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Transcripts For ALJAZ News 20220731

mother, i'm to vanelle. this is al jazeera, long from dull ha, also coming up ukraine's president orders. the evacuation of the don boss region fighting has intensified in recent days. a show of strength at home. the scene in saint petersburg is russia. marks an annual navy day on columns housing dilemma. show you the window as cubicles where people live in a space barely big enough for beds. ah. support is of a rocks powerful shia cleric mac thought i'll saw that. i still can't douse inside parliament on saturday, thousands of people stormed the building in baghdad for the 2nd time in a week. the vowed to stay posts until the demands of net. santa support is reject the nomination of mohammed shy. awesome dani is prime minister. it's been 10 months since the elections, but a dead remains of the formation of a new governance. almost as though i had reports for inside parliament in baghdad, screens on that quarter of iraq's parliament is in limbo. that is, since a supporters of the iraq's, she a clinic and influential political leader looked at us other heavy occupied headquarters. and they are now in an open sit in since saturday. they say they will not leave this headquarters until their demands are met. they want the parliament did eject. how much he asked to, danny was been nominated for prya, minnesota by that through iran, parliamentary block known as the coordination. great framework. now these protest that had been sitting here sleeping, praying, chanting against the coordination framework and chanting again as naughty and magic whom they accuse of corruption and mismanagement. they say chaos. who danny is at applica of northern medicaid. they have been praying here. they have been sleeping, more protested as have been joining from other provinces, encouraged by the success their colleagues achieved on saturday when they saw them with the green zone and headquarters of the parliament. now, despite, despite colds for calm, from local and international institutions, these protest has seemed to be determined to continue their sit in until their demands are met. now, this is, it has led to a hold of operation in the green zone. that's where the parliament is located. halter corporation in all the state in institutions and degrees of the games on his home to government offices and also international diplomatic mission. look that authorizor is the founder of a popular shia movement. is block 174 feet in october, the election making it the largest section in parliament. but last month that ordered all $74.00 m. p 's to withdraw because of failure to form a government so that it was the leader of a powerful militia groups among the army which was founded in 2003 and response to the us invasion. he is a populace to enjoy strong support among poor she communities. so that opposes the nomination of mohammad also gone for prime minister saying he is too close to to on political analyst, a kill boss doesn't think the stand off will end until saturday support his can force the deal they want. i think we asked the stage of who is going to be the next prime minister. the sub tourists basically want a ground deal idea that includes the judiciary or you can think of the supreme court setting, you know, some time for an election not touching or touching the total law. and then the premium shows. so several things in one package than this was supposedly, mainly after mildly ti, the arch enemy also took over the coordination of framework that, that i think really. and since, and since this conflict, when my, when molly keys handed it became the premium ship candidate for the entire coordination of framework. and that really pushed so they were to react and to react wrongly. now he's waiting for this candidate to withdraw from the race. i don't think the framework will hold up for long as this process continues. i think some people in the framework are waiting are wanting some sort of excuse in order to leave the framework or kick mr. molly key out and the sit in the process and the name of national security in the name of peace and iraq. some of them would make this more. so southern is giving them the pre facts one way or the other. the ukraine's president has ordered mandatory evacuation of the eastern region of dun ask where russian forces have intensified their attacks. and the late night address flow to me as the landscape said, people must leave the areas where the fighting is taking place to move too much. it is important for all the people who still remain the don mass and the areas of the fastest fighting. there are hundreds of thousands of people. tens of thousands of children, many refuse to leave, but it really needs to be done. this decision will have to be taken regardless, believe me, and the sooner it's made, the more people who leave the don, it's region. now, the few people, the russian army will have time to kill. let us remind you now of the life situation on the ground. take a look at this. the areas in reds are controlled by russia and separate allies, has been heavy fighting in these parts of the eastern front in don't ask and in the south ukrainian forces pushing toward the city. of