Transcripts For WTXF Good Day Philadelphia At 6A 20170623

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already planning a tour. >> a tour. >> his message to men, tour and town halls has has many questioning the judgment on this one. what are we two days into summer, wet start to the weekend. let me tell you, you are not up out of bed or walking around the kitchen wait until you go outside, it is so humid >> i walk outside and was like um, yes. >> hi everybody it is friday, june 23rd hi alex. hope you are feeling better. >> it is cool that you came in >> it is. >> i check with doctor mike i'm not contagious just my own personal suffering. >> i suggested three day weekend but you are a troop are. people will say you cannot lick sicker, you cannot lick the first pick. >> why would you want to lick the first pick. >> yes, you can lick the first pick. >> thanks, to our sponsor dunkin' donuts. they have already made markelle doughnuts. >> that is how excited philadelphia is for this, i love it. love it. did you hear the interview last night, i'm sure you like doughnuts too but he got asked the question where do you go for a cheese stake in philadelphia i. >> i heard he was on jimmy kimmel. here's what he said to jimmy kimmel. >> cheese stake related which do you like, pat's or geno's because if you live there you have to pick a side. >> i know, i haven't been to either one, i will larry's and a chef cook me one so what does it feel like. >> okay. >> two questions. >> one. >> what is larry's and where is that? is that another thing i missed out on. >> i think there is one near piazza. >> you heard of larry's. >> somebody up in the news room said i think there is one in fishtown or northern liberties. >> we have to google that. he had a personal chef. >> oh, yeah. >> all right. >> so we will get into that. if you know where larry's is, if you know larry, i want to try one of these cheese steaks >> larry's must be good. >> yeah. >> i'll tell you who is good is that scott williams. >> he knows cheese steaks. >> max's has good won, yeah. weather by the numbers talking about it feels like a zahn, steam bat out there we will give it a six out there, but off to the west we have tropical moisture that will interact with the cold front. here's the actual circulation left from cindy as we go with time, washington d.c. that moisture will move in our direction later this morning. by eight or 9:00 moving in the philadelphia area grab your umbrellas, off to work we have more to the north and west this evening. 76 degrees right now. humidity 87 percent. temperature in the mid 70's. here's your planner, increasing cloud, late morning showers, thunderstorms this afternoon, 86 bob kelly for the high temperature. >> scottie, sound g good morning, everybody. tgif, weekend here, and this disable here on the schuylkill expressway it is westbound, just pennsylvania the vine street expressway ramps heading out toward girard avenue. 6:05, within minute heading out the front door head for betsy ross bridge there. we have a jackknife tractor trailer there is a blockage of the turnpike connection pass between the bridgette self and the new jersey turnpike. so it is westbound, heading in toward pennsylvania, an subsequent down in dover, southbound route one at little creek road and lets go for a ride, sky fox over the scene, of the bridge, we have a bridge opening. >> sit happening today it is happening today. >> finally it will be a happy hour in sea isle and avalon because this bridge has been closed for months, so, later on this afternoon we will be able to roll across the bridge with the vehicle traffic, great news, for everybody, heading down the shore, this weekend, mike and alex, back to you. with the first pick in the 2017 nba draft the philadelphia 76ers select markelle fultz from the university of washington. >> yeah, they is. apparently we trusted the process and pays off for sixers fans are we ready to go now. >> it wasn't a surprise team selected markelle fultz, look at the fans, celebrating, when we got that number one pick in the draft. >> piazza. pick. >> do i too. >> real quickly here markelle mentioned on jimmy kimmel that he likes larry's cheese stake. jenny joyce weighs in. yes, larry's good, one on the st. joes campus. >> okay. we need to be in the know. >> somebody wake larry up we want to try the cheese stake here on the set. >> we want from larry himself. what are people saying as they travel to work and school , well, there isn't any school, but what are people saying, sabina. >> that markelle fultz called it a stake and cheese, so it looks like he got good training we wanted to make sure it is a cheese stake. we have bridget here keeping an eye on your bus before it comes. you watched the draft last night. >> difficult. >> got markelle what are your thoughts. >> he is awesome. he will be a complete picture to what they are doing right now. he can do it all. he can guard, he can shoot, he is a play maker. >> reporter: trusting the process did you trust the process. >> i didn't have a process problem, as long as they get them that is what matters. >> reporter: we had 14,000 season tickets sold. they think home games will be sold out. are we jumping the gun a little bit. >> no, this city need somebody like. that he will be the one to pull it all together. >> reporter: you are wonderful. so tell me what the last couple seasons were like you are really positive but what was it like. >> it was hard. it makes you cry. maybe we will have tears of joy now. >> tears of joy maybe a parade >> i'm take all that. >> reporter: thanks very much. your busies still there, so i promise had you would catch your bus if you talk to me have a great day, all right. people are so excited, the thrill of victory they can taste it, right, so it was really hype last night, still lasting through this morning, guys. >> i love it, keep getting today. 