Research for 15. The sanctions wont be lifted until iran complies with the taking down of the Nuclear Program. There will be inspections but with notice of what they call managed in speculations. The International Atomic energy has to certify iran complied and ten it gets hundreds of billions of sanctions released. John kerry was in the building behind me until 3 00 this morning going over the details himself. They met until 1 00 a. M. With the ministers. Shortly before midnight he called the president to say it looked like they had a deal. There was a celebratory mood this morning with the ministers but they know the Iranian Foreign minister have a tough sell at home. There are hard liners and the president has taken iran in a different direction on the Nuclear Program in exchange for sanctions release. There will be criticisms there. We dont know yet what the ayatollah khome frksni will say. John kerry will face a skeptical congress. Now saying he wants the details. Hes not sure he can support this. Certainly the republicans led by bob corker the foreign relationser chair are skeptical indeed. I will have you stand by as we await remarks from the president from the white house. Lets go to our senior White House Correspondent chris jansing. Lets pick up where andrea left off. This is a hard sell for the president if the congress. Hell spend about 15 minutes now beginning the sales job to congress to the American People and to the International Community. Hes already hearing the backlash from middle Eastern Countries and bennettjamin netanyahu netanyahu. This is a major victory. No doubt about it. An affirmation of with a his central here is the president. Two years of negotiations the United States together with International Partners decades of animosity has not, a comprehensive long term deal with iran that will prevent it from obtaining a Nuclear Weapon. This deal demonstrates that american diplomacy can bring about real and meaningful change change that makes our country and the world safer and more secure. This deal is also in line with a tradition of american leadership. Its now more than 50 years since president kennedy stood before the American People and said let us never negotiate out of fear but let us never fear to negotiate. He was speaking about the need for discussions between the United States and the soviet union which led to efforts to restrict the spread of Nuclear Weapons. In those days the are risk was a war between super powers. In our time the concern is that Nuclear Weapons will spread to the middle east the most volatile region in our world. Today, because america negotiated from a position of strength and principle, we have stopped the spread of Nuclear Weapons in this region. Because of this deal the International Community will be able to verify that the Islamic Republic of iran will not develop a Nuclear Weapon. This deal meets every single one of the bottom lines of the establisheded when we achieved a framework this spring. Every pathway to a Nuclear Weapon is cut off. The inspection and transparency regime necessary to verify the objective will be put in place. Because of this deal, iran will not the produce the highly enriched uranium and weapons based plutonium that form the Raw Materials necessary for a nuclear bomb. Because of this deal iran will re move twothirds of the installed centrifuges, the machines necessary the to produce highly enriched uranium for a bomb and store them under constant international supervision. Iran will not use its advanced centrifuges to produce enriched uranium for the next decade. Iran will get rid of 98 of the stock pile of enriched europe. To uranium. Iran currently has a stock pile that could produce up to ten Nuclear Weapons. That will be reduced to a fraction of what would be required for a single weapon. This limitation will last 15 a years. Because of the deal the iran will modify the core of the reactor in iraq so it will not produce weaponsgrade plutonium. It has agreed to ship spent fuel from are the reactor out of the country for the lifetime of the reactor for at least the next 15 years iran will not build any new heavy water reactors. Because of this deal we will, for the first time be in a position to verify all of these commitments. That means this deal is not built on trust. It is built on verification. Inspectors will have 24 7 access to irans key nuclear facilities. Iran will have access to irans entire Nuclear Supply chain, uranium mines, mills, conversion facility and centrifuge manufacturing and storage facilities. This ensures that iran will not be able to divert material thes ss from known facilities to covert ones. These will be if place for 25 years. Because of the deal inspectors will be able to access any suspicious location. Put simply the organization responsible for the inspections, the iaea will have access where necessary when necessary. That arrangement is permanent. And the iaea has an agreement with iran to get access it needs to complete its fwagsinvestigation into the past nuclear research. Finally iran is permanently prohibited from purr uh suing a Nuclear Weapon under the Nuclear Nonproliferation treaty which provided the basis for the efforts to apply pressure are on iran. As iran takes steps to implement this deal it will receive relief from sanctions in place because of irans Nuclear Program. Both perks own sanctions and sanctions from the United States security council. This will be phased in. Iran must complete key nuclear steps before it begins to receive new sanctions re leaf. Over the course of the next decade iran must abide by the deal before additional sanctions are lifteded, including five years for restrictions related to arps and eight years for restrictions relateded to ballistic missiles. All of this will be memorialized and endorsed in a new United Nations security council. And there is a clear incentive for iran to follow through. Er there are real consequences for for a violation. Thats the deal. It has the fullbacking of the International Community. Congress will have an opportunity now to review the details. My administration is ready to provide extensive briefings on how this will move forward the. As the he were and Congress Review the deal it will be important to consider the alternative. Consider what happens in a World Without this deal. Without this deal there is no scenario where are the world joins us in sanctioning iran until it completely dismantles its nuk already lar program. Thothing we moe about the iranian government suggests it would capitulate under ta pressure and the world would not support permanently putting iran under submission. We wanted a diplomatic solution. Thats what we have done. Without the deal there would be no agreed upon limitations for the iranian Nuclear Program. Iran could produce, operate and test more centrifuges. Iran could fuel a reactor capable of creating plutonium for a bomb and we could not detect a covert Nuclear Weapons program. In other words, no deal means no lasting constraints on irans Nuclear Program. Such a scenario would make it more likely that other nations would feel compelled to pursue their own Nuclear Programs threatening an arps race in the mostle volatile region of thor world. It would give the u. S. Fewer options to prevent iran from obtaining a Nuclear Weapon. I have been president and commander in chief for over six years now. Time and again i have faced decisions about whether or not to use military force. The gravest decision any president has to make. Many times, in multile pl countries, i have decided to use force. I will never hesitate to do so when it is in our National Security interest. I believe our National Security interest now depends upon preventing iran from obtaining a Nuclear Weapon which means without a diplomatic resolution either i or a future u. S. President would face a decision about whether or not to allow iran to obtain a Nuclear Weapon or to use our military to stop it. Put simply to deal means a greaterer chance of more war in the middle east. We give up forthing by testing whether or not this problem can be solved peacefully. If in a worst Case Scenario iran violates the deal the same options available to me today will be available to any u. S. President in the future. I have no doubt that 10 or 15 years from now the person who holds this office will be in a far stronger position with iran further away prosecute a weapon and with the inspection s and transparency that allow us to monitor the iranian program. For this season i believe it would be irresponsible to walk away from this deal. But on such a tough issue it is important that the American People and their representatives in congress get a full opportunity to review the deal. After all, the details matter. We have had some of the finest Nuclear Scientists in the world working through those details and we are dealing with a country, iran thats been a sworn adversary of the United Stateser for over 35 years. So i welcome a robust debate if congress on this issue and scrutiny of the details of this agreement. I will remind congress tahat you dont make deals like this with your friends. We feg yated arms control with the soviet union when that nation was committed to our destruction and those agreements made us saferer. I am confident this deal will meet the National Security interests of the United States and ourle al allies. I will veto any legislation that prevents the successful implementation of this deal. We do not have to accept an inevitable spiral into conflict and we certainly shouldnt seek it. Precisely because the stakes are high this is not the time for politics or posturing. Tough talk from washington does not solve problems. Hardnosed diplomacy, leadership that has united the worlds major powers offers a more effective way to verify that iran is not pursuing a Nuclear Weapon. That doesnt mean this deal will resolve our differences with iran. We share the concerns expressed by our friends in the middle east including israel and the gulf states about irans use of proxies to destabilize the region. Thats precisely why we are taking this step. Because an iran armed with a Nuclear Weapon would be more destabilizing and dangerous to our friends and the world. Meanwhile, we will maintain our own sanctions related to irans support for terrorism, its ballistic miss sill program and human rights violations. We will continue our unprecedented efforts to strengthen israels security. Efforts that go beyond what any American Administration has done before. We will continue the work we began at camp david to elevate our partnership with the gulf states to counter threats from groups like isil. I believe we must continue to test whether or not this region which has known so much suffering, so much bloodshed, can move in a different direction. Time and again i have paedmade clear to the iranian people we will be open to discussions on engagement based on puch wall respect. Our differences are real. The difficult history between our nations cannot be ignored. But it is possible to change. The path of violence and rigid ideology a Foreign Policy based on threats to attack neighbors or eradicate israel thats a dead end, a different path one of tolerance and peaceful resolution of conflict leads to more integration into the global economy. More engagement with the International Community and the ability of the iranian people to prosper and thrive. This deal offers an opportunity to move thisin a new direction. We should seize it. We have come a long way to reach this point. Decades of an iranian Nuclear Program are, many years of sanctions and many months of intense negotiation. Today i want to thank the members of congress from both parties who helped us put in place sanctions that have proven so effective and other countries wo joined in the effort. I want to thank the united kingdom, france germany, russia china, as well as the European Union for our unity in this effort which showed the world can do remark arable things when we share a vision of peacefully addressing conflict. We showed what we can do when we do not split apart. Finally, i want to thank the american negotiating team. We had a team of experts working for several weeks straight on this including our secretary of energy er arenie monise and i want to thank john kerry, our secretary of state, who began his service when he put on our uniform and off to war. Hes making this country safer through his commitment to strong principled american diplomacy. History how america must lead not just with might but with our principles. It shows we are strongerer not when we are alone but when we bring the world together. Todays announcement marks one more chapter in this pursuit of a safer and more helpful, more hopeful world. Thank you. God bless you, and god bless the United States of america. You have been watching president obama live from the white house announcing the terms of a historic landmark deal with iran to freeze this place its Nuclear Program, its long pursuit of a thuker lar bomb. This is something hell work hard to get through congress. He faces skepticism around the world already anticipating the opposition he addressed many concerns but argued this is a deal that makes the world saferer, cuts off every pathway for iran to a bomb and is not based on trust but on verification and inspections that will be vigorous. Richard engel is in telaviv, israel where the Prime Minister has not been shy saying this is a deal thats a historic mistake, to use his words. Richard . Reporter Prime Minister netanyahu has been vocal already, flooding the internet with statements in hebrew eng english and farsi saying hes opposed saying iran will receive hundreds of millions of dollars to fuel its ter are error machine, expansion and aggression in the middle east and throughout the worldment iran is about to get a safe pathway to a Nuclear Weapon. The Israeli Defense minister said this agreement is bad. It rewards deceit terror and war mongering. The thought of reaccepting the chief terrorist regime into the family of First Nations is beyond belief. It is not just israel thats not convinced by the deal believes ta iran will cheat, that it will be rewarded for bad behavior. There is a similar feeling in many of the gulf countries who are experiencing a proxy war right on their borders with iran. There will be opposition to this. The Israeli Government said it plans to use its friends in congress to fight this deal. There is a fight ahead for sewer sure. The president said its a fight hes willing to wage. Ta starts this morning. More on meanssnbc and nbc has been an nbc special report. Good morning. Im savannah guthrie. We have more on today just ahead. But with first, this is today on nbc. Coming up more of our week long rossen reports series on how to save a life. What would you do if a person is choking . We have good information. Plus Jimmy Fallons return to the tonight show. What hes revealing about the hand injury that kept him on the they make Little Hearts happy and big hearts happy too because as part of a heart healthy diet, those delicious oats in cheerios can help naturally lower cholesterol. How can something so little. Help you do something so big. Ride away by roy orbison begins to play i ride the highway. Im going my way. I leave a story untold. He just keeps sending more pictures. If youre a freerange chicken you roam free. Its what you do. If you want to save fifteen percent or more on Car Insurance you switch to geico. Its what you do. Two wheels a turnin. Youre getting 3 here. Alright . Here goes. Yep. [ crunching ] oh cheddar, sour cream onion and salt vinegar. Wow wow how did you do that . i can see through the blindfold. [ male announcer ] pringles from the leader in longwear smudgeproof fadeproof formulas for liferesistant wear. Revlon colorstay collectiontm over 20 new shades revlon. Love is on. Kids get to be kids. Theyre the luckiest. Of course, they cant wait to grow up. But tonight, it wont take much to slow down the clock. If only for the next 86 minutes. Low prices. Every day. On everything to make tonight a blockbuster. Walmart. Its a long day and sometimes, an even longer night. Helping with homework before doing your own. And you may think no one notices. But she does. She sees more than mom, she sees determination. We do too. For nearly 40 years, weve designed an education for people just like you. Learn more at phoenix. Edu. Nbc 10 news starts now. Good morning, everyone. Im chris cato. 7 26. Some of you cowl be seeing strong storms now. Lets get your first alert forecast with meteorologist bill henley. Bill . Weve seen very heavy rainfall but were also getting breaks of sunshine. Its not going to be an all day rainfall but the threat will be here through the day. Radar shows showers moving through philadelphia. The heaviest rain has tapered off but the rainfall is already on the ground more than 3 inches in parts Cumberland County a Flash Flood Warning in effect there. The showers have moved on to gloucester camden and burlington county. A chance of more showers, the sunshine will be breaking through and 80s this afternoon. Look for storms later today. Lets see if the scattered showers aringe inginge inging having effect on traffic. Accidents popping up reduced speeds all over the place. Heres the Atlantic City expressway around route 73. Police activity is blocking out the righthand shoulder, the next line over. Thats Atlantic City expressway. Happening today, a judge will arraign two former Philadelphia Police officers for the alleged assault of a philadelphia man. Shawn mcknight and Kevin Robinson are accused of knocking rivera off of his scooter and beating him. He was injured in 2013 in that incident incident. The d. A. Brought charges after riveras girlfriend found this Surveillance Video of the alleged beating. Im chris cato. Back with up update in about 25 minutes. Have a great morning. [ cheers and applause ] we are not playing that mmbop for bothnothing. A crowd is getting are ready for a performance from owl city and the gentlemen from hanson coming up. The song holds up. It does. Bopping our heads, 18 years laterer are. Willie is in for matt. President obama praising the agreement between the u. S. Iran and five other nations thats supposed to rein in irans pursuit to a nuclear bomb. Critics are blasting the deal. Bennettjamin netanyahu calling it a mistake of historic proportions. The prison where el chapo tunnelled to freedom has been fired. Now a 3. 