course, some of been targeting bridges to cut off russian forces supply roof. john henry has more now from the taca in southwest ukraine, a turkish presidential spokesman said those ships might leave the ports on monday. at least the 1st ship we would expect there would be a number of ships and we spoke to a captain of one of those ships. these are the port of tournament. he told us that he was told to be prepared to leave tomorrow to follow a pilot ship and to follow it to easton ball. after that 2 destinations unknown. he was not told where the next destination would be, so it does appear that if everything goes right and all the paperwork is done there, they're doing the bill of lading, which lists everything that is going to be in the ships as we speak. if all of that happens, the ships could leave tomorrow we, it could be delayed if there are other issues because the dangers for those ships traveling through a war zone are very real. the russians have already struck the port of a death. and here where i am ins, atoka, we are in a residential area, looking out at the bay as a token. and you can see what happened here when a series of russian missiles struck that is a child's bedroom up there. and if we walk with me here, you can see this enormous crater and that's just made by one of what appears to be several missiles that struck this area on tuesday. those 2 strikes have both come from russia during that 9 day period since an agreement was signed, allowing those drain ships to leave. so russia has argued that it has the right to hit legitimate targets even if they're at or near the port, and the other strike was on the port of odessa itself. so that's why it's taking so long to get these ships out of those 3 black seat ports and to get that grain out to a world that is waiting and looking to avert a global food crisis. president vladimir person has used russia's annual shell of naval strength to announce a new hypersonic missile, who attended the navy de sarah ceremony in saint petersburg, where warship, submarines and weaponry are on display. sailors are on a, on holiday this year, about $3500.00 personnel, all participating. pleasure. wish it was more than the key thing here is the capability of the naval forces. our navy can respond with lightning speed to all of those who infringe on our sovereignty. and freedom honorably fulfill strategic tasks on the border of the country and in any part of the ocean in the world, has high readiness for active operations of its coastal surface air and submarine forces. and it is constantly improving. like with the latest zircon hypersonic missile systems, which have no counter types in the world, and no barriers. dear comrades, their delivery to the russian armed forces will begin in the coming months. alexi mer avia is an associate professor of national security and strategic studies that curse and university. he says the navy provides an important supporting role in russia's operations. the navy continue to provide raso with an element of strategic nuclear insurance russia to raise the school. i just leave you all the submarines gleaton, ballistic missile submarines. the russian navy continues to engage and during the operations against the united states. on the latest you need to make the brain young which harshly explains the composition of the current main. naval arrayed in st. petersburg, the absence of major capital ships like guided missile courses because they all mass in the rain, in the great shadow in the united states and crop carry a bed groups. so it historically played an important role and it continues to play in the 4th and the role. and certainly, the navy is important to let you know, put in as a form off sort of the polish thing indian leave alone just in the fact of instrumental and the deterrence and defense. historically, a russia, as a landlord nation, have this ongoing, the lamb on how to feed itself as a military power. this is, and mary can power and they will power. obviously, if you look at the history of russia military conflict, the main and the majority of threats came from a land areas in russia. the invasion said that the russians came on the russians invasion of its neighbors. there hold on for it on the violin by sea. having said that, russia would use agencies and 3 has access to the ocean. so clearly it cannot really afford to be negligent about it's merrick ban lengths. and certainly, the russian navy will continue to play an important role. they were secretary of state, anthony lincoln has raised the killing of sharing of r. claire, during the call with israel's defense minister, the state department says blink, and told benny can there's a need for accountability for the killing of the veteran elders. they're a journalist. lincoln met with members of the family in washington, dc on tuesday. serene was shot dead by israeli forces while on assignments in the occupied westbank or on the president has visited areas hit by flooding and land slides in which at least $69.00 people have died. abraham, racy, and iranian red crescent officers went to the city of federal sca, east of the wrong. heavy rain is called havoc and dozens of provinces. over the past week. dozens of people are still missing and 