6:07. >> listen to this. >> save our liberty. life, liberty for sake of all americans. >> man, look at that. >> people were angry over g.o.p. health care plan make their voices heard, this is as we learn more about what is inside senate overhaul bill. >> jenny, it is not on that level but we have something going on in olde city at second and chestnut. hi there, jenny. >> reporter: second and chestnut there were 250 people outside here and some of those people stayed through the night we are watching as sun comes up here in olde city, more people are arriving here at the pennsylvania path toomey's office for another day of protest. these people want their voices heard and they want pennsylvania leaders to stick up for their need, wants they say this will devastate people by cutting medicaid and cuts taxes on those with higher incomes, eliminates individual and employer mandates and allows young people to stay on their insurance plans until age 26. under this bill people with preexisting conditions cannot be hit with higher premiums or denied access to care which many think is a good thing but people outside toomey's office says there is just too much bad in this bill. >> they need health insurance for so many different reasons. even healthy kid need health insurance because they need preventive care. if you have a body, you need health insurance and there is no reason why health insurance is a profit center. health insurance is a basic human need for somebody to think they would deny it on the basis of profit. >> congressional budget office says it should have an estimate of the price, impact by early next week and then perhaps there will be a vote but before that protest will see leaders like toomey listening to their constituent s lets see if he has any sort of reaction to protest and last night's protest outside his philadelphia office, mike and alex. >> okay. we will check back with you, that will not go away anytime soon. road rage, gone, wrong, well, not that road rage could ever be good, see daring move by that motorcyclist that started this nasty chain reaction crash. wait until you see the crash, oh, man. president trump settles a weeks old debate with what he finally revealed about having tapes of conversations he had with former fbi director james comey. a case of road rages lated in to destruction, on a california highway. >> motorcycle and sedan were driving side by side, wow, look at that kicks the car. >> yes, kicks the sedan. you can see, wow. >> look at that. >> oh, chain reaction there. >> the guy on the cycle never falls off. so the truck, there was a man, injured and rush to the hospital, so man on the motorcycle just kept driving and still has not been found. my goodness. >> well, good video you can really get down on that guy's driver's license the met or cyclist license, they will find that guy. >> amazing that he didn't fall off. >> what are we doing. >> you have to reverse it because my prompter isn't working. >> hold on let me get that for you. >> this is like a high school production some times. >> what you want to know business what is left of cindy , the ts and by ts i mean tropical storm. >> yes, we check in multiple times with the report inner new orleans. >> yes. >> so, cindy made land fall in the south but storm threat isn't over how it can impact your weekend plans, too. it's time that we bring addiction out of the darkness and into the light. to everyone struggling in silence - addicts, family, friends - you are not alone. it's time we lift each other up, reach out, say something. addiction is a disease. don't suffer. don't wait. help is within reach. call 844 reach nj or go to the road to recovery starts now. they are now heading toward our area. >> um-hmm. >> we are showing you damage that is left behind in birminghammal bam, storm made land fall in louisiana spin ning off tornadoes, torrential downpours and flood ago cross the southe a 10 year-old boy was killed while vacationing with his family in alabama. four others were hurt. more than 15 inches on have rain fell in some coastal area >> did you say 15 inches of rain in like one day. >> which was what was predict. >> true. >> wow. >> hard to believe, scott williams. >> we are not anticipating anything like that around here mike and alex but we have that tropical connection, left over moisture, from cindy, looking at all the doppler heading right in our direction. it will interact with the cold front to squeeze out more moisture if you step outdoors you will feel it. feels like a sauna very tropical but we will go hour by hour and by 9:00 a.m. we have scattered showers around the philadelphia area, and then we will get a break, later this afternoon and evening, north and west and then bull's eye of the rainfall look at that, early on your saturday morning but then it gets out of here. we will salvage rest of the weekend. what about the timing? anywhere between eight and 11 we are watching for those showers this morning