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Cobbs Creek Community looking for answers tonight, they want to know how a little boy was able to fall from a second story window, im joyce evans, right now, that boy is in Critical Condition in the hospital. Our dave kinchen has been following this story all day long, hes live tonight outside Childrens Hospital. Dave . Parents have been questioned, meantime, the boy here at the Childrens Hospital of philadelphia, in critical but stage condition. The man is like how can that happen . 5400 block of cobbs creek after police say four year old boy fell out of second story bedroom win glow we heard screams and stuff earlier. The boy suffering cuts to his face. Wasnt moving when he came out. His eyes was closed. Witnesses say the boy did not seem response whiff an emt took them away from the. It was like blood coming from look like it was coming from his head. He was rushed over to the Childrens Hospital of philadelphia, in Critical Condition. I was surprised and sorry to hear about that. There are at least two other children in the family house, they keep to themselves, unlike the nature of most on the block. We pretty much tight neighborhood around here. We like to watch out for the kids. That was an isolated incident as far as im concerned. Again, Philadelphia Police telling us the parents have been questioned. They were home at the time this took place. The special victims aoun sit investigating, joyce . Dave, thank you so much. New developments tonight in that deadly plane crash in ukraine. Us intelligence analyzes now say that they believe a russian commander oversaw the missile strike on the malaysian jet. Now, while, meanwhile, foxs Jennifer Griffin reports on how international monitors are struggling to secure the site in that war torn. Senior western intelligence officials tell us they believe this video shows the actual sa11 missile launcher used to bring down the malaysian plane. Missing two of its four missiles, and shows the missile launcher headed toward the russian border at dawn yesterday. Us officials now believe theyve pinpointed the launch site for the missile that brought down the plane. They say they believe the sa11 missile was brought across the board fresh russia in recent weeks. And, since the malaysian plane went down, russian back separatist haves been frantically trying to hide tus officials believe the launcher is likely back across the board nerve russia. Further, Us Intelligence analysts now think they have evidence that this former Russian Military intelligence colonel, igor, leading the separatist movement, oversaw the strike. Twenty minutes after the plane went down, one every his lieutenants is overheard talking to another Russian Military intelligence officer. Us officials are conducting Voice Recognition and believe the audio to be authentic. Just shot down a plane. That will was minors group. It fell down outside. Pilots, where are the pilots . Set off to search for the shot down planes, and take pictures of them, a plume of smoke is visible. How many minutes ago . About 30 minutes ago. That service to air missile had to come from russia. The Training Provided to operate that surface to air missile system, most likely, came from russia. That was us defense secretary chuck hagel last night, one well placed intelligence source put it to me we are building a case and it is pretty near bulletproof at this point. In washington, Jennifer Griffin, fox news. Our coverage continues on line, head to myfoxphilly. Com. For pictures from the scene and the very latest on that investigation. Happening now, a body is recovered at the jersey shore. Authorities say it washed up around 7 30 this morning in a area not far from where man went missing on friday afternoon. A fisherman found the body near Island Beach State Park in ocean county. They were not sure yet if the body is that of 25 year old man who disappeared around noon yesterday while he was swimming in that area. Two Police Officers are hurt during a traffic stop when an s. U. V. Rearended them. Happened friday night, in ocean county, new jersey. The officers had stopped the car along route nine in pine beach. That is when an s. U. V. Drifted off the road and hit one of the police cars. The officers and two people from the suv were taken to the hospital one of the cops has broken ribs. No charges have been filed. People rally in support of southwest philadelphia neighborhood devastated by deadly fire. Artists came out for concert to lift their spirits and more. Fox 29s sabina spoke with some of the fire victims about what theyre trying to do to pick up the pieces. Two weeks after fire destroyed her home, gathering her belongings and looking to leave this place for good. But, some things must be left behind. Memories that youll never be able to bring back. Nextdoor memorial marks the home where four year old twin boys perish in the july 5th fire. Four year old patrick, and three year old, also killed. The fire sparked protests within the local immigrant community angered over the response, saturday the Community Came together again, this time, to stand in solidarity with the victims, benefit concert to raise awareness and donations. Let the city at large know the problem still