8 million reward for his rearrest. A 23yearold passmassachusetts man if court after being arrested this in an isis inspired plot to set off Pressure Cooker bombs on a college campus. Wait until you hear who turned him in. Ron mott good morning. Reporter good morning to you. We are in springfield where this 23yearold suspect is expected in court for a detention hearing. Hes the son of a boston plesolice captain. A source says the father tipped off the fbi. Charged with receiving a cach e of weapons from an under cover agent in preparation for a deadly isis inspired terror attack on college students. Nbc news learned his father robert turned his estranged son in last fall after learning of his plans. Its a success for the authorities. They have been vigilant but i dont believe the threat has subsided. I believe it is steady and they should are remain vigilant. Reporter late monday the family issued a statement saying they were saddeneded and disappointed to learn of his intentions grateful authorities prevented loss of life. Ciccolo was under surveillance making an attack unlikely but the government considers him a dangerous man. According to Court Documents he was hon tored buying a Pressure Cooker like the one used in the Boston Marathon bombings which he intended to fill with black powderer, ball bearings nail, glass and rocks and attack college calf tier i cants. The affidavit describes how he wanted to execute students live on the internet. They found partly built molotov cocktails in his apartment. I know everybody here. When we hear that its a shockerer. Act of terrorism, bombs being made . Its across the street from my house. Reporter Authorities Say he stabbed a nurse in the head while being examined at the Franklin County house of corrections after he is fourth of july arrest. This is the second alleged isisinspired terror plot broken up in the last six weeks. Boston police shot and killed a man who was planning to behead Police Officers. Thanks, ron mott. Sean henry is president of crowd strike services. Good morning. Good morning. This young man collected weapons and bombmaking materials but was arrested only on weapons charges. Given the details of the plot how come no terrorism charge . In cases like this the fbi may not have enough evidence to charge him with a terrorism plot. They might want to strch it out because they are looking at coconspirators. Others might be communicating with him. But they felt the threat was significant enough they wanted hem i off the street because he may have posed some danger to the community there. Therefore, locking him up on the weapons charge does it by mitigateing the threat. Taking him into custody. Allowing them to continue their investigation. Ciccolo was alerted to the fbi by his own fatherer. First in september we got the alert this young man was potentially a dangerer but now arrested ten months later. Wafs the line he must have crossed for the fbi to move in . There is always this line and balance between somebody talking about launching an attack and crossing over where they may look to accentuate or go operational. In this case going out, purchasing weapons, talking about bombs. We found during the search they found molotov cocktails. So clearly it looks like he was ready to actually take steps to cause violence are. The fbi has to constantly balance the free speech component with are people talk about support for a group or talk about their interest in certain things chaosing the line poses a dangerer to society. First alerted by his estranged father. Thanks is so much. Appreciate it. Now a check of the weather. It was a busy night. Absolutely. We have a lot going on this morning. Most active now there is flooding in kentucky. This is from yesterday. This morning there is more flash flooding going on. 8 to 11 people missing. One confirmed dead. At least 40 homes destroyed by flooding in Eastern Kentucky in johnson county. Now we move to the midwest where we had at least four tornadoes touching down causing big problems. Strong winds moving through i will fois. Up to 70 miles per hour. Massive flooding in illinois and wisconsin. In hutchinson kansas look at this drone video of a twister touching down. Fortunately there was no major injury. There were homes damaged and outbuildings destroyed as well. Right now we have active weather happening. This is parts of kentucky especially the eastern half of kentucky. This is where we have the heaviest rain going on. Rainfall amounts of an inch and a half falling in some areas per our. About threequarters of an thch in inch in that region. We have flood watches and warnings for indiana into West Virginia. We are going to continue to seer more heavy rain. Generally one to two inches. Another three inches in central and eastern West Virginiale falling in the fedex 24 ours. Is flood threat is imminent. Good morning. Im meteorologist bill henley. Showers, thunderstorms but it wont be all day rainfall. Well get breaks of sunshine, the temperatures warm into the middle to upper 80s this afternoon. Heavy downpours damaging winds with the storm is possible later today and tonight. Tomorrow, more showers and thunderstorms, warm and muggy, high of 88 degrees. Then we get a break. Humanity takes a break thursday and friday with temperatures in the low to mid80s. Turning warmer with more storms this weekend. Have a great day. Thats your latest weather. Coming up next is el chapo now Taunting Police . The brazen images showing him after his prison escape on an airplane hold ing a beer. Plus an inside look at the intricate tunnels binge eating disorder, or b. E. D. , isnt just overeating. Its a real medical condition. And while the exact cause is unknown, certain chemicals in the brain may play a role. B. E. D. Is also the most common eating disorder in u. S. Adults. Hi, im monica seles. When i binged, i wasnt in control. I never felt satisfied no matter what the quantity was. Afterwards i felt so upset with myself. To learn more about b. E. D. Go to bingeeatingdisorder. Com and talk with your doctor. A big mac, an asian chicken salad. Ten piece chicken mcnuggets minions speaking minionese ha ha ha ha ha you can win 250,000 with minion mania at mcdonalds. And double your chances to win with a 20 piece chicken mcnuggets for just five dollars. minions ba da ba ba ba raspberries sfx to you, theyre more than just a pet. So protect them. With k9 advantix® ii. 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One official told nbc news he doubts guzmans son would release clues to his fathers whereabouts. Tweets claping to be from the drug lord shorty appear to be from someone taunting authorities. After the es indicate one tweet, there is no cage to hold this great shorty. A second now i am back all my people with me. Apparently the person behind the account sven spar is sparring with donald trump and his controversial comments about mexican. Keep blanking around and im going to make sure you swallow your blank words. Donald trump has contacted the fbi about the tweet but the sentiment is consistent with guzmans legendary bra vavadobravado. Hes built his brand on seeming benevolent daring and someone who sticks it to the system. Reporter investigators are questioning more than 30 prison employees as they try to figure out how he made a dramatic escape from the this maximum security prison. Mark potter in mexico. Its eni credible to see his son tweeting. El chapos escape is drawing attention to other tunnels used on the u. S. Border. Gabe gutierrez is at one of them in nogales, arizona. Good morning. Reporter good morning. This border town has seen more drug tunnels than any other. This is the latest. The landlord giving us access to see how brazen and creative smugglers can be. They are the hidden secrets of the drug war. The tunnel that allowed el chapo to es cape has become a familiar sight to federal agents. Smugglers used to drive across or over the border. Now they often go under it using sophisticated lighting and Railway Systems to sneak drugs and cash into the u. S. Kerry kirk patrick spent 28 years as a u. S. Customs agent and watched the rise of the oh drug tunnels first hand, chronicled in six ti miles of borderer. When they build a tunnel thats undetected they have the freedom to run several thousand pounds of drugs nightly. Reporter since 1990 at least 169 tunnels have been december covered along the southern border. More than 100 of them in nogales is. The longest in the area stretch ed from a house in mexico 70 feet to the border. Then 411 feet to a house in arizona. The latest discovery at this home where Authorities Say spugleers tried a different approach. The border is down ta road. Yes, sir. South of us. Reporter tunnels into an international sewer line which they were using to funnel drugs. Is its elaborate. It wasnt shovels. I promise that. Reporter something went wrong spilling sewage everywhere and blowing their cover. The homeownerer said he had no clue what his tenants were up to. You dont think it will be the last one . Its not going to be the last one. Wo knows . Reporter i can tell you this tunnel is very narrow. Its about 10 to 20 feet. Uh now its partly filled this. They needle federal help to clean up the mess but say this city should not be with defined by this. They say this affects the cities across the country. The drugs ta come from these tunnels end up in streets across the United States. Back to you. Im getting claus phobic looking at you. Ahazing how elaborate the tunnels are built under the noses of officials. Coming up well gaze skyward. The historic flyby of pluto. Why people are glued to their computers including carson wherever it is you want to go, all you need to see is the next 200 feet. Thats how life unfolds. A leap of faith. [growl] even if you cant see it your destination is out there. So just keep going. And youll get there. 200 feet at a time. The corolla. Toyota. Lets go places. There are 16 freshpicked oranges squeezed into each bottle of tropicana pure premium. And absolutely no space for added sugar, water or preservatives. Tropicana. We put the good in morning. Happy anniversary dinner, darlin can this much love be cleaned by a little bit of dawn ultra . Oh yeah. One bottle has the grease cleaning power of two bottles of this bargain brand. 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After nearly ten years an unmanned spaceship is finally arriving at the farthest reaches of the solar system for a first ever up uh close look at pluto. This has social media abuzz. Pluto 3 billion miles from earth just posted to nasas instagram, the most detailed image that exists of pluto at this moment. Well see more more i imagines later tonight. The distance is so great it takes 16 months for the pictures to be fed back to earth. When new horizons began its journey to pluto it was 2006. Twitterer wasnt around. Today it is the primary source for updates. You can see there are 100,000 followers on the page sharing cool renderings like this one showing the size of pluto and its moon compared to earth. They have cool flashbacks like this one. This is the telescope that discovered pluto in 1930. Also google cell brating with a pluto flyby i imagine there and the search related question is pluto a planet how cold is pluto, how far is pluto. You can ask nasa on twitter using ask nasa. 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Shes much more aware. jan a brighter look to her eyes. She loves the food. ray she wants to learn things. I went in as not a believer, but i am now. I dont know. Shes a good dog. vo youre getting a bit emotional there . ray yeah. vo purina pro plan bright mind promotes alertness and mental sharpness in dogs 7 and older. Purina pro plan. Nutrition that performs. Nbc 10 news starts now. Good morning, im chris cato. 7 56 on your Tuesday Morning. We do have scattered showers out there. Lets get your first alert forecast with meteorologist bill henley. Bill . Showers and weve seen thunderstorm activity. The showers firing up near the lehigh valley. Clouds over center city. You see breaks in the distance. A little bit of sunlight. The temperatures will be climbing. Heavy rainfall overnight produced flooding rains in south jersey. The heaviest rainfall is moving to the west of allentown. A Flood Warning still in effect for cumberland and salem counties until 10 00 this morning. 3. S plus on the ground first thing this morning. Occasional showers but some breaks of sunshine to warm us into the 80s later today. Well see how the morning rush is shaping up in some of that rain with nbc 10s first alert traffic reporter jessica boyington. Jessica . Chris were dealing with the rainy road uaws and massive delays on the schuylkill expressway were down to a 35minute trip if youre headed westbound. The westbound delay right in here from the vine street expressway a total trip headed towards the blue route, about 35 minutes. 