Transcripts For WTXF FOX 29 News At 5 20151209

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the jury. >> his own defense attorney was surprised he got off since the jury was told he was already a convicted murderer for killing another man connected to this case. >> usually that kind of evidence is extremely damming to someone on trial. but the jury saw through it. that's the credit to them. >> today in court jones shouted out a thanks directly to the jury while beau's family sobbed. at the murder scene, prosecutors tried to calm beau's family his sister and his mother simply too heart broken to speak about the verdict on camera. his dad is angry. >> ultimately there's another judge and he'll have to pay the price then. >> reporter: so jones was found not guilty. got off but he's not free. in fact he's never going to get out of jail because he was convicted in that other case for murder right now he's already serving a life sentence. lucy? >> thank you very much, karen. one man is dead after an accident at a concrete plant in camden county. winslow township police arrived at bow cello pre cast concrete in berlin they found 61-year-old rodrigo he will campo underneath a forklift. investigators say the egg harbor township resident probably walked into the vehicle's path and the operator didn't see him. prosecutors say they are not filing criminal charges. safety officials are investigating. in chicago hundreds of protesters are causing problems ahead of rush hour tonight a group has blocked michigan avenue calling for mayor rahm emmanuel's resignation. earlier today emmanuel apologized for how the city's police department handled the fatal shooting of a black teen last year. today's march is just the latest in the weeks following the release of that dash cam video showing 16-year-old la quon mcdonald's dying at the hands of police officers. developing here in the u.s. and around the world tonight philadelphia's mayor is already expressed disgust at the front runner for the republican presidential nomination. tonight more and more big names are on the world are as well. >> all of this after trump called for a ban of muslims traveling to the united states. >> tonight as they have from the get go on this one, members of the billionaire businessman's own party are saying he's gone way too far. our jeff cole joins us now with the growing fire storm. >> reporter: lucy, trump's statements drawn comparison to nazi germany the treatment of african-american under the jim crow laws. trump critics are now saying he's shifted the presidential election into frightening new territory. donald trump's latest controversy is bringing a new level of attention to the u.s. presidential election overseas. secretary of state john kerry in paris for the un climate conference was drawn into the debate following trump's proposal to ban all muslims friending the u.s. >> we in our policies have a policy of non diss prim nation, and policy of religious tolerance. what mr. trump has said runs contrary to all of that. >> reporter: reaction from muslim majority countries has been even stronger but there has been no violence or threats against trump. many mideast leaders are dismissing the plan as frivolous and not fully thought out. >> this is a strange historical remark create the terrorism themselves and planned its seeds in this region using money and agents. >> reporter: here in the uk, more than 100,000 people have signed a petition calling for trump to be barred from entering the country and the idea is gaining some support in parliament. >> this whole idea spreading islam ma phobia and blamin blamn entire religious for the act as consult is simply unacceptable. >> reporter: legal experts are debating the constitutional will the of the plan. most say only congress has the power to issue the type of blanket ban trump is proposing. and the court boss almost certainly strike it down. >> the supreme court would curtail that authority. what he's expressing is actually a thought something could not actual lies in law. >> reporter: british prime minister david cameron also condemned the proposal. but would not comment on the drive to ban trump from british soil. trump is not backing down saying he's putting american's safety from terrorism first. iain and lucy. >> trump is firing back at all the opponents he can after mayor nutter said yesterday that he wishes he could ban trump from philadelphia. trump tweeted today, mayor nutter of philadelphia who is doing a terrible job should be ashamed for using such a disgusting word in referring to me. low live! those are trump's words. >> university of pennsylvania says it's doing away with the phrase faculty masters. they're the tenured full-time professors who live in student dorms and penn officials say the term master is outdated and suggests a legacy of slavery. the renamed faculty director is voted for the title change before thanksgiving. penn is just the latest ivy league school to approve the move. one person in jail and another on the run tonight after a bank robbery at a td bank in center city. skyfox over the scene. this is 100 block of south 11th street just past 11:00 this morning. philadelphia police say a track did he go advice in the money bag helped them track down one of the robbers. we're learning new details about the san bernardino shooters to night. fbi director james comb me says both shooters were radicalized at least two years ago. he testified before a senate judiciary committee on the deadly attacks earlier today. and says syed farook and his wife were rat allied even before they started dating online. he says the two started talking about jihad and martyrdom before they became engaged and got married. last week the couple went on shooting rampage. social services facility in san bernardino. 