Transcripts For WTXF FOX 29 News At 5PM 20240622

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storms that will continue to develop. we'll keep you posted and also have much more on a dramatic temperature change ahead later this week. back to you. >> all right. scott, thank you. people in the eastern half of texas are preparing for another round of flooding as tropical storm bill makes landfall. along the state's gulf coast today. the storm is packing winds up to 60 miles an hour. forecasters say some areas could see a foot of rain. we are on the ground tonight watching conditions in galveston galveston. we'll have a live report later in the broadcast. in the meantime stay ahead of severe weather with fox 29 news app. you'll get alerts sent right to your phone and you'll find all your life radar it's free to download search for in the apple or google play stores. developing right now taxi cab disappearing from philadelphia neighborhoods. 11 cabs in the past nine days to be exact. all of them from the same cab company, and the person police think is behind it all may be giving them something new to look at now. it is the only time police know that a camera has caught them. >> now authorities are hoping to identify him through that surveillance video. fox 29's dave kinchen is outside southwest detectives to night. dave? >> reporter: iain police are working hard on this one and they say two of those cabs were actually stolen this morning. the biggest clue they have the surveillance video you're about to see. surveillance video shows the men philadelphia police want for allegedly stealing several cabs in west and southwest philly. the video even shows him in the act. >> you can see that individual walking up and down the street. at some point he walks to the driver's door, opens the door with a key gets in the car and drives off slowly. >> reporter: police say he swiped 11 cabs in nine days. most of them operated by 215 get a cab. we don't know, why they took our car. maybe, you know, what reason. but i lost a car. >> reporter: this man says the taxi he owns was stolen overnight at 42nd and chestnut and the driver says he can no longer make a living. >> i don't have a job. so how can i make money? >> just one cab. that's not in operation. you know, impacts business so to have, you know, missing cabs off the street certainly hurts us. >> reporter: investigators want you to be on alert since some of the stolen cabs were used in a shooting and armed robbery. >> it's very concerning people have comfort in these environments and comfort at this point is shatter. >> they say every stolen taxi had the complex tracking system taken out. >> there's no doubt that someone knows obviously how these cabs operate. >> reporter: the thief is targeted crown crown victoria made between 2007 and 2009 were the starter system working to his advantage. >> with the use of keys over time the ignitions get warn out any key of a ford product will work in that ignition. which is of concern. >> reporter: police want to you check for two forms of driver id before ever getting inside. >> one of the rear facing card and the other drivers certificate and they should be posted at all times in that cab. they don't have it, just walk away. >> reporter: police tell us so far six of the stolen cabs have been recovered including the one you just heard about that was stolen overnight at 42nd and chestnut. but they're still looking for the others to night. iain. >> all right, dave, thank you. so far this year philadelphia police are investigateing fewer car thefts. according to the latest crime numbers more than 2100 cars have been reported stolen this year so far. that's actually down 12% from the same time period last year. in 2014, more than 5800 cars were stolen virtually unchanged from 2013. the all clear tonight at two philadelphia navy facilities after what came in as a credible security threat. we don't know exactly what it was but we do know the threat level initially indicated an eminent threat of terrorism and swat teams searched through the navy shipyard in south philadelphia and the navy depot in the northeast all non-search personnel sent home for the day right around 11 a.m. about an hour later the fbi ruled the threat non credible. no other businesses at the navy facilities were affected. >> happening right now a huge fire in west chester is under investigation. skyfox over the scene as flames shoot out of the building leaving substantial damage and destruction. fox 29's dawn timmeney is live in west chester night with a look at the aftermath. dawn, what do fire investigators know? >> reporter: well iain, the fire chief tells me that this fire started in the rear roof of this bank right here behind me. but the cause of the fire, what started it according to the fire marshal is still undetermine. flames shoot from the roof of this four-story office building at north church and market streets in west chester. skyfox over the massive fire that started just before 9:30 last night and grew to three alarms. dnb first bank in media analytics bearing the brunt of the damage. mark thompson was working in his second floor office quickly checking the upper floors to make sure no one else