exists and were still struggling together to do what we can to help them. Artists sang on 66 street in the shadow of the burned out homes, organizers want to bring attention back to the affected area. Where the home was damaged, she watched the concert from a nearby porch. Im going to be here for the children because i watched them grow up and everything, so my support is with that family, so thats why i am here. I really found out how much im loved with all of the help that ive been receiving. And it is like amazing. Fox 29 news. Music, dancing at Community Peace rally. It was held this evening in sicklerville, new jersey, outside the home of 13 year old tia hudson. She the young girl who was shot while sleeping inside of her home now earlier this month. When a bullet from a gun fight that was going on on the street came right through her home. Now, to a developing story, the crisis in the middle east, the number of the dead has climbed into the hundreds, as israelis and palestinians continue attack each other. Now, foxs john huddy others, the calls are getting laudator put an ends to the violence. Hundreds gathered to protest the attacks in gaza. Very important to just the operations it, the war in gaza as night fell saturday, air offensive continued, explosions lit up the sky, as the call to prayer echoed in the distance. And, nearby, doctors worked around the clock to treat injured palestinians, hospitalization had been receiving patients in waves, every time an air strike happens, creating challenges for the limited medical staff. Our equipment, we cant manage to despite destruction, Benjamin Netanyahu says hes doing what is necessary to protect his country. The Israeli Military released video saturday showing suspected militants fleeing from a reported rocket launching site. And it says fighters tried to break into israel through tunnel and open fire on israeli troops around the world thousands marched and fleeted for a stop to the violence. The world cannot continue to permit the thanks are happening. Gazas ministry of health says more than 325 palestinians had been killed, more than 1600 injured, 40 of those killed are children. And that number continues to rise. In gaza city, john huddy, fox news. Beer gardens are popular outdoor spots, several of them opened up in the philadelphia area this center. The reason some lawmakers saying they should not be operating. Thats coming up. Plus a battle over a body, as family members grapple over the remains of radio legend, kacie kasem. While burying him might be particularly difficult right now. Thank you, joyce, not bad day. We a lot of clouds. We mainly stayed rain free. Showers are moving in right now for some of our western counties. Ill let you know if this means a soggy ends to the weekend. Your wake up Weather Forecast for sunday straight ahead. Huh, fifteen minutes could save you fifteen percent or more on car insurance. Everybody knows that. Well, did you know words really can hurt you . What. . Jesse dont go jesse. No im sorry daisy, but im a loner. And a loner gotta be alone. Heee yawww geico. Fifteen minutes could save you fifteen percent or more. Jesse . Topping National Headlines tonight, Police Officers heroic effort. An officer in ohio saves a man after he runs onto a busy highway. Police say the man was drunk and he could have been killed. Now, it was all caught on police cam. And we get the story tonight from foxs bill shield. Reporter patrolman matt had just pulled over suspected drunk driver last week when all the sudden the man bolted into traffic on i480. Patrolman beck screaming at him. He couldnt believe what was seeing at the time. It didnt take him long to jump into action, and really help this guy out. When the suspect stayed on 480, patrolman raised out of oncoming traffic to help. Officer becks harrowing rescue was complicated not only by the highway speeds and the traffic, but also by the fact that the suspect was yelling just kill me. As if he wanted to get hit by a car. Officer beck then, this is amaze to go watch, drags a 5foot seven, 340 pounds man, across all the lanes of traffic, to safety. He did a great job. Were very happy with the way he handled the situation. He was waiting for back up. But he wasnt werent there at the time. He ran out there, pulled the guy off by himself. The incident occurred a week ago thursday at about 11 00 in the morning, westbound, on i480 near Great Northern mall. The 54 year old suspects blood alcohol level was nearly. 