Transcripts For WTXF FOX 29 News At 5 20151022

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specifically asked the children to go anywhere with him, and the detectives say he admitted it was inapropriate to talk to the kids. lee being charged with attempted luring, a felony. >> we went to the home, nobody answered the door. lee parks wart time at movie theater, the school sent letter to parent and spoke to each grade level, about what happened, and how to deal with strangers. >> this is a situation where the system absolutely worked, that by the parent of the children. >> still mom suzanne said she wonders what lee's intent was. suspect never directly threatened the children, or fos dollars them to go anywhere. i wonder what the other side of the story was. this isn't something that we come across in the neighborhood often. but, there is always two sides to store. >> i lee being held on $100,000 bail. he is expected to undergo a psych evaluation, in radnor township, sabina kuriakose, "fox 29 news". alarming story see only on fox, symbol of hatred, carved right into a montgomery county woman's door. what that person left, we are choosing not to show on tv. what's even worse, it is not the only time that has appeared at her home. >> tonight investigators opportunity know who is tarring the g -- targeting her. outside the cheltenham police department. dave? >> reporter: lucy, cheltenham township police confirm for us tonight they are investigating alleged hate crime, no suspects, no arrests to report, at this point. tonight, the victim tells me she's both angry, and hurt. >> i can't believe it. who puts kkk on somebody's apartment door? >> who does that? >> tracey harold is fired up, twice in the past month she got up to go to work, and found the letters kkk on the front door of her apartment in cheltenham. >> this has to stop. tracey took pictures and called police. >> they look around, no cameras in the hallway, there was nothing they could do. >> the 52 year old harold has been living at the 1600 church road condos for over a year, said after she reported the first incident of the letters kkk scratched into her door, things were quiet for several weeks. monday maintenance crews repainted the door, day later found piece of paper, with the kkk letters duck taped to her door. >> i can live anywhere i want to live. this is america. are you kidding me? >> harold says the cheltenham police responded quickly even fingerprinted her front door. chief tells fox 29 police are investigating this as a hate crime. there were no witnesses, and there is no surveillance cameras video of either incident. >> kkk, what is that? are you kidding me? philadelphia, come on, now. >> we went to the management office at the condo complex, the doo was locked. we called the offers and were told there would be no comment. harold, meanwhile, is anxious to see the person who is doing this caught. she works long hours, and is now having trouble sleeping at night. she has a message for the person responsible. >> how dare you? who do you think you are? who thinks they can get away with something like that? >> now, police still investigating at this hour, coming up at 6:00 the victim talks to us about the consequences she thinks the person who did this should face. lucy? >> all right, thank you very much, dave. a shooting victim fighting for his life as police search for the gunman, officers found 33 year old man near the 2100 block of med erie avenue. they say someone shot him once in the chess, he's at tyne stein hospital in critical condition. police believe the shooter may have opened fire from a silver sedan with out of state plates. >> fall warm up continues today in your fox 29 weather authority. let's take live look at trenton tonight, the weather has been warmer, the sun is setting earlier, that's just another sign that the seasons are changing as changing leaves, meteorologist, cathy or the outside tonight. it might be the last night you can wear that sleeveless dress. >> i thought it was the other night, iaian, i squeezed one more afternoon. it is winnie out here, winds are out of the southwest at about ten-15 miles an hour, another sign that that change is coming. these are the winds ahead of the cold front, and by tomorrow, we will be feeling the wind behind the front. look at this beautiful view from our roof cam on of market street. just beautiful this afternoon with the colors of the trees, fall foliage continues to be really pretty around the delaware valley. we are nearing peak. here is a look at the high so far. philadelphia 77, mt. holly, 76, pottstown, allentown, wilmington, all in the mid 70s, running at least 10 degrees above normal. right now, in the city it is 75, wilmington, 73, and in wildwood it is 70 degrees, nice day to be down the shore. here are the clouds that are rolling in with that cold front. you see few sprinkles to the north and west, but most of them really dying out, as they move toward philadelphia. now, we will continue to see changes coming, winds right now out of the southwest, as i mentioned, they'll be coming more west and northwesterly tomorrow, and the cool-down will begin. here is a look at