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Transcripts For MSNBCW Your Business 20170128 10:30:00

and that the president-elect talked about a system where for every new regulation comes in, two have to go away. i'm not sure how that works. but something along those lines where new regulations have to be counter weighted with reduction in the overall regulatory burden on small companies. >> we've seen happen many times a regulation gets put into place and nobody's thought about how it's going to affect the small business owner. i it may make sense for big business but small business gets talking up. >> you have to have institutional reform so that you force government to do this. sunsetting regulations, for example. it forces the elected officials to say, does this still make sense? in terms of what's changed in technology and the economy, should we still be doing this? is this a better way to do it? look at the cost/benefit analysis. those types of reforms are needed so we bring sanity to the regulatory morass in washington, d.c. >> todd, you did a survey about the cost for small business who's never shotgunned a beer. >> shotgunning a beer when is you're basically breaking into the bottom of a can, and then you're drinking from that hole. >> reporter: once the partners settled on what to build, they had to figure out how. >> we started calling people. >> reporter: the people they called for help were engineers, industrial designers, metal fabricators, and their parents. >> we both got a small investment from our dads. i think around $10,000. >> reporter: with all that help, the two created a sleek-looking, inexpensive product they eventually called the saber tooth. after graduation, they body got jobs in silicon valley. but quickly ditched those when they realized the saber tooth had some real teeth. >> this year we've grown almost 800%. it's been really great growth. >> reporter: they say it wasn't the product itself that caught fire, but the whole frat party brand, which they named raging mammoth. >> raging mom moth is all about having a great time. >> reporter: the saber tooth opened their eyes to an overlooked market niche. >> we look around, why has no one started a company around this lifestyle that we love? that's really how raging mammoth formed. >> reporter: more than a logo, raging mom moth became a symbol of the high-octane adventure their customers craved and a brand with a mission. >> so why are we doing this? our why is to create good times. it's literally the way you feel when you use the product. that was a defining moment for us. >> that's what really drives our growth. >> reporter: not only did sales numbers explode but they say their customers hijacked their instagram and facebook pages. with hundreds of unsolicited pictures and stories boasting of their exploits. >> about 99% of our posts on social media, they're all created by our customers. they're seeing us online and like, oh, this is what this brand represents. and then once they fall in love with that, then they can buy our products. then they're part of the community. >> reporter: now they're using that brand idea as a springboard to new products. >> really it doesn't matter what we make. raging mammoth, everything that we create is about having a better time with your friends. that's all that matters. >> so then the products come out, that come out of that, how are we going to create a product that's going to complement that lifestyle? >> people come to us with an idea -- >> reporter: that's where rob lang comes in. >> then we work through the different faces of designing and developing and getting a product into manufacturing. >> reporter: they turned to rob and his san diego-based southern california design company. >> we'll meet with them and say, this is what we want, can you guys engineer this, what do you think? >> we'll look at that idea, look how to make it better. >> do a couple of prototypes, sign off on them. then from there, they'll find manufacturers and get it moving. basically manage the product's lifetime. >> we're removing here, we're going to flatten it out, right? flip it back over. >> reporter: the next product up for release is their deluxe take on the humble shotski with several magnetic-based shot glasses lined up for group drinking. >> our friends were upset they were spilling it all over themselves. >> what about the weight? you seemed to think it was good? >> weight's perfect. >> hound the rigidity of it? >> reporter: this is only one of more than a dozen new products scotty and wyatt want to take to market as quickly as possible. >> they are going to be a massive part of our company in this next year because we have 13 original products we're releasing. >> reporter: to keep things moving they've outsourced the design and manufacturing to rob's southern southern california design company. >> the way we look at them, they're up and comers. they're going to grow that business. we're confident in that. >> so instead of us going out and trying to learn like, okay, like -- we need to get a warehouse, you know. we need to pay for the insurance on the warehouse. we need to hire. let's just give to it somebody who knows what they're doing. >> reporter: with big dreams they've outsourced the shipping and fulfillment, customer service, and marketing. they are concentrating on what they do best, developing the brand and the supporting products. where that leads, even they can't predict. >> we never started out to try to make this a huge company. we really wanted to prove to people we could do something valuable. so we could go do something bigger down the road. just ended up doing a lot better than we originally planned. millennial moms have some say. they have hugely influential. according to our guest, 55% of millennial moms say they are frequently asked for product recommendations. so how can you get them to start spreading the word about your product? sharon bindering is the founder and ceo of parent tested, parent approved, one of the most-recognized awards program busy consumers. good to see you. >> thanks for having me on. >> you've grown your business a lot by millennial moms talking about it. >> absolutely. that's literally how we grew our business. word of mouth, getting moms talking about it, telling them our story and getting them to spread it for us. >> look, so many people are trying to get to these mommy bloggers because they know that moms, as a whole, they're speaking from the heart. it worked for my kid, it worked for me, i'm going to tell my friends. >> that was the whole concept behind our business. what i think a lot of brands are missing out on is they're still advertising to these millennial moms in very traditional ways. so for example, they need to stop advertising showing moms in these very traditional roles holding a laundry basket, looking all disheveled, running after the kids. reality is that's not a millennial mom's typical life these days. >> right, it's not speaking to them. >> no, not at all. the husband plays a role in this. >> yep. >> or they have help at home. because they're likely working full-time as well. so let's show them as professional, accomplished women. even when we see as women in the board room, they're always in a hurry. why are they always waiting on the side of the street, they're late, waiting for a taxi? always, every ad i've seen in a professional sense. so show them in a way that's more modern. so that they'll actually -- it will actually resonate. >> so they can relate. also you talked about, we use the word authentic, everyone does. authentic. but don't push stuff down. >> yes. >> right? be authentic about why you're talking to them. >> right, connect with them on an emotional level. it's funny, there's this video that publix put out, 2014, mother's day. literally an ad of a mom and her daughter and she's a pregnant mom, she is standing in the kitchen baking with her daughter. yes, they're casually showing ingredients. but by the end of this commercial, nobody is not crying. and it's three years later and i am still talking about this commercial because it resonated with me on an emotional level. so it made that connection for me and publix. so that's how you need to be communicating with people. >> i think a lot of these brands still think of millennial moms as my marketing tool. i've got to get to them, got to get them to try my product. and you can't ram it down people's throats. >> that's exactly it. that used to work. it no longer works. they want a subtle message. they want to know a little bit more about the companies. millennials really want to know about the companies. they want to know if they have a social conscience. if it's food they want to know where it's sourced. these things are more important than the advertising that you're ramming down their threats. they are turning to video. so we did a survey and 83% of millennials said they go online to search for the products they're going to purchase. 3 of every 5 turned to video to learn more about the product. so that is a no-brainer for companies. be out there, be on video. again, make sure you're taking into account all of those emotional components that you want to have resonate with that consumer afterwards. >> once you get one, once you've got a millennial mom who likes you, how do you encourage her to spread the word? >> so it's all about making sure you're talking to them about the things that are important to them. what we found is really important to millennials, they want to know that there is value in the product they're purchasing from you, they want to know that there's convenience, and the number one thing is safety. so as long as you can incorporate that messaging, that customer will really stay with you. because where it used to be a price plan, i won't say the price doesn't impact their purchasing decision. they are willing to pay a little bit more to make sure that they have all those three things encompassed in the product that they're purchasing for their family. >> right. once you get someone like this to move it -- >> they stay with you. >> and spread the word. >> exactly. the last thing you need to be on is social. at the end of the day social is such an important component because theme are talking about thins they love. we'll go out and find influen influencers who loved a product we want to be talking about and make sure they are authentic. by authentic, i know it's a buzz word, but to us it's won't that they've used the product, they really love the product, they've talked about it in a positive manner before they've been paid to do so. that's how we're trying to build a positive buzz for the brands that we work with. >> all right, congratulations on your success. >> thank you. >> you know more about this than anyone. thank you for stopping by. >> my pleasure. i don't care if you're a silicon valley startup or a small-town dry cleaner, technology is going to keep on changing your business. in order to stay one step ahead, you have to know where the trends are heading. highlights five of the top tech advancements coming our way. five, upgraded wireless signal that's going to make smartphones and tablets even more valuable. two, augmented reality. companies like microsoft are launching headsets that could change the way you do training, sales demos and more. three, chatbots. systems that you interact with via text will get much more sophisticated in 2017. there are already ones that will handle your travel plans or tell you the weather, but think about ones that you think will monitor your health or spending. four, phones go wireless. expect to have even more ways to charge all your mobile devices without using cables. and five, amazon's alexa is already being used to lock your car, read a book, or make purchases. in 2017 expect to also see it shop at public places like your bank or local grocery store. pleasure to meet you, chair onthomas. pleasure. so look. in the dining industry there's a gazillion choices where to eat. we've all been there before. where do you want go? i don't know, where do you want to go? no more arguing. instead of arguing you bust out spotluck, a free app. you get one spin per day, we pick a great local spot for you and give you the discount. it's a smart discount so we patented software that makes the discounts change based on day, time, weather, and other factors that affect restaurant occupancy. you'll get higher insensitives on a monday than a friday, higher if it's raining than if it's nice out. consumers love it because it's fun. like spinning a wheel. we've got great traction, over 100,000 people on the a pchpp e month, we're the number one dining app on itunes. a good foundation but a long way to go. we want to get the right people involved. we're raising $1.5 million to launch new york, arguably the largest dining in the world. we have half committed. we have over 200 restaurants signed and ready to go live in march. so really, we're here because by have a decent foundation and a good product but the team is magic. these guys eat, breathe, live, sleep spotluck and we can prove we can execute. >> congratulations. number one app on itune i say start the pitch with that. because that's big. while we're chatting i need two numbers from you guys. number one, from 1 to 10, what do you think of the product? number two, what do you think of the pitch? okay, let's see what these guys think. >> i'm up. i gave the product a 7. i gave the pitch a 6. the product, i live if new york, i'm a foodie, we don't just use one app, we use multiple apps to find restaurants. i think there is a potential for something fun. unlike j.j., i always get a little suspicious, especially when a young startup company says that you're number one in anything. i don't believe it. how is it possible? >> sure. >> i like companies that are -- sort of say where they're going, what their intention is. in terms of the pitch, i wanted to know your story. i love a company born out of personal challenge, personal story. you were fighting with your friend. as opposed to the generic, when you're out, you know. for me, i was looking for something to relate to and i think that's the potential for improvement, that part. >> i appreciate the feedback. >> this is what simon is all about, connecting with the why. the why you started your business, the why your business. you