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Transcripts For FOXNEWSW FOX News Watch 20130908

yeah. i heard about progressive's "name your price" tool? i guess you can tell them how much you want to pay and it gives you a range of options to choose from. huh? i'm looking at it right now. oh, yeah? yeah. what's the... guest room situation? the "name your price" tool, making the world a little more progressive. bob to get the job. yep. an electronics newsmaker to dance during a job interview. they made them cut a rug during the team building exercise which they initially thought was a joke. said one applicant, "i ended up dancing around the world by daft punk doing rubbish robotics in my suit in front of a group of strangers another middle-aged guy looked upset he had to rap." and your robots sucked, you brit you. later apologizing saying dance routines are not part of their formal hiring practice. they ended up filling the position with this young go-getter. ♪ >> that's great. he's a good dancer. tucker, the most upsetting thing about this is the company apologized. why do everyone have to apologize, andy? >> the brits compulsively apologize but never mean it. i made a lot of bad hiring decisions in the past which never would have happened in the first place had i screened my employees by making them dance. >> did you do it -- when you were hiring people, did you do any of these silly things, like role playing? >> we have a lot of eccentric practices but i'm adding dance to it. modern mode modern interpra tif clothing. >> patti ann browne, do you think it was wrong for this company -- they were just thinking outside the box. >> that's what is confusing me. really, it's not totally accepted for people to be asked to dance? why was it when i was hired here at fox that you made me do? >> test pattern. test pattern. test pattern. >> these guys were salesmen, though. >> but electronics. under what scenario are you going to need to dance to sell a customer electronics. >> someone by the way they dance. you see if -- >> we've both seen tucker dance. >> and you learned things you didn't want to know. nice. thank you. >> andy, why not dancing? they ask all of these silly questions like where are you going to be in five years, and what could you put in a time caps sul. >> i'm fairly confident i could have walked out of their as the head of the company. these are team building. they are useless and put money in the pockets of consultants who somehow think that they are worthwhile and all they do is embarrass the crap out of the employees. that's the problem here. >> don't people need to think more creatively? so many companies have people who work in their cubicles and don't let it out. that's what they are looking for, people who want to get out of their shell. >> but team building exercise -- you've never had a job. >> but i've been -- >> has anyone ever had to do team building exercise? >> it's the dumbest -- it's the absolute dumbest things in the world. you sit there and act like you're really learning something about yourself and co-workers and everybody is going to be better. the fact is that every single employee sitting there rolling their eyes and they can't wait to go to lunch or smoke a cigarette. >> maybe they shouldn't roll their eyes. maybe they should get up there and boogie. >> that's even weirder. they are trying to see whether they will work together as a team? >> you're sending a really cool message to future employees. work here and -- that's not a bad message to get out there and send. >> bill, you have a side job for dancing for rich, older men. >> an old man named rich. it's just one. we need a fact checker. it pays like one. yeah, the apology thing, i can't stand that. if the guy wants people to dance, they should dance. queen slippery slope over here may say it could lead from dancing to taking their pants off. it's not going to get that bad. but if i were to hire you, what i would ask you is how you perceive yourself and you would say i think outside of the box and i would tell you to get the hell out. how dare you? how about inside the oval? that's what we're going to work towards now. >> the funny thing is, to get that job as a dancer, you had to write a paper. >> yes, that's true. >> okay. next topic. is it a wonder we're not six feet under? life expectancy has doubled in the last 150 years. we live to now almost 80. we used to get one life. now we get two. she adds, have you ever had some health problem that could have killed you if it you had been born in an earlier era like small pox that didn't kill you because it was erradicated by a global vaccine drive? why are you not dead yet? >> let's see if it's a fun conversation topic. why are you not dead? >> inertia. i'm from california where no one has ever died. that's the one thing you're not allowed to talk about. they went off to palm springs and you never saw them again. i moved to the other direction that no one eternalizes that life ends. it's a shock to people that they die. they can't even live with it. >> have you ever had an illness that had it come up 100 years ago you would have died? the flu used to kill people. andy? >> yeah. for me it's this whole thing about the fact that life expectancy has doubled is why i hate people that venerate nature. nature is diseases and nature is death. nature is drinking water that's been contaminated by feces, mosquitos that carry malaria. nature sucks. it is an awful thing. give me indoor plumbing, vaccines, i am fine. >> that's what i tell my kids. patti, i tell my children, mother earth is not your real mother and she's quite indifferent to you. >> wow. how about that. >> they respect mommy. patti ann browne, what do you think? >> i love this whole topic. they have a whole twitter for not dead yet and one of them is i almost died as a scratch cat fever. that's a real thing? >> ted knnugent. >> for me it was scarlett fever. i had a really severe case. i would have died. i know that penicillin saved my life. i would have been one of those people whose life was cut short. >> and many, many lives. >> bill, you're already living a double life. now in the modern era, does that mean you're living a life? >> penicillin has saved my sex life. i will say that. as for any disease i've ever had, i haven't had any as anyone who knows me will tell you, i am bruce willis. i've been run over twice and not had a broken bone. and that's true. having said that, is this a good thing? i identify with the character in kingpin who at one point drinks his own urine. when asked by woody hair rel son who says how is life? it's taking a long time. >> i saw that film. i didn't know it was urine. >> yes. he said is it bad to drink your own urine and he's like, yeah, it is. >> gandhi did it every single day. >> and look at him. he's a man baby. >> there is still plenty to talk about with our guests so don't you go anywhere. go to [ male announcer] surprise -- you're having triplets. 