tomorrow morning, 8:00 a.m., 50's in philadelphia to the north and west 40's, that's what we already waking up to. by the afternoon, not a huge improvement. the noon temperature of 55, and by late afternoon, high temperatures only in the upper 50's. back here live, we are enjoying that last break of almost summer like weather before a chill returns us to the cooler realities of fall. we will take a lock at the seven day forecast when i join you inside. >> all right, kathy, see you then, thanks. developing now details surrounding the first americans to die in the ground fight against isis. pentagon officials are telling fox news, the us army special operator died in a gun fight in northern iraq, during a mission, that freed as many as 70 isis hostages. isis was holding those hostages in a prison, officials say air strikes destroyed that prison right after the rescue mission, the military has not released the service member's name. >> something just happened for the first time in new jersey. the state senate just voted to override a governor christie veto, that has never happened before. christie had vetoed bill requiring law enforcement agencies get notified when perspective gun by err tries to expunge mental health records, before this bill becomes law, assembly still has to override the governor's veto, as well. >> after months of anticipation, hillary clinton's big day is finally here, the former secretary of state and current democratic presidential candidate, testified, before house lawmakers, about that 2012 benghazi terror attack that killed four americans, and things got heated. >> i did not see them, did i not approve them, did i not deny them. >> repeatedly cast benghazi as inherently dangerous place to workment some republican house members blasted her for not doing more, to safe american lives. >> good to remind ourselves this couldn't have happened without us. you are right. our military policy couldn't have happened with you because you were its chief architect. >> year and a half investigation longer than watergate also revealed hillary clinton used a private server during her time as secretary of state but the committee's chairman made it clear today it was not about that. >> this investigation is about four people, who were killed representing our country on foreign seoul. >> but the committee's top democrat fired back at republicans. >> they set them loose, madam secretary because you're running for president. >> so far cost taxpayers four hand a half million dollars. >> search on for two men police say appear to be shopping in a local store. but soon violent broke out, a customer suddenly fighting for his life watch started it all. >> adorable loving dog just minutes away from being put down, tonight shy's safe, but saving her was a team effort. >> sure was. and it is a popular new costume for halloween. but some parents say it is scary for all the wrong reasons, critics stay could put your child in danger. >> newhart wrenching video tonight. story that's angered lot of people. firefighters bus their way into day care to save little girl left there all by herself she is okay today, hear what the day care is saying. >> coming up all new at 6:00 merchandise clearance sale, end after era. the camden river sharks, have played their last game. good business are a tough one for a lot of people. >> scary moment for one driver, driver lost control and hit several parked carson fourth and cambria streets. accident happened just before 1:00. you can see several cars were side-swiped as for the car that caused all of the problems it ended up on its side, at last check the driver is not facing any charges, we don't know yet what cause that accident. >> happening right now, on her very first day of serving as pennsylvania's attorney general, without a law license, kathleen keen released a she claims are pornographic emails and she's releasing them to the public. so the kane controversy rages on. our jeff cole is tracking it in the news room with the latest. >> here we go, lucy, attorney general kane had her law license officially pulled today by the supreme court for being criminally charged with lying to a grand jury and other offenses. but she will continue to serve but that's not the only news of the day, she also made public 48 whatever she says are offensive emails, her office filed under the computer of state supreme court justice michael eakin. according to her spokesperson, some of the emails are pornographic, racially tinged, and they mock and demean women. kane released the emails on disc thursday in harrisburg, fox 29 has not yet seen them. according to published reports, the emails from judge eakin's computer depict topless and scantly clad women. among other things, kane released them to show that state officials cleared eakin of wrong-doing, even after viewing the images back in 2014. now when the state eakin republican said the emails don't reflect my character, or my beliefs. now the 48 emails are part of a batch about a thousand that plans to release, want to release them all at some point. only three of the 48 were actually sent by eakin. again, this is the day that attorney general kane