3, close to four times the legal limit. Initially patrolman beck pulled him over for speeding doing 82 where the speed limit is 60. And then the incident began, and and indent that could have turned tragic but for patrolman becks heroics. I dont think there is any guy on this department that wouldnt have done the same thing. We have a lot of great guys here, and thats part of the job that you spring into action. And thats he can actually what patrolman mat beck did. He is a hero. This guy should really thank him. I dont believe that this guy, you know, really wanted to end his life. But if he did, you know, he is, you know, still around here, so he should thank the officer. A judge grants casey cast em, stopping the process of kree melting his remains. The problem is no one seems to know where those remains are now. His wife, jean, had filled out the death certificate saying that the remains should be taken to canada. But a funeral home there says it doesnt have them either. His daughter wants the body autopsied. The radio legends died last month. Kacie kasem was 82 years old. Wild fires caused by lightning continue to destroy homes and to force evacuations in the pacific northwest, flames have nearly wiped out an entire town in washington where 100 homes were lost. Foxs dominick de natale has an update. A town visually no neighborhood left unscathed, in rural North Central washington, about 100 homes were destroyed over the past two days. Leaving behind, a death less scene. Burned out automobiles littering the streets of the terrorists, the hollow site of chimney steaks, march opened in the charred footprints of former homes. We watch the whole town burning. It looked like the whole town was on fire at night. Because it was just all you could see was fire just everywhere. Even the towns mayor didnt escape, she lost her home. They have their families, they may have lost their home, like we did, but, you know, you come together as community, and you rebuild. And you make it what it used to be. Un believable. Socalled carlton complex fire, black ends hundreds of square miles in the scenic valley northeast seattle, one of around 50 wild fires across washington state. High number for what locally is still relatively early in the season for outbreaks. With more hearts, dry weather, gusting winds on their way, 2,000 firefighters are battling in the eastern part of the state, 100 National Guard troops on stand by, up to a thousand more could receive Additional Fire training in case theyre needed. Officials say the fire that swept through is not a single day noreen a single week event, they say it will rage on much longer than that. And there is one fire chief put it, Mother Nature is winning here. In los angeles, dominick de until ali, fox news. Thousands of dead fish wash up on california beach. The fishy situation has everybody wandering where they all came from. Well, biologists arent exactly sure how the fish died, but they believe they may have been accidentally caught inside the net of a squid boat, and then tossed back into the water. There is no plans to remove the fish because they say the tides, everything else, expected to work naturally. Tension is high on one of californias historic hispanic neighborhoods. San franciscos Mission District is undergoing a transformation. Now, that more tech work remembers moving in, but this week, a message was spray painted on Area Business targeting hipsters and yuppies who are coming to live there. The note said harm would come to the new neighbors if they dont move out. We dont condone it at all. But i can understand where it is coming from. It is just, hey, were still here. Were not going anywhere. Well, police say this wasnt just a simple case every vandalism. The person who did it made a terrorist i can threat, and could be facing a felony charge. Iran now facing pressure from western countries, to curb their nuclear program. After the partys failed to make a deal by the july 20th deadline. As foxs molly hannenberg reports, the sides have agreed to continue talking and extend on the ongoing debate. Secretary of state john kerrey says extending the negotiations will give all sides the best chance of reaching a quote good agreement. But some republicans say iran is benefitting from the delay more than the us. Iran initially claimed it wanted to expands its ooh ann yan Enrichment Program from 20,000 though 190,000 sent finals over 20 years. Secretary kerrey said he made it quote Crystal Clear that that was not going to happen. And says this is not the time to walk away from talks. Kerrey said in a statement, quote, diplomacy takes time and persistence is needed to determine whether we can achieve our objective peacefully. To turn our back prematurely on diplomatic efforts, when significant progress has been made, would deny ourselves the ability to achieve our objectives peacefully to maintain the International Unity that we have built. Us Officials Say the Obama Administration agreed un freeze 2. 8 billion in iranian assets, because iran has met zero some obligations and continues to negotiate. This is on top of 6 billion in assets previously made available. Republican congressman ed royce, chairman of the House Foreign Affairs Committee Says this is not a smart step. He said in a statement, quote, i dont see an extension every funding to iran as progressment looks like the iranians won extra time with a good copbad cop routine, backing off the supreme leaders absurd claim for 190,000 sent finals. This tells me iran, with sent finals spinning, thinks time is on its side. Republican senator bob says the Obama Administration needs to insist with iran in these negotiations theyll be quote no more extentions. In washington, moly hannenberg, fox news. Now to your wake up Weather Forecast. As we take a look at Atlantic City live tonight, were bonds lettering it be a beach day tomorrow. Heres meteorologist, caitlin roth with the answer. Hey, caitlin . Joyce, beautiful picture of Atlantic City right there. Unfortunately not good beach day