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Welcome to fox5 snews morning. G a lot of election news to update you. Update. Breaking news from the bw parkway. This is an accident acide involving a motorcycle and twoen other vehicles. Skyfox over that scene rightr tt now. S the northbound lanes of the bw parkway are closed at route rou 193 in greenbelt. We know that one person was w medevaced from that crash scene. Its unclear whether they were w on the motorcycle or in one ofcl the cars. Well have more on this isntssn just a moment. Om in the meantime it is ai a race to the finish line for f donald trump and hillarymp poll shows the candidates aredie essentially in a dead heat nationwide. Nati Hillary Clinton trying to clt bank as many voters aser as possible through early votinglyg including in places like the t district in maryland where voting has already started. Taed doug luzader joins us withs w more on how her campaignamig thinks that strategy he is paying off. Good morning. Reporter good morning and first of all, some of these polls are just all over the map. Orter rst ofs ar ae p poll o utp po showing that Hillary Clintonnt over donald trump. Ubonald tru on the other hmpand there are other new polls out including one from foxpolls news that sho that this race may actually be b tightening as we get down to t the wire. Ir how close are donald trump and u Hillary Clinton . Nationallyatiy at least a new fox news pollewpo puts the race at just three points factoring in libertarian and green partyian n candidates. To behat would seem encouraging news for trump. Rump i do think that were we probably an early indicatorndict here. I think that youre seeing a f nat yarrowing in then race as repub come home. There are more republicans tocas come home. The question i s whether its enough and whether he can get g enough juice out ofough independents to get to where he needs to be. Heameporter the same pollts t shows trumps numbers amongmo independents do seem to beto b rising in recent weeks. Wee he was in charlotte yesterday hoping to boost lackluster numbers among minority numbers and talking about g a newmi deal for black america. Me whether you vote for me or not, i will be your greatestreat doubt concern among otherconc things about theer rise of rise independent conservative Evan Mcmullen in utah who couldhoou spoil trumps efforts to win the rely plea republican state and clinton still dealing with email leaks just about everyve day which detail herer campaigns early efforts tofforo diffuse her email scandal. Scal and she is trying to lockdown ln votes now. To the point where clinton nt whelint herself is all but holding voters hands and walking themkim to the polls. You can go to any early voting site between 7 00 a. M. M. In fact, the county center onero east kennedy boulevard is just s a 10 minute walk from here. Her [cheers and applause] appus reporter and both and b campaigns take early voting votn pretty seriously. Ioly the numbers certainly bearc that out. About 12 and a half million mli people nationwide have alreadydy cast votes in this election. N. Back to you guys good dougd dou thanks. Early voting kicks off in o i maryland in just about one abouo hour from now. Roow. To get to a poling place inlacei chevy chase. Evy c vote early between 8 00 a. M. A. M and 8 00 p. M. M Montgomery County will open 10w0 Early Voting Centers princers pe georges county executivey ecuti Rushern Baker will be at a be at polling place in fort wash. You can also register to vote rv the same dayot you vote early. Y other news happening right t now Police Continue to guard a d Prince Georges County condocouo building that remains in thenhe dark after pepco shut off allff the power because the bill for the building wasnt paid. Pai residents plan to rallyto ray hoping to get legal action togai fox5s Melanie Alnwick isck i live from temple hills nowe hil with the latest. Th t latest. This continues, mel. M good morning. Reporter and steve and allison, this has beenhas been continuing for a long time. Lynn hill condominiums has a a very troubled history. The association filed foron bankruptcy he because of 500,000 of unpaid bills. D bill. Problems continued. Continued. Fare failure to fix fire codeiro violations, fire damage fromage repaired. Water has been turned off inbee the past because of o nonpayment. Condo association pleadedatn pl guilty to multiple charges of o Reckless Endangerment of tenants. There was another bankruptcy bay filing in 2012 yet here we are and they owe more than are Million Dollars in unpaid uaid power and gas bills. We it is now day three andr today residents and supporters wantrtn to ask a judge to force the utilities to turn the powerheow and the gas back on while a settlement can be reached. Ch families have been formed out ft of the building after it was Prince Georges County countyles Fire Department has the buildings under c depar a fire t an hourly fire watch until thent power is restored. Tored. The Condo Association says itayt did try to settle up with pepco and Washington Gas but the utilities wanted a 20 too 25 percent down payment and the condo associatinton dow saii simply didnt have the money m for that. Residents wanted answers from and assistance also from county executive rushern re baker and state senator anthony mews when they camemewse Rushern Baker finally acknowledged the problem withemt the condo had been going on for years. Rs. We said to them, you need cause we knew therenewe was issues. Iue you need to deal with this. Thi you need to negotiator with t pep he company the Water Company to make sure electricito y stays onne c and n sure its habitable because ifai it isnt we have to come ine i and shut you down. This is a private entity herere so we cant force them to doo d anything unless it our codes our health codes. Reporter and that is where they are now. Orte. For his part state senator anthony muse in addition toion t seeking that court order too get the utilities turned backlii on he says hed like to use u state taxpayer money to frontont the down payment to the condotoo association so that people canst move back in here but steveut te and allison as we discussed disd before when you look at thatyou litany of problems and realize e that it is a private business,u, that might be a tough sell for some maryland lawmakers. Awke Melanie Alnwick, fox5 localal newsnw. Ic still a lot of questions a there. Lot mel thanks very much. Uc tuck we talked a lot aboutbt whats coming up down the road months a heads of time. Im what about today. Well talk more about winter again. Our socialociaonatll t platforms. Plrm we put out our winter forecastor today. Da showers back in the forecast fes not as much this morning. Mng this will be an afternoon event. We have a cold front cominga cot through later on today andodnd again scattered showers around here id say between 1 oclockck and eight or 9 oclock oclo tonight. Tonight. 51 degrees milder thanreilder everybodys about 10 degreess ab warmer than yesterday when weay had freezing temperaturesemperau across the area. Across look whats happening up inppenn new york and binghamton,amn, 29 degrees. Reason i mention that theyret getting Winter Weather upter there. Look at that. Three tolo 6 inches of freshs e brand new snow expected inn upstate new york and parts ofaro vermont. All right. U for us its just rain showers. You can see the bulk of the e th activity ie s tobulk o our nortb well have some scatteredatte showers around here a little lie later this afternoon. R all right, im giving itthg, all away in the seven day. Even y well focus on the friday, holiday time frame coming upe nu but monday looks good for halloween. Pay for the forecast. No, no its a free servicefree he does every day. D he doesnt have to give itt t away for free. Fe. Hello. Thats good advice. Hatgood yes. Have some s 7 08 we problems on the roads. Oads. Bw parkway northbound remains rs shut down. N. Serious crash. A medevac has already left the scene carrying a patient with injuries. Inries two cars and a motorcycleorcy involved. In bw parkway northbound shutdhu down space Flight Center. Ace southbound traffic is verynd slow leading past that scene. Northbound side you cantyou ca access bw parkway from them the ramps from 193 either and youre basically parked from before 410 so huge delayshugeely there. I would say take route one upoue to the beltway. Routote oneoute one north or 95 north to avoido avod that delay. Del lets switch it over becauser b this is not the only big problem were dealing with ande take a look at the inner loopder at one of our cameras. Cameras. Inner loop is basically parkedke from branch avenue across thecr wilson bridge. E. Were seeing a ton of t congestion there. Ngestion the well take a look at our maps. 295 on the northbound side byidb laboratory road, that is is adding to those inner looper l delays as folks wait to getwaite through that area. Thatrea. Also, a new crash, 270 south0ou in urbana at 80 youree basically parked from 70 pastm s there scene. Were dealing with that crash ts blocking the left lane. An and then heavy traffic theffic rest of the way so about a 45 minute delay from 70 down to70 e bebeltway. Theres a look at that crashra 295 northbound at laboratoryaby road and a better view of that a red line that i showed youd from the camera through oxonougo hill the inner loop is just is s parked. 295 benning road in the delays day from 50 on down past pennsylvania. Nnsylvia. And then again 50 inbound iou through cheverly basicallychev parked because folks heading in on 50 are also hitting thataa delay on hinew york avenue at bladensburg. Bl lay market 15 crash closed in 1 both directionscr at 55. T hearing theyre starting totartn let traffic on the northboundonh side through in one lane butan were still seeing such a huge g backup there. He. 66 backed up 234 to 28 and a then we have a crash on the outerrash loop after colesvillel a lot of bad traffic this thi morning. Green line delays. Green li wesll take a n closer look ata that next. Th allison. N. 7 he 09 and lets get toet t more headlines now on a thursday morning. Ni we have a tragic update toet share on a story thats been stn developing since last night. Sin we have learned that a man whoe was shot behind a Movie Theater in Charles County hasrl died. The shooting happened on mallsan ci mrcle drive in waldorf around p. M p. M. Police say the victim, a young man, was with friends when he he stopped and had aad a conversation with the suspect s who then pulled out a gun and ad shot him. That suspect is in custody. Us sentencing day in Montgomery County for the man who hit and killed policet an officer noahd leotta. Ltt luis reluzco pled guilty ingu i may. Police say he was drunk whenrune he hit officer leotta in rockville last year. Prosecutors want reluzco he to t spend at least 10 years in l0 prison. In Prince Georges County police needs your help locating thisnce gece n man nicc rashaad young is wanted innted i connection with the shooting shn at the shops at ive stve preliminary investigationinary t revealed the 20yearoigld waso involved in a dispute that tha ended with young shooting theg e victim before running from the scene. Sc sup on our fox5 and sociald sol media platforms this morning. Questions and comments from our viewers about how this could be possiblforme. S s were talking about aand ers vi polenost ire tncidentking beo local Police Officers and theere confusion thats followed. Flow. Maureen umeh joins us now with w the full story. To mo, whats going on. Ats g o thats that fallout thatlo came from the shooting youm thsn told us abg out just awhile ago a d. C. Police officer who washow Walking Around near the scene of that shooting at the shops at iverson has now comeom forward to say that he wast profiled by officers fromers fro Prince Georges County andeorg then he says he was b Robert Parker