14 people were killed. jury selection is now underway in the trial of a woman accused of a center city assau assault. 25-year-old catherine knot one of three people arrested in assault on a gay couple in center city in september of last year. the other accused of attackers took plea deals and apologized. knot faces several charges including aggravated assault, reckless endangerment and conspiracy. a judge is already ruled prosecutors can use tweets by knot considered anti homosexual. things are getting even warmer in your fox 29 weather authority. here's a live look at allentown tonight. things were a little more comfortable outside today with temperatures a lot milder than you might expect this time of year. wait until you see what's on the way. meteorologist kathy orr outside in old city tonight with look what's ahead. kathy? >> everyone is smiling, iain. i don't hear any complaints. it is a very pleasant night in center city. a light wind and everyone seems to be out and about with a light jacket and that's what we're going to expect over the next couple of days. you can look behind me it's a busy evening and we are looking at mild temperatures right through the evening hours. take a look at the highs today. philadelphia 56. the same in mt. holly. wilmington 54. pottstown 53. the same in allentown and those temperatures are running at least eight to 10 degrees above normal. on ultimate doppler we have a few more clouds moving our way with a weak disturbance that could bring us a sprinkle come early tomorrow morning. otherwise it stays mild. in philadelphia 55. 52 in pottstown. and allentown. right now it is 53 in dover. so this evening if you're stepping out, it will be partly cloudy at 7:00 p.m. 52 degrees. increasing clouds late tonight but the temperature falling every so slowly by 11:00 o'clock it will be cloudy with a temperature of 49 degrees. the low tonight, 45. that's our normal high for this time of year. just to give you an indication the way these temperatures are going. we will challenge through records later this week noon the weekend. it is going to be a december to remember. i'll be back with the seven day later in the broadcast. >> all right. kathy, thank you. a suspected murderer on the run from police in philadelphia is finally caught. in florida. this is after he led u.s. marshals on chase before crashing all while a baby because in the back seat of the car. that man is 28-year-old careered. he was wanted for the murder of 22-year-old maurice mcdonald. mcdonald was shot and killed last month inside a crowded corner store in mantua. >> we got information from the u.s. marshalls out in philadelphia that a fugitive from homicide fugitive from philadelphia was in jacksonville area. we conducted our own investigation. found that he might be possibly in the orange park area. >> reid wasn't the only one inside that car while u.s. marshals chased him. another man and baby were in the back seat. that baby is now back with its mother and said to be okay. reid and the other man are now in jail. septa making big changes to regional rail line and it may affect riders head to do philadelphia international airport. at a news conference this afternoon septa announced in just four days rail lines will start running on new schedules. the most noticeable changes are for the airport warminster and west trenton lines. officials say this is in response to customer complaints about delays, cancellations and overcrowding. they know some folks will not be happy. but say overall the changes will help the whole system. >> we know that just like any schedule change, you know, people are affected. there may not ab train they're used to stopping at their station but there are still options. we're really trying to get our system reliability back up. >> septa says to check its schedules online or look for signs posted at stations. a local mom doing laundry at a laundromat steps out to run some errands. when she comes back, heartbreaking discovery. courtesy of a thief. how complete strangers are proving the spirit of giving is alive and well. a bench place in a park in memory of a little boy. days later the bench was gone. the family couldn't believe it. why town officials say something written on that bench was inappropriate. plus a new sign hanging in a local school. how a petition and a change of words is aiming to make all students feel safe. >> and secret codes, kidnapped, disappearing photos, kids have a million ways to keep stuff hidden until now. we're unlocking their social media secrets and all new at 6:00. >> to see a little boy smile it's priceless. >> a local man's creating christmas cards and he says he can use all the help he can get. when you learn about the special boy he's collecting them for you'll want to help. tonight holiday story that starts with the evil spirit of taking but ends in the stronger spirit of giving. we first brought you this story last night. a local mom found herself in need of big help and fast. >> and she soon discovered the spirit of giving lives in a whole lot of people in berlin, camden county. here's our steve keeley. >> reporter: a