along the shore today. Same scenario into tomorrow. One of those go to the movies, play board games type of weekend. Not a wash out, but working on the suntan, not happening today or tomorrow. Rain moving in, to our western suburbs, this is batch of showers that was out toward our west, all through the afternoon in central park pa. Making it into at least lancaster county, namely steadier showers in lancaster itself. Drifting northeastward, if it holds together it, will start to bring some sprinkles into the philadelphia area. Already seeing that, northeast of wilmington, up through Delaware County self, if this is making it to the grounds, youre seeing little bit after light rain temperature stilt mile, in the 70s, briefly hit High Temperature of 80. Seventythree in philly. Seventythree reading. Sixtynine in lancaster, 72 in wildwood. Showers will track through, then more showers coming in off shore. Kind of grissly, gray start to the day down the shore. 7 00 a. M. Wake up forecast, 68 in the city, 60 in the suburbs, chance for showers, otherwise clouds around. Latest on the rest of the weekend and when we can expect a warm up thats all still ahead, joyce. Thank you, caitlin. Local granny not letting her age get her down. In fact, shes going sky hi, and jumping out after plane. Her dreams fulfilled. Thats coming up. But first, little boy with a big heart. He is raising money to help his local Police Officers. So whats prompting him to start an on Line Campaign for so whats prompting him to start an on Line Campaign for bothe wonder of summer is that i never know what kind of adventure awaits. The days are longer, and the breeze feels a little sweeter. And, thanks to volvo, ill pay nothing for repairs or maintenance for 5 years, nothing. They even cover my first months payment. So, ill be happy wherever the summer takes me. The wonder of summer event. The 2015 volvo s60 sedan with complimentary first months payment. Starting at 319 a month. This little boy is on a mission to better protect indianapolis Police Officers. Now, hes asking for your help. Foxs tina howard explains what spurred him into action. Whats your motto . At just eight years old, jason has the desire to protect and serve. Im raising money for bulletproof plates that when working together can stop rifle arms, because no more bulletproof vests alone cannot stop rifles. Jasons father is an imp detective, andrew says fallen impb officer took him under his wings nine years ago, the news of his death hit the entire family hard. When perry ren was shot and killed, the other week, he knew he could tell that something was wrong with, you know, that it was really affecting. So we let him know that perry was one of his friends, they worked on things together. So jason wanted to do something to protect officers against assault rivals, like the one that went through officer rens bulletproof vest. The vest we have right now will stop, theyre not made to stop Assault Rifle runs. Started a go fund me account, that can stop powerful rifles. Since sunday, he has shalt he had his goal. At least enough for the people who are always raising money for t so it is me accomplishing my goal, enough for perry shift and a couple and a few officers. That says, the efforts wont stop here. As soon as we hit our goal, we wanted to keep going, as long as there are officers on the street unprotected, from assault rivals, we want to keep going until we can get everybody on the street protected. You can donate to jason, by going to our website myfoxphilly. Com, and clicking on the seen on tv tab. Weve got a link there for you, all set up. Cleaning the slate. Men and women with criminal files start the pros thats clear their records to get jobs here who is backing them up. Not one, not two, but three kidney transplants. The thing is none of the recipients new one another. Amazing story of kindness of breaking news out of camden county, Police Investigating hitandrun, happened short time ago on high and north 27th streets, this is in camden, police say the victim was found lying in the street and has been taken to cooper trauma center, investigators believe a white van may have hit the victim. Once we have more information on this, we will bring it to you. A backgrounds check can cost you a job, especially, if you have been arrested before. Well, today, a huge helping hand was offered, in southwest philadelphia, to clean the records of dozen of people hoping it might help them get hired. Cost me two big jobs. Employer background checks show kevin arrested for possession of stolen property when he was, as he put it, young and dumb. Special for something that happened so long ago it, shouldnt stop from moving forward. Because we made a few mistake when younger. And he hasnt been able to find work since. He and dozens more came to myers rec center, hoping to change that forever. Any time we can help a member out, in the community, even if just one person, were very happy to do so. Pulled together employers, educators, social, and career counselors, to help. But first, volunteering their time annex per tees to get criminal records removed from the backgrounds of people like kevin who were never convicted. That case is still on their jacket, their criminal records. Employers