who is assignedne to d. C. s Harbor Patrol says say he was thrown to the ground and punched in the head evend ev as he was identifying himselfeni as an officer obeying allbeyinga command. He says he was stopped because he matched the description of the suspect involved in that shooting. After thatoo parker claims he was blank blamed for his treatment. Tr they blamed you. Yes. Woo did they he say. Why didnt you tell m theeu oore a Police Officer in the firstidll micoffi place. Place why dunn tell me you were going to pat me down. Prince georges county police told fox5 that theynce ge believe their officer actedacted professionally and with wit restraint and that therain confusion was caused becauses cb the d. C. Police officer had a gun. Prince georges county issuing a statement that says in parte wet bthelatieve s our officer c affected professionally and with restraint during a patter down. Our officer discovered the manie had a gun on his waistbands. Aisa at that point our officers took the man to the ground during a brief struggle. Ug a he preliminary investigationni he reveals it was only afteryer the man was restrained by the original officer and backup officers did he identifyfy himself as a Police Officer. Of. Of course hundreds of followers on facebook have commented on this story and we t want to share some of thosee ofe comments with you now. Ow brenda wrote on facebook thisoh is exactly why i worry about aut my Police Officer grandsonrandsn when hes not in uniform and carrying his service weaponce wo which they are required to do. Just sickening and yes he was profiled. Jackson commented quote my estition why. Why dunn identify yourself yours frisk you thats when you wereas to tell him i have a service weapon. Apon. Matthew wrote he could see the s Prince Georges Countyce g officers perspective saying. Sn i understand it fully. He matches the description andhd he felt a gun. Elt a g i understand the guy says hesya a cop but i think you have to detain him first and then get his i. D. His i. D. If you dont and hes not a hea cop then he has thep then hs opportunity to shoot you. Y to sy now of course he as we said sai this is getting a lot of attention on facebook. On steve and allison i think from you can see that there aretsseet multiplehe sides to the storytoy each one bearing a lot ofne b merit. You know, did he identify himself in time as anea officerr you have to take the the precautions to apprehend aeh would be suspect but, you know, procedures obviously being called into question. He said he he did identify himself. When did you identify yourself, was in t adihead of tt to avoid this or did you do itoi after and sort of helped this escalate . Its a tough oneoughe Facebook Comments that weok picked out here so no com easyas answers here but im sure anuran investigation will ensue. Ue three of many comments. Omment keep the comments coming. It is 7 14 right now. Terrible story here. A dog found in the trash. This morning the search for the dogs ownerning t continuess bob barnard following thiswing i story in the district. In the di. Plus, from the white housem to best selling author to fox anchor. Ch dana barinas joins us live. Le. We dish on the president ial tnt el help bridge the divide in our . . It only takes a second for an everyday item to become dangerous. Always keep laundry pacs away from children. Keep them up, keep them closed, keep them safe. Tide pods now come in a child guard zip pack. Y pacs safe and your child safer. . . 7 16 right now and you are taking a look atri someght nasy backups. Baltimorewashington parkway northbound is closed between 193ewand i and goddard space ff center dealing with a crash dea liinvonglving a w motorcycle anl blocked and traffic is parked ip all the way back to 410. 4 your best bet to get aroundro that exit at 410 from bw parkway and take route one route northbound or the beltway over h to 95 northbound because yourt b dont want to sit in thatat backup. You can see all the trafficn se being diverted talherel th at 13 well certainly keep youyou updated on this crash. Ted on ths not the only big problem were w dealing with this morning so s lets switch it over for aswit look at our maps. Ap metro delays as well on the green line. L train malfunction at greent gree light. Residual to branch avenue. Inal t urban blocked by a crash at 80. Youre basically parked from pao 70 down past 80 and then the delays president ial candidaterei up again through germantown. Heavy traffic as you try tode get down towards t thehr beltra. 295 northbound crash atrash at laboratory road has us parked ud from the beltway to laboratoryto road and then look at thatook at inner loop delay. Delay. So many folks trying to getge onto 295 that is backing upki the inner loop from beforerom bf branch avenue withstand stillti traffic to across the wilsonilsn bridge. Be prepared for. That 395 northbound ceiling95 n with delays and 295 south a crash at benning. Or crassh aop a crash aelays t tucker barns, its busy over here. How you hanging in there. N t not too busy over here. Here. You hanging out livingiving dream. Decent news to talk about this week. Yeah, as we gett inent o i friday, saturday, sunday,y, monday its going to be auautiful. Nice late fall feel. F you deserve a break today. Od thank you. Thats. Catchy. C thats catchy. Tcatc where have i heard thatre h before. 51 now in washington. Noticeably milder than we werate 24 hours ago1 no. Thanours 50 up in baltimore. Almore remember yesterday we had a lo out there and again werere about 10 degrees warmer thisthis ing. Ing. Still chilly culpeper andpe and manassas 39 degrees. 39 46 for you in leonardtown. Nardwn clouds will quickly increase. Ie if you have any sunshine atany e all it will not last today as ty a cold front comes through andhu you can see that the heaviesthei of the activity is up intont pennsylvania and new york at new this hour and will remain upain there today but well have scattered showers in the forecast this afternoon. St thi so, if youre running out the door to wait in traffic takeak your umbrella with you becauseob youll want it for ther t the morning should be dry. Rn we clear it inout. Cle it tomorrow looks great. Re saturday fantastic. Satu low to mid 70s with sunshine. Sh steve, i dont know what were a going to do but its going tong be fun. I hope you have a plan. Yeah, i do too. T i dont. I dt pressure is on. See what you can come up with. Halloween looks great at gret well. Thanks tuck. S tuck 7 19. Awful case of animal cruelty crl in the district. Ict. Rescue crews found a little a lt yorkie in a trash can last week. The search is on for whoearc putter her in the trash. Fox5s bob barnard is l from northeast with theom nthea latest. Late i hate this story, bob. B good morning. Reporter yeah, hey, rep guys, good mororning. Good mornig this is where that dog was found. D. This is an al alley. Ll the dog was found in a privateve trash can along this alley. Ll the cans are full so maybe it mi was trash day and the dog wasthg in there. We can show you the picture. Pte were told its an adult female. Fe this dog is now being cared beir alliance, which is a combination of the washingtonas Humane Society and thend washington animal rescuee agague. They formed earlier this year. Ty they are caring for this dog cas and they are offering a 2,000 reward for information thatmati leads to an arrest and a conviction in this case. N c they want to find out who fd ou owned this dog, who put the dog in the trash here in traere northeast d. C. Rtast were not far from kenilworth ko park and 295 is right behind beh us there. He and as far as we know this is right but was traumatized andatd out there in this neighborhood perhaps as someone guys whouyo just simply he took this dogthid threw it in the trash andsh a walked away. Well, that dog is going to gg have a lot of people waitinge wi to give it a better home im sure. Sure. Thank you very much bob. Reporter you bet. Ry mucepore stillr you ahead, mixing dog and politics. Pit thats what former whitemewh perino is doing. Fios is not cable. Were wired differently. So we wired the wagners house th 100 meg internet. Which means in the time it takes mr. Wagner to pour a 20 oz. Cup of coffee, tommy can download 30 songs, and jan can upload 120 photos. 12 seconds. Thats the power of fiber optics. Rnet, tv and phone for just 69. 99 per month online. Hurry, our best offer ever ends soon. . . Two games in the books. Game two the cubbies revenge. Gn they asserted themselves right away. Away rizzo doubling in kris bryant to open up the scoring in then very first inning. Nning. Bryant hustling down third base. Husbase. He would be safe. They would give starting pitcher jake arrieta a five a f thining lead. Arrieta took a nohitter intottt the sixth inning struck out s cubs win game two, five to, ve t one. Series tied heading to wrigleytg field friday saturday andday sunday where ticket prices arera through the roof. Charlie sheen said helishee wanted to throw out the firstute pitch of the world series. Serie remember he was wild thinger h wearing the indians uniformni back in the day. D it didnt stop him from dreaming. Sheen posted this video fromro his movie. Movie indians kicked off last night. Cf thats cool. Tts pretended to step into the film. Film. Good to see hes supportingrting the team. Th look at this. E te lk at look at what he did. D did you see it. Ou see i d it was awesome. I know when youre reading its hard to look at thew whenao video. Ook then hes there hes goingei to come up and he turns around i think thats kind of cool. Go tribe. Trib . . Charlie is looking good. Iie inow. Boun knocing right back. Right hes looking good. Hs lo yeah, he is. Hes. Steve, remember all the all e perms from the 80s. Perms clip. Feather and frost. Vent brushes and hair spray. Shes glory days. 51 in washington. Hito humidity 80 pearls. Mi winds out of the south and east at seven. That live shot showed you theou cloud cover thats out there e shot o sfhover plenty clouds and well be mostly bst cloudy today. Look at the winter takinger takg place there in pennsylvanians and parts of new york. Believe it or not theyre there going to get up to 6inches ofns snow he in new york andk vermont over the next 12er the 2 hours. Were looking the a rain theres a cold front out here and that gets in early aftea rnoon well get a periodcd of rain showers around here. H wont be terribly heavy but itet will be with us through thr evening rush hour. Ening well be in for a beautifulul friday. Little cool tomorrow withle coow highs in the low 60s but a witt mostly sunny day. D saturday loots fantastic. All things outtoday, mostly sunny 74. Sundayywell salvage too. Well probably have clouds andua a few late day showers. Sho if youre running in marine in i corps marathon perfect running weather. He halloween for all of us mondayy looks fantastic as well. Ell. Yay going trickortreatingngricr together right erin. Rin. Yes we are. Yes we are and we know what were wearingei on monday. Ony. We do. We d yeah, remember. I do. Dont act like off and on a fun picking out ourct costume. We had a great time. Reat tim. Look at that parking lotatha traffic right now diverted toivt 193 on bw parkway northbound. Bo northbound one northboundth bw parkway shut down betweenet 193 and goddard space flightgh center because of a seriousa sis and two cars. Ends bpaay extends back past 410. What can you do to get aroundd that . My best advice to youic this morning take route one take northbound, take the beltwaytway to 95 northbound give yourselfvu extra time. Tr anyone trying to get upet towards baltimore this morninglm is going to hit that big parking lot through greenbelt. Lets switch it over to our cameras. Me this is a look at the outer loop ativan dorn street. Eet. Youre basically parked and bas that is because of a crash byic connector. Inner loop slow as well. Inner loop jams from ther loop springfield interchange alljams the wayfiel to 66. The outer loop jams from 95r lop over to georgia. Over toeorg more traffic in a few. Back to you guys. To you guys. Take a look at this. Take its a penguin at seaworld in i orlando. Got a little special jacket jke that will help her stay toastyto in her chilly cave. C does she need it . Has a special condition. Staff at seaworld created a unique wet suit that keeps her insulated. Looks like she lovessula it. This gives the term penguinen suit a whole new meaning. Meani now she can play with allhe c the other kids. Thothe a little tuxedo. Tuxed cool throw he. Oothro a little logo on it it seaworld did you see that. See a yeah. 7 27. Coming up after the break danaan perino will join us formers fore white house secretary and ofary course fox news host has a new n book out. Book o well talk to her about thatbo and the elections. Anticipated launch of its air ia pods. Plus the unveiling of its late t back now 7 30 on thursdayk morning. 