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[ doorbell rings ] ...and let the good life in. did they bear their chests at some guys behest? the ukrainedirector of -- the director of the ukraine claims that victor is the mastermind behind the topless stunts. she tells the independent newspaper, quote, it's his movement and he hand picked the girls. he hand-picked the prettiest girls because the prettiest girls sell more papers. the prettiest girls get on the front page. that became their image. that became the way they sold the brand. patti ann browne, what do you think about that? did you no he that something was off when you first saw this group? >> their tops? yeah. this guy is actually quoted as saying that these women are weak, submissive, and spineless and here they are, thoor receipt clee being empowered by this and there was a lot of true feminists out there that have done a lot of good for women but a lot of women are being manipulated. >> but if he agrees with their politics, why not? >> not when he's calling them weak and submissive. >> all men are feminists. it's the greatest thing that happened to men. women sleep with you at the drop of the hat and get married and they work and support you and then they are empowered. dudes thought up fem feminism. >> andy is right, though, no girl sleeps with you at the drop of the hat. the guy at the door is never getting laid. >> that's totally false. >> the guy with the hat? >> what about the viking horn hat? >> i'm talking about the little fadora. you're not justin timberlake. stop acting like it. >> even if we know and understand what he could do, that we could do this by ourselves we can't do it without his help. are they brainwashed or what? >> it definitely sounds absolutely culty. the question here now is if this is true and we all know this now, are they going to stop getting the coverage from the media that they were getting or accepted, obviously. >> yes. >> but without media coverage, this group is dead. >> yes. >> so i don't know. this whole thing may be gone now. >> bill -- >> which i find upset. >> bill, you've been trying to get one hot girl to take her top off for 38 years now and not in public. any progress? >> no. at actually strip clubs. but i like that they are russian and hot and that they do it in cold weather. does it matter if a guy is their puppet he master? no. it's probably for the best. because god knows that they can't run anything on their own. that's their whole point. p.s., stop voting, ladies. stop it. get to the kitchen. >> the whole feminist era, we did get all of the benefit from it. >> it's unbelievable. >> we get these two-year relationships, they move in with us, they act like we're married. >> by the way, i'm not entirely sure a group that features entirely topless women is run by a man. that sounds wrong to me. >> next thing you're going to tell me is that hooter's isn't about that cute little owl. >> because women in their natural state take off their shirts and have a pillow fight. >> that's what they do. >> do you have a comment? e-mail us at and go to fox and click on submit a video and we might use it. we've got one final story to discuss. stay right where you are. and go to fox ♪ [ male announcer ] over the last 100 years, tennis has gotten a lot less dainty, rackets less splintery, courts more surfacey. technology made the game a whole lot faster and awesomer. it's kind olike how esurance used technology to build a car insurance company for the modern world. advantage, you. let's give it up for the modern world. [ crowd cheering ] [ male announcer ] or...that works. esurance. proud sponsor of the u.s. open. check out esurance on facebook. a barbed wire arm tattoo in order to look like her hero pamela anderson. carolyn, no last name for this self-proclaimed model spends 15 hours a week in her father's tanning shop and has twice suffered from exploding breast implants due to the heat of the sun lamps. the freakishly nice lady poses as pam at various personal appearances in and around liverpool and says carolyn "i couldn't live without a tan. it's part of who i am and i wouldn't leave the house without one -- no rhyme there. well i'm very horrified. okay, patti ann brown. doesn't it make you sad to see women going to so much time and spending so much money to get something that the good lord gave you au naturel? >> well, really that part is right. i'm not sure about the rest of it but, you know, it's ridiculous. she's quoted -- i'm reading again, she says any woman can have big breasts and blond hair. it's more than looks. she has charisma. that's what i love and want to emulate. multiple surgical proceed hours. >> only 28. >> emulate her personality. >> that's a great point. >> tucker, is this woman completely insane? should she be locked up? >> she already lives in liverpool so she's been punished already. >> i didn't know i was setting you up. >> how many liverpudlians can pull this off. >> she's 46. but does she have a personality to emulate? i don't know pamela -- >> her and i are bffs so -- >> did you ever consider becoming an ellen degeneres look-alike? >> really? that's all i get? [ laughter ] >> out of time. >> well, why don't you answer his question. >> i'm taking an offer. >> i was making fun. >> my guest tell me i look like the guy on "burn notice." >> michael. >> yeah, look at that. what do you think? >> yeah. >> doppelganger. >> that's aweaweful. >> should masochists have surgery to look like you so they'd be beaten several times a day? >> i thought andy's was less offensive. i can prove to you that you are wrong because as my doppelganger happens to be the one and only aaron moran, ie, joanie in "happy days." she's never been clocked. also billie jean king. >> who is your chachi? >> rick fullbaum and he left for miami. call me, joey still loves you. >> joanie still loves you. very special thanks to patti ann brown, bill schultz, tv's andy levy and tucker karlsson. that does it for me. look up my dates on jim's website. come see us across the country, hey, see you next time. om vidaln helps stop water from fading away the vibrant color you wish would stay. waterproof it! the vidal sassoon hair color collection has an exclusive hydrablock system that helps lock in our color for as long as salon color... up t48 washes! prove it to yourself. vidal sassoon waterproof color. salon genius. affordable for all. ♪ and i'll never desert you ♪ ♪ i'll stand by you yeaaaah! yeah. so that's our loyalty program. you're automatically enrolled, and the longer you stay, the more rewards you get. great! oh! ♪ i'll stand by you ♪ won't let nobody hurt you ♪ isn't there a simpler way to explain the loyalty program? yes. standing by you from day one. now, that's progressive. that is it for fox reports. huckabee starts now. tonight on huckabee, the president making the case for military action in syria. >> the assad regime brazen use of chemical weapons is a threat to global peace and secretary. >> is the rebel opposition a less of a threat. >> they are car peppeders and black smith and dentist. >> is the president sure about that? do we know what we are getting to into syria. >> back in kindergarten. >> i am okay with it. our culture dictates that you can't start early enough. >> the governors take on america's culture crisis.