busy mom with a five-year-old daughter and an eight-year-old son. came here to the maytag laundry on monday on the white horse pike in berlin with all the family's clothes to wash. everything but they were wearing. then she left everything in the machines to run other errands. when she came back to get everything out, she saw some thief had taken everything out already. the entire family wardrobe. >> you put your stuff in, you go home, you do chores and you come back and your stuff is gone. >> what does it make you think? have you ever seen anything that low. >> i'm chief of the 911 center the stuff we listen to all day long nothing surprises me any more. >> reporter: police officer steve palmer put the picture of the grinch on their facebook page to tell the town what happened. and asked for help. >> officer palmer bought the familiar al gift card with his own cash to get the family started with socks, underwear and at least something so the kids weren't going back to school in the same thing for three straight days. >> s were he reported the story throughout the morning, fox 29 viewers began to make this a christmas classic it's wonderful life real-happy ending. donating and donating and soon the clothing donation bin burst big and wide like the grinch's heart did when he turned from evil to good. filling and refilling the bin and the police lobby. >> i have five-year-old and 10-year-old at home i got to pace book post last night from the police department i wanted to bring some stuff in whatever i could. >> what did you think if you had your favorite shirt stolen while your mom was washing it. >> i wouldn't like that. >> i woke up this morning zahn the news and it touched my heart we have children the same age and i figured we have plenty of clothes to give. why not come down and helping out. >> refilling the hearts of the community with the spirit of christ nass and refilling those little kids and their mom's closets and drawers with clothes again. >> if you can help, you have to help. some day you may need that help and hope somebody is there for you. >> this is what people do for other people. you help. you don't just sit there and watch it. >> reminding all criminal acts of evil always seem somehow to get trumped by acts of good. especially at christmastime. in berlin, steve keeley, fox 29 news. >> isn't that the truth. the first round of grants from penn state end do you mean fund will help soon center that is assist child sexual abuse victims. today the pennsylvania commission on crime and delinquency voted to award almost $3.5 million to 44 centers across the state. penn state agreed to pay a total of $48 million under a settlement with the ncaa after the jerry sandusky scandal. the money will help expand child advocacy centers and improve access to therapists and counselors. big step for big new business in camden. this morning officials with subaru broke ground on the company's future headquarters across from campbell's soup. the first step in the subaru's vision. $118 million facility officials also rolled out 50 years worth of subaru vehicle vehicles. the company hopes to bring more than 600 employees and contractors to camden. it's hoping to complete work on its new headquarters by the end of 2017. >> this new sign now hangs inside the hall of a camden county high school. it's for a gender neutral bathroom and it's the result of a petition created by a cherry hill east senior. he wanted a bathroom where students of all gender cos feel safe and now the school has just that. here's our shawnette wilson. >> it's great. sort of like my work finally coming to, you know, actual physical accomplishment. >> reporter: 18-year-old senior jake got good news today when he walked into cherry hill east. >> jake led the cause to get a gender neutral bath rom for certain groups of students who said they'd experience problems using the regular bathrooms at school. >> in our alliance we have a lot of gender nonconforming and transgender people who have issues and spoken up about issues they had in the bathroom like harassment. >> three weeks ago he started this petition to gain support for a single stall bathroom with a lock that students of all gender cos use without fear or concern. he says about 300 of the school's 2,000 plus students signed it and school administrators finally gave it to the okay. >> a lot of times people just associate the lgbt community with gay and lesbian people it's bringing attention to the transgender and gender fluid community that has been ignored for so long. >> jake's mom says it's been a learning experience for her, and she's proud of what her son has done for himself and fellow students. >> i didn't understand it. i mean so for me i needed to be educated about how do people feel, um, because i just thought who you are just dictated by the skin that we're in. so where you go to the bathroom, okay, i go to a ladies room and jake goes to men's room. i didn't think there was this in between and so i'm glad i know now. >> reporter: shawnette wilson. >> and that is in fact shawnette wilson. spokesperson for the school district says the bathroom used -- used to be a faculty bathroom but now all students can use it. the first of its kind in the district. >> now to the mayfair section of philadelphia nothing was held back for these third and fourth grade students thanks to the second and 15th police district. because of the men and women of blew these kids who may not get a real