Transcripts For WRC Today 20170203

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in her first interview since stepping down as the u.s. ambassador to japan. this morning, her take on the trump administration's very different approach to foreign policy. and her own future. is she planning a run for office? and super bowl showdown. excitement for sunday's big game building. the patriots and falcons gearing up. lady gaga making this promise -- >> i will tell you there will be no meat dress there. >> so, there's that. and we're getting the party started in boston and atlanta a little early today, friday, february 3rd, 2017. >> from nbc news, this is "today" with matt lauer and savannah guthrie, live from studio 1a in rockefeller plaza. >> good morning, everyone. welcome to "today" on this friday morning. hoda's here. savannah on maternity level. al roker is in patriots fans. sheinelle jones is in atlanta. >> we're getting ready. >> we're getting ready. we're starting with breaking news in paris, and an attack and shooting outside of the louver, one of the most popular tourist attractions anywhere. cnbc's claire fornier is near the scene. good morning to you. >> yes. what we know so far is a little before 10:00 this morning, a man entered the commercial mall situated in the louver with a knife and machete. and he attacked one soldier. there are three or four soldie s s he shot the assailant. he was shot in the abdomen. he was seriously injured and taken to the hospital. e one of them was lightly injured. hundreds of people were confined into security areas and they have been released throughout the morning, but now the whole area here is secured. obviously it's a very difficult situation. the circulation is very difficult around the louvre. the fact is there hasn't been a terrorist attack in paris since the 13th of november 2015, but we know that the threat is still at its highest and it's a major blow because as you said, louvre is one of the top attractions here. it's one of the top attractions in france. it is a blow for the reputation of france. >> claire, thank you very much. we're going to keep posted on that story. now to politics. president trump meets today with his economic advisory council. some of the country's most prominent business leaders, but the ceo of uber has suddenly dropped out of the group. this as one referencing a terror attack that never actually happened. we're going to begin our coverage with nbc's peter alexander at the white hous >> opting out of the president's temporary travel ban. he's touting the meeting but making no mention of the uber head. kellyanne conway is now under new scrutiny for citing a massacre on u.s. soil in an effort to defend the travel ban, but that massacre never occurred. >> reporter: at the white house new backlash from a business giant. the ceo of uber abruptly quitting president trump's economic advisory council after fierce criticism from employees and customers for agreeing to advise mr. trump even after his controversial travel ban. that fallout fueling a boycott campaign, delete uber. after speaking to trump ceo travis kalinick wrote a m joining the group was not met to be an endorsement of the president or his agenda but unfortunately it has been misinterpreted as that. leaders from walmart, jpmorgan, general motors. spacex ceo elon musk will be there but he'll object to the order. mr. trump welcomed executives from harley-davidson thursday. >> made in america. >> reporter: new protests over that order. organized by deli and grocery store owners from yemen. in an interview with msnbc's chris matthews, kellyanne conway defending president trump's travel ban by making reference to a bowling green massacre. >> president obama had a six month ban on the iraqi program after two iraqis came here to this country, were radicalized and they were the behind the bowling green massacre. >> reporter: there was no massacre. in 2011 two iraqi nationals living in bowling green, kentucky, were arrested and later sent to federal prison after attempting to send weapons. the men also admitted using improvised explosive devices, i.e.d.s against u.s. soldiers in iraq. early thursday morning president trump opening up his latest feud at the national prayer. >> they hired a big, big movie star, arnold schwarzenegger to take my place. the ratings went down the tubes. it's been a total disaster. i want to pray for arnold for those ratings. the joke drawing this rebuttal. >> why don't we switch jobs, you take over tv because you're such an expert in ratings and i take over your job and theneo again. >> look, the white house dismissing it as lighthearted, others less amused. >> i'm not worried about arnold's ratings, i'm not thinking about his old show, i'm worried about what are we going to do with iran. >> mr. trump leaves this evening for his first presidential get away to be spent, what he calls, the winter white house. his florida estate, mar-a-lago, where first lady melania trump will join him. i'm told he'll be attending a super bowl party at mar-a-lago. back ripping arnold schwarzenegger. he did a really bad job as governor of california and even worse on the apprentice, but at least he tried hard. matt and hoda, back to you. >> peter, thank you so much for that. also this morning, president trump is making new threats against iran after putting that country on notice for test firing a missile. nbc's andrea mitchell has that story. andrea, good morning to you. >> good morning, matt. iran and the u.s. as the trump white house prepares to levy new economic sanctions. an adviser to the ayatollah says iran will not be, quote, intimidated by an inexperienced person. this morning racheting up the sanctions on iran. he's leaving more options open. >> nothings o the table. >> u.s. officials say the sanctions are in response to iran's recent missile tests and terrorist activity. top republicans are on board. >> i would be in favor of additional sanctions on iran. i think the last administration appeased iran far too much. >> reporter: in the startling shift from president trump's unquestioning support for israel's controversial settlements during the campaign, the white house is now warning israel new construction of jewish settlements in palestinian settlements is not helpful. on russia the trump administti aoued it will allow some u.s. companies to do limited transactions with kgb. only a technical fix not losening the obama sanctions for that election year hacking while at the u.n. ambassador nikki haley condemned russia for the escalating violence in the ukraine. >> we do want to better our relations with russia, however, the dire situation in eastern ukraine is one that demands clear and strong condemnation of russian actions. >> all of this as the president defends his combative approach to diplomacy. >> the world is in trouble, but we're going to straighten it out. >> reporter: doubling do with mexico and australia. >> when you hear about the tough phone calls i'm having, don't worry about it. just don't worry about it. they're tough. it's time we're going to be a little tough, folks. >> reporter: more fallouts from the president's saturday phone calls berating the australia why are we doing this? what's the purpose? so we'll see what happens. >> reporter: raising eyebrows on capitol hill. >> if politics is music, the president was off key. >> this in my view was an unnecessary and frankly harmful open dispute over an issue which is not nearly as important as you straits/ace straustralian. >> marking his first day as secretary of state, rex tillerson trying to reassure thousands of state department employees, angry about the president's immigration orders. >> i know this was a hotly contested election and we do not all feel the same way about the outcome, but we cannot let our personal convictions overwhelm our ability to work as one team. >> reporter: now among the new secretary of state's challenges, a tweeting president. only this morning president trump tweeting on iran writing they don't appreciate how kind president obama was to them. not me. matt and hoda. >> andrea, don't go away. i'm seeing there's new information about the deadly raid in yemen and perhaps what went wrong. what can you tell us about that? >> reporter: the white house is still calling that raid a success despite the loss of a navy seal and children. the president reached the decision after a dinner with his military leaders with steve bannon and jared kushner, his son-in-law, and that led, according to critics, to a lack of intelligence and support on the ground but that is being denied by the white house. >> andrea mitchell, thank you. now to a frightening incident last night at a cheesecake factory restaurant in southern california. pasadena police say a man threw a homemade pyrotechnic device into the crowded eatery sending diners scrambling for cover. the restaurant was evacuated. no one was hurt. the man opened the door, this morning police are still searching for that suspect. changing gears now, the buildup surrounding sunday's super bowl. the match-up is the patriots and the falcons. ron mott is at nrg stadium in houston. good morning to you. >> reporter: good morning to you. tom brady has had a whole lot to play for this season, not the least of which is his quest to win a fifth super bowl ring. for the falcons, they want to win one. in a little more than 48 hours, it's show time. super bowl li, houston's nrg stadium quiet now, but come sunday it will be lights, cameras, and plenty of action. >> it will be everywhere. i mean, they just have to stop him. >> aren't you tired of winning? >> you are never tired of winning. >> reporter: it's familiar ground for the patriots making a record ninth super bowl appearance. just the second for the falcons and a first for quarterback matt ryan. >> i feel i believe in our team. i believe in the guys that we have. >> reporter: while ryan is a leading candidate for the league's most valuable player, tom brady is arguably the mvp here at the super bowl. he's been to the big game more than any other player in history. >> you can't take these things for granted. we've been very blessed as part of this organization for the guys that have been on these teams to make it this far, but it's a very steep mountain to climb. >> reporter: after geg emotional earlier in the week when asked to name his hero. >> my dad. >> reporter: brady has been all business. the so-called patriot way, no talk of deflategate and his suspension or his relationships with trump and nfl commissioner roger goodell. >> he doesn't need a lot of motivation to play at a high level because he's done that his whole career, but deep down there has to be a real feeling that we want to show this league. >> reporter: while ner cheap, tickets to the big game are actually less expensive than last year down nearly 14% to just under $4300 stub hub. >> the tickets dropped 30% in five minutes after the cowboys were eliminated. >> welcome to america. >> reporter: commercials are a big draw touching the eye of the more than 100 million plus who will watch on tv in the u.s. >> i've been planning this since i was 4. >> lady gaga is expected to make headlines, too, taking center stage for the halftime show. >> you might want to repel from the dome into nrg. >> i'm not going to tell you what i'm going to do. and you're going to have to wait. i will tell you that there will be no knee drifts there. >> reporter: lady gaga has 13 minutes to try to condense her vast library of hits into this show. she hopes it delivers more than another 15 minutes of fame. matt, hoda, back to you. >> nice job, ron. >> you know she's going to do something crazy, by the way. all morning we are throwing the ultimate pep rally for fans of the patriots and the falcons. al is rocking it in boston. chanelle is moving and grooving in atlanta. al, let's start with you. >> oh, i've got to tell you, we are here at faneuil hall. guys, it is nuts here. absolutely crazy. we've got an overflow crowd. we're going to have patriots, we've got fake tom brady, we've got the mayor, we have the militia coming in, we've got the boston tea party players. just about the entire city of boston, and guess what? we are going to be sending two super fans to the super bow yes. yes. as well as in atlanta. chanelle! >> wow. >> okay. >> go ahead, chanelle. >> all right. so here's the deal. i need you to think about the year 1999. it was a long time ago, right? that was the last time these guys were at the super bowl so they are starving. this is only the second time in history. take a look at some signs. atlanta loves our matt, matt lauer, matt ryan. look at this place. here's the deal. we're also giving away two super bowl tickets. the celebration. there's a celebration that's sweeping the nation, okay? it's called -- it's called arthur. everybody ready to do the arthur? this is the dance that's sweeping the nation. let's do the arth. got it, hoda? somebody's going to win these tickets. >> i like it. chanelle is so short you can't really see her. >> more surprises from both cities throughout the morning. if you can hear me though, al, let's go back to you. how about a check of the weather. >> okay. all right. guys, hold on. hold on a sec. so, remember, okay, before we get t t slogan? >> do our job! >> yeah. >> now it's time for me to do my job. let's show you what's going on as far as your weather is concerned. let's look out west. big, big storm coming on shore and as it does, we're looking for heavy rain from the pacific northwest with inland snow. we're looking at wet weather, steady rain, heavy snow above 5,000 feet in the mountains and pacific northwest, into northern california and then on sunday another storm with heavier rain, heavier snow. winter weather advisory watches and warnings all the way into pacific northwest, into the cascades and, in fact, they're looking at another three feet or more, which is good news. the snow pack so far is upwards of 200% in the sierras. we're going to get to your local forecast coming up in the next 30 second good morning, everybody. i'm storm team 4 meteorologist chuck bell. it is mostly cloudad start tthe day. temperatures down to the upper 20s, low 30s. even the littlest bit of that wind has wind chills back into the 20s. if you're planning out for your friday, a whole lot of clouds around especially this morning. we may get a little peek or two at the sun later today. all of those clouds will keep afternoon highs into the upper 30s to around 40 degrees. staying