actually lost her license to practice law. she will remain as attorney general in the commonwealth. >> all right, jeff, thank you. philadelphia police working to track down a pair of robbers that held up a local market, and then beat down an unlucky customer. surveillance cameras were rolling inside park's market, east mt. airy last night. one of the robbers was already busy attacking accustom her the other guy pulls out gun and goes for the register. that gunman took his time, clearing out the cash, while the victim in the background does everything he can to fend off his attacker, eventually they both took off, landing couple of kicks on their way out. if you know anything about this incident, please, give philadelphia police a call. heads up. patco trains started operating on leaf schedule. leaves started falling on the tracks, which means trains will crush them, well, leaves leave oily residue on the tracks, so trans take longer to accelerate, longer to stop. patco says trains between lindenwald and philadelphia will run at slightly reduced speeds, and it will stay that way through early december. >> october is national bullying awareness month. and today, philadelphia's district attorney, seth williams, began his annual campaign against bullying elementary student at the william cramp elementary school. the da along with philadelphia police department's community relations unit spoke to the kids, not only about bullying but also, about the importance of speaking up, and how this all relates to crime prevention. >> the cases we have are the same type of issues we had in third grade, fourth grade, dealing with people in the cafeteria. a lot of adult have the same problems, they don't know how to resolve conflict. so talking to kids, at a young age, so they can learn healthy ways to resolve conflict, i think one of the most important things that i can do as a district attorney. >> the da also challenged the student to be up standing citizens, and dispute ties them as assistant district attorneys against bullying. >> special recognize for a philadelphia police officer, that championed the fight against breast cancer. today the department unveiled new memorial to officer karen walker. walker passed away four months ago after her second battle with breast cancer. she was a key figure in organizing efforts to put cancer in cuffs. the police department will continue her fight. that check that you see right there, is going to the susan g. komen foundation, and operation err walker's name. delaware county couple is helping to make sure a local police dog will have the protection that he needs. bob and his wife theresa are behind very generous donation of new castle city police department. $1,000 donation will help the department buy a kevlar vest for its dog cooper. they lost three sons over the years, and cooper's new vest holds extra special meaning to them. >> i often thought about doing something in memory of my three sons. and i just never new what to do. and we thought about it for years. and then all the sudden i happen to see the demonstration with cooper and how cooper was able to perform his duties. >> and that demonstration along with love for dogs motivated their donation. new castle city police want to show him how much his generosity means, and his wife, of course, so cooper's kevlar vest will bear the name of their three sons. a dog minutes away from being put down is now smiling in foster care. after being rescued, and now mini the pitbull has a bright future. >> she does, long road, but she does. as fox 29's shawnette wilson reports, thanks to some hard work by not only the animal care and control team in philadelphia. but also, delaware spca swooping in to save her. >> when i got her into the car she started giving me kisses and when i got back in she started giving me kisses, as well. >> nursing this one year old mini back to health from the neglected state she was in. >> she definitely loves her food. so she is enjoying getting her mini meals every few hours. >> jamie, a volunteer for the delaware county spca, returned to pick her up last night, before she would be put down. her owners gave her up to the animal control team in philadelphia last friday. the delaware county spca picked her up last night, but they could only keep mini until 8:00 p.m. jamie found out, and returned to take her in. >> yesterday, last night, when i pick her up at act, coy see the fleece still crawling on her face. so when i brought her home last night, i gave her a bath, in the dawn dish soap, to suffocate the fleece, there was a lot of dirt on her coat, so last night she seemed like very dark color, today as you can see she is a very light, and her coat is extremely soft. >> jamie, who is already a foster parent to four kittens, and has her own rescue dog, said she just wanted to give this precious puppa chance at life. >> my hope is that she goes into a loving home, just like i love her. >> shawnette wilson, "fox 29 news". sure she will. you know that will take a lot of money to nurse mini back to health if you would like to make a donation head to fox 29, click on the seen on tv tab, and you will find a link. >> thirty student