Transcripts For KNTV NBC Nightly News With Lester Holt 20170424

wounds and found aid way to go the distance together, all for an important cause. nightly news xwk begins now. ♪ from nbc news world headquarters in new york, this is "nbc nightly news" with kate snow. >> good evening. at a time when tensions between the u.s. and north korea are running high and two u.s. intelligence officials tell nbc news that north korea could conduct another underground nuclear test at any time with no real warning, now a new complication. a former university professor, a u.s. citizen, was detained in pyongyang on what many observers suspect are false charges, perhaps to give north korea leverage over the trump administration. we begin tonight with kelly cobiella in seoul, south korea. >> reporter: tonight with the uss carl vinson headed to the korean peninsula, another american is in custody in pyongyang. the associated press identifies him as tony kim. in his 50s, a former professor doing aid work in north korea for a month. arrested at pyongyang airport as he was leaving the country. the third american now held by the secretive regime. ohio college student otto warnbier is serving 15 years for trying to take a propaganda banner as a souvenir. and korean businessman kim dong chul serving ten years accused of spying. all bargaining chips, says former governor bill richardson, who has helped win the release of prisoners before. >> they always want something in return from the united states, a high-level visit or humanitarian assistance, but the good part about the humanitarian negotiation is that it might lead to discussions on other issues, and i think that's what is needed with north korea. >> reporter: but north korea doesn't seem in the mood for talking. today kim jong-un's regime threatened to sink an aircraft carrier, warned australia that support for the u.s. would be a suicidal act, and threatened a nuclear strike on the country as vice president mike pence toured sydney. the latest satellite photos of north korea's nuclear test site show activity but shed no light on the regime's plans. tonight no mention yet of kim in north korean special media. the u.s. state department says they're aware an american has been detained but won't comment further out of privacy concerns. kate. >> kelly, thank you. the results are in tonight after the fist round of voting in france's presidential election. the top two finishers a centrist and a far right candidate who has praised preds trump now move on to a runoff which is setting up to be a showdown over the future of the european union. nbc's matt bradley is in paris tonight with the latest. matt, good evening. >> reporter: this was a veridy vis i've vote. there's been protests against le pen all evening and police are dealing with those protests are with tear gas. >> reporter: a victory for the outsiders. after today's vote, up start centrist and pro eu candidate emanuel macron will now face off against far-right populist and anti-europe crusader marine le pen. in a winner-takes-all election in two weeks. for the first time in modern france, no mainstream party will run in round two. it will be a high-stakes vote. the future of france and potentially europe in the balance. amid tight security, the closest presidential election in a generation. just three days after a terrorist shooting left a policeman dead on paris's iconic champs-élysees. voter cesar hajas said he hoped the attack would serve as a wake-up call pushing voters to far right candidate marine le pen, who promises a crack down on immigration and increased security. >> i wouldn't mind giving up 10% freedom to have 10% more security. >> reporter: macron's birthplace in france's rust belt north of paris is a perfect portrait of france's split personality. this whirlpool factory the moving to poland where labor is cheap. workers here blame the e.u. once a communist party bastion, many have swung to the anti-e.u. le pen. workers feel they've been abandoned, whether it be by the left or the right, said this union leader. for many young people, the e.u. still holds promise, and so does macron. >> i tried to defend this idea of europe, and i think he is the only one who defends it and that's why i support him. >> reporter: but macron faces challenges beyond france. le pen's populism is only one tremor shaking global politics. when the french return to the ballot box in two weeks their votes will determine their country's future and whether it maintains its place as a cornerstone of the european union. poll watchers are favoring macron in that run-off in two weeks, but don't forget that populist candidates and causes have a history of surprising in the past. kate? >> indeed, matt bradley in france tonight. thank you. turning to politics in this country as the president approaches 100 days in office, americans give him low marks in our latest nbc news wall street journal poll. 40% approve of the job that he's doing, down from 44% back in february. and this week, the president and congress face a critical test. nbc's kelly o'donnell has the latest. >> reporter: despite the symbolic weight of the coming milestone -- >> my first 100 days in office -- >> reporter: for the trump white house, day 99 is actually a make or break moment. this friday government funding runs out. >> government is going to stay open? >> i believe it will. >> reporter: that requires a spending plan that can pass congress quickly. >> the negotiations are on going and there's no reason we can't have an agreement as early as today. >> reporter: one of the president's top priorities is border security. >> who is going to pay for that wall? >> reporter: not so fast. president trump wants a budget where u.s. taxpayers bank roll a border wall. so we can get started early, he tweeted today, while still insisting at a later date mexico will be paying in some form. democrats oppose any funding for a wall. the republicans have the votes in the house and the senate and the white house to keep government open. the burden to keep it open is on the republicans. >> reporter: what is a >> reporter: but is a border wall a budget deal breaker? the white house chief of staff backed off and said funding to start planning a wall might be enough. >> as far as flexibility for the border wall and border security, we will be okay with that. >> reporter: while president trump dismissed the first 100 days as an artificial barrier, today the white house rolled out a packed calendar of high-profile events counting down to day 100, from an unprecedented white house visit by the u.n. security council tomorrow to unveiling a tax cut plan wednesday, even dinner with the u.s. supreme court thursday, highlighting the president's clearest early achievement, appointing justice gorsuch. president trump says a 100-day snapshot is the just not meaningful. he describes his time here as a different kind of presidency. but on a more practical note, a campaign fundraising e-mail went out with donald trump's name urging supporters to donate to become 100-day members. kate? >> kelly o'donnell at the white house tonight. let's get more how the president is viewed in our nbc news/"wall street journal" poll. we turn to our moderator of "meet the press" chuck todd. >> by any standard that you measure president trump, the fact is his approval ratings are at the lowest point of any new president going into day 100 we've tested in the history of the nbc/"wall street journal" poll. he sits at 40% job approval, down from the first poll we conducted of mr. trump's presidency where he sat at 44. look, overall when he look at comparisons between president trump and presidents obama, bush and clinton, he is getting lower marks than all three previous presidents. if you look at simply first 100 days, nearly half of the country believes he has gotten off to a poor start, 45%. nearly another 20 are saying only a fair start. the fact of the matter is he starts in a hole. there's positive news. they give him better marks on the economy than they do on foreign policy. you always want better marks on the economy than anything else when you're president. look, the fact of the matter is we're in what is normally the honeymoon period for a new president. and if your poll numbers are sitting here, it is hard to imagine your poll numbers going up in a first year of a presidency after the honeymoon. consistently history says they always go down, kate, at least at this point of a presidency. so he's got to reverse historical precedence here if he's going to improve his own chances for