in the 40s tomorrow. super bowl sunday, mildernd dry. >> all right. this room here, over here, and then look across. we've got another roomful of patriots fans. we're going to be spilling out into the streets of faneuil hall. we're going to kick it in the kiester. >> they're rocking it over there, al. i'm not sure. >> al, chanelle, thank you both very much. still to come on this friday morning, we have an exclusive live interview with caroline kennedy, the former u.s. ambassador to japan. going to get her thoughts on president trump's first couple of weeks in office, the u.s.'s relationship with japan and what's next for her. and then a new concern over those popular laundry detergent packets. why eye doctors are now sounding the alarm. but, first, this is "today" on nbc. alarm. first, this is "today" on c. nb weddings. you won't believe how much the big day is now costing. and get ex ♪ you never believed in fairytales. knights in shining armor or happily ever after. but you believed when the right one came along, you'd be ready. time to shine. orbit. ve been on i'm bushed! my feel alyea me too. excuse me...coming through! ride the gel wave of comfort they're proven to give you comfort. which helps you feel more energized ...all day long. i want what he has. ihi!nt what he has. hey! i've made plans for later in case this date doesn't go well. same here. wouldn't it be great if everyone 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(laughs) that was my movantik moment. my doctor told me that movantik is specifically designed for oic and can help you go more often. don't take movantik if you have a bowel blockage or a history of them. movantik may cause serious side effects, including symptoms of opioid withdrawal, severe stomach pain and/or diarrhea, and tears in the stomach or intestine. tell your doctor about any side effects and about medicines you take. movantik may interact with them causing side effects. why hold it in? have your movantik moment. if you can't afford your medication, astrazeneca may be able to help. breaking news. a fire in maryland. two people are in critical condition. chopper 4 was over the scene on milligane lane. >> the fire is out. two people were taken to the hospital after they were pulled from the house. >> justin finch is going to the scene. firefighters are working to put out what was a massive fire in northern virginia. there are still hot spots at the trash and recycling plant in lordon. we're told it could take days to put it out. >> we'll update you on both of those stories. first, let's get you out the door with first alert traffic. >> still big backups, 95 north at fairfax county parkway. an earlier crash is o way. it's looking a lot better than it was. that's for sure. westbound 7 at the toll road, crash in the center lane here getting by right now. bellway looking quite good. that is nice and green, especially for a friday morning there. on the red line remember normal service is back at dupont circle this morning. eun? >> thank you, melissa. we'll take a quick break and check your forecast. stay wi . good morning, everybody. a whole lot of clouds outside. those clouds will be with us for at least the first half of the day. could get a little sunshine later on. wind chills have the feels like factor down into the 20s to 30s. it certainly is a cold start to the day. hourly temperatures, a lot of clouds around. most areas staying in the upper 30s to around 40 for high temperatures. it's certainly a cold day today. even colder tomorrow. at least the sun will be out on saturday. sunday, mostly clou but dry. highs near 50 and a good bit of part of next week with temperatures coming. >> another local news update in 25 minutes. for now, back to the "today" show after this short break. have a grt y. ♪ 7:30 now on this friday morning, it's the third day of february, 2017. split screen there. you're looking at fans in boston, patriots fans, and then the right side you're looking at fans down in atlanta getting ready for the big game on sunday. al's in boston, chanelle's in atlanta. check in with them in just a couple of minutes. >> first, let's take a check of today's headlines. the luovre in paris had to be evacuated after a man carrying machetes attacked a group of soldiers near the museum. one of the soldiers opened fire on the suspect seriously wounding him. french officials say antiterrorism. prosecutors are investigating that. just this m nomination for secretary cleared a huge hurdle. there will be a confirmation hearing next week. she has faced criticism from democrats and several republicans because she's never worked in a public school and spent millions promoting charters schools and vouchers. president trump is meeting with his economic advisory council for the first t today. it's made up with leaders from walmart, pepsi and gm. on thursday under pressure from employees and customers over the president's immigration order, uber's ceo announced he was withdrawing from the group. meantime, new defense secretary james mattis is in japan right now meeting with that country's prime minister. this morning we have former u.s. ambassador to japan, caroline kennedy with us exclusively. ambassador kennedy, it's nice to see you. welcome home by the way. >> thank you. it's great to be home. >> interesting timing. our defense secretary is there meeting with japanese officials. during the campaign candidate trump said things i know that raised a japan and the region. do you think it sends the right message that defense secretary mattis makes this his first overseas trip? >> absolutely. japan -- the region is so critical to our future so it's important that the defense secretary went to consult and reassure our allies about our commitment. >> one of the things that donald trump said during the campaign is it's time for japan to step under and shoulder more of the financial burden for its own defense. i have to tell you, that really seemed to resonate with his supporters. is it a fair ask? >> japan already contributes more than any other country. they contribute more than 75% of the costs of the bases and it's in our interests that japan be strong and that our troops be there. that makes us safer here at home. >> but donald trump wts them to contribute even more. if he pushes japan on that issue, how will they respond? how will it impact our relations? >> well, i think you've got to look at the whole relationship. japan is our number one ally i important region going forward in the future and so i think it's got to be looked at both strategically as well as economically. and all the countries out there are really looking to see whether the united states is going to stay as a leader in the region and be reliable and live up to our security and economic commitments or whether they need to make another choice and hedge their bets. and i think that that's really what is at stake here and i think that that's why the prime minister's coming here and that's what president trump needs to focus on. >> you've made some comments talking about how donald trump's comments were received in japan. these are your words. obviously they're concerned when somebody doesn't seem to understand or value the efforts put into this and really what's been built over time. if you could say one thing to now president trump about the importance of that relationship, what would you tell him? >> i'd tell him that having japan as a strong ally and a -- japan's own security helps the unist of economic opportunity for american companies. >> you know, obviously the words that he spoke in his inaugural address where he said from this day forward a new vision will govern our land. from this day forward it's going to be only america first. america first. how are those words, in your opinion, as someone who's had to manage relations between our country and japan, how are those words being greeted in foreign capitals? >> well, i think america derives great benefit from our network of alliances which has been built by people over the last 70 years. and i think that that's really to be taken for granted or to be insulted as an ally who fought along sides the united states, for example, with australia or who contributes a huge amount to american security, in this case japan and korea, is alarming. i think that hopefully the president will, you know, realize the benefits of working with our friendnd >> let me ask you about your work in japan. when you went there three years ago you didn't have any specific experience with japan. no diplomatic experience and i was reading some articles, ambassador kennedy, where the people there greeted you almost as a celebrity, but after three years as you exit i read articles and they talk about you as a very effective diplomat. what was the learning curve like? >> well, actually, i feel that i really grew up honoring the values that my family has stood for, respect for the international order that the united states has built, a commitment to human rights and i think all those things are things that are deeply admired around the world, and i think that that really helped me to work with the japanese. >> you were the first woman to hold that position as u.s. ambassador to japan. do you think you became somewhat of a role model for women in japan? >> the women in japan are incredibly dynamic just like i think to the extent that i was very visible, i hope that hemmehemme helped, but i think overall it's really something that's about the u.s. national interests. >> it is impossible to talk to you without saying what everybody wants to know, are you going to run for office? i mean, do you have after serving as ambassador to japan, do you have aspirations for elected office? >> you know, i just got home so it's great to be home so i really -- >> you've been home a week or so. >> i've been home a week or so, yes. i'm looking around to figure out what i'll do next. >> but wouldn't rule it out? >> i think i'd rather be on morning tv or something. >> like everybody apparently, right? >> exactly right. >> ambassador kennedy, it's a real pleasure to have you here. thank you. >> thank you. >> let's turn to al and get a check of the weather in boston. >> guys, thanks so much. we are here at faneuil hall with a huge crowd. whole bunch of folks. weather wise. the nation is supply the between falcons fans, patriots fans. but temperature wise, too. look at the highs today, northern half of the country. bikford, 29. davenport, 28. south, houston, 59. charleston, 70. 80 miami. everybody's going to warm up as we head on towards the weekend. look at dallas, 53 on saturday, 80 on monday. d.c. 38 on saturday, 54 on monday and memphis, 50 on saturday, 68 on monday. that's what's going on around the country. here's what's happening iyo neck of eo well, this morning temperatures are feeling quite a bit colder, feeling like the 20s right now. 27 is what it feels like in the district. 28 in gaithersburg. fredericksburg feels like 30. warm jacket when you walk out the door. co mostly cloudy and chilly. we'll see clearing later on today. the clearing will continue as we go into tomorrow morning. the mid 20s for a low tomorrow morning. highs in the upper 30s. by super bowl sunday, near 50. >> coming up on ultimate battle of the pep rally, we have the mayor of boston versus the mayor of atlanta and we've got an extra special guest star and baby you're going to love it. back to you. >> that's a team. >> that's a good one. i can't take my eyes off the fake tom brady. >> fake tom brady is feeling it now. all right. coming up, we have one final explosive peek at an ad you're going to see during sunday's game. first, the new warning about the new risk laundry detergent packets could pose to y familierit teth. approved for the signs and symptoms of dry eye. one drop in each eye, twice a day. common side effects include eye irritation, and an unusual taste sensation. do not touch the container tip to your eye or any surface. remove contacts before using xiidra and wait for at least 15 minutes before reinserting them. if you have dry eyes, ask your doctor about xiidra. anything meant to stand a body without proper foot needssupport can mean pain. the dr. scholl's kiosk maps your feet and recommends our custom fit orthotic to stabilize your foundation and relieve foot, knee, or lower-back pain from being on your feet. dr. scholl's. and my life is basketball.west, but that doesn't stop my afib from leaving me at a higher risk of stroke. that'd be devastating. i took warfarin for over 15 years. about once-daily xarelto®... a latest-generation blood thinner. then i made the switch. xarelto® significantly lowers the risk of stroke in people with afib not caused by a heart valve problem. it has similar effectiveness to warfarin. warfarin interferes with vitamin k and at least six blood-clotting factors. xarelto® is selective. targeting one critical factor of your body's natural clotting function. for people with afib currently well-managed on warfarin, there is limited information on how xarelto® and warfarin compare in reducing the risk of stroke. like all blood thinners, don't stop taking xarelto® without talking to your doctor, as this may increase your risk of a blood clot or stroke. while taking, you may bruise more easily, and it may take longer for bleeding to stop. xarelto® may increase your risk of bleeding if you take certain medicines. xarelto® can cause serious, and in rare cases, fatal bleeding. get help right away for unexpected bleeding, unusual bruising, or tingling. if you have had spinal anesthesia while on xarelto®, watch for back pain or any nerve or muscle-related signs or symptoms. do not take xarelto® if you have an artificial heart valve tell your doctor before all planned medical or dental procedures. before starting xarelto®, tell your doctor about any conditions, such as kidney, liver, or bleeding problems. to help protect yourself from a stroke, ask your doctor about xarelto®. insurance changes? xarelto® has you covered. with not food, become food? thankfully at panera, 100% of our food is 100% clean. no artificial preservatives, sweeteners, flavors, or colors. panera. food as it should be. moms know their kids need love, encouragement and milk. with 8 grams of natural protein, and 8 other nutrients to provide balanced nutrition. moms know kids grow strong when they milk life. aof your brain can make it hard provide to lose weight?ion. contrave is an fda-approved weight-loss medicine that may help adults who are overweight or struggle with obesity lose weight and keep it off. your hunger center... 