christmas were able to have a little fun at a holiday party. they got to enjoy everything from great music, food. there was even a photo booth besides some nice gifts. some kids were able to walk away with brand new bike. holiday spirit kicked off grand affair at the saint christopher's hospital for children. starting off the party was 11-year-old victor a patient. he got the chance to light the hospital teddy bear christmas tree. all fun from there. toys were handed out plus patients and staff got the coons meet santa and mrs. claus but not everyone was happy to meet saint nick. >> two students seemingly disappeared from the air force training base. while people in the area are worried tonight and it's not about the men's safety. >> many ofs have been there. you're working out and eating right but you're not losing any weight. so what gives? how the culprit could be in your gut right now. >> i'm just surprised how many people, i'm not a big social media. >> police officer overwhelmed by the response he's getting for a small kind gesture. it was captured on video and we're sharing it. advil pain relievers are used by more households than any other leading brand. to treat their aches and pains more people reach for advil. relief doesn't get any better than this. advil. [ male announcer ] pain not sitting too well? burning to feel better? itching for relief? preparation h offers the most maximum strength solutions for all hemorrhoid symptoms. from the brand doctors recommend most. preparation h. don't stand for hemorrhoids. russia proving its commitment in the fight against isis. the russian defense ministry releasing video of a cruise missile launched against terror targets in syria from submarine in the med did he rain yann sea. this was the first combat strike against syria from the sub as it continues its efforts against the war torn country. the ministry reports the missiles successfully hit a group of designated islamic state targets. now to the pacific northwest there's so much rainfall this week even amtrak is having to plan alternate routes. flooding on monday and tuesday has turned some roads and lawns in the portland area into rivers and lakes. some drivers even ignoring warnings driving right around signs and say the road is closed creating waves that push flood water and raw sewage into businesses and homes. for for bet about pothole this road developed into a sink hole. >> i was driving that road this morning and i had my daughter in the car so really scary but it was really the people were moving and helping people get out of the way and letting people know there was trouble. >> even more rain is expected to fall today. adding to the muddy misery of the already water logged state. >> that's a lot of rain in the pacific northwest when it floods because it's always rainy there. the search continues for two afghan nationals missing from their air force training center in georgia. officials say the two students failed to show up for duty on monday add me dee air force base. the missing students have been at the base since february training alongside their american counterparts. air force spokesman is stressing the two men pose no threat to the community. folks in the area are still concerned. i was in the middle of my child's concert and i was looking at facebook and everybody at the the school is talking about it. >> what do they say? >> we knew this was going to happen. you know, lock your doors. police are all out in full for force. >> federal authorities are also joining the search for both men we've heard about this type of thing before of course. they were set to graduate from the program next week and after a short break return to afghanistan like it or not. german chons lar angela merkle times person of the year. time magazine says it chose the 61-year-old merkle for her leadership skills. it praised the german chons lar for opening her nation's border to hundreds of thousands of syrian refugees and for managing europe's debt crisis. she is the first individual woman to receive the person of the year recognition since time changed its title from man of the year in 1999. >> a bench placed in a park in memory of a precious little boy. days later the bench was gone and the family couldn't believe it. why town officials say something written on that bench was inappropriate. >> have you heard of grumpy cat well grumpy cat just pulled off another amazing feat without even trying. the internet star just made history but she doesn't seem terribly impress. >> well will impress you in the weather department lucy. we're going for a record breaking weekend of warmth. we'll take look at how hot things will get around here coming up with your seven day forecast when we come rightu re. coming up with your seven day forecast when we come rightu re. back. the ford holiday sales event... with 0% financing for 60 months on 2015 f-150 and focus and 2016 fusion and escape. plus 1,000 dollars holiday bonus cash on 2015 focus and 2016 fusion and escape. it's the best gift ever. now during the ford holiday sales event get 0% financing for 60 months plus 1,000 dollars holiday bonus cash on select vehicles. see your local ford dealer. >> live look at old city. things keep getting better and better. we could even ab approaching record warm temperatures. updated forecast straight ahead in your fox 29 weather authori authority. solemn day for both philadelphia police and five departments. the fire department is