets. the new law just took effect to help protect children from injuries when they're in accidents. city leaders believe the new rule just backs up what most parents require of their kids anyway. >> most households already require their children to wear the helmets. we're plus, we are providing helmets to families who may need them. >> you should see police out and about in the community and you'll see them at school events promoting the new helmet law. a traffic alert for you right now. you may run into some lane closures on the kutz brinch bridge. it's the part of the independence avenue that goes over the tidal basin. the left and center lanes have been closed since 9:30 this morning. the lanes are being milled, then repaved. you'll want to avoid driving there through part of the weekend. they won't reopen until late tomorrow afternoon. news4 is on pothole patrol this week. if you have a pothole in your neighborhood that's a big problem, let us know about it. go to @4 potholefix on twitter and tell us how it is. to find out how to report it directly go to the nbc washington app and search pothole. if you own a hover board, we have very important information for you tonight. no hover boards currently on the market should be in your home. this frightening new warning today from the federal government. now to a scary scene for travelers in belgium. a passenger train took off from a station with no driver inside. this is video of another train at the same station today. when the train to check an engine problem, the train began moving. the train ran for about a half hour before a driver at a station seven miles away was able to stop it. there were no passengers inside. that's a good thing. >> yeah. hover boards were really hot this holiday season. the toy from back to the future was finally a reality. >> but after dozens of reports of fires, the government is now declaring them unsafe. nbc's erika edwards takes a look now at the damage attributed to them and the warning for you. >> reporter: fire destroyed a nashville home in january. two teenagers at home at the time barely escaped. firefighters say the cause was the family's lohover board. >> fact that a toy caused this kind of destruction to our lives, it's just wrong. >> reporter: hover boards have been implicated in at least 50 other fires in 24 states. thco commission thinks the problem is how the device's lithium ion battery pack interact with circuit boards in the unit. they have sent a letter to company that make or sell the tech toys saying any hover boards that don't meet federal safety standards will face a recall or be seized. >> i do not know of any at this point that would comply with the standard. >> reporter: at new york's jfk airport last december, customs agents seized nearly 1400 counterfeit hover boards with potentially dangerous batteries. they have been shipped via air cargo from china. the cpsc has this advice for consumers. >> i would stop using them and i'd contact the retailer or the manufacturer who made it and demand proof that it complies with the standard, and if it doesn't, i would demand a refund. >> reporter: last month amazon announced it would give full refunds on all hover boards purchased through its website. nbc has attempted to contact organizations that represent hover board manufacturers. so far no response. erika >> the consumer product safety commission says hover boards are to blame for more than $2 million in property damage. >> to return yours, contact the manufacturer or the seller. right now at 6:00, disturbing new developments in a child pornography case. how a teacher's aide allegedly recruited elementary school opportunities to take the images during school. the man charged in the mansion murders here in d.c. appeared in court to enter a plea. prosecutors say it was a heinous crime, but we'll tell you why the death penalty is not an option. and a nation pays its final respects to one of the most influential and often controversial supreme court justices. one more day to go now until voters go to the polls in two major decisions that could help shape the presidential race. >> democrats will caucus in nevada. republicans will vote in a primary in south carolina. and that's where we begin tonight with steve handelsman. he is in columbia, hoping this primary will help him break out of the pack and take on donald trump. hi, steve. >> reporter: hi, doreen. he is hoping that. here in columbia, here in south carolina, in the nation as a whole one thing keeping donald trump so dominant is that so many of his more establishment mainstream republican rivals are remaining in the race splitting up the anti-trump, for that matter the anti-ted cruz vote. something marco rubio wants to stop tomorrow. >> reporter: if the polling is accurate, marco rubio will not win south carolina's primary. >> very confident about tomorrow. very optimistic. >> reporter: because rubio's goal is second or third, but to beat jeb bush who campaigned again today with his mother barbara, to beat john kasich, and maybe ted cruz, to take over as the only surviving mainstream republican candidate. >> we need to nominate someone that can bring us together. i know that i can better than anyone in this race. >> reporter: rubio's sute

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