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Transcripts For CNNW Early Start With Christine Romans And Dave Briggs 20191111

accident. good morning. welcome to viewers in the united states and around the world. this is "early start." i'm alison kosik. good morning. >> i'm dave briggs. monday, november 11th. it is veterans day. it is 4:00 a.m. in new york. we start with a potentially historic week on capitol hill. the impeachment inquiry now moves into the public eye with televised hearings. democrats are trying to stay narrowly focused, keeping the story simple. they'll try to sway public opinion by using witnesses drawn from diplomatic and military service. the president's allies are peddling a smokescreen of distractions, hoping to sew confusion. >> and the weekend offering a preview of how the two sides will fight for a political edge. cnn's white house correspondent, jeremy diamond, has more. >> reporter: good morning. this impeachment inquiry is moving into its public phase. on wednesday, we'll see the first witnesses called forward to publicly testify about the president's handling of foreign policy towards ukraine. we'll see the top diplomat in ukraine, bill taylor, coming forward, as well as top state department official, george kent. as all of this is happening, the president not only defending his own uconduct, but we're seeing senators and their defense of the president. >> there's always contingencies on aid. i think it's a mistake to say, he withheld aid until there was cooperation. >> i don't think knowing who to know the whistleblower, to be invalid. without the whistleblower complaint, we wouldn't be looking at any of this. i want to see hunter biden defend the president. >> reporter: republicans on the house side have sent a list of witnesses they would like to see come forward in public phase of this impeachment inquiry, sending this list to house democrats that would have approve the witnesses to come forward. among the individuals, are hunter biden, joe biden's son, as well as the whistleblower, the anonymous intelligence official whose complaints about trump's call sparked the impeachment inquiry. but democrats don't seem inclined to accept those requests. the president will have an opportunity to shift the narrative on wednesday, as the first witnesses come forward. the president has a scheduled joint news conference at the white house with the turkish president. dave? >> thank you. new allegations protecting president trump to threats of ukraine. rudy giuliani told them to give the ultimatum to the new president of ukraine, investigate joe biden or risk hundreds of thousands of military aid. p p parnas says he believed giuliani was acting with the president's authorization. note that in the end, pence did not attend zell len ski's innothing ration. this will be a critical week for the joe biden campaign. he and other democrats are facing a new challenge from michael bloomberg, who will be focusing on states that hold their primaries later in 2020. while biden is at the top of the national polls, the quinnipiac poll in iowa had him in a tight race. fourth there. biden touting his plan for health care, the single-biggest issue among candidates. in new hampshire, he framed his plan as the one with the most reasonable price tag. >> $700 billion to $750 billion in ten years. but it will not cost, if you do medicare for all, $3.4 trillion a year. what i oppose is taking obamacare and making it bidencare by offering a public option. >> the biden campaign says that victories in kentucky and virginia prove are a warning that the high cost of medicare for all would hurt the presidential nominee and democrats in ballot races. a programming note. joe biden takes questions from voters in a town hall live. erin barnett moderates tonight here on cnn. amy klobuchar taking aim at pete buttigieg over his lack of experience. she's the latest 2020 democrat to attack buttigieg, a fellow midwestern moderate. he is a newcomer on the political stage, whose assent ascent has taken many by surprise. klobuchar said a woman with the same experience would not be given the same opportunity. >> i'm focusing on senator harris, senator warren and myself. would we be standing on the stage if we had the experience he had? i don't think so. >> she believes that buttigieg is qualified but she is the better candidate. no comment from the buttigieg campaign. a remarkable claim from former ambassador to the u.n., nikki haley. in a memoir, it says secretary of state rex tillerson and john kelly, tried to recruit her to undermine president trump. in the book obtained by "the post," she writes, kelly and tillerson confided to me. she says she refused to go along with their plans. >> instead of saying that to me, they should have been saying that to the president, not asking them to join me on their side bar plan. it should have been, go tell the president what your differences are and quit if you don't like what he's doing. >> reporte >> tillerson has not responded to a request for comment. kel this, as the anonymous senior official claims in his four forthcoming back, that trump officials were planning to resign as a group last year, to give an alarm about president trump. bolivia's president, evo morales, resigns over mass protest. he is stepping down after losing the support of the military. the company has been wracked with protests. the resignation of morales, a vocal supporter of the regimes in venezuela, changes the balance of power in latin america. after 14 years of power, it is unclear who will succeed morales. the next