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Transcripts For KGO ABC7 News 400PM 20130208 you can get updates on the smart phone by down loading and opting for a push notification. >> vallejo police looking for two men who shot a family of three inside of their home this morning. police say the men were wearing hoods when kicking in the front door of a house on mcdougle street around 3:00 a.m. a brother, sister and mother were shot. after waking up to find the men inside of the home. police dmot have a detailted suspect description at this point. >> not sure why they were targeted but at this point we're treating it as a random attack. >> they don't look like rich people or people that would have a lot of money. they could have chose any house. i don't understand. >> the brother sister and mother were all taken to the hospital. they're all recovering. >> the san jose mother made up a story about a stranger trying to kidnap her 2-year-old daughter is facing a misdemeanor charge!@ç÷ jennifer arajo turned herself in. she is accused of falsely reporting a crime. she admitted it was a lie after police alerted media and released a sketch. >> sky 7 hd was over the tree that was down in oakland today just off highway 13. >> branches blocked one northbound lane of traffic for a few hours, most area saw light scattered showers today. >>e&gu and more rain is on the way. >> right. yes. most rain we've seen occurred in morning hours. a nice break of weather during mid day hours, but now, looking at doppler 7 hd we can see weather developing off shore, let's take a look. south of sea ranch towards clover dale south ward towards fort ross this, is pushing inland.ñzlrñ more intense activity over the ocean waters which is where this weather is going to develop. rainfall totals have been below a tenth of an inch. san francisco had one tenth of an inch. wet spot with just over three tenths of an inch. they will increase because more showers are on the way. you can see developing showers here over the ocean i should add there may be thundershowers and snow levels dropping below 3,000 feet during late night and overnight hours. i'll give you the possibility of that occurring later on in the accu-weather forecast. >> city as cross the bay area reporting a surge in the theft of electronic autos in san francisco a hearing took place to discuss what law enforcement is doing and what you need to do to protect yourself and your smart phone. >> you know back in the day, petty thieves used to snatch gold chains now targeting these, half robberies in san francisco are cell phones. hello, sir. i can see you. but you don't see me. we've become a nation tightly tethered to our electronic devices and that inattention opens the door to a crime of opportunity. >> you've got me thinking i want to put this here. >> are you careful with the phone? >> i try to be. i saw someone in starbucks get a phone snatched. i try to be. >> san francisco has seen a spike in the theft of electronics. police broke up a fencing ring netting scores of cell phones and lap tops. the supervisor called a hearing today to get an update on prevention strategize we can't expect people to never use phones in public or not to carry phones or ipad was them. that is reality of modern life wex need to be careful and to make sure we're going after criminal autos the police department says it's doing everything it can. >> in terms of researching stolen property and trying to identify to see if there are trends pointing to individuals who are responsible. >> the d.a.says it's pursuing 400 cases related to cell phone theft involving both adults and juveniles. muni says last year, 399 people like this woman had their phone snatched. many victims weren't paying attention. so the mta rolled out an awareness campaign and now asking fare inspectors to give phone shall targets a heads up. >> we found that has been successful and just having contest with passenger autos everyone agrees owners have to do their part. >> i don't wear my ears anymore. >> they're in the preliminary stages about technology disabling cell phones or options making them less valuable to thieves. >> police looking for a man who stole a police van. he managed to slip his handcuffs to his front then took off. he ditched the van and was in custody for violating probation. protection seized thousands of rounds of ammo from a shipment at the port of oakland. the ammo and vehicle and a camery were seized late last month. ammo is worth about, and the cars are worth about $45,000 and vehicles belong to a resident whose name has not been released. >> right now, san francisco muni workers are inspecting switch cover plates on cable car lines to prevent more bolts from coming loose%a. that cause aid car to stop abruptly injuring a crew and passengers. muni says it will do pressure tests on these bolts. >> northeast bracing for a major winter storm that could bring tw seat of snow to places that haven't seen sig can't vaifl. >> forecasters say most of the southern new england area could get hit with anywhere from 18 to 24 inches of snow. new york city expecting four six inches of snow. a jet blue flight has also been canceled. >> still ahead on abc 7 news at 4:00 microsoft ramps up efforts to lure away g mail users. >> investigators identified a cause of the he can electrical fire autos what officers were caught on video(&éñ doing. >> a sixth grammy nomination for a city college teacher. what inspire his music. >> and taking a look at the san francisco skyway, it's slow going for drivers tryingk+ñ to head east. perhaps just better for drivers towards peninsula and beyond. stay with us. stay with us. abc 7 news well, well, well. growing up, we didn't have u-verse. we couldn't record four shows at the same time. in my day, you were lucky if you could record two shows. and if mom was recording her dumb show and dad was recording his dumb show then, by george, that's all we watched. and we liked it! today's kids got it so good. [ male announcer ] get u-verse tv for just $19 a month for 1 year when you bundle tv and internet. rethink possible. investigators say they've found a short circuit in the battery of a grounded 787 dream liner jet. this comes as the plane completed a flight from texas to washington state this morning. investigators looking into two separate fires involving the lithium batteries and say they've zeroed in on one cell. >> cell six has signs of short circuiting resulting in thermal run away in this cell. it then cascaded to other cells in the battery. >> mtsb says the government should reconsider the kind of batterieds used in the and six are owned by united air lines. the only u.s. carrier with the dream liner in its flight. >> linkedn push to engage users apparently paying off. >> emily chang is here with this afternoon's after the bell report. hi, emwe yily. >> good afternoon. linkedn push to keep job seekersm?ces its site with new features is delivering big rewards. this site reports probables nearly doubled and saw revenue jump 83% as membership grew. and popular franchise sky landers in call of duty found act yivision boost sales. net income up 258% to $354 million. it's helped keep sales strong as more gamers turn to mobile. back in november, black ops two became the quickist video game to make the 1dzs billion sales mark. blackberry adding two new members to the board of directors including richard lynch and burtoçs÷ norberg. the company says sales of its d 10 smart phones are off to a strong start. air b and b showing big growth saying the number of listings more than doubled last year to more than 300,000. air b and b says three million people used the service last year alone. this company did not reveal anything about how much money it's making. earnings and concerns about the european debt crisis. microsoft is launching new attack candidates against google as part of the skroogeled campaign accusing google of reading through user e mails to tailor ads to them, and hope the move will scare people away from g mail. google says no human, ever reads user e mails. >> emily, thank you. >> a florida police department proving it will not tolerate bad he haifor. miami dade county police officer says it fired two officers and a sargent after they were videotaped ignoring calls. the department monitored officers two years, check out this video here, one on duty officer doesn't budge when a call comes in for an unconscious 5-year-old. its his supervisor sitting next to him. >> honestly not going doesn't cross your mind. it's not about being a bad cop it's being a bad human being. >> according to a police investigation that was launched in 2013 -- 2010, the same officer videotaped with his girlfriend on duty on numerous occasions. the department says he also was videotaped while officers were shopping and visiting family outside of the district. the fired officers are appealing to try to get jobs back. >> they gathered two years worth of evidence seems kind of... >> compelling. >> yes. >> let's turn our attention to weather. >> interesting stuff going on here, after aite day. there is some active weather going on here, here is our mount tam camera, innocent-looking sky at the moment. broken clouds around, lots of blue. clouds moving south and bringing precipitation with them. you can see more weather up in the north bay now moving into parts of sonoma county beginning to sweep south ward. more active weather off shore preparing to move onshore. and right now we're looking at temperatures mainly into 50s. 55 in oakland. 54, san jose. showers likely to continue tonight. they'll be scattered not wide spread. thunderstorms possible during overnight hours, over ocean waters, snow levels dropping below 3,000 feet. and beach hazard still in effect through saturday morning. high tides of the month andñí< wave heights of, i should say tide heights9dúph 6.8 feet respectively. passage of an earlier front fairly week one, brought us light showers, more showers around this low pressure system to our northwest this, next impulse or wave of weather will bring us wetter weather tonight and overnight. we'll see showers moving to the south bay z east bay. later into night time hours and overnight hours. then, the front or the system continues to sweep south ward and eastward. more showers into rater morning hours, it would be wet for morning commute but showers taper off quickly. r::@wclrsçñikzici mainly over ocean waters if there is a storm or two it may not affect land areas by 5:00 in the after&0pthe noorng we'll look at rainfall totals probably not more thn a quarter inch, maybe up to three-tenths of an inch in the south bay. sierra, winter weather in effect until 1:00, 10:00 rather. accumulation up to three inches most of the central sierra. bay area tonightf[n5 lows mainy into 30s inland. highs into low to mid-50s. another cool day but will be drying out after early morning showers. drier, milder over thedh.$c weekend. drier much milder next week. we do have a threat of showers overnight tonight. and again, we'll see snow atop higher bay area peaks. most people have to go way up tie to find them. >> thank you. >> up next, unfortunately having to pay up on capitol hill. california senators make good on super bowl bets. >> and then after 4:30 caring for orphanned bears. a couple gives these animals a second chance. it's not often senators have to eat their words but that is what happened for california's top legislatures. they paid up on their super bowl.y(#÷ food bet to maryland's two senators. napa valley chardonnay, sour dough bread and yummy cheese were among goodies, plus one more. >> it's real crab. it's called dungeness crab caught a few days ago in a trap off of the golden gate bridge.á> not like the kind of crab served back east. the senator snapped the crab in two. her counter part promised to perform a victory dance out of sight of photographers i imagine he'll be doing the ray lewis thing. >> justin timberlake takes on a new challenge. >> oscars just over two weeks away. yesterday berning about avengers cap and now, more stars. and for the first time actors channing tatum, joseph gordon levitz and daniel radcliff will appear on the show go. to to make your oscar picks. back to the red carpet for the premier of "beautiful creatures" many think could be the next "twilight". >> it's a twisted coming of age lf story. two young mem coming from different sides of the social spectrum. >> found familiar it? opens on valentine's day. the world of music we've learned justin timberlake joined forces with bud light platinum. now the brand's creative director. timberlake releasing a new album next month. just yesterday he tweeted this picture of the cover. and for more picture goes to >> still ahead are people ready to raise their taxes again? why the mayor is planning to ask them to do just that tonight. plus... >> on treasure island before you drive on the new bay bridge how about a stroll ñfd:pg francisco? start training now, you'll be able to do that if you want to. we'll explain coming up live. >> a girl gets honored for her lemonade stand. >> i'm michael finney. going the distance. tips how to make your car last 200,000 mile planning for the new bay bridge opening celebration going on in earnest now it will close over labor day weekend in a public celebration is in the works but it's going to take a lot of money. >> heather. >> there are two major pieces of celebrations planning on logistics that will almost certainly be paid for with public funding and money your toll money. other piece is the fun part, the party. and it will be paid for with private funding before new bay bridge opens for traffic it will be closed to finish up construction projects. and on sunday and monday, the public will be invited onto the bridge for a walk.3amí there may bekk a bike ride ana concert on treasure island. they estimated $5.6 million for basics. toll authority wants to avoid the near disaster of the celebration where 300,000 people standing on the bridge threatened to bring it down. next week they will decide whether to approve spending that on the same company that did the giants victory parade to provide transportation and public safety. the rest of the fund raising will be up to a nonprofit formed last year for that purpose. >> this is not just once in a lifetime but a once opportunity. >> 280,000 folk who's use the bridge every day and who have been waiting deserve a couple days to celebrate this. >> that $5.6 million will be construction project budget that had what is called a contingency part of the program. and so that is where that money would come from. the bay bridge alliance, private funding nonprofit they think they would need between 400,000s skpdz $500,000. >> and we're counting down the days, 207 days to go. stay with awc 7@@@p news for latest updates as construction continue autos san jose mayor chuck reed will deliver his state of the city address. one goal is to give long delayed pay raises to workers but are people willing to tax themselves more to pay for that? >> the mayor says things are improving despite many challenges a rising crime rate and how to create more jobs. during his state of the city address the mayor talks about plans to support services and restore pay to workers. to do that, a sales tax increase is needed. >> we have to go to the ballot to get permission. we've done polling. >> it shows 70% of voters may support an increase, but only 57% favor a half percent hike. joe qlopz works for a company that contracts with the city and likes any idea that may help him keep his job. >> we are paying too much. >> we found another hike could be a very tough sell. >> people reaching the point they just get tired of knit general. i'm for my fellow man and community but enough is enough. >> it may help the picture but the mayor says it does not go far enough. the state of the city address á >> bay area unions say mayor reed needs a reality check. and says the leadership has been devicive creating problems with any plan for the city future its important if you're trying to raise taxes for the city and city services to make sure have you built bridges and gained support necessary tro get a tax increase this, mayor failed to do that. >> field says the mayor has no economic development plans for the city and blames cuts to the police department for the recent increase in crime in san jose. >> san francisco district attorney has a new hot line victims of the sex trade or people forced into labor can call for help. the district attorney recognized a 9-year-old who set up a lemonade stand raising 150,000ses today fight human trafficking but has bigger plans than that. >> we're planning to borrowojó freeing slaves. >> hot line will be staffed by workers that will make sure workers get help. launched her hello kitty doll into space. standing up for a little boy. >> from east bay hills looking south we can see just broken clouds like blue skies. conditions are wetter. >> another view right now this is traffic on interstate 80. it's sluggish but looking sunny, and nice for the moment. stay with us. abc 7 news at 4:00 continues right after this. waiter who stood up for a boy with down's syndrome. the boy and his classmates performed a song today. garcia refused to serve a man seat add cross from mileo and his mother who made remarks about having special needs children at the restaurant. >> this is so overwhelming i don't feel like i deserve this, this is amazing. this is it. these posters mean more to me2]p than anything else. >> we heard he's able to come here, we wanted to celebrate that. he is our hero this, is what the world needs more of. >> and garcia had a gift, too. he brought them a check for 8dp,> money given to him by vaimpkers touched by the decision to do the right thing. >> terrific guy. >> move on to get a check of the forecast. >> there is a look at weather becoming more active. take a look you can see some cells out to sea here moving eastward towards western sonoma county and into marin county. so wet weather developing right now santa rosa moving towards novato we're going to get more shower activity as tomorrow looking at all kinds of weather conditions in the northeast. through the mid section, sunny, mild and dri. there is snow across the great basin. a look at closer conditions here in california. we'll see a wide range from drig out up north to showers moving down into southern california. to snow over in the central sierra. and here is in the bay area tomorrow, after maybe a showery start into morning hours we'll see partly sunny skies by afternoon. not going to get very mild but will get dry. highs only into low to mid-50s. milder weather over the weekend0:x.2a >> quite a night here, spencer. >> it's called winter. >> yes. >> that is what sit. q-ú goes gangnam style and a girl sends hello kitty into space. >> thank you.o7uwz a look at the day's hottest videos blowing up on the tubes. there is a 12-year-old launching her hello kitty doll she got inspired after seeing a weather balloon launch and created her own version. all told it took a month of planning to execute and help of colorado high altitude science. the video received over 350,000 views, pretty g up next obsession with gangnam aç has spread to fa. i know. here is a young fan waking up just to get to a new favorite song. >> how cute is this? it's the biggest you tube video in history. the first video ever to reach a billion views. and show nose signs of slowing down. the video will soon hit 1.3 billion mark. and he was seen performing in a super bowl ad. that will do it for today's hottest trending videos. see you next time, bay area. >> thank you. >> coming up on abc 7 news at 6:00 you'll hear from lauren rojas about that hello kitty project. i'm trying to figure out how many cameras were attached. >> i know. we'll have answers coming up at 6:00. >> yes. point of view camera? view of the ground? high tech. orphanned bears a couple helping these animals get back into the >> a way to save money is holding on to your car long yerk i'll have tips to winter usually a slow time fr a wild live rescue center there are more orphanned black bear cubs than ever before. good news is that they're healthy. >> you may remember these guys. last summer they were taken from a man trying to sell them this, cub found near al pib pine meadows see resort. her mother killed by a hunter using dog autos she was hungry, cold. and had been hit by a car and was limping. >> in the wild they'd die without others. they ended up here at lake tahoe wildlife care. this is also cheryl and tom's home them take care of animals but now they've got their hands full with bears they get four cubs per year. thon day there are 10. seven hibernating snuggled in buildings in the backyard. cameras show them snoozing peacefully. >> which is good. >> other cubs are wake in this cage. it's almost feeding time. first, cheryl cleans up thew÷w7 floor. the cubs peek down from the platform. >> bears are more afraid of us than we are of them them have a fear of humans. we want to keep that fear. >> cubs stay up on the platform as long as people are around. >> they came in at 11, 12 and 20 pounds. if we put them into have filled them. >> they're still too small to hibernate. this facility requires cages lined with chain link because bears are good climbers. >> they use both teeth and claws and are just remarkable. >> cubs brought here from around the state. a famous patient was lil smoky@. they get help from a team of veterinarians. they go through huge puckits of fruit and vegetables. >> they were costing(yí7÷ us $1a peek. we've -- week. >> the food is scattered on the floor then live cameras into the office show cubs coming down to eat. >> they're gaining weight perfect so they can be released in april. >> in california it's ill tlol shoot a mother bear with cubs and starting january 1 a state law made it illegal to use dogs to hunt bears. animalv.é1w offers hope what tht means fewer mother bears shot by mistake and fewerap# cubs lt as orphanned. >> nonprofits relie on donations if you want to help click on see it on tv. >> an announcement involving robin roberts. she's set toókgo return to the anchor death february 20th five months to the day since undergoing a bone marrow transplant to treat her rare blood disorder. she's been reletters hersing to get ready and now has all clear from doctors. days per week. >> i think she was in manes for the super bowl but did not really do public appearances. she's trying to get her strength back. >> it's great to have her back, though. >> reaching 100,000 miles in a car is not unheard of. how about 200,000 miles and beyond. >> tips how to make those older cars last. >> cheap rent no car payments. these days people looking for anyway to stretch a dollar. one way can be by holding on to cars longer according to pressure average vehicle is nearly 11 years old. consumer reports can help you go the distance saving you some big bucks. >> i am the first owner and will be the last. >> when aerial bought his camera, he never imagined getting 226,000 miles. >> i didn't know it would get this far, but it did. >> this expert says people often are not aware of the long term benefits. >> if you hit 200,000 miles it takes about 15 years you can potentially save $30,000. >> you need to shop for a car you can live with. >> make sure it fits your life style. don't compromise on features like safety features. like electronic stability control. >> be sure to pick a swrek a reliable track record. thenl,ñ stick to the schedule maintenance. >> don't waste on maintenance you don't neechld many vehicles can go 10,000 miles on an oil change. >> don't skip on parts. trying to save on cheap parts and flood fluids can cost you in the long run. listen to sounds that get small things fixed. >> the car starts every day that. is what you want in a car. get in it, and go. >> some day it will be time to part ways. consumer reports says if you're facing repair that will cost more than the car is worth for it starts to be unreliable with frequent repairs it may be time say bye bye. you can find more information on our web site. check it out under see it on tv. we like when he says it's starts every day. >> yes. >> you can pay me now or later right? >> thank you. >> sure. >> coming up nextwç'n is the sih time the charm? >> a teacher nominated for a grammy, again. >> coming up at 5:00 turning financial screws on california gun owners proposal requiring them to get extra insurance. and from candy and flowers, it's not too late to create a personalized date such a straight grate story. a teacher has been nominated for a grammy award and it's not his first. >> yes this, is his sixth nomination. he says it's inspiration to produce music comes from teaching latin american studies. >> greg is a city college and the elements mixing spanish music styles.u4+ >> he produced a cd performed by a group that was good enough to earn a grammy nomination ingj5) the category f best mexican regional music. >> no productions won we feel an honor to be nominated. >> landow says he uses knowledge of music to teach about the history and art of latin america. he points out all of the elements are embedded in this mural by mexican artist diego rivera. >> music is a reflection, a way of honoring ancestors the same way this fuses and looks at fusion and way this comes together. >> in city college abc 7 news. >> thanks for joining us for abc 7 news at 4:00. >> burned out truck of an accused accused cop killer found but no sign of the gunman. latest on the expolice officer's man festo. >> live doppler 7 tracking showers now. it's about to become active. i'll have the timing of when you might see thunder and snow coming up. >> and a cosmic bullet about to head our way. will mother earth dodge it? >> a manhunt under way for a former los angeles police officer being called a cop killer. the search is in the big bear area. the 33-year-old christopher dorner is on the run accused of killing three people. good evening. >> thousands are looking for dorner at this hour. he wrote a manifesto saying he was angry about being fired. >> this stretch as cross california to nevada including arizona and mexico. fbi says dorner was not found when authorities served a warrant at his home, within the hour san bernardino county sheriffs didq'd confirm a burned out truck found in the mountains belongs to dorner. he was not in the vehicle and officers say he's armed and dangerous with weapons including an assault rifle. >> of course he knows what he's doing, we've trained him. it's extremely worry some and scary. he was once one of them. now, the lapd is$ueñ calling christopher dorner a domestic terrorist. accused of killing three people, one, a fellow officer. he warned the deadly shooting rampage in a manifesto on his facebook page. he writes violence of action will be high. will bring unconventional warfare to those in lapd uniforms whether on, or off duty. his targets are police officers and families. revenge killings for what he claims was wrongful termination from lapd after reporting abuses in 2008. >> it's multiple weapons including assault rifle autos police say the murder spree started sunday. 28-year-old monica quon and her fiancee shot to death in their dar car. her father is a retired lapd captain turned lawyer representing dorner when he was accused of making false accusations against the lapd. a chilling passage reads i never had the opportunity to have a family of my own. i'm terminating yours. late last night, police say dorner then tide up an elderly man and tried to steal his boatnx'tñ in san diego county. then, early this morning they say the 33-year-old shot two officers in riverside, killing one, and seerly injuring another. >> the suspect was out of a vehicle and started to shoot at the officer autos searching for dorner, l.a. officers mistakenly opened fire on the wrong truck in torrance and wounded two innocent women today. also