51 degrees. Noay51 just about half an hour to gooug until early voting kicks off inf the fine state of maryland. Yl voter center in chevy chase. C there are several early voting n sights open in each county. Maryland errs have untilave november 3rd to vote earlyvoteay between the hours of 8 00 a. M. To 8 00 p. M. 0 p. M you can also still register vote same day that you actually votet early. Rly schools in maryland van havey a closed for election day mlaany of them sevenning as polling asn places but there are now schoole in several states that are canceling classes on electionset day. Theyre worried about violence at polling places. Laces. Districts in battleground states including ohio, pennsylvania ana canceling schools due to safetyy concerns. More politics now. National attention White Househe press secretary for president si ge h. H. Push. Dave in a perino host of the five. Five her life is going to the dogsfei and thats fine withs her. With she has new book out about her popular dog jasper known as americas dog and were so happh because dana perino joins usns live from new york. Livom n the only thing i wish i withi in you person. In perso i have so much fun. So muun i was just telling producer herh that your morning show in d. C. D is probably one of the most funf in the country. Ountry you just did our promo for po the next week. E xt w we appreciate i were alwaysre w happy to have you. Y ave great new set. Gat n yes. Come and join us any time. Tim were happy to see you glenn ii love to. Love t lets first talk about yourlkbot thoughts on this crazy electiono cycle. Cycle. I mean have you ever seenmean anything like this personall hy . I dont think, new york cityo one has seen anything like thist im sure i just heard commercial break one of the t political ads im sure that because you are northernyou artr virginia is in your media market that youre probably very readya for this election to be over ifr youre in one of those statessee that matters like virginia. Vir then, yes, everybody is hopingsh that this comes to an end. E its getting tighter. Tight fox news poll last night came out and trump has gained aai a little bit. He still three points behind. In. As the race comes to a closee co youll see the true balance ground states, florida, northri carolina and nevada may be evene iowa play a really important ima role going forward. Role gng f virginia looks like hillaryks clinton probably has that oneabe wrapped up. You have so much experience at the white house and here in washington, danahi. Te. Any advice from a pressss secretary standpoint you mightom give either candidate in the stretch run now . N i felt i had good advice fore donald trump the other day. Brian kill may on fox andn fox a friends asked me if i would dold if i have a black check i would buy an hour of primef pi time and have somebody friendlyb with him or on his campaign cam tinder view him about the peoplo hes met along the way during dr this past year and a half. A h he talks a lot about himself and what he would do and what he whh wants to do as president. As pn he doesnt talk about as muchs c about the people who hes methos and i know that thats affectede him. M. He mentioned in the debate ine n the third debate, got close it e to and backed off and he didnte finish the story. Story i think theres a lot more thero he could do. He c its not time to get cocky, andc last week her team was talkingal about moving on to the tronsition. This week, theyre stepping bacb from that and saying we need tot make sure we get everyone to tho polls because this thing is notn over yet and i think shesnk s prablyly right. We want to talk about thebout book. I just have to ask whats your prediction for this election . Lt who will be the 45th president . You know what, i remember ree 2000 sand so well, and i went to bed that night i lived in lived california in san diego i wentgi to b w. Bush had won the election eln when i woke up my husband said, dana, im so sorry,. Sor what do you mean . Ou mean . Busush won. He said no, actually he didnt. there was 36 days until we had d result. Resu so im leary of making a lf ma prediction but i think the polls show clinton certainly favored v at this point and trump has soms ground to make up. So well use this ashis transition into the book, dana,n had you been quoted as sayingayg this i was bruising election cycle. Cy and dealing with jasper hasas helped get you through this andt from some of these polls andolla election processes. Proce so tell us a little aboutut jasper. Ja well, i think im not alone,a right . People that have dogs,ed steve, you know what its like,l they give you so much joy, and especially when i was even in ws the white house the dog beforegf jasper was henry, and he never v cared that i got to go on marinm one that day or brief therief president in the oval office orn had t mheeeti ong with National Security adviser couldnt today liza rice and then she becamen s secretary of state. All of that fancy stuff, that t really give you a big head, dogg dont care. Tare. They just love you and the lovev that you give them you get backb twice as much. S muc i wrote the book, um, about mybt love affair with dogs for my whole live growing up in wyoming until having jasper i added addd photo shop gallery if you follow me on food facebook or twitter r or instagram i tried to lightent it up. I have an artist that remains anonymous that does hilariousus pictures of jasper in all all different american settings. Im going to follow goi as if you were not enough. Noug you and jasper its a guaranteee call. Ca thank you so much for joinins us today. All right. Right have a good day in washington, d. C. All right. All dana, when you come back were dog friendly bring jasper to tht loft as well the new studio. Tu okay. Oka more than welcome to have h him. Id love to. 7 36 right now. Hi, tuck. Hi tuck. Hey, guys. Rain showers. Showers what time do you thinkhado theyll start . Eylstar 2 00 oclock. 00 ocloc okay. Okay . Wow. Some sort of wizard. Rt of rd you should be like the totall wi direct question, directueion, answer. I like it. 51 now in washington. To i keep my eyes keep wanderingang north up to bingham town its i 29. 34 in boston. Oston they got cold air mass in placea cold enough that theyve got, yes, Winter Weather up there. Early this morning. Y thng were just focused on rain o r showers. Mild this afternoon mid 60s for us. And again the best chance fornc rain showers will be kind of mid afternoon through the evening rush hour and it wont beh heah rain it will be scattereder showers with a cold front that momentarily. 64 today with afternoon showerse all right. All r more weather aigs promised momentarily, more traffic and t headaches with erin right now. Si thank you. That was such a sweet toss to m me. [ laughter ] i hope youre implying implying traffic is giving people aivg pp headache and not me. Adache right now, you can see the outet loop jams out by the andora. Or crash closer to the eisenhower avenue connector. Nect atypical delays there. Lets take look at skyorfox thex on bw parkway on the northbound side. Si its shut down at 193. 193. Shut down between that point ant Goddard Space Flight Center cen because of a crash involving twl cars an motorcycle. E med vac already left that scenee with a patient. Nt now, traffic is parked just like what youre seeing here fromsenh skyfox all way back 410 to 450o right now its just a huge a delay. You dont want to sit in thatntn this morning t. Use some work arounds take t route 1 north. Ute 1 north. You can keep it to the outer loop over to 95 north i would i hey individual baltimorey in washington parkway northbound. Just parked as well. Lets switch it oveon pr now fof look at our maps. M we have several other slow oer w donts you need to be aware andr crashes this morning. Ning aside from the crash on the outer loop by van doren inner loop jams from branch avenuerann across the wilson bridge. We have this good news in ns oaktown. Oaow utility pole and rode cleared rd blake lane near egley roadley ra openened. Dealing with delays on bw parkway, knife and then becausec of a crash by colesville thell outer loop super jammed up. P green line delays as well. S back to u 7 38. A rare postponement apples bigg announcement next. Look whats hot on the web on this thursday morning including a secret michaeling at phelps had been hiding the entire time everybody was cheatc phelps had been hiding the entire time everybody was cheatc cheering him on in rio. Hiding or just being private maybe being private but either way were going to sharee maybe being private but either way were going to sharee or hiding. To pour a 20 oz. Cup of coffee, tommy can download 30 songs, this is your last chance to get super fast 100meg internet, tv and phone for just 69. 99 per month online. Hurry, our best offer ever ends soon. . . If you were hoping to get y your hands on the newou w appler pods youll have to wait just at little longer. Lonr tech g of the new headphones sayingsay that they need little more timeo to get them ready because ofse f huge demand. D today though apple is slated to make another huge product hugpro announcement which some teche tc specialists are predict log havv to do with their mac book computers. Computer i know we know that for sure. Just disappoint applet a customers not the only storyry trending. First up, secret is out with this guy. This Michael Phelps is in fact a a married man he tied the knot k acknowledge the nuptials theirar record of marriage shows they got married june 13th well before the olympics in paradises valley arizona thats where tts phelps recently bought a millioi dollar home. Next up a Clinical Trial fo a cuban lung cancer vaccine wile soon begin here in the unitedte states. The roswell park cancer c institute in buffalo got g authorization to all rightorizar treatment to a limited number of patients. The institute has permission too start joint venture businesss venture with cuba biotech products. Products. Its been used on more than tha 4,000 lung Cancer Patients inn worldwide trials. S. Those who got the crack scene s had a better survival rate andaa quality of life compared to como patient whos did not finally arbys known for roast beef. Thats hence the name arbyamerb youll soon also be able to get dear meat on the menu. Mu fast food chain will soon offer venison sandwiches thats whatst its supposed to look like at 17 locations in six quote unquote q according to arby social s security pennsylvania. The venison sandwich will beh wl only on the menu during dear season. Ason. Thats what arbys stands wy for. The r and b is roast beef. Really . I had no idea. Oa. Why do you know that . W just a lot ohyf random ran weirdness going on up here. I know. You tell me that all th eell mehat time. Ti thank you, though. I never knew that. Ti never kn did you . Wild night at 1nbaba game of the sixers fans did to Oklahoma City star russellse westbrook to get that fan plus, ahead of holiday hoppingay season a new option in marylandr and its affordable, too. Winner an win n annie yu also ay winner is live at the newhe outlets in clarksburg. Well check in with annie aftere the break. 