was in the building. >> by the time i got back down to the second floor, it was covered with smoke and i pulled the fire alarm ran outside. >> more than 140 volunteer firefighters from across the area battling the smoke and flames for hours. >> it was very, you know, nerve racking. >> reporter: this family owns new haven pizza which is right next door. it was still open at the time but quickly evacuated. >> were you worried at any point last night that it could spread to your business? >> yes very worried. it got very close. very worried and we thank god you know we got lucky it did not. >> when i saw the flames, i had no idea if it was on the top of my roof or the other roof which is the other people i feel for them also. the damage is really big. >> reporter: today crews removing valuable artwork from newly renovated board room at dnb first bank hoping to salvage what they can. kaplan jewelers on the market street side looking at smoke and water damage and roof repairs. all the businesses affected wondering when they'll be able to reopen. >> it was very hard because i work and my family all our lives to build our business. >> reporter: now that pizzeria has been in business for 45 years. coming up at 6:00 o'clock tonight, i'll tell was they plan to do to say thank you to the firefighters who saved their building. now, six people are homeless. they lived in apartments above the jewelry store. they are being helped by the red cross tonight. and iain structural damage not including the contents from this office building right here, in excess of $5 million. >> that's a lot of damage, dawn. thank you. new details tonight on the logistics that will surround pope francis' visit to philadelphia. all we can say is get yourself some sneakers. the pope will participate in two major events on saturday, september 26th and sunday the 27th. >> of course, it's all part of the world meeting of families which could bring as many as 2 million visitors to center city. our bruce gordon is in the newsroom. bruce, transportation will be stressed to the breaking point. >> reporter: oh, it will indeed. yeah, luce seem world meeting from tuesday through friday of that week in september will bring huge crowds but nothing the city can't handle. it's sat and sunday the papal visit that will put the city's planning and your patience to the test. remember the estimated million plus fans who packed center city back in 2008 celebrating the phillies world series win? well the crowds for the pope's visit september 26th and 27th will likely be far larger less spread out and will stay around much longer. >> folks should start anything ahead and making a com days now because this event will impact the every day live of many throughout the steve philadelphia. >> reporter: the biggest challenge may face suburban nights and other out of towners coming into the stevie ya septa regional rail. just 18 stations will be open. prime mows in delaware county among them heading into the city on an express basis. no stops till the final destination. >> this will allow to us speed up service recycle the trains to increase our system capacity. >> reporter: to board the train you'll need a special $10.1-day pass available in advance but in limited supplyies. though as to not to swamp the system. parking at those regional rail express stations will quickly be packed to capacity. so ask a friend to give you a lift. and don't expect to be taken to 30th street station just a short walk from the parkway. too crowded. instead you'll be dropped at station that is could be several miles from your final destination. local officials have met with the hosts of the 2012 world meeting in papal visit milan italy. their suggestion -- >> get people used to the idea early that they're going to have to walk long distances. in milan it was at least 3 miles. >> this is a very different event so what you would normally do to go, you know torque an eagles game or something forget that. this is different. >> reporter: many of the transportation details including street closures are still to be work out. go to we will link you to the sites that will help you plan ahead to enjoy or at least survive that big weekend. iain, a reminder to our viewers i'll be reporting from rome all next week as the philly designation meets with vatican officials to finalize those preparations. >> bruce, we'll look forward to that. thank you as always. of course a quick follow up on your getting results story from yesterday. workers have begun the job of removing a pile of masonry supplies from front of la tanya's house on berkeley street in camden. bruce remember made some calls when she reported the materials have been sitting there untouched for weeks. the cinder blocks and other supplies are to be used for a home under construction next door but a delay in that project left la tanya with a big mess to look at each day until fox 29 got results. very happy homecoming for a beautiful bird whose been through a lot. after surviving an act of cruelty this swan has been getting a lot of tlc ton night the moment she and her doctors have been waiting for. after stepping down as the head of an naacp chapter rachel dolezal talked about the controversy of her