marking one year sin the death of joyce craig. she died while battling a fire in a home in west oak lane. craig was just 36 years old and left behind two children. the police department marking the 34th anniversary of officer daniel faulkner's murder. he was shot and killed in center city back 1981. mumia abu jamal currently serv serving a live sentence for the murder. he was originally sentenced to death but was resentenced in 2012 to life in prison. a bench meant to honor little boy who died in a hit-and-run ended up removed from north carolina park. >> the boy's family says it was taken because of a bible verse engraved on it. tonight they're looking for answers. fox's kim win has the story. >> i just could not believe that, you know, that they would take something away from my precious little baby like that. >> reporter: heather wrote 10 cried tears of joy when she first saw this memorial bench dedicated to her 16 month old son nathan. >> it was a joyful little boy. >> reporter: it sat near the play ground at elkin municipal park. where wrote 10 used to bring her sons every week. >> they had blast down here. >> reporter: the bench just put in on saturday three months after nathan's death was removed on monday. >> one day we come down here with this beautiful bench tears of joy and now because taken away like we haven't been through enough already. >> her husband's former classmates from elkin high school got the bench made and put it in. but were told by town officials that it couldn't stay because of this bible verse from psalms 127 which says that children are a gift from the lord. the bench also has two crosses engraved on it. >> we were just overwhelmed that somebody, you know, would demoralize our baby. >> elkins town manager says no one permission to put the in. he said the bench was first noticed on monday morning and was removed due to not being app pressed by a recreation and parks director. the bench does not religious symbols and scripture in its design, which no other bench in our park currently has ". >> it was right who are. >> wrote 10 says toe they did get approval. >> they pretty much are calling us liars that they didn't get permission which they did. that bench should be there in his honor. >> the town manager says they're working to find another place to put the bench. the town board will discuss the issue at its next meeting on monday. thinking we're going to have a lot to talk about. back to your fox 29 weather authority. man do we have a lot of fun things to talk about. >> yes. i mean unseasonably warm but just wild. i don't remember a december like this in recent memory. >> it's like september. >> i think i'll go back through the record books tonight. >> check it out for you. >> i'll let you know the last time this happened. >> please. >> it is cray cray. >> take look at old city philadelphia where people have light coats on. why not? the temperature is 55. the temperature spiked early this afternoon to 58 degrees. numbers are just out from the weather service. the wind out of the south southeast at 9 miles an hour. fair weather high pressure over us much visibility 10 miles. so no weather issues for at least the next seven to 10 days. right now in philadelphia, the temperature is 55. williamsport is little bit cool at 42. we have showers to the west with a weak disturbance. could provide a few sprinkles during the overnight hours but that's just about it. on our fox future cast you can see the clouds rolling on in. here's that disturbance. it does weaken as it passes through an early tomorrow morning there could be a few damp roads. otherwise, the clouds will give way to clearing and abundant sunshine will boost those temperatures right back up into the 60s tomorrow we'll end up being a very beautiful day. so for your thursday, 15 degrees above normal as temperatures soar into the 60s. for friday, near record warmth as temperatures climb 17 degrees above normal. saturday we'll go 20 degrees above normal. and get this. by sunday at least 22 degrees above the normal high which is around 45 degrees for this time of year. so when you look at the setup it's going to be very interesting by the weekend. high pressure off the coast over bermuda. a summer like setup. a bermuda high that's what we talk about in june and july. even august. the flow around it clockwise the winds are going to be so strong sunday for the eagles games -- game rather those southerly winds will boost the temperature into the upper 60s, maybe in some spots close to 70 degrees. we have a huge ridge that's building in the east. so that unseasonably warm weather will be with us for thursday, friday, saturday, sunday and even monday. record breaking warmth though over the course of the weekend. so for tonight, in the city 45. that's where our normal high is for this time of year. in the suburbs 37. mostly cloudy not quite as cold as it's been. tomorrow the 60s begin. for at least the next five days. 61 for your thursday. partly sunny. very mild for the month of december. and here's a look at the records to beat for friday. they are in the 60s. record in philadelphia is 65. we will come very close to that. so on the seven day forecast, thursday 61. friday 63. the record is 65. we could touch that record. saturday we will beat the record of 65 set in 1931. sunday we will beat the record of 65 set back in 1923. the birds game will be pleasant. the next chance of rain comes in on monday. the temperature 64 and then