Transcripts For KGO ABC News Good Morning America 20130924

charge last night in primetime. >> the church is looking for me to fail. >> saying the church of scientology is waiting for her to fail on the dance floor. now, the church responds overnight with a harsh statement. the war of words breaking out in the ballroom. is it coming from here? is it coming from there? am i -- i'm looking to see where it's coming from. >> good morning, america. what a night in the ballroom last night on "dancing with the stars." i'm loving the pace of the new season. first couple this season booted off. they're going to join us right here live in times square this morning. >> they flew in last night from l.a. we're going to begin with the latest on that mall terror attack. conflicting reports at this hour about americans possibly being involved and whether or not hostages are still being held. the president of kenya, expected to speak shortly, which could give us some clarity. >> a lot going on right now. we're going to show you live pictures of the mall. explosions being heard. police say it's a cleanup operation of booby traps set by the terrorists. tracking all of the developments in this still-fluid crisis. good morning, linsey. >> reporter: good morning, george. still very much an active scene here, as helicopters continue to circle overhead. we continue to hear loud gunshots and explosions. we're told it's the kenyan military, as it combs the mall, going through floor by floor, detonating any explosives and shooting anything that moves. overnight, gunfire and explosions once again erupting from the westgate mall. as kenyan soldiers search for terrorists or hostages that may have still been inside. this, as the first images emerge of what may be the terrorists inside the mall. kenyan officials have not commented on the photo. but this morning, they are confirming for the first time that the mall was booby trapped. tweeting -- we are doing cleanup of explosives that had been set up by the terrorists. they sweep, they say, is the final phase of a bloody and tense standoff that came to a head on monday. this video, obtained exclusively by abc news, shows kenyan soldiers fighting to retake the mall from its roof and free the remaining hostages, all under a cloud of black smoke and persistent gunfire. this morning, as the signatures at westgate continues to unfold, we're hearing harrowing stories from survivors. >> we were in the corner. just as i was telling everybody, bend down. >> reporter: radio host kamal koort said she was hosting a cooking competition at the mall when the thrierrorists launched their attack saturday afternoon. >> they were climbing on top of the kids to get to the doors. then, we heard more firing. we didn't want them to fire at us. the guys would come in. they were protecting us. >> reporter: witnesses say the terrorists, part of the al qaeda-linked al shabaab network, were shooting anyone who couldn't prove they were muslim. some in hiding were scrambling to learn the verses of the koran. >> we would adapt that language. >> reporter: among the dead, ross langdon. and his girlfriend, elif yavuz. they were expecting their first child next month. civilians are being told to stay away from this area just outside of the mall. the red cross says 51 people are still among the missing. we're expecting to hear from the president a little later on today. kenyan officials say six of the attackers have been killed. three of them, overnight. robin? >> linsey, please stay safe there. for the terrorists behind this attack, big questions about who they are and conflicting reports about whether americans were involved. the kenyan foreign minister making claims that several u.s. citizens were part of this massive attack. brian ross has been digging into this part of the story. good morning, brian. >> reporter: good morning, robin. the kenyan foreign minister was in new york monday. and told pbs that two or three young american men were among the attackers. describing them as 18 or 19 years old and from minneapolis or another place. this morning, the fbi says they have not been able to confirm her claims. and there's no reliable information whether americans were involved. >> and the same foreign minister mentioned the possibility of a british woman being involved. >> reporter: she did. she said there's a woman involved in this. and the british foreign office has told us they can't confirm that, either. kenyan officials on the ground had told us yesterday that there were no women, but men dressed as women. these reports are contradictory. and perhaps the kenyan president will sort it all out at a news conference later today. >> an extremely aggressive group, as we saw there. and there's concern about here. >> absolutely, because what is known as a fact, many americans -- 50 americans have been recruited to go there. many have been killed. some of them brought back here and charged. but there's a number of americans in that group, somewhere in africa. and there's great concern that what they've learned in africa, they could bring home here. >> brian, thanks so much. >> thank you, guys. now, to president obama's push for a diplomatic breakthrough with one of america's toughest adversaries, iran. president obama and the iranian president are in new york today for the u.n. general assembly. and there's talk about a possible meeting between the two leaders. abc's jon karl here to cover all that. and jon, there hasn't been a meeting like this in over 30 years. >> reporter: this would be historic. the last time was jimmy carter and the shah of iran, in 1977. this would be a big deal. at this point, based from what i'm hearing from white house officials, i would be surprised if the meeting doesn't happen. i think it would just be a simple handshake. but what white house officials are saying is there's nothing scheduled at this point, which is code for -- >> they're trying to make it happen. see what the iranians would do, as well. the president knew there were letters exchanged. and there were signs of openness and flexibility on the nuclear issue from the new iranian president. >> reporter: no question. he came here before leaving tehran, said he is open to flexibility and negotiation. clearly, there's signs of reconciliation. but nothing substantial yet. nothing concrete. what you will hear from president obama in his speech before the u.n. general assembly today are some very strong words directed at iran. making it clear if they want better relations with the west, they have to rein in that nuclear program. >> there's some fears this would be a diplomatic track. >> reporter: to doubt. that the fear is that iran is doing this to stall for time, to build that nuclear program up. iran wants the sanctions lifted, too. they're economy has been ground down. that's why you'll hear tough words from the president again. they have to do something concrete on the ground. zbrefrg test >> everything tested today. thank you, jon karl. >> the bonus of having the president in town. we get jon karl here. >> thanks, jon. let's get the other top stories from josh. >> we're going to start with startling news from the korean peninsula. news that north korea appears to have moved one step closer to a nuclear bomb. two u.s. nuclear experts say north korean scientists have the capability to build crucial equipment for uranium-based nuclear weapons. there are reports that they have possibly already tested long-range rockets. and some troubling new details about washington navy yard gunman aaron alexis. a navy report says alexis lied about a previous arrest when he applied for clearance. it says government investigators deleted any reference to his use of a gun in that arrest. his security clearance allowed him into the building where he killed 12 workers last week. and happen right now, firefighters trying to tackle a fast-moving blaze, burning out of control east of los angeles. the madre fire is threatening dozens of homes. you see this one here, tweeted by a neighbor. the fire has more than quadrupled in size overnight. it is now nearly 200 acres. and it's only 5% contained. some good news, though, for those about to start a morning commute. gas prices are going down again. but by how much? and where? abc's gio benitez has the answers. gio, good morning. >> reporter: good morning to you, josh. good news, indeed. gas prices are falling across america. some experts believe we could soon see them as low as $3 a gallon. the price of gas is down to less than $3.50 a gallon, dropping 5 cents last week. but that price is down 33 cents compared to last year. for the cheapest gas, look a on the gulf coast. $3.23 a gallon. most expensive is still on the west coast, though, $3.87 a gallon there. if prices dropped to $3 a gallon, it would be the first time that happens in three years. the experts point to the end of summer driving season, for one reason that's happening. and refineries are switching to cheaper gas during the winter. >> all right, gio, thank you for that. now, to an incredible car crash. i want to tell you right away, no one involved here was seriously hurt. but take a look. you see a sedan coming down a road. it turns into the path of that lamborghini. if you take a look again, that's a $400,000 car crashing into a tree. but what we want to show you, that car breaks into two pieces, because that's what it is built to do. it reduces the energy of the crash. this is technology we've seen in professional autoracing. it takes the energy away from the driver and the passengers, helping to keep everyone safe inside. no word on a repair bill. and finally, the president has a very, very powerful incentive not to smoke. mrs. obama. take a look. president obama, chatting privately with a u.n. official yesterday. when the subject turned to smoking. and that open microphone caught this from the president. >> yeah, sometimes i chew nicorette. no, no. i haven't smoked a thing in six years. that's cause i'm scared of my wife. >> yep, you heard it right. no, no. i'm scared of my wife. jon karl, track that down, jon. it's not exactly a scoop, i suppose. >> the smile on his face. >> thank you, josh. now, to a big change that could make flying a little more enjoyable. an faa advisory panel is meeting today, looking at new rules that could ease restrictions on electronic devices, allowing fliers to keep them on during takeoff and landing. lisa stark joins us from reagan national airport in washington. good morning, lisa. >> reporter: good morning, robin. that advisory panel will make its recommendation to the faa within the next week. then, it's up to the agency to decide how to move forward on electronic devices and how quickly to do it. the advisory panel knows americans are in love with their electronic devices. and when they get on an airplane, breaking up is hard to do. >> turn off and stow all portable electronics devices. >> reporter: anyone who flies knows the drill. power off that phone, computer, tablet, during critical takeoff and landing, until the plane reaches an altitude of 10,000 feet. the panel is finalizing guidelines for the faa to help loosen those rules. its job is to figure out how to do that without compromising safety. >> these devices have the potential to interfere with airplane systems and airplane radios during flight. >> reporter: there's little hard evidence of any major problems in the air. but manufacturers are adding shielding. and at boeing, they're testing electronic devices in a quiet room, to check for possible interference. nearly one-third of passengers forget to turn off their devices, according to one poll. >> when i actually landed, i went to turn it on and saw that it was on. >> reporter: and many are convinced their electronics are not a hazard. >> i fly corporate aircraft a lot. and there's no technical problems. >> reporter: the faa is poised to make some changes. saying, quote, it recognizes consumers are intensely interested in the use of personal electronics aboard aircraft. in other words, there's no turning back the digital deluge. now, one thing that is not expected to change. you still won't be able to use your cell phone to send e-mails or to make phone calls. and that's good news for those of us who don't want to sit next to someone for hours listening to their conversation. robin? >> you've got that right. thank you so much. >> i like the peace and quiet. we have an alert for all of us who look to online reviews before we buy a product or head to a restaurant. it turns out many of the reviews are fake. and at least one state is cracking down hard on the fraud. rebecca jarvis is here. that website, yelp, is under fire. >> reporter: yelp, citi search, google. even yahoo! all these websites are working with regulators this morning to root out the con artists online. and if you wondered whether that gushing review for a restaurant or a hairdresser is real? some confirmation, your instincts are right on-point. they're the opinions millions of americans trust for everything from planning a vacation to choosing a dentist. but this morning, for the first time, the government says many online reviews are nothing but complete fabrication. >> in some cases, they went as far away as eastern europe and bangladesh to hire phony reviewers. this is a massive fraud that we're determined to shut down. >> reporter: the new york attorney general is fining 19 companies $350,000 in total, fines ranging from $2,500 to just under $100,000 for paying people to write phony positive internet reviews of companies and products they've never even heard of. kathy says companies like this pay her 4 bucks a pop to file reviews from her parents' home in wisconsin. >> they were on time. they started working right away. and in a few hours later, i had a beautiful, transformed bathroom and tile. it's so beautiful and clean. i love it. >> reporter: have you ever renovated a bathroom? >> no. i'm 17. >> reporter: today, as many as 30% of all online reviews for some products are fakes. with people getting paid anywhere from $3 to $50 to write them. >> in the old days, we would look at advertising, talk to our friends, get recommendations. today, this is how consumers make their choices. >> reporter: even websites like yelp, that have rules to keep the cons out, say it's a difficult battle. >> we've seen studies that a one-star increase on yelp can increase a restaurant's revenues by almost 10%. >> reporter: new york's attorney general tells abc news this morning, a number of other states are also conducting their own investigations into fraudulent reviews online. so, even though this is a new problem, the same old rules apply. buyer beware. caveat emptor. >> anyone can write any kind of review. but it's a company and that's where the problem comes. >> reporter: the company paying people to write the fake reviews. that's where the a.g.s are going after. and you might see in many other states similar things going down. >> something online, not true? >> how can it be? >> how can it be? >> thanks a lot for bringing that to us. now, to the mystery surrounding that massive powerball jackpot. the winner coming forward in south carolina to claim his $400 million prize. but his identity, still a secret. he's choosing to remain anonymous. good for him. keeping his good fortune under wraps. and abc's steve osunsami has the story. >> reporter: this morning, lottery officials say their anonymous winner, who bought his ticket at this gas station outside of columbia, south carolina, had only played the lottery once before. and told them he only stopped in the store because his wife called and said to pick up some hot dog buns. this morning, at that gas station, everyone wants to know who is mr. luck. >> i'd like to know if i know who the person is. >> yeah. i'm curious. i want to know. >> let's play powerball! >> reporter: lottery officials wouldn't tell us how the winner picked his numbers or if he chose the payout or yearly payments. they say he never managed to buy the buns. but did buy $20 worth of powerball tickets. >> the payout is $223.4 million. >> reporter: south carolina is just 1 of 6 states that allow lottery winners to count their money anonymously. since 2003, ten powerball winners have claimed prizes. in april of 2012, the self-described three amigos quietly collected a $219 million megamillions jackpot in maryland. the secret winners get to avoid sometimes wiltdly entertaining press conferences like this one in illinois. >> this the a full-time job, it looks like. >> i don't think we're going to feel sorry for you, sir. >> no, no, i'm not looking for sympathy. >> reporter: after state and federal taxes, last week's winner will end up with $209 million if he took the single payment. that's a lot of hot dog buns. for "good morning america," steve osunsami, abc news, atlanta. >> going to quietly enjoy that fortune. >> and they said south carolina, you don't have to come forward. would you? >> no. >> no way. >> i would tell you guys, of course. >> no way, no way. >> maybe you've already won. and we don't know. >> you wouldn't show up. >> you would know, i would be skipping and happy. >> george, would you tell? >> i don't think any one of us could avoid it if we won. >> that's probably true. let's get to the boards. we're going to start with colder temperatures and the news that it snowed in the northeast. it was the highest elevation. it was mt. washington. but here we go with the colder temperatures. ten states with frost or freeze advisories out. coldest temperatures of the season early this morning in places like boston, new york, washington, d.c. so, it's a little cool pocket of air. you see all of the pink areas with the frost and freeze advisories. big-time rain for the southeast. we're talking about what could be four inches of rain. and take the line from new orleans, to tallahassee to jacksonville. that's bad enough for the day. this has been an entire summer season of rain like this. this is going to last at least through the next 24 hours. that goes into tampa and north of miami in that area, as well. >> that big board look is brought to you by oxytrol. and by the way, weather you want to play in, from the great lakes to the mid-atlantic. coming up, why leah remini is saying the church of scientology wants her to fail. and the church's surprising response overnight. over 50 witnesses, 84 days in court. and michael jackson's trial at a crucial point in court. and michael douglas, with a personal plea. why he hasn't been able to see his son for more than a year. 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[ male announcer ] some people lift your spirits... the same way the smooth, creamy taste of coffee-mate... makes coffee and your day better. coffee-mate. coffee's perfect mate. makes coffee and your day better. so ally bank really has no hidden fno hidden fees.accounts? it's just that i'm worried about you know "hidden things." ok, why's that? well uhhh... hey daddy, what's your job? daddy's a uhh florist. are you really a florist? dad, why are there shovels in the trunk? there's no shovels in my trunk. i see shovels... you don't see no shovels. just am. well, it's true. at ally there are no hidden fees. not one. that's nice. no hidden fees, no worries. ally bank. your money needs an ally. every season is full of delicious surprises. for a limited time, savor the new pumpkin spice latte -- made with 100% rainforest alliance certified espresso. there's something new to love from mccafé. good morning. i'm eric thomas. the highway patrol's investigating the source of debris that's apparently caused more than a dozen flat tires on a freeway this morning. it happened within the past hour in oakland around the same spot on southbound 880 near high street. this is how it looked from sky 7hd. the cars with damaged tires are forced to pull over to the side of the road after waiting for a tow truck after riding over the debris. no reports of injuries on 880, just a lot of frustrated commuters. let's see how the commute's going elsewhere. here's leyla gulen. all right. looks 880 is moving well albeit similar congestion southbound at terry road involving a vehicle that flipped over. one lane blocked in the west side direction, multiple vehicle crash there blocking a lane as well. santa cruz mountains northbound highway 17, seven good morning. temperatures in the 50s to 60s right now. but by the afternoon hours it's going to be much cooler than it was yesterday. check out this beautiful picture from the east bay hills camera. we're going to use that as the backdrop for today's temperatures about four to ten degrees cooler than yesterday. it's going to be breezy this afternoon. faster winds, cooler conditions tomorrow. and we run errands. we run to the grocery store. in fact, the average american drives fewer than 29 miles a day. the 100% electric nissan leaf goes two-and-a-half times that on a single charge. it's a car. it just doesn't take gas. [ farrar ] so think about where you go in a day. do you really need gas to get there? [ male announcer ] the 100% electric nissan leaf. nissan. innovation that excites. now get a 2013 nissan leaf for $199 a month. ♪ the church is looking for me to fail. so they can say to their parishioners, you see what happens when you leave the church? >> that backstage camera at "dancing with the stars," catches everything. leah remini, taking on the church of scientology, on "dancing with the stars." the church responded overnight. we're going to have all that. plus, the first couple booted from the show. >> keyshawn, they flew overnight and will be joining us. and it's been a marathon dril over the death of the king of pop. closing arguments starting today. and billions of dollars in damages at stake. we're going to hear from michael jackson's mother, katherine, in a rare interview. and dan abrams will be along, as well. we saw michael douglas honored at the emmys for "behind the candelabra." and he wants to see his son. why he has been prevented from seeing his eldest child for more than a year now. >> so vocal about that. and the happy bride in her wedding dress con viral. being pictured all over the world. this one will make you smile. >> they are having fun. we begin with the candid comments from leah remini. dan harris has done extensive reporting on the church of scientology. he's here with the story. good morning, dan. >> reporter: leah remini has spoken selectively and carefully about her departure. but last night on "dancing with the stars," her comments were blunt. in this behind-the-scenes footage aired monday night on "dancing with the stars," leah remini opens up about her bedeparture from the church of scientology is weighing on her. she joined the church at age 7. but then, after what she's described as years of escalating tension and frustration, this summer, she became one of the most high-profile celebrity scientology defectors. >> go, go, go. >> that's okay. >> okay. >> you just started working on this. >> okay. >> okay. >> you're all right judging yourself. leah is really hard on herself. i knew this summer she had a difficult experience. but to the degree it affected her, i had no idea. >> we're used to everything that happens is our fault. you're used to taking a lot of negativity on yourself. the church is looking for me to fail so they can say to their parishioners, you see what happens when you leave the church? like they're waiting for me to fail. >> what will this experience do for you? >> i think it's going to get me out. you know, out of my head. out of beating myself up. out of the bad habits. >> reporter: she may have been worried about failing. but the judges loved her samba last night, giving her solid 8s. and earning her a standing ovation from the crowd. and a shot to compete again next monday night. overnight, we reached out to the church of scientology for a comment. and a spokesperson sent us this candid e-mail. we know this may come as a surprise to someone as self-absorbed as ms. remini, but we could care less if she wins or loses on "dancing with the stars." until now, the church has been careful on this case. but this may indicate an escalation. >> a lot of hard feelings on both sides. >> that's safe to say. >> thank you, george. now, to michael jackson's wrongful death lawsuit. closing arguments finally starting today after more than five months. jackson's family trying to convince a jury that a concert promoter was responsible for the pop star's death four years ago from a drug overdose. here's abc's david wright. >> reporter: in the world of big money trials over big-name celebrities, it doesn't get any bigger than this. >> i'm confident this jury is going to do the right thing. >> reporter: after hearing from more than 50 witnesses in a marathon 84 days in court, the michael jackson trial comes down to the jury today. >> it's been five months. they've heard a lot of stuff. and now, they have to apply it to the law. >> reporter: the crucial question before them, number one, in the newly-finalized jury instructions, did concert promoter aeg live hire dr. conrad murray? >> we, the jury find the defendant conrad robert murray, guilty. >> reporter: a different jury, you'll remember found murray guilty of involuntary manslaughter. the question before this jury is, was he working for michael jackson? or for aeg when he prescribed that fatal dose of propofol? >> the facts show he was never hired by aeg. he was hired by michael jackson three years prior. >> reporter: but the jackson family insists aeg paid murray's bill and put murray under huge pressure to get jackson ready for the multimillion-dollar comeback tour they were promoting. ♪ days before the four was about to begin, jackson suddenly dropped dead. >> the worst day of my life. i never want to feel like that again. >> reporter: katherine jackson, michael's mother, is one of the plaintiffs. along with prince, michael and paris. in the midst of this trial, reliving it all became too much for paris. she had to be hushed to the hospital by ambulance at 2:00 in the morning. attorney general mark geragos says if the jacksons win, the damages could run into the billions of dollars. the sum meant to reflect what michael jackson could have earned had he survived. >> michael's kids will be in college or in grad school by the time they ever see any of the money. >> reporter: whatever the jury decides, the verdict will almost certainly be appealed. for "good morning america," david wright, abc news, los angeles. we're going to bring in abc news chief legal affairs anchor, dan abrams right now. the family we heard, such emotional testimony the last months. will that have any kind of impact? >> they are the plaintiffs. it is very emotional. they're being called for legal reasons. as a legal matter, each of their testimony isn't that significant. the important legal questions here, is who hired dr. conrad murray? who controlled dr. conrad murray? was what happened here foreseeable? those are questions that the family can't answer, in terms of what they directly know, rather than the people involved in from aeg, et cetera. >> what are their chances in the lawsuit? >> the biggest problem for aeg is that the case got to a jury. a judge threw out almost all of the claims against aeg, except for one. and that was the negligent hiring of dr. murray. that's the claim this jury is deciding here. the danger aeg has is that the jury is allowed to apportion blame. they could say, yes, we think aeg was negligent. but only for 20%. let's say. but when you're talking about the kinds of dollars we're talking about here, you're still talking about the potential for huge money. so, even a small loss, legally in connection with this case, could be a big loss in terms of dollars for aeg. >> five months. this has gone on for five months. is that playing to either side's advantage? >> i think it helps a little bit the plaintiffs, the jackson family. the jury may say after all this time, we're not going to give them anything. i think it's been way too long. a simple legal question. >> they're nearing the end now. dan, thanks so much. back over to sam. sam? >> robin roberts, forget your "play of the day." forget your "pop news." ladies and gentlemen, i win with this. a puppy in the first snow in breckenridge, colorado. not only a puppy. it's a golden puppy. take a look at that. oh. he loves the snow. the cutest thing you've ever seen in the world. thank you. thank you. searching the internet. go ahead. if you can do better than that, go ahead. i invite you. and in comes this low, this area of low pressure, which gets stronger over the next 24 hours. big snowfall totals at 5,000 feet and above, from idaho into wyoming. also, into montana. they're already winter weather advise is and watches. that's going to be a tough snowmaker in that zone. elsewhere, across the country, we have the heat going on. as the front drops down, it's gusty winds. and josh showed you the fire good morning. i'm mike nicco. starting off with high clouds with total sunshine today and the cold front's going to drop temperatures about five to ten degrees. most of us in the 6 0z. parts of the bay and inland into the 70 >> all of america's weather is brought to you by walgreens. and you just can't beat a puppy in the snow. >> so, it's going to be like that today, eh, champion? >> you have a right to be proud of yourself. coming up, michael douglas' personal and public plea. fighting to see his son for the first time in more than a year. and the wedding dress getting serious mileage. why this couple is traveling around the world, treating every trip like their honeymoon. 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[ screaming ] [ male announcer ] to make it better for someone else. the same way the smooth, creamy taste of coffee-mate makes coffee and your day better. coffee-mate. coffee's perfect mate. now try new girl scout cookie flavors. nestle. good food, good life. ♪ i'm watching you. ♪ you're knocking me out tonight. ♪ ♪ tonight. ♪ oooooooo. ♪ behaves like the surface of your skin. now watch what soap does to it. ♪ soap strips your skin. dove is different. with 1/4 moisturizing cream, dove doesn't strip your skin like soap. ♪ [ female announcer ] kleenex tissues help stop moisture better than the leading competitor. don't get caught without kleenex tissues. stop moisture better wrong turns on the road to your know yofuture. afford that's why we build tools like our career guidance system. it's kind of like gps, you know, for your career. it walks you through different degree possibilities and even lets you explore local job market conditions, helping you map a clear course from the job you want, back to you. go to and get started today. ♪ ♪ that people are finally getting together. ♪ ♪ i think it's wonderful now ♪ that people are finally getting together. ♪ right then. here's "the play of the day." >> here we go, sammy. little 4-year-old adalade. having trouble getting to sleep. her father comes in with the new ukulele he just bought her. trying to coax her to sleep. ♪ i know -- there's fireworks here. >> she's not close to 3. ♪ >> okay. that's good. >> check outside. ♪ >> >> nothing on you. but a good morning? that's defined by you. bailey's coffee creamers. fourteen flavors, three delicious new choices. if yand you're talking toevere rheuyour rheumatologistike me, about trying or adding a biologic. this is humira, adalimumab. this is humira working to help relieve my pain. this is humira helping me through the twists and turns. this is humira helping to protect my joints from further damage. doctors have been prescribing humira for over ten years. humira works by targeting and helping to block a specific source of inflammation that contributes to ra symptoms. for many adults, humira is proven to help relieve pain and stop further joint damage. humira can lower your ability to fight infections, including tuberculosis. serious, sometimes fatal events, such as infections, lymphoma, or other types of cancer, have happened. blood, liver and nervous system problems, serious allergic reactions, and new or worsening heart failure have occurred. before starting humira , your doctor should test you for tb. ask your doctor if you live in or have been to a region where certain fungal infections are common. tell your doctor if you have had tb, hepatitis b, are prone to infections, or have symptoms such as fever, fatigue, cough, or sores. you should not start humira if you have any kind of infection. ask your doctor if humira can work for you. this is humira at work. when ifor your business..curity tyco integrated security. we'll do a security review of your business to understand your needs, customize an integrated solution that meets your specific challenges. and deliver it all with responsive local service, and a personal passion to help you protect your business. we'll even give you the power to manage it all... right from the palm of your hand. call us for a free security review. good morning. i'm kristen sze. labor leaders and b.a.r.t. management are expected to be back at the bargaining table again this morning. neither side has reported any progress in recent days. another strike is possibly looming with just a little over two weeks to go before the cooling off period ordered by governor brown ends. cooling off today for us. let's check in with mike. >> a few high clouds this morning then just about total sunshine. look at temperatures well below average. mid to upper 60s along the coast and san francisco. low to mid-70s elsewhere. maybe a few upper 70s in the north bay and east bay. 40s and 50s tonight. accuweather seven-day forecast cooler tomorrow. leyla. we have a sigalert blocking one lane in the eastbound direction at cherry glen road. we had a crash earlier, that has clea [ engine revs, tires squeal ] [ male announcer ] since we began, mercedes-benz has pioneered many breakthroughs. ♪ breakthroughs in design... breakthroughs in safety... in engineering... and technology. and now our latest creation breaks one more barrier. introducing the cla. starting at $29,900. ♪ le,glossophobia, is the fear of public speaking. starting at $29,900. ♪ ♪ the only thing we have to fear is... fear itself. ♪ ♪ with my united mileageplus explorer card. i've saved $75 in checked bag fees. [ delavane ] priority boarding is really important to us. you can just get on the plane and relax. [ julian ] having a card that doesn't charge you foreign transaction fees saves me a ton of money. [ we can go to any country and spend money the way we would in the u.s. when i spend money on this card, i can see brazil in my future. [ anthony ] i use the explorer card to earn miles in order to go visit my family, which means a lot to me. ♪ ♪ a little party never killed nobody ♪ a whole bunch of people out there in the party there in times square this morning. whole lot of love for the first couple booted off "dancing with the stars" last night. they're going to be here live, right now. we have keyshawn johnson. there we go. >> there they are. >> flew all night long to be here live. >> oh. >> dancing pretty good. they're going to be here in just a minute. >> they got a little emotional last night. he stepped out of his comfort zone. great for them to be here. also ahead, the wedding story gone viral. and global. why one couple is reliving their big day all around the world. every picture, the same dress. >> that's a great idea. great memories. you're going to love that story. and he's the overnight start that's become an internet sensation now. any guesses who his famous father might be? i can tell in that picture. >> yeah. that one. he's looking down. >> he is on the rise. just mark my words. we're going to talk about that coming up. >> too bad he didn't have any leg ups to begin with. >> he made it on his own. >> with selfies, 100%. also, tuesday. hey. why not, sam, you made a couple calls. you got us one of the biggest bands on the planet. kings of leon. >> not only that. your question is, i know they're showing up. but are they performing? ladies and gentlemen, indeed, the best stage in the world. atop our building, in times square. >> first album out in three years. i'm so excited. first, let's get some news from josh. >> we're going to get an update from kenya. our linsey davis is there. linsey? >> reporter: the sentiment of kenyan officials is we have prevailed. but this is not over just yet. that's clear from the sound of the helicopters, gunshots and explosions we continue to hear we're told that the kenyan military is responsible for those sounds, in their final sweep through the mall. in a new statement from the kenyan ministry of defense suggests more hostages may still be inside. josh? >> linsey davis, thank you. new rules for using electronic devices aboard airplanes, taking a step forward today. an faa advisory panel meeting to begin to dwp developing rules that would allow fliers to keep their devices on during takeoff and landing. a final recommendation will be made in the next week. and students from two rival high schools in san antonio, who triggered a massive food fight will not face charges. that fight actually caught on camera, at a hamburger franchise, after a heated football game. it is texas, after all. managers say they will not file charges after students from both schools apologizes. and burger king, beginning to offer something new for french fry fans today. they are called the satisfries. >> no. >> yeah. they promise 30% fewer calories, 40% less fat. that means they are 30% to 40% less good. the smallest serving, 190 calories. >> right. >> if you're going to get the french fries, get the french fries. sam had an adorable puppy in the snow. i came with a 4-year-old and a ukulele. how about pandas? not one. not two. but 14. >> we have problems. >> 14 baby pandas. at the famous research base. >> this is -- >> it's a breeding center in china. 17 babies recently born there. join the existing family of 128 giant pandas, still on the critically endangered list. struggling to procreate because of low sex drives and infertility issues. not one, but two. but 14. >> you are engaged in an arms race of cute. >> we are. >> they are. i'm throwing in the towel. i'm just going the other way. so, get ready. >> "pop news," you have to bring it. >> i can't beat a panda, a baby and a golden. >> that's the holy trifecta. jane austen fans are happy this morning, going head-to-head with kelly clarkson. she bought a ring at an auction. beautiful. it was once owned by jane austen. but officials at the jane austen house sprang into action. they launched a campaign. we want the ring back. they raised enough money. they bought it back from kelly clarkson for $250,000. kelly, handling it all with grace. she said she's actually totally fine with it. being back in england, as a national treasure, on display, at the museum. i know what you're asking. i asked them to find out what did she say? did kelly make a profit? i'm waiting to hear. we'll bring it to you when i find out. also in "pop news," this morning, everybody, earlier this month, we were captivated by a new viral music video. you know the one i'm talking about. over 51 million hits and counting for what might be the strangest, catchiest song. it comes from a norwegian band. thanks to youtube, we can now answer the question that they posed, which was, what does the fox say? so, that was their take. they claim that the fox says that. >> what is it? >> now, we know. >> what does the fox say? >> thanks to this video, we found online, we can confirm that the fox does not go -- that's what he does. >> what? >> and that's what the fox says. i'm now answering the question for you, america. >> who gets independent enterprise reporting. >> yes, i did. thank you. >> now, we know that a fox sounds like a screeching bird. finally, everybody, a veterinarian hospital in melbourne, florida, decided to add a clever spin to their signage. the latest includes messages like if you don't talk to your cat about catnip, who will? let's see more of these. they're hysterical. there's several that i love. >> one of them is -- >> we like big mutts and we cannot lie. this one says, neutering your pet makes them less nuts. >> we have to stop it right there. >> there were so many -- they're amazing. the importance of neutering -- the importance of -- we're going to move on to weather. >> thank you, everybody. thank you. and good night. >> and i know we've got to get to weather. but i do believe there is one clear winner. when you have 35,000 pandas and adalade playing the ukulele. thank you, everybody. thank you. >> you get the flowers on the desk. let's get to the boards. one or two -- things happening this morning besides all of this competitiveness. the chicago live shot we bring you. wls. and again, they're the best in the business in that area. and a beautiful shot. this is some of the nicest weather -- it's a little cool. but they're beautiful skies. anywhere from the great lakes to the mid-atlantic and northeast. in comes the milder air, in a jet stream pattern that's not going to find a home. we're going up and down with temperatures. and we get one more opportunity to go up a little bit. in the west, this is warmth. and the strong winds, the cold front barreling down from the noknot north. any of the >> the wigger. that's a meteorological term. >> yes, sir. what's up on the rest of the show? >> here's a look at what's coming up on our "gma morning menu." the first "dancing with the stars" couple booted off. they are live and smiling. we'll talk to them. plus, the bride traveling the world wearing her wedding dress. they're going viral. and we're counting down to one of the biggest premieres of the tv season. "agents of s.h.i.e.l.d.," sam. and kings of leon on the roof. leon. all coming up on "good morning america." [ male announcer ] some people lift your spirits... the same way the smooth, creamy taste of coffee-mate... makes coffee and your day better. coffee-mate. coffee's perfect mate. wow...look at you. i've always tried to give it my best shot. these days i'm living with a higher risk of stroke due to afib, a type of irregular heartbeat, not caused by a heart valve problem. at first, i took warfarin, but i wondered, "could i up my game?" my doctor told me about eliquis. and three important reasons to take eliquis instead. one, eliquis was proven to reduce the risk of stroke better than warfarin. two, eliquis had less major bleeding than warfarin. and three... unlike warfarin, there's no routine blood testing. [ male announcer ] don't stop taking eliquis unless your doctor tells you to, as stopping increases your risk of having a stroke. eliquis can cause serious and in rare cases fatal bleeding. don't take eliquis if you have an artificial heart valve or abnormal bleeding. while taking eliquis, you may bruise more easily and it may take longer than usual for any bleeding to stop. seek immediate medical care for sudden signs of bleeding, like unusual bruising. eliquis may increase your bleeding risk if you take certain medicines. tell your doctor about all planned medical or dental procedures. i've got three important reasons to up my game with eliquis. [ male announcer ] ask your doctor today if eliquis is right for you. mmm! this is delicious katie. it's not bad for canned soup, right? pfft! [ laughs ] you nearly had us there. canned soup. [ male announcer ] they just might think it's homemade. try campbell's homestyle soup. abreva can heal a cold sore in as few as 2 1/2 days when used at the first sign. without it, the virus spreads from cell to cell. unlike other treatments, abreva penetrates deep to block the virus, to protect healthy cells so cold sores heal fast. as fast as 2 1/2 days when used at the first sign. ♪ learn more at don't tough it out. knock it out! fast. [ female announcer ] only with abreva. [ male announcer ] now, taking care of things at home is just a tap away. ♪ introducing at&t digital life... ♪ ...personalized home security and automation... [ lock clicks ] ...that lets you be closer to home. that's so cool. [ male announcer ] get $100 in instant savings when you order digital life smart security. limited availability in select markets. ♪ ♪ a beautiful fall morning here in times square. great crowd, as always, here. and back, now, inside with the "gma heat index," the top stories trending right now. starting with latin night on "dancing with the stars." the dances were full of emotion. and so were the dancers. and keyshawn and sharna, out at the end of the night. we're going to talk to them live. they flew all night long to be with us. but first, the highs and lows from last night. ♪ the stars were bringing sexy back. >> salty latin beauty. >> reporter: rumbaing their way through week two of the competition. ♪ >> reporter: elizabeth berkley lauren and her partner, val, kicking off the night with a hot, passionate rumba, landing in third place on the leaderboard. >> every movement is like -- i love it. >> reporter: and disney star, corbin bleu gets a fast-paced, funky jive. >> you can dance. >> reporter: christina milian got a roaring applause from the judges and the audience, for her roaring paso doble. valerie harper who ended the competition with a terminal cancer diagnosis, have many atears that she suffered a strained knee. >> i'm not going to let a little pain in my knee stop me. >> you're an amazing person, valerie harper. you know that? >> how so? >> reporter: meantime, this slip by bill nye the science guy landed him on his bottom and the bottom of the leaderboard. but it was keyshawn johnson who was sent packing. the first nfl player ever to be eliminated in the first round. >> the fact that i could have the experience to dance and learn what dancing is all about. and sharna teaching me, is something amazing to me. >> we're now joined by keyshawn johnson. >> booty. >> i know. >> saying, his huge -- >> that's why i hesitated there for a moment. hey. let's great to have you both here. and such good sports to fly in overnight after the dancing last night. keyshawn, you got a little emotional last night. it was wonderful to see you clearly stepped out of your comfort zone in doing this. and you were plenty surprised by the experience? >> i was really surprised by, robin, i think for me, to deal with just have the experience to do it. you know, when we got to hawaii, when this first started, i was one foot in and one foot out. i'm not -- i don't think i'm going to do it. i met sharna. and she taught me some things. and said, hey, you can do it. she made me comfortable in the situation. i'll go for it. i had a great experience. >> a lot of the nflers have gone. >> i didn't speak to anyone. >> no one? decided to go in blind. >> yeah. learn from myself. the format was totally different for them when they were in. they kind of changed everything, right. and now, it's totally different. and i wanted to learn from her. >> what is harder? training for football? or this? >> you know, we were together about 3 1/2 weeks. i would probably say, this was harder than football because football is just natural to me. i lost 20 pounds in 3 1/2 weeks. >> it's real what they're saying about the riggers of this. >> oh, my god. we probably averaged at least four hours a day in training. i mean, like, sunday, i worked sunday. i did "nfl countdown." on espn. got to make sure to plug that. >> that's right. >> and then, i got on a plane. i got to l.a. at 9:00. we had rehearsals from like 9:30 to midnight before the show on monday. >> how do you retain it? >> i know. just one of those things. and i have her -- every, single day, she's stressed out. i got it. don't worry about it. she's like, no, you don't have it. >> the first week, you had me stressed. he worked so, so hard in those four hours. he dedicates completely to it. but it was the personality that i had no idea if that man on the football field and espn was going to come out on the dance floor. he comes out and does that cha-cha full of personality. all right. you've got it. >> you didn't talk to anybody. and you just said that this was harder than football. >> yeah. >> you have to go back to work. >> it really is harder than football because the comfort zone that you're in football, is something you've been doing since you were little. all of a sudden, you know, you're a grown man. and you're like stepping out into this -- these guys are like 5'9", 145 pounds. and you're 230-plus pounds. trying to move like them is totally different. >> who is going to write you? >> i'll hear it. but it will only last a little time. >> this competition, it's full-on. what do you think? >> the cast this season is insane. we have some incredible talent from week one. you know, we really have some talent this year that has dance experience. that makes it amazing for us in what we're going to see. i'm really excited for it. i think our finale is going to be just epic. >> we'll be watching. you had a little more time -- >> just a second dance. you could tell you were really starting to get into it. >> i'm sorry that you were excused. >> there you go. >> we will miss you so much and your smile and your personality. >> thank you. >> sharna, thank you. who will be next to leave the dance floor? find out monday, 8:00, 7:00 here on abc. burning up today's "heat index." the backpack bride and groom. they are re-creating their wedding day, drawing all kinds of eyes. sara haines has the story. >> reporter: the wedding dress, usually so expensive. and you only wear it once. not if you're jennifer salvage. >> we may tire out before the dress does. we'll see. >> we took really extravagant wedding dress pictures during the wedding. and we liked the idea of not letting the wedding die. >> reporter: jennifer and jeff tied the knot in 2008. but jennifer has donned her white lace gown 147 times in 19 different countries. >> egypt, france, italy. >> china, hungary, iceland. >> we started to joke about it when we came back from the wedding. why don't we bring the dress along for the summer. and take fun, iconic, wedding photos. >> reporter: what elements has this dress endured? >> underwater. salt water. the sludge you pull up from the lobster traps. >> volcanos. >> there's more. you had something you had to do, what would you want to do? >> well, the zero gravity appeals to me. >> i want to see her sliding into home plate at the phillies. >> reporter: this bride has her limits. >> bungee jumping. i thought i would do it if i was harnessed at the waist. >> reporter: there have been tense moments? >> i've learned a few key things. like don't say we're done. and one more photo. when we're done, it's over. i'm done. >> reporter: and we weren't quite done, either. the blushing bride proved the old adage, there's no place like home. make that 148. so, we asked them, when are you going to stop doing this? as long as we're having fun. and he looks most forward to the pictures when she's 85 in that dress. >> you were having fun, too. >> that hockey game screams and boos. done. >> really nice story. also heating up the "heat index." the pictures of scott eastwood. his father is clint. and if the reaction to these photos are any indication, scott is headed for superstardom. it's a new spread in "town & country" magazine. and abc's lama hasan has the story. >> reporter: scott eastwood's become an instant hollywood heartthrob, with the recently released sizzling images in "town & country" magazine. >> it was a great day on a boat. i couldn't ask for more. i grew up in the water. fishing and surfing and diving is my forte. i was happy. >> reporter: eastwood is a young actor and son of hollywood screen legend and director, clint eastwood. definitely have his eyes. do you hear that quite a lot? >> oh, that i'm better looking? >> reporter: you tell me. >> i'm kidding. he gave me some nice genes. i thank him for that. >> reporter: he's slowly making a name for himself. >> you have that look in your eye again. >> reporter: playing small parts in movies with his father. >> just outside. >> what was the last time you saw it? >> reporter: like "trouble with the curve" and "gran torino." what was it like working with him? >> unbelievable. i think every father is a little harder on their son. he wants to make sure i earn it. i auditioned for every one of his films. >> reporter: are you close to your father? >> i am. i am close to my father. as he gets older, i become closer to him. my father's in his 80s. i have to come to grips with he won't be around as long as most of my friends' fathers. >> reporter: we have a couple of questions. favorite cocktail. >> whisky soda. >> reporter: favorite movie? >> "unforgiven." >> reporter: why? >> it's my father's. >> reporter: blonde or brunette? >> both. >> reporter: diplomatic. and for all you ladies out there wondering -- >> i am single. >> reporter: you are? >> i am single. >> reporter: so, watch out, ladies. single scott will soon be coming to a movie theater near you. acting alongside brad pitt" in fury." >> something tells me big things are coming. >> nice, young man. >> what a profile. >> spitting image. let's get up to another handsome man. sam is upstairs with kings of leon. >> above times square. "mechanical bull" the album coming out. they're headlining the second annual global citizen festival. you probably already know this. alongside stevie wonder, alicia keys later this week. you just hosted the music city eats, food and wine and spirits in nashville. the do-gooders, kings of leon. "mechanical bull." and you're saying like this is a greatest hits. why would you go there? >> i would say, no matter what, era of a fan of our music, there's a couple songs on this one you would be proud to say you're a kings of leon fan. and you know, probably the most fun we ever had making a record. you can kind of tell that by the sounds. >> agree. is there dissension in the ranks? >> i agree. like he said, there's a little bit of something for everybody on this album. it's like a culmination of everything we've done. >> they've not just talked to us. they sing for us. we'll be back high above times square, with the kings of leon. good morning. i'm kristen sze. east palo alto police want to find the people who opened fire on a car this morning. two people went to the hospital with gunshot wounds to their arms after being shot just before 1:30. it happened on university avenue near michigan avenue. police believe two or three people in a white newer model toyota camry followed the victims before the shooting. in oakland police are investigating a crash involving two vehicles that killed one person and injured another. one of the cars rolled over at the scene near ban kroft and 68th avenue late last night. one of the vehicles may also have driven away from 82nd avenue and runsdale. let's check out traffic with leyla gulen. hey there. we have accident as you travel toward nimitz. one person was ejected. southbound traffic bumper-to-bumper. update on the sigalert, all lanes have opened however left with about three and a half miles backup in both directions. kristen. thanks so much, leyla good morning. we have a small craft advisory for the winds across the bay and the ocean this afternoon. northwest at 25, knots gusting up to 30 possible during the evening hours. that's going to usher in a cool day ♪ how cool is our roof this morning? kings of leon, playing right there. releasing a brand-new album today. the first one in three years. they're going to perform live in a few minutes. >> we've been hearing their sound check all morning long, from up there on the roof. and there's more. it's "marvel agent of s.h.i.e.l.d." day today. the hot, new show premieres tonight. we may have its star. could it be clark gregg? the trademark red car. that's how you arrive. >> there's an entrance. that's a great car. >> there's so many fans of the comic book and the movie, "the a aveng avengers." eagerly awaiting their favorite character. and here he comes now. >> a lot of fans. great reviews. >> walking right in right now. >> how are you? >> please. what a coincidence. clark gregg joining us. might be the most popular guy on television without seeing a show. >> should we stop right now? >> exactly. >> this is good. i feel good. >> "marvel agents of s.h.i. s.h.i.e.l.d." including, it's the third-highest-grossing film of all-time. we did see you perish in said film. however, you're back from the dead. >> imagine that. >> will that be addressed? >> when that many people have seen a film, it's not something you can -- oh, did you notice that? the last time people saw agent phil coulson, was not in very good shape. >> impaled by a guardian scepter. >> no one likes that. and it ended the role of this really fun character. and i got a phone call saying, we think you might not be that dead. >> and in on the twitter, coulson lives became a movement. >> the fans, to my great shock, were really upset when agent coulson was stopped by that rascal, loki. and they started a movement. coulson lives. it was spray painted and in the danube in africa. i can't believe i got to meet the superheros. never mind the actors who played them. and have it turn into this. the red corvette driving me up to "gma." i have to laugh a little. >> "agents of s.h.i.e.l.d." tell us about the show. who are superheroes? who are not superheros? are we collecting superheros? >> that's a good idea. i'm going to pitch that. it's about the people that agent coulson came to represent in those movies. the agents of s.h.i.e.l.d., who are tasked with dealing with superheros when they show up. it's a world after "the aveng avengers," where we know about this crazy billionaire in a flying suit, to aliens innovating through time portals. these two wacky brothers. and it's a world where a lot of people want those powers. and some of them are not so nice. >> want to take a quick look at it. it is marvel's "agents of s.h.i.e.l.d." >> i know that agent coulson was killed in action, before the battle of new york. >> you have a full report? >> welcome to level seven. sorry. that corner was really dark. and i couldn't help myself. i think there's a bulb out. >> the character seems to be very aware of -- there's almost a tongue and cheek as aliens are defending us. why do you think this character resonates so? >> there's so many characters in this -- in the world of marvel superheros that have the superpowers. and i think there's something to the character there who doesn't have them, that josh whedon grasps so magnificently. he has to front. because the superheros are the divas. >> or our stage manager. >> i've seen him in action. i don't want to claim those kind of powers. so, he is somebody that the fans connected with because he's them. josh really grabbed that and made him a fan boy. agent coulson's been to comic-cons. he has his cards. and there's something heroic about him. he does the job and has seen stuff that would turn your hair white. but things that people really nailed it, it's funny. it's tongue in cheek. you're going to have people flying around, somebody has to make fun of them. if you're being hash tagged on the danube, you can have your own action figure. marvel "agents of s.h.i.e.l.d." here on abc. thanks for coming. samuel j. champion, speaking of superheros. you're up on the roof. >> get up here. i'm up with the kings of leon. swing the cameras around. so big are the guys in times square, they're playing everywhere. the kings of leon, on all of the monitors here on times square. including our giant one. we are times square. "good morning america." get to the boards. your pictures that you show to us. we start with mammoth mountain. and a little bit of snow on the ground in that area. and destine, florida, and the clouds. let's go to the southeast. you stay in the clouds during the day today. this is rainfall total. nothing new to you. you've been through it all summer long. you want a break but you're not getting it today. tampa, orlando, lake okeechobee. i'm from there. what is that all about? let's get -- that's the national map. good morning. i'm mike nicco. starting off with high clouds with total sunshine today and the cold front's going to drop temperatures about five to ten degrees. most of us in the 6 0z. parts of the bay and inland into >> all that weather was brought to you -- at&t? at&t. live on the roof, ladies and gentlemen. anything could happen here. george? and anything could happen here, sam. i'm here with stephen king, the master of horrors, breaking new ground with his first sequel, ever. "dr. sleep." thank you for coming in this morning. >> noo is to see you. >> why did you bring him back? >> i never forgot him. basically. i've written about a lot of characters over the years. and their stories get told. and then, kind of filed away. i never had any urge to go back and find out what happened to, paul sheldon from "misery." but danny torrence was such a little boy. and he survives such a horrible experience at the overlook hotel, that time would go by. and i wonder what's going on with him. he'd be 20 now. and then, he's 25 now. and 30. and i wondered about what happened to him. and i used to get asked sometimes at signings and stuff. whatever happened to the kid from "the shining"? >> he had some struggles. but was living a quiet life, just helping people. but gets drawn back into that struggle. >> one of the things that interested me and one of the -- the big reason to go back, was he had come from the situation where he had survived an abusive father, who was also a drunk. and we know from experience that a lot of times, people in those situations, have a tendency to repeat what they grew up with. and a kid like that will say, i'm never going to be a drunk like dad. or i'm never going to be abusive to my own kids the way that my father was to me. and they find themselves repeating those scripts. i wanted to talk about that a little bit. >> how do you deal with the fact that so many people have that movie in their heads? jack nicholson. everything exactly what happened in the book. >> yeah. i think of the novel "the shining," as being the true history of the torrence family in the overlook hotel. i've been asked a lot about the kubrick movie. and it is what it is. and it has a lot of people who really, really love the movie. but i said in the afterward, for instance, in kubrick's movie, the overlook hotel freezes. and in stephen king's book, the overlook hotel burns. that was the difference in temperament. he was cold and i was warm. >> you are warm. there's a lot of warmth in the book, as well. the whole theme of family shines. >> you know, you can't scare people unless they care about the characters. if the characters were just cardboard cutouts, it's not working. if they do, you can scare them. >> i'm sure it's going to be a huge hit. stephen king, thanks for coming in this morning. >> thanks a lot. they're one of the hottest bands on the planet. the kings of leon, here live, with their brand-new single. "good morning america," are you ready to rock the roof, lara spencer? >> indeed, i am. here to perform "supersoaker" off their new album, "mechanical bull," kings of leon. ♪ my motivation has gone too soon ♪ ♪ good vibrations all over you ♪ ♪ act like you mean it you mean it ♪ ♪ you've got a story you never tell ♪ ♪ down in the delta i'm ringing bells ♪ ♪ i've never seen it seen it ♪ ♪ back of my mind i'm on my way ♪ ♪ i see through smiles on every face ♪ ♪ i don't believe it believe it ♪ ♪ 'cause i'm a supersoaker red, white ♪ ♪ and blew 'em all away with the kisses unclean ♪ ♪ as the words that you say ♪ i don't mind sentimental girls at times ♪ ♪ mister walk away walk away ♪ ♪ the flags are flying across the plains ♪ ♪ i've got a secret picking at my brain ♪ ♪ i wanna see you see you ♪ ♪ the exit sign is on my face ♪ ♪ don't know my home i don't know my place ♪ ♪ i just wanna be there be there ♪ ♪ 'cause i'm a supersoaker red, white ♪ ♪ and blew 'em all away with the kisses unclean ♪ ♪ as the words that you say ♪ i don't mind sentimental girls at times ♪ ♪ mister walk away walk away ♪ ♪ i don't mind sentimental girls at times ♪ ♪ mister walk away oh, oh ♪ ♪ i don't mind sentimental girls at times ♪ ♪ i just lay it on the line on the line ♪ ♪ i don't mind sentimental girls at times ♪ ♪ mister walk away walk away ♪ ♪ i don't mind sentimental girls at times ♪ ♪ mister walk away oh, oh ♪ welcome back. kings of leon. here's "use somebody." ♪ i've been roaming around always looking down at all i see ♪ ♪ painted faces fill the places i can't reach ♪ ♪ you know that i could use somebody ♪ ♪ you know that i could use somebody ♪ ♪ someone like you and all you know and how you speak ♪ ♪ countless lovers under cover of the street ♪ ♪ you know that i could use somebody ♪ ♪ you know that i could use somebody ♪ ♪ someone like you ♪ ♪ off in the night while you live it up i'm off to sleep ♪ ♪ waging wars to shape the poet and the beat ♪ ♪ i hope it's gonna make you notice ♪ ♪ i hope it's gonna make you notice ♪ ♪ someone like me someone like me ♪ ♪ someone like me somebody ♪ ♪ ♪ someone like you somebody ♪ ♪ someone like you somebody ♪ ♪ someone like you somebody ♪ ♪ i've been roaming around always looking down at all i see ♪ [ cheers and applause ] nice car. sure is. make a deal with me, kid, and you can have the car and everything that goes along with it. [ thunder crashes, tires squeal ] ♪ ♪ so, what do you say? thanks... but i think i got this. ♪ [ male announcer ] the all-new cla. starting at $29,900. thanks to the kings of leon. thanks to stephen king. it is premier week. it's not just "agents of s.h.i.e.l.d." tonight. watch our brand-new drama "lucky 7" on abc tonight. it gives you a chance to win big. go to before 9:00 eastern tonight. >> that's a mouthful. >> wow. >> see you guys. >> have a great day, everybody. good morning. i'm kristen sze. america's cup races continue this afternoon. oracle team usa has won five straight races, but emirates team new zealand still leads 8- 6 and needs one more win to capture the cup. those winds are going to kick up. talk to mike about that. northwest gusting up to 30 during the latter afternoon and evening hours. that could be an issue for those folks. temperatures today well below average. upper 60s along the coast and san francisco. 70s for the rest of us. even cooler tomorrow in your accuweather seven-day forecast. sigalert is canceled on i-80 through solano county. that's where we had a fatality. the backups still a little bit remain as we take it into san jose, an accident 280 at 680. kristen. announcer: it's "live! with kelly & michael." today, star of the new film, "don jon," joseph gordon-levitt. and from the new action series, "marvel's agents of s.h.i.e.l.d.," clark gregg. plus, a performance from singer, songwriter jason derulo. all next on "live." now, here are kelly ripa and michael strahan! [cheers and applause] ♪