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(avo) to help control cravings. across three long-term studies, contrave patients lost approximately 2-4x more weight than with diet and exercise alone. contrave is not for everyone. one ingredient in contrave may increase suicidal thoughts or actions in some children, teens, and young adults within the first few months. other serious side effects include seizures, increase in blood pressure or heart rate, liver damage, manic episodes, glaucoma and allergic reactions. do not take with opioids. reduce hunger, help control cravings. contrave. the #1 prescribed weight-loss brand. go to 7:43 on a friday morning. we're back with some new concerns over a very popular household product. >> we told you kids can often mistake laundry detergent packets for candy, eating them, getting sick. did you know they also pose a danger to your eyes? nbc's tom costello has more on this story. hey, tom. >> reporter: hi, hoda. good morning. this study comes from johns hopkins university. researchers there discovered that between 2012 and 2015, a three-year period, the number of kids suffering serious chemical eye burning injuries to their eyes jumped they look like candy or some sort of squishy toy, so tempting for young kids to squeeze or taste. >> what is that? >> that's candy. >> reporter: public health experts and parents have already sounded the alarm about the dangers of kids swallowing these liquid laundry packets. >> holding her ham and her small lifeless body pumped a drug. it was the most horrifying moment of my life. >> reporter: reah shows since the product was reduced they have been responsible for thousands of serious eye injuries among pre-school aged kids. >> they play with them, they somehow burst and when these chemicals get in their eye, we're talking about a concentrated version of an already very dangerous chemical. >> reporter: it's not like getting soap in your eye says the study's officer. the chemicals can cause permanent damage. industry group says the study is misleading because it looks at data before a new voluntary safety standards took effect. been made much tougher. the film around the packets are much more durable if someone tries to squeeze it. >> reporter: the cleaning products industry says it's committed to products safety and leading brands have introduced new packaging and warning labels. the changes going into effect at the end of 2015. >> always keep laundry packs away from children. >> reporter: but in 2016 more than 11,500 kids aged five and under were inappropriately exposed to liquid laundry packets, down just slightly from the previous year. product manufacturers and safety experts say not only keep the products out of reach from curious kids but also out of sight. >> children are watching you use these laundry detergent pods. they are also going to want to play with them. they look like toys. >> doctors say if this kind of a chemical does get in anybody's eye, a child or an adult, immediately start flushing the eye with cool, call 911 while you're doing that. do this first, call 911, keep the running water for 20 minutes until the ambulance gets there. >> good advice, tom. thank you. coming up on pop start. why you never want to challenge j.k. rowling on twitter. >> carson's in the orange room with the ultimate predictor for sun's super bowl right after this. >> come . i'm out of data again! i can't work out without my music! you need to switch to sprint. i got unlimited data, talk and text for 50 bucks a month! and you get $300 off a samsung galaxy s7 edge. i didn't even have to wait on my tax refund. i heard 5 gigs of data is all you need. how's that working out for you? (vo) get sprint's unlimited plan for $50 a month. plus, get the samsung galaxy s7 edge and save $300. looks like i'm not the only one who switched. for people with hearing loss, (vo) switch to sprint. visit trythe unique formula withched nourishing almond oil... moisturized for 24 hours. nivea essentially enriched. for noticeably smoother skin. you totanobody's hurt, new car. but there will still be pain. it comes when your insurance company says they'll only pay three-quarters of what it takes to replace it. what are you supposed to do? drive three-quarters of a car? now if you had liberty mutual new car replacement™, you'd get your whole car back. i guess they don't want you driving around on three wheels. smart. with liberty mutual new car replacement™, we'll replace the full value of your car. liberty stands with you™. liberty mutual insurance. cking up for kyle. here you go. you wouldn't put up with part of a pizza. um. so when it comes to pain relievers, why put up with just part of a day? you want the whole thing? yes, yes! live whole. not part. aleve. (childrewow! it's like ourgosh! own movie theat... splay 4 times the detail of 1080p $998 save money. live better. walmart. [ female announcer ] the magic begins when jif fresh roasts peanuts to make peanut butter so deliciously creamy. it can even bring a kid out of her shell. that's why choosy moms choose jif. 7:50. carson is getting his game face. >> this is sunday, everybody. all the hype going into it. big match-up this weekend. both teams taking full advantage of social media. falcons putting up, they have their eye on the prize right here. patriots, they're sharing their official jersey. fun fact, 11 of the last 12 super bowl wins they were wearing white jerseys. just saying. throwing it out there. here's the real predictor. jimmy ll where are they going to go. take a guess? >> going to go falcons. >> falcons. wait, how -- >> oh. >> that's right. odds makers, however, disagree with the puppies. they have new england as the three-point favorite. let's get to what really matters. that's our predictions. the experts, matt, what have you got? >> i said atlanta. >> hoda, pats. >> chanelle and myself both going with atlanta. we're making an interesting wager. anybody who loses monday must come dressed like this. >> for the whole show? >> no. >> some might say we've got a little more than patriots and falcons but we're looking forward to it. going to have some wings, matt? >> wings today, by the way. >> i'm picturing matt in that suit right there with the tie. that's the one. >> that looks like the suit al and i wore at the olympics in sochi. >> that's right. we have al in boston, chanelle down in atlanta. they're continuing those parties. we're getting ready for the big game. >> just ahead, natalie takes you inside ball. >> leann rimes will perform. first your local news and weather. (vo) do not go gentle into that good night, old age should burn and rave at close of day; rage, rage against the dying of the light. do not go gentle into that good night. ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ anyone ever have occasional y! constipation,diarrhea, gas or bloating? she does. she does. help defend against those digestive issues. take phillips' colon health probiotic caps daily with three types of good bacteria. 400 likes? wow! try phillips' colon health. we invited women to a spa to dish soap. body wash. you may not feel it, but some body washes can contain cleansers found in dish soap. dove body wash is different. it has only the gentlest cleansers. it just made me feel good. this is dove. ttrails are covered... nothing like yesterday... paths aren't what they used to be... ♪ and it's exactly what you're looking for. ♪ ♪ jimmy dean delights frittatas. a delicious, savory egg breakfast, without all the bread and carbs. made with real ingredients. an excellent source of protein to help power through your morning. jimmy dean delights frittatas. c(puppy barks) you can do it duck. hurry up duck! you can do it duck. iams. althy at every stage. so you can always look forward to what's next. ♪ this is a "news 4 today" news break. >> 7:56 is your time now on this friday, february 3rd, 2017. good morning to you, i'm eun yang. going to get right to melissa mollet to check on the roads. >> still a five-mile backup northbound on 95 because of the earlier problem at fairfax county parkway. the crash is gone but we still have those delays. if you're headed out sometime soon, i think you'll be okay. it is dissolving pretty quickly. inner loop and outer loop of the beltway, no major problems. westbranch drive do have a problem there in tyson's area. >> we'll take a quick break and check your forecast when we come back. stay with u good friday morning. temperatures feeling like the 40s. feels like 27. cooler today. 43x5:00 p.m. staying dry. more developing sunshine. this weekend though, saturday will be the cold day. highs near the upper 30s. by super bowl sunday, near 50. eun? >> thank you, sheena. breaking news right now in clinton, maryland. follow him at ttte >> it's 8:00 on "today." coming up, alternative fact? controversy as president trump's advise adviser. >era m it's covered. there never was. >> plus, till death do us part. the survey of newlyweds revealing the stunning and rising cost of weddings. and super bowl showdown, al's up in boston with the new england patriots fans. >> do your job. do your job. >> and chanelle is spendghe morning with f atlanta. >> atl, atl. >> we've got big surprises in store. and help for your party with delicious recipes for the big game today. friday, february 3rd, 2017. ♪ ♪ >> from new orleans. >> d.c. >> new >> i want to be the next matt lauer. >> good morning, texas. we love hoda! ♪ ♪ >> all the way from florida, i just kicked cancer's butt. >> good morning, colorado. >> celebrating 50 years of marriage. >> we're back now. 8:00 on a friday morning. it's the third day of february. 2017. you know what that means? >> what? what does it mean? >> we're two days away from super ow >> two days away. by the way, this crowd is rocking, isn't it? so full of energy. >> fired up. patriots fans. >> we're looking at other crowds, too. we have al in boston at the cheers at faneuil hall. chanelle is at the hudson grill in mid town, atlanta. three good crowds. hey, guys. >> al, take it away. >> okay, guys. well, here's the deal. we've got what you would think is the real face tom brady but, in fact, we have a special guest, a surprise guest. reveal yourself! >> ladies and gentlemen, jill meyer. >> -- dylan dreyer. >> making his network television debut, the beautiful calvin. >> oh. oh. >> how are you? >> oh, so great. i will say since calvin's been around, the patriots are 5-0. >> so we're assuming he's a patriots fan. >> he is. he has no choice at this point but he is our little lucky charm. >> you look so fantastic. how are you feeling? >> i feel wonderful. being at home, the first time -- wow, my hair's a mess. this is what i look like at ho on a normal day. >> you don't look like tom brady? >> not even a little bit. i'm not that pretty. >> he's such a good little boy. >> he is so good. i am totally obsessed and in love with him. as you know, our family lives up in boston. it just made sense to bring him up here. >> dylan, what's he listening to? what tunes? >> what tunes is he listening to? >> that's a good question. >> it's -- i can't even tl. my brain, i have gotten so much stupider in the last seven weeks. >> by the way, dylan. it's so good t dylan. we've missed you so much and that little one is something. we miss you. >> see you soon. >> how cute is that? >> what do you have, chanelle? >> i feel like i'm disappearing, first of all, in this crowd. it is so large. people are -- what time did you get up this morning? >> 4:00 a.m. >> 4:00 a.m. are you going to work tonight? >> they're not going to work. not to be outdone, guess what, i found a baby. this is baby addison. tell me why addison wants us to win? >> she wants this to be her first super bowl experience and bring it home to atlanta. >> one day you can meet baby calvin and you guys can be friends, okay? >> take us home, take us home. go falcons! >> all right, guys. nice job. the super baby bowl now. >> really cool. forget the puppy bowl. >> all right. let's get a check of the here's a look at your newat 8:00. good morning. we begin with the latest in politics. i'm halley jackson in washington where president trump is up early and sending a warning shot to iran tweeting, they're playing with fire. they don't appreciate how kind president obama was to them. not me. after a week focused on global affairs, the president's looking today towards the business world, too. after a bunch of business round tables, the one today getting slightly smaller. the head of uber after backlash now bailing on a planned meeting with the president quitting his advisory council altogether. the ceo of tesla still attending today's session but planning to express objections to the recent executive order on immigration. the president's shifting his focus to the financial sector today after a week dominated by foreign policy. according to two sources familiar with the plan, the trump administration could slap new sanctions on iran as missile test. the move coming less than 48 hours after the president's team put that country on notice. >> nothing is off the table. >> reporter: one of america's closest allies in the spotlight, too, after what's been described as a blunt call with president trump and the prime minister of australia. the trump administraon unhappy with the deal put in place under the obama administration that would resettle more than 1,000 refugees here. >> when you hear about the tough phone calls i'm having, don't worry about it. just don't worry about it. they're tough. we have to be tough. it's time we're going to be a little tough. >> reporter: the australian ambassador showing up at the white house for a meeting with top trump aides, one described as very productive. >> hi, i'm the new guy. >> reporter: all it landing on the plate of new secretary of state rex tillerson greeting staffers at his new office after a prayer breakfast with the president. a breakfast where donald trump went off script and his his replacement on "the apprentice." >> they hired a big, big movie star, arnold schwarzenegger to take my place. the ratings went right down the tubes. it's been a total disaster, and i want to just pray for arnold if we can for those ratings, okay? >> reporter: to the whi house, a lighthearted moment. to the former california governor, an opening for his own attack and offer of a job switch. >> i think people can finally speak comfortably again. >> reporter: this morning it is top trump aid kellyanne conway who finds herself in the headlines