Transcripts For WTTG Fox 5 News At Ten 20131001

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defense workers will be out. the parks zoo and smithsonian would close. new patients would not be accepted into clinical research. at the national institute of health but current patients would. the f.d.a. would suspect inspections -- suspend inspections. >> congress remains in a partisan deadlock. let's talk about some of the things that have occurred in the last few hours. the senate rejected the latest spending plan and now it goes back to the house. earlier the house voted to pass the latest version of a spending plan to try to head off a shut down. it delays the implementation of bo ma'am care. the bill went to the senate -- obama care. it was nearly defeated immediately. almost immediately and with the government shutdown looming both sides are still pointing fingers on who is to blame. >> one faction of one party in one house of congress in one branch of government doesn't get to shut down the entire government just to refight the results of an election. keeping the people's government open is not a concession to me. >> the bill before us is very simple. it funds the government and it says let's treat our constituents fairly. no mormon date for the next year that you have to buy insurance that you cannot afford -- mandate. congress does not get an exemption. >> as the clock ticks toward shut down d.c. has come up with a plan to avoid it. there's still lost taxes. state taxes from tourism dollars. let's go to our reporter. >> the national park service spent the day erecting signs along the national mall. if congress shuts down tomorrow, park employees will be told to stay home. >> this is really big business. something that we really are very concerned about. >> teresa with destination d.c. says phone calls and e-mails have been coming in from tourists worried about the shut down. if tourists stay away, hotels and restaurants could suffer. >> tourism is the biggest business in the city. we bring $6 billion for economic impact for four tourism. >> for the first time it won't hurt those in the district. the local government will stay open. council member david grosso sadie identifying the federal government and leaders agreed but keeping tourists happy is out of the district apps hands. >> the national parks kill be shut down -- we can't control that. anything that happens in the federal government does have a huge impact on the district of columbia. >> in an effort to keep visitors happy destination d.c. has put together a list of what is open even if the main attractions are closed. >> there are other things they'll be able to do here. they're still going to have a wonderful experience. >> destination d.c. will wait if there's a shut down put that specialist of what is open on their website. to find it go to our website my fox -- >> back live on capitol hill we're getting insight into what's happening in the house what's happening on the senate floor. we have congressman whitman and carden. gentlemen, thank you for joining us on fox 5. explain to me what you sent to the senate. what you did is you changed it rather than delay obama care you've asked for a delay on the individual mandate and you've included members of the white house, your staff and yourself as part of obama care. explain that. >> sure. well what we've done for house members our staff folks in the administration is make sure that the pretax stipend that individuals get now purchase insurance as part of the federal government system now would travel with us into the exchanges. what we're saying is other folks don't get to take a stipend with them. we want to make sure members of congress get treated the same way. i don't want a taxpayer subsidized benefit for congress. we want to make sure that's taken care of as well as the employer mandate has been extended for a year. we want to make sure we extend the individual mandate for a year. >> what i'm hearing in the halls of capitol hill here are members of the offices here saying look i make 30 grand. my stipend now my employer contribution if i have to go to the doctor if i have cancer i'm getting a cat scan it's like a 80% contribution you would do away with that. >> this would level the playing field. other people going into the exchange are looking to the same issue. our employees and members of congress would be eligible for the same government stipend but most of them would fall underneath that. we want to make sure members of congress are treated like everybody else that go into the exchange. i think people are looking at it saying why aren't congress doing the same thing. let's move onto you senator. there was a lot of debate. it wasn't very long. you rejected it. you kicked this back to the house. what's the sticking point here? is it anything to do with the obama care? >> the sticking point is we want to keep government open. october one is the beginning of the next year. we have not passed a budget. you can argue it's democrats fault or republicans fault. there for you allow a plan to pay