Transcripts For WUSA Wusa 9 News At 5pm 20150409

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weather. >> we're tracking some showers and thunderstorms tomorrow. right now big thunderstorms on the other side of the divide in garrett county and points west into west virginia. the shaded areas, a severe thunderstorm watch until 10:00. likely this same activity will be over us this time tomorrow. right now we're quiet. let's look at futurecast. by 1:00 tomorrow temperatures are back in the low 70s by lunchtime way few showers firing up. look at a -- with a few showers firing up. look at 3:00, a few showers and storms. ahead of it very warm. the atmosphere destablizes. the more sunshine tomorrow, the better chance we'll have severe weather. 78 by 3:00 tomorrow downtown. the line of showers and storms roll through and affect the evening rush hour. our main threat will be strong damaging winds. by 5:00 we still have rain and showers up and down i-95 with heavier activity pushing off to the east. time frame, about 3 p.m. to 8 p.m. we'll come back and let you know if the storms get out of here for the weekend. could the university of maryland's byrd stadium have a name soon? a coalition of students crafted a resolution for a new name pointing out during his tenure he barred blacks from participating in sports and enrolling into the university until 1951. the student government did vote overwhelmingly to support that resolution, but any renaming would require action by the school board of regents. new dashcam video of a police shooting in miami, florida, raising questions about the police department's version of the case. the victim was a 25-year-old mentally ill man. his mom had called for help after he had a psychotic episode in february. video shows shell cases flying after officers shoot hall. officers say they were attacked about a broomstick. we're learning more about the deadly shooting of an unarmed black man by a white police officer. >> the witness who videotaped the incident spoke out for the first time. omar villafranca has the latest from north charleston, south carolina. >> reporter: the witness who recorded a south carolina police officer shooting an unarmed man spoke out for the first time in an interview with nbc news. >> i remember the police had control of the situation. he had control of scott and scott was trying just to get away from the taser. >> reporter: the cell video begins as walter scott attempts to flee and shows police officer michael slager firing eight times. it also shows slager dropping something next to the victim's body. slager is now charged with murder. records show the officer, a coastguard veteran, had two other complaints during his five years on the force one was a 2013 complaint filed by 33- year-old mario givens. >> i threw my hands up and he started tasing me. >> reporter: givens and his attorney express concern the north charleston police force has a deep rooted problem. >> if they had tried to listen to him and investigated, that man would probably have been alive. >> reporter: naacp chapter president says the police force need to be more accountable to the community. >> we have to not just get video, to get them convicted. there has to be consequences for the behavior of these officers. >> reporter: slager is held currently without bond. >> and the seven other officers who arrived on the scene of that fatal shooting are also under investigation. slager meantime has a new attorney who is he isown investigation. it is the last thing the secret service needs given its recent track record. a supervisor under investigation for sexual harassment. >> he's accused of assaulting a female agent after a party last week. craig boswell reports from the white house. >> reporter: secret service director joseph clancy is facing yet another scandal within his agency. xavier morales, a senior supervisor, is accused of making unwanted sexual advances on a female subordinate at agency headquarters after returning from a party march 31st. the washington post reports the female agent told police morales tried to kiss already and grabbed her arms when she resisted. she added the two scuffled before morales relented. director clancy issued a statement calling the allegations disturbing and said any threats or violence that endangers our employees in the workplace is unacceptable and will not be tolerated. the senior supervisor was put on indefinite leave with his security clearance suspended. he was one of the first promotions in an attempt to clean up an agency rocked by scandal. >> over the past several months i've made extensive personnel changes in senior leadership in an effort to bring about positive change. >> reporter: the change has not happened fast enough for many lawmakers. last month two other supervisors were suspended after driving through an active bomb threat investigation. in september a fence jumper made it into the white house before being stopped. craig boswell, cbs news, the white house. >> the department of homeland security inspector general is investigating