23 headed eastbound into the center city area. Mass transit, septa is having a hard time elwyn number 319, 11 minutes late, norristown is also late. President obama will deliver the keynote address in the Naacp Convention in philadelphia. Hes expected to talk about criminal justice reform. His remarks are scheduled to start at 3 00 p. M. Well carry that for you. The convention will hear from pennsylvania Governor Tom Wolf as well today. Right now wolf and state lawmakers are battling over a new budget, part of the badle is Education Funding for lowincome schools in philadelphia. Im chris cato. Another update in 25 minutes. Have a great morning. Welcome to fort green sheets. Welcome to castle bravestorm. Its full of cool stuff, like my second in command. And my trusty bow. And free of stuff i dont like. And in my castle we only eat chex cereal. Chex cereal. Its full of delicious crunchability. No artificial flavors, and its glutenfree. And thats something even my brother. Sister can understand. Mom, brian threw a ball in the house heres to the explorers. Those diagnosed with cancer who didnt settle for just one opinion on their diagnosis or recommended treatment plan they explored their options. And discovered a new level of empowerment. At Cancer Treatment centers of america in philadelphia, thats what we doempower our patients with a comprehensive second opinion. And because time is of the essence, we do it a single one day. Explore your options with a oneday second opinion. Learn more at cancercenter. Com eastern. Good morning, everyone. Welcome back to today on a Tuesday Morning the 14th of oh july 2015. Willie is here al and natalie on a busy news morning. Lets get a check of the top stories. Good morning. President obama said a Nuclear Deal Reached with iran will make the world more secure. Kristen welker is at the white house. Good morning. Reporter good morning to you. President obama started to make his case to congress and the country touting this as an historic Foreign Policy achievement and vital to the United States security interest. This will prevent iran from getting a Nuclear Weapon for a decade by limiting the Nuclear Program and allowing inspectors unlimited access to the nuker lar site. In ex change the u. S. Will lift billions of sanctions over time. Steep on session if Congress Many republicans and some democrats argue it doesnt have the teeth. The president said the agreement are is far better than the alternative. No deal means no lasting constraints on irans Nuclear Program. Such a scenario would make it more leekikely that others in the region would feel compelled to pursue their own Nuclear Programs threatening a Nuclear Arms Race in the most volatile region of the world. Reporter mr. Obama vowed to veto any legislation that blocks the deal. Officials say this is a legacy issue for the president but acknowledge it will take years to assess the impact. Natalie . Kristen welker on the breaking story for us. The son of a Boston Police captain goes before a judge today accused of planning an isis inspired attack on unspecified colleges. Police say it was the 23yearolds own fatherer who tipped off the fbi. According to Court Documents, the suspect Alexander Ciccolo was upon tored taking delivery of guns. He planned to make a Pressure Cookerer bomb and target college cafeterias. A report says he suffers from mental illness. Closing arguments expected in the man accused in the colorado Movie Theater shooting three years ago killing 12 and injuring 70. The defense admits james holmes committed the crime but was in a psychotic episode. If found not guilty by reason of insanity holmes would be sent to a Colorado Mental Health institution. A guilty verdict would send the trial to the Death Penalty phase which could take weeks. Six people were injured in a shut bus accident at Los Angeles International airport. The bus hit an aircraft tug. The driver of the tug which is used to move the luggage in aircrafts wasnt injured. Hurt passengers were treated on scene. Police if texas released dash cam video showing a Police Officer saving a womans life. Officer dustin clinkscale pulled over the driver because he thought she was talking on her cell phone. She was actually choking. He performed a successful heimlich maneuver. The woman passed out from oxygen deprivation but was treated at hospital and released. Her father is also on the police force. Wowment quick thinking by the Police Officer there. Good thing hes up uh on his skills. More of the rossen report series called save my lifement would you know what to do if you saw someone choking. Jeff rossen is here to show us what we need to know. Good morning. Watching the video you see this happens and how timely it is. Maybe you are eating breakfast now. We have been there. Food goes down the wrong pipe. In most cases you are able to cough and clear it out. What if it is more serious . Do you know uh how to do the heimlich maneuver . What if its a baby . The one mistake we are making and how to do it right. Give me two minutes and i will show you how to save a life. Watch this man choking on his meal. An officer swoops in to save him. Are are you choke ing . Comes rescuing choking drivers. Are are you okay . Reporter take a look at this 3yearold boy choking on a life saver. He is parents running around unsure how to save him. A nearby officer rushes to help. Come on buddy. Reporter saving the boys life. What if police arent around . Would you know what to do . There is a big mistake people make. Reporter dr. Holly anderson is a cardiologist. If you see someone coughing making noise, breathing dont intervene or slap them on the back. Thats the first thing i would do. Many would. That can lodge the food causing tole tall obstruction of the airway. Reporter when somebody is really choking. They are not coughing cannot scream out. Seconds matterer. Pop up. Take your strongest arm, make a fist with the thumb up above the naval, below the sternum. Other hand around and thrust up and back. That can dislodge the food and save their life. Reporter what about a child who is 5, 6, 7. Less than 8, use one arm. Same thing. Reporter what about for babies . Infants less than a year you cannot do the heimlich. Reporter we have a doll here. If they are choking try to clear with your finger. Sit down put the infant face down on your fore rp arm and tieg. With the other hand thrust on the backment make sure you dislodge the airway. Thrust on the back. Reporter with that force . With that kind of force. Reporter what about the worst case century i dont, you are home alone. Believe it or not you can save yourself. Use a kitchen counterer, desk top or chair. Lung the area above your belly button below the sternum hard to get the food out. Reporter what if you cant find those. Take your fist with your hand above it. Thrust under your are sternum as hard as you can. If you are alone and coking call 911 even if you cant speak. Keep the line open. Police can track your signal and send paramedics to your location. Experts say children are at the greatest risk of choke ing. Their windpipe is as spal as a straw. The two top foods kids choke on . Grapes and popcorn . Hot dogs and hard candy. You have to make them really small. Thats a terrifying moment. Your instinct is to panic. Good advice. Looks like a hard thwap. Ta shocked me. With that force . Yes. Like hitting a ketchup bottle. Exactly. We can all relate to that. What do you have tomorrow . Kitchen fires. So many homes burning down every year. Hundreds of people dying. Most of the fires start in the kitchen. With a little oven mitt on the stove. Plus how water can make things worse. See . Were teasing. You wont see it all. Water makes it worse. Well show you tomorrow on today. Up next a match made in boy band heaven. Backstreet boys and n sync join forces. Is it for what we think . Plus the new online showdown between amazon and walmart with deals being pitched as bigger than black friday. And whats her sec rhett to success . The woman who started a booming business in her hi im andy allen, and ive partnered with visa checkout and williamssonoma to save you time to throw the perfect east coast clambake. With visa checkout, you can get what you need online in fewer clicks so that you can spend less time planning and more time sipping rose with friends. Plus, with help from williamssonoma, ill make sure you get everything just right from decor to food to that refreshing bottle of rose. Watch the time to savor summer series and save even more time on williamssonoma. Com with visa checkout. The easier way to pay online. This moment is perfect in every way. Just like my kid. Gooey. Flakey. Happy. Toaster strudel shopping for a used car is so intimidating. I mean, you feel like you have to be this expert negotiator to get a fair deal. I hate to haggle. When you go to a restaurant you dont haggle over the chicken parmesan. Why cant carbuying be like that . As long as people drive cars carmax will be the best way to buy them. Watch as these magnificent creatures take flight, soaring away from home towards the promise of a better existence. But these birds are suffering. Because this better place turned out to have an unreliable Cell Phone Network and the videos on their little bird phones kept buffering. Birds hate that. So they came back home. Because they get 300 from switching back to verizon. And so can you verizon, come home to a better network. Well do an asian salad. A chicken mcnuggets a big mac. Minions speaking minionese ha ha ha ha ha you can win 250,00 with minion mania at mcdonalds and double your chances to win with a 20 piece chicken mcnuggets for just five dollars. minions ba da ba ba ba raspberries sfx i was not aware of how much acidity was in my diet. I was so focused on making good food choices, i had no idea that it was damaging the enamel of my teeth. I wanted to fix it i wanted to fix it right away. My dentist recommended pronamel. He said that pronamel can make my teeth stronger that it was important, that that is something i could do each day to help protect the enamel of my teeth. Pronamel is definitely helping me to lead the life that i want to live. My cut hurt. Mine hurt more. Mine stopped hurting faster neosporin plus pain relief starts relieving pain faster and kills more types of infectious bacteria neosporin plus pain relief kills the germs. Fights the pain. Use with bandaid brand. We are back with stories and videos you will be talking about today. Let us trend. This will get the conversation going, guarantee it. If terms of romantic relationships how many people have you told in your life i love you . This doesnt count. Has to be romantic partners. One. Really . You stole my line. Not many. Maybe three. I would say probably five. But i might be lying. On the record again one. I think im about three which was the average. Three or four. Wow. Er for most of us the average is three people we have said i love you to for romantic reasons. People arent leekly to be this more than three longterm relationships if life. We had to account for some i love yous that slipped out. I didnt though if you would go there. And the phrase i love ya doesnt count. Love you. Me too. No. Wow. Learning a lot. I i love this clip. What do you do when your Favorite Song comes on . You drop everything and dance. This dude in a diaper is though different. Check it out. Thats t. J. The son of 49ers wide receiver torii smith. Playing with an etchasketch and springs to life when he hears that song come on. The song is watch me by silento. Awesome. Donald trump is in the news a lot. A lot of political comments made on twitter going viral. Hes trending on social media for a different reason. I give you the phenomenon known as trump your cat. This is flying around the internetment people are posting pictures of kas with a trump hairdo. Is that thats taking a hairball on front of them. There is a certain resemblance. Do you think its real hair . Not trump. The cat. Trumps is real. The other is probably a hairball picked up and combed forward. Not real air. In fact they have the same thing in common. Looks like a hairba. Thank you. Now to what kept jimmy fallon off the air. And the boy bands. Jimmy fallon returns to the tonight show last night after an awful hand injury. Im happy to be back after the twoweek break. I was so excited i went around giving everyone a high four. Despite the jokes it was serious. Jimmy said it happened when he was in the kitchen. He tripped. His ring got stuck on the counter top. Caused the fingerer to go sideways. I will stop there. Jimmy said the finger almost had to be amputated. Sixhour surgery. Ten days in icu. Doctors were able to save it. I never knew it was ta bad. They took a vein from his leg, put it in the hand. He wont have feeling for several weeks. Its a wedding ring accident. Weird. 50 cent this was crazy. Speaking out after filing for are bankruptcy and a jury order payable to 5 million for leaking a sex tape. He said do you know when youre successful and become a target . He said the filing stops things from moving forward that you dont want moving forward. Assets and debts worth between 10 many and 50 million. His lawyer says the move helps him reorg finances. Hes known as one of the wealthiest and most successful guys in hiphop. He sold vitamin water. 150 million. This is interesting system hes been here. Super nice. If you want to freeze time and not have things move forward you file bankruptcy. Protects you from creditors. Aria this, a grande wont be charged with food tampering after she licked several doughnuts. She apologized not once but twice and thousand the owner decided not to press charges according to people magazine. Is hes never apologized to doughnuts yet. Er very disappointing. Well show you the video on the commercial break. One of the great rivalries of our time has come to an endment take a look. I never want to hear you say i want it that way dont want to be a fool for you just another player if in your game you may hate me but it aint no lie it takes me right back. Trl. The window at trl. Say byebye to the Backstreet Boys versus n the synch. Some members are teaming up to make a zombie movie called dead 7 airing on our Sister Network the scifi channel. Time to choose. Backstreeter or n sync . Theyre copping together. Back in the day . Backstreet. With all due respect. Boyz 2 the men. Menudo. Which one . Ricky martin. Theres only one. Didnt they have a menudo farm where they grew them . At 18 you were kicked out. Thats your popstart. I promised you would learn a lot and we have. Coming up next do you have a big purchase to make . Wait until tomorrow if you are you are shopping on walmarter or amazon. There is a big bat going on. First a check of the weather. Lets see what weve got going on. This is an amazing video. This is video from a deputy, tra are vis body in kansas. He s a quarter mile from the tornado. Gets an amazing view of of the tornado, almost looking up. Its incredible. Luckily nobody was hurt. This is drone video from the same tornado. Really incredible stuff we get because of drones and cell phones now. More heavy showers and thunderstorms. Eastern kentucky where they have Flash Flood Warnings if effect now. Still 8 to 11 people missing. One person confirmed dead. Massive flooding from indiana into West Virginia. We are looking at the possibility of flooding from two to three inches of rain. Could be three to four inches in parts of central and Eastern Kentucky and West Virginia today. There is a lot of heat out there to talk about. St. Louis will feel like 102 today. 107 in tuscaloosa. Dallas will see your first 100degree reading two weeks later than normal. Tomorrow the heat continues and the heat index continues well above 100. Good morning. Im meteorologist bill henley. Showers, thunderstorms, but it wont be all day rainfall. Well get some breaks of sunshine. The temperatures warm into the middle to upper 80s this afternoon. Heavy downpours, damaging winds and storms possible later today and tonight. Tomorrow, more showers and thunderstorms and warm and muggy again. A high of 88 degrees. Then we get a break. Humidity takes a break thursday and friday with temperatures in the low to mid 80s, turning warmer with more storms this weekend. Have a great day. Thats your latest weather. Thanks a lot. Walmart and amazon are constantly battling for your money. They are taking the competition to a new level. Heres nbcs hallie jackson. Reporter its a shopping showdown with two of the worlds biggest retailers competing for your cash. Amazon and walmart will face off wednesday so you can see who has the bigger better deal thes. Amazon is pretty much the retail behemoth when talking online competition. Walmart is the Worlds Largest retailer. They have been spend ing billions of dollars to be able to compete. Reporter it starts with amazons prime day to celebrate its 20th anniversary. A oneday only sale advertised as bigger than black friday just for prime customers. People who pay 99 a year for Free Shipping. Amazon calls its the biggest deals extravaganza in the world. Walmart is firing back with a consumer counter attack promising deep discounts on everything if from electron if i cans to toys saying the requested of asking customers to pay extra in order to save money just doesnt add up for us. So walmart offers Free Shipping on all orderers under 35 and retail experts say it could be key. The number one reason shoppers abandon carts when shopping online is shipping charges. Thats one of the first things retailers use to entice you to buy. Reporter in a world where we can get almost anything online instantly from groceries to glasses it is yet another way pr companies are compete ing for your clicks pushing to be the fastest kaepest, the most convenient. Retail is as competitive now as its ever been. Reporter not ones to miss out, best buy and target are are launching deals promising a sales shack sales sales smackdown with one clear winner the customer. Lisa free man is a shopping expert with more on the retail rivalry that can save you big cash. Good morning. Good morning. This is like an arms race trying to outdo each other. The retailer equivalent of godzilla versus mothra. The consumer wins big. Prime day begins at midnight. Basically they will put thousands of items on sale they are trying to get people to sign up for prime which is 99 a year including goodies and extras. Its worth it and will be an exciting day to save. I have to be in amazon priep to get the deals. You can sign up for a 30day free membership. This is a great time to sign up and see if you like it. Is the 99 fee worth it . Absolutely. If you love shopping at amazon which a lot of us do you get free twoday shipping on just about everything. Plus you get free streaming pov vis, tv sows music, ebooks, special sales and a new service with unlimited free photo storage on the cloud service. Great deal. Walmart is watching and says we can play this game too. How are they trying to match prime . They are going to do a sale just as big, another black friday style sale and they will put thousands of items on sale and they are lowering the shipping minimum. Instead of having to spend 50 you have to spend only 35. Lets talk about the differences between the two. Who gets the edge . If you sign up for amazon prime you get the twoday free guaranteed shipping. Walmart, if you get their Free Shipping deal its 6 to 9 days. The other cool thing with amazon is if you live in new york baltimore, miami, you could get your stuff in one or two hours. Same day and target and best buy as well . Target has a special going. Keep your eyes out to see if they extend it to get in the game. And best buy, july 24 and 25 will have a special sale. July is a great time to shop. The fun starts at midnight. Get your credit card heated up uh ready to go. I love it. Lisa good to see you. Carson . Thank you very much. Youve got owl city hanson coming together. Live performance studio 1a for their track unbelievable which is just that. Well have it coming up. First, your local news and weather. Nbc 10 news starts now. Good morning. Im vai sikahema. Just a few minutes before 8 30. Our first alert forecast from meteorologist bill henley. Wet out there, bill . We have seen some heavy downpours but most of the area looking at cloudy skies right now. The clouds are hanging over center city. They will be breaking for some sunshine to help us warm into the middle to upper 80s today. Right now, though, witt we wereet weather off to the northwest of allentown heading into the pocono mountains. Heavy rainfall clearing pottsville at this hour. The temperatures are climbing 76 millville, 75 philadelphia and allentown with showers nearby, 71 degrees. Still plenty of clouds. Well see breaks in the clouds allowing temperatures to climb into the 80s. More showers and possibly thunderstorms later today. Thank you, bill. Jessica boyington has traffic. Jessica, 95 doesnt look great. It doesnt. Were almost at a standstill around gerard avenue. 