Transcripts For KGO ABC7 News 430AM 20131211

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most of our inland valleys. today, we will have sunshine and not so many high clouds as yesterday. temperatures are warmer, low-to-mid fists -- 50's and the 8th "spare the air" day. >> we have a sig-alert in san jose with an overturned vehicle trapping a person that has reported injuries. this is northbound 85. two lanes are blocked off by c.h.p. and caltran is here. they have to repair the center divider. the sig-alert is in effect until further notice. as we look at drive time traffic, tracy to dublin over the a pass is 23 minutes and highway four is clear and 101 through san rafael to san francisco is 16-minute commute. at 680 from pleasant hill to walnut creek you can see traffic is moving smoothly and only going to take you eight minutes to make it in that southbound direction. eric and kristen? >> you heard mike say the bay area is weighing up to another round and hopefully the final round of bitter cold. caltran workers started checking for black ice last hour hoping to spot areas before the ice forms. officials tried to sand down stretches where the temperatures drop into the low 30's. >> we try to cover it for abrasiveness but not too much so that a motorcycle goes down. >> officials say when there is a freeze want they sand the roads headed up to the observatory on mount hamilton which school buses and emergency vehicles use and positions of highway nine and 35 in santa clara county. you can stay on top of the cold weather with weather app with severe weather alerts and traffic live doppler 7 hd. download it if free at >> happening today in less than an hour, the crash of asiana flight 214 at sfo finally takes center stage in washington. the hearings postponed by bad weather are combined interest a marathon session today. our reporter, katie marzullo, has more. >> the national transportation board will start at 5:30 this morning and the chairman of the ntsb will give an opening statement and among those testifying representatives from boeing, the airlines and the pilot union and the f.a.a. with experts trying to figure why so many things went wrong when the boeing crashed. a key question, whether the pilots were rely tooing much on automatic system. it came to too low and hit the seawall. a chief pilot is scheduled to testify on what though teach their pilots about automatic systems and visual approach proceedures. three teen girls died because of the crash with one being run over by a fire truck. 150 people were hurt and 307 people were on board. pause the hearing has been condensed it is expected to last not only all day but into the night. >> san francisco is preparing to honor antiapartheid leader nelson mandela this morning with a memorial at city hall rotunda at 8:00. we will stream it to you at >> in south africa, the flag draped cassette was transported from the military hospital to the union building in pretoria and lying in state where he was sworn in 19 years ago as south africa's first black president. mourners can pay respect for three days. nelson mandela will be laid to rest in his boyhood village. >> rebound and the first lady have back in the united states. air force one landed in maryland around 2:30 this morning. former president george w. bush and firm first lady headquarter a bush were also on board. >> in santa rosa, there was an angry demonstration over the hooting of 13-year-old andy lopez by a sheriff deputy and a protester was arrested. here is the latest confrontation . >> despite a large police presence the angry crowd was able to get up to the front door of the county jail banging on the ones and breaking glass according to the sheriff. snowed was a fellow protester arrested hours earlier. >> we want to be here to greet him when he is released and show him we back him. >> professors identified him as ramon cairo. >> we pay them to recollect -- protect us. >> several dozen marched into the city council meeting protesting the shooting death of a 13-year-old boy by a sonoma deputy. police say cairo punched an officer in the eye and hit another with wooden cross. there was a large commotion outside as the demonstrators tried to rush back toward the city council chambers. the group is angry that erick gelhaus is back on the job after october's shooting. the 13-year-old andy lopez was carrying a bb gun that looks like an ak-47. the deputy opened fire saying the boy made a quick turn with what appears to be a real weapon. >> the fact that today erick gelhaus was let back on duty...i wonder, what is wrong with the psychologists to allow him back on duty? the deputy is fought on patrol but doing administrative work. >> a woman who is seven months pregnant is the latest target in armed robberies in the east bay. the robbery happened at 9:30 on monday morning a block from the bart station. the victim says a man ran to her pulled a gun and demanded her backpack. she told him she was pregnant. but he didn't care. >> i was just stunned and shocked that it was happening to me so first, indignation and surprise this was happening. then, terror something would happen. >> police believe the suspects may have committed several robberies in the south berkeley and north oakland area on monday. they were in this stolen care, a blah 2009 toyota. >> trend's mayor wants voters to consider raising the minimum wage. the mayor lee put out a statement after running from a trip to asia saying he would back a ballot initiative to help the working poor deal with the rising cost of living. his push follows protests across the country by fat food workers calling for $15 an hour minimum wage. the country $10.55 in san francisco is the highest in the country. >> what costing a lot of folks is the heating bills. >> not look forward to heating bill. north bay mountains and valleys and east bay valleys and santa clara valley especially around gilroy and morgan hill, temperatures are in the mid-20 again and lake county, also, in this until 9:00. we have the threat of frost around the bay shore and to the coast with temperatures in the low-to-mid 30's but not a hard freeze. that is when you want to get around 27 or below but you can still see damage to sensitive plants this morning so keep them covered. here is the day planner, we are starting out freezing cold inland with temperatures in the mid-to-upper 20's and most of us are in the low-to-mid 30's. look how quickly we warm into