a successful presidency and the parties' chances for a successful run here in washington. we shall see. kate, back to you. >> all right, chuck. thanks so much. human rights groups are expressing alarm over a violent crackdown on gay men in a region of russia where homosexuality is cultural forbidden and where the leader denies any kind of crack down is going on. it is happening in the republic of chechnya and we get more from nbc's lucy cavanaugh. >> reporter: these men haven't committed a crime but they're on the run. they fear arrest, torture, even death back home in chechnya. where rights groups say authorities are rounding up gay men. ilia, not his real name, describes being lured into a field by three men in uniform. they dragged me out of a car and started to beat me, he says. they were calling me names and said that gays shouldn't exist in chechnya. chechnya is a part of russia, a conservative muslim republic where homosexuality has always been taboo. but a new report by an independent russian newspaper kosh rated by human rights groups alleges an anti-gay purge, a campaign ensnaring dozens of suspected gay men who were detained, beaten, tortured with electric shocks, some held for ransom in secret prisons. >> this is the detention facility where these men are kept? >> yes. >> reporter: she had helped break the story, whose journalists have been murdered in the past. chechnya clerics -- have threatened the newspaper vowing retribution. >> you're not afraid. >> no, it's just part of our job. >> reporter: the reports have sparked international condemnation with u.n. ambassador nikki haley calling for an investigation. but chechnya doesn't appearing to be listening. the ruler of chechnya rules it with an iron fist and calls himself putin's soldier. when summoned to the kremlin this week, he told the russian president not to believe what he called provocative reports. just yesterday telling a russian television crew, we have hospitals for such people. >> could president putin put an end to this? >> of course. >> and what would that take? >> just to say it, stop to violate our law and stop to persecute people and close all of this secret jails. >> reporter: but there's no going back for iliya and his friends. it isn't just the authorities they fear. if my family knew that i was gay, they would have killed me long ago, he says. they're still alive to tell their story. how many others were silenced we may never know. lucy cavanov, nbc news moscow. >> in florida tonight evacuation orders have been lifted for people threatened by a huge wildfire that burned more than 5,000 acres over the last couple of days. officials say the fire is now 50% contained. the effort aided by heavy rain last night. several homes were destroyed by that blaze. it is one of more than 100 burning now in florida. for former president barack obama the vacation is coming to an end. after almost three months, he will appear at his first public event as citizen obama tomorrow, speaking to students at the university of chicago. that's a long way from the british virgin islands where the former president spent time kite boarding off an island owned by billionaire richard branson. the obamas absent several weeks in french polynesia, as well and found time to take in a play on broadway. that is the president and daughter malia with danny devito and the cast of "the price" by arthur miller, by the way. still ahead tonight, what some are calling a public health emergency. the skyrocketing cost of insulin and the growing number of americans who can't afford it. also, their remarkable achievement, marathon runners bounded by the wounds of war and a drive to succeed. >> we're back with a crisis faced by a growing number of patients with diabetes who rely on insulin to stay alive. the cost has doubled since 2012. driving hundreds of thousands much families to resort to desperate measures to get the drug. nbc's jolene kent on what is behind the increase and how families are responding. >> reporter: it is a life and death struggle that comes down to dollars and cents. >> the cost of the disease was so great that we actually sold our wedding rings. >> reporter: pastor mark bolin is among 300,000 people pleading for help on go fund me to help pay for insulin and diabetes supplies for his daughter. >> i'm checking my blood at school. >> reporter: prices skyrocketed in the past five years, the nation spending more than $322 billion annually to treat the disease. >> we will do whatever is necessary to try to make ends meet. >> reporter: doctors say patients are shouldering more of the financial burden. >> i have many patient who's come in and that's the first thing on their mind. >> reporter: when we asked industry players who is responsible for the price spike is, insurers blame prescription benefit managers who blame the drugmakers who in turn point back to the insurance companies for the rising cost of insulin. researchers at harvard medical school say high drug prices are the result of the approach the united states has take it on granting government-protected monopolies to drug manufacturers. patients' biggest concern whether the specific type of insulin a patient needs is covered by their insurance and the size of the co-pay. >> i want to be clear those decisions are made absent any physician involvement in caring for the patient. those decisions are made by people who have no role or involvement in patients managing their illness. >> reporter: lilia's dad works three jobs in addition to reaching out to help online. they join a chorus of families. >> i have type one diabetes, but it doesn't have me. >> reporter: chasing a price that won't stop rising. jolene kent, nbc news, stony brook, new york. >> we will have more on this tomorrow. by the way, we'll look at the extreme measures some families are taking to find insulin they can afford, including turning to a black market. in a moment, remembering a beloved tv star from the hit series "happy days." if you're into old documents and historic artifacts, it doesn't get much more exciting than this. a newly discovered copy of the declaration of independence. what makes this one so unusual it is one of only two handwritten on parchment. it was discovered in southern england and thought to have belonged to the duke of rich monday, a supporter of american con lonnists. sad news tonight about a popular tv actress erin moran has died. found in her home unresponsive yesterday after. she was best known as joanie, the kid sister in the hit series "happy days" in the 1970s and '80s. nbc's keith patterson looks back at her career. >> richie got a phone call from a girl. >> reporter: she ribbed richie, followed fonzie, and was eventually charmed by chachi. >> give me elbows. >> reporter: for nearly a decade, millions watched little joanie cunningham grow up on "happy days." starring on the hit show, actress aaron moran somehow pulled it off perfectly. >> going necking? >> reporter: at just 13 years old. >> just like a family, you know. it is nice. it was very warm, very caring, very nice people. >> reporter: her tv mom, miriam ross rawles those early days. >> she was the quickest, fastest little kid. wonderful. oh, this breaks my heart. >> reporter: years later moving from ensemble to tv leading lady. ♪ you've got me hypnotised ♪ >> reporter: she and heartthrob scott baio starred in the spin off "joanie loves chachi." after that, acting roles dried up and she begame tabloided toer living in an indiana mobile home with her husband after losing their home. reports of hard partying and financial trouble followed the actress until her death. she was found unresponsive saturday afternoon, just 56 years old. tonight tributes from her tv family are pouring in. henry winkler who played fonzie releasing a statement saying, i will always remember erin with her sweet smile. she will always be locked in my heart. costar scott baio tweeting, i always hoped she could find peace in her life. god has you now. a troubled star faded too soon, forever remembered as america's favorite little sister. steve patterson, nbc news, hollywood. when we come back, an inspiring story that began on the battlefield and ended today at the finish line. finally tonight, when they ran the london marathon today, among the more than 40,000 athletes taking part were two men who have formed an unusual bond. they're both former soldiers who know something about a challenge, and that's what brought them together as a two-man running team. the story from tammy lightner in london. >> reporter: for most people, running