Transcripts For KGO ABC7 News 430AM 20131211

most of our inland valleys. today, we will have sunshine and not so many high clouds as yesterday. temperatures are warmer, low-to-mid fists -- 50's and the 8th "spare the air" day. >> we have a sig-alert in san jose with an overturned vehicle trapping a person that has reported injuries. this is northbound 85. two lanes are blocked off by c.h.p. and caltran is here. they have to repair the center divider. the sig-alert is in effect until further notice. as we look at drive time traffic, tracy to dublin over the a pass is 23 minutes and highway four is clear and 101 through san rafael to san francisco is 16-minute commute. at 680 from pleasant hill to walnut creek you can see traffic is moving smoothly and only going to take you eight minutes to make it in that southbound direction. eric and kristen? >> you heard mike say the bay area is weighing up to another round and hopefully the final round of bitter cold. caltran workers started checking for black ice last hour hoping to spot areas before the ice forms. officials tried to sand down stretches where the temperatures drop into the low 30's. >> we try to cover it for abrasiveness but not too much so that a motorcycle goes down. >> officials say when there is a freeze want they sand the roads headed up to the observatory on mount hamilton which school buses and emergency vehicles use and positions of highway nine and 35 in santa clara county. you can stay on top of the cold weather with weather app with severe weather alerts and traffic live doppler 7 hd. download it if free at >> happening today in less than an hour, the crash of asiana flight 214 at sfo finally takes center stage in washington. the hearings postponed by bad weather are combined interest a marathon session today. our reporter, katie marzullo, has more. >> the national transportation board will start at 5:30 this morning and the chairman of the ntsb will give an opening statement and among those testifying representatives from boeing, the airlines and the pilot union and the f.a.a. with experts trying to figure why so many things went wrong when the boeing crashed. a key question, whether the pilots were rely tooing much on automatic system. it came to too low and hit the seawall. a chief pilot is scheduled to testify on what though teach their pilots about automatic systems and visual approach proceedures. three teen girls died because of the crash with one being run over by a fire truck. 150 people were hurt and 307 people were on board. pause the hearing has been condensed it is expected to last not only all day but into the night. >> san francisco is preparing to honor antiapartheid leader nelson mandela this morning with a memorial at city hall rotunda at 8:00. we will stream it to you at >> in south africa, the flag draped cassette was transported from the military hospital to the union building in pretoria and lying in state where he was sworn in 19 years ago as south africa's first black president. mourners can pay respect for three days. nelson mandela will be laid to rest in his boyhood village. >> rebound and the first lady have back in the united states. air force one landed in maryland around 2:30 this morning. former president george w. bush and firm first lady headquarter a bush were also on board. >> in santa rosa, there was an angry demonstration over the hooting of 13-year-old andy lopez by a sheriff deputy and a protester was arrested. here is the latest confrontation . >> despite a large police presence the angry crowd was able to get up to the front door of the county jail banging on the ones and breaking glass according to the sheriff. snowed was a fellow protester arrested hours earlier. >> we want to be here to greet him when he is released and show him we back him. >> professors identified him as ramon cairo. >> we pay them to recollect -- protect us. >> several dozen marched into the city council meeting protesting the shooting death of a 13-year-old boy by a sonoma deputy. police say cairo punched an officer in the eye and hit another with wooden cross. there was a large commotion outside as the demonstrators tried to rush back toward the city council chambers. the group is angry that erick gelhaus is back on the job after october's shooting. the 13-year-old andy lopez was carrying a bb gun that looks like an ak-47. the deputy opened fire saying the boy made a quick turn with what appears to be a real weapon. >> the fact that today erick gelhaus was let back on duty...i wonder, what is wrong with the psychologists to allow him back on duty? the deputy is fought on patrol but doing administrative work. >> a woman who is seven months pregnant is the latest target in armed robberies in the east bay. the robbery happened at 9:30 on monday morning a block from the bart station. the victim says a man ran to her pulled a gun and demanded her backpack. she told him she was pregnant. but he didn't care. >> i was just stunned and shocked that it was happening to me so first, indignation and surprise this was happening. then, terror something would happen. >> police believe the suspects may have committed several robberies in the south berkeley and north oakland area on monday. they were in this stolen care, a blah 2009 toyota. >> trend's mayor wants voters to consider raising the minimum wage. the mayor lee put out a statement after running from a trip to asia saying he would back a ballot initiative to help the working poor deal with the rising cost of living. his push follows protests across the country by fat food workers calling for $15 an hour minimum wage. the country $10.55 in san francisco is the highest in the country. >> what costing a lot of folks is the heating bills. >> not look forward to heating bill. north bay mountains and valleys and east bay valleys and santa clara valley especially around gilroy and morgan hill, temperatures are in the mid-20 again and lake county, also, in this until 9:00. we have the threat of frost around the bay shore and to the coast with temperatures in the low-to-mid 30's but not a hard freeze. that is when you want to get around 27 or below but you can still see damage to sensitive plants this morning so keep them covered. here is the day planner, we are starting out freezing cold inland with temperatures in the mid-to-upper 20's and most of us are in the low-to-mid 30's. look how quickly we warm into the low-to-mid 50's by noon and total sunshine and low-to-mid 50's through 4:00 and well fall back into the low-to-mid 40's by 7:00. moving forward, mid-50 to near 60 tomorrow and same for friday, and upper 50 to near 60 on saturday. leyla gulen? >> we have a new report of an accident if san francisco northbound along 101 near the 280 extension. it appears this is possibly a lane blocked but it is involving three vehicles. at san jose we still have this sig-alert. it is northbound along highway 85 as blossom hill road an overturned vehicle with injuries reported. c.h.p. is on the scene and caltran will have to repair the center divider. so far it is not causing delays. the drive time traffic highway from antioch to hercules and i-80 is 29 minutes and 80, from four to the maze is 15 minutes and 87, nobody, from highway 5 to the san jose airport is eight minute drive and outside, the san mateo bridge you can see the traffic moving the traffic in the westbound direction to the peninsula hardly any cars. >> next, a bipartisan deal reached to avoid another government shut down. the compromise of a two months spent hammering out a deal. >> east bay toys for tots program is in trouble. >> a victory by an iraq war veteran beaten during an occupy protest and the price the oa covering burr game, campbell and all the bay area this is abc7 news. >> 4:42 on wednesday morning a look from the high definition rooftop camera to the embarcadero where traffic is light. it is still cold out there in spots but baby steps, mike says, with warmer weather ahead. >> oakland pays $645,000 to settle a claim by an iraq war veteran beaten by police during an occupy breast. he says police ruptured his spleen when they repeatedly hit women during a protest two years ago. hes with arrested and take ton jail before being taken to high land hospital. he is the largest injury claim paid so far stemming from the protests. >> vote in the house of representatives is expected on a budget compromise reached by a key republican and a democrat. if the deal homeds we would not have to suffer through another government shut down for at least two years. >> smile on capitol hill. lawmakers reached a deal to avoid another government shut down. house budget chairman ryan, a republican, and senate budget chairwoman, senator murray, brokered the agreement. >> this agreement makes sure we don't have a government shut down in january. >> because of this deal, the budget process can now stop lunching from crisis to crisis. >> if approved it raises military can domestic spending so beyond $1 trillion the next two years and eliminating $65 billion in the cross cross -- across the board spending cuts. taxes do not go up but some airline tickets go up. >> this is an agreement in the step direction. this dieded government you do not always get what you want. >> it is not certain to pass the house of representatives or the senate. the republicans do not like the spending increases and the democrats are up happy because it does not extend unemployment benefits. presbyterian says this does not include everything i like but it is a sign that democrats and republicans in congress could come together. the ryan and murray deal does not raise the debt ceiling. congress must address that in the spring the. >> the house of representatives will take up the deal this week followed by the senate likely next week. >> with two more weeks until christmas, toys for tots needs your help in contra costa county, needing 100,000 toys but so far only received 25,000 toys. the toys for to the programs rely on marines to collect gifts for children in contra costa county but they only had two civilian volunteers during the government shut down a few months ago. the slowest put them behind. so if you would like to help we have a link at under "see it open tv." wells fargo will present $100,000 in education grants to 25 bay area schools that have applied for the grants through an open community nomination process. the giants will award the grants do support athletic and education programs at the schools, and crawford will congratulate the winners and take photographs with them at at&t park. >> later tone the giants host the holiday party at the ballpark for families from homeless shelters and programs in san francisco. more than 250 children and families are expected to take part. they will be treated to pizza, crafts and other activities to celebrate the holiday season. santa claus and lucille will appear. on monday we had holiday heroes supporting children and all the great organizations. you can see the kids' eyes light up at the ballpark. >> no doubt. what should they wear headed to the ballpark? >> nice sweater vest. >> nice giants sweater vest and ear muffs and a hat. mittens. >> they should dress warmly, in doubt. good morning, everyone, everything is quiet with snow flowing through chicago so watch out for delays connecting there. there is lake effect snow in upstate new york but it will stay away from new york, baltimore and washington. at home, you can see it is quiet on live doppler 7 hd with the air still very dry and not yielding any rain or clouds. this is how it looks from the east bay hills, the air is clean as we look across emeryville and the bay bridge toward san francisco. we have a "spare the air" day, so poor air quality with no burning of wood. temperatures are milder than yesterday under sun. freezing cold in the north bay which is it. that is above-average temperatures on their way for the weekend. now there could be poor air quality today and so far it has been the north bay but now it is the east bay valley in the santa clara valley where we could have poor air quality this afternoon. now, the temperatures, our coolest around san rafael, concord, antioch and live more are 52 degrees and everyone else is around 53 to 56 and we could make it to 57 in morgan hill and oakland is 58. santa cruz is at 60. tonight the lows are 20's in the north bay and it will be cold with trust possible in the east bay valley and toward morgan hill and everyone else is in the mid-30 to possibly low 40's headed toward san francisco so here is the setup. two areas of double barrel high pressure and look how far north it is going, tapping the arctic air and sliding to the east rockies and this ridge could keep us dry through christmas and a couple of days after. each day we modify the air mass and it will be milder. check owe the lows if live more after being freezing this morning we will be close tomorrow at 32 and then in the mid-to-upper 30's and possibly 40 by wednesday. the seven-day forecast shows mid-50 to 60 again tomorrow and interest friday and upper 50 and 60's on saturday and low-to-mid 60's, above-average temperatures with the sunshine on sunday, monday, and tuesday. how about traffic? >> i was checking with the accident in san francisco and it appears it wasn't an accident at all. it was a stall. it is taken off the freeway. can you see the approach to 101 all at top speed and southbound side in the clear as well. so no problems. we have a brand new crash northbound 101 at 280 if san jose and that has one lane blocked not causing any delays but it is early. good news, we have a sig-alert canceled northbound highway 85 at blossom hill road an overturned vehicle blocking a couple of lanes and now all is open. caltran will have to repair the center divider and outside we go and as we start you off at the bay bridge toll plaza you can see traffic is moving in coming away from emeryville to san francisco it will take you five minutes. >> thank you, leyla gulen. time magazine has named their "person of the year i. >> that person is...pope francis it reads he took the name of the humble saint and called for a church of healing, the first non-european pope in 1,200 years. bashar al-assad was another contender and miley cyrus, president obama and n.s.a. leaker edward snowden and the president of iran, jeff bezos and secretary of health and human services. >> time is tweeting. look at the picture, the cover we are pulling up, pope francis. "person of the year." on the cover of time magazine. >> you can be extra subsequent rouse with an additional $7,000 cash which you could win just by helping us fight hunger in the bay area when you chick "give where you live" we will dough date a dollar to area feed banks. imagine all the good you could do with $7,000. go to the facebook page and help us "give where you live," and spread the word so maybe your friends can help. >> a group of students planning a protest today at an east bay high school and the school board decision at issue. >> the top youtube videos tonight, a large group of vallejo high school students and alumni are expected to protest against the school board decision to change the school's mascot. the board voted unanimously to drop the apache mascot at the end of the school year because some believe it is offensive to native members. others say that the name honors the apaches. organizers of the roast say the feelings of students and alumnis were ignored before the board members voted for the change and they plan to ask the school board to rescind the vote. >> youtube is out with the annual list of top friending videos. guess what? they are commemorting 2013 with their "spoof" video of the most popular moments. this was posted on a site after midnight showing users showing a massive video with miley cyrus and the harlem shake. if you would like to see it we have a link on our website at click on "see it on tv." how is the great of the? >> people could be shivering or shaking. it is cold. looking at san francisco to the east bay hills you can see haze in the air. fremont and oakland, the temperature is same at year, 53 and 58, a degree warmer in concord at 52 and same in san francisco at 54. santa rosa is up to 56 and same for san jose, two or three degrees warmer. freezing cold through the central valley if you are headed that way before 8:00, so watch out. headed to the afternoon, mid-to-upper 50's through monterey and sunny and 45 in tahoe and more sunshine and temperatures in the upper 60's to low 70's headed down south. safely travels. >> we have construction through the tunnel in the eastbound direction going against traffic this morning, and this will last physical -- until 6:00, we will have two lanes closed but if you are headed in the westbound direction from orinda, it will be clear. back in san jose this accident still in place block one lane, northbound 101 at 280 but, still, if delays and staying in san jose, at 101 beyond 880, traffic is moving smoothly. >> authorities say two adults did everything right to keep four children safe while stranded for two days in freezing temperatures. they arrived at hospital yesterday morning and their jeep ran off the road northeast of tahoe on sunday. they survived 20-below zero temperatures by burning a tire and heating rocks to keep warm and they lived on candy bars and water. doctors say they suffered from exposure but there were no signs of forecast bit. on "good morning america" at 7:00 a.m. more on the survival tactics and the key thing they did to survive. >> developing news, another meningitis scare on a u.c. campus, a riverside student advisor is in the hospital after testing positive for meningitis. a dozen students and 20 staff members who came in contact with that person are being treated with antiboughtings a in after four students came down with meningitis at santa barbara, one a star that class player had to have both feet amputated. rinse ton got government approval to use a vaccine fought approved in the united states to vaccinate students because they had the outbreak there. >> next at 5:00 a.m., breaking news from the east bay, a massive four alarm fire burning in concord and a report coming up. >> also, the ntsb hague on the asiana flight 214 at sfo is just about to get underway and the person scheduled to testify. >> the world continues to mourn the loss of nelson mandela whose body now is lying in state this morning. the bay area events planned to remember the south african prove it. enough is enough. d-con baits are specially formulated to kill in one feeding. guaranteed. d-con. get out. abc7 news begins with breaking news. >> our breaking news is from concord where dozens of four fires and lots of equipment are on the scene of a huge blaze at an industrial park that gut add building east of buchanan field airport. amy hollyfield is on the scene with the latest. is the fire still going or is it under control? >> it is under control. it is very smoky. they think they will be here for hours. they don't have a lot of confidence it will stay out there. still putting water on it. 70 firefighters at one point were here. this was huge. look at the video of the fire they had to deal with. they are not sure of exact size but they think they had at left


Transcripts For KGO ABC7 News 500AM 20131211

this is a telephone company that was called the all phone company. they sold new equipment but, also, recycled old stuff. a lot of plastics and wires burned. that is toxic. the firefighters are not too worried. >> not in danger. we are not asking thin to shelter in place unless you have a breathing ail president such as asthma. but the smoke is going straight up right now at this point. there is no residential areas that are close by. >> the call came in at 12:30 and they think it was burning for hours and there were no alarms inside the building. so, it took a while to anyone to realize with was happening and to call 9-1-1. this happened in concord and they kept it from spreading to other businesses. they don't know the cause but firefighters say it could take days before they figure out what started the fire. they don't know if it will be safe today to go inside. >> time for a check on the weather. we will see if there are winds that couldbly a factor in spreading the smoke of the. >> it is calm to a couple hundred feet and then the winds are blowing northeast to east it could drift across the east bay hills and into the bay itself but that is very remote possibility with the winds very light this morning. now, the cold conditions are affecting more of us southern santa clara valley, north bay mountains and interior valleys and lake county, all under freezing temperatures until at least 9:00 today. as far as the rest us, the northern part of the santa clara valley look at the coast, the bayshore line and the north bay coast, frosty temperatures and we could get down to 32 degrees. now, the temperatures are warmer than year, and from the low 50's at concord and antioch and live more to mid-to-upper 50's for the rest of us. leyla gulen? >> we are riding accident free after starting with a couple of accidents. the crashes have cleared. away bay and check owe the bridges travel along the san mateo bridge moving at top speed and lower on the dumbarton because of the project westbound highway 84, the right shoulder and right lane are going to be closed between marsh road and university avenue and that is going to last until 2:00 p.m. this afternoon causing delays. avoid that and use san mateo this morning. to the north, the bay bridge, everything is clear and the richmond and san rafael headed over to the benicia and cartinez it is looking clear but the exit from crockett it is look slow but no accidents to report. >> south africans continue to by their respects to their beloved former president nelson mandela. these are pictures from pretoria where the antiapartheid leader's body lies in state the you can see the casket behind you. >> in the bay area two events are held today in his honor. for more we will go to owes reporter, matt keller, at san francisco city hall. >> the memorial is held this morning at the rotunda inside city hall to remember the life and legacy of nelson mandela. you can see the flags are at half staff here at city hall and all city buildings across san francisco through this sunday as a mark of respect. his body is lying in state in the capital of pretoria where he was sworn in 19 years ago as the first black president. the mayor said san francisco felt the movement created by mandela and he wants to honor the legacy. a book for the public to sign is available through this friday in the mayor's office, and the memorial here will start at 8:00 this morning and former mayor willie brown will chair the event and it will be streamed live at >> another memorial will be held today in the east bay in oakland, a rally is underway at plaza running from noon to 1:30 and will include city leaders, live entertainment and an appearance by the counsel general. >> parts of the bay area are thawing out hopefully for the last time, in the south by the national guard armoury has been staying open in the day when it is usually closed. in san jose the city is paying to run the recreational center for longer hours and no one was turn away. there have been seven weather-related deaths because of the cold snap. >> happening today half an hour from now the national transportation state before has a hearing to learn why so many things went wrong with asiana flight 214 crash landed at sfo in july. three people were killed and more than 150 injured. a chief pilot is expected to testify on what the airline procedures are. the safety board wants to know if the pilots rely too much on the plane's automatic system. we will have an update from katie marzullo at 5:30 when the hearing is underway. >> police in vallejo are investigating a fail shooting, the second in a day. it happened at 10:30 last night at louisiana street. police searching the area for the shooter with no word on arrests. the other fatal shooting happened yesterday afternoon outside king's supermarket on fairgrounds drive. a man in his 20 was killed. there has been no arrest in that case, either. >> two sheriff deputies are recovering from injuries they suffered in a confrontation that left a man dead. the scene is near saratoga early yesterday morning. that is near the headquarters of rooko where a map appeared to be suicidal and he attacked the deputies with a metal object and the officers fired a shot hitting him and he died at the hospital. a gun store owner and a national gun trade group have filed the first lawsuit to keep parts of sunnyvale gun control ordinance from taking affect. 67 percent of sunnyvale voters passed the measure last month and it includes requiring sellers to keep a log of buyers of ammunition for two years and owners to report the theft of a firearm to police within 48 hours. the san jose mercury news reports that the lawsuit claims some provisions of the ordinance conflict with existing laws and share customer data with police. the n.r.a. will fire their own lawsuit next week and sunnyvale fills say a san francisco law firm has offered services for free to defend the ordinance against all challenges. >> pg&e says it could take days to figure why a gas line broke and started an underground fire. you can see the flames coming through the cracks in the street after a 4" natural gas line ruptured yesterday morning at golf links road near the zoo. half a dozen homes were evacuated. everyone was let back in after a few hours. two other gas leaks in the bay area are capped this morning, one in brentwood when a construction crew hit a gas line and you can see crews fixing a line at the port of oakland, a construction crew there accidentally knocked over a poll that caused a leak. a well-known youth golf coast is accused molesting boys he was teaching. andrew nisbet faces 65 felonies. he was arrested if livermore on saturday. he molested several boys 2009 and 2012. on monday, the northern california section announced nisbet with receive a junior golf leader award, not knowing about arrest. he is held without bail at the jail in dublin. >> san jose has a new top cop with the chief sworn in as city chris moore retired in january. the increase of 11 percent for police officers is to stem the flow of those leaving the department for higher-paying jobs. >> if you are done with the coldwell talk to meteorologist, mike nicco, whether this is the last morning? >> we will have one more mostly in the north bay, the last widespread cold event. we have a breeze above the immersion this morning and sausalito and san francisco, down to semi-yes bridge, the other big story, our eighth we we "spare the air" day of the winter season and more of us could have poor air quality, north bay, inland, east bay valleys and the santa clara valley, so beening of wood, again, batching the burning of wood again. so for, we have competed healthy levels. twice. 24 to 42 for i microclimates. low-to-mid 50's by noon through 4:00 with temperatures close to average and a lot of sunshine and less high cloud cover than yesterday. in the low-to-mid 40's the 57k. we will keep the slow remain what trend going: mid-50 to near 60 with high clouds after a freeze tomorrow morning in the north by and no freeze on friday morning but temperatures are the same in the afternoon and some of us, more of us, will touch 60 by saturday. leyla gulen? >> we have an accident on the on-ramp to northbound 101 and we not clear what has happened. it could be a two-car crash but it does not appear to affect the main lane northbound and southbound along 101. drive time traffic shows 680 walnut creek to dublin is thin minutes and 101 southbound from santa rosa into san francisco is under an hour at 51 minutes through the santa cruz mountains along highway 17 to los gatos, it is 2 22 minutes. from the north by to san francisco, headed from central san rafael we have extra tail lights but they moving at top speeds over the golden gate bridge, with no problems and nothing to get in your way. >> if you poll finds the american dream is fading as the wealth gap widens. more in the bloomberg business report coming up. >> a model injured in thailand by 2004 tsunami comes to san francisco in the name of charity and a mission she is on to help those backed by until disasters. >> iphones could get a new look with a patent granted to apple giving their provide value all across america, people are using lysol in hundreds of ways. what's christine's story? i started using lysol disinfectant spray, gosh, as long as i can remember. i use lysol on soft surfaces because you can't put your couch in the washing machine. i think that lysol disinfectant spray compares to other products in that it actually kills the germs. which helps keep my family healthy. it's tried and true. i mean all you have to do is just spray. it does the job for you. lysol - hundreds of ways to help protect your family. he loves me. he loves me not. he loves me. he loves me not. ♪ he loves me! that's right. [ mom ] warm and flaky in 15, everyone loves pillsbury grands! [ girl ] make dinner pop! [ female announcer ] holiday cookies are a big job. everything has to be just right. perfection is in the details. ♪ pillsbury cookie dough. make the holidays pop! >> covering south bay, pleasanton, and san rafael, this is abc7 news. >> welcome back. is the american dream fading as the rich get richer? and chick-fil-a is making changes to the menu. >> jane king is join us from the new york stock exchange with the bloomberg business report. >> jane? >> good morning, eric and kristen. the american dream is fading. the gap is widening between the rich and the poor. a new poll shows 64 percent of americans say the united states for longer offers everyone an equal chance to get ahead. last year richest 10 percent of americans earned half of all united states income and an economist says that is the largest total since 1917. a study says last year was the first time in history women starting out in the workforce earned nearly as much as men but it widens again when they have children. video game companies are fighting the relationship between their games and violence in work police. chick-fil-a is eliminating trans fat and removed corn syrup from some products and they still use m.s.g., they are working to reduce sodium. they have been quiet about the changes possibly because some royal customers may think it could affect the flavor of the food. a model would life was forever changed by the 2004 tsunami in thailand came to san francisco as part of the mission to help others. she lost her fiance in the tsunami and was badly injured prompting her to create the happy heart fund a charity that rebuilds schools in disaster areas. >> i was drowning, and i could >> she appeared at macy'sdown square yesterday to mark her partnership with a special line of products with a position of each sale going to the happy hearts fund. >> a new filing with the patent office could provide the strongest evidence yet that cupertino-based apple is working on a curve to screen iphones and issued a patent for a way of informationing curved touch screens and this is after the release of the am sung -- samsung galaxy which makes the phone morer go nomic but two actually be for a smart watch to compete with pebbles and samsung's galaxy ear. us a curb. >> what is old is new again. winter is still here. old man winter has an icy grip with the temperatures in our neighborhood. leyla gulen, have we heard about any black ice? >> now yet. she watching it. thank you very much. live doppler 7 hd shows how quiet it is outside this morning and we will talk about temperatures if you are headed into san francisco, everyone pretty much in the low 40's until ferry building downtown at 43 and across the golden gate bridge it is 44. richmond is 36 and mid-30's around san leandro and union city and belmont is 40 but freezing 29 in palo alto and santa clara and 33 in saratoga and we have mid-to-upper 20's throughout the east bay valley and pittsburg on the other side of the ridge is 33 and half moon bay is mild at 43. from the east bay hills, the water is calm. on the bay. with a beautiful back respect and milder highs and poor air quality. freezing cold in the north bay and only tonight and's average weekend high temperatures are on the way. today we are getting closer with let 50's in the east bay valleys and concord and antioch and livermore at 52 and same with san rafael and everyone else in the mid-50's to 58 in oakland and santa cruz is near 60 for the warm spot. lows tonight are most of us in the mid-to-upper 30's around bay shore and san francisco is 44 and near freezing in the east bay valley but freezing in the north bay develop with 20 so the freeze warning is in effect for this area from 10:00 tonight until 9:00 tomorrow morning. one more night of protecting the pets, the laboratories and the pipes and yourself. high pressure is double barrel, strong ridge pushing the system to the north and it will grab a lot of cold air. it will dump it east of us. we are going to get an offshore wind so we will continue to see milder and milder afternoons and after tomorrow we are going to get a little bit of a cold front and a wind shift so hopefully by friday the "spare the air" days are over and temperatures will warm in the low-to-mid sit this weekend through tuesday and it still looks dry all seven days. >> we are finding out more about the accident at candlestick park on the on-ramp to northbound 101 and we have c.h.p. headed out there right now and not affecting the main lane headed northbound into san francisco it is locking clear southbound as you make it to sfo, it is a quick drive. we also have a construction project that will be with us until 6:00, east 580 from the toll please to canal manufactured we have a couple of lanes blocked and traveling along the westbound direction it looks like it is building as you make the move in the westbound direction away from the tolls and interest san rafael. you are actually looking at a good drive out there, as well. this is the drive through san jose northbound along 87 beyond the julian street off ramp with traffic running smoothly and it will not take long to make it in the northbound direction. i see visions of sugar plum fairies. >> do you have a fever? >> nutcracker fever. >> bay area kicks off the holiday extra dis, the nutcracker. you got a special look behind-the-scenes? >> i did, i was feeling nostalgic going back to the studios i was 14 when i last stepped in the studios with a different pair of shoes. this is rehearsal for the nutcracker, "waltz of the flowers." last week i got a chance to sit through rehearsals and watch them perfect each step and experienced new and exciting choreography. the san francisco ballet was the first american company ever to stage the nutcracker in 1944. when the costumes and orchestra and scenery come together and there is nothing quite like it. you can see the full story and behind-the-scenes action tonight at 6:00. there are so many variations but there is something uniquely special about the san francisco bali the. >> it taking place in san francisco which is different and unique from any other production in the world. do you miss? >> i wanted to get out this and dance i was misty eyed, i must say. >> ahead, seven things to know as you start your day. >> the best changes to work for in 201 and we will tell you which bay area companies made the list. >> you may want to talk to your to those who've been waiting welcome to covered california. the place to find quality, affordable coverage, and nobody can be denied because of a pre-existing condition. enroll today at >> blue are just joining us or headed out the door here are seven things to know. breaking news in concord firefighters are on scene of a four alarm fire at buchanan field. mass ticks are still burning although the flames are out. the giant warehouse inside the all phone company is where it is. aim ape will be -- amy hollyfield be back with another update. >> freezing cold again mostly in the interior valleys and the southern santa clara valley and frost around bay shoreline. and a watching trend is on the way for the weekend. >> three, no reports of black ice yet, we have had a couple of pickups with few accidents that have cleared so far and look behind me, the bay bridge toll plaza theres like all is running okay from oakland into san francisco. >> caltran workers are checking for black ice hoping to spot a problem area before commuters find it first. workers try to sand down stretches where the temperatures drop into the low 30's. >> five, the ntsb hearing on the asiana flight 214 at sfo is about to get underway right now. the board wants did necessity if the pilots were too dependent on the automatic system. 180 were ineurpoed and three teen girls were killed. >> the body of nelson mandela is lying in state where he was sworn in as president. mourners can pay respect for three days. an event is at city hall if san francisco at 8:00, and we will stream it live at abc7 news. >> pope francis has been selected by time magazine as "person of the year." in the first year as leader of the cat catholic church he was choneen -- chosen as the person with the greatest impact in the world. >> if you take antacids, a you it study by kaiser permanente shows long term use of the medication is linked to invite bin b-12 deficiency. those who took drugs under other brand names for more than two years had 5 percent increase risk lacking vitamin b-12 can increase the chance for nerve damage and more. the only continues at 5:30 with the top stories including the overnight return for the united states for president obama after the visit to south africa. the company he had on air force one. san francisco has one of highest minimum wages in the country and the mayor announced whether he abc7 news begins with breaking news. our breaking news is in concord with a large fire at a business. blames and heavy smoke have been pouring out for five hours but, finally, they have control and our reporter is this with the latest. amy, any injuries? >> no, everyone is okay. firefighters stayed back it was huge. they are still here and not turning their back on this. it was just too big. they have to keep an eye on that. they think they had at least 50,000 square feet of fire burning when they got here. this was a telephone supply company. it was called the all phone company located in concord. no alarms in the building so four fires think it was burning for a while before they got the call. they have been focused on getting the fire out and keeping it out and they do not know the cause at this point. we have fought been able to go an the back side to make sure there were no hopeless people against the building with it being as cold as it was. we don't know if that was a possibility or if they were sleeping back there. >> it could take days before they figure out how this started. it may not be safe today for the investigators to go inside the building. part of it has already collapsed. no one has been hurt. firefighter took a defensive mode and fought it from the outside and did not go in. they were able to keep it spreading from any other businesses around this willing. >> in concord to abc7 news. >> another fridge it morning in the bay area with another head of us. >> absolutely. i feel bad for the firefighters and the cold conditions. the winds are calm in concord. at surface you go up above and they coming from the northeast so if you are southwest of concord in the fire, you may see smoke. from our roof camera, a beautiful picture of the embarcadero and the bay bridge light we will have tons of sunshine and let cloud cover than yesterday and low-to-mid 50's and, remember, another "spare the air" day do not burn the wood. >> good morning, mike, we have a couple stalled cars here and there and we have a new accident on 880, and not too many details on that. as i take a look at construction, we have a project that is going to block the lanes until 2:00 this afternoon so it could slow down the commute if you are headed to the peninsula. westbound highway 84, between marsh road and university avenue, a couple of lanes are blocked and drive time traffic is getting busy over the altamont pass, 580 tracy to dublin is 39 minutes. and 101 is looking clear, as well. >> thank you, this morning the bay area wakes up hopefully we are getting close to the end of bitter cold but workers checked for black ice in the past two hours hoping to spot areas before the ice forms of the officials tried to put sand down on stretches where the temperatures drop into the low 30's. >> we tried to put just as much to cover for the abrasiveness but not too much that a motorcycle goes down. >> official say when there is a freeze wanting they usually sand the roads headed up to the observatory on mount hamilton which school buses and emergency vehicles use and portions of highways 9 and 35 in santa clara county. >> stay on the cold weather with our weather yap with severe weather alerts and you can download it free at abc7 in the app store or, on google play. >> the national transportation safety board hearing into the asiana flight 214 at sfo got underway moments ago. investigators are expecting to review a chain mishaps that led to the disaster. katie marzullo is following the hearings. >> we have a picture inside the hearing which is at the ntsb headquarters in washington, dc and a familiar face at the head table and this is ntsb chairman who will kick things off with an opening statement. so far, what she has said is it is going to be a long day. we know we were able to release written testimony from the pilot who was training, would was behind the controls and he will testify later in american that he was, in fact of course worried about making the landing at sfo. along with him others will testify today and representatives from boeing, the airlines and the f.a.a. but not the actually audio but we expect a script of the cockpit recording. the experts want to know why so many things went wrong when the boeing crashed. he questions whether the pilots relied too much on the plane's automatic system. the plane was too low when it came in for a landing and it hit the seawall. a chief pilot for the company will testify on what the airline teaches their pilots about automatic systems and the visual approach procedure and three teen girls die dug or after the crash one run offer by a fire truck and the file department assistant deputy chief is there, scheduled to testify about that element. this was originally supposed to be a two day hearing, yesterday today but it was delayed year because of weather and now it is just condensed to today and it is expected to last into tonight. san francisco is honoring nelson mandela this morning with a memorial that begins this morning at 8:00 a.m. in the rotunda and we will stream it on our website live. in south africa the flag draped was society was transported from a military hospital to the capital of pretoria and the body is lying in state at the theater where he was sworn in 19 years ago as the first mack -- black president of south africa. he will be laid to resolution on sunday if his boy had village. >> rebound and the first lady back in the united states after attending the funeral service in johannesburg. they landed at andrews in maryland at 2:30 this morning and former president george w. bush and former first lady laura bush were also on board. >> a woman who is seven months pregnant is speaking out about becoming a target in a string of armed robberies. the latest robbery happened at 9:30 on monday night berkeley. the victim said a man ran up to her, pulled a gun, and demanded her backpack the she said she was pregnant but he didn't care. >> i was just stunned and shocked it was happening to me. first, just indignation and surprise that this was happening and, then, terror something would happen. >> police believe the suspect may have committed several robberies in the south berkeley and north oakland area on monday morning. they were in this stolen car the look at black 2009 toyota. >> new this morning, san francisco's mayor wants voters to consider raising the city's minimum wage. the mayor put out a statement shortly after returning from a trip to asia saying he would back the ballot initiative that would help the working poor deal with the rising cost of living. his push follows protests across the country by fast food workers who are calling for a $15 an hour minimum wage. san francisco's current $10.55 minimum wage is already highest in the country. >> glass door, the career website where employees share anonymous company reviews has come out with the latest list of the best polices to work and 15 of the continue 50 places are in the bay area. three are in the top five. the global consulting firm based in los angeles tops the list and twitter headquartered if san francisco came in 2nd and linkedin in mountain view is third, and eastman chemical in tennessee is fourth and facebook was 5th. glass door based the list on feedback shared by united states-based employees oh the past year. the eastman chemical in tennessee is ahead of facebook? wow. >> could be a lot of good reasons. i am surprised we are not in there. >> i am sure you are. mike? >> good morning, everyone. if you are traveling through bart i thought i would look at the temperatures you will be waiting in, below 28 in dublin/pleasanton and lafayette at 29. if you are along the east bay shore it is milder at fremont at 33 and hair at 36, and 38 in oakland, and mild in san leandro at 42 and headed and san francisco about 43 degrees. temperatures are milder this morning but, still, as we sees freezing cold so bundle up. low-to-mid 50's by noon and we hang out in the low-to-mid fists through 4:00, and we will be in the low-to-mid 40's at 7:00. moving failure, we will keep warming, mid-50 to 60 tomorrow, after freezing cold temperatures tonight in the north bay and mid-50's to 60 on friday with high clouds and sunshine, and total sunshine and near 60 everywhere by saturday. warmer weather is around the corner. have a good one. >> as we take you right back into the nimitz, we have one accident that sounds like it is over to the shoulder, so, for lanes are being blocked and you can see there is no yellow or red on the map indicating a slow down. southbound 880, you will find cars off to the shoulder and a 15 -- fender bender out there. i-80 westbound from albany to the maze is four minutes the southbound from fremont to san jose is 14 minutes 280 northbound to cupertino is 11 minutes. 47 bart trains are on time, and muni, all running on time. no peckal -- mechanical problems. this is the drive through pleasant hill and into walnut creek and we have a few extra cars becoming more popular drive at this hour, and it doesn't appear to be slowing things down because it is going to take you nine minutes to head from highway 4 to the 24 young. >> next a bipartisan deal reached to avoid another government shut down. what was compromised after two months hammering out a deal. >> east bay toys for to the programs is in trouble and what you can did to hey! have you ever tried honey nut cheerios? love 'em. neat! now you on the other hand... you need some help. why? look atchya. what is that? you mean my honey wand? [ shouting ] [ splat ] come on. matter of fact. [ rustling ] shirt. shoes. shades. ah! wow! now that voice... my voice? [ auto-tuned ] what's wrong with my voice? yeah man, bee got swag! be happy! be healthy! that's gotta go too. ♪ hey! must be the honey! [ sparkle ] sweet. coughing novato, owe, sunnyvale and all bay area, this is use. house of representatives is scheduled to vote on a rare bipartisan budget deal preventing another government shut down. paul ryan and senator murray brokered the agreement. if approved it raises military and domestic spending to beyond $1 federal the next -- $1 trillion the next two years and undo deep spending cuts from the sequester. the democrats are unhappy it does not extend the unemployment benefits after this month. >> with did more weeks until christmas, the toys for tots need your help. the program needs 100,000 toys but so far only has received 25,000. concord toys for tots realize on marines to collect gifts for children in contra costa county. they only had two civilian volunteers during the government shut down and the slow start put them behind. so if you would like to help we have a link on our website at the giants are hosting the holiday party at the ballpark for families from homeless shelters at programs in san francisco. 250 children and families are expected to take part and they will be treated to pizza and other activities to celebrate holiday season. santa and lucille are expected to make special appearans. >> talk about a big cat. look at this, a marine got if the catch of a life fishing off a beach this southern california base, jest -- he pulled if a great white shark with a fishing rod on to the beach. at first they thought he took add stingray but by the struggle he figured it was much bigger and by the size of the mouth you can see he was right it is believed the first time a great white was ever caught from a united states beach. i know you are wondering what happened but he did release the shark after his wife took the video and proves that he did catch it. >> who took the hook out. that is what i want did enjoy. >> someone took out the hook. a local fishermen and crash fishermen are hoping for the warmer weather. >> we started the season can the seas were were choppy and they have trade that for the cold weather. the seas now are calmer and now we get warmer weather without the winds and hopefully the seas will stay calm. it is nothing around chicago and some of that is headed to cleveland with lake effect nothing upstate new york and pennsylvania but most of that stays away from philadelphia and new york and washington, dc, and baltimore. most of the cloud cover is to the south and over the ocean. we are bone dry. beautiful picture of emeryville of the southwestern pan of the bay bridge and you can see the eastern span, too. milder highs, poor air quality again today, freezing cold in the north bay only tonight, and above average highs are starting this weekend. this is how it will broaden the picture from emeryville to the east bay hill. the air is clean and call and more areas have the potential for poor air quality, north bay, east bay valleys and santa clara valley, the 8th of the winter season has been competing standards for fine particulate matter. low 50's, and antioch is cool and santa cruz is warmest at 60, and morgan hill is veteran and everyone else around 53 to 55. the notices temperature are mid-to-upper 30's and low-to-mid 40's san francisco and the coast and in the north bay, we will see the freezing temperatures and frost in the east by. the freezing temperatures, enif, from 10:00 tonight through 9:00 tomorrow morning. the jet stream to the north and grabbing all the arctic air. the storm system is so far to the north we will modify this air mass and make it milder each day but we will also keep the rain, the much needed rain out of forecast. by saturday, about sick cross the board and low-to-mid 60's sunday, monday and tuesday. have a great day. it is slow over the altamont pass but everything else is running pretty smoothly. as we take you over to the caldecott tunnel, it looks like construction crews are wrapping this project up, eastbound 24 from highway 13 to the second board of the town until we do not so slowing involving an overturned we vehicle but it is on the shoulder and not affecting the main line. outside, the bay bridge toll plaza shows cash-paying lanes are loaded up at the moment and the rest of the traffics though, it looks to be smoot coming through the fast track lanes at emeryville into san francisco. >> could you use an extra $7,000 this holiday season? that is how much you could win for fighting hunger in the bay area. click and give where you live on facebook and we will donate a dollar to the feeding america food banks and you will be entered to win $7,000 cash. thing of all the good you could do with that and we will announce the winner december 19th is put it on facebook help us give where you live and spread the wore. >> group of students planning a protest today at one east bay high school and the student board decision at issue. the top youtube videos of year have been picked and a backlash over the new baby bouncy seat with an ipad hold certificate growing and would certificate growing and would demanding the product be ♪ ho ho ho [ female announcer ] at 100 calories, not all food choices add up. some are giant. some not so giant. when managing your weight, bigger is always better. ♪ ho ho ho ♪ green giant tomato florentine soup, it took a little time to get it just right. [ ding ] ♪ but finally, it happened. perfection. at progresso, we've got a passion for quality, because you've got a passion for taste. people use lysol disinfectant there are hunspray.of ways max's mom uses it on the couch. it freshens, but unlike febreze it's also approved to kill 99.9% of bacteria. with lysol disinfectant spray, go beyond freshening. start healthing. with grands mini pot pies. only four ingredients. and a few easy steps. weeknight dinner in a flash. and my family devours them. pillsbury grands biscuits. make dinner pop. guys... [ female announcer ] pillsbury cinnamon rolls, with cinnabon cinnamon, are an irresistible sunday morning idea. nothing calls them to the table faster. make breakfast pop! prove it. enough is enough. d-con baits are specially formulated to kill in one feeding. guaranteed. d-con. get out. >> tonight a large group of students in vallejo will protest a decision to change the school's mascot. the city unified school district warns that voting unanimously they would drop the apache mascot at the end of the school year because some believe it is offensive to native americans. others say the name honored the apaches and organizers of the profit say that the feelings of students and alumni were ignored before board members voted. they will ask the school board to rescind the vote. >> youtube is out with the list of top trending videos of the year. guess what? they are commemorting their own spoof video of popular moments. this rewind video was posted after midnight and shows youtube users starring in a smashup with the harlem shake and miley cyrus twerking. more on abc7 . . >> what does mr. fox say? >> i have never seen that. >> it is with the almostty school set. >> my kids are out. sutro tower over to the east bay hills, this is a backdrop to talk temperatures today. her dancing days because he is doing that thing on the...nice. fremont and oakland are the same. one to three degrees warmer than yesterday and concord and san francisco and san jose. freezing cold through the central valleys but mid-to-upper 50's if you are headed to the south we will hit accident if los angeles not first time since december 2nd. safe travels. >> you cannot deny the dance, my, do not try to resist the dance. as we take you into san francisco we have this three car crash and it is blocking three lanes and, boy, it is causing delays headed away from hospital curve at chavez so with the free lanes blocked it will slow down the commute. take 380 and we have a buildup of traffic this. back to candlestick on-ramp northbound 101 we have a crash with an overturned vehicle and c.h.p. is on scene. outside, here is this, the driver in 101, away from the nimitz with a few extra cars but you will not be laid headed to san jose airport. >> a big christmas surprise for passengers on a flight is becoming a big hit on youtube. >> check out what canadian airline pulled off. the airline set up a video group in toronto and ontario for passengers to tell san that what they wanted. and then this was a mad dash to buy everything asked for including a toy rain to a big scene tv for mom and dad and watch what happened when passengers got east plane and went to peck up their luggage. yes, each gift had a tag with their name signed "from santa." the video posted a few day ago is viral with more than 6.5 million hits on youtube. >> i need to travel more. >> that is bryant -- brilliant and trick. >> the bay area is ready to pay try out to nelson mandela coming up at 6:00, the two events taking place today in honor of the lake south african leader. >> flames so fierce in the east bay firefighters say they could not enter the building safely. an update on where the file fight stands now. from washington, dc, the ntsb hearing into the asiana flight 214 crash landing is continuing right now. live from the kgo-tv broadcast center this is abc7 news. >> breaking news at 6:00, a large fire breaks out and firefighters can not go in the building. we are on the scene. >> in washington, dc, right now, a hearing looking into the asiana flight 214 crash at sfo is underway. these are pictures from the capitol with revelations expected to be made today. >> new this morning, friends and family and stringers paying their respect to nelson mandela in south africa. here in the bay area, two memorials for the late leader are a few hours away from getting underway. >> thanks for joining us. first, again, frigid temperatures in the bay area but lit at the end of the tunnel. >> another night in the north