from camden academy charter school got the chance after lifetime today. student participate in the career day at campbell soup company. as part of the program the students allowed to create a recipe and package design for either a soup or a simple meal. campbell's chefs were on hands to help them out along with senior vice president of the company. >> still to come, at just nine years old, mickey was hungry and homeless and scared and her family was hopeless. >> sometimes you don't ask for help because you're afraid that your children will be taken away from you and put into foster care. >> one tough cookie. what turned everything around. >> but first, firefighters returned to the report after fire, but soon called police for help. why they needed rescuing of their own. >> husband of breast cancer survivor makes scary discovery of his own. tonight what the couple wants every man to know. >> tragedy in sweden after a mask man stabbed four people inside a school with children ranking from preschool through high school. investigators say the 21 year old man knocked on two classroom doors and stabbed the people who opened them. one teacher, and one student died. two other are in the hospital, with serious injuries. officers shot and killed the attacker at the school. investigators coming through his home say they found interesting things, but have yet to elaborate. >> in new mexico, police say they have a confession from a man who murdered a little girl. during a road rage attack, albuquerque police arrested 32 year old tony torez last night. they say he confess today shooting four year old lilly garcia two days ago. lilly was with her seven year old brother, in their father's pick up. helen garcia told police torez cut them off two. drivers exchanged words and garcia says that's when torez pulled out a gun and fired at his truck. >> died really, it makes me sick to my stomach, somebody pull a gun out, shoot at random people. >> the bullet missed garcia and his son, but hit lilly in the head. torez faces slew of charges including murder and child abuse. meanwhile, friends and relatives have raised more than $67,000 for the garcia family, on a go-fund me page. >> ohio man in police custody tonight after holding a firefighter hostage. this all unfolded as eight firefighters were responding to report of a fire in a wooded area behind a house. in, police say when the firefighters got there a man who lives in the home got agitated and ordered two of them inside with a rifle. the suspect reportedly took a third firefighter into the woods. >> just kept saying he wasn't going to hurt anybody. he wanted beer, he wanted psychotic meds, and they just kept wanting us to bring them back into the woods for him. >> when police officers arrived on the scene, they were able to talk the suspect into letting the firefighter go. the hostage situation ended peacefully. >> the group believed to have organized the july prison escape of mexican drug lord joaquin el chapo guzman now in jail. police just arrested six people including guzman's brother-in-law who allegedly super advised the construction of the underground mile longest cape tunnel. investigators have not said how they tracked down the group or if they are any closer to catching guzman. guzman of course has notorious history, u.s. treasury considers him the most powerful drug trafficker in the worlds. >> costing hundreds of bills of dollars every year, stud advice shown it cost us alone hundreds of thousands of jobs every year. in at least one school teaching children how to do it. why it says that's a good idea. >> and it is a popular new costume for halloween. some parents say it is scary for all of the wrong reasons, why critics stay could put your child in danger. cathy. >> in weather we are talking about mild temperatures for at least a few more hours. but this cold front moved through tonight, and big changes on tap. not just for tomorrow, but for the weekends, and the seven day, all of that coming up as "fox 29 news at 5:00" continues. >> live look at the philadelphia international airport. a good idea when things will start to cool down. kathy orr will have those details coming up in your fox 29 weather authority. >> man jailed charged with attempted luring. daniel lee walked up to children outside wayne elementary school in radnor and asked questions about their school and their teachers. then he left and head today a cabin in the surrounding woods. about 20 minute later he showed up again, asked more questions. police say he never asked the children to go with him anywhere yet he still faces a felony charge of luring. >> so halloween of course right around the corner, if you are still looking for costumes for your children, one particular one has some parent worried. >> yes, called the invisible costume. some critic worried it is too effective. fox's sarah simmons has this story. >> this is the costume in stores around the region, super skin costume that comes in all kind of colors, for your children to wear this halloween, including black. >> i think it is dangerous. >> we tested it out with nine year old zachary, as it does what safety experts are concerned about, it