the low-to-mid 50's by noon and total sunshine and low-to-mid 50's through 4:00 and well fall back into the low-to-mid 40's by 7:00. moving forward, mid-50 to near 60 tomorrow and same for friday, and upper 50 to near 60 on saturday. leyla gulen? >> we have a new report of an accident if san francisco northbound along 101 near the 280 extension. it appears this is possibly a lane blocked but it is involving three vehicles. at san jose we still have this sig-alert. it is northbound along highway 85 as blossom hill road an overturned vehicle with injuries reported. c.h.p. is on the scene and caltran will have to repair the center divider. so far it is not causing delays. the drive time traffic highway from antioch to hercules and i-80 is 29 minutes and 80, from four to the maze is 15 minutes and 87, nobody, from highway 5 to the san jose airport is eight minute drive and outside, the san mateo bridge you can see the traffic moving the traffic in the westbound direction to the peninsula hardly any cars. >> next, a bipartisan deal reached to avoid another government shut down. the compromise of a two months spent hammering out a deal. >> east bay toys for tots program is in trouble. >> a victory by an iraq war veteran beaten during an occupy protest and the price the oa covering burr game, campbell and all the bay area this is abc7 news. >> 4:42 on wednesday morning a look from the high definition rooftop camera to the embarcadero where traffic is light. it is still cold out there in spots but baby steps, mike says, with warmer weather ahead. >> oakland pays $645,000 to settle a claim by an iraq war veteran beaten by police during an occupy breast. he says police ruptured his spleen when they repeatedly hit women during a protest two years ago. hes with arrested and take ton jail before being taken to high land hospital. he is the largest injury claim paid so far stemming from the protests. >> vote in the house of representatives is expected on a budget compromise reached by a key republican and a democrat. if the deal homeds we would not have to suffer through another government shut down for at least two years. >> smile on capitol hill. lawmakers reached a deal to avoid another government shut down. house budget chairman ryan, a republican, and senate budget chairwoman, senator murray, brokered the agreement. >> this agreement makes sure we don't have a government shut down in january. >> because of this deal, the budget process can now stop lunching from crisis to crisis. >> if approved it raises military can domestic spending so beyond $1 trillion the next two years and eliminating $65 billion in the cross cross -- across the board spending cuts. taxes do not go up but some airline tickets go up. >> this is an agreement in the step direction. this dieded government you do not always get what you want. >> it is not certain to pass the house of representatives or the senate. the republicans do not like the spending increases and the democrats are up happy because it does not extend unemployment benefits. presbyterian says this does not include everything i like but it is a sign that democrats and republicans in congress could come together. the ryan and murray deal does not raise the debt ceiling. congress must address that in the spring the. >> the house of representatives will take up the deal this week followed by the senate likely next week. >> with two more weeks until christmas, toys for tots needs your help in contra costa county, needing 100,000 toys but so far only received 25,000 toys. the toys for to the programs rely on marines to collect gifts for children in contra costa county but they only had two civilian volunteers during the government shut down a few months ago. the slowest put them behind. so if you would like to help we have a link at under "see it open tv." wells fargo will present $100,000 in education grants to 25 bay area schools that have applied for the grants through an open community nomination process. the giants will award the grants do support athletic and education programs at the schools, and crawford will congratulate the winners and take photographs with them at at&t park. >> later tone the giants host the holiday party at the ballpark for families from homeless shelters and programs in san francisco. more than 250 children and families are expected to take part. they will be treated to pizza, crafts and other activities to celebrate the holiday season. santa claus and lucille will appear. on monday we had holiday heroes supporting children and all the great organizations. you can see the kids' eyes light up at the ballpark. >> no doubt. what should they wear headed to the ballpark? >> nice sweater vest. >> nice giants sweater vest and ear muffs and a hat. mittens. >> they should dress warmly, in doubt. good morning, everyone, everything is quiet with snow flowing through chicago so watch out for delays connecting there. there is lake effect snow in upstate new york but it will stay away from new york, baltimore and washington. at home, you can see it is quiet on live doppler 7 hd with the air still very dry and not yielding any rain or clouds. this is how it looks from the east bay hills, the air is clean as we look across emeryville and the bay bridge toward san francisco. we have a "spare the air" day, so poor air quality with no burning of wood. temperatures are milder than yesterday under sun. freezing cold in the north bay which is it. that is above-average temperatures on their way for the weekend. now there could be poor air quality today and so far it has been the north bay but now it is the east bay valley in the santa clara valley where we could have poor air quality this afternoon. now, the temperatures, our coolest around san rafael, concord, antioch and live more are 52 degrees and everyone else is around 53 to 56 and we could make it to 57 in morgan hill and oakland is 58. santa cruz is at 60. tonight the lows are 20's in the north bay and it will be cold with trust possible in the east bay valley and toward morgan hill and everyone else is in the mid-30 to possibly low 40's headed toward san francisco so here is the setup. two areas of double barrel high pressure and look how far north it is going, tapping the arctic air and sliding to the east rockies and this ridge could keep us dry through christmas and a couple of days after. each day we modify the air mass and it will be milder. check owe the lows if live more after being