42 minute drive time headed southbound towards the vine street expressway from woodhaven road typically a ten minute trip. Looking at a half hour delay there. Massive delays on 422 eastbound, accident stopping things between limerick and royersford. Vi . Thank you. Philadelphia mayor Michael Nutter will attend the n a aacp convention in center city today and then headed to germany. Nutters trip part of an effort to strengthen global relationship with the cities. He plans to sign a city sister agreement with frankfurt before flying to israel this week. Im vai sikahema. Another update in 25 minutes. Get the latest news and weather with the nbc 10 app. Back to the today show. Have a gret day. 8 30 now on Tuesday Morning the 14th of july 2015. It is a pretty day on our plaza. We have a big happy crowd. We have al roker coming along. Al roker, ladies and gentlemen. Willie is in for poitmatt. Also coming up a Live Performance from owl city featuring the hanson brothers performing their new hit song. Thats going to be fun. Absolutely. Also have you heard of this . The man shower. I take one every morning. Its for expecting dadment of well explain and willie will demonstrate. Its all you. Whats the secret to her success . General that bush hager will introduce you to a woman who started a booming business if her pajamas on the couch. I cant wait. Im inspired already. First a check of the weather. Starting with today we have an en hansed are risk of strong storms. Also central plains. We are looking at gorgeous weather in the pacific northwest. Wet weather through the four cornerers. Tomorrow weve got more strong storms in the northern plains. The heat continues with more wet weather along the southeastern Atlantic Coast into new england. Prosecute from texas into the midwest. Sunshine nice and cool in chicago tomorrow. Looking for a high of 73 degrees. Thats fabulous. Good morning. Im meteorologist bill henley. Showers, thunderstorms, but it wont be all day rainfall. Well get some breaks of sunshine. The temperatures warm into the middle to upper 80s this afternoon. Heavy downpours, damaging winds and storms possible later today and tonight. Tomorrow, more showers and thunderstorms and warm and muggy again. A high of 88 degrees. Then we get a break. Humidity takes a break thursday and friday with temperatures in the low to mid 80s, turning warmer with more storms this weekend. Have a great day. Dont forget. Get the weather when you need it on the Weather Channel on cable, weather. Com online. Savannah . You are our summerer of secrets rolls on with secrets of successful women. Jenna bush hager has the story of a woman who turned eded heart break into happiness. Thats right. Entrepreneurship is not for the money. Its for the passion. Her passion was the inspecification for starting her own company after her own eat, pray love moment. She found a way to turn her heartbreak into happiness. Hello she says jumping out of a plane is easier than starting your own business. Its only two minutes. Running your own business is an endless marathon. Reporter unhappy personally and professionally she got a divorce, left her job and traveled the world. What a great time to be away and to think about my life. Reporter her ahha moment came helping friends at a local farmers market. The Food Industry is pi passion but it is soer hard for them to get their products into main stream grocery stores. Reporter she decided to change it. She launched love with food a Monthly Subscription Snack Service in 20111 highlighting small independent healthier snacks all on her own. Our deluxe box has double the snacks. In the morning i split time from 6 00 a. M. To 9 00 a. M. Checking emails. 9 00 the to 12 00 i do social media. From 2 00 p. M. I start coding until midnight when im tired. Then the next day repeat again. Reporter it wasnt a glamorous start. When i started it was me in pjs in my lirp. Reporter shes moved from her living room to an office with 15 employees. In the last three years i have raised more than 2 million for the business. Reporter her staff is 80 women. Some here in fork at the fancy foods show. She believes her female centric team is her secret sauce. I feel wem can multi task well. Thats one of the key ingredients. Reporter the other, her drive. A quick fire q a she showed her passion for success. First thing you do when you wake up. Grab my phone. Reporter motto. Dont believe in the impossible. Reporter work model. Everything is possible. Reporter are you happy . Yes. Very happy. Reporter you said this was the Silver Lining to a mid life crisis. People say food heals heart break. Do you feel this businessle healed you in some way . I think launching love with food channelled my anger and gave me hope again. Whats your advice to whip thinking about going out on their own . Once you know what you want to do and you are passionate about it go do it. Dont care what other people say. Love with food is on track to paycheck over 5 million this this year. They arent all about the money. It has a social mission. For every subscription a meal is donated to a food bank. So far they have donated almost 700,000 meals. I love this lady. Dont you love her . She took a sad moment in her life and transformed everything. It was a risk to leave her job, too. She said it was worth it. Shes created a great business. Love it. She did it in her pajamas from home. Now she has an office. You could start a business too. Remember . I know. Exactly. This is the longterm plan. Tomorrow a story about the first africanamerican woman to run a billion dollar business. And henry may want to the do this. Its a growing trend called the man shower. The man has a shower when the wife is expecting. I dont think so. Okay. First, this is today on nbc. We are back at 8 38. We have heard of the baby shower right . Sure. Usually for the mother. What about the fellows . How about a dad shower . Kevin tibbles has more on the trend. For you dads to be its time to suck it up. These days its not just the women folk who get to celebrate the storks coming arrival. Welcome to the man shower. That hurt so much. Reporter where the baby bottles may be filled with something a little stronger. Oh my. Who wants to burr this guy . Maybe man shower cofounderer craig decksh eimer. It is trying to create a memory they will remember forever. Reporter why cant expecting dads is have a party, too . Although at a manshower there arent pink and blue ribbons or balloons. To practice for future trips to the play ground there is the stroller relay. They do it blindfolded. Or for late late nights changing pampers, how about the dirty diaper toss . I hope it is a water diaper not a wet diaper from a child. Reporter there is the diaper dribble no pun intended. And the foot race with the baby prototype strapped in the carrier. Fortunately it isnt screaming. We found as we grew older and moved out of college and add kids it was harder to get the guys together. They want to do something to celebrate the fact that they are a dad. Reporter yes, fellows tiptoeing through an on stack course of december carded toys and the odd land pinemine is in your future. What is the prospective pops learned about parenting . Absolutely nothing. Reporter today its the team of whos your daddy that comes out on top. Sure there are prizes and laughs. When the little bundle of joy arrives there will also be memories and fellowship. Panmanshower reporter for today, kevin tibbles, nbc news chicago. Let me say if thats a new trend im glad im done with kids. Carson . A trumanshower is what you did the night your wife had a baby shower. Thats your dad shower. Whatever you did. Sat around waiting for them to be done. Come in and clean. Maybe a frosty beverage or two. Up next something new for the man behind law order. We catch up with the great dick wolf. First, this is today on nbc. My 28yearold daughter who also writes and has read a lot of scripts over the years when she read the first book said gee, dad, it reads like a long script with no indentations for dialogue. Thank you. Thats what you were going for. Its what i do. Its the same structure but longerer. Longer. Bigger story you couldnt do in an hour. This has to do with wikileaks, an Edward Snowden type character, drones. Some information is leaked by a wikileaks type of organization that reveals, among other things the home addresses of under cover agents Intelligence Division officers and one of them is fisk. He is targeted for being taken out. Through that and going after the people behind the leak there is someone killing people with weaponized drones. I dont know if i should take it as a compliment but the today show plaza is among the targets. Dont kill me off. Nobody on the today show dies. Okay good. I feel better. I have to pay you a compliment. When i was in law school my criminal procedure professor said law order was required viewing because you were dead on correct on the procedure. I know you are a sticklerer for it p. M. I its interesting. One of the things we are dealing with on chicago med is absolute accuracy since most people get a lot of information about medicine from tv. Which is terrifying. I never got a call from a defense attorney or prosecutor saying we have made a legal mistake. And we are trying to keep the same zero tolerance on the medical show. Chicago med is coming up. You have the book. There is a are you you may have a law order reunion. Would be great if it happens. There is interest in doing it i from everybody. But as you can imagine ets a rubiks cube of scheduling who can do it now and later. I hope it happens. It would be great. You have a huge following and a big fan here. Lets hear the sound. Dick wolf thank you very much. Appreciate it. A pleasure. Coming up next owl oh citys new hit live with special guest hanson. First, this is today on nbc. Im Sigourney Weaver and new york is my home. Theres no place like it in the world. Like our state parks. The adirondacks are my favorite. For hiking, fishing, camping, you name it. Niagara falls is the oldest state park, but visiting it never gets old. The readers of a National Newspaper voted letchworth the 1 state park in america. Watkins glen, 3. New york state parks are a gift. Plan your vacation at iloveny. Com summer theres something for everyone. The toyota Concert Series on today brought to you by toyota. Adam youngs musical creation owl city started if he is parents basement and gained a huge following through his myspace page. Seven years later, 18 million singles sold with hits like fire flies and good times with carly rae jepsen. Hes out with a collaboration with hanson. Adam young and taylor hanson. Good to see you. I have to get this out. You have a collaboration on the record. Is it true that you just met yesterday . Thats true. It was a long time coming. Felt like it was meant to be. At long last. We were working remotely. Its a modern musical romance. Is this the first time you will have performed together . Thankfully no. We did rehearsal yesterday. We did that at least. How does a song come together these days remotely . Adam sent us the song. We collaborated on it a little bit. Got to record. It was the 11th hour of the drk emo. I sent it to the guys and today just head it far better than it would have been otherwise. You were just here not long ago with blues traveller. Youre getting requests for collaborations. Doesnt it feel good . We have huge respect for adam and owl city and blues traveller. Its great to be asked. This is a fun song. Its a good time to get to stretch your musical muscles. Adam your ascent has been incredible. In your parents basement on your laptop not long ago. Do you pinch yourself when you have 18 million sings sold . For sure. It is times like this i have to pinch myself. Its surreal and doesnt feel like real life. Its incredible for me. Enough talk. We want to hear the song. Guys, take it away. Its unbelievable dont know whats going to happen next its unbelievable you havent seen nothing yet its unbelievable when i was a kid i saved up all my dough to buy c3po put mentos in my diet coke played laser tag and ge joe i would spend my saturday playing nentedo games and i could feel the love its unbelievable this is as good as it gets its unbelievable dont know whats going to happen next ets unbelievable you havent seen nothing yet its unbelievable its unbelievable when i was a kid i dreeped of power wheels stayed up late watching action films and my friends and i were 2 legit 2 quit dr. Pepper jelly beans. Jurassic park when i was a kid we watched fresh prince and jazzy jeff it was off the hook its unbelievable this is as good as it gets dont know whats going to happen next its oeg you havent seen nothing get its unbelievable its unbelievable bean bag chairs my l. A. Looks and goosebumps books and etchasketch what happens next drrks seuss what happens next ets unbelievable this is as good as it gets its unbelievable dont know whats going to happen next its unbelievable you havent seen nothing yet its unbelievable unbelievable unbelievable baby, thoser were the days its unbelievable so many ways its unbelievable its unbelievable those were the days [ cheers and applause ] owl city an son. Thanks guys. Owl city will have more uh music later first its that time of the morning for birthday wishes from willard scott. East side, west side,er all around the town. Forth nothing like new york city. Everybody on the today show loves et. Antionette if the great state of new york. She loves to play the stock market. Catherine, great name. Never go wrong. Shes in lima ohioment. 