racial identity watch she says people don't understand about her. >> new video from dallas showing a brave young deputy helping stop a man who attacked a police station. per quick thinking and the prothetic dream she had the night before that helped prepare her. >> a whole new world is open for a baby who was definite. she just heard for the first time the unforgettable video you will not forget. >> happening right now on the lone star state, people are trying to stay safe as tropical storm bill makes landfall it's the first tropical storm to threaten the gulf coast this year but this area of course has already gotten more than its share of dangerous weather. fox's randy wal slays in galveston tonight. randy, what's the situation there right now? >> reporter: iain there's lot of rain and a lot of wind and we're in surf side beach and this is pro dominantly a vacation beach resort area. only about 500 people live here. the interesting thing the number of people that we've seen that have been driving by and just to kind of check out the conditions and see what's going on. all the white foam stuff of course is from the gulf. this young lady right here just went surfing. now, of course, no one should really be out in the water at this point. joe, if you can let me show you this iain. i hope you can see it. there's two people out in the water right now. now, that is extremely dangerous to say the least because the surf is really high and the water can sort of -- the surf can take you out into the middle of the gulf before you know it. so that's not a recommended thing obviously for people to do. but you know you've got kind of the gawkers people that want to check it out and see what's going on. >> right. that is not safe. you're right. randy, what about any emergency preparations underway there now? >> reporter: there really isn't any iain. this is -- it's a tropical storm as you said, and there's really no need for any kind of evacuation. they're just pretty much asking people to kind of stay off the roadways but obviously people aren't heeding that advice. so we really aren't under any kind of evacuations or anything like that. we're just expecting a lot more rain an lot more wind as the evening progresses. >> all right, of course that's something you guys don't need. i know you got your share in galveston and houston. randy wallace live in galveston. thank you very much. stay safe out there. >> we'll continue to follow tropical storm bill on our website at you can watch for changes in its strength and its impact on land through a link on our home page. it's headed our way. in new jersey five weeks after a person in parvin state park found a swan injured and burned on a trail she is now healthy and ready to return home. doctors took her back to the lake this morning and fox 29's lauren johnson was there in elmer, new jersey, for the homecoming. >> reporter: it's been a tough five weeks for this 17-pound swan. >> she's getting ansi right now. >> reporter: ready to get back in the lake at parvin state park park. >> she is up and around and trying to get out and go. report roar this is the same place she was rescued back on may fifth when joggers found her on the trail. >> when she came in she could barely stand. her head was black where the skin was all burned. >> reporter: dr. steven cared for her for about a week. >> we were worried the skin was going to fall off and she'd never grow feathers again. >> reporter: then she was turned over to a wildlife rehabilitator victoria schmidt. >> cleaning the wound putting antibiotics on it, medication. >> reporter: a tough task. >> it's a lot of work. on a daily basis. >> reporter: for bird who needs to be in her element. >> being in your care for the last five weeks do you think that will affect her wanting to leave? >> no. >> report floor. >> she'll be happy. trust me. >> reporter: but they had to wait to make sure she was in tip top shape. >> much better. much better. >> reporter: here we are. >> she looks good. she's ready to go. i think she's ready too. >> reporter: after short trip to the lake's shore. >> i think she'll go out and be very happy. >> reporter: they unlock the crate and off she goes. flapping back to freedom. >> sheesh go become to her normal life. she should meet up with her mate. go back to her nest and live happily ever after. fairy tale go. report roar lauren johnson fox 29 news. >> let us hope so. the doctor says the swan does have some scarring but it will help them find her later for check ups. it's the beginning of end for art facial trans fat nda announce dag food companies will be required to phase them out. almost entirely by 218. transfats are found in a lot of what we eat. what does that mean for some of our favorite foods? well here are some of the items that could change with a trans fat ban. doughnuts first of all. companies use trans fat to give them a tighter texture. cookies and cakes. how about your movie theater popcorn. >> that could change little bit. popcorn companies may add for butter to keep that popcorn flavor. the ban um you can'ting your morning cup of coffee trans fat are part of the coffee cream mers. they may use vegetable or soy bean oil. >> transfats listed on all the