for what she said in an interview on msnbc about a so-called bowling green massacre. listen. >> president obama had a six-month ban on the iraqi refugee program after two iraqis came here to this country, were radicalized and there was a master mind behind the bowling green massacre. >> reporter: here's the thing, no such massacre ever exist referring to a 2011 incident in which two iraqi nationals who lived in bowling green were indicted for allegedly having ties to attacks against u.s. troops in iraq. bowling green massacre, by the way, ended up trending online overnight. so far conway has yet to clarify her comments. matt, hoda? >> halley, thank you very much. overnight, breaking news from paris where a possible terror attack has been foiled outside the renowned louvre museum. a french soldier fired several shots at a man who had lunged at another soldier with a machete. the attacker was wounded. the museum was locked down with hundreds of visitors inside. prosecutors have now launched an official terrorism investigation. france, of course, has been under a state of emergency since the 2015 attacks in paris that killed 130 people. firefighters are still on the scene of a massive two alarm fire that broke out orn a county trash disposal and recycling plant outside of washington, d.c. officials in lorton, virginia, say it could take days before all the hot spots are fully extinguished. there are no injuries reported but a hazmat team is on the scene. the cause of the fire is under investigation. coming up, some new figures you're going to want to look at if you are planning a wedding. all right. then we've got one more exclusive sneak peek at an ad you're going to see during sunday's big game. natalie takes you behind the scene and behind the masks at last night's "fifty shades darker" world premiere ball. first, esmeage just ask listerine® users. the very people we studied in the study of bold. people who are statistically more likely to stand up to a bully. do a yoga handstand. and be in a magician's act. listerine® kills 99% of bad breath germs so you can feel 100% in life. for fresh breath on the go. for lower back the search for relief often leads here.s, today there's drug-free aleve direct therapy. a high intensity tens device that uses technology once only in doctors' offices. for deep penetrating relief at the source. aleve direct therapy. (childrewow! it's like ourgosh! own movie theat... shhhhhhhhhh! sorry. vizio® 70" 4k display 4 times the detail of 1080p $998 save money. live better. walmart. ♪ i will never wash my hair again. i will never never wash my hair again now, i fuel it new pantene doesn't just wash your hair, it fuels it. with the first pro-v nutrient blend, making every... ...strand stronger don't just wash your hair fuel it fuel your hair. because strong is beautiful. how is this possible? it's a light soup and yet it's real food? carrots, celery, and now 100% antibotic and hormone free white breast meat chicken? ah. i need to sit down. well this here's a load-bearing wall. we'll go ahead and rip that out. (husband)yeah? it's going to cause a lot of problems. totally unnecessary and it triples the budget. (husband)mmmm. wouldn't it be great if everyone said what they meant? the citi® double cash card does. earn 1% cash back when you buy, and 1% as you pay. double means double. 8:12. 8:12. our ranks are diminishing. ghosting. >> ghosting. >> you go 0 dark 30. you talk to them and they go -- >> you have a friend, you don't want to stay in touch with them. you stop responding. >> no texts, no phone calls, no social media. >> yes. >> what do you do if the person you're ghosting doesn't take the hint. >> they keep saying, hello, hello? >> the woman wrote to a social cu times" for help. before i tell you the advice, what would you do if it happened to you? >> if someone kept texting me i would continue to say, i'm busy. i'm sorry, i'm really swamped. we'll get together later. >> i thought you meant they're not taking the hint. >> they're not taking the hint. what do you do? >> i don't know. just write them off, man. it's not meant to be. >> you know phillip galanis, columnist, he says, be pro active. call the friend and be honest. you tell them, quote, i understand you're trying to reach me but i am not interested in renewing our friendship. please stop calling. >> what? >> calling, that requires picking up the phone and having a human interaction which is not going to happen. >> that's harsh. >> i can't imagine. what would you do if someone said, look, dude, i don't want to be your friend. >> if it were worth fighting for, let's communicate. let's break it down. what did i do? i'll fix it. >> let's talk about it. >> maybe it's not a fight, maybe people just move on. >> right. with technology and social media. there's ghosting, there's bread crumbing. >> right. >> it's hard to keep up. >> all right. they say love doesn't cost a thing, but listen to what couples are spending to get married. the folks at the knot say the average wedding is now more than $35,000. that does not include the honeymoon and then $3,000 more than the year before. you're wondering where is the most expensive place in the country to get married, right here in manhattan, $78,000. if you're looking for a bargain, arkansas. the average wedding is just under 20 k. did you guys have big, fancy, expensive weddings? >> no. really small. >> yours was little? >> you just had one recently. small. >> all right. after wedding, you know what comes next? honeymoon. >> don't say it like that. yeah, that's right, a honeymoon in hawaii for this couple couldn't get any better. they were from ohio and here is audrey on a golf course in lanai. she's teeing on off a par 3, carson. you can't see the ball. listen. >> go in the hole. go in the hole. come on. roll. roll. ah! >> oh, my god! >> audrey! >> that's right. audrey hits a hole in one. >> hole in one. >> she says, i am so excited i feel like crying. >> i got a hole in one. >> beautiful couple. isn't that great? >> oh, my god. >> how many have you had? >> none, actually. >> none? >> you, matt? >> none. >> you have never gotten a hole in one? >> no. aggravating. >> all right. >> i've had a double eagle on a par 5. i had a driver 3 wood. >> what? >> matt and i talking off the air. it's like we're -- >> let's do it. rowling. when she's not writing best selling books, she is crushing trolls on twitter. j.k.'s been critical of president trump. that's angered some of her fans. one threatened to burn her books and movies. here's how she responded. well, the fumes from the dvds might be toxic and i've still got your money, so by all means. you want another one. here's another one. this is someone with a frog avatar. mrs. terrible writer. little more colorful writing. well, who knows if i try harder i might be reincars nated as a lonely virgin behind a cartoon frog. >> don't mess with her. >> next is some of hoda's favorite guys. zach brown band. great song called "my old man." you can hear a little bit of it right now. they explore the ever changing relationship between fathers and sons. ♪ i know one day we'll meet again ♪ ♪ looking down >> great song. >> six part harmony. no one does it like the zach brown band. >> new album called "welcome home." coming out may 12th. >> north american multi-city tour will kick off. sold out. they're from atlanta. they're probably rooting for the falcons for sure. finally, if you didn't already know this guy. let me introduce you to this man. everybody calls his sam bay. have you seen this? a turkish chef. people have been trans fixed by this particular video where he shows off his skills firmly sli slidesing e e with gr and finesse. here's the moment everybody loves. watch this. he seasons it, matt. look at this. look at the art. the flourishing of salt off the forearm as it falls onto the meat. so effortlessly. how many people have seen this video would you guess? more than 10 million including a certainca leonardo deckacap rio. >> have you got something snels. >> yeah, we've got something else. >> why have i always forgotten this? the final one from folks at michelobe ultra which makes use of iconic tv themes. ♪ snoitsz ♪ ♪ ♪ sometimes you've got to go where everybody knows your nam ♪ ♪ and they're always glad came ♪ ♪ you want to be where you can see ♪ ♪ troubles are all around ♪ you want to be where evyby knows yo ne >> everybody's ears perced up with al is in boston. >> there they are watching that as wel about ads monday on "today" and reveal which ones ranked highest on "usa today's" ad meter poll. the melissa mccarthy one we've been talking about. >> early favorite. no question aboutt. carson, thank you very much. let's go back up to cheers in boston where al's got a check of the weather. >> that's right. who here knows the cheers theme? we're in cheers. ♪ making your day in the world today takes everything you've got ♪ there you go. sure would mean a lot. ♪ sometimes you've got to get away ♪ ♪ sometimes you've got to go where everybody knows your ne ♪ >> that worked out fantastically. all right. let's show you our weather, our forecast. oh, man. so here's the deal. we've got another storm the storm. rain develops over the ohio river valley. rain and threat of rain and snow tuesday it makes its way into the northeast. snow and mix of ice and freezing rain maybe here in boston. rain for a lot of the east coast on wednesday and snow for the great lakes and new england. all right. that's what's going on around the country where everybody knows your name. here's what's happening iyour neck of e od >> good morning, everybody. i'm storm team 4 meteorologist chuck bell. may have been a clear sky when you went to bed last night, but it's all cloud cover now. we're going to stay mostly cloudy so don't plan on much sunshine. if you're going to get any, we'll get some later in the day. current feels like in the 20s. feels like winter. mostly cloudy today. temperatures only in the upper 30s to around 40 degrees for a high today. tomorrow, sunny but colder still. highs tomorrow mid to upper 30s. dry on super bowl sunday, t. >> one of my all-time favorites, norm walked in. they said, norm, how's life treating you? it's a dog eat dog world and i'm eating milk bone underwear. back to you guys. >> kind of came out of the blue. >> thank you, al. >> thank you, buddy. >> all week long we've been getting you ready for the new "fifty shades darker" movie. >> last night the cast and some lucky fans got to get together for the big premiere. natalie, of course, was there. >> of course. >> hey, gnat mo, how was it? >> you know i'm a fan, guys. no spoilers. the sequel lives up to the hype and the world premiere was quite an event. it was a swanky "fifty shades" theme ball. >> are you going to stand there gawking? >> yes. >> it's steamy, sexy, fifty shades darker. >> it picks up just days after the first one left off. but for fans of the two-year wait for the racy reunion between christian gray and anastasia steele. the movie's world premiere was a real life reunion for jamie dornan and dakota johnson. there was a big hug, big embrace. this is a really great friendship that you have. >> i think we were kind of fortunate to be best friends. >> forced. >> she had to sign a contract? >> thank god because if we didn't get along it would be really, really awful. >> it would be. you know, it's a very unique sort of friendship and it's a friendship that is built on maybe more trust than other friendships need to be. >> oh! >> what is it about these books, jamie, do you think that really women. >> these characters, they truly buy into the love story. the want of these two people to be together is huge sometimes. >> how much have your lives changed despite the series alone? >> my life has changed exponentially. obviously like the public awareness of my entire life is not what it was prior to this. >> that can mean something, to know that you struck a chord. there are people who are really into this and especially these two. >> absolutely. >> yes. >> we were very grateful for that. >> we wanted to fulfill fan's expectations but i'm feeling very cocky that we have. >> well done. >> there's always an >> at the risk of getting ourselves into even more trouble, we headed inside to the massacre raid ball just li t one in thmoe. >> a lot of fun there last night. a lot of eager fans just can't wait to see the movie, which opens up on february 10th. guys, just in time for valentines. >> leann rimes. >> i am. >> what are you going to do for the big game? >> actually, my husband's meeting me here today. i have a few things to do. we're flying on sunday to aspen. we made -- i have a show in aspen the next day. we made our flights early so we can actually get there before the game. >> can't miss it. >> what are you doing for the game, carson? >> i'm going to watch with my >> matt, you, too? >> home. >> ditto, baby. guacamole, me and joel. >> meanwhile, leanne is here because she's out with her 16th studio album. how is that possible? she's getting ready to perform for us live on a friday morning right here in studio 1a. first, here's a look at your local news and weather. >> thank you, leanne. this is a news 4 news break. >> 8:26 on february 3rd. i'm aaron gilchrist. melissa mollet is in traffic. >> hi, aaron. inner loop before braddock road, crash blocking the left lane. rest of the beltway not bad. eastbound 66 before the manassas rest stop, they have a crash. suite land parkway a couple of lanes blocked there. >> aaron? >> a check on your forecast when we come back. stay with us. [ alarm weather.eping ] ♪ [ laughter ] cartoons. for it. [ cat screech ] [ laughter ] ♪ [ screaming ] [ laughter ] make everyday awesome with the power of xfinity x1... hi grandma! and the fastest internet. [ girl screaming ] [ laughter ] good morning, everybody. mostly cloudy outside right now. temperatures in the upper 20s and low 30s. little bit of a breeze out there has wind chills back in the mid 20s. winter coats for today. upper 30s to around 40 degrees in most spots and then over the weekend sunny and cold tomorrow with highs in the 30 partly to mostly cloudy on super bowl sunday. highs near 50 degrees. >> chuck, thank you. you can get the latest news and weather at any time open the nbc washingtonpp. ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ for what's important tomorrow. ♪ long live love [ cheers ] we're back at 8:30 on a friday morning. 