1100 1 100 years old today. Shes an amateur weather reporterer. Arent we all . This is marvin henry. We love par vin. Austin texas. No town like it. 100 years old today. Marvin is not only the best at what he does but what he does is the best. He likes to play jazz. Amos mack from florida. The guy is all right. Loves to go to the casino and play wheel of fortune. We love uh you. Now new york has it all to itself. So there. Willard, thank you so much. Whats coming up . The stars of the jim gaffigan show and carson will talk about pan manshowers. How about hanging with hanson . I have known them so long. Great to see them doing well. They started the career so young and n sync and Backstreet Boys. They were putting out incan he believe music. Owl city. Great to see them. They are highly sought after. Also adam young. Great story there. Lots more from him and more today on a tuesday nbc 10 news starts now. Good morning. Im vai sikahema. Just a few minutes before 9 00 a. M. Our first alert forecast from meteorologist bill henley. Going to be wet out there. On and off showers are possible. Most of the day is going to be dry. Still looking at lots of clouds including cape may which has showers just offshore. Youll get breaks in the clouds and see temperatures in the 80s for cape may. Meantime were watching the radar screen. Were tracking showers back in North Eastern maryland and south jersey and areas that have seen heavy rainfall. Isolated showers right now and look at the temperatures already up to 78 degrees in philadelphia and thats in spite of cloudy skies. Chance of showers this afternoon and a possibility of thunderstorms. Thank you, bill. New from overnight investigators will be looking for the cause of a house fire in New Castle County. Skyforce 10 over the scene in edgemore. The fire started a short time after Police Officers were called to the scene. Were trying to see if the fire is related to that police call. To one was hurt. And happening today president obama will deliver the keynote address at the Naacp Convention here in philadelphia. Hes expected to talk about criminal justice reform. His remarks are scheduled to start at 3 00 p. M. Its president obamas second speech at the organizations convention. The convention will hear from pennsylvania Governor Tom Wolf today. Wolf and state lawmakers are battling over a budget. Part of that battle is Education Funding for lowincome schools in philadelphia and other cities. New this morning, one of our areas most traveled bridges could soop be getting a makeover. The Port Authority commissioners are expected to vote on a 60 million plan to refurbish the walt whitman bridge. The project would entail painting the span between Gloucester City and philadelphia and improving the toll plaza and roads and more. Well have more in 25 minutes. See you then. Owl city and hanson. Then Robin Williams performance in a new film. And hot many get ready to rule the runway in fashion week. All that and more coming up next. From nbc news, this is todays take with alroque e Natalie Morales willie geist and tamron hall. Hello. Good to see everybody on this Tuesday Morning july 14th. 2015. Your eyes do not deceive you. You look indoors Natalie Morales next to the one and only hoda kotb. What am i doing here. And ely kemper. Al im sorry. Were not moving in on your turf. Were not. Were far away. Okay . No. My hoda woman. What are you doing here . Heard there was a party. I think we needed a disco ball. We have is we sometimes watch. Go. Jerry. Do it. Wow. So much better up here. Can we clarify where are al and willie . Big story the iran nuclear deal. They are updating that. We need weather . We needed ladies, girl power. Yes. Ely is going to do the weather. Im taking care of the weather. This is going to be bad. She can do anything. Taking over. Im not sure whats going to happen. Is i know mo jefferson city. This is my living a nightmare now. Point out something. Look at the tag on the back of my dress, please. Read what the price is. The price hanging out. There is a price hanging out . Hold on. Here we go. What does it say . 39. 97. Show them. Its a steal. Where did you get this . Who got you this . Where does it say . Its from nordstrom. Okay. Nord stram rack. You know how to shop. I never had a 39 dress. Sorry to interrupt. Yesterday we saw you were saying how talented ely was. It started at a young age. Were subjecting you to it again. How old were you . 12. Is carey an actress . Thats my best friend katie. Now katie garcia. She is a mother of two. This fine acting. Those are carey is a writer now in silicon valley. Such a great show. Yes. Fantastic show. All of this exposed on national television. Were they into it . I havent heard from carey. Katie was happy. She showed her children. Carey has been silent so well see. You learn soon enough. Did you come out with more of these . I remember as a kid with my older sister we used to do h . U danceathons talent shows. Did you do a lot of these . Yes. We did classic cone heads sequel. Its fun w. A big video camera which kids probably dont know p because everything is on your phone. You can do it with imovies. There was no video camera. There were no cameras. Nothing. Yours were hieroglyphics. Hey. Is wow. Who are those guys . Owl city and hanson. Unbelievable. Really great. So jimmy fallon was in the news because finally he came back to his show. You guys saw that we knew he broke his arm or finger. We saw this. He described what happened. He was falling down in the kitchen and he hooked his ring on the counter, and they said that his finger looked looked like from a horror movie mike a flopping thing. It took lots of surgery six hours. Lets take a look. Im so happy to be back after our twoweek break. In fact, i was so excited awent around the office giving everyone a high four. As you cap probably tell by the cast i had a bit of a mishap before vacation. Let me say you should see the other guy. The other guys a glass table. Hes dead now. Got to laugh. Like that kind of a thing. They took a strain from his leg they said. The only way to fix it. Even so its going to be eight weeks before he has sensation back in that hand. On the pluls side it wasnt his thumb. Once your thumb goes. You need your thumb. When youre ready ill take you downstairs. All righty then. This is an interesting story. People have these how many have you said i love you to . In a true i love you kind of way not in the love yeah. You were in love. You really meant it. I think i meant it every time i said it. Except once. I didnt mean it. But how many people . A total counting them the not once action probably four. I think four. Maybe five. Four. How about you . Three. Yeah i think two. Two . But i did not grow up in a family that said i love you. Even to each other. Not to each other. It was like duh. Of course you love each other, youre family. We didnt say it. I think they loved me. I dont know. She hasnt called me. You said it the first time did he say it first . I think he probably said it first. Interesting. What about your husband . Who said it first . You know, i dont remember. I think he did. I dont know. I think he did. Knowing joe. That kind of a guy. Joe is the twoon and you waited because you were more cautious. I am more cautious. I wait before i say things like that. I think its scarier to i is a it first. Frank said he loved you first. So long ago who can remember. I think so. The reason there was a survey and they said most people on average three or four people that they have said i love you. So we were on average. You know were average people. When you are a pleaser at heart. Sometimes youre like this. Hanging. To say it back. The pressure. I hate that. Did you say it once to somebody, nat they didnt say it back . I never had that. But i have definitely ive been in that had your heart broken . Many times. I had the friends speech and the whole thing. Those men ruind÷cqy the day. Yeah. Just be direct. Lets get to the moment weve been waiting for. A lot of pressure. What is about to happen . Check the weather. Al roker got your back. Im doing the weather. I guess al is doing the weather in iran. Guys california were going to see a nice day, 70 in l. A. , and then its going to be 89 up you know, in las vegas. In my home state of missouri were looking at 95 in kansas city 98 in st. Louis were seeing a slight risk over here and then in this area means a slight risk. Then here, and then theres a very large space ship hovering over the great lakes. So be careful. Thats whats going on around the country. Here is here is whats happening am i off . Heres whats happening in your neck of the woods. Good morning. Im meteorologist bill henley. Showers, thunderstorms, but it wont be all day rainfall. Well get some breaks of sunshine. The temperatures warm into the middle to upper 80s this afternoon. Heavy downpours, damaging winds and storms possible later today and tonight. Tomorrow, more showers and thunderstorms and warm and muggy again. A high of 88 degrees. Then we get a break. Humidity takes a break thursday and friday with temperatures in the low to mid 80s, turning warmer with more storms this weekend. Have a great day. Love having them here . We were manless. Well fill in. I think als got to watch out for you. Thank you, natalie. Thank you. Its me. Its not you. Its me. In that sense its good. Who are you saying bye to . Owl city and hanson. They have teamed up for new music. They recorded it without ever meeting. More about that. Behold the power of protein in new birds eye protein blends. Ok. Theyre delicious side dishes with the protein of beans, whole grains. And veggies mmm good. My work here is dooooone new birds eye protein blends. So veggie good. Moms know their familys mouths often need a helping hand. After brushing listerine® total care helps prevent cavities strengthens teeth and restores tooth enamel. Its an easy way to give listerine® total care to the total family. Listerine® total care. One bottle, six benefits. Power to your mouth™. And for kids starting at age six, listerine® smart rinse delivers extra cavity protection after brushing. The kids are asleep. Look what i got. Oh my froot loops [sniffs] lets do this . Get up get up get up get up loop me bring back the awesome yeah yeah yeah with the great taste of Kelloggs Froot loops. Follow your nose clorox knows to make a big meal, you have to make a big mess. New clorox scrub singles are preloaded with cleaners to scrub away stuckon messes and even get into tough corners. It cleaned all this. Good job, mom. Great job, mom. Real scrubbing. For your real life. Sometimes you can feel the indulgence of nature. Sometimes, you can taste it. Sweet granola clusters a touch of ooey gooey roasted almond butter, savory almonds, and a hint of salt. Thats how nature does indulgence. Nature valley sweet and salty bars. And try new sweet and spicy. Nuts and dark chocolate chunks with a kick of chili. Ok, lets try this online snacking thing again. Ugh rough around the edges. Ugh. Greaseball. Oh dan n. Oikos tasty and healthy. And if i dont love it, its free . Could be the perfect snack dannon oikos greek nonfat yogurt is creamy and delicious and has 12g of protein and 0 fat. I think i found the perfect snack seriously, youll love snacking on dannon oikos or its free mmm dannon. Adom young started owls and his parents minnesota basement before hitting it big and sell morgue than 2. 5 million albums. We know brothers hanson from their single boom bop. Which went number 1 in 27 countries. The two acts teamed up on unbelievable off owl citys album. Good morning, kids. Is it true youre still kids. You like that . Is it true you guys didnt meet facetoface until last night when you were rehearsing for today . We would only write wall climbing mountains. Call from a destination. Hey, this is unbelievable. How it was hard because i was on the desk beat. Taylor on a mountain. How did this come to be, this merger come to be . I was like in the 11th hour of the demo process and they popped into my head and i said im going to take a wild leap and send a demo to hanson. And they were gracious and kind to lend their talent to what i do. It was awesome. You still put out music, traveling with the blues travelers. You guys have been out. 18 years after mmbop came out. We started off listening to great soul music inspired us. Trying to keep that and stay interested. You work with, collaboration we were on the show a few months ago. I think being having the opportunity to work with great people like adam and stretch your talent and i think it keeps you excited, interested. Adam, hanson isnt the only group that collaborated with you on this album. Who else . Black. Look up to him a lot. What about the country vibe. Ive seen barefoot, jeans in the heart of manhattan. How does that how does that sync up . It was a fun experiment. I have been a fan of jakes. We wrote a song in the same vibe like pop country thing he does. Has any one turned you down ever . Has anyone turned you down . I once asked a unicorn to feature. You started in your basement. Where did you guys start out . Kind of in the basement in the living room garage. It could be loud and less annoying. A theme of your parents sending you away. Modern quazi moto. Grateful. We love seeing you collaborating. Up next on at 10 00. Adam young is sticking around. You have to take off. Still to come, weve got tvs newest sitcom. 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Next, choose three of our nine mostloved dishes to enjoy on one plate, like chicken parmigiana bubbling with mozzarella fettuccine alfredo with parmesan and cream and tortellini al forno bursting with cheese and prosciutto. Because the best tour of italy is the one you create. Hurry in to olive garden. Were all family here. Order olive garden togo on your smartphone. The answer to treating your dogs fleas and ticks is staring you right in the face. Nexgard, from the makers of frontline® plus. Its the only soft beefflavored chew that kills both fleas and ticks. Vets recommend it. And dogs, well theyre begging for it. Nexgard is for dogs only. And hasnt been evaluated for use in pregnant, breeding or lactating dogs. Reported side effects include vomiting, dry flaky skin diarrhea, lethargy and lack of appetite. Use with caution in dogs with a history of seizures. Recommended by vets. Loved by dogs. From the makers of frontline plus. All right. This is a great concept. The show about standup comedy starring some of hollywoods funny actors. You can pretty much guarantee the jim gaffigan show is entertaining. The supporting cast of the series, take a look. Hello. Im dr. White. Just so im clear which one of you is here to discuss the procedure . Just me. And these people . Well these are my children. You understand that its not necessary to prove that you need a vasectomy. Bizarre. Good morning to all of you guys. Good morning. Michael, ian black, Ashley Williams this show is about Jim Gaffigans life. Yeah. Comedian but family man. Jim, he has a challengeing life and he looks like that. Were we allowed to make that joke . He deserve a show about him . Yes. Because i do. I think i deserve a show about me and i think you know what i mean. Like the supporting cast. Its liking vice president. If were around long enough and he has like a heart attack, its step in. Its our show. Yes. Just have to wait and see. Youre playing jims wife. His wife is a producer on the show. Sure is. How is that . Its funny. I was really nervous. Its hard ta play somebody that exists but when they exist two feet away from you its terrifying. Doesnt it help they are swingers in real life . Listen. Jeannie is an amazing woman. And its so much fun to play such a strong funny woman. Just have to do stuff like that. Me and jeannie . Yeah. We totally can. Theyre married. In love. Why do you supposed to be about a married couple. Does she say, no, thats not how i would do it . Whats amazing no. What did i do . Too early in the morning . Never. Whats amazing i found her more than anything else looking at me saying do what feels naturally to you which is amazing since she has written every word and could micro manage. What comes naturally to you is pretty disgusting. Creepy. Adam you play the antijim. Perpetual bachelor, man on the town. Right. How is it going there . He says that. You know. Have to in reality. This is a stretch for me. Its over now. Its over. So yeah. No. I play the antithesis of jim. I want to take a picture. So this is relic. This relic i think like from the 80s. Here. Im going to get a shot of you guys. All right. There we go. Real film. Got it. Thats fine. People who follow will be like holy h, asterisk. Hard to like not crack up the entire time. Im on pills 90 of the time. Totally fine. Youre close. Im friends with jim for years. We met seconds ago. Im 26 now but hes older. Sounds like so much fun. It is. My god. Thank you for all of whatever you just did. All of that. More of it. The jim gaffigan show tomorrow on tv land. Has to be clean. Pg. Coming up a super athlete and super model with a preview of the first wish your skin could bounce back as quickly as it used to . Introducing neutrogena hydro boost water gel. Instantly quenches skin to keep it supple and hydrated day after day. Formulated with hydrating hyaluronic acid which retains up to 1000 times its weight in water. This refreshing water gel plumps skin cells with intense hydration and locks it in. For supple, hydrated skin that bounces back. New hydro boost. From neutrogena. They make Little Hearts happy and big hearts happy too because as part of a heart healthy diet, those delicious oats in cheerios can help naturally lower cholesterol. How can something so little. Help you do something so big. Hello. Our Ocean Spray Cranberry mango juice drinks are a Perfect Blend of cranberry and mango. Tastes like youre in the tropics. [ cracking ] tada nbc 10 us. Starts now. Good morning. Im tracy davidson. Lets get your first alert from meteorologist bill henley. Clouds are hanging in there. More showers are scattered around and heavy downpours in areas that have already seen some very heavy rainfall this morning. Thats a cloudy view from center city. No rain there just at this hour but its not far away moving through delaware and look at south jersey upper deerfield seeing heavy rainfall. This is after the very heavy rainfall first thing this morning that produced more than 3 inches of rain. Showers, a chance of thunderstorms, scattered showers this afternoon with temperatures climbing into