three officials in line also resigned. patrick ofmppman has the latest from mexico city. >> reporter: a political earthquake is launching in bolivia. it's been weeks of violent protests and allegations that morales had stolen the election to become president for a fourth term. he denied that. then he offered to hold new elections. the resignation happened too late for the military. the head of the military said on sunday, it was time for morales to leave office. and within hours, morales did just that, shocking bolivia and much of latin america. he said it was a coup that was forcing him from power. he recognized if he didn't leave there would be bloodshed. many of his critics said he became too authoritarian and was never planning on leaving the presidency and he was becoming a dictator. so, while morales is out, he has received offers from other countries to seek asylum. morales says, while he may no longer be president of bolivia, he's not going anywhere. breaking overnight, protests are rocking hong kong after a police officer shot a protester. we want to warn you, the video is disturbing. the 21-year-old protester did survive the shooting and is in critical condition. incredible they caught that on video like that. demonstrators began disrupting transit as a strike. officers in the financial district have been sent home, as riot police fire teargas. a prominent russian professor is being questioned by police after he was pulled from a river, along with a backpack that contains a woman's severed arms. they found him in the river early saturday morning. police say they found the dismembered body of his former student, anastasia yachenko in his apartment. he is a historic actor that likes to dress up as napoleon, in the hospital being treated for hypothermia. a little early for both of those stories. it could be the largest ipo in history. it comes with big risk, as well. we'll tell you what this is all about after the break. - in the last year, there were three victims of cybercrime every second. when a criminal has your personal information, they can do all sorts of things in your name. criminals can use ransomware, spyware, or malware to gain access to information like your name, your birthday, and even your social security number. - [announcer] that's why norton and lifelock are now part of one company, providing an all in one membership for your cyber safety that gives you identify theft protection, device security, a vpn for online privacy, and more. and if you have an identity theft problem, we'll work to fix it with our million dollar protection package. - there are new cyber threats out there everyday, so protecting yourself isn't a one time job, it's an ongoing need. now is the time to make sure that you have the right plan in place. don't wait. - [announcer] norton 360 with lifelock. use promo code get25 to save 25% off your first year and get a free shredder with annual membership. call now to start your membership or visit of this week. snow. snow is in the forecast, from the plains to new england. the cold could smash hundreds of records in the eastern u.s. here's meteorologist pedram javaheri. >> good morning, guys. the big story remains the arctic blast of older air. multiple rounds, seeing the impacts across the northern plains, the great lakes. and all pushing across portions of the northeast. you're going to get a decent amount of snowshowers there across higher elevations. but snowfall totals in those areas where lake-effect snow is expected, as much as 8 or more inches. across the bigger cities, chicago, st. louis, columbus and nation nashville, a couple inches in store. too warm for any snow. maybe flakes mixed in on tuesday. highs in advance into the 50s around the northeast. cincinnati at 58. notice back behind it, minneapolis and chicago ranging from 18 to 28 degrees, upwards of 350 record temperatures could be set. and tuesday morning, low temps looking cold across the midwest. only 9 in chicago, down to 6 across minneapolis before a gradual warming trend into the weekend. guys? >> pedram, thanks very much. and the world's most profitable country is one step closer to going public. on sunday, saudi aramco released a prospective for its public offering. the prince wants to see the valuation as high as $2 trillion. that may be a stretch, though. analysts have estimated the company's value to be half of that, $1 trillion. two months ago, the company was attacked in coordinated strikes. rebels claimed responsibility. but u.s. officials say the attacks more than likely came from iran. and there's more than just geopolitical risk. demand for oil is slowing, keeping prices low. and oil prices are a major part of aramco revenue. aramco is the biggest exporter of saudi oil. they will set a final share price on december 5th. ahead, she went to get medicine that keeps her alive but got turned down. why? because the government said she was dead. [♪] check your free credit scores at creditkarma. here's to progress. a 13-year-old rising star has died. >> careful there, jessica, or you might get some coal in your stocking. >> from where? we both know coal is a dying industry. >> okay. thank you very much. merry christmas. >> the family of that 13-year-old actress, laurel griggs, says she died of complications with an asthma attack. laurel griggs made her broadway debut at age 6 in a revival of "cat on a hot tin roof" and later joined the cast of the musical "once." a 73-year-old texas woman was unable to get her medication after the social security office mistakenly listed her as deceased. sherry ellis was