Transcripts For KGO ABC7 News 600PM 20131213

>> i was disappointed. and an agency like that? make that mistake? it's very unfortunate. >> our next stop is child support services in redwood city. despite calls, the number was news to them. the director says her agency had no idea the line was a sex line. >> sex talk hot line on your web site. got to be more than just a little embarrassing here? >> yes. a lot embarrassing. apologize but what can i say? the community broke down. >> rodriguez says it was a vendor contracted by the state which changed it's number months ago the old number replaced by something less legit the mistake has been corrected and the number, taken down ask replaced with the right one. >> someone looking for a sex hot line? can they find it on the web site? >> not as of noon today. just minutes ago tept of child support services contacted us. we've learned they knew about the hot line and sent an e mail if you see it, take it off your web site. not everybody saw the web site. it's being sent out again. a personal call from the local director. >> new concern a popular government instructor may have targeted more victims the golf pro is in jail charged with 65 counts of child molestation against children. >> this is the story that no one wants to be associated with. we spoke with several golfers here who refused to go on camera. what they did tell us is that he had a talent for recruiting children into the game of golf. turns out the 31-year-old in jail charged with molesting three students lived with his wife next to jackson avenue school in livermore. he created golf videos and promoted player was flashy productions today, police interviewed two more boy who's may be phone shall victims and believe there are more because he had students. today, investigators say they began receiving calls from michigan. he taught in north carolina, alabama and mississippi. >> i've seen him with kids he seemed to be a good instructor. you know? kids were good golfers >> the team won the league championship in chicago, placing second the following year but the pro says he he was an unorthodox instructor. >> biggest mistake is keeping score. remember, your score doesn't matter. don't keep it >> the director says he had a talent for communicating with children. police say it's also how he took advantage of them. >> tonight deputies looking for a convicted child molester sdenltly let out of jail. they may never find him because he was released to immigration. and they deported him to mexico. he pled guilty to molesting a 13-year-old girl. a year of detective work led to a big announcement by milpitas police today four suspects have been arrested for the only murder of 2012. three armed men shot and killed this man in september of last year. his friends called him mo. he worked night shift and a detective shared a statement from his family today. >> there are so many accomplishments we're hoping to share with our dad before he passed. but these criminals have stolen that from our family we must bring justice by ensuring these crime males are never to commit a heinous act again. >> police say surveillance video from the 7-11 provided them with leads in this case >> one driver dieed and another went to jail after a crash in livermore today take a look at the video just moments after a jeep cherokee caught fire. he died in that fire. this is a view from sky seven hd. witnesses say the hummer plowed into the cherokee and traffic wasn't moving. >> it's just sad to see working here on the weigh. it's sad. >> the patrol says hummer's driver, a 53-year-old was intoxicated and has been booked into jail the coroner could not sell if the person who died was a man or woman. >> they have been talking for eight hours now and bart unions to resolve a disputed portion of the contract two sides agreed to in october. six weeks of paid leave. abc7 news is monitoring talks tonight. this is just a mess. >> it has, but they're talking. that is a good sign. no taigs indication how late they'll gochlt both sides say they're determined to resolve this but neither indicated any willingness to come off of the position. they afreed the pro vision regarding paid family leave. >> the union position is very clear. it's been very clear. >> leaders showing the difference and today, bart released another piece of paper that predates that page. >> it's six weeks of paid leave, it's just too costly. >> officials say they want to put this year of strikes behind them. many riders want the same thing. >> i think it's in the contract. just should stay in the contract. >> i'm hoping this gets resolved. bart and unions will meet on friday to try to resolve the dispute. >> still ahead tonight on abc7 news i team obtains video of a terrorist bombing and renewed interests in finding the suspect behind it. >> i'm sandhya patel. great visibility, spare the air alerts getting a chance to defrost tonight i'll let you know what is coming up for the weekend. >> details on the 100 miles per hour chase ending in an antioch neighborhood. sparks flying. what pleas found in the driver of this car. >> redwood empire food bank i'll talk about the and why can you move the tv out here? the wireless receiver. i got that when i switched to u-verse. but why? because it's so much better than cable. it's got more hd channels, more dvr space. yeah, but i mean, how did you know? i researched. no, i-i told you. no. yeah! no. the importan and i got you this visor. you made a visor! yes! that i'll never wear. ohh. [ male announcer ] get u-verse tv for just $19 a month for two years with qualifying bundles. rethink possible. we've focused on the drug trade in san francisco's tender loin. and tonight we take a look at into the lives of the drug dealers themselves. vick? >> we're going to call him dave. we've disguysed him because he fears for his life if dealers know who he is. >> you do what you do >> dave calls himself an associate of the tender loin drug trade he says dealers are just trying to make a living. on a good day, it's really good. >> any day, you can come home with $20,000. in a day. >> dave says many would surprise you. >> you don't take a look at someone pulling up in a buick. a bmw with a suit on. >> professionals? >> people that have good money. >> but it's also a risky business. >> have you ever been afraid? >> every day. >> of being shot? or? >> every day. every single day. >> there is a risk of getting arrested. most have long rap sheets but they serve little time. and are quickly back on streets. it's within a learning experience in jail. >> now, you're putting skill sets to use in there you know? you're getting connections. >> dave says crack cocaine used to be the popular drug. now, it's prescription pills. >> it's not thought of to be you know, as bad as crack or heroin. it's more acceptable. >> abc7 news reported the sweep that a task force of federal agents in san francisco narcotics officers arrested chronic drug dealers in the tender loin after obtaining indictments. word spread quickly. >> are they afraid snoo yes. it's a wake up call. it's not business as usual anymore. >> still, dave believes it won't stop the drug trade. >> bad money out there is always going to be there. and you take us away? someone will take the place. >> by the way dave was not a target he says he'd like to get a legitimate job but says many if they wanted to get jobs can't. because of their long rap sheets and lack of skills and who would want to flip burgers when you make so much on the streets? so it's hard to break that cycle. >> vicious cycle. thank you. a crack down targeting high crime areas in antioch ended in an hour long pursuit last night. this back to antioch at speeds of up to 100 miles per hour he refused to cooperate after being pulled over. officers say he was intoxicateed and had weapons in the car. he's now facing charges of assault, and evading police. >> well, every dollar counts in this economy. especial fully you're among 600,000 people in the bay area who don't know where that next meal is coming from. >> and with that in mind abc7 launched give where you live food drive. >> that is right. first, it's immense and filled with food thanks to donations of people that care about those hungry. but thanks to workers and volunteers we have a childrens chorus inspiring volunteers. to continue. nice to see you, eileen. i heard you giving a walk to other volunteers. >> they're working hard. >> how many people do you have helping? from 20-30 per month >> we're here for prepacks. what happens after this another set of people come to help out. >> how long have you been doing this? >> now for about two years. >> why is it important? >> it's a rough world world together we can make a difference. >> yes. we can. and our camera man is get lg show. s i want him to get another shot of eileen's festive attire. exciteed and worked up, the lights come on. >> i don't know if i'm a flasher but it's great fun to be part of this. >> it's a joy to be with you. thank you. >> thank you. >> i want to tell you how you can help out. you can text the word feed to the number for a $ten donation. translating into $four worth of food so please, help out. >> spencer, thank you. you don't forget when you click give where you live button, we're going to donate $one to food banks for you >> so spread the word. >> that is great so talk about the weather. >> only 52 but feels warmer. >> yes. i know. temperatures 2 to 6 feel better. is it's in association with this cold front. they have a chance of light rain later on tonight from our mount tamalpais camera looking towards san francisco, visibility is good. air quality not great. spare the air alert is in tonight tonight and tomorrow. and with current weather pattern in place we're not expecting air quality to improve immediately. looking good now. 51 degrees in san francisco. look at how comfortable weather. the view from our camera financial district san francisco, nice looking view there we do have chilly spots. napa up 40. east bay hills camera looking back aconsiders the bay here is a look at the forecast. spare the air through friday would be a record. warming trend for the weekend no rain in site. for us here in the bay area. this is a weak cold front so not going to row dues rain high clouds will be with us tonight. they he vap wait. humidity coming up with temperatures will not be on the wide spread frosty side tomorrow afternoon, it's sunny but cooler. this is every month, this is the latest from them. as we take a look at california, the read showing you extreme drought. and orange showing how much of california is under a severe drought. we'll keep on eye on had. we need rain and sure could use snow. but doesn't look like anything happening. tomorrow morning, no 20s mid and upper 20s this morning. so tomorrow afternoon, clearing sunshine. temperatures slipping just a little bit. temperatures rise next week expecting mid-60s around the bay. if you have too do holiday shopping or get a tree there is time to do it >> thank you. >> up next a giant octopus gets a home. back in a moment. to thosuffered in silence... hoped... and lived in a state of fear... welcome to a new state... of health. welcome to covered california. the place to find quality, affordable coverage. financial help for those in need. and nobody can be denied because of a pre-existing condition. enroll now at or call 800-675-2607. police are trying to track down a gunman who robbed a bingo game. the gunman wearing a ski mask burst in and stole the cash meant for the band program. the man got away with about 5,000s ndz cash. >> this is a shock. >> disappoint something >> yes. very. disappointing for this program >> they are looking for witness who's may have seen or witnessed the event yesterday. >> these games bring in 60,000 to $80,000 a year for the band. 90% of the budget helping fund trips and music instruction. >> newest residents of pisherman's wharf have something in common with locals and tourists that love to eat crab this time of the year. >> like their they'veing. they're big feast giant octopus loves to feed on crab so they become in the crab pot they see the pot and just see dinner they climb in there and start feasting then, all of a sudden they get lifted into a boat and go oh, no. >> oh, yes. the get pretty big during that time. >> well, our coverage continues tonight at 6:00. coming up next video by the i team as the fbi renews it's search for a terrorist. >> what a government decision decided for the use of cell phones onboard i want you to be kind.ff i want you to be smart. super smart. i want one thing in a doctor. i want you to be handsome. i want you to be awesome. i don't want you to look at the chart before you say hi...david. i want you to return my emails. i want you to keep me doing this for another sixty years. at kaiser permanente, we want you to choose the doctor that's right for you. find your perfect match at and thrive. fbi launched an initiative to find a domestic terrorism suspect. >> this is the story covered at the time and dan noyes is here with a follow up. >> it was a very active time for the animal rights movement. many wound up in prison because of fires set, and attacks on research labs but one fbi still is looking for. ten years later is daniel san diego, he'd be 35 by now. fbi received tips placing him in novato and santa cruz. and the fbi gave me this surveillance individual yes today, saying he is responsible for two blasts in 2003. and another a month later at shackly in pleasanton. he targeted them both for tie tz a animal testing lab. the fbi has come up with these images of what he might look like now. he has tattoos on his chest and should be considered armed and dangerous. if you see this man, call 911 the hot line is open 24 hours per day this, is part of the fbi new push to find the most wanted planning a news conference tomorrow morning. dan? carolyn? >> interesting. >> on the run a long time. >> yes. thank you >> the fcc could lift restrictions on cell phones but that doesn't mean you can start making calls on board the fcc voted today to begin the process of lifting the ban. new technology eliminates interference. reason behind the restriction. despite the majority of passengers insisting on keeping the ban in place fcc is moving forward >> i'm the last person in the world who wants to listen to someone talking to me but we're tech nal agency ask will make tech nal tags department is considering restricks as well. >> a budget deal cleared a hurdle today the house passed the measure by 332-94 vote the broad based support despite criticism after the deal was announced yesterday. that drew the ire of john boehner. >> this takes giants steps in the right direction whchlt groups come out and criticize an agreement they've never seen, you'd begin to wonder how credible those actions are. nancy pelosi agrees the deal isn't perfect but urged lawmakers to embrace it. the deal prevents a shut down two years eliminating $65 million in cuts and it didn't raise taxes the senate takes up the bill next week. >> astronauts on the international space station are working to avoid an emergency space walk. nasa says a valve malfunctioned making the air too cold. the six are in no immediate danger, we're told and are conducting a space walk considered more risky than unusual. >> if you live in a big story it's possible you don't use your car that much. abc7 news jonathan bloom explains how this could save you money. >> our goal to make every car a connected smart car. >> starts with this black box. >> it's reading from the device itself. >> it can tell you how much east cost in gas. watching your commute and gives you insight. >> so i know it's going to save me ten minutes per day. >> if you forgot where you parked? >> it has a gps unit in it. so can show you the position at any point in time. >> the device is called a metronome. >> the device is free. >> they're paying for it by selling something else. car insurance priced by the mile. >> charging people per mile if you're taking bart and get to work during the week only using a car on the weekend we can save 40% to 50%. saying it's taylor made for people in cities you might take $20 or $30 per month. it tracks how much you drive but not how you drive. >> just plug it in. >> that is illegal in california but pricing is legal, but needs state approval. it's giving away those metronomes. >> if we can save money, that is great. >> metro mile is selling in washington and oregon. >> coming up next a local group wants you to help them track t like the enticing aroma and distinctive taste of nespresso. elegant capsules meet masterfully crafted machines, and one touch creates the perfect coffee, cappuccino, and latte. ♪ tempt all your senses with one extraordinary coffee. [ penélope cruz ] nespresso. what else? [ male announcer ] discover the world of nespresso on grant avenue and a group in the bay area asking for your help in tracking the yearly virus. in the process, providing you with perhaps a new way to avoid it. >> this is you. you become a push pin >> this doctor is monitoring a virtual nerve center part of a flu tracking system called flu near you driven by an army of volunteers oochl we want the public to volunteer this information as a global gf. we're helping public health authorities >> to do that, the group is partnering with organizations like university of san francisco school of nursing. volunteers agreeing to answer weekly surveys sent to their computer. >> going here, you report flu. it asks if you have symptoms if you have none, you push none, next, and that is all have you to do. >> in exchange users can monitor flu activity in their areas and receive alerts of new cases being reported. judy is dean of the school of nursing. >> flu is something really very serious. something we can track and know how to prevent. it's a good way for us to try to use technology >> at the jewish community center, directors believe they may be able to help schedule events and classes. >> populations range from preschoolers up to seniors he we're dealing with a significant amount. >> the doctor says the system displays parallel data from sources such as google flu trends and cdc. >> you can click on this cdc system. it's monitoring sick people that get tested for flu. >> it's a combination for a nonprofit. organizers believe it could be expanded to track outbreaks of other diseases >> so the more we can learn about this annual threat of flu, the more we can take that information and think about how to prepare for potential next sars or another virus and spread the same way that flu does. >> now, answering a survey takes just about ten seconds per day. we have links on abc7 under see it on tv. >> stay with us. spencer is up next with the abc7 news give where you live food drive. >> in >> sky seven is live in san raf yes. a gas line is leaking at an elementary school. a car sheared off the gas line when a holiday event was just about to begin. parents and children were there after hours. electric wires have been damaged >> two people have been hurt but injuries appear minor. still, they were taken to the hospital. and we're going to have more on this story on coffee tv 20 at 9:00 and a abc7 news at >> this year, give where you live food bank help feed thousands per month. spencer? >> yes this, is an amazing facility here in santa rosa. ginning me is the manager of the program. you've got a value market here. and kids helping out here. >> we're feeding 78,000 people every month. everything is volunteer driven here. from the moment produce is unloaded to getting shipped out to sites, these are the reason we can keep up with food we need to get out into the community. so every part is important. >> that is amazing. 78,000 people is a huge number have you seen the needs increasing this year? >> absolutely. you know? there is a definite need that happens year round we've seen that rate in our county is one out of six. in the country it's one out of five. >> people not familiar with that term, explain what that means? >> most of us know what we're going to have and a lot of neighbors don't have that choice. so they're not secure in knowing where food or meal is coming from. >> thanks for joining us. we appreciate deeply the efforts that you make here. people need and are hungry have food insecurity you can help as well. texting the word feed to the number 80077 for a $ten donation. >> thank you. to give where you live go to the abc7 news facebook page. you can win a cash prize >> a week from tonight. >> yes. >> help us out. >> yes. we look at live doppler seven hd. high clouds starting to move n they'll be with us tonight, so temperatures will be a little bit higher tomorrow morning compared to this morning. traveling tahoe, 42 tomorrow, clouds, sunshine, if you're going to be heading to reno, 41 so mid-60s los angeles, san diego. morning low clouds and fog, then, sunshine here in the bay area nothing but sunshine after the morning low clouds. looking at the week head, temperatures 59 tomorrow, numbers inching up, right now computer models hinting low 70s tuesday. if this verifies we'll head into well above normal conditions going into next week. and accu-weather forecast spare the air again, tomorrow, temperatures coming up through the weekend and beyond. and as you look at that accu-weather forecast there is no rain on there. >> yes. >> we'll have to see. >> thank you. >> larry beil is here now >> sports snoont >> yes, sir. >> starting with giants winter meetings going on and making a keel for a new left fielder. great nickname i'll and why can you move the tv out here? the wireless receiver. i got that when i switched to u-verse. but why? because it's so much better than cable. it's got more hd channels, more dvr space. yeah, but i mean, how did you know? i researched. no, i-i told you. no. yeah! no. the importan and i got you this visor. you made a visor! yes! that i'll never wear. ohh. [ male announcer ] get u-verse tv for just $19 a month for two years with qualifying bundles. rethink possible. customer appreciation month at subway. we're saying thanks with two of your favorite six inch subs. the six-inch cold cut combo, or the six-inch meatball marinara, built fresh from the bread up for just $2 each all december long. subway. eat fresh. for just $2 each all december long. [s[man] no one told her,right?a. [son]hi! [mom screams] to those who've been waiting welcome to covered california. the place to find quality, affordable coverage, and nobody can be denied because of a pre-existing condition. enroll today at good evening, giants signed michael mores to a is 65, 245 nicknamed the beast. good nickname. and two years ago, 31 homers giants hoping he can regain that form. two weeks from tomorrow, washington and byu meets at at and t park. both teams finishing raiders quarterback, marcus tuiasosopo, our old buddy. this will be his first take as a head coach. do not expect his counter part to offer tips. >> that might be after the game. you know? there is from what i've seen and know about his career, he probably doesn't need tips and will do a great job. >> this is a great opportunity for me to experience that. and you know? you can never pick and choose how you want things to happen in this profession because things change, fast. >> the michael kim ascending to number one in world amateur rankings he was a golfer of the year this season first ever in cal. pack 12 player of the year finishes low amateur in 2013 u.s. open. behind him is patrick rogers a two time first team all american. cal's brendan hagge fifth in standings. in the warriors last two home games they've had to come back from huge deficits. down 27 to beat raptors last night, down 18. coming back to beat mavericks. we haven't seen him like this during a timeout. pointing a finger, i want more. steph curry monitor 4th quarter. and then, you don't go rung out to chest bump what. are you >> we're just trying to go defensively and offensively. >> warriors have sold out, talking about and helped this year. now, started to tell you about warriors selling out all 14,000 tickets this year. he showed up and saw brett cowaguchi. >> people with determination. the company going to have to let you go. we decided to get you season tickets. >> that is just a joke. wilson drafted by look yeez. 49ers and pretty much every team would love to see him pursue a long, fruitful career. like starting now. he's not going anywhere. >> yeah. >> okay. thank you, larry. >> join he mooe tonight at 9:00 lang armstrong naming names in his doping scandal the man armstrong says knew everything. >> then at 11:00 a holiday home coming months in the making. tonight a premature baby beating odds thanks to a mother who never gave up hope. >> we'll see you tonight at 9:00 and 11:00. that is all for the moment. >> thanks for joining us everyone. >> one final reminder now about abc7 news give where you live food drive live tonight at redwood empire food bank. this is a live picture, look at faces. >> we're urging you to text the word feed to make a $ten word feed to make a $ten donation. go to the facebook [s are simply better at home. like the enticing aroma and distinctive taste of nespresso. elegant capsules meet masterfully crafted machines, and one touch creates the perfect coffee, cappuccino, and latte. ♪ tempt all your senses with one extraordinary coffee. [ penélope cruz ] nespresso. what else? [ male announcer ] discover the world of nespresso on grant avenue and -- captions by vitac -- this is "jeopardy!" today's contestants are an air force officer from columbia, maryland... a high school history teacher from cambridge, massachusetts... and our returning champion -- an attorney from washington, d.c... whose 2-day cash winnings total... and now here is the host of "jeopardy!" -- alex trebek! thank you, johnny. thank you, ladies and gentlemen, and welcome to our show. i'm often asked, "where do the brightest 'jeopardy!' contestants come from?" well, the truth is, there are bright people all over the country. but our nation's capital, washington, d.c., seems to attract more than its fair share of very bright people. case in point -- meredith, our current champion. rachel and woody are the newcomers to challenge her. good luck and welcome. here we go into the jeopardy! round. and here come the categories for you. first off... 20th century literary titles. followed by... with "water" in quotation marks. all right, champ. let's go with the killing for $200. who is oedipus? the killing for $400. what is italy? uh, the killing for $600, please.