the bills while we work on a budget. republicans are adding their agenda to it. i could talk merits how the f federal employer will be the only group of workers who help pay for their insurance. >> a lot of federal workers watching right now who maybe told their furloughed tomorrow they're wondering why not compromise? they're asking for a one year delay on the individual mandate. president obama agreed to do that on wall street for companies. why not compromise. >> welling we have -- well we have compromised because the funding level the democrats want is higher than in the continuing resolution. we've taken the republican number. so we've compromised this. let's be reasonable about this. >> okay. that was 10 seconds. i appreciate it. thank you so much for joining us as you can see shawn, it's a ping-pong and it's note over by a long shot. i'll continue to stay out here and i'll be back with you shortly. >> president talked about the consequences that millions of americans would face if congress does not reach an agreement to fund the federal government and with less than two hours until that midnight deadline as you know there is still no deal. >> these americans are neighbors. their kids go to our schools. they worship where we do. they serve their country with pride. they are the customers of every business in this country. and they would be hurt greatly. and as a consequence all of us will be hurt grade ly should congress shut the people's government down -- greatly. >> lauren de marco continues our team coverage. >> from the metro rail platform the commuter bus line to the national mall everyone is buzzing about the back and forth on capitol hill. >> frustrating, ridiculous. you have very little say. you just have to do what you're told. >> hundreds of thousands of federal employees left work unsure what tuesday will bring. >> we come in for a short period of time and then we'll know from there. >> we'll be notified if we don't have to come in and then we'll wait for further instructions. >> i'm not happy with what's going on right now at all. >> betty found out shows on the exempt least but a good number of her coworkers are not. >> for families that would be hard for families who are dependent upon the bread winner of the family. that's hard. >> another worker says he's been furloughed before. >> people should learn to prepare for the worst. and not depend upon other entities such as the government. >> others say you should be able to depend on your employee -- employer. >> you can have lots of money saved but that's money you wouldn't have to use had the furlough not taken place. >> for many days without work would mean adjustment. >> chilly mack, cool ahead -- cool-aid. you make it work. >> a shut down would mean the closure of the smithsonian zoo and other museums. that impacts employees and vendors. >> this is our life. as soon as the government is closed we going closed. we don't have any business anymore. >> ntsb employee dan bartlett. >> we need long term planning, long term financing and goals. i think we'll start to heal if we can get down that path. it seems to be really hard to reach for this group we have in office right now. >> if the government shuts down, most workers still have to report during a four hour window tomorrow but only for documents, securing them and securing work stations. if a shut down continues employees will be paid on october 15th for hours worked through september 30th. >> all right, lauren. and the clock continues. our coverage of the countdown to shut down continues right after this break. we'll take a closer -- closer look if congress does not work out a deal. >> gorgeous run of weather is not going to be shutting down. although we have shut down the rain in a big way. i'll let you know when that's back in the forecast. we're talking about the first week of october when the news at 10:00 continues. >>  "i'm terry mcauliffe, candidate for gogovernor, and i sponsored this ad." these are birth control pills. more than half of american women use them at some point in their lives but ken cuccinelli sponsored a bill that could have made common forms of birth control illegal, including the pill. cuccinelli was one of only five senators to support this "potentially radical intrusion into domestic, family and individual decision-making" why is ken cuccinelli interfering in our private lives? he's focused on his own agenda. not us. oh, please don't call me "pumpkin." no, white chocolate and pumpkin. oh! pumpkin. ha-ha! pumpkin is back at dunkin' donuts. hurry in for delicious pumpkin coffees and lattes today. america runs on dunkin'. nice car. sure is. make a deal with me, kid, and you can have the car and everything that goes along with it. [ thunder crashes, tires squeal ] ♪ ♪ so, what do you say? thanks... but i think i got this. ♪ [ male announcer ] the all-new cla. starting at $29,900. some new polling data is out indicateing who americans are blaming for this looming shut down -- this one coming from c.n.n. or c. they're blaming the g.o.p. 36% blame president obama and 13 percent