for joining us. i m martin bashir in for lawrence o donnell. the president said yesterday that mitt romney s experience as chief executive of bain capital does not mean he can create jobs as president of the united states. today vice president joe biden translated that message. making money for your investors, which romney did very well is not the president s job. your job as president is to promote the common good. that doesn t mean the private equity guys are bad guys, they re not, but that no more qualifies you to be president than being a plumber. the vice president also honed in on bain capital. when they succeed and the company succeeds, they make money. when the company they get involved with fails, they still make money. it s legitimate. but folks, making money regardless of the consequences for the workers, the companies they ache wire tor the communities that get wasted is another question. now republicans like to note that some democrats are uncomfortable wit
i believe that abortion should be safe and legal in this country. do i believe the supreme court should overturn roe v wade, yes. have to be careful. i am pro-choice. my opponent is multiple choice. good evening and thank you for joining us. i m martin bashir in for lawrence o donnell. the president said yesterday that mitt romney s experience as chief executive of bain capital does not mean he can create jobs as president of the united states. today vice president joe biden translated that message. making money for your investors, which romney did very well is not the president s job. your job as president is to promote the common good. that doesn t mean the private equity guys are bad guys, they re not, but that no more qualifies you to be president than being a plumber. the vice president also honed in on bain capital. when they succeed and the company succeeds, they make money. when the company they get involved with fails, they still make money. it s legitimate