makes him almost impossible to spot. >> completely, like, invisible. >> does it freak you out? >> casino of. >> casino of freaks out this group who happened to be walking by during zachary's test run. >> we thought he was a statue when we came out. >> we did. >> we thought it was a sculpture. until it moved. >> when a bright light is on and he's moving, you can see him just fine. but turn out the lights? you would never know he's standing right in front of you. >> well, rule number one, you are not sure what it is, you could be frightened by it, because you're not sure if it is someone trying to sneak up on you. >> not only that, he could be difficult to see as he's trick-or-treating in the neighborhood. >> they become totally defenseless, because they become invisible. when they become invisible, something could happen to them, and you wouldn't notice it as obviously as would you if they were superman or whatever costume. >> it is scary, though, i will give it that. >> well, another issue, one child told fox he had trouble seeing and breathing, while wearing the costume. >> that could be a problem, too, right? back here to your fox 29 weather authority where you want to inhale the goodness of the outside right now, shawnee mountain, from the pocono mountains camera, it is so gorgeous up there. >> it is. >> it is gorgeous up there. you guys ski? >> not well, but i love to ski. >> i don't like the cold wetter. >> i know. i don't even know why i am asking. >> i do, problem; i like to go fast and i don't have the skill level to go that way. >> i'm with you. we would be on the same bunny slope. meantime, we enjoy the beautiful weather, outside seeing pretty fall color. i think very close to peak, in philadelphia, within the next week or two, we will be peaking. but i tell you market street just looks beautiful. temperatures right now still in the 70s, high temperature in philadelphia, did make it to 77 degrees, which is real nice for this time of year, considering, mid 60s are normal. winds out of the west southwest at 13 miles an hour, that's ahead of a cold front, that will be moving through this evening. you can see, where this front is. look, 70s in philadelphia, norfolk, even roanoke, but look at pittsburgh, 60s toronto, 50's detroit, 60s, so our cold front cutting right through the central part of pennsylvania, and extending all the way down into the midwest. so chicago on the north side, we are on the south side, for now, but that's going to change, and that cooler air will be moving in. there is a nice pool, very warm air, that we're included in 70s, 80s to the south, but unfortunately, that cool air to the north is going to be moving in. so, here is our cool front. that moves through by about 8:00 this evening, if you step out, early this evening, you will be feeling those southwesterly winds. high pressure builds in for your friday, we will have very sunny day, but will be on the cool side with high temperatures only in the 50's and lower 60s, and that sun will persist through the weekend that's the good news. so, turning cooler, high pressure builds in, and any precipitation really still stays to the west for the weekends, could run the risk of few showers, that's really just about it, no major weather systems in the next seven days. so in the city overnight, 52. in the suburbs, 48, mostly cloudy skies, with sprinkle or two with that front passing, but then, clearing out for tomorrow. so, friday looks nice, mostly sunny skies, this is what your sky will be looking like, by the afternoon some fair weather clouds, it will be cooler, though, with winds out of the north at about five to 10 miles an hour. as we look ahead, you can see, no more 70s here, sunny cool for friday, again for saturday, perhaps morning clouds for your sunday, few showers, but mild. and partly sunny for monday and for tuesday, then more rain will be moving in wednesday and thursday, high temperatures in the 60s, but a chance of about half inch of rain by mid week, and then thursday, few tents of an inch. that's our real weather in the seven day forecast. now, i look ahead, because that casino of wraps up the month of october. look ahead to november. always wonder what winter will be like. best chance every seeing above average temperatures where you see the orange through the midwest, northern planes, but guess what? the delaware valley has a very good chance of having above average temperatures, now, normal is about 58, 60. so that would be good. >> that would be good. >> as a hi, is that a normal high, an average for the month. so 50's. >> i'll take that. >> you need to layer up for that. >> but that is good news. >> nice, ease into winter. >> exactly. >> you're like better than the farmer's almanac. thank you, kathy, very much. so we have eight got newhart wrenching video tonight. a story that has a lot of people angry. firefighters bus their way into a day care to save a little girl left all by herself. she okay. but wait until you hear what the day care told her mom. >> and the husband after breast cancer survivor makes a scary discovery of his own. tonight, there is something they want every man to know. >> coming up all new at 6:00 