blame both. there's a lot of frustration as you can imagine. let's get insight to man that covers the hilbert than any of us. -- better than any of us. >> you get a sense no one is talking. >> no. they're not talking. harry reid and john boehner have not talked. so until that happens the chances of a government shutdown are very high. there's a shot of a last second deal but we've got a couple hours left and really lot different than two years ago when there was another possible shut down but the staffs were talking for days. so we're looking like this is a shut down. >> there has been talk about gauging support on some temporary measure that would continue to fund the government. i understand nancy pelosi is doing. i understand mitch mcconnell is doing it as well. where does this stand and what are you hearing? >> michigan mcdonnell -- michigan mcdonnell -- mitch mcconnell. >> nothing has really taken off as a possible compromise so if there's any type of deal i think it will be short-term. conservatives won't like that because it funds obama care whether it's a week or day or two weeks. a lot of those guys are going to vote no. >> we try to make sense of this in our reporting and explain how people are watching there are affected. let's talk about these federal workers. we have jim moran standing off camera but we have tens of thousands of people in our region certainly in virginia who maybe told go home we're not paying you. >> they're going to have to work -- wake up early and see what happened. this is our first post 9/11 shut down. a lot of government employees at department of home land security are essential and they'll be working. >> we're talking about the american public as well. there's so many ramifications a domino in the economy. >> it's going to save the government and cost them to shut it down. this could be a drag on the economy especially the local economy. >> all of the lost tourism dollars. bob, thank you as always. if i can bring you in congressman jim moran democrat virginia. talk about what you're hearing from constituents. as i understand it member's phones are lighting up tonight. people are frustrated. what are you hearing? >> obviously they're beside themselves. they want me to whether they need to go to work. they want to know whether they're going to get paid. they want to know why we're not doing our jobs and i don't have any good answers for them. >> where do things stand? i understand you're going to be convening shortly. >> the government is going to get shut down. the only real question is how long and you know maybe we can come up with something clever. right now there is no plan for now keep the government open and of course this was supposed to be the easy part. the debt ceiling is even tougher and that's coming and we have no way out of that so i think we're looking at a serious train wreck that's going to hurt our local economy and causeway use in -- internationally even. >> thank you, congressman for joining us tonight. you know it is just unbelievable what i'm hearing from members. their phones are lighting up. people are concerned. they don't know if potentially if their furloughed would the pay be retroactive again. it's unbelievable the amount of concern. even coming in here the officers at the front door their condition send about their friends who maybe considered nonessential employees. so let's continue our coverage with a look at the economy and who else is potentially affected here. fox 5 consumer reporter laura evans continues our coverage now. >> the battle on the hill. will affect us in one way or another. economists say there's no doubt about it. >> this comes at a particularly bad time. >> fuller says a shut down lasting only a few days might not do much damage but a week more could be corrosive for the local economy with nearly 800,000 federal workers family budgets have squeezed while businesses serving federal centers are threatened on top of the problems we're already seeing. >> because of an accumulated sequester which we have almost overlooked because it didn't seem so bad this region lost 26,000 jobs last month. >> if the government shuts down there could be a delay in social security, unemployment rates could rise and interest rates could go up leading to more expensive auto loans, mortgages and credit card bills slowing economic growth. the longer this goes on the more we will feel the impact on our finances and the economy as a whole. raising the steaks higher the debt ceiling. a default would have much more serious consequences. the government would be required to cut spending by a third. >> it undercuts confidence so businesses don't hire consumers don't spend and it undercuts the holiday sales, housing sales. >> wall street which is used to washington stale mates confirms the almost certain slow down -- >> you need to save your money, do not to spend anything extra, not worry about the national economy and how your spending is going to affect that. >> even if lawmakers do find a way to avoid the shut down some economists say some damage may have already