7 43. . . Unionct john deley as ms unionct what does burger king mean . Ee the value of hard work and teamwork. Thats how i built two businesses from scratch from rebuilding roads to creating jobs and to strengthening social security. Roll up your sleeves and work with others. Thats what my dad did, and its what ill keep doing in congress. . . Thats all right. Ll steve. Well let it go. Just want to dance. Ance that looks like it should beu a sun over a beach yeah, it looks beautiful. Ul it looks beautiful. L. Hmm. H im calling for rain showers. Hos not until 2 00 oclock. 0 o right. Not until 2 00 oclock. T un00 lets enjoy the morning. Oy t. I cant stand it any longer. Why . Rush bees tell the people, l steve. Arbys website says it wasay named after the founder rap poe brothers rb but the initials for roast beef. Ro hes kind of right. Nd of ght. Hes kind of right. Thank you. Thank you i can breathe again. Ga bees. S you told us earlier you were. I said ai [ laughter ] [ la its a partial truthiatru apparently. Es, it is. Depends how arbys wants toan spin it. In i earlier i did the whole wle weather team got together and weve created the winter weatheh outlook. Tlook its on all our social platformf go to our web page, tucker fox5x my facebook page. Age. I love that you did this. Yoe u guys didth this. Hi in tribute to our winterr outlook, which well talk morelk about, ive got a littlet a li something. Methin oh. Bring it on. The penguin . . Ice ice baby . . Y . Youre never going to get that one. Sliding on a glacier and get over there. Re. Do a it will quicker. Er. Or an ice skater. I you can bece an ice skater. Ka glide. Yes. Glide on over. Lide oover. . . When everything gets icyyt gt youre just doing this. Reust takes you 20 minutes to get in g to work. Christie yamagucci g not g n quite as elegant. Ite as lets do the forecast. Do theecas showers in the forecast today. Yes, a little sunshine outshinet early. It wont last. It won the clouds we had overnightht actually doing nice job holdingi temperatures up a little bit. It 51 in washington. Hito 50 in baltimore. More 50 in hagerstown. St freezing temperatures 24 hours s ago off to the north and westto not the case the this morning. G what is the case Winter Weatherr up into upstate new york. Ew yor couple inches of snow up therewe before it turns to rain, butaint maybe three to 6inches in parts of northeastern new york, y vermont, mountains of newf hampshire here over the next 24 hours. Focused on this frontal systemre out to our west will slideill s through later today bri afternoon. Rnoon not expecting it to be terriblyy heavy and no thunderstorms. Orms. Well have showers around thisds afternoon through the evening e commute. Quick look at future cast. As it wants to kind of blow those e showers at about 2 00 oclock. Cc and then well get scatteredcatt here through the evening rush ti hour. Wont be terribly heavy but oncc the front gets east of us wes clear out overnight. Ear out over beautiful friday. Beaul fr gorgeous saturday temperatures in the mid 70s, steve, is yours pool closed yet . . Yeah, like in september,mber tuck. You still want to come over. L arbys right now . Ight now . [ laughter ] 65 on thursday. Rsda hey, friday and saturday look fantastic. Astic halloween looks great for all al the trick or treaters. Thats good, tucker. Has good you want me to show youw you around off Little Pumpkin baskeb we can go out trick or treatingn together. Since i learned youre the biggest kid here on fox5. Ox5. Steve made that smile made m that so worth it. Th i you got downgraded to numberm two. You can be back on the one spot. Allison is speechless. I love that they put that tha banner instead of the green ins wall. Te does that look pretty. Y. It looks prettier. Prettier. Ill go to traffic now. Now. Im blushing. Shg. Bw parkway northbound is closed between 193 and goddard space sa Flight Center crashrash investigation. Crash involving a motorcycle and two cars. Two c delays are all the way back past 450. Huge mess. Hu take route 1 northbound. Nor take the beltway to 95. O 95. But keep in mind 95 northboundun because of that closure look ato that delay. D huge delays there as well factoc crash blocking the shoulder onh the outer loop by colesville. Ese outer loop very heavy about 35 3 minute delay from 95 over to to colesville. Colesville southbound to theboun beltway jams up and 270 very ver heavy earlier crash by urbana. An its blocking the shoulder at 80 and new crash by 124. 24 so youll hit those additionaldo deys. S. And then 95 northbound jams upsu really heavy from 17 on 95 northbound through the aquia harbor also seeing big delays dy through dale city. We have a crash blocking the shoulder just before wood inner loop delays from branchs h avenue to the wilson bridge. Bdg outer loop heavy because of a o crash by eisenhower avenuevenu connector and aside from that t 395 basically parked towards ths 14th street bridge. Ri big mess out there. Big me out t. Back to you guys. Aurate tee, thank you very t much. Last night the game between thet philadelphia 76ers and oklahomah city thunder was real headlinein maker. During the firstmake quarter ofe game a sixers fan wearing an Allen Iverson jersey was ejectet right there from the wells fargo fingers at thunder star Russell Westbrook following westbrook wb being right near the fan. Westbrook told reporters his jos is to play basketball and not td respond to fans in the stands. D he went on to score 32 pointsnt and 12 rebounds and nine assists warriors win 10397. 0397 the fan did not get to see the end of the game. He g a recording artist set to sinke National Anthem was pulled lasts minute because of the jersey sho intended to wear which read we d matter on the front. N she claims she was pulled just j but had never been given dressee code to follow for heror h performance. The sixers declined to comment e on why the singers performancen was canceled but they supportrt meaningful actions to driveori social change. E. Member of the teams dance teamt sank the National Anthemnt instead. St you have two minutes youreve singing the National Anthem. E na get ready. Rdy last minute step in. Shoppers have new spot to spend money for the holidayolidy shopping season up in clarksburg. Yes. Premium outlets opened today and and annie yu like can i go, can i Serious Research g morning. Chori annie. Ni reporter yes, very Serious Research. Rese so much so i made your personala guide. Nkhank you. Heres yours, al. S urs, al. Okay. Its the entire premium outlets. Tl all right. No specific stars li wisdom you got go to hit it all. But avoidgo mothet gor mood bece you have three girls. Yo you got that right. U ha no more babies. You got n dont worry about that. Reporter all right. R so things are moving and grooving early this morning. S mi weve been out here for severalr hours now a lot going into the opening oning dedication ceremony kicking offo at 9 30. At if you look behind me theres a pretty big red ball ready for r all the leaders and theers and t developers gathering. Theres going to be music, theres going to be give aways,a theres going to be lot of stuff going on. Go so i encourage all of to youto y come on by at 10 00. 10 check things out. Out. Well help you out. O save some money. Outlet shopping youre alreadye saving money well find you some ways to save extra and laura the beltway bargain mom is joining i me now. Me she does this for a living. Livn peep people in general g peoe in morning, laura. Ra good morning, annie. Reporter outlet shopping,hon youre already saving by getting here because, you know, there are about 25, 60 off retail rei price. How can we save even more . Wha are some strategys. Egy well i really suggestalugge shopping around those big big holidays, and grand openingpe events so right now great time to save. To s and then generally midweek youiy can actually find some really good bargains. Go reporter reallyod midweek. E thats interesting. G. Wht use . I know there are apps nown things like people have got really trendy. Re im an old school gal ill haveh a paper coupon or just readead online and just go in. N. But what kind of apps are weppsw working with these days . Ay so besides the traditionalran coupons you can really use price checking apps. Like red placer if you want to find out if that product or garment is less expensive exp somewhere else, and if thatsfh really a good price at thehe Outlet Stores. To reporter right. R rig typically it is. You want to do your homework and check. Tdo y reporter one of myth but a lot of chatter arouno these items at Outlet Stores ara they over stock, are theyhey defects, whats the real deal . . Well, some of them are over r stock and, you know, inventory that didnt sell at the retail l place. So do you want to do yourtoo homework. There are some items that aremse returned or might have slightli defect or irregularity so checke make sure it fits right and that theres no other, you know, k marks on it or anything that,g you know, would deter you from buying it. Reporter anything youthyo sh outlet store . S kind of as we said before, b just those items that are not returned. Right. Ri final sale report roar theyt roy indicated they were returned . E r typically it will state thatt if you cannot return it. I so if not just a second handh item but an item that theyre te saying this is final sale. Al s if you buy it, you cannot returt it. Reporter right right. Those are mark. K. Lauer remark thank you very muchemar. Thank before you we let youe go openingwe l weekend is a bigb at 10 to 8 00 if you look insidd here theres lot of deals to bee had. I just wanted to point out ain t few, laura. We see here nike factory the first 200 customers each day this weekend is going to receivi a 10 gift card. Columbia sports wear itsrt getting cold and your kids needn coats. Theyre giving away to the firsr 100 shoppers 10, 25 gift cardsc as well as 100 but, again,ga thats the first 100. Converse, hello Kevin Mccarthy,h theyre calling you, a lot of deals to be the next hour, were actually aa talk to the man, the man that ta owns this place. S pce hes a very colorful character. R have you met him yet. Et. Not yet. I look forward to that. T reporter stick around. Tickr. Back to you in the studio. T stu cant wait. Get in good with him so we can get some of good old discountsts annie. Reporter i know. Orter no tuck, we need a shopping date. Invite me. Nvit he just did. This is dream come true. You guys notice the wisdomm its the season. Is it . Basically november at thisr t point. We got to get through tou halloween first, al. Ha you know the rules. Llyou kn that will be tuesday. E tu 51 now in washington. Hey, that is live shot behindehn us. Clouding up very quickly. Up ve. Going to be in for a cloudy dayy and showers this afternoon. Ftno. Cold front right there with the chances for rain increasingre around here probably after one,e 2 00 oclock today. 2 00 oc wont be terribly heavy rain bun showers around a little latertlr today. Clear it out tonight. Tomorrow looks beautifulcl. Ear sunshine 72. Hine 72. Saturday fantastic. St are you kidding sunshine. Nsne carve pumpkins at our party . Y its your party. So yeah well do what you want. Yay. Sunday looks good. Ks good. Monday looks great for halloween. Your turn. Im glad i brushed the back i of my hair todaybrusac. Tod i know. Inow. Get us from all kinds of anglese now. I feel very fancy. I like i f this. T somebody told me i neededded spanks. Span uglaughter ] when you were wearing my prom dress . Dres yes. Welcome to the world of bein a woman, tucker. R. Right allison . On right on. N. Okay. I can get you some manx. Man spanks. Nk they do. Do they. Y. Lets refer to the google reh steve while i do my traffic. Ic right now were dealing withi this closure. Is clore bw parkway northbound betweenetn 193 and goddard space flightt center. Ce it is because of a serious crash investigation involving a motorcycle and two cars. Traffic is parkedrcyc from 450 o 193. 