20000 houses being damaged or destroyed. at least 25 people have died in flash floods that have swept across the mountainous appellation region in the u. s. state of kentucky. this whole is like it arrive. according to the governor. he says it could take weeks to find all of the victims. a search and rescue operations continues. hundreds of people are stranded off the days of torrential rain. the floods have turned into roads and turn roads into rivers rather. with some low lying houses, almost completely submerged. and wildfires in the us state of california have ex, loaded in size due to hot and windy conditions of night. the fast moving mckinney fire has 160 square kilometers of land and burned down at least a dozen homes come together. newsome declared a state of emergency on saturday in response. spain has reported it 2nd monkey pox related death, and today's the 1st confirmed death from the virus in europe. same monkey box case numbers of the highest in the e. u at almost 4300 or more than 21000 cases in nearly 80 countries since may in the u. s. san francisco in the state of new york had declared a public health emergency as monkey pox cases rise. new york counts for one and 4 american infections with 1300 cases reported their california is recorded 800 infections more than a quarter of which are in san francisco. still ahead on al jazeera, one of africa is most stable. democracies goes to the polls that tension the hi seneca watts by why chin is he is youth of risking their lives to leave the country . ah, the journey has begun. the 34 world camp is on its way to catherine group. your travel package to day. hello, we still have our tropical system making its way towards the korean peninsula. this is song by now being downgraded to a depression, but still some very heavy rain to come across. so the korean peninsula, as we go through the next 24 to 48 hours, it will stream across south korea, north korea, seeing some really heavy rain. eventually, it pushes out into the open waters of the sea of japan and runs up to was accardo with some big downpours coming through here as well. by the time we come to tuesday and wednesday, so that could lead to some localized flooding. not so bad across hon. shoot, you shoot that if i have celsius, therefore, tokyo with a good deal of sunshine and similar temperature to, to northern parts of china. where to weather down towards the se, assen welcome relief from the hate here. i suspect as we go on through the next few days where we're going to southern parts of india or over the next couple of days, we do have ari's warnings in force for parts of parallel from another. so like a seeing some very heavy rain as well, that could lead to some localized flooding. see, but the yellows are showing up on our chart there. as with a big stamp horse are going to be east and there is also seeing some live he showers in some way whether to across northern parts of india, pushing up to war far north. wes gotcha. gotcha. was a cost pakistan, but it does lossy try for southern pas cat official airline, the journey lullabies of defiance. it really touched my heart deeply when she started to sing y'all. i. ready see out, is there a world remembers of how the simian cigar reached audiences beyond the middle east or into a korea to family of nazareth? she sang out a powerful and emotional message, the personal story of re bender, the voice of palestine on al jazeera. ah ah, it wasn't alt is there a reminder about top stories this our supporters of she a care my thought all saw that are still inside iran palm and they say they won't leave until the demands of met coding. withdrawing the nomination of mohammed shy, oust dani as prime minister, ukraine's president has ordered a mandatory evacuation of residents from the eastern region of done it is been fighting there with russian forces automate. lensky says people must leave areas of fighting in order to survive. and in russia, military leaders are holding that annual show of naval strength in saint petersburg . president vladimir putin is attending the navy day ceremony. sailors are on it on the holiday. south africa is governing african national. congress is wrapping up it's policy conference. leaders have discuss ways of ending poverty and equality and violence against women. but the issue of corruption has dominated many of the sessions. 000000000 i do. oh i oh, oh oh oh, for me to mana is live for us in johannesburg to tell us more for media. well, corruption certainly continues to be one of the key points that the african national congress is discussing, amongst other issues which rein trauma insecurity, crime be economy, which is really in a difficult position in south africa. but to tell us more about what the n c is talking about in the position, it finds itself in arrears. speaking to angelo fick and analyst, and load just what is the position of the a and c given some of the challenges it's facing at this point. so this is a 110 year old organization that has have control over the countries governance for the last 28 years. and it now faces the challenge of having to drag it. so from the 20th into the 21st century, many of its leaders are really in that sort of sixty's and older their governing over