the incident. he is face the nation just about every sunday the past 24 years, but now veteran newsman bob schieffer is calling it quits, why and when and who could possibly take his place next. >> but first. >> reporter: at age 93 a final good-bye today for a heroic tuskegee airman. i'm prince george's county bureau chief scott broom coming up from glen arden, the remarkable legacy of leroy boots battle. >> we've got some good stuff to the way, but first we got to get through the yucky stuff. topper is up next after the break to tell us all about it. this was a remarkable day at the first baptist clump in men arden. >> there was a -- church in glenarden. >> there was a funeral there for a tuskegee airman most people have not heard of but who paved the way for an integrated military as he served in world war ii. scott broom joins us to remember leroy boots battle and all he accomplished during wartime and after. >> reporter: what a name for a warrior for justice, mr. battle. he paved the way in the 20th century in the military and later as a beloved educator here in prince george's county for equal and living up to the responsibility. a celebration today for the life of leroy boots battle gone at age 93. >> your father paved the way. >> reporter: battle was a tuskegee airman during world war ii who became a hero off the battlefield for defiantly being refused admission to a white club officers on an offsite base where even german p.o.w.s were allowed. >> they said we couldn't go in. >> this was 10 years before rosa parks, the montgomery busboy time and dr. king, but it prompted the executive order that was signed by president harry s. truman desegregating the armed forces. >> reporter: jazz music also defined boots battle's life. a drummer he played with jazz greats, integrated the redskins band, earned a master degree at university of maryland, founded the music programs at douglas high school before integration in prince george's county schools and after desegregation fought for education equality here retiring as a music mentor and guidance counselor in the 1980s. here's what a 7-year-old learned today. >> he was fighting for our country, the black and the white. >> an inspiration. >> reporter: terry battle is boots' son. >> those coming behind to understand how the doors got opened and their connection to it and therefore, see their pathway into the future. >> reporter: boots' lifelong motto came from the tuskegee airmen. stay focused, stick with it, get it done. after 93 years that mission is accomplished. in glenarden scott broom, wusa9. >> an amazing life. boots' final wish was to have his ashes scattered from an airplane. >> one of those glorious red tails. a storm system in the midwest caused damage in parts of oklahoma and kansas. a storm chaser's car was damaged when hail the size of tennis ball smashed his windshield wednesday. -- balls smashed his windshield wednesday. two tornadoes were reported in the state. residents were urged to prepare for power outages and get those emergency kits ready. >> so the bigger the hail, the stronger the updraft. so it circulates the hail through the thunderstorm. when the hail becomes so big, the updraft can't hold it, it falls. if you've got tennis ball size hail, you've got yourself an updraft. >> he looks like he needs to get out of his car. >> maybe drive the other way. >> instead of driving towards the danger. >> that's what those storm chasers do. you can also slice a hailstone in half and you'll get rings much like a tree ring and it will tell you how many times it circulated in the thunderstorm. >> interesting. >> i imagine that's got quite a few rings in it. we're getting some rain in this area but nothing quite as significant as theirs. >> no. but i think tomorrow we'll get sunshine and the more sunshine we see tomorrow, the better chance we'll have of severe weather. sunshine is good, but tomorrow not so much. let's talk about the 3-degree guarantee. i'm kind of sweating it out tonight. i went 57 for today. we're sitting at 50 now. i have until midnight is the good news. bad news, that warm front is about 400 miles away. we shall see. join at 11:00. right now let's start with a live look outside, our live michael and son weather cam, tweeted this earlier. this is a nice little picture, the cherry blossoms brightening up a pretty dull day. it's still 50 and winds southeast at 10. that's better than northeast. as long as they have that easterly component, we stay with this kind of air mass, maritime air mass. i widened the radar out. here we are, but way back in western maryland, west virginia and also into ohio these are big thunderstorms. that's a tornado warning around parkersburg around the river. this is not the same system per se. thunderstorms don't have a long lifespan, but the same front will roll through tomorrow that will trigger a line of very heavy if not severe thunderstorms. bus stop temperatures 48 to 60. i would take the umbrella just in case in the morning. morning and evening commute could be wet. evening commute we're more concerned about with the possibility of wet and also big storms. the threat will be strong winds in these storms, strong and damaging winds. here's futurecast. 