should listen to his ted talk. >> we're big fans at spotluck. thanks for the feedback. >> so 8 and 7. so on the product, i think you have a great product. what i'm looking at is that it does have other uses. and you've done a great job of kind of focusing on one thing right now, not getting distracting, which is really good. and i've learned the hard way that when you get distracted, you only dilute. you get in trouble. on the pitch, i have to agree with simon, make it your story. put a little thing behind it that's personal. we used to have the story about wow, people would get -- instead of talking about money and results, they would get hung up on wow. tell us about that wow. what does that wow mean? that became the bigger conversation than trying to talk about money and results because the money and results aren't good in the beginning. >> it strikes me that you are a solution and next version of groupon for these restaurants which was a problem, but you allow them to change the price discount. >> absolutely. i agree with what you're saying. our story is traditional. we started in my basement, quit our jobs, used our own money. >> what was the birth of the idea? >>s. ing that prices in a restaurant at tuesday at 2:00 p.m. when it's raining shouldn't be the same as friday night at 6:00. >> that's real. >> we wish you the best of luck. thank you for coming on the program. thank you for giving your honest feedback, so helpful. if you have a company and you want to pitch our panelists like you just saw, send an e-mail to tell us what you do, how much money you're looking to raise, how that money is going to change the trajectory of your company. we cannot wait to see some of you here on the show. still to come, when it comes to hiring managers, what's best? hiring from within your company? or looking outside of it? why you shouldn't be chasing the money. will your business be ready when growth presents itself? american express open cards can help you take on a new job, or fill a big order or expand your office and take on whatever comes next. find out how american express cards and services can help prepare you for growth at how do you choose your top-level managers within your organization? do you prefer to promote from within? do you hire from outside? president quick answer is this. both. and it depends. so clearly what we have to do, if you're going to hire from or promote from within, then the great news about that is that these people are going to bring -- they understand the corporate culture, they understand the history and the dna from the organization. and also what they do is they inspire other employees from your organization who want to grow. the great thing about bringing people in from the outside is that they bring a new level of energy to the organization. new blood. new ideas. a new fresh set of eyes. clearly we have to bring people into the organization who have experience. we want to round out our team of strengths. more importantly than that, though, whether we're hiring or promoting from within, hiring from without, we need to have people who are highly motivated, who have a lot of integrity, and who have tons of capacity so they can grow with you. >> we now have the top two tips you need to know to help your small business grow. leadership expert simon cynic and tariq fareed, founder and ceo of edible arrangements, are back with us again. not only leadership expert, top three most-watched ted talk. if i can tout both of you, you were the second or first story we did on this show, one of the first three. you had 400 franchises? >> a little less than 400. >> now? >> 1,300. >> so i clearly want to hear the tips from you. you guys know what you are doing. >> it's the show that did it. >> exactly, i launched you both. all right, let's start with you, simon. >> sure. so my top tip is, take care and work to see that those around you succeed. so many entrepreneurs make bit themselves. and they forget there's other people there who have devoted their lives, their work days, to support. and when they feel that they're always subordinate and trying to see you succeed, it's actually demoralizing. work to see that those around you work to their natural best. they become valuable members of the team, and more and more they will offer you blood, sweat and tears to see your vision come to life. >> what does that look like? celebrating them at company meetings? >> helping them grow. so part of it is offering aff m affirmation and positive feedback. also offering them opportunities to grow. it's offering them classes and opportunities to learn communication skills. or confrontation. things that will actually help them grow as human beings. put them in situations where they can fall and try again. where you won't just take over because you can do it better. let them screw up and let them thigh again, you're there to support them. >> people aren't coming to your company to punch the clock? >> right. >> they want to get something out of it too. >> they want to grow, they want to be better versions of themselves. >> so my best lesson that i learned was from the best business person i knew, my mother. >> i always say the same about my mom. >> i was 17, started my first business, struggled every day. i would come home disappointed. and she looked at me, she said, stop chasing money, it runs really fast, go to the right thing, it will chase you. so it changed focus totally at that point and really focused on the customer instead of focusing on trying to make money. and just making the customer get that wow experience. and really listening and everything. so i think you have to, in a business, small business, as you get larger, it becomes tougher and tougher, youreally have to focus on the customer. a lot of people believe they do but they'll see they actually don't. not the way they do it on the first day they started business when they were desperate for every sale. >> so did you lose money, you think, as you were changing from chasing money to understanding the customer? did your revenue go like that? >> you know, to my surprise, when you take care of a customer, they always leave a little more behind than they needed to. so then they tell ten people about it. they come back because of you, not because of maybe the product you were selling. i was selling flowers. they could have gone to 30 different places but it was that spooeshs they would come back for the wedding, they'd come back for all the other things. we stayed true to that but we tested to say, are we really true to that commitment to the customer? >> i think what you both say is don't cut corners. if you succeed by cutting corners with your employees, customers, it will get you here, but it will not get you here. it will eventually get you here. >> take care of the people inside, take care of the people outside, watch the business grow. your biz selfie come from the owners of s and s intimates in dearborn, michigan. they say they're about empowering women in the way they look and feel and this is the sexiest your biz selfie we've had so far. pick up your cell phone and take a selfie of you in your business. send us to us at include the name, the name of your business, your location, and #yourbizselfie. thank you to all of you for joining us today. we love hearing from you, so if you have any questions or comments about the show, e-mail us at we read all of your e-mails. you can go to our website, we posted all the segments from today's show plus a whole lot more. connect with us on digital and social media platforms as well. we look forward to seeing you next time. till then i'm j.j. ramberg. remember, we make your business our business. will your business be ready when growth presents itself? 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Transcripts For DW Made In Germany - Going Cashless 20180124 08:30:00

a global problem this is made in germany welcome in indonesia you can already see where we are heading the country's population is growing and so is the gap between those of california sued and those who can't sign fully an increasing number of entrepreneurs are now trying to tackle this issue. people come to jakarta in search of work and a better life. what is the future of mega cities like this one the german internet entrepreneur three just detzner is in asia to explore such questions what will people eat if farmers continue to abandon the land for the city and the population continues to grow. out and about with emmanuelle me who has declared war on hunger with his food rescue program if you hear the predictions of so many people living on one planet and therefore most days what do you think that's going to happen if i'm not mistaken the food ways of the u.s. alone can feed the whole world right so what we're doing with this program is more like a band-aid. right now so we're helping people obviously we're making a difference yes but it's more like a bad made it's not going to the root of the problem right there the problem is the waste the root of the problem is the awareness it's the sense of urgency is then the feel that we need to do something about it which all of that doesn't exist. in the basements of upscale restaurants and hotels collects waste food from. this day old bread would otherwise be destined for the dumpster for jakarta's urban poor such leftovers can make all the difference if. i call myself fractional beggar. and that's pretty bad that's what i that's what i want a description my own expression back i spend my time begging for leftover food begging for a bit of money or your banking for the people yes absolutely. and it's depressing sometimes to be a professional beggar. the two still have to collect leftovers from ten more hotels. indonesia needs to import food to feed its rapidly growing population which currently total some two hundred sixty million people it can't produce enough to cover their needs. like even staples like rice or brought in from neighboring countries. in asia desperately needs to come up with solutions to deal with the growing demand. what if people grew their own food at home. founder and food lover albert primeau no has developed a vertical farming system it's still in the pilot phase fish a farmed in the bottom of the food station their waste is broken down by bacteria and becomes fertilizer that supplies the lettuces herbs and vegetables growing up above with the nutrients they need. the plants in turn oxygenate the fishes water everything's organic. how many of these patients a city like chicago would need in order for the famous i think it's parkman it's at this for a tree i think depending on the number of people on the apartment thing. i know one hundred once they become safe like family household you think it's realistic but everybody gets one of these at home i think it's realistic in a way when the price is going down and it becomes famous and you don't even need to think how to grow plants. by having. i think it's possible. that from this in a long. way. as well i do agree with you i think i would soon real living in the bubble of like minded people who are thinking but. if you look really at the population the whole people behave and what they eat. this way it's not something they're kind of go for lower surprise and like i don't know i'm not always like i like to be optimistic but actually sometimes i'm not because i think most people behave is very different very different from. the left of the food has now arrived at its destination the founder of food rescue comes here once a week. so we're in south jakarta right now. and this is a community enchilada duck there's about five hundred families here and they are scavengers so they collect and they recycle the trash for the car that without them there is no recycling five hundred families but on average we have about one hundred families coming each time. there are dozens of districts like this one in finish university to do this full time with my life. and i've been in this for the last seventeen years i feel to necessity and i feel i have to do something and so i really would like to do just a small something to help other people but i really had a few crises moment where i was and i was like anough this enough enough enough it's a constant struggle but i realize that this is like in my d.n.a. now it's part of me and i realize that i will continue to do this for the rest of my life. people like emmanuelle law need a helping to make a difference but they can't keep pace with the rapid changes underway the gap between rich and poor between those who have enough money to eat well and those who have to eke out a living by collecting trash is growing and not just in jakarta. with so many warriors about how to save the planet an increasing number of people in the west are choosing a vegetarian lifestyle and veganism seems to be fashion for years and writing about them on their website and after opening their own diner they're at the height of fashion themselves and they practice what they preach they're both vegan. reaganism is booming. cafe serving soy milk lattes and between cakes can now be found on every block in berlin. and there's also a lot of demand for animal friendly shoes and belts microfiber material replaces leather and has a pretty good imitation. and even the service sector is going. to hair salon which uses products that are guaranteed. is one of the founders. and in many other salons when vegans ask what's in the shop who most hairdressers have no idea so the customers turn up with washed wet hair have their hair cut and leave again here we give customers of a good drink they know all of our products are vegan and they don't have to worry about anything. nowadays it's much easier to lead a vegan lifestyle. that's partly thanks to begins the first vegan supermarket chain in the world here you can get all the soil yogurt and tofu sausages you can dream. the first store opened in twenty eleven c.e.o. young says even as him has entered the mainstream. i'm. beginning with there was a shop just for beagles for a niche market where people soon realized that our vision was to make everybody happy. we've managed to attract many people to be going to some more skeptical before you need a bit turned off by originally a very small target group. so the regular customers are not all the. a franchise consultant who