products. it is listed there right here you can see it on the label. so they are listed and again companies say that the product has zero trans fat. if it's got less than half a gram per serveing keep on eye on that. lucy? >> we'll do, thank you iain. she's at the center of a fire storm of debate over racial identity noun a former naacp chapter president has not only resigned. she says she is identifies as african-american. yet her parents say she is white. rachel dolezal was on nbc today's show this morning and said some of the discussion about her has been quote viciously inhumane. she said she identifies as black. the 37-year-old resigned yesterday as president of the spoken spokane washington branch of the naacp after her parents said she white with a trace of native american heritage. they even showed pictures all the way back to when she was a kid. back up what they were saying. dolezal told nbc matt lauer she stopped thinking of herself as white when she was little. >> this goes back to very early age with myself identification with the black experience. as a very young child. >> when did it start? >> i would say about five years old. >> you began identifying yourself as african-american? >> i was drawing self portraits with the brown crayon instead of the peach crayon and the black -- >> dolezal has also lost her position as a part-time african studies instructor at a local university and her free lance job as newspaper columnist. then there's the city of spokane itself. ethics commission is now looking into whether she lied about her race for an appointment to spokane's police oversight bore. a major league baseball team under investigation for unsportsmanlike conduct. >> but you probable haven't heard of an investigation like this one. why several authorities are now looking into a possible cyber attack and -- >> plus mystery in the grass in utah. someone painted this snake pink. why it is not only dangerous for the reptile but makes the venomous snake more dangerous for people. >> when is your iphone not really an iphone? a local woman buy as refurbished phone from a national store but the store tells her to take to apple for repairs. >> i'm expecting it to be real apple phone and i found out that it's not because a real apple company won't fix it. >> won't fix it? why not? fox 29 investigators will tell you coming up. ♪ a 21st birthday party ended in tragedy. when overcrowded balcony collapsed in berkeley, california. six people have died. a group of irish students were in the fourth floor apartment for the celebration. 13 of them were on the balcony when it gave way shortly before 1:00 a.m. those who survived are now in the hospital with life threatening injuries and so tonight the irish government is asking airlines to help the victims families get to the united states. major league baseball is no stranger to federal investigations. but this latest is something entirely new. fbi and us justice department is looking into the st. louis cardinals front office. investigators say team officials actually hacked the houston astros. they say the cards stole valuable information about player personnel. now compromised database included astros team discussions on possible trades statistics and new scouts. the feds have yet to say how many cardinals team officials it believes are either involved or new about the hack. the front office is promising to cooperate with federal investigation. a bizarre incident inside a florida home. home health news accused of of stripping naked and attacking her skate-year-old patient. that's yvonne shaken up from the unexpected assault. she told police that her home health nurse 21-year-old march sheena walker was not herself yesterday. walker allegedly took off her clothes and started going through drawers in the house. her behavior quickly turned from strange to violent. walker slapped her in the face and then kicked her several times in the stomach. the victim got a phone and called police before thing got any worse. >> right now i'm sore. like my whole body is sore. i woke up this morning, i was having like chest pains. >> we don't see cases like this very often. obviously, it is concerning when you have somebody whose main job it is to take care of someone specialsly an elderly person, then this happens. >> officers took walk near cut deem police say they're waiting results of her psychological evaluation. after years of all talk, donald trump putting his money where his mouth is launching an official bid for president. the hotel mogil making the announcement from one of his famous trump towers a midtown manhattan. trump says america leads a leader will create jobs, honor our vets and protect our borders. his campaign motto to make america great long again. >> dramatic new video from dallas shows how deputees finally stopped the a man who attack a police station. the depth pew too played a key role is talking and saying she knew this would be a day she would never forget. >> archaeologists dig up a jar in the holy land and this find has some history. its connection to the bible. scott? >> iain we still have a slight chance of some strong and severe thunderstorms across the area. but find out about a break from the heat