one marathon is an accomplishment. what about two? on two continents less than a week apart. that's exactly what carl heinent, an injured british soldier, and ivan castro, a blind american vet have done, tethered together by a shoe string, crossing the line at the boston marathon. and six days and one long airplane flight later, completing the london marathon today. >> reporter: who came up with this crazy idea? >> i think this crazy idea was made up by prince harry. >> reporter: that's right, prince harry and ivan castro have known each other since 2013 when the prince trekked to the south pole with a group of injured military vets. >> i not only consider him a friend, i consider him a brother. he truly cares about different issues around the world. >> reporter: a prince introduced the vets to each other. the men are running for charity, including one started by the young royals. heads together helps soldiers and others struggling with mental health. >> i was serving with the british army in basra, iraq. >> reporter: he was 19 when a gas bomb was thrown at his tank. >> i started using running as a therapy because coming from such a responsible job role to being -- going to a bed and no independence, you needed something to fill the void, and running did that for me. >> reporter: he's run marathons and ultra marathons around the world, from norway to brazil, the sahara to antarctic. boston was number 150, but this time is different. >> bodies will recover. ready to go. >> reporter: this race is not just for himself but for ivan as well, who lost his eyesight after a mortar attack while serving in iraq. a duo, each step in unison, one step closer to victory. two survivors, stronger together than apart. >> it is not an easy race for a blind guy, but we did it. you know, together we did it. >> reporter: tammy lightner, nbc news, london. >> i am so inspired by them. that is "nbc nightly news" on a sunday night. lester holt will be in tomorrow. i'm kate snow reporting from new york. for all of us here at nbc news, have a great night. ♪ right now at 6:00, a wedding turn news a violent sight in the south bay. >> the news at 6:00 starts right now. good evening and thank you for joining us, i'm terry mcsween , mcsweeney. >> and i'm peggy bunker. a wedding reception turned into a bloody brawl after a fight broke out last night at the party. >> and we have video just after the reception. marianne? >> reporter: this happened around 9:00 last night here at the hall behind me on 27th street in san jose. not far from downtown san jose. and this fight was so big that police had to be called in, when officers arrived at the hall, they found dozens of people


Transcripts For FOXNEWSW Watters World 20170423

waters world begins right now. e, again it's happening it seems. i just say the is a was walking in. i would say it's a terrible thing going on in the world today, but it looks like another terrorist attack. jesse: the mainstream media was upset by that pronounce for some reason. >> president trump said right off the bat in the attack in paris. >> the coverage is getting ahead of the fact. the president was referring to what he was watching on television. you do wonder, are people going to take what he said as some idea that he knows something more than what anybody else does. jesse: don't you think the commander-in-chief knows a little bit more about a break international security incident than two desk taken cores. the cia and defense department are briefing him 24/7. would they have preferred that he blamed it on a video like obama did. >> we had a video released by somebody who lives here, sort of a shadowy character who has an extremely offensive video direct at mohammad and islam, making fun of the prophet mohammad. this caused great offense in much of the muslim world. jesse: what happened just hours after the paris shooting? isis claimed responsibility and the french opened up a terror investigation. once again the president was wrong and the media was wrong. in express know, a gunman killed three people while allegedly shouting allahu akbar. but the media said he shouted "god is great." they were forced to correct their reporting. they failed to say he said it in arabic. too little, too late. the media double standard continues ignoring two gaffes ba dough morables moment. you look at donald trump -- a deplorables moment. you look at donald trump and particularly at working poor white vote, and people who probably have the most to lose from him, very strongly voted in his direction. now do you explain the difference between those times of outcomes you are describing. how people can intelligently perceive their ownself-interests and the way people -- their own self-interests. >> part of this is a stew of racists. jesse: insulting half the country is un-american. half tn forbid hill -- heaven foar --heaven forbid hillary lot because of her policies. ironic that a woman who lied about her race claiming she is native american to get into harvard is calling millions of other americans racist. but we could finds no mainstream coverage of elizabeth's flub. i wonder why. and she did it again on the view. she compared president trump to a murderous dictator. >> we know's an unstable man who has nuclear weapons. >> you are talking about trump now. [cheers and applause] >> about to deal with an unstable man who has nuclear weapons. what could possibly go wrong. jesse: she compared the american president to a genocidal dictator. according to the media research center analysis president trump has received by tart most hostile press treatment of any incoming president. broadcast coverage of trump has been 89% negative. in contrast 8 years ago in the coverage of president trump -- of president obama's first 100 days. one of the men fighting back is dadan scovino. >> when the media is not telling the truth regarding president trump and the administration, the steam, all the infighting going on, that's all i ever hear about. 85% of it is false it's fake news. hashtag fake news. we watch that from inside in the west wing and we laugh. we literally laugh because it's not true. i'm not going to say none of it is true, but i would say 85% -- we'll get to the 85% trending on twitter. 85% is not true. it's fake news. jesse: how would you say the media is covering the president so far? >> there are certain outlets fair to the president such as fox news. am i going to get a violation for perverting fox news. when you speak you are afraid to say anything when you are working for the government. jesse: do you think because the president's twitter account is driving the liberals crazy, does that mean it's working? >> yes. any staffer that works at the white house. all their twitter accounts is driving the liberals insane. jesse: when liberals say the president has to stop tweeting so much, what do you say about that. >> let trump be trump. let him deliver his message to the american people unfiltered. jesse: social media controversial under trump. >> i don't look at it as controversial. he's delivering his message to the american people web's delivering his message to 100 million people on all his platforms. he's in the white house today because of social media. it's what won him the white house. and he will just keep tweeting and delivering his message to the american people. i have known the president since i was 16 years old in high school. caddie for him. worked in the bag room. i get the rap for being the caddie who runs the social media campaign. but people tend to forget certain individuals who for 15 years prior i had a professional career. jesse: when did you first realize how powerful the president's twitter account was? >> pretty much immediately. it was always powerful. he always delivered a message with millions of followers. i would say within the first week. jesse: when you are with the president, how does he tweet? does he do it with his own fingers? how does that work? >> top secret information. president trump does tweet on his own. with his own fingers and send it. he will dictate to me when we are on the road. but verbatim they are his words. everything you see on his twitter account @realdonaldtrumpis his. we like to say bing. that's 100% him in the evenings and mornings. jesse: you are not there at 4:00 a.m. when he's tweeting. >> i'm not there but i get alerts on my phone. jesse: what do you think the president's most infamous treats were the last two or three years? >> there are serve that stand out. the most infamous tweet i would have to go with the taco bowl. jes. jesse: mine is happy new year to all my enemies and those who fought me and lost so badly they don't know what to do. i have one small request. could president trump follow jesse watters on twitter? >> i'll see him in the white house in a few minutes and we'll see what happens. i can't say yes for him. jesse: very good job. jesse: dan is a man of his word. president trump now following jesse watters on twitter. thank you very much. the book that has the clinton campaign freak out, ex prosing what really happened during the campaign. rick perry, the new secretary of energy sit down for his first interview exclusively with "watters world." jesse: you had rough word for donald trump during the campaign. any message for per roll bounty is more absorbent, so the roll can last 50% longer than the leading ordinary brand. so you get more "life" per roll. bounty, the quicker picker upper helping small businesses.ut, jamie -- damage your vehicle? we got you covered. [ glass shatters ] property damage? that's what general liability's for. what?! -injured employee? -ow. workers' comp helps you pay for a replacement. what's happening? . .s are st . . . . . . . . area this is bill's yard. and bill has a "no-weeds, not in my yard" policy. but with scotts turf builder weed & feed, bill has nothing to worry about. it kills weeds and greens grass, guaranteed. this is a scotts yard. this clean was like pow! everything well? and greens grass, guaranteed. my teeth are glowing. they are so white. step 1 cleans. step 2 whitens. crest [hd]. 6x cleaning*, 6x whitening*á i would switch to crest [hd] over what i was using before. your date with destiny has arrived. let's do this! new cinnamon frosted flakes are finally here. sweet cinnamon and the frosted crunch you love. well? tastes like victory t. tastes like victory. they're great! >> did you white server? >> what, like with a cloth or something? >> her campaign went silent before saying she was overheated. >> it's good that someone with the temperament of donald trump is not in charge law in our country. >> because you would be in jail. >> this is not outcome we wanted or worked so hard for. i'm sorry we did not win this election. jesse: remember that? she also wishes no one wrote a book about the dysfunction. it's sending shock waves through the clinton camp. inside "shattered." amy, take me through that last evening where hillary realized she was going to lose pretty badly. there were a few phone calls being made. >> there were some phone calls. they started seeing early in the evening that florida wasn't going their way. there were calls made to people on the ground and reports back were it didn't look good. that's when they started holding out hope for north carolina and pennsylvania and other states. when they started seeing those falling, there was a call placed by the white house to inside the peninsula hotel in new york where clinton and her aides huddled. there was pressure the white house to concede. and there was a debate in the room. there were some aides who wanted to carry this on to the next day to see if some votes would come in eventually. jesse: at what point in the night were the calls coming in from the white house for clinton to concede. >> there was one call by president obama and another by his top political aide urging them to concede that night. they did not want to drag this out until morning. they wanted a smooth transition. so secretary clinton asked for a phone, she said let me call him. she says the words she never thought she would say, congratulations, donald. jesse: she dragged that out after blasting trump for saying he wouldn't abide by the result of the election immediately afterwards. there is also a juicy nugget and i commend this book it's a well-written book about in 2008 after she lost, she goes back and she actually digs in and spies on old emails from her former campaign after. is that actually true? >> she wanted a postmortem done on how she lost the campaign it was unexpected. this was part of a long autopsy where she called in aides and advisers in that summer to find out what went wrong. she also asked a couple of aides to go through emails and see who was leaking to whom. jesse: pretty shocking. >> the big story line of 2016 was email and she couldn't escape that cloud of email. jesse: this book of yours is causing so much conner nation within the clinton world. according to the "new york post" page 6 she is trying to find the leakers, because someone must have leaked some of this stuff to you. she is worried about leaks now which is ironic. judging by the tone of the book about hillary, it seems like she is having a hard time throughout the campaign coming to grips with the country. i want to put up some words on the screen here. here is a quote from hillary. i don't understand what's happening with the country. i can't get my arms around it. that really sums up a lot of the clinton campaign. wouldn't you agree? >> it seems like they were struggling with that. they saw the rights of populism, the rights of bernie sanders, a man they never saw coming. they basically eked out a win in iowa, but they lost terribly in new hampshire. there is a scene in the book where she is flying with a friend and saying i don't understand what's happening. and that basically speaks to the fact that she couldn't quite wrap her find around what was going on. that followed her into the general election where donald trump was attracting big crowds. there was excitement behind his candidacy. that was the story line that haunted her from the primary into the general election. jesse: it's a very good read. fascinating stuff in there about huma abedin and anthony worn and bill clinton losing his temper throughout the campaign. it's a good read. so thank you very much. clinton not very happy with it, so i guess that's a good thing. stunning news when aaron hernandez was found dead in his jail cell. suicide, murder or is football to blame. and it's day. so we are versus imaight the fa i sneeze... there goes my sensitive bladder. sound familiar? then you'll love this. always discreet. incredible protection... in a pad this thin. i didn't think it would work. but the super absorbent core turns liquid to gel for incredible protection. so i know i'm wearing it... but no one else will. . . . . . . . . . . . . jesse: despite could be assistant threats that our planet is at the point of no return. it only warped .8 degrees in 150 years. we love a clean earth. and "watters world" supports the earth. dennis miller has a thing he does. ezekiel digs a hole and hold a candle in the hole to judge the temperature off of. millennials are very concerned about their future. 59% worry how their actions affect the planet. do. but do they even know why? what is day? do you worship mother earth? >> yes. jesse: how did you get here. >> we had one of our friend drive us. jesse: you drove? jesse: there is litter on day. are we going to let that sit there? >> no. jesse: let's pick it up. no littering on day. what do you think is a bigger threat to the united states. climate change or terrorism. >> climate change. >> climate change at the moment. >> i would go with climate change. jesse: a lot more people died because of terrorism. >> i'm not a people person. jesse: over the last 15 years how much has the's temperature increased. >> it's caused by god bringing judgment. jesse: how much do you think the earth has warmed the last 15 years. >> 3.75 degrees. >> 100 and something degrees. jesse: then we would be cooking on the sidewalk. .11. i thought there was global warming. what happened? how are you personally helping the environment? >> i recycle and drive an efficient car. >> i don't litter. jesse: you are like al gore. he was the vice president, the big green guy. jesse watters fox news, how are you? >> i don't like ambush journalism. why don't you come on the show. are you embarrassed about climate gate? >> i'm not doing an interview right now. jesse: do you stand to make any money from cap and trade? jesse: al gore won't talk but energy secretary rick perry will. north korea threatening to turn the u.s. to ashes. what's it really like inside kim jong-un's world? it's all fake news. wait until you find out what's what's it like to be in good hands? like finding new ways to be taken care of. home, car, life insurance obviously, ohhh... but with added touches you can't get everywhere else, like claim free rewards... or safe driving bonus checks. oh yes.... even a claim satisfaction guaranteeeeeeeeeee! . . . . . . . . . . i just want to find a