the 80s. Happening today, a judge will arraign two former Police Officers for the alleged assault of a philadelphia man. Shawn mcknight and Kevin Robinson are accused of knocking the man off his scooter and beating him. The d. A. Brought charges against the two former officers after his girlfriend uncovered Surveillance Video of the alleged beating that happened in 2013. New this morning if youre a dog owner heading down the shore this saturday the new jersey spca police will be looking for dogs left unattended in hot cars from Point Pleasant beach to seaside park. If you live in the state you can be fined up to 1,000. Out of state you could be arrested and held on bail. Dogs left in hot cars can suffer heat stroke brain damage and death. Janet jackson fans mark your calendars, the legendary performer is maki performing at the Wells Fargo Center in philadelphia february 24th next year. She announced dates for her unbreakable world tour yesterday. Tickets on sale next monday at 10 00 p. M. Another local update in 25 minutes. Thanks for watching. Taking a look at the headlines. Nearly 2000 pounds of raw chicken products are recalled over fears of salmonella. The barber foods chicago products were produced from february 17 to may 20 and include tenders, and stuffed chicken breasts so far at least six people have gotten sick in minnesota and wisconsin after eating the chicken products. United nation aid agencies says it met the goal of getting hiv treatment to 15 Million People by the end of this year. According to the u. N. The response to the hiv crisis prevented 30 million new infections since 2000. New infections have fallen 35 and aids related death by 41 . Access to treatment for children still lags behind access for adults though its improving. Another problem is too many do not know their hiv status. You want your kids to put down the devices and get out you want to hear this. The best way to cut your kids screen time is to do the same yourself. A recent study found the majority of parents were using the cell phones while dining and the kids were more likely to be misbehaving. Avoid using mobile devices in front of children especially while driving and during meals. Got to be a role model. A study finds most High School Soccer concussions occur during playertoplayer contact. Researchers analyzed data from a large group of players and over 68 of boys and over 50 of girls sustained concussions from player to player contact. Heading the ball was responsible for many head injuries but contact with players was the most common cause of concussion. Incredible story of survival. A 16yearold from Washington State is safe and sound after surviving a Small Plane Crash and then spending days hiking through rugged forests to get to safety. Her stepgrandparents did not survive the crash. Autumn beach is treated for dehydration and extreme muscle fatigue but otherwise is okay. Local Authorities Say its a miracle she . S survived and they are completely blown away by her strength. We made it to pluto sort of. The new horizon spacecraft got the closest that scientists have been in 7,800 miles it happened this morning as the spacecraft traveled at 31,000 miles an hour, it set off on its mission back in 2006 and youre going to see a lot of those images. Thats whats going on. Now a check good morning. Im meteorologist bill henley. Showers, thunderstorms, but it wont be all day rainfall. Well get some breaks of sunshine. The temperatures warm into the middle to upper 80s this afternoon. Heavy downpours, damaging winds and storms possible later today and tonight. Tomorrow, more showers and thunderstorms and warm and muggy again. A high of 88 degrees. Then we get a break. Humidity takes a break thursday and friday with temperatures in the low to mid 80s, turning warmer with more storms this weekend. Have a great day. Someone in the world of couture and cat walks came to their senses. This tweak the inaugural fashion week for men. Were celebrating with two of fashion weeks most handsome ambassador doors and wide receiver for the new york giants victor cruz. And smoking hot actor producer tyson. Good morning. Its about time. That the guys sort of had a stage when it came to fashion. Absolutely. Its grown over the years. Mens wear is outselling to show you how men are paying attention to fashion. How does this come about then . You said lets make it a real thing. Actually, this has been you know, we had it years ago. I walked in it maybe 10 years ago. Took a break, then its come back. You have a bunch of great sponsors, cadillac, amazon they wanted to bring it back. The demand was for the men. How about those. These are special pants you had made. Two days. Is i think they will catch on. One of a kind, though. How did you become such a fashion icon . I think it started with my dad watching him get dressed and having a love for fashion i kind of dove right in and it worked out well for me. It has. Fun to look back over the years to see how your fashion tastes have shall we say, evolved. We might have some photos or video. Who is that . Okay. Lets talk about for a minute. Hey. Not to talk about. You remember when this was . Three weeks ago. The puffy vest. It was the era of bad boy. So you evolved a lot. Well victor, we have one of you too. Lets see. Recent . When was that . Im going to say february, marchish. It was still cold out. Tell us about that look. I was going for like a casual look but dress it up with the jacket. I loving white shoes. Can you wear those out to dressy places . I try. I try. Got white loafers and stuff. They said that spanking white shoes like you have on thats the trend for guys especially. Yeah. Absolutely. Couple more. Yeah we do. Hey. Youre so happy now. Feel good. 10 years ago . Okay. Then weve got victor, one more. We have fashion rocks. 2014. I believe so, yes. I was taking a fashion risk here. With the leopard sleeves. I believe it was. I got some good comments on my instagram on this one. Yeah. How long does it take you to get dressed in the morning. Do you spend a lot of time picking your outfits out . You care about what you wear. How many minutes . Five minutes. Special for you. All my clothes laid out for fashion week. I just have to put it on. Do you have a stylist . Kind of go with what im feeling. If normally no socks, loafers tennis shoes or something. For this round i think we have one more. You did not know that this this we all love, right. Im feeling great. Back in the fall . Thats the plan to be ready to rock come september. Look at that smile. Loved you. Love to hear that. Thanks so much. Appreciate you guys coming in. Good luck with week. Coming up next, repel mosquitoes or find your favorite restaurant on a long stretch of highway weve got all of the apps before you hit the road with the family right after this. Im deborah heritage ive been volunteering at the International Bird rescue for about 8 years. We see birds with all types of problems. When a bird gets oil on its feathers, it destroys their waterproofing. Dawn is absolutely essential to the wash process we use tons of it. I was surprised that they use something that i use at home to wash the oil off the birds. Its a wonderful feeling to be able to say that i helped return this bird back to the wild. I love wildlife, how do you love wildlife . I heard i could call angies list if i needed work done around my house at a fair price. Sure can. So i could get a faulty light switch fixed . Yup or make a backyard pizza oven . Oh yeah. I can almost taste it now. Tastes like victory. And pepperoni. Does all greek yogurt have to be thick . Does it all have to be the same . Not with new light and fluffy yoplait greek 100 whips lets whip up the rules of greek wherever it is you want to go, all you need to see is the next 200 feet. Thats how life unfolds. A leap of faith. [growl] even if you cant see it your destination is out there. So just keep going. And youll get there. 200 feet at a time. The corolla. Toyota. Lets go places. Me and you, and you and me. No matter how they tossed the dice. It had to be. The only one for me is you. And you for me. So happy together now theres a rewards program that lets you earn points at one place and use them at another. Introducing plenti. When it comes to rewards theres plenti together. The kids are asleep. Look what i got. Oh my froot loops [sniffs] lets do this . Get up get up get up get up loop me bring back the awesome yeah yeah yeah with the great taste of Kelloggs Froot loops. Follow your nose todays travel trends by quality hotels. Get your moneys worth. Were kicking off a new series all about thet outdoors and this morning we have the best apps to make the most of summer travel. Here is expert and bestselling author brandy zuckerberg. Hi brandy. When you are about to hit the road. Its amazing. I like to say we should unplug when we go outside. The graphics rock outside. But apps can make the trip better. We have a few fun ones. Were starting off we want to pack. There are apps that help you figure out how . Actually customizes it for you. This is pack point. You can put in where youre going, how long youre staying business, leisure, you can even say oh, im skiing or im taking photos, im going to a wedding. Generates a packing list for you so youll never forget. What clothes to pack . Okay. You never get there and forget a tooth brush ever again. What if you need to make a pit stop . Does this help . We vul have that experience on the highway and youre thinking oh, my gosh, do i get off here . Can i make it . Well i exit will show you the next 100 exits on the highway, for those type a people who want to plan. You can even look for oh if you want gas, coffee fast food here it can show you all of the gas stations even look for Family Friendly stops. Iexit. Its all over the country. Anywhere youre driving. See up to 100 exits down the road. This is one were teasing. Somehow an app can prevent you from getting bit by mosquitoes. Yes. Just because youre out and unplugging doesnt mean you need to get eaten alive. Bug spray. This app you can turn it on and it emits a High Frequency sound, put it down and its barely audible. Weve turned it up. It repels mosquitoes. Thats a genius. It doesnt smell. Odor free. No spray. And it works. Yes. It works. Its bugspray on apple and insect repellent on android. Same app. What is this next app . This is a fun one. You live in a city and dying for outdoors time, this app locals will tell you the best ways to get out of the city, climbing, hiking, all in 20 30 60 minutes of the city. And again are those major cities or can you its in 20 major cities. They are expanding you can do everything from climbing you could discover, i discovered through there, hidden water falls in portland. When i was in portland, oregon. They have the only clothing optional government maintained state park in austin, texas. Hello. A naked park in austin . I just discovered it. Lets continue driving down the road you haven a issue and you need help. You have a road side assistance. Now you can do a virtual honk. This is called honk for help. Its like the uber of towing. So if the you need help, your car is out of gas, battery, you go to honk for help and they come, finding your gps and tell you how much its going to cost. Its usually about 50. They come in 15 to 30 minutes. You dont need a membership. What did we do before our phones . You need to make sure you dont lock your phone in the car, though. Yes. Randi, thank you so much. Tomorrow the best outdoor toys for kids. Up next, a performance about to hit theaters. Women talking about activia. When i feel bloated and my stomach is rumbling in the morning, it takes me forever to get dressed. I just like wearing a lot of black. I dont have the time to be gassy and uncomfortable, when im trying to get out of the house. Those are the days you wear sweatpants. I love activia. That is so good. I eat activia every day. Enjoying activia twice a day for 4 weeks may help reduce the frequency of minor digestive issues. Feeling good, looking good. Activiaaaa. My husband has been singing that to me for two weeks. Hey america, still not sure whether to stay or go to your people . Well this summer, stay with Choice Hotels twice and get a 50 gift card you can use for just about anything. Go you always have a choice. Book now at choicehotels. Com ooh pizza rolls ahh theyre ready make summer awesummer with totinos pizza rolls. And get a free movie ticket when you spend 10. Hey, you forgot the milk thats lactaid. Right. 100 real milk just without the lactose. So you can drink all you want. With no discomfort . Exactly. Here, try some. Mmm, it is real milk. See . Delicious. Hoof bump oh. Right here girl, boom. Lactaid®. 100 real milk. No discomfort. And for a creamy and delicious treat, try lactaid® ice cream. I need to look for a used car. But i just keep putting it off. Its daunting. What if i make the wrong choice . Its like, if i buy a tshirt and then change my mind i can return it. But a car . You dont reeeaaa eeeeeaaaaaly know until youve driven it a few days. I just want to be sure. As long as people drive cars carmax will be the best way to buy them. New lipton sparkling iced tea. Refreshing tea infused with light, crisp, tiny bubbles. For a taste that lifts you up. Lets think about what goes in here, renee. Oh. And we think bablams gonna kill the stomach flu . Im scared to use the facilities. I dont blame you. If you want clean, your cleaner needs bleach in it. Clorox. Bleach means clean. I guess i never really gave much thought to the acidity in any foods. Never thought about the coffee i was drinking having acids. It never dawned on me that it could hurt your teeth. My dentist has told me your enamel is wearing away, and that sounded really scary to me and i was like well can you fix it can you paint it back on and he explained that it was not something that grows back, its kind of a onetime shot and you have to care for it. He told me to use pronamel. Its gonna help protect the enamel in your teeth. It allows me to continue to drink my coffee and to eat healthier and it was a real easy switch to make. Kathy baker appeared in more than 50 films. One of her roles on the small screen in her role in the 90s series picket fences. She stars opposite williams in a final performance the loving wife of a closeted gay man struggling to come to terms. We have separate beds separate lives. I dont know how much more separate we could be. Kathy baker, good morning. Beautiful. Thats a lot. Bittersweet. I havent watched that since he cm 9 he passed. Yeah. I know that you are so proud of this. It must be you know, a lot of mixed emotions going how has the experience been for you . Exactly. Im thrilled that people are loving the movie and wanting to talk about it and im excited its in new york. I keep saying sunset but its sunshine. Yeah. And but then every time i talk it is, it is hard of course. Did you know Robin Williams personally before . No. I never met him. We meet the day before, have. V a chat and boom youre into it. You dont have time for rehearsal rehearsal. This role is an intimate role as you see. His story i think is just such a range of emotion. Tell me what it was like on set with him. He was just professional. Focused. He was he was funny the way people are, but he wasnt doing mork or anything, you know. And he was very concerned that after every take was i happy, did did i want another take, did you get what you wanted you know. He loved the movie. He was into it and text me have you seen it was it good. Was very proud of it. You play a character named joy. How would you describe her . Well its cool her name is joy because she would like to be full of joy but i mean, shes married to her best friend and they love each other very much. But it isnt romantic, it isnt sexual and i think she knows deep down inside that hes gay but they dont talk about it. They dont go there. They have a bargain in their marriage. And then he breaks the bargain when he meets somebody. So shes no longer full of joy. I love the way when he talks about this role. He appreciated the way that the role handed such difficult subject. Yes. It was an opportunity for him to be able to talk about different things. Yeah. And i think you know, i think its about a marriage. He is it is a difficult situation but i think he was very concerned that we got the marriage part of it right. And that it does talk about how to be yourself, how to learn to be who you really are, and when its time to move on even though its so sad. Yeah. Well, i cannot wait to see this film. And thank you so much for spending time with us this morning talking about it and remembering Robin Williams as well. And boulevard opens nationwide the end of the month. This is today on nbc. Tradingin or selling your car truck or suv . Webuyanycar. Com takes the hassle out of selling in just 3 easy steps. One, get your free online valuation. Two, book an appointment. And three, pick up a check at your nearest buying center. Find out how much your car is worth at webuyanycar. Com whats coming up, ladies . Coming up Debby Mccarthy is here with donny. Nordstrom rack. 39. 