and then this afternoon a window of five to 10 mainly north and west and then saturday morning it looks wet with those tropical downpours. ultimate doppler ride now we are dry, cloud cover will thicken but off to the west this is area that we're watching that will head in our direction. we will time everything out eight or 9:00 it is moving toward i-95 corridor south jersey, parts of the delaware and then gets out we will get that break but by afternoon and evening another round of scattered downpours and then there is that bull's eye for your saturday morning. so for today 86 degrees scattered showers and thunderstorms morning rainfall tropical downpours tomorrow and then we will dry out, warm up 87 degrees, lower 80's sunday and monday and staying nice for much of next week. heading out the door don't forget to join me on the radio all morning on 101.1 more fm, bob, how are the road. >> 6:18. we have a couple things here first of all a live look at roosevelt boulevard north bound at broad street what was a disabled vehicle, this guy got whacked by this tractor trailer and tough to see but hugging the concrete barrier. northbound lanes of the boulevard, i don't even think police are on the scene here yet. it looks like they have only one lane getting through north bound boulevard near broad street, tacony palmyra bridge in the middle of the opening, all traffic stopped, best bet, betsy ross bridge there and speaking of the bridges, we have a jackknife tractor trailer on the new jersey side of the turnpike connection bridge. is there a live look from sky fox a fed ex-tractor trailer, so this is on the new jersey side heading toward pennsylvania. where the new jersey turnpike connects with the pennsy turnpike. this is just one of the two incidents that we're watching here, that is the jackknife tractor trailer, on the new jersey side and then there is a disable tractor trailer on the pennsylvania side and i'm in the sure if they are connected but you will want to avoid that connector bridge this morning leaving new jersey and heading in to pennsylvania, that is where we have the problems, your best bet use that burlington bristol bridge to play it safe , and then, this weekend, mike, we have signed you up for triathlon. >> what exactly is the triathlon it is a swim in the water. >> it is a run, bike, and swim now the only thing the swim in the schuylkill. it is saturday and sunday in fairmount park. >> this saturday and sunday. >> philly escape. >> if i start training right now at 10:00 o'clock this morning i could be there tomorrow morning. >> i think i can there been to cheer you on. >> by the way, we have already been shamed repeatedly, alex and i, and i will take all of the heat today because i should have had a larry's cheese stake by now because i have been around six or seven years. >> people are like how can you not know larry's. >> ryan, please, i beg of you, there it is, you have been here longer than alex how could you in the have had larry's, i still love you though, lol. she watches every morning. one guy tweeted me shame on you guys, you live in philly and never had larry's, oh, the shame. >> how did we miss out on this >> this is how markelle fultz got his, the official cheese stake of the 76ers we should have known that too. >> i have been doing my research, since 2003. >> we should just quit right new. >> i don't know about that part. >> well, we will quit at 10. >> problem is now we have to try this larry's and some people are saying it is home of the belly filler. >> we need to know. >> they opened up at 10:00. >> somebody call larry, somebody call somebody that works at larry, you don't wait until 10. >> does anyone know larry not any larry. >> i'm sure people are already calling larry. >> he teased the nation with the tapes, and now president trump is putting to rest the question over which had recordings of his conversations one on one with james comey. >> the president fired off a set of tweets yesterday saying difficult not make and do not have any such recordings. trump's confirmation came a day before deadline set before a house committee investigating russian meddling in the election to hand over any tapes which is interesting because in may he tweeted out implying that there are tapes, saying if they come out and we will see what the real deal. >> he said james comey better hopes that i don't have tapes. >> i guess people assumed that meant you do have tapes and maybe he was like i don't have them. >> yes. >> there you go. >> they wanted them today but he didn't have them so tell them day before they want them , i don't have them. >> many people think he never had them after nixon, really. >> people thought there might be tapes there were people that thought that. >> i wish he did, then we would know. here comes the federal. >> what? >> in the those guys, joel embiid pro poss a new nick fame for sixers collection of young stars what does feds mean and can we do bedder, we will explain it when we come back. larry? wake up. oh, hello! lucky for me, there's some great golf here in the carolinas. whether you golf or not, geico could help score you some great savings on car insurance. maybe even hundreds of dollars. whoa! (chuckles) hole in one! and that's a par five, mind you. see how much you could save on car insurance. go to today. tom sredenschek sixers say they have got their man, with the first pick not draft they selected 19 