flew in specially he really wanted to meet us because he thinks it's so exciting we've had loads of offers from people wanting to work with us the interest is there now it's all about the role now. he can revolution is here and even in fast food form someone is certain to be tickled pink about it. who won't end up squealing on the grill. no matter whether you choose a salad or a steak off the menu at the end the waiter will present you the bill and you might have become used to whipping out your credit card or smartphone to settle it but try that in germany europe's biggest economy still has a widespread allergy against plastic money it's a serious case of german angst the fear of fraud in this case some sixty years after they were introduced here german still mistrust cashless payment systems and not entirely without reason as our reporter found out. i have to pay in cash at the local market. traders don't accept anything else. but i get my cash from an a.t.m. and that can be a risky business a.t.m. fraud is rampant as are many other kinds of digital and cybercrime. recently somebody somehow got my credit card details and access data and used them to withdraw cash in malaysia this kind of credit card fraud is on the rise. under free and is a technology group based in munich that provides services and products in global payment transactions communications digital identities and data security it's a leading printer of banknotes and it makes chips for credit and debit cards and sim cards for smartphones. i'm not allowed to film in one of their factories but here in the showroom at headquarters it's ok. this is a new card i don't we had three weeks because a week earlier somebody in malaysia managed to use my details to get four hundred fifty euros out of my account often few not. if you make payments electronically in the digital world you leave traces if you want super careful your data will be out there you have to guard your digital identity otherwise somebody else might be able to use it. are you saying it was my fault. so i would say everybody is responsible for safeguarding his or her digital identity and we tend to be a bit casual in this area sometimes now that it's so easy to make. payments online or to pay with a card sometimes careless with our personal data. and internet is internet crime on the rise so yes massively it starts with cyber vandalism masses of spam mails that are annoying but perhaps not seriously disruptive or dangerous. and then get them there is cyber crime that involves data theft for example getting cash or conducting online transactions to acquire goods without paying for them with your own money. that's the most serious form is cyber war attacking say critical infrastructure such as the electricity supply. for you business opportunities yes they are the company makes encrypts in software and it's developed a new two factor authentication system and online payment is only possible if a second a trusted device is involved for example a smartwatch. with an apple watch your credit card data copied here. i don't have one but it works with my smartphone to i log into my bank to initiate a transaction the bank then generates a number. and sends it to my phone here to then generates another number which i have to enter on my computer to complete the transaction. it sounds complicated but such a system could offer protection from certain kinds of hacking. but what about paying with a card at a shop doesn't that allow anybody to find out what i buy and where. even if. your company providing the technology that is actually undermining data privacy . i would not say that we're working to enhance security and confidence in the digital world and in the real physical world. as well we prachanda we make id systems and we make sim cards for phones chips and they provide some degree of security as regards the transmission and structuring of data to be our goal is security we're not creating the conditions for a data free for all. it's estimated that about two hundred thousand cyber attacks occur every day around the world. companies like easy candor freend unlocked in a very high stakes struggle with hackers and cyber criminals. one of the most popular buzzwords in the tech world is disruption describing the radical change that all sectors of the economy be at banking or hospitality going through right now but how to react what is a good strategy where are the pitfalls made in germany met up with an executive coach explains how businesses big and small will need to adapt. it's second nature to good surface and something most of us would love to master the ability to respond quickly to changing circumstances. their agility ensures they stay on top. for management coach sabrina ask odone adapting to change is key. it's looking towards the chinese word to crisis is made up of two characters one signifies danger the other opportunity and the state for souls. digital change and compass as both these aspects. of things aren't just changing on the factory floor either. but also higher up the chain. lots of managers feel overwhelmed. or used to say decision makers don't suffer from stress their staff do but that's all changing the stress levels amongst managers a soaring as well thought of so many are out of their depth and afraid of what's happening they're afraid to make the wrong decisions frightened of making mistakes i think we live in a fear driven age. in the banking sector fear is rife and not only because of the impact of low interest rates bankers are also under fire for taking too many risks corruption poses another problem. the entire sector's management culture is under scrutiny and needs to change but how. managers often ask me do i also have to double as an entertainer now i tell them yes you do you have to arouse the enthusiasm of your staff you need to have a vision and we know this sometimes costs blood sweat and tears don't pretend it doesn't hurt because generally it does just. countless people are worried by the seismic shifts currently underway that sabina as good on is a much sought after. public speaker at the corners to the un first of all let's look at our fears are they real or are they imagined can i do something about them and sometimes more distance is helpful between myself as an individual and the position i'm in this is where the word identity comes into play teet it's. because the right path is of course different for each and every one of us the coach advises or clients to identify their own goals and their not to lose sight of them and to steer clear of short term fads. but. if we all swim with the tide we always do what the others do and often we lose the sense of what we really want and that's why i love the image of swimming against the tide that may be far better to get. back to the white water and what it can teachers about falling down and getting back up again against you you can really learn a lot here you just have to watch the surfers they paddled keep moving to stay afloat to avoid going under and to keep their spirits up paddling trying to keep up with the waves and then trying to find a quiet spot to get out of the water then to get back in and try to gain a thoughtful. so it's all about fighting fear keeping on the move and not freezing up. when everything is in flux around you. gentlemen listen up have you looked into a mirror recently i you show you a business outfits are really up today of course you aren't you're in secure you just don't know for sure do you whether that bart simpson novel to die you got a christmas party in one thousand nine hundred nine is still up today well is it and it can involve your sister or the woman at the opposite desk or let me explain . everyone has doubts sometimes you look at the mirror and see this guy in a suit and tie and you wonder is this really me. this work for me. and i over doing it. should know go back to playing it more casual. the answer a simple no no no no look it's going to take a while for you to develop a sense of it works for you and what doesn't it's a process and that process actually never really stops. in the meantime while you are feeling a little insecure you can listen to others but whose judgment can you trust good question let's start with those you called. first of all do not trust any man over the age of thirty five who still wears jeans and t. shirts and thinks that's a suitable at for work not even if he's your best friend. and for all these reasons to not trust the sales guy in the store tells you this soup was made for you. and as much as it pains me to say this do not trust your mom. i know she loves you but she may want you to look like a more dapper version of your data twenty five. think of it. and you trust any man whose style you admire just are we love giving advice do trust your female colleagues at work especially if they're over the age of forty in their working lives they have seen so many badly dressed men they appreciate if you make an effort. because they make an effort every day listen to them you know want conscious self blocking if you like me have an older sister or like mom they love you unconditionally but that text might be a bit more can also keep you from making a fool out of yourself. if only to protect the family or. so now you know that's it for this episode of made in germany many thanks for watching enjoy the show why don't follow us on twitter or on facebook of more information on our stories in previous episodes and much more on our web site that's d.w. dot com. you next up. the big. the big. the big. the be. the be. the be. the better. you get the be. the be. the be. the be. the be the be . the be the be. the be. the best. to going home to try to get chinese investors on a shopping spree the buying up industrial enterprises like never before you get what kind of scratch is trying to. this offensive what are the potential risks for germany as an industrial location the lead china screen the german companies. close up in fifteen minutes on d w. the fast pace of life in the digital touch shift does the lowdown on the web but it shows a new developments useful information and anything else worth knowing. presents the latest finds. the books over the shoulders of makers and users. shift to five minutes. of. crime fighters in the new season of radio crime thriller 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Transcripts For DW Made In Germany - Going Cashless 20180125 02:30:00

a global problem this is made in germany welcome in indonesia you can already see where we are heading the country's population is growing and so is the gap between those account afford food and those who can't sign fully an increasing number of entrepreneurs are now trying to tackle this issue. people come to jakarta in search of work and a better life. what is the future of mega cities like this one the german internet entrepreneur three just detzner is in asia to explore such questions what will people eat if farmers continue to abandon the land for the city and the population continues to grow. out and about with emmanuelle lawman he who has declared war on hunger with his food rescue program if you hear the predictions of so many people living on one planet and there's no more space what do you think that's going to happen if i'm not mistaken the food we saw in the u.s. alone can feed the whole world was all right so what we're doing with this program is more like a band-aid. right there so we're helping people obviously we're making a difference yes but it's more like a bad made it's not going to the root of the problem right there the problem is the waste the root of the problem is the awareness it's the sense of urgency is then the feel that we need to do something about it which all of that doesn't exist. in the basements of upscale restaurants and hotels collects waste food on. this day old bread would otherwise be destined for the dumpster for jakarta's urban poor such leftovers can make all the difference if. i caught myself fresh on beggar. and that's really bad that's what i that's what i want a description my own professional background spend my time begging for leftover food begging for a bit of money or you're begging for other people yes absolutely. and it's depressing sometimes to be a professional beggar. the two still have to collect leftovers from ten more hotels. indonesia needs to import food to feed its rapidly growing population which currently total some two hundred sixty million people it can't produce enough to cover their needs. even staples like rice that brought in from neighboring countries. indonesia desperately needs to come up with solutions to deal with the growing demand. what if people grew their own food at home. founder and food lover albert primeau no has developed a vertical farming system it's still in the pilot phase fisher farmed in the bottom of the food station their waste is broken down by bacteria and becomes fertilizer that supplies the lettuces herbs and vegetables growing up above with the nutrients they need. the plants in turn oxygenate the fishes water everything's organic. how many of the. one hundred plants they become safe like family household you think it's realistic but everybody gets one of these at home i think it's realistic in a way when the price is going down and it becomes the same unless you don't even need to think how to grow plants. i think it's possible. for a mono has invested eight hundred thousand euros in the development of the cultivation system to help get the word out he creates special menus made with the self grown produce for food bloggers and restaurant owners. here undernourishment and famine seem a world away while. living in. the reasoning here on the most. having great food and that's that's a great thing right. we do have this growing population and the question is how can we feed them all like what we have to do in order to get is like a starting point to everyone because like you i think fifty maybe more people so we need to research on like how people do things more effectively and what's interesting about this area is that there's an air of sustainability so basically we need to find it is nothing but if i can call this in a long. way. as well i do agree with you i think i would assume real living in the bubble of like minded people who are thinking that. if you look at the population