Transcripts For KGO ABC7 News 600AM 20140306

bay. clouds open up, hang out low- to mid-60s through the afternoon, isolated shower possible. fade into the evening sky. drizzle and fog at the coast this morning, drier, run in the low 60s with a slight chan of a shower there. i think really our best chance will be north bay mountains and east bay, if we see anything develop this afternoon. how about that morning commute. hi, sue. >> good morning, not a good one if you're traveling east shore freeway. a new accident for you, westbound 80 right before emeryville exit, mcarthur maze. lets take a live shot outside. three lanes blocked. you can see flares out. chp on the scene. multi-cars blocking the left lane, shoulder, right lane, on the shoulder up here you can see another car. lanes are squeezing down from five to three. traffic is now backing towards gillman and golden gate field. chp looking for three flatbed tow trucks. earlier stall on the bay bridge. that's cleared. that's good news. metering lights not on. this will jam up east shore commute. no good alternate. perhaps b.a.r.t. a major road closed following a deadly pedestrian accident. reporter nick smith live at expressway. nick. >> reporter: an adult male found unconscious feet from where i'm standing now. this is what we know now. take a look at some of the video we not last night. san jose police tell us the man was killed when he was hit by a car around 9:00 p.m. police received a call from 911. when they got here they found a male unconscious on the ground. the victim pronounced dead at the scene a short time later. police say the driver who struck the man did stay at the scene and is cooperating with investigators and has not been cited. they are not releasing the name until they contact next of kin. they do believe the victim might have under the influence of drugs or alcohol. this is still or alcohol. this should not impact the morning commute. nick smithish abc 7 news. thank you, nick. more developing news, a 7th grade student under arrest accused of sexually abusing students. ronald guinto arrested at mira vista school. an ongoing investigation in the molestation allegations began in november while he was teaching at making waves academy. police say a background check found nothing to prevent him from working with children. abc news reporter amy hollyfield will be live with the latest in the next half hour. >> the sheriff's department asking for help trying to find a missing man. tyrone carter vanished two weeks ago. he didn't show up to work february 21st and has not contacted his family, kids, or friends every since. last seen driving 1994 van, 3jrl 928 license plate. may have been heading to palmdale or lancaster in los angeles county, possibly to meet up with an unknown woman. a california woman in the hospital after spending 15 hours stranded in a deflated dinghy in the monterey bay. now we're hearing from the fisherman who helped rescue here. katie marzullo live in the newsroom with the story. katie. >> the 45-year-old woman is being treated for hypothermia. coast guard officials say her lifejacket really did save her life. when you hear the details you'll understand how dire it could have been for her. take a look at the map. coast guard said she left from monterey wharf and was discovered a mile and a half off lovers point in pacific grove. the coast guard said the woman from san diego went out in a motorized inflatable boat to watch the sun set tuesday. at some point the boat started to lose air, motor fell off and it got dark and foggy. she shot off emergency flares that couldn't be seen in the fog. a crab boat spotted her and got her out of the water. >> that was the problem. the fog came in on her last night. she didn't know where she was or where to go or anything. >> rickets said he always keeps an eye out for anything suspicious. ultimately the coast guard got her out of the water and monterey firefighters got her to shore. no one reported her missing. the full story of her ordeal fuzzy this morning because of her condition. live in the newsroom katie marzullo, abc 7 news. thanks. happening now, the first day of the conservative political action conference or cpac under way outside washington, d.c. you're looking at a live picture from national harbor, maryland where top gop leaders are gathering for the annual meeting. you can see texas senator ted cruz on the stage speaking right now. the cpac brings in prospective presidential candidates. speakers may be eyeing a run in 2016. among speakers as we mentioned texas senator ted cruz, pennsylvania senator pat toomey, wisconsin congressman and former vice presidential candidate paul ryan, new jersey governor chris christie, louisiana governor bobby jindal and florida senator marco rubio. former vice presidential candidate sarah palin is also expected to speak. new this morning as republicans gather at cpac, abc news "washington post" poll shows strong support for hillary clinton and her possible presidential bid. the poll finds two-thirds of americans would consider supporting clinton for president. a quarter of americans say they would definitely support the former first lady, senator, and secretary of state. also new this morning, lawmakers in the embattled crimea region of ukraine will hold a vote 10 days from now to decide whether crimea should become part of russia. the new leader of the region said pro russian forces control all access to the strategic peninsula and blockaded all ukrainian military base that is have not yesterday surrendered. meanwhile diplomatic efforts continue. meanwhile yesterday's talks in paris went nowhere. secretary of state john kerry is expected to sit down again today with russia's foreign minister. >> oakland mayor delivers her third state of the city address at the oakland city council chambers. she's expected to call for building more than 7,000 housing units across the city, take advantage of the region's booming housing market. according to chronicle announce a companion plan to jerry brown's successful proposal to bring new residents to the uptown area. the mayor says fast action needed as people leave san francisco and other expensive cities in search of lower rent. starting to dry off. this time we will be able to put aside umbrella for a while. >> sure hope so. other than stray shower possible this afternoon, definitely things are much quieter. still a little drizzle possible for the morning commute. take a look at rainfall amount. san jose. hey, the 6:00 ferry leaving at 6:08. a little behind, .15 sfo, .25 downtown, a third napa, .2, three-quarters santa rosa. moisture, visibility in santa rosa and mile and a half, mile quarter, dropped down in san jose. that's where we're finding worst visibilities. as far as forecast, beautiful, clouds around east bay hills this morning nestled in there, nice calm and cozy. by friday, saturday, a lot of sunshine, heat index, temperatures near 70, coast low- to mid-70s. chance of rain in the afternoon hours sunday, for the rest of us monday morning. be careful out there. here is sue. >> please do. a couple of things happening, first danville where we've got this accident northbound 680 before diablo. a truck blocking. see green watches. that is where weather affecting the roadways. not necessarily rain right now but slick roads. please use extra caution. live shot, this accident in emeryville. it is just before mcarthur maze. left lanes blocked, seven vehicles involved. major back-up, right shoulder, another car up here. all cars have damage. they called for three flatbed tow trucks. you're looking at a 25-minute drive from richmond to mcarthur maze. once again, there really is no good alternate. major delays this morning. b.a.r.t. running on time. that might be a good one if you're an east bay commuter, matt, kristen. >> thank you, sue. time now, coming up daredevil landing bay area activist in jail. we'll show you what they did. coming up first, is safe way close to a sale? a company that could finalize a deal this week and what's holding up the purchase. >> get this. a man takes photos of women's skirts and judges say it's okay. the legal loophole behind the controversy. and the first thing that came to mind is, "can i afford to go to the hospital?" now that i've got covered california, i know that if something happens to me that i'm covered. i'm in. [ female announcer ] everyone deserves health insurance. are you in? visit and get covered today. time at 6:13, new details this morning on the sale of pleasanton gosh giant safe way. the deal could be finalized this week. "wall street journal" server capital management is hoping to lock up a deal to buy the chain. the sale has been complicated by kroger's bid to buy safe way. kroger is the largest chain. experts say they will probably win the battle because kroger safe way battle could cause antitrust concerns. a lot of talk this morning after a judge ruled it's okay for a man to take photos up women's skirts. massachusetts highest court said a man who took photos did not violate law. they say they were legal because they were not nude or partially nude. the court added while upskirt photos should be legal the state law is not written that way. three california men out on bond after taking part in daredevil stunt to protest large consumer products companies. they are accused of using a zip line to unfurl this outside procter & gamble in ohio. the protesters in greenpeace calling attention to palm oil in products. they say palm oil comes to a supplier tied to tropical force destruction. in cincinnati, three northern california men are identified as 34-year-old charles long of oakland, 22-year-old shawn o'brien also of oakland and 28-year-old tyler sanville of santa cruz. we've got some big problems out there for commuters especially westbound 80. lets check in with sue hall on the very latest on the huge accident. >> the very latest is, it is cleared from lanes. that is good news. we'll get to that live shot in a second. we do have an accident in danville area. this is past diablo, a truck blocking right lane of traffic. right on that curve, difficult to see. see the sensors. green on the map means slick road conditions out there. not necessarily rain but bad driving conditions, use extra caution. lets go back to 80 emeryville, a live shot. the accident, multi-cars left lane just east of powell. that's been cleared. your back-up now all the way to richmond, el cerrito. i just checked drive time, 35 minutes to get into the mcarthur maze. no delays once you get to toll plaza. metering lights just turned on. that will change shortly. good news is all lanes cleared emeryville. that hopefully will lighten things for east bay commute. mike up on the roof with a look at the weather. >> a damp look, too. thank you very much. still pretty damp out here, a lot of residual moisture on the ground. a little trying to fall from the sky. skies getting thinner. we can see a few breaks behind me in the cloud cover. i think for the most part going to stay cloudy with drizzle through 9:00. where are those thunderstorms from last night? over in the southern sierra creating thunderstorms and thundersnow. heavy, fast falling snow around yosemite village, mammoth lake and lone pines. thicker clouds across the north bay and a break behind that. once we get that sun to come out, that's when we're going to see atmosphere get dicey, a chance of stray shower develop towards the lunch hour and into the afternoon. taking b.a.r.t. low- to mid-50s, no matter what station you're going to or heading from or leaving from or wherever you're going. it's all mild this morning. here is a look, see pretty clear over san francisco. clouds in the distance, brighter with isolated showers possible. sunday night into monday mainly across north bay. sunny and warmer next week. not too bad, temperatures mid to upper 60s, upper 50s to low 60s. during the overnight hours going to be cooler by 5 to 10 degrees. low 40s north bay mid to upper 40s through the bayshore out to the coast. san francisco about 50 degrees. here is what happened during the last 12 hours. see the front going through. not completely clear behind. westerly flow that will keep the moisture in place through the early afternoon hours. we'll get drier, the air will, as we head through the afternoon. energy created from the sun in the natural lift by the wind hitting our mountains is why you see frequent he would nature of showers across north bay by noon. then for the rest of us noon once the sun sets threat is over. clearing skies and fog will wait for us more so tomorrow than this morning. jumping ahead to 10:00 sunday morning rain around mendocino, lake counties. it will take until afternoon and evening hours to dip down into the north bay. drizzle monday morning for all of us. monday afternoon, it's gone. a very light chance. in between, friday and saturday, heat index and sunshine, spring warmth 70, coast low- to mid-60s. lose that hour, saturday night into sunday. even warmer with more sunshine tuesday, wednesday of next week. a lot of snowfall in the sierra last 48 hours. lets get that ski report from sue. >> toyota tahoe report for you now. yes, the snow has been falling. the base at squaw valley, 3 feet. three-hour drive, no chains required on 80 or 50 this hour. alpine up to 6 foot base and heavenly has a little over 5 feet for their base as well. a pretty good ride up there. lets take a look at other resorts, sierra at tahoe, just over 7 feet. a nice snow base there. about 10 new inches in the last 72 hours. no chains required here. homewood just there last weekend, skiing really good. a little over 4 1/2 feet at the base. the summit looking at 4 foot base as well and a nice three-hour drive. there's a look at tahoe toyota report. here is matt and kristen. >> thank you, sue. your smartphone is a target as a certain type of attack is up 400% in just over a year. >> new at 6:30, how this attack works and how you can protect sensitive information on your phone. >> coming up, a security loophole with playstation 4. how children acting with inap and i know there are many myths out there about a reverse mortgage, so i want you to know the facts. there are currently no credit score or income requirements to qualify. you can get tax-free money from the equity in your home. you can use the money to pay off your current mortgage if you have one. the remaining money can be used for anything. there's no monthly mortgage payments. and you still own your home! call today to get your free guide and dvd. it explains how a government-insured reverse mortgage works. there's no obligation. one reverse mortgage is a quicken loans company. their licensed experts can answer all your questions. call to find out what a great solution this can be. don't wait, call now! sue hall live, looking at 80s westbound east shore freeway, earlier accident just before the maze. look at the damage it's done. 40 minutes richland, el cerrito, metering lights have been turned on. >> new playstation a hit with gamers, young and old. loophole could expose children to inappropriate content. >> partnered exclusively with 7 on your side to reveal what parents can do to protect your kids. here is michael finney. >> reporter: hey, good morning. the sony playstation 4 is one of the hottest selling gaming systems. its parental controls can restrict content you might not want your children to see like violent games or adult content. but consumer report says you could be surprised by what the pl 4 parental controls do allow. >> playstation 4's nba game is a favorite among these teams. some playstation 4 games are strictly off limits. >> i make sure they are playing games i think are not too violent. >> you can block kids from playing games with parental controls. in consumer reports lab testers discovered there's other content you can't easily restrict. >> playstation 4 lets them live stream any game they are playing, including adult games or mature rated games. kids can view those live streams and comment on them and see here people's comments even if you have parental controls on. >> also potentially disturbing, preloaded on ps 4. users who own playstation 4 camera can use it to capture video in their own living rooms and share it across playstation network. >> anything goes. those are available to view even if parental controls are cranked up to the maximum limit. >> you may feel safe if you have disabled internet browser in parental controls. testers found that didn't block live screen video either. sony's website does provide instructions for blocking the live stream or user generated content. >> it involves setting up what sony calls a subaccount for your child. we found it wasn't a very intuitive process. >> consumer report says there are multiple steps and it isn't very clear. >> that was 7 on your side's michael finney reporting. we contacted sony and a playstation spokesperson told us playstation 4 is designed to help gamers share game play through popular social channels. it's unfortunate individuals may abuse this and share inappropriate content. experienced in monitoring and violating terms of service. we're working in full cooperation to minnize instance. ps 4 allows owners to block zubrus accounts from social media. if you have playstation 4 you can get step by step how to block live content on the news continues at 6:30 with today's top stories. >> including soaker sweeping through the bay area late last night bringing heavy downpours. we'll show you the hardest-hit areas. >> a suspected child molester was fired from one richmond school and hired by another. that story coming up. a look at live doppler 7. thunderstorms from last night gone. drizzle for the morning commute. we'll talk about warm weather before another chance of rain this weekend in accuweather seven-day forecast. slick roads out there. you're looking at the metering lights on at the bay bridge. looks like fasttrack and commuter lanes are getting by pretty nicely. earlier accidents in emeryville resulted in this back-up, backed up to el cerrito to richmond, about a 40-minute drive there to th n philadelphia you can access a philly cheesesteak anytime, day or night. just like you can acce anytime, day or night. there is only one way to celebrate this unique similarity. witness the cheesesteak shuffle. ♪ cheesesteak, cheesesteak ♪ ♪ it's the cheesesteak shuffle! huh! ♪ ♪ every day, all day, cheesesteak, cheesesteak! ♪ ♪ every night, all night cheesesteak, cheesesteak! ♪ ♪ 9 a.m. cheesesteak! ♪ 2 p.m. cheesesteak! ♪ 4 a.m. cheesesteak! ♪ any time (ruh!) >>geico. fifteen minutes could save you fifteen percent or more on car insurance. good thursday morning. it's 6:29. lets take a live picture. you can see off in the distance mount diablo. see some clouds sitting over the mountain and over the region right now. that's what we have. getting through some soaking rain overnight. thanks for joining us. i'm kristen sze. >> i'm matt keller. we saw heavy downpours, then showers and drizzle, some places might be dry. >> lets get more from meteorologist mike nicco. >> lets take a look behind, a few breaks in cloud cover but mostly overcast. might be a sight for sore eyes if tired of driving through the wet weather you can see green stuff is moving away. that's what's left of last night's rain. day planner, cloudy, mild, 50s, patchy drizzle, fog, up in the north bay and along the coast. clouds will open up by noon. high clouds and sunshine upper 50s, low 60s, chance of shower. low- to mid-60s for the rest of us. once the sun sets, the chance of that shower will fade mid to upper 50s. i don't know what that is. i don't know if you heard it or not. >> thanks, mike. we're going back now to the danville area. we had an earlier accident northbound 680 right at diablo. that's been cleared. green patches, that's meaning dangerous road conditions. not necessarily raining now but looking at slick roads. here is a look at drive times antioch to hercules 40 minutes. this is a real ground east shore, an earlier accident in emeryville, 45-minute drive to san jose. not bad from 85 to san jose airport and quick look at 80 berkeley, residual back-up from the earlier accident. there it is, bumper to bumper accident gone. you're looking at that long drive from el cerrito into mcarthur. bell will ring at mira vista school in two hours. students are returning to campus after finding out one of their teachers is accused of sexual abuse. abc reporter amy hollyfield live with the reason this investigation spans two campuses. amy. >> reporter: kristen, parents at making waves academy say it was widely known the teacher was being investigated for possibly molesting children. all parents got a letter. the question is why didn't anyone at mira vista elementary know. mira vista hired 32-year-old ronald guinto, even this he was being investigated for child molestation at another school. guinto was fired from making waves academy in november when police opened an investigation but he managed to get a job at mira vista. the principal said the background check came back clean and no history of crime. >> two months mr. gint okay was here, there were obviously no red flags. obviously we would have acted on it at that point. he interacted well with the students. again, it's early in the process. >> reporter: guinto is now charged with 14 counts of child molestation. his bail has been set at $1.4 million. now people are wondering if there are any victims here at mira vista. there have been no complaints but the investigation continues. reporting live in richmond, amy hollyfield, abc 7 news. thank you, amy. new this morning a major road in san jose is back open after police wrapped up their investigation of a fatal accident. a man was hit and killed as he walked near the intersection of almedan and fox worthy. one lane was shut down most of the night. police say the driver remained at the scene and cooperated with them. the victim's name has not been released. set to unveil plans to boost pedestrian safety in the city. a near record 21 pedestrians lost their lives in collisions last year. five have been killed so far this year. mayor lee is expected to implement recommendations from a partnership of city agencies raymond at reducing accidents. it's seeking improvements first in the downtown, tenderloin and south market areas where 60% of severe and fatal pedestrian accidents occur. now to our stormwatch coverage. the bay area is mopping up this morning after the soaker last night. it produced serious downpours for a short time. take a look at the rain coming down hard in the embarcadero in san francisco. lightning flashed and thunder rumbled in east bay. this was shot last night in martinez looking towards pleasant hill. fast-moving front brought much needed rain to the north bay. rivers and streams running higher, sonoma county reservoirs are still below normal. more rain needed so livestock can feed into the summer months. petaluma mayor glass says north bay will take every drop. >> we're dependent on agriculture. we need at this point the fields to be irrigated so the grazing can be restored. >> residents in sonoma county are being asked to conserve water by 20%. you can track the rain in the bay area using live doppler 7 hd using weather app, download on the website, drought was a topic during meeting with israeli prime minister benjamin netanyahu in mountain view. the two at the computer history museum to sign a memorial of understanding emphasizing joint interest in water conservation, energy and cyber security. israel is a leader in construction of plants that converts saltwater to drinkable water. prime minister netanyahu said the country's technology can be used to help eliminate california's drought. embarcadero marking a year since the bay lights display was first illuminated on the western span of the bridge. all 20,000 of the led bulbs will be turned off. organizers say the bridge will be dark corner of market street, doors open at 9:00 this morning. if you're hard core shopper, get there an hour early and could win a $1,000 gift card. the store is giving 30 $100 gift cards. it's known for designer brands at discount prices. it's serving breakfast and other treats to celebrate today's grand opening. the new san francisco location is one of 11 racks opening in the u.s. this year. i know a lot of you like to go to the one around 10th and brannon. that will still be there. >> maybe shorter lines at both because there's two now. >> yes. >> time, 6:37. a story of survival. hear from a man who helped rescue a woman who spent 15 hourings in a deflated dinghy. a petition under way to get oregon an nfl team. the question everyone is asking, will it be the raiders. >> a look outside at the san mateo bridge, see some red lights out there, damp roads around there. mike nicco will let you know if we're going to see showers move on out. traffic and weather together next as the abc 7 morning news continues. [ male announcer ] this is smooth and precise on-road handling. this is easy-to-use off-road capability when you need it. this is seventy and counting safety and security features. ♪ this is total confidence and comfort. in the middle of crowds or in the middle of nowhere. this is the freedom to keep chasing all the horizons you want. introducing the all-new 2014 jeep cherokee. ♪ good thursday morning from the roof where it's kind of damp, leftover moisture from last night's rain and thunderstorms. just drizzle falling now. none of it here in the immediate sideline in berkeley, oregon. lets go to piedmont, guess who is putting in overtime today. going over to elementary to talk to fifth graders. drizzle, 56, heading home, students, about 64. we're going to have some fun. get ready. have some great questions and we'll learn a lot about weather. speaking of oakland, lets look at next week. look at this roller coaster. today 56, still above average, 70s over the weekend. chance of rain monday morning, back into the 70s next week. temperatures well above average. traveling around the state, southern sierra, that's where the showers and snow showers are. those are going to fall apart. a few showers around tahoe today, in fact rain right now, 45 at lake level. up to 47, mid-50s through chico and sacramento, 73 in los angeles. thankfully things are starting to calm down a little bit if you're traveling. staying here at home, here is sue. >> thanks, mike. fyi, if you're headed to tahoe, no chains required there. we've got an accident -- well, actually the accident is gone but residual back-up from the earlier accident in emeryville, a live look outside. those headlights backed all the way up to mcarthur maze. from el cerrito, looking at a 47-minute drive, make it almost 50 minutes from san pablo to mcarthur maze. accident gone, earlier stall now gone. but as you can see, the back-up remains. here is what the toll plaza looks like. metering lights on, fasttrack getting through okay. commuter lanes, that's the best way to go. back into the mcarthur maze here, stretch for east bay commuters this morning. kristen, matt. >> 6:42. major retailer announces its closing hundreds of stores. we'll bring you the details. >> are you putting your smartphone at risk. the common mistake people are making. >> coming up first, a 15 hour ordeal for a woman stranded in chilly water. this morning we're hearing from the captain who helped pull the woman to safety in monterey bay. ♪ [ male announcer ] spring is calling. save 25% when you buy two scotts fertilizers -- one to use now and one for later. new details this morning on the woman pulled from the water of the monterey bay after being stranded for 15 hours. >> she's still in the hospital. the crews is telling their story. abc news reporter katie marzullo joins us live. katie. >> a captain of a crab boat helped pull the woman from the water. not a hero, just someone who keeps an eye out for something suspicious. in this case, that something suspicious was a 45-year-old woman from san diego clinging to a deflated dinghy. coast guard said she left from monterey wharf. coast guard said the woman went out in the motorized inflatable boat to watch sunset tuesday. at some point the boat started to lose air, the motor fell off and it got very foggy, not to mention dark and cold. she apparently shot off a few flares, but no one saw them. some 15 hours later, they spotted her, called 911, tried to get her out of the water themselves. they say it was hard. she was soaking wet. >> like i said, from the looks of her skin, she still had some red in her and stuff, so she must have been swimming. >> ultimately the coast guard got her out of the water and monterey firefighters brought her to shore. this was just before can the 9:30. rescuers say the lifejacket she was wearing likely saved her life. the details of her ordeal still a little fuzzy because of her condition. she's treated for hypothermia. live in the newsroom, katie marzullo. abc 7 news. >> thank you, katie. a new study on computer viruses says pornography is no longer leading source of malware on mobile devices. according to online security form blue coat hackers are more likely to use mobile ads to affect your smartphone than poor. the report said malicious ads made up 20% of attacks on smart phones from a whopping 20% in 2012. poor porn is responsible for 16%. the best thing to do is avoid vehicling on ads. oakland raiders appear to be on the short list, usa sports report oakland raiders with lease ends after 2014 season and the season of portland is waiting to just pounce on it as an opportunity. fans are petitioning the governor, who are on to pursue the possibility. no specific team is named in the petition but it does ask the question, the oregon raiders? >> that doesn't sound right. >> portland raiders. so far 2,000 people signed it. >> they can stay here. trading under way on wall street. lets take a live look at the big board. you can see the dow up 61 points so far. staples says it will close 225 stores by the end of next year as part of a plan to cut costs by $500 million. staples says half the sales generated online. store closing will make it more efficient. affected stores in north america and amount to 10% of its 2200 stores worldwide. playing with barbie could limit how girls view their career choices. that's according to an experiment conducted by oregon state university researcher. a group of 4 to 7-year-old girls were assigned to play with a barbie doll or mrs. potato head. after a few minutes the girls were asked about careers. the researcher reports that girl who played with barbie thought they could do fewer jobs than boys could do. the girls with mrs. potato head thought they could do about the same. the smell of bacon helps you drag your tired self out of bed, this might just be the ticket for you. oscar mayer came up with a device that plugs into the bottom of your iphone. you set the alarm. when it goes off it releases the smell of frying bacon into the room. oscar mayer posting a contest to win the device. we posted it on it sounds too good to be true. if you win, let us know. i think it's a big tease, wake up to the smell of bacon with no bacon. >> that technology out there now? i'm sure someone is working on it. >> i'm sure there's some company doing that. >> pretty nice out there, mike? >> definitely take some of the sting out of the air. good morning. top of the abc 7 broadcast center trying to find sunshine. see thickness in the cloud cover, drizzle a possibility through 9:00, then clouds continue. look at rainfall amounts in san jose. 200 to a tenth of a quarter of an inch, half moon, third inch in concord, half in napa and three-quarters in santa rosa, the big winner. here is what's been happening this morning. you can see high clouds rolling through, radar few and far between, not much rain. east bills, hills, hiking 48 degrees. everybody else low- to mid-50s. up in the north bay we had some clearing. santa rosa and nafovato. everybody in the mid-50s, oakland, san jose, san carlos, heyward 54 and mountain view the warm shot 57. the way it looks. doesn't it look cool? the fog in the valleys, sun coming up over the other clouds in the background. san jose, a little wet down there, residual moisture, pretty dry. isolated shower possible. sunday night into monday, sunny and warmer next week. today's temperatures not too bad. they are above average, mid to upper 50s. upper 50s to low 60s at the coast. tonight 5 to 10 degrees cooler. look at the patchy fog that's going to develop for tomorrow morning's commute. that will be the big challenge. low- to mid-40s, mid to upper 40s elsewhere. san francisco at 50. here is what happened overnight. cold front came through kind of angrily. maybe woke you up. i heard a couple of collapse of thunder. ears are tuned to that for some reason. not completely dry behind the front. when the sun comes out and a chunk of energy isolated chance of shower, from now to noon in the north bay. then the rest of us through 5:00 and dissipates as it heads to the evening and overnight hours. that's what allows the fog to form. as far as what's going to happen this weekend, wait until sunday for a chance of light rain. the better chance overnight through monday morning and then it's gone and it won't leave very much behind. accuweather seven-day forecast. we're going to make a run at 70 tomorrow and saturday, low- to mid-60s. daylight saving, lose the hour of sleep saturday night. warmer weather and brighter skies tuesday and wednesday of next week. hope you have a great day. put the umbrella away for now until possible sunday. sue. >> thanks, mike. go to heyward, southbound 880 before a street, multi-vehicle accident blocking middle lanes. you can see very slow traffic past highway 92 and on into union city. a live look outside 80 berkeley. the result of an earlier accident at emeryville starting to loosen up a little bit. still a 45-minute drive from san pablo mcarthur maze. metering lights on. san mateo bridge where we have an accident before the toll plaza. off to the shoulder, a pickup truck and car. you can see traffic going pretty nicely, a few brake lights as you make your way towards the highrise, which is in a little bit of fog right now. if you're headed to santa cruz mountains, reports of a stalled big rig southbound. a reason for slow traffic blocking the slow lane. kristen, matt. >> that will cause problems. thank you, sue. time is 6:53. ahead seven things to know before you go. >> abc 7 news returns in 60 seconds so stay with us. 6:54 as we get ready to hand things off to "good morning america." seven things to know before you go. number one richmond middle school teacher facing charges of sexually abusing students. 32-year-old ronald guinto arrested at mira vista for allegations stemming from another school where he taught last year. number two, police investigating a fatal accident, walked near fox worthy avenue near 9:00 last night. >> number three, oakland mayor set to deliver her third state of the city address at the oakland city chambers. she's going to call for building 7,000 housing units across oakland to take advantage of the bay area's booming housing market. number four, a group of third graders smoking marijuana in the school bathroom. they will soon learn if they would be expelled. third graders at sonora elementary school in stockton. number five, strong support for hillary clinton and her possible presidential bid. the poll finds two-thirds of americans would consider supporting clinton for president. seeing fog up in the north bay. number six, foggy and drizzly start, fog and visibility there. look at temperatures, hang out mainly in mid to upper 60s at the coast, right around 60. a stray shower is possible. and number seven, we're looking at a big back-up in the east shore freeway due to an earlier accident at emeryville. 50 minutes now from el a back up in the lanes. twitter, facebook and all your mobile devices. back in 25 minutes with news, weather and traffic during "good morning america." have a great day and we'll see you back here tomorrow morning. good morning, america. breaking for our viewers in the west. the president raises the stakes in the showdown with russia over the ukraine. new sanctions authorized this morning as the pentagon launches more fighter jets over the region. breaking overnight, this man and his wife and daughter behind bars charged with shoplifting $7 million from the american girl doll to steak knives and selling it all on ebay. how the feds say they allegedly got away with it for so long. she's like having psychosis or something. >> a startling 911 call from a woman hours before a mother drove her mini van into the ocean at daytona beach with her three children at her side. we'll hear from the rescuers this morning. ♪ i've got the eye of the tiger ready to roar, "the crocodile hunter'sda


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we've got some pretty big changes on the way for sunday. all right, moderate changes. stay tuned. i'll have that for you with the seven-day forecast in a few. >> thank you, lisa. breaking news this morning. a desperate search is on for a boeing 777 that disappeared from air traffic control streams over waters between malaysia and vietnam. just within the past 30 minutes a report that vietnam air force planes have spotted two oil slicks in the water. the slicks were spotted off the southern tip of vietnam stretching between six and nine miles long. air traffic controllers lost contact with the malaysia airlines flight over the south china sea last night leaving the fate of 239 people in doubt. >> reporter: malaysia airlines flight mh 370 with 239 aboard broke radar contact in mid-air bound from kwa a la lamb purr to beijing. the airline says it lost touch with the boeing 777 200 aircraft about two hours after takeoff reportedly over vietnamese airspace. the ceo of malaysia airlines made the grim announcement on its facebook page saying we deeply regreet we have lost all contact with flight mh 370. the airline said there were 14 nationalities among the 227 passengers. three americans, including one infant. >> we are doing everything that we can to ensure that every possible angle in this situation is addressed. a >> reporter: experts say the circumstances are ominous. >> this is very rare. for an airplane to disappear is not normal. i think we have at this hour every reason to expect that this is not going to be a good outcome. >> reporter: so many questions swarm around this mystery. the beijing airport initially listed the flight as delayed but it was far worse. later, anxious relatives gathered at a hotel awaiting news on the plane. located the jetliner and any possible survivors may be difficult. >> there is a chance that this aircraft went down in the water which is going to make the rescue or make the recovery efforts that much harder. >> reporter: painful efforts that have only just begun. abc news, new york. now here's a look at the passenger list from the flight released by beijing airport. there are four americans on-board. the "l.a. times" is reporting the names of three people carrying u.s. passports. 50-year-old philip wood, 3-year-old nicole meng and leo. the pilot had more than 18,000 flying hours. he joined malaysian airlines in 1991. the plane is 11 years 10 months old. malaysia airlines is an award winning carrier, it has not had an accident since 1995 when the crash killed 34 out of 53 people on-board a plane. now to a bay area story getting national attention. kathy zimmer was found dead in the back seat of her car 25 years ago and after all that time, two arrests have finally been made in this case. abc 7 news reporter sergio. >> reporter: is the quilt found along with kathy zimmer. it's sparked new interest in this 25-year-old case. >> we felt that it was time to put it out there to see what kind of response we could get. we did get an overwhelming response of people trying to help. >> reporter: the 39-year-old mother of two had been strangled in 199. police discovered her car a chrysler new yorker in a parking structure at san jose international airport. the quilt was draped over her body in the back seat. >> we feel that at this time he we have the two people responsible for her murder. her husband at the time, david zimmer, and his brother, robert zimmer, are both now in custody. >> reporter: david zimmer was arrested and booked into the santa clara county jail on murder charges. the prosecutor on this case says zimmer's former husband is implicated because of financial gains following her death. >> life insurance policies, sale of the home. so yes, we do believe there is a financial motive here, yes. >> reporter: investigators say dna samples taken from kathy zimmer's clothing is what implicated her husband's brother, robert zimmer. a school in oakland went on lockdown yesterday while police searched for a man believed to have sexually assaulted a young girl. sky 7 hd shows police responding to world academy in east oakland yesterday afternoon. a 7-year-old girl told police a stranger on campus touched her inappropriately. despite the lockdown, police were unable to track down this person. opd is now offering a $2,500 reward to help find him. startling new details about a teacher accused of molesting several children. yesterday 32-year-old ronald ginto was charged with 27 felonies. his bail is set at $17 million. he's pleaded not guilty. investigators believe he molested six boys, ages 11 to 13, all students at making waves academy in richmond. it happened during several camping trips where ginto was the only chaperone. he was fired in november, but then hired at another school this january. the president of the school district told abc news ginto planned to take six more boys on a secret trip to yosemite next month and went to great lengths to make it happen. >> he had falsified the principal's signature on the list -- on the form, student study form. unbeknownst to us, we had no idea this was going on. i know we dodged a bullet. >> the district has now proposing changing its hiring practices. administrators did not call making waves academy as part of ginto's background check. the university of california has announced a new system wide sexual assault policy. it is in response to the claims by several female students that their sexual assault claims have been ignored. the new policy includes expanded sexual assault training and education, increased reporting requirements, and broader protections for victims of sexual violence and harassment. police are asking for the public's help to identify a man who robbed a woman at gunpoint at an atm. this is a picture of the robber, freemont police say he confronted a woman outside bank of america on freemont boulevard thursday morning. he flashed a gun at the woman, took the money she'd withdrawn and forced her to pull out more cash. the man then took off in a red toyota corolla with utah license plates. four central european nations are urging the u.s. to boost natural gas exports on the possibility russia could cut off its supply of gas to ukraine. ukraine is heavily dependent on russian gas. previous disputes between the two countries have led to gas supply cuts. meanwhile, tensions remain high in ukraine after pro-russian troops advanced on to a military base on crimea yesterday. several ukrainian troops barricaded themselves inside a barracks. the pro-russian troops eventually withdrew. there are new questions this morning about the snipers who contributed to last month's bloodbath in kiev. ooh cranian authorities are now focusing on russia using the gun men to create a pretext for a military incursion. a search continues in sla know county for a missing woman who suffers from memory problems. victoria mueller palomino was last seen yesterday morning. she is considered at risk because she lost most of her short-term memory when she suffered a brain aneurism. police don't know if she's been the victim of a crime or drove off. dozen of trees were removed from a park it to protect natural gas pipelines. nearly 70 trees at san lorenzo community park, also known as duck pond park, were taken out in the last month. pg&e just removed 35 more at the park district's request. roots can cause damaged pipelines. the removal is in response to the 2010 san bruno gas line explosion that killed eight people. the move to build a traffic median on the golden gate bridge takes another step forward. according to the marin independent journal, district officials are taking contract bids for work related to the project. it would include the demolition of four toll booths to make room for the barrier, as well as installation of crash cushions at the flaz. toll plaza. barriers could be installed as soon as on the. 5:09. we'll send it up to the roof. lisa, what's coming up in the forecast? >> we're a little cool this morning and some fog in our north bay valleys. otherwise, we're 52 right now. this is the view from high above. we have the other afternoon highs and talk about rain visiting us before the end of the weekend all coming up. >> lisa, thank you. also next, a health care on treasure island. why a san francisco fire squadron has been forced to move out. and some of the newest examples of wearable technology and why some of them are raising privacy concerns. we love this k! what's next? great! do you have measurements? yeah, i paced it off. it's about twenty by twelve of these. so, we can measure, plan and install it for you. yea, let's do that! ikea. professional kitchen services at a low price. ♪ turn around ♪ every now and then i get a little bit hungry ♪ ♪ and there's nothing really good around ♪ ♪ turn around ♪ every now and then i get a little bit tired ♪ ♪ of living off the taste of the air ♪ ♪ turn around, barry ♪ finally, i have a manly chocolatey snack ♪ ♪ and fiber so my wife won't give me any more flack ♪ ♪ i finally found the right snack ♪ ♪ ♪ [ male announcer ] spring is calling. save 25% when you buy two scotts fertilizers -- one to use now and one for later. ♪ ♪ it takes two to make it outta sight ♪ ♪ ♪ it takes two to make a thing go right ♪ ♪ ♪ it takes two to make it outta sight ♪ ♪ [ female announcer ] only yoplait light and yoplait greek 100 are endorsed by weight watchers. so many delicious flavors that taste outta sight. so many delicious flavors woah, this k l! the tour. give him the tour. let me show you! soft-close drawers, farm sink! where's my room? we had to take just a little bit for the kitchen. because your kitchen dreams can be big. ikea has it all. a tragic story out of the midwest. a gun inside a sock at a thrift store in chicago went off killing a mother of two. 54-year-old maria dominguez died yesterday morning after being shot in the chest. she and a male co-worker were going through donated clothes when she shook out a sock and t the.22 caliber handgun fell out and somehow went off. dominguez had had work for the company for 25 years. she was married with two children. police are treating the shooting as an accident. dinner for a florida family turned into a long and terrible trip because their steaks were laced with lsd. the family of four, including two children, ages 6 and 7, purchased the meat from walmart. shortly after dinner, they started hallucinating and had to be rushed to the hospital. the mother was nine months pregnant. she had to have her labor induced. the baby though was born healthy and the family is now okay. police say walmart is cooperating with the investigation. san francisco fire officials have temporarily shut down a firehouse on treasure island after finding mold and asbestos in the building. abc 7 news reporter jonathan plume has the details. >> reporter: box after box of personal items and firefighting gear, all of it has to go. the locks are being changed. the beds loaded into trucks. firestation 48 is closed. >> we just got the report. there's mold in a few of the downstairs rooms and they recommend abating it and to abate it we need to get the members out of here. >> reporter: 1 was the one working firestation on treasure island is by no means a modern building. it was originally built by the navy after san francisco took control of the island. >> we inherited that building basically and moved in. >> reporter: the city also inherited this fire academy on the island which will serve as the firehouse while station 48 is cleebd aned up. >> they've only moved a couple blocks away. we don't expect any impact on response time. >> reporter: despite the aging wood frame, firefighters say the building's been falling apart for years. they even started documenting their efforts to keep out rain water, the primary cause of mold. they shot this cell phone video of a tarp they threw over a leaky window. now top ranking fire officials are looking into it. >> might have a couple of leaky windows that could be causing it and there could be a leaky roof that could be causing it. the exact nature of the cause is not known until they open up these walls and find out what's going on. >> reporter: but firefighters who have lived here say they complained about the leaky roof years ago. one said he used to wake up in the middle of the night with headaches. another said he could smell the mold. administrators say none of those complaints reached them or they'd have acted sooner. >> we're not going to keep our members somewhere where they're going to get sick. that's crazy. >> reporter: the mold is not the only cleanup here on treasure island. the navy left in 1997. crews have been working to clean up toxic materials left behind, including more than 500 radioactive fragments that have been found in the last three years. the city's been sued over that. now one firefighter says the mold could mean another lawsuit is in the works. in san francisco, jonathan bloom, abc 7 news. so many of you watched "shark tank" last night on abc. the stanford graduate who accepted a sweet deal talked with us. kent presented his lights to the tycoons. the lights are mounted on a bicycle's wheels to illuminate the bike's path without shining in anyone aeyes. kent accepted an offer for $300,000 and 10% of the company. >> we'll pay ourselves which is a big one so that we can actually grow the team. i mean it is hard to get people that are talented to want to join the team that you can't pay them. >> yep. frankovich and his partner said they survived on ramen noodles while developing their product. those days certainly are over. happening today, the university of the pacific will dedicate its new san francisco campus ahead of its summer opening. take a look at this time lapsed video showing the construction of the renovated building located in the south of market neighborhood. very cool to watch. it will house about 1,000 faculty, staff and students. it will hold classes from the university's school of dentistry, as well as graduate programs in audiology, music therapy and data sciences. summer classes are set to begin in july. also happening today, the home of the the san jose sharks will be collecting old electronics. they are teaming up with sims recycling to encourage the community and sharks fans to recycle their own electronics. everyone who drops off a recyclable item will get to watch the team's pre-game morning skate. they'll also receive a raffle ticket for a chance to win autographed shark memorabilia and shark merchandise. event today is from 9:00 to 1:00 p.m. in san jose. there is a new wave of privacy concerns over the wearable technology that's rolling out of the silicon valley. censors collecting the data can easily be hacked. nbc 7 news business and technology reporter david lui got a look at some of the newest devices soon to hit the market. >> reporter: jesse is an orthopedic surgeon and the workout shirt he's wearing has multiple censors embedded in the fabric. they collect data an amateur athlete might find helpful, including heart rate respiration rate and heart level. >> the real value in these devices is going to come when we can give that kind of level of insight, taking it really from detection and diagnosis to the point of actually being able to predict something and then prevent it. >> reporter: a competing start-up's shirt has 14 censors invisible to the wearer. >> censors for the tech. two right here for the heart right. one on each by acces bicep. the censors are that big, that allows us to have constant surface area contact. >> wearable technology is alimig at foot pain. >> we have multiple points. we have multiple shocks and we have that chassis suspended so that kind of allows you to stay in traction and in control as the train is roughed. it allows you to morph to the ground. >> reporter: smartphone makers samsung and apple are jumping on-board. but these devices collect data, personal data, and that's raising new concerns about privacy. >> i've been heard stories out of the u.s. what are we doing? are we sending each other tasers? are you guys sharing with our employer? do you know about my health? >> in sunny vail, david lui, abc 7 news. important reminder right now -- daylight saving time begins tomorrow at 2:00 a.m. remember to set your clocks forward one hour before you go to bed tonight. and every time we change the clocks, the consumer product safety commission encourages us to check the batteries in our household smoke detectors and change them, if needed. two things i'm going to make a post-it note about. that's how low-tech i am. let's send it up to the roof. lisa, i have forgotten. how embarrassing is that? i've gone like half-way into the next day. >> but i don't believe you're low-tech. no way. good morning, everyone. here is a live look at doppler 7 hd. we are looking at a few clouds around the bay really in the form of low clouds. some fog from santa rosa to navato. we will see higher clouds throughout the day today. east bay hills camera looking at a little bit of fog. low 50s, san francisco. good morning, redwood city. 45 for you. down to 44 in loss -- 48 by the delta. concord and livermore coming in at 45 degrees. tower cam shows the nice view. it will be a pretty day today with spring like conditions. 60s and 70s. rain is in the forecast to arrive late tomorrow. we will have some clouds today. more clouds tomorrow out ahead of this front and dry and mild weather for the rest of the upcoming work week. takes us into the middle of march right before the official beginning of spring. you see high pressure to the north and east of us, also southwest. with some higher clouds we will be mild to hazy today. we will be on the tail end of this incoming system so the rain, it is not slated to move in until late. here is a look at the timeline. 6:00 tomorrow morning we're cloudy. notice throughout the day, more clouds. around 3:00 if the afternoon, well to the north. mendocino county, maybe some showers. but it is really 10:00, 11:00, the front is still hung up in clover dale, sonoma county but it sweeps through the bay area threw the everneat houovernight. we will have morning rainfall amounts. coastal hills in the north bay. wettest locations but overall anywhere from trace amounts to about a tenth to one-third of an inch around the bay. high temperatures today above average ranging from 66 in san francisco, upper 60s in oakland. look for 73 in morgan hill. 72 in san jose. with serious clouds around the bay today, it will be pretty nice out there. remember to set your clocks ahead tonight. tomorrow rain arrives late, morning showers on monday. tuesday, breezy, offshore winds. nice afternoon but take a look at the steady pattern with very little change. 60s and 70s around the bay. abc 7 news has another great weather resource for you to follow us on twitter. there you'll get video forecasts, spart aire the air a. >> interesting but they are out there and i am going to use twitter. i just have to remind people, including myself, about the time change. got to stay on schedule tomorrow. even if i have nothing to do. thank you, lisa. next, graduation at a north bay swim club. the reward that must have made so we made our own commercial to tell you why. first, chex makes lots of gluten free flavors. which is a huge thing for us. and there's seven to choose from. like cinnamon, honey nut, and chocolate. i tell them "you guys are gonna turn into chocolate chex!" i like cinnamon, greg is a honey nut nut. when you find something this good, you want to spread the word. [ all ] we're the pearsons, and we love chex! ♪ turn around ♪ every now and then i get a little bit hungry ♪ ♪ and there's nothing really good around ♪ ♪ turn around ♪ every now and then i get a little bit tired ♪ ♪ of living off the taste of the air ♪ ♪ turn around, barry ♪ finally, i have a manly chocolatey snack ♪ ♪ and fiber so my wife won't give me any more flack ♪ ♪ i finally found the right snack ♪ ♪ welcome back. vitamin d may help women with breast cancer survive the disease. researchers at uc san diego say patients who have high levels of it are twice as likely to outlive the cancer. patients say vitamin d should be included as a supplement to other breast cancer treatments. the human body produces vitamin d when exposed to sunlight, but it is also added to milk, cereals and foods. the orca welfare and safety act would make it illegal to use orcas for entertainment purposes and stop captive breeding. the congressman from santa monica says the animals are too large and intelligent do be kept in small concrete tanks for their entire lives. it is not healthy for them or for trainers. a group of marin county kids graduated from swim school yesterday and they finished like olympic champions. about a dozen kids from the marin city boys and girls club took part in the swim program. it is put together by san rafael based sports foundation. it is aimed at inner city youth, teaching ikids how to swim an b healthy in the water. >> now to see them swimming back and forth and really have that confidence in the pool is awesome. you never know, one of them might and water polo player one year. >> it gives everyone a chance to like get out an move while they're swimming and it's really helpful. >> program organizers say learning to swim with build a kid's self-esteem and boost his or her confidence. morgan hill police are introducing the newest member of the force. meet sonny, a 3-year-old sheppard are from the czech republic. he will go to school, then hit the streets by the end of next month. up next, a boeing 777 missing with 239 people on-board. we'll have an update on this breaking news story. also a local homeowner is forced to buy flood insurance for a property that's never flooded. why she blames cal train for her predict predictment. flying high. lo since i had had health insurance -- icy i needed. of since i had hwhat policy i needed.- within 4icy. [ female announcer ] everyone deserves health insurance. are you in? find free, confidential, local help at welcome back, everyone. coming up on 5:30. starting this half-hour with a quick look at the weather. morning, lisa. >> morning, katie. we do have some fog around the bay. temperatures are cool in some spots in the low 40s from our east bay hills. you see a bit of that fog in the distance. downtown, mildest numbers in the low 50s. half moon bay though with the fog. 50 degrees. redwood city is 44. here's where the visibility is poor. a quarter of a mile or less in navato. mile or less in videos. napa, four-mile visibility. throughout the day today, high and mid-level clouds but another mild afternoon to warm conditions. in fact with temperatures above average. low to mid 60s at the coast. higher clouds at times but around the bay, upper 60s to near 70. inland we'll see some lower 70s. now we'll be just about as mild tomorrow, but we're going to introduce more clouds and some rain returns to the forecast. we'll have that for you in a few minutes. we have breaking news right now. vietnamese air force planes have spotted two large oil slicks that authorities suspect are from a malaysian jetliner that disappeared last night. plane with 239 people on-board was traveling to beijing from kuala lampur in malaysia when it lost contact with air traffic controllers over the south china sea. a vietnamese government statement says oil slicks were spotted off the southern tip of vietn vietnam, the slicks were each between six and nine miles long. officials say they are consistent with the type left by fuel from a crashed jetliner. we are following the story for you of course this morning. also new this morning, president obama says he's hearing from business owners across the country who are voluntarily paying their workers more than the federal minimum wage of $7.25 an hour. in his weekly address the president says those actions show that change comes to washington, not from it. the president has already signed an executive order to raise the minimum wage for people working under new federal contracts. >> a good majority of americans support raising the minimum wage because we believe that nobody works full time should have to live in poverty. about half of all republicans support raising the minimum wage, too. it is just too bad they don't serve in congress, because the republicans who do serve in congress don't want to vote on the minimum wage at all. some even want to get rid of it completely. seriously. >> the president says working americans have struggled through stagnant wages for too long and raising the minimum wage is good for the bottom line. six states are now suing california. they're challenging the law requiring producers of eggs that are sold here to house chickens in roomier cages. the law requires at least 116 square inches of space per bird. but a attorney general in missouri, iowa, nebraska, kentucky, oklahoma and alabama say the law violates the principle of interstate commerce and it is forcing farmers to spend hundreds of millions of dollars to be able to compete. california attorney general carmela harris says she will fight the lawsuit. texas governor rick perry says states like california are damaging the economy. perry says taxes are too high leading to fewer jobs and stagnant growth. perry also targeted capitol hill at yesterday he's conservative political action conference in maryland. >> it is time for washington to focus on the few things the constitution establishes as the federal government's role -- defend our country. provide a cogent foreign policy. get out of the health care business! get out of the education business! stop hammering industries! let the giant of american enterprise create prosperity again. >> perry made a run for the white house in 2012. he says is he considering running again in 2016. a peninsula homeowner and her neighbors say a cal train is to blame for their skyrocketing flood ens premium an they want the rail agency to fix the problem. abc 7 news reporter vic lee has more. >> reporter: in only carolyn knew about the culvert under the cal train tracks. it is about 100 yards away across the street from her home on california drive. water from easton creek flows through it and into the bay. last year she had to pay almost 1, $00 for flood insurance, and she was told it might jump as much as 25%. >> i had no idea i was going to be facing this kind of precipitous rate increase. >> reporter: so she hired civil engineer allen huntzinger to find out if maybe her house was high enough to exempt her in the future. she discovered the culvert was the reason why her home and those of her neighbors could flood. >> pipeline here where the word "culvert" appears is too small. it restricts the flow of water so that it can't get through. >> reporter: word spread quickly. everett lives next door. his flood insurance also sky rocked, so much so that he wants to sell his home after 20 years here. >> there's no question. >> reporter: but what will these homes sell for now? >> i'm concerned about my real estate investment now. it has i think a significant chilling effect on what its value is. >> reporter: she wants cal train to build a wider culvert. she contacted them in december. cal train said it would investigate. >> in truth, they've not contacted me since. >> reporter: cal train did respond to abc 7 news when we contacted them. its answer -- that it was still investigating but that it appears the culvert, or other drainage systems that cross under the tracks, are not owned or maintained by cal train. vic lee, abc 7 news. a south bay lawmaker is introducing new legislation that he says would bring justice to victims of cyber bullying and make current laws more relevant. it's called audrey's law. it is named after saratoga teenager audrey potts. the 15-year-old took her own life in september of 2012 after sexually assaulted while unconscious. three boys admitted to sexually assaulting her, taking explicit photos and sharing those pictures are other people. they received short sentences, between 30 and 45 days in juvenile detention. >> their crimes were veiled in secrecy. there was no public conviction, no element of acknowledgement or deterrent to reoffend, and certainly no remorse or apology. and because of that secrecy, our community is are more dangerous for our kids. >> the law would also make it a crime of rape if the victim is incapacitated or intoxicated during the assault and make it easier for prosecutors to bring adult charges in juvenile cases. happening today, a community will march across the golden gate bridge to mark the third anniversary of the japan earthquake and tsunami that damaged the nuclear power plant. today's march begins at 11:00 a.m., followed by a noon rally at the bridge plaza in san francisco. radiation escaped from the fukushima nuclear plant after it was severely damaged in the 2011 earthquake that rocked northern japan. happening today, an activist will begin her one-year trek on foot from san francisco to d.c. to promote equal rights. as part of international women's day, helen swanson will begin her journey from the golden gate bridge. she's pictured here kneeling in the front row. she expects to arrive in the nation's capital in one year to speak on the equal rights amendment rally at the u.s. capitol. along the way swanson plans to meet with the leaders of the 15 states that have not yet ratified the equal rights amendment. the number of female pilots in this country is increasing but the percentage is still just about 5%. now there is a big push to introduce more girls to aviation. abc 7 news reporter lee ann melendez. >> reporter: getting on a plane was not as easy as some of these students thought. for many, it was their first time flying. anna took up flying four years ago and wants young girls to try it, too. >> we went to the girls say listen, we have this problem, why don't we bring a couple of kids to see what it is. >> reporter: the students are from east palo alto. this field trip to the san carlos airport is part of their science, technology, engineering and math program. >> are the airplanes trying to go forward, there's always this force called drag. >> reporter: they are participating in a program called women of aviation week. >> these girls got more than a lesson in aviation and a chance to fly. they were also introduced to a woman who has made aviation history. captain olga was the first latina to complete u.s. air force military pilot training and the first hispanic female pilot to fly for a commercial airline. during her career she ran into people who questioned her ability to fly. >> yes, we do have women flying airplanes and i am the captain today. so, is there a problem with that? he goes, well, i don't know and -- i said you do not have to take this flight. >> reporter: today she is retired and encourages girls to start thinking about flying. >> i want to give back and let them know that they are able to do it. as long as they don't give up. anything can be achieved when you try hard enough. >> if you try, there will be fear at times but if you try, there is no point, you'll overcome a fear. >> the view. you can see like a bunch of houses. like it was excellent. like -- i don't know. it was amazing. >> reporter: in san carlos, lyanne melendez, abc 7 news. five bay area residents will soon be on their way to washington, d.c. to meet vice president joe biden. all five women are on fixed incomes but a fund-raising drive sponsored by a trust in richmond came through. vice president biden called the rosies members of a remarkable generation of women. they're cultural icons representing the women who worked in factories during world war ii, often in place of men who were serving in the military. the women fly to d.c. march 29th. still ahead, a super hero and it is going to be another warm, mild day in a lot of places. lisa will fill you in on the forecast in just a few minutes. [man] no one told her,right? [son]hi! [mom screams] hey! have you ever tried honey nut cheerios? love 'em. neat! now you on the other hand... you need some help. why? look atchya. what is that? you mean my honey wand? [ shouting ] [ splat ] come on. matter of fact. [ rustling ] shirt. shoes. shades. ah! wow! now that voice... my voice? [ auto-tuned ] what's wrong with my voice? yeah man, bee got swag! be happy! be healthy! that's gotta go too. ♪ hey! must be the honey! [ sparkle ] sweet. welcome back, everyone. this weekend is your chance to audition for "wheel of fortune." the wheel mobile is in roanoke park today and tomorrow. give the wheel a spin for prizes and the opportunity to become a contestant. a few hundred ever get that call but that could be you. if you're the right fit. >> overall what we need is that natural, enthusiasm and energy. we need those good game players. we need those people who call out laj cogical letters, who ma quick decisions, who speak in a loud, clear voice. >> i really just don't know anyone like that. ha. the wheel mobile will be at the resort today an tomorrow from noon to 4:00. mike nicco will be there today. not eligible. more at under "see it on tv." someone who's very easy to understand, mol gist lisa argen. >> thank you. we are looking at a few clouds around the bay right now. from emeryville, looks pretty good. we'll talk about 40s and 50s for the morning hours, 60s and 70s in the afternoon but still rain in the seven-day outlook. rain is in the forecast. i'll have more coming up. warriors return home after a long road trip against the hawks. they appear to be peaking at [ mom ] hi, we're the pearsons, and we love chex cereal. so we made our own commercial to tell you why. first, chex makes lots of gluten free flavors. which is a huge thing for us. and there's seven to choose from. like cinnamon, honey nut, and chocolate. i tell them "you guys are gonna turn into chocolate chex!" i like cinnamon, greg is a honey nut nut. when you find something this good, you want to spread the word. [ all ] we're the pearsons, and we love chex! we all have at least one movie in us. not so easy to do. especially if you are a student with no budget. but where there is a will, there is a way. as wayne freeman tells us, in this case there is also a big payoff. >> reporter: could a couple of college students be super heros? well, let's see. >> manly men. never heard of you. >> you will. >> reporter: most definitely. assuming you get to see the short film they produced. it's called kerfluey. >> it is about a sick super hero who can't really save the world at the moment. >> reporter: they came out of ken kenyata college in redwood city. they decided to give it a shot. >> i've never done a movie before. >> didn't it scare you a little bit? >> not so much, no. >> reporter: until the duo got carried away. melissa wrote the script, she is an english major and he's a computer whiz looking for the opportunity to try some special effects. >> there were a bunch of different shades of red circles and we had different effects giving it that electric look on the inside. >> reporter: their pro soreprof blown away by it all. how small a budget -- look carefully. >> that is a towel. >> that is a towel. >> he's wearing a towel. >> that's my towel. yeah. >> and yet, the film was so good, it's already won some student awards, which ought to be enough. right? well, last week a big surprise. they were notified by the cannes film festival in france, the big one, that their film has been accepted for competition. and they're going. >> i was completely blown away. >> reporter: beginner's luck? maybe. but it is also the kind of break that puts a small community college program on the map. only a couple of super heroes could pull that off. from kenyatta college, abc 7 news. >> that's so incredible! let's look at how the forecast is shaping up. sounds awfully pleasant, lisa. >> it's not bad out here. it is typically cool, 40s an 50s. we will warm to above average readings. to you temperatures this time year should be in the mid 60s so we will be about five degrees above average. here's live doppler 7 hd. the clouds are situated along the coast. north bay valleys, our east bay hills camera this morning you can see a little bit of the low cloudiness out there. 52 downtown. 49 across the bay in oakland. 50 in half moon bay. redwood city waking up into the mid 40s. explo exploratorium camera shows the low fog. in our east bay valleys, mid 40s for you. 45 livermore. looking pretty good from the future tower. official sunrise, 6:32. it is going to be a nice one. spring like day today with pc temperatures in the 70s in some neighborhoods. we'll see much more in the waif cloudiness tomorrow, a few high-level and mid-level clouds today, but fortunately, mild and drier weather will be with us next week. high pressure brings us mild to hazy conditions. we will have some of the clouds. with this system, the emphasis is well to the for the of us. it is the tail end of it that is going to swing on through and that will bring rain late in the day. so tomorrow morning, we're cloudy and we'll look for maybe some mist and drizzle in the morning hours. by 3:00 the rain is still far to the north with the cold front. by 11:00 sunday night you can see the rain in videosanta rosa pushing into marin county. early morning monday, some leftover showers and then we'll look for more sunshine throughout the afternoon on monday. rainfall amounts anywhere from .1 to .3 inch in most areas. in santa cruz and monterey bay, don't expect anything in the way at all of rain. high temperatures 66 in the city. cooler at the coast, 64 half moon bay. look for 68 in oakland with 72 concord, livermore and san jose. should be a pretty nice afternoon. all around the bay. notice that with a few high clouds around, temperatures should be very comfortable. in fact, we'll look for more low 70s in the inland valleys. seven-day forecast, we'll spring ahead tomorrow and then temperatures will cool down a little bit with the passage of that front. gusty winds in the wake of it with an offshore flow allowing temperatures to climb right back up into the lower 70s for tuesday, into the middle of next week. and all the way through the week's end. that takes us through the middle of march. spring arrives the 20th. at this point not looking like much in the way of rain except for tomorrow night. we're looking forward to that. >> definitely. always this season. thank you, lisa. in sports tonight, the sharks return to the ice against the montreal canadiens at the sap center. last night the warriors faced the atlanta hawks. here are the highlights. >> good morning. back from the road, the warriors have a schedule loaded with home games through march. time to lock down the playoff spot starting with a hammering of the hawks. first quarter, klay thompson crashes to the floor. had to cleve wileave with a low strain. instant souvenir for sparky. nice balance there. david lee with the layup here knifing down the lane. tramaine o'neal, what a contribution. again 17 points off the bench. warriors would go on a 10-0 run to end the first half. curry around the defense, floating to the basket. 18 points. fourth quarter, crawford, alley-oop and the warriors win going away, 111-97. women's college hoops, top seed stanford in trouble in seattle. down two against colorado at the half. cardinals go on a 16-2 run in the second half. stanford pulls away to win 69.54. they'll face usc today in the semi-finals. but cal is done. the bears, two seed facing washington state. little double dutch action here with jump rope at halftime. galdera leads the cougs to the semi-finals. cal 21-9, will still make the ncaa tournament. after two sub-par seasons, tim went to work this winter and the results are crystal clear. giants and royals in surprise arizona. no surprise but the giants pitching. stars all looking good right now. timmy, three scoreless. we love the story of 31-year-old mark menacazi. the guy can hit no matter what. smacked his second homer of the spring as giants win 5-0 and a's beat arizona 2-0. after beating pittsburgh on thursday night, the sharks were busy yesterday building a playground in san jose. the sharks foundation teaming up with a non-profit kaboom combining a parking lot instantly into a playground. it took only six hours. >> great day for everybody putting up something like this and helping out, getting their hands dirty. it is fun to see. >> second round, cadillac championship, 30-mile-per-hour gusts in florida. hold on, birdie, hold on! tiger with a 73. six off the pace. had the long birdie. 92-footer here. johnson, kuchar and mahan all tied for the lead. have a great weekend, everybody. prom season is almost here. how hundreds of high schoolgirls who can't afford dresses can get a free gown this weekend. ♪ turn around ♪ every now and then i get a little bit hungry ♪ ♪ and there's nothing really good around ♪ ♪ turn around ♪ every now and then i get a little bit tired ♪ ♪ of living off the taste of the air ♪ ♪ turn around, barry ♪ finally, i have a manly chocolatey snack ♪ ♪ and fiber so my wife won't give me any more flack ♪ ♪ i finally found the right snack ♪ ♪ here are the winning numbers from last night's $270 million mega millions draw. 11, 13, 51, 57, 69 and the mega number is 1. nobody correctly picked all six so tuesday's night jackpot grows to $309 million. happening today, an organization will be giving away free prom dresses to teenagers in need. the give away is sponsored by princess project. teens must bring a valid high school idea to receive a free dress. appointments to pick one out are on a first come, first serve basis. no proof of financial need is required. today's just the first of four give-aways in san francisco. there are others scheduled for tomorrow, march 15th and 22nd. today's give-away is from 8:30 to 5:00 at 2099 market street. happy shopping, ladies. next on the abc 7 saturday morning news at 6:00, we continue to follow breaking news in southeast asia. we'll have the latest on the search for a missing malaysia airlines plane that disappeared with 239 people on-board. and@disturbing details in the case of an east bay teacher accused of molesting students. the overnight field trip he had planned and how he hid it from school officials. save you fifteen percent or more on car insurance.d everybody knows that. well, did you know pinocchio was a bad motivational speaker? i look around this room and i see nothing but untapped potential. you have potential. you have...oh boy. geico. fifteen minutes could save you fifteen percent or more on car insurance. good morning, everyone. 6:00 a.m. i'm katie marzullo. we'll start you off with a quick look at the weather. meteorologist lisa argen on the roof this morning. >> pretty clear out here, temperatures in the low 50s, though fog in the north bay valleys. a live look at doppler 7 hd, by this time tomorrow plenty of clouds and by late in the day we will be picking up rain on our own radar. the fog is not here but from navato to napa to santa rosa, be