10:00 tonight temps go up a little bit, low 50s. you see a little yellow and orange up toward hagerstown. that warm front will lift northward overnight slowly. we could see maybe a thunderstorm overnight even in the metro. temperatures by morning 50s, but look what happens. by 9:00 we're almost 60 downtown. by 1:00 we're 72 downtown. temperatures to the south in the upper 70s already, even cumberland by 1:00 will be 71 before the front goes through. by 3:00 now we're in the upper 70s. we see the line of showers and storms developing with the front that rolls through in time for rush hour. at 5:00 get ready for heavy rain and possibly some gusty winds, certainly a slow ride home tomorrow evening. the good news, by 6:30, boom, they're pretty much gone sent for southern maryland, calvert county and the southern neck. tomorrow night will be dry. by 8:30 we're clear in gaithersburg and leesburg with mid-60s for temperatures. tonight cloudy, milder late, showers and maybe a late thunderstorm, low temperatures 46 to 56. winds will try to turn southwest at 10. until they do we won't get rid of this air mass. by morning becoming partly sunny, breezy, warmer, shower or thunderstorm possible early, 50s and 60s. by afternoon partly sunny and warm. the more sun we see, better chance we'll have of heavier severe thunderstorms, high temperature 75 to 80, wind gusting southwest 10 to 20 with some higher gusts. day planner, maybe sprinkles at 5:00 and a lot of clouds, 9:00 maybe 63 and 72 at 1:00. 3 p.m. to 8 p.m. the time frame for the storms. once we get through tomorrow's yellow alert we're in good shape for the weekend, breezy and cooler saturday, upper 60s, sunshine sunday, near 70. we've got the parade on saturday and peak bloom this weekend. warmer on monday mid-70s, maybe a lit shower, maybe an early shower -- late shower, maybe an early shower on tuesday. 71, nats back in town, perhaps a shower late in the day. cbs icon bob schieffer is retiring this summer. the face the nation host began his legendary career at cbs news in 1969. >> i saw that last night on twitter and i had to read it twice. i said really, after 46 years he's calling it quits. nobody better, nobody nicer. susan mcguinness has more on schieffer's journalism career spanning half a century. >> it's been a great adventure. >> reporter: schieffer made the announcement at tcu, his alma mater at the journalism school named after him saying he wanted to end it where it began. >> as a little boy, as a young reporter, i always wanted to be a journalist. >> reporter: still in college he landed his first job at a small fort worth radio station earning $1 an hour. his first job at cbs came in 1969 quite by accident. >> i later found out i'd walked in on someone else's appointment and they thought in the beginning i was the other guy. >> reporter: now 78 schieffer's been the network's chief washington corr nearly two decades. >> face the nation with chief washington correspondent bob schieffer. >> reporter: he's interviewed every president since eisenhower. in 2005 he boosted ratings for the cbs evening news filling in after dan rather's departure. overall he's best known for asking the questions average americans want answered. >> what the heck is going on? can you explain to me what's going on? that is very bob schieffer to me. >> reporter: but after covering countless presidential campaigns schieffer will not be along for 2016. >> i couldn't have asked for a better life or something that was more fun and more fulfilling. >> reporter: sunday mornings will never be the same. susan mcguiness, cbs news, washington. >> schieffer began his journalism career at the fort worth star telegram the day president john f. kennedy was assassinated in dallas. we are going to miss talking to him all the time and picking his brain. >> he's truly a kind humble man. >> he is and a lot of fun. i don't know if people were watching when we challenged him. i challenged him to the ice bucket challenge and he came and did it and gave a really nice donation, too. he's got a lot of heart. >> we will miss him. with real estate prices at a premium in our region, this is something that could catch on. see how some handy students are transforming storage contains are into homes worth -- containers into homes worth bragging about. >> before you go on that big job interview we'll give you the rund in tonight's consumer alert the markets on wall street were up slightly by the closing bell. the dow gained 56 points. the nasdaq was up 23. how old are you? are you married? got any children? no, it's not a speed dating event. it's an actual job interview. a new survey shows one of every five hiring managers asks these kinds of questions without realizing they are illegal. lauren lister reports. >> reporter: duane ruben now works for the new york city parks department, but when he was looking for work, he said the interviews all had