used car without getting ripped off. start at the new show me used trucks with one owner. pretty cool. [laughs] ah... ahem... show me the carfax. start your used car search at the all-new >> the u.s. surgeon general has been let go. president obama had appointed murphy, and he stayed on to help with the trump transition. his temporary replacement is a nurse. trent adams, he will serve until the senate confirms a replacement. the democrats wrapped up their come together, fight back to her in las vegas today. dnc chairman, tom prayers and senator bernie sanders called on the crowd to unite and expand its reach. they focus on keeping the affordable healthcare act and raising the minimum wage. actress aaron moran has died. she is a best known for her role on happy days and her spinoff of joni love strategy. an autopsy is pending. now backed waters world now back to "watters world." >> i worked in the coal mines 37 years. a man who wants to working finds work in a coal mine. they are said and done with coal. nobody will be able to afford to live. we all work for a living down here. it's like work kicked to the side. i mean, makes you feel like a piece of dirt, it's what it makes me feel like. jesse: that was one of west virginia's coal miners who president trump promised to put back to work. earlier this week i had the honor of sitting down with rick perry for his first interview since becoming secretary of energy. well come to "watters world." >> i made it. jesse: the regulations you were con frojts when you came on board. tell me about those what you have done to loosen the reins and let capitalism flow. >> the governor of the 123th largest economy in the woorltd. if tough free people from overtaxation, overregulation and have a skilled workforce, they will you are in i and they will come to where that occurs. that's what donald trump wants to see for america. he wants to see predicts built. he wants to cut taxes so people get to keep more of what they work for. and it's not rocket science. it just takes the political will. the previous administration wanted to regulate. they felt like washington centric regulation would be the key to putting their world vine to place. donald trump doesn't believe in that. he believes in a world view where people get to keep more of what they work for. free people from overregulation. that's not to say he's not for keeping the environment safe. he's not for making sure that america and her citizens are economically sounds and this country safe. absolutely. but he knows it can happen, and it will happen when you free americans from overtaxation and overregulation. >> is the wash on coal over? >> it is from the trump administration standpoints. i'm sure there are some who don't share our world view that will say coal is a bad thing. i think they are becoming myopic when it comes to allowing inowe vision. just like there was a peek oil ideology back 15 years ago. we found all the fossil fuel. but because of innovation, we found out there is a lot of fuels there that we'll have the ability to use. jesse: when you were in texas as a governor, texas had a lot of the wind power. is that something the trump administration is looking to generate as well? >> the trump administration is for all of the above. we'll let the market drive from where that comes from and how it's done. states will play a significant role. jesse: what would you tell al gore who says global warming is a crisis and you guys are doing all these things? >> i don't argue the climate is change and i don't argue mainls having an impact on it. but you can't have economic growth and clean up your environment. they have a world view that you have got to get rid of coal and move away from fossil fuels and it all has to be renewables. we are supporters of remewables. the president is for the all of the above strategy. al gore and i probably disagree government has all the answers. that government regulations -- globally we are now seeing this leveling off of our emissions, co2, and america and china are the countries that have led that charge. so we are making some good progress here. we happen to believe that you can't have jobs -- 12th largest economy in the world, i'm talking about texas here. we saw economic growth, wealth creation, quality of life increasing at the same time to clean up the air. it can happen. it is happening. and, you know, i hope our friends around the world will join us in that. there is probably some lessons they can learn from the united states. jesse: you were put into the national security council, is that because the department of energy oversees the nuclear programs. >> there is probably a lot of reasons the secretary of energy needs to be sitting at that table when decisions are made. there are myriad tent kalts that go deep and broad out of the department of energy that affect the security our country. jesse: you during the campaign had rough words for donald trump back then. >> donald trump's candidacy is a cancer on conservatism and it must be clearly diagnosed, exielsd, and discarded. >> donald trump does not have the character, nor does he have the temperament to be the commander-in-chief. that incendiary rhetoric you hear out of donald trump whether it's the immigrants population or our veterans point's unacceptable. jesse: now you are in the cabinet. any question about republicans becoming united? >> i'm a big believer that our vision is the right vision for america. i said some harsh things about the president. he's a very forgiving man, and he's proven that. but we are on a team. i hope all people who share this vision that america can be strong economically, that we can use our energy resources will recognize that we may not get everything we want. as a governor, one of the things learned. i would rather have a half a love man no love. jesse: i was in your neck of the woods and i learned one thing, don't mess with texas. >> that's "watters world." jesse: big news for "watters world" and my colleagues at fox news. i will explain. what it's like inside north korea. the dna day sale is here. get your ancestrydna kit. spit. mail it in. learn about you and the people and places that led to you. go explore your roots. take a walk through the past. meet new relatives. and see how a place and its people are all a part of you. ancestrydna. save 20% through wednesday at . . . . . . . . . . . . . .'s handled by od employees who know that delivering freight... ...means delivering promises. od. helping the world keep promises. if you have a garden, you know weeds are low-down little scoundrels. with roundup precision gel®, you can finally banish garden weeds without harming precious plants nearby. so draw the line. just give the stick one click, touch the leaves and the gel stays put killing garden weeds to the root with pinpoint precision. draw the line with roundup precision gel®. and be sure to check out roundup® with sure shot wand. r good-for-the-garden product from roundup. z286nz zwtz y286ny ywty just checking my free credit score at credit karma. what the? you're welcome. i just helped you dodge a bullet. but i was just checking my... shhhhh... don't you know that checking your credit score lowers it. just be cool. actually, checking your credit score with credit karma doesn't affect it at all. are you sure? positive. huh, so i guess i could just check my credit score then. oh! check out credit karma today. credit karma. give yourself some credit. sorry about that. jesse: this week north korea threatened to quote turn the u.s. to ashes as president trump slams the country as a menace and teams up with china. >> as far as north korea is concerned. we are in very good shape. we are building our military rapidly. a lot of things have happened over a short period of time. i have great respect for the president of china. i said you will get a much better deal on trade if you get rid of this menace north korea. jesse: what is it like on the inside? michael malice has been there. and the author of "dear reared." you were there a few years back. you were inside a bookstore in north korea. what did you learn from being inside a store like that? >> when you are in a book store the on books there are written by or about kim jong-un and his father. these are the only people who exist in their mythology. regular human beings don't matter. jesse: no selection just books about the leader and books written by the leader. you were a computer lab. do they have the internet? >> they have the intranet. most people in the country don't have electricity. but increasingly