can see that when they do their backgrounds check. Our goal is to clean as many records as we can for folks who werent found guilty of anything. Hopefully, gets more people working and have people be able to help themselves, you know, better themselves going forward. Im trying it see if i can take care of that so i can move forward, make a little bit more money, take care of my family. And attorney kevin mensy says it can take sixnine months to erase olds criminal arrest records, and theyll file the petition, argue it before a and make sure that their backgrounds check shows no more arrests. Their way, they say, of giving back to the community. Three state lawmakers honored for music education, state senator, shirley and state representative jp miranda, and philadelphia councilwoman, cindy bass, receiving awards at luncheon in wynnefield. Theyve all taken steps tone sure there is music and performing arts he hadding in north philadelphia. And in health news tonight, a glimmer of hope in the battle against aids. A new government study finds the aids epidemic may be slowing down in the u. S. It says there has been a drop in hiv infections diagnosed each year over the last decade. The reasons for that still not clear. Report by the American Medical Association has been released as part of the International Aids Conference starting tomorrow in australia. Worldwide, 35 Million People have the virus. Three couples were complete strangers until a Florida Hospital ignite add special bond between them. Foxs Adrianna Hopkins has more on this historic procedure. Three separate families with a unique connection. Dale, and his son, jonathan, mary and her husband omar, and he will and a gonzalez and her husband, all meeting for the first time after a threeway kidney exchange. Knowing we are the pioneers at the program. When 64 year old dales hypertension and diabetes led to kidney failure, his son jonathan wanted to donate his kidney. He wasnt 100 percent compatible. Marys kidneys didnt properly filter blood and eventually failed. Her husband, not a match. And he will and as lupus causing kidney failure despite die al sills, and her husband, didnt match either. And while they waited for transplants, their quality of life not ideal. Missing quality time with her son. Now i want to be part of his live, part of his activities, see him grow. After a threeway kidney swap, these donors didnt match their loved ones, but matched others. Jonathan donate to go he will lana, omar donate to go dale, and donate to go marry. That phase that gave a second chance, only 23 years old, it is wonderful, wonderful meeting him, and i hope we can have, you know, a long time friendship. Doctors performing this threeway swap, first never florida here at Jackson Memorial hospital. An opportunity not only for our community here in south florida, but throughout the rest of the region. Opened doors for a lot of people who have at any denied, even though they have places in other areas. In trifecta, three people giving life to three strangers words cant describe how i feel right now. I wanted to cry, but. Adrianna hopkins reporting for us tonight. All of these surgeries were successful, and the prognosis for everybody involved is good. And remember you can always get the latest health news on our website myfoxphilly. Com. Click on the health tab there. Well, a local woman is proving aids is just a age is just a number. This grandmother is jumping out after plane and pursuing a lifelong dream. Thats coming up. Also ahead, baseball gives back Major League Stars are using their celebrity to help people in need. The organization theyre people in need. The organization theyre tethe wonder of summer is that i never know what kind of adventure awaits. The days are longer, and the breeze feels a little sweeter. And, thanks to volvo, ill pay nothing for repairs or maintenance for 5 years, nothing. They even cover my first months payment. So, ill be happy wherever the summer takes me. The wonder of summer event. The 2015 volvo s60 sedan with complimentary first months payment. Starting at 319 a month. A superhero scholarship run and walk head today for a fallen new Jersey Police officer. The Millville Police department put on the event in honor of officer christopher reeves. He served on the force for 18 years, and he was killed in a car crash while he was on duty in 2012. The money raised will go toward a scholarship for a Millville Senior High School graduate next year. Well, several pennsylvania lawmakers voicing their concerns about pop up beer gardens around philadelphia. Like the ones on Independence Mall and at the spruce street harbor park on penns landing. A loophole in the state liquor laws allows licensees with catering permits to serve booze for private events at unlicensed locations. But, now some are getting multiple permits, and using them to operate beer gardens, for weeks at a time. The liquor control board is now reviewing that law. Helping victims every natural disasters across the globe. Foxs adds a. M. Housley tells us more about what they are doing, how they are giving it back. Reporter the allstar game is behind us. Second half of the baseball season is under way. But it is not all about whats happening on the field, professional players