the whole people behave and what they eat. this way it's not something i. go for a lower price and like i don't know i'm not always like i like to be optimistic but actually sometimes i'm not because i think how most people behave is very different very different from. the left of the food has now arrived at its destination the founder of food rescue comes here once a week. so we're in south jakarta right now. and this is a community in july and uk there's about five hundred families here and there are scavengers so they collect and they recycle the trash for the car that without them there is no recycling five hundred families but on average we have about one hundred families coming each time. there are dozens of districts like this one in the center of the city. that people here only make a day at most recycling trash that's just enough to buy some rice. in places in communities in locations where there is an obvious increase in density of people and at the same time a decrease or the same level amount of food being produced you'll create situations that are like a time bomb so. when people are desperate when they see their children cannot eat they will either have to move to look for the food or they will have to fight for their food. each year limo need to students about thirty seven tons of food among the city's needy. and. i started helping people when i was fifteen and when i was twenty i took the decision after i finish university to do this for time with my life. and i've been in this for the last seventeen years i feel to necessity and i feel i have to do something and so i really would like to do just a small something to help other people but i really had a few crises moment where i was and i was like enough of this and not enough enough it's a constant struggle but i realise that this is like in my d.n.a. now it's part of me and i realise that i will continue to do this for the rest of my life. people like emmanuelle low need a helping to make a difference but they can't keep pace with the rapid changes underway the gap between rich and poor between those who have enough money to eat well and those who have to eke out a living by collecting trash is growing and not just in jakarta. with so many it worried about how to feed the planet an increasing number of people in the west are choosing a vegetarian lifestyle and veganism seems to be a growing trend to restaurants that cater to them are sprouting up all over europe for example barcelona rome vienna or paris but the city with the largest number of vigen restaurants is berlin there are at least three hundred seventy one so here in germany at least there's a lot of money to be made on vegetarian and vegan products and they now come in many shapes and sizes. tofu instead of beef there's not a scrap of meat to be found and it's. a completely vegan fast food restaurant set up by the fashion bloggers. and. they refer to themselves as for trend reasons if you express yourself through your clothes on the brands you wear but also through what you eat and what you don't eat them is huge these days we recognize this early on now with a beacon fast food kings because. the two have been detecting new trends in men's fashion for years and writing about them on their website and after opening their own diner they're at the height of fashion themselves and they practice what they preach there both. begin ism is booming. cafes serving. cakes can now be found on every block in berlin. and there's also a lot of demand for animal friendly shoes and belts microfiber material replaces leather and has a pretty good imitation. and even the service sector is going. to hair salon which uses products that are guaranteed. is one of the founders. and in many other salons when begins ask what's in the shop who most hairdressers have no idea so the customers turn up with washed wet hair have their hair cut and leave again here we give customers of a good drink they know all their products are vegan and they don't have to worry about anything. nowadays it's much easier to lead a vegan lifestyle. that's partly thanks to begins the first vegan supermarket chain in the world here you can get all the soil yogurt and tofu sausages you can dream up. the first store opened in twenty eleven c.e.o. young says begin as m has entered the mainstream. i'm trying. to begin with it was a shop just for beagles for a nice market people soon realized that our vision was to make everybody happy. we've managed to attract many people to be going to some more skeptical before you need a bit turned off by originally a very small target group. so the regular customers are not all the blue dogs says that vegan food now is what organic food used to be people are prepared to pay a lot for high quality products whether in the supermarket itself or in the chains adjacent restaurants it goes without saying here that there are no meat or dairy products on the menu. the business prospects are so good that even the meat industry is jumping on the bandwagon. sometimes of the. margins are higher for reagan food because it's not yet so industrialized and rationalized. because it's a niche market that only makes up about one percent of the whole market so the potential for growth is huge like up to ten or twenty percent. back at the j.n.t. diner to begin to resolve burger is their best seller so far but everything seems to be pretty popular and the two bloggers are already plotting their expansion. before opening we met a franchise consultant who flew in specially he really wanted to meet us because he thinks it's so exciting we've had loads of offers from people wanting to work with us but interest is there now it's all about the row now. even revolution is here and even in fast food form someone's certain to be tickled pink about it. who won't end up squealing on the grill. no matter whether you choose a salad or a steak off the menu at the end the way to it will present you the bill and you might have become used to whipping out your credit card or smartphone to settle it must try that in germany europe's biggest economy still has a widespread allergy against plastic money it's a serious case of german ants fear of fraud in this case some sixty years after they were introduced here german still mistrust cashless payment systems and not entirely without reason as our reporter found out. i have to pay in cash at the local market. traders don't accept anything else. but i get my cash from an a.t.m. and that can be a risky business a.t.m. fraud is rampant as are many other kinds of digital and cybercrime. recently somebody somehow got my credit card details and access data and used them to withdraw cash in malaysia this kind of credit card fraud is on the rise. under free and is a technology group based in munich that provides services and products in global payment transactions communications digital identities and data security it's a leading printer of banknotes and it makes chips for credit and debit cards and sim cards for smartphones. i'm not allowed to film in one of their factories but i don't have one but it works with my smartphone to i log into my bank to initiate a transaction the bank then generates a number. and sends it to my phone here to then generates another number which i have to enter on my computer to complete the transaction. it sounds complicated but such a system could offer protection from certain kinds of hacking. but what about paying with a card at a shop doesn't that allow anybody to find out what i buy and where. even if. your company providing the technology that is actually undermining data privacy . i would not say that we're working to enhance security and confidence in the digital world and in the real physical world. as well we prakash we make id systems and we make sim cards for phones ships use and they provide some degree of security as regards the transmission and structuring of data. our goal is security but we're not creating the conditions for a data free for all. it's estimated that about two hundred thousand cyber attacks occur every day around the world. companies like music and unlocked in a very high stakes struggle with hackers and cyber criminals. one of the most popular buzzwords in the tech world is disruption describing the radical change that all sectors of the economy we have banking or hospitality are going through right now but how to react what is a good strategy where are the pitfalls made in germany met up with an executive coach explains how businesses big and small will need to adapt. it's second nature to good surfers and something most of us would love to master the ability to respond quickly to changing circumstances their agility ensures they stay on top. for management coach sabina asco dom adapting to change is key. is looking for what is the chinese word for crisis is made up of two characters one signifies danger the other opportunity doesn't understand first goals. digital change and compass as both these aspects. of things aren't just changing on the factory floor either. but also higher up the chain. lots of managers feel overwhelmed. or used to say decision makers don't suffer from stress their staff do but that's all changing the stress levels amongst managers a soaring as well thought of so many are out of their depth and afraid of what's happening they're afraid to make the wrong decisions frightened of making mistakes i think we live in a fear driven age. in the banking sector fear is rife and not only because of the impact of low interest rates bankers are also under fire for taking too many risks corruption poses another problem. the entire sectors management culture is under scrutiny and needs to change but how. managers often ask me do i also have to double as an entertainer now i tell them yes you do you have to arouse the enthusiasm of your staff you need to have a vision and we know this sometimes costs blood sweat and tears don't pretend it doesn't hurt because generally it does is told in the. countless people are worried by the seismic shifts currently underway that sabina as go down is a much sought after. public speaker. first of all let's look at our fears are they real or are they imagined can i do something about them and sometimes more distance is helpful between myself as an individual and the position i'm in this is where the word identity comes into play teet it's. because the right path is of course different for each and every one of us the coach advises or clients to identify their own goals and their not to lose sight of them and to steer clear of short term fads. but. if we all swim with the tide we always do what the others do and often we lose the sense of what we really want and that's why i love the image of swimming against the tide that may be far better to get. back to the white water and what it can teachers about falling down and getting back up again come against you you can really learn a lot here you just have to watch the surfers they paddled keep moving to stay afloat to avoid going under and to keep their spirits up paddling trying to keep up with the waves and then trying to find a quiet spot to get out of the water then to get back in and try to get a thoughtful. so it's all about fighting fear keeping on the move and not freezing up. when everything is in flux around you. gentlemen listen up have you looked into a mirror recently i you show you a business outfits are really up today of course you aren't you're in secure you just don't know for sure do you whether that bart simpson novel to die you got a christmas party in one thousand nine hundred nine is still up to date well help is it and challenge volved your sister or the woman at the opposite desk a let me explain. everyone has doubts sometimes you look at the mirror and see this guy in all these reasons to not trust the sales guy in the store always tells you this suit was made for you. and as much as it pains me to say this do not trust your mom. i know she loves you but she may want you to look like a more dapper version of your data twenty five. and you trust any man whose style you admire just are we love giving advice do trust your female colleagues at work especially if they're over the age of forty in their working lives they have seen so many badly dressed men they appreciate if you make an effort. because they make an effort every day listen to them you know what conscious self and. if you're like me i have an older sister wrote like mom lady love you unconditionally but that text might be a bit more also they keep you from making a fool out of yourself. if only to protect the family. so now you know that's it for this episode of made in germany many thanks for watching enjoy the show why don't follow us on twitter or on facebook you can also find more information on all stories in previous episodes a much more on our website that's d w dot com. football shared experience every match that the pundits league dream weekend here on told you. learn german with w anytime anyplace. but whether with joe joe and her friends. it's tough to connect. with friends all over the world. online and interactive. german to go. learn german for free with d w. circle of fear. correspondent your english is in chechnya. islamic state has recruited more young people here than anywhere else. and more and more to. tension fighters are now returning home they are both respected and feared. how will this affect chechen society. circle the fear today and detail the unions. are you up to speed on the latest technology. know when it may be time for an upgrade become part of the future. become a cyborg i must say works so i have created a new sense and new organ and design my perception of reality implants that make every day life easier. i use my camps on a daily basis that optimize the human body and connect people more effectively. i hope that this will make us more ethical persons what would life be like as a cyborg. at the end of the day these technologies can be used against us and what effect will it have been society does this human race really need to upgrade i


Transcripts For FOXNEWSW Fox And Friends First 20180822 08:00:00

