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The Corporate Tax from 35 to 2 and repeels the obamacare individual mandate as well. Im very excited about this moment. It has been years in making. Tax reform bill is disaster had helps wealthiest and hurts middle class. President trump says he wants the bill on his desk by christmas. Meanwhile russia probe continues. Robert mueller getting heat this morning from Trump Administration for what they say is obtaining of thousands of emails from transitions team. President s lawyers say mu mullers team got those emails without permission. Muller investigation is looking into whether mr. Tr trumps team coludeed with russia taken to fear with the 206 president ial election. Sexual misconduct allegations continue of course to flood capitol hill. Late theingt time is woman. Angie ramsey of kansas that dropped bid after male subordinate accused her of this is latest . String of accusations impacting both side of aisle, men and women and reports that an attorney paid attempted to pay someone to bring accusations against President Trump convoluting matter. We lay out top story this morning. Of course, well chew on them a little bit here. Jessies with us this morning. Good to see both of you. Jessie burns from the hill and Jessie Jane Duff a policy analyst from London Center for policy reer is. We thank you both for joining us. Good to see you back here this morning. And whats lets starts with the news of the morning. And which is this report that the muller investigation has received thousands of emails white house says they were gotten illegally and the muller team says that they get the permission from everybody who poydz them with information. Why the drum fwreet white house to discredit roberts muller and this investigation. There were 13 memb president ial Transition Team that claimed that they were not did not grant authorization to release emails tens of thousands of emails were obtained through gsa. General Services Administration hold on to emails until as a courtsey to Transition Teams. And apparently according to the Trump Administration these emails were all obtained ill himly without warrants and full disclosure and that actually causes a big crisis in the future for all president ial Transition Teams because youre not under any type of investigation and then emails are completely swiped without knowledge or concept. You should be aware of that before it happens. Theres talk are transition documents Public Record or private property and with all of this, the news coming out though that trumps attorney President Trump im attorney is saying he is not going to fire muller. I mean with mullers team corresponding and the fact that they got these documents without notifying them i think that was surprising. It has to have huge implications for future Transition Times if this can be done. Yeah and i think theres reporting that they had separated some of the emails and into batches they want to say what they considered privy him the and others muller has all of them we understand. And there was also this instance this week we learned two fbi employees were dismissed from this investigation as well for what appeared to be sending Text Messages back and forth to each other. Disparaging of the president and kind of talking trash during the 2016 election and theyre part of this investigation. Is this part of effort that if you have got your former National Security advisor flynn who has taken a gultty plea and George Papadopoulos taken abilityfy plea and Paul Manafort and rick gates under indictment you throw chaf until the air and throw seeds of doubt in court of Public Opinion now up until this point is not going white house way. I disagree manafort allegation has nothing to do with campaign and many allegations that occurred had was campaign up manager. Bhawt he was changed with it prior to the campaign. Look at charges before you say the entire campaign was corrupt. These two members of fbi were making comments that were very serious and egregious against even President Trump being potentially president and that shows a conflict thats a fair assessment. Listen you saw my emails this was chitchat between me and these people with russia. If the standards serves for donald trump jr. Why doesnt it stand for these fbi employees. Standard of which they were talking about disruption on they thought think were doing justice by stopping President Trump and now on muller Investigation Team thats where you see a clear conflict of interest. They are investigating president cam page but a Clear History of being against President Trump sfwlp i stick with jessie because conservative theres other headlines that came out i want your take on talking points of roy moore loose. I heard two lanes its embarrassment because its a loss in a red state and others say tingz a victory for republicans in light of allegations against roy moore. Whats your take on the i moved on and put it in the rearview mirror. That sounds leak a copout. He was weak candidate. I felt that this was not the best choice for alabama and alabamaians made decision and i think republicans across the nation need to accept that. Instead of if he was wrong candidate