been done. laura evans, fox 5 news. >> now as we've reported the senate rejected the house bill and moments ago we're hearing from staff members gathered here just off camera that it looks like the house has named negotiators to try to work out a deal. they want to make a compromise within the house and potentially send something back to the senate tonight. we have just about 90 minutes before that shut down kicks in. >> shawn. >> you dan feel the tension -- you can feel the tension. >> a fox 5 investigation found synthetic marijuana sold in stores skies spite a band -- dan. >> the redskins win. >>  another big story tonight. you've heard the name spice k2 and skub by snacks? it's all synthetic marijuana. -- scooby. a brand new law makes the drugs illegal in the state. >> sherri ly has the story. >> in three months synthetic marijuana stole charlie apps health. >> he was in an adult diaper -- he couldn't walk. he couldn't feel his hands or fingers. >> we didn't realize the detrimental things that happen when taking k2. >> last year ravaged by the drug he took his life. >> i firmly believe if he had not started using this he would still be with us today. >> maryland aims to shoot this -- keep this drug out of stores. it's laced with chemicals and illegal october 1st. montgomery county is going after it day one. >> a letter is being sent to alcon vein jens stores, gas stations -- convenience stores, gas stations and stores letting them know synthetic marijuana is illegal. anyone selling it will get a warning first and then be prosecuted. >> they change the chemical compounds to make them legal again but under maryland apps law they won't get away with it -- >> we've now focused on the effect of the drug which is a creative way if the drug effects the receptors within the brain you're in violation of the law. >> one of the county apps homeless shelter saw this turn some violent -- others faught for the ban. >> charlie apps 16-year-old brother used the drug too and ended in the hospital -- >> the high is so intense and scary it makes you think you're going to die. >> he quit but charlie was a couple days too late. >> possession of synthetic marijuana carries a penalty of four years. anyone caught selling it in marilyn could get 20 years in prison. >> coming up next tonight latest big story continues to unfold. all eyes are on capitol hill as the countdown the government shutdown continues. will we see an 11th hour deal? coming up next g.o.p. and democratic strategists go head-to-head. >> ♪ [ engine revs, tires squeal ] [ male announcer ] since we began, mercedes-benz has pioneered many breakthroughs. ♪ breakthroughs in design... breakthroughs in safety... in engineering... and technology. and now our latest creation breaks one more barrier. introducing the cla. starting at $29,900. ♪ starting at $29,900. ♪ for a store near you go to well we are about 90 minutes away from a government shutdown. tonight democratic led senate rejected the latest temporary spending bill from house republicans that would delay obama care for one year. if no deal is reached nearly 800,000 federal employees could be furloughed. half of defense employees will be out of work and tourists attractions would close until a deal is reached. i have guests here that are strategists. jack, let me start with you. what in the world is going on in the house? we seem to have two republican parties at work one who is working to avoid the shut down and tea party republicans like michele bachmann is ecstatic that things are going on as planned? how can someone be ecstatic? >> i don't have any sympathy for the federal employees who are big cry babies. i agree i think a shut down is essential because it's the only way -- >> jack, we're talking about people who might not get paychecks. they can't feed their families. >> it's the only way to enforce discipline. >> every year somebody will come out and say we've got raise the debt ceiling. america has to meet it's obligations. we do that year after year with no spending cuts. only spending increases. it's only through this traumatic event that we can enforce budget discipline. >> brendan, jump in. does jack have a point here? >> no. he doesn't. the president made his point one faction of one party it's the small tea party group that's just driving this. and they believe it's -- as jack does they don't believe in government. on the government shutdown they don't believe in guft -- government. for them it's a good thing. it's going to hurt your party. >> this whole business of obama care your white house said they can't meet the october one deadline for starting the exchanges. >> they have not said that. >> how can you argue that obama care shouldn't be delayed one year. >> they've delayed it for employers. it's ready to go for individuals. obama care starts tomorrow. jack, let me finish sheer it's the law of the land -- it's not going to happen. it will not be repealed. >> obama care is being borne in chaos. if the administration is ready i'll take brandon at his word but if they're ready they're barely ready. clearly