it's cooler for tuesday and wednesd wednesday. but by cooler we're still well above average at least seven or 8 degrees above normal for next tuesday and wednesday. by that point, you're talking about the second half of the month. >> crazy. >> it's really really unusual after a record november. >> right. >> two in a row. >> definitely one that we'll remember for long time. >> i know i will. >> i know you will. >> thanks, kathy. >> you have probably seen it in your neighborhood. houses and lawns lit up with that holiday spirit. the warning tonight, though, about how the festivities can create a deadly situation in the sky. >> a lot of folks think it's very bad thing but some researchers think otherwise of curse words. the effect knew study says dro dropping a few four letter f bombs cannot only have on you but apparently also on others and they think it's positive. >> coming up at six a local laundromat employee fights for his life a would be robber had a gun. lucky turn of events that happened after that gun went off. ♪ big apple deploying extra patrols on mass transit systems this holiday. in fact governor andrew cuomo issued an executive order granderring officers from new jersey and connecticut the power to patrol trains, buses and ferries in the city. you'll see all of this over the next 30 days if you're there. authorities say they don't have any specific terror threats to new york city. but say the governor is very much doing the right thing. >> because of our mass transit system, because we have so many people back and forth, this allows the police officers to carry weapons and basically be depth pew advertised to work in another state. so it's really just better for all of us. >> governor cuomo says hundreds of thousands of commuters travel between the three states. he says the increased manpower and cooperation will better protect and reassure the public. of course, the holidays are in full swing which means homes deck out in holiday lights. >> there aviation experts are warning consumers about the latest decoration craze. the star shower as it's called a gadget that will bathe your house in holiday colored specs of laser beam. plenty of light with no ladders or tangled wires but the concern that's beginning to surface is what happens when these lasers aren't aimed just right hitting a neighboring home or tree is one thing but in a few reported incidents planes have been hit with the laser. >> this case it's being uninte unintended with spraying their houses with laser lights could miss the house easily and inadvertently hit aircraft. >> the faa released this statement. the concern of the laser regardless of the source not be aim at aircraft where the beams can threaten the safety of a flight. consumers who buy lace sr. light display shows take precautions to make sure that the lights are not shining in the sky ". >> his hysterics wax museum madam tow so's unveiled a new celebrity look a like in san francisco. there it is. you might not be able to tell if this internet star is happy about it or not. grumpy cat just frowned her way into history the viral sensation was in california to meet her robotic self. grumpy whose real name is tartar sauce becomes the first ever cat immortalized in the museum. >> a lot ofs have been there. you're working out. eating right. but you're not losing any waste. what gives how the culprit could be in your gut right now. >> secret codes, hidden apps, disappearing photos kids have a million ways to keep their stuff hidden until now. tonight, we'll unlock their social media secrets. sean? >> lucy, the hate hate relationship between lesean mccoy and chip kelly continues. kelly tried to play nice and mccoy wasn't having it. mccoy tells kell what he can holiday season's just like football season... you got your big games... ...and regular games. get it all at a great price... ...and the holiday season is won. everything in one place. my giant. of many pieces in my life. everything in one place. so when my asthma symptoms kept coming back on my long-term control medicine, i talked to my doctor and found a missing piece in my asthma treatment. once-daily breo prevents asthma symptoms. breo is for adults with asthma not well controlled on a long-term asthma control medicine, like an inhaled corticosteroid. breo won't replace a rescue inhaler for sudden breathing problems. breo opens up airways to help improve breathing for a full 24 hours. breo contains a type of medicine that increases the risk of death from asthma problems and may increase the risk of hospitalization in children and adolescents. breo is not for people whose asthma is well controlled on a long-term asthma control medicine, like an inhaled corticosteroid. once your asthma is well controlled, your doctor will decide if you can stop breo and prescribe a different asthma control medicine, like an inhaled corticosteroid. do not take breo more than prescribed. see your doctor if your asthma does not improve or gets worse. ask your doctor if 24-hour breo could be a missing piece for you. see if you're eligible for 12 months free at you got your big games... ...and regular games. get it all at a great price... ...and the holiday season is won. everything in one place. my giant. ♪ you know your kids passwords, you check their news feeds on social media, but do you really know what they're doing when they're on those phones? >> you know, a lot of them spend hours glued to their phone. fox's tim johnson shows us