he would have won. They want to get as far as away from john conyers and al franken as possible. Wps you clear these you want to see them in the rearview mirror. Maybe thats where roy moore belong. We have a democratic congressman under jut any for this behavr. You have in your time up on the hill sten seep a tidal wave like were seeing right now . Where members of both praerts having to answer for past allegations . Its ai a remarkable moment were seeing now. Neither party is clean. Both sides we saw it with more in alabama and seeing if al franken and all over allegations of sexual misconduct. Really rocking the senate and the house and its putting Party Leaders in a bipd. And its putting them to the point now when elimination as come out were seeing nancy pelosi in the case of democratic nevada immediately call are to for resignation. She went one day from calling conyers an icon to calling him to resign. Democrats have a standard right now the no mercy. If you are accused youre gone. Did republicans have that level and which party right now is trying to grasp the upper hand on this conversation. Well, we also had about 60 members i believe my number may not be accurate that recently resigned because of past allegations that were made against them. We had a slush fund of roughly 75 million and much of that was used to payoff Sexual Harassment and sexual allegations of various sorts and republicans know to re resign. We even had trent fravrpingz that resigned over comments he made to staffers. And were not necessarily sexual in nature but he said under this current climate. Were rubbing out of time. Real quick, yes or no. Did these allegations existsed against the president of the United States present real political threat to him in 2018. I dont think so at this point. Jessie. Democrats could. Well have to continue this conversation at a later too many. Jessie burns and Jessie Jane Duff appreciate you coming. New this week tax bill making breaking it down with details with a legal expert. Youre watching fox 5 news on the hill. Well be riping back thank you for being with us harry. An if theyre keeping promisep if tax cuts expire in less than decade deductions dont go away. Were pushing did down at huge tax increase and people in our region are not expected to have a tax cut if you live in high tax states like maryland. Tell us from the promise is really kept. Thank four having me ronica. I think as far as the base is concerned they are pleased with what this base is in. Reducing revenue, basically starves the beast and i think were lookingow cuts and entitlement where other proposals are and thats from political point of view. In terms of these amounts expiring, before teen years are up the next congress and president will have to do something and look at the budget and deficit situation i dont think anyone should worry about the fact its not permanent they may not see the boost they thought they would get from the tax cut. They go to limit the state and local did you ductions to collins insisted on for her vote. And i think in terms of middle class it will brettty much be a push and things perhaps cup do there may be people i itemizeing currently. And by 0 tax bears too do and under the bill protect 10 . And so and. That could have a positive effect on claritys that are receiving that kind of funding because of the fact that people need to do that to ings late themselves from what they lose. Charities actually are a big winner here taken has not been discussed and theres a provision in the bill that does away with who wha is known as peas phase out. If you itemize deductions as income goes up theres a haircut to deductions at the current law and you can nrooz youre millionaire as much as 80 under these new rules thats gone. You can deduct the full am amount. You talk about charities being winter i whom acare they say is loser and Obamacare Mandate getting cut in south korea sil bill. Thats interesting. People and health care rehe peel and replace and certainly thats a maim oar campaign promise. Thats an ideological issue anden in fact theyll be very you know pleased to say and give that back to the base. But it does not really change most of the healthcare rules. All right. Well continue to follow this larry axle rod from the ivans films and barker. We appreciate you breaking down this tax plan literally changing week to week we have a vote coming up tuesday. Thank you very much for having me. Thanks for being with us. Unemployment rate is holding and a lot of people following whats bn going on. Well talk about more as we continue fox news on the hill litter this morning. Er this mor. [lance] it is absolute chaos out here . Dont know if you can hear me, can we get a shot of this cold front, right here. [vo] progress is an unstoppable force. Brace yourself for the season of audi sales event. [vo] the season of audi sales event is here. Audi will cover your first months lease payment on select models during the season of audi sales event. Its been taking an check toll and joins senator Chris Van Holland earlier this tweak speak on behalf of son james that died earlier this year and in an effort to get funding for Mental Health issues and drug