19 and the diversion to 193 superup backed up rubberneck delay onayn the southbound side as well. Ell. You can take route 1 and thendhe beltway to 95 and 95 northboundo inner loop to the northboundrthd side. Because thats the best the bt alternate. Ate outer loop dealing with a crasht blocking the shoulder by b colesville from 95 to colesvilll about 35 minute delay. Towards baltimore factor in af a ton of extra time. Of ext time. This crash is really putting ang tamper on your commute towardsow that area. 295 southbound jammed from 50 to pennsylvania. Pe 50 inbound from inside them indt beltway through cheverly completely stacked up as well. New york avenue passedas bladensburg is jam. Jam. Outer loop crash at eisenhoweree of a blocking the shoulderhoul to springfield interchange. 395 northbound parked from soute of the beltway all the way toay the 14th street bridge. Ri lots of traffic to get through. T at least metro is on time greene line back to normal. Ormal. Allison you have your handouran raised. Ised whole line of mens wear w spanks. There you go, tucker. You goc perfect. Its not why were goingng shopping, tucker. Our facebook fan of the dayhy is melanie and her beautifulea daughter meghan. Her birthday was objectionti way. Wa it is never too late melanie. Happy thirty eighted birthday tr you. Fox5 news at 8 00 after the . . This is fox5 news morning. Right now at 8 00, a live 0l look outside. Its thursday morning. Mning its october 27th. Beautiful life look over there. At the national harbor. Its october 27th once againncea weather and traffic coming up ou the 5s at 8 05. 8 good morning to you. Ni to im allison seymour. Eyur im instead of chenevey. Insn welcome to fox5 news morning. Cooler temperatures may have yoy thinking about winter whatster going to happen this winter . Wn well we got you covered. Covere. This morning our weather team is revealing its Winter Weatherinta outlook. Tl looking ahead for the whole wle season. Seon talking about how much snow h were going to expect to get. G how cold will it be . Tucker has his big presentation on that. N a this hour. Th well start with 8 00 newrt information this morning onion g several stories weve beenl st following throughout morning. Ugr lets start in southernts maryland. A man shot last night outside moviote l theatert ni has died. D Charles County sheriffheff investigators say the man wasthn walking with friends behind thet theater on mall center drive ini waldorf when he stopped to talkl with a suspect who then pulledud out gun and shot him. Im that suspect is in custody and a believe the victim is 18 years old. Now to developing story. 10 maryland Police Officers havo now been placed onffernow pla administrative leave after a l r Police Involved shooting at antn elkt the two people were wanted ind connection with shooting intionw delawaitre. Dela state police say troopers wwaerr serving a search warrant at oner of the motel rooms when thech confrontation unfolded. Another unfortunate updater from a story we brought you last hour. The search for whomever put thit little yorkie in a trash can ini northeast dc last week. Asteek. It happened in an alley betweene immediate street and lane placea we thought perhaps the york york company was recovering and putsi up for adoption. Unfortunately, d. C. Humane rescue alliance tells us the dog was so badly injured it had totd be put down. Ow for any information that leadsol to an arrest. . . Early voting is happeningng right now and lots of folks o getting in on it in maryland. Nal polls just opened early voting at 8am. 8 and holly morris is at one of those polling places. Pce how many early voters are yous u seeing this morning and in fulll disclosure this is the year i ya actually will do this earlys eay myself. Self good morning. Goodorni reporter well, let me tell l you, this is amazing i am up here in line because iau live in Montgomery County andoua im going to do little earlydo voting myself but its so funnyn because the polls just opened literally theyve got 15ot 1 stations inside. Ions ie. I think i counted about 288 people in line in front of me o and theres probably at least another 28 or so behind me anded its funny, because as were w standing here talking withit different people, what did you say . Sa i said i came because i bause thought no one else would bee ul here 8 00 oclock in the mornini and look. And look. Reporter you know what,w she said it. Everybody thought theyd be they only one. One , and nonetheless, that is not the case. The right . But thats okay. Thats a because we want people to geto out the vote. Thats the whole point of earlye voting to make it as accessiblei as possible. Ossie so today is the first day ofay early voting for the state of se maryland in Montgomery Countynty alone there are 10 different dfe sites where you can go. Where ca and i had this question when inn came because this obviously iss not my regular polling place. Ng ive always voted on electionnct day but i came in and i asked ik the judge i said if im just registered in the county can ioa vote at any of these 10 sites . S he said absolutely. Ol thats how it works as long as you have something that shows tt where you live, then you canhenu vote at any of those places. S. He thinks the one of the fewf tf places in the country one of thf few states in the country wheree that is the case. Nonetheless as you can see itsc ry b busy. People were relieved to hear h there are 15 different stationss in there where you can vote. W they ohepen 8 00 oclock thisocs morning. Theyll be open until 8 00 oclock tonight. Theyl00 november the third, and heres another really great thing if ti youre sitting at home. Hom im not even registered to votet listen to this. Li to you can come here today, you can register to vote today, and youd can vote today. So there really is no excuse for not voting other than the facthf that we have heard people sayeoe they dont know who they want tt vote for. Nonetheless, you need to vote, because this is your civic dutyd it is an absolute privilege tovo be able to come out here and dod this. You. This is the example you need tod remember right here. Meer right tell me your name. Jai. Where are you headed today. Ru india. Hea se gdise going to india. What time is your flight. 10 55. 155. 10 55. How long are you going to be iny india. One month. Th. The so she is making sure that shehe gets her vote in today. Od so use that as an example. Emp if she can do it as shesshe heading off to india you canan too,. There you have it. Th back to you guys. Holly thanks. Ha in the meantime several schoolsh classes on election day. Not because they serve as busy s polling places some districtstrs are worried about sharp rhetorii over the 2016 concerns. S. Ohio, pennsylvania and northia r carolina are where some of thoso schools are canceling classesnga concerned about potentiald abt o violence at the polls. Polls the race for the white house may be tightening though. Tug new fox poll Shows Hillary thret points ahead of donald trump. Dou but the average of all polls ouo shows Hillary Clinton with allao larger lead than three. Ee a new associate th found Hillary Clinton is leadina trump nationally by 14 percentage points. Ois. Thats one much her largestne mt leads to date. Hillary clinton spent herry i 69th birthday in floridada yesterday. She received a sunny welcome. Democratic nominee supportersers showing her love by singing her a happy birthday song as she a took to the stage in lake worthr clinton you were the the crowd c hitting the polls on november 8th. On the republican side donald trump will spend today in the wil. Eground state of ohio during a rally last night inastt north carolina, he made a push s to better appeal to the t africanamerican and hispanicisc tersrs. Trump said if elected he willeil not back away from his promisess he toll the crowd the United States is electing the sames elt people over andhe s over again a his opponent will not offer anya change to the country if she ish at the white house. 80 00 sick right now. Now. We were talking about halloweeno and getting through halloweenal and i m so monday is halloween as is know. On tuesday well be all done ann then we can start christmashrism stuff. We have our election season for week. I think maybe we can do our maybe an do christmas after that. Rimas af youre just trying to delayj it. Its happening. Pening decorations are out. Temperatures are in the 70 and we have kim mass decorationd out it doesnt quite feel rightt i understand. D lets do showers thishowers t afternoon. Rnoon. Morning hours will be dry but by afternoon well have someha some scattered showers around here way cold front. Fro not as cold this morning. Mning temperatures good 10, 15 degreee 51 this morning in washington. No 48 out at dulles remember remem yesterday at this hour dullesule still at the freezing mark. Ar 42 fredericksburg. Risb 50 in leonardtown for you. Y any sunshine you getting earlyee will quickly give way to cloudss eventually rain showers the actual front is lagging backng b into eastern ohio. If youre just waking up and turning on your tv, youre notot imagining that is winter weathew up in new york at this hour. S theyre getting snow that willht eventually change to rain maybey several inches of snow inn upstate new york and vermont and by late this afternoon. Fteron for us 65. R us 65. Warmer than yesterday, cloudsrd and showers by afternoon an a breezy day. Brzy d weekend looks great. T well talk money halloweenen forecast and were going to talt all about our fox5 winterin weather outlook again coming up in a few minutes. Intes have we asked you yet this ys year where the earliest we can c get snow in the dc area is. Earliest ever has been iner n objection. It has been. It habeen weve had couple differentife rounds of snow in october. Oob most recently 20112012. 21 you would think i remember that. Umhmm. Ould tber all a blur. All the snow. W yeah. I love the colder weather. I miss it living in the soutu last winter was my first wintern with the snow again. Ga do you hear that . T i do. Even its your hair. Oh, well, just me. Te your long beautiful hair. Thank you allison its the is real stuff, too. Right now theres a crash csh blocking all lanes bw parkway northbound between 193 andnd Goddard Space Flight Center youe are parked from 410. Take ru loop to knife, 95 jams as well w give yourself at least an extrae 45 minutes to get towards the baltimore area. Aa outer loop super heavy. Dulles toll road an crash at at Fairfax County parkway. Hey mark route 15 has reopened. Crash did clear at 55. 66 remains jam packed from 234 all the way towards the bellel way. About an hour delay there withrt volume. 95 northbound jammed throughd stafford. Crash blocking the shoulder there. Lots to get through today. Od at least metro is on time. Im thats an option for you. 270 southbound backs up becauseu of earlier crash at 80. A back to you guys. Gs all right. A still ahead this morning it wasl quite a scare in boston. To scare row scene hundreds ofos commuters run for safety as smoke fills the subway there. Details next. Want to get to our topt smoke filled the subway on the orange line. Passengers kick out windows anda jump out much the motorot overheated sparked a trash firef on the rails. Three people were treater andr released from a local hospital. A in central italy officials offic getting a better scope of thee t damage caused by two powerful earthquakes. Emergency crews are cleaning upp blocked roads and restoringesto power. The epicenter not far from the e deadly quake that killed nearlya 300 people back in august. Pennsylvania. Pesylv a 19yearold man accused of off committing a shrew of sexuall crimes. Crimes 19yearold vincent canee arrested on child porn, sexual abuse and host of other charges. Investigators found a trove of more than 80,000 pictures andtua videos on the partime villanova students phone and believes there are likely more than 300 victims at the university. Switch gears. Get your sports update now. E n world series on fox even lastn l nights soggy game in clevelanda with their first fall classic win in 71 years. Years first time they won one world wd series game. Gam jake arietta had no hitter going into the sixth. Zeros goes to chicago. Cago gave time tomorrow night at at wrigley. Wry. Coverage on fox5 begins 7 30. 