year-old guard markelle foltz out of washington. foltz played just one season with the cougars but sixers say they have their eyes on him for over a year. foltz joined joel embiid, ben simmons and dario saric to form a nucleus they hope will be together for years to come. foltz come with a swagger and chip on his shoulder. >> he realize i has the chip but he doesn't go out of his way to show it. it is an inner drive there, and i think that is something that makes him special. he is motivated to prove people wrong but not in a bad way. it is a very positive way. >> wrpping up their series thursday afternoon with the cardinals, freddie galvis gets the solo home run, tommy joseph drives in three and phillies end losing streak. they beat cardinals five-one and heading toes begin weekend series in air zone, that is sports in one minute i'm tom sredenschek. >> we won. >> we should celebrate every win. >> so lets get back to basketball, please. by the way if you went to villanova josh hart was drafted in the first round last night. >> that was great. >> first round. he was originally pick 30th. he snuck in the first round, overall bayou take jazz but traded to the lakers. so he will play with ball, alonzo ball that will be interesting. >> that is kind of cool he gets to play for lakers. >> spend time with levar ball because you know he will be around. >> big daddy ball. >> yes. >> big baller, ball. >> so, when you are drafted in the first round your contract is guarantied of 1.1 million-dollar. so josh's now a millionaire. >> he got a championship season and now millionaire playing in the nba. >> yes. >> he has a lot like george clooney from yesterday. >> that just means he is set. >> yeah. >> i'm guessing this is jenny joyce over at second and chestnut where we have a rally going all night, jenny? >> yeah, mike and alex a growing number of protesters outside pat toomey's olde city office some here since 3:00 p.m. yesterday voicing their concerns about the senate health care bill. protect it. an help the all-new audi q5 is here. intelligent. explosive. the all-new audi s5 sportback. sixers get fultz with the number one overall pick and we will go one on one with the man fans hope will complete the process. >> yeah, sean bell talk to him right after the draft which was really cool. we will play it for you. just days after his mistrial and bill cosby is already planning, well, a town hall tour, would you go and listen to him, that has some questioning his judgment. first weekend of summer but get ready to get wet. how tropical weather could put a damper on your plans. we are talking about a tropical storm. >> that is right, but still go to effect our weather. it is extremely humid let me just tell thaw. >> it is. good day it is friday june . >> aloft people are shaping us look at this one i'm so surprised you never had larry 's cheese stake. >> one way to remedy that and that toys bring a cheese talk to fourth and market, immediately. >> scott wants one. bob wants one. i want one. >> home of the belly filler, right. >> yes, all right. it is national take your dog to work day, i don't think anyone brought their dog to work. we have none in the studio but buddy has muggy. he also has the umbrella for the rainfall that will move on in, later on today. we are dry but off to the west we have tropical moisture what is left from cindy, interacting with the frontal boundary. you can see we're dry but hage ers town, baltimore, washington d.c., that is moving from the west. we will go hour by hour, and, lancaster and chester county, delaware, and eventually that will head right toward the philadelphia area. and get a break, and this afternoon and this evening, north and west we are watching out for scattered thunder storms. then bulk moves in early saturday morning tropical downpours, but right now it is 76 degrees. high humidity at 87 percent. increasing cloud, and showers this morning and some pop up thunderstorms, later on this afternoon. bob kelly, you have an update on the road. >> yes, scottie good morning. 6:32. we have a jackknife tractor trailer on the new jersey side of the connection bridge. we are looking live from sky fox fedex jackknife but what started it is another tractor trailer, it looks like it who its load of steel which created a zigzag here. thinks a live lah from the new jersey side of the turnpike connector bridge. thinks fuel all over the roadway here so right now they are allowing some folks to zigzag here. go with me sky fox you move with me here there is truck carrying some steel. look at how that rolled off. my guess that hit the roadway, right here and that is what caused the fedex drug to go zigzag. we will just go back and jammo , this is leaving new jersey and heading toward pennsylvania. so lets go to the maps. anybody leaving new jersey if you typically use the turnpike connector bridge to get into pennsylvania, head down to the burlington bristol bridge that is way to go for our morning rush hour. another problem here thinks a live look at the roosevelt boulevard northbound all lanes are closed, there was a disable vehicle right here in the left lane, he got smacked, pushed up on to the concrete barrier so right now all northbound lanes of the boulevard are closed, and heading in toward broad street your best bet from the neighborhood, use hunting park avenue to avoid that mess. >> hey bob. >> yes, sir. >> tony, who manages one of the larry's cheese