rob: sarah sanders defending the epic move donald trump just made. "fox and friends first" starts right now. good wednesday morning to you. rob: a lot going on. we begin with a fox news alert, illegal immigrant charged with murder after confessing to kidnapping kim jong un one. the mexican man detailing the final and terrifying moments to police. rob: the suspects prepared to face a judge. >> reporter: a tragic end to a story we have been closely following for five weeks, 20-year-old mollie tibbetts found dead in a cornfield not far from her hometown of brooklyn, iowa. and illegal immigrant admits to kidnapping, killing and dumping her lifeless body after following her on a run on july 18th. here he is, kim jong un to claims he blacked out and came to when he found molly's body in the trunk of his car, surveillance video helped crack the case. >> we were able to track his pattern and the roots he took and found mollie tibbetts running on this video and we were able to determine she was found in a cornfield and there were cornstalks placed over the top of her. jillian: a local dairy farmer says he passed a background check even though he was in the us illegally for twee 7 years. the small iowa community is shaken up about it. >> it is a gloomy feeling, not knowing her personally, it is upsetting because it is such a small town and small community that you don't think that will happen. you feel less safe than normal. >> reporter: molly's family and friends were devastated, they were holding out hope she would return home alive. >> every parent's nightmare, so A precursor to Fox News's morning show, featuring the news and first looks at the other stories of the day. illegally in our country. the immigration laws are such a disgrace, we are getting them changed, we have to get more republican. >> reporter: lawmakers nationwide demanding justice for mollie tibbetts. mike pence tweeting we commend this swift action by local state and federal investigators working in iowa in apprehending an illegal immigrant who is charged with first-degree murder. justice will be served. we will never forget mollie tibbetts. offered prayers from molly's family and friends. as california gubernatorial candidate john cox slams democrats for their open border policy saying, quote, those who want to abolish ice need to consider the consequences of their rash proposal. the mollie tibbetts case is one more tragic example of a senseless loss that should never have happened similar to kate steinle's heartbreaking death in san francisco, she was caught farm. this is the pig farmer. he was considered something of a suspect or person of interest for the time being, that shirt was never confirmed to have been mollie tibbetts's and we still don't know if it was but he is no longer a suspect. you see the pig farm here where mollie tibbetts was last seen going for that run. we advance further, august 14th, maybe a week ago, we home on five locations, you can see them over here, some farmland, a truckstop, a carwash, this is everything started to narrow down and they thought they hold it to a certain location and as we move forward august 21st yesterday the body which has been confirmed to be mollie tibbetts was found in the cornfield the number of miles from where she was seen so you see why it was so hard to find this young girl's body because the surgery was so big being so far away. even with the search for it is hard to search that much area and we have more on this coming up. shannon: donald trump slamming robert mueller investigation is two former members of his inner circle take a big legal hit. the president's lawyer says the paul manafort and michael cohen news does not threaten the white house. jenkins live in washington with the latest fallout. >> reporter: it is not good news for the white house, two major development, first in the trial of the president's former campaign chairman paul manafort guilty him eight counterattacks and bank fraud, almost certainly significant prison time. the jury deadlocking on ten other counts, none of the counts related to the president or his campaign. then came this, the president's personal lawyer, eight charges of tax and bank fraud and campaign finance charges from has many payments to two alleging affairs with the president that he denied, cohen agreeing to jail time in the plea deal and his lawyer making serious threats but this is just the beginning. >> mister cohen has knowledge of certain suspects that should be of interest to the special counsel and is more than happy to tell the special counsel all that he knows. >> the president's attorney we should the statement there is no allegation of any wrongdoing against the president in the government's charges against mister cohen. the president addressed the news before and during the rally in west virginia. >> doesn't involve me but i still feel it is a sad thing that happened. has nothing to do with russian collusion. fake news of the russian witchhunt, we have a whole big combination. where is the collusion. >> democrats were quick to react. rob: ted williams has been working the scene for weeks and joins us live from iowa next. has alzheimer's. i decided to make shirts for the walk with custom ink. the shirts were so easy to design on the site. the custom ink team was super helpful and they just came out perfect. seeing my family wearing my shirts was such an amazing reminder of all the love and support that everyone has for my dad. - [narrator] check out our huge selection of custom t-shirts and more, for teams, businesses, and every occasion. you'll even get free shipping. get started today at it gives me more healthy energy to keep up with my hectic schedule and you're gonna love what it does for you too. 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[ male announcer ] superbeets from humann. order your superbeets today. call... or visit... remains were found by law enforcement after having been led here by an illegal immigrant who had been in this country for at least four to twee 7 years, working as a migrant worker. jillian: you were at the scene, you went to the vigil, got an opportunity to talk to a lot of people. help us understand approximately how far that cornfield is where her body was found from the pig farm a lot of the focus was on and the boyfriend's house where she left to go to that jog. >> reporter: the actual farm is five miles from where her remains were found. the home in brooklyn is 12 miles >> reporter: absolutely. this was excellent police work. what they did was get surveillance tape of various homes in the area and the surveillance tape showed mollie tibbetts running and this black car stalking her and as a result they were able to come upon this guy, kim jong un to. it was at the same stage that cristhian bahena rivera confessed he had something to do with this and took them to the area over my shoulder where her remains were found. jillian: do we know she had any interaction with this suspect? if he followed her on a jog before? >> that is part of the investigation by law enforcement and they are trying to determine what was the relationship, if he knew mollie tibbetts. it has been alleged that his daughter or mother may have had some contact on facebook with mollie tibbetts. this investigation is just beginning. we are trying to determine if this guy has been involved in other murders, and -- >> wouldn't surprise me at all. rob: thank you so much, live from the cornfield where the body was found yesterday. >> violence surging in chicago, 350 murders this year with no signs of slowing down. how can police keep the city safe. it starts with gangs. >> no old white man can stop you. >> some brand-new proof that politics and entertainment don't really mix, the all-time lows. while i was in the navy, i decided that i wanted to go for electrical engineering and you need to go to college for that. if i didn't have internet in the home i would have to give up more time with my kids. which is the main reason i left the military. everybody wants more for their kids, but i feel like with my kids, they measurably get more than i ever got. and i get to do that. i get to provide that for them. jillian: heartbroken father breaking down in tears as a judge reads charges against his son-in-law accused of murdering his pregnant wife and, those charges indicate christopher watts may have killed his kids before his wife came home from a trip, her body found buried in a colorado oil field, watts claims his wife strangled the girls after asking for divorce and he killed her out of rage. he is not entered a plea and could face the death penalty if convicted. rob: the final two fugitives wanted for ambushing undercover detectives, alexander the jesus and omar hall behind bars, the third suspect was arrested over the weekend. hiring 25 rounds, two detective stopped at red lights having two weeks to go in new jersey. they escaped with minor injuries, all three blue blue charged with attempted murder. police do not have a motive for this random shooting. >> violence ramping up with 350 murders so far this year. >> please working to crack down on the deadly street gangs turning the windy city into a war zone. what do we know about these gangs and what else needs to be done? jillian: judge anthony napolitano, the only republican in the city council, and thank you for joining us. you worry about police burnout -- >> thank you for having me. numbers a little off, 375 homicides in chicago. the scarier number would be 1090 people shot in the city of chicago. take the number and continue how many have been shot at so those numbers could be dramatic. that is the fact that people don't know about they don't know what is going on right now. it is scary. rob: it really is. most of this is centered on the south side of the city. you are the loan republican in chicago it sounds like. you are in a very blue place. what is the issue with the leadership in the city. what are they not doing right? i am sure there are a lot of criticisms. >> i have some union strength in me but the biggest problem in chicago is a state attorney's office celebrating catch and release system, touting how many people are in the system every day, these are career criminals. the next biggest issue we are fighting with is issues putting time and energy into looking for more oversight on the chicago police officers. we have approximately tween 9 different oversight committees that overlook everything police officers doing looking to add more. the thing we are not doing is putting oversight and accountability on communities. everyone knows what is done for pandering purposes. unless we start holding communities accountable for what is going on for the 1090 people shot, 375 homicides, you can't go after the police like they are not doing their jobs. these officers in chicago are dying to be the best they can, for end -- jillian: how do you put a end to crime in chicago? seems we have this conversation almost weekly now. >> the biggest thing is officers right now are so afraid to be the police. criminal elements in chicago know what is going on with police officers. they know all these officers are so fearful of doing their job, not being protected by the city of chicago coming out, lawsuits of an illegal stop. officers are what i touted from day one, have -- they don't want that. they want to be proactive. if you don't feel you have the backing of your city, not just downtown but chicago, you can't do your job. committal know that. when i was a street officer you had tween 9 of every ten guns laid up and hidden somewhere on the street, 9 of every 10 guns driving around because the criminal element those police officers are too afraid to put a stop because they will end up in the next lawsuit. rob: so much scrutiny on the police for everything they do but where's the accountability on communities rampant in crime and gang violence. thanks for your time this morning, appreciate it. jillian: fox news alert, lawmakers demanding answers after an illegal immigrant is charged with killing mollie tibbetts. how can democrats keep supporting calls to abolish ice after this? rob: legal immigrants in this country, a blue wave in november could lead to a crime wave and he joins us next. >> illegal immigrant confesses to killing mollie tibbetts. lawmakers demanding justice. >> kim reynolds tweeting we are heartbroken and angry that a broken immigration system a lot of predator like this to live in our community and we will do all we can to bring justice to mollie tibbetts's,. shannon: greg abbott tweeting in part this is why so many are angry about sanctuary cities in texas band sanctuary cities, it is about safety. rob: here to weigh in his peter lamarche. thank you for coming back this morning. when you see people screaming about sanctuary cities and are so offended by the idea of deporting illegal immigrants out of this country that they go to the extent of protecting criminals from immigration and customs enforcement. it is wanting to protect somebody who has never broken the law but they are protecting people who broke the law from customs enforcement and then see a story like this, it boggles the mind. >> what is happening is people came to the united states illegally, yet we are not holding them responsible for what they conduct here. we are promoting chaos. they commit suicide, as a civilization we are on the verge of committing suicide following elected representatives instead of representing you and i, representing illegals. they are demonizing ice instead of protecting the citizenry, or supposed to do that. giving illegals more rights than you and i. shouldn't even be here discussing this to the kate steinle case. when was the last time the democrats, the media took a position on this and demand our elected representatives change these laws that are hurting you and i and our towns. jillian: the mayor of philadelphia dancing and excitement over the fact philadelphia became a sanctuary city. in the commercial break, in this country it pays to be illegal. >> i live in connecticut. they give you a drivers license, all the benefits, greater benefits than my family and i get and have no responsibility whatsoever. we are enticing people to come to the united states for the benefit to them. on the other hand we are afraid to allow law enforcement agencies to get the job done. you name it. federal agency being paid -- the legal guy who comes to the united states, lives in our community for almost eight years and killed this beautiful woman, this beautiful girl, they will never see that