something in common. >> there's no telling what type of questions they're really going to ask you. >> reporter: but there are questions an employer can't ask. have you ever been asked a question you thought might be illegal? >> yes. i was once asked how old i was and i replied well, what difference does that make? i know that's the a question you're supposed to account. >> reporter: accountant lill nickelson is correct, but she may know more than some hiring managers. a nationwide career builder surveys finds about one in five employers asked a question of a candidate later discovered it was not legal. >> it's not relevant. it's not something to determine whether you would be able to perform in that job. >> reporter: questions off limits include what is your religious or political affiliation, if you're married, pregnant, disabled or in debt, do you drink or smoke socially? do you have children or plan to? jennifer bomwell said she's heard that one before. >> she avoided asking it directly, but they asked if i was hoping to have a family soon. >> reporter: if candidates feel they've been asked illegal questions, career builder says they can take legal action. >> if you really wanted to do that, you can file a claim with the government to have that company reviewed. >> more than 2,100 hiring and human resource managers across the industries participated in this survey. career builder is owned by gannett which is the parent company of wusa9. 30,000 cases of sabra classic hummus are being recalled due to possible listeria contamination, a best buy date of may 11th or may 15th. listeria is not something to play with. it is a bacteria this can cause serious and fatal infections in young people, elderly or people with weak immune systems. the food and drug administration says there have been no reports of illnesses so far. everything is supposed to be bigger in texas, but a group of high school students is proving that's not always the case. the teens from construction careers academy are building new homes out of old shipping containers. the average age of these students is just 17, but they're doing the work of professional builders, carpenters and electricians. >> they'll do the install on the ac unit. you can see these young men here, this is one of our electricians getting ready to wire up that box. that's the same stuff they do out in the industry. >> once it's finished it feels like we actually did it ourselves because it's like wow, now that it's finished. it's a cool feeling. >> those tiny homes have granite countertops, tv with surround sound. godzilla received a specific certificate of residency today and the city unveiled a godzilla size head standing 170 feet tall at the studio where the 1954 original film was made. a godzilla movie is being shot this year after a decade long hiatus. he's not going without a fight, coming up what former virginia governor bob mcdonnell is doing to avoid prison. >> reporter: just when a local robotics team made it to a world competition, their robot was stolen, but they've got this one and they're starting anew. i'm peggy fox. i'll tell you what's going on. thank you, cable for taking longer to upload our family movies. for the slower internet upload speeds. for taking longer to upload my files to the cloud. for making me wait longer to share my photo albums. and for never upgrading to 100% fiber optics thank you cable... thank you cable, because if we never had you... ...we wouldn't know the incredible difference verizon fios makes. in customer satisfaction studies, fios is rated #1 in internet speed and reliability - 8 years running. plus, fios has the fastest wi-fi available from any provider, and the most on demand titles to your tv. so join the millions who experience the difference fios makes. hurry! now is the best time. it's your last chance to get a fios triple play online at an amazing $79.99 a month guaranteed for two full years. plus, get a $300 bonus with a 2-year agreement. hurry! it's your last chance! offer ends april 18th! go to today. a high school robotics team robot was stolen last weekend will receive some big news tomorrow. >> it's about their shot competing in the world championship which was in jeopardy after the theft. peggy fox joins us live from leesburg with some new and hopefully welcome information. >> reporter: the robotics team is called robo mr. oco -- robo loco. right now they're showing us this second robot they're having to rebuild from scratch after their first one was stolen. these high school students are building a shipping crate and a 3d printer is working overtime for a robot that has to be made in record time. >> the robot has to be able to basically stack a lot of stuff. >> reporter: loudoun county's robo loco already made an excellent award winning robot. >> we thought we were totally ready for tennessee because we had a plan and really cemented what we were going to do with the robot on the field. >> reporter: the team won second in regionals in knoxville, tennessee, and were invited to go to the world championships. >> as