freezing this morning we will be close tomorrow at 32 and then in the mid-to-upper 30's and possibly 40 by wednesday. the seven-day forecast shows mid-50 to 60 again tomorrow and interest friday and upper 50 and 60's on saturday and low-to-mid 60's, above-average temperatures with the sunshine on sunday, monday, and tuesday. how about traffic? >> i was checking with the accident in san francisco and it appears it wasn't an accident at all. it was a stall. it is taken off the freeway. can you see the approach to 101 all at top speed and southbound side in the clear as well. so no problems. we have a brand new crash northbound 101 at 280 if san jose and that has one lane blocked not causing any delays but it is early. good news, we have a sig-alert canceled northbound highway 85 at blossom hill road an overturned vehicle blocking a couple of lanes and now all is open. caltran will have to repair the center divider and outside we go and as we start you off at the bay bridge toll plaza you can see traffic is moving in coming away from emeryville to san francisco it will take you five minutes. >> thank you, leyla gulen. time magazine has named their "person of the year i. >> that person is...pope francis it reads he took the name of the humble saint and called for a church of healing, the first non-european pope in 1,200 years. bashar al-assad was another contender and miley cyrus, president obama and n.s.a. leaker edward snowden and the president of iran, jeff bezos and secretary of health and human services. >> time is tweeting. look at the picture, the cover we are pulling up, pope francis. "person of the year." on the cover of time magazine. >> you can be extra subsequent rouse with an additional $7,000 cash which you could win just by helping us fight hunger in the bay area when you chick "give where you live" we will dough date a dollar to area feed banks. imagine all the good you could do with $7,000. go to the facebook page and help us "give where you live," and spread the word so maybe your friends can help. >> a group of students planning a protest today at an east bay high school and the school board decision at issue. >> the top youtube videos tonight, a large group of vallejo high school students and alumni are expected to protest against the school board decision to change the school's mascot. the board voted unanimously to drop the apache mascot at the end of the school year because some believe it is offensive to native members. others say that the name honors the apaches. organizers of the roast say the feelings of students and alumnis were ignored before the board members voted for the change and they plan to ask the school board to rescind the vote. >> youtube is out with the annual list of top friending videos. guess what? they are commemorting 2013 with their "spoof" video of the most popular moments. this was posted on a site after midnight showing users showing a massive video with miley cyrus and the harlem shake. if you would like to see it we have a link on our website at click on "see it on tv." how is the great of the? >> people could be shivering or shaking. it is cold. looking at san francisco to the east bay hills you can see haze in the air. fremont and oakland, the temperature is same at year, 53 and 58, a degree warmer in concord at 52 and same in san francisco at 54. santa rosa is up to 56 and same for san jose, two or three degrees warmer. freezing cold through the central valley if you are headed that way before 8:00, so watch out. headed to the afternoon, mid-to-upper 50's through monterey and sunny and 45 in tahoe and more sunshine and temperatures in the upper 60's to low 70's headed down south. safely travels. >> we have construction through the tunnel in the eastbound direction going against traffic this morning, and this will last physical -- until 6:00, we will have two lanes closed but if you are headed in the westbound direction from orinda, it will be clear. back in san jose this accident still in place block one lane, northbound 101 at 280 but, still, if delays and staying in san jose, at 101 beyond 880, traffic is moving smoothly. >> authorities say two adults did everything right to keep four children safe while stranded for two days in freezing temperatures. they arrived at hospital yesterday morning and their jeep ran off the road northeast of tahoe on sunday. they survived 20-below zero temperatures by burning a tire and heating rocks to keep warm and they lived on candy bars and water. doctors say they suffered from exposure but there were no signs of forecast bit. on "good morning america" at 7:00 a.m. more on the survival tactics and the key thing they did to survive. >> developing news, another meningitis scare on a u.c. campus, a riverside student advisor is in the hospital after testing positive for meningitis. a dozen students and 20 staff members who came in contact with that person are being treated with antiboughtings a in after four students came down with meningitis at santa barbara, one a star that class player had to have both feet amputated. rinse ton got government approval to use a vaccine fought approved in the united states to vaccinate students because they had the outbreak there. >> next at 5:00 a.m., breaking news from the east bay, a massive four alarm fire burning in concord and a report coming up. >> also, the ntsb hague on the asiana flight 214 at sfo is just about to get underway and the person scheduled to testify. >> the world continues to mourn the loss of nelson mandela whose body now is lying in state this morning. the bay area events planned to remember the south african prove it. enough is enough. d-con baits are specially formulated to kill in one feeding. guaranteed. d-con. get out. abc7 news begins with breaking news. >> our breaking news is from concord where dozens of four fires and lots of equipment are on the scene of a huge blaze at an industrial park that gut add building east of buchanan field airport. amy hollyfield is on the scene with the latest. is the fire still going or is it under control? >> it is under control. it is very smoky. they think they will be here for hours. they don't have a lot of confidence it will stay out there. still putting water on it. 70 firefighters at one point were here. this was huge. look at the video of the fire they had to deal with. they are not sure of exact size but they think they had at left

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