girl again. >> wonder what happened and -- >> the separation of the miners a few weeks ago. we had liberals accusing the president of being a racist, enough so. congress should allow the president to enforce the law. >> the ultimate case of irony, called the president a nazi and called to abolish ice, ice just yesterday deported a nazi from queens, new york back to germany or to germany, he was a polish citizen when he committed his crimes, lives in the united states for 70 years, known about this guy, the president comes in, goes fast with the new ambassador. >> involved in 1993, the other administration -- 2003. donald trump came to office and made it a priority that an unstable human being should be removed from the united states. we have the proper screening allowing the ones who come to the united states to become americans, tell us the truth, embrace the values they have embraced instead of coming here illegally after committing horrible crimes and come over here on the fake pretense of becoming an american citizen, it is wrong. rob: millions of people are waiting in line to come the right way. thank you so much. appreciate your time. breaking overnight, wanting to bomb an army base, admit to supporting isis, documents reveal he would watch videos of the headings and suicide bombings for hours every day. the fbi says he met with undercover agency believed were isis members pledging his allegiance while kissing and isis flag. the attorney said he will plead guilty but may be suffering from mental illness. jillian: we could be closer to ending the 17 year war in afghanistan. taliban terrorists will head to russia for peace talks. other countries including china, pakistan and iran will be there, face-to-face talks with the terror group is not expected at the september 4th meeting. we now know the name of the american soldier killed in a helicopter crash interact. chief warrant officer taylor calvinus was on his life, at the.when the chopper went down after an isis raid, the crash is under investigation. enemy fire was ruled out as the cause. the 34-year-old leaves behind a wife and two children. rob: donald trump takes aim at andrew cuomo's america was never that great gas at his west virginia rally, saying it could be the democrats new slogan. >> new york's democrat governor andrew cuomo even declared that america was never great. tell that to our great soldiers. his comments insult generations of brave americans whose blood, sweat and tears build our magnificent country. america was never great. that is the democrats new theme. rob: the president of the democratic new york governor have been in a sparring match for days now. it appears kevin hart's decision slammed the president during mtv music awards, did not please many americans. >> i look at this like it is game day, do not worry, at this game you guys are allowed to kneel, you never know what will happen at the vma, bad language, people running to the bathroom to send out crazy tweets, basically like a day at the white house. rob: for the second straight year the vmas have the smallest audience ever drawing just 2.2 million viewers and a 1.1 rating with adults ranging from 18 to 49. that is a 23% drop from last year's 5.36 million viewers, that is more than that. the previous record low we might have some numbers but the point is it was an abysmal showing, some sad ratings for something with that much-hyped. jillian: 20 minutes until the top of the hour, sarah sanders sounding off about deporting the former nazi guard. that is not all she is praising, she shut down democrats with one tweet. rob: just in time for back-to-school, nationwide epipen shortage leaving parents scrambling. a pregnant woman getting high to treat morning sickness. doctor nicole safire coming up with what you need to know next. ♪ rob: welcome back. sarah sanders saluting her boss and customs enforcement for a job well done. the white house press secretary tweeting for many years a nazi labor camp guard had been living in new york, a terrible injustice. past administrations failed to deport him. today donald trump got the job done. ice has removed this despicable nazi from our great country. ice does deported pauli to germany, the last known nazi collaborator in the united states. 130 illegal immigrants including children as young as 4 years old were busted in arizona, they were abandoned by smugglers several miles from the mexican border. the caravan includes people from guatemala and honduras, el salvador and mexico. they are in ice custody facing deportation. jillian: a dangerous epipen shortage, parents scrambling to get there hands on the life-saving medication as their children head back to school. joining us to tell us about it is doctor nicole safire. what to parents need to know about this? >> reporter: everyone scrambling to make sure they have new epipens. there are severe allergic reactions. they expire every years of people have to renew them every year but we are seeing a shortage. they discussed the fda approved generic that is not available yet, still dealing with a shortage. they haven't given a firm date but possibly in october. what you can do is contact mylan, you can contact them and they can help you get one in the fda just extended the expiration date on some of the current epipens. not everyone about the epi junior. go to the website and you may be able to use that epipen after it expired. jillian: low carb diet, people think this is an easy way to lose pounds, eating more vegetables and grains, not so much. you will love this one being a vegetarian. low carb diets are a great way to lose weight but a huge study out of the national institute of health showed u-shaped result, low carb and high carb, higher mortality, earlier death. they broke down the low-carb diet because everyone likes to be healthy. they show people who substitute protein with only animal meats had higher mortality, a lot of plant-based derivatives meant tofu and everything else, lower mortality. if you go low-carb do it with land-based proteins as well. >> that is what i do. the next thing is we talked about this yesterday. a lot of people have a hard time understanding this story that a new study finds pregnant women use marijuana to treat morning sickness, one in 10 in california. is this safe? >> it is not so hard to wrap your head around people wanting to take it for severe nausea. we are giving medicinal marijuana to cancer patients so we know it has anti-nausea but additional marijuana is different from street marijuana. we are seeing synthetic marijuana killing people. the american medical association thing do not smoke marijuana because many studies show detrimental effects. jillian: medical marijuana when pregnant is a no-no. don't do it. thank you very much. lot of stuff. it is 13 after the top of the hour, russian hackers caught red-handed targeting the upcoming midterms. how the trump administration for the kremlin unnoticed. no secret prince harry once kids but won't have custody, the reason why coming up. ♪ (woman) learned to play an instrument. learned a second language. applied to college. applied for a loan. started a business. started a blog. shared a picture. shared a moment. turn your wish list into a checklist. learn more. do more. share more. at home, with internet essentials. >> let's talk about what facebook has uncovered, they removed 650 pages and accounts linked to russia and iran. they are coordinated in authentic behavior that included sharing of misleading political information, this is something facebook has come under fire for following the 2016 presidential election and they have taken steps to read the platform of this type of activity especially ahead of the midterm elections. in addition to facebook finding this information, twitter may have removed 284 accounts with this kind of misleading political information. a lot of is happening before the midterm elections. jillian: we need a new mode of transportation because flying is ridiculously expensive. let us know because united is finding another way to charge passengers, this time for preferred seats. you won't get any special perks with this preferred seat, no extra legroom, you will just be sitting near the front of the plane. you won't have to walk down the aisle as far, you will be one of the first off the plane after business class, economy class and preferred seats but you will be paying more for this little perk, this is something american airline 10 delta do this, charging you more to sit near the front of the plane. not sure how much united will charge customers. they haven't said that but this will be implement it later this year. jillian: is that 3 minutes going to matter? >> i agree with you. rob: they just a few in an overhead bin. did you know that? >> did you fit? >> i got a bit claustrophobic. thank you very much. aretha franklin reportedly left no will for her $80 million estate. press reports her four sons listed themselves if interested parties and could split the money and property legally. the queen of soul died after battling pancreatic cancer, she was 76 years old. jillian: a bizarre twist of royalty, megan markel and prince harry won't have custody of their own kids, a royal expert ruling the queen illegal custody due to an ancient law. of the queen passes away custody will be passed to the new sovereign prince charles. the same rule applies to william and kate middleton's children. rob: weird royal -- so many of them. time for the good, the bad and the ugly. after spending nearly 30 hours, i can already hear this, trapped underneath the house. [cheers] rob: colorado firefighters pooling the to safety. she got stuck when chasing a rabbit around the yard. jillian: a mom put a sticky note on her baby's head, saying she should dress more like a girl. this photo of baby clementine going viral on line. her parents say her clothes are her older brother's hand-me-downs. rob: this is a bizarre one. the ugly. ten sports car drivers ticketed for driving too slow clogging both lanes, angry drivers called state troopers after they were unable to pass by. jillian: if you drive slow you want everybody to see it. rob: got the windows down. jillian: a fox news alert, illegal immigrant charged in the brutal murder of mollie tibbetts. liberal laws under fire for the iowa student's tragic death. rob: former nypd commissioner ted williams joining us in the next hour of "fox and friends first". - in a crossfit gym, we're really engaged with


Transcripts For FOXNEWSW The Story With Martha MacCallum 20180821 23:00:00

A look at the day's latest news and headlines. case? i know the vice president has been tweeting about it this evening, and it does remind all of us have the story and ramifications for so many families who never would have lost their loved one if the person who killed them was not allowed into the country. >> this has been an overwhelming number one priority since he announced his intention to run for president. when i first met him, this was all he discussed, and he had families of these people whose children had been killed by illegal immigrants. this is the thing he wants to stop with the wall, with ending sanctuary cities, stop and catch and release and he's been left with nothing but obstruction by the democrats. he's going to go over this extensively tonight, talk about those solutions, talk about what needs to be done and talk about the obstruction that he's being met with. this is the number one story. michael: is being : cohen is beg indicted -- >> martha: look at this crowd as they wait for the president here as he is about to appear moments away in west virginia. there they are gathered, and i guess you are probably right. i doubt that paul manafort or michael cohen are in the forefront of their minds as they stand there waiting for him to arrive in west virginia, where they are facing a senate election, patrick morrissey versus joe manchin of west virginia, and where obviously they have some big questions about the future of coal in their country which the president has talked quite a bit about. but immigration as you say, especially with this backdrop, everyone has been looking at the picture of this beautiful young woman who was about to start her sophomore year, going back to the college at the university of iowa who goes for a jog in her life is over. she will never again wake up in the morning it had to class like she should have. this is the ramifications and the meaning of this is much longer lasting my fear than some of the other things that we are discussing. >> this is the kind of thing that fires up from space to no end. also i would like to congratulate robert mueller who has done the same thing with his indictments today. trump space will now be fired up beyond your wildest imagination because they love him and they love what he does for people. doing things for people means stopping criminal illegal aliens from preying on and killing our children, it's that simple. >> thank you very much for being here tonight. we will hear more about mollie tibbetts as we move on this evening. and our other political stories tonight, michael cohen, cutting a deal with federal prosecutors pleading guilty to bank and a tax fraud, and campaign finance violations saying that he acted "in coordination and at the direction of a candidate for federal office. a bombshell that comes as president trump's former campaign chairman paul manafort was found guilty today on eight of the 18 counts of the russian special counsel brought against him. they were not really related to that part of the story. there were czech and bank fraud issues moments ago. ed henry joins us now with these fast breaking develop minced tonight as they continue. >> tough day for the president on both fronts. the cohen case could be more difficult, and that's a far cry from the campaign and allegations of russian collusion. the former trump campaign chair was stone-faced as he learned the jury was found guilty on five counts of filing false income tax returns, one count of filing a foreign bank account into charges of bank fraud. the jury could not reach a verdict on tenant's accounts. prosecutors could bring that case back for a retrial by the end of the month while paul manafort is facing a second trial in d.c. on charges of loving fraud and other matters in september. there is also always the possibility