country. that how's the majority of people under the age of $27.00? and so the challenge really is to not only fix their own errors, catch up on the legacy of colonialism and part of that. but also the have to not prepare themselves on the country for the new challenges of the century ahead, which includes the climate catastrophe, hunger and i'm, this is not good, easy given the corruption issues, given the maladministration issues. and this is part of what seizes them in these committees. and the agency has been criticized significantly in recent years because of these issues like corruption. but your so touched on the youth where we are facing air. a 2 thirds of young people in this country can't find jobs. issues around inequality and poverty are significant in south africa to what extent can be a and see specifically be blamed. so it must take a huge part of the responsibility. so guess there are massive global forces that have to be taken into account. but maladministration, poor management of the economy, particularly in the state, turned into prices are not doing what was actually indicated by in c governments in the late 19 nineties, around securing the energy sector. i'm having a better education system at both basic and tertiary level to ensure that people are employable and to transform social space as well as the economy. so that more people find ownership in it to broaden the taxpayers. none of these things have been done and the agency in power since 1994 at one point with a 2 thirds majority able to really run its policies through parliament without opposition of any significant kind. none of that has happened. and so this is a party that must take some responsibility for the lay of the land in the country at the moment. and for those critical of the african national congress, they would also blame the in fighting and factionalism that this party is experiencing, which of course bleeds into governance. president sal, rama poyser, president of the party and the country has himself faced a lot of criticism around his leadership. what sort of space does he enjoy within the party? and should he be confident around and elect of conference happening later this year? so we know that the president of the a and c came in to his position on fairly split ticket almost divided on the middle in 2017 the outcomes of that elect of conference or have dragged on to this one, the divisions and the party haven't been unified that haven't been healed and we've seen this work itself out in the way in which when he went to one of the provincial congresses, he wasn't taken and he will come today. and in addition to which i think the president does have as president of the party, an important role to play in making sure that he holds himself as accountable as he wishes to hold others to account. now, central to this is the issue of the robbery at his personal property, and whether or not is going to answer questions to the state as head of state and answer questions to his party. and then in addition to that crisis is of course the trouble of whether the president of the party necessarily did as much to clean up the party as he could. and here the state capture commission report isn't very kind about this that i'm a poor so that he suddenly knew things when he was deputy president. and since he's been president, his appointed people implicated, been state capture in the same problem. so big task ahead for both him and his organization. angela victor, thank you very much for your time. or, you know, certainly a difficult time for the african national congress in terms of the challenges it's facing and particularly the leadership. but looking at this policy conference that's taking place now, we won't necessarily see any outcomes or immediate outcomes from the conference. instead, various points will be later debated at various stages within the a and caesar press processes are men. but for now, really the ansi, trying to hash out ideas around how to tackle some of these difficulties and for me to mila, thank you. voting is on the way in senegal, where people are choosing politicians to represent them in parliament. the vote comes a month after opposition protest against the disqualification of some of their candidates . there are concerns that if president mackey sells a party wins a majority. he may try to change the constitution and run for a 3rd term. i'll deserves zayna bent. ebay has more from outside appalling station in tucker. we have more than 15000 center vote in the car in all the car. people started to vote from 8 am and they will keep voting until 8. we have it be and we have more than a 7000000 electors who will vote in 46 departments. this election is very important for the country. we have 8 coalitions who are competing to get the majority in the parliament, which is composed by 165 seats. the biggest i coalition in these 8 are the government coalition supported by the actual president, mikey south and a position coalition with mountain core, with the leader of the opposition. and abdulla was, who is a former president in synagogue. what you are expecting? we cannot predict until now we have her to wait more hours because the votes started the just at 8 o'clock. so in 2 hours before, and we have to wait, but we can say that on the box, the base rates and the vote of the young electors were you. we know that the young people are m like 50 percent of the population in that car. so these 2 items are very important to a different mind, or is it of the election? and they really mean a lot for all these 8th co, allison, the former philippine president. fidel ramos has died at the age of 94. he was one of the leaders of the 1986 uprising which toppled ferdinand marcus. the father of recently elected president fernand medical junior, almost as head of state between 19921998. my more tennesseans are making the perilous journey to europe in search of better opportunities is rising unemployment and the coven. 