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careful. in the afternoon, upper 60s to low 70s with clouds around the bay. inland, mid 60s to near 70. it is above average. we are looking at a pretty dry week ahead except for tomorrow when rain comes our way. i'll time it out for you in a few minutes. breaking news this morning. a desperate search is on for a boeing 777 that disappeared from air traffic control streams over waters between malaysia and vietnam. now officials say vietnam air force planes have spotted two oil slicks in the water. a vietnamese dpoft statement says the slicks were spotted off the southern tip of vietnam stretching between six and nine miles long. air traffic controllers lost contact with the malaysia airlines flight over the south china sea last night leaving the fate of 239 people in doubt. >> reporter: malaysia airlines flight mh 370 with 239 aboard broke radar contact in mid-air bound from kuala lampur to beijing. the airline says it lost touch with the boeing 777 200 aircraft about two hours after takeoff reportedly over vietnamese airspace. the ceo of malaysia airlines made the grim announcement on its facebook page saying we deeply regreet we have lost all contact with flight mh 370. the airline said there were 14 nationalities among the 227 passengers. three americans, including one infant. >> we are doing everything that we can to ensure that every possible angle in this situation is addressed. >> reporter: experts say the circumstances are ominous. >> this is very rare. for an airplane to disappear is not normal. i think we have at this hour every reason to expect that this is not going to be a good outcome. >> reporter: so many questions swarm around this mystery. the beijing airport initially listed the flight as delayed but it was far worse. later, anxious relatives gathered at a hotel awaiting news on the plane. located the jetliner and any possible survivors may be difficult. >> there is a chance that this aircraft went down in the water which is going to make the rescue or make the recovery efforts that much harder. >> reporter: painful efforts that have only just begun. abc news, new york. now here's a look at the passenger list from the flight released by beijing airport. there are four americans on-board. the "l.a. times" is reporting the names of three people carrying u.s. passports. 50-year-old philip wood, 3-year-old nicole meng and 1-year-old leo meng. the pilot joined malaysia airlines in 1981 and has more than 18,000 flying hours. the missing plane is a boeing 777. it is 11 years 10 months old. malaysia airlines is an award winning carrier, it has not had an accident since 1995 when the crash killed 34 out of 53 people on-board a plane. we'll continue to follow that for you had this morning. now to a bay area story getting national attention. kathy zimmer was found dead in the back seat of her car 25 years ago and after all that time, two arrests have finally been made in this case. abc 7 has the story from santa clara jail. >> reporter: this is a picture of the quilt that investigators say was found along with kathy zimmer. it's sparked new interest in this 25-year-old case. >> we felt that it was time to put it out there to see what kind of response we could get. we did get an overwhelming response of people trying to help. >> reporter: the 39-year-old mother of two had been strangled in 1989. police discovered her car a chrysler new yorker in a parking structure at san jose international airport. the quilt was draped over her body in the back seat. >> we feel at this time that we have the two people responsible for her murder. her husband at the time, david zimmer, and his brother, robert zimmer, are both now in custody. >> reporter: david zimmer was arrested and booked into the santa clara county jail on murder charges. his proer, brother, robert zimmer, was arrested last week. the prosecutor on this case says zimmer's former husband is implicated because of financial gains following her death. >> life insurance policies, sale of the home. so yes, we do believe there is a financial motive here, yes. >> reporter: investigators say dna samples taken from kathy zimmer's clothing is what implicated her husband's brother, robert zimmer. a school in oakland went on lockdown yesterday while police searched for a man believed to have sexually assaulted a young girl. sky 7 hd shows police responding to world academy in east oakland yesterday afternoon. a 7-year-old girl told police a stranger on campus touched her inappropriately. despite the lockdown, police were unable to track down this person. opd is now offering a $2,500 reward to help find him. startling new details about a teacher accused of molesting several children. yesterday 32-year-old ronald ginto was charged with 27 felonies. his bail is set at $17 million. he's pleaded not guilty. investigators believe he molested six boys, ages 11 to 13, all students at making waves academy in richmond. it happened during several camping trips where ginto was the only chaperone. he was fired in november, but then hired at another school this january. last night the president of that school district told abc 7 news ginto planned to take six more young boys on a secret trip to yosemite next month and he went to great lengths to make it happen. 7 >> he had falsified the principal's signature on the list -- on the form, student study form. unbeknownst to us, we had no idea this was going on. i know we dodged a bullet. >> the district has now proposed changing its hiring practices. administrators did not call making waves academy as part of ginto's background check. the university of california has announced a new system wide sexual assault policy. it is in response to the claims by several female students that their sexual assault claims have been ignored. the new policy includes expanded sexual assault training and education, increased reporting requirements, and broader protections for victims of sexual violence and harassment. police are asking for the public's help to identify a man who robbed a woman at gunpoint at an atm. this is a picture of the robber, freemont police say he confronted a woman outside bank of america on freemont boulevard thursday morning. he flashed a gun at the woman, took the money she'd withdrawn and forced her to pull out more cash. the man then took off in a red toyota corolla with utah license plates. four central european nations are urging the u.s. to boost natural gas exports on the possibility russia could cut off its supply of gas to ukraine. ukraine is heavily dependent on russian gas. previous disputes between the two countries have led to gas supply cuts. meanwhile, tensions remain high in ukraine after pro-russian troops advanced on to a military base on crimea yesterday. several ukrainian troops barricaded themselves inside a barracks. the pro-russian troops eventually withdrew. there are new questions this morning about the snipers who contributed to last month's bloodbath in kiev. ukrainian authorities are now focusing on russia using the gun men to create a pretext for a military incursion. a search continues in salano county for a mission woman who suffers from memory problems. victoria mueller palomino was last seen yesterday morning. she is considered at risk because she lost most of her short-term memory when she suffered a brain aneurism. police don't know if she's been the victim of a crime or drove off. dozen of trees were removed from a park it to protect natural gas pipelines. nearly 70 trees at san lorenzo community park, also known as duck pond park, were taken out by pg&e in the last month. the power company just removed 35 more at the park district's request. roots can cause damaged pipelines and cause leaks. the tree removal is in response to the 2010 san brew any gas line explosion which killed eight people. the move to build a traffic median on the golden gate bridge takes another step forward. according to the marin independent journal, district officials are taking contract bids for work related to the project. it would include the demolition of four toll booths to make room for the barrier, as well as installation of crash cushions at the toll plaza. officials say the barriers which could prevent head-on collisions could be installed as early as october. 6:09 on your saturday morning. lisa argen keeping track of the forecast that looks downright nice. >> the sun officially comes up in about 20 minutes. what a pretty tithe this is. 40s and 50s in the north bay, as well as the rest of the bay area. we'll talk about above-average readings and rain all through your weekend coming up. >> thank you, lisa. also next, a health care on treasure island. we'll show you why a san francisco fire squadron has been forced to move out. and some new examples of wearable technology. why so scover card. hey there, i just got my bill, and i see that it includes my fico® credit score. yup, you get it free each month to help you avoid surprises with your credit. good. i hate surprises. surprise! at discover, we treat you like you'd treat you. get the it card and see your fico® credit score. hey! have you ever tried honey nut cheerios? love 'em. neat! now you on the other hand... you need some help. why? look atchya. what is that? you mean my honey wand? [ shouting ] [ splat ] come on. matter of fact. [ rustling ] shirt. shoes. shades. ah! wow! now that voice... my voice? [ auto-tuned ] what's wrong with my voice? yeah man, bee got swag! be happy! be healthy! that's gotta go too. ♪ hey! must be the honey! [ sparkle ] sweet. a tragic story out of the midwest. a gun inside a sock at a thrift store in chicago went off killing a mother of two. 54-year-old maria dominguez died yesterday morning after being shot in the chest. she and a male co-worker were going through donated clothes when he shook out a sock and e the.22 caliber handgun fell out and somehow went off. dominguez had had worked for the company for 25 years. she was married with two children. police are treating the shooting as an accident. dinner for a florida family turned into a long and terrible trip because their steaks were laced with lsd. the family of four, including two children, ages 6 and 7, purchased the meat from walmart. shortly after dinner, they started hallucinating and had to be rushed to the hospital. the mother was nine months pregnant. she had to have her labor induced. the baby though was born healthy and the family is now okay. police say walmart is cooperating with the investigation. san francisco fire officials have temporarily shut down a firehouse on treasure island after finding mold and asbestos in the building. abc 7 news reporter jonathan plume has the details. >> reporter: box after box of personal items and firefighting gear, all of it has to go. the locks are being changed. the beds loaded into trucks. firestation 48 is closed. >> we just got the report. there's mold in a few of the downstairs rooms and they recommend abating it and to abate it we need to get the members out of here. >> reporter: what once was the one working firestation on the island is which no means a modern building. it was originally built by the navy after san francisco took control of the island. >> we inherited that building basically and moved in. >> reporter: the city also inherited this fire academy on the island which will serve as the firehouse while station 48 is cleaned up. >> they've only moved a couple blocks away. we don't expect any impact on response time. >> reporter: despite the aging wood frame, firefighters say the building's been falling apart for years. they even started documenting their efforts to keep out rain water, the primary cause of mold. they shot this cell phone video of a tarp they threw over a leaky window. and a trench they did you go to keep water from getting in through the siding. now top ranking fire officials are looking into it. >> might have a couple of leaky windows that could be causing it and there could be a leaky roof that could be causing it. the exact nature of the cause is not known until they open up these walls and find out what's going on. >> reporter: but firefighters who have lived here say they complained about the leaky roof years ago. one said he used to wake up in the middle of the night with headaches. another said he could smell the mold. administrators say none of those complaints reached them or they'd have acted sooner. >> health and safety to us is not worth playing around with. we're not going to keep our members somewhere where they're going to get sick. that's crazy. >> reporter: the mold is not the only cleanup here on treasure island. the navy left in 1997. crews have been working to clean up toxic materials left behind, including more than 500 radioactive fragments that have been found in the last three years. the city's been sued over that. now one firefighter says the mold could mean another lawsuit is in the works. in san francisco, jonathan bloom, abc 7 news. so many of you watched "shark tank" last night on abc. the stanford graduate who accepted a sweet deal talked with us. kent presented his lights to the tycoons. the lights are mounted on a bicycle's wheels to illuminate the bike's path without shining in anyone's eyes. kent accepted an offer for $300,000 and 10% of the company. >> we'll pay ourselves which is a big one so that we can actually grow the team. i mean it is hard to get people that are talented to want to join the team that you can't pay them. >> yep. frankovich and his partner said they survived on ramen noodles while developing their product. those days certainly are over. congratulations to them. happening today, the university of the pacific will dedicate its new san francisco campus ahead of its summer opening. the renovated building in the south of market neighborhood will house about 100 faculty staff and opportunities. take a look at this time lapsed video showing the construction of the renovated building located in the south of market neighborhood. very cool to watch. it will hold classes from the university's school of dentistry, as well as graduate programs in audiology, music therapy and data sciences. summer classes are set to begin in july. also happening today, the home of the the san jose sharks will be collecting old electronics. the sap center is teaming up with sims recycling to encourage the community and sharks fans to recycle their own electronics. everyone who drops off a recyclable item will get to watch the team's pre-game morning skate. they'll also receive a raffle ticket for a chance to win autographed shark memorabilia and shark merchandise. event today is from 9:00 to 1:00 p.m. in san jose. again that's at the sap center in san jose. there is a new wave of privacy concerns over the wearable technology that's rolling out of the silicon valley. censors collecting the data can easily be hacked. abc 7 news business and technology reporter david louie got a look at some of the newest devices to hit the market. >> reporter: jesse is an orthopedic surgeon and the workout shirt he's wearing has multiple censors embedded in the fabric. they collect data an amateur athlete might find helpful, including heart rate, respiration rate and stress level. >> the real value in these devices is going to come when we can give that kind of level of insight, taking it really from detection and diagnosis to the point of actually being able to predict something and then prevent it. >> reporter: a competing start-up's shirt has 14 censors invisible to the wearer. >> censors for the tech. two right here for the heart right. one on each bicep. which goes on the inside of the arm here. the censors are that big, that allows us to have constant surface area contact. >> wearable technology is aiming at foot pain. analyzed by a smartphone app. >> we have multiple points. we have multiple shocks and we have that chassis suspended so that kind of allows you to stay in traction and in control as the train is roughed. it allows you to morph to the ground. >> reporter: many ideas are emerging as fitness enthusiasts jump on-board. but these devices collect data, personal data, and that's raising new concerns about privacy. >> i've been heard stories out of the u.s. what are we doing? are we sending each other advertisers? to the u.s.? are you guys sharing with our employer? do you know about my health? i think in the end it has to be very transparent. >> david louis, abc 7 news. important reminder right now -- daylight saving time begins tomorrow at 2:00 a.m. remember to set your clocks forward one hour before you go to bed tonight. and every time we change the clocks, the consumer product safety commission encourages us to check the batteries in our household smoke detectors and change them, if needed. two things i'm going to make a post-it note about. that's how low-tech i am. 6:19. lisa argen is up on the roof, forecasting and living in the weather. >> living the dream, too. thanks, katie. it is going to be a very nice day today. little cool right now. 40s and 50s and the fog is mainly in the north bay. but as you step out live, doppler 7 hd shows plenty of fog off the coast. the coast will be cooler today and in fact what's cooler. it's all relative, right? with mid 60s. so it should be still pretty nice there. east bay hills camera with temperatures this morning from san francisco in the low 50s to the mid 40s redwood city, half moon bay is 50 and the fog is in santa rosa, napa and at the coast. few high clouds. 41 santa rosa. 44 in livermore. mid 40s in concord. check out that spider on the lens there. he's having a good time. purple hues, forecast calling for spring like conditions. today will be dry but pretty cloudy. look for dry and mild weather the rest of the week. windy though on tuesday, high pressure strongly builds back. after this weak cold front pushes in late tomorrow night. it is all about high pressure today bringing the mild and hazy conditions. average highs in the mid 60s but we will hit the lower 70s in spots. as we go through march, the average highs warm up a bit. it is really not that much above average but we will be looking for some welcome rain headed our w way. not as much as we'd like. by 6:00 in the morning, mist and drizzle. throughout the afternoon, it will take the entire day for rain to push through sonoma county. by 11:00, showers in marin county but not until the overnight hours where the east bay and south bay gets into the act. by early monday morning we'll still have some leftover showers, then partly cloudy skies throughout the day. so rainfall amounts through monday, 10:00, anywhere from .1 to .3 inch in most areas. some of the coastal hills could pick up a half-inch. santa cruz and monterey not looking at any rain at all. high temperatures in the south bay then today with the high clouds, low to mid 70s from los gatos to san jose. 62 pacifica with san francisco coming in at 66. in the north bay, low 60s. simpson, you'll have partly cloudy skies here. 71 sonoma. near east bay, oakland warms to 68 degrees. out over our east bay hills, look for 73 in antioch as well as livermore. the seven-day forecast -- mild to warm day, fog this morning, rain arivs not until the evening hours tomorrow. remember to set your closhgs ahead. breezy, sunshine returns tuesday throughout the entire rest of the work week and with temperatures a little bit above average, it is really going to feel like spring and it will be shy of spring by about five days. we start that on the 20th. abc 7 news has another great weather resource for you to follow. follow us on live doppler 7 hd. that's twitter. that will bring you all the latest information that we have for you and some fun fit bits as well. it is going to be a really nice day out here today, katie. enjoy it. >> thank you, lisa. next, graduation of the north bay swim club. the reward that must have made isn't always easy, g your health but you can do it. stay active... get outdoors... eat healthy... and choose colgate total®.more , it actually helps improve mouth health. [ male announcer ] it fights germs for 12 hours, in 24 hoursrtify enam starts to fortify enamel, and in 4 weeks helps improve gum health. you can do it with colgate total®. [ male announcer ] do more than protect. improve mouth health with colgate total®. and use the whole line for even better results. ♪ a california lawmaker wants to ban killer whale shows which would affect aquatic theme parks like seaworld. the orca welfare and safety act would make it illegal to use orcas for entertainment purposes. it would also stop captive breeding. the assemblyplan from santa monica says the animals are too large and intelligent to be kept in small concrete tanks for their entire lives. he says it is not healthy for them and it is dangerous for trainers. seaworld responded saying the lawmaker is siding with extreme animal rights activists. a group of marin county kids graduated from swim school yesterday and they finished like olympic champions. about a dozen kids from the marin city boys and girls club took part in the program. the program's aimed at inner city youth and teaches kids how to swim and be safe in the water. >> now to see them swimming back and forth and really have that confidence in the pool is awesome. you never know, one of them might and water polo player one year. >> it gives everyone a chance to like get out and move while they're swimming and it's really helpful. >> program organizers say learning to swim can build a kid's self-esteem and boost his or her confidence. morgan hill police are introducing the newest member of the force. meet sonny, a 3-year-old shepherd are from the chuk republic. he will go to school, then hit the streets by the end of next month. up next, a boeing 777 missing with 239 people on-board. plus crew. we'll have an update on this breaking news story. also a local homeowner is forced to buy flood insurance for a property that's never flooded. why she blames cal train for her predicament. flying high. local students go where they never have before and a local pioneer is showing them the way. welcome back, everyone. coming up on 6:30. starting this half-hour with a quick look at the weather. here's meteorologist lisa argen. >> morning, katie. we are a little cool in spots in the bay. fog mainly in the north bay. temperatures are in the 50s in some spots from the roast, half moon bay, san francisco 51 but the visibility in navato, less than a quarter of a mile. three miles in santa rosa with five miles at the coast. elsewhere, nice, clear start. by the afternoon, nice warm conditions. inland we'll see low 70s. again high pressure biltsuilds even a little bit stronger today. you thought it was mild today but we will look for and welcome some rain in the forecast tomorrow. katie? >> thank you, lisa. we have breaking news right now. vietnamese air force planes have spotted two large oil slicks that authorities suspect are from a malaysian jetliner that went missing early this morning. plane with 239 people on-board was traveling to beijing from kuala lampur in malaysia when it lost contact with air traffic controllers over the south china sea. a vietnamese government statement says oil slicks were spotted off the southern tip of vietnam, the slicks were each between six and nine miles long. the statement goes on to say the slicks are consistent with the kind that would be left by fuel from a crash jetliner. also new this morning, president obama says he's hearing from business owners across the country who are voluntarily paying their workers more than the federal minimum wage of $7.25 an hour. in his weekly address the president says those actions show that change comes to washington, not from it. the president has already signed an executive order to raise the minimum wage for people working under new federal contracts. >> a good majority of americans support raising the minimum wage because we believe that nobody works full time should have to live in poverty. about half of all republicans support raising the minimum wage, too. it is just too bad they don't serve in congress, because the republicans who do serve in congress don't want to vote on the minimum wage at all. some even want to get rid of it completely. seriously. >> the president says working americans have struggled through stagnant wages for too long and raising the minimum wage is good for the bottom line. six states are now suing california. they're challenging the law requiring producers of eggs that are sold here to house chickens in roomier cages. the law requires at least 116 square inches of space per bird. but attorney generals in missouri, iowa, nebraska, kentucky, oklahoma and alabama say the law violates the principle of interstate commerce and it is forcing farmers to spend hundreds of millions of dollars to be able to compete. california attorney general carmela harris says she will fight the lawsuit. texas governor rick perry says states like california are damaging the economy. perry says taxes are too high leading to fewer jobs and stagnant growth. perry also targeted capitol hill at yesterday he's conservative political action conference in maryland. >> it is time for washington to focus on the few things the constitution establishes as the federal government's role -- defend our country. provide a cogent foreign policy. get out of the health care business! get out of the education business! stop hammering industries! let the sleeping giant of american enterprise he create prosperity again. >> perry made a run for the white house in 2012. he says he is considering running again in 2016. a peninsula homeowner and her neighbors say cal train is to blame for their skyrocketing flood insurance premium and they want the rail agency to fix the problem. abc 7 news reporter vic lee has more. >> reporter: in only carolyn knew about the culvert under the cal train tracks. it is about 100 yards away across the street from her home on california drive. water from easton creek flows through it and into the bay. last year she had to pay almost $1,800 for flood insurance, and she was told it might jump as much as 25%. >> i had no idea i was going to be facing this kind of precipitous rate increase. >> reporter: so she hired civil engineer allen huntzinger to find out if maybe her house was high enough to exempt her in the future. she discovered the culvert was the reason why her home and those of her neighbors could flood. >> pipeline here where the word "culvert" appears is too small. it restricts the flow of water so that it can't get through. >> reporter: word spread quickly. everett lives next door. his flood insurance also skyrocketed. so much so that he wants to sell his home after 20 years here. >> there's no question. biggest bill i got. >> reporter: but what will these homes sell for now? >> i'm concerned about my real estate investment now. it has i think a significant chilling effect on what its value is. >> reporter: she wants cal train to build a wider culvert. she contacted them in december. cal train said it would investigate. >> in truth, they've not contacted me since. >> reporter: cal train did respond to abc 7 news when we contacted them. its answer -- that it was still investigating but that it appears the culvert, or other drainage systems that cross under the tracks, are not owned or maintained by cal train. vic lee, abc 7 news. happening today, a community will march across the golden gate bridge to mark the third anniversary of the japan earthquake and tsunami that damaged a nuclear power plant. today's march begins at 11:00 a.m., followed by a noon rally at the bridge plaza in san francisco. radiation escaped from the fukushima nuclear plant after it was severely damaged in the 2011 earthquake that rocked northern japan. happening today, an activist will begin her one-year trek on foot from san francisco to d.c. to promote equal rights. as part of international women's day, helen swanson will begin her journey from the golden gate bridge. she's pictured here kneeling in the front row. she expects to arrive in the nation's capital in one year to speak on the equal rights amendment rally at the u.s. capitol. along the way swanson plans to meet with the leaders of the 15 states that have not yet ratified the equal rights amendment. the number of female pilots in this country is increasing but the percentage is still just about 5%. now there is a big push to introduce more girls to aviation. abc 7 news reporter lee ann mechanical lep dez melendez. >> reporter: getting on a plane was not as easy as some of these students thought. for many, it was their first time flying. anna took up flying four years ago and wants young girls to try it, too. >> we went to the girls say listen, we have this problem, why don't we bring a couple of kids to see what it is. >> reporter: the students are from east palo alto. this field trip to the san carlos airport is part of their science, technology, engineering and math program. >> are the airplanes trying to go forward, there's always this force called drag. >> reporter: they are participating in a program called women of aviation week. >> these girls got more than a lesson in aviation and a chance to fly. they were also introduced to a woman who has made aviation history. captain olga was the first latina to complete u.s. air force military pilot training and the first hispanic female pilot to fly for a commercial airline. during her career she ran into people who questioned her ability to fly. >> yes, we do have women flying airplanes and i am the captain today. so, is there a problem with that? he goes, well, i don't know and -- i said you do not have to take this flight. >> reporter: today she is retired and encourages girls to start thinking about flying. >> i want to give back and let them know that they are able to do it. as long as they don't give up. anything can be achieved when you try hard enough. >> if you try, there will be fear at times but if you try, there is no point, you'll overcome a fear. >> the view. you can see like a bunch of houses. like it was excellent. like -- i don't know. it was amazing. >> reporter: in san carlos, lyanne melendez, abc 7 news. five bay area residents will soon be on their way to washington, d.c. to meet vice president joe biden. all five women are on fixed incomes but a fund-raising drive sponsored by a trust in richmond came through. vice president biden called the rosies members of a remarkable generation of women. they're cultural icons representing the women who worked in factories during world war ii, often in place of men who were serving in the military. the women fly to d.c. march 29th. still ahead, a super hero and sneeze. how those two things have changed the lives of two bay area college students. you've got to see this story. at 6:39, a live look outside. this is the view from our tower cam. a little hazy there but a pretty sunrise, nonetheless. sometimes in fact that helps. lisa argen has her forecast in a few minutes. it is shaping up to be a pretty nice day in most places. to keep a germ-free office. from latex gloves and antibacterial wipes to steam cleaners, keyboard vacuums and microfiber cloths. yes, staples has everything you need for a germaphobe-friendly office... 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[ female announcer ] everyone deserves health insurance. are you in? visit and get covered today. this weekend is your chance to audition for "wheel of fortune." the wheel mobile is at the resort and casino . only a few hundred ever get the call but that could be you if you're the right fit. >> so overall what we need is that natural, enthusiasm and energy. we need those good game players. we need those people who call out logical letters, who make quick decisions, who speak in a loud, clear voice. >> the wheel mobile will be at the resort today and tomorrow from noon to 4:00. mike nicco will be there today. more at under "see it on tv." 6:42. a saturday morning meteorologist lisa argen up on the roof this morning. >> good morning to you. a few high clouds make for a very brief sunrise. this is the view from our camera where temperatures downtown are in the low 50s. elsewhere it is chilly with some fog in the north bay, i'll have the weekend forecast which includes just a little bit more rain. >> next, the warriors return home after a long road trip against the hawks and they appear to be peaking at just the right time. highlights in sports next. ♪ now your best ac] now your best accessory can be your smile. with colgate® optic white toothpaste. unlike the leading whitening toothpaste colgate® optic white goes beyond surface stains to deeply whiten teeth. it whitens over three shades. that's more than the leading express whitening strip. so the only accessory you need to look fabulous is your smile. colgate® optic white whitens more than the leading express whitening strips. and try the new collection for whiter teeth in one day! it's been said that we all have at least one movie in us. easy to say, not so easy to do especially if you are a student with no budget. but where there is a will, there is a way. as wayne freeman tells us, in this case there is also a big payoff. >> reporter: could a couple of college students be super heros? well, let's see. >> manly men. never heard of you. >> you will. >> reporter: most definitely. assuming you get to see the short film they produced. it's called kerfluey. >> it is about a sick super hero who can't really save the world at the moment. >> reporter: they came out of kenyatta community college in redwood city. they heard about a project to make a film in one week. they decided to give it a shot. >> i've never done a movie before. >> didn't it scare you a little bit? >> not so much, no. >> reporter: until the duo got carried away. melissa wrote the script, she is an english major and he's a computer whiz looking for the opportunity to try some special effects. >> there were a bunch of different shades of red circles and we had different effects giving it that electric look on the inside. >> reporter: their professor, blown away by it all. >> it's the kind of thing you wouldn't expect to see in a student film. >> especially when one considers they had hardly any money on this project. how small a budget -- look carefully. >> that is a towel. >> that is a towel. >> he's wearing a towel. >> that's my towel. yeah. >> and yet, the film was so good, it's already won some student awards, which ought to be enough. right? well, last week a big surprise. they were notified by the cannes film festival in france, the big one, that their film has been accepted for competition. and they're going. >> i was completely blown away. >> reporter: beginner's luck? maybe. but it is also the kind of break that puts a small community college program on the map. only a couple of super heroes could pull that off. from kenyatta college, abc 7 news. 6:47. no special effects up on the roof. lisa and the sunrise behind you, that's all the real deal. >> yeah, certainly. we are looking at a pretty nice weekend, sun, mile temperatures and we do have a little rain coming your way. live doppler 7 hd this morning picking up the low clouds from the coastline. we also have some in our inland valleys and a look at mount tam. very pretty shot. sun was up at 6:42. 47 in oakland and san jose. 43 los gatos. half moon bay at 50 degrees. good morning, san jose. temperatures in the north bay are coolest -- 39 with the fog there, as well as napa and navato. low to mid 40s. in the mid 40s for our friends in concord and livermore valley. this is a nice shot, is it not? very, very nice. temperatures today a little bit above average. we are into march so highs should be in the mid and upper 60s. spring like weather. rain arrives tomorrow night. today will be dry. more clouds tomorrow, and the dry weather follows suit after this weak cold front pushes through the bay area. it is keeping it at bay today. it will bring the mild to hazy conditions and the area of low pressure and the rain heading well to the north. but we will see anywhere from perhaps about .1 inch of rain in most locations, but not everyone is going to see rain. 6:00 tomorrow morning, plenty of clouds, maybe some mist and drizzle. it won't be until late in the day when mendocino county gets the rain but it is going to be past 9:00 at night when we see rain from santa rosa, into marin. east bay, overnight hours, south bay should pick up a little rain, leftover showers mon morning. with no rain anticipated from santa cruz to monterey, just a couple hundredths in the south bay, maybe upwards of a half inch in the highest elevations of the north bay. 76 in fresno today. low 70s in chico. surf is building in southern california. back home, 72 in san jose. how about 73 cupertino. 71 redwood city. pacifica 62. 63 in the north bay, we'll call it partly cloudy. clear lake, 68. 70 san rafel. 73 in livermore. looks like spring, feels like spring. when we set the clocks ahead you know spring is right around the corner. tomorrow, cloudy skies. the rain arrives late. few leftover showers monday. tuesday, breezy, offshore winds, lots of sunshine for our tuesday, wednesday, thursday and friday with little temperature variation. low to mid 60s coast with low 70s around the bay. still just about 40% of normal around the bay. even less than that in some spots shaping up to be the third driest winter on record. but nice weekend. >> we'll take it. thank you, lisa. in sports tonight the sharks return to the ice gent the montreal ka ncanadiens at the s center. here's abc 7 news sports direct director. >> back from the road, the warriors have a schedule loaded with home games through march. time to lock down the playoff spot starting with a hammering of the hawks. first quarter, klay thompson crashes to the floor. had to leave with a lower back strain. hit his head as well. not believed to be serious though. instant souvenir for sparky. nice balance there. david lee with the layup here knifing down the lane. tramaine o'neal, what a contribution. again 17 points off the bench. warriors would go on a 10-0 run to end the first half. curry around the defense, floating to the basket. 18 points. fourth quarter, crawford, alley-oop and the warriors win going away, 111-97. women's college hoops, top seed stanford in trouble in seattle. down two against colorado at the half. cardinals go on a 16-2 run in the second half. stanford pulls away to win 69.54. they'll face usc today in the semi-finals. but cal is done. the bears, two seed facing washington state. little double dutch action here with jump rope at halftime. galdera leads the cougs to the semi-finals. cal 21-9, will still make the ncaa tournament. after two sub-par seasons, tim went to work this winter and the results are crystal clear. giants and royals in surprise arizona. no surprise but the giants pitching. starters all looking good right now. timmy, three scoreless. we love the story of 31-year-old mark menacazi. fighting through injuries and independent ball four years. the guy can hit no matter what. smacked his second homer of the spring as giants win 5-0 and a's beat arizona 2-0. after beating pittsburgh on thursday night, the sharks were busy yesterday building a playground in san jose. the sharks foundation teaming up with a non-profit kaboom combining a parking lot instantly into a playground. it took only six hours. >> great day for everybody putting up something like this and helping out, getting their hands dirty. it is fun to see. >> second round, cadillac championship, 30-mile-per-hour gusts in florida. hold on, birdie, hold on! speaking of birdies, tiger with a 73. six off the pace. had the long birdie. 92-footer here. reed, johnson, kuchar and mahan are all tied for a lead. that's a wrap on morning sports. have a great weekend, everybody. i'm larry beil. prom season is almost here. how hundreds of high schoolgirls who can't afford dresses can get a free gown this weekend. here are the winning numbers from last night's $270 million mega millions draw. 11, 13, 51, 57, 69 and the mega number is 1. nobody correctly picked all six so tuesday's night jackpot grows to $309 million. happening today, an organization will be giving away free prom dresses to teenagers in need. the give-away is sponsored by princess project. teens must bring a valid high school idaho to receive a free dress. appointments to pick one out are on a first come, first serve basis. no proof of financial need is required. today's just the first of four give-aways in san francisco. there are others scheduled for tomorrow, march 15th and 22nd. today's give-away is from 8:30 to 5:00 at 2099 market street. those were good times. happy shopping, ladies. lisa argen, good weather for shopping, i suppose? always good weather for shopping. who am i kidding? >> well, now i want to see you in your prom dress. you may have to post that on facebook. >> ooh. no way that could possibly fit me. >> oh, i doubt that. you're a cutie then and now. good morning, every one. quarter-mile visibility in navato, as well as the coast. pretty day today with high 60s and low 70s. tomorrow we spring forward. we are looking at spring not for another ten days or so but it will feel like it right through next week. >> that sounds good. thank all of you for joining us on abc 7 saturday morning news. the news continues now online, on twitter, facebook and on all your mobile devices with our new abc 7 news app. abc 7 news continues at 8:00 a.m. "good mornin ♪ [ male announcer ] spring is calling. save 25% when you buy two scotts fertilizers -- one to use now and one for later. good morning, america. this morning, breaking news, the disappearance of flight 370. air traffic control loses contact with a malaysia airlines jetliner carrying 239 people to beijing. the massive search and rescue operation under way right now as the families of the victims react with horror and anger. how did this giant plane simply vanish? what drove her? [ sirens ] new details about the pregnant woman accused of driving herself and her three young kids into the atlantic ocean. now charged with attempted murder and child abuse. the chilling stories her terrified kids have told investigators. freak accident, tv reporter miles o'brien opening up about losing much of his arm.