soon as it happened, the stadium went ballistic. it was a great experience. >> reporter: but the next morning their robot was gone. the chevy tahoe it was in had been stolen from the hotel parking lot. knoxville police say it was spotted in an area well known for chop shops. >> we thought it was an april fool's joke. >> we were shocked more than disappointed. it was a little weird like who steals a robot? >> reporter: fortunately the robo loco team won't have to start from scratch. they have this practice robot that they're starting to rebuild and get it all ready for the world competition. the team has been working after school and they'll be at it again all weekend long trying to recreate their robot. they'll have to ship it next week to st. louis where the world championships are held in two weeks. now the tahoe contained a lot of their equipment like joysticks. so some other robotics groups in loudoun and fairfax have sent in some new supplies and also some of their sponsors have come forward and agreed to pay the entire way and cover the costs of this robot and tomorrow morning there will be another announcement from another sponsor about funding efforts like this. so the only worry these kids have is getting this thing built in time to send the beginning of next week. i think they're going to do it, right? of course, they are. there's more kids coming tonight, right, guys? >> i know they're going to do it. you can't stop them. they are destined for greatness. that stolen tahoe is owned by a loudoun county high school. knoxville police say it is gps tracked and they found it at a chop shop area, but they are confident that it's already been torn apart and sold. former virginia governor bob mcdonnell made one final legal plea for freedom. in papers filed in a richmond court mcdonnell argues the favors he did for a wealthy businessman were routine courtesies, not bribery. his court filing was his last before his hearing for an appeal on may 12th. mcdonnell was sentenced to two years in prison on public corruption charges. millionaire robert durst appeared in a new orleans courtroom to plead not guilty to weapons charges. durst is accused of possessing a firearm after a felony conviction and marijuana. he is being held without bail. he is also charged in los angeles in the 2000 death of a long time friend. relatives of a redskins player killed in a botched burglary say they finally have closure. the last man linked to the killing of sean taylor pleaded guilty. under a plea deal accepted yesterday timmy brown will spend 18 years in prison. the 23-year-old is one of five men who drove to taylor's home in florida to rob him in 2007. when the star safety confronted them with a machete, they shot him. today nike opened the doors to a new store in d.c.'s ivy city neighborhood. mayor muriel bowser cut the ribbon. the store sits inside the old company warehouse on new york avenue in northeast. >> inside you'll see a wonderfully laid out store. you'll see 88 quality jobs and you'll see d.c. residents working. that's what i love. [ applause ] >> nike calls this location a community store. that means its employees will regularly volunteer their time to work with local organizations. one of them is called higher achievement, a group that focuses on closing the opportunity gap for students in underresourced communities. if you want to see swan lake, you can see some version of it almost anywhere, but you've probably never seen it with african american dancers performing in both lead roles. >> that's because it never happened in the u.s. until tonight. if ever there were an assignment i wish i was on today, it is that one because you got to see the misty copeland. >> tonight misty copeland and brooklyn mack, when they step on stage, they're not just dancing, they'll be making history because as far as the ballet world can tell they're the first african american dancers to hold both major leads of swan lake. brooklyn mack grew in south carolina in a town of about 1,300 people and took his first ballet class at age 12. it was just after he saw his first ballet during a school field trip and decided to use it as leverage for football. >> i ran with that and said to my mom if you'll fito football tryouts, i'll be willing to take ballet lessons. >> reporter: misty copeland started ballet when she was 13, a late start for most female dancers. both are accomplished balance reason as, he the -- ballerinas, he with the washington ballet and she with the american ballet. they've danced their way through the world and even on commercials. both will star in tonight's premier of swan lake. >> when i invited misty, i wasn't initially sure i was going to put them together. i knew that there was a significance to that decision, but it took me a little while to get there. >> reporter: once the decision was made the pairing was significant. the first product of swan lake was well over 100 years ago, but surprisingly a major production has never featured two african american dancers as the lead characters. tonight an audience