trying to pick up her prescription when her bank card was declined. she takes up to ten different medications that can cost $14,000 without insurance. she said the medicare office told her it could take 45 days to fix the problem. needless to say, she does not have that kind of time. >> as far as they're concerned, i am deceased. if i run out of my medications, my body starts going down. if i have a heart attack in that time, i'm out of luck. >> the office of the inspector general said in 2016, the social security administration sees fewer than 1,000 of these mistakes a month. cnn has reached out to the ssa. just in time for veterans day, a miraculous discovery of a world war ii era submarine that sank leaving pearl harbor. it comes after researchers had translation of the war records were one digit wrong. it is credited with sinking 14 ships. the discovery can bring some closure to the families of 80 american sailors who went down with the ship. as commuters make their way to work this morning, an entire planet will also be in transit. this is a rare solar event called a mercury sun transit. that's when the planet mercury passes between the earth and the sun. nasa says it only occurs 13 times in 100 years. get started at 7:30 a.m. eastern and will take more than five hours. will get a chance to see it.rica just like during an eclipse, though, looking directly at the sun can cause permanent eye damage. don't do it. make sure you have a solar filt filter. >> got that, mr. president? kevin hart making his first public appearance since being injured in a september car accident. hart received a standing ovation at the e! people's choice awards last night when he was presented with the award for best comedy act of 2019. >> it makes me appreciate life even more. it makes me appreciate the things that really matter, family. your energy, your support, it means the world. and i truly want to thank you guys for being there for me in my difficult time. >> good to see him back. hart thanked his fans for their support during his recovery. coming up right here, the impeachment battle goes before the public this week. career civil servants are first. democrats hope to convict republicans looking to distract. the biggest week so far in the impeachment inquiry. democrats will take their case straight to the american people. how will the president counter? after more than a decade, the president of bolivia is stepping down. why? and what it means for latin america. it is cold and about to get a lot colder. record lows in jeopardy all along the east coast this week. ♪ and kevin hart is back. the comedian in public for the first time since a bad car accident. welcome back to "early start," everybody. i'm dave briggs. >> i'm alison kosik. it's 30 minutes past the hour here in new york. i would say, brace for a historic, possibly decisive week on capitol hill. the impeachment inquiry now moves into the public eye with televised hearings. democrats are trying to stay narrowly focused, keeping the story simple. they'll try to turn the public against president trump drawn from diplomatic and military service. the president's allies are peddling a smokescreen of distractions, hoping to sew confusion. >> and the weekend offering a preview of how the two sides will fight for a political edge. cnn's white house correspondent, jeremy diamond, has more. >> reporter: good morning dave and alison. this impeachment inquiry is moving into its public phase. on wednesday, we'll see the first witnesses called forward to publicly testify about the president's handling of foreign policy towards ukraine. we'll see the top diplomat in ukraine, bill taylor, coming forward, as well as top state department official, george kent. as all of this is happening, the president not only defending his own conduct, but we're seeing republicans, republican senators in particular, trying to fine-tune their defense of the president. >> if you're not allowed to give aid to people who are corrupt, there's always contingencies on aid. i think it's a mistake to say, he withheld aid until there was corruption. >> i consider any impeachment in the house that doesn't allow us to know who the whistleblower is to be invalid because without the whistleblower complaint, we wouldn't be talking about any of this. and i see the need for hunter biden to be called to adequately defend the president. if you don't do those two things, it's a complete joke. >> reporter: republicans on the house side have sent a list of witnesses they would like to see come forward in public phase of this impeachment inquiry, sending this list to house democrats that would have approve the witnesses to come forward. among the individuals, are hunter biden, joe biden's son, as well as the whistleblower, the anonymous intelligence official whose complaints about trump's call sparked the impeachment inquiry. but democrats don't seem inclined to accept those requests. the president will have an opportunity to shift the narrative on wednesday, as the first witnesses come forward. the president has a scheduled joint news conference at the white house with the turkish president. dave? alison? >> jeremy diamond, thank you. new allegations connecting president trump to threats of ukraine. rudy giuliani's associate lev parnas told them to give the ultimatum to the new president of ukraine, investigate joe biden or risk hundreds of thousands of military aid. parnas says he believed giuliani was acting with the president's authorization. in the end, vice president pence said he would not attend zelensky's inauguration. >> the