95. A hard bargain. We have you werent going to return this, were you . Not anymore. Did you see his train wreck . A lot to see. A performance. Going to be great. Nbc 10 news starts now. Good morning. Im tracy davidson. Lets get your first alert forecast from meteorologist bill henley. Good morning bill. Good morning. Lots of clouds. Weve seen heavy downpours in the area. Tracking more showers and some heavy rainfall. Parts of south jersey you can see spotty showers into New Castle County with the heaviest rainfall has prompted a flood advisory in salem county and Flood Warning still in effect from the earlier heavier rainfall in comberland and eastern salem county where theyre getting more heavy rain right now. The temperatures are going to be holding in the 70s to start with but on our way to the 80s by later this morning and middle to upper 80s this afternoon with a chance of storms. Happening today, president obama will deliver the keynote address at the Naacp Convention in philadelphia. His remarks are scheduled to start at 3 00 p. M. So there could be delays at roads around center city for his arrival and departure. The countdown on 74 days away from the popes visit to philadelphia. And one day passes to ride septas rails during the papal visit go on sale next sunday. They will be sold online, they want to keep capacity in line with numbers on the trail. Anyone using Regional Rail including regular customers and visit tors have to prepurchase a one day pass. Septa wont take any other passes or fares on those days. Pope francis will be in philadelphia september 26th and 27th. Find the pontiffs itinerary on the nbc 10 newss app. Another update in 25 minutes. Thanks for watching. gong slather your ribs with kikkoman for that rich mahogany sweetness. taiko drum beat taiko drum beat . Announcer from nbc news, today with Kathie Lee Gifford and hoda kotb live from studio 1a in rockefeller plaza. Thats called feel good. I dont know that song. You know every song boozeday tuesday, its july 14. I thought it was the 15th but its the 14th. Our hody has been working her little tushie off. You were there well, when theres breaking news everybody gets to work. Okay so the lovely Jenny Mccarthy is here with news to share about her reality show and her cute husband donnie is here too. We want to ask her about the view. Shes been there. You saw this film, you thought it was very, very funny. Train wreck. The wwe star john cena. Hes sun funny. Hes getting in an argument with the guy behind him and the fight is funny. If youre at a loss for dinner. Well head to the kitchen and have a healthy delicious mediterranean male. They say its the be diet in the whole world. And pop rop group performs a song that hit number one in 26 countries. Fireflies. Thats a beautiful song you know what was so much fun . Look what hoda did last night. You know how i love the lip sync battling. They did a live event in central park which was amazing. So it wasnt for Television Just a live event so it was derek hough and his sister julianne were there and two girls from broad city. They wanted me to dress up in an outfit, in a hat. Sometimes people like that. It wasnt the hat wasnt fitting properly. It was such a bummer it was this hat, anyway that was it. Look it didnt fit. They kept trying to push it kathie lee dont say anything that looked pain. It was. So i had to dress up like bruno mars again. We got up on stage, the thing was over it was a big party. Derek hough took my camera, started shooting and ll cool j was there. Look how dressed up. Shake shake shake watch this part. [ cheers and applause ] 5,000 people in central park. It was crazy. Just for fun. Okay look. Ll cool j took the camera. So if you were in the audience hes such a sweetheart, isnt he . Hes so gentle. Hes a lovely guy. And to show you how far lip sync has come, Justin Bieber is going to be on lip sync. The guy is a singer, hes going to be lip syncing versus deion sanders. Thats going to be this thursday this is adorable. San francisco 49ers receiver torey smith gets a lot of attention on the football field but when it comes to dance moves the focus is on his oneyearold little boy torey. Look how torey reacts when he hears a great song. [ laughter ] how adorable he throws it down. Boom hes got the moves. Hes a little natural athlete too. How cute is that . Its had almost three million views. Thats adorable. All right, the bachelorette, everybody ready . I came home late after that lip sync thing. It was 10 30 and i tivoed it to watch a little. Its down to three sean, nick, and ben h. I dont know why its been h. , theres only one ben. Kaitlin went on a romantic date with nick, they were in the fantasy suite. Slurping. Thats our sound effects. This week she went on two more dates. She and ben went on a romantic countryside date. And you know what happened . They ended up in the fantasy suite. He asked her she asked him if he wanted to go hes cute. Is that ben h. . Thats ben. That is ben. Look at making out. See, that is cute kissing. Im turned off of her. If not if you know what she was doing the night before in the fantasy suite. Exactly. She went with sean on a golf date. She dared him to strip down naked and run. It was truth or dare. So he did the dare. He took off his pants and then he putted and she started running and he chased her. It was so cute. Im not taking your clothes. And guess where they ended up . They ended up in the fantasy suite all right, so now its time for poor kaitlin. Poor kaitlin . To send somebody home. So if you have not yet seen the bachelorette and you tivoed it last night, mute your tv or turn away. Were going to tell you who she dumped. You know who i think it is. Hes the lucky guy. I didnt see the end. You dont know . I dont know. Im going to guess she dumped nick. Im hoping its nick. Please be nick. I thought you liked ben. I like ben oh, youre right. You want her to dump ben. I want her to dump ben because i like ben so much and i think ben should be with somebody different. Lets see. Ky hug you . Of course. Honestly, i just feel like you were going to find the best girl in the world and it frustrates me that its not me. I dont know kaitlin. I felt like you know i showed you who i was and theres nothing about you or the situation that i thought couldnt work. Im with you life is good and i would love to be able to share life on here with you but thats not going to happen and that will be tough. Thank god, seriously, for ben. Do you think hes he means any of that . I think he loved her. He said he did. I watch the show you just said to me shes just dumped him and hes still talk . Why and i go because the cameras are still rolling. She said im letting you go because you deserve somebody better. And i think hell find someone better. I hope so. I cant imagine exposing yourself to the whole world this way. Now its between sean and nick and they hate each other. In fact, they almost came to blows at one point. Well, of course they did. Lets see what happened now. Lets see the tension in the room. Yeah, you better drink. Oh theyre just drinking and not looking at each other. Is. Are they waiting for her. Cut it like a knife. Nobody is speaking. This whole thing is ridiculous. Well, nick started spreading rumors about sean well, basically nick was telling her that sean had slept around with multiple people. And she hasnt . Well, she was upset. You cannot have it both ways. You cannot have it both ways like that. You cant be upset about something when youre doing it too. You tell me right now because youre invested. I am not invested [ laughter ] i am so not invested. Knnhejdtqi rn you kind of are. Who of those two nick or sean is she going to choose . Well, she says she has that crazy thing with nick from the very beginning. Hes the one that came back. Thats what the producers want it to do. You say its going to be nick. I think shell pick sean. When is it over hoda . Put me out of my misery. Never i think it will be over is it next week . We miss amanda at times like this. Shes on theres a kid whos a boy band singer. He collapses. Why did he collapse . He had a bag and it was going to be too heavy so instead of paying money for the excess baggage he decided he was going to wear layers upon layers of clothes. He looks like unanimous nooknanuk of the north. He had jeans, bottoms, hats tshirts layered on. That caused him to overheat and he collapsed of heat exhaustion. Im not laughing at it. Its so ridiculous. Well, he saved 50 and now hes in the hospital. So it was worth it,. Hes fine. He has got a sense of humor. He suggests sore passengers avoid packing underwear which takes too much space. I dont think hes learned his lesson. Jetblue is having fun because pretend youre about to board a plane and youre waiting patiently and its time to board and the minute that the lady at the front screeches for the microphone and says travelers everyone starts running and flooding all the way up because they want to jostle first in line even though everyone has a reserve seat because youre worried your luggage wont fit. Jetblue did this hilarious Flight Etiquette video. Take a look. Ladies and gentlemen please remain comfortably seated well begin boarding shortly. Its ugly human nature. You can help us expedite the boarding process by keeping the entryway clear until your row is called. Hi, everybody do you mind if i squeeze through . Im just operating the flight, please. I dont think so. We would like to offer courtesy boarding to those customers traveling with children under the age of two. [ laughter ] and those customers who need additional assistance. Sorry, oops sorry. We will now continue boarding with rows 20 and higher. Hi, hi. Sir, were only boarding rows 20 and higher. Oh, what about now . No, youre sitting in row 14 so a few minutes. Ill come back. Thats great, thank you. Hello hi oh gosh. It does not bring out the best in human nature does it, hoda. Youre one of them. Will its be honest. Ive been on occasion, too. You have no control over anything when it comes to flying except when you can get on the plane so you really want to get on. I get that feeling because when they start i dont know why, i have the same that look when everyone turns their head. Like i feel that. But you usually go with one carry on and its usually extremely overstuffed. Thats why i need to get there so i can get it in. I need room. To maneuver. Yes. Yes. Youre very funny. I have flown with you on many occasions, once you get in and you are set up you put on her hoodie and head phones and hoda can sleep through the worst thunderstorms. Turbulent, bouncing. Im so jealous. Dont forget this friday were going to give it away again like kaitlin has been doing it every night. Five lucky viewers, a special prize. Golly day she must be exhausted. You can enter once a week. In fact you have to enter so if you didnt win last week you have to enter aovaq for the complete rules and regulations on how to enter for a chance to win just go to klgandhoda. Com and hit the connect button. Theyre awesome prizes. She is a tv personality, an actress and author, a beautiful blond. Thank you, hody. Jenny mccarthy. Is donnie not here . I thought he was coming, too s that a big . A new test with pluggable febreze. We rented this resort, hid smelly objects all over each villa and plugged in febreze. Then real people were asked to stay for a long weekend. 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Lighweight. music plays people are both soft and strong, which is why our products are too. And we believe in value so we give you 60 more sheets than charmin ultra strong. Angel soft. Be soft. Be strong. When people say im lucky to have this hair, i thank them. But then i really thank preference. To me, nothing compares to preference. Preference is luminous. Fadedefying color that lasts. Theres so many different subtleties to the tone. Golden and warm and luminescent. Thats whats so special about preference. Luminous color isnt luck, its preference. Preference by loreal. Its worth it. And so are you. Loreal. Haircolorist. Paris. To protect and care for the things we cherish and the ones we love each and every one of us has a natural, human instinct to cover. Covering is caring. Because covering heals 5 days faster. Bandaid brand. I showed this to donnie this morning and hes like you look beautiful. Very, very much in love. I know you are and you tell the world and you show the world constantly. Well do a game about that. But do people ever say kids, get a room . Yeah, Morgan Freeman actually. We were at the emmys and we were making out in the corner and he said get a room. You were making out in the corner . We make out everywhere. We are addicted to each other. I think about him all day long still. We when hes on the road and im you know, back here we face time sleep. What do you mean . Hes on the pillow no, hes not. I sleep and i hear him snore and we sleep that way on the road. And when hes off he comes on my sirius radio show just to be with me and cohost. Hes like well where is he hes like ben on the bachelorette. Leave him out of this. We like ben. All right, so where is he today . Hes at blue bloods. He was supposed to come with me. We do face time. But tom selick is he on there . I have him with me. There he is hi, donnie. Hi guys. Where are you . Were missing you here today. Im missing you both terribly and of course im missing my gorgeous wife and her magical pink hair but im in the woods somewhere in queens on the set of blue bloods trying to solve a tv murder here. Tom selleck is going to fire me because im holding up the set. Oh, be careful, thats right. Keep working so you can pay for my new hair that ill need. Is this part of the reason you love jenny so much . She surprises you everyday doesnt she . She keeps it as we say, active. She does. Well, she does. She does and i do and i think thats whats so great is that were both givers, we give a lot and i think in each other we found a perfect match. I dont know that i would have pink hair tomorrow but i like to surprise her as well and were constantly doing things to keep it romantic, keep it live and keep it fresh and to communicate. I think we communicate in a way that is perfect for each other. Oh my god shes making out with the phone dont like it, dont lick the phone. Theyre doing that thats what they do. Dont kiss the phone, though because youre making out with ear jam when you do that. You have to be careful. Eww. Youre entering season two coming up . Season two starts tomorrow everybody. On a e. Say hi to tom and everybody on the set. I love they were so good. They gave my daughter a great role on blue bloods a couple years ago. And i have a great female tip. Sometimes we dont like the way we look on face time. If you kiss the camera with lipstick you have diffusion. And you have a nice like vaseline. It is goodbye, donnie you and that phone get a room. Were going to figure out todays brain teaser up next. And john cena is buff at hillshire farm, spice is the spice of life. Thats why our craftsmen season every sausage perfectly. So you can coax out great flavor effortlessly. Hillshire farm. Because its worth doing right. At hillshire farm, theres a reason our slow roasted turkey taste so fresh seconds after carving, we not only seal every slice, we double seal it. The results are something to savor. Hillshire farm. Because its worth doing right. Dull and boring hair . Change it. Gloss it nutrigloss. Loreals new glossing shampoo system. With glycosilk its tailormade for dull hair. Helps seal in nutrition. Acts like a glossing treatment with every use. Nutrigloss. New from loreal advanced haircare. Recently weve noticed some ads created by these two birds inviting you to stay away from the streak free shine of windex. Well dear windex users these ads are false. Sfx squeaks from Window Cleaning clean glass is better than dirty glass. Dont stand for dirty. Use windex. Hello. Our Ocean Spray Cranberry mango juice drinks are a Perfect Blend of cranberry and mango. Tastes like youre in the tropics. [ cracking ] tada my advice . Look on the bright side. With aveeno® skin brightening scrub. It has moisture rich soy and gentle exfoliators for brighter more radiant skin. Aveeno® naturally beautiful results®. One of the cool perks of this place, is you can eat as much cereal as you want. You can go to any line thats running, and pull a box of cereal. Alrighty. We just like cereal, we make it, eat it love it, live it. laughing hey you working for nature made too . Yup go team youve heard about friendly probiotics. But why take one that only targets half your digestive tract . New nature made advanced has dual strains that target your whole tract. Part of the new line of probiotics from nature made. When the day arrives a little earlier and lingers a little later you can be sure its summer. And for this bounty, so little is expected in return. Only that we find ways big and small, to milk every last second of it. To use a little imagination and make a whole lot of memories. Low prices. Every day. On everything you need to get away from it all. Walmart. Its brain teaser tuesday which means were going to put your minds to work with fun riddles. Listen closely, here it is. What can be open bud cannot be closed . What can be opened but not be closed . Well let you know after the break. And get ready for good times. Owl city is about to sing for us. Plus, hmm, im thinking wwe superstar john cena on why size matters for him after your local news. For soft beautiful feet, i have a professional secret. Amope and its premium foot care line. The amope pedi perfect foot file, gives you soft beautiful feet effortlessly. Its specialized microlumina rotating head buffs away hard skin. Even on those hard to reach spots. Its amazing you can see it and feel it. My new must have for soft beautiful feet. Also try it with amope pedi perfect moisturizer for up to 24hrs of hydration. Amope, love every step. New snuggle fresh spring flowers. The ultimate in snuggly softness. It stays fresh for 30 days. With the value you love lets make the world a softer place. Lets snuggle turn around every now and then i get a little bit hungry and theres nothing good around turn around, barry i finally found the right snack [ female announcer ] fiber one. [baby cooing] your baby looks at the world. Through those delicate little baby lashes. And one of those chubby baby hands. Latches onto your finger so hard. Its like shes saying i love you. Thats why aveeno® baby lotions. Active naturals® oat formula. Is designed for your babys sensitive skin. Because, while you count each miraculous toe. You know theyre counting on you. [baby coos] aveeno®. Naturally beautiful babies. Thats for you you you you. [ laughter ] good morning. 