doing a lot of work off the diamond. Two of the Major League Baseball players trust, call attention to important issues affecting the need. I one primary focus is disaster relieve. Weve done that in japan. Done that in haiti. After hurricane sandy, katrina, as i mentioned, and in the philippines, most recently. The players are also partnering with physicians for peace. It is an organization that operates under the montra of teach one heal many. We sends medical professionals to the fields to train, support and empower, Health Care Workers with the worlds under served population. Trust giving tens of thousands of dollars to help with relief efforts in several nations, including the Dominican Republic. Players want to be able to give back to the communities where they grew up. In the the Dominican Republic home to many baseball players. Rehabilitation care, with a. M. Too tees amputees, not something just one time occurrence. Thats why we like to train the local professionals in the countries to make sure that they can see and help those patients even after the influence is gone. Players and physicians for peace have been working together since haiti, to finds out more about their effort, go to players trust. Org. In los angeles, adam housley, fox news. Well, it is not your ordinary dance troops. These dancers want to prove that the human body capable of almost anything. Wait until you see these moves. Not a bad day a lot of clouds, kept temperatures on the cool side. Eightyone was the High Temperature at philadelphia international. Eightyseven is the normal. We will be back there into the 90s before you know t an entire family takes the plunge, and theyre going sky diving. And the leader of the pack, theyre 86 year olds grandmother. Irene had no fear before her mission in williamstown, new jersey today. She tells us she was absolutely thrilled, and looking forwards to the jump for quite sometime. Still looking for that summer beach body inspiration. Check out the super fit performers of dance theater. Foxs ashley introduces you us to the group. Known for its signature quirky necessary and break taking athleticism. These are some of the most versatile, funny, amazing actors, as well as being phenominal athletes, gym that is cents and beautiful physical artist. New this year, a piece featuring the companys rip dancers balancing on tiny column. The work explores the power of the body to tell a story about the birth of desire. The pedestrian tal about two and a half feet wide, having them perform an entire in that tinywas a challenge that be fits the kind of things we love to do. How dot dancer keep up that statue look . Their jobs are working out, so 9 00 to 5 00 monday through friday, sometimes saturday, sunday, we are working out with each other. We we lift bodies, we lift each other. Also performs popular collaboration with pen and teller the the magicians taking advantage of the dancers flexibility, to put them in some tricky situations. Our shows really are much more like eye a rock show than dance concert. And there is just an amazing buzz in the room, and we live off of the energy we get from the audience, and the audience gets more energized from the work thats happening on stage. The theatre in new york has hosed almost every year since 1985. It is very appealing. It is like fun to watch. Entertaining. It is also very deep. So people really do enjoy it, and they come back year after year to see favorite pieces from the past, and new pieces havent seen before. Catch it at the theater through august 10th. In new york, ashley, fox news. Now if that doesnt get you working i dont know, caitlin. Those are some bodies in. And flexible, yes. Yes, yes, yes. But will they have a good time on the beach showing those bodies tomorrow . Will it be chilly, too rain, what . They certainly do have the beach body for it if anybody does, unfortunately not the best beach weather this weekend. Not that it was bad out there, just a lot of clouds. Not exactly sunbathing weather over the weekends. That being said, nice break from all of the heat. Saw the great weather start on thursday, that coming after our second heatwave of the summer. Weve had two so far. Both in the month of july. Where you have three plus days of 09 degrees weather, and that break started on thursday, temperatures were in the 80s, only in the low eights, only for some of us. For today, weve got the cooler or at least more comfortable weather, showers moving in now, weve got more possible for tomorrow. Sun does return monday, it is to stays pretty comfortable until about mid week. Thinking maybe this would be our third potential heatwave. Looks like maybe only a day or two into the 90s, but will still be warming up. Showers moving in right now, we take a look at satellite and radar gained. Good organized patch of rain. Through lancaster county, up through berks county, showers making themselves into northern chester county, even into the philadelphia area. Soap, if youre in lancaster, east of harrisburg, seeing steady rain right now. Most of this of course falling during the overnight hours, it should be out by early tomorrow morning. Heres some light rain showing up, if it is reaching the grounds in the philadelphia area, down into northern