the man who was just sentenced to five years in prison for something he did at an ac casino. how he's clogged toilets mornings. wonderful, crazy mornings. we figure you probably don't have time to wait on hold. that's why at xfinity we're hard at work, building new apps like this one that lets you choose a time for us to call you. so instead of waiting on hold, we'll call you when things are just as wonderful... [phone ringing] but a little less crazy. we're doing everything we can to give you the best experience possible. because we should fit into your life. not the other way around. out of chicago tonight showing us the rescue of little girl locked inside a day care center. now, you can see the firefighters racing through the dark building, to one year old journey jones. her father says when he came to pick her up all things are possible for kids day care center was closed but he could hear his daughter, he start today panic and he called 911. firefighters forced to open that front door to get to journey. so what do you think? the day care told her mom? >> she told me that they thought journey was a doll. but she not that little to be a doll. so excuses. >> if anything, this should be shutdown. i mean, nobody leaves kids behind, toddlers, i don't care how old they are, that's dangerous. >> sure is. she is super cute. little journey is safe and sound tonight. but her parent have a lot of questions. the department of children and family services is now investigating. >> that's a sign of the times. high school club in colorado is now teaching kids how to prevent hack attacks. here's how it works. student learn through scenarios and they're put in hypothetical situations where they're forced to apply skills that they learn during the course. those skills including ways, learning ways, to stop everything that a hacker can do. >> security is a huge upcoming field. so we're not only teaching these skills that are interesting to kids, that they want to learn about, but it is a feel that they can get a career path in almost even out of high school. such an important field that people need right now. >> well, this is all part of national program called cyber patriots, program aims to teach student more about the cyber world. >> orange is the new black is that laverne cox is coming to fox. she joining the cast of the rocky horror picture show reboot. the emmy nominated transgender actress will play the iconic role of doctor franken further, message by social media cop said she is happy to be part of the legacy. tv remake is two hour event, set to air on fox, in the fall of 2016. >> number of americans who smoke pot has doubled in recent years. that's according to a new government study. but there is something important, experts say, more and more people are doing wrong. >> at nine years old, thing i was hungry and homeless and scared. her family, family helpless. today one tough cookie watch turned everything around. hello, howard. >> hello, hello, hello. eagles injuries are now more defined after today's practice. and the most ridiculous question of the week to chip kelly. all of that coming up in sports. ññ [woman] hey, amy! [amy] hey, guys! [woman] hey, what's this? [man] oh, it's the new 50 times the money game from the pennsylvania lottery, with top prizes of $300,000. [woman] we could get 2 jet skis. [man] with a private dock! [amy] beautiful! [woman] and a house on the lake! [amy] the house looks great, you two! [in unison] thanks! the pennsylvania lottery. bring your dreams to life. local woman goes tow to tow with bill really. >> it is not the system or the country's fault, that irresponsible people have children and then cannot feed or raise -- >> everyone who is poor is not irresponsible. >> that's not what i said, counselor, and you know that. >> you are using a economics status of someone with their character. and people make mistakes. >> that's philadelphia's own nicky johnson houston taking on fox's tough guy in prime time over why children are hungry in america. nicky pulled herself out of the ashes and created her own empire. >> joyce evans has a story of one tough congress i who is trying to make sure other children don't face the same struggles she did. >> hi, i'm nicky, nice to meet you. i'm a skilled attorney. i actually have my own law firm. i'm little bit after diva. not just because i'm a girl and try to be fabulous, and i embrace who i am. >> oh, she's got confidence, and plenty. >> i'm a strong woman. i have a great life. >> didn't start out that way. >> i was that dirty kid that people looked past when they walked by and didn't see my pain. >> nicky johnson houston's journey to the good life traveled a rocky road paved with poverty, homelessness, fear, and shame. >> i started out, my mother unfortunately had drug and alcohol issues. >> the an at nine years old they lost their home and the worlds quickly crumbled for nicky and her younger brother. >> and so we went from living in a hotel to living motels, to people being kinds enough to let us stay in an extra room if they had it, on a couch, on the floor, on a car, and then we just ran out of places to stay, and so that's how we ended up on the