7 residents at the lynn hill li app complex are headed to core. Melanie alnwick is live fromo temple hills with the latestt developments. Ts well check in with her. K wit its reporter weve beenr weve talking to residents thistshi morning who really are bewildere by the whole situation. Uaon some of them spending the nightg in their cars last night because they had nowhere else to go. O. Well have that story when we . . Thats a good way to gets a started this hour. 8 14 right now coming upgost oan 8 15. Busted. Thats what we did onts commercial breaks. Coal you cannot play remember thet to bust move. Move. No. I was surprised by youas sisd busting a move. Well, you know, i was feeling it. Now, thats why. W lets do it. T lets do it. Remember yesterday we promised you our cteutrdeness factor oe day and we did nothe deliver. Were making for it today. Tay we got our cuteness back. Fox5 first five photo of day wee got amir. Mi i want to have amir as a plaa date. Date. I know do you, al. I amir is cute as can kno be. E amir is three years old. Fresh gear. Adores. Always checking out fox5. Oh, he is . S . Weather in the morning so hes can figure out what hes got tot wear before school. Ho im telling you, his littlee outfit is on point. Pnt hes so cute. E awesome outfit. All right. L r his mom tells usig that hes he always laughing. In okay. He knows exactly which handlc to put op when he gets up in the morning. In. So smart for three year old. O we love it. Ove i i love that age. I a three is my favorite baby age. Is it. Is i theyre out of the twos likee grab them up. Give them all the kisses you can get. Get. Whats your favorite adult age . Good probably 19. 19. 9. Umhmm. You got an exact age. Yeah. Excellent. All right. Amir. Amir. [ laughter ] we love your picture. Htr ctur to send us your picture go to our facebook page. Were so happy we got you. He got lot of love on the internet. Yeah did he. 52 here locally. Re lly mild than yesterday. Terday afternoon. Afternoon. Boston live this morning. L up in binghamtoivne 29 gloriouu degrees and its only october. R theyre getting the bulk of thet rain and or snow this morning. Ng were anticipating rain showerss with a cold front a little latet this afternoon. Will not be a wash out but well have scattered showers aroundrod probably by about 2 00 oclock. Then well keep a shower in thee forecast through eight,ghig 9 00 oclock tonight and clearnr it out overnight. Ht friday looks fantastic. Anst low 60s. Saturday even better low to midm 70s with sunshine. Sunday looks good, too, andoo, monday for halloween weather. Cool enough so that if youre a heavy outfit you wont beon b eatiting. Good. Wahoo if youre one of those schooo plastic masks you wont beyou we sweating too much. Oo muc kids dont do that any moreor they dont go to people drugse and get their costume. Osme one year i had fallen i guess ii had busted lip so i had to cutut my bugs bunny thing out. Out big busted lip. Lip. I went trick or treating. Whatever. Of course you did. Trick or treat. Of [ laughter ]co t[ hter trick or treat. At the pillow case. W case. Worked just fine. Fine. I remember those days. Emem they dont do that anbey morr oh fan is he now erin. I used to my own face makeup. I looked lood did you. I was aas let me when witch. Theres pictures. Maybe were you acute witch or a green knowed wart tee witch. Tee. I was a green knowed wart tee wish. You were. With the old school hat. I only wanted to be cuteeut things. That changed for me, eight, nine didnt care about that. t i was is se okay much whats going on on the roads err glenn moving on te traffic. Nn m theres a crash dulles toll roaa eastbound at Fairfax Countyou parkway. Way watch out for that big delays d back to the main toll plaza. Laza thats in addition to theto closure bw parkway northboundord remains shut down at 193. 93 huge delays there. There hey mark route 15 that crashtra cleared getting back to normal. 66 delays 234 to nutley street e really heavy traffic there innen loop jammed through annandale 95 northbound really heavy from fredericksburg through stafford. Northbound jams from 450 all the way to 193. 193. Outer loop jams lets take lookk at our cameras. We have a reallyas. Big slow do. This is the inner loop by by robbins terminal from thefrom te springfield interchange throughu 66 youre at a slow roll andlowo moving on to the top side of the beltway, the outer loop jams from New Hampshire as you make m your way over but first this iss a look at the 14th streetth s bridge. 395 from the beltway to theo the bridge completely parked there. E its about a 25 minute delay. Well forward our cameras oncenc again. This is the outer hampshire again super jammed up. About 30 minute delay. Back to you guys. . . 8 18 now. N. On this thursday morning,ng, the fight continues as frustrated families forced out of their building head to court today to try to get they are lights and heat turned back on. Fox5s hell knee alnwick is live from temple hills with the veryr latest. Last mel, just to be clear here, thit was no fault of the residents. Reporter the Condo Association pretty clearly justs based on what ive seen in court documents, how many times theyse have been sued by the state for reckless endanger many ofan o tenants for failure to fix firer code violations. They filed for bankruptcy twicee and yet here we are. Are i just talked to a mom and hernd son who drove up here a little while ago, and they spent the t night in their car because theye really had nowhere else to goe g last night. And oth come out this morning. Morning folks that spent the night inn the dark in the cold becaused bu they didnt want to leave theire belonging behind the way the county has situated right now n these folks have until friday tt get their belongings out and then these buildings basicallyic will be condemned and you will i not be able to access thehe property unless they get special permission. Yesterday families also were wee getting some of their things restored. St the Condo Association says itt tried to settle with pepco and Washington Gas to make good on the debt it owes, but said thatt the utilities want add 20 downn payment and they simply couldn afforded to that. The residents also yesterdayterd wanted answers and assistanceise from county executive Rashard Baker and senator mews whenews e theca came here when they cameym to meet with residents. Baker act mom these problems have b but the residents are somewhatt surprised to find out that these things have been happening whenw they really didnt know anythinh about it and were really taken off guard to have have beene bee kicked basically out of theirf homes with nowhere else to go. This morning, sometime thisete t afternoon, perhaps, state sta senator anthony mews hes goingg to be spearheading the effort tt ask a judge for temporary row r left asking the utilities ts to turn the power back on for 60 f6 days while they can work wor he is also floating an idea thaa per happen the state, thehe taxpayers, ought to make thehe down payment for the Condo Association and then hopefully get repaid. Geep but this is really just a a terrible situation here forere f these folks in temple hills. Hls back to you guys. Mel, im still confused here. These are individual units thatt people purchased individually as far as condos and if thats the case, if for some reason the building is condemned or closedo will they just lose all thee ahe money that they paid for those or do they rent . Reporter well, okay. Ka heres the situation. Ituati the majority of the propertiespe here are rented. Theres many different owners. Wn so its a condo so to speak. But very small percentage of tht people who live here are actual owners who occupy these residents and so residence. In everything is managed by the is Condo Association. Ociation they are the ones that take alla the rents. They are the ones supposed to be included. So it is really on the realll the responsible of the condoondo association to do all of that. T. All that Financial Management og behalf of the owners and ons ano behalf of the renders. De they really have a big mess mes here. They sure do. All right. Mel, thanks very much for s very muc clearing that up. H forcl so if theeari mngajor tithay ofl rent, if they do shut it down at least they dont lose money they put in to purchasing the place. E they have nowhere to go. G find a new place to live. E. Exactly. Still ahead racial profiling o po Controversial Police stopvers following a shooting near aiasha maryland mall. Mall off duty dc Police Officerer caught in this controversy spoko only to us fox5. Fox5. And im just thinking tom myself, is this really jus treal happening . Because im a policl officer. F i know the protocol. More on what he says happenee and why some are saying he h should have known better. R. . . Back now 8 25. Now 25. Could it be . Could it bet executive producer matts dreame come true . An abba reunion. Listen this has been rumored foo not years but decades. Ades in fact they reported turned td down a billion dollar offer to reunite. Reun how much . How a billion dollars. Drs. They said no. This time its a little different. Eren little different this time. M okay. Ka stage show that will combineom Digital Technology and Virtual Reality so you can read that asa not Group Members on the stage a but theyre op board with it. I they i guess endorse it, and it should launch in 218. . . Okay. I know youre a huge abba a fan. I did see them them abba or abba. Bb whats the movie. Ie mamma mia. I saw that. Okay. All right, guys. All as much as i can admit. Chs ia m reunion with my college girlfriend. Would you like that . Lets do the forecast. Ould y okay. You know the weird things geg weirder sometimes. Me hes been thinking about that for a long time. R a loime. Waiting for the moment. G for tho that was right on the tip ofp his tongue. 52 degrees. Theres facebook. We can probably find her. Theblr no, i dont think she wantshw anything to do with me. Hi there we go. Ng t theree go cold front working through the t area. This will bring us showers thist afternoon and mild temperatures. Mid 60 todays. D 60 behind the front weve got highh weekend we look great. Reat friday, saturday look fantastict saturday mid 70s with sunshine. N looks like clouds on sunday suna monday looks great for halloweee as well. Coming up we got our fox5 Winter Weather prediction. Ion send me your questions tuckerr fox5. Lets do traffic now with erin. I thank you very much. Hank y we have some backed upou traffic bw parkway northbound still shut down between 193 and goddard god space Flight Center. There was a seriousen crash cra involving two cars and a a a motorcycle. Its under investigation. Heres what you need to know. Bw parkway n from south of 450 through 19393 the off ramp to 193 completelypl stacked. Southbound side of the big sid e rubberneck delay heading to andd from baltimore this morning areo lot of traffic in green belt. El the outer loop jams look at thaa big jamup from largo all the waw to bw parkway then again as youy try to get on to 95 on the the northbound side. Ide. Huge delays there. The. Give yourself 45 extra minutes s to get through the crash scenege and through the alternates. Ltna outer loop remains stacked to 70 and 270 dealing with crash witht 124 blocking the shoulder cominm traffic into rockville and then 295 southbound jams 50 too pennsylvania. Ania. 50 through cheverly basicallyicy parked new york avenue veryew yv avyvy. Secondaries in the districties avy y as well. In keep it to fox5. To fox5. Were back in just a few. Ight on time. As promised, to install fios and set up the wifi that janet, jamie, jenny, jemma and jasmine need on their birthday. Thank you. For all their new devices. You cant break me. You want a piece of cake . Switching to fios is easier than ever. This is your last chance to get 100meg internet, plus tv and phone for just 69. 