what a group of kids admitted that surprised their parents. ♪ >> reporter: technology isn't just a modern convenience. it's a necessity and taking away one phone -- >> i would die report drought not mean game over. >> i'd probably go back, fall back electronics. i'd use one of two tablets or those two old phones i told you about earlier. >> reporter: average teenager spends nine hours day consuming media most of that is checking social media. so we invited three families that all say they're open and honest about social media. we wanted to know who knows what on both sides of the parent/kid equation and are there any secrets. >> who thinks they know more than their parents about social media? raise your hands. >> know it all. so here's how we did it. i hung out with the parents. >> my daughter can't download an app without knowing me about. >> melissa medley chatted with their kids and by the way, while she did, we eavesdropped on the whole thing first topic, the must have app. >> i think it's probably snap chat. >> instagram or snap chat. >> reporter: snap chat the hottest social media app there is. it's how a majority of young people communicate, global web index says it was the fastest growing social app of 2014. faster growing than facebook, twitter and instagram. it allows towsend pictures and messages that disappear quickly. >> you hold it down and you see it but then after like 10 seconds it just goes a way. >> it disappears? >> yeah. it deletes. >> reporter: what are they posting? >> selfies, yeah. >> reporter: it's not just selfies, and this group told us, they know it's not all innocent out there either. >> like nudes and saying bad things about each other. >> reporter: tech whiz kids but they're still kids and they don't know everything. watch their reactions to this little dose of reality. >> what if i told you that they weren't -- the snaps really aren't deleted. >> they're stored on the phone. >> the moms and dads already new. >> they're not gone. internet is forever. >> reporter: but we found something they did not know. have you ever ever heard of vault apps. >> apps like this calculator. >> no. >> that let you hide files and pictures. >> you open it up. put in the code and you get this. and these are hidden files and you can hide files of any sort there. and then this is what's probably going capture your attention. look up in the top left corner. see in exclamation point. somebody is coming. i don't want them to see what i'm doing. you're back to calculator. >> i'm a little startled. i didn't know that. >> reporter: their kids. even the youngest of the bunch 11-year-old imani. >> like if you want to hide something in your phone, you get the app and like you click on apps you want to hide. >> dang. >> it look like a calculator that nobody really knows that you're typing a password. they just think you're doing something for homework. >> i was shock. >> surprising moment from three families who really are on the same page and open and honest about social media. so even if you think your family is, too -- >> communication is number one. as long as you're communicating, then they know to come to you when something not right. >> there may be secrets you don't know about. tom johnson, fox news. >> that was very enlightening. turning to your health tonight, diet and frustration. many people have been there. you're doing your best to exercise, you eat well but you're still not losing weight. could something be in your gut that's the culprit? here's dr. oz. ♪ you try a diet and you don lose weight you probably blame yourself. right? i've got good news. there's a new study that shows the reason a diet isn't working might be the way your body is processing the food. researchers found people who ate the same foods had different blood sugar levels after eating them. some people were eating foods that are considered healthy but the way their body was processing the foods led to high blood pressure levels. blood sugar turns into fat which leads to weight gain. researchers aren't exactly sure why people process the same foods in different ways. but they think it might be due to a difference in the bacteria in our guts that help with digestion after we outsource digestion to bug. the hope is some day we'll be able to taylor people's diets to grow the right bacteria in their guts and help them minimize rather than maximize a healthy diet and minimize the bad stuff f you're been doing dieting that's not working for you think about different diets you've been on. these are one food that was common to all these diets. eliminate that food and it just might be the food that you've been eating that's putting you over the top. >> all righty. you can catch the dr. oz show right here on fox 29 weekdays at 1:00 p.m. okay. full disclosure. i am not a fan of swearing. i try very hard not to. but one researcher says profanity might have a biological purpose. >> get this much the psychologist says cursing might actually be good for you. a professor in the uk conducted a series of experiments back in 2009 to see how swearing affected pain. the professor found that most people became more tolerant of pain when they swore. so that led to another study on what makes people curse. here are a few reasons. >> when i get irritated. >> anger mostly. >> sometimes when i'm having f fun. >> never. >> never ever. >> never never. >> swearing can make you more persuasive. >> i don't matter how cursing makes us feel the professor