steaks has called in, he is running over to larry's right now, one of the locations, making cheese stake and will be here before 8:00. >> how many. >> four. >> we need four. >> we have to make sure. >> make it a half does glenn half dozen. >> make it 10. >> yes. >> bakers dozen. >> well, what is markelle's number. >> twenty. >> we need 20, 20 cheese steaks. >> we should. >> he scores double digits 40 cheese steaks. here's larry silver. >> with the first pick in the 2017 nba draft the philadelphia 76ers select markelle fultz from the university of washington. >> larry silver as i got larry on my mind, it is adam silver. >> you do have larry on your mine. we got our guy, and the sixers say they have had their eyes on him for over a year. new sixers markelle foltz sean bell caught up with him with a one on one interview. >> be honest you knew were you going to philly but what is it like to actually hear them call you and you go across that stage and your dream come true. >> it is one of the best things that ever happened to me in life. i'm blessed for this opportunity, something i have dreamed about since i was a kid and to hear my name called as number one pick and they are kid are looking at me saying the same thing i want to be that, truly an inspiration and just make me work harder what do you know about philly fans? you know they are crazy, over the top what do you know about them. >> i know they love you and they will get on you which i think is g motivate todd work hard and come ready to play every game. one of the best fans basis in the nba. >> is what first thing you will do now thaw are a player and in philly. >> i will get my mom and sister whatever they want, whatever that is, and then after that, i will justin vest in probably get a basketball court where i can work out where every want, anytime i want. i don't know. i ain't into buying watches and cars and all that, i probably, you know what i will do? i will get catered chick-fil-a for like a month something like that. >> that is your favorite. >> chick-fil-a, is the place to go. >> he wants a month of chick-fil-a. >> except on sunday. >> but he will buy his mom and sister, cars and stuff like that. by the way what do, and markelle fultz have in common. what did jfk and markelle fultz have in common? are you going to tell. what does le vern cox and markelle fultz have in common. >> love her. >> yes. >> 6:37. >> you will tell us eventually >> eventually. >> republicans are making a final push for obama carry placement. they have unveiled their health care bill overhaul, bill yesterday. >> it calls for a reduction in medicaid spending, repeal on taxes on the wealthy and end of the federal funding for plan parenthood. >> we're open to negotiation but we want the bill to look more like a repeal, we're afraid when we read the bill it looks like a reiteration or keeping of obama care. >> some philadelphians say this new g.o.p. plan has them worried they will lose their medical coverage. >> they are afraid they are taking an ax to medicare, medicaid, so, they have been rallying all night long there, a few people left over from all night, um, jenny. >> reporter: yeah, more people are coming this morning because is there going to be a big rally at 8:30 this morning outside of senator pat toomey 's olde city office. toomey's a part of making this bill so naturally he is a supporter of it but he did release a statement saying i welcome all feedback from my fellow pennsylvanians in the coming days so pat toomey, here's some feedback for you. is there a growing protest outside of his office and these people hope that toomey 's listening and cares about their concerns. senate health care bill offers tax cuts for people with higher incomes,e limb nation of the individual and employer mandates, bill still allows young people to stay on their parents insurance plans until age 26 and still prevents employers and insurance company from hiking up premiums or denying care with people with we existing conditions. some people sitting outside toomey's office say they are upset about the process by which this bill was produced. >> i think what is insane about this is you have 12 white men doing the job of the entire country, ignoring women , ignoring people of color and it is insane that these men have our lives in their hand and it is ridiculous and for them not to even consider any of their constituents when they are getting thousands upon thousands of calls, they refuse to listen then something is wrong. >> reporter: so good op leaders are pushing for a vote on this bill ahead of the fourth of july holiday but until then mike and alex we will see more protests. >> that is for sure. >> okay, we will keep an eye on it. call it 6:39. >> this is certainly interesting story that came out yesterday, accused sex offender bill cosby awaiting a retrial on indecent assault charges may been to hit the speaking circuit. >> his spokesperson whom we have gotten to know last month , made the announcement on a birmingham, atlanta tv show. >> alabama. >> what did you say atlanta. >> birmingham alabama, where else would birmingham be? birmingham, alabama tv show this week. mixes up two cities, not even a state it is okay. >> we will move on now, mr. cosby wants to get back to work. we are planning town halls. >> well that was worth the wait. >> and andrew wyatt the pr dude, offered new details but the town halls would presumably feature