and humidity and what will happen with bill when it arrives here. battle against a fire in north philadelphia actually had neighbors helping firefighters pull hoses. firefighters say when they rolled up to the home on the 600 block of schiller street flames were already shooting out about 3:00 their this afternoon. you can see all of this heavy smoke there. one firefighter ended up in the hospital from minor injuries. don't know yet how that fire star. >> dramatic video caught on police car dash cam in texas it shows a county sheriffs deputy helping fellow officers stop that man who attacked the dallas police headquarters last weekend weekend. that brave deputy had not even been on the job that long. >> she says she knew this day would be a little different thanks to a dream she had the night before. tonight she's talking about that with fox's sean rob. >> right before i came on friday wednesday and thursday i had these bad dreams about people shooting at me. >> sheriffs deputy katrina caldwell dream prem know mission the attack on dallas police. >> when i read and heard what was going on i took off turned around in saint augustine. gunned it down here and stopped right back over here. >> reporter: on the street just over a year, she stopped her squad car at the intersection of i20 westbound and 310. >> what were you thinking deputy? >> i didn't know if he was by himself. at one point they said there were four people. i didn't know if he had a group of people that was ready to shoot at the back. i just said i'm here. i better do something to stop this. i just got brave. >> reporter: it's one of those situations high risk situations. you've got an officer out there by themselves going to deploy the stop sticks. >> when i put the sticks i saw that wasn't the van they had described i run out and i try to hurry up and took them back and throw them back out. i see the vehicle approaching me very quickly. >> if she hadn't done that, that van would have continued on further. you don't know where at least you know it stopped in an area that it could be controlled in certain situation. >> then he comes by. he comes lie in about that left lane right there he just runs right over them. i mean they came out the ground and everything. just plowed them. >> and you said -- >> i got him! i got him. i -- i'm just like i got him ya'll. i got him. i let everybody know, and i jumped in my car and i jumped on the chase. >> reporter: her dash cam catching the gunfire between police and the suspect at the jack in the box. this very first time called well ever used stop sticks and she took out three of four tires. >> a lot of people calling me a hero. i just feel like i was at the right place at the right time and i had the equipment to do the job and i just did what i had to do. >> that suspect would eventually be found dead in the van. deputy ad caldwell just relieved no one else was hurt. >> back to your fox 29 weather authority right now. some are dealing with heat. others dealing with check it out with this right here. fox 29 viewer zen us this rainstorm video from his home in wildwood crest new jersey. man, looks like monsoon season. you can see the clouds just let loose there. goodness. >> we saw a lot of heavy rainfall down the shore earlier this afternoon. lightning as well. and we still have a threat across pretty much the entire area as we take a look right now you can see the counties highlighted in yellow. the storm prediction center out of norman, oklahoma placed us in that slight risk because any of the showers and storms that develop could produce downpours. gusty winds in excess of 60 miles per hour as well as very vivid and dangerous lightning across parts of the area. now, everyone is not going to see the rain, but if you do, those are the main threats as we take a look at ultimate doppler you can see there's a front well off to the north and west. most of us are quite but right now we're watching some activity move down from the pocono mountains. that will continue to monitor right now. moving through sections of the lehigh valley right now. nothing is severe but we'll continue to watch that as it continues to move toward the i-95 corridor over the next couple of hours. but earlier this afternoon and evening, you can see what was happening across sections of south jersey in particular atlantic city, sea isle city, we saw a lot of very heavy rainfall and vivid lightning that has exited the coast. right now we'll keep oroides on what's happening moving through sections of allentown and continuing to move into sections of upper milford. over the next couple of hours we'll watch that. some of it will likely move down towards the i-95 corridor. everyone is not going to see it. but by tomorrow, sunshine, low humidity with winds coming in out of the north and west and then we start to load back up wednesday night into thursday with our next chance for rain. but look at the temperatures right now. 91 degrees. it feels like 95 sultry stepping outdoors. it feels like 97 in in millville millville. 