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73 today in the livermore valley. that's not the whole story. we have more clouds and some rain headed your way for tomorrow. we'll have that coming up. katie? >> lisa, thank you. breaking news. a desperate search on the way this morning for a malaysian airlines flight that disappeared in waters over southeast asia. vietnam air force planes have spotted two oil slicks off the southern tip of vietnam. air-traffic controllers lost contact with the plane last night. 239 people were on board. abc's bob woodruff has the dedetails. >> reporter:? kuala lumpur, an authority spoke solemnly to the press. >> the flight lost contact with air traffic control at 2:40 a.m. this morning. >> reporter: the plane was due to fly from malaysia's capital, koauala lumpur, to beijing, chi. it went off the radar somewhere off the southern tip of vietnam. 227 passengers from 14 different countries and 12 crew members were on board the boeing 777. among them three americans, two of them children. here at this beijing hotel room today, family members gathered in tears. "i don't want to live. what is the point of me being alive?" says this mother whose son was on the plane. in frustration with the airlines, this woman said they were only given water and bread in the room. by the time the company's officials came out to talk, hundreds of reporters had poured in, crushing into each other just to get close. at one point, i could barely move. it's out of control here. i can't believe believe this. the search is happen off the coast of vietnam cover managerer than 4,000 square miles. >> we have requested assistance first on information of whereabouts the plane may be and secondly if there is a need for search and rescue, which we cannot cope. >> reporter: at the beijing airplane, things have gone back to normal but the night has fallen in asia, which means that that search-and-rescue operation down in vietnam could get harder and harder as the night goes on. bob woodruff, abc news, beijing. >> here's a look at the passenger list from the flight released by beijing airport. the state department confirming there were three -- there are three americans on board. the "l.a. times" reporting the names of people carrying u.s. passports, 50-year-old phillip talmadge wood, 3-year-old nicole meng, and 1-year-old leah moeng. the pilot of the plane join mad lay sha airlines in 1981 and has more than 18,000 flying hours. the mising plane a boeing 777. it's 11 years 10 months old. malaysia airlines is an award-winning carrier. it's not had an accident since 1995 when a crash killed 34 people out of 53 on board. now to a bay area story that's getting national attention. kathy zimmer was found dead in the back seat of her car 25 years ago. and after all this time, two arrests have finally been made in the case. abc news reporter sergio quintana has the story from santa clara jail. >> reporter: this is a picture of the quilt that investigators say was found along with kathy zimmer. it's what sparked new interest in this 25-year-old case. >> we felt that it was time to put it out there to see what kind of response we could get. we did get an overwhelming response of people trying to help. >> reporter: the 39-year-old mother of two had been strangled in 1989. police discovered her car, a chrysler new yorker, in a parking structure at san jose international airport. the quilt was draped over her body in the back seat. >> we feel that at this time we have the two people responsible for her murder. her husband at the time, david zimmer, and his brother, robert zimmer, are both now in custody. >> reporter: david zimmer was arrested and booked into the santa clara county jail on murder charges. his brother, robert zimmer, was arrested last week. the prosecutor on this case says zimmer's former husband is implicated because of financial gains following her death. >> life insurance policies, sale of the home, so, yes, we do believe there's a financial motive here yes e. >> reporter: investigators say dna samples taken from kathy clothing is what implicated her husband's brother, robert. a school in oakland went on lockdown yesterday while police searchd for a man believed to have sexually assaulted a young girl. sky 7 shows police responding to world academy in oakland yesterday afternoon. the 7-year-old said the stranger on campus touched her inappropriately. despite the lockdown, police were not able to track down the man. police are offering a $2,500 reward to find him. we have startling new details about a teacher accused of molesting several el children. yesterday 32-year-old ronald ginnto was charged with 27 felonie felonies, his bail set at $17 million. he pleaded not guilty investigators believe he molested six boys ages 11 to 13 all students at the academy in richmo richmond. it happened during several camping trips where ginto was the only chaperon. he was fired in november but hired this january. last night the president of the school district told abc7 news he planned to take six more young boy s on a secret trip to yosemite next month and that he went to great lengths to make that trip happen this. >> he had falsified the signatures on the form, and unbenoeps to us we had no idea this was going on. i know we dodged a bullet. >> the district has proposed changing its hiring practices. administrators did not call making waves academy as part of his background check. the university of california has announced a new system-wide sexual assault policy. it's in response to the claims by several female students that their sexual assault claims have been ignored. the mu policy includes expanded sexual assault training and education, increased reporting reporting requirements and broader protects for victims of sexual violence and harassment. police are asking for the public's help to identify a man who robbed a woman at gunpoint at an atm. this is a picture of the robert fremont police say he confronted a woman outside of bank of america on fremont boulevard thursday morning, flashed a gun at the woman, took the money she'd withdrawn and forced her to pull out more cash. the man took off in a red toyota corolla with utah license plates. four central european nations are urging the u.s. to boost natural gas exports on the possibility that russia could cut off its supply of gas to ukraine. ukraine is heavily dependent on russian gas. previous disputes between the two countries have led to supply cuts. meanwhile, tensions remain high in ukraine after a pro-russian troops advanced onto a military base on crimea yesterday. several ukrainian troops barricaded themselves inside a barracks. the pro-russian troops e eventually withdrew. and there are new questions this morning about the snipers who contributed to last month's bloodbath in kiev. ukrainian authorities are now focusings on russia using the gunmen to create a pretext for a military incursion. a search continues in solana county for a missing woman who suffers from memory problems. victoria mueller palomino was last seen yesterday morning at ve nika community park. she lost most of her short-term memory when she suffered a brain aneurysm two years ago. police don't know if she drove off in her car, a prius like this one, or if she's been the victim of a crime. dozens of trees have been removed from a san lorenzo park to protect natural gas pipelines. nearly 70 trees at the community park also known as duck pond park with taken out by p&g in the last month, and the power company removed 35 more at the park district's request. the roots can damage pipelines and cause leaks. the tree removal is in response to 2010's san bruno gas line explosion which killed eight people. the move the build a traffic median on the golden gate bridge takes another step forward. according to our media partner the "marin independent journal" district officials are taking contract bids for work related to the project. it would include the demolition of four tollbooths to make room for the barrier and installation of crash cushions at the toll plaza. officials say the barrier, which would prevent head-on collisions, could be installed as soon as october. 8:09 now on your sat morning. let's check in can with lisa argen, who's enjoying some lovely weather on the roof. it is beautiful out here. temperatures in the low 50s, san francisco. just a little fog left over at the shoreline. a few high clouds today, above average. rain arrives tomorrow. i'll time it out for you when we return. next, a health scare on treasure island. why a san francisco fire squadron has been forced to move out. and some of the newest examples of wearable technology. in the midwest, a gun inside a thrift store in chicago went off killing a mother of 2. 50-year-old maria dominguez died yesterday after she was shot in the chest. dominguez had worked for the company for 25 years. she was married with two children. police are treating the shooting as an accident. dinner for a florida family turned into a long and terrible trip because their steaks were laced with lsd. the family of four, including two kids ages 6 and 7, purchased the meat from walmart. shortly after dinner, they started hallucinating and had to be rushed to the hospital. the mother was nine months pregnant handle had to have labor induced, but the baby was born healthy and the family is okay. walmart is cooperating with the investigation. san francisco fire officials have temporarily shut down a firehouse on treasure island after finding mold and asbestos in the building. abc7 news reporter jonathan lu has details. >> reporter: box after box of personal items and firefighting gear, all of it has to go. the locks are being changed. the beds loaded into trucks. firestation 48 is closed. >> we just got the report that there's mold in a few of the downstairs rooms and they recommend abating it and so we have to get the members out of it. >> reporter: what was the only working firestation was by no means modern. it was originally built by the navy before san francisco took control of the island. >> we inherited the building and moved in. >> reporter: the city also inherited this building where the station will move. >> they've only moved a couple blocks away. we don't expect it to have any impact on response time. >> reporter: it's built of cinderblock, far different from station 48's aging wood frame. firefighters there stay the building has been fall eight part for years. they even started documenting their efforts to keep out rainwater, a primary cause of mold. they dug a trench to keep water from getting in through the siding. top-ranking fire officials are looking into it. >> might have a couple leaky windows that could be causing it and there could be a leaky roof that might be causing it. the exact nature of cause isn't known until they open up the walls. >> reporter: firefighters say they complained about the leaking roof years ago. one said he used to wake up in the middle of the night with the headaches. another said you could smell the mold. administrators say no complaints reached them or they would have acted sooner. >> health and safety is not worth playing around with. we won't keep our members somewhere they'll get sick. that's crazy. >> reporter: this is not the only clone-up under way on treasure island. the navy left in 1997. crews have been working to clean up toxic materials left behind including more than 500 radioactive fragments found in the past three year. the city has been sued over that. this could mean another lawsuit in the works. jonathan bloom, abc7 news. many of you watched "shark tank" last night on abc and the stanford graduate who accepted a sweet deal talked with us. he presented his idea to the tycoons. the lights are mounted on a bicycle's wheels to illuminate a bike's path without shining in anyone's eyes. he accepted an offer for $300,000 and 10% of the company. we'll pay ourselves chashgs big one so, we can actually grow the team. it's hard to get people that are talentd to want to joint a steam and you can't pay them. >> they say they survived on ramen noodles developing their product and those days are over. congratulations to them. happening today, the university of the pacific will dead date its new san francisco campus ahead of its summer opening. the renovated building in the south of market neighborhood will house about 1,000 faculty, staff, and students. this is time lapse video of the building going up. it will hold classes from the university's school of dentistry as well as graduate frams in audiology, music therapy, and data sciences. summer classes are set to begin in july. also happening today, the home of the san jose sharks will be collecting old electronics. the sap center is teaming up with sims recycling to encourage the community and shark fans to recycle their old electronics. everyone who drops off a recyclable item will get to watch the team's pregame morning skate and receive a raffle ticket and a chance to win sharks memorabilia and merchandise. today's recycling event is from 9:00 to 1:00 at the sap center in san jose. there's a new wave of privacy concerns over the wearable technology that's rolling out of the silicon valley. sensors collecting data can easily be hacked. abc7 news's david louie got a look at some of the devices. >> reporter: the workout shirt he's wearing has multiple sensors embedded in the fabric that collect data an amateur athlete might find helpful. over time, he sees a fast-growing database that will make wearable technology a breakthrough for medicine. >> the real value in these devices will come when we can give that kind of level of insight, taking it from detection and diagnosis to the point of actually being able to predict something and then prevent it. >> reporter: it's a competing start-up. its shirt has 14 sensors inviz to believe the wearer. >> sensor, we have two here for the heart rate. there's one on each bicep, which goes on the inside of the arm here. our sensors are about that big. and that allows us to have constant surface area contact. >> reporter: wearable technology is also aiming at foot pain. these shoes have a dynamic suspension. >> we have multiple points, multiple shocks and we have that chassis suspended so that kind of allows you to stay in traction and in control as the terrain is rough. it allows you to grip the ground better than current shoes. >> reporter: consumers embrace fitness bracelets. samsung and apple are jumping on board. these devices collect data, personal data, and that's raising new concerns about privacy. >> stories outside of the u.s., what are we doing, selling it to advertisers? are you sharing it, about my health? >> reporter: in sunnyvale, david louie, abc7 news. daylight-saving time begins tomorrow at 2:00 a.m. set your clocks forward one hour before you go to bed tonight. every time we change the clocks the consumer product safety commission encourages us to check the batteries in our household smoke detector and change them if needed. there's your official reminder. write it down. most of our technology these days changes the clock for us. a lisa argen on the roof, it is 8:19 on this saturday morning. >> yeah. it's pretty out here. we can see the high clouds beginning to filter in and a little fog at the coast. but we are shaping up for a very mild afternoon. right now in the low 50s. live d live doppler 7-hd where there is some haze from mt. tam. other than that, we are in the low 50s for the most part except for redwood city, a little cooler there, 52 in the city. 50 at the coast ap pnd give it about an hour, hour and a half and that fog should begin to lift at the shoreline. santa rosa 45 degrees. it's 49 in concord and livermore you are at 48 degrees. high pressure our fair-weather maker with us again for the day today. the view of the golden gate bridge a little bit of haze out there, but still feeling like spring, above average highs today. rain arrives tomorrow night. and we will look for more clouds in the sky tomorrow, but after that it's dry and mild for the rest of the upcoming workweek. pacific satellite picture, high pressure to the east and southwest of us bringing up some southerly winds later on. but for today, mild and a little bit hazy. you may notice that already. the front and the area of low pressure well to the north. we're going to get the tail end of this thing and that gives us the rain but not until late. look at this, today and tomorrow morning we will be dry but maybe mist and drizzle until about 3:00 in the afternoon. front still well to the north, not even in ukiah. it will be until past 9:00 when the north bay gets wet, 11:00, look at the rain push south. it's really overnight. east bay and into the south bay. how much, well, not very much. couple hundredth in the south bay to a tenth to three tenths in most areas. little bit more in the coastal hills. statewide, 74, sacramento, 59 in lake tahoe. you could get about 6 inches of wet snow with this next system through monday. 68 in oakland, 71 palo alto. 72 in fremont and san jose. here's the look ahead. the accuweather seven-day forecast, mild to warm today with 60s at the host to the low to mid-70s inland. and remember we gain another hour of daylight tomorrow. so it should be definitely feeling like spring. the rain doesn't arrive in until late. clouds start out on monday maybe a few showers, a little cooler, then we'll look for sunshine tuesday, wednesday, thursday, friday. winds will be gusty on tuesday as the high pressure builds in strongly behind this weak weather system. so we've always got lots to say. you can find out about it when you follow live doppler 7-hd on twitter. that's where you'll get all sorts of weather information, tweets from all of us, and anything else you need to know. also some fun factoids for sure. it is a lilt hazy out here but still about 5 degrees above average and some welcome rain headed our way tomorrow. katie? >> yes. easier i think to enjoy the sunshine when we know we're still getting a little bit of rain because we need it. so we can root for ul of it. thank you, lisa. next, graduation at a north bay swim club. the reward that must have made these new swimmers feel like olympians. it's amanda. hey sweetie. what? [phones rings] okay, i'll send it. one hundred seventy-two dollars for a chemistry book, what is it, made of gold? just use citi popmoney. boom. ah, she's feeling lucky. with citi popmoney it's easy to send money to just about anyone, anytime.r new chemistry book. visit your local branch or to learn more. ♪ [ male announcer ] spring is calling. save 25% when you buy two scotts fertilizers -- one to use now and one for later. welcome back. a california lawmaker wants to ban killer whale shores which would affect aquatic theme parks like seaworld. the orca welfare safety act would make it illegal to use orcas for entertainment purposes and stop breeding. he says it's not healthy for them and it's dangerous for trainers. seaworld responded saying a lawmaker is siding with extreme animal rights activists. a group of marin county kids graduated from swim school yesterday, and they finished like olympic champions. about a dozen kids from the marin city boys and girls club took part many the swim program. it's put together by san rafael-based sustainable sports foundation aimed at inner city youth and teaches kids how to swim and be safe in the water. bay area native and olympic champion heather petrie was there to hand out special medals to the new swimmer ps. >> to see them swimming back and forth and have that confidence in the pool is awesome. you never know. one of them might be a water polo player one year. >> it lets everyone to different moves while they're swimming. >> program organizers say learning to swim can build a kid's self-esteem and boost his or her confidence. morgan hill police are introducing the newest member of the force. meet sunny a 3-year-old shep frerd the czech republic. sunny and morgan hill's other k 9, sierra, will get to knee know each other in school and hit the streets by the end of next month. up next, a boeing 777 missing with 239 people on board. we'll have update on this breaking news story. also, a a local homeowner is forced to buy flood insurance for property that's never flooded. why she blames cal trains for her predicament. i've been claritin clear for 6 amazdays. at the first sign of my allergies, my doctor recommended taking one claritin every day of my allergy season for continuous relief. 21 days of relief from itchy, watery eyes. 28 days of continuous relief from sneezing and runny nose, since i've been taking claritin every day of my allergy season. 28 days of continuous relief from sneezing and runny nose, get the #1 doctor recommended non-drowsy allergy brand. live claritin clear. every day. stock up with claritin bonus packs for spring! available at walmart for a low price, every day. and the first thing that came to mind is, "can i afford to go to the hospital?" now that i've got covered california, i know that if something happens to me that i'm covered. i'm in. [ female announcer ] everyone deserves health insurance. are you in? visit and get covered today. welcome back, everyone. coming up on 8:30. we'll get a check of the weather with meteorologist lisa argen. >> good morning. pretty much everyone in the 50s. it's a mild start out there. we have high clouds around the bay. here's a look at san jose right now. it's 45, some exceptions to the rule here. santa rosa, 48 in napa. 46 in novato, 52 in fairfield. visibility just about a half-mile. half moon bay and only at a mile in novato. you can see the fog from our tower camera. the forecast for rest of the day calls for partly cloudy skies in the north bay. elsewhere high to midlevel clouds with temperatures above avrerage with low to mid-60s at the coast, a few lower 70s today out towards livermore, sunnyvale and los gatos. it will be as mild tomorrow but we he'll have more clouds and welcome rain coming our way. i'll let you know how much and when in a few minutes. breaking news. vote that please air force planes have spotted two large oil slicks that are suspected to be from the jetliner that disappeared yesterday evening. the plane with 239 people on board was traveling to beijing from kuala lumpur in malaysia when it lost contact with air-traffic controllers over the south china sea. a vietnamese government statement says the oil slicks were spotted off the southern tip of vietnam, the slicks each between 6 and 9 miles long. a statement says those slicks are consistent with the kind that would be left by fuel from a crashed jetliner. new this morning, president obama says he's hearing from business owners across the country who are voluntarily paying their workers more than the federal minimum wage of $7.25 an hour. in his weekly address, the president says that shows change comes to washington, not from it. he's signed an executive order to raise the minimum wage for people working under new federal contracts. >> a clear majority of americans support raising the minimum wage because nobody working full-time should have to live in poverty. about half of all republicans support raising the minimum wage too. it's just too bad they don't serve in congress, because the republicans who do serve in congress don't want to vote on the minimum wage at all. some even want to get rid of it completely. seriously. >> the president says working americans have struggled through stagnant wages for too long. raising the minimum wage is good for the bottom line. there's a challenge to house chickens in roomier cages. the law requires 116 square inches of space per bird but attorneys general in five states say the law violates the principle of interstate commerce and is forcing farmers to spend hundreds of millions of dollars to compete. california attorney general says she'll fight the lawsuit. texas governor rick perry says states like california are damaging the economy. perry says taxes are too high leading to fewer jobs and stagnant growth. perry also targeted capitol hill at yesterday's conservative political action conference in maryland. >> it is time for washington to focus on the few things the constitution establishes as the federal government's role -- defend our country, provide a cogent foreign policy. get out of the health care business. get out of the education business! stop hammering industries! let the sleeping giant of american enterprise create prosperity again! >> rick perry made a failed run for the white house in 2012 and says he is considering running again in 2016. a peninsula homeowner and her neighbors say caltrains is to blame for their skyrocketing flood insurance premium and want the rail agency to fix the problem. vic lee has more. >> reporter: if only carolyn knew about the culvert under the caltrain tracks. it's about 100 yards away across the street from her home on california drive. water from easton creek flows through it and into the bay. last year carolyn had to pay almost $1,800 for flood insurance, and she was told it might jump as much as 25%. >> i had no idea i was going to be facing this kind of precipitous rate increase. >> reporter: so she hired civil engineer alan huntsinger to find out if maybe her house was high enough to exempt her in the future. he discovered the culvert was the reason why her home and those of her neighbors could flood. >> pipeline here where the word culvert appears is too small. it restricts the flow of watt sore it can't get through. >> reporter: word spread quickly. a neighbor's flood insurance also vie skye rocketed so much so that he wants to sell his home after 20 years here. >> there's no question, i'm thinking of it because it's a big bill. this is all i got. >> reporter: what will these homes sell for now? >> i'm concerned about my real estate investment now. it has i think a significant chilling effect on what its value is. >> reporter: she wants caltrain to build a wider culvert. she contacted them in december. caltrains said it would investigate. >> they've not contacted me since. >> reporter: caltrain did respond to abc7 news when we contacted them. its answer -- that it was still investigating but that it appears the culvert or other drainage systems that cross under the tracks are not owned or maintained by caltrain. vic lee, abc7 news. today a community will march across the golden gate bridge to mark the third anniversary of the japan earthquake and tsunami that damaged a nuclear power plant. today's march begins at 11:00 a.m., followed by a noon rally in san francisco. radiation escaped from the fukushi fukushima nuclear plant after it was severely damaged in the 2011 earthquake that rocked northern japan. also today an activist will begin her one-year trek on foot from san francisco to washington, d.c., to promote equal rights. as part of international women's day, helen swanson will begin her journey from the golden gate bridge. you see her in this picture nap's her kneeling in the front row. she expects to alive in the nation's capital one year to speak at the equal rights amendment rally at the capitol. she plans to meet with the leaders of the 15 states that have not yet ratified the equal rights amendment. the number of female pilots in the country is increasing but the percentage is still small, just about 5%. now there's a big push to introduce more girls into aviation. abc7 news reporter lee e ya me nuclear weapon dez on the thing the students do for the first time before getting on the plane. >> reporter: getting on a plane was not as easy as some of these students thought. for many it was their first time flying. this woman wants young girls to try it. >> we went through the school. we have this program. why don't we bring a couple kids to see what it is? >> were you able to see the city from up here and everything else? >> reporter: the students are from mcnair middle school in east palo alto. the field trip to the san carlos airport is part of their science, technology, engineering, and math program. >> the airplane's trying to go forward, there's always this force called drag. >> reporter: they're participating in a program called women of aviation week. >> these girls got more than a lesson in aviation and a chance to fly. they were also introduced to a woman who's made aviation history. captain olga was the first latina to complete u.s. air force military pilot training and the first hispanic female pilot to fly for a commercial airline. during her career, she ran into people who questioned her ability to fly. >> yes, we e do have women flying airplanes and i am the captain today. so is there a problem with that? and he goes, well, i didn't know and i said you do not have to take this flight. >> reporter: today she is retired and encourages girls to start thinking about flying. >> i want to give back and let them though know that they are able to do it. as long as they don't give up. >> anything can be achieved when you try hard enough. >> if you try, there will be fear at times but if you try there's no -- you'll overcome your fear. >> the view, you could see, like, a bunch of houses. >> like, it was excellent. like, i don't know. it was amazing. >> reporter: in san carlos, abc7 news. five bay area rosie the riveters will be on their way to meet washington, d.c., to meet vice president joe biden. all five women are on fixed income but a fund drive came through. kaiser permanente and virgin america are among the benefactors. biden called them members of a remarkable generation of women, cultural icons representing the women who worked in factories during world war ii often in place of men serving in the military. the women fly to d.c. march 29th. still ahead, a superhero and a sneeze. how those two things have changed the lives of two bay area college students. and at 8:38, let's take a live look outside from our emeryville camera. you can see a lilt bit of haze in the sky there. lisa argen with your forecast in just a few minutes. welcome back, everyone. well, this week is your chance to audition for "wheel of fortune." the wheel mobile is at grayton resort and casino today and tomorrow. you can give it a spin for prizes and audition to become a contesta contestant. only a few hundred ever get the call, but it could easily be you if you're the right fit. >> so, overall what we need is that natural enthusiasm and energy, those good game players, those people who call out logical letters, who make quick decisions, who speak in a loud, clear voice. >> the wheel mobile will be at grayton resort and casino today and tomorrow from noon until 4:00 and abc morning news meteorologist mike nicco will be there today. double the reason to go -- meet mike. more details on under "see it on tv." like to see mike spin that wheel, not that he's eligible or anything, but, you know, see where his skills lie. we know where lisa's lie -- excellents t s ths the forecast. what's up? >> i try. it's all about the haze today, still fog around the bay but temperatures in the 40s and 50s to start out. our east bay hills camera, you can see it's not particularly clear all around the bay. we'll have the clouds with us today but that's not going to stop our warming temperatures. we'll look at your forecast today, the rain tomorrow when we return. >> thank you, lisa. also next, the warriors return home from a long road trip against the hawks and they appear to be peaking just at the right time. we'll have the highlights. ñ but you can do it. stay active... get outdoors... eat healthy... and choose colgate total®.more , it actually helps improve mouth health. [ male announcer ] it fights germs for 12 hours, in 24 hoursrtify enam starts to fortify enamel, and in 4 weeks helps improve gum health. you can do it with colgate total®. [ male announcer ] do more than protect. improve mouth health with colgate total®. and use the whole line for even better results. ♪ well, it's been said that we all have at least one movie in us. easy to say. not so easy to do especially if you're a student with no budget. where there's a will there's a way. as wayne freeman tells us, there's also a big payoff. >> reporter: can a couple college students be superheros? let's see. >> manly man. >> never heard of you. >> you will. >> reporter: most definitely. assuming you get to see the short film they produced. it. >> it's about a sick superhero who can't really stave world at the moment. >> reporter: they attend kenyatta community college in redwood city. they heard about a contest to make a short student film in one week and decided to give it a shot. >> i've never done a movie before. >> reporter: didn't it scare you a little bit? >> not so much, no. >> reporter: not until the duo got carried away. melissa wrote the script. she's an english major. and he's a computer whiz who was looking for an opportunity to try special effects. >> a little more comp collated. that was a red circle with a bunch of other different shades of red circle and different effects giving it that electric look on the inside. >> reporter: their professors blown away by it all. it's not the kind of thing you expect in a student film. especially when one considers they had hardly any money. how small a bunlet? look carefully. >> that is a towel. >> that is a towel. >> reporter: he's wearing a towel. >> that's my towel, yes. >> reporter: and yet it was so good it's already won some student awards, which ought to be enough, right? well, last week a big surprise. they were notified by the cannes film festival in france, the big one, that their film had been se accepted for competition. and they're going. >> i was -- i was completely blown away. >> reporter: bee ginner's luck? maybe. but it's also the kind of break that puts a small community college program on the map. only a couple of shooup superheroes could pull that off. from kenyatta college, wayne freedman, abc7 news. 8:47. up to the roof. lisa argen keeping an eye on our forecast. no cake needed. just regular human power. >> hi there, katie. pretty nice out there. we are thinning out the high clouds from time to time. look around the bay and you'll notice we have some fog still with us anywhere from a quarter to a half-mile visibility from novato to the coast. here's live doppler 7-hd where you can see some of the clouds and mt. tam where those clouds really settle into the protected valleys of the north bay. take a look at the numbers. 54 from los gatos, 51 redwood city. oakland, 53, demand the city 52. san jose, partly cloudy say skyes and we're looking at the cooler numbers in the north bay where we have the fog, 46 in novato, 49 in concord. livermore, 48 and boy you'll warm into the 70s once again. there's another look from our future tower camera, so beautiful morning and the afternoon will be nice and mild and springlike, above average by about 5 degrees. rain arrives tomorrow night. more cloud cover during the day and then dry and mild weather for the rest of the upcoming workweek. so here's our satellite picture with high pressure keeping this front at bay. that allows for a hazy day today with some mild temperatures. the front, it's a weak one. the energy is headed up to the north of us around seattle. we'll see just a couple hundredths in the south bay. nothing in santa cruz. here's the timing on what you can expect for the rest of the bay area. we'll go through the day on the cloudy side, 3:00, mendocino county has the rain. clover dale and santa rosa looking at some showers. overnight it's east bay and south bay and by monday still a new leftover showers for your morning commute. couple hundredths for our friends in the santa clara valley. a tenth to a third of an inch for most areas. we'll be a little bhit more up in the coastal hills. 73 in chico today with 80 degrees in los angeles. south bay, how about 71, sunnyvale, 73 morgan hill. redwood city 71. san francisco you'll warm to this 66 degrees and more high clouds the further north you go. you'll notice a little haze out there, vallejo 70. look for 69 in richmond. going to feel pretty good in newark today at 69. fremont 72. and our highs inland once again in the lower 70s. so 73 in livermore. concord, 72. the accuweather seven-day forecast, mild to warm weather today. that lasts tomorrow despite the cloud cover. we get an extra hour of daylight. the sun sets tomorrow night at 7:11. tonight at 6:10. and some morning showers on monday. take a look, the dry weather takes over once again tuesday, wednesday, thursday, friday, 60s coast, low to mid-70s inland. looking forward to that rain but of course it's never enough. katie? >> right. more would be better but we'll take it. thank you, lisa. in sports tonight, the sharks return to the ice against the montreal canadiens at the sap center. last night the warriors were finally back at oracle arena after a six-game road trip facing the atlanta hawks. here's larry beil with the highlights and this morning's sports. good morning. the warriors have a schedule loaded with home games through march. time to lock down the playoffs spots starting with hammering of the hawks. a lower back strain there. hit his head as well. not believed to be serious. andrew bogut, instant souvenir for sparky, shoe just rips apart. seth curry, david lee for the layup, knife do you think the lane. jermaine o'neal, what a contribution, 17 points off the bench. warriors go on the a 10-0 run to end the first half. curry floating to the basket. 18 points. fourth quarter, jordan crawford, andre iguodala with authority on the hoop and the warriors win going away 11-97. women college hoops, stanford in seattle, pac 12 tourney quarter finals down two at the half. the cardinal go on the a 16-2 run in the second half. the three and then inside 19 points, 11 boards, stanford pulls away to win 69-54. they'll face usc today in the semifinals. but cal is done. the bears two-seed facing washington state. a little double dutch action here with a jump rope at halftime. 28 points and 7 boards, 3 of 6 from downtown. leading the cuges to the semifinals. 91-83. brittany boyd upset but cal 21-9 will still make the ncaa tournament. tim lincecum needs to relax, just kick back and enjoy the off-season. however, after two subpar seasons timmy went to work this winter and the results are crystal clear. giants and royals in surprise, arizona. no surprise but with the giant pitching. stars looking good. three scoreless, walking arias. nice pick at third. escobar. we love the story of the 31-year-old fighting through injuries and independent ball for years. he can hit no matter what. smacks his second homer of the spring as the giants win 5-0 and the a's beat arizona 2-0. after beating pittsburgh on thursday night, the sharks were busy yesterday building a playground in san jose. the sharks foundation teaming up with a nonprofit kaboom combining to turn a parking lot instantly into a playground. it took only six hours. >> great day for everybody in the community around here, for the foundation. putting up something like this and helping out and getting their hands dirty. >> second round cadillac championship, 30-mile-an-hour gusts in florida. hold on, birdie. hold on. speaking of birdies, tiger with a 73, 6 off the pace, a long birdie, 92 footer here. a tie for the lead at 1 under par. a rare moment of glory in the second round for tiger in very tough conditions. have a great weekend, everybody. i'm larry beil. next, prom season's almost here. how hundreds of high school girls who can't afford a dress can get a free gown this weekend. knows her way around a miniskirt. can run in high heels. must be a supermodel, right? you don't know "aarp". because aarp is making finding the career you love, no matter what your age, a real possibility. go to to check out life reimagined for tools, support, and connections. if you don't think "i've still got it" when you think aarp, then you don't know "aarp". find more surprising possibilities and get to know us at here are the winning numbers from last night's mega millions draw. 11, 13, 51, 57, 69, and the meganumber, number 1. nobody picked all six so tuesday night's jackpot grows to $309 million. happening today an organization will be giving away free prom dresses to teens in need. the giveaway is sponsored by the princess project. teenagers must bring a valid high school i.d. to receive a free dress, appointments to pick out a dress, first come, first served basis. you do not have to bring any proof of financial need. today's the first of four giveaways in san francisco with others scheduled for tomorrow. march 15th and 22nd. today's giveaway started about 30 minutes ago. it's open until 5:00 tonight. it's located at 2099 market street. have fun shopping today, ladies. we'll send it up to the roof for a final check of the weather with lisa argen. feels pretty good out here, katie. getting my vitamin d. there will be plenty of it today. high to midlevel clouds at times but they'll fin out. we'll look for that fog to dissipate at the coast. coolest numbers there. 64. 68 in oakland but a return to the low set for live mor and morgan hill today. the accuweather seven-day forecast get an extra hour of daylight. tonight the sun sets at 6:10, tomorrow 7:11. rain arrives after about 9:0010, o'clock in the north bay, leftover clouds on monday and then the rest of the workweek will be sunny, mild, a bit above average and dry. have a good weekend. katie? >> thank you, lisa. time change hard for those of us who try to go to sleep while the sun is still up. thanks for joining us on the abc7 saturday morning news. news continues online on twitter, facebook, an all your mobile devices with our new abc7 news app. abc7 news continues at 5:00 p.m. have a great day. >> jack hanna's "wild countdown" is sponsored by nationwide insurance. >> hi, everybody, i'm jack hanna, coming to you from my base camp here at the columbus zoo. and welcome to "wild countdown." ever since my first job as a vet's assistant, i've had a huge respect for veterinarians. do you think she's being good? >> she's being very good. >> i'd hate to see her if she was bad. they all have a tough job. but what if the patient is a 360-pound gorilla? >> oh, jack. >> the world's fastest land mammal? get out of here! or a herd of wild antelope? >> the problem is we must be fairly quick with what we do because of the horns. >> all that, plus my blooper of