19 pandemic has taken a toll on the economy. results or down reports from tennis. the 1st glance they seem to be resting under the shade of trees, but not because of hot summer sun there embarked on what could be the most dangerous journey of their lives. they quoted tarka, it's the word yankton is his use for colon best and crossing of the mediterranean to europe. abdulla is just 17 years old from cardon, a city in central tunisia for the past 3 months. he has been coming to this park to look out for containers as ships that he can jump on to each of right to europe, poorly. i have develop a thought, my father's out of work. my mother is old and sick. i have a sister studying. i studied after drait 7th and dropped out to help my family. i tried to get training for a job, but i couldn't find one. i have to help him. i know it's risky. i don't have any other solution but to go abroad and get a job. why it's waiting sometimes 4 months. they say they are often arrested, beaten, and even have dogs set on them by police several times. 19 years old a tiff shows the scars on his leg where he says, put his dogs with him. we'll divide that last year. my mother sold the land that she'd inherited to pay traffickers for me to cross to italy, off the coast guard round and sank our boat. i nearly drowned, even though i'm a strong swimmer to his. he has a beautiful country, but only for those who have money off i had some money. i'd start my own business here. we've lost everything. i can't afford the traffickers. i have to do harker. i just want to work and live with dignity. nearly 40 percent of tenicia youth or unemployed every year. many of them come to this park alongside the port of la goulet every cargo ship. or laurie presents an opportunity of the days of watching and wait him under the coat of darkness. these, the caled his walls and store boards, one of the ships, and if they are lucky, they make it to the next port. but for many of them that journey and before it has even begun, these we do shows those who hid themselves inside trucks being called by police. however, these young men are undeterred and for now the patiently watched the skyline to catch the next. right. christmas said that i'll just euro tunis. the protests in hong kong 3 years ago weren't just about demands for political change. people were also angry about the gap between rich and poor, especially a lack of affordable housing. now and you outbreak of cove at 19 is exposing that inequality. adrian brown reports, hong kong real estate is consistently ranked as the world's most expensive. it also ranks high for something else. inequality. the cities just recorded its hottest week on record. so imagine what it's like to live here. a windowless cubicle measuring just over 2 square meters. how long have you been here? other about it yet? for $270.00 a month. david lau rents a space just big enough for a bed and his few belongings. it's on the 6th floor of a dilapidated apartment block, one of 14 partitions spaces that are created when normal apartments are divided into minuscule ones and where hygiene is a daily struggle. if i, if the last that path, and i think our guide is local social workers, eli shown here helping to distribute marks and cobit 19 test kits. her organization says that more than 220000 people are now living this way. i think i last reported on this problem 13 years ago. what you're looking at are cages. not families, but people back then miss c had already spent more than a decade campaigning against so called cage homes. she says not much has changed since we last spoke. that's why we also request that that one is it increase as a high and then we'll get you. i think a take home then said no longer home. yeah. well, the reason why so many people live in these squalid and often dangerous conditions is as was the case, 13 years ago because of hong kong, acute public housing shortage. it's a shortage. that means the waiting time for such a home can be after 10 years. ready during a recent visit to hong kong, china's president changing ping urge the territories new leader to make the issue of affordable housing a priority. the local government has pledged to build more than 300000 homes in the next decade. something new z says should have happened a long time ago, is a shame the hong kong language. hopefully we can put it as soon as possible and even the sense that my cousin, i will housing harvey but addressing the poverty.


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