3rd of februy,0 little chillier than we've had this year so far, in the 20s this morning. nice people gathered here. charlie, hoda here is going to realize the show has gbegun in second. she's going to come over. >> a lot of girls from tulane are in the house, you know? >> they've been here all morning long. >> they have been. >> by the way, did we say congratulations already? what's your name? >> kayla reiner. congratulations. you kicked cancer's >> all right. now we have some leann rimes music in the background there for a second. she's going to give us a live performance from inside the studio coming up in just a couple of minutes. also ahead, take a look at who's in our kitchen. how about gordon ramsey cooking up the super bowl recipes you can tryout on sunday. >> do you like spicy foods? >> uh-huh. >> those are a little spicier than the typical wings. >> al and chanelle are standing by with the mayors of the two cities. >> that's right. we have a wager. my first year as we lost the super bowl. >> serve anybody? >> i totally approve of that. >> all right. mr. mayor, before we go to atlanta, these are the best fans in the nfl, right? >> unbelievable. patriot fans. >> okay. and i think there are two -- there are two fans that you really think are kind of special. >> two young wome here that go to boston college. i think jessica and alesha. >> jessica and alesha? >> unbelievable. >> what makes you super fans? >> we love boston. we love bc. we love the patriots. we're so excited to be here today. this is so cool. >> have you ever been to the super bowl. >> would you like to to the super bowl? >> yes. >> you're into sup bow >> you've got two tickets to super bowl li in houston courtesy of ticket master. two round trip tickets on hotel stay in houston! >> oh, my god. >> that's right. that's right. and we've got a huge thank you to ticket master, 100% verified source of super bowl tickets and to united airlines for flying you guys to the game. what do you say? >> oh, my god. >> that's awesome. >> whew! >> pretty exciting, huh? >> i want my tickets. >> okay. let's -- that's what's going on -- that's what's going on -- we're going to get to atlanta and find out about their super fans. first, that's what's going on around the country. here's what's happening in your neck of the woods. >> well, here we are, cold to start off your friday. temperature feeling like 27 degrees in the district. feels like 23. gaithersburg, fredericksburg feels like 35 degrees. this afternoon, 43 for a high. chillier than yesterday. mostly cloudy with some late day clearing. then we go into your we we're going to start in the 20s. top out in the upper 30s. by sunday we'll be around 50 degrees. looking dry for super bowl plans. then next week we see our next chance of rain on tuda >> mayor marty walsh, thank you so much. >> thank you very much. great game on sunday. >> we've got a little technical problem with our remote in atlanta. we're going to get to them. dylan, so good to see you. all right. guyscko >> all right, al. thanks, al. thanks, dylan. now to joy's healthy heart. february is american heart month. today is national wear red day. five foods that can help you beat dangerous belly fat that can help lead to heart disease. >> i like your red dress. >> yours, too. >> a lot of people carry weight around the middle but it can be very, very bad for you, too. >> it can be very dangerous. let me show you a graphic. >> okay. >> when we tend to lay down it's frustrating. it's unappealing, but it's much less dangerous than this because when all of the foot pools within your belly, you'll see it building up over here, that is indicative of exactly what's going on within your belly. so it's wrapped around your organs. it messes with your hormones. it increases inflammation, increases cancers, metabolic syndrome. >> that's my body type, i carry it in the middle, that's how i am. that's sometimes not the case. >> even if you do tend to carry it in the middle, a lot of us as we get older it redistributes. you can still lessen it. what i want everybody to do this weekend, homework, get a flexible tape measure. you're going to stand up nice and tall, exhale, and get your reading right above your hip bone. you want the number if you're a woman to be less than 35 and less than 40 if you're a man. if it's higher than that, hoda, it's okay. the idea is to get it down. these. we have five foods to add to your diet. salmon first. >> you add it to your diet and they will blast belly fat. if you eat salmon it's a great thing. it has a lot of filling protein but also it has vitamin d in david. this helps to promote hormones that regulate your diet and burns felly fat. >> it burns belly fat? >> this is on the website. >> all of these recipes you'll find on the website. >> greek yogurt. >> because it has more than twice the protein of traditional yogurt. yogurt has two things, hoda. >> what? >> calcium and pro biotics. we know through research that both of those things in the belly area help to reduce fat absorption and increase fat burn. >> artichokes. you've got the heart, the full monte. >> artichokes are cool. we mentioned the yogurt has probiotics. wee of this healthy bacteria in our gutt to burn belly fat. >> broccoli. >> so large scale studies have shown that people who eat ample amounts of these colored vegetables have less abdominal fat but i am doing a bill call out to broccoli because broccoli is one of the few vegetables that also has calcium and we know that calcium helps to burn belly fat. >> these are broccoli tater tots. >> onions. onions like artichokes have inuin, a prebiotic. they help to feed the probiotics. the cool thing about onions, it flavors up food without adding calories or salt or carbs. onions are great, onion er >> whatever is in these broccoli tater tots are delicious. we have more ways to improve your heart health on our website. gordon ramsey has the only chicken wing recipe you're going to need but first this is "today" on n. da "today" food is brought today's food is broughto you by progresso. make it progresso or make it yourself. >> this morning on today's food, we are wrapping up our super bowl week. we thought we would call in one of the biggest names in the business. gordon ramsey. chef, good to see you. >> i want to mention today marks the launch of gordon's online cooking classes on master you don't call, you don' it's been almost five years since you've been here. >> i've been busy. also master class, getting into the homes and doing that level of education online has been phenomenal. >> you have all the books, restaurants, tv shows. we are going to make our favorite super bowl dish, chicken wings. you're doing them differently. let's look at the ingredients. >> the ingredients from lime, sesame seeds, spicing them up. >> when you talk spicy, what are these? >> seven or eight. but also i think it's quite with the chicken wings so we lollipop them. >> what does that mean? who does that? >> you butcher them. it makes it so much more practical to eat. >> you put them on a baking sheet. >> 375, 25 minutes into the oven. then we start this beautiful glaze. so we have honey and amazing, spicy taste. >> that taints the wings. >> let's say you don't have that. >> thyme paste, chili powder. >> you're going to put all of those and cook it down? >> bring it up to a boil. from there you make it almost like a beautiful glaze. once they come out of the oven, they're resting. the secret is to put the actual marinade on once they're warm. it absorbs. you're putting it on the second time? >> that's right. it's almost like a sort of varnish or coat. you see what happens now. it's warm. the chicken starts to absorb. it goes back into the oven and it sort of bakes for another eight or ten minutes. it glazes. the skin tightened up. it forms this wonderful lollipop. >> show people wh e lo like. i have guys downstairs who are ready to go on these things. what do we think? >> ready to go? we're already gone. >> it's finger food. it's easy to eat. you can pick it up, little bit of scallions, toewsed sesame seeds. show me the next thing. your version of the pig in a blanket. >> sausage rolls. start off with ground turkey. inside that we've got cairo way seeds, fennel seeds, salt and pepper and water. mix that up a little bit of mixed garlic. once you've pasted that together, form a sausage. once you've formed the use, set it in the fridge for about five or ten minutes to get it nice and firm. >> okay. >> sometimes you get it two or three minutes. >> store bought pastry? >> no chef makes pastry. >> from there a little bit of egg wash over and then very, very carefully just lift that up and roll. now these are brilliant done the day before so they can be put in the fridge, cooked from a >> exactly. pop them in how long? >> they are in there for 18 minutes at 325. >> guys, what do we think of these? >> just delicious. >> really good. >> turkey as well. >> yeah. >> what's the sauce here? >> mayonnaise with a beautiful muslet. my first game on sunday. >> are you going to go? >> i can't wait. >> are you a football fan? >> i'm a big football fan. >> who are you rootinfo >> tom. >> patriots. gordon, great to have you back. come see us soon again. the class is on master class dotcom begin today. can you read the rest of that. i have a piece of this in my mouth. >> you can get the recipes on the website, gordon is about to take over -- >> the facebook page. >> is that right? >> check that out. >> we're live. next up grammy winner leann rimes is live in a studio. this is "today" on nbc. these are azg. up next. firsthis, is t healthy, free, the world before me, the long brown path before me leading wherever i choose. the east and the west are mine. the north and the south are mine. all seems beautiful to me. the citi concert series on "today" is proudly 34 years old. leann rimes is the winner of two grammy awards, 12 billboard music awards, 3 cmas and today she is out with her 16th studio album. leean, good morning. what are you going to sing? >> "long live love." >> take it away. >> here we go. ♪ i was tired of choking so i took the noose off myan so i c you ♪ ♪ i got sick of crawling frx so you could be a big man ♪ ♪ i got tired off my bells being cut off ♪ 'cause you didn't have none ♪ you had a good run, yeah, didn't ya, babe ♪ ♪ now, it's ashes to ashes and dust to dust ♪ ♪ so long live love i ain't ever given up on it ♪ ♪ long live love won't be long until i rise up ♪ ♪ long live love i ain't ever given up on it ♪ ♪ long live love won't be long until i rise up ♪ ♪ and i'll rise up so long live love ♪ ♪ long live love long live love ♪ ♪ long live love long live, long live love ♪ ♪ going to wash your dirt off till i'm spanking clean ♪ ♪ 'cause the real deal, baby he's going to look good on me ♪ ♪ i forgive myself all the time i wasted on you ♪ ♪ if i learned anything, baby, i learned ♪ ♪ what a man ain't to do you had a good run, yeah, didn't ya, baby ♪ ♪ now it's ashes to ashes and dust to dust ♪ ♪ so long live love i ain't ever given up on it ♪ ♪ long live love won't be long until i rise up ♪ ♪ long live love i ain't ever given up on it ♪ ♪ long live love won't be long until i rise up ♪ ♪ and i'll rise up so long live love ♪ ♪ long live love, yeah long live love ♪ ♪ long live love long live love, yeah ♪ ♪ long live love love, love, long live love, love ♪ ♪ long live love ♪ long live, long live love ♪ long live long, long love ♪ ♪ long live, long live love ♪ ♪ love ♪ i believe, i believe, i believe ♪ ♪ i believe, i believe long live love ♪ ♪ i ain't ever given up on it won't be long until i rise up ♪ ♪ long live love i ain't ever given up on it ♪ ♪ long live love won't be long until i rise up ♪ ♪ and i'll rise up so long live love ♪ ♪ long, long, long live long live love ♪ ♪ long live love ♪ long, long, long live long live love ♪ ♪ i believe i believe, i believe i believe i believe i believe ♪ ♪ i believe, yeah, yeah ♪ i believe, i believe i believe ♪ ♪ i believe, i believe i believe ♪ ♪ i believe, i believe long live love ♪ great job. >> thank you. >> leann rimes, everyby. she'll be back with more music. we have a big super bowl give away live fromtl first, this is "today" livon nbc. [ alarm clock beeping ] weather. ♪ [ laughter ] cartoons. wait for it. [ cat screech ] [ laughter ] ♪ [ screaming ] [ laughter ] make everyday awesome with the power of xfinity x1... hi grandma! and the fastest internet. [ girl screaming ] [ laughter ] we're back. willie's here. who are you going for with the game? >> i lived in atlanta. i'm going for the dirty birds. >> let's go to chanelle in atlanta. chanelle? >> yes, can i tell you something? two people are going to the super bowl. they've been waiting for hours. you can feel the tension. i have the mayor . can you believe this crowd this morning? >> i can believe it. i mean, even hoda's got on our colors this morning. >> i did notice that. >> really quickly, tell me about that friendly wager. you want them in boston to fly the atlanta falcons flag when you win, right? >> we're staying humble in atlanta. with the other two mayors we would fly the flag after we beat the other team so green bay's flown our flag and seattle flew our flag. i'm going to follow mayor walsh and we'll let our team do the talking for us. >> drum wol please, guys. this is the moment we've been waiting for. bring it down. mayor, go ahead. two people here, they don't know who they are. who's going to the super bowl. are you ready? >> two lifelong falcons fans, gary and sherry travi >> oh! >> come here. >> we're going! >> whoo! >> this guy has been going to games since 1966. so we want to thank ticket master. listen, we're going to thank ticket master and united airlines. you don't have to pay for a thing. you are going to the pebo. tell the folks at home how long you guys have been fans? >> 51, years, baby. since '66. >> i heard that you guys come right here to hudson grill -- >> every game. >> every game this year. two chairs right over there at the bar. >> i'll tell you what, congratulations. play us out. wegog cebte. >> come on. that is -- that's how you define perfect right there. >> that is perfect. >> mr. mayor, that was on cue. >> too bad they couldn't find anybody excited. >> willie geist, you're going to the game, too? >> i wish i was going game with those people. >> do you still do the dirty bird, carson. >> oh, yeah. sure. >> we're doing the pre-game show sunday morning. busy second week for donald trump in the white house. get you ready for the game. my guess is actress ruby rose. we met up with her favorite restaurant, eat some weird food and talk about her big break on the netflix hit "orange is the new black." so tell me about the phone call when orange called? >> i sold the subject. it was like, orange is the new black ruby, coming from my agent i just assumed it was like an "orange is a new black" tribute party, they wanted me to d.j., dress as an inmate. hey, i'll probably still do it. i tried to be professional and did a take and when i didn't get a call to go to new york i sort of thought i'd not gotten it. they said, actually, we love it so much we want you to be in the show. >> right then and there? >> yeah. >> wow. >> we'll talk a lot more to ruby se today." she just said this. she drinks charcoal. she brushes her teeth with charcoal and her moisturizer has charcoal in it. she got me to drink charcoal. >> you look fabulous. >> she swears by it. she's fascinating. >> all right. we're back with much more "today" on a friday morning right after these messas d your lol ws. 8:56 is your time now on this friday, february 3rd, 2017. good morning to you, i'm eun yang. want to check on the roads with melissa mollet and your first 4 traffic. >> taking a look at the beltway, inner loop at braddock. beltway looks quite good, inner loop and outer loop. don't have any big complaints. in bound 66 before the rest area, top of the beltway, all these routes just fine. 270 near montrose, no big worries. >> we'll take a quick break. we'll check your foreca nt. stay withs. rently. welcome to 8 and a half maple street. it's half a house. and even though it only has half a kitchen, half the closet space and a half bath, it's a full house to the wilsons. because they have fios, their half house has full internet, with uploads as fast as downloads. don't pay for uploads that aren't up to speed. get 150 meg internet with equal uploads and downloads, tv and phone for only $79.99 per month online for one year. only from fios. good morning. temperatures are feeling like the 20s so before you step outside you'll want the warm jacket. 