at the kennedy center will get to see two phenomenal dancers who happen to be making a little bit of history. >> it is a huge deal. it means a big step forward towards changing still existing misconceptions and stereotypes and preconceived notions about dancers of color in ballet. >> reporter: he's happy about that. >> i'm proud and honored to be a part of this monumental performance. >> this is the part i hate to have to say because lesli was so excited about misty copeland, but the two weren't rehearsing today. their first and only rehearsal was together yesterday, but this ballet is so physically grueling the dancers don't do a lot of show. the two will only perform in the show tonight and one more on sunday. >> thank you. it's going to be beautiful for everyone who gets to see them. swan lake is considered one of the most difficult ballets for dancers. because of that that is why you will not see them performing every night. in this production there are seven shows, but they have four different casts. amazing. coming up at 6:00 tonight cameras that should have been operating during a t were not and that could land a driver in prison for more than a decade. >> but first the d.c. native who made it big in hollywood has taken on a new role as an author. >> more like march here, hang onto this umbrella. you'll need it through tomorrow. we widened the radar. notice the yellow area there west of cumberland, that's a severe thunderstorm watch. we have a yellow alert for us tomorrow. we'll talk about the possibility of us having severe weather as well. we aren't looking for just any college students. we're looking for the fighters. the focused. and formidable. with gpas that include grit. perseverance. ambition. who want professors who'll know them by name see who they can be... students who want more than a degree on graduation day... they want a career. if you're this kind of student you're our kind of different. devry university. different. on purpose. taking a look at what is trending today, this weekend she will host saturday night live, but the actress has a book deal in her future. >> the native washingtonian and star of the series empire is going to write a book about her childhood, single parenthood and tv role. the 44-year-old henson grew up in southeast washington, graduated from howard university, her book to be released next year. in california, san francisco bay area several restaurants are taking a new twist on the popular restaurant week. >> they are promoting wild food week with professional chefs serving up meals made from weeds, wild onions to bermuda buttercup and this is to educate the public on edible weeds that could be in your own backyard, but not all weeds are edible. the chefs say if you don't know what you're doing, they could be poisonous, so do not eat them. >> this is like deer alley around here. coming up how new technology is making the new wracking task of sitting still for an mri seem mor in tonight's health alert having an mri can be a daunting experience, but now new technology is making those tests more accurate by helping you relax. >> you can't have the popcorn, but you can bring your favorite movie to your next mri. >> reporter: mandy monastery opens the door to her office, so to speak, with color changing lights and a faux skylights. the relaxing atmosphere is home to an mri scanner, but the real attraction is this pair of going with les. >> it al -- goggles. >> it allows them to go into the scanner and not see they're in there. it's really half the battle. some people can close their eyes and get through it. some can't. >> reporter: our lady of the lake livingston is the first in the area to offer cinema vision. parents can watch a dvd or anything on their ipod. with some scans lasting an hour or more keeping a patient completely still is critical for the images. radiologists have said it's made a difference. >> i am very claustrophobic, so i was very nervous to go into the magnet to begin with, but with the screen being far away, i was there an hour and it didn't even feel that way. >> reporter: even though the goggles are sitting on my face, the screen looks like it's about 5 feet away. you feel like you're in a theater or your living room. the headset offers seamless communication with the control room and it's proved very effective with pediatric patients. young children often require sedation at mri. >> we're able to scan them without sedation here. any time you can avoid sedation, it's always the better route. >> reporter: a virtual solution to a reality many would rather forget. >> the new movie goggles are also welcomed by parents because most children who undergo mris are usually sedated. a medical study is showing promise in treating hiv. researcher at rockefeller university found the treatment dramatically reduced the amount of the virus in a patient's blood in just one week, but the treatment will likely need to be used in combination with other drugs because resistance will change after a while. doing arts and crafts may be the best way to preserve your