postponing it by a year would help. i think all parties i agree on that. >> i don't think they do i agree. >> jack, is this about obama care or the fact that president obama won? this was his big deal to roll out this healthcare plan and this small fraction here wants to do the opposite of whatever president obama does. >> it's not a small fraction. the republicans picked up 75 seats. this is not a small faction. it's a very group of people who control the house of representatives and it is the will of the american people. the american people in the 2010 midterm election sent people to congress to control spending. >> the problem so obama care was held up by the supreme court. it's the law of the land. it's not something they can stop. when the democrats opposed medicare part d. democrats tried to make it better. >> brendan, you worked for nancy pelosi you know they on many owe occasions have used oh occasions to use appropriation bills to get the things they want to change all kinds of laws. this is nothing unusual. >> we haven't shut down the government, jack. there's no reason for that. >> jack, it seems this is just about obama care and this is about so much more than obama care don't you think? >> yes. it is about obama care to be sure but it is also about doing the only thing that we can do conservatives in the house can do to enforce budget discipline. shawn, there's no way to limit the budget. obama simply because he has the upper hand because he's winning the p.r. air war obama will not i agree to spending cuts. >> and he's going to continue to win the p.r. air war because of ridiculous stunts shutting down the government. the republicans don't care and they shut down the government. >> obama is a master politician and he's losing on suns stance. >> the latest polls show that if the government is shut down the majority of americans are going blame republicans for this. they're not happens ty -- is there concern jack about the reper cushions come election time. we saw peter king come out and say he's going to vote against a bill that included a delay. >> it goes to what i said we're losing the p.r. and polls. i'd be the first to argue our party needs better public relations but back to substance for the moment if we continue down this path we're going to become france, italy. we're not that par behind italy in terms of debt to g.d.p. we're almost there. there's no fiscal discipline. >> brendan, you have the final word. >> that is not true. the democrats don't want the government to shut down. they understand working together. the republicans have no interest of working together. >> thank you, gentlemen. democratic strategists. thanks for joining us tonight. >> will, we'll send it back to you on capitol hill. >> something crossing the wires indicating more evidence of the shut down. at midnight tonight may actually happen. president obama just a short time ago signed legislation that would authorize paying military workers despite a shut down. we're talking about troops, some defense workers and some contractors but he just signed legislation that would continue to pay the military through any kind of shut down. let me bring you up to speed what has occurred in the last several hours. the g.o.p. house sent a bill to the senate. it said we would continue to fund the government. we want to delay obama care apps individual mandate for a year and the g.o.p. house said they want to cancel house subsidies for members of congress, their staff and white house and put them under obama care. what g.o.p. members are saying look we're no different than anyone else. if it's good enough for you it's good enough for us. the senate said no and rejected it. kicked it back to the house tonight. right now we're being told the house leadership is a signing negotiators to try to come up with a plan. so this is not over by a long shot. and you know what? government shut downs not exactly the norm but in the last three decades they have flared up in budget battles. budget and debt battles. in 1980 funding for the federal trade commission expired. shut down for a day. lawmakers made a quick fix cost $700,000. 1980 shut down cost $80 million. in 1985 and 1986 the government shutdown twice during the clinton administration over taxes, medicare and the budget. the first lasted for six days. the second dragged on for 21 days. again we are live here on capitol hill. right now the house meeting to try to come up with some sort of a plan. shawn, i'll join you again during the news edge at 11:00. i'm be joined by bob cusack. he's going to tell me what he's been learning since we interviewed him during the 10. >> keep it right here for continuing coverage of the shut down showdown. you can stay up-to-date online. we have a special page dedicated to this looming shut down on >> well still ahead tonight a bombshell announcement from the vatican. the historic move in the works and the reason behind it coming up tonight. frig frightening moments caught on camera. wait till you hear a pack of motorcyclists attacks a driver. we'll show you how it