street. >> not one, but three times. >> we would get two meals a day at the local mission in san diego. you're kind of inch advice tonight people, but you also want to stay invisible because being on the streets is very dangerous. sometimes you don't ask for help because you're afraid that your children will be taken away from you, and put in a foster care, and that actually happened to us, on couple of occasions. >> but it was nicky's mom who ultimately decided to let the children go. >> my grandmother could only take one every us, and she decided to take mement and unfortunately my brother went into the foster care system, and he never really got out of it. >> separate ways, separate outcomes. her brother's success was brief. his emotional scars, too deep. much more than he could bear. >> and, unfortunately, he took his own life back in 2010. and honestly, i have a lot of survivor skills because of that. >> nicky's grandmother made a way for her, raising her on food stamps and welfare, hiding her out in a section eight senior citizen's complex. >> so all of the other women in the complex pretended to be my grandmother, for two weeks at a time. and the landlord looked the other way until my grandmother could get her section eight voucher changed. so then coy sort of come out of the shadows. >> pushing hard work and education, she never let up. >> she would tell me be so good that they can't deny you. be excellent. she is absolutely the reason why i'm standing here. >> her struggles continued even after she arrived in philadelphia, for college. >> scholarship to college, and i failed out of college, and ended up having to work my way through college as a live in nanny for families on the main line. >> enter more guardian angels. >> people gave me second, third and fourth chances. >> still, some gave her grief. >> when i was in law school, someone told me that i didn't deserve to be there. they said i was there because of affirmative action. and i looked at her and said i know i'm as good as you are, and i deserve to be here. and i know i deserve to be here. >> she proved it. >> in 2004 i graduated with a law grow and mb a and mass nerves health at the same time in four years. >> she still is fighting. >> not where you start, it is where you finish. >> encouraging others, raising awareness, funds and hope. >> and that's why i'm here. >> not just here, but all over the country. >> maybe the reason my family went through it is because i was supposed to be in this place. >> and like family, she's compelled to help. >> that's prep. >> i nicky just designed an app called bonified. it locates close vital services and allows good samaritans to donate small amounts of money directly to her service. >> it is 24/7. it takes a lot of the stigma out of it so you don't have to tell other people if you are struggling. >> this diva no longer ashamed. >> and i realize that those things that happened to me didn't make me less, they made me more. >> nicky johnson houston is one tough cookie. >> i'm still standing. i'm still strong. >> joyce evans, "fox 29 news". and she's helping others. for more on nicky and her app just go to look in the seen on tv section. turning to your health now, some inspiration for your neck work out turns out lifting weights may pump up your brain as well. the brain and other muscles normally sling with age, so, canadian researchers wanted to see if lifting weights could help keep that brain at peak performance. they discovered that people who did weight training, at least twice a week, saw less slinging in their brain as they aged. they don't know if this actually affect how well your minds works, though, the study was just published in the journal of american geriatric society. number of americans who say they smoke pot has more than doubled between the years 202,013. a government funded study of data on alcohol and drug use from 2001-2002, and 2012 to 2013, found marijuana use went up from four to nine and a half%, researchers say the finding show more and more people are seeing marijuana, as a harmless drug, even though there are still some serious health risks, those findings appear in the journal jama psychiatrist. >> october is breast cancer awareness month. it affect men, as well. >> now this couple is telling their story in the hopes of helping others. the massachusetts man says he had just finished jogging recently, when he realized something was wrong. he found a lump on his chest. he went to the doctor, who eventually confirmed it was indeed breast cancer. his wife had already beaten breast cancer and now together they are trying to get out the message. men are susceptible, as well. >> i want people to get ahead of where i was when i found out, and have a better chance to live longer. >> we deal with this together, and we would much rather laugh than be sad, and we take each day as it comes. and we fight every day. >> the couple want men to know it is important to be familiar with your family history, to know your body and do self-checks. >> even after more than four and a half billion years, planet earth is still offering up surprises, scientists justice covered new animal species on isolated