they are getting memory sticks from the south in china and finding out what's going on in the rest of the world. jesse: do they get beat weren't sticks afterwards? you were in a hospital. how is the healthcare? >> during the 90s, kim jong-il refused aid so they saw the return of polio. they boast doctors donate their skin for skin grafts, and people donate parts of their own body to help their countrymen. jesse: are there con accumulator systems there? >> they had sun beds. someone there and there were computers in the hall, but they weren't plugged in. you would walk into the labs and people are look in their microscopes. if you are work and people walk in you will glance up. jesse: these are props for you. >> whenever you go to north korea you are given a guided tour of the nation. but everything in north korea has something wrong with it. there is a crack in every wall. jesse: everything is decaying and they can't afford to maintain it? is that the deal, because they don't have enough many? >> the mobby is going toward the military and keeping the regime in power. jesse: what was your interaction with the people like? did you engage with them? >> i got in their face and waved because i knew their resks would be sincere. what people need to understand is they are quote normal people. grandmas deeght over their grandchildren. and the teenaged girls giggle. they are trying to have a human life in the most inhumane country in earth. jesse: some people say when you even gang with people in north korea you are dealing with actors. >> we saw elementary school class out in the parks and all the kids were look over their shoulders at us genuinely curious. these weren't child across toirs. jesse: when you look at the newspaper over there, what does it say on the front page of the newspaper. >> there is only one airline. they would give you the newspaper, but the paper is three years old. by the doesn't matter because it has the same headline. the monotony is a subtle form of brainwashing to keep the people caring only about their leaders. jesse: we make jokes about fake news here but that's real fake news. >> they are taught that we start the korean war. when they learn that kim il-sung started the war, it's analogous to you and i discovering the u.s. bombed the japanese at pearl harbor. we can't stay here! why? terrible toilet paper! i'll never get clean! way ahead of you. charmin ultra strong. it cleans better. it's four times stronger... ...and you can use less. enjoy the go with charmin. . . ess super bowl champions visited president trump at the white house. the patriots tweeted out these photos lack context. in 2015, 40 football staff were on the stairs. in 2017 he were seated on the south lawn. he was forced to apologize it was my idea, my execution, my blunder. i made a decision in about four minutes. once we learned more we tried to fix it pass quickly as possible. i just needed to own it. at least he owned it. joining me now former nfl quarterback. these guys win championships and get to go to the white house no matter who is president. what's the mindset of the player? did politics get involved? >> unfortunately politics get involved. remember the goalie for the boston bruins decided he didn't want to go to the white house with president obama there. i scold him on the radio. i always say no matter who is occupying the white house. it's not his house or our house. it's the house of the people. you should go there and be like gronk. don't wander around crashing press conferences. >> can i just -- i think i got this. but thank you. maybe. all right. thanks, i'll see you in a minute. that was cool. >> i love that. he's apolitical. but he had fun at the white house. that's what it should be. it should be an experience most of us never had because we didn't win championships. so it's unfortunate that it has become as political as it is. jesse: also speaking of patriots tide ends. former tight end for the patriots aaron hernandez, he was convicted of an execution-style killing. on trial for aa double homicide. acquitted, but then found dead in his jail cell. i guess it's suicide. but one of his people saying it could be foul play. what's the situation? >> it's suicide. he wrote john 3:16 across his forehead and left three notes. at the end of the day we are better off because he's no longer with us. i didn't want to waste that much time talking about him his week. the interesting aspect of this is why would he kill himself. what is the incentive. there is some incentive. that's to protect his estate from civil litigation. once he kills himself and because he did not go through the entire legal procession. there is an arcane law in massachusetts that basically vacates the initial sentence. jesse: so he's trying to do the right thing for his family. >> for his daughter. i think a -- the family is also donating his brain for cte research. jesse: are they saying because he took so much hits to the head, that's why he committed these acts? >> they could be look for money to his estate from the nfl. there is a portion of the patriot contract that could go to his estate. there is legal wrangling going on here. i think he has done himself a fave and everybody else a favor that has anything to do with him. jesse: sorry for playing the nfl fox jingle in the open. i know you are a cbs guy. but i felt you could take it. >> we are kind of long island guys together. i know you moved to long island. i grew up in long island. but i'll gift to you this time. jesse: big changes at fox news. details up next. per roll bounty is more absorbent, so the roll can last 50% longer than the leading ordinary brand. so you get more "life" per roll. bounty, the quicker picker upper .. just like the people who own them, every business is different. but every one of those businesses will need legal help as they age and grow. whether it be help starting your business, vendor contracts or employment agreements. legalzoom's network of attorneys can help you every step of the way so you can focus on what you do. we'll handle the legal stuff that comes up along the way. legalzoom. legal help is here. helping small businesses.ut, jamie -- damage your vehicle? 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[ glass shatters ] property damage? that's what general liability's for. what?! -injured employee? -ow. workers' comp helps you pay for a replacement. what's happening? this is carla. how's it going? and if anything comes up, our experts are standing by. ♪ boo! jesse: many of you know bill o'reilly is no longer with fox news. change is hard and i'm very grateful for my time on the fact eastern learned so much. i also have. >> announcements to make. i'll be co-hosting the five which is moving to 9:00 p.m. eastern. eric bolling will stay at 5:00 p.m. to be part of the news show there. "watters world" will continue to stay at saturday night at 8:00 eastern. so now you will be getting watters all week starting monday. it may be too much, but you have been warned. that's all for tonight. follow me on facebook, instagram and twitter. "justice with judge jeanine" is next. remember i'm watters and this is judge jeanine: right now on "justice." >> it's anarchy when you are only enforcing the law to allow liberals to speak. judge jeanine: ann coulter is of the left's attempt to silence the right. >> i think this might be the worst 100 days we have ever seen in a president. judge jeanine: democrats and the mainstream media attack a


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Tipp City schools sued over alleged Ohio Open Meeting Act violations - get the latest breaking news, showbiz & celebrity photos, sport news & rumours, viral videos and top stories from Daily Mail and Mail on Sunday newspapers.


In Tipp City, Ohio, Austin Halsey joined the Tipp City Exempted Village Schools in the fall as the new principal of the Middle School.

In Tipp City, Ohio, Austin Halsey joined the Tipp City Exempted Village Schools in the fall as the new principal of the Middle School. - get the latest breaking news, showbiz & celebrity photos, sport news & rumours, viral videos and top stories from Daily Mail and Mail on Sunday newspapers.


Tipp City schools seek March bond levy; would build 1 new school for grades PK-8

Tipp City schools seek March bond levy; would build 1 new school for grades PK-8 - get the latest breaking news, showbiz & celebrity photos, sport news & rumours, viral videos and top stories from Daily Mail and Mail on Sunday newspapers.


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