Line of Fire
Only Young Once
Ride the Whip - Trixter, Allan, Johnnie
On and On
(3 out of 5 stars)
""Trixter" is a decent album. None of the songs are too heavy, too pop, or too offensive for the general audience. It sounds like a young group of kids got together and made a good, hard teen rock album. I'm not talking down on these guys, but there's nothing here that really pushes any envelopes or makes you just jump up and want to bang your head. It's all safe, and that's about the only downfall this album has. It's almost too approachable. It's good, but none of the songs are that memorable, excepting "Surrender." It's the token power ballad that all of the hair bands had to put on their records. I like this album but I just can't suggest everybody go out and buy it for the mere fact that it's average.I think the easiest way to sum this up is this: "Trixter" is like the kid in school that everybody knew and liked, but they never hung out with him or invited him to their parties. None of the kids really picked on him but they all stuck up for him when he was harassed by others. "Trixter" is just kind of existing. Good band, no major things that made them stick out from the rest of the pack."