98 wait currently feels like in dover. scattered shower or thunderstorm can't be ruled out. up until about seven 8:00 o'clock and then it stays pretty warm but less humid as we move toward the overnight. now, take a look at what's happening right now in texas. still keeping tabs on tropical storm bill. the feeder bands moving in dumping a lot of heavy rainfall in their direction. but maximum sustained winds are at 50 miles per hour. it will continue to kind of meander over the lone star state over the next couple of days before it moves on out into the midwest and then take a look at some of the computer models. you can see that leftover moisture will likely move in our general direction by the upcoming weekend. traveling through the midwest through the ohio river valley and then moving toward our area so certainly something that we'll have to monitor over the next several days. that seven day forecast 84 for the high temperature tomorrow. beautiful. get outdoors and enjoy. clouds maybe some showers on thursday. temperatures only in the upper 70s. then we heat things back up for friday. 87 degrees. then mainly saturday afternoon and evening into father's day that's when we'll have to watch some of that leftover moisture from bill that could make its way toward our area. then we heat things right back up father's day high 92. none on monday. >> all right. we're heading into summer. >> yes. we are. >> so good. good for me any way. >> summer solstice. >> weather intended as a prank or an act of cruelty someone for some reason pain add snake pink in utah. why this isn't only dangerous for that snake but makes the venomous reptile even more dangerous for people. >> plus a colorful crab invasion at a southern california beach thousands of them washing up as scientists think they know why. >> tracking down your stolen stuff with your dna. how one local police department hopes to catch criminals with this brand new technology. >> strong thunderstorms hit the chicago area monday. some commuters tried to stay out of the way from all the heavy downpours. those who did chose to brave the storms they left soaking wet. there were also reports of tornado siting but no reports of any injuries or damages that guy has his blackhawks jersey on. the weather continues to be messy today. >> high dry and windy conditions fueling a massive wildfire in alaska that my friends parks highway the only way in and out of anchorage from fair banks of the fire began burning yesterday and exploded in size. hundreds of people have had to leave their homes and small town not from anchorage north of it. the flames have destroyed more than two dozen homes. but alaska governor says those numbers could be a lot worse. >> what's really significant is group of the effort on the firefighters to do what they can to protect the structures that there are. it was amazing to see the number of home that is were there you know only were there because people risked their lives to fight for their homes as far as -- pretty powerful. >> no serious injuries to humans have come in. animals that's a whole other story. crews from across the massive state as well as canada are working around the clock try to contain the fire. archaeologists in jerusalem have discovered a 3,000-year-old inscription on ajar. pretty amazing. the name reads esche ban bait a name mentioned in the bible as king saul's son. experts say the jar most likely belonged to a different esche ball who worked on agriculture estate. this is one of only four encryptions discover from the biblical teppth century kingdom of jew today. archaeologists pieced it together from pottery shards found in 2012 in the valley of ala. >> a prank leaves a venomous snake a possible danger to people and an easy target for prey. someone painted the rattle snake pink leaving it visible to birds and other predators the bright color makes it more likely a person maybe a child would spot it and approach it when it would have otherwise stayed hidden and the blinding paint in the snake's eyes would make it far more likely to strike at any perceived threat. >> you know, that's like a real really childish stupid thing to do. i don't know why anybody would want to do that and getting close enough and spraying it like that you're also putting yourself in danger of getting bit. rattle snake bites start at minute thousand dollars for your anti vehement nom and minor bite and it goes up from there. a vet is treating the pink snake authorities believe a construction worker used ground marking equipment to pain the reptile. >> local woman thought she was making her 11-year-old very happy by buying her a pre owned iphone but when it broke she got a big surprise. >> he comes out the rep tiff with my phone and tells me that unfortunately he can't fix the phone. and i asked why. and he said, because it's not a real apple phone. >> folks 29 investigates presses for answers. a whole new world opened for baby who was definite. she just heard for the first time. the unforgettable video that you won't forget. howard? >> chip kelly responds to why he released offensive lineman evan mathis eagles players talk about why they believe in what chip kelly does in putting together this team. that's coming up in sports. >> tiny tuna crabs are invading california beaches. thousands of small red crustaceans wash a shore in southern california. experts say these crabs normally live off mexico's baja peninsula but going farther north because of the warm water off the southern california coast. lifeguards stay the water is starting to drag the crabs back out to sea. the last time the crabs were seen in this area was during the last end nino. >> you buy yourself certified pre own iphone. >> you head back to t mobile. they send to apple and it's a fake. fox 29 investigates. here's jeff cole. >> she did that in seconds. >> reporter: amber martinez spotted an early black friday deal online and clicked to get a surprise gift for her daughter. the single mother from downingtown wanted a way to stay in touch. she got a certified pre owned apple iphone from t mobile. it was cheaper. t mobile calls these new to you phones. 