99 per month online. Hurry, our best offer ever ends soon. Only from fios. 8 30 this morning. Nice look at the white house. Not so sunny out any more. We had good five minutes of sunshine this morning. Will the sun come back i well see it again. Sun do gntood ns whiorryl the ick. Lets see whats going one n now in Prince Georges County. N Prince Georges County needsy your help locating this man. Nico rashad young who is wantede in connection with the shootingt at the shops at iverson formerly known as iverson mall. Mal preliminary investigation reveav the 20yearold was involved ind a fight of some sort that endedd with young shooting the victimim before running from the scene. Moment after the shooting,o, the shops at iverson and off duty dc profiled and beaten up by policp from Prince Georges County. Prince georges county policl say they stopped a man becauseab he match the description of theo suspect involved in the shooting. Our paul wagner has been working on t hisner ha story. I heard what sounded like aike a gunshot. Hot. We heard the commotion, heard the gunshots. E after that, there was a crash. ,r reporter few minutese aftes man was shot and wounded atounda iverson mall, prince georgesceg county police descended on then neighborhood looking for a suspect only described as a blue jean. N. Africanamerican male withe w hoodie and blue jeans towardsow the school in iverson in the residential area. Re timeoberhe same time Robert Parker who was also dressed in a jacket, hoodie and blue jeansluj was walking away from the mallhm down iverson street. Tree when he says a black princeck p georges county Police Officerfc pulled up alongside him in marked cruiser. What happened next is a matternt of some dispute. Dpu but parker says the officer toll him they were looking for f someone and he wan i said okay or i was just jus kind of baffled at the moment. Fl he walk up to me, anded he stara the ping me down. Um, that they started patting mm down and im just thinking toto myself, is this really happening . Because im a Police Officer. Offi i know the protocol. He reaches around and he feels f my side article, if i firearm. Rm and relook at him and i see thet look in his eyes. S e ground. I kept saying im the police. Iaym theing police. Ol there were two other officerser there maybe. Ay. I felt their presence knew they were around. I cweouldnt get a goodre look t them. They were placing me iney w handcuffs. Er somebody hit me on the righte ot side of my face. Fac parker says he wasntn resisting and felt the take doww and punch were totally unwarranted. D. And then they blamed you,ameu right . Yes. Reporter tell me what they said. Why didnt you tell me your y were a policneyo officer inu te first place. Tla reporter what was yourr reaction to that. That. Why didnt you physical you i were going pat me down. M reporter parker knows nowwsn the police were looking for a black mail wearing a hoodie andd blue jeans. Ea knows now he basically fit theit description. Scri we learned today this is the mad police were looking for. Parker says he hates to pull the race card but believes had hee been white the take down andnnd what he views as excessive forcf would not have happened. In a white neighborhood and lool out was for white suspect, even same circumstances i dont thinc i would have been treated the same. Reporter parker injuredhavee hi pr ins wrist in the take dowo went for treatment at the polic and fire clinic as well as as hospital emergency room. Paul wagner, fox5 local news. Ns Prince Georges County hassh issued a statement it says in si part our preliminary investigation reveals that itha was only after the man was w restrained by the originalna officer and backup officers dis ceficer. Hundreds of our followers onn facebook have commented on thisi story. We want to share some of those e but in full disclosure wereuree sharing the ones that we can share on the air because this ii such a passionate topic for mann people and these are the ones we can safely share. Ha. Brenda writes on facebook, thisi is a exactly why i worry about o my Police Officer grandson whenw hes not in uniform and isnd carrying his service weaponpo profiled. Jackson commented my question, why didnt you identify yourself first before r being thrown to the ground wheng he went to frisk you. To frisk yu that its when you were to tell him that i have a service weapon. Matthew writes that he couldd see the Prince Georges County officers perspective saying i understand the prince georgesno officer fully. The guy matches the descriptiond based on his clothing. He felt gun. T g i understand the guy says hes a detain him first and then get g his id. I if you dont, and hes in the te cop, then he has the opportuniti to shoot you. All right. Al keep the comments coming. Ming. We do appreciate them via v facebook and twitter. Tter something a lot of people haveev been weighing in on already we y expect to get more commentseme throughout the day as well. He d in the meantime 8 35. 3 all right. Tucker barnes, we have taskede s you with the assignment of nottn just preparing todays forecastc but the and tire winter wine forecast. Yes. A lot of pressure. Lets kick it off with localc forecast quickly. 52 this morning. 60s think thimid afternoon i want to show youhow seven day if youre head out heo uire quickly. Some showers in the forecast fec later this afternoon. No probable toll, 3 00 oclock 3 well get a period of showers in here through the evening rush r hour and clear out overnight. Ig. Friday and saturday fantasticta look at saturday i think sundayy and monday in pretty good shapea maybe a few showers sunday sunda afternoon. N. Money looks great for halloweenn for the most part next couple oe days look great. Ys looea all right. All lets get it to. Ther wtht our winter wea outlook. Oo the weather team has beeneam han preparing this big spe lot of time and energy intoergnt this. One of our weather colleaguesle but just want to give you a wan heads up here, that what we lool for when we look ahead long tert in the weather forecasting is big signals. Ig last year we had el nino with wh the very warm waters out in thee cific. C. We dont have any of those bigho signals this year so little bit more difficult to make a mak a longterm forecast. As what we look for, what wereere looking at very warm waters upeu information is on all our social platform. Plat. Please feel free to take a looke and read more carefully on it. O ill give you a brief thought tg for here. Looking at coulter than normalaa temperatures because of that t blob called a trough along thed eastern seaboard and ournd our temperatures this year areea likely to be colder than average. Yesterday last year with ele nino above average temperaturera wise. Wi this year we think well be erlow average. We also think well have he slightly above average normal precipitation. Atn. So that would make for the possibility of more snow and icd events around here. E. That being said, i dont thinkhi with the southern jet being verr active we have the sameam possibilities of big blizzardigb like we had last year. Ea perhaps not as big snowstormno event as we had last year butear well have series of clippers cp moving through, and thosendho clippers have the possibility of bringing us several rounds ofous snow this year. S all right. Es again you can kind of read these get onlino neutral to weak el nino. Warm blob. Expecting cold winter. Peing clipper driven and the blizzardd odds are not zero but theyreute little lower than last year when we had the big el nino. No all right. R your snow forecast this isno getting a lot ow fofre play. P we are looking at average to blightly above average snowfallf totals and again i think withhik the cold winter we may smaller events one to 3inches with cold temperatures. Erat that can cause a lot of purrobll locally and then of courseof crs heavier amounts as you get outog to the west and to the north where you guys average more. But avra average snowfall wise later thir year. You want more information tuckee fox5, you want to ask mesk m questions im happy to try too t answer them on my facebook oraco twitter page. Itte read up on our thinking for the winter. Of 20162017. 01620 so much fun. So much all right. Not as much fun, morningorni roadways. Roadwa erin, how is it looking. Looki that was really good toss. 8 38. In Northern Maryland bw parkwayw northbound remains shut down all lanes blocked at 193. 93 flight sent no traffic getting i by an accident investigation. Tii traffic is parked from 202 up to 193. You dont between sit in thatint delay. La try your luck on kenilworthenil route 1 you can always take thee outer loop over to 95. 95 the inner loop jamming up 95 95 southbound to the inner loopnneo super backed up 95 northbound n heavy and southbound bw parkwayy from 198 passed the crash scenee really backed up with ad up wh a rubberneck delay. Erneck delay i dont like what im seeing ini Northern Maryland this morning. G very heavy delays. Vy we have a new crash 295 you can see how backed up thingi are on 50 through cheverly as well. Well southeast southwest freeway jamy in both directions and theh dica 14th street bridge is jam is packed gw parkway southbound. Thn super jammed. Per jamme metro is on time. Tro on thats the silver lining. Linin. Back to you guys. Comedian kevin hart is santaa claus. Can you picture that . You pie th of course i can. O why not. Kevin mccarthy has it allhasa cover in the fox beat. Fox bt. Next. 8 42. Music means that Kevin Mccarthy will eventually sit down besidet me. Ually sit y yes. Steve, im here. mer how did you sneak up on me. O on i dont know. Im just that good. Gd by the way i got to mentionti this. Th allison i know youve seen thise story. En t okay. Ill ask steve and tucker tot participate in this. S. All right. Re we all remember the blue and black versusmemb whierte the ang dress controversy. It was all over the web. People werase a debating on whii one is which. So theres new one. Ewne i thought those were silly sl not this one. S o people first. Fir this is tom hanks and bill a murray. We all know them very famousamou actors and very famous individual. We grew up with them. E gr theres a photo out we wontw pull up yet. Up yet i want steve and tucker to see o this photo and tell me the first person you think you are seeingn okay. Okay all right. I guess i dont know the answer. Answer i thought you knew the thoug answer. I put it on my Facebook Pagee but i dont know the answer. Okay. Allison you can participate too. Bring it up. T p. Go. Go. No, its bill mur glee i gle thought tom hanks too itnks t i actually is bill murray. Y yeah. Tucker, what did you say. U i thought it was tom hanks. Ms talking about the baby . Who else are we talkin about . About . The first person i saw wassaw tom hanks. It actual sal picture of billfil murray this photo posted on facebook back in 2013 in in Facebook Group called reasons mm children cry or something likeng that. Th and basically it says billl was tom hanks. Thats so funny when theyn t initially saw it it does lookoel like tom hanks. Which is better than then the dress. Better than the dress. Thanhed thats what i said. S i posted this to my facebook. I love to hear your comments. Ct let me know was think who you w thought it was initially. Initi. Go to Kevin Mccarthy fox. Can anybody post reasons my m baby cries. Ries yes. Because i have an epic picture of whenecause i first mt annies little girl and shel a s wanted nothing of it and so i s did the same face. Ill post it to that account. You submit them and they postit for you. Committed by. The cool. 2013. We have to decide if its you or annieo de. Youre like sisters. Obviously moving on Kevin Moe Hart taking oh and role i cannon wait this morning details aboutt possible new role as santaan clause. Ause. Cool. Heart is in talks to play thy jolly old saint nick in disney dashing through the snow thehe w film is about new york citykit relationship with his son and two of repair that santa has tot make father believe in the magia of christmas. Tm one of the films producer will l packer who was worked with kevii hart million times in the filmss like ride along, right now hart is doing this own special inpecn theaters kevin whats now andowd hes filming sony jew man geeee sequel. Not a funny movie. Not a a nice family type movie. Mov im sure it will have kevinin hart signature humor in it butit yeah. Im excited to see the jew manem gee rock. That will be awesome. Atill theyre becoming quite theg u little team. Central intelligence wase w fantastic. I saw it twice. I saw i saw it twice too. Wi t in the theater. Ater me too. What . Twice in the theater. Win th once on the plane. Pla what am i looking at rightig w. W. Kevin. Im allison. Lis. Yup. [ laughter ] see you again oh begun day. All right. Well be right back. Yup, 8 45. 