10 26. Lets see where the rain is falling now. Nbc10s chief meteorologist glenn hurricane schwartz will be here at 11 00 but right now, bill henley. You can see the clouds over center city. We are tracking heavier rainfall in south jersey. Its really coming down. Now, in not only salem and cumberland counties but a flood advisory has been extended into gloucester county. A Flood Warning has been extended until 2 00 this afternoon for salem and Cumberland County. Look at the heavy rainfall. The radar estimate showing 2 to 4 inches of rain already on the ground in south jersey. We will not see an allday rainfall. Some breaks of sunshine as we head into the afternoon with showers and thunderstorms possible, even into late tonight. Of course stay with us throughout the day as we continue tracking showers and possible storms throughout the area. You can get up to date info on alerts through our free nbc10 news app or nbc10. Com. Also happening today, president obama will deliver the keynote address at the Naacp Convention in philadelphia. His remarks are scheduled to begin at 3 00 p. M. So watch out for traffic problems in the area around that time. President obamas second speech at the organizations convention. The convention will also hear from pennsylvania Governor Tom Wolf. Wolf is currently locked in a battle with state lawmakers over a new state budget. Part of that battle is over how to distribute money to lowincome schools in philadelphia and other cities. Im chris cato. Well have a full hour of news coming up at 11 00 a. M. Its spring teaser tuesday and before the break we give you this riddle. What can be opened but not closed . We had no idea and then they gave us the cards. The answer is an egg. Now towq the wwe star who will crack you up at the movies this weekend, john cena, the current u. S. Wrestling champ has performed in front of cameras for more than a decade. This time, lets say hes showing off his comedic side in judd apatows new movie train wreck. Hes one of amy schumers Love Interest whos had enough of her antics. So take a look. Is that wine in a box . Uhhuh. Is this guy ever going to shut up . Please watch the movie. Dont do this to me. Why are you so annoying. Listen you always do this to me. You show up to these places, you put me in a situation, im a big guy everybody wants to fight the big guy. Hey Mark Wahlberg shut up. Mark wahlberg . Me . Who else looks like Mark Wahlberg . Your girl . Mark wahlberg is 150 pounds, im 250 lean. I look like Mark Wahlberg ate Mark Wahlberg [ laughter ] yes yes fun to see you in something new. Just having fun. You are so good in this. I hadnt seen you. Have you been in other movies . A bunch of action stuff. This is the first time ive been able to let loose and have fun. I dont know the comedic chops were theyre all over you. Was that fun . Very good cast. Judd apatow is an amazing director. Amy schumer is unbelievably creative. She wrote it. Yes. You play a Love Interest . Yeah, and its almost a little bit flip. Amy doesnt belief in love and her story throughout the movie is will she commit to that and find love and im the boyfriend who really is trying to give and get in the relationship and ask her to connect. Yeah and shes just like whatever. She wants she wants to hang out she wants to hang out then shes gone. Well theres a scene which is probably one of the most i dont know how would you describe it . Choose your words carefully. Revealing. Yeah, theres a lot of you shown. Were you comfortable in that situation . I think those who see the movie will agree with you that scene is extremely awkward. [ laughter ] and is designed that way. Its designed to be the most unintimate environment. So it was unbelievably awkward but thats cool because it shows. So when youre in that situation laying in bed with her pretty much naked whats it like with the light, cameras, directors telling you what to do. Whats that like . Well never know, ever. It is it was the most uncomfortable thing ive ever been a part of. Really . Yeah, its just you realize it does take a lot of work to film a movie but never do you realize how many people are out there until you just as god made you. And shes as god made her. No, she was actually sexism id like to say freedom of dress. I just chose a different outfit. [ laughter ] your birthday suit. Is this something you want to do more of, john . I had a lot of fun. Hes in the new tina fey movie with amy poehler. When you can be surrounded by great people doing a brilliant project and the end makes people love. Theres a difference between running away and blowing up buildings. I do that in the ring, this is clocking in and laughing all day and you see it and laugh at the movies. But you had to audition. You worked for this role. I did because i wanted to be a part of it. You had timing. That whole Mark Wahlberg line. The thing about judd and amy they allow leeway. We do a few takes of the script and they say try saying this, try saying that. And it just becomes so lost in it. Stuff just happens. So the improv is what was kept for the movie . And thats not just with me or amy. Thats the entire cast. Dont you love he doesnt take credit for anything . Theres a reason judd apatow is where he is. Theyre unbelievably creative and they embrace people around them. They want everyone to be just as good. You are so much fun in this movie. I hope people see it. It opens friday. We love it when you come see us, too. Thank you, john. Train wreck opens friday. Get ready for great music by owl city. Then well keep it light for your summer slimdown with a seafood dirn. We promised mediterranean style after this. Me and you, and you and me. No matter how they tossed the dice. It had to be. The only one for me is you. And you for me. So happy together now theres a rewards program that lets you earn points at one place and use them at another. Introducing plenti. 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When i feel bloated and my stomach is rumbling in the morning, it takes me forever to get dressed. I just like wearing a lot of black. I dont have the time to be gassy and uncomfortable, when im trying to get out of the house. Those are the days you wear sweatpants. I love activia. That is so good. I eat activia every day. Enjoying activia twice a day for 4 weeks may help reduce the frequency of minor digestive issues. Feeling good, looking good. Activiaaaa. My husband has been singing that to me for two weeks. When the sun is shining and the humidity is high, the last thing you want at nighting is a heavy meal, which is why today food is lightening up your summertime suppers. One of your best bets is to make a seafood Something Like that, the main course. Here with a delicious mediterranean style dish is the executive chef and partner of bateloo batello, ryan deperccio. What are we making snowed. Restaurant in jersey city, new jersey, and we do not earn style dishes and this is a perfect light and lowcalorie. Grilled swordfish. We have red quinoa cooked in vigil stock, sicilian olives. Which are delicious. We just tried them. Theyre awesome. Very different. We have beautiful herbs, mint and chives will add flavor. Toasted almonds some puff golden raisins. We make a vinegar with red wine vinegar and tomatoes to lighten the tang on it, toasted cumin for more flavor and then we have a citrus gramalatto which is an italian condiment. Its very light. Beautiful. Here we have our grill. Well season with salt and pepper. Thats it, huh . Very simple. If you get a fresh dish like this this is sourced locally in long island from my fish purveyor. We hit it with olive oil to make sure it doesnt stick. Will you do that on both sides . Im just going to do this side. When you flip it youre flipping it on the side that has oil and were trying to keep it light. Could you cook this on the outside grill . I grill all summer and now that im into the fitness thing i make sure i do a lot of lowcalorie things. So this be this will be about three to four minutes on each side. Quick. If you have a thicker steak, you can put it on a pan, throw in the the oven for two to three minutes. I like to serve my swordfish medium rare. If you want it cooked more, just go over that little bit because it will keep it moist. Now heres the fun little trick. We have chives here right . I have a wet paper towel. Im going to roll it nice and tight, keeps them together and then you take your life and just cut your chives. Now, if youre not as fast as me when it comes to with a knife and youre scared. Just take it and cut as small as you can. Just with scissors. Yup. Then just roll it down. Okay, thats a good tip. We get all that in there and we have our parsley, our chives. Do you use fresh parsley or do you always i use fresh everything. Fresh everything. You get the most flavor out of it. This is orange zest, lemon zest lime zest and chopped garlic. A lot of zest. Youre not using the juice. You just want that soyoure releasing the oils out of the citrus. Thats kosher salt and were going to hit it with olive oil. I like when you say hit it. Would you start this for me, kathie lee . Id be delighted. So this is just a little sauce . This is the gramalatto. Then youll see recipes that have olive oil and recipes that dont. This is my recipe which you can probably get on the today show web site now we have red quinoa here. Now everybody says why red quinoa . Whats the difference between red and white . White and red have the same nutritional value. Red has more appeal to it. Now you have olives, raisins, herbs. Half the vinegar and then olive oil. Half of it . Nope. Hit it . Hit it. All right, well taste as you are yup. So we have the finished dish right there. Im hitting. Thats good. And well stir it up and put it right in the center and and thats going on uhoh have to turn this over. Hodas already getting in. Im getting in. And you can slice your fish. You dont have to if you dont want to. Here, kathie lee, heres a bite. Thank you, sweetheart. For all the recipes go to today. Com food and we will have all the details for you. Oh, thats delicious you cant forget the shameless plug of following me on instagram and twitter. You got it. Now its time for music wouldnt you say . A performance by owl city right that have. Delicious. Seriously . Youre not at all concerned . About what now . Oh, i dont know. The apocalypse . Were fine. I bundled renters with my Car Insurance through progressive for just six bucks more a month. Word. Theres looters running wild out there. Covered for theft. Okay. Thats a tidal wave of fire. Covered for fire. What, what . All right. Fine. Im gonna get something to eat. The boys kind of a drama queen. Just wait. Wheres my burrito . 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Adam youngs creation owl city started in his parents basement back in minnesota and with a little help from my space, adam landed a record deal. Seven years later, hes told more than two and a halo albums 18 million singles. His biggest hit firefly which is hes singing for us was only number one in 26 countries. Thats all. Now owl city is out with a new album called mobile orchestra which features collaborations with top artists. So nice to have you. Thanks for having me. And the whole band. How do you pick who you want to collaborate with . Im fans of their work. Theres a collaboration on there with hanson and errol black. A lot of them you had not met . Thats the way it works. You never really meet them. Send files back and forth. Well, owl city is one of those that has endured. Did you know fireflies was a hit when you came up with that . I had no idea. To know it went to number one in 20 something countries 26 here they are owl city you would not believe your eyes if ten million fireflies lit up the world and i fell asleep cause theyd fill the open air and leave teardrops everywhere youd think me rude but i would just stand and sfaer id like to make myself believe that planet earth turns slowly its hard to say that id rather stay awake when im asleep because everything is never as it seems cause id get a thousand hugs from ten thousand Lightning Bugs as they tried to teach me how the dance a foxtrot above my head, a sock hop beneath my bed the disco ball is ball is just hanging by a thread id like to make myself believe that planet earth turns slowly its hard to say that id rather stay awake a when im a sleep because everything is never as it seems leave my door open just a crack please take my ae way from here because i feel like such an insomniac why do i tire of counting sheep when im far too tired to fall asleep ten million fireflies, im weird cause i hate goodbyes i got misty eyed as they said fair well ill know where several are if my dreams get real bizarre cause i saved a few and i keep them in a jar id like to make myself believe that planet earth turns slow li slowly t its hard to say id rather stay awake when im asleep cause everything is never as it seems id like to make myself believe that planet earth turns slowly its hard to say that id rather stay awake when im asleep because everything is never as it seem ss id like to make myself believe that planet earth turns slowly its hard to say that id rather stay awake when im asleep because my dreams are bursting at the seams [ cheers and applause ] i love that that was awesome thats terrific how great was that . I didnt see you back there im so sorry. You guys are awesome, so terrific. Thanks for being with us. Have a great summer. They go on tour this fall. Findthis is today on nbc. Now to shine our fan spotlight on one of our facebook friends. Kelly crane frederick sent us this picture from one of our places alabama jacks. Down there in the keys. I love that she took that picture. I wonder what she ate. Awesome just something fried. Something fry which had you know was good. She said after years of listening to us talking about it she made the trip to key largo, florida. Tomorrow, former saturday night live star colin quinn has something to laugh about. And from the new comedy married actress judy grier. And lifes a beach when it comes to playing who knew. And find out the hot trends that are all the rage for y lillianas luxe for less. See you tomorrow for winesday wednesday. This week is going fast . Then what happens . Thirsty thursday. A first alert weather day with Flood Warnings in place for part of the area. First alert radar tracking more rain for this afternoon and tonight. Good morning, im chris cato. Thunderstorms are sweeping across part of the viewing area with threat of more throughout the day. Lets get to nbc10 first alert chief meteorologist glenn hurricane schwartz with the forecast. This is for today and tonight. Weve got a couple different weather systems that are going to be affecting with us locally really heavy downpours

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