plays out. >> [ male announcer ] at northrop grumman, we've always been on the forefront of innovation. when the world called for speed... ♪ ...when the world called for stealth... ♪ ...intelligence... endurance... affordability... adaptability... and when the world asked for the future. staying ahead in a constantly evolving world. that's the value of performance. northrop grumman. [ daughter ] hi mom. hey honey, the trip's great, very relaxing. are you sure you can't make it? but you come every year! you could be playing bingo right now! woooo! and there's movie night -- you love movies! [ laughs ] sorry honey, can't hear you -- bad connection. love you! [ laughs ] ♪ [ male announcer ] bold flavors for the bold hearted -- progresso heart healthy soup. spark unlimited business checking from capital one bank. my stress has vanished. my old business checking account really pushed my buttons. transaction limits? more fees? are they bloody insane? horrible! come on! getting spark checking has made your cooking tolerable. [ male announcer ] switch to spark unlimited business checking from capital one bank and get unlimited transactions. limit the stress, unlimit your business. red's my color. what's in your wallet? no! you don't even get football. [ male announcer ] when you've got 100% fiber optic fios, you get it. america's fastest, most reliable internet. it's the ultimate for downloading, streaming, and chatting. -- that guy all over the football field. thanks, joe. if the running backs don't start picking up the blitz, the quarterback is going to have a long night. is that your sister? look, are you trying to take my job? maybe. technology that lets you play with the big boys. call the verizon center for customers with disabilities that's powerful. at 800-974-6006 tty/v. the d.c. police officer shot in the legs in the navy yard massacre is back home with his family. scott williams was shot in both legs. officer williams and his family have asked for privacy as they continue to recovery. the other victims have been released from the hospital. >> frightening moments when a family was surrounded and attacked by a pack of motorcyclists. this is helmet cam from one of the cyclists. the black range rover bumped one of the tires. the s.u.v. stopped and the bikers started damaging the vehicle. the driver sped off hitting a few of the bikes but the bikers chased him several miles until the s.u.v. got caught up in traffic. the bike customers broke out a window and started beating the driver. tonight police investigating -- bikers. >> amanda knox apps retrial in the murder of her roommate restarted today. knox spent four years in prison and was acquitted on appeal and released in 2011. one man is in prison serving time for kerr churches apps death. >> -- it was finished and done and amanda knox was home but for the roommate i think it's important they take another look. >> amanda knox is re-- not required to be there but if found guilty she would be able to appeal but if appeal failed it could -- it tally could apply for earning -- her extradition shin. >> we're following the countdown the government shutdown. midnight brings several new laws in the state of maryland and some will have a big impact on your every day life coming up tonight on the news edge. >>  all the pumpkins? pumpkin's back at dunkin'? now you tell me. try the new pumpkin pie donut or any of our other many pumpkin treats today. america runs on dunkin'. it's a good feeling redskins fans. the burgundy and gold finally won a game and it could not have come too soon. >> shawn, mike shanahan was in good spirits. maybe it was the team got their first win of the season or maybe it's because he and the staff get to take a few days away from redskins park. another reason to be happy on victory monday how about the play of that much mel lined defense -- maligned defense. to the house for his first career interception. then the offense got untracked. rg3 with a bullet to be pierre garcon. remember the skins trailed this game 14-0 and this put them up for good and roy did quite nicely 84 total yards. redskins get that all important first win of the season 2014. now it's time to enjoy that bye week. >> you can use excuses and it's the perfect time for any bye week. at the end of the day we get a chance to heal up and we got a couple guys banged up which is a positive for us to get guys healthy. when you look at the preseason games and regular season games at least we can come back healthy and we know where we're at in the season and it starts the season all over again. >> the bye week. came at a good time last season. the redskins were three and six and they didn't lose another game the rest of the regular season. shawn let's see if this can be another case of history repeating. >> fingers crossed. you know that's my thing. >> i know that's your thing and it worked this week so you get a week off and then you have to try again against callous in two weeks. >> -- dallas. >> sue palka is here. my goodness it is gorgeous outside. it's perfect. you may be saying okay i want to