85. . . Theres your look outsider yu right now. Sorry al. Steve you pointed at me and started talking. You broke one of the main anchor rules. Im off my gamer t oday. Poistof t tod. I have to go somewhere. O some your forecast coming up in just 10 seconds. Sorry. . . Forecast today as clouds will quic klomy l ist tncreasode, and witc front moving through the showers will be plentiful around here ur im not sure about plentiful bub scattered later this afternoon. O 52 now in washington. Ashing 56 in annapolis. The temperatures you notice are milder than they were 24 hoursos ago. Good 10 to 15 degrees warmerees than yesterday at this hour. Rdah 48 dulles. Ds. 46 man nass. 46 nas yesterday freezing temperature. A look at that Winter Weatherr wea parts of new york, vermont, newe hampshire three to 6inches of brand new the year up there. There so thats amazing to see that in october. Were focused on milderilder temperatures mid 60s today andod this cold front which will bring us scattered showers thiswehi afternoon. Afternoo again most of the showermostf th activity should be on the lighte side were not expecting anyng thunderstorm activity so no n dangers with this cold front bub as it moves through again a afternoon showers will lingerilr through the evening rush hourev clear it out tonight and rightnt back into the sunshine tomorrowo with nicer forecast for the f t weekend. There you go. Eru go 3 00 oclock got some showers ge threat will continue, threatea using that loosely the rainhe ri showers will continue till,e t seven, 8 00 oclock tonight start to clear it out overnightn right back in the sunshine byune early top morning for sunrise s here. All right. Heres a look at the seven day. 65 t lodayook. T. I mentioned afternoon showerson right back in the sunshineshin tomorrow. Saturday fantastic. Ay fanic 74 with sunshine. In could be a shower sunday s afternoon if youre running inni the Marine Corps Marathon sundaa morning youre in good shape. S pefect running weather. Eaer temperatures about 60 degrees at race time and most importantly for everybody out trick orrick treating on monday the forecasts right now couldnt be nicer. Ne. Low 60s with plenty of sunshineh monday and monday evening looksg nice as well. S wel guys, that is a weather update. D ill toss it back to you at theu desk. Desk head next door find outner ft whats coming up gone day d. C. Good morning. Good m good morning, guys. Or good morning to you. G g thooe ld ikes look the race fore white house tightening up. Ing we have what you need to know aw the top of good day with 12 dayy to go. A tour of the new outlets int Montgomery County. Ount thats going continue and i neen to tell my wife to turn her heaa work and work some extra hours h got a big budget. Bud shopping up a storm. Arm shopping sign me up too. Too all new at 9a her request toue improve the lives of young of yu people went viral dan shes ins town for a talk at the white thw house but first she is on good g day. Da all new on good day at 10a,ta hes one of the stars of the hit comedy blackish. Is i love this show. Thisw. At 10 30 dion cole is live ii studio with us. S. Were live with Ross Matthews the hottest stories fromes hollywood. Poor mariah. Is she going through ag ougha heartbreak . You get it. Get i get it. Do it yourself halloween treae and theyre going to be real be thrillers for your kids. S live two hours of good day d. C. Again it could only and usually does happen here. He. Yes. Y what i just said. T i i dont know. Every time i think about abo mariah i think about that song, touch my body. Y b you remember that song, right. St touch my body. There you go. Ch iseelin is feeling me. Touch my body. B i was hoping you would sing d little. Only on good day. Only on all right. Well catch in you a fewatch all right. L r this morning annie getting earle start on the Holiday Shopping s because she has brand new placew to be new Outlet Center just upt the road in clarksburg, maryland. Its not open yet but have you managed to get in and buys o annageto gything maybe just forf research . Reporter not yet. Et but were just moments away. Enta ive got the man that might givg me the key to some of these retail shops. Ho steven who is the ceo of Simon Properties meme yum outletsmut simon premium outlets. Utle a lot of fun. F i just want to give you a littll background. He spent 15 years on the retailt side so he really truly understands what customers wants and they need. D they youve got great hair also by ab the way. [ laughter ][ reporter what is it thatt t drives people to the outlets other than, yes, im going get a deal . If you walk around and take t look at the brands that we haveh were standing on the second floor of the twolevel premium m outlet shopping sent the only ty one in the country. In t not to mention the fact its soo beautifully designed. Y d rebuilt this right into theht environment. Built around the Forest Conservation right across thecrs street really the star of thehe show is the value. Alue when you shop at a premium Outlet Center, youll get valuee every day. Ay. 25 to 65 off on all the storeso if you take look around here r reporter okay. Orter okay. So you guys did this very verysv well. I like the idea of the design. Hs this upper level here, you puteu all the high end stores in ones area, right . Ight best designer brands. S. Both American Brands and international brands. Iona reporter then on the lower l level, and surrounding this t section are your every dayay typical stores that you mightoum fine at the mall, gap, bananaan and that sort of thing. All in the outlet format. Again, every day value. The regional malls will go on sale from time to time, butm ti Outlet Center were on ale evere day. Reporter i wanted to ask you aboutor the desteign immediy when i got here i thought, oh,, its like a village style withit plenty of seats and i like thehe roofs. Talk about the design and whataa really went into it. Certainly its unique designd reporter yeah. H. We merchandise the Shopping Center in two zones. O zon so we have our lower streetowerr which is a lot of athletic fitness brands, youll find aou lot of national brands. Reporter okay. Upstairs youll find most of the international and National Designer brands. Nd from Ralph Lauren Tori bump and armani. Arm reporter this section thattn were all the festivities areesa going to be happening later ler today, did you guys do this onso purpose so that you could haveuv music all year round and r performances . . Well be programming theammi Shopping Center all year long. Ea orter oka okay. Think about having a big grand court. It creates great sense of place for the Shopping Center but also becomes a focal point for the te community. Co reporter sure does. Epter sr a destination. Tination. Reporter shopping rter destination. Inat dont let me forget moms and dads out there, they have ane a incredible playground. D. I check it out early thiss morning. Kids you have spoiled themou h silly. We got the dinky plastic slidess this playground is amazing if your kid falls, its like safe on the ground, right . Beautiful. Reporter theyre not falling on sidewalk or concreter like c this rob berry mat. At its beautiful designed and again this is quite lets l talk about whats going on. On. This week sandy big weekend. Wee were hope from 10 to 10 00. 10 youve got plenty of parking inn we overflow weve got off siteie parking, weve got shuttle buses that will be running constantlyn reporter good. R good. We want to make as convenient as we can for our cuff mers. For of reporter youre expectingec a loft people a lot of greatf deals to be had. To be youre holding this brochure ane you can find this online. Hisin they have a lot of the deals d that individual stores are doind a lot of give aways. Rigight. Prime 80 outlets. Com go onlinein reporter you did your you d homework for me. Home i like it. T. Okay. Okay then in just little bit youll b be part of this big ribbonbon cutting ceremony. Emon a lot of important leaders, you, colleagues will be here, right. Thats right. Trigh we have two partners in thisin t project. The folks new englandnew eland development and streetscapelopmc partners who will be sitting oni the podium together. T reporter that will be fun. Music is going on of the i likei th sinnking. Before we let you go, there aree 75 premium outlets that you oversee. This is the 88th globally now, w right. Thats right. Important person, al. I think he can give meor tteheiy to at least one of these storest back to you in the studio. Tu all right. Annie. Happy shopping. Ha it is time to check in withek Tucker Barnes and get a look a l whats happening outside ifs hi youre heading maybe up to theb outlets do a little shoppingop this morning. Want to bring the umbrellathe for later today. Ay cool start to today. Ay not cold like yesterday. Yeste 53 in washington. 53 in washin win out of the here at six. Live shot. Clouds are quickly increasing in and with it the threat of rain i showers will increase. Reas i think by early afternoon you n can see rain showers breaking out in the mountains out to thet west. It will be all liquid here. D he. Talk more about that. Ore out Pretty Amazing theyre gettinget snow up there. 65 for us this afternoon nicenoc mile afternoon with some rain sr showers we clear it out friday, saturday into our weekend lookeo fantastic. Fati all right. Plenty more weather coming up do more on our fox5 winter wetet predict. Pr do you like it. I love it. Allison. , all good day d. C. Is next. Next. 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Brothers in blue fromm different cities embattled in violent confrontation. Its sparking a lot of debate on social media as one of those tho officers speaks out only to fox5. Fox5 demanding answers. Manding a. Residents in Prince Georges Countyin p once again waking upo cold and dark condo conditions. Today, they take theirehe frustrations to court. And all tied up. Chicago cubs even the world wor series with a blow out win. Historic matchup growing aswinga everyone from celebs to athletee show their team pride. Pde

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