Transcripts For KGO ABC7 News 400PM 20140708

developments during this hour and again at 5:00 and 6:00. also, our breaking news coverage continues right nuon twitter at abc7news bay area. good afternoon. i'm dan ashley in for larry beil. >> i'm sheryl jenning wheres. to our other top story. reaction from the witnesses in the andy lopez shooting. he was shot to death by a sheriff's dep aert, eric gelhaus, while the boy was carrying a toy gun that looks very, very real. >> we're live with a story you'll see only on abc 7 news. wayne. >> we're brought here today because it was going to be a rally. in fact, there was a rally. we expected it to be larger. it wasn't as big as they thought, but they say their cause is very large. they're taking issue with district attorney of sonoma county for not pressing charges against deputy gelhaus, citing self-defense. meantime, we learned from one of the star witnesses in the report that even he takes issue with the result. >> was it a fair and complete interview? >> yeah. >> on page 18 of the district attorney's decision summary, he's listed as john doe number 4. he on the day of the killing drove by andy lopez walking with the look-alike ak-47 and warned him a sheriff's car was coming. >> i tell him to put that thing away because the police was behind. >> did he pay attention to you? >> he didn't pay no attention. >> moments later, he saw the sheriff's car pull up and open fire within seconds. >> my reaction. i don't think it's necessary to kill this guy. >> that opinion was as predictable as the reaction to the district attorney's report today. >> i don't believe a word that's in this report, and i read it. because it is cynical and it's not the truth. >> andy has become a symbol of what the militarization of our police department leads to. >> in her press conference yesterday, the district attorney described the shooting as a tragedy. she said she knew some would find fault with her decision that the deputy acted in self defense. >> given his training and experience, he believed honestly and reasonably that he was faced with a do or die dilemma. >> he applied the same standard police would use in any use of force. but andy lopez was a 13-year-old boy with a toy. today, even the witness who was cited as giving evidence of a threat questioned her logic. >> do you trust the sheriff's department more now or less? >> way less. way less. >> he's not alone. in santa rosa, wayne freedman, abc 7 news. >> and right now, antioch police are on the scene of a deadly shooting in a residential area. this is video you're watching from sky 7 hd. details are still coming in, but we know there's a body in the driver's seat of the car. the vehicle appeared to be moving in the parking lot of this apartment complex on hudson, off hudson court when it happened. no word yet on a possible motive for the shooting or if anyone has been arrested. several nonprofit workers were arrested at san francisco city hall at a protest at the board of supervisors meeting. they say the city has loaded social service and other responsibilities onto nonprofit agencies but isn't funding them. they say it's undermining public health and safety and causing chaos for nonprofit workers and their clients. the protests and arrests delayed the meeting by about ten minutes. >> a bank of america branch in san francisco was closed today after a driver slammed into the building early this morning. >> the pictures are amazing. nick smith has more from the outer mission division. >> this late model white mazda 3 has been reduced to a pile of mangled fiberglass and twisted steel after smashing through the doors of this bank of america just before 6:00 a.m. the traffic investigators spent most of the morning trying to piece together what happened. >> a solo driver and vehicle was traveling at a high rate of speed southbound on mission street when it lost control in the intersection and it subsequently jumped the curb and strikes the bank behind us. >> it landed inches from the bus stop when a driver, a woman believed to be in her 40s, nearly missed hitting a bus packed with commuters seconds before. >> it's a busy street on a week day. it could have been a lot worse. >> once the cops arrived, the driver was transferred to sf general. it wasn't long before evidence recovered at the scene would turn the simple traffic accident into something more. >> there were symptoms of alcohol, and we believe that this is also a dui investigation. >> an official with bank of america arrived to take a look at the damage. snapped picture, and talk with police. he did not speak with us. >> we'll be reviewing the cameras. >> investigators say they are pulling video from bank of america and this traffic camera, a realtime digital map of the events leading to the crash. >> we do have independent witnesses, any evidence we can gather is great. >> these orange markers show where the car jumped the curb, but they're always being used by investigators to determine the trajectory of the car and just how fast it was moving before it hit the building. investigators say that this bank will remain closed for at least the next two days. right now, bank of america is redirecting its customers to the 15 ocean location. >> san francisco police are looking for the man behind a strange and unusual home robbery. police say the man got into this house by slipping his hand through the mail slot and then opening the front door. it happened at a home near 19th and castro. police say the homeowners were inside, and the suspect told them that he had a gun. the man took a bag full of personal belongings and electronics and left. >> in san jose, a man want to know who took a hand painted sign from their frontyard. they noticed it was missing on the fourth of july. watch what happens. they see the woman in the yellow pants get out of the car, grab the sign, and take off. she's been dubbed the banana pants bandit. they say they do not know who is responsible. >> alameda county voters will decide in november if they'll keep paying an extra half cent sales tax to improve roads and transit. county supervisors put that on the ballot today. it would go to a b.a.r.t. extension to livermore and the free minute irvington neighborhood. that would get bus service and drivers would see improvements on local streets and freeways. voters will deal with that in november. >> a controversial bill is a hot topic tonight. >> opponents say the community cannot support that kind of large development. >> laura? >> well, hi, cheryl. hundreds of people expected for this meeting later tonight. this will be the san rumome city council's first look at the revamped development proposal. it's a project that's actually been winding its way through the planning process here for nearly a decade. now, in its current form, the preserve subdivision calls for the building of 740 new homes high atop the northwest hillsides of san ramon. that's just north of the canyon road and west of 680. a larger project was approved in 2006 and then stalled by lawsuits. even though this is smaller and was approved by the planning commission here last month, some residents and city leaders still don't like it. >> we don't even have water. it's a drought. that tank isn't going to take care of all the houses plus the new ones, 750 homes? where is the water coming from? >> this project calls for 6 million cubic yards of soil to be eliminated from the lils and dumped into the corridor and fill the level. it's going to alter that area quite a bit. >> now, opponents have collected more than 300 signatures that they do plan to present to the city council tonight. we did try to contact the current developer, that is lafferty communities, and they did not return our call for comment. now, the city council here could vote on this project. we're told it's unlikely given all the issues still on the table. in san ramon, laura anthony, abc 7 news. >> let's head outside where the sky is blue, but the flags are blowing. >> gorgeous outside today. spencer christian is on the frastz for us. >> yes, noticeably less humid today than yesterday. we had the moisture laider clouds moven through from our east. those clouds are now moving to our north. we still have high humidity this morning, but it's much less humid now. mainly sunny skies across the bay area. low clouds in the coast. look at the activity in the sierra, mainly on the eastern slopes of the sierra, the thunderstorms are. you see the clouds moving to our north. now taking moisture with them, and leaving us with lots of blue sky and much lower humidity than yesterday if you look eastward and northward from our emeryival c camera. mid-70s in san carlos and san jose. a little bit of fog and low clouds at the golden gate bridge right now, though, and temperature readings of 78 in santa rosa. 72 in napa. 90 in fairfield. 87 in concord. 91 at livermore. as we try to look over the low clouds from the east bay hills camera, low clouds and fog increasing, and they'll hang around in the morning hours, a chance of spotty drizzle in the early morning hours, and tomorrow afternoon, mainly sunny. cool on the coast, upper 50s. inland, upper 80s. >> tough to beat that, spencer. thank you. still ahead on abc 7 news at 4:00, crisis add the border. the white house under fire as president obama asks for congress's help to secure the border. >> dangling in midair, what investigators are saying about the broken ride in southern california that trapped people for hours. that's new after 4:30. >> that's not the place you come to sleep. i tell you what, how comfortable is that? >> well, there's no sleeping in baseball. why one fan is going to court over his untimely nap. >> 7 on your side's michael finney is taking your questions on twitter and facebook. he's going to answer them live just a little later. he wants to hear from you. you can contact michael at >> take a look at traffic on the golden gate bridge as the fog descends. looking great out there. the traffic is looking good. we'll be back with more on abc 7 yeah, citi mobile. pay the dog sitter? and deposit that check? citi mobile. pack your bathing suit? wearing it. niiice bank from almost anywhere with the citi mobile app. i'm a kid. and us kids have an important message for our grown ups. three grams daily of beta-glucan... a soluable fiber from whole grain oat foods like cheerios can help lower cholesterol. and where can you find beta-glucan? in oats. and, they're yummy! i'm going back to being a kid now. thank you! big development now in our breaking news. a carjacking suspect has just given up and police have taken him into custody. >> oakland on east 24th street near 21st avenue. that's where the standoff between police and the suspect is supposed to be over. however, we still do see some patrol cars at the scene. now, this tense situation began about 10:30 this morning when officers tried to pull over a stolen car. >> two people inside ran off. one got away and is still on the loose. the other locked himself in an apartment and again has just given himself up. more than five hours later. here's what's not clear. is that second suspect still in that area? is that why police have yet to leave the scene? we'll give you new developments as we get them, and our breaking news coverage continues right now at twitter. >> the white house said it is focused on taking all necessary steps to deal with the humanitarian crisis on the u.s./southern border. president obama asked for nearly $4 billion to help with the increase of unaccompanied minors coming across the border. we have more from washington. >> president obama has called it a humanitarian crisis. and today, he asked congress for $3.7 billion to address the surge of unaccompanied minors illegally crossing the u.s./southern border. >> what we would like congress to do is ask with the same sense of urgency and make sure this administration has all its necessary resources to deal with the situation. >> roughly half of the money, $1.8 billion would be set aside to care for the minors, many fleeing violence and crime back home in central america. nearly 10,000 were taken into custody in may alone. the remaining money would be split between the departments of homeland security and justice, for law enforcement along the border, and the state department for diplomatic efforts to tackle the root causes of this growing crisis. but there's still many big questions, including will this funding make the process of sending minors back to their countries any faster? administration officials would not speculate on timing. from capitol hill to the border states, the white house is under fire. >> this is a failure of diplomacy, a failure of leadership from the administration in washington, d.c. >> governor perry also slammed president obama for not visiting the border to see firsthand what's happening there. republican lawmakers joined the criticism. >> he needs to lead and not just follow when it comes to coming up with a solution. and the first thing he needs to do is go to the border. >> president obama is in texas this week for political fund-raisers. he'll also meet with state leaders and elected officials including governor perry, but no visit to the border. abc news, washington. >> and coming up new at 4:30, what one bay area city is doing to help the thousands of children entering the united states illegally. >> six flags magic mountain plans to keep one of its roller coasters closed by an accident is investigated. 22 riders dangled in the air for hours after the ninja coaster hit a tree on the tracks last night. officials say the entire tree fell onto the coaster's path, dislodging the front car. four people were injured, two of them went to the hospital as a precaution. they're going to be okay. at least one of the coaster's cars derailed. >> it sounded like they were like panicking. they didn't know what to do. >> we were confused and scared and didn't know what was going on. >> this is not a common incident. this park services thousands of people a year. >> it took firefighters about three hours to free all of the riders. rescuers faced many challenges including reaching riders through a tangle of trees and roller coaster tracks. it was kind of a mess up there. >> the crowd roared with pride in berlin today when the home team scored and the world cup against brazil. it was a sound heard many times over as germany defeated brazil 7-1 in the world cup semifinals. before today, no host nation's team had ever lost by four goals or more. this was also brazil's biggest defeat since the team lost 6-0 to uruguay in 9020. >> police in rio were ready just in case brazilian fans took to the streets in anger. there were police in riot gear sut up around the stadium at halftime. the germans were up 5-0 at the time. fans in the stands may have been too obsessed to riot. they were crying and a lot of sad, devastated looks. social media was abuzz with this huge defeat. the classic grumpy cat was tweeted out with the sad response, carnivale is canceled. and this christ the redeemer statue in rio covered its face. that's now making the rounds on social media as well. >> at schroeder's beer hall in san francisco, there were no sobbing brazilians in sight. germany will play in its records eighth world cup final this sunday here on abc 7. >> well, the dog looked pretty stunned by his team's performance today. still, this little guy is mighty adorable. we want to see your world cup fan photos. you can e-mail them or upload your pictures through our news app or at you can watch argentina play the netherlands tomorrow afternoon on the semifinals live on our sister network, espn. that game is at 1:00 p.m. >> let's go back and talk about the weather forecast. absolutely spectacular around the bay area today. not too windy, either. >> spencer christian is out there enjoying it. we should join you. >> lots of cheering in the weather today. not much crying at all. the high humidity from yesterday is dissipating and now things are feeling much more comfortable all around the bay area. a live look at live doppler 7 hd. we have mainly sunny skies all over the bay area, but along the coastline and near the coast, beyond the coast a little bit, low clouds and fog pushing out over the bay right now, but generally it's sunny and mild to warm in the inland locations. speaking of warm, there's a red-flag warning for high fire danger to mt. shasta to altoura to 11:00 tonight for high fire danger. there's been concern about lightning strikes triggering fires in this area that's been so hot and so dry for so long. here's a live view from the rooftop, looking at blue sky over the bay. at least from this point of view. these are our forecast features. we'll see low clouds and fog increasing overnight. there is a chance of spotty early morning drizzle the next two days. not a great chance, but it could happen. and a warming trend. a serious one, will kick in this weekend and continue into early next week. here's our forecast animation starting at 7:00 this evening, low clouds and fog pushing beyond the coast, across the bay. locally inland. there will be, again, a chance of patchy or spotty drizzle in the early morning hours. and then overnight, we'll see lows still in the mild side. much like last night. perhaps a couple degrees lower in some spots. mainly mid- to upper 50s. one or two locations may drop below 60. and then 5:00 in the morning, we'll notice in the early daytime hours, the fog will burn back beyond the coastline, it will still be cooler in some inland locations. places that topped off at 90, 91 today, will hit 88, 89 tomorrow. a couple degrees cooler in some inland spots. in the south bay, highs in the high 70s to low 80s. the peninsula, mid- to upper 70s. upper 50s to about 60 on the coast. downtown san francisco will have a high of 66 tomorrow. 61 in the sunset district. north bay's high is upper 70s. 78 in santa rosa and napa. in the east bay, look for highs of 69 at oakland. 72 at san leandro. 75 at free mont, and the inland east bay will see highs in the mid- to upper 80s. 88 in antioch. the seven-day forecast. temperature pattern will hold steady pretty much through friday. it will start to warm up over the weekend. sunday, low 90s inland. monday and tuesday, mid-90s inland. mid-80s around the bay and mid-60s on the coast. the warmest two days in the seven-day forecast period. >> thank you so much. coming up next, the special occasion that brought these boats out in san francisco. and new after 4:30 -- >> caught on video, two men dive into turbulent waters in a life and death struggle to save a teenager. one of our favorite things to do is going to the dog park together. sometimes my copd makes it hard to breathe. so my doctor prescribed symbicort. it helps significantly improve my lung function starting within five minutes. symbicort doesn't replace a 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[ female announcer ] symbicort is for copd, including chronic bronchitis and emphysema. it should not be taken more than twice a day. symbicort contains formoterol. medicines like formoterol increase the risk of death from asthma problems. symbicort may increase your risk of lung infections, osteoporosis, and some eye problems. tell your doctor if you have a heart condition or high blood pressure before taking it. [ man ] now symbicort significantly improves my lung function, starting within 5 minutes. and that makes a difference in my breathing. today, i'm hanging out with my best friend. talk to your doctor about symbicort. i got my first prescription free. call or go online to learn more. [ male announcer ] if you can't afford your medication, astrazeneca may be able to help. transforming a clunker into a sleek sports car. that's what these young men in china are doing. they took apart an old volkswagen santana. the furaerrari is their inspir n inspiration. they built a new, fancy friem. the project took two months to finish and it looks like a brand new car. it only cost them about $1,600 to complete the upgrade. >> where were they when i was in high school? there's a new innovation for beer drinkers. a minnesota target field is the first major league baseball stadium to serve beer in vending machines. fans have the choice of four brews. they will still be carted by a person, and there's a limit. people can buy up to 48 ounces every 15 minutes. >> that's a lot of beer. oh, my goodness. all right, well, an eyesore for more than a decade has been transformed into the newest recreation spot. >> officials celebrated the opening of the boat house with a boat race, appropriately enough. the building had been shut down since 2003. >> a few years ago, the rec and parks department decided to fix it up. more than $3 million was invested to remake the 54-year-old road house. >> essentially took the boathouse down to its studs. renovated bathrooms, brand new beautiful community room, a new kitchen facility. the whole thing has been redone. >> there's also a new exercise and locker room. the lake merced boat house is being used by several rowing clubs to store their boats and equipment at the site. it's also the site for boating lessons. >> still ahead here, children in limbo. the move by one san francisco supervisor today to help the unattended kids left at the border. >> plus, the startling discovery of several vials of a deadly disease. abc news dr. richard besser talks about the concern. >> and why this couple blames the government for their separation after more than three decades of marriage. a lot more to come with us. a lot more to come with us. 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brand over the last ten years. that is a lot of turbo. hurry in and you can get a $1,000 turbocharged reward card when you lease a new 2014 passat s for $219 a month. a crisis at the border is now being debated at san francisco city hall. thousands of children are waiting to hear their feat. >> now a supervisor wants the city which is already a sanctuary city to help out. lyanne melendez is live with that story. >> yeah, dan, you know this is nothing new. kids from different parts of central america have been crossing the border into the united states for years. what is new are the numbers. much, much higher. now, they are crossing, coming over, escaping extreme poverty, unemployment, and no protection from gang violence and drug traffickers. they're coming alone, looking for a parent or relatives here in the bay area. san francisco is now getting on average about 100 a month. as san francisco supervisor david campos put it, they will continue to come no matter what. now, the federal government is overwhelmed and is asking cities to help by creating shelters to house them while they wait for their deportation hearings. campos introduced a resolution today, asking for money to help house them, and offer them legal services to decide whether or not they have the right to stay in this country or go back. >> these kids are going to keep coming. we need to have a response, and you know, sticking our head in the sand only is not going to make the problem go away. >> we hear reports from children whose poverty situation was such that they were literally not able to eat and they felt an obligation to try to do something about that. >> now, with regards to the resolution introduced today, nothing will be decided. a vote is expected next week. the details to be hammered out later. meanwhile, the mayor of san francisco, ed lee, also sat down last week with some organizations, nonprofits, and with the department of health to see what kind of social services the city is able to offer these kids. i'm live in san francisco, lyanne melendez. >> thanks very much. more rocket strikes today in both israel and gaza. the surge in violence follows the killing of three israeli teenagers and the apparent revenge murder of a palestinian murder. marcie gonzalez has the latest on today's air attacks. >> sirens blaring in israel, warning of more air raids from palestinian militants. that rocket, one of several today aimed at tell avive. stopped by israel's iron dome system. closer to the gaza border, people are taking cover in bomb shelters as tensioned between israel and hamas escalate. >> it's scary just to be around the noises and the bombing and everything. >> israel responded to the onslaught of rockets saying its military has hit about 100 targets in gaza, including this, the home of a reported hamas leader where at least six people were killed, including two children. along with increasing the air offenses, israel is now considering a ground invasion of gaza, authorizing the army today to act evaluate as many as 40,000 reserve troops. >> we cannot compromise with death. we cannot compromise with rockets. we cannot compromise with the assault of the area. and we shall stop it. >> and an israeli official says no efforts for a cease-fire are under way right now, adding he does not expect an end to the attacks from either side any time soon. marsa gonzalez, abc news, new york. samples of smallpox have been found in a government office in maryland. six of the samples of that deadly and highly infectious disease were freeze dried and sealed inside vials left sitting in a cardboard box. they were discovered in a lab storage room last week. now, today, the centers for disease control announced they have secured them and there is no indication anyone has been exposed to the disease. scientists estimate smallpox killed anywhere from 300 to 500 million people but has been eradicated since the late 1970s. >> smallpox is the only disease we have been able to wipe off the face of the earth. and the idea that smallpox could get out there again would be absolutely devastating. >> the cdc will test the samples to find out if they're active or dead and then destroy them. smallpox is only kept in two secure locations in the world. one in russia and one in atlanta at the cdc. >> people began buying marijuana legally for recreational use in the state of washington today. washington now joins colorado as the only two states where pot is sold legally for non-medical uses. right now, just 24 retailers hold the proper permits to sell pot in washington. one woman camped outside a marijuana store yesterday afternoon, wanting to be its forty-fir first customer. >> i never thought i would see it in my lifetime. to be able to vote for it and to be able to enjoy it legally, it's just been awesomest thing in my life. >> it is very exciting. and a little intimidating at the same time. there's a lot riding on us. >> some store owners are afraid they won't have enough pot to meet the customer demand, saying the state hasn't licensed enough growers. federal law still prohibits marijuana possession and use. >> a tennessee woman said she was forced to separate from her husband of 33 years in order to keep her health insurance. she suffers from epilepsy. her husband retired early last fall. that changed linda's eligibility requirements to continue receiving financial support from social security. she also would have lost her medicaid coverage if the couple continues living together. >> shortly after i took to retirement, social security called us in and they told us we made too much money. they had a limit on unearned income and i tried to tell them that how can my retirement be unearned income? they said it is, legally, it is. >> they said they can't afford a policy under the affordable care act, so now they're living about two miles apart and larry is working a part-time job in order to make ends meet. >> coming up on abc 7 news at 4:00, the unexpected delivery made some stranded passengers on a tarmac. >> plus, seattle seahawks star marshawn lynch like you have never seen him before as he returns home to the bay area. >> i'm michael finney, and today's 7 on your side q & a is just ahead. i'm still taking your questions on twitter and facebook. you can contact me at i'll answer your questions live later. >> spencer christian. you can see blue sky up high, but low clouds over the bay. how far inland will they reach? i'll have your forecast coming up. all right, spencer, thank you. no fog over this traffic, but a lot of people mighty impatient to get home. you can see the traffic is just slow and go on the san francisco skyway. we'll be right back. oh chris, did you remember to pay the dog sitter? oh i knew i forgot something... i'll just do it now. well, we're boarding. no, i'll use citi mobile. takes two seconds, better safe than sorry right? yeah who knows if we'll even get service on the islands? what! no service? seriously? no electricity, we're going to make our own candles, we're going to churn our own butter. oh, we lost one. can't leave a bag unattended. bank from almost anywhere with the citi mobile app. to learn more visit well, seattle seahawks running back marshawn lynch visited his hometown of oakland during a photo session for espn's upcoming body issue. thank you. this is video of the shoot at a train station posted online by espn. that's a lot of hard work, isn't it? the photo shoot was a bit of a challenge. >> we tried some stuff where we had him breaking through some walls and combining everything, it's like running your belly, patting your head, and doing it naked at the same time. >> doing it naked, huh? the magazine wanted to capture a side of lynch that people don't always see. espn is the sister network of abc. the magazine's upcoming body issue goes on sale on friday. >> i'm a little hurt they didn't ask me to participate. it's an oversight. >> shocked. >> shocked and relieved. waiting on the tarmac during flight delays is never easy. it's a real nuisance. >> but a frontier airlines employee made the wait enjoyable. >> yes, that is pizza handed out by the flight crew. flight 719 was headed to denver from washington, d.c. when it was diverted by bad weather to wyoming. >> the wait took hours so the captain decided to treat the passengers to pizza. they brought more than 50 out of his own pocket. >> now that's a cool pilot. >> reimburse that man. >> let's update the forecast. also not included in the body issue, a major oversight. >> i don't understand. you, too, could be throwing the football naked. >> a sight you have never seen and perhaps you don't want to see. >> let's take a look at live doppler 7 hd. that's something we do want to see. sunny skies over most of the bay area. we have clouds pushing from the coast out over the bay locally and they'll continue pushing to some inland areas in the overnight hours. looking at the national weather picture for tomorrow, showery and thunderstormy over much of the eastering especially on the atlantic coast and up to the great lakes. mainly dry in the nation's midsection and into the interior west and across the state of california tomorrow, we'll see mainly sunny and hot conditions with highs of 100 in chico. 100, yosemite, 102 in fresno. maybe an isolated thunderstorm or two in the eastern slopes of the sierra. los angeles, 81. it's going to be quite warm tomorrow in interior parts of the state. here in the bay area, some inland locations will be actually a couple degrees cooler than today. still nice and warm. inland, we'll see mid- to upper 80s. we'll see mainly 70s around the bay and upper 50s to around 60 on the coast, and of course, there will be a presence of fog along the coast tomorrow. we'll have the seven-day forecast coming up for you on abc 7 news at 5:00. >> thank you. >> still ahead on abc 7 news at 4:00, a baseball fan sues for snooze. saying he was mocked. does he have a case? you'll hear the commentary next. >> plus, the unlikely friendship between a world war ii vet and a 3-year-old preschooler. >> what do you need to do to report a scam? and are there rules for commercial fine print? [ female announcer ] the internet gets more exciting the faster it goes. that's why, coming soon, xfinity will double the internet speed on two of our most popular plans. xfinity continues to innovate, bringing you the fastest, most reliable internet, period. [ heart beating ] xfinity internet from comcast. double the speed. [ heart beats ] a baseball fan is suing two espn broadcasters accusing them of mocking him on national television. here's the deal. yankees fan andrew rector fell asleep in his seat at yankees stadium in a april game against the boston red sox. who would make fun of this. his lawsuit claims the commentators made fun of him using offensive language. you be the judge. >> how comfortable is that? probably won't have any neck problems tomorrow. >> is that guy to his left his buddy who is just letting him sleep or is he here alone? what the deal with this guy? >> maybe that's his buddy and he likes him a lot better when he's asleep. >> okay, is that worth $10 million in damages? that's what his suit is demanding because he said it hurt his reputation and his future earning potential. he charges them with unleashing an avalanche of disparaging words. neither announcer has commented on the lawsuit. >> a little boy who has trouble walking will get much-needed help thanks to the generosity of strangers. he has spina bifida and needs to use a cane or walker to get around for the rest of his life. a specially trained service dog could help him get stronger, but it would be very expensive. his mom set up a site asking for donations. she was shocked when the family's goal of $10,000 was reached in just one month. >> it was a crazy, humbling experience. i wish we could do it on our own, but sometimes you have to step back and let other people do it because the whole process has shown me that people want to give. >> people showed a lot of love to little everett. he's already picked a name out for his service dog. the wolfster. it will take a year and a half for the dog to be trained and ready to go home. >> what a sweet kid. well, they are best buddies even though decades separate the ages of a world war ii veteran and his 3-year-old side kick. >> they even have matching rides. look at that. 3-year-old emmett is sitting on a little tiny john deere traktder with an 89-year-old. the family wanted to reach out to the neighbor for a while. >> emmett broke the ice last year when he inquired about the tomatteaus he was growing. he asked, got any matos? >> they quickly bonded. emmett considers him his grandpa. >> that's a sweet picture. >> 7 on your side's michael finney is here answering questions sent to him by facebook, twitter, and e-mail. >> who should i report a scam to? i know one person. >> yeah, right here at 7 on your side. if there's something we can do about it, we'll take it on. you can get to us online. go to you want to go to your local police or possibly the district attorney's office. if it's a national type of issue, then the federal trade commission, and if you got it through the mail, you want to go to the postal service. postal service takes that stuff very seriously. it's definitely worth getting in touch with them. >> an e-mail, does tv commercial fine print need to be a specific font size? >> that's a great question. if you have a little tiny tv, it wouldn't work. okay, that's legal. that one is not. no, there's very little rules about the size of font. there are some rules and regulations around the print with credit card advertisements and credit card issues. basically, what the law says is that it must be obvious and presentable. so you have to decide what that means. when a guy talks really fast, is that presentable? do you understand what's going on? probably just knowing you should check would pass for legal test. >> really? >> yeah. >> like the old fed fedex commercial? >> exactly. >> i can barely read the font on the card itself. ted e-mails, a store advertised discounts, none of which came up on the receipt. is that right? >> no, it is not. look, that could even be bait and switch. the bottom line is if a store has a sale, they have to give you the price. now, let me give you a couple examples for this. and how it works. if they have an ad and it says 20 at this price and they only have 20. if they don't say a particular number, they have to have what an average person would consider reasonably, what a reasonable person would consider reasonably. let's say you are selling a computer that was a $20,000 computer, maybe having one per store would be more than enough. however, if you're selling toothpaste for a dime a tube, then perhaps you should have 500 available. because you're going to have so many people. >> great questions today, michael. thank you so much. well, coming up next, a dramatic beach rescue off the california coast. two men struggle for their lives to save a teenager. >> then coming up new at 5:00, the banana pants bandit on the loose. the surveillance video that has everyone looking for a thief. >> plus, kaepernick's new body art and why it has twitter buzzing. heat shields are compromised. we what's that alarm?ures. fuel cell two is down. i'm going to have to guide her in manually. this is very exciting. but i'm at my stop. come again? i'm watching this on the train. it's so hard to leave. good luck with everything. watch tv virtually anywhere with the u-verse tv app. with at&t, the u-verse revolves around you. there you go. it at us. so it's kfc night. [cheering] last week we hosted. yes, this week the kids invited us to their place. sorry i was late. i had a little trouble with the rope ladder. he fell twice. but look at all this food we've got. yeah we got this delicious kfc meal and they threw in 2 extra sides for free. for free! and i love what you've done with the drapes. are those your bedsheets? [laughing] ♪ all right, tonight on abc 7, extreme weight loss at 8:00, followed by celebrity wife swap at 10:00, and i'll see you for abc 7 news at 11:00. >> thing you put on your smartphone that you thought was recovered could be recovered, even after you wipe it clean. that includes nude selfies and sexts. stop doing that. they can still recover pictures, search queries, contact information, even a completed loan application. information like that may make you think twice about selling your own smartphone. >> or taking those pictures with the smartphone. now to a dramatic rescue in intense waves off southern california. the whole thing caught on camera. >> dramatic and death defying. take a look at this 46-year-old as he tried to grab onto a teenage boy caught up in a violent rip current, only to be swement into the sea himself. >> at that point, i really realized how helpless i was. i was basically fighting for my life. >> the nail-biting scene unfolding at the abalone cove sunday. the tides had taken another swimmer's life earlier that day. his friend hillary swanson taping the whole thing, hoping this scene turned out differently. >> i was really scared. >> golding and swanson say it soon became the teen, who had fallen into the water, was now unconscious, and with golden struggling to tread water, his friend rob takes a leap of faith, also jumping in. >> the next thing i knew, my feet left the rocks. and in i went. >> finally, through the ripping waves, mcanulty spots the seemingly lifeless teen. >> go higher! >> and pulled him onto these rocks with golding by his side. you could see him giving the teen cpr. he said he remembered from training 20 years ago. >> rob had said to me, i think he's dead. i was like, no, no, we're not going to give up on this kid. >> finally, life guards show up and the teen is air lifted to a local hospital where he's recovering this morning. >> he said that if i hadn't gotten him within a minute, or more, he would have been dead. >> abc news, new york. >> wow, that is intense. >> very brave. >> really brave when you see those conditions. thank you so much for being here on abc 7 news at 4:00. >> abc 7 news at 5:00 begins right now. >> a s.w.a.t. team moving in, police on the roof. an east bay neighborhood under siege for hours finally clear. >> and problems on paradise for walkers and bikers on the peninsula. plus -- >> i don't think it's necessary to kill this guy. >> a key witness in the shooting death of young andy lopez, and he's talking only to abc 7 news. i'm abc 7 news meteorologist. spotty drizzle for the commute, the morning commute, that is. i'll have details straight ahead. >> a bicyclist rides down devil's slide, a jaw dropling new trail on the bay coast. now, a few months after it op opened, there are new concerns about how safe that trail really is. >> a grand jury report out tonight is raising questions about a potential risk of the new devil's slide trail in pacifica, particularly for children. the trail opened in march after the tom lantos tunnel reconfigured it. we have more on the grand jury's concerns on this. >> they have several main concerns. one, the easy access to the closed-off bunker hill, and the second, they think that somebody could fall off the cliff, so they want a catch net installed. this former stretch of highway 1 hovers like a ribbon between rocky coasts and wind-blown sea. bonnie has childhood memories of slinging along the curves in her father's chevy. now she and her husband come back to walk devil's slide trail with their friends. >> the trail is great. they've done a beautiful job. >> the trail opened in march, but last july, a san mateo resident filed a complaint about safety. the grand jury report released today highlights three key concerns including a lack of hardline or cell phone service in case of an emergency. >> when this was a road, it was hard to get cell service through here, but that's part of nature. >> dave is also not concerned about the old guardrails. the grand jury warned a small child could climb through them and then tumble down the cliff. >> i think it's safe. it would be no different if you're walking yosemite or lake tahoe. you have to know what you're doing and watch your kids. >> it's open to bikers, walkers and horse back riders although a study wants horses prohinted by the end of the year, saying when the fog makes the pavement wet, the horses could slip. bonnie doesn't agree. >> i think that's crazy. i think it's very safe out here. >> the san mateo county parks department oversees the trail. the original budget didn't include costs for studies or changes, but the park director said she plans to meet with the phone company thursday to see what it would take to install a hard line for emergencies. in pacifica, tiffany wilson. >> police arrested a contracting suspect after a standoff that stretched through much of the day. it forced police to evacuate neighbors on east 24th street and closed down five blocks in the area. they show us police waiting out the suspect. officers say they spotted a stolen car and two people inside ran off. one


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