"The Scottsboro Boys," with music by Jewish duo Kander and Ebb, uses the structure of a minstrel show to tell a true story of racism and injustice in the 1930s. Now playing in San Francisco.
Seeing "Follies" is like spotting the Bigfoot of Broadway history: It’s the stuff of legend, even when it lumbers a bit. The current San Francisco Playhouse production more than does justice to this rarely revived classic of the Sondheim canon.
Seeing "Follies" is like spotting the Bigfoot of Broadway history: It’s the stuff of legend, even when it lumbers a bit. The current San Francisco Playhouse production more than does justice to this rarely revived classic of the Sondheim canon.
The not-often-performed Sondheim musical that brought us such timelessly classic songs as "Broadway Baby" and "I'm Still Here" is being staged this summer by the always nimble and impressive SF Playhouse, and it's a joy to behold.