treatment. We lost older son jamie ten months going to overdose of fentanyl. He was 27, we miss him every day he started using drugs including heroin Substance Abuse goes handinhand with mental abuse issues as individuals are trying to quiet mind and pain related to dysfunction. And taking your tragedy and trying to help prevent others from that tragedy. Our message is simple which is that words are neetion but not enough. Woor polices to have rick warner join us again. If you watched this program. Rick is a familiar fashion. Hes been with us several times before and you know, rick, it occurs to us were sitting here in december. And youre coming up in february. On the one year mark of losing your son jamie. You have increased your public profile. Youve spoken at events like this. And where do we stand now as far as your journey as you have been involved with this and the things you heard from politicians both in the democratic side and republican side they talk a lot about this are they doing wt told you they would do. Funding is a big issue. As was made clear in the event the other day. Declared National Public Health Emergency but funds have not been attached to t that. And folks that need treatment, treatment is expensive and funding is needed to do that. And republicans they defend that decision or administration did and they said in the way the funding would be districted would be different if it was National Public Health Emergency versus i think National Crisis or Something Like that. Do you agree with that decision in the long term . Is that maybe a smart l longterm strategy . We need to do something now to stop the hemorrhaging if you will . We have to see how that plays out over the next few months if you in fact come one strategy. At this point they dont have a fully flushed out strategy. It sounds like theyre trying to figure out one. So, well see. While this political talk goes problem on the streets. Especially d. C. , maryland, virginia, northern virginia, half a dozen people recently lost to this fents nal out there on the street. Is the message getting out to people who are using about how deadly this stuff is. No matter how experienced or how well you might think you know this into the you dont know what you might be putting into your sale. Thats difficult. For users as i understand it. You want your next high in some cases the highest high you ever had and youre not that worried about. It you think you can manage. It you think you know rights where the precipice is and you wont go over. It it where do you direct people that need support. Or is it about money bottom line . Number one money for treatment. And number two like in our case we tried to get our son to seek treatment and he would never admit he was use sog he would not. And thats a very, very difficult hurd toll get over. Its also very, very common situation a lot of families faced over the years. Rick we thank you so much for continuing to come back with us and we like you to continue to come back as we track this important issue for a lot of families. In our area. We thank you. Thanks, guys. Thanks for being with us again. Youre watching fox5 on the hill and coming up, well hear from one of the buzzest ca caroling groups in our area. Dont whatever you were about to do just became whatever youre about to do after you get coffee. Nothing comes before coffee. Thats why were introducing a new line of cafequality espresso drinks from mccafe. Get a small peppermint mocha for just two dollars. Welcome back, fox 5 news on the hill. Look at this we got carolers for you this morning. Christina granoos and 46 streetcar oling Company Joins us for your pleasure. Christmas is a week away. Tell us how busy you are now. Who has you come sing for them. So we have i think 80 performances 80 to 90 perform and and john mccains office and saying i dont know we do all kinds of fun things. Youll do a fun thing now. Why dont you hit. It give us a little bit of Christmas Spirit fill our studio and our hearts with a little bit of christmas. 42 streetcar oling company well see you next week. Thank you, guys. This time of year is all about family. And wed like you to be part of ours. So our chevy employee discount is now available to everyone. You pay what we pay. Not a cent more. Were so happy to share this with you. Its our way of saying happy holidays. And welcome to the family. The chevy family. Use your employee discount for everyone and trade up to this silverado all star to get a total value of over eleven thousand dollars. Find new roads at your local chevy dealer. Chris im chris wallace. Republicans release their latest tax plan. Will congress tended to President Trump to sign before christmas . This is real relief. This relief gives people a simpler system and a fairer tax code. Chris as g. O. P. Leaders push the measure to overhaul the tax code, we will discuss the bills prospects and what it means for you with secretary of the treasury steven mnuchin. Then Democrat Doug Jones wins in alabama, putting even more pressure on the g. O. P. To pass tax reform before he gets to the senate. It would be wrong for Senate Republicans to jam through this

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