wh this will be a critical week for the joe biden campaign. he and other democrats are facing a potential new challenge from moderate michael bloomberg, who will be focusing on states that hold their primaries later in 2020. while biden is at the top of the national polls, the quinnipiac poll in iowa had him fourth in a tight race. biden touting his plan for health care, the single-biggest issue among candidates. in new hampshire, he framed his plan as the one with the most reasonable price tag. >> $720 billion to $750 billion in ten years. but it will not cost, if you do medicare for all, $3.4 trillion a year. what i oppose is taking obamacare and making it bidencare by adding a public option. >> the biden campaign says that victories in kentucky and virginia prove his plan are best. he says this is a warning that the high cost of medicare for all would hurt the presidential dom nominee and democrats in down ballot races. a programming note. joe biden takes questions from voters in a town hall live. erin barnett moderates tonight at 9:00 eastern only on cnn. a remarkable claim from former ambassador to the u.n., nikki haley. in her upcoming memoir, haley says rex tillerson and former white house chief of staff, john kelly, tried to recruit her to undermine president trump. in the book, first obtained by "the washington post," she writes this -- "kelly and tillerson confided in me, when they resisted the president they weren't being insubordinate, they were trying to save the country. haley says she refused to go along with their plans. >> instead of saying that to me, they should have been saying that to the president, not asking me to join them on their side bar plan. it should have been, go tell the president what your differences are and quit if you don't like what he's doing. >> tillerson has not responded to a request for comment. kelling tells "the post," if providing the best and most open advice is working against the president, then guilty as charged. this, as the anonymous senior official claims in his forthcoming book, that trump officials were planning to resign as a group last year, to sound an alarm about president trump. bolivia's president, evo morales, resigns over mass protest. he is stepping down after losing the support of bolivia's military. the country has been wracked with protests after last month's election. the resignation of morales, a vocal supporter of the regimes in venezuela and cuba, changes the balance of power in latin america. after nearly 14 years of power, it is unclear who will succeed morales. the next three officials in line also resigned. patrick oppman has the latest from mexico city. >> reporter: a political earthquake is rocking in bolivia, after the leftist president, evo morales, has stepped down. it's been weeks of violent protests and allegations that morales had stolen the election to become president for a fourth term. morales denied that and said he was facing a coup. but after support for that, morales offered to hold new elections. the offer came too late for the opposition and the military, who many of them had risen up against morales. the head of the military said on sunday, it was time for morales to leave office. and within hours, morales did just that, shocking bolivia and much of latin america. he said it was a coup that was forcing him from power. he recognized if he didn't leave there would be bloodshed. and he wanted to avoid that. many of morales' critics said he had become too authoritarian and was never planning on leaving the presidency and he was becoming a dictator. so, while morales is out, he has received offers from other countries to seek asylum. morales says, while he may no longer be president of bolivia, he's not going anywhere. patrick oppman, mexico city. breaking overnight, protests are rocking hong kong after a police officer shot a protester. we do need to warn you, this video you're about to see is disturbing. the 21-year-old protester did survive the shooting and is in critical condition. demonstrators began disrupting transit at 7:00 a.m. local time as a day-long local strike. officers in the financial district have been sent home, as riot police fire teargas. is apple's new credit card giving higher credit limits to men than women? most with tech features like blind spot detection, back up camera... [kristen gasps] (employee) because you never know what might be behind you. (kristen bell) does the sloth come standard? (kristen bell vo) looking to buy? enterprise makes it easy. (danny)'s voice) of course you don'te because you didn't!? your job isn't doing hard work...'s making them do hard work... ...and getting paid for it. (vo) snap and sort your expenses to save over $4,600 at tax time. quickbooks. backing you. 4:44 eastern time. another arctic blast ahead this week, with snow in the forecast from the plains to new england. the cold could smash hundreds of records in the eastern u.s. here's meteorologist pedram javaheri. >> good morning, guys. the big story remains the arctic blast of older air. multiple rounds, seeing the impacts across the northern plains, the great lakes. and all of that pushing across portions of the northeast. you're going to get a decent amount of snowshowers there across higher elevations and the favorable regions in the eastern great lakes. but snowfall totals in those areas where lake-effect snow is expected, as much as 8 or more inches. across the bigger cities, chicago, st. louis, towards columbus and nashville, a couple inches in store. too warm for any snow. maybe flakes mixed in on tuesday. highs in