amend that and that might be too hot. would you believe we might have mid-80s coming this week. >> for october. >> good-bye to september. here comes october. we're warming up. that's what we're talking about with our headlines, shawn. we have a few clouds. a nice night. it won't be quite as chilly. the next few nights won't be either. this is the weather headline to begin october. we think we're going to have multiple days we're going to be at and above 80 degrees around here as fall is going to take it's time getting going in the month of october. here are the next three days. sun and clouds come. and about 81 degrees. then we heat up wednesday 84. a couple days might be warmer than that. so plan according they. if you put the shorts down maybe you need to get them out again. temperatures right now not bad. we'll be comfortable at 65 degrees. upper 50s as we look out towards the suburbs and most areas tonight will drop into the 50s but here in the is sdrikt about 61 degrees -- district about 61 degrees. we had a frontal system that ran out of gas and it left a few clouds. we're staying dry. that is the one part of the forecast we need to do something about and that it is terribly dry. september came in two and half inches below average. tomorrow not a wet day. we're getting winds out of the west and we do warmup. many areas will see that. 81 degrees tomorrow in the district. manassas could be 84. culpepper 85 degrees. that's not going to be typical but we'll get used to it and be dealing with it for the next several days. check out your seven-day forecast. six days at or above 80. shawn when we look at october of 2012 we only had five days the whole month that were above 80. now we do have rain in the forecast. it will be a frontal boundary that comes through sunday into monday. we'll have a chance of showers and storms then which we could use. even know nobody wants to see it on the weekend. >> my grass is getting dry. >> thank you, sue. >> well still ahead tonight pope francis announced today that former popes john paul, ii, and i don't know the 23rd will we declared saints next year. the historic double canonization will happen on the same day next spring. it's been six years since a pope has been canonized. >> roman catholics looking forward to a holy spring as an historic double canonization will propel two late popes to sainthood pope john paul and pope john the 23rd. the first sunday after easter considered a feast day. >> these two towering figures of the 20th century into the 21st will be canonized at the same time is a significant event in the life of the church. >> john paul has been on a fast track. during his papacy he simplified the process and created more of them than all previous popes combined. >> john the 23rd was supposed to be a caretaker pope but during his five years from 1958 to 1963 instigated the second vatican council a gathering of church leaders which changed many of the church apps traditions. candidates usually have two miracles attributed to them -- but francis approved john the 23rd with one miracle. the decision to cannonize them together was aimed at unifying the church. >> he was making his parma -- mark and making a statement saying look i don't want to wait. i'm the pope. whose going defy me on this and there was a shortage of hands -- two living popes are expected to be there. francis who will officiate and pope benedict who retired earlier this year. the double dannon savings will be the first in the church history -- cannon savings. >> coming up next tonight deadline for the looming government shutdown is little more than an hour away. will we see a last-minute deal? the news edge has complete coverage coming up next. >>  "i'm terry mcauliffe, candidate for governor, and i sponsored this ad." these are birth control pills. more than half of american women use them at some point in their lives but ken cuccinelli sponsored a bill that could have made common forms of birth control illegal, including the pill. cuccinelli was one of only five senators to support this "potentially radical intrusion into domestic, family and individual decision-making" why is ken cuccinelli interfering in our private lives? he's focused on his own agenda. not us. the idea of putting the american people's hard earned progress at risk is the height of irresponsibility. >> it's time for the senate to listen to the american people just like the house has listened to the american people. >> you know with a bully you cannot let them slap you around because they slap you around today. they slap you five or six times. tomorrow it's seven or eight times. we are not going to be bullied. >> the news edge begins tonight and there is still know deal and less than an hour until the federal government shutdown. a short time ago the senate voted reject a resolution by the house that would have funded the government but delayed obama care. it is looking more and more like the country is headed to a shut down for the first time in 17 years. >> the fiscal year ends at

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