bill cosby talking about mens behavior toward women and how it can lead to sexual assault allegations, legal abe public relations experts we talked to were quick to say not a good idea. >> this is an opened matter, this matter will be retried as the d.a. said and any pun statements the defendant makes could come back to haunt him. >> if you are add veiing him what do you say about the speaking tour. >> sit down, shut up, and don't come out of your house. >> those are strong word. >> tmz live did talk to andrew wyatt the spokesperson who said this and they said listen we know there will be another trial. we have talk to our attorneys. they say the attorneys have approved this and they say that they will make sure they will not do anything that could affect the trial or do any damage to them and make sure everything goes through attorneys that will be said. >> it is an attempt to get him back in good graces. >> i think, according to them they have received a number of calls and people in similar situations, man, we feel for you. cosby wanted to do something to let people know what their rights are and how this goes and give some advice. he is in strange tore doing town halls. >> he has been giving advice to young men in our country since the 80's. >> black community. >> cosby show was ways bay cally advice how to live your life. >> back in the day doing town halls thought those would have people, controversy, some of the things he said about the black men. >> young men pull up your pants. >> let us know what you think. >> we will discussing this more too as well. >> at lee one, at lee one juror in the cosby trial says they were 10-two in favor of conviction on two of the three assault charges. we told you that yesterday. well, call it a rookie -- well , why did i even say that. this was news we brought you yesterday. >> reminding people because it is still talked about. well, he has already made a mistake as a rookie, i'm letting him off the hook. markelle was forced to delete one of his first social media powes as a pro, what he accidentally put on instagram last night while trying too promote one of his products, yes, he already has products. ♪ if you want a taste of freedom, keep going. we hold these truths to be self-evident: that all men and women are created equal. we must want our fellow human beings to have rights. stonewall means fight back. stonewall means fight back. discover new york state's rich legacy of equality. plan your trip to our equal rights destinations at we are looking live, over the jackknife tractor trailer on the connection road, we who the signal there for a second, hovering over this accident, here's the location turnpike connection bridge, exit number six, over the new jersey turnpike heading toward the pennsylvania turnpike, and jackknife tractor trailer, fuel spill there, right now, only one lane is squeezing on through, it looks like signal is back if you feel safe, taking it. we will not take it, but again , leaving new jersey, into pennsylvania, burlington bristol bridge is way to go. and another situation, roosevelt boulevard north bound, and, what started, look at this guy, he is up on that concrete it started out as a disabled, and wacked from behind and pushed up there, is there backup, is there north bound boulevard at broad street southbound has, a gaper delay, we have an accident in dover, route one little creek road, delays out of the gate on the regional rail lines. how about good news. >> who wants to go to the shore. >> i'll do it. >> we have a free ride from sky fox here, yesterday the bridge is going to reopen later this afternoon later on today and that is great news for everybody heading down the shore. speaking of the shore is what forecast like, scottie has tonight 152nd. we have tropical moisture today and then at lee the first part of, tomorrow, take a look what is happening. we have left over moisture cold front in parts of the great lakes. the two will work, squeezing out moisture across the area, through today and tomorrow, roughly eight to 11 grab the umbrellas and then later this afternoon and this evening, there could be thunderstorms but a tropical heavy downpour not until tomorrow morning between five and 10:00 a.m. and then rain is out of here. cloud cover increasing right now off to our west, we're watching those showers, that will push through and go hour by hour, eight or 89:00 a.m. we are watching that move in lancaster, chester county, new castle county, and then toward philadelphia area north and west and south jersey. quick hitting shot at rainfall this morning and this afternoon north and west. but watch bull's eye by saturday morning. six or 7:00 a.m. we are looking at downpour rainfall rates one to 2 inches per hour for today temperatures top out at 86 degrees, it is steamy, muggy, scattered shower this morning and later this afternoon, and hey down the shore, looking good, saturday after that rainfall gets out of here in the morning, temperatures in the 70's, both days and that seven day forecast, showing you, that yes, sunday 83 degrees, low humidity into early next week looking nice after we get the tropical air mass out of here, guys, over to you. >> i hate a tropical air masses specially this time of the day. 6:49. >> lots of fun moments on social media last night surrounding the draft. >> a few sixers also got in the action here. >> so we will start with markelle fultz instagram