advance into the 50s around the northeast. cincinnati at 58. notice back behind it, minneapolis and chicago ranging from 18 to 28 degrees, upwards of 350 record temperatures could be set. and in fact, tuesday morning, low temps looking cold across the midwest. only 9 in chicago, down to 6 across minneapolis before a gradual warming trend into the weekend. guys? >> pedram, thank you. goldman sachs and apple are facing an investigation after users of the apple card accused the program of gender bias. the card, which is run by a partnership between the two companies, apparently gave male users higher credit limits they'than their wives. the department said they would take a look. david hanson was the first to turn attention to the issue. he wrote on twitter, apple card offered him 20-times the credit limit of his wife. he says, they share assets and his wife has a higher credit score than he does. they're not the only couple to have that issue. apple co-founder steve wozniak said he was offered ten-times the credit limit than his wife. he said sam say the blame is on goldman sachs but the way apple is attached, they share the responsibility. he said that credit limits are determined by an algorithm. but algorithms, they were built by humans. >> really good stuff. california, not the only place experiencing devastating wildfires this season. officials in new south wales, australia, sydney's home state, warning of catastrophic danger, with high temps, strong winds and low humidity. firefighters battling dozens of blazes, 40 contained. three people are confirmed dead as of saturday. 100 homes lost. and hundreds of koalas are also feared dead. the local animal hospital is treating a dozen who survived. >> you're on instagram, right? >> i am, indeed. you're better than me. >> it looks like likes will start to disappear. find out what's behind the move on cnn business, next. - in the last year, there were three victims of cybercrime every second. when a criminal has your personal information, they can do all sorts of things in your name. criminals can use ransomware, spyware, or malware to gain access to information like your name, your birthday, and even your social security number. - [announcer] that's why norton and lifelock are now part of one company, providing an all in one membership for your cyber safety that gives you identify theft protection, device security, a vpn for online privacy, and more. and if you have an identity theft problem, we'll work to fix it with our million dollar protection package. - there are new cyber threats out there everyday, so protecting yourself isn't a one time job, it's an ongoing need. now is the time to make sure that you have the right plan in place. don't wait. - [announcer] norton 360 with lifelock. use promo code get25 to save 25% off your first year and get a free shredder with annual membership. call now to start your membership or visit welcome back. a prominent russian professor is being questioned by police after he was pulled from a river, along with a backpack containing a woman's severed arms. cnn's matthew chance is live for us in st. petersburg with the strange and very disturbing details. good morning. >> reporter: good morning to you, alison. that's right. we're at the river now. as you can see behind me, there's police divers dredging through this river through the middle of st. petersburg looking for, frankly, more body parts. they rescued this history profg professor. he's a prominent figure in this country. he's an expert of russian wars in the 19th century. and he was found inside this river with a backpack on his back with two human arms inside of it. they also dredged the river and found two legs. they then searched his apartment, which is in this building right here, and found the sort of headless torso of a former student of his. he was also having an affair with this woman. her name was anastasia yeshchenko. she was 24 years old. he's 63 years old. he's being charged with her gruesome murder. it's a crime that has gripped russia because it's, once again, putting the spotlight on a dm domestic abuse in this country. the russians take a slack attitude toward domestic abuse. in some instances, it's not deemed a criminal offense, much to the outrage of women's rights advocates. and they've been warning for some time, this kind of tragedy would be the result of that slack attitude. and it seemspeterburg that's come to pass. much of russia and the world is watching this grisly crime, alison. >> grisly, indeed. matthew chance, thank you. bernard tyson, chairman and ceo of kaiser permanente. he was one of the first black executives. he was known as a champion for health care, racial justice and workplace diversity. he was named one of the most influential people in 2017 and one of the top leaders in health care in 2018. the company says tyson died unexpectedly in his sleep sunday. bernard tyson was 60 years old. the fbi will join the investigation into the attack that killed mine mormon family members in mexico. three women and six children were shot and killed on a remote dirt road in northern mexico. a husband and father who lost his wife and two children in the massacre, speaking publicly for the first time to abc news. listen. >> not only have i lost a wife and two children, but i am having to move the rest of my family, with really no place to go. i believe in forgiveness and i also believe in justice. and forgiveness doesn't rob justice. >> some members of the break-away mormon community are leaving northern mexico, seeking a new start in the u.s. they said they are not going to live at the mercy of the cartels. fire crews in southern california are getting the upper hand on the baram fire. smoke forcing the evacuation of the warner brothers studio lot in burbank, this weekend, as a precaution. people have been told to stay indoors. favorable wind conditions helped stop the fire from spreading after it broke out saturday. police say two people were killed in new jersey on sunday, after their speeding car lost control and flew into the second story of an office building. 