35 is the actual temperature in the district. feels like 28. as we go through the afternoon it will be cooler than it was. 43 for the high temperatures today. mostly cloudy, late day clearing. tomorrow morning in0s to start. could be feeling like the teens. highs in the upper 30s and for super bowl sunday, little milder, around 50 degrees and dry. eun. >> thank you, sheena. get the latest news and weather any time in the nbc washington app. see you in 25 minut another wspde. 's not a banner that goes on a wall. it's not something you do now and then. or when it's convenient. it's using state-of-the-art simulators to better prepare for any situation. it's giving offshore teams onshore support. and it's empowering anyone to stop a job if something doesn't seem right. at bp, safety is never being satisfied. ways working to be better. this morning on this morning on todas take, it's freebie friday and we're celebrating the super bowl with a huge give away you can win from home. then a battle for the best game day grub in a super chef showdown. plus, football star eric decker is our co-host coming upex from nbc news, this is "today's" take live from studio 1a in rockefeller plaza. >> welcome to "today" on this freebie friday. february 3rd, 2017. i'm jenna bush hager along with our guest co-host new york jets wide receiver eric decker. >> all right. happy to be here. >> hi. i'm so excited to have you here. >> thank you. thank you. >> there are some women that are very listen, this is the thing, eric, i was prepared for the crew to be excited because they are, we have jerseys everywhere, but there has been quite a lot of hype with the girls in the office as you can see. i'm sure your wife loves that. >> some good looking women. i see the jerseys. >> i see eric decker jersey, my man eric back there. >> okay. we cannot wait to get this party started early. we have al in boston with patriots fans and chanelle is in atlanta with falcons fans. we're going to check in with them in a moment. hi, guys. >> yeah. >> oh, yeah. so we're so excited for sunday's big game. there's football fever in our studio, even the control room are wearing jerseys. we need more jets jerseys down there, though. >> come on. >> where are those jets jerseys. eric, you joined us for an extra super day. it's our super sized -- oh. that was a really intense throw of paper. because it's also our super sized edition of freebie friday which is always so much fun. we have a super bowl give away for our fans on the plaza and at home. watch so you can win. we've always wondered what it's like or i've always wondered what it is like to play in a super bowl. you've done it. >> yes. >> what is it like? >> it's the greatest achievement in my career. obviously did not get a chance to win the super bowl, but going and experiencing the week. i mean, it's tough. it's a long week. i mean, you get the distractions out of the way early. monday is media day, tuesday is always interviews, you have fan stuff. so by this time of the week you're happy to get there because it feels like it's kind of a normal week in that sense where you're preparing for a game. you're going to go out and play football. >> do you have a major butterflies, any sort of good luck charms? what do you do to prepare? >> the team does their best ability to make it feel like a normal week. everything is an event in the super bowl. the media day, the fan stuff. you're in a different city. you're traveling to practice and you feel comfortable in the hotel. so, you know, what eat back home is what they're going to provide. >> right. >> the sleeping pattern's the same. you definitely have anxiety and the excitement, but by this time, again, you're just in that creature of habit just preparing. >> sleep. get some sleep. >> plenty of sleep. >> in addition to your nfl career you've also done some work on camera. this is the time where we have some fun. you were in your wife's music video. your wife is country star jesse james decker. take a look ♪ you and me were sitting in the kitchen ♪ >> shirtless. >> shirtless the requirement? >> it did. i did a couple pushups. tried to make myself look good. >> i have to say, we have not -- that does not help the girls in the kitchen. if anything, that just gets them a little bit more riled up. i'm scared we're going to start some any fainting? any fainting? they're blushing, they're hot. >> we had a great time though. that was fun. that was my first music video, actually, second. we did one before that, but the whole day, great crew. the house, i wanted to buy it. it was in malibu. unbelievable. we had fun. >> when your wife is like, okay, i want you to be in my video, the requirement one is you have to be cooking breakfast topless, what goes through your mind? >> well, if you and me or someone else. no one else is going to be grabbing her. it's going to be this guy. >> that's actually great. you know, i have to think you have two kids. we have kids about the same age. we're in t right? >> we are in it. >> major zone on zone offense, defense. i've got one. my husband has the other. same with you. how old are your kids? >> my daughter will be 3 in march and my son is 17 months. >> what's the birthday for the son? >> he is september 1st. >> okay. poppy louise is august 13th. marriage? >> let's do that. >> oh, he's cute. let's sign a document. do y'all have a document we can arrange a marriage for our children? >> make this happen. >> i have to think that your mornings don't exactly look like that music video, right? >> no, they don't. you wake up, hair's crazy. you're half sleepy, awake. coffee is what gets you going. it's the best thing in life. it's obviously the stressful moments and the struggles of not sleeping, of having to chase them around, pick up after them but, i mean, they give you so much joy in your life, i love it. >> it's the best thing in the world. this is the first time we've ever met, which has been fun so far. i wanted to play a game to really get to know you. we're going to play a little game that we like to call deck yeah or deck no. do you like that? >> spicy, yeah. >> you should go around being like deck yeah. let's see if people know. i'm going to ask you questions and you answer with deck yeah, deck no. >> got it. >> would song on karaoke. >> deck yeah. >> which one. >> "bad romance" or "poker face." i could do a great rendition of it. >> can we hear a little of it? >> no. no. no ♪ ♪ >> i have to get the shoulders going first. ♪ oooh >> i really like it. >> okay. >> you may need to work on your karaoke. >> i need the words up. i don't know the song by hard. who's producing. >> we sort of set you up i have to say. what about this one? this is very risky. would you ever perform a jesse james decker song at karaoke? >> i have every song on my iphone and i listen to it. on travel days i think i should perform and do well. >> do you listen to your wife's music? >> i do. i actually enjoy her music and the stuff that she keeps making is just getting better and better and i'm into it. >> don't you love that sort of watch videos of my children, but if you had -- if my spouse could only be a musician, then you could listen to their music and keep up with them, right? >> honestly, it's really cool. i've got the sports world. i love watching sports and the super bowl, but to be able to go to a concert or know different country artists throughout town. that's what i want to be. i want to be on a guitar shredding in front of 100,000 people. i think that's the coolest thing ever. >> your wife's pretty great. here is another one. will you pig out at the super bowl? >> of course. i just got a big green egg for christmas. i'm going to get some wingon there, meat, we're going to have a good time on sunday. >> i like it. me, too. al, let's hear about people who are excited about the super bowl. patriots and falcons fans, al roker and chanelle jones. al, you're at cheers. you're so lucky. what's going on? >> we're at cheers at faneuil hall. we've got dylan dreyer and >> who's looking great. we got to show dylan. this is the fake tom brady. what's your real name? >> dan worthington. >> of bleacher report. and this is how we debuted dylan and calvin for their first time earlier in the program. dylan was wearing this and -- >> dylan dreyer. >> so there you go. we also -- we also have the founder of sam adams here, jim -- >> good to see you. >> good to see you. >> sam adams was the igal new englanpaio >> d we've got the owner of cheers. what's your name, sir? >> tom kershaw. >> and we have one of the most important people here, dylan's mother-in-law, denise. we've got a great crowd here. and earlier we had the ultimate fan surprise. we expense paid trip to the super bowl. what's your names? >> would you like to go to the super bowl? >> there was the big debut. and so you guys -- you've never been to the super bowl, right? >> no, we haven't. >> never been. >> okay, great. you're going to get that special dispensation from the mayor to cut class monday and tuesday. >> yes, we are. >> that's fantastic! >> and they're twins. >> and they're twins. >> wow. that's unbelievable. well, guys, that's it from here in atlanta. the ultimate pep rally. >> we're going to atlanta. we're going to atlanta. >> in boston, dylan, i love that you have a baby in a bar. we miss you. calvin's in a bar. chanelle, what's going on? you're at the hudson grill in midtown, atlanta. hi, chanelle. >> hi. good morning, guys. here's the deal. can i just tell you, it makes me so happy when you have two die hard super fans who have be >> 51 years for the falcons! >> okay. so imagine -- so imagine coming to a bar like this for 51 years, never thinking you'll get the chance to actually go to the super bowl. it has made my day to be able to say that you guys are going to the super bowl. >> whew! >> so now -- so now we're getting ready to celebrate. we're going to do the dirty bird. jenna and eric, are you listening. this is for jenna and eric. stand up where you are. stay in place. >> okay. >> are you standing up? >> we're standing up. >> we're going to show you how to do the dirty bird. here we go. >> thumbs and fingers like this. extra extension. let's do the dirty bird. >> let's do it! . let's do it. >> eric is never coming back, all right? eric will never be back here. >> here you go. >> guys, coming up, people actually predicted every playoff game this a she's here to predict which team will win right after t all-in-one cold symptom relief from tylenol®, the #1 doctor recommended pain relief brand. tylenol® when you have a cold, pain from chest congestion can make this... feel like this. all-in-one cold symptom relief from tylenol®, the #1 doctor recommended pain relief brand. tylenol® ♪ ♪ ♪ the volumized brow! new brow precise fiber volumizer from maybelline new york. our first brow mascara with fiber-infused gel... fills gaps. adds volume. precisely. maybelline's brow precise fiber volumizer. make it happen ♪maybelline new york wecage-free and we care about amazing taste. because at hellmann's, we're on the side of food. barbara?! you're one hot old el paso taco boat! uggh, mom, dad... i'm right here! are those peppers? jalapeños! spicey! caliente! i have to get my own plate. anything goes in old el paso. you never believed in fairytales. knights in shining armor or happily ever after. but you believed when the right one came along, you'd be ready. time to shine. orbit. rightabreva can heal itold sore, in as few as two and a half days when used at the first sign. without it the virus spreads from cell to cell. only abreva penetrates deep and starts to work immediately to block the virus and protect healthy cells. you could heal your cold sore, fast, as fast as two and a half days when used at the first sign. learn how abreva starts to work immediately at don't tough it out, knock it out, fast. with abreva. we're back with "today's take." and our guest co-host is derek our guest co-host is eric decker. you are a good predictor. who do you think is going to win? >> the falcons. >> if we want to make a bet on the game, we're not going to encourage that but we're here help. one individual has predicted every nfl game right this season. she's here with us today. yowie the dog. her own know jeffrey snead created youtube videos. >> hi, yowie. >> she does pound it. >> yowie. >> pound it? pound it? >> she's ready to pick. >> let's see. let's see. so what do we do here, jeff? >> we're going to put a treat in each of these bowls, set them up in the middle and then we tell her to get -- pick one. >> is there any human influence? >> if i