11-year-old had been asking for an iphone. >> but when i got it for christmas i was actually happy and i didn't know she was going to give it to me and i was thankful that she got it for me. >> reporter: the used smart phone brought more surprises than mom expected. the $348 device which she financed was kept in protective case insured and worked fine for a few months. >> it started to get hot and not charge. the screen at the top left hand corner separated. >> reporter: amber called t mobile. >> they said that if i accept back the broken phone i'd have to pay for it. >> reporter: t mobile store employees told her to go to the apple store. but there was a hitch. >> she asked me for the ime number that should be located on the back of the phone and it wasn't there. so she said, your i phone is the only one in the universe that doesn't have an imei number. i guess so because it's not here. >> reporter: eventually amber got to apple. they took the phone in the back about five minutes later he comes out the representative with my phone and tells me that unfortunately he can't fix the phone. and i asked why. and he said, because it's not a real apple phone. >> reporter: the apple store wrote out on this document what the problems were. the iphone had several fake parts. including the enclosure and display. there were signs of unauthorized modifications and heavy use and liquid damage. plus that tracking number was missing from the back plate. not only was t mobile 90 day new to you warranty expired but no apple warranty applied either because it wasn't a new phone rory push bird by them. apple refused to repair it. amber was so upset she contacted police and called back t mobile. >> they said regardless where it comes from you're certifying it as real apple phone i'm expecting it to be real apple phone. and i found out that it's not because a real apple company phone fix it. >> reporter: police tell us it's a civil matter and they referred amber to some places to get help. t mobile shipped out another phone. but when it, too, had no tracking number on the back plate, amber returned both phones. then the faux sent a new iphone 5s but a $400 billing charge appeared for replacing a phone that wasn't under warranty. by then, amber had contacted fox 29 investigates for help. t mobile told us it's care teams were working with the customer to find a solution specifically for her. the company first told us it works with certified repair vendors to insure pre owned devices just work and have only genuine parts. online there's a long list of checks t mobile makes before you can get your phone. but no mention of the parts it puts in there. pressed on this issue t mobile said it does not authorize the use of non apple parts and iphone repairs. but the company tells us it's new to you u warranty states refurbish or substitute parts may be used. we pointed out that customers would only learn of this after purchase. a spokesperson says, they have 14 days to return the phone if not satisfied. >> any time you're being used electronics you really have to watch. >> tech expert and fox 29 news contributor anthony mongeluzzo was taken a back by amber's story. >> it's surprising. more surprising that it's an official t mobile certified product. >> reporter: mongeluzzo says there are lots of places to buy pre owned phones but you have to beware. make sure it's certified. look it over and compare it to in store models. pop the battery. if you can. ask about the warranty and return policy. buy with a credit card for added protection and almost always take the insurance. but he believes companies should disclose if they're using third party parts. >> give the consumer a chance to make a decision. don't tell you it's a certified pre owned phone because to me that means it's going to have all the original parts. >> reporter: she wound up going a few weeks without a her phone. now she's back to using kick and snap chat and instagram in touch with friends and ready to take lots of summer vacation photos. >> and amber after lots of phone calls and going between stores, she's ready for the hassle to end. >> it's just taken up a lot of my time. >> reporter: that $400 charge has now disappeared from amber's bill. meanwhile, t mobile has offered several hundred dollars toward a new device or savings on her bill. amber says she'll reject that and may dump t mobile because of all the problems. jeff cole, fox 29 news. a precious moment some would say is miraculous in