22-year-old braden demartin and 23-year-old brandon foley were believed to be the only people in the red porsche boxster. police say the convertible was speeding when it hit a curb and went airborne. let's look at cnn business and global markets. stocks were mostly lower. hong kong stocks fell 2.5%. tensions were high between police and protesters in the city of hong kong. on wall street, futures are pretty much flat, although looking like they have turned lower this morning. they were higher on friday. investors looking ahead to gdp coming out later in the week in the united kingdom. other notable events include jerome powell's semiannual testimony to congress, as well as earnings and the latest data on retail sales. today is chinese cyber monday an it's been huge. ali baba kicking off a singles event with a performance by taylor swift. it beat last year's record of 0 $30 billion in sales. the company offered singles day discounts in 2009. this year it's seen as a bellwether during a slowdown in the economy because of the trade war. the shopping holiday celebrating single people and it's chosen because november 11th is written with four ones. people like seeing how many likes they get on instagram. but soon, they may not see how many of their friends actually like their pictures. the company will be test-hiding likes for some users in the u.s. so, people will be able to see how many likes their own posts get but not how many their friends' posts have. the move is in effort to ease competitive pressure. it's aimed at younger people on the platform. i'm all for this idea, by the way. instagram has tested the move in seven other countries. >> i love that. >> this is a big deal. as a parent, that's great. >> i watch my son and my daughter. how many likes did you get? now, it won't matter because they won't see it. >> i'm curious how it impacts the instagram business model ultimately. time will tell. actor and comedian kevin hart making his first appearance since being injured in a september car accident. hart received a standing ovation at the e! people's choice awards last night when he was presented with the award for best comedy act. >> it makes me appreciate life even more. it makes me appreciate the things that really matter, family. your energy, your support, it means the world. and i truly want to thank you guys for being there for me in my difficult time. >> hart also thanked his fans for their support during his recovery. thanks to our international viewers for joining us. have a great rest of your day. for the rest of our viewers, "early start" continues right now. the biggest week so far in the impeachment inquiry. democrats will take their case straight to the american people. how will the president counter? after more than a decade, the president of bolivia is stepping down. why? and what it means for latin america. it is cold and about to get a lot colder. record lows all along the east coast this week. good morning and welcome to "early start." i'm alison kosik. >> good morning. good morning to all of you. i'm dave briggs. it's veterans day, monday, november 11th. we start with the potentially historic week on capitol hill. the impeachment inquiry now moves into the public eye with televised hearings. democrats are trying to stay narrowly focused, keeping the story simple. they'll try to sway public opinion using diplomatic and military service. the president's allies are peddling a smokescreen of distractions, hoping to sew confusion. >> we saw fierce exchanges over the weekend, offering a preview of how each side will fight for the political edge


Moving up | Cedar County Republican

Dr. Brandon Foley will be moving up to the High School Principal’s position with the start of the 24-25 school year. He will be filling the vacancy as Mr. Jim Flora is moving on to become the Head Master at a new private Christian School in Springfield. Dr. Foley brings 3 years of administrative experience into this position. Before taking the position here at Stockton Middle School, he was an administrator at Hollister.


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Transcripts for CNN Early Start with Christine Romans and Dave Briggs 20191111 09:56:00

smoke forcing the evacuation of the warner brothers studio lot in burbank, this weekend, as a precaution. people have been told to stay indoors. favorable wind conditions helped stop the fire from spreading after it broke out saturday. police say two people were killed in new jersey on sunday, after their speeding car lost control and flew into the second story of an office building. 22-year-old braden demartin and 23-year-old brandon foley were believed to be the only people in the red porsche boxster. police say the convertible was speeding when it hit a curb and went airborne. let's look at cnn business and global markets. stocks were mostly lower. hong kong stocks fell 2.5%. tensions were high between police and protesters in the city of hong kong. on wall street, futures are pretty much flat, although


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