tried, i would be way worse of a predictor than this. >> one bone tastes better than the other. >> one is a vegetable bone. let me smell them. >> give eric a bite. give eric a bite of each. just kiting. same bone? >> same bone. >> okay. >> are you ready for this? >> she's ready. >> come here. sit. sit. okay. we're sitting right here. wait. >> okay. >> wait. wait. wait. >> i'm so nervous. >> i'm so anxious. >> ready? get it. >> oh, no. she's 10 for 10. >> that's really big. are people saying the patriots are the favorites? >> she ate both bones. okay. second place. >> first place for falcons, then the patriots. >> this is good. we had to record this before we knew we were coming on here and she picked the falcons. so if she's wrong, she's double wrong here. >> what? >> i'm all in. i'm all in on falcons. >> i like it. all right. good job. yowie. >> i loved it. >> i love that yowie can do that, by the way. the super bowl. there are also some weird and what can whky l bet? >> we do. make some coin toss and -- >> yeah. >> just non-football related bets. >> you don't like the football related bets? >> no. >> too close to home. >> yes. >> what color do you think lady gaga's hair will be, blond or any other color? >> it won't be blond. i think red or something festive. >> she's already wearing blond. we saw her at media day. >> easy change. >> easy change. fine. what pants will luke bryan be wearing? jeans or another pair of pants? >> jeans. he's a country boy. that's easy. >> i'm going to say no jeans. >> no jeans? other pants? >> what should we bet? >> chaps. >> he'll be wearing chaps. >> how about that arranged marriage. you pay for the wedding if i win. >> we have to pay for the wedding anyway, she's the girl. >> okay. we'll pay for that wedding. >> and rehearsal dinner. >> how many times will we see gisele during the broadcast, over or under 1.5. >> well, if they can find her definitely over 1.5. i bet she'll be hiding somewhere in a nice, private suite. >> listen, i would like to see her all of the time. now let's send it over to boston for a check of the weather. hi, al and dylan. >> thanks so much jenna and dylan, when are you coming back? >> end of march. >> end of march. just to get you in practice here, do you want to do weather? >> i will. >> put it up on the screen. >> a list at the radar. >> wow. this is what's going on. we've got some rain out on the west coast. snow in the higher elevations moving across the northern rockies. maybe some lake-effect snow showers across the eastern great lakes. is that a little snow in southern new jersey? >> moving off and look at these highs. look at the >> teens. >> all the way down to 80s. >> i've gotten very, very -- >> you've got a great excuse. >> i have gotten so dumb in the last seven weeks. brian, my husband would say, it's a little longer than that. there's a baby brain. >> there you go. all right. >> that's what's going on around the country. >> now here's a peek out your window. >> good morning, everybody. outside of our window here in northwest washington skies are indeed mostly cloudy this morning. they're going to stay that way for the remainder of the day. cold, too. only in the mid 30s right now. a little bit of a breeze out there. wind chills in the upper 20s. afternoon highs today with very limited amounts of sunshine coming our way. only into the upper 30s to around 40 degrees. your weekend though sunny and cold on saturday. mostly cloudy but dry on sunday and milder sunday's high up near 50. >> dylan, it you and little calvin and i want to thank denise and dan thank you so much for bleacher report, thank you as well. >> all right. now back to you guys. >> okay. we miss you! we miss you. >> by the way, hey, jenna, we are going to finish the show with a big bang coming up in the next half hour right here in front of faneuil hall. >> a big bang. i like to hear that, al. thanks. coming up, the biggest day of the week, freebie friday. super sized giveaway from our fans on the plaza and you at home don't miss it if you want to win right aftth all righ (childrewow! it's like ourgosh! own movie theat... shhhhhhhhhh! sorry. vizio® 70" 4k display 4 times the detail of 1080p $998 save money. live better. walmart. you may be muddling through allergies.oned with... try zyrtec® for powerful allergy relief. and zyrtec® is different than claritin®. because it starts working faster on the first day you take it. try zyrtec®. muddle no more®. we're taking never ending to the for the first time ever.den. never ending classics starting at $11.99. indulge in never ending helpings of your most loved classic dishes. how about irresistible chicken parmesan? can't decide? switch it up on a refill. plus all the garden fresh salad and breadsticks you want. new never ending classics, starting at $11.99. the best things in life should be never ending. but when we brought our daughter home, that was it. now i have nicoderm cq. the nicoderm cq patch with unique extended release technology helps prevent your urge to smoke all day. it's the best thing that ever happened to me. every great why needs a great how. make earning bonus cash back so why do scomplicated?k cards they limit where you can earn bonus cash back to a few places... ...and those places keep changing every few months. the quicksilver card from capital one doesn't do any of that. with quicksilver you earn unlimited 1.5% cash back on every purchase, everywhere. leave complicated behind. what's in your wallet? it's an event that happens once a year, freebie friday and the friday before the super bowl. >> we're giving away the perfect tv for watching the big game. >> are you ready to head to the plaza? >> yes. >> let's make it a little handsy with you. i'll be your body guard. let's go. what's your favorite snack for super bowl? >> it's going to be chips and salgs is a. >> i love a na choe. >> hall yeah mejalapenos. >> eric deck coulhe! let's go over here, eric. come on. here we go. let's go! 21st birthday. hi, how are you. what's your name? >> my name's abby. >> abby? >> eric, can you -- >> what have you got -- >> biggest fan? >> hi. what's your name? >> we're from new york! >> where's the tv? here is the tv. for our viewers at home, you have a chance to win, too. we're giving away two more samsung ks 10,000s. visit don't forget not to like us. eric decker, what do you think? >> there were some blushing women, that's all i can say. don't forget toke coming up next, a super bowl cookoff, boston versus atlanta. two easy recipes for your big game bash after your lol ws. big-game bash after local news. ♪ many people clean their dentures with toothpaste or plain water. and even though their dentures look clean, in reality they're not. if a denture were to be put under a microscope, we can see all the bacteria that still exists on the denture, and that bacteria multiplies very rapidly. that's why dentists recommend cleaning with polident everyday. polident's unique micro clean formula works in just 3 minutes, killing 99.99% of odor causing bacteria. for a cleaner, fresher, brighter denture every day. (singsong) budget meeting. sweet. if you compare last quarter... it's no wonder everything seems a little better with the creamy taste of philly, made with no artificial preservatives, ours or dyes. who who said men can't bake? who said that women can't grill? there are a lot of cooking misconceptions out there, like that one that says olive oil is the only 'heart-healthy' cooking oil. mazola corn oil has significantly more cholesterol-blocking plant sterols than olive oil, and a clinical study showed it can help lower cholesterol 2x more than extra virgin olive oil. when it comes to heart-health, one thing is clear mazola is a smart choice. america's #1 selling heart-healthy cooking oil. ♪ [ cheers and applause ] [ cheers and applause ] ♪ ♪ this is a "news 4 today" news break. accused in a brutal family murder. he's accused of killing the family and the housekeeper back in 2016. he held the family hostage. he's pleaded not guilty to 20 felony charges. we'll have a check on your forecast when we comeac stay withs. good morning, everybody. mostly cloudy. certainly cold outside. temperatures are just barely above the freezing mark, but wind chills are remaining in the mid to upper 20s. finally a chance to wear your winter coat again. you'll need it for your friday night, saturday morning an saturdays plans. mid to upper 30s. mild with clouds around on super bowl sunday. for rain back in the forecast for tuesday and wednesday. that's ahead of another cold front for next weekend. >> thank you, chuck. get the latest news and weather any time in the nbc wasngn app. ♪ back, back now with the super bowl culinary cookoff. my favorite part of the game. we don't know who's going to win on the field but we're about to find out who will win in the kitchen. >> puritan and company from cambridge, massachusetts and jennifer from hotlanta. >> good morning, y'all. i love it. >> will, i'm going to start with you. >> if you want to pop over this way. i'd say this is the unofficial sandwich of massachusetts. >> okay. >> roast beef three way sandwich, mayo, american cheese and barbecue sauce. this is two sandwiches in one. we'll put the sandwich on top of a burger i five minutes here. >> okay. >> get these guys going. >> what's in the patty? >> montreal steak seasoning. then we'll take the burgers over here. we're ing to add a little bit of our mayo on the bottom. >> got at that have mayo. >> that's what it's all about. >> couple more of these guys right here. >> all right. and -- >> eric, i need you tasting. >> you have to try it. >> you're the judge. >> we take our burger pattys right here. >> right. >> put a little bit of the roast beef on there. >> roast beef on top of the burger. >> let's just say i for a vegetarian, right? >> no, it's not. >> why is this a boston special? >> there's a corridor of roast beef shops from boston to the north shore. so a little bit of barbecue sauce on top there. this, we have our red, white, and -- well, i guess red and bru here. >> you forgot the cheese. >> oh, no. >> my favorite part. >> cheese on top. melt that cheese. we've got ourburg gers ready to go. >> okay. >> i'm still chewing. very, very good. >> so far so good? >> what do you have that goes along? lobster? >> lobster rangoon. boston, you have to have a little lobster. >> what's over there? >> yes, all right. i'm from atlanta. we are known for coca-cola. so we have our coca-cola, smoked paprika, salt and pepper, kay an. i like some heat so how about a little jalapeno. >> special ingredient? >> the special ingredient is love, eric. >> starts with love. >> make our marinade. add all of our chicken. i like to use chicken thighs. >> chop them up. >> dice it up, big, small. cover them with plastic wrap. refrigerate 30 minutes to an hour. >> to marinate? >> yes, to marinate. then put them on the skewers. we're using wooden secures so soak them. >> you don't want it to go >> that looks good. >> put those right on the grill. give them a turn. we'll baste them with some barbecue sauce. there's a sauce there if you want to give them a hit. >> i do. >> baste that. >> the coke caramelizes. you get heat from the jalapenos. then in georgia in the south we do pimiento cheese spread. i like to do mine fully loaded. southern hospitality. we have some smoked bacon, scallions, and then i like to do a little fried shrimp. really great ones in the freezer section. i use sea pack. you can use whatever you like. cola, the -- >> that's the bomb, right? >> i tasted both. we've also created this new thing called byob, bring your own burger. >> cheers. >> they were both really good. we need to huddle. >> all right. >> we need to huddle. >> here you go. >> cheers. >> >> all right. we have a winner. now let's say we didn't even want to pick the winner, did we? >> no. we wanted a tie but somebody was yelling in our ear to pick a winner. falcons, congratulations. >> i'm sorry, the skewers. >> you love it? >> you know why? you had me at pimiento cheese. >> the devilled egg was great. >> isn't quite the vince lombardi but here you go. >> congratulations. >> and you get a kiss on the cheek from eric decker. that's the real winner. will, your food was delicious, too. >> coming up, the grown ups are busy eating and watching the game. we have fun ideas to keep the kids busy right after ts. ♪ with nature's bounty hair, skin and nails you'll enjoy nutrients for lustrous hair... ♪ vitamins c and e for vibrant skin... and biotin for healthy nails... ... you'll still feel beautiful. nature's bounty hair, skin and nails. better off healthy. our powerful relief now in pill form. it's the one and only cold & flu caplet that has a maximum strength formula with a unique warming sensation you instantly feel. power through with theraflu expressmax caplets. with not food, become food? 