that paul manafort will be pardoned by the president to declare the special counsel robert mueller's probe declared a mistrial. >> president trump: i feel very badly for paul manafort. again, he worked for bob dole, worked for ronald reagan, worked for many people. that's the way it ends up. it was not the original mission, believe me. >> significant the president did not say anything there about the potentially more explosive michael cohen case. he said there was no allegation of any wrongdoing against the president and the government's and mr. cohen's reflected ally over periods of time. he broke the law to influence the 2016 election on behalf of an unnamed candidate who was clearly the president. cohen will get prison time between 43 and 63 months after pleading guilty to the campaign finance charges plus bank fraud and tax evasion. that involved payments of two women who alleged affairs with the president that he has vehemently denied it. his plea deal directly contradicts what giuliani told fox back in maine. >> having something to do with paying some stormy daniels woman 130,000, which is going to turn out to be perfectly legal. that money was not campaign money. i'm sorry, i'm giving you a fact now that you don't know, it's not campaign money, no campaign finance violation. so -- >> they funneled it through a law firm? >> funneled it through a law firm. >> that raises a question whether there is legal jeopardy for anyone around the investigation. michael avenatti claims this allows him to get the stay lifted and he tweeted to giuliani tonight, "buckle up, buttercup." >> martha: hold onto her seat. here now, andy mccarthy, a former assistant u.s. attorney for the southern district of new york and a fox news contributor. and you can see that in the box in the lower right-hand corner, he's about to make an appearance in west virginia and we understand that he is on his way out. so let's watch and, let's give it a moment. anthony scaramucci, let me go to your first as we watch the president here. your reaction to these convictions today? >> my heart goes out to the families and i think that's a devastating situation for them and as it relates to the president i think mira mayor gi thinks he will be shielded from both of those cases. people are looking for the smoking gun and it's not in those two cases. we will have to see what else happens in the robert mueller report but what's clear is you can't indict a sitting presiden president. and that will be up to the congress, after what happens. but i don't think this hurts the president. it's bad facts, a question about that but i'm talking about procedurally and illegally i don't get hurt so president. >> martha: let's talk to the legal expert, andy mccarthy. how difficult is what happened today for the president? >> it's difficult, martha, because as anthony pointed out to, the political ramifications are more meaningful than the legal ones. as he points out, the sitting president can't be indicted. the investigation that mueller has been conducting has always been about impeachment and it's always up to the representatives to decide what an impeachable event is. so the overlay here is always more consequential than the legal aspect. >> martha: in terms of what michael avenatti is saying, he says the state, can stay will be lifted and stormy daniels i know would like to say that nondisclosure go away. the other big issue is, and that's for the purpose of the election. >> i think that that is a problem for the president and that cohen said he was directed by the then candidate, donald trump, to make the payments. to split legal hairs, the there's a difference between making the payments and making the required campaign finance disclosure. but obviously an implicit agreement like this is that this is not going to be disclosed. i don't think legally it amounts to a big problem but politically, it is not good. >> martha: all all right, stany gentlemen. be to let me say hello to all my friends in the great state of west virginia. we won by 42 points, that's pretty vague. 42 points. over a democrat, right? they didn't do too well. the people of west virginia, they are loyal, they are hardworking, they are true american patriots, remember tha that. they are great people. and my friends, -- thank you very much. i love you too. it's a guy, but i love you too. you are proud of our country, and unlike the nfl, you always honor and cherish our great american flag. [cheers and applause] that was just announced by espn that rather than defending our anthem, our beautiful, beautiful national anthem, and defending our flag, they decided that they just want broadcast what they play the national anthem. so since some of them are kneeling, and you are all proudly standing for the national anthem. thank you. the espn thing was terrible, just came out. under our administration, america is winning again and america is being respected again and it's america first. [cheers and applause] this is the greatest economy that we had. our steel mills are back. we are making steel again. united states steel announced a massive infusion of cash, and they are opening up seven different plants other steel companies all over the country are opening up plants and people said steel will never be back, but steel is back, it's one of the hottest industries in our country because of what we've done with our tariffs. they were dumping steel all over our country, they were destroying our business and they are not dumping any more, and if they do, they are paying a lot. america will be stronger than ever before. we are taking care of our amazing veterans, and i know this doesn't matter to you, but we are putting our great coal miners back to work. great people, great people. great people, i don't know how you do that. you guys have a lot of courage. but we love clean, beautiful, west virginia coal. we love it. and you know, that's indestructible stuff. in times of war, in times of conflict, you can blow up those windmills, they fall down really quick. you can blow up those pipelines, and you can do a lot of things to those solar panels, but you know what that's got to be something very special. and he was a democrat. i don't want to say it was because of me, i want to say it was because of policy. it was a great republican, and i want to bring him up if i could. can i bring up your governor? he is the largest most beautiful man, governor "big jim" justice. [cheers and applause] >> okay. i deputize you, did i not? the other thing i know that you as west virginians are appreciative people. now we know what this great man right beside me has done for us. [cheers and applause] [chanting] now let me say this. it's time for us to show that appreciation and deliver back. we have to reelect our house members, and we cannot, whatever we do, to god above, we cannot put odetta on this man. but it goes further than that. patrick morrissey is a little behind right now. he needs you. he needs all of you. he needs you to be warriors and deputies for him. he can win this, and this man needs him. so i would say, god bless this great man, god bless this great country and thank you for having me. [cheers and applause] >> president trump: he's a big man. he's all man. 6'11", i won't talk about the weight. i don't know. i don't know what the weight is, i won't go there. but he is a big man and he's a great man, wonderful friend of mine. that's really nice what he just said about the man that you want to be. your next senator. that's really nice. also, we have your senator, who is a special friend of mine. he has been so helpful to me and so helpful to you, she loves your estate. shelley moore capito. [cheers and applause] congressman david mckinley. alex mooney, and evan jenkins. evan, you put up one heck of a fight. and your state g.o.p. chairwoma chairwoman, melody bonner. [cheers and applause] >> president trump: thank you. also with us is a tremendous senator, somebody that has helped us to our agenda which is make america great again pretty much. and we have a lot of different names. did you see promises made, promises kept? they are copying it now. promises made, promises kept. but what are you going to do? this man makes a promise that is 100% good, he's tremendous. he's done so much. he's from a place called colorado. he's helping to lead our campaign to elect more senate republicans, like the man we are going to elect in west virginia, cory gardner. thank you cory. you are doing a great job, thank you. and we are thrilled to be joined by the next house members from west virginia's third congressional district. a woman that works very hard for you, carol miller. carol? [cheers and applause] thanks, carol. finally, it's my great honor to introduce the person that we are here to support tonight. a tremendous gentleman. i got to know him during the campaign. he has got an energy, it took me a little while to figure it out, i have to be honest. once i got to see what was happening, and evan would be the first to tell you, he was so tough and so smart, he didn't stop. he does not stop. he will fight for you like no one has ever fought for the people of west virginia. your next senator, patrick morrissey. patrick come up here. come up here, patrick. >> joe does have to go. let me just be clear. guys, i want to start out by thinking the president for coming back to wild and wonderful west virginia for the sixth time. [cheers and applause] how about this guy? west virginia has never seen anything like this. we love you, mr. president. and i will tell you this. we know that president trump is making america great again but even more importantly, president trump is making west virginia great again. tonight we are joined by some of the mountain state's finest coal miners. can you stand up? a round of applause for our hardworking coal miners. [cheers and applause] donald trump and i are fighting every day for our coal miners and the hardworking men and women of our state. he's trying to get the man off of your back and i'm working every day to help him do it. amen. but i will tell you what, one of the best ways i can help president trump is to send you to the u.s. senate where i will be a big ally of this president. west virginia needs to send a conservative fighter to the u.s. senate to help during that swam swamp. now, -- [chanting: drain that swamp! now i have an opponent in that race, and his name is dishonest joe manchin. let me be clear, liberal joe is no supporter of this president. joe manchin strongly supported and voted for hillary clinton after -- hang on, hang on. after she said we are putting a lot of coal miners and coal companies out of work. he even called hilary warm, compassionate, engaging, and tough. can you actually believe that? joe has to go. liberal joe no longer has west virginia values. let's go through the record. joe manchin was for obama, hillary, radical gun control, planned parenthood. and he opposed the trump tax cuts. let me be clear -- that's pretty bad, right? remember, this is west virginia. we benefit as much or more than anyone from the trump tax cuts. [cheers and applause] joe manchin no longer has west virginia values, and when we get to the u.s. senate, i'm going to be a strong ally of president trump and i'm going to be a conservative fighter that i'm going to rely on. we are going to stand up for coal and are energy resources and we will tackle this opioid epidemic more aggressively than anyone. it's my honor to be there tonight and be on the same stage with the president. mr. president, thank you for your leadership, your work and for standing up for west virginia. [cheers and applause] together, we are all going to help this guy make sure that we not only make west virginia great again, but we continue to make west virginia great again. the best way to do that, liberal joe has got to go. joe has got to go. and now, i turn respect over to the big man who you are here to see. >> president trump: he's got energy and a lot of talent. he doesn't sleep. the last 60 days of my campaign, we go out every single day, as many stops as you could make, you could humanly make. he's not going to get tired, he's every single day. and he's got a very special spark, you see it and you know him. he's done a great job as your ag. you have to get him with us. he's going to bring it back home for the people of west virginia. so this november, the voters in west virginia will face a very simple choice. a vote for patrick morrissey is truly a vote to make america great again. and he's going to vote. [cheers and applause] i like joe, but joe doesn't vote, he just doesn't vote for us. it's a vote for schumer, nancy pelosi, their new leader, maxine waters. but between waters and pelosi, you have two people that are in charge of congress and they are not in favor of west virginia. they don't know that west virginia exists. they don't like coal, they don't like energy, and they don't like work. but when you cast your ballots in november, you are just voting for a candidate, you are voting for which party controls the house and which party controls the senate. all these congress people, and i will tell you, we have to get there. we really have to get there. we have all the secret service and they are fantastic people but it sort of hold you back. maybe sometimes i will make a few trips without them, but we will be out a lot. i'm coming back here before the election. [cheers and applause] and it's a very close election. a lot of people don't realize there is a six-point spread. six points could be ended by this evening, he could be up by 12, you see what's happening. without a good record of endorsements in georgia. he's down ten, i endorsed him shortly before the election. good man, and he won 70-30. i guess he picked up 45 or 50 points and in ohio recently he was up, then he went down a little bit, and he won. balderson, good man. we won 8 out of 9 special elections. nobody talks about it, 8 out of 9 special elections and they don't want to talk about i it. and my record, boy do i have a good record of endorsement. in florida we have a great candidate, and his name is ron desantis. he called me and asked whether or not i could endorse him. and i said, let me check it out. he was at three, i gave him a nice shot and a nice little tweet, being being. he went from like three, 220 something. i gave him my full and total endorsement and now he's leading like 19 points. and that election is next week, leading in the primary. he's a good man. and so many others. dan donovan before the election, we endorsed him. i think he won by 24 points. all my life i have heard endorsements don't mean anything. they said if you get an endorsement from ronald reagan, it was a wonderful thing to have but it didn't move the needle. and it never really -- it is not a correct statement? if you get an endorsement, it was nice to have bite it didn't mean anything. they are going 20, 30, 40, 50 points. 