north carolina. a one-year-old girl who was born definite heard her mother's voice for the very first time. >> did you mary mommy clapping? did you hear that? >> the smile on her face says it all. she's now hearing with the help of cochlear implant. family and friends helped her parents raise the $20,000 down payment needed to get them. teachers of the definite who are working with her added that the early years are the most crucial part of a child's development. >> this is exciting. i mean it's very, um, it's kind of unbelievable. >> it's been a roller coaster but the path we were meant to be on. >> doctors say she's already taken big steps like making eye contact when someone is talking with her. she'll continue to work with teacher trained in helping children who are definite. tonight game six by the way nba finals. golden state warriors have a chance to close out the series and become nba champs. standing in their way lebron james and the cleveland cavaliers. tonight howard has had it with all the hype around lebron even if he loses. >> are you kidding me? i'm done. i've had it. if anybody watches espn then you like me are just a little tired of the campaign for lebron james. i know he's a great player but do we need lebron to tell us he is the best player in the world as did he on sunday night? and i've had it. >> i feel confident because i'm the best player in the world. >> i have never heard of any great player tell us he's the best in the world. not michael jordan. not larry bird, not magic johnson. not wilt chamberlain. none of them. when you are the best there's no need to tell anyone. just go out and play. and i've really had it with espn now running a campaign for lebron james to be the mvp of the finals even if cleveland loses. >> james for three and nails it. >> tell me why a player should be an mvp for losing team? without that player, you still lose. golden state be where they are without steph curry. >> curry for three. >> would they be where they are without former sixer andre iguodala. >> iguodala on the follow. >> the answer is not chance. the mvp has to, i repeat these come from the winning team. and i don't care how many triple doubles the losing player may have. that didn't help your team win. lebron again is great. but is not even one of the five best players all time in the nba. i'm tired of the hype and the campaigning for lebron. i'm howard eskin and i've had it it. >> have you had it with howard? just let him have it record a video post it on facebook, twitter or instagram and use the #fox29weekend. ♪ it seems the heat is here to stay but throw in storms and things are about to change. where and when that bad weather to pop up. scott is tracking your forecast. >> have you every had something stolen? how do you prove it's yours? the answer could be in a new kind of dna. how police are using new technology to track down those items. ahhh. beautiful day in baltimore where most people probably know that geico could save them money on car insurance, right? you see the thing is geico well, could help them save on boat insurance too. hey! okay...i'm ready to come in now. hello? i'm trying my best. seriously, i'm...i'm serious. request to come ashore. geico. saving people money on more than just car insurance. fox 29 news in hd brought to you by xfinity the future of awesome awesome. >> so what happening to philadelphia cabs on the streets. tonight police are on alert after a dozen cabs were stolen right off of it. the question is, why are they disappearing. 12 cabs gone in the past nine days. all of them from the same cab company. good evening to you, i'm lucy noland. tonight police have their first big clue. video of the man they think is behind it all. fox 29's dave kinchen outside southwest detectives tonight. dave what you got? >> reporter: police are work working this hard here at southwest detectives. they tell us as you said 12 cabs have been reported stolen the latest number that came to us about 25 minutes ago. they're looking at surveillance video and one suspect. >> i don't have a job so how can i make money? >> reporter: this man says he cannot work after having his taxi stolen overnight at 42nd and chestnut in west philadelphia. and police say this man is the prime suspect accused of of stealing 12 cabs in nine days. one heist even caught on surveillance video. >> you can see that individual walking up down the street at some point he walks to the driver's door, he opens the door with a keep gets in the car and drives off slowly. >> reporter: investor gas say most of the stolen cabs are affiliated with 215 get a cab. company attorney danielle free man. >> just one cab not in operation impacts business so to have have you know, missing cabs off the street certainly hurts us. >> reporter: investigators you were caution since some of the stolen cabs were used in a shooting and in armed robberies. >> it's very concerning when people have comfort in these environments and the comfort at this point is shatter. >> reporter: lieutenant john walker says every stolen taxi had the complex tracking system removed and fox 29 learned the thief is going after ford crown crown victoria

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