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(baby laughs) feels good, doesn't it? i'm phil mickelson, pro golfer. my psoriatic arthritis caused joint pain. just like my moderate to severe rheumatoid arthritis. and i was worried about joint damage. my doctor said joint pain from ra... can be a sign of existing joint damage... that could only get worse. he prescribed enbrel to help relieve pain and help stop further damage. enbrel may lower your ability to fight infections. serious, sometimes fatal, events including infections, tuberculosis, lymphoma, other cancers, nervous system and blood disorders, and allergic reactions have occurred. tell your doctor if you've been someplace where fungal infections are common or if you're prone to infections, have cuts or sores, have had hepatitis b, have been treated for... heart failure, or if you have persistent... fever, bruising, bleeding, or paleness. don't start enbrel if you have an infection like the flu. joint pain and damage... can go side by side. ask how enbrel can help relieve joint pain and help stop joint damage. enbrel, the number one one hero was on a mission to pasave snack time., watch babybel in the great snack rescue. you want a piece of me? good, i'm delicious. creamy, delicious, 100% natural cheese. mini babybel. snack a little bigger. ♪ ♪ ♪ start by taking care of families for 70 years. earn the trust of 32 nfl teams. elp is needed america's #1 isn't a status earned overnight. it's earned in every wash, and re-earned every day. tide, america's #1 detergent where does it come from? the drive to be the first female official in the nfl. it starts inside. that's why every cup of activia yogurt is made with billions of our exclusive probiotic to help care for what's inside. activia. it starts inside. ♪ the the bowl's must-see tv for adults. let's face it, the kids aren't that interested. frankly, i haven't seen the super bowl in three years. how do we keep them busy to enjoy the game? >> here are ideas to score big ones with little ones. here's megan murphy. welcome. >> hi, guys. good to see you. first things first, you've got game and that means suiting up. i am dressed from dick's sporting goods in my jersey complete with a whistle. let's face it, jenna, don't we feel like referees sometimes, parents anyway? >> yes. >> and they're trying to see how he could take off. >> come on. >> get him dressed. >> it's cold up here. >> let's play with our food. these are pig skins in a blanket. you can take big hot dogs and cut them up or little dogs if you can find them in your supermarket. roll them up in crescent rolls. >> that's one of my favorite food groups. >> kids are more likely to eat it if they're involved in making it. then you put on the little laces with mustard. my kids hate mustard, you can use ketchup. sugar cookies. you can use footballs or helmets. it's an activity that keeps them busy what i will you're watching the game. >> what are you making? >> a cookie. >> a cookie? now ihi pretty ones ahead of time for the other grown ups. let them have fun decorating. you're watching a game, put a movie on for the kids. make it more fun by creating a popcorn bar. we took these paper bags and i gave them correction tape and turned them into footballs. how much do they love to play with white out. set out some popcorn. put out tasty treats. have them mix it up. >> popcorn party. >> and the cool part is these treat bags they can take up. >> very brave serving the sugar, very brave. >> but it's a super bowl party, right? >> let them go wild. >> throw caution to wind. arts and crafts, these are my guys, brooks and james. they make banners. take computer paper, construction paper. cut it into triangles for p pennan penn ics a markers. >> sorry, everyone. >> super coo with little clothespins. i have the little lin ias coloring out front there. what super bowl party is -- super bowl is complete without a halftime show. so challenge the kids. get the dressup box out and challenge the kids. this is my daughter charlie and my niece ryry. >> lady gaga. >> come on, girl. rock it out. rock it out. lady gaga. >> after gaga put on and perform that show for you. where are my boys? we've got a football toss. you've got to have a football toss. watch your step, guys. right here. so you've got a basement, outdoor space, set up a hula-hoop. >> we've got a real baller here. >> you can set up a scoring system or you can have a fun time. >> let's do it, dude. >> get through the tire. >> good try! >> let's see. okay. >> oh. that' >> close, close, close. >> makes it so nobody gets hurt. >> a really good time. >> you got to play with a real nfl player. what do you think? >> what? >> megan, thanks so much. the kids are all right. let's check on weather from al in boston. >> hey, it's a chilly, beautiful morning here in boston. historic faneuil hall behind us. we've got the new england militia under the command of captain campbell. we're going to talk to them in just a bit. we're going to let them do the speaking. first, let's get your weather for the big game, for the super bowl. super bowl li in houston. open stadium. they can retract the roof or close it. mostly cloudy. taking the showers out of the forecast. 71 at kickoff. halftime, will lady gaga be on the roof? if she is, no rain, 67 degrees and mostly cloudy. that's what's going on around the country. here's what's happeningn neck of the woods. >> good friday morning. chilly start to the day. temperatures are feeling like the 20s for the most part. 28 is what it feels like in the district. gaithersburg feeling li 22 degrees. leesburg, 20. frederick feeling like 25. for today, cooler than yesterday, 43 for the high temperature. mostly cloudy. we'll see late day clearing. tonight will be colder, temperatures in the s. by the time you wake up saturday morning feeling like the teens. high temperatures in the upper 30s. by super bowl sunday wre talking abt any. guys, we want to finish the show off with a bang here from boston. captain campbell, please, i leave it in your command. >> thank you, sir. company, ready! present. fire! [ cheers and applause ] al, thank you. commander al. we love that. up next, the toyed's take tradition, we've been waiting all day for this. it's a baby boom 2017. it will be a crawl to the finish and we promise this is one match-up you do not wt right after i benefiber® works. inside each of us are trillions of good microflora that support good digestive health. the prebiotic fiber in benefiber® nourishes them so they can thrive. and what helps them, helps you and me every day. clear, taste-free, all natural benefiber®. nourish the goodness inside. also try benefiber® healthy shape. it's proven to keep you feeling fuller longer. wecage-free and we care about amazing taste. because at hellmann's, we're on the side of food. go sensationally bold! new colorsensational loaded bolds from maybelline new york. loaded with hyper-color pigments for one-stroke intensity. honey nectar and a creamy feel. maybelline's new loaded bolds. make it happen maybelline new york game night is our daughter allie's favorite night. and knowing that her favorite general mills big g cereals are gluten-free, like honey nut cheerios, rice chex and lucky charms, she can enjoy it her way. thiswith fries and a pepsiger mis just $9.99. mine has bacon seared right in. mine has gift cards. mine has game tickets. get a burger, fries and a pepsi for just $9.99 at lunch, plus a shot at great prizes. (childrewow! it's like ourgosh! own movie theat... shhhhhhhhhh! sorry. vizio® 70" 4k display 4 times the detail of 1080p $998 save money. live better. walmart. shouldn't mean choosing to spend more. dannon's whole milk yogurt is made with all natural, non-gmo ingredients with vitamin d. better food at a better cost. so we can aleat better. justice is spelled b-o-x. say hello to a powerful tool that gives you options to fit your budget. ♪ oh, i'm tied to this chair! ♪ dun-dun-daaaa! i don't know that an insurance-themed comic book is what we're looking for. did i mention he can save people nearly $600? you haven't even heard my catchphrase. i'm all done with this guy. box him up. that's terrible. one hero was on a mission to pasave snack time., watch babybel in the great snack rescue. you want a piece of me? good, i'm delicious. creamy, delicious, 100% natural cheese. and my life is basketball.west, but that doesn't stop my afib from leaving me at a higher risk of stroke. that'd be devastating. i took warfarin for over 15 years. until i learned more about once-daily xarelto®... a latest-generation blood thinner. then i made the switch. xarelto® significantly lowers the risk of stroke in people with afib not caused by a heart valve problem. it has similar effectiveness to warfarin. warfarin interferes with vitamin k and at least six blood-clotting factors. xarelto® is selective. targeting one critical factor of your body's natural clotting function. for people with afib currently well-managed on warfarin, there is limited information on how xarelto® and warfarin compare in reducing the risk of stroke. like all blood thinners, don't stop taking xarelto® without talking to your doctor, as this may increase your risk of a blood clot or stroke. while taking, you may bruise more easily, and it may take longer for bleeding to stop. xarelto® may increase your risk of bleeding if you take certain medicines. xarelto® can cause serious, get help right away for unexpected bleeding, unusual bruising, or tingling. if you have had spinal anesthesia while on xarelto®, watch for back pain or any nerve or muscle-related signs or symptoms. do not take xarelto® if you have an artificial heart valve or abnormal bleeding. tell your doctor before all planned medical or dental procedures. before starting xarelto®, tell your doctor about any conditions, such as kidney, liver, or bleeding problems. to help protect yourself from a stroke, ask your doctor about xarelto®. insurance changes? xarelto® has you covered. ♪ now's the moment we've all been waiting for. we're listening to bieber baby, by the way. second annual "today's" take baby ball. who could forget the epic meltdown not from the babies, mind you, but from the parents. >> this year we're doubling our chances with four beautiful babies. two representing the falcons and two representine work. we're going to plant each baby, at the 50 yard line. at the blow of the whistle each pair of parents will cheer for their baby. this is encouraged stage parenting to get their baby to crawl for them. the first baby to make the baby into the arm and the best -- >> who's calling? they're trying to talk -- >> call for team falcons. we have baby girl kylie. she's 10 months old. her parents are jessica and jason. next we have manley man maguire kieran. >> these cards are beyond. crawling for team patriots, baby amina, 9 months old. she received a phone call. and then we have 7 month old ava and aaron. hi. are y'all ready? >> let's get the babies ready to crawl. >> plant those babies. plant those babies. >> going opposite directions? >> yes. >> plant those babies. >> you got it. you all right? >> no, no, no. >> parents, parents. all right. we have to plant the baby. >> you ain't trying. >> no, no, no y'all. we haven't blown the whistle. >> oh. >> no, no, it's all my fault. >> get your marks, get set, go! >> go, go. >> here we go. come on, kylie. >> go to daddy. >> come on, maguire. come on, bud. >> this way. >> let me see we've got a winner. >> y'all, i feel so bad. >> i feel so bad. i feel like i ruined amina's chance. >> all right. >> and the winner is -- >> kylie. >> good job. congratulations, guys. kylie is the winner. >> do we have a trophy? >> there it is. >> listen, this is the trophy. we know you don't have enough diapers. there's a diaper cake. >> i have to apologize because i feel like i might have ruined -- >> you cost them a win. >> -- amina's chance. i'm sorry, amina, i didn't mean to scare you. y'all, that was fun. amina, i'm so sorry. >> that was her chance. i crushed her chance. i'm sorry. thanks to all of the babies and their parents. that was a lot of fun. we're back in this moment but first this is "today" nbc. what are you doing up? mom said i could have a midnight snack. it's not even midnight, it's ten forty-three. well, let's have a ten forty-three snack. quietly, though. okay. yeah. shhhh. hey i'll share my yoplait custard if you share your yoplait dippers? deal. deal. mmmm. the family favorite. yoplait. i want to thk y'all, i want to thank eric decker for being here. >> you rocked it. >> i appreciate that. >> the women loved it. we have somebody who's watching. jesse, got you? >> no way. >> hello. >> i'm sorry, it wasn't me. >> hi, daddy. >> hey. oh, my god. i miss you. i'll see you soon, sweetheart. >> oh, that's so cute. >> potty. >> you went potty? good job. >> is that who i'm arranging the marriage with? >> jesse, how do you feel about arranged marriage? >> an arranged marriage? i'm down. >> okay. good. let's just do it now. we signed some paperwork earlier. your husband is a hunk. we protected him from some serious -- >> i've tvs are muted on nbc. a lot of women were stopping. >> we protected him, jesse. don't you worry. >> thanks for lending him to us. >> no problem. he did amazing. >> thank you, sweetheart. >> by the way, he was thinking he was going to come away -- have some time away from children and we just inundated him with baby. >> miss them now. >> he's headed home to y'all. thanks for letting him play. >> now jenna's going to play with me. she plays with you and she comes to play with me at 10. >> we have drew barrymore, leann rimes, edie falco, all of these celebrities. >> but we don't have him. >> it was fun. >> i'll be back. at ikea, we believe everyone should be able to afford a well organized closet. mama, my throat hurts. and a few extra minutes in the morning. you've got ten more minutes. make room for what matters. at ikea, we believe everyone should be able to afford a well organized closet. mama, my throat hurts. you've got ten more minutes. make room for what matters. this is a "news 4 today" news bre. 9:57 is your time now on this friday, february 3rd, 2017. good morning to you. i'm eun yang. right now firefighters are working to put out what was a massive fire in northern virginia. take a look at these flames here. there are still some hot spots at the trash and recycling plant in lorton. they say it could take days to put out. news 4's megan mcgrath will have a sheena par convenie how's it looking? >> currently 37 grease, feels like 29 degrees. overcast skies. 43 for a high temperature. late clearing. then as we go into the weekend, tomorrow morning we're going to start in the 20s, feeling like the teens. cold start for your saturday, eun. upper 30s. by sunday, mostly cloudy. staying dry. 50 degrees for your super bowl plans. looking pretty good. next week, near 60 with rain. >> thank you, sheena. new warnings parents need to hear about the popular laundry pods. we'll see you at news 4 midday at 11:00. introducing "unicorn whispers." this should be the name. or something more like "golden gold." or maybe, "mmmmmm mmhmm." but, with 20% of your daily fiber, its actually fiber one. fios is not cable. we're wired differently. welcome to 8 and a half maple street. it's half a house. and even though it only has half a kitchen, half the closet space and a half bath, it's a full house to the wilsons. because they have fios, their half house has full internet, with uploads as fast as downloads. don't pay for uploads that aren't up to speed. get 150 meg internet with equal uploads and downloads, tv and phone for only $79.99 per month online for one year. only from fios. from nbc news, this is "today" with kathie lee gifford and hoda kotb live from studio 1a in rockefeller plaza. >> hey, good news. the long week is over. today you guys friday, february 3rd. jenna bush haggar is in as kathie lee is enjoying her friday off. if you want to listen to a good leann rimes song, called, "can't fight the moonlight." you know it's going to be a hit. this album is her 16th. it's really personal, she says. it's about her mom, her stepson. she's going to singth

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