50 points, it's crazy. and then you watch the news, will this endorsement mean anything we have to get senators in, we really have no majority. if you looked at it, probably you could say 49, 49, 51, 49. we have some people that are not able to vote and we have some people that are a little unreliable, they don't exactly like what i've done to their career. they don't love what i've done and that's okay. i don't like what they have done either. but we need to elect five, six, or even seven more senators. and i think we can do it. we have to start with patrick morrissey. if you vote for joe manchin or any other democrat in november, you are voting for the party that wants to really destroy the coal industry. joe endorsed hillary 100%, and he got along with her even better after she came out with the statement that she wants to destroy coal and coal companies. and that's a bad thing. the democrats want to turn america into one big, fat sanctuary city for criminal aliens, and honestly, honestly they are more protective of aliens, the criminal aliens than they are of the people. they want to take away your second amendment. you see what's going on. i don't think you wanted your second amendment played with. they want to take over american courts. and that's a nightmare for west virginia, then chuck schumer are running the senate, and nancy pelosi with maxine waters. , i don't see the blue wave. thank want to keep the disaster known as obamacare, and i will tell you it's being chipped away. and they had it beaten. one man voted no, shockingly. and that's really surprising to a lot of people because he can't pay nor repeal and replace. but we really knocked it out, including the individual mandat mandate. that's the most unpopular part of obamacare, where you have a privilege of paying a fortune, without having to pay a fortune for really good health care. we got rid of that, a lot of people are really happy about that. it came along with my biggest tax cuts. and it joe manchin voted no on the tax cuts. i saw signs along the highway joe, you voted no for our president. he's going to vote no, i'm not knocking him. but chuck schumer is the boss and, everybody should, i mean here is a guy -- is the central casting? this is what we want. this is a great, brilliant man. but joe is not voting with us. he votes against the things that he wants and he votes against the people of west virginia. now the wall is coming along for over $3 billion, and it's moving along very nicely. very nicely. and if you think it's easy with these people, it's not easy. it's not easy. we are getting the wall built. it's going up, and we are getting a belt. it built so shelly and corey, you hear that, right? we have 3.2 billion, we are looking for 5 billion this year and, all of a sudden it's going to be finished and very, very effective. you heard about that today with the illegal alien coming in, very sadly from mexico, and you saw what happened to that incredible, beautiful young woman. it should have never happened. illegally in our country. we have had a huge impact, but the laws are so bad, and the laws are such a disgrace but we are getting them changed. but we have to get more republicans. this election is bigger than any one race, it's about whether we want to continue the amazing progress we have made for america whether we want to surrender that progress to the forces of extremism, and obstruction. you know, the little phrase that they like, resist, that's what they are good at. they have no policies, and they are good at sticking together and resisting. i have almost 400 people that haven't been approved -- they are slow walking. we have almost 400 people in our administration, people that gave up our careers and they've been waiting over a year to get approved. it's never happened that way in the history of our country and it is a disgrace. it is a disgrace. the democrat party is held hostage by the so-called resistance disrespect our flag, denigrate our history, and despair is our great country and we are not going to let it happen. new york's democrat governor andrew cuomo even declared that america was never great. oh, i see, okay. tell that to our great soldiers from world war i and world war ii, the korean war and so many others. tell that to the folks that send a rocket up to the moon and are great astronauts. tell them to all the great medical research we've done in this country, he says america was never great. i would imagine that is career threatening. how did he get away with that one? did you hear? he was speaking to a room loaded up with socialists and probably others. probably others. not communists, but that could have been a couple of them as well. and he made the statement, and america was never great. and they go -- did you hear? they couldn't even believe it. that is job threatening. that's a combination of brave americans whose blood, sweat and tears built our magnificent country. so this november you can either vote for the party that says, america was never great -- that's going to be their theme now, america was never great. they copied mine, promises made, promises kept. let's give them a new theme. "america was never great." that's america's the democrats. or you can vote proudly for everything that we stand for. we are the greatest country in the world and we are now the greatest economy that we have ever had, we are the greatest economy in the world. we have gone up $10 trillion in value since my election. [cheers and applause] we have gone up $10 trillion, think of it, since the election. remember, i was here just before the election and i brought a couple of guys into a room, and i said, fellows, supposing we teach you a new skill? these are big strong coal miners. they say, sir, we want to dig coal. and i said, i agree. right? remember that? their grandfathers did it, their fathers did it, and it's really happening. and we are back, the coal industry is back. so when i came here originally, west virginia frankly was down and out. it was not doing exactly well. one of the last -- you know a few months ago it hit where west virginia, on a per capita basis, is one of the most successful gdp states in our union. so we went from being down and out, one of the most successful in the union, very close to the top. so many people were backstage and people are coming up to me, mr. president, thank you sir for saving our nation because you understand what that means. we couldn't do anything. had the other side one, they would have poured on more regulations and raise your taxes. they would have done things that were so bad, you had a very low gdp. it was 1.2%. that was going down, it was going to be a negative. last quarter, we just hit as you know, 4.1. i always said it, if i would have ever said that shortly after winning we will hit 4.1, most people back there would have said, this guy is no good, fake news. how fake are they? fake news on the russian witch hunt. we got a whole big combination. where is the collusion? they are still looking for collusion, where is the collusion? find some collusion. we want to find of the collusio collusion. at the beating heart of this election is border security. we have to have it. right? iowa -- we are having a lot of problems, people are coming in but we are getting them out. but we have ms-13 on the run. they poured in here with obama and we have them on the run, because we love the men and women of i.c.e. [cheers and applause] a blue wave in november means open borders which means massive crimes. a red wave means safety and strength, that's what it is. the new platform of the democrat party to abolish i.c.e., a vote for any democrat in november is about to eliminate immigration enforcement, throw open our orders and set lose vicious predators and violent criminals and they are all over our communities. they will be praying on our communities. yet many democrats are calling to abolish i.c.e., and it's a 14-year-old deportation order, the last known officer in the united states on the bed trying to get him out for decades. president obama tried, they all try to. we got him out, done. i.c.e. officers are heroes that uphold our laws, and they defend our communities like nobody you have ever seen. and yes, they are tough, they are strong, they are smart and they have great heart. they go into these communities loaded up with the kind of criminals that you don't want to be dealing with. they walk in like it's another day in the office. they are tougher, they are stronger, they are what these other people fear. and by the way, our i.c.e. folks and our border patrol folks, they have no fear. the job they do is incredible. and by the way, while we are at it, law enforcement. these are great, great people and they are doing an incredible job. every single day, i.c.e. is tracking down gang members, drug dealers, predators and killers and we are either throwing them in jail or throwing them out of our countr country. if you want to save i.c.e., you want to protect our border and our border patrol, and want to stop this craziness of sanctuary cities were criminals are protected, take a look at chicago. how about the mayor of chicago. it's like a war zone. this is what those policies do. last week, 62 people were shot, 12 died. this is like our country. there is no reason for this. the republican party stands proudly with our courageous i.c.e. officers and border patrol agents. and by the way, you know who wants the wall more than any of us? i.c.e. and border patrol and that's a big factor in stopping the drugs from coming in. human traffickers, which is worse, human traffickers. who would believe, and it's because of the internet, this election is about security and about jobs we have produced. thanks to republicans our economy is booming like it has another never boomed before. we've created another number that nobody would have believed if i had set it during the campaign. 4 million new jobs since the election. almost 3.9 million americans have been lifted off of food stamps, think of that. they don't need them because they have a job. they are eating better now. they don't need of food stamps. almost 4 million, think of it. last year in west virginia, per capita and income group, 40% faster than the national average. 40%, congratulations. i told you, last time i was here, you weren't so happy like you are now. we have added over 400,000 new manufacturing jobs nationwide. that number is soon going to exceeds 600,000 and our opponents said, there is no such thing as manufacturing jobs anymore, right? and i say, oh, i see. we are not going to make things any more? think of it, we will be close to 600,000 pretty soon. we have companies pouring into our country. these are companies that left and they are coming back to michigan. they are coming back to west virginia. they are coming back to pennsylvania and ohio. they are coming to florida. they are coming back, not just opening but, they are coming back. they want to be where the action is, and the action is in the united states of america. [cheers and applause] all the things we don't have. you want to build a car and send it to europe? how many chevrolets are there in the middle of berlin? not too many, may be one. so they are barriers and he said let's go, and i said, listen. i said this to numerous countries. it's all about the cars. tremendously big industry. we are going to put a 25% tax on every car that comes into the european union from the european union into the united states. that will take our loss and are trade deficit and will give us a surplus of $151 billion. that is a fairly dramatic switch and that will take one little


Transcripts for FOXNEWS FOX Friends First 20240604 10:49:00

i applaud riley and everything she is do. i am father of five daughters, i can think of no better woman to fight that. we need to unite behind here and ensure women's rights. they fought so hard and put their blood, sweat and tears and to be taken away with male mediocre athletes, we can't have that. it is winning message, we care about our youth and women. >> todd: five daughters, one needs to be retired lieutenant coloradoonel to deal with five. i have two. i am struggling. if you can handle five young ladies, you can handle congress. let us know how the campaign goes. >> go to jeff sacks. >> todd: hollywood's biggest names in the spotlight.


Kim Taehyung aka V of BTS drops teaser for 'Blue' from solo album Layover, K-pop singers monochrome look leaves fans excited

V's Blue teaser: Kim Taehyung of BTS aka V dropped the teaser of ‘Blue’ from his debut album Layover, that will show a new side to the singer, who is known for his deep unique voice


Transcripts for FOXNEWS The Big Weekend Show 20240604 05:53:00

there are those on social media similar to that lady although she preaches probably a little bit more than some of the others that don't take a stance and tell people what they should do they showcase what they enjoy in trying to bring dignity back to the homemaker, her words not mine, lifestyle and the skill set in the time and effort in the sacrifice and blood sweat and tears that he goes into keeping up a household if the data is there to be the protecting provider. this young lady pearl i don't follow her on social media, she passes judgment, that is to stick and passes everything that is not a trad wife. it's gen z and interesting to see if it plays out speeds one the most boring thing is been present in your kids lives as i know you are with ears. stick around, the big four is next. ♪ salonpas lidocaine flex. a super thin, flexible patch with maximum otc strength lidocaine that contours to the body to relieve pain right where it hurts. and did we mention, it really, really sticks?


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