memory. a new mayo clinic study finds people are less likely to develop memory or thinking problems. engaging the mind may protect neurons, the building blocks of the brain. that's a look at some of today's top health stories. this is a yellow alert day. now here's wusa9 first alert weather. >> it's pretty cold today. >> it's miserable. it's 48, drizzle and more like march. good news, bad news, tomorrow we'll make 80 in some spots, but the more sunshine we see, the better chance we'll have of big thunderstorms. we have a yellow alert tomorrow for that reason. live look outside, fog, drizzle, not chamber of commerce weather. temperature 48, dropped 2 degrees at national last hour. winds are still east, southeast at 10. so that easterly component, you won't get rid of this maritime air mass. it will take until tomorrow morning late probably to get rid of all of it. the radar right now, we're fine, just some drizzle, but to the west in western maryland, west virginia and into ohio big thunderstorms. look at all the lightning with these storms approaching pittsburgh and just north of morgantown. this is actually a severe thunderstorm watch until 10:00. i think tomorrow somewhere in the metro we'll have a severe thunderstorm watch. consequently yellow alert tomorrow for strong storms. this is the real deal. bus stop temperatures tomorrow 48 to 60. i would take the umbrella just to be safe, a couple early showers possible. the morning and evening commute could be wet. the evening commute could be stormy. threats, strong wind with these thunderstorms. futurecast 10:00 tonight, a couple showers around, maybe a heavier shower toward hagerstown. temperatures stationary, mid- 40s to low 50s. by governor a.m. we spill have temperatures around 50 -- by 5 a.m. we still have temperatures around 50 and a couple showers to the west. at the bus stop might need the umbrella. by 9:00 a few showers developing toward hagerstown and cumberland and temperatures getting there, back in the upper 50s with clouds. get some breaks in the clouds. by 1:00 we're in the downtown, leesburg and manassas with a few showers. what we're really concerned about is a solid line of showers and storms with the cold front itself. that will occur between 3 p.m. and 8. look at the temperatures now ahead -- 8 p.m. look at the temperatures now. big thunderstorms are possible tomorrow and unfortunately that will coincide with the evening rush hour. just allow extra time. 77 at 5:00 with showers even into southern maryland they could still be rather heavy, if not severe by 7:00, 8:00 into southern sections of st. mary's county and calvert county into the northern neck. if you have plans friday night, you're okay. cloudy tonight late, showers and neighbor a late thunderstorm, temperatures 40 -- maybe a late thunderstorm, temperatures 46 to 56. by morning could see a shower or thunderstorm early, then becoming partly sunny, breezy and warmer. by afternoon partly sunny, warm, showers and storms. some could be heavy. some could be severe, highs 75 to 80. the more sun, better chance of big thunderstorms. day planner, 54 at 7:00. temps start going up finally, 58 at 9:00, 63 at 11:00, 73 by 1:00. not much rainfall or showers between 9 a.m. and 1 a.m., but by afternoon 3 p.m. to 8 p.m. is the wheel house for big thunderstorms. we're in great shape over the weekend, 67, sunshine, a bit breezy on saturday and near 70 sunday with sunshine continuing. next seven days, warmer monday, 75, clouds late, maybe a shower evening and maybe early fuse, back in the upper 60s. nice on -- tuesday, back in the upper 60s. nice on tuesday, low 70s and a couple showers possible by evening. now wusa9 game on sports brought to you by xfinity. >> golf lovers around the world are rejoicing it's masters week. for the 79th time golf's best are gathered in augusta hoping to win the green jacket. many eyes will be on tiger woods, fan favorite ernie els and youngster jordan spieth. bubba watson is the defending clamp. it wouldn't be augusta without -- clamp. it wouldn't be augusta without the -- champ. it wouldn't be augusta without the azaleas in bloom. this year tiger would love to claim his fifth but not faring well, 2-over in 12 hours, jordan spieth is 7-under through 15. he has a good chance to equal 53, the lowest score at augusta. bubba is tied for 18th shooting a 1-over 71. >> reporter: bubba watson looks a little frustrated today. he's been in this spot before and says now he knows what to expect as he goes for his third green jacket. >> it gives me goosebumps every time you come down magnolia lane. obviously seeing the kids easter sunday was special, passing out some trophies this year. it just gets you excited, makes us feel like a kid again. i'm excited to be here looking forward to the challenges of the golf course and trying to compete. >> reporter: at 6:00 we'll hear more from bubba watson and the support he's getting on the course. at the masters i'm kristen berset, wusa9. >> i love bubba. >> isn't he fun? >> he's a good guy. he does the videos and he love golf. he loves