the only problem with that and it s a big problem. look at israel today. trump says if you want to see if walls work, look at israel. want to see extreme vetting? tel aviv, no question. they have have one of the effective advanced democracies in the world. transparent. free media, anti-corrupt. the only problem is those palestinian as cross border aren t people. there is no two state solution. the israelis don t need one. the worry is if we keep going down this division path that in the united states we re going to keep thinking of other people as not americans. ainsley: do you think this president will win again? i think if the democratic message is impeachment, and the people that voted for trump are immoral like comey said is he morally unfit, which means we kind of knew that perspective, that means the people that voted for trump are themselves themselvesy unfit there sach better chance that trump gets a second term. they need a constructive message. brian: if this is a push back
new york city. that s where janice dean is with the weather. janice: good morning where are you from and what your names. kate from manhattan, kansas. and. matt from new york. janice: do you want to say hello to anybody? my kids sleeping and brian on two books. janice: take a look at the maps and talk about brian s books later on. maps will show you potential for rainfall across the atlantic looking good across the central u.s. and system moving into the northern plains. look at phoenix, 97 degrees. here is your pollen report from claritin. des moines, iowa, the pollen is high today to sake your claritin. tulsa, oklahoma again in the high zone, so your claritin should be close by. say hi to anybody real quick. say hi to my husband aaron. janice: say hi to steve, ainsley and brian, irving? [cheers] steve: she is from manhattan, kansas they call that the little apple out in kansas. ainsley: they could?
northeast. we will deal with few showers across the northeast overnight and into tomorrow that could bring kind of a wet, soaky commute. dealing with a storm system across the plains. bring a mix of rain and a little bit of snow u it s almost over. ainsley: what? janice: little bit of snow. i m sorry that s my microphone making all that noise. pull my hair back. see what happens when we wear our microphones, we have long hair it headaches noise, sorry, to be ball. 53, 54 in new york. take it rain in the forecast. you know what? it s springtime here in new york. ainsley: most beautiful day yesterday. brian: why didn t you lead with that? janice: springtime in new york? steve: have you got to be prepared. you have to wear the right clothes. janice: be careful of microphones and long hair. that s the advice for the day. ainsley: that s why brian doesn t grow his out. brian: exactly. first he said he loved the way candace owens thinks. now it looks like kanye west is a fan of president tru
going to fall. so, about probably 20 seconds later, we heard what we thought were dishes crashing to the ground. it was actually the first shot and then the second shot. and then as i turned and looked at the employees and staff there, they were kind of scattered and dropping down below the counter top trying to take cover. ainsley: that s when you realized gunshots. i realized it was gunshot and i actually saw the jirs gentleman that was shot in the head. he was by the entrance door trying to come in. and then as the guy proceeded to come in, he was shooting to the left. i had dove already on the floor going to the right by the bathroom entrance. as he saw several of us at the bathroom going through the bathroom, i was actually standing in the hallway. i was trying to keep my eye
i m not a hero. i m just a regular person and i think and i think anybody could have did what i did if they will just push i pushed in that kind of cage. ainsley: it was incredible act of bravery, an unarmed man confronting the waffle house suspected shooter. joining us now is that hero james shaw jr. good morning to you, james. thank you for being with us. good morning. thank you for having me. ainsley: i know you were emotional. have you gotten emotional in interviews. you say you are not a hero. we all think you definitely are you probably saved a bunch of lives by doing what you did. tell us your version of the story. so me and my friend were out during the night and we went to another waffle house actually closer to where we