gloucester, and camden counties in new jersey. Todays weather almanac, hit 81 earlier today. It was a bit more humid, but the clouds kept things bit cooler, 87 the normal high, 100 the record high setback in 1930. Right now 72 in allentown, 64 lehighton, 63 mount pocono, clouds are funny thing, keep you little cooler during the day, but milder overnight. Temperatures cant really faulk back too much. Seventythree in philly right now, 07 warminster, 69 in doylestown, 73 bensalem. Down into south jersey, 72 in cape may. Seventyone in millville. Seventyone in ac. Fox future cast clouds around all night, start to seymour showers come through early tomorrow morning. So beach weather tomorrow, going to start off kind of cloudy, gray, bit drizzly, then the on shore flow will push some showers through, and that will continue to push inland as we go through the day. Not a lot. This is not a major rainy day, but there is just chance for some sprinkles, then maybe some late day sunshine as we begin to clear out sunday night into monday. We will get the sunshine back on monday. So scattered showers around, overnight tonight, 66 the low in philadelphia, 58 in the suburbs, for tomorrow, probably spend most of the day in the 70s, we will hit the High Temperature again well below normal of 80 degrees, with few showers and some clouds around. Down the shore for tomorrow, kind of socked in. Maybe some late day sun, we start offer kind of dreary with the showers, temperatures only in the mid 70s, with the beach wind eastnortheast ten to 15 piles per hour, will feel pretty cool. Sunday on the cool side again, 80 degrees for the High Temperature with some clouds and some showers, monday, weve got the sunshine back, 86. But those temperatures start to creep up there mid week. We have been in this pattern mid week heat and then the storms into the 90s wednesday, with the chance of thunderstorms on thursday, should clear out by next weekend, joyce . But it doesnt look like the day after day storm . No, luckily not that. Although we have had them every week for sure. Thank you. Lets check in with colleen for some sports. Phillies and coal hamels in atlanta tonight. With another name in the starting row takes has the trade rumors swirling. And roy mcelroy leads the british open through three. But it is his dad that has everyone talking. What he did ten years ago that could pay off big time this with the trade deadline looming the rumors will fly. Latest report coming from fox sports one, phils and orioles in preliminary takes for a trade. Will send aj baltimore. The phillies are involved in right now. Meanwhile, in at lan tax the kids are enjoying some saturday night baseball, and Phillies Cole hamels, just hoping for some run support. He pitches another spectacular game. Doesnt allow a hit until the fifth. Only allows four through seven. Striking out nine along the way. And the phils finally back him up in the seventh. Jimmy rollins, hits four line drives to right field. The first three were caught. But the fourth gets through. A tworun homerun to give the phillies twonothing lead. But the braves get one back, in the bottom of the seventh. Chris johnson lines one up the middle it, bounces off the glove of chase utley, out to dom brown in left. Rbi double for johnson, upton scores and the braves cut it to one run game. But the phillies manage to hold onto beat the braves two to one to get hamels his fourth win of the year. Round through, rory will sleep, tiger woods hoping to bounce back today. On 16, he does drill the nice birdie put. But would later have trouble on the front nine. He shoots one over today to go three over for the open. Ricky fail or with great day out there. On 11 he burries the long birdie put to go 11 un. He finishes ten under, six strikes behind mcelroy. But it wont a smooth start for roy today. Looked dicey, finishes strong, though, with two eagles in the last three. The approach on 16 which woe eagle, then another eagle on 18 to stay atop the leader board at 16 under. And if roar can i keep this up tomorrow, he wont be the only one cashing in. This is him and his dad, jerry, who ten years ago place add bet with a few of his budd thats rory would win the british open before he turned 26. So if the 25 year old can hold on, dad and company will win 200,000 pounds, which works out roughly to be about 85,000 per person. Thats quite a bet there. And out to lake tahoe today, very different golf tournament. The American Century celebrity outing. I dont think there are any catted i races at royal liverpool, gets them practicing, probably needs some more, though, a terrible shot here. We wouldnt expect anything less, though, from sir charles. He is the best, just not the best golfer. He cares not. All right, thank you so much, colleen. Well thats our news for this saturday night. Join us tomorrow. The news continues at 6 00. Animation domination is next. Good night everybody. Hiiiii. Hi. Sorry, were closed. What . I need help with my deposit. The bank has rules. Its really quick. I cant hear you. I promise, im gonna be really quick. I dont under. I cant hear you through the glass. Ill. Be. Quick youll be quick. Thats what you just said . Yes. Im sorry, i cant hear you. 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