his family. >> active on twitter, too. he posts a lot on twitter. >> i enjoy him. have any of you been to august? >> never. -- augusta? >> never. >> i have some friends there right now. coming up later in sports we'll look in on stephen strasburg's season debut with the national. the first year he wasn't an opening day starter. we'll see you next hour. in our next half hour a local lawmaker pushes to get a new way to honor the bald eagle to take flight. >> up next a report in just the past few hours out details hundreds of airport security an associated press report released this afternoon shows there were more than 260 security breaches at some of the nation's busiest airports over the last decade. >> the highest number of incidents was reported by san francisco international airport. danielle nottingham reports from los angeles. >> reporter: a security breach at san jose international airport last year made headlines. a 15-year-old boy climbed a fence at the airport, got into a jet's wheel well and survived a nearly six hour flight to hawaii, but he's not alone. the associated press reported that since 2004 there were 268 breaches of security perimeters in san jose and at the nation's 30 biggest airports. 37 of them were at san francisco international airport. >> this is a big deal for us. perimeter security is very important to our airport. we take this obligation very seriously. >> reporter: the spokesman says one of the reasons the number may be particularly high at san francisco is the airport counts even small incidents. he says there's a security system in place that has physical barriers, thorough imaging cameras and patrols, but there are problems at many other airplanes including here at l.a.x., one of seven airports in four states reporting more than half the breaches. at l.a.x. a mentally ill man hopped the perimeter fence eight times in less than a year. at other airports five people made it onto jets. airport officials insist their permits are secure, but some international airports in israel report no perimeter intrusions. >> the count of security breaches is likely much higher because two airports had incomplethree of new york's airport as well as logan airport in boston refused to release information citing security concerns. thanks for watching wusa9 news at 5:00. wusa9 news at 6:00 starts right now. >> reporter: the girl friend of the woman charged with that murder at the donovan hotel is in legal trouble herself. how much did she know? >> yellow alert friday. we are tracking the possibility of big showers and storms. we'll give you the timetable and tell you what that means for our weekend forecast. >> reporter: never before seen clips from that dashcam video where a deputy throws a man to the ground and the man is the 1 charged coming up. >> good evening, everyone. i'm lesli foster. >> i'm derek mcginty. 40 bucks and a metro card may have been what caused attorney david messerschmitt his life. >> that is what court documents reveal after the arrest of a second suspect in connection to the donohotel murder. debra alfarone is live with more on the story. >> reporter: i can tell you those court documents reveal 19- year-old domonique johnson was there with her live-in girl friend 21-year-old jamyra gallmon. they bought zip ties across street from the donovan hotel. those zip ties are very similar to the ones found on 30-year- old capital attorney david messerschmitt's hands when he was found dead inside room 400. 19-year-old domonique johnson pled not guilty today to conspiracy to commit robbery. she's not charged with murder. that charge only applies to her girl friend 21-year-old jamyra gallmon. johnson left court with her family today not saying a word. it was february 9th when police say messerschmitt used craigslist looking for a man to have a sexual hook up with. gallmon answered the ad posing as a man and in the end stabbed the attorney to death. she was arrested last week. newly released court documents say johnson waited for gallmon outside the posh hotel during that robbery turned murder. the two held hands, took a bus back to their southeast d.c. apartment. that's when according to court documents gallmon told johnson, "it went bad." johnson told police gallmon stole $40 from that married attorney plus his metro card which the prosecutor said johnson had been using ever since and as cently as april 1st. johnson is due back in court on may 8th. live tonight at d.c. superior court, debra alfarone, wusa9. >> again jamyra gallmon expected back in court may 8th. flooding is creating problems in part of the nation's midsection. >> cars had to make their way through roads covered by floodwaters around milwaukee today and while most got through, not everybody was so lucky. check out that truck, water up to the roof almost. police quickly reminded drivers turn around if the water is too deep to see the road surface. >> you won't ever really know until you get into those situations. we're under a yellow alert here. let's check

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