island. why this discovery is so special. >> and coming up all new at 6:00 cleaning up and closing up shop. the river sharks fell off their last of the merchandise that they have. and they leave camden for good. what this means for a struggling community. >> new resident on sesame street. her name is julia. she is tackling one of the biggest fears for parent, crucial lesson, not just for kids. >> coming up tomorrow on good day philadelphia, we will tell you about the first annual cheese steak festival, why 50 vendors, will happen over the weekend in south philly. we'll tell you all about it. also we have to of course preview the big panthers-eagles game coming up this sunday. i'll see you tomorrow morning on good day philadelphia. >> images like there may look exotic and beautiful or may look like they can't happen on our planet. believe it or not this is what sunrise looked like in our area this morning. >> love. that will that's just gorgeous. >> it is beautiful. skyfox caught this stunning view above philly this morning, definately, going to put little pep in your step, specially when it is almost going to hit 08 degrees in october. >> right? my goodness. speaking every beautiful things, exciting discovery on the beautiful galan post island, scientists identified new species of giant tortoise, conservationists estimate there are only about 250 still living on on santa cruz island, researchers say its genetic make up, unique shell shape, separated from other tourist species on the island. >> very, very different from the tortoise from west santa cruz have more flat, flat, the same thing occurs -- >> tortoises just sitting there going, ya, okay. it is a little known species, four are extinct, some giant tourists can reach 500 pounds, err go the giant part of the name. >> absolutely. >> well, he is one of philadelphia's favorite sons. this morning, actor bradley cooper was back on good day. >> why was i not there? why was i not there? talk about their new movie burnt where they play chef, and cooper came across one particular challenge, while filming, and left. >> the thing, too, about when people are in the kitchen and cooking, what i would want to eat everything. bradley, you had to lose weight to do this film. how did you lose weight, with all of this intoed food? >> it was not easiment and we ate all the time. so i didn't lose as much as i wanted to before the may i was doing. so the first couple of weeks of the play, the elephant packed looked like a linebacker. it was a little -- i apologize for the first couple of weeks. >> i tell you, philadelphia's so proud of bradley cooper, and just roll quickly, talking about him, but why do you think he's become such a big success? >> well, he ultimately just wins out, just does. and aside from that i think he has the charisma, the width, the intelligence, the casino of humanity that it takes to be a movie star, you know, a combination of all of those things. but he's just the same guy that he was, the sort of guy from philly. and people really respond to that. >> awe. and they're beautiful together. >> real life. >> you can catch cooper and miller in burnt whether it hits theatres on october 30th. >> tonight at 6:00 the case of the tell tail toilet. how a commode in atlantic city casino just landed in guy in prison, for five years. >> messages of hate, left on a local woman's front door. and it happened more than once. i can live anywhere i want to live. this is america. are you kidding me? >> tonight the clues that something dark, something sinister, could be happening here. >> live from center city in philadelphia, this is "fox 29 news" at 6:00. >> someone left something on a woman's door so offensive we will not slow it to you. >> happened not once but twice. investigators trying to figure out who did this and why. dave schratwieser out with cheltenham police tonight, dave? >> ian there is happened twice in less than a month, and the victim tonight tells us, she's deeply concerned go these activities. tell us at this point, they are investigating this, as a hate crime. >> who thinks they can get away with something like that. >> tracey living at the condominium complex for over a year. she likes it here. but whether she headed out to work and found the letters kkk on her front door, twice in a month, she got fired up. i can't believe t who puts kk. zero on somebody's front door in 20125? who does that. >> fox 29 is not showing hate symbols, but tracey took pictures and called police. >> the detective came out. they look around. there was no cameras in the hallway. , there was nothing they could do. >> lives on the first floor of the as tore building at the 1600 church road condos. she says after she reported the first incident, thing went quiet for weeks. they repainted her front door, a day later, she found the kkk letters duck taped to the door. >> i can live anywhere i want to live. this is america. are you kidding me? >> says the cheltenham police responded promptly, took pictures and finger printed her front door. chief john norris tells fox 29. >> motion are investigating as a hate crime. no witnesses, n

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