the only problem with that and it s a big problem. look at israel today. trump says if you want to see if walls work, look at israel. want to see extreme vetting? tel aviv, no question. they have have one of the effective advanced democracies in the world. transparent. free media, anti-corrupt. the only problem is those palestinian as cross border aren t people. there is no two state solution. the israelis don t need one. the worry is if we keep going down this division path that in the united states we re going to keep thinking of other people as not americans. ainsley: do you think this president will win again? i think if the democratic message is impeachment, and the people that voted for trump are immoral like comey said is he morally unfit, which means we kind of knew that perspective, that means the people that voted for trump are themselves themselvesy unfit there sach better chance that trump gets a second term. they need a constructive message. brian: if this is a push back
progress on the process of insuring that agricultural production, energy production, good governments rule of law, anti corrupt governments. he invited karzai to washington two weeks before he holds talks about getting inurgent groups to break with the taliban to make it easier to negotiate a peace agreement. after landing in total darkness at the air base 30 miles south of kabul hamid karzai connor powell has more on the details of both the meeting and the scary ride to get there and back. over the past year or so security in afghanistan has deteriorated a great deal. not surprisingly president obama is not spending a lot of time on the ground in afghanistan. he landed earlier today and took