flop. >> oops. >> he posted this photo on his instagram in his 76ers hat after being select number one in the overall nba draft. apparently here he has an endorsement deal. is what the name of his company. >> it is toussat watches, help us out people that are rich. >> yes it is tissot. >> only problem he forgot to fill in the blanks on the pre written caption because. >> well, that doesn't look right. >> lets see what the mistake was. to head to philadelphia. >> that is in the right. >> join the sixers. >> that looks right to me. ryan, our producer. >> that is the corrected version we're supposed to get the screen grab of the un correct version. >> that is correct version of the screw up from last night. speaking of screw ups, we just did. >> here's the thing, we have got to stop shaping people because we are the worst. you cannot shame other people if you suck, you know what i mean. >> we cannot shame if we're about to be shamed we deserve to be shamed. >> it is bad karma when you shame other people when you are just as bad or worse. >> maybe that is why we have these mess ups because we are trying to shame someone. >> should we give him trouble because our producers get it together. >> ryan is a great guy. excited to head to parenthesis , city and join the parenthesis team. so, and they are helping me get started with my teammate watch. >> i blame this on marketing people and pissot. >> do you think they posted it for him. >> do not believe they did that. >> there is a lot going on is he worried about instagram post and living his life and doing this. >> on to the next one, on to the next one. >> so lets get in other thing joel embiid seems to be excited about the new line up. he has been tweeting his face off. so joel is proposing the sixers ditch the nickname process. >> process is over. >> done, complete he is saying they should be called the federal, embiid, dario and simmons. >> do we like it. >> i don't mind it. the feds are in town. >> sit good when the feds are after you. >> it is the feds watching. >> so here we go, we have like he says here is that upside down on your screens at home. let me turn that around. it is muscles, embiid, dario first name there and simmons. i'm not good at this it remind me, alex and mike it was a.m. in the a.m. >> yes, i remember. >> so here are letters you could work with to scramble this around and if we have any mathematicians out there how many different combinations could there be. you have to have a fedsm, j, you have another s but we can just use this. >> what is mj. >> markelle. >> these are first initials of their last name. >> i'm getting every first and last name. >> you are making it harder, first and last i'm not making it harder for me because i'll never figure this out but you know those are letters you work with if you are good at puzzles and games is there a better, you know, slogan for the team then feds. >> can you come up with something better than jell embiid. >> i don't because he is very smart but we have to take a break while i work on this. for an hour. advil liqui - gels work so fast you'll ask what bad back? what pulled hammy? advil liqui - gels make pain a distant memory nothing works faster stronger or longer what pain? advil. to tinto a flamecker you'll need a spark. new emergen-c energy+ natural caffeine from green tea to focus your mind. 7 b vitamins plus vitamin c to fortify you. spark the energy within you every day. emergen-c energy+. emerge and see. welcome back. yeah, my kid call one of our fish layer. don't think he'd make it great stake though. something fish bye that. >> something fish bye that. >> everybody is talking about larry's this morning. >> um-hmm. >> because, this is why we're talking about larry's, why are we talking about larry's. >> markelle fultz says he lakes his cheese steaks from larry's. >> we mistakenly admitted we never had a larry's. >> we're fix ago this because tony, who runs one of the larry's has run over to a larry's and making 40 cheese steaks for us and will bring them over to fourth and market >> are we doing this too? can we do this? okay. here's the deal, here's sabina >> we have been talk about markelle fultz all morning long we heard from him but we also want to hear from some fans, people are talking about this lets discuss coming up after the break. perfect dasure huh? i don't know about you gus, but i think a foul ball's coming our way. i'm ready! (crack of the bat, crowd cheers) whoa! almost had it! maybe next time. what about this time? pay me! the new scratch-off from the pennsylvania lottery. with top prizes of 100 grand! that's some catch! (giggles) (crowd cheers) keep on scratchin'! philadelphia 76ers select markelle fultz. >> he is the one. sixers get their man and fans are loving it. 5,000 people pack the piazza to watch the sixers select markelle fultz. >> see you on the court. fresh out of court, and back on tour? >> mr. cosby wants to get back to work. we are planning town halls. >> bill cosby's pr team says bill plans to hit the road after his mistrial, why some are questioning the message he will be delivering in the middle of an opioid epidemic in our area a scary new drug surfaces on the streets. overdoses now said to be linked to an elephant tranquilize your. the new warning and the threat to police. health care overhaul, not going over well. >> no cuts to medicaid, save our liberty.

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