found there's likely no science needed to justify our somewhat colorful language. california cops, his kinds gesture that went viral. >> coming up at 6:00 donald trump fires back at philadelphia mayor michael nutter after nutter expressed outrage at the gop front runner's anti muslim sentiments. mayor nutter is not the only one who disgusted. growing outrage around the wor world. >> new at six plane from jamaica lands right here in philadelphia with something hidden on board. where authorities say they found 20 pounds of cocaine. grover cleveland here. yes, the dashing fellow on the thousand-dollar bill. with 'cash4life', the great game from the pennsylvania lottery, you could win a thousand dollars a day for life! you could buy a new house! or maybe even treat yourself to a trip to the islands. and with drawings every monday and thursday, that means 2 chances to win every week. cash4life from the pennsylvania lottery. you could win a thousand dollars a day for life. ♪ i'm very excited about this. next chapter of the star wars saga doesn't hit the big screen nationwide for another nine days, eight days and some, but that's not stopping some from already camping out to get the best seats. this line is growing outside the famous tcl chinese theater that used to be grow man's in la. the movie debuts hours earlier than most theaters in the nation. where, they're already there eric klein looking at me going what? organizers say more than 100 people signed up for the line that let's them up? and out and get back in so they can still work and go to bathroom. >> i came out first. i did it for two. episode three and now we're like family. we're all friends and family like a reunion and this is what we do. i couldn't not be here. >> what they do. the force awakens swoops into theaters across the country on december 18th. all right. a police officer came to the rescue in california this past weekend but not in a way you would think. >> fox's wendy lane has the story of a small gesture that's gone viral. >> reporterviral. report students were downtown saturday night getting ready to attend their winter ball an officer jeff was working the door that night. that's when he came to the rescue of a student who wasn't quite ready to walk in. >> the male walked up and i believe he had his tie around his neck and it was just kind of dangling. i didn't know if that was the new style or if hey looking for help. >> officer jack lynch worked in law enforcement for 14 years and usually ties up the bad guys. but this was not his usual case. >> i was just kind of watching him, and he was just standing there and his girlfriend said, hey, can you help him tie this? and so i went up, i tried to tie it around his neck. >> reporter: when that didn't work the officer went back to his basic training. he placed the tie around his own neck to tie it, and then gave it back to the young man. since then the video has had more than 80,000 views and over 500 shares on face bock. something officer jack wasn't prepared for. >> i'm just surprised how many people saw it. i'm not a big social media. i don't have social media. >> the young man who needed help with his tie was also surprised by the amount of views. commenting on the video well this is embarrassing for me. luckily his date saw it as something endearing saying, baby, it was super cute. now we'll never forget it. and for all officer jack, he was just happy to be of help. >> we're here to help. so he needed help tying a tie and i was there. >> officer jack lidge was still working the door even when the ball ended that night. and he says when the student came out he stopped again and thanked him for the help with the tie. wendy lane, fox news. ♪ tonight at 6:00 a local laundry mat employee fights for his life. police say a would be robber had a gun. the lucky turn of events that happened after that gun went off. ♪ bleep. whoa! >> first, though, the war of words gets even hotter between donald trump and philadelphia's mayor. >> donald trump's comments are a threat. >> more and more people from around the world join mayor nutter's side of the battle today. >> whoa! >> ♪ >> live from center city in philadelphia this is fox 29 news at 6:00. first at 6:00 the verdict that has lot people talking. it took a jury just a few hours to find marcellis jones not guilty on all counts in the death of 23-year-old aspiring teacher. beau sable had only been in the city for a few weeks when someone gunned him down. good evening, i'm iain page. >> i'm lucy noland. his family has been demandin deg justice since his murder ton night they are still looking for it. fox 29's karen schep in our newsroom tonight with their reaction karen. >> reporter: it is certainly disappointment i watched his mother's face crumple in pain as the not guilty was read. the family have thrown in from minnesota. they watch the whole thing they thought they would see his killer cop vicked and they are sadly disappointed. he they wanted to see the last place beau sable was ever the spot where his life and their dreams all faded away the spot where the 23 year old aspiring teacher was murdered over an i-pod